Ghostrunners - 262 - You’ve Got a Booger Showing

Episode Date: September 18, 2023

Brad made a boo boo trying to flush something down the toilet and Jake tried his best to confront a Karen on the pickleball court. Check out Main Street Roasters and use code GRKC at check out for a ...10% discount!  Check out Good Ranchers and get $30 off with code GRKC  Check out Chike and use code GHOSTRUNNERS for 25% off your first Subscribe & Save at Ghostrunners merch: Get a personalized video from us on Cameo: Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad: Follow us on Instagram: Leave us a voice memo and ask a question: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jake, new rite of passage. Well, no, sorry to over. What? No, keep it. I don't care. Rindle Weaver. I want to start with Rindle Weaver. Happy Monday, everybody. Jake, new rite of passage for me as a dad, me as a dad to a little girl. For the first time ever, I watched the movie, Disney's new modern classic, Frozen. Ever seen it? Oh, you've never seen that before?
Starting point is 00:00:29 Never seen Frozen. I remember in probably 2013, 2012, it comes out and everyone's singing it. I go to Canacook, all the girls are singing it. I started to become pretty familiar with the songs. I started to get kind of annoyed with Let It Go. And then senior year of college, I like sat down for some reason and watched it and I was like, this is good. Dude, I'm all familiar with the songs. I get kind of annoyed with Let It Go. In senior year of college, I sat down
Starting point is 00:00:45 for some reason and watched it. I was like, this is good. Dude, I'm all about Frozen. I get it. I get the hype. I was like, I get it. I get why this song is so cool. There's a lot of other little songs. Other guys, funny. Olaf. Olaf.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Olaf. Aelsis. Hansus. Alpha. Anna, Alpha. Yeah, dude, it was awesome. Like I, at first it was like, we listened to the songs for a while and was like, hey, for Friday movie night, we should watch Frozen. And we watched it and it was kind of like, yeah, let's keep listening to the songs when
Starting point is 00:01:20 the kids are in the car. I'm just listening to the songs by myself. I just love Frozen. It's good. Yeah. I think I really only watched it the one time senior year, but I'm just listening to the songs by myself. I just love Frozen. It's good. Yeah. I think I really only watched it the one time senior year, but I remember the, like, there's like a Danish guys, like big summer blowout or something.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, dude. He's fun. I heard that so many times people say that and I had no idea what it was from. If people are quoting something and I don't know it, I assume it's Nacho Libre. So it's fun when it's like, oh, it's Disney. Oh, it's Frozen.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I saw it and I was like, that's hilarious. Big summer blowout because everything's Frozen. I get it now. That's hilarious. Like, it's frozen. I saw it and I was like, that's hilarious. Big summer, because everything's frozen. I get it now. That's hilarious. Like, oh my gosh. And I laughed out loud like three times at that part. Anyway, so we watched the movie. It's great. Hattie and I love the song. Love is an open door. It's kind of- Yeah. Sorry. Great song. I just forgot about it. That was really good.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, I know. It's a great movie. That was the best one on the soundtrack. And so it's kind of a joke. Like every time it comes on now, I'm like, Hattie, you and I are going to learn how to sing this song. We're going to do a duet together. Haven't figured it out yet. Never practiced it with Tymon,
Starting point is 00:02:13 but we decided for our new Christmas album song. Hattie? Hattie's not here. It's me and Tymon. We're going to sing Love is an Open Door. Performing Kristen Bell's part is our pubescent timing. Do you want me to try to do it in the octave that she does it in? You do whatever you want,
Starting point is 00:02:30 man. Because it's like... I don't think... I mean, whatever. I mean, you Charlie Puth'd it. I could do that for the fun of it or in my range for it to sound decent. Do your range then, yeah. Okay, cool. I'm not thinking twice about anything. I mean, this is going on an album, guys. So let's get your best work. This is best work and we've practiced it a lot that way timing yeah right this is not
Starting point is 00:02:49 the first time we've ever tried i didn't text time in 20 minutes ago hey do you know this song you want to sing it today so um yeah let's do it this is love is an open door uh by kristen bell and santino fontana sounded by timon imps and Radedalis. And with musical guest, Olaf. Olaf. All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Can I just say something crazy? I love crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:23 All my life. Wait a minute. I forgot that was part of it i was like what's timing we're in the middle of singing go ahead can i say something we're starting the song timing right now the song's about to start all right sorry i haven't seen the movie in a while all right go ahead say something crazy all right all right can i say something okay can i just say something crazy i love crazy all my life has been a series of doors in my face. Sounds good. And then suddenly I bump into you.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I always think the same thing. Cause like, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place. And maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue. But with you. But with you. But with you. Found my place. I see your face. And it's nothing like I've ever known before.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Love is an open door. Love is an open door. Love is an open door. With you. With you. With you. With you. Love is an open door With you, with you, with you Love is an open door I mean it's crazy We finish each other's sandwiches
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's what I was gonna say I've never met someone who thinks so much like me Jinx, jinx again Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation You and I were just meant to be Jinx again. Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation. You and I were just meant to be. Say goodbye.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Say goodbye to the pain of the past. We don't have to feel it anymore. Love is an open door. Love is an open door. Door. Saved it. Love is an open door with you, with you, with you, with you. Love is an open door. Can I say something crazy?
Starting point is 00:05:18 What? Can you start the theme music now? Can I say something even crazier? Yes. music now? Can I say something even crazier? Yes! Go for a podcast So right before we start recording, I, you know, I don't throw this word around often I definitely wouldn't say it around children, but I said to Brad and Tymon I've got a crap ton of things written down Careful, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:03 So I'm excited to podcast this week. We're going to have a couple good episodes. Start with the crap ton. Start with the crap. Okay, just the crap. Just off the top, we'll start from the bottom of the list and work up. Tymon, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:16 we're slightly back to court. He's like, ah, I got thirsty. I'm going to go get a thing of water. Grab us a bottle of water. When I grew up, bottled water to me is very equivalent to air conditioning. Because if you were around my parents, you would be led to believe
Starting point is 00:06:29 that these things cost millions of dollars. Yes. Every second the air conditioning is on and the door is open. Bottled water. Why do you drink bottled water? Just drink it out of the sink. Yeah. Yeah. Don't even use a cup. Yeah. Just get your mouth underneath it. Yeah. Laugh it up like a dog. And now that I'm my own adult and I just drink chocolate milk whenever I want to, that was kind of random today, but still I I'm noticing that you could buy like a 32 pack of water for $4, especially when it's exhilarate alkaline water, pH 8.8. I didn't even know I was getting alkaline pH water. I mean, maybe this is even somewhat nicer. I mean, I've never heard of the brand before, so it's not that nice. Still. It's Hy-Vee
Starting point is 00:07:07 brand. Let me just say, it's still water and water's still cheap in America. So we don't need to be like, oh my gosh, the bottled water. At the Triplet House, everybody gets bottled water. That's right. Growing up, we would refill our water bottles and put them back in the fridge to like get cold again. I think I did that too. Cause we were big on my mom discovered the crystal light packages. Oh yeah. Probably right. When they came out the little, the powder things. Yeah. And uh, so yeah, it was like, I mean you use one, but make sure those were great. You keep using, those are great. I would always, I would drink, you know, probably a quarter of the water bottle before putting the crystal light in. Yeah. Saturated a little more. Yeah. Nice and strong. So it is nice. I
Starting point is 00:07:45 feel like whenever I would fill it up in the sink water, it would like, it didn't taste as like crisp, but I think it was, it was a placebo. I think it's cause I knew. Yeah. You could tell like this seal has been broken on this lid already. Yeah. That's fair. What about like lukewarm bottle water versus like crisp, cold bottle water just in general? Uh, that's a different taste. But, but like, how do you feel like extremely different to you? Or is it like, as far as like your feeling of like you open up the fridge, there's not one in there. Oh, no problem. Let's get a lukewarm one. Oh yeah. I would do that.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But like, how do you feel about it? Um, my dad used to make fun of me a lot back in the day because I would drink like lukewarm soda and stuff. Yeah, that's right. And it was like room temperature soda. Yeah. What? Put some ice in it. I'm like, oh, it's fine. No, I'm good. You can taste the fist better that way. Yeah. So I've drank a lot of room temperature soda in my day, but it is better colder. But yeah, there's not for me. I don't get as like as crazy bummed that it's. Oh yeah. You know me. I'm a, I'm a cold guy. You love ice. I really like like like we uh we went over to scott's house to watch the chief's game and i was in charge of drinks i
Starting point is 00:08:49 didn't i didn't just load up drinks in a bag and put them back in his fridge to get him cold i put him in a cooler to bring to his house cooler inside of an ice chest inside of an ice cream truck that brad backed into scott's Filled with ice. It was cold. Oh, man. The Chiefs are not good, Jake. We're going to not go to the Super Bowl this year, I guess, right? Let's just go and be the first to say it. The Chiefs technically are the worst team in the NFL right now.
Starting point is 00:09:14 They're just the worst. They're one of them. They're tied for the worst. And it's going to stay that way the whole year, I bet. You know what I was shocked to see by the Ghosties? Who was I with? Someone was asking me. Oh, I was around some people and we were hanging out.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And while we were together, I got an email. I got a Friday Pickleball email. It was like, really? You guys are selling a Pickleball wife shirt? Sexist much? You think only men play Pickleball? Just full Karen in the email. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And I was just, I kind of emailed back. I was like, yo, chill. We've got a video coming out soon. It's about a pickleball wife. Obviously, we know women play pickleball. Calm down. And they were like, do you guys get like... Calm down.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Good. Good thing to say to the women. Hey, just chill out. Calm down. Easy. You're overreacting. You don't know what you're talking about. Easy does it.
Starting point is 00:10:02 You're like a horse that's gotten around. Hey. Hey. Down, girl. Down, girl. Down, girl. Calm down, girl. You want a carrot? Huh? Huh?
Starting point is 00:10:11 You want sugar? Smell some sugar cubes? Huh? Tymon will smell you. All right. You can have Anna Buffini ride you or Tymon smell you. What's going to help? What's going to calm you down?
Starting point is 00:10:24 And she was like, do you guys get stuff like that a lot? I was like, oh, almost never. Nowhere publicly, nowhere privately. I was like, actually, I will say, though, a shocking amount of like chief slander this week. More than normal. We saw it come. I mean, you see it come in every, you know, once your
Starting point is 00:10:39 quarterback is good, once your team has been successful for a while, it's like people are going to dislike your team. Totally. The longer the chiefs stay good, the easier and more fun it is to make fun of. Luckily, I think people still like us a decent amount. So I think they're kind of conflicted on hating the chiefs, but if not, I think everyone would just, everyone listening would just be like, no, forget the chiefs. We're rooting for everybody, but the chiefs, you know, whereas before it was like the chiefs are the darling of the NFL. Oh my gosh. Jacob Brad, like, um, yeah, they've been bad for so long like the Chiefs are the darling of the NFL. Oh my gosh. Jake and Brad like them. Yeah, they've been
Starting point is 00:11:06 bad for so long and all their fans are so excited. No, it's like no. Hey, lose all the time. We've had enough. So the Lions turn. I actually texted Ross Ferens, who's a big, big Lions guy. Shout out Ross. Shout out Lions. After the Chiefs lost and I was like the next day I wasn't, I mean, I wasn't ready
Starting point is 00:11:22 to text him. Night off. You got a cool off. No, no, no. But I was like, hey man, I really am excited for you. Obviously, I'm bummed the Chiefs lost, but the Lions, out of all teams, I'm excited for that fan base. Yeah, there are certain teams that won. You're like, that's good. I was so pumped the Jets won. Aaron Rodgers goes down, but then they went off a walk-off punt return.
Starting point is 00:11:38 That's so cool. There's a lot of cool storylines. Yeah, the Chiefs will be all right. Brad and I are probably some of the more optimistic Chiefs fans we'll ever meet. So even night of, we're like, we'll be fine. We didn't have our second and third best players. We lost by one.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And we still almost converted to fourth and 25. Yeah, that was fun. It was fun that we went for it. Yeah, the whole thing was fun. Back to crap ton, starting at the bottom of the list. This happened 30 minutes ago on my way back from Quick Trip. You know, the street of the list. This happened 30 minutes ago on my way back from Quick Trip. You know, the street here. Yep.
Starting point is 00:12:08 There's like a four-way stop and then a two-way stop. A biker just ran the two-way stop. I came within 10 feet of just like ending this guy. Whoa. Maniac. You're saying you didn't have a stop.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He had a stop and he didn't take it. Yeah, he did not take it. Wow. So look out. Got the heart racing though. Wow i didn't like did he did he see you eventually yeah i think like yeah his head definitely whipped around when i was airpods um i'm not sure i didn't look at his ears you know he was vibing to something i think so wow wow so yeah music golf after that, though. Yeah, yeah. Transparency mode, at least. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Calm down. Hey. Easy. Easy, girl. Yeah, he's stroking his bike. Like, okay. Okay, Carbondale. Easy swim.
Starting point is 00:12:57 All right, we got a little crazy there. Easy swim. We got going a little too fast. All right, swim. Sorry, I won't kick you that hard. You're not ready for that. Right. So I'm just... Okay, came in with a won't kick you that hard. You're not ready for that. Right. So I'm just,
Starting point is 00:13:06 uh, okay. Came in with a little adrenaline. That was crazy. So no, no secret. Now you drive a Tesla. Uh,
Starting point is 00:13:13 you, the Tesla is the way they work is like you put, let off the gas in order to break. Did you slam on the brake or did you just let off the gas immediately? Do you remember? Yeah, I hit the brake a little bit. Did you?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah. Because I didn't know like how much, like if you just let off the gas completely, is it the? Yeah, I hit the brake a little bit. Did you? Yeah. Because I didn't know like how much, like if you just let off the gas completely, is it the same as slamming on the brake? It could, uh, not the same, but it can like throw you forward a little bit. Yeah. Which your first couple of days of driving, you'll experience that a lot. No one talks about that when you buy a Tesla. I want to talk about the features on this. No one talks about like, Hey, you're not going to use the brake anymore. That's a massive like change in the way you drive. That's like the reason I don't want to ever drive one. Oh, it's nice though. Yeah. Oh, it's nice. Really? Yeah. I don't even know if nice is the word. It's just like a new style.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And it's like, oh, this is nice. This is great. I don't know if nice is the word, but it's like, oh, it's nice. It's like, I don't know. Like it's not nice as the word, but like you drive and you're like, nice. I'm so dumb. Gosh, I'm dumb. Yeah, I don't know what I'm saying. No, that's great. I don't know. I'm sorry that that happened, even though it didn't. Luckily, it could have been way worse.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Dodged him. Yeah. He dodged me. So yeah, we're good. Okay, do you ever think about, I love butterfly effect or think about like, how long did you contemplate
Starting point is 00:14:20 getting that chocolate milk? I do love thinking about that stuff all the time. Like, was that the difference? So like, did I take- Like you're like Nesquik or Belfonte, you know, they seem like the same, this one's cheaper, but you looked at it for two seconds. And that two seconds is the difference in that guy's life. Yeah. Cause it could be looked at like I, instead of the quick trip parking lot, I kind of went out the strip mall parking lot. Was that the difference? Is it the decision making process or like do we trace it back?
Starting point is 00:14:45 What if I just would have woke up five seconds earlier? Five seconds later. Yeah. Or you're like I'm not going to tie my shoes. I'm just going to slip them on real quick. That was the difference. Or you're like I don't need to pull out in front of that guy. I got time. That was the difference. You know, whatever. All these different random things. Sheesh. Butterfly effect.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Good movie. Good effect. Never seen. Really? What about that movie. Good effect. Never seen. Really? What about this? It's a lot like Frozen. Is it the same? The music's similar. Okay. The story's a little different.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Okay. I'll check it out then. I'm on a frozen high, dude. It's so good. And then, you know, how he's talking about it later, like, you know, Olaf singing that song about summer
Starting point is 00:15:21 and how he's excited about summer. He would melt in the summer. He just thinks it's so funny elif oh that elif what a goof um so anyway uh okay crap ton for me i had a few different interesting uh instances eating eating rest at restaurants whoa this past week just struggling to say that. Went out to a place called Ronnie's in Kansas City with a friend from church. I love this place. First of all, it's like almost all 75-year-olds and up. I like those spots.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No frills with the tables or the decorations. Just an old-fashioned, not a diner, but just a good restaurant. Just normal booths, normal tables. Let me ask you this, like red Coca-Cola cups? I don't know if they're red, but they're that kind of cup. Okay, like a hard, thick plastic cup. Honestly, like a restaurant that you don't find in Kansas City very often, because it's like-
Starting point is 00:16:19 They've been pushed out by the- Yeah, they're not cute enough. They're not cool enough. It's like, no, this is just a solid restaurant, solid price. Anyway, really nice waitress i had um and she she came up to me at near the end and you know she already gave me my check she's like you guys want any more drink and i was like yeah i'll take one more and uh she's like leaving or like going to grab it or whatever i was like actually can i get that to go? And she goes, did you say you wanted it five minutes ago? And I was like, oh my gosh, no, no, no, no. Like she's been doing counseling
Starting point is 00:16:50 three years. She's like, I thought you said it would have been nice to have it five minutes ago. And I could not emphasize enough. Like I would never say that I have not will not ever not say that. Yeah. I was like, can I just get it to go. What do you say? You want that five minutes ago? I was like, no, I I I'm smiling. I'm the opposite. Like you can take you can take 15 minutes to bring me this cup and I would not be upset about it. Like I would have left that restaurant and said, hey, it was nice seeing you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I'll never be in here again. Thank you for serving me my last meal ever. Yeah, I like scribble out my tip and I'll give like 20 more dollars on it. So I'm like, no, I'm not a jerk. So you leave your number with the waitress. Hey, can you, I want you to text me anytime you do move jobs. Just so I know I never go to that restaurant and like offend you ever again. I will never see you again. I'm so sorry. Luckily I know how to like, you know, dig my way out of a hole. You put more dirt in there, you know, that's so true. Yeah. What does the dirt look like in this
Starting point is 00:17:41 situation? The dirt is charity and just overly explaining the situation of like, my gosh, you just, just, I would never say that. No, I was just thinking like to go cup since we're about to leave. No. Okay. She's like, it's been, I'm on my fifth day in a row. And normally I would be more playful with a comment like that, but I thought you were just being really rude.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I was like, no, no, I promise. Like I'm not, and she was very, very kind and it was, it was totally fine. So, um, on, on the opposite end of that, um, maybe you haven't been to McDonald's lately. Cause you're, you're more of a quick trip guy. Um, but they have basically computerized ordering like on the drive-thru. Have you known, have you experienced this? Oh yeah. I feel like certain ones have had this. Yeah. It's been while. Now it's becoming more and more common. But recently, I've just started to not even be polite to it at all. It's hard to be impolite to a robot.
Starting point is 00:18:33 It is so hard to be impolite. I still feel bad. Yeah, I still treat it the same way. Can I get, or whatever, when I was used to going, can I get a blueberry muffin warmed up, please? It's like, I can't help myself. Like, I just, I talk how I talk. Yeah, I'm just like, and they're like, uh, would you like anything else? And I,
Starting point is 00:18:47 I've started just saying no. And then driving away. Nope. So go ahead. No. What's that? Uh, Nick Saban quote. I'm not going to do it. So quit asking. I'm not going to talk about it. So quit asking. I'm not going to order anymore. So quit asking. Yeah. so I'm just like, I'll take this, this, and this. Okay, would you like anything else? No, and then I just drive away. Don't even wait for the total. I like that. I had a friend in college, Chris Perry, who would, like, just to make us all laugh,
Starting point is 00:19:16 but would, like, way too quickly start to drive away anyway. Like, he's still, like, borderline in the middle of ordering. All right, can I get two Whoppers, no bacon? And then starts pulling up. And just a Dr. Pepper to drink with that. Okay, will that be all? Yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:19:31 All right, see you at the front. Wait, do you guys have ketchup on the side? Can I get? It was funny. I got to laugh every time. Yeah. It's like, man, this is so funny. Anyway, because nowadays,
Starting point is 00:19:42 almost all McDonald's have two ordering lanes ordering lanes yeah i don't want to i don't want to wait for this guy just because i'm waiting on computerized girl to tell me my total i love the challenge of two lanes wherever i'm at chick-fil-a hawaiian bros people at the same time i want to be the first to merge i'm convinced hawaiian bros they never take two orders at once hawaiian bros i've got some issues with their drive-thru i've drive we've talked about are you gonna be paying with credit card? I'm like, why does it matter? Get up there and I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Don't ask. I'm not going to tell you, so stop asking. Get some 1984 credit card machine out. Oh, okay, we got to get this and I got to, you know. And then they ask, I mean, you could see, so the way Hawaiian Bros set up is you could see into the window, like she is looking right at you. You can literally have a car.
Starting point is 00:20:25 She sees your face. She sees your car. And in addition to they ask, so they'll do this. I think they ask four questions and say, are you a rewards member? I say, no. Get it for you to all up, sign up today. Great. Will you start saying my phone number every time you go now?
Starting point is 00:20:38 That bothers me that you're not getting any rewards. Come on, Jake. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'll give you one every once in a while. Okay, that's fair. And then they ask you...
Starting point is 00:20:50 Anybody out there that goes to Hawaiian Bros, if they don't have rewards, just use my phone. Start using Brad's number. It's in my Instagram. They'll ask you, yeah, how will you be paying today? You say credit card. Then they'll say... Then they ask for your name,
Starting point is 00:21:03 which that one, after they've already asked those two questions, every time. Because you don't have a reward. That's why. Still. If you do rewards, they'll be like, oh, I understand. I'm the only one here. I'm in the drive-thru. Why ever ask a name in the drive-thru? I could see you. You're no doubt going to be the first person to drive up to me. There's like five reasons why you don't need to ask my name.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. And they ask it every time. Drives me up the wall. Maybe if they say say can i get a name for the order you just go nope and then drive away i i am tempted if i was like i don't know what situation i have to be in or what mood i have to be in to be like uh can i get a name for that yeah my name is the only car here yeah go ahead and put me down for literally only customer. Thanks. Yeah. I'll take only car you've ever seen in the last five minutes. Yeah, that bothers me.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah, it's fair. But I got it last night. It's great. It's so close to my house and it's open late. It's so good, dude. And it fills you up. Yeah, it is pretty filling. Rachel is great. I got it last night. I came home from playing a little pickleball. You know, it's probably like 1030 when I get back home
Starting point is 00:22:09 and I bring home Hawaiian bros and Rachel was like, uh, every week I find a new like dog trait of hers. This time was a new one because she sits at the table, no phone, no TV on, just watches me eat. Not even like really engaging conversation, but like watching the food, just like a dog's be at the table, just like watching you eat. And then it's something false. Hoping like some spills. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then the second I was like, all right, I'm all done. She's like, yes. Really? Yeah. And it starts eating,
Starting point is 00:22:37 but she didn't want to tell like, that's the classic dog. It's like, wait till you say something. I'm just, I'm just sitting here. This is just what I would do anyway. No, no. I'm yeah. I'm trying to fool you. Like, I don't even care about that. I'm just sitting here. This is just what I would do anyway. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah. I'm trying to fool you. I don't even care about that. I just love companionship. Man's best friend. That's me. I'm just sitting here. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:22:53 All right. I'm all done. Yes! Yes, Kyle! I mean, to be fair, that's what I do to Catherine all the time. Yeah. I eat my food, and I just stare at her. She's like, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:23:05 So. Okay. Crap time. stare at her. She's like, go ahead. So, okay. Crap time. Crap time. Let's go. Let's talk about Pickleball last night. Just really quickly. Yep. I had a little bit of a, I thought I was sensing a little Karen energy from someone.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And I said something to this person. Do we know this person? No, no, no. Oh, this is just a random person. So Meadowbrook Park person? No, no, no. Oh, okay. This is just a random person. So Meadowbrook Park is where I met Rachel, where I proposed to Rachel. Great spot.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So family-friendly. I feel like you're not getting the best pickleball players in Kansas City at Meadowbrook Park. This is like young couples playing for the first... A lot of wooden paddles out here. Sure. You know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So Amazon starter sets. Yeah. A lot of Neopepos out there probably some good vulcan paddles now now vulcan i'll tell you they were borderline not fit in no because they're so high quality but they do have affordable paddles for everybody but also beginners could use them too yeah absolutely um so metal bracket's always packed i feel like there's kind of a system where it's like uh you know the next person up is like sitting at the bench. They don't have very much,
Starting point is 00:24:09 very good like waiting areas at Meadowbrook. Meadowbrook is such a nice park and they don't have a water fountain or anywhere to sit. They got water fountains. They got water fountains. Down the sidewalk. Gotta walk away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I gotta walk like two minutes. I gotta walk a while. Yeah, that's fair. They don't have places to sit. the bench is kind of like on deck circle and then usually there's kind of a line for them down the fence you know if you're waiting like most places do
Starting point is 00:24:32 a line for them so Isaac is there early he's been like moving his way up the line I get there I join Isaac we're sitting on the bench like we're the next ones ready to go
Starting point is 00:24:42 and then a quarter opens up some women are like alright we're the next ones ready to go. And then a quarter opens up. Some women are like, all right, we're all done. And so we go to stand up. And then this guy and a couple of women with him just like cut us off. Like, oh,
Starting point is 00:24:54 we're next. And Isaac is friendly. It's just like, I mean, we've been here longer than you have. Like I, you saw me when you got here. Like we said hello to each other or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Like they had an interaction. And, um, then one of the girls with him was like, Hmm, interesting. Oh, you couldn't take it.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You couldn't take it. And I was like, do you, do you think he's lying? And she's like, no, just that's, that's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And I was like, what is so interesting about this? And she's like, just play, just go play. You have the court, just play. And then I was like, what is so interesting about this? And she's like, just play, just go play. You have the court, just play.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And then I was like, okay, this is getting a little too serious. All right. I thought you were going to keep leaning into it. No, I didn't. Like,
Starting point is 00:25:33 no, no, no. Like, tell me, tell me you think. Oh, interesting about this man. It was mainly like standing up for Isaac.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I think that's why I like interesting, like intercepted it. Like, I don't, they don't get to sass my friend Isaac. Wow. But then once she like stepped up a notch, like got like, was starting to morph into a Karen. I like interesting, like intercepted it. Like I don't, they don't get to sass my friend Isaac. Wow. But then once she like stepped it up a notch, like got like, was starting to morph into a Karen.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I was like, okay, let's just play. Just go play. Just go play. You have the court. That is. Will do. I mean, anytime I would argue with Scott in high school and we would like, Scott was definitely the winner of the argument.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I would just concede to him annoyingly like that. And it, it kills you a little bit. Like, Hey, you go play, go play. No,
Starting point is 00:26:09 no, you're right. You were here first. You're here first. And you're totally right. No, you're, you're definitely here first.
Starting point is 00:26:14 You go, you go first. You have fun, have fun. Don't think about us at all. So yeah, Scott would be like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:21 shut up, Brad. I know it's your first yeah uh so that's fun did you see her anymore like i kept my eye on her yeah but um no it was cool yeah it's chill it's fine it's good time uh joe burrow sucks like predicted yeah that was kind of wild the chiefs come out first game of the season oh Oh, also loved, who was it? Someone in the ghosty guillotine league. He's trying to be all funny, cute.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So guys like, nice in the NFL to let the JV teams warm up on Thursday before the real team. It's like, I mean, it doesn't even make any sense. The Chiefs are just for the Super Bowl. Yeah, you responded to that one too. I love that. Yeah, JV team that is hanging the Super Bowl banner. Yeah, I was like, one of those JV teams is hanging a Super Bowl banner before the game.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like I'm all for, because I love giving people a hard time in there, but it's got to make some sense. It's like Toby Mac. I'm all for Christian music. Not every Christian song needs to only share the gospel, but it's got to make sense. Frizzle fry? You didn't get that? I just, I see poetry different than you do. Yeah. That's fair. Okay. Um, it's gotta make sense anyway. Um, so the chiefs play Thursday and my home's place just fine as always,
Starting point is 00:27:30 but the chiefs lose. We're taking it from all angles. Bill's fans, bingles fans, ghosty fans. Yeah. Like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:37 Oh, you know, whatever. And the Joe Burrow comes out and throws for like, I don't know, seven yards, 82 yards. After he just signed the biggest contract in the history of the nfl i
Starting point is 00:27:45 believe biggest contract ever and then had his worst game ever bummer which i know Cincinnati fans are like it was raining well Deshaun Watson oh yeah just fine and i know what you're gonna say oh he's used to having his hands a little lotiony and wet well that doesn't count rain's different oh Joe Burrow's a dork that's all i going to say. I know that I'm just losing fans left and right when I say that no one's voting for me in schmores anymore. Definitely correlated to Joe Burrow's dorkness, but I don't care. I did see one comment that was like,
Starting point is 00:28:14 it is tough to be a Bengals fan and a ghostie right now. Yeah, we're like, I don't know why people hate the Chiefs. No, go ahead, Joe Burrow. I, I mean, obviously it's just one small sample size, but I've been just know if he stinks, I've been seeing it for years.
Starting point is 00:28:31 It's true. The one week after the NFL is such a fun time. Everyone is overreacting. It's like Cadareous. Tony needs to be off the team for the chiefs. You know, like Cadareous, the reason,
Starting point is 00:28:42 one of the big reasons we want a super bowl, it needs to be cut off the team. Yeah, exactly. Like this guy, yeah. And one of the other major overreactions, I think, is like, Joe Burrow is still very hurt, and he's going to keep playing,
Starting point is 00:28:53 and he's going to hurt his team because he's not out there, you know. So it's like, he's probably going to come out next week and do amazing. Yeah. I mean, he had balls to T. Higgins and Jamar Chase.
Starting point is 00:29:02 They're like, usually they catch those. I was like, exactly. Usually they're amazing receivers. Yeah. Catch those passes. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I just wrote down Joe Burrow's new contract. Still stinks.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Still a dork. What does that smell? I don't think Joe Burrow truly stinks. I just think he's a dork. I will hold by that. You know, it smells good. Made sure roasters. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That does not stink. No, it does not. It made sure roasters. So I made a contract. No one would say it stinks. I would say, yes, please. I would say by that. You know what smells good? Main Street Roasters. Yes. That does not stink. No, it does not. If Main Street Roasters signed me a contract, no one would say it stinks. I would say yes, please. I would say, that's interesting in a good way. If Joe Burrow drank Main Street Roasters,
Starting point is 00:29:33 he would not be a dork anymore. I'll say that right now. Let's get, hey, Haley, if you're listening to this, Haley from Main Street Roasters, send, find Joe Burrow's address,
Starting point is 00:29:41 send him some Main Street Roasters coffee. It's the greatest coffee in the world and I will no longer call him a dork. Haley, I would like to throw in an additional offer. Okay. I'd be willing to give up my portion of the Main Street Roasters money
Starting point is 00:29:55 we're getting. I want you to give it to Joe Burrow. Good, he needs it. Yeah. Well, yeah. And I want it guaranteed too. Okay, yeah. Because that's how he likes to do things.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yes. And then he won't do anything after he gets all that. But don't be surprised if he never drinks it. It's the greatest coffee in the world. I'll say it. Get extreme with it and just say it's the greatest.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And it's available to you at a low price of 90% of normal price. Which is also, they have a really good deal already. Anyway, check them out. Main Street Roasters, they have all the coffee you can imagine. Tymon, what flavor were you enjoying the other day? Jamaican Me Crazy. Jamaican Me Crazy. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Yeah. Get a little hint of rum in there. It's nice. Really? Should Tymon be? Yeah, that's why he likes it. He's like, I can't believe there's no alcohol in this. Don't have this at home.
Starting point is 00:30:52 That's great. Like Brad said, you pay 90% of full price, which does that sound better than 10% off? No. I don't know. Something about it, it sounds so different to me that I'm intrigued by it. I'll give you 90% of full price on that.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. I kind of by it. I'll give you 90% of full price on that. Yeah. I kind of like it. You do? What if I say I'll give you 5% off and then I'll also just make you pay like nine, whatever the math is on that. And then I'll make you pay like 92% of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Something like that. Something like that works. Because I think like if you do a promo code with someone, you're looking around the website like, all right, I can get 10% off. All right, how much is that going to cost me? You have to do $34.99 times 0.1. Okay, that comes out to $34.99. All right, now I have to remember that.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. $34.99 minus $34.99, where it's like 90% off full price times 0.9. That is exactly what I pay. You save a step. save it you save a step smart you save a step by buying main street roasters because you're not going to starb nowhere never heard the other ones never heard of them you don't even know what i'm talking about these crazy coffee places but go yeah go check them out instagram website all the places napanee indiana grkc uh hayley said that if you go to Napanee, Indiana and you say,
Starting point is 00:32:06 I'm a ghostie, they'll give you 90% full price. Really? For a drink, yeah. I don't know if that's true, but Haley, if it's not, then charge us 10% of whatever you guys pay in the store. What's 2FA security on Kraken? Let's say I'm captaining my soccer team, and we're up by a goal against, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:25 the Burlington Bulldogs. Do we relax? No way. Time to create an extra line of defense and protect that lead. That's like 2FA on Kraken. A surefire way to keep what you already have safe and sound. Go to and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. From the executive producers of Lost. This place will not break us. The phenomenon returns to Paramount+.
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Starting point is 00:34:04 This episode is brought to you by Coca-Cola Creations. You love the taste of Coca-Cola and love the cookie crunch of Oreos. But what happens when the best drink and the best cookie in the world get together? The best becomes besties. Try the new Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Oreo Limited Edition. Besties for a limited time. Taste it while it lasts. Copyright 2024. The Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Oreo Limited Edition. Besties for a limited time.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Taste it while it lasts. Copyright 2024. The Coca-Cola Company. Copyright 2024. Mondelez International Group. Anyway, they're awesome. I'm excited. I have a goal to see them at some point in the next year.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Go to Main Street Roasters. Fiscal or calendar? Whatever the one is that's in the next 12 months. Got it. Is that calendar? No, that's the same, isn't it? Fiscal? I think calendar would be the next 12 months.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Okay. Fiscal would be whenever you started your fiscal year, probably to the end of 2023. I'm starting my fiscal year right now. So it's the same. Connor Kelderman, you're in this? We'd like to start today. What if we just change up our fiscal year every time,
Starting point is 00:35:05 every month, and then we don't ever have to pay taxes? Just text Connor. Hey, think about making a switch again. Yeah, FYI, starting today. Shout out Connor, just by the way. I'm going to be tossing some shout outs this episode or talking about him. He texted me.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Apparently, at some point during Grande Boo, he either got lunch with the Koops or talked to the Koops. I didn't even know about this, but he was talking to Rachel's dad. Apparently, uh, he or Rachel, they still have not done Rachel's tax returns for last year yet.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Okay. And it's September. Yup. And he's like, so, uh, I offered to file it for him. So it was just,
Starting point is 00:35:36 let me know if you want to do that and I'll do it for free. I was like, dude, what a guy. You're the man. He is the man. He's the man. Check him out.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah. And I felt a little bad for him going into the guillotine. He only had one quarterback. And you have to start two. And also, Travis Kelsey was hurt. I was like, dang. Yeah. He's up against the wall.
Starting point is 00:35:57 But he made it through. Yeah. And he did just fine. Brad, on the other hand, in one of these, came in second to last. Which is just fine as well. Aaron Rodgers played three plays and got injured for brad so that's just bad luck that you can't help that starting jerry judy that was a bad was he not in he was out before sorry but you know just fine you made it through yeah and rachel and catherine made it through too yeah how'd they do they did just fine fine. Probably scored 140, 150 points.
Starting point is 00:36:25 We lost Joshua Wood in one league. That was the one I predicted that. I was off on Tyler Stoltzfus, Evolve Videography. Who did we lose? He barely slid through. Jacob Pinson. Jay Pinson. He was the guy who drafted right before you
Starting point is 00:36:39 because he kept taking all the players you wanted. Oh, which maybe that's why, you know. But he messaged me afterwards and was like, dude, bummed to be already be out of the league, but thanks for throwing us together. Also, I've had the tick bite thing that you've had since 2012. He's like, but I've been doing some things and I've like, I've started to beat it. Can I
Starting point is 00:36:56 share some things with you? I don't know if you want any unsolicited advice. I was like, dude, yes. All the unsolicited advice I get about this is for people who don't have it. So I would love to hear from someone who hasn't. He's been experienced with it. Oh, interesting. For a long time.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Yeah, we got to follow up on that and get some methods on how you're doing. Yeah. That's fun. What would you, if you are completely unallergic, is there any like steak or meat or anybody that you would use for like how you, like how you'd order your first meal. I see where you're going with this. Do you pro shop? Hot dog. I'll be Frank's.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Uh, well, I would use it for good. Honestly, I didn't even think about good ranchers. I'm more, we're thinking about the convenience of like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:37:37 now I can eat hamburgers again. Hot dogs on the golf course. Sure. Bacon. Yep. Oh, I'm starting to start to salivate thinking about it. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Steaks. Oh, yeah. Steaks. Steaks, dude. We go out on the road when we're on tour. We go to so many steakhouses. Another salmon for the weirdo at the end of the table. I'll have the tilapia, please.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Please and thank you. The mahi-mahi good here? Yeah, five minutes ago it would have been good. I don't know what you're saying. Mahi- here? Yeah, five minutes ago it would have been good. Oh, thanks. Mahi, Mahi. I know we just did an ad, but let's do another ad for Good Ranchers real quick. Okay, sure. Knock it out. Yeah, you guys know them. You guys love them. Good Ranchers is another
Starting point is 00:38:16 sponsor of ours. It's back to school season, Jake. So what does that mean? It means... That's like one of the characters I do for Rachelachel okay okay i'm listening this script i love they send us send a sample script so we never really use okay so it's back to school time we're gonna use it exactly like they say here and you're just gonna respond all right okay back to school didn't turn out to be the load off your mind you thought it would be
Starting point is 00:38:41 did it no it did. I'll tell you. Soccer practice, science fairs, helping with homework, doing the homework. Can it just be summer break again already? I'm up to my neck in Common Core math. I didn't sign up for this. Well, Jake, the good news is
Starting point is 00:38:59 you can take one big thing off your plate by putting great meat on your plate with Good ranchers. Had to find, you know, get eye contact with time in there. You are kidding me. No, I'm not. Well, that sounds nice for me and my family. Well, because you care about what your family eats.
Starting point is 00:39:22 And you know what? So does good ranchers. I like kind of like, you know, tra you know what? So does Good Ranchers. I like kind of like, you know, trailing off there. So does Good Ranchers. So that's why they spent years building relationships with local farms. You're getting quiet.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Too quiet. Oh, Good Ranchers is right behind me. Oh, no. The premium ground beef is right behind me, isn't it? I can get two pounds of ground beef for free with every subscription box. GRKC is right behind me, isn't he? Oh, boy. $25 off a box.
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, they have great relationships with local farms. 100% American beef, which Jake's going to eventually have. Yep. Certifiably crazy. Chicken, pork, and now wild-cut seafood. Yes, the best of the land and sea can now get conveniently delivered to your door. American-made delivered.
Starting point is 00:40:16 They cut it wildly. Absolutely. You should see how it shows up. Wild-cut. Yeah. Not wild-caught. Wild-cut. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I like that. Do you know what is wild-caught? Oh, okay. Wild-. Yeah. Not wild caught. Wild, wild cut. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. Do you know what is wild caught? Oh, okay. Wild cut. Just Edward Scissorhands is cutting it up. Wild caught. That makes way more sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And right now when you subscribe, you can get, uh, any, to any box with good ranchers, you get two years of free ground beef. That's 144 free meals on good ranchers tab. It's time to get the real back to school. Basic subscribe. Use my code GRKC for $25 off your box at and get free ground beef for two years.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Two pounds of high-quality ground beef in every box for two years completely free. Remember, timing. Go to and use my code GRKC to claim $25 off and free ground beef for two years on your order of 100% American meat and seafood. Jake, I'll take 0 your order of 100% American meat and seafood. Jake, I'll take 0% off that 100% American meat.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Is that all right with you? I'll give it to you for 100% American meat. What I will get will be 100% American. Yes. There's no discount on the American part of it. Okay, cool. I agree to those terms. That's good, Ranchers.
Starting point is 00:41:21 That's American meat delivered, baby. That's just how it is. If I were you, I'd get most excited about hamburgers, I think. Yeah. Once you get... I mean, steak is great, but steak, you're not experienced. I guess if you're on the road, you're going to steakhouses, but to me, a burger, you can go anywhere and get a burger these days, and then burgers are nice.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Burgers are really going to open up my world. I'm truly processing it right now. How long it's been since I just, oh, I'm hungry. I need a quick drive-thru burger. I don't do, it's so hard to eat a drive-thru meal when you're allergic to the red meat things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Chipotle burrito, I can do it, but you're going to have some rice all over you. Right. But anything from Chick-fil-A can't happen. Anything from all, anything other than a sandwich can't happen. Like a sub sandwich. What do you mean anything from Chick-fil-A can't happen?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Because I dip. You need two hands. You don't? Anything from Chick-fil-A can't happen. Because I dip. You need two hands. You don't go sandwich at Chick-fil-A? I would, but I guess I could put it on beforehand. No, you're talking about like you need like, yeah. But still, it just seems like, at least a burrito, it's big, but I can eat it with one hand still. If you asked the Chick-fil-A worker and didn't wait for their response,
Starting point is 00:42:23 do you think they would just put the sauce on there for you? Wait, set up the scene again? You're in the drive-thru. Okay. Domi's telling me not to make jokes about Catholics. Your foot is off the gas. And you say, can I get a chicken sandwich? And can you put the honey roasted barbecue on the sandwich for me?
Starting point is 00:42:41 And he's like, I'm driving. I'm driving here. I'm driving. I'm the one person in the drive-thru is driving. Sorry. I don't know about these guys behind me, but I'm driving here. I'm driving. I'm the one person that drive through his driving. Sorry. I don't know these guys behind me, but I got to drive. I got to drive. I got to drive. As soon as I get done with this, I got to go drive. I'm driving. Yeah. I bet Chick-fil-A would say yes. They might think this guy is so high maintenance, but they'd say yes. I bet. I'm imagining like a sweet woman in her like upper twenties being like, I can do that. Yeah. Let me throw on some gloves
Starting point is 00:43:04 for you. Oh yeah. I think that's exactly what would happen. like, I can do that. Yeah. Let me throw on some gloves for you. Oh yeah. I think that's exactly what would happen. What, how far do you think you could go as far as like asking for things from Chick-fil-A for them to do? Oh, like if you asked them to cut it up into fourths,
Starting point is 00:43:13 would they do it? I, those are some of the hardest things for me to watch, whether it's like a prank show or a YouTube channel, something where they're like, they're not pranking people. They're like seeing how nice they'll be. Oh, like that is hard for me to watch like can you cut my sandwich for me uh diagonal diagonal
Starting point is 00:43:31 or whatever just like oh man workers specifically are they doing yeah i think so just one thing if it's like yeah it's your family member or something like oh let's just mess with them a little bit it's like they're getting paid to do this and so they are trying to be kind to you and trying to you're the paying customer but it's like okay're getting paid to do this. And so they are trying to be kind to you and trying to, you're the paying customer, but it's like, okay, you're taking advantage of me here. Even if I know it's like, yeah, we're going to tip them a thousand dollars after this. I'd still just like, I'd rather just watch. Maybe say we're going to tip you a thousand dollars. How far, what would you do for that? It's like, well, I don't know what you mean by that. I would ask him to cut into fourths and then I would say, and then put it in the blender.
Starting point is 00:44:06 They didn't get to have a blender at Chick-fil-A. Yeah. And then put that in a milkshake. So I can't taste the chicken anymore. I would say, can I get a Arnold Palmer, but I don't want like a 50, 50 split.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Can you like make it yourself like 65, 35? That's fun. That's not that crazy. Really? I think it comes pre-made though. Like they would have to like. No, no, it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:44:27 No, no, it doesn't. No, no, it doesn't. No, it's not pre-made. It's really not? No. Oh, that's not crazy then. No. Oh, that would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah, you're right. If not. It's like unplying the toilet paper or whatever in the office. Now you're making me doubt it. But I think, I mean, they have lemonade like individually. They have tea individually. I doubt they have another thing just for that. You're probably right. Cause there's like four different combinations, right. Of unsweet tea, regular lemonade, sweet tea, regular lemonade, you know, whatever. You're probably right. I think the fact
Starting point is 00:44:56 that they brand it, they don't call it Arnold Palmer. And like for with us, it's sunjoy makes me think that they just buy sunjoy pre-made. If you're a Chick-fil-A worker out there, I bet we have a few. I did learn a little bit about Chick-fil-A. I was helping a guy move this past weekend. Oh yeah, I said no to that. Yes, you did. I'll tell you who said yes.
Starting point is 00:45:15 The only people who showed up, I don't know how many people. So Peter texted like, hey, I got a friend moving into town. If you want to help him move. I was like, sure. I think four or five of us showed up. All five of us were former K-Life chapter leaders.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Okay. Peter Casey, Jake Triplett, Scott Caldwell, Matt Ford, Thomas Cole. No. Who's the fifth? Maybe it was four because it was, yeah, me, Peter, Scott Caldwell, and then the guy who's there now, Aaron, Austin. Austin.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Austin. He was there. So I guess us four. Well. Four for four. No, no. No matter for it. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:52 He's changed. Too bad. But yeah, that was kind of fun. So it's just like, oh, this is fun. We've all lived in the same house and have the same job. Yeah, you struggle with the water pressure in the shower too. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then like people were compared to Austin was like,
Starting point is 00:46:04 Scott, I think you left a mug, you know, whatever. And Scott's like, yeah, that came from an ex-girlfriend's mom. So you can hang on to that. I didn't really want that. Yeah, you enjoy that thing. So that was fun.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And what was I saying? Oh, the guy who just moved here, Stephen, his last name is Ritz, but Riz, as far as I'm concerned. Cool. Good-looking guy. You're a cool guy. He's moving here to work at Chick-fil-A.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Okay. Derek Nasik, camp guy, who will be his owner-operator, also came to help out towards the end. Towards the end. Towards the end, sure. Oh, these boxes of linens need to go? Sure. I can do that.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah. But Peter and him were talking about the pimento sandwich. Sure. And so I'm moving, so I'm catching like every other paragraph of the conversation but derrick said that they had been they had that ready to go last year i guess like okay which is a crazy reminder like anytime any product like comes out this has been in the works for so long probably like any shoe any food any, you know, whatever. Any company that's like, whoa, this company is like innovative.
Starting point is 00:47:09 It's like, they've been thinking about this for a long time. Yeah. That'd be so hard to sit on something for that long. Like, we'll talk about it later. I mean, Tymon and I made a video last week for Pickleball. It's like, it's so awesome. It's so cool. It's been hard to sit on that for a week and a half. How do these people do, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:19 sit on Mountain Dew Code Red for two years? How'd you do it? Make sure they test their markets. But said, it's the first time Chick-fil-A's ever messed with the sandwich. They said, like they've never, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:31 they'll throw in some other crazy things. Yeah. But they've never altered like the original chicken sandwich before. So that was a big deal. Yeah. And yeah, it's been in the works for a long time.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It was almost ready to go last year, but they didn't have enough inventory, I think, or something like that. I don't know. Did you know this? Maybe somebody told me that, I don't know if it was you ready to go last year but they didn't have enough inventory i think or something like that i don't know did you know this maybe somebody told me that i don't know if it was you or not the pimento like addition or whatever is going to be the most successful thing like like variant they've ever done like special thing they've ever done i didn't know that yeah i don't know who told me that but wasn't you i guess peter was asking derrick if he thought he
Starting point is 00:48:01 would stick around and i don don't remember Derek's answer, so that was not worth saying. I think, from what I understand, it won't stick. It'll be like a seasonal, kind of like how the milkshakes change or something like that. I think.
Starting point is 00:48:15 But hey, who knows? The moon and the tides. The old McRib action where it's like, oh, McRib's back. Pimento season. Bring back the McRib. Yeah. So anyway, another thing you can have
Starting point is 00:48:24 whenever you are, you know, meat guy. I want to shout out Caitlin W. Just ordered some merch from us. Let's go, Caitlin W. Thanks, Caitlin W. It's fun seeing the merch fly off the shelves. I mean, and it's flying. Tymon is just sprinting around fulfilling merch for us.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, he's in charge of it all. I had a biff this week. Someone else just ordered some too fulfilling merch for us. Yeah. He's in charge of it all. Um, I had a biff this week. Someone else just ordered some too, which is real quick. Wow. Janine F just ordered some. That's why the,
Starting point is 00:48:53 did Caitlin W just order some as well? Like, was it like five seconds back to back? It was a difference in one minute. It's like 60 seconds. Flying, flying. Uh, I had a biff this week,
Starting point is 00:49:01 Jake. Okay. It was a big one. Um, turned out to be not that big of a deal, but man, when I did it, I was like, what a biff this week, Jake. Okay. It was a big one. Um, turned out to be not that big of a deal, but man, when I did it, I was like, what a biff. Um, so, oh man, how do I start this? So back the night before we'll start at the night before, which is Thursday night. Uh, we went over to Scott's house to watch a chiefs game. Uh, do you remember when I got in the car, I was a little
Starting point is 00:49:23 frazzled from my kids that night. Oh yeah. Yeah. Catherine was like, Hey, I need to go run some errands for like an hour, hour and a half. Can you be with the kids and start dinner?
Starting point is 00:49:33 No problem. Of course. Long story short, just the house turned into pandemonium. Bo has this plastic phone and I forget what he was like, kind of trying to boss me around jokingly. And, but he was like, he like turned and didn't see Rosie and just like shove the phone and like bonked her on the head so hard with it. So she's screaming, crying. I'm like mad at Bo and trying
Starting point is 00:49:55 to discipline Bo, but also trying to figure out like, how do I do this grace graciously? Because I know you didn't do it on purpose, but you still gotta be careful, man. Um, and then I was like, okay, I'm going to do the instant pot recipe for Catherine. I put it all in there. Um, long story short, I burned the whole thing. It's not going well. Everything's just kind of wild. Um, but I, I leave, I go. Um, but one of the things that they did before, before I had started making dinner was the kids were like, well, we'll cat Hattie, especially like loves peeling carrots. It's like, we'll, we'll prepare the carrots for dinner. And I'm like, I'm going to always encourage my kids to help out as much as I can. Cause that's awesome. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:50:32 okay, great. Yeah. Go peel the carrots. So they literally peeled like two large, you know, carrots. They didn't cut them up or anything. And so they brought it over and they were eating them and like gave it to me. And so it's like, I don't know, probably nine inches of a carrot, like the big stub. Bugs bunny. Yeah. And I like gave it to Rosie for her to gnaw on. She wasn't chewing on it much or anything, whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Long story short, it's pandemonium. I leave to go to the Chiefs game. Don't know what happens to that carrot. Next day, I go into the house. Rosie's walking around with the carrot. She still has about eight inches of that carrot left, maybe six, we'll say. And Rosie's walking around with the carrot. She still has about eight inches of that carrot left, maybe six, we'll say. And she's walking around with it, just enjoying herself. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth or something. She walks in with me and she drops
Starting point is 00:51:15 that carrot right into the toilet. Loves dropping things in the toilet. Really? And I'm like, okay, dropping the carrot in the toilet. Fun. And I look at that carrot and I'm like, and of course, I didn't say fun. I was like, that's annoying. Why'd you do that? I don't want to put my hand in there. I look at that carrot and I think, I've seen bigger things in that toilet go right down. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:51:34 And the toilet, I mean, it's this big. Like, it's nothing crazy time. And it's not like, you know, Jake after he's had, you know, stuff when he's not supposed to. And so I'm like, I'll just flush that thing down. Yeah. Stupid. Yeah, a little different consistency. And if you know, like a toilet, they have what's called a P trap. And so, yeah, like curves around carrots, not curving around. Uh, so I flush it and immediately think that was dumb. Dang it. That was stupid. I hate that. Uh, that one time I accidentally like had already started
Starting point is 00:52:05 flushing in the toilet paper holder. Remember that got down there. I had to call somebody and it costs like $150 for them to come out and snake this thing. Luckily, one of my buddies, Todd, uh, who's a contractor. Awesome dude. I was like, maybe he's got something for this. And I call him up. He was on his off day that day. He's like, yeah, I'll come over in like 20 minutes. Oh, came over snake, that bad boy. No problem. Just grinded it right on through. But for a while I was like, I can't believe I flushed that carrot down the toilet.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You'll care at Biff. Cause I was like, like you see it. And I mean, it literally, if it were Brown, you would think I've seen that in there a thousand times. No problem. Rosie happens to all of us. Yeah. We've been there, girl.
Starting point is 00:52:45 There you go. And instead, I was like, oh my gosh, that thing's never... Because I'm like, I was Googling it. Like, can carrots disintegrate? And I'm like, it's not going to disintegrate for a long time. It's going to clog some things up. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Probably wouldn't need to like soak that carrot in the bowl for like a couple days. At least, dude. Before you flush. I don't know. I mean, how many... Yeah. Carrots are pretty dense. You think? Like, i think it's going to be longer than two days i think it's going to be a week before that thing is flushable malleable yeah let us know guys you do the carrot uh do the
Starting point is 00:53:15 carrot bowl challenge this week back to school science fairs you know doing the homework doing the carrot flushing yeah yeah somebody Yeah, somebody do a science. Homeschoolers out there, do the carrot thing. Tymon, get your siblings on it. Do the carrot thing. Thanks. What do we talk about next? Let's talk about Isaac.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Just a fun little story from Isaac. We were all hanging out, had a little game night Saturday night. And I don't know how funny this story will be, but it was funny. A lot of things happened in like, I don't know, two minutes. So I'm laughing more at the Catherine part of the story, but go ahead. We're all hanging out. I think the girls are somewhere else. The guys are in the living room and we're just kind of hanging out. You know, Rachel made some cookies. There's ice cream. That was kind of a funny thing too rachel asked brad like what kind of ice cream you want brad tells her and she goes and
Starting point is 00:54:10 gets it gets brad his ice cream and just hands it to me and i didn't know what was happening i just eat it and then she comes out like five minutes later comes to bring me a bowl of ice cream she's like why do you have one i was like you gave it to me she's like ah, ah, I gave you Brad's. I was like, oh, I didn't even know. No problem. Um, okay. So Isaac has got a Dr. Pepper and he always like takes the tab off of the can and he decides that,
Starting point is 00:54:34 well, since I'm done with this Dr. Pepper, I'll put like the tab in the can and then realizes, oh, I'm only about halfway done with this Dr. Pepper. Why did I do that?
Starting point is 00:54:43 And so then he's like trying to like really like gently drink his Dr. Pepper without swallowing this metal tab and bringing him a hard time. And we're cracking jokes. So he's going to cut his throat open. Well, that makes him laugh while he's drinking it. And I guess while he's laughing,
Starting point is 00:55:00 he blows a bunch of air out of his nose. Yeah, because he's got his mouth's covered. And what that does is it starts the process of a nosebleed. So within 20 seconds, he has put his tab in his Dr. Pepper. He's started to drink it. Now his nose is
Starting point is 00:55:16 bleeding. And so we're laughing and all this. He's like, oh, I'm bleeding. Quickly grabs a paper towel, shoves it up his nostril, stopped the bleeding. About that time, Catherine walks in and kind of like quietly goes over Isaac and says,
Starting point is 00:55:30 hey, you have a booger. Isaac, you have a booger sticking out. Isaac's like, the paper towel in my nose? Yeah, it was a Kleenex and it was literally like the entire Kleenex. I mean, it was flush with his nostril, but I mean, it was a Kleenex.
Starting point is 00:55:47 It was like an entire- It's still like, yeah, a good circumference. I mean, yeah, it was like if you had like, your entire nostril was a booger. And it was- A pure white. Bright white, yeah. And Catherine was like trying so hard to be polite,
Starting point is 00:56:00 like, hey, you need to check that out. You got a boog. You have a booger. I don't want to make you embarrassed, but you have a booger in your nose. I was like, you mean this Kleenex? It was a really fun 60 seconds of life. We played a game that night,
Starting point is 00:56:16 and my favorite part of it was when Jake just was wrong about, or not wrong, but just thinking something that none of us thought. Yeah, I didn't do very good Well, maybe you did and maybe the rest of us just think differently, you know, that was kind of a fun It's just a fun activity of like oh, I guess I just thought of this completely different game We're playing this game hit or miss super simple game where you just write down things in a category And then you try to get people to either guess or not guess depending on if you're trying to hit or miss anyway time in the category was things that a magician uses things that magician has i think
Starting point is 00:56:49 items items that a magician yeah uses uses okay uh what would i think jake got the maybe it wasn't your first thing but it was like you were like i know everyone's gonna have this one all right what would you say for like your first thing if you could think of anything for a magician uh first thing that came to mind was wand. Okay. Oh, that's solid. But then I thought cards. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah. Give us a few more just in case you haven't hit Jake's yet. Not yet. Fake thumb. Okay. Oh, solid. I think Isaac had that. Did he?
Starting point is 00:57:17 No, Isaac had salt, which is part of that same trick. Oh, okay. Fake thumb, that would be a good miss. Oh, man. I haven't seen any like magic. Hey, you saw one like a month ago. What are you talking about? Yeah. Okay. Top hat.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Okay. Solid. Let's see like colored colored cloths. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty good. See, I think yeah, I think timing and the rest of us were thinking like more amateur magic
Starting point is 00:57:46 and Jake was thinking more like advanced magic maybe? Yeah, so for some reason I didn't have deck of cards on my list at all which was dumb and my first, so I roll a dice
Starting point is 00:57:55 and it rolls on hit so then I am trying to say something that I think will be on everyone else's list. I'm like, all right, first one, let's get out of the way,
Starting point is 00:58:01 handcuffs. Everyone, you have a hit or miss card. Everyone holds up the miss. Miss, miss, miss. Not one person. And I came in last. It makes sense, but it's just not what comes to my mind.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I was thinking only stage. I wrote down Siberian tigers. I wrote down helicopter. I wrote down curtain. I wrote down stage. That means I didn't think about deck of cards. I put rabbit, hat, wand. Yeah yeah typical just like yeah kid magic yeah yeah yeah saw sawing somebody in half stuff like that it was fun too i mean there'll be times where it's like
Starting point is 00:58:37 someone else has hit and they say something that is obvious and you're like oh my gosh that's i feel so bad you're like oh the category was pie and feel so bad. You're like, oh. The category was pie. And she's like, all right, hit. Let's go pumpkin. And we're like, oh, I was in a summer theme. I was writing down fruits. I'm sorry. You deserve better.
Starting point is 00:58:58 That's a good answer. And then her next time around, she's like, all right, another one. I'll try a little key lime. It's like, oh, man. Good answer again. Forgot about that. Two words. Because somebody did lemon meringue. We're like, okay, yeah, okay, just like the meringue key lime. There's like no rivalry. It's good. Sorry, we just like screwed you on this one.
Starting point is 00:59:20 So that was pretty funny. Yeah, yeah, pretty fun game. It's very simple, but still pretty fun. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, I have some more things. We went to a parade on Saturday. That was a good time. What kind of parade? Old Settlers in Olathe, Kansas.
Starting point is 00:59:36 That'll do. Kansas' longest, largest parade. I don't know if that's really true, but it sounds good, doesn't it? I'm sure it's up there. Grew up going my whole life. Missed a few years because of COVID. Didn't want to be out in front of all the people. I'm just kidding. It just didn't happen. But so fun. So many middle school, high school bands, all these different things. My dad, it's one of those things where I think I get my wit from my mom, but I think I get my confidence from my dad for sure. Okay, cool. Like my dad, every single politician in the entire thing,
Starting point is 01:00:08 every float basically that came by, my dad's talking to him. You know, like, oh, Chris, whatever, Chris Anderson for, you know, mayor next year, vote for him. My dad, he's walking by like, hey, Chris, how are you? Chris, Chris, you doing good? Chris, we love you. And I'm like, yeah. And there was one,
Starting point is 01:00:31 they had like three or four, uh, cars that went by for Casey TV five, like a local news station. And I definitely recognize the first woman, but I didn't remember her name. My dad was like, oh, Brad, what's her name again? I was like, it's Laura. And I had no idea. He's like, Hey Laura. Uh, so anyway, my dad was at the parade, yelling at people. Oh yeah. They were so, my dad's so fun i it's one of those things where i would probably be a little more vocal if my dad weren't so vocal but it's like you can't have to yeah you know let let dad let dad cook and then you know when my dad's no longer with us i'll be the one embarrassing everybody around us calling everyone laura yeah exactly so um great time at the parade um The kids, especially Bo, just could not get over how much candy they gave out. I mean, Hattie said they gave out more candy than I got at Halloween.
Starting point is 01:01:11 It has got to be confusing. You grow up thinking, I get candy on Halloween, and I got to dress up. And this is like, I just show up to the street, put my hands out. You hold out your hands, and sometimes they just throw it on the ground, and you just grab it. So Bo, anytime anybody came by, like was, that was even remotely close to us, just put out his two hands and just held them there. And so there was one school, the Olathe West owls, there was an owl mascot walking by and Bo was just doing this with
Starting point is 01:01:35 his hand. And the owl just took like his talons and just like looked at him a little bit and just gave him a high five right on the hands, uh, which was really fun. And Bo didn't have a bag for his candy, so he just had his Jayhawks hat just out, just holding it out for everybody. That's awesome. Just a blast. And maybe my favorite thing that could have been twice as much of my favorite thing is halfway through the parade, Greenleaf comes down the road. And Greenleaf, of course, is Sense and Sensibility,
Starting point is 01:02:04 Time and Imch, and the like. And I was like, no course, is sense and sensibility, time and imps and the like. And I was like, no way. Is timing going to be in this thing? And so my dad, of course, he hears rumbling. Hey, where's timing? Is timing there? Timing. Hey, timing.
Starting point is 01:02:16 And they're like, oh, no, timing's not here. But we do have one of the imps. We have Anna's here. Oh, we want timing. Oh, we don't care about Anna. Couldn't even suck it up on a broken leg. That is great. You don't have to have crutches for this instance.
Starting point is 01:02:30 No. That's cool. We got to see Anna on Saturday. Yeah, Anna and Graydon, Maisie, or Midgey. They were all there? Yeah. They were on a float just singing acapella. It was great.
Starting point is 01:02:41 No way. Or maybe it wasn't acapella. It was the Advanced Choral Ensemble Choir, but only like half or less was great. No way. Or maybe it wasn't acapella. It was the advanced choral ensemble choir, but only like half or less was able to show up. And so they were so pumped. They were like, Brad! And then there's some Quasaborskis walking in the front.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And it was so funny. One of the girls, I don't know her name. She's probably the 10-year-old one. She's like, wait, are you Brad Ellis? She was so excited. Are you Brad Ellis? And I was like, yeah. She's like, I'm a Quasaborski too. I was like, wait, are you Brad Ellis? Really? She was so excited. Are you Brad Ellis? And I was like, yeah. She's like, I'm a quasi Borski too. Fun. So anyway,
Starting point is 01:03:09 it was just so fun to see the green leaf crowd. Green leaf. People are fun. I was just texting Graydon. I think yesterday. Maybe. Yeah. He is fun.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Um, didn't know you paraded with him. Yeah. And then also this is not as exciting as green leaf, but, uh, there was like an, what was it? Uh,
Starting point is 01:03:26 what's it called? Sign language, ESL, ASL, ASL. There was an ASL group that went through and my, uh, my principal back in high school, the one that like taught everyone on the first day, like love you always with the ASL. He, his parents were both deaf. And so he's in this thing. I hadn't seen him since high school. I was like, principal Clark. Oh. And he looked at me and I did the, I love you always saying he did it to me. And I was like, I do that to my kids every, you know, I didn't say all that to him, but I was like, I wonder if he knows like how much of an impact he had on me, like by doing that, you know? So anyway, it was fun to see him. That's cool. I like the idea of, yeah, the ASL troop coming down. Your dad has been yelling people every day you
Starting point is 01:04:05 know the whole day and it's like the allure thing like brad what's what's sign language for what's up guys and you're just making stuff up but he's doing it to all of them yeah teach him how to do the gritty like so to say hello often in parades yeah it goes a lot like this and then you do this i don't know um Yeah, that was funny. They come by and everyone was just doing their hands out. Cool.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Which is cool. I would do a sign language phase. It's good language. There you go. So anyway, parade was awesome. Nothing like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:04:37 monumental. Except for Greenleaf was really funny because I didn't have any expectation to see them. Yeah. Saw some big boys in tubas, which was awesome.
Starting point is 01:04:45 There was one school that their SRO, school resource officer, played tuba with them. It was like a middle school, and then there was this one policeman in a tuba, and I was like, what's the story on that? That's so cool. I don't know why, but I was like, that's so cool. Asking what's the story, that is the right question to ask
Starting point is 01:05:01 there. What is the story on that? What happened here? Like, did he get hired because he, like, in his interview brought up, and I can play a little tuba. And by the way, if you need an extra tuba guy, I'm your man. I mean, that would stand out against all the other. Or is it just, hey, it was a fun surprise. We learned. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Or they're like, we really need a tuba. Or was he a dad? I assume he's the SRO. He was just in police officer uniform. Could be stolen valor. No, I'm just saying. Could be like, hey, my daughter, we really needed her, but she's sick.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I'll fill in on the tuba. Oh, yeah. Just a stand-in. So, a lot of middle school bands like to play Eye of the Tiger, or what was another one that was like? You heard multiple Eye of the Tigers? Multiple Eye of the Tigers. Oh, they got to coordinate that.
Starting point is 01:05:46 You would think, right? But I mean, it's like they've been in school for like two weeks and they have to learn a song and march to it in the parade. Do it in the summertime. Football does it. That's true. Yeah. I think high schools do it during the summertime.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Okay. Okay. That's fair. Middle school, middle school, middle school. Yeah. That's fair. Did anyone at the parade serve protein iced coffee? No, but if they did, the parade would have been
Starting point is 01:06:08 way better. Talk about Eye of the Tiger. Talk about Eye of the Chiger. You like that? Eye of the Chiger. We were sponsored by one of those chigers. You do the thing and I'll do the music in the background. You do the ad read. It's the music in the background. You do the ad read.
Starting point is 01:06:26 It's the trike protein powder. That's great. Or what were you thinking? I was just thinking you do the ad read and I'll do the cool riff from that song. Got it. We're talking about trike protein iced coffee. You get it now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. ice coffee. 20 grams of non-GMO protein. Two shots of real espresso and only one gram of sugar per serving.
Starting point is 01:06:57 It's full. So it's time to get some pumpkin spice from Chaik. Some pumpkin Chaik. However you say it. Get yourself some pumpkin spice from Chaik. Some pumpkin Chaik. However you say it. Get yourself some pumpkin spice. Protein iced coffee. Yeah, Chaik is
Starting point is 01:07:15 obviously amazing. We drink it all the time. It's good for first thing in the morning. If you want to start your day that way, I think that's great because it doesn't have sugar. It's a good replacement for your iced caramel way. I think that's great because it doesn't have sugar. It's not going to be, it's a good replacement for like your, you know, your iced caramel latte because you think you need it. That there's so much sugar in that thing.
Starting point is 01:07:32 This, Chike is going to be a much better, much healthier way to energize you to start your day. Dude, I have a hot take that I don't get energized by lattes. I get energized by like black coffee. I do not get energized by lattes because I think the milk slows me down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I think it gives me a little letharge. Yeah. But I'll tell you this right now. High protein coffee from Chike. Mixed with water. Coffee's favorite protein. Mixed with water. Yeah, it is good.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And it has, it fills you up. It's not a meal replacement completely, but I think it kind of is. Yeah. I mean, any kind of caffeine, I think in general is going to be somewhat of an appetite suppressant. So it could be like a breakfast replacement, if that's what you're looking for. Yeah. Or if you're looking to kind of fudge on your intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah. I think, you know, start your day with a shake, or even just like a nice little afternoon shake. Afternoon to shake. I'm going to use a word I don't use very often. Ooh, afternoon with trike. That's good. Afternoon with trike.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Afternoon with trike. Pew! Sky rockets in flight. Pew! Afternoon with trike. Ooh, afternoon with trike. That's good. I was just going to use the word delectable.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Delectable's good. Do you just going to use the word delectable. Delectable is good. Do you mind if I say? Go ahead. Pumpkin spice specifically. Only around for fall. Delectable, my friends. Delectable. My friends.
Starting point is 01:08:54 My friends. My soccer friends. Chike is spelled C-H-I-K-E dot com. Check it out. The code is Ghostrunners. It's a little bit different. Check it out. I know.
Starting point is 01:09:03 The name of our podcast. Who would have thought? Code is Ghostrunners. It's a little bit different. Check it out. I know. The name of our podcast. Who would have thought? Code is Ghostrunners for 25% off. What? 75% full price. I'll give you 75% of the full price. Alright, deal. Fine. At That's the website. Promo code Ghostrunners? Delectable? Yep. Alright.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Good afternoon with Chike. I wish I would have. Yep. You said something about soccer. Yeah, soccer friends. I didn't know if you were going to say that. I was about to. I was like, oh, Jake's past it.
Starting point is 01:09:34 So we all got together and played football Saturday morning. Football Americano. Football Americano. Estados Unidos. Para mis amigos. and it was a lot of fun i had a good oh yeah part doesn't make that it's four for my friends no no no you
Starting point is 01:09:52 call me amigo you played and your friends were in the audience so you're doing it for their entertainment they watched it was delectable para mi amigos yeah cone cone is what I need to say. Cone. Yeah, good turnout. It was fun. I will say there were a lot of people. I think we had 18 people show up. I feel like it was pretty clear like, hey, let's do some games of
Starting point is 01:10:17 maybe it's three teams of six winner stays or what if we did four on four and five on five. I got out voted and people were like, we should do nine on nine. That's fun because everyone, uh, you block, like you have five blockers, right? And so it makes sense that you would do nine on nine. You know, what's better than touching the ball, every other play, touching it, never trying to get open with nine people there.
Starting point is 01:10:42 You know, what's more fun than running a route every play having to block because no one else on your team will block the guys rushing with their guys rushing. There were guys rushing. So it's like, all right, well, obviously someone needs to block. I guess I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Cause you know, cause you're the biggest guy. Well, I'm the biggest. And also I'm the only one who played high school receiver out here. So I should probably block. Yeah. Cause your hands are no good.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Yeah. Um, so I let that, I didn't say anything. Yeah. Cause your hands are no good. Yeah. Um, so I let that, I didn't say anything. I was like, Hey, let's try it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:11:11 And no one scores. No one scores. No one scores. No one scores. No one scores. And bitch is like, all right, I'll say something.
Starting point is 01:11:16 This is not fun. We should, we should do something different. Right. And, uh, still got outvoted. Seriously.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Let's keep doing it. Okay. I want to know names, but I'll ask about the podcast. I was just like, all right, all right. right? And still got outvoted. Seriously. Let's keep doing it. Okay. I want to know names, but I'll ask about the podcast. I was just like, all right. I'll have a good attitude. Six on six would be awesome. Cutthroat football. Yeah. We do that with basketball sometimes. Because something's at stake. It's like, if I lose, I don't get to play
Starting point is 01:11:37 again. When you get nine guys and you just consistently play it, either you stop them or you're off. Yeah. And they keep playing on offense. It's so fun. Man. and six on six is a good number i think five receivers five receivers is great yeah you can run a zone potentially on defense if you wanted to oh man six i'm sorry great yeah just got outvoted so did the scoring eventually go up or no no one scored the entire time the there was a brief time where we did do uh 4v4 and 5 on 5 and it was so fun we scored and we were driving the ball and then after one game was like all
Starting point is 01:12:11 right should winners play winners and like no they want to go back to nine on nine wow so it's an interesting day i still had fun yeah i got to see a lot of friends uh and the reason soccer uh made me think of this is after we got done a bunch of high school kids from china mission east showed up and started playing soccer and they had an odd number so garrett gibson just hopped out there and just like practiced with them did he whoop him it was awesome um i think he could have yeah i think he was probably just like trying to be a team player garrett i miss garrett yeah if i knew garrett was going to be there i would have neglected my kids at the parade for oh, in a heartbeat. Oh my
Starting point is 01:12:45 gosh. Yeah, those rest of those guys. I see those guys. Yeah. Yeah. Dad's got him. I'll be honest fun that Garrett is like hopped in and it's funny like I don't know something about approaching high schoolers is like scary. They're approaching other peers or adults like hey, can I do you guys mind if I notice
Starting point is 01:13:02 you guys have an underwear? Can I play you guys? You're like kicking the grass like do you guys mind if like maybe I play like do you need an underwear. Can I play with you guys? You're like kicking the grass. Do you guys mind if maybe I play? Do you need me to play? I can play if you really need me to. I can play. Or I'll just be goalie. You start to back down your offer. Or I can just be goalie around.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Or I can just, if you guys don't have anybody that comes in the next 16 minutes or so, can I play? Maybe? Or today, this is kind of last minute. So what if I could just, maybe next time. I am pretty experienced. Yeah, I play a little bit.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I play a little bit. I played four years in college and all of high school. It seems like you guys got it. Sorry. Yeah, no, it's okay, though. I don't really want to. I don't want to. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Like just saying no for them. Like you guys, never mind. It seems like you guys probably don't want to. All right. Yeah, that was a bad. That seems like you guys probably don't want it. All right. Yeah. That was a bad, that was a dumb idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:48 That was fun. Good to see folks. Good to see folks. Yeah, absolutely. Good to see folks. Um, to go back to the,
Starting point is 01:13:54 um, the moving thing. Okay. When I helped, um, Steven Riz move in back to the moving thing. It's kind of fun to get to know someone by moving them in okay like i've never met this guy in my life uh-huh but i get an idea of who he is because i'm carrying all of his
Starting point is 01:14:11 belongings for him oh oh i see you're not talking to him necessarily getting to know him but it's like what we got in here it's like oh okay you're a you're a pressure cooker kind of guy okay twin size mattress oh you're married interesting um no he didn't have a twin mattress, but I think he had two lawnmowers. I was like, nice. What? Moved with both of them. It's one thing to acquire two. He's like, I'm not giving up this thing. One's front, one's back.
Starting point is 01:14:36 I don't know. His and hers. Lawnmowers. That's cute. What else did he have multiple of? He had a bike. I think he had some workout equipment. Like, okay, he's a fit guy. He'd play football nine on nine with this. We should get him out there.
Starting point is 01:14:51 That'd make 10 on nine. That'd be awesome. It was also too, there'd be, so he would stay in the truck and then kind of hand us things and tell us where to put it. When you said stay in the truck, I thought you meant like the driver's seat.
Starting point is 01:15:03 He would stay in the truck and just like talk to his wife. In the rearview mirror he's like no that doesn't go in the garage yeah no he would just stay in the truck and listen to talk radio dude i will say one of the more impressive things is like this was not even like a u-haul truck this is like basically a semi-sized moving truck and he rented it and he's just allowed to drive it. I can't believe they let you drive this. It was like a trailer. It was not a U-Haul. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Really? It might have all been one piece, but it was the length of something. It was bigger than any U-Haul they offer. Okay. It was almost the length of a semi, I would say. And so Peter and I were like, I can't believe you're allowed to just rent this and drive this.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Not only that, is in the middle of Prairie Village, like narrow streets, narrow everything, he had to then back it in with all of us watching. I can't imagine this on my own. I can't imagine this in Prairie Village with cars waiting and having to do it in front of guys you just met. And he knocked out of the park. What a man.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Steven Riz is going to be just fine in Kansas City. That is a lot of Riz there. But yeah, so he would stay in the back of the truck. He's handing us stuff, and he might be like, all right, this goes in the garage. This goes in the nursery. And then every now and then, I'd joke around with him. He'd hand me a lawnmower.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I'm like, living room? He'd be like, yeah, yeah, living room, whatever. But then there was one time he handed me a ladder, and he said nursery. And I was like, yeah. Maybe, though. Maybe though. Yeah, I know. I was like, maybe they can install some stuff in the nursery.
Starting point is 01:16:31 I like laughed in the moment. And as I'm walking away, I'm like, I don't know. I don't even know if I should have laughed. I don't know. Is that like what kids are learning how to climb at a younger age than I was? Maybe they're renovating a nursery. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:44 I don't know what. Yeah. Maybe it's for the crib. But yeah, there are a couple of those. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Can you just give me the garage things? I know the garage really well. Screwdriver
Starting point is 01:16:58 probably live next to silverware. Like I know, but just in case Peter needs to take it from me. Hey, Riz, um, Peter was asking, um, the paint cans.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yeah. Were you serious about those going in the bedroom or, uh, but it's a good time. It was good to meet someone via moving the men. It was cool. Oh. And like,
Starting point is 01:17:18 talk about somebody who appreciates you so much. Like anybody, anytime you help somebody move, like anytime I've had people help me move, I'm just like, thank you. You're the greatest lifesaver of all time. And I feel like there was added incentive or not incentive, but I think I just wanted to do this more because he was moving to Kansas city and you're like, Kansas city is the best. I want to welcome
Starting point is 01:17:35 him. And it was fun that we did have a career guys there. And to be honest, I didn't have anything going on other than NFL football. And it's like, I don't need to watch that. Right, man. That's fun. it's a good time the old riz the old riz meister that's great yeah have you meet him sometime a little pickleball little people yeah man um jake i have something i need to get off my chest it's not going to be easy to admit but i feel like i'm always real with y'all so I just needed to come to the light go on I'm officially no longer a supporter of the Kansas City Chiefs I cannot and I will not support a losing organization and must turn in my resignation as a Chiefs fan effective immediately I also want to take opportunity to
Starting point is 01:18:17 announce that I am officially 100% in as a Detroit Lions fan I have burned any and every piece of Chiefs memorabilia I own and I've swapped it for Honolulu Boo in silver. Detroit is a far superior... What's Honolulu Boo? Honolulu Boo in silver. Detroit is a far superior team, organization, and frankly a better city too. Patrick Mahomes is overrated and
Starting point is 01:18:37 Jared Goff is the most important person in my life. I have my wife and kids. I know this may cause some confusion or shock to many of you but frankly I just don't give a darn. Go Lions. That was completely from the heart. That's cool. Thank you for sharing that. I knew you'd been kind of tinkering around with that. Feels good to get off my chest. An unrelated news shout out to Ross Ferens for making a bet with me seven months ago when you heard the Chiefs were playing the Lions.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Wow. And I was like, sure, I'll take any bet you want me to. Yeah, I don't care if Travis Kelsey's not playing. Whoops. Who cares? We got Kadarius Toney. He's a rising star. I will say, that is one take I did have correct last week's episode.
Starting point is 01:19:17 I was like, everyone thinks the receivers are so good. I don't know if our receivers are that good. I went back and looked too. I had a text, Andrew Thurbrush and I had been texting about football a little bit. And I went back and I texted Thurbrush. I said, if for some, this is in July or something. I was like, if Travis
Starting point is 01:19:30 Kelsey ever gets injured, we are in trouble. And I was like, I knew it then. I knew it now. Oh, yeah. It's not a huge shock. Right. Man. But still fun. Go football. Football. Should we do a little review of the week? Let's do a little Hon do a little review of the week?
Starting point is 01:19:47 Let's do a little Honolulu rebu of the week. I'm going to go with the title of this one. Just the amount of work they put into it. They deserve it. It says, Detailed Review of This Awesome Podcast. Five stars. Yeah, this one, buckle up. Get your tissues ready for this one. I'm going to take a big breath and try to read this fast.
Starting point is 01:20:06 It is good. Brad, what's your review of the week? That was from Wing Wong 1. Wing Wong. Did you read R. Wolf's last week? R. Wolf. I don't think you did. R. Wolf.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I can't even find it. I can't even find it yet. R. Wolf, I don't know if we read your review yet, but I really liked it. I can't remember if you did or not. Rachel, she's a Kansas City gal. I like her a lot. Yeah, do it.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I don't think we've done it. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I'm back to it. I was like, I'm going to do somewhere else just in case. Old Ghostie, five stars. I'm an older ghostie and went back to school after my youngest graduated. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:20:43 I've listened to Jake and Brad since December 2020, where I started at episode one and they got me through clinicals. My husband, Chad started listening later. And now when we are in the car, especially on road trips, he says, put on the boys, put on the boys. I like that. That's awesome. Hey, honey, put on the boys.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Hey, honey, throw the boys on. Throw the boys on. I like throw the boys on. We've met Brad and his wife, Catherine, in person, and they are a delight. My name is Rachel Catherine, so that's super fun to hear the wise names on the episodes. We got to see Jake perform with Trey Kennedy. Thank you for clarifying the last name on that. And felt almost the pride of a parent to see how far he has come in his stand-up career.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Thank you. If you are a Gen X-er and your nest is emptying, this is a great way to fill the void. Jake and Brad are smart, comedic, and love the Lord and are a huge encouragement to their listeners of all generations. And Tymon is a great addition to the team for as long as they can hold on to him. Nack Baxter, let's make another video.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Ah, cool. Rachel Catherine. Rachel Catherine. That's fun. Yes, very fun. Tymon, sorry, we haven't included you too much in the episode what's going on no problem alright let's end it oh oh he is gonna say something
Starting point is 01:21:48 sorry I was I actually did like this week I did so much I wrote a couple things down oh just in case just in case and one of the things was
Starting point is 01:21:56 I'm borrowing a camera from a friend to like shoot something for them what kind of camera I'm sure Brad kind of wants to know probably
Starting point is 01:22:02 black magic pocket 4k whoa those are nice. Yeah. Those are. I know Blackmagic is nice. And how do you remember that they're nice, your mnemonic device? I say BMs. BMs don't get flushed anymore unless you're flushed with cash. Blackmagic BM.
Starting point is 01:22:18 See? It's easy. Yeah. But anyway, I was like, there's like an SSD. It doesn't record to an SD card. It records to an SSD. No way. Very fancy. No way. I was like, I, there's like an SS, it like doesn't record an SD card. It records an SSD. No way. Very fancy. No way. I was like, what dude?
Starting point is 01:22:28 That's crazy. I know SSD solid state drive. No, no way. Oh, no. Um, but I was like putting it on my computer.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I was like seeing what, like, it's like, like clear off the footage. And it was just like casually had footage of Patrick Mahomes. Well, like an interview, like, or a thing that he shot. Well, was it Patrick Mahomes
Starting point is 01:22:47 or was it the backup quarterback for the Chiefs that you put on as the graphic one time? Oh, yeah. No, it was... Yeah, he just like... I mean, he's a priest. The guy's Chris Commons. The real dude is like a DP cinematographer,
Starting point is 01:23:00 which is something he shot with Patrick Mahomes. Wow. Dad gum, Tymon. All yeah all right yeah we really are gonna lose time and soon enough get in touch with little Chris Cummins that's cool dude that's wild timing's like I can talk to these guys about sports now I know Patrick Mahomes I saw Patrick Mahomes on SSD the lighting was so cool looks so cool then he I'm at that this is great see why these guys like him oh man did you delete the footage?
Starting point is 01:23:30 yeah wouldn't you be interested to watch him just interact because I'm sure it was raw footage for 30 minutes or something it was a quick thing probably some social media thing I think it was I downloaded something of it.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Let's see. Brad, why don't you give us a taste of what it is? Let's say the campaign is, um, it's, it's Brittany Mahomes is the Casey current. The stadium's almost here. We're really excited for the new season. Chiefs. Hey, chiefs kingdom. We're excited.
Starting point is 01:24:04 We're excited for this season. But you know what we're even more excited about? Britt. That's pretty good. That's a pretty good Mahomes impersonation. I don't know. I didn't love it. It wasn't my favorite.
Starting point is 01:24:20 That's funny. Well, yeah, time it. If you find it. I found it. Here, let's see. It's like... They say winning a Super Bowl is pretty much the best feeling a football player can have. And to win it a second time, just as sweet. We've definitely done some celebrating over the last few months, but now it's time to lock in.
Starting point is 01:24:41 That's why we love nights like tonight. Kicking off the season right here in Kansas City with Cheese Kingdom. It all starts tonight. Time to go to work. Wait, that was like. Put on the boys. I feel like I saw that somewhere. Like that got used somewhere like in broadcast.
Starting point is 01:24:56 I'm pretty sure. Like I think they showed that before Thursday Night Football or something. Cool. I'm having the brains getting tickled again. Yeah. The song. How's the song? The popo. Same thing's getting tickled again. The song. How's the song? The same thing's happening again.
Starting point is 01:25:10 I heard him say that within the past week. I know I did. Really? Yeah. Where did I see that? I'll find it. That sounds like, I mean, you see it so many different places on social media. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:19 I heard him say, let's go to work before. Let's go to work. Like really generic phrases. I'm here. Let's go. Let's go. We're not's go we're not done we're not done that was so like that was one of my favorite parts of quarterback is they're like he's like joking like man i was so excited you know make that play we're touched out we're gonna win and
Starting point is 01:25:36 and then he like got really serious and went down to his offensive line we're like we're not done we're not done he was like so relaxed but then was like, I need to be the leader here and pretend like this is still a high intensity game. Chris Commons, huh? That's cool, Tim. It says, I found his LinkedIn. He's a filmmaker currently based in Los Angeles. No. Try Christopher Commons.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I think he is more known by it. Dot commons. Dot commons. I don't think it's his only stuff with homes. Cool. He's a Kansas City guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Sweet. Hit him up. I don't know what about, but just, hey, Chris, you're awesome. That's so cool. That's so cool, dude. All right, Brad, your jingle, you've already sang it. The love isn't open. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Amazing. Thanks. For isn't open. Yeah. Amazing. For the Christmas album. Anything else to wrap this episode up? We still have a few Gulf Shores tickets available. Yes. There's limited spots, but come vacation with us. It's going to be awesome. We would appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Join the party. Yeah. We would appreciate it. Join the party. Yeah. We'll see you guys on Wednesday. Tymon, take it away. Tymon, send us off. Good noise. Good noise. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Pretty accurate. Ghostrunubs Podcast Ghost Rubs Podcast Ghost Rubs Podcast Ghost Rubs Podcast

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