Ghostrunners - 3 - Caterpillars are Insane

Episode Date: May 27, 2019

In this week's episode, Brad shares what he claims to be the best Disney movie of all time, Jake talks about his not so free cruise that he won, and they end the podcast strong with some fun homework ...for everyone this week. Follow us on Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 check check quick test one two on my microphone hello daddy welcome back everybody to two guys sitting brad's phone just went off so unprofessional my bad it's been a while since we've uh been at it we recorded our first two pods before we ever went live with him and now we kind of waited a while and so we've uh everybody's considerations, everybody's constructive criticisms. And we'd like to introduce a new segment called It's Not Technically Racist. This is a fun one. No, I'm just kidding. That could be a funny bit, though.
Starting point is 00:00:36 What your doctor isn't telling you. Yeah. No. That could be a funny sketch of just really bad ideas for something. I don't know. You hire this marketing agency to pitch you of like, I don't know, you hire like this marketing agency and like, I don't know, to pitch you like a commercial. I don't know. And just like really terrible ideas.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Like how much is too much for cocaine? All right. Or no, the sketch could be like, I don't know, like unpublished TED Talks or something like that. There you go. There you go. Yeah, it's not technically racist. That's a good SNL skit, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:04 That could be a good sketch. I've been watching watching a little bit snl lately and it is going downhill so bad like it's not funny at all i think the world is changing too we're like i don't know just like we're getting so used to what youtube looks like and yeah they're just so limited and like their sets i feel like compared to like what the rest of the world is doing, what Hollywood is doing, what YouTube is doing. And SNL is getting a little luck behind in that sense, I feel like. Maybe. They're limited by doing it live and by having a very limited set in the studio in New York.
Starting point is 00:01:37 They also make these videos. Remember where Lonely Island used to do that? Okay, yeah, sure. Threw it on the ground. Those are great. Yeah, those are funny. they make those still every week and those aren't good either really i just i don't know maybe my standard is higher now because youtube because you have a podcast yeah no because youtube is like you can find so many really good things on youtube like you can look up a guy singing a john legend cover and find a really good version of
Starting point is 00:02:03 someone talented doing something right doing anything right like you can find amazing skateboard tricks out there and so i don't know not that i want snl to do either of those things but speaking of amazing skateboard tricks maybe i already told you this but i had this idea for like a series that i wanted to do of like becoming the ultimate like party goer or whatever where I just learned one trick and like all these different genres of things so like I learned how to play one song on the piano so now like you know when I go to a party it's like oh is there a piano here like let me let me play a little something they asked me to play a second one I'm like no no no no yeah
Starting point is 00:02:38 very humble like no I'm sorry I shouldn't have even played that one yeah I didn't want to I didn't want to overtake anything here it And so, yeah, my idea was like, yeah, I want to learn one song on the piano. I want to learn one skateboard trick. So when there's like a skateboard laying around, like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:49 let me see this thing. Let's see, you know, let's see what I can do. Oh, quick, quick kick. You do a quick one.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Like, yeah, the, the board here is, it's a solid board, you know, greased up a little bit, but overall nice.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. Doing a Benny Hanna real quick on it or something. I don't know if that's a real trick, but it was on Tony Hawk. Oh, I can imagine it being sick though yeah benihana also sounds like a cool like taco yeah benihana with extra queso that sounds so good to me right now something called the benihana yeah give me the benihana um no coleslaw on the side yeah anyway all i could ever think of was just to learn a song on the piano and a skateboard trick. And I was like, I don't know if I can make this an eight part series if I can't even think of what the other six parts would be.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Oh, you could do some kind of like, yeah, like something with a wine bottle or something where you. Oh, like actual. Yeah. Like some trick like that. I don't know. OK, there's three. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:03:41 We'll keep thinking on it. Yeah. We'll come back to you. We're videoing this episode of the podcast we're gonna spend i'm gonna leave my camera on for a full 60 minutes just so i can use 15 seconds of it on my instagram story yeah i had to change my clothes true story i was working out in the garage jake brought this camera in and i said i can't i can't be seen like this not for 15 seconds no well for the record i didn't know it was 15 seconds at the
Starting point is 00:04:05 time but even then no who knows i guess i could i don't really use my youtube channel anymore i could throw up the full version of this on youtube although i don't know what kind of people are watching podcast you got a lot of free time on your hands to not be doing something else while you're listening to a podcast i think i know i'm always driving when i listen to them i know people who work or they walk or they run i mean enough people must be watching because like espn a lot of times has their talk radio on on espn yes yeah that is a good point didn't think about that anyway so what's been new with you you went to new york yeah oh wow yes we i googled xyz and i found some companies none of which were even close to what you described well it's very underground you'll
Starting point is 00:04:52 it must have been and i well i asked a lot of people and did you um not not true new yorkers no it was good though actually a lot of people this is funny i was like do i just look i was kind of feeling a little confident because i was like like, so many people, I bet my first four hours in New York city, no joke, 12 people asked me for like help with directions. And I was like, I must look like a New Yorker. You know, I was like, I just have that vibe, uh, you know, and for every single person, like, Hey, I'm sorry, I'm not around here. You know, I didn't help a single person cause I couldn't, but I was just amazed at like the frequency I was getting asked for directions. And so I told her my friends lives there. I was like, I think I'm, i'm i really like this city you know everyone's asking
Starting point is 00:05:26 and uh she was like did you have headphones in i was like no she's like that's why she's like you're probably the only person without headphones in and they're approachable yeah yeah i could talk to this person so that degraded me yeah what a damper if i were your friend i would have been like yeah man go for it yeah start using an accent too that. That's going to go well. Definitely throw in an accent. You should just start giving them all completely random directions. Yeah, so you see that sign right there? You're going to turn left, and you'll see it. You'll see it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You'll run into it right after the cat playing the cymbals. If you see Johnny, do not tell him I sent you there. Johnny is not my friend. I don't care what he says. Just keep him on edge a little bit. Give him information they don't necessarily need. Yeah. Now you're going to see a pizza place on your right right before you get there.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Do not get the pepperoni there. That's all I'm going to say. Do you like spicy food? Do you like food that's going to make you sick? I don't know. But yeah, New York was good. It rained pretty much the whole time i was there which new york is a city where you walk a lot and you're outdoors to move around a lot so that was
Starting point is 00:06:33 kind of a bummer um no good one story from new york unfortunately no one asked me if i wanted a straw in the drive-thru that would have been great to have that back to back but did you go in a drive-thru in here no i think that's one thing why like they would keep me from moving new york city not having my car not getting to drive around i love talking about this yeah i am so okay not having a car yeah we're opposites on this yeah which i will say like getting to like ride a subway to work and getting 30 minutes where you don't have to be focused driving would be awesome to be productive in that time 100 it hundred percent it would be. But also there's a chance that like a homeless man's urine is like, you know, washing up on your feet while you're getting that work done. Yeah. Have
Starting point is 00:07:12 you ever experienced anything like that though? I feel like that's like a stereotype that you hear about on TV shows. To be specific. No, homeless man's urine has not washed up on my leg. But even like homeless men in, I mean, i guess i saw some creepy things i was out in the subway yeah yeah and just people just wanting things from you constantly even within the subway i mean like i probably took 12 different trains and probably four of them there was someone like hustling trying to get something hey everyone i'm a local whatever would love for you to check me out and this one guy just i think you've been seeing a lot of like videos go viral on instagram people dancing so he's like well i'll give it a shot
Starting point is 00:07:47 yeah i think about his first day giving it a shot um i bet even like somebody mediocre though could make some good money in new york i think yeah a little bit just like relying on like the kindness of people just like hey he's giving it a shot i'll give him some money i played guitar in high school on the plaza in kansas city and made good money like really i mean like good especially for a high school i think felt like my friend and i made i think over a hundred dollars total really but but yeah like 50 bucks each we played for like an hour and a half and we were like i'm not acting like i'm like an amazing musician and we and back then i was even worse than i am now didn't but people are kind and if
Starting point is 00:08:26 they see you trying something and if you show a little bit of talent yeah it was pretty fun and we got kicked off by the police ah i once tried to make money on the street in las vegas me and a few friends we had a sign it said one dollar for white boy dance moves so you pay us one dollar and we would show you like a white person dance move uh and it was really fun for like five minutes and then we got in trouble too with the police because yeah i think to like actually charge what they told us is like legally like since we were asking a set price then we're like a salesperson like we need a permit or whatever you could just be a street performer and rely on tips all you want but because we were offering you know the suggested
Starting point is 00:09:05 price of one dollar we needed a license schmunch smaller for white boy dance moves that way oh sure yeah yeah it's like suggestive it's a little subliminal right we're not saying it has to be yeah um speaking of relying on the kindness of others i saw something on the internet this week that is like so disgusting well no like like morally disgusting have you ever heard of the term uh okay yeah we've heard of backpackers these are called bag packers apparently it's really popular in like southeastern asia and like thailand and these places where like americans are not necessarily just americans i don't know europeans people who travel to places like that as vacationers will go and for their like experience they do it without money even though they have the money to
Starting point is 00:09:52 go there they want the experience of like living off the street and backpacking around and so they they beg for money on the streets even though they like are wealthy enough to fly to thailand and spend a month there because they want the experience yeah isn't that disgusting i couldn't believe that was real this whole like article is just like about like the nasty you know world of bag packers which is what they're being called which is a dope name for them that's a pretty like cool i don't think they're calling themselves that but the moral yeah unless unless those people come back to america or wherever they're from and then donate x amount of
Starting point is 00:10:25 dollars to something like if there's a little bit of a redeeming aspect because if it's just like I mean essentially your pretend essentially you're potentially taking away money from somebody who actually needs it in that country absolutely just so you can eat that day or just so you can like oh man I've actually been in a situation my very last day coming home from studying abroad in spain where i had to like beg people for things oh really more or less because i got the old guitar i know right i didn't have any money like i used all my spanish money and i didn't have any american dollars i don't know exactly how that works. Surely I had something. And then
Starting point is 00:11:06 my credit cards had all expired or not expired, but they had, like, I had told them like, Hey, I'm going to be in Spain until this date. And I ended up staying like five days later. And so my credit cards had all expired and I missed my train that morning. I was supposed to go from my host city train to Madrid, Madrid home to New York. And in the process I missed, I overslept my train. I missed it. And you can't just like,
Starting point is 00:11:34 once you miss your train, kind of like a plane, you can't just rebook it. And so I was like, I don't have any money. I can't even get, I didn't have a phone to do anything. So I was like begging people to like borrow their phone. get, I didn't have a phone to do anything. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:11:45 begging people to like borrow their phone. It was like, it was a very humbling experience. So on one hand, I think that's, that could be a really cool social experiment to do this bag packers thing. But at the same time, the money though, exactly. Like if you have the money, it should be like almost like a, uh, guided thing where you go through an organization and you pay them whatever x amount of dollars yeah to charity or something i don't know i could see it being like an amazing race challenge or something like yeah you try to rely on the kindness of others to get to this checkpoint and then if you do it okay then cbs will go back and like refund those people their money or whatever another thing this article was saying was like that these people kind of pry on like
Starting point is 00:12:24 the religions that are popular over there too and so they'll like they'll sit outside they'll like beg right outside of these like mosques and these like buddhist temples yeah in these religions where person yeah yeah where you know a lot of value is placed on you know tangibly helping others and they just they pry on them and pray on them i think is what i mean to say they're not pride they're not using like a crowbar to do anything to them they're praying they're prying their wallets out of there whoopsie dizzy um yes that was kind of wild i was like geez white people we suck the article only featured white people but i'm conscious that there are other races in america i want to say that no it's i'm just kidding all the articles showed was just yeah all right well i have a question this is
Starting point is 00:13:13 completely off topic that's okay so we went to um texas this past weekend because catherine's birthday or we were celebrating catherine's birthday with her family she's from texas and we were driving down there and hattie right now is really into her princess these princess toys that she has she has four of them jasmine cinderella bell and ariel okay okay and she has she loves all the like all like the iconic songs for each of those Disney princesses. Like A Whole New World, Beauty and the Beast, whatever. Love it. But she only would want to listen to those four songs. Like over and over again, she would say,
Starting point is 00:13:53 I want to listen to Cinderella. And it's like a seven and a half, eight hour car ride down there. I was like, okay, we're going to try to expand your horizons here. Yeah. As you should. Right. And I'm like, if she likes this, she's going to you know other disney stuff she's gonna like moana sure you know stuff she's gonna like we listen to some frozen we listen to some yeah yeah lilo and stitch you know old school cool but i i think i played like
Starting point is 00:14:19 two or three songs in a row from the lion king and katherine's like lion king like you really you love the lion king i was like of course i do yeah i said it's by far the best disney movie of all time and she looked at me like what like by and i was like oh there's no question what do you think lion king is great it is no it's the best. It is awesome. Let me say there's a lot of iconic Disney movies, but there's only one that's the most iconic. And in my opinion, undisputed. The original comment I actually said was,
Starting point is 00:14:56 it's one of the top five best movies of all time. Oh, wow. And she said, really? I said, well, yeah, it's definitely the best Disney movie of all time. And she looked at me like I was like crazy. And I think she just thought about it more. And I think that maybe she's more on my side now. She's coming around.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I mean, it's amazing. It's a good movie. I remember watching it a lot of the time when I was younger. It's a great story. Yeah. Right. This you think Mufasa is going to be this protagonist. He goes down because of this villain.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But then he gets redeemed by the sun. You know, it's like, it's got all the classic plots, plot lines of a story. Plus, you know, your random characters. Rafiki's great. The music's great. I mean, so yeah, it is a good movie. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:38 It's the best. Like, I don't know if I know what my favorite Disney movie is. And that's the thing is that it is my favorite, but I think it's also just the best. Unobjectively. Subjectively. Subjectively, yes. I just think it's the best.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Catherine was like, what about Peter Pan? What about Aladdin? I'm like, great movies. No doubt. Disney has lots of great movies. But there's only one that's the best. What is it that you think Lion King has that the others don't have because i feel like i've i think it is i think it is so it like is so so emotional like especially that first that first scene circle of life is like
Starting point is 00:16:17 yeah it's so iconic and like so legendary and then when mufasa dies that was like that's big that's that's heavy like as a little kid like when you're six that could be your first interaction with death right right and and you're not used to watching a movie like that and seeing somebody die like maybe they're in danger but they always get out of it that's true mufasa died you know yeah when you're five you've only ever seen the main character like aladdin oh the thieves are after aladdin but he always got oh he's fine he's got a freaking magic carpet right he'll be just fine he'll be fine mufasa does not and so when he gets shoved off of a cliff guess what there's no carpet to save him and just building up that main
Starting point is 00:16:53 character of simba i just it's amazing and the music is great i think the casting is great there's there's some good humor along with this you know more intense story and then obviously overcoming the bad guy at the end is great freaking scar also i think lion king opened my eyes to a lot of animals that i did not know yet existed hyenas i had no idea hyenas existed when i saw lion king yeah those things are scary have you ever seen a dingo um in real life no they because they say they're like super dangerous really i saw one in australian zoo a couple months ago it looks exactly like a dog but everything i read is just like these things will rip your face off really and i'm just so curious like i almost don't believe it i'm like they look so much like a normal dog but i don't want to see it rip someone's face off
Starting point is 00:17:42 but i'd like to see a little aggression out of him i saw this thing just laying down wagging its tail in the grass inside of this huge cage like that's a house dog yeah yeah i'm like this is a border calling i don't think this is a dingo give me that thing against a golden doodle and let's go yeah seriously they have this thing i was at a uh if you don't shed what other kind of powers do you have as far as golden doodles go you know like i'd like to see you want to fight like they don't you don't know what they're capable of yeah no i was at a family birthday party the other day and we there's a tv on and we have a little i think he's 10 years old eight years old maybe i don't know he's who is my he's my cousin's okay son his name's eden and eden was watching this thing called animal fight night on i don't know
Starting point is 00:18:26 animal planet natural geographic i don't know what it was but it was like 15 minutes at a time of like well who's gonna win between an alligator and a giraffe and like all these different awesome i used to play this game in high school with my friends yeah like it was it was nuts was that an actual fight you saw alligator versus giraffe i think so i i honestly don't remember there were i was i was kind of watching the background but um anyway we could watch we could do one with the dingo and uh we could make it happen ourselves you think like let's arrange this no we could we could we could let her to the editor okay yeah hey i would love to see this make it happen i don't know if you know me we're part of the ghost runners podcast we just came out with our third episode no one has given us uh anything under five stars so far
Starting point is 00:19:09 uh no we have actually what yeah we got a we got a four star review you're kidding we got a three star review what last time i checked oh my gosh i wish you wouldn't have told me that now i'm so self-conscious uh unbelievable please please rate us five stars if you haven't have told me that. Now I'm so self-conscious. Unbelievable. Please rate us five stars if you haven't already. We would love that. Back on the animal thing. No joke. I saw a fox.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I'm over here. Very close to my car. First of all, I don't think I've ever seen a fox in the daytime. Yeah, that's not a good sign. Did he look? What do you mean not a good sign? I feel like that means that fox is mangy or rabbit or something. Look, I'm not trying to comment on the mange level of the fox. I'm'm just saying it was cool he was like a few feet away from my car at this intersection
Starting point is 00:19:49 and thought it was a dog at first i was like oh no that dog's gonna get run over and i was like wait that's a bushy tail long slender nose tiny little ears those are fox features um you looked it up on your phone tiny little ears that's a fox that is a red fox wow um exciting it was exciting yeah it was probably the coolest thing that's happened today so far oh i'm just we're just gonna talk about animals uh over and over uh have you watched i don't know what episode is episode four or five of our planet no i haven't gotten that far yet i've been watching it with hattie and she is not wanting to watch it. She just wants to hear a whole new world. She wants to watch Bambi.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Yeah. Um, all right. Let me tell you one scene that I saw and I, I should go back and rewatch it because it was so much fascinating information at once that I couldn't even retain it all. Is it the walrus? It is not the walrus.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Okay. I hear don't watch the walrus thing. I've heard about that too. Okay. Yeah. I've heard it's bad. Okay. Um, no no this is about
Starting point is 00:20:45 a caterpillar so i don't know what episode this would be maybe jungles or something like that and so it starts off david attenborough's talking about how the caterpillar is safe as long as it stays up in the trees and on the leaves did have a weird uh way he said caterpillar i'm sure he found a different way to pronounce it like like when it was orangutan he was like the orangutan and i was like what's that come on you're just trying to show off the caterpillar you have a uh he's uh he's been knighted he's sir david attenborough now he thinks he can just pronounce words differently i think that's how it works caterpillar um the caterpillar he said it's safe up in the trees and on the leaves he's like but why would it be going down on the ground?
Starting point is 00:21:26 So then you're also wondering the same thing. Like, yeah, instincts, what's it doing? This gigantic ant. I mean, it's quite the zoom lens, so it looked like a huge ant. But an ant bigger than the caterpillar comes and takes it away almost immediately after it being on the ground. So you're watching this like a movie. It's like, what is going on here? You know, the protagonist, he's up to something. He's, you know, this is like.
Starting point is 00:21:44 He tricked him yeah what is the movie with um jamie fox uh where he throws himself into prison so that he and then he has that uh oh what's it called people listening are gonna know what it's called law-abiding citizen law-abiding citizen thank you you nailed it for me um ray actually i would say it's more closely to the plot of Prison Break or Toy Story 3 to purposely throw yourself in prison. Anyway, Caterpillar gets captured and gets taken back to the ant hive. Ant colony. Nailed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 First of all, don't know how they're getting these shots inside of an ant colony. Like, what kind of cameras are we putting there? How long have they been there waiting for this colony to, like, develop? I don't know. A lot of questions. And then it says once they're down there, they start releasing these, these like pheromones that are the same as an ant infant so then the ants don't know any better they think this is they think this so okay the shot in the colony mad caterpillars there's so many of them that have been captured in here i mean there's like just as many caterpillars as
Starting point is 00:22:41 there are ants in this ant colony and they're releasing the scent that smells like the ants babies so then all the food is getting uh fed to these caterpillars from the ants because they think it's their child what and then they took it next level and then it was like in some of the caterpillars are able to mimic the sounds of the queen bee like if they stay there long enough or no the queen ant sorry i'm getting my animals mixed up they they can learn the sounds that the queen ant is making so then they mimic those sounds and then it gets fed even more because they want to protect the queen ant more than anything and then eventually they just get out and they're like fully fed and they turn into a beautiful butterfly genius it was awesome how do they how do they how do they know how do we get to this point my lady's now finding out about it like i that just makes me feel so stupid because i don't
Starting point is 00:23:32 even know how to figure any of that out and i can't release a scent to save my life at all well i beg to differ on that yeah beefy four. Hello. Anyway, I thought that was so cool. That is nuts. Wow. I watched it like two weeks ago, too, so my information might be a little off there, but the main details are there. Man. Anyway, we can stop talking about animals now. Thank you for joining
Starting point is 00:23:57 us on the Ghostrunners Animal Planet episode. Animal Planet. So, Jacob triplet. This episode, one time we did, you know, when we did those limo episodes kyle would always do like fake sponsorships or whatever one time we were i forgot we were like in zion national park or something he's like uh we'd like to thank our sponsor for this episode house cats uh if they could if they were big enough to kill you they absolutely would house cats i still remember that i thought that was so funny because it's true it's like these things i think these things are evil
Starting point is 00:24:28 like they are the same as a cheetah they're the exact same as a as a huge tiger they are just smaller and a bit domesticated but they they have a will towards me they i don't mind cats but i mean they're no dogs i i would sell for,000. Have we talked about how, I'm sure we have because you're one of my best friends, but like ever since we've been married, maybe even before we got married, I've told Catherine, like, I promise I will never get a cat. Really? I'll never get a cat. And she's like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Like, no, like I grew up with cats. I love cats. We should get a cat. And I, like so many things I have just been able to like open up my mind about and like maybe give her a chance and say like vaccinations yes yeah like whatever like you you want to you want to do this we'll talk about this with our children we'll talk about this kind of schooling we'll talk about whatever it is but anytime a cat gets brought up i just shut it down you're not every time yeah and she it's like a it's like a point of tension.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like she sometimes gets kind of frustrated with me. Like, no, we, we have to get a cat sometime. Hattie would love it. And Hattie does love cats. I have an unknown number calling me right now. Should I just answer it live on the podcast? Absolutely. Oh, it just went away.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Dang it. I'm sorry. I interrupted you for no reason now. That's okay. I'm just not ever going to get a cat. Good. Yeah. No matter what. I interrupted you for no reason now. That's okay. I'm just not ever going to get a cat. Good. Yeah. No matter what.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I think cats are fine. We used to have some show up every now and then out on the farm. Had an Oreo, Bigfoot. It had six toes on one foot. Yeah. Those Stratford cats. Those Missouri farm cats, man. They're doing crazy things out there in that field.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Get six toes. I don't know what you had to do. Oh, boy. What kind of pond water you were drinking. What kind of pheromones are they putting out? Whose ant colony have you been in? I, yeah, so we never, like, went out and got our own cats, but, like, they'd show up and we'd keep them for a while.
Starting point is 00:26:19 But they never lived inside, did they? Oh, I just thought, no. Well, now I can't remember. It's been so long. Yeah, I mean, they were indoors around. If I'm out in the country like you are, great. We'll have a quote-unquote cat, thought, no. Well, now I can't remember. It's been so long. Yeah, I mean, they were indoors. If I'm out in the country like you are, great. We'll have a quote unquote cat, but like. It'll keep the moles away? Keep the chipmunks away?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, I'm great with that. Like as long as it stays outside. Cats are pointless. They're boring. Did you know that, I think, I don't know who did the study. I'm not going to just say ecologists for the sake of it. I have no idea who did the study. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But, and this may have been more like a case study like they saw this happen i don't think they were going out and killing people but they they noticed that uh the observed to use a science word that when a dog owner dies passes away like in their own home or whatever the dog will starve itself before eating the owner Like it will literally die before it eats its owner because that's its loyalty to it. And I forget the actual time, but the cat was like eight hours or something like that. Maybe not that quick, but it was something like, oh my gosh, like there is no sense of loyalty within these cats. That seals the deal.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And that's the thing. I can't wait to tell Catherine that. Yeah. It's like, okay. I really don't. My story is going to be three hours, by the way. I'm going to exaggerate that. the thing. I can't wait to tell Catherine that. Yeah, it's like, okay. My story is going to be three hours, by the way. I'm going to exaggerate that. Three hours.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Get this, 30 minutes. It had just been fed to it. It wasn't even hungry. It hadn't even finished the end of the Lord of the Rings credits, and it's already eaten his face. It had food in its bowl, and it neglected that and ate the lips off of its owner. Gosh, cats, man.
Starting point is 00:27:43 So, yeah, I actually don't hate cats as much as probably the internet culture does everything but that does the internet culture hate cats i think so i think it's pretty common just like yeah that must be the worst dog is still better than any cat and stuff like that i don't know yeah but that that little yes study is enough to be like oh boy like no matter how much it seems like this cat might love you it'll freaking eat you the second you're golly and a dog won't which is so cool that's wild um okay speaking of cats we're back on the animals thing i was back in i was in springfield missouri last weekend speaking at elementary school yes a lot of fun uh two two observations that i made that i was by myself and which is such a bummer because i will never see two these two things
Starting point is 00:28:25 happen again and it only happens in Springfield Missouri one about a cat I saw this random just outdoor cat that didn't belong to anyone in my grandparents yard scurry up a tree like run up a tree real fast which was already awesome like whoa I just saw a cat run up a tree what's it doing yeah um then I'm like looking up at the branches I can't really see just a few seconds later. It, I think it tried to run down the tree, but that's not really how gravity works. So it falls down the tree really hard. Like falls pretty much like, you know, I think it had its feet kind of connected to the tree, but fell from like four or five feet lands pops up and it's got a chipmunk in its mouth. What?
Starting point is 00:29:00 It was awesome. And then it kind of, it sees that I'm looking at him. I look back at him and we're just kind of looking at each other and he scurried off. And I don't know what he did with the chipmunk, but it was awesome and then it kind of it sees that i'm looking at him i look back at him and we're just kind of looking at each other and he scurried off and i don't know what he did with the chipmunk but it was awesome you're kidding so that's like yeah low level our planet right there yeah exactly wow it's like when the birds dive down in the water yeah there's a cat scurrying up the tree to get a chipmunk and it got him that's awesome chipmunks are fast too right i used to chase squirrels a lot in
Starting point is 00:29:25 college those are fast too no rabbits it was rabbits never mind different different genome the squirrels at k-state like did not were not phased by people don't you have like different squirrels there's some like white squirrels or something there's some black squirrels squirrel that's not they're not k-state but there's like they're like up northern kansas nebraska area but they're yeah they like don't like sometimes they'll like come at you like oh really they like they are not phased by you at all to the point where maybe they're like almost like you're you're more intimidated of them than they are of you i remember seeing a tweet one time and it was like the most terrifying thought is a squirrel that's not afraid of me seriously i don't know this thing's scurrying on my leg like
Starting point is 00:30:04 what could it do to me like on a christmas vacation when that squirrel like oh sure yeah it's like on his back yeah um in bolivar in college we every like august to start off the year we had a big event called the black squirrel affair because bolivar is known for having like dark black squirrels i never saw any yeah baseball is finally back get in on major league action and swing for the fences with bet mgm the king of sportsbooks log in or sign up to play along as bet mgm brings the real-time action embrace a season's worth of swings with bet mgm your one-stop shop for all things baseball bet for t's and c's 19 plus to wager ontario only gambling problem call connex ontario
Starting point is 00:30:43 at 1-866-531-2600. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Oh boy. I should have read the best before date on this milk. Since I'm with Fizz, my unused data transfers to the next month automatically. I forgot things could expire. For monthly data that transfers to the next month, switch to Fizz. Certain conditions apply.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Details at Anyway, so that was one thing I saw that I'll probably never see again. Cat, go up the tree, come down with a chipmunk in his mouth. Second thing, you're going to have to imagine this a little bit with me. So I just got done speaking at the school. I'm driving to go get lunch down a, I don't know, a neighborhood street street and i'm following a trash truck so we're going pretty slow and up ahead i mean probably five or six houses up on my left uh i see a man old man start to come out of his house um with a bag of trash uh like behind him and so i'm kind of thinking like oh man he's cutting it close like Like the trash truck is here. Like this is going to be a fun thing to see if he gets there in time. And once again, it left me with more questions than answers, but the trash truck almost doesn't even come to a stop.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It slows down for sure. Yeah. But I don't even know if it came to a stop, and this man starts, Oh, lassoing. Yeah, he starts slinging this trash and just throws it right into the side of the truck and just walks back in, and the trash truck just keeps going. Like it, it was just like,
Starting point is 00:32:09 uh, understanding like common knowledge. That's what I'm saying. I'm like, do they have some sort of agreement? And like, Hey, 10 39 AM every Friday or whatever,
Starting point is 00:32:17 you know, I'm going to be there. Like he timed it so perfect and just slung that thing into the side of the truck. It's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, you're all right, Jason. Wow. And like, I want to know like did has he worked on his accuracy over the years did he used to kind of miss every now and then just explode trash everywhere has he thrown it in the driver's seat has he like missed overshot it that's awesome but it was so sweet and there's
Starting point is 00:32:38 like no thing i'm like no one else was here to see this i wasn't recording this i didn't expect this to happen but it was so sick it sounds like you just need to be recording all of your life i'm gonna get some google glass and just roll non-stop yeah whatever happened to google glass is this still a thing um i don't think so i bought those snapchat spectacles which were kind of cool but it recorded everything in a circle format that way like you could turn your phone sideways or vertical and not lose any resolution but it's also super annoying because i can't take this footage yeah anywhere else that's right i forgot about those i'm sure they'll come out with something cool someday i'm going to stop and start
Starting point is 00:33:15 the camera real quick but brad feel free to tell everyone um who our sponsor of this week's episode is our sponsor of this week's episode is jake triplet media where if you want slow-mo videos connected to edm music and quick swipes jake triplet media is your guy doing now now doing dog videos what's a quick swipe oh i don't know that i'm sure there's a better name for it but the thing that like the transition bit things in your videos i'm sure like the whoosh transition whoosh yeah that's funny i call them quick swipes quick swipes are cool that's a cool word for it quipes get your quipes here hey get your quipes uh fresh quipes over here
Starting point is 00:34:01 get your quipes i actually just watched my uh it's kind of embarrassing to admit i re-watched one of my own videos this morning the the big like hawaii video i made someone liked it today on facebook so yeah good reason to watch it again i'm sure i don't think that's wrong to to be embarrassed i didn't feel weird about it then i feel weird it's like saying it now like i was checking myself out today i was kind of watching my own stuff i mean it's really good though. But that's where I made fun of the whoosh transitions, if you remember that video. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 00:34:29 I was like, why would a travel video be inspiring? It's like, because whoosh transitions? Yeah. You know, whatever. That's funny. Quick swipes. Quick swipes. Think about the quipes.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah, come on over here. We'll get you a quipe. We'll get you all set up real nice. Yeah. Go to Hawaii. Go with some pretty girls. Get you some quipes on the video. Go to Hawaii. Go with some pretty girls. Get you some quips on the video.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Some upbeat music. You like mountains? They got mountains. You like waves? They got waves. Get your quips. Get your waves. Sea urchins.
Starting point is 00:34:56 You got to pee on them, though. If they get on your leg, you got to pee on them. Hello. Or you can just swipe a quip. Swipe a quip. Quip. Quip. Here's a big update. I'm surprised it's been 30 minutes we haven't talked about this we haven't talked about fast food yet sonic has come out with hawaiian roll buns you like hawaiian rolls sure of course
Starting point is 00:35:18 okay yeah i didn't think i'd ask yeah they're amazing yeah i think i haven't even had them yet i just saw a sign but they've got like a chicken sandwich and i think just like a normal burger that comes on hawaiian rolls so yeah i think i try yeah it's my duty to tell everyone yeah that sonic has hawaiian rolls right now i think that uh people are really including myself are really sleeping on sonic's food like i don't think that people appreciate it for what it is trey and i were just talking a couple days ago he asked me what my mount rashmore was for fast food and sonic actually didn't make my top four but it made his top four and he said the same thing he's like a lot of people don't think sonic food is that good but i really like it it is i don't go there very often
Starting point is 00:35:57 but every time i do i'm like this is some good food my biggest qualm was sonic not to be confused with quite this is qualm get your qualms here Get your qualms here. Get your qualms here. If you don't like the Quipes, you can get the qualms. Is that, and I think this is something that you could easily not notice, but now that I've noticed it, I can't not pay attention, is the little car hops will come like, hey, how's it going? My name is Jessica. I'm going to be taking care of you today.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And I'm just like, not really though. Like, you're here to give me my food right now. And then that is the end of this transaction. Yeah. You know, like, you're not really taking care of me. Like, let me know if I can get anything else for you today. Like, they... Yeah, do you have any, you know, paper straws?
Starting point is 00:36:34 Can I get a paper straw for my milkshake? And then A1 sauce. I don't know. What else am I supposed to ask here? Like, what else could I not have that you could give me? Sure. So, it's like, what they're saying reminds me of a waiter, but it's a fast food experience.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And it's just like, it seems like a, like a corporate policy way of trying to get their employees tips. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what I think it is. Yeah. Which just,
Starting point is 00:36:55 uh, it irks me. Yeah. It's kind of crunchy. It's like, you're not doing, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:02 You're doing barely more than what the person inside in a fast food place is. You're walking to somewhere, grabbing the bag, and then bringing it to the window and giving it to me. That's basically what you're doing now. You had to leave the indoor area for a few feet. That's Sonic's whole thing.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's the old school. If they were rollerblading and dropped a triple salchow on the way to my car, that might get my attention. Yeah. Because that's not something that a normal McDonald's worker is doing when they give me my food. But yeah, that's always kind of bugged me. Like, I'm going to be taking care of you today.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Not really. If you were taking care of me, you'd give me a back rub. I've never noticed that. Yeah, just notice it. So what were on your Mount Rushmore of fast food? Chick-fil-A's no doubter. That's my George Washington. Actually, I don't know how to rank the presidents.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Benjamin Franklin, number one. Wait, who's on Mount Rushmore? I know Lincoln's up there. Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington. Washington, the big three. I think Teddy Roosevelt. Okay. Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:38:04 I don't know. I'll look it up real fast. Teddy Roosevelt. That's kind of a random one, though, isn't it? He bought Louisiana. Well, he purchased it, I should say. Yeah. So that's something that'll get you up on some limestone.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Have you ever been to Mount Rushmore? No. Me neither. I just hear from everybody how big of a letdown it is, so that it has not encouraged me to go. That's like the one big monument in the United States that I haven't seen yet. Yeah, Teddy. It is Teddy. Theodore. Good for you, nailing the eye from Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Thanks, man. He was kind of the guy that did all the national parks. I'm pretty positive. And he did Night at the Museum. Also true. RIP to both of them um yeah teddy loved the nature and so why and and mountain rushmore is a national park you know so the least i could do would be go visit him probably i should go to mount rushmore uh okay so you're sorry chick-fil-a okay chick-fil-A. Okay, Chick-fil-A, like, let's stop real quick. It is fast food. But it is, like, it just doesn't feel like fast food to me.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Which is to their credit. I know, exactly. They do such a good job. That's why they're so good, I think. Yeah. Because it is so, like, yeah. Like, I don't, if I go to McDonald's, I feel a little guilty. Like, oh, man, I ate some crap food.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah. Never have I felt that way towards Chick-fil-A. No. I probably should. I'm sure it's just as unhealthy or close to it. You know what I mean? But they do a good job of not making you feel like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And they never make you feel like there's deals or not deals. It's never like a value menu. It's like they're not worried about the prices. They're worried about the quality. Quality and the customer experience. Which is not very fast foodie so i don't always feel like they're fast food but they are and so i will give it to you this new uh blood bank by my house got like a new sign and it's like a big like a red and white logo of like a
Starting point is 00:39:57 blood drop and i got so psyched there was like this giant chick-fil-a i mean i just saw the last night i was like oh dang no that's a blood bank. Dang it. Oh, man, that could have been cool. Chick-fil-A. Two days ago, I was at Chick, and I'd already ordered my strips meal and went to pay for it on the app. I opened the app, and it says, like, congratulations, you've won a Chick-fil-A sandwich. So I was like, heck yeah, rewards. But I just, like, X'd out real quick, because I'm just trying to get to my barcode.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I don't need the Chick-fil-A sandwich right now. But then afterwards, I was like, oh, let me go to my rewards, and it's not there. You had to claim it. Yeah, I hit like X'd out real quick. So I'm just trying to get to my barcode. I don't need the Chick-fil-A sandwich right now. But then afterwards I was like, oh, let me go to my rewards. And it's not there. You had to claim it. Yeah. I hit the X.
Starting point is 00:40:29 You, you're telling me that it doesn't come back. It didn't come back. I could not believe that. That's by far the worst experience I've had. Oh, you should tell somebody about this. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I was like hitting the X, just like neglects my opportunity. That should not be how, that's not how apps work. That is not intuitive. That is not like X doesn't mean like an X on a pop-up doesn't mean i don't want this ever it means i just get it out of my face right now no i'm so mad that's bummer because i just claimed that reward on my app today yeah from a couple days yeah i don't think i'm gonna go it expires
Starting point is 00:41:01 tomorrow so they're gonna go so mad okay um so chick-fil-a is up there gotta be wendy's uh i've been high on lately you love wendy's yeah i think i've told you this before the only thing i hate about part of the reason why i've been going there is because i found this new sauce it's so good tastes a lot like signature sauce at mcdonald's what's it called like awesome sauce yeah that's the issue it's called sawsome. So I feel like I'm 12 years old asking my mom if I can get, you know, the chicken tenders with sawsome sauce. Hey, mom, can I get some sawsome sauce? Can I get the sawsome sauce? Please.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Please. It's so good. Yeah, every time I'm just like, can we get another name for this? Can we call this like, I don't know, honey roasted something? I don't know. You should just start calling it something else. And when they're like, what are you talking about? And you describe it. Yeah, it're like, uh, what are you talking about? And you get them to say it.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah. It's like orange. It's whatever. I don't know. Like a light tone of orange. It tastes good. Um, and then when they say sauce and sauce,
Starting point is 00:41:54 you're like, yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah. Yeah. That, you know, sweet tangy barbecue.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. That can be a fun game. I'll report back next week. I'll go to Wendy's a couple of times. I'll report back what words I used and to wendy's a couple times i'll report back what words i used and what led them to perfect no one knows about sauce and sauce uh when he's up there uh mcdonald's don's is definitely up there american just their breakfast alone is is worthy of being up there i get that's so funny i would say the exact opposite
Starting point is 00:42:20 really like i think it's i think the breakfast is the worst part of the mcdonald's repertoire i think a lot of people like really like their breakfast and that what that's what keeps them coming back to mcdonald's no i think a lot of people who don't eat a lot of fast food like yeah they enjoy they're okay with the mcdonald's breakfast yeah they'll at least do mcdonald's breakfast okay i think i don't know hey guys let us know in the in the apple itunes comments below please please put a five-star review and tell us what is your favorite thing about mcdonald's we have no idea how to grow a podcast but we think reviews probably help we don't know i don't know tell your friends whatever also we don't care at all uh i was like telling brett i texted brett the like metrics of our first couple podcasts because a lot more people listen to it i thought and i think we both have the same reaction like cool oh well you know
Starting point is 00:43:03 whatever like it's like this is cool that's me what people are listening to it, but it's not going to, like, change anything. It's just like, oh, sweet. It's more than our parents. All right. Keep going. And then fourth, I said Panda. But that fourth spot is, like, interchangeable. I feel like that's, like.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I don't know if that's fast food. They got a drive-thru. They do. I take it back. Yeah. I think of them as more of the fast casual fast cash but i don't know i guess because they like prepare the food kind of in front of you quote unquote not really you know i mean i mean they're not exactly making like onion volcanoes
Starting point is 00:43:36 in front of you well hey top top top top hey we're gonna get for you who wants to open their mouth it's very similar to the chipotle model and i don't consider chipotle in the same realm of fast food as mcdonald's no definitely not but chipotle doesn't have a drive-thru they don't you're right i'd stand corrected anyway oh i'm a little burpy today yeah i'm fine though what would be your mount rushmore oh Oh. Of fast food. Exactly. Not of girls. Come on, guys. Oh, I have a phone call now.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Who is it? It doesn't say. Answer it. Speakerphone. Okay, here we go. Hurry, hurry. Hi, this is Brad. Thank you for choosing Marriott Hotels.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Marriott. We would like to inform you that because you have stayed at one of our properties, your telephone number was qualified by our booking system Marriott. Awesome. Oh! This is for sure legit. Did you hang up? It's no longer an option to do anything. They just called, hey, you want an all-inclusive resort?
Starting point is 00:44:43 We'll talk to you later. Okay. No details on how to redeem this. Just FYI. That was funny. They called me a decent amount. We one time went to a friend's wedding. Michael and Lindsay Sloan went to their wedding in Orlando. And my friend told me, hey, if you sign up to go to this timeshare presentation, you can stay at this resort down there.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Oh, so that actually is somewhat legitimate. Yeah. What they just called you about. I think so. Why have you not gone or told me about this or asked me to go with you? No, I did. I mean, we went down there that weekend for it. And then they do this really, you know, hard hitting timeshare presentation.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Nice. And I just learned how to say everything is like, like, learn how to just get out of it really quick. Yeah. Not today. Yeah. It's supposed to take like two hours. how to just get out of it really quick. Yeah. Not today. Yeah. It's supposed to take like two hours. They said I got out of there 15 minutes. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:45:29 With some free donuts. Oh, free don'ts. I just said, yeah, we have no money at all. They asked me like, how much do you make a year?
Starting point is 00:45:37 I said, almost nothing. I told them that we were pregnant, which was true. And they're like, okay, well how don't you want to take vacations with your families? I said, no, we never take vacations.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And the lady's like, I can tell you do not want to do this. I was like, that's correct. She's like, okay. Anyway, Jake, that random phone call. First of all, I'll just spout out four things from my Mount Rushmore just to get over with. McDonald's, in no particular order mcdonald's taco bell chick-fil-a and uh canes you love canes i do yeah we'll put that as number okay sorry i pressured you into that no no i couldn't really honestly think i mean i think yeah it's a distant four but that phone call
Starting point is 00:46:25 reminded me of a time and i wasn't there for this um but i am going to give you a hard time about it anyway about that time where you were on the phone with southwest airlines oh my gosh uh and you were so excited because you thought that you were like getting hooked up with this amazing deal for uh for for some was it a cruise or something? Yeah. From what I understand, it was like, you know, you were on the phone and they'd be like, you, you got selected for this thing. And you're like, oh my gosh, really? And so you went and talked to somebody else about it and they're like, yeah, we can throw in this thing for free. And I just remember from what I hear in the story, you like either
Starting point is 00:47:03 muted the phone or like kind of put your hand over the phone and you told peter you're like this kind of thing never happens to me and then they're like okay so uh all in that'll be you know five thousand dollars or i don't know what they said a thousand dollars and you're like whoa whoa i thought this whole thing was free and the guy's like well the value of this thing is amazing it's way better than a thousand dollars if i just remember like just imagining you on this phone call for 45 minutes i have no idea how long it actually was but you just getting played by these people and just being so innocent to it like this never happens to me like so excited i mean so i would love to hear your actual story i definitely got played a bit you're're not wrong there. But you did end up – well, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, I think I had the last laugh. Yeah. I was calling just my credit card company to, like, transfer Southwest Points from one account to another or whatever, and they were just like, while you wait, would you like to fill out this survey? You know, just an online survey, three questions about something, or, like, over-the-phone survey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I get them on the survey. Congratulations. Based on your answers, you've won a free cruise. And so I'm like survey congratulations based on your answers you've won a free cruise and so i'm like yeah right okay i want a free cruise and uh then in the middle of like that like you know little whatever like voice tone thing like automated thing they're telling me the call just gets disconnected so i was like okay whatever like i'll just call again and hopefully get connected to a person quicker and then in the process of trying to like maybe find a new phone number to call, I get a call back. And then I answer and they're like, hey, is this Jake?
Starting point is 00:48:31 And I was like, yeah. They're like, yeah, you just won the free cruise, right? And I was like, oh, snap. So that's what made me think it was legit. I was like, oh, they called me back and they knew my name. Yeah. Like this is like they don't give this out very often. I think I probably said something like that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Like this sounds like this doesn't happen that often, you so he did a great job they were calling me back that was it like i would have not believed anything until he called me back and yeah i mean this happened probably four or five years ago but i remember being on the phone with him for like 45 minutes i was trying to find the note in my phone just now i can't find it because i was jotting down everything he was saying what he was promising yeah you know so i could look all up and confirm it and basically uh yeah he gets me all hyped on how great this cruise is going to be and that I can take a friend with me for free I was like this is amazing and it poured it out of like Jacksonville or something and my best friend from high school had just moved to Jacksonville I was like this is awesome yeah and uh and then yeah the the bait and switch at
Starting point is 00:49:24 the very end he's like now there is one thing you know the cruise is free but one thing we can't get out of is like the like import x or like the immigration cost like because you're gonna be leaving the country coming back it's like 49 each way okay and so i was like oh okay i just didn't really know but at that point i was like so excited about it i was like well if that's all it is, that's still worth it. Who cares? I'd never been on a cruise before at that point. So I paid like the, you know, 108 or whatever, you know, immigration costs.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And then I think I used the Southwest points I was trying to redeem then to fly down there. And sketchy cruise. That cruise line went out of business less than like six months after we left um interesting clientele on the boat not a lot of young men in their 20s on there like we we stood out a little bit but made this great music video had a lot of fun and um that was a great video a great thank you and honestly killed it like when you're with a bunch of like older people or i don't know just like karaoke night like we were yeah the bell of the ball ryan don't drop the soap you would be the bell of the ball oh that's awesome yeah so it was great oh but then
Starting point is 00:50:36 they stuck me again we had to pay for the gas we got a bill like a little invoice slid under our door the gas of the boat yeah the gas but we were each charged like a portion of the gas there's like another 50 bucks to pay for the gas what are we doing here yeah gas ain't cheap here you know then they want then they want to either take him to church the next day like gas ain't free well do i treat for you guys get your wipes and your gas here yeah so i've been suckered before um this guy yesterday on instagram was messaging me a bunch of stuff he said i was kind of trolling at first i was like this could be a funny conversation however he's like how would you like your life to change and i was like oh absolutely what do you have to offer he's like i could provide you with completely legit likes views and impressions
Starting point is 00:51:20 on all your instagram posts from like real people, whatever. And I was like, dude, that's awesome. But like, I thought you said my life was going to change. Oh, well let me show you. And so he, I didn't really give him the permission to do this, but whatever. So then my last post just gets hit up by like 600,
Starting point is 00:51:37 like Russian accounts that just like, like it instantly. And he's like, see, and I was like, well, my life didn't change, but thanks. I guess.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Anyway, it's just some like professional service to get more, you know, views and all that. So life didn't change, but thanks, I guess. Anyway, it's just some professional service to get more views and all that. So I didn't get sucker this time. I'm older now. I don't do this stuff. Actually, I don't think that was like a sucker thing. I don't care enough about Instagram to have, I don't know, whatever. Have fake people comment on it.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah. I don't think I've fallen for any other scams in the meantime um i want to move along right now to maybe a new recurring segment of the podcast the the quote of the week okay or we should just have anything of the week just whatever just you know of this but for this week it's going to be the quote of the week um i overheard this at panera bread yesterday um i was working at my computer editing some stuff, and there was a girl like two tables behind me who took a phone call. And so I started to kind of hear her conversation.
Starting point is 00:52:34 But I'm editing. I'm not really paying attention. And right when I get done, I'm like, I'm exporting. I take my headphones out. I just hop on my phone while it's doing its thing. And this is the phrase I hear. No, I just just i can't go out tonight i just don't want to and a little pause i'm guessing the person on the line said
Starting point is 00:52:50 why do you not want to go out tonight she says because i'm 220 000 in debt that's why i was like oh my gosh oh no she like said it loudly and sternly inside of panera yeah billy told me i get my money back after the festival was over. Yeah, they said free cruise, okay? How was I supposed to know what that meant? The gas was really expensive on that cruise, okay? It was BP, alright? They got a lot of ground to make up for.
Starting point is 00:53:17 So, yeah, anyway, it was, um, that was just, like, a funny thing to hear. It was my favorite quote all week, yesterday, just, because I'm $220,000 in debt. $220,000. Which I'm guessing she has to be, like, a med school student or something because i'm 220 000 in debt 20 000 which i'm guessing she has to be like a med school student or something she was a girl in her 20s yeah i don't know i didn't ask i didn't ask about the debt law school something like that i bet she didn't graduate from a private christian college with a sports marketing degree i'll say that i bet
Starting point is 00:53:39 she's doing something else with her life yeah you never know um so yeah there's that panera 220 that if somebody said that to me if i said why not and they said to me i would say you're right enjoy enjoy your time at home yeah and i'm sorry most iconic disney movie of all time lying i'm sorry for calling you maybe you shouldn't have a cell phone maybe you should not be paying a cell phone bill right or maybe don't eat at panera, you know? Yeah. I'm going to rant on Panera for two seconds. Oh, dude. I was about to say how much I've been going to Panera lately.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I love it. Great. Go to Panera because you're probably not $220,000 in debt. Okay, yeah. I just, for the amount of food that you get, you get so little. I'm sorry. For the amount of money that you pay, you get so little food. Yeah. It bothers me. What are you getting at panera i usually get the you pick two and so i'll get a sandwich and or usually a sandwich and a salad half and half or sometimes i'll just get a full sandwich
Starting point is 00:54:37 and it just does not fill me up like and you pay like 11 50 for that sometimes not even with a drink or i could go to chipotle and get a wonderfully amazing six dollar and fifty cent burrito you know and be more much more full i mean just in like pounds and ounces alone how much more food you're like a chipotle burrito like that weighs a couple pounds yeah and like what you're getting a panera yeah a dollar for pounds it's getting roasted i'm not saying that like i like the food it's just i never feel like i have enough of it you're a big alfredo panera guy though chicken tortellini you're the only person i know that gets their pasta really i mean i don't pull very many uh panera people i know i've been telling you to you haven't yeah dang it i forgot again um i uh i forgot i overheard something else this week uh at panera bread no joke this real story i was at the crown center panera bread had to pay ten dollars in parking because i stayed
Starting point is 00:55:36 there too long they validated my parking but only up to three hours i was there getting some work done oh no i had to pay 10 bucks just to park so i guess i got some you are you are experiencing what it's like to live in the city and not in the suburbs yeah my beef of the week goes to panera bread um but not they're not actually their beef because i get chicken twirling okay anyway i overhear this conversation because this woman is talking basically out of a megaphone she's got a megaphone somewhere in her mouth and she's just screaming this conversation she's having um i don't know why this bothered me so much maybe i was just in a mood to be bothered or something maybe it's because i knew i was about to pay ten dollars in parking when i left um but no i think it actually just started because she was talking so loud and i was trying
Starting point is 00:56:18 to read and that's just distracting yeah uh but she's talking to this guy they weren't like married they were like they're having like a business conversation they're both like in the startup world i i know a lot about them because i heard them talk for so long but she's trying to tell him she's like probably in her 40s or 50s she's got a young son and he is slightly younger than her so she's kind of coming to him asking all these like 21st century questions kind of and one of the things i overhear her say she's like now my son is telling me he started to make money playing video games online some sort of website called twitch i didn't know what he was talking about so i i took his playstation i took his computer or whatever like and he's not allowed to do that anymore can you believe that making money online and i just
Starting point is 00:57:00 felt so bad for this like probably 12 year old kid who's working so hard. He's good enough to make money online. Like, Twitch is huge. Gaming is bigger than it's ever been. Yeah. And his mom, who's so out of touch and, like, scared of technology, just takes it away from him. It, like, makes me so sad, like, that's such a small sample size, but, like, if that's happening in this household,
Starting point is 00:57:19 how many other households are these parents just, like, I don't know, just so scared of the way the world is moving. It made me irritated. Yeah. Cause as well, I could, I could see, I don't know. I'm not, I'm not as irritated as you are, but I, you didn't hear her voice. You're right. Yeah. For a long time, you heard her voice trying to read lady. I think it could be weird if you're like, my son's making money, he's 12 years old and he he's making money online doing something I don't understand. Whatever the avenue is that he's making money doesn't matter. That is a weird sentence to say.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Right. Like, my son's making money online. But then you say he's making money playing video games. It's less sketchy. But it's still kind of like. But it's your son. Just have a conversation with him. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Be like, hey, can you explain this to me? Yeah. And then you understand. It's not like you don't have to read a headline about it. You can have a conversation like, oh, that's cool. People watch you play video games because you're that good. Google Twitch and find a million things and realize how big of a deal it is and how credible it is rather than like it's some sketchy site or something. But yeah, it just bothered me.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And so then it led down this train of her just she's like, now I went to this. Gosh. Yeah. I'm'm not gonna get too heated again but she's like i went to this influencer marketing conference to try and learn what in the world influencer marketing is and so i went up there and i asked some questions i raised my hand and i said now now why am i not an influencer why are brands not coming to me how do you know who the influencers are which is such a weird question question. Like how, okay, you're not that old. Like you should know what,
Starting point is 00:58:46 I mean, just the word influence, you should know what that means. And she was like, and they told me that they have algorithms. These websites have algorithms that will tell you who, whose accounts have the most followers and then brands can just reach out to them.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And that's how they find the influencers. And she's like, can you believe that? And then this guy's how they find the influencers and she's like can you believe that and then this guy's like i mean and this guy was not super helpful either he's like i mean instagram i mean it's it's definitely popular it's i mean think about it it's just pictures it's so simple and i'm like i don't think instagram is simple it's it's the furthest thing from it i don't i think it's not just pictures right just hearing two adults talk about the world i'm in so like i don't know disconnected from it it just bothered me and i was like you people do you think you know so much or i guess she was admitting how much she didn't know but she was like i don't know
Starting point is 00:59:34 it was just bothersome yeah the influencer culture is and the irony of it is i i was reading a book on gen z because i'm like doing all that research on that generation so i'm'm reading about the differences in all of our generations while it was just kind of poetic. While this conversation is happening with the Gen X or baby boomer generation next to me. So it's like, yeah, every generation is so different. It's funny. Funny times, man. Do you have any closing thoughts for us? Any observations from the week?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Do you want to explain? This us? Any observations from the week? Do you want to explain? This is a great, I'll set you up here. Great way to, maybe you need some sort of crutch in some conversation. You want to kind of roast a friend of yours. This is a little thing I learned from Brad that I've used before on how to make someone look bad in a way where they can't really defend themselves. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:27 So I actually learned this from a friend of mine at camp. His name was Jack Warren. He was the first person I ever saw do something similar to this. He didn't do this exact thing. But he would tell stories about one of his best friends at camp. And his best friend would always be right there with him. And he would tell this embarrassing story about how Morgan would do X x y and z like um no company no okay no no no okay different company no no um he would do this in that um and it was always such a ridiculously like mediocre lie that you never
Starting point is 01:01:04 believe that it was a lie like it was like like why would he make that up that's such a ridiculously like mediocre lie that you never believe that it was a lie like it was like like why would he make that up that's such a random thing and it's also like out there enough but not so out there that it is unbelievable because if i were to be like oh you gotta hear this my friend brad he's the one who like who peed his pants last week or whatever that's so ridiculous like it's easy to question that yeah you don't know anybody that would even kind of think about doing that you know most, most of the time you got to find that middle ground. Yeah. And so it's a, it's an amazing thing to do somebody. And one of my favorite ones that I ever do is I always tell people, um, my wife, I always say like, you know, you know, Lewis and Clark, right. And everyone's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Lewis and Clark. And I
Starting point is 01:01:42 was like, uh, you know, that Native American woman that would go with them on their journey. Sure, sure, sure. Oh, yeah, Sacagawea. And I'm like, okay, that's how you pronounce it, right? Sacagawea. They're like, yeah. Yeah, duh, that's the only way to pronounce it. And I was like, for whatever reason, Catherine always has said that it's pronounced
Starting point is 01:01:59 Sacagawee. Just the strangest thing. And Catherine will always be like, no, I don't. What have I ever done? I promise I do not. I do not pronounce it that way. And it makes the other person just look so bad. And I'm like, Catherine, of course.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Like, come on. You don't be embarrassed about it. It's OK. Like, we've talked about it. It's not that anymore. We know. But you did. You said Sakagoi.
Starting point is 01:02:19 And it's like, like, why? Like, it's just such a random, mediocre story lie. But it's like, like why? Like it's just such a random, mediocre story lie, but it's like funny enough. So anyway, if you ever want to, you know, make fun of somebody, mess with somebody beyond their ability to really come back from it, just think of something that they like very, very, you know, minor that they might mispronounce or get wrong or they do wrong. Yeah. That reminds me of a quick story from college and then we'll, we'll wrap this up.
Starting point is 01:02:44 But, uh, me and a friend, my, I don don't think he's my roommate but we were in a dorm room just hanging out together and our friend walks into our room and we did not it wasn't like we set this up we didn't talk about like hey the next time someone walks in we're gonna do this bit or whatever i mean it was completely improvised which made it so much more amazing um but the guy's name is brian turnbow who walks into the room and so my friend just for some whatever reason just says well well well if it isn't brian turnbow and so he's like what he's like yeah what's up brian he's like why are you saying that and uh so then i'm like oh i'm starting to catch on with like what he's doing a little bit like oh come on man like it's not a big deal. He's like, no.
Starting point is 01:03:25 What are you? Why are you saying that? We're like, well, I and whatever. Like, give him a hard time. He's like, do y'all think I have a speech impediment? And we're like, oh, sorry. I didn't think you were going to like, I don't know. We thought you like knew.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Like, we thought we could like we were good enough friends. You know, we're like, yeah, it wouldn't be awkward to make fun of or whatever. Like poke fun of you. And he's like, what? Literally, no one has told me this before i do not i have a speech impediment like oh my gosh like i'm so sorry i just figured you knew like i don't know it's not like we talk behind your back about it just like it's just something you know it's a part of who you are and he's like no i don't wait when how
Starting point is 01:03:59 long has this been going like you're blind that's who you are and we're like say it say it yeah so that's what we did we're like say say rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and you know he says it perfect rudolph the red nose reindeer we're like wait so we start laughing like you don't hear that rudolph the red-nosed reindeer he's like that's not how i'm saying it and i kid you not he called his mom he called his mom to confirm like mom i have to know do i have a speech impediment uh and then she and then we just start busting up laughing at that point and she was like no brian uh but it was like the most improvised just like the most amazing like little bit and that's awesome i don't know i just thought of that too like the the chicago-y thing it's just like such a weird thing to like i don't know throw on someone no you pronounce things wrong
Starting point is 01:04:38 yeah no i don't no you do you can't hear it i don't yeah come on come on like like kind of being like don't be that guy hey no it's's cool. It's cool. It's going to look worse. What about defending yourself? What about if you're like, okay, okay. So here's the, here's the homework for you podcasters out there. Uh, do one of these things. So we can either do the Chicago thing. You could do the, uh, speech impediment or this one I just thought of is, um, you could be like, Hey, uh, so, you know, like all these pizza toppings, you've heard of Canadian bacon, right? Uh, yeah, yeah. Like, uh, Jake over here thinks literally used to literally think that it was two different things mixed together called Canadian
Starting point is 01:05:17 and bacon. Oh, like using the Canadian bacon, Canadian bacon. Yeah. He used to think he was, he asked me one time, he's like, hey, what's... Can I get just Canadian? I like bacon, but what's the Canadian? Like, that makes it really good. That's a great middle ground. I'm like, no, I did it. Like, yeah, yes, you did. You called it Canadian bacon.
Starting point is 01:05:38 No, that's what it's called. It's called Canadian bacon. You thought it was two different things. I remember you asked if I could get a Canadian bacon, hold the Canadian. You said that. And we made fun of you. No, I didn't. Yeah. Let's just get bacon, not Canadian bacon. I just, I can't do the Canadian anymore. So I would love it if you guys tried some of these things out there and reported back to us. Yeah. Texas, DM us, whatever. So yeah, that's my, uh, that's my advice for the week. That's great. That's great.
Starting point is 01:06:06 My sister kind of put her on blast. She, I think she liked when I mentioned that she had 18 deviled eggs in the first episode. So I'll mention something again. Uh, when she was real little, I think she didn't have something quite right in the head and she would make my dad, you know, we'd go through McDonald's drive-thru as a family and like, all right, what do you guys want? You know, I order my stuff. Caitlin, what do you want?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah. Can I get a bacon cheeseburger? No bacon. My dad's like, that's, that's just a cheeseburger caitlin and she's like no i want a bacon cheeseburger with no bacon really and i don't know what was off what was going on i think no yeah it's so but she would get mad then when my dad didn't order that because that's not what she wanted you know it looked like he was just directly like disobeying her oh that's a good thing that's a good trick too like get really mad at somebody for just completely understanding and like, uh,
Starting point is 01:06:49 figuring it out. Like you're, you're the one like, like I want a pepperoni pizza, but can we just not get any pepperonis on that? Take all the pepperonis off. Okay. So like just a cheese pizza.
Starting point is 01:06:58 No, not you too. Everyone does this. I'll order it. I'll order it. Uh, my best guess to give her some benefit of the doubt here is maybe she
Starting point is 01:07:06 was in her mind thinking like, I want them to put the bacon on and then take it off. I don't want the full bacon sensation. I want an aftertaste of bacon. I just want kind of
Starting point is 01:07:13 the drizzle of some of the sauce. Gosh. So that's how she used to order at McDonald's. I mean, this was when we were super, super little.
Starting point is 01:07:19 This wasn't like last time we went on vacation or something. We'll have to interview her sometime. Ask her. Yeah, we'll ask her about the deviled eggs and the bacon cheeseburger thing.
Starting point is 01:07:28 That's good. Man, that just reminded me of something else, but I can't really remember it, and we've been talking long enough. Let's wrap it up. Good episode. Thank you guys for listening. It's really cool that y'all want to hear me and Brad talk
Starting point is 01:07:42 because we enjoy it, as we always say. We were literally just sitting in my basement in my very mediocre basement flooded last week. So it's kind of damp down here. When we get up from these couches, there might be a little moisture. We're having fun and I hope that you guys are having fun listening to us. We like trying to entertain people. I want to give a shout out to one of our loyal listeners, Esther Kim out there.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Oh, wow. First episode. She I talked about how I was worried about losing my hearing when I was older and she has volunteered to help me out with some hearing aids at some point in my life. And she, she was upset that I did not reference her right off the bat. So I'm referencing you now, Esther. Cool. She's my bestie for the restie. Her name is Estie. Yeah. So we haven't gotten our first brand deal, but it sounds like you've gotten like some promise benefits ahead. Like because of your podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Hearts for hearing, I think is what she hopes. Hearing hope. Hearts for heartless. Heartless by Kanye West. That's not how we're going to end this thing, but. But great song.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Esther and Kanye. This has been a Ghost Runners podcast sponsored by Jake Triplett Media. Get your quip. What is it? Get your quipes, yeah. Get your quipes and Heartless by Kanye West. Jake Triplett Media.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Get your quipes, yeah. We will see you next Monday. Or hear you next Monday. You will listen to us then. Cut. Bye.

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