Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - GGACP Classic: James Bond Movies

Episode Date: August 15, 2024

GGACP salutes the absorbing and informative new book by our pal Thom Shubilla, "James Bond and the Sixties Spy Craze," by revisiting this memorable mini-ep from 2016, featuring James Bond fun facts an...d tantalizing 007 trivia. In this episode: Roger Moore shares the screen with Bernie Schwartz, Johnny Rivers scores a hit with "Secret Agent Man," Gilbert obsesses over Jewish Bond baddies (and Jewish Bond girls) and the boys bid a fond farewell to Napoleon Solo. PLUS: Hank Scorpio! Sammy Davis Jr’s lost cameo! Six Degrees of Yaphet Kotto! Pussy Galore's flying circus! And Gilbert warbles “License to Kill”! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A special message from your family jewels brought to you by Old Spice Total Body. Hey, it stinks down here. Why do armpits get all of the attention? We're down here all day with no odor protection. Wait, what's that? Mmm, vanilla and shea. That's Old Spice Total Body deodorant. 24-7 freshness from pits to privates with daily use.
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Starting point is 00:00:44 Add your team to your Uber account today. With the voice Once is never good enough For something so fantastic So here's another Gilbert and Franks Here's another Gilbert and Franks Colossal obsessions. Frank, of course, is my co-host, Frank Santopadre. Once again, we're at Nutmeg. And our engineer is Frank Ferdorosa. And, uh.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You're surrounded by guineas. Yeah, exactly. You just can't get around it. Yeah. Yeah, this is like I just want to do a little quick housekeeping. We lost a couple of people. Yes this week Robert Vaughn Yeah, Napoleon solo who we had asked to do the show and he turned us down We're deeply hurt. Yeah. But we tried hard.
Starting point is 00:02:26 He said everything I have to say is in my book, which we respect. We lost two great musicians, Leon Russell and the great Leonard Cohen. And this one that a lot of people tweeted about and put on our Facebook is Lupita Tovar. Yes. She was in the original Spanish language version of Dracula that they shot at the same time. That's right. That they were doing the Lugosi version.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And when the Lugosi people would be wrapped up for the day, they would leave and they'd bring in this Spanish cast and they would do all the scenes that way. Some people feel that the Spanish version, uh, cinematically was better. I mean, the Lugosi version, for the most part. It's all stagey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:14 The Lugosi version. Very, very theatrical. There are parts of the Lugosi version that look great. And, but it seems like the minute they started doing something to make it look great, it's almost like a studio hit probably said, no, we want the stage version on film. I think we talked about that movie with Joan and David. You remember?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh, yeah. With David Healy? Yeah. Yeah. But she died, Dovah Felchia. Yes. No, Lipitor. Not Lipitor, Lupita. Lupita Tovar.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Lipitor. And I don't know. It's the Spanish for Lipitor. She died at 106. That's about right in our range. Yeah, yeah, 106. I suspect foul play. You do.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah, yeah. It was either that or drugs. It's like that Jeff Ross joke he does about his nana dying in her 90s and his cousin. Yeah. And he's like, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you. It was either that or drugs. That Jeff Ross joke he does about his nana dying in her 90s and his cousin says, how did it happen? And he says, her chute didn't open. And there was, let's see. Oh, I forget now. But no, no, I remember we were thinking of getting her for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Did she speak English? Uh, well, who cares at this point? I said she was 105. What's the rush? Exactly. Yeah. So... She was the grandmother, I believe, of the director of American Pie.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Oh, wow. Isn't that interesting? And she was married, wasn't she married to the son of the head of Universal? I believe so. Yeah. What was his name again? Conor. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. No, not Conor. Oh, you mean she was married to a Lemley. A Lemley. Yeah. Like Carl Lemley's son. Yeah, I think her son was Paul Conor who represented Billy Wilder.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh, okay. Yeah, which is also a good trivia. Yeah, she was very hot back then when she was in the Spanish Dracula. 106, missed out on her. And so RIP Lupita Tovar and also Robert Vaughn. And it's important to remember Robert Vaughn was also a teenage caveman.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yes, somebody on Facebook said, if you bring up Robert Vaughn, in fact he said maybe that's why Robert Vaughn was avoiding the interview. Gilbert would bring up teenage caveman. But also Bullet and so many other great movies. Bullet was packed with actors like that. We talked about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. Yeah. And I want to thank quickly Steve Binder, our last two guests, Steve Binder and John Amis for giving us wonderful shows. And thank Jeff Abram for bringing us Steve and Paul Baldessari for bringing us John. And I want to welcome Greg Pair, who is our, to the
Starting point is 00:05:59 family, to the podcast family, who's our new, on her Twitter master. To John Amis, two things. One, thank you for doing the podcast family who's on her Twitter master. To John Amis, two things. One, thank you for doing the podcast. And two, damn, damn, damn. You were kicking yourself as you didn't get to that. Our researcher Paul Rayburn is here with us. Now this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Occasionally we get requests from listeners, why don't you do this kind of show? Why don't you do that kind of show? why don't you do that kind of show. A guy named Wally Sysniak, I hope I'm getting his name right, wrote me. That sounds like a Groucho Morgz character. Professor Sysniak. He wrote me on Facebook, on our Facebook page, and he said, why don't you guys do a Bond episode?
Starting point is 00:06:42 And I thought, is there a reason for us doing a Bond episode out of the blue so I just Google guys never stopped Gary US bond no no I was looking for a reason to do a James Bond episode and I stumbled on to November 11th which was this week apparently is James Bond's birthday the character was born in 1920 did you know this this? I did not know this. Yes. So I thought well there you go. There's an anniversary, a birthday, there's a reason to do this. Now James Bond was actually based on a real life character. I believe he was. You mean the name? How he named the character? Yeah, well not the name but there was actually some secret agent or spy who was doing these things. Well, Ian Fleming lived in that world.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Oh, yeah. The creator of Bond. So I think it was based on a real person. Look that up. All right, Paul. Make yourself fucking useful. You come in here, I'm still wondering what your point is. What do you pay the guy?
Starting point is 00:07:40 I don't mind. I don't mind your asking that. My problem is I don't have an answer. Well, we can fill. Look it up. Look up who the real live James Bond. I don't mind. I don't mind you're asking that my problem is I don't have an answer Apparently the story is you have what I have a sort of answer. He's got an answer Frank. He's got an answer Oh, there's an NBC show called timeless. I don't know if you've seen this thing now. I Heard of it. It's like a time travel and they got to go. There's this big chase through time there was an episode where they end up in Germany and they stumble upon a I guess a you know soldier and it's Ian Fleming. Oh I saw that advertised. So apparently he
Starting point is 00:08:15 was at some point because it's based a lot on actual stuff so from what I'm to understand is he was actually an agent himself and a lot of his stories are based on his own actual events. But I think there was yet another one. Interesting. So there's a Wikipedia entry called Inspirations for James Bond. Yeah, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Believe it or not. So many, many names have been suggested. The code number 007 referred to the breaking of a World War I German diplomatic code. That's cool. Which is cool. And some of Bond's activities replicate those of Ian Fleming himself. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So there's lists of people and no real clear evidence that any particular person, but it could have been all... He was a composite of... A pastiche. Yeah, a pastiche. Yes. An amalgam, if you will. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:09 An amalgam in the middle. A conglomerate. Amalgam in the middle. Amalgam. Amalgam. Amalgam. Amalgam. So here's some fun James Bond trivia.
Starting point is 00:09:18 For when, you know, in previous episodes, we've talked about Matt Helm, and we've talked about... Well, most importantly, there were two Jewish Bond villains. Oh, and it's, well, we've established one, I know, on the show, which was, go ahead. Joseph Wiseman. Dr. No. Yes, Dr. No.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And who was the second one? This is a- Herschel Bernardi? Yeah! No, Arnold Stang. Oh, really? Yeah, I know! And then, of course, the one where Alan King.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I would have killed to see Alan King as a Bond villain. The other one is Yaffit Coto who converted to Judaism. We covered that with John Amos. Yes. Kananga in Live and Let Die. Who has the worst Bond villain death when he inflates. Oh! He inflates and explodes. We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal podcast after this. Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express.
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Starting point is 00:11:35 So happy belated birthday, Yaffet Cotto. Actors once considered for the Bond role. Okay. Go ahead. There was Adam West. That's who told Okay. Go ahead. There was Adam West. That's who told us that. Yeah. Himself.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Adam West. Right. Oh God. I have the other ones right. Oh God. Well, once somebody we talk about on this show, a lot of Brit who always played villains and monsters. Christopher Lee.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Christopher Lee. He wound up playing a villain. He did. He played Scaramanga. Yes. The man with a golden gun. Yes. Yeah. Other other actors considered for Bond include Cary Grant who was probably too old and... Oh yeah. Right near retirement. I think he made his last film. I mean when he was young he would have been a great Bond. Patrick McGuinn. Ah, who later on... Secret Agent Man. Yeah. And then the president. Here's a man who leads the life of danger.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You have to say it. I know. Everyone he meets is a stranger. I love that one. With every move you make, another heart you break. Chances are he chanced you, that you won't live to see tomorrow secret
Starting point is 00:12:49 Secret Well, they take away They're giving you a number and they take away your name With apologies to Johnny Rivers. Yeah and it was it was embarrassing when Johnny Rivers sang boom-bee-boom-bee-boom-bee-boom-bee. You know on the subject of misheard lyrics as a kid I thought that was Secret Asian Man. It was not a show about Jack Soothe. I have a maybe deceptively easy trivia question. Yeah. I was talking about the people who are considered.
Starting point is 00:13:26 How about just naming all the actors who played James Bond? Oh, well, I think the first actor... I think I have them all here. Oh, David Nelson? Yeah, Nelson is his last name. Why is his first name jumping out of my head? I thought it was... The guy that's in The Shining.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's...oh! Nelson. It is Nelson. Casino Royale, the TV movie. Barry Nelson. thought it was the guy that's in The Shining it's oh Nelson his it is Nelson Casino Royale the TV Barry Nelson Jesus Frank That was Casino Royale the TV version right he was the first Bond all right then who played then the next Casino Royale the funny one we were talking about
Starting point is 00:14:00 well there was Woody and a bunch of them old claimers. David Niven. David Niven. And then Woody Allen. Here's a name I don't know, although I saw the story on Her Majesty's Secret Service. George Lazenby. George Lazenby. Who's still alive and we want him for the show. One of those people that only you guys know. Come on. In Her Majesty's Secret Service, Donald Pleasance, not Donald Pleasance, is it? Donald Pleasance is the villain. And I think that's where they got the idea for Dr. Evil. For the cat? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And also like the scar going down the face. But isn't Mike Myers doing Lorne Michaels? Yeah, it's Lorne Michaels' voice and mannerisms. But the look looked like Donald Pleasant, right? Yeah, well the other ones would be Timothy Dalton and Roger Moore and keep going going orderly well, so Timothy Dalton right? Yeah, that's how there's Pierce Brosnan Here's Brosnan Sean Connery and of course Daniel Craig Daniel Craig and you know, I I heard George Lazenby was like attacked for years and it's made out to be oh that
Starting point is 00:15:05 movie bombed severely and they fired him. It's pretty good. Yeah yeah and I heard actually maybe the dumbest move of his whole life he they asked him they wanted him back to be James Bond and he didn't want to do it. Right and then they went to Moore who I think had been considered earlier. Oh yeah. And he played the Saint. Oh yes. Roger Moore. So he had a whole secret agent. And Roger Moore was also in that TV show with Tony Curtis. The Persuaders. Ah yes. The BBC show. Yes. Remember that show? Yeah. That was a wild show. Yeah. Did we get them all? We got them. Are you counting the comedians? And I remember on the Persuaders, Roger Moore and Tony Curtis are in a hotel lobby and the woman behind the desk goes over the loudspeaker
Starting point is 00:15:53 paging Bernie Schwartz. Oh, that's great. Yes, that was a great inside joke. Tony's real name. The other thing I have actors here who were considered the rest of that list would be Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds, can't imagine a non-Brit, Tom Jones, Liam Neeson, your favorite, Sam Neal and Hugh Grant and I guess Will Smith according to this, according to Buzzfeed. And I know they
Starting point is 00:16:18 were recently considering Idris Elba. Idris, yeah. He's in everything now. He is in everything. Do you want to run through the cast of... Idris Elba is Idris, yeah. He's in everything now. He is in everything. Do you want to run through the cast of... Idris Elba is the actress from Dracula. The same woman. Same person. Same person.
Starting point is 00:16:31 What do you want to run through, Paul? The cast of the goofy Casino Royale. Wow, it was a great cast. Oh my God, it was unbelievable. So Woody Allen, we mentioned David Niven. Yeah. Ursula Andrus, Peter Sellers. William Holton.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Ursula Andrus was in Dr. No. Orsoners, Orson Welles, John Huston, and as some of these get more Deborah Carr, Joanna Pettit, Dahlia Lavi, there seem to be a lot of women in this movie, Jacqueline Bessette, Barbara Boucher, Jean Paul Delmondo. Oh, Jacqueline Bessette's voice was dubbed in. No shit. Really? Yeah, for some reason they didn't like her voice. But yeah, I think her voice was dubbed in that movie.
Starting point is 00:17:19 We could spend the rest of the episode on this, but William Holden, Charles Boyer, George Raft. I know, it's incredible. It's incredible. And let's not forget they've got guns and knives we're fighting for our lives have no fear James Bond is here he's gonna save the world that casino Royale. That's almost as good as Goldfinger, not quite. The opening music, they play that, it's one of the greatest openings ever. And it's got of course Herb Alpert, with that horn going da da da da da da da da. It's great, it's a great theme.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Oh it's unbelievable. The movie really falls apart quickly. The movie is a great theme. Oh, it's unbelievable. The movie really falls apart quickly. Yeah, the movie is a complete mess. One person didn't know what, I don't think they knew from scene to scene what the other scene was. Well, there were four directors. Oh, yeah. At least four.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And Peter Sellers walked out on the movie. But boy, that opening theme, Burt Reynolds being played by Herb Albert. So listeners should get the DVD, play the theme, and turn the damn thing off. Exactly. Yeah, I haven't seen it in years. Here's some more fun Bond trivia that I found on this Buzzfeed article. Stuntman Bob Simmons is actually the figure who appears in the opening gun barrel sequence for the first three Bond movies. It's actually not Connery. Here's a good one you guys will enjoy. The five pilots flying the planes in
Starting point is 00:18:53 Pussy Galore's flying circus in Goldfinger are actually men in blonde wigs. That's a good one. Did you know that? That's kind of ahead of its time. Here's one, Richard Keele who of its time. Yeah. Here's one. Richard Keele, who played Jaws, love Richard Keele. Oh yeah. I wish he'd still been here when he had him on the show. He would have been great. He could only keep his metal teeth in his mouth for about a half a minute at a time,
Starting point is 00:19:14 and the chain that he bites through in The Spy Who Loved Me was made of licorice. Now here's one, Gil, that I'm not sure you would know or not know. Sammy Davis filmed a deleted cameo for Diamonds Are Forever. Did not know that. According to Buzzfeed, he was at the casino playing roulette. Wow. Isn't that cool? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You didn't have that Mr. Researcher. I did not. I did not. Once again, what the fuck are you doing here? I thought I could count on Frank at least in his times of trouble, but apparently not. You can't count on the Red Cross at this point. See what you can find us about Sammy's cameo. In Diamonds Are Forever, which I think that's the one with Crispin Glover's father. Bruce Glover is one of the heavies.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Do you remember the two guys with the flaming shish kebab? They deliver the room service. And one of the villains from a Bond film, well, I mean, like a henchman, was Robert Shaw. Well, of course, yeah, from Russia With Love. And then, of course, there's your personal favorite henchman, Nick Knack. Nick Knack.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, oh, yeah. He's going to live your kid. How could we forget? Well, that's obviously where Mike Myers got the idea. Mini-me. Mini-me. Yeah, sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:40 So there's a different description of the Sammy Davis cameo. Yeah? What do you got? I got before Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd murder Shady Tree. One of those is Crispin Glover's dad. There was a scene with Sammy Davis Jr. It says before and that was right at the beginning of the movie, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:20:57 I don't know why they snipped it out. Yeah, Sammy Davis. Yeah, interesting. I think because he sang the, um, the All in the Family theme. And they didn't see how that matched. Well, they were in the desert. You try to do a soft shoe in the desert, I think. Here's another good one.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Stuntman Bill Cumming, I love this, was paid a $450 bonus to jump into Largo's shark-infested pool in Thunderball. Oh my god! I said, here you go. There's sharks in the pool, but here's for-fitty. Yeah. Jump in there, you bastard. I think Gilbert would have done it for half that. I think, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I would have done it for lunch. Yeah. Here's another one. From Dr. No, this article only goes up to Quantum of Solace, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's some fun James Bond trivia. I also want to bring up, this is also fun, Roger Moore apparently suffered from something called, you know this? Have you heard this trivia? He suffered from something called hoplophobia. I like those cowboy
Starting point is 00:22:34 I probably print mispronouncing it. It was a fear of firearms Dated back to a childhood accident where he was shot in the leg by his brother with an air rifle Oh my god. Yeah now who the, now I get this from my wife Elizabeth, but I only have half the information. Yeah. Roger Moore was in, in one of them he was opposite a well-known model, I think, who later complained that she couldn't stand kissing this old guy, that it was just gross and disgusting. Oh, it might have been Tanya Robertson, a view to a killer. That could have, that might be it. Tanya Roberts was a Jew. There you go. Oh, she's have been Tanya Roberts in A View to a Killer. That could have been, that might be it. Tanya Roberts was a Jew.
Starting point is 00:23:05 There you go. Oh, she's still alive. She's still a Jew. Next week I want you to come in with a list of all the Jewish Bond girls. Oh, Barbara Bach. Barbara Bach. Yeah. Now, now.
Starting point is 00:23:19 The Spy Who Loved Me. Here's my favorite Bond song. Okay, hit us. Oh baby, now we got someone, now you got someone who stands out by your side. Oh baby, now you got someone on who you can rely and that night you'll never be lonely. when I put my sights on you. Got a license to kill. Ooh, man. Obscure. And you know I'm going straight for your heart.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Got a license to kill. Got a license to kill to anybody tries to tear us apart. Wow, you picked a Dalton movie. Yes, and it was, I remember, also what I like at the beginning, there was like, I think it was like this Chinese Playboy centerfold that they have basically jumping on a trampoline looking like, her silhouette looks naked,
Starting point is 00:24:23 but they'll do like these gun sounds like, phew, and she like will throw her arms back and like she's been hit. So talk about sexist stuff. Here you not only are jerking off about an Asian, a naked Asian model on a trampoline, but taking some weird joy in her being shot to death.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Well, all I can say is thank God we have you Gilbert to point out these instances of horrible sexism. Yes. Did you know that naked Asian model was the B-side to secret Asian men? I can't understand why that song never took off somehow. License to Kill. License to Kill. Yeah, that was the first of the...
Starting point is 00:25:09 Maybe the second one. It was some female black singer who sang that. Look that up. License to Kill. Yeah. The Dalton films don't stay with me very well. They were trying to go grittier after Moore because the Moore films had jumped the shark. I mean, Moonraker and... Ifier after after more because the more films had jumped the shark I mean moon raker and then you know a kill he was 72. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:28 He was just like it was just like comedy at that point Yeah with Christopher walk and as the as the heavy interview to a kill But since you know another person who was scared of firearms. I heard was it would G. Robinson. No kidding And I heard in like Little Caesar when he fires the gun they had trouble because he kept shutting his eyes because he got scared. But did he have haplophobia? Hey he was in he played an Indian. And haplophobia.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Okay you put us on a good one. Go ahead go. Okay so the initially two people were asked to compose the theme, Eric Clapton and Vic Flick. Do we know who Vic Flick is? Vic Flick. Vic Flick. Can't play some. Were asked to write and produce the theme song.
Starting point is 00:26:16 You can hear a guitar riff in the beginning that was played by Flick. But the song was performed and written by the same person. Gladys Knight. Oh, Gladys Knight. That's who it is. I know Tina Turner did one of the Brosnan themes. That's a good one. That's good, Gilbert.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Did Della Reese have to do it? No, Whitman Mayo did one. The end credits featured a song by Patti LaBelle at the end of the movie. So they had Patti, they brought up the heavy hitters. They really did. They had Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight for that one. One of the Bond themes was sung by Scatman Crothers. I didn't know that. Alright since you brought up the Bond theme. And I think Scoey Mitchell sung that. Also, it was the center square on Black Hollywood Square. Here's a little trivia.
Starting point is 00:27:10 We'll take us out with a little trivia here because we're running off at the mouth here on this one. What was the only Bond theme to top the billboard? Hot 100. Oh, was it Paul McCartney? No, you would think. That would be my guess. I would go with Goldfinger.
Starting point is 00:27:25 You'd both be mistaken. It was A View to a Kill by Duran Duran. How about that? Oh wow. The Last of the Roger Moors. I thought it would have been, yeah, what was that name of the Paul McCartney? Live and Let Die. Live and Let Die.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, that's a good guess. That's a good one. What writer most famous for children's books wrote the screenplay for You Only Live Twice? Was it that guy who did Willy Wonka? You are correct, Sam. Ah! Raul Dahl. Now I heard Raul Dahl was an anti-Semite.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah. Yeah. That's a whole different episode. And it stars, and it stars Gene Wilde. God. Frankie, can you put down on the ledger there that we're going to do an all anti-semite episode? See now with Frank here it's only one anti-semite.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Okay here's what you're just giving me segues. Here's what you'll love. Israel's 1976 operation to rescue hostages at Entbby airport in Uganda was named after which Bond movie Operation No, no, no, no would have been before golden eye Oh God Operation I don't have to look at 1976 was the year the the operation, so long before GoldenEye. Operation Thunderball. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Isn't that cool? It is cool. And one of the Antebi movies playing... Yafet Koto! Yafet Koto! The Jew himself, Yafet Koto. Six Degrees of Yafet Koto. Six degrees of Yafet Koto. My bad. I think Curly of the Three... No, he wasn't in any of the Bond films that I know of.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Are you sure? This is the end of you, Mr. Bond. Knock, knock, knock. And he was... I think as a child, he got, it was a shotgun or something, he shot himself in the, he got shot in the leg or in the foot and they say if you watch those movies he limps. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. That's cool stuff. Yeah. This episode is packed with information. I got two more questions and we're gonna jump. The shark. You'll see we jump the shark. What unique body feature does Christopher Lee's villain Scaramanga possess in The Man with the Golden Gun? Oh wait, wait, it's something with his private parts, isn't it? More or less. Not really, a little above. Oh, oh, oh, um...
Starting point is 00:30:06 Jesus. He has a superfluous third nipple. Ah! As does Krusty the Clown, by the way. Krusty the Clown. Oh, the Simpsons. Well, there's a third nipple episode coming up, maybe. There you go.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Speaking of the Simpsons, there's a wonderful Bond parody with Albert Brooks playing a villain called Hank Scorpio. There you go. Oh yeah, speaking of The Simpsons, there's a wonderful Bond parody with Albert Brooks playing a villain called Hank Scorpio. Oh yeah. Yeah, and I think, I can't remember the season, but latter day Simpsons and it's wonderful. Two more. Which Bond actress won a Razzie
Starting point is 00:30:37 for worst supporting actress? Denise Richards. Ah! Nicely done, and I'll take you out with this one. Crooner Wayne Newton played crooked televangelist Professor Joe Butcher in which Bond movie? Oh god I remember and I don't even remember who played Bond in them. Now you really should know after that song you just sang. Oh license to kill? Correct. See I'm still jerking off over that Asian centerfold.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Which one was that? License to kill. License to kill. Okay. I'll tell you, Timothy Dalton played a good villain in The Rocketeer. Oh, yes. Which is another good trivia question. What does Timothy Dalton have in common with Peter O'Toole? Oh, both Jewish?
Starting point is 00:31:25 This is taken on a decided note. They both played characters based on Errol Flynn. Oh my God, yes, yes, we just talked about that. We just talked to Norman Steinberg about my favorite year. My favorite year. So there you go. And yeah, and with Doulton and the Rocketeer, they bring out that rumor that Errol Flynn was a Nazi spy.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Was a Nazi spy, yeah, based on the comic book. So there you go, Wally Sysniak. And they had a guy in a Rondo Hatten mask in the movie. Correct. Yeah, we talked about the Rocketeer on a previous episode. I recommended it back when we were doing movies. Rondo Hatton, I just saw in some movie recently, well, it was in a recent movie. But he had a voice like that.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah. He was in a movie with Mickey Dolan's mother. Mickey Dolan's mother. Oh, jeez. We figured that out when Mickey was here. So Wally Sysniak, thank you. You got your damn Bond episode. Yes, that was fun. That was a suggestion. Yeah, so that really was. I'm out of bullets. Wanna take it out?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Okay, this has been Gilbert and Frank's amazing colossal obsessions. Thank you, Frankie. Thank you, Paul. Thank you,, thank you Paul, thank you Wally. Give me that breath, Colossal Obsessions! Give me that breath, Colossal Obsessions!

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