Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - Mini-Episode #110: Gilbert and Frank Read Listener Tweets

Episode Date: May 4, 2017

This week: Clu Gulager! Blossom "Grandmama" Rock! Farewell, Sheriff Pepper! And Dick Van Patten plays a vampire dentist! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's the sound of unaged whiskey transforming into Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Around 1860, Nearest Green taught Jack Daniel how to filter whiskey through charcoal for a smoother taste, one drop at a time. This is one of many sounds in Tennessee with a story to tell. To hear them in person, plan your trip at Tennessee sounds perfect. Hi, I'm Gilbert Gottfried, and this is Gilbert and Frank's Amazing Colossal Obsessions with my co-host, Frank Santopadre. And where are we, pray tell? Uh, in a room.
Starting point is 00:01:02 In a room. Colossal obsessions. We're at the fabulously appointed Nutmeg Post with our trusty friend, Frankie Verderosa. Or as he's known on social media. What are you known on social media as? Well, one clever listener came up with Frankfurter Roaster. Frankfurter Roaster. Which is amazing because I'd never heard that one before.
Starting point is 00:01:25 They didn't tease you with that when you were a kid? I didn't get that one. I got Ponderosa a lot growing up. But now the way you guys say it for the show. The way I say it or the way Gil says it? The way Gilbert says it. Sounds like something you buy to eat down on the Jersey Shore. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:39 They used to tease me, the kids, by singing the jingle of the Franco-American beef gravy commercial. That must have made you feel wonderful. It didn't make any sense at all. Franco-American, good gravy beef. That's it. They give you that one too? Oh, yeah. And then my high school years were the wonderful Frank Perdue chicken campaign
Starting point is 00:01:59 with Frank, oh Frank. I used to get, when I was a kid, they still had the Gilbert erector set. Oh, yeah? Yeah, Gilbert. That's right. That's ironic for you now. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Boy, can I use it tonight. Oh, lordy, lord. All right. We started out by digressing and talking about nicknames. We're going to do a little Twitter here. We haven't done a Twitter episode in a while. We did one with the Facebook page. We did one with the Listener Society with all of our fans.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And now we're going to do a little bit of – we'll start off with a gentleman named Alex Knight who is responding to the Billy J. Kramer episode. This was an unexpected guest that I greatly enjoyed. I am a huge Beatles fan, so this was really fun to hear. That's nice. We enjoyed having Billy J. Kramer. Oh, yeah. And, of course, you got to sing. Do you want to know a secret?
Starting point is 00:02:58 That's right. And then you sang. Do-da-do. Do you promise not to tell? Do-da-do. Do you promise not to tell? Do-da-do. Let me whisper in your ear. Oh, closer. Do-da-do.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Say the words you love to hear. Do-da-do. I'm in love with you. Oh. I'm not even going to try that one. You can actually hear the saliva bubbling And you know we can't say I don't know whether we should say yet But we have some more Beatles stories
Starting point is 00:03:33 We have Beatles stories coming up We have an episode coming up soon Well this one might run after that one Oh okay well you heard You're out of order Say once again Once again I'm out of order once again.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Our researcher Paul Rayburn is here to be abused by Gilbert. You know, Billy Jay Kramer may have been the first musical guest that actually considered touring with you. Oh, that's right. Usually it's just a gag. That's right. He wanted me to. He wanted to go out with you. Norm Mailer, not Norman Mailer, butiler and his avatar his avatar is a picture of
Starting point is 00:04:05 the great norman mailer uh love billy j kramer does he reveal that real gilbert that's you was actually the fifth beetle oh yes yeah yeah that was i've been trying to keep it secret was that before after you were the fifth spice girl he was jewice, as he said on the Colbert Show. Bob Ducart writes to us, seeing Mick Jagger dance following James Brown on the Tammy Show, which we discussed with Billy Jay, was like watching Abe Vigoda try to dance better than Gene Kelly.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I like that. We like that, Bob. Abe was actually something of an athlete. You'd be surprised. He was a handball player Yeah Hal Linden Hal Linden was telling us He played handball
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah And Abe Vigoda totally kicked his ass He was an accomplished handball player Abe stuck around for a long time I think he did some aerobic exercise in his day. Whereas you and I will be dead by 63. We died before this started. Rich Bruno.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Frank, any chance you will have Kay Ballard on the podcast? How about Kay Ballard? Jeez. The mother's-in-law. Yes. She was a song and dance lady. You never hear song and dance woman. Yes. She was a song and dance lady and you never hear song and dance woman. You always hear the expression song and dance man.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Now what about Eve Arden? Eve Arden has left us. Oh okay. That's going to be a very long distance call. Yeah okay. We're going to need the wire and the phone that goes into the ground from the Twilight Zone episode. Let's see. Y F Nuts.F. Nuts.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Y.F. Nuts. I too spent some time with Billy J. Kramer years ago, but I never sang with him. I'm no Gilbert. And Brian Epstein is rolling in his grave. Quite possibly. We enjoyed having Billy J. I mean, that was something different for us. Our first, I think our first
Starting point is 00:06:03 foreign-born guest. Our first Brit. He was great. I think our first foreign-born guest, our first Brit. Let's see. Now, though, was George Takei born here? George Takei. Takei, I mean. I think George was born in Los Angeles. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Do I have that wrong? We're going to have to check on that. That's shame on us for not knowing this. We have Paul here, so we'll have to look it up ourselves. They should have an answer in a couple of weeks. Let me know. Jerry Litzler. I love that name. Jerry Litzler.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Billy Jay and Grant Gilbert singing Obliterated My Eardrums. Of course, I'll listen again tomorrow. That's nice. Rickles. We got a lot of stuff about our Rickles episode. Oh, yeah. People really love their Rickles. Yeah. And I have to do a lot of stuff about our Rickles episode. Oh, yeah. People really love their Rickles. And I have to do a shout out to Frank Furter Roaster because it was his idea to run that little song that Don must have been in his 80s by that time when he was singing, I'll Trade You Laughter for Love.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I like when I get tweets and posts from people saying that they were brought to tears by an episode of the show. And it was a nice touch, Frank. I'm known for bringing people to tears. Well. George Takei, born in Los Angeles. There you go. You see, I got to it before the end of the episode. There you go, Gil.
Starting point is 00:07:16 First time. Yeah. You owe me dinner. I'll see that. Michael Scianamea. Scianamea. We've quoted him before you think I know his name by now. Greatamea. Schianamea. We've quoted him before. You'd think I know his name by now.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Great tribute to Don Rickles, boys. You guys are the best, but you're still a pair of hockey pucks. That was nice. Michael tweets a lot about the show, which we appreciate. Jay Wigley. Thanks to you both. I've been eagerly awaiting the Don Rickles tribute. How about a Stooge-only episode sometime?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, I would definitely love that. We have to do a stooge episode. Yeah. Maybe a mini, or should we dig up some stooge relations? Yeah, I think we should dig up some stooge relations. Yeah? Who do you want to talk to? I don't know who's ever around.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Okay. Yeah. Has anybody done a book on them? Is there an author we could talk to? There are plenty of books. Plenty of books. Plenty of books. Empty City Squares is our friend John Fodiatis. Today I learned that real Gilbert is the missing link
Starting point is 00:08:12 to Asian and midget jokes. The legacy lives on. Thank you John. Let's see. Oh God. Andrew Hang is one of hundreds of tweets we got demanding to know who the Chicken Hawk is from the Richard Kind episode. We are obliged not to tell.
Starting point is 00:08:34 You can get us drunk if you see us in the street. Somebody you wouldn't expect. Somebody you wouldn't expect. Somebody you wouldn't expect. I can't even pronounce this. Faisamkhan. Yeah, that guy is the chicken hawk. That's funny. Strangely enough, look at his avatar.
Starting point is 00:09:03 It's a picture of a baby chick. Okay. No further questions, Your Honor. Actually, I think I'm wrong. It's a fuzzy duck. Oh, boy. Oh, let's see. How does he say his name?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Faisha? Faisham? Boy, I can't even handle that. I'm usually good with these things. If you guys ever do films on Amazing Colossal Obsessions, again, we did one recently. We did Best Boy and Murder on the Orient Express. Will you consider Richard Dreyfuss' Let It Ride? Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You know this picture about a gambler? I guess it's about a gambler, an addicted gambler. I've never seen the picture. And did I say that? I think I already said this. People were tweeting me about when I said Best Boy that there was a sequel called Best Man. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Did you dig up the sequel? Did you track it down? No, no. I haven't looked it up. We found out that, I'm sorry, his name is escaping me again. Philly? Philly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Philly's in his, what, his 80s now? Yeah. He's up there. Yeah. We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast after this. And now back to the show. Joe, Joe, also Kota Katana, Kota Katana. I love these Twitter names.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I think that was the mummy's name. Yes. There's another mummy movie in the works, by the way. There's a Tom Cruise mummy movie. Oh Yes. Yes. There's another mummy movie in the works by the way. There's a Tom Cruise mummy movie. Oh, geez. There's a channel on,
Starting point is 00:10:29 do you have Fios? Either one of you? No. Verizon Fios? There's a channel, not a channel, but there's a show on Access
Starting point is 00:10:38 on Mark Cuban's network. It's just movie trailers. It's like two hours of movie trailers you can sit and watch back to back. And last night they showed this tom cruise mummy movie which is all cgi it doesn't it doesn't look very good i wanted them to bring back those old mummy movies with the leg dragging behind yeah this is see this is really high tech cgi stuff and then there was another
Starting point is 00:11:02 trailer for a new planet of the apes movie. I said to my wife, the technology is more advanced than ever, you know, with these movies. I just know it's not going to be as good as the Planet of the Apes we grew up on. Oh, yeah. Have you guys watched The Walking Dead? I've not, but people rave about it. We watched the first episode last week, and it's exactly that kind of situation the mummies look i mean the zombies look terrific and half bodies moving and all that stuff but nothing like night of the living not as good as george romero it doesn't it doesn't create the same just like when i watch the old kind of stop action animation like of king kong or any of the dinosaur films and And I go, I knew even as a kid how they did it,
Starting point is 00:11:47 and I knew it was very choppy, the animation, but it's more real to me. Like when they do it too, computerization makes everything a little too slick sometimes. We showed the kids the birds not long ago, and they giggled through it because all the effects looked so fake. Which is kind of a shame. You know.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. Mrs. Yaka Flush. I love you. I love the ships at sea. Mrs. Yaka Flush. Wherever you are. Your Don Rickles tribute was perfect. His sign-off song at the end brought tears to my eyes. Great job.
Starting point is 00:12:24 There you go again, Francis. You got a fan club for me here. And there was that horror movie, Beast of Yakufla. Really? Yeah. Who was in that? Clue Gulager? Clue Gulager?
Starting point is 00:12:36 I just like to say his name. Clue. Oh, you'll love this one, Gil. This is from Brian Van Hooker. I love when you guys... Like you really need to read anything after that. It's a Van Chloroform. Brian Van Hooker.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Look, I love when you guys have Richard Kind on. You know, if Gilbert is ever murdered, he'd be a great new host. Oh, my heavens. What do these people think of? You've been trying to replace Frank for a long time. You know, maybe we should have a couple of backups for you. It's not a bad idea. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:13:10 Why am I always getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop? Here you go. Here's a man after your own heart, Daniel Bennett. I'm watching them right now with Onslow Stevens. Oh. Your favorite. George Shallert. Is it George Shallert?
Starting point is 00:13:25 I think Edmund Gwen. James Whitmore. James Arness. How about that? Yeah, we almost had William Shallert on the show. Yes, we did. We came very close to having William Shallert on the show. Perhaps we should settle for Gene Shallet.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Let's see. Excellent tribute don rickles farewell mr warmth says bill schaefer a lot of people like the rickles episode and uh gosh he's one of those that we uh we really wish we had gotten chris catchmark sends us a video of barney martin who came up on a previous episode uh google barney martin if you don't know the name, you guys will recognize him immediately. Let's see. As a girl of the 60s, says our friend Peaches Swearingen, hearing Billy J. Kramer was absolute heaven for me. That's nice. Somebody made a Photoshop.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Laura Pinto saw this and thought of you guys. Not sure why. And she included a Photoshop, I assume, that was made by a gentleman named Joshua Henry. Can you see this? It's just Esther Rolle saying, Oh, I saw that. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:35 You've inspired that. Oh, let's see. And someone tweeted that it was the anniversary of when Don't Give Up on Us Baby became the number one hit. Oh, I thought of you. tweeted that it was the anniversary of like when Don't Give Up On Us Baby became the number one hit. Oh, I thought of you. Yes, yes. Don't Give Up On Us Baby in 1977. Don't give
Starting point is 00:14:54 up on us baby. Don't make the wrong seem right. The future isn't just one night. It's written on the moonlight. Suspended on the stars.
Starting point is 00:15:12 We can change ours. David Soule. Was that 77 or 78? Did they say it was the 40th anniversary? Yeah. I know it's the 40th anniversary of Annie Hall this week. Oh, wow. If only we had a guest
Starting point is 00:15:26 from Annie Hall on the podcast. Joe Costal, or Coastal, writes, I love the Don Rickles app and Gilbert didn't bring up throwing oranges,
Starting point is 00:15:37 so I was able to share it with my sons. Joe also tweets, for the next tweet episode, that would be this one. Ask Gilbert about Midnight Hour with Dick Van Patten as a zombie dentist. Does that mean anything to you? That boy, that one went past me. And I'm not going to ask Paul to look it up. Right. That's got to help us.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Can I look that one up, Paul? Don't give up on us, baby. 1976. 76? Wow. Can it be? I've got my years all tangled up. How about that?
Starting point is 00:16:15 I thought it was a 77 or a 78 for sure. The genre is soft rock. Soft rock. Mr. David's soul. Soft rock. Yeah, Paul Michael Glazer never charted as far as I know. Boy, I can't believe I had the year wrong on that one. I love this, Gil. James T. Aubrey.
Starting point is 00:16:30 I just love the podcast and I can't wait for the tribute to Blossom Rock. You know Blossom Rock? She was grandmama on the old Addams Family. Oh, jeez. Do you remember the old Addams Family from the 60s? Google Blossom Rock. Do you remember the old Adams family from the 60s? Yeah, I'm trying to picture.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Google Blossom Rock. Tell us about her. Yeah. Every time. P.W. P.W. Goes up by the name Navin Johnson, which is a jerk reference. Every time I listen to a podcast with real Gilbert and Frank, I learn something amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:00 That's nice. He learned about Jamie Farr and John Amos. Let's see what else we got. We got, we got, we got. That movie, Linda Dalton writes, that movie with Rickles and Borgnine you guys talked about, The Rabbit Trap. You know anything about this picture at all? It was on TCM. Going to give it a shot.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It wasn't like we actually recommended it. We can't be responsible for some of these. I have Edith Marie Blossom McDonald. That was her name. A.K.A. Blossom Rock. Tell us about her. I never saw her in anything but that. She was occasionally billed as Marie Blake or Blossom McDonald.
Starting point is 00:17:38 She kind of worked it every which way. Wow. Her younger sister was screen actress and singer Jeanette McDonald. Jeanette McDonald was her sister? Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald? Wow. Her younger sister was screen actress and singer Jeanette McDonald. Jeanette McDonald was her sister? Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald? Wow. That's interesting. Unfortunately, we cannot get Blossom Rock on the show.
Starting point is 00:17:53 No, she's long gone. She left us in 1978. She's long gone. Long gone. And Jackie Coogan, too, Uncle Fester. Yeah, Uncle Fester. Do you remember her, Blossom Rock? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:03 The only people that are alive from that Addams Family cast, even Pugsley died. Lisa Loring, who played Wednesday, is still with us, if we want to track her down. And the elusive John Astin, who we have reached out to on numerous occasions with no success. Pugsley had a miserable life. Did he? Yeah. Ken Weatherwax was his name. I don't know much about him.
Starting point is 00:18:25 They said he was like picked on and bullied in school from being on the Adams family. Then at one point he joined the army and they were like, looked at him as you know that about him. Yeah. It's sad. It was a horrible way to, way to bring the show to a sad, sad downbeat. Way to bring the show to a sad downbeat. That's usually why we talk to Paul. I'm going to get all the gory details on Weatherwax here and try to really, really knock it down. Buddy Spencer writes, here you go. On this day, 1977, David Hutch Soul had a number one hit on Billboard with Don't Give Up On Us Baby.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Paul, there's a discrepancy on on the dates on don't give up on his baby uh bob ducard again i'm just thinking it would be uh if you guys have not thought of rip taylor as a guest maybe you should we have been out to rip yeah i believe he told dara he was waiting on a documentary uh but i hope we can actually speed that process along. Let's see, one or two more here. Let's see. Brian O'Connor. Boy, I never thought I'd hear Frank Santopadre name check Boodle on the Real Gilbert. It's a part of Liverpool. I guess it is. I guess it is. guess it is yeah with Billy J and Clifton James died who was the sheriff in The Man with the Golden Gun
Starting point is 00:19:53 a heavy set guy you know this actor he sort of looked like like a Joe Besser meets Ned Beatty kind of look you're that secret agent yeah he died played Sheriff J.C. Pepper Besser meets Ned Beatty. Yes, yes. Kind of look. You're that secret agent. Yeah, he died.
Starting point is 00:20:08 He played Sheriff J.C. Pepper. Oh, in Live and Let Die. I think he's also in The Man with the Golden Gun. And we'll wrap this. This is interesting. I'm just getting lost reading these. Our pal John Fodiatis. Only real Gilbert and Frank can get Tony Roberts to tell a Milton Berle, Forrest Tucker restroom story.
Starting point is 00:20:33 That's what makes this podcast gold. Isn't that sweet? That's touching. We appreciate that. Now, what did you find out about Ken Weatherwax as long as Gilbert's bringing the show to a screeching halt. I had him and I ditched him because I couldn't take the withering looks I was getting from Gilbert here, but I can look
Starting point is 00:20:52 him up. Because for a minute there, the show was getting a little too cheery. You don't want to end on an upbeat. You don't want to end on an up note. Here, Gil, this is Joe Don Baker, not the Joe Don Baker. By the way, it This is Joe Don Baker, not the Joe Don Baker. But by the way, it would be an interesting guest for us, Joe Don Baker.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Any idea when your movie will be available, your documentary, for those of us who couldn't make it to Tribeca? Oh, it's called Gilbert. And I don't know exactly what happens after it plays at Tribeca. The negative is burned. Yeah, exactly. I will tell everyone. I'll tweet something out. Gilbert will let you know when the time comes, but we appreciate the interest.
Starting point is 00:21:36 We're recording this on Tuesday the 18th, and we're two days away from the premiere. By the time you've heard this, the premiere will be long over. Paulie? I'm not finding too much on Weatherwax. Born in Los Angeles, typecast as Pugsley well into his teens, at 17 entered the U.S. Army. Was he related to Russ Weatherwax, the famous Hollywood dog trainer?
Starting point is 00:21:59 Because we can do another whole show while we're waiting for you to come up with that. Let's see. His aunt was actress and dancer Ruby Keeler. Wow. Wow. Look at this good stuff, Gil. Look at this. Come on, Neil.
Starting point is 00:22:11 This is pretty good. Pugsley's aunt. You're getting this, folks? Pugsley's aunt was Ruby Keeler. Gee. And grandmama's sister was Jeanette McDonald. Too strange. Now, Weatherwax's half-brother Joey DeViera, also known as Donald Keeler for some reason,
Starting point is 00:22:28 played Porky on the first three seasons of Lassie. Oh, interesting. Beginning in 1954. Interesting. Frank and Rudd. Did you say something about a dog trainer? I think it was Rudd Weatherwax. Frank and Rudd Weatherwax.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I said Russ Weatherwax. Lassie's trainers and owners of the first dog to play the role were Ken's uncles. There you go. This whole Weather Wax family is something incredible. Yeah. You know, by the way, the Westmore family, the makeup family, a book came to my office about the history of the Westmores, and I think we should do a mini episode about the Westmore family.
Starting point is 00:22:58 What do you think? Oh, absolutely. We'll do a great episode about a classic Hollywood makeup. They did the makeup for Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. You bet your bippy. We should appear in makeup for that. Yeah, for an audio-only podcast. For an audio-only podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:11 All right. And, Paul, can you say, there's no need to fear, underdog is here. There's no need to fear, underdog is here. Why do you make him say that? Do you think he looks like Wally Cox? No, I think he sounds like underdog is here. Why do you make him say that? Do you think he looks like Wally Cox? No, I think he sounds like underdog. Well, I get that all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I was going to say go, go, gophers. Whatever works. You want to take us out on David's soul, my friend? I know I lost my head last night. You've got a right to stop believing. There's still a little love left. Even so. Give up on us, baby.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Give up on us, baby. We're still worth one more try. Can't we get a last one by? The angel and the dreamer who sometimes plays the fool. Don't give up on us, I know. We can still come through. Beautiful.
Starting point is 00:24:35 This has been Gilbert and Frank's amazing Colossal Obsessions. You notice how Gilbert is right out of the song, right back into the close close It's so smooth He's smooth as a baby's butt See you next time Listener Man Listener Man If you want to know about
Starting point is 00:25:10 My Beyoncé suit Or Long Chaney Jr. It's something we're used to Colossal obsessions These things that we've studied Like why Groucho helped Chico Cause he needed the money If you have a comment
Starting point is 00:25:38 On Cesar Romero And those oranges thrown by Those young caballeros You can ask what you want Anything on our bits But please keep it short Just like having finishes Listen up, man
Starting point is 00:26:10 Listen up, man Yeah, we'll answer your questions And that is a promise Even the ones About Danny Thomas Listen up, man Listener Mail Listener Mail Listen to me Listen to me Listen to me Listen now
Starting point is 00:27:26 Listen now Listen now Listen now Listen up, man. Listen up, man.

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