Girls Gone Bible - Ally Yost & Ashley Hetherington | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: March 1, 2024

hi best friends. love youuu GGB♡ today's guests don't even need an introduction. it's Ally Yost & Ashley Hetherington. 2 of the greatest girls we've ever met. they love Jesus so much. we love J...esus so much. and we go over all the reasons why He is worthy to be loved. it was a really cute conversation but also really real and really raw (like usual duhhh) we love these girls and this episode. we pray it blesses you and you get to know Jesus a little better through us. please pre-order Ashley's book, "The Joy of the In-between" love you guys so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo- HEY WHILE WE'RE HERE. WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO RATE & LEAVE COMMENTS ON SPOTIFY & APPLE PODS. IT HELPS US. OK BYE NOW LOVE YOU

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I feel the Holy Ghost! Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost is here. Let's go. Do we leave the bloobs and the water on the table? What do we do? Just for the shots that you guys are getting? The water is fine. Maybe the blueberries we take off. What about my coffee? No, leave your coffee. What about my magic mind?
Starting point is 00:00:16 That's kind of a vibe. Wait guys, can I tell you about this? Okay, so you guys don't know this, but... Your magic mind? It's so cute. Our viewers, we're like all on this inside joke table. We're like, we're like, about this? Keep it. Okay, so you guys don't know this, but it's so cute. Our viewers, we're, like, all on this inside joke together because I have OCD. I love having inside jokes. We have so many inside jokes.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I get, like, addicted to different types of foods or energy. Like, when I really like something, I love it. Yeah. And I'll, like, kick out whatever was there before. Yeah. So I recently was having cappuccinos, and then I switched to Prime, and now I'm obsessed with this Magic Mind. It literally is like this little shot.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I need one. No, I have more. Do you want one? I actually have one. We should all have one. It'll be my reward. Well, so I had it last week for the first time on an episode, and energy drinks give you like a bodily high kind of,
Starting point is 00:01:03 and like coffee. This is mental focus, and I'm obsessed high kind of and like coffee this is mental focus and i'm obsessed with things that just like bring me right into focus and like it's just the best they better get them into the 7-elevens because what are you gonna do now that you don't do the quest bar i'm telling you and i wait wait oh this is her new obsession no and i also i switched from quest bars to rx bars okay no this is good for, no, this is good for us to know, though. Why? What were you going to do? Please don't buy me a box.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Literally nothing. I just wanted to be I just wanted to know more about how I can serve you as a friend and love you as a friend and I want to know what you love. Yeah, we just want, we need to know our friends. They were about to give me a 200 pound of Quest Bars. I'm about to flood her bedroom.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I'm on the RX Bar, so good thing I took it. Okay, which one's your favorite? I love RX Bars. The black wrapper. Which one? It's the dark chocolate. And it's only that one. She will not even look twice at any of them.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Chocolate sea salt. How'd you know that? Because I had an RX Bar obsession. So do I. You're just like me. Those are much better for you, by the way. You're just like me, for real. No, like, I hate that.
Starting point is 00:02:06 No, I know. I need to have that green thing like literally after this. It is my actual reward. Once we're done, I'm going to be like, My reward will probably be like a bowl of pasta,
Starting point is 00:02:14 but I love that. No, same, same, same. Stop, that's not so good. Hi, guys. Hi. My name is Angela. And my name is Arielle. And we...
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'm so sorry, go ahead. Start over. Oh, no, we do this every time. No, our audience knows. She's sorry. I said hi. I said hi. Hi guys, I'm Angela.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And I'm Arielle, and we are Girls Gone Bible. We are a faith-based podcast. We talk everything spirituality, mental health, relationships. Everyone is welcome, all religions. You can feel safe with us and today we have two very very special guests our dear friends Ali Yost and Ashley Hetherington I'm so grateful I know for a fact that there's there's nobody that watches us that doesn't watch you guys because you guys are the it things in this space.
Starting point is 00:03:12 No, no, absolutely not. If you guys want good role models to look up to in the Christian space, it's these girls. And let me tell you how we met. So I went to Passion this year, and I had known of Allie for a while. And I knew that I wanted to be friends with Allie. I saw her at Mosaic one time. And she was sitting. And I still lived here.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah, when you still lived in L.A. This is whack. And this is nuts that we never, like it never happened while we were still living in the same city. I know. Like it's sick. Because now you live in Nashville. But that was the large timing. Like we weren't supposed to meet yet.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You know? 100%. Yeah. 100%. And so I met them at Passion. And I literally ran up to you guys, and I was like, hi. It was instant. I love you. It was instant.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I was like, she's my sister. Immediately, I want her to be my bestie. Like, literally, we were like, she's in. She's in. But it just shows God's timing. Yeah. Because if y'all had maybe met six months, eight months prior. I mean, I can't imagine it being any other way.
Starting point is 00:04:02 But, like, there's a reason why it didn't happen. Because we literally, like, would attend the same church. I think you guys were literally there together. I mean, I can't imagine it being any other way, but there's a reason why it didn't happen. Because we literally would attend the same church. I think you guys were literally there together. I think we were, yeah. And I was too scared to say anything. I was at church alone, and I said, I'm just going to leave. Well, you know what's so funny is I saw Allie behind us,
Starting point is 00:04:18 and I had been wanting to be friends with her for the longest time, and it's so funny how we can believe lies. We both were having doubt right and and thinking that the other one maybe didn't like i didn't necessarily think that but i remember i turned around and i saw ali and i was like i can't wait to say hi to her and then i turned around like the coward i was well no because ali has this like she has this face when she's focused and it's a little bit intimidating and i don't like that i've never never seen that on you. No, because you just have such a strong presence.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You're just so strong. So if you're not your smiley self, which you usually are, and you're just, like, focused on the message. I was just with the Lord. Yeah, and I was like, oh. And I, like, literally felt like I got shy, and I didn't go up to her. And I should have, but it's fine because we met.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I was shy, too. We would just be shy. You guys would have said nothing to each other, just stand there. Literally. We would have been like, what? That's so true. God knew the right timing at Passion. I mean, it was so anointed.
Starting point is 00:05:14 It was just like immediate friends. Oh, immediate. And then when we met Ari, it was just immediate. Oh, immediate. I loved you guys. When we met you, Ange, and then we were like, we can only imagine what it's going to be like when we meet Ari. And, like, all of us come together. So, praise the Lord.
Starting point is 00:05:29 This has been such a blessing. It really has. And I'm so grateful to be here. I'm so happy you guys are here. We love you guys. We love y'all so much. You guys are doing such incredible things for the kingdom. And I just, for you to champion us, we want to champion y'all.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I cannot believe we're even all here. And I just feel like the devil's shrieking. Bro, he is so angry that we're sitting here at this table together. He's shrieking. Shrieking. I'm not going to start saying that. I love it. The devil is shrieking in his boots right now.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Hell is shaking. No, he is. Because when we come together, we just have so much to say between the four of us. I'm so excited to get into it. So you guys are here in L.A. You're visiting from Nashville. And I just want to get into both of your stories.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Like, on Girls Gone Bible, we love to just platform people to tell their testimonies because we know that, like, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the power of our testimony, the word of our testimony. And I just know that sharing your testimony gives somebody in the audience, somebody in the viewership that like they can possibly see their story in your story. So I want to start with that. Whoever wants to go first. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:36 They feel heard, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Our testimonies are so powerful. Oh, you want to go first? I can go first. Yeah. I feel like there's always like a long and a short version of your testimony.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah. I mean, I'm like, I don't know. I mean, we want to hear everything. Or we could just do a little brief. Can you get raw for us? Because we need a raw testimony. That's what we do here. We tell everything.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We're just like. So what's so crazy is like, so obviously we went to church last night and we did like this fun worship night. And it was crazy. At Circuit Riders? Yeah, at Circuit Riders. We love them. They're amazing. And I met so many girls that like spoke into my podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I was not even expecting it, but it was like so much confirmation that what I'm doing with the Lord in my podcast is like what I'm supposed to be doing. Because like obviously I have my social media and stuff too. But a girl came up to me and she was like, bro, your story's crazy. And I said, what? I just feel like we get so numb to our own stories. Yeah. That we're like, I'm sitting here and I'm like, I don't think my story is that crazy. Honestly, I don't think my testimony is that wild at all.
Starting point is 00:07:41 But just the fact that somebody came up to me and was like, no, it is. It is. And she probably related and you probably helped her. because you got so raw yeah we just dilute it like i don't know if y'all relate to that but like i legit will dilute which is such a dishonor to the lord like low-key that's like a sin like i should not be treated because that is a story that he wrote and for me to be like i don't know it's not that i'm like it's not that big it's not that big of a deal what that's the lord yeah how dare you say that you know what i mean a hundred That's the Lord. Yeah. How dare you say that? You know what I mean? A hundred percent. Ari and I actually have found this within ourselves that when we go to tell our testimony
Starting point is 00:08:09 specifically, we almost rush through it. Yes. Because we'll be like, nobody really cares that much. It can't be that special. But yeah, and you tell it so many times that you think like, oh, they've probably already heard this, where there's a huge chance they haven't. And even if they have, they'll probably gain something new because it's God's story in your life. And it's your story.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah. Like, even if it does have similarities to other people's lives, like, does it mean that it's not unique and completely tailored to you? Because that's what the Lord does. He's personal, he's intentional, and he makes each and every one of our stories tailored to us, right? Yes. So anyway, I grew up knowing Jesus, kind of, right? So my family's been Christian, like we've always been believers, but my parents were never, we weren't the type of family that
Starting point is 00:08:54 was like super religious though. So we weren't going to church like every Sunday. We would go to church for the holidays, right? Like Christmas and Easter and stuff. And my parents were really good about speaking about Jesus. Like they brought him in the home and we had like our Bible verses on the walls and stuff and we would pray before dinner and everything. But it was really easy for me to be lukewarm because there just wasn't any like routine. I guess, yeah, like more of that like routine, right? But I think it ended up being such a blessing because I really like I got to choose Jesus as an adult. Like it was never something that was like forced on me at a young age or whatever. So I do believe it was a blessing. But,
Starting point is 00:09:29 so anyway, I, you know, I grew up around that, kind of, like, hearing about Jesus, praying to God from time to time, but I never took him seriously. Like, I was super, super lukewarm. There were times where I was like, you know what? I'm going to read the Bible. Like, I never even really tried to, like, pick up the Bible or ever know Jesus at all, you know? Like, I knew like, you know what? I'm going to read the Bible. Like I never even really tried to like pick up the Bible or ever know Jesus at all. You know, like I knew him, but I didn't know the gospel. I didn't know. I knew he died on a cross. That's it. Like I didn't know anything further than that. Right. So how old were you at this time? Um, I mean like probably teenage years, right? Like 14, 15 years old, 16, whatever. Um, then I get into my twenties and I feel like that's when like everything, you know, the world gets heavy, obviously in your teenage years too but like you get into your 20s and you start living on your own and
Starting point is 00:10:07 then you get all this freedom yeah where you're like living by yourself and you can do everything you want and your parents don't have to tell you what to do anymore and it's like kind of fun and exciting right especially when it comes to sin because it's like bro who's gonna tell me no you know and I didn't even know that I was living in sin either so that was the other part is like I was just so naive like we give her grace right oh absolutely so um you know I'm like I'm of the age of being able to drink I'm like single I get my first apartment at the age of like I don't know like 23 and I'm having so much fun I'm going out like boys like all of it this was when I was living in Charlotte North Carolina okay so I'm originally born and raised in upstate New York and then my family and I we all moved down to
Starting point is 00:10:43 Charlotte and I lived there for about eight years then I moved out to LA for a year now I'm in Nashville as of like two three months ago so she's been bopping around but um so yeah but like the main part of my 20s have been in Charlotte North Carolina so um and I have these people in my life and I have these relationships and I kept like in the beginning it was really fun which is also what the enemy does right it's always so fun in the beginning it was really fun, which is also what the enemy does, right? It's always so fun in the beginning. And then it wears you down. And I felt like I was beginning to get to a point where I was being worn down.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Where like, the going out, the being hung over, the boys, the attention, you know, even some friends, like it was getting really exhausting. And I was feeling like I still wasn't getting that thing filled in my heart. But I would lean on people so much for that. I would lean on people. I would lean on the world. I would lean on girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And I would be like, I want to ride or die. Bro, that's what I would say. Me too. Ride or die? Yeah. Who rides and who died for us? Jesus, Allie. Angelina would. I would. I'd be a ride or die. No, and who died for us? Jesus, Allie. Angelina would.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I'd be a ride or die. But that's through Jesus. It has to be Jesus first though. And you're not idolizing that. Yes. The only reason that I have y'all ride or dies in my life is because of Jesus because he's at the center of it. He still comes first and all of that but I Jesus was not first in my life at all, right?
Starting point is 00:12:04 So I was trying to understand, God, why can't I find solid community? Why can't I find solid friends? Why do I keep getting trashed on in relationships? I was abused, like, emotionally, just, like, I was in really awful back-to-back relationships. You know, I hate saying that because I don't want to speak ill of the people in my past, right? But, like, it just wasn't healthy. It's okay. And I was unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Toxic, maybe. I played into the toxicity, too, you know, because I had ways to grow. Jesus was not the center of like yeah and I was unhealthy I played into the toxicity too you know because I had ways to grow Jesus was not the center of my heart I was not perfect um so I needed to swallow I love that I did that like the whole podcast by the way I have like bubbles in my throat no but it's real it's the minute I started talking about people I just I don't I don't like to speak ill but that that is the truth. But it's your story. It was just bad relationships. No, and honestly, and it's normal, and just like you said, hurt people hurt people, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And to be honest, it's not like you were dating godly people at the time. God bless them. So obviously there was hurt. Of course. And you were not a godly person at that point. No, I wasn't. Yeah, it was all worldly. You're not even saying anything.
Starting point is 00:13:04 You saying abusive relationships is nothing compared to what I say. It's real. It's real. And so many people listening relate and understand exactly what we're talking about. No, and they need to hear that because when you don't
Starting point is 00:13:18 have Jesus, you will not value yourself. You can't love people right. And you can't be in good relationships. And you will find offense in that. And you'll take abuse. Yeah. Yeah. So I just like, I couldn't, and all I wanted to do was love.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Like all I wanted to do was love my partner in all those relationships and be enough. And all I wanted to do was like love my friends and be enough. And I kept feeling rejected. I kept feeling like I wasn't enough. I was cheated on by multiple people that I dated. And I was like, wow, okay, I'm not enough. They keep wanting to look in other places. And even when it came to friendships, I was rejected and left out of things. I was like really fun and cool in the beginning. And then I don't know, I just became like old news and I wasn't being brought around anymore. People found new friends. And I just felt like what I was looking for was
Starting point is 00:14:06 just not happening, you know? And I was living in Charlotte for like seven years. And granted, there were still incredible people. Like I still had great people, but overall, bro, I was like, I ain't got nobody, you know? I don't have anybody that could like literally pick me up. Yeah, 100%. No writer dies, we're present. Pick me up. So, yeah, and I was like, God, I've lived here for seven years. Like, how is this possible? Like, how has this happened with me sitting in this city for seven years and I have not found one solid person? How is that possible, right?
Starting point is 00:14:37 And so I remember, and, like, with me having my social media, I had blown up on the internet, like, a couple years prior to this, right? So the Lord really blessed me with, like, being able to go full time on social media, I had blown up on the internet like a couple years prior to this, right? So the Lord really blessed me with like being able to go full-time on social media. TikTok was what blew up for me first. And I just loved pouring into people, but I just felt like I kept pouring in and I wasn't getting that pouring back, right? And at that point, it's like we're only human and so we can only pour into people for so long until we're literally at the ends of ourselves. Like the only reason that I'm able to pour into people now
Starting point is 00:15:05 is because Jesus pours into me first and now I can pour into people. But when you are constantly just trying to like pour into others on your own will and your own strength, you will hit a bottom. You will be dry. And that was the point I was getting at. Is I was like, I can't keep loving people
Starting point is 00:15:20 and feeling like this, like where do I go? So I remember I posted this video on TikTok and I was in my bedroom and I was crying. It was a Friday night. And I was like, I have no friends. I have no plans. I'm just sad. Like I'm sad of spending another Friday, another weekend, right. Of not going out and not having a community or friends. And so I posted this video. This was like probably like four months before I really seeked the Lord. So it's crazy. Cause this was like probably like four months before I really seeked the Lord. So it was crazy because this was like my break.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Like this was when the breakthrough was really starting for me. And how old were you? I was, this was like a year and a half ago. Wow. So like 27, 26, 27. Wow. And I got on. That was another thing too is like whenever I would go through something,
Starting point is 00:16:03 I would record it and I'd put it on the internet because I was like, you know, other people get it, you know? And that was the person, was just like my phone or my parents or something. It was healing to you. Yeah, it was. Like it was, and for both people on both sides of the phone. Like I know those videos helped other people be seen. Like I don't regret any of it.
Starting point is 00:16:20 But I was like, y'all, I'm here alone on a Friday night again. And I think I did it at like two in the morning. I was like, there's no way this is like going to blow up or anything. That's not why I was like, y'all, I'm here alone on a Friday night again. And I think I did it at, like, 2 in the morning. And I was like, there's no way this is, like, going to blow up or anything. That's not why I was doing it. I was just kind of being, like, I was just, like, doing, like, a video diary kind of where I was just like, this is how I'm feeling. I'm sad. Like, I don't have friends. I feel excluded, right?
Starting point is 00:16:35 And so I'm like, I don't know. I just, I feel like I'm in my mid to late 20s and I still haven't found, like, my people. And that was really frustrating for me, you know. Posted it. It went, like, stupid viral overnight. Like, 800,000. This is real hurt. Like, that is real hurt that people feel, right? The fact that that went viral, 800,000 people liked it, millions of you, like, 2.4 million views. That's 2.4 million people that know that feeling. Yeah. That's 2.4 million people that needed to seek Jesus the same way I eventually did, right? And so I ended up making a decision that I wanted to start taking the Lord seriously. I just heard it. I just, I
Starting point is 00:17:14 felt him whisper to me and he was like, you need to take me seriously because you've never tried. Can I ask, so what, what prompted that? What led that? Was there somebody in your life? Did you listen to a sermon? Because were you praying praying already or was it literally just one day no because I've had moments like that yeah it was literally that like I don't even I can't even explain it it was literally just like I knew that the Lord had been pursuing me like my whole life bro he was so present and even through my journey of me going viral on like TikTok and stuff there were moments where I was like God I know this is you yeah like I knew in my core that everything that was good that was happening to me with my social media and stuff and like even just making like x amount from the
Starting point is 00:17:57 views that was paying my rent I literally remember one moment I cried and I said thank you God like I was recognizing that he was very present right um but I wasn't listening to sermons I wasn't reading my bible I wasn't but I would pray to him from time to time and I feel like that's all he needed that was like the mustard seed you know and so he let me kind of go through all this hurt until I I I just realized that I had tried everything you know like I tried the relationships I tried the friends I tried the world I tried the that I had tried everything. You know, like I tried the relationships, I tried the friends, I tried the world, I tried the bars, I tried the tequila shots, I tried the boys, I tried all of it,
Starting point is 00:18:30 and it just, nothing was making me feel fulfilled. And so, and not even the success of my TikTok. Like not even all the incredible, amazing, like heartfelt comments that people were putting in my comment section, don't get me wrong, it was all so huge. To have people saying, I feel so seen, you have no idea how much this means to me.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I know what I was doing was good, but not even that was filling my cup. Me turning to people on the internet and being like, it didn't matter how many comments I could read. It filled me for a minute, but then I was empty again. And so I remember January came around and I made the decision that I wanted to move to L.A.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And it was funny because my motives for coming out to L.A. was a bit more selfish. Not that I was a selfish person, but, like, I had selfish tendencies. I was like, Lord, I want to be a freaking superstar. Yeah. He's calling me to be a superstar, which I think is true, but, like, it's for him. You know, not for me. But it was, like, for me at the time. So I was like, is true, but, like, it's for him, you know, not for me, but it was, like, for me at the time, so I was, like, you know, I, like, got TikTok famous, and I was, like, I'm
Starting point is 00:19:29 gonna move to LA, like, every freaking TikToker does, and so I do that, and I was, like, but, I said, but, if I'm gonna move out to LA, which is, like, the biggest move I've ever made, right, I'm moving away from all my family on the East Coast, bro, I'm gonna be far, okay, and I've only ever been, like, so close to my family, like I said, like, we we lived in New York and then we all moved down to Charlotte together. And so I've never been away from my family. And I was like, I'm going to do this, but if I'm going to lean on anything, I think I have to lean on God. Like, I don't know what else it has to be. Um, and so January I got my Bible. I went to Barnes and Noble and I got my Bible and it's so cute and it's pink and it's got flowers. And I was like, I'm going to open this. I'm going to want to, because it's cute and it's
Starting point is 00:20:07 Jesus and it's good. And so, uh, and that was it. I love the way she talks so much. That was it. I literally was like, that's it. Okay. I want to take him seriously. Cause I also was like, Wait, were you already in LA? No, this was while I was still in Charlotte. Cause I moved to LA like mid January. Wow. So it was like two weeks before I moved to LA was when I got my Bible and I was like, all right, I'm going to do this. LA was when I got my Bible and I was like, all right, I'm going to do this. I'm going to read my Bible. And reading the word,
Starting point is 00:20:29 which is why I will never stop telling people this, when people are like, how do I become closer to the Lord? How do I strengthen my faith? How do I find him? How do I hear him? The word. Because reading the Bible was what completely changed my life.
Starting point is 00:20:42 We've said this. We've said this. I started reading my Bible and it completely changed my heart. Done. Yeah. Done. Can I ask you something? Because you said when you were younger, you, you read the Bible, right? I tried. And when I say that, I read one page and I probably wasn't even present. I was like, this is boring. Cause you had your identity into everything else. So you couldn't focus on it. And I didn't think it could give me what I needed. Right. Right. I felt like at that time it was like, I just wasn't serious enough about it. God needed me to go through that loneliness,
Starting point is 00:21:06 he needed me to go through that rejection, he needed me to go through that I've tried everything, now you need to take me seriously. And so the first year of me living in LA was so isolating because it was like, then you move to a city like Los Angeles and you want to know Jesus now. Okay, you know? But it was such a blessing even in that with the
Starting point is 00:21:25 loneliness because I felt myself becoming more and more content with being okay with being alone, right? Because I had such a problem with being alone before because I was like, wait, but I need people. I need community, which is true. Like, this community is such a blessing and, like, my faith only strengthens more by being around y'all, like, people like you and being in the community. But it was so intentional what the Lord did even with me being in la alone with him in my kitchen in los angeles of all places like it's giving the same energy as when people looked at where jesus came from and they're like how can anything come out of jerusalem that's good like how can anything good come out of los angeles how can anything good come out of anywhere like the lord can do anything yeah so i yeah it was just
Starting point is 00:22:04 me and him chilling in my kitchen, and then I couldn't stop talking about him, and then all of my social media has been about Jesus now. And in the beginning, I was like, oh, my gosh, God, this is so scary. People are, no one followed me for Jesus in the beginning, you know? And so I couldn't stop talking about him. Like, I literally just wanted to be like, he's so good. Are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:22:20 He changed my life. Like, I have purpose. Like, I literally know what it feels like to actually truly be loved, you know? So that's been a whole transformation, too. And then once you found him, he brought you the community. Yeah, but not until, like, a year later. Like, I'm telling you, like, the community has only been so new in my life. It's only been, like, the past two, three months.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Like, basically since I moved to Nashville is when. And that was crazy because it was, like, immediate, which I know I know isn't always like everyone's story, but I wasn't even expecting that. Right. I was like, Hey Lord, we did it for a year. Like I can be alone again. I can be alone again. And then he was like, okay, she's right. But also you weren't idolizing it. The idol was taken off the pedestal. Like the, the needing that, that ride or die, you didn't need it anymore. You needed him. And God does that where he doesn't give us what we want sometimes until we only want him. And then it's like, okay, you're ready now.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're not going to, that's not what's saving you. I think it's good to like want it. Like I know that he knew in my heart that I wanted that. Yeah. Because obviously it's what I've always wanted. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting it. Like I don't think we should ever go be like, oh, I don't need it. Like and reject it.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's like, no no I want it but I'm okay with sitting in this loneliness for as long as it takes because I trust you God and I know that I only need you yeah you know I think it's a couple of things why God does that because he did that for both Ari and I as well where we were isolated with him for a while before he brought us the community yeah and I think it's for a couple reasons I love what you said about how it wasn't until you were going to move to L.A. that you were finally like, oh, okay, I actually need somebody to rely on. Like most of us find God in a time of need and dependence. It's through that dependence in him that we're actually like,
Starting point is 00:23:59 I need an anchor, I need a rock. And then also it's like he needed your faith to be yours. He needed our faith to be ours. I'm so happy that my faith was birthed out of my just need independence for the Lord, as opposed to people around me telling me things. I didn't have one person saying anything to me. So I know for a fact, this is mine. Nobody told me to believe this.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Actually, in fact, my family was a little bit like, whoa, this is crazy. All my friends were like, you're being a little cute. Honestly, my parents were probably like, whoa. But it's great. My mom is the most godly,
Starting point is 00:24:31 holy woman ever. And even she was like, don't you think you're taking it a little too far? You're like really obsessed though. You like really love him. Yeah, yeah. And it was your choice.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It wasn't like your, you know, other people were telling you to read your Bible and it wasn't like something that was a communal thing. But doesn't your choice. It wasn't like other people were telling you to read your Bible, and it wasn't like something that was a communal thing. But doesn't that glorify him more? Of course it does. And then once you make that decision, he then puts you with people, oh, that girl made that decision too.
Starting point is 00:24:54 She did it all on her own. No one manipulated her into it. No one convinced her. No one threatened her with hell over it. You said, no, I actually just want him. But I guess my question to you, because when I was in my isolation season, I always say sometimes you have to be alone to really build intimacy with Jesus.
Starting point is 00:25:11 But I also am on this other side. When I was in isolation season, it was so crucial for me to build a community. I mean, because all of my friends had moved out of LA, so I was completely alone. And I was going through a bad breakup. And so I was like, I need community. And that's what saved me. And so my question for you is, is during that year in LA,
Starting point is 00:25:32 when it was just you and Jesus, did you meet people in the church? Did you have any sort of community at all? Or was it just solely you and Jesus that whole year? Yeah. I love that you said that because I think that that also shows how intentional God is with every single one of us because he knew that you actually needed community through that, even though we were kind of going through that same loneliness. He knew how you would handle loneliness
Starting point is 00:25:56 and how I would handle it, and at the speed that you needed community versus me needing community. He's so intentional, because it's true. In loneliness, you need community. Like, you really shouldn't be sitting alone with those things. But I think that the Lord knew that I needed to sit in that loneliness, you know. But I love that he took such great care of you.
Starting point is 00:26:15 And he was like, no, Ari needs community right now. Like, he's so good. That's good to know because I know there are so many people watching this that are just alone because we get a lot of messages and we're like no God still hasn't brought me my friendships yet and so that's great that's a great testimony for people to know that hey she was alone for a year yeah and you probably learned so much in that year yeah you know so that's beautiful and something I also know about Allie is, like, you love Jesus. Yeah. Like, you and Jesus are best friends. Yeah, I hope so.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Like, Jesus is everywhere in her house. Same thing with Ange. Oh, my gosh. We literally see crucifixions everywhere. I'm like, bless the Lord. But, like, crosses everywhere. Hey, you know, there's no devil in my house. Over every door.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It was, like, the spirit of God. But Allie specifically, like, it is it is like Jesus is your best friend. And you became best friends with a person in that year. He was my community. He was your best friend. And I think that's so encouraging for people to hear because some of us maybe feel like, who's listening, like you can't feel complete joy, fullness, purpose until you have that kingdom community, kingdom, best friend, whatever. But you actually can experience it now
Starting point is 00:27:32 because you have him. That's it. Everything else is an add on and God provides. He provided for you. He provided for you. He provided for you. It's like, wow. Yeah. You really just need him. But, you know, a cord of three strands cannot easily be broken. He wants us to be in community. But I definitely was not, like, plugged in like I am now. Yeah. You know what I mean? I think true community is people that you, like, literally go through life with.
Starting point is 00:27:58 You know what I mean? Do a fight, like, war together. I think, and I love what you said, Ash, that like the truth is like, yes, we need community, but you don't actually need anything, but you don't need anything except for Jesus. So you could live for the rest of your life without anything else, but Jesus. Does he want that for you? No, not for everybody. But I was in, so I still had friends of course, but when it came to godly friends, it was truly me and Jesus for a minute. Like, I would be in my house with my Bible all day. I was in this world, and God needed to have me in that place, because it's as if I, like, completely disconnected from the world for the first time,
Starting point is 00:28:35 and I would, like, go hang out with my friends for the day, and I would legitimately miss Jesus. Yeah, I would miss him. I would be like, I can't wait to get into my bedroom and see him again and talk to him again. Yes, that's so real. Or like times I would travel and I'd be like, couldn't prioritize like my Bible as much. I'd be like, I can't wait to go home and be in my kitchen with Jesus. No, you would tell me, you'd be like, I just miss Jesus, Ashley. I'm like, that's so real. 100%.
Starting point is 00:28:57 100%. And then for the longest time though, and yes, I still had some Christian friends. But again, like I said, community, people you go through life with on a day-to-day, like, your problems are my problems and vice versa. We uplift each other. Me and Ari, it was just me and Ari for a long time, and we didn't need a single other person. I love that, though. Not saying we didn't, we have other friends.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And we were amazing. Yeah, we have other friends, but, like, when it came to that godly, like, me and you and Jesus in this thing, it was just us for a long time, and it is still just us sometimes, And we don't need, and we, that's all we need. You know what I mean? Actually, not anymore. Not anymore. But you know what I mean? But it's like, God will supply you with what you need. So if you don't have it right now, it's because you actually don't need it right now. How about you get into your testimony a little bit? Let's hear everything and then we'll get into how you guys. And then I can share how we became friends. Yeah, please. So I relate so much. I feel the Lord is just speaking so much about this message of, like, just being with Jesus because that was my story for the first year of my faith.
Starting point is 00:29:53 But long story short, I did not grow up in the church. I did not grow up in a Christian home. I literally went to Catholic Mass twice a year. That was my life growing up. Can I just say something really quick? When I met Ashley, I thought Ashley was one of those southern girls that grew up in the church because she's literally one of the most godly people I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:30:13 You swear she'd known Jesus her whole life? No, literally, like you see her and it's holy. That's like, this girl's holy. So when I heard that you didn't even know Jesus your whole life, I was like, no, mind-blowing. Definition of you can tell she's like, no, that's crazy. Definition of you can tell she's been with Jesus. It's crazy. Well, people are shocked because they're like, you must have just always been a Christian. But I would literally go to Catholic mass twice a year,
Starting point is 00:30:35 mind you. And I would go to the bathroom to wash my hands for a long time. I was like, I am so bored. I do not diss any Catholic under the sound of my voice, but for me, I was so bored. And I just, I didn't know God. So I grew up and I just, you know, you get into your teen years and everything is, you know, confusing and you're finding your worth and you're finding your identity. And boys was everything for me. And also like sports, performance, perfection, meeting friends to like me, feeling excluded, like all the things, went through all of it. And then I just remember the Lord just met me.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I was searching because he puts that, he prompts us to search, right? And I was searching. I remember like I was reading The Power of Now. That is not a Christian book. I am not giving a Christian book recommendation. I read that book too. But I was just searching. I was just like, I need something. Like, am I going to become a Buddhist? Like, I don't know. I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:35 I need to know my purpose. It was specifically my purpose. I did not know my purpose. And I could easily be a chameleon. And so I was like, oh, well, that's weird. Like, who am I really? And then so I read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. My friend got it from me, my best friend growing up. She was always a Christian. She was reading that in a book club, and I was like, oh, what are you reading for your book club? And she goes, oh, we're reading The Purpose Driven Life. It's all about finding your purpose. I was like, done. Give it to me. I'm ready for my purpose. And then the first line is all about how it's not, this book is not about you. This book is about God. And Rick Warren, literally the next 40 days, I'm reading about Jesus through a book, which I love. I love that you stayed
Starting point is 00:32:11 reading it. It was my Bible for a whole year. It's the best book ever. I did not read the Bible for, I did not read the Bible. That was my Bible. I would read it every morning on like before school. I would literally read it. And my family thought it was whack. Here I am highlighting this random book like every day I have my Cheerios. I'm 16 years old. But I kind of have two testimonies because I you know reading this book but like I hadn't read the word of God. I hadn't read the word of God. So meanwhile I get into a relationship and we are like, we're not living a godly relationship. And I was a lukewarm girl through and through. I get into this relationship and I'm lukewarm for four years. Four years. I go to college. I'm lukewarm. I'm going to church, but I'm, and I'm reading my Rick Warren book, right? And I'm reading, I'm listening to sermons.
Starting point is 00:33:01 I'm not reading the Bible. And cause I because it was boring. It was boring. I'll say I was bored by the Bible. I just like, I don't want to read it. Like, it looks like work. You know, I'm like, that looks like a lot of work. And so I would go to church. I would listen to church sermons. I would listen to podcasts. I would listen to Christian podcasts, you know, read my book, say I'm a Christian, but I was like sleeping with my boyfriend and I was partying, getting hammered drunk with my friends, but I'm a Christian. I love Jesus, right? But you didn't know. But what happened is my junior year of college, I'm living that way for guys a long time, 17 to junior year of college. That was my walk. And my parents tell
Starting point is 00:33:41 me that they're getting a divorce at the same time that that boyfriend and I, we break up. The same month. And I was so mad. I was just mad. I was like, oh, my goodness. Like, I remember being like, God, you could not have spaced that out. That is, like, mean. I was like, God, you're being mean.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And it was just so sudden. I just, it was horrible. And so, you know, just like that month, you know, and that happens, guys. Sometimes it's all at once. And you're like, Lord, how could you be good? You know, and so I then, I would love to say right now, well, then I read my Bible. No, you bet. I went all cold. I was now cold. I was going
Starting point is 00:34:28 to the bars all night, like 3 a.m., like hooking up with guys. I will say I was the worst version of myself. I was mean. I was a horrible friend. I mean, guys, it was like the worst, worst. I can't even imagine. And No one can imagine it. And that's what gives God so much glory. Because it was like, guys, the worst version. I was like an empty shell of a human, but I was having fun. Right? It was fun. Because there's a reason sin is fun. If it wasn't, none of us would do it. So I was getting this affirmation from guys, I'm having fun, nightlife, whatever. But like, I'm a horrible, empty shell of a human. And I also feel empty. I do that for a year. And then God, He, I'm literally, I'm home because something, I just reached my wits end. Like I, none of, I was trying to find
Starting point is 00:35:18 healing in that, in the world because God, I couldn't trust God anymore. So I'm going to the world for healing and it wasn't working. I literally reached a dead end. And I remember being home for, home for college break, winter break. And I'm in my bedroom and we all have a moment like this. And I was in my bedroom. I couldn't get out of bed. My curtains are drawn and I'm like, so depressed. And I'm like, I literally can't get out of bed. I, I, I just, I have no energy. I have nothing to keep going. And I felt the Lord, I'm telling you, you know, this, you know, this feeling, I felt the Lord extend his hand to me in my room. And he said, you are going to heal, but you are going to heal with me.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And I said, okay. All right. I'm about done with that other stuff. Because it didn't work. You find it, and it doesn't work. Like it doesn't feel. It feels a little. That felt good to get that affirmation from a guy to get drunk, to do whatever,
Starting point is 00:36:25 but it doesn't last. You leave feeling worse. And God says, you're going to heal with me. So literally guys, I get back to school. I cut it all out. It was gone. I said, I'm not going to talk to any of those guys. I'm not going to even go to a bar. I was in a sorority, but I would like go. And I was like, I hate this. And I would leave early and I wouldn't drink. I was just done. Cut it off cold turkey when your right eyes, when your right eyes causing you to sin, cut it out. When your right arm's causing you to sin, cut it out. Don't you dare go back. Once God tells you, don't go back. Don't flirt with sin. You know, don't flirt with your old temptation. So I left and, um, and then COVID broke out. We all go back home for, you know, cause we have to graduate early, I guess now.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And I just fall in love with Jesus by myself in my childhood bedroom. I had the same story. I literally was by myself and that's when I started reading the Bible. And that's when the Bible and Ange and I, when we first met, we talked about this, how once you open that thing
Starting point is 00:37:20 and once you really read it, you ain't never going to do the same thing. You literally will. And people would look at me six months later six months later after seeing this crazy girl at college who'd fall asleep with the lights on and was like you know yelling at her friends like just horrible can you picture it no guys i love that you can't picture it that gives god so much glory and so then i'm like this god changed my life through the power of the word. And I would just, I just got to know him. And people would say, what happened to you?
Starting point is 00:37:49 They're like, what? And then all in that, you know, I started like creating videos. It's 2020, COVID's happening. But that, I mean, having just that moment with God where he was like, you're done. And it's almost like, you know, you pick up, you leave, you leave everything. You say, he says, follow me. You're like, you just go. All right. Well, you're done. And it's almost like, you know, you pick up, you leave. You leave everything. He says, follow me. You're like, you just go. All right, well, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Thank you for being so vulnerable, Ash. I'm so proud of you. Can we just talk about the fact that I've been thinking about this a lot recently and how we said earlier about how sometimes we will try to skim over our testimony super quickly. We get embarrassed. We're like, ah, nobody really cares about this or even sometimes you can leave things out because you're like this is too much they shouldn't know this and that's something that like all of us struggle with that we're like do people really need to know this you don't understand your honesty
Starting point is 00:38:37 in your testimony truly slapped me in the face like I was so taken back in all three of us tearing up listening to you talk that was so different than when you even shared your testimony on my podcast because I felt like you were holding back even on my pod bro that I'm so proud of you right now well it's real you know what you just did though for me and Ari I don't know about Ari but probably she's in the same boat because we share so much on this podcast and sometimes we're like god have we said too much because we take it too far like I know but then that really do you understand you talking about the things that you went through and I knew most of it even in that moment I felt free I felt free of my past and I've
Starting point is 00:39:16 been free of my past but like it's still so that honesty has encouraged me to continue to be even more honest than I've been so So I thank you for that. I'm not kidding. I love you guys. Thanks for allowing. I mean, it's just, it's not even our story. I love it. It's like, this is God's story.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And God, he delivered me from that to share. Not to be quiet. We conquer the blood of the lamb by the word of our testimony. We conquered the devil by the blood of the lamb by the word of our testimony. We conquered the devil by the blood of the lamb and the power of our testimony. We took the blood before, but now we share in our testimonies. He's shrieking. My dude is shrieking. I have so many things to say and so many good things.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I love Ashley. I love you guys. I love you guys so much. I love you guys. I love you guys so much. Listen, there's so much. Something that's so like just overlaps in all of our stories is the fact that we all were hurting and we all look to so many things to heal that hurt, to fulfill the void, to fill that emptiness. We all came to the conclusion that nothing will ever fill it except Jesus. All four of us, the Bible changed our lives. We are girls gone Bible for a reason because once you go Bible, you can't go back. Seriously, it changed our lives.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It changes your heart. It changes who you are. It changes your character. It makes you more like Jesus when you read the Bible. And it's so beautiful that we all just made that decision, though, on our own. But he was seeking us out. And that's the grace. That's grace.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I mean, with all our past, it's like we, it's grace. So undeserving. I think about the fact, too, that like all four of us, we've gotten to this point where we know that the only thing that will bring us that peace is Jesus. And I think about when he says, peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. And so he's saying like I give you peace, but the world gives you peace, too. But the world gives you peace. Like you were saying how sin feels good in the beginning. Of course it feels good.
Starting point is 00:41:22 It's a counterfeit. It's not real. It's not real peace. Thank you. He gives peace, but the peace that the world gives can be, can be, and will be taken from you right away. But the peace that Jesus gives, nothing, what God gives man cannot take. So once he gives us that peace, it's not something that anybody can take from us. It can't be taken. Yeah. And I love that too, because when I did have friends, when I did have those relationships that were good in the beginning, right? It was peaceful, my life was so good, I was so happy,
Starting point is 00:41:46 I loved my people. But then, you saw the actual fruit to it where it's not everlasting, you know what I mean? That's only Jesus, his peace is the true peace, everything else just mimics and tries to be that. But he is that. Thank you. Do you guys ever just think about
Starting point is 00:42:03 when you were living the ways of the world where you thought that was your peace? Oh, I thought we were content. Oh. We thought we were okay. It's, like, comparable to living in hell. Yeah. Or just be, like, legit. I mean, when the Bible tells us that we are, like, spiritually dead, I, like, legit was dead.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Oh, I always say that. I actually hadn't experienced real joy. Oh, yeah. I experienced happiness. Like, I've been happy. I actually hadn't experienced real joy. Oh yeah. I experienced happiness. Like I've been happy. You know, I was a happy person, but joy, like the joy that the Lord gives you. No, I've never felt this. I'm alive now. No peace. Like there's no real peace. No. Did you feel that? Oh my gosh. I'd be sitting there just like disassociated. I was dead. Yeah. You could, do you guys ever look back at photos of yourself and you're just,
Starting point is 00:42:47 you look like a completely different person. Sometimes I can't do it because I'm just like, oh, that makes me sad. I was looking at pictures from a year ago. I looked dead in my eyes. You can see it in the eyes. When you don't have the Holy Spirit,
Starting point is 00:42:59 you are dead in the eyes. I love even thinking about when I first met Ari and Ari was always the, she was always who she is now. You guys know her. She's joyful. She's sweet. She's funny. Compassionate.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Oh, the most. She feels. Oh, she was definitely always compassionate. Compassion. Yeah. No, but just seeing Ari, like, the way that the Holy Spirit, like, it's just that empowerment that comes through the Holy Spirit that just makes you sit different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It makes you look different. It does. That's what God does. He will. He doesn't just makes you sit different. It makes you look different. It does. That's what God does. He doesn't just transform your heart. Like, you will transform physically. I just, go ahead, whatever you want to say. So I want to hear about you guys' friendship now. Tell me how you guys met.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah. It's giving bestie pause. I love it. She's loving it. I love it. It's beautiful. Ash, go ahead. Okay, so this is wild.
Starting point is 00:43:48 So here I am. It was just like a random day, and I had been watching some of Ally's reels, because who hasn't? We had connected on Instagram. Just a simple follow-up. Sorry, let me just say that these girls do so much on social media. They have huge platforms. They have huge, so much influence. And we're so grateful that you use your influence to spread
Starting point is 00:44:12 the gospel. We have books that are written that we're going to talk about. We have a podcast from our girl. So we will get into everything afterwards, but go ahead. Oh my gosh. Okay. So I was following her and I watched some for reals and I just felt so led to just be like, you know, just, I just loved her. Like I just, God was giving me, giving, you know, favor. Like I just like, I had so much favor for her. I was like, wow, I just want this girl to keep going, keep running. I just think she's so funny too. You just really cracked me up. Anyway. So then one day I'm literally, I can remember it clear as day. I was just like walking around upstairs. I know exactly where I was, by the way. I was just walking upstairs.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Which is crazy. I think I was like, you know, like doing my skincare. Okay. And I all of a sudden dropped from the Lord. It was like, you need to DM Allie. Wow. And I was like, what? You'd never spoken.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I was like, and here's how you know it could be God. We hear a lot of questions like, how do you know the voice of God? It could be God if you would never think about that on your own like if you would just never have done that and I or when you start arguing with that voice I said God I don't know her she might think I'm weird she might think I'm weird oh why would I do that and then he was like you you know he just kind of gets just a dad he's a dad and he goes you listen I'm like okay so I reach out I DM you I? I'm like, okay. So I reach out. You sent me a voice memo. Yeah, I just said, I just love what you're doing, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It was just encouraging. It was so kind. You literally were just like, I just love what you're doing. And I felt like the Lord was telling me to tell you that. And I remember, I don't know why I remember. I mean, obviously there has to be a reason that I know exactly where I was, what I was doing when I got that DM. Because I don't remember where I am all the time when people DM me. Why do I remember that specific moment? But I
Starting point is 00:45:48 remember also being, like, feeling really, I was under a lot of, like, spiritual warfare that week, specifically, and that day was, like, really hard for me that, like, I slept in so much that day, and I was like, today's trash, I'm trash. Like, it was just one of those awful days, right? And so when Ashley sent me that word of encouragement, I feel like the Lord was, like, blessing so many things in that. One, he was obviously, like, connecting us in this friendship, right? But also, like, I needed to hear that because I was feeling so discouraged that day. And, again, like, this was when I still lived out in Los Angeles. So I wasn't getting a whole lot of that when it came to community, right?
Starting point is 00:46:19 So you sent me that. And I remember voice memoing you back and being like, you have no idea how much I needed this. Like, it was so random for me where I was like I needed that encouragement like thank you so much and then that was it like that was just like kind of the end of our conversation right yeah dude so that's it then this is like God's timing listen to the Lord always because he just knows like just listen okay just listen um so then she then posts a story she's in Nashville Tennessee I then reach out like oh my goodness you're in Nashville I live here
Starting point is 00:46:46 two days after she DM'd me which by the way I did not know where you lived cause actually it's not very obvious about where she lives online like I feel like it's not in your bio
Starting point is 00:46:52 like she doesn't put her location on her photo so I was like she could live in Florida for all I know I had no idea I barely knew anything about her and so
Starting point is 00:46:58 when she had DM'd me it was just two days before I already knew I was going out to Nashville to look for homes because I knew I was moving to Nashville. So then I posted out my stories
Starting point is 00:47:08 and you were like, excuse me, 48 hours after we had connected, you were like I live here. No way. And then, so I remember calling her that night literally that night and I'm like oh my gosh, we need to get together. Next day we're getting coffee. Expedited. Literally expedited. We're getting coffee. And I was
Starting point is 00:47:24 doubtful going into that. I almost cancelled. Why? Okay, this is wild. You need getting coffee. We're like, I was doubtful going into that. I almost canceled. Why? Okay. This is wild. You need to share. And I will just say, if you,
Starting point is 00:47:30 before Ali says this, we were talking about this. If you have already said yes to something, listen to me so carefully. If you've already said yes to something and then leading up to it, you do not want to go. You're getting sick. You just tired. You don't want to go all these.
Starting point is 00:47:43 What if I just skipped? That is because God has something so big for you there and the devil wants to steal it if you say yes to something in the spirit and you're like lit you're like okay yeah i'm gonna commit to these plans this is gonna be great and then like leading up to it you know that feeling like last minute where you're like i want to just stay in my pajamas i don't want to go sounds like work i don't know i'm scared and then you say no bro that is an attack from the enemy because he knows that that could be fruitful for you to go to thank you for sharing that girl she wasn't wanting to come I almost canceled I literally had the text message typed
Starting point is 00:48:12 out no way I love you I'm so glad I didn't do it but I remember I said I'm gonna call my friend Elise who is a believer and she's wonderful and I told her I said I don't know because to be honest y'all like I was not even a full year into my journey yet. And Ash is, like, radiant of the Lord, which I loved, but part of it actually intimidated me. Yes. Where I was like, she, like, really knows Jesus, and I'm probably going to show up looking like a freaking weenie
Starting point is 00:48:35 because I've only known him for, like, eight months. I've had those thoughts so many times. I was like, no, I'm new. I was like, I don't know if I'm really going to match that up. That's for, like, six more months from now. For real, because I think I also was like, oh, she must have known the Lord her whole life. Like, who am I to like sit down with so, so awful, so sabotaged, so the enemy. And so I called my friend Elise and I was like, I think I'm like not going to go.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I don't know. She like really loves the Lord and I feel like I can't go. I just can't show up. Like, I'm just not on that level. Like, she loves God. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, right? Yeah, I was like, she like loves Jesus. I love Jesus.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Don't get me wrong. He's saving my life right now actively, but I don't know if I can do it. Like, I'm going to look like an idiot, right? Wow. So then my friend Elise was like, I think you have to go. She was like, I don't think you're supposed to be canceling this like worst case scenario. Like, if you're there and you're having an awful time, just like cut it short and leave, you know? And I was like, you're right.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I already committed. That was the other thing that I was struggling with. It's like I felt the Lord being like, you already said yes. So I was like, you're right. I already committed. That was the other thing that I was struggling with. It's like, I felt the Lord being like, you already said yes. So I was like, okay, I'll go. And then we go and we end up sitting there for like two to three hours talking about Jesus, sharing our testimonies, immediately hitting it off.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And it's funny because like, I didn't even expect the way that we connected as soon as I moved here. Like, I was like, oh, great. Like, she's great. Like, we're gonna have a great friendship, you know? But like, it is so clear how intentional this friendship is with me moving to Nashville.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Like, bro, you are, like, my art. Like, legit, we think of that so much even with y'all's friendship. I'm like, you are that with me. Like, we are together all the time. We live eight minutes down the road. She's my sister. And that was so, Lord, like, truly you are. And I told you that.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Because in the beginning of the friendship, like, I have my trauma from friendships. I have my trauma of, like, I'm old news and people are going to be bored of me and then they're going to find other people to love. And so I think I, we were standing in your bathroom and I said that. I was like, you have to be stuck with me. Because, like, I'm really, I was like, I'm like, I really love you and I'm, like, really loving you a lot and I can't lose you. Isn't it the best? So it's so important. And when it's the right time, fight for those friendships.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Because having that friend that you can just go to at any time of the day is so special. And it's important. It doesn't make you feel safe and good to know that you have your person. I didn't know what that felt like. For real. It's such a gift. And this was your first friend, right? First Christian friend.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Jesus Christ. And he was trying to steal it. Yeah, he this was your first friend, right? Your first Christian friend. Jesus. Okay, yeah. And maybe he was trying to steal it. Yeah, he really was. Wow. No, he really was. And it was funny because then I started to talk to another. It's cool because the Lord has actually brought my community very virtually, too.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Like, I have a lot of girlfriends that I'm close with that I talk. Like, I have another friend where I went, yeah, for me. You guys came to my mind as soon as I said that. Like, it's for real. Like, he's connecting us through the internet, and it's amazing. Like, the fact that we could connect like this across the country.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I know. I even said that, too. I was like, what a blessing that we just get to fly across the country and hang out with more people who love Jesus. And it's like, as if we never left Nashville. You know what I mean? When God has friendships for you,
Starting point is 00:51:23 it will be expedited. It will be fast. Like, y'all were fast friends. Fast. It just, you throw any, like, any God-given relationship, like, follow his pace. Yeah. Because he's like, all right, time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Time for you to step into this. Like, I already, it's almost like he already has these planned for us. Yeah. We walk into them. Yeah. And I, like, one of the biggest things. So like I said, coming into this friendship, my biggest insecurity was like, she's going to get bored of me. So I brought, I brought that also. How could anyone get bored of you? Because everyone did up until now because no one else loved you. I don't know, whatever. But it was a lie that I hadn't broken off yet, you know, even into my journey. And so I went to another one of my friends. She lives in Virginia. She's incredible. And I was like, she loves the Lord so much. And I told her the way
Starting point is 00:52:05 I felt about you. I think this was actually even before I like brought it to you directly. And she was like, okay, but she goes, because I'm like comparing to all the other friendships
Starting point is 00:52:13 I had before. And I was like, I don't know, like I'm just scared because like this, that, and the next has always happened. And she goes,
Starting point is 00:52:17 yeah, but did those friends love Jesus? I was like, no. I was like, they were very worldly. And she goes, yeah, so if Ashley loves the Lord, she's never going to reject you.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Like, this is different. Like, this is just going to be different because Ashley's different, you know? And so I just. Well, it's such a lie because I was even telling her this today. I felt the Lord, you know, was just wanting to tell you, like, I think the enemy has tried to tell you that lie because you're an amazing friend like truly like you are an amazing friend you've gone to war for me war yeah you fight for me like when I'm like unwell you're fighting yeah and I just you are such an amazing friend and so a lot of the things that any of you will target, unfortunately, like he's going to target the thing that God actually put in you.
Starting point is 00:53:06 He always will attack your anointing. Why would he waste his time attacking something that isn't your strength? A hundred percent. He's going to go for the thing that the Lord's blessed you the most with. I do want to really quickly touch on, because you have a lot in your story, Allie. You talked a lot about rejection and like feeling rejection and being rejected by people. And all of us, everybody fears rejection. And one of the reasons why you do conform to the world is because you don't want to be rejected. And you think that by being like everybody else will mean that they'll
Starting point is 00:53:36 accept you. And I think about the scripture where the disciples are talking to like the Pharisees and the people that literally killed Jesus. And they say the stone that you builders rejected became the cornerstone. And so Jesus was rejected so much by everybody. And look who he is. And it's actually protection. You being rejected in all those relationships and friendships in that world. God was like, I'm not going to let you have contentment in this world. I'm going to make them reject you. Every rejection I've ever experienced. I've,
Starting point is 00:54:11 I'm not kidding. I don't feel rejection. I don't feel it because I know I'm not rejected. God doesn't want it for me. I don't want it for me. I'm not rejected. Nobody rejected me. He was rejected and you can't reject Jesus. So you know what I mean? No, you're right. Yeah. And so, yeah. And so, it's that classic, like, saying of, like, rejection is truly God's protection. It is. And the Lord was like, I'm not going to let you stay in this forever because if they never
Starting point is 00:54:34 rejected me, then I would have been living in those relationships forever, which were just not meant for me. Like, that was not supposed to be my life. This was supposed to be. So, if it wasn't for all that rejection, I also probably would have never turned to the Lord. Like, there's just so many reasons to why we experience rejection from the world
Starting point is 00:54:47 and it just, it really just shows how much what was meant for evil, like the Lord truly always makes to good. Like when you feel the hurt and the pain of what the world can do to you, God always makes something, like he wins every time, he won. Like even through all the rejection,
Starting point is 00:55:03 all the tears, all the pain, all of the feeling like I wasn't worth, God said, I'm going to use this and I'm going to make it good. And that's what he did. Everything's good. We're good. We're not rejected. We're protected by him.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Absolutely. 100%. It's so good. It's so good. Ash, I want to talk a little bit about, so you wrote a book. And let's just tell everyone we are so excited we are so my girl is so humble that she didn't even bring a book and i'm mad about it because i want to look at it because the cut it's beautiful and the contents are amazing and just tell us what it's about and
Starting point is 00:55:39 tell us about i know it's it has to do with the waiting season and being in a waiting season and just speak to our people about that because everyone feels like they're in a waiting season. We're all waiting. We're all on. In one way or another, we are. Seriously. Yeah, we're in a waiting season. I mean, I relate more than many.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I'm just kidding. No, we all relate. Yeah, of course. But some of us, we really feel it, like really feel it. And so I just felt pulled to write about trusting God when you don't understand what he's doing and you don't understand why he is making you wait on something. What do you do when you have a huge dream, a desire, a vision from God? Like Joseph was, he got a vision from God and he was sent into the prison cell for two years, right? But God gives us visions and dreams
Starting point is 00:56:26 for a reason and he wants us to trust him and that his timing, he will make it happen and that he's faithful. And so the whole book is about, it's a devotional. So you get to read it every day in your waiting season, girly, okay? Or there's a man here who might need that. Absolutely. But whatever you're waiting on, like, God sees you. He loves you. And this book is to remind you of that daily, that you can trust him. I can't believe we're all single. How long did you work on that? Stop it.
Starting point is 00:56:56 We are all in a waiting season for a husband. Ari goes, I can't believe we're all single. It's crazy. Because here's the thing. Fully. No, fully. No, like, actually fully. I haven't even been on a date okay
Starting point is 00:57:06 no that's good because we're we need to keep that have you guys been on a date because we haven't been on date i haven't been on a date in probably a year i realize i've been on one date i'm so sorry i don't know never mind i'll tell you later okay it was a friend date hang on i'll tell you wait but the fact that's wait. It was a friend date. Hang on, I'll tell you later. Wait, but the fact that it even qualifies in this conversation is not giving friend dates. But, like, whether you're waiting on your future spouse or waiting on anything, because some people are like, oh, waiting season, singleness, but, like, sometimes, you know, it can be waiting seasons for other things.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Like, waiting season for a job, waiting season for a child. I mean, there's some painful waiting seasons. specifically for singleness it's funny we're all single that's whack and I think that was so cool I said this before but I think it's so cool that the Lord kept you single through this book and everything because it's like it's also like I don't know there ain't no man's I love that because I feel like that just qualifies you even more for this book. And there's no shade to it at all. I think all advice of people who have walked through singleness, whether they're married with children or not, is all valid
Starting point is 00:58:16 because obviously they lived it. But I think it makes yours so special because you are still actively living in it. No, I'm still in it. Yeah, but it's awesome because it's not like it's coming from a POV of Ashley who's like married with kids and then people look at it and they're like, okay, but like that's great for you.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah. Thanks, but also you're happily married. You know what I mean? That relationship that I got out of was my last long-term like deep relationship. You hear about it? Sorry. We were together for four years
Starting point is 00:58:43 and God has kept me single since that breakup. When did you guys break up? We broke up when I was 21, when I went crazy. I did my whole party phase, and my parents got a divorce. That breakup, that was the last relationship I was in, and the Lord has kept me single since then. No way. I haven't been in a godly relationship. Not even like a good, godly relationship. Not even like a good godly relationship.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Like a couple months, oh, I learned so much from him. Wait, that's so fun. No, like literally jack spot. We're both going to experience it and we're both going to see it for the first time for each other, though. That's fun. I'm believing for it. But like I do pray that this book encourages you from that POV because I was like, you know, you start writing these books two years out. And you're like, I literally, I'll be so vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I thought doing this book, God would bring my spouse. And then I would be like, it'd be this like glory story. And you guys, he has not come yet. Like literally I am single as a Pringle. I don't understand why people say that because like Pringles are never single. Like they're always in a bag with other Pringles. I am single and the Lord has allowed me to learn, and it's been a crushing. Like, there's – when you're waiting and when you're really believing God for something, there's crushing.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah. Do you ever get mad at God? Yes. Frustrated for sure. I was wondering, but also at the end of the day, and I think this is what God has taught me, it is, like, living with open hands. Like, God – like, I want God want god i want and i want to get to a point where he is enough just as everything you know take anything that we're waiting for off the pedestal and just want him and he's enough everything else is a bonus even our husbands yes
Starting point is 01:00:17 they're gonna be a bonus but they're not they're not gonna be our jesus and let's say oh once my husband comes bye bye, Jesus. No, and he doesn't want that. Your place has been taken. Now I'm going to go to this person for everything. It's like, no, Jesus, you will stay my Jesus. And no matter if this happens or not in the waiting season, my girl or my dude, no matter what God does, like, he is enough and he is good. And sometimes he doesn't give us the thing because he wants us to see he's enough.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I think that's been a theme from this message. It's like he's enough, period, whether you have the friend, whether you have the job, whether you got that gig, whether you have the man, he's enough, period. Once you learn that, you will not be satisfied by anything that he gives you, right? You've got to learn that. Well, so many of us put our identity into men, you know? Oh, absolutely. And relationships that just aren't Jesus, you know? And like being seen, being loved, being asked out on a date.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Being told you're beautiful. Wow. That's why it's so important to be alone with him. Yeah. Yeah. Do you guys ever like go out and try to meet guys? I love you, Ari. In Nashville?
Starting point is 01:01:24 Like truly love you so much. No. But you know what we do? We go to events. We go to church. We go to these things that you know godly men would be at. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like last night. Like last night. Were they cute guys last night? Yep. How old were they? Were they 12? Were they 12? I didn't want to ask.
Starting point is 01:01:40 15? I would say. They were cute boys. That is important to, like, you don't want't want to like be waiting on God and then like alright I will be in my prayer closet for 30 years. It's like no. I'm going to wait on God. I'm going to also pray and then take action. When God
Starting point is 01:01:53 promised me to go to something. When God is like hey you know go to this thing. There's going to be like it's going to be fun. But I want to preface on the action because I think the action is simply just putting yourself in a position where it could happen. You know what I mean? Not being like, okay, Lord, I'm going to go look for my husband.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Do your thing. No. You're not seeking. You're not searching. It's not seeking, but you are not staying in a closet. You know what I mean? You got to stop staying in a closet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Angela and I actually stay in the closet. Well, your prayer closet. Yeah, yeah. Y'all ever say that? What is it? Your war room? We don't go out. Something I've also found
Starting point is 01:02:31 so much, one, God is sovereign. God is sovereign. When he wants you out of your prayer closet, you'll get out of your prayer closet, period. Two, we are meant to be found.
Starting point is 01:02:41 God has shown me that so many times. We can go to these things and I would have this, I used to just look like I would just search. And sometimes I have to fight that in my flesh, but God wants us to all be found because we are diamonds. You don't go into a diamond store and like the diamonds, like looking to be made worth, like, like looking to like, say, I have worth, I'm a diamond, I have worth. The diamond knows its worth.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yeah. And the person, the man goes into the store, the woman goes, whatever. You're going into the store and you know that that has worth. Yeah. What's the scripture? You just said it the other day where it says. He who finds a wife finds a good thing. Finds.
Starting point is 01:03:17 He who finds. Not she who finds a husband. Yeah. No. It does not say she who finds a husband. We're huge here on men pursuing women we love that and that's what the lord want like that's that's what our roles are we've been doing for the beginning of time yes men need to be encouraged even any man listening to this i'm
Starting point is 01:03:36 not saying like you know go pursue us but anyway dm i know but i but I'm saying if you see a girl that you are interested in, but the enemy is feeding you lies that you're not good enough, that you're not this, that you're not that. I'm sure tons of men hit on her. I'm not going to add to that. Christian boy, let's make you a man of God. Which men do listen to y'all's podcast? Yes, we know that.
Starting point is 01:04:03 We have a lot of men. That's so fun. Because when we went to, what was it? The Send? Yeah. There were men coming up to you guys saying, that doesn't happen to me. It's all girls. But I will say.
Starting point is 01:04:14 I love that, though. I will say, if you're a man of God under the sound of my voice, if you feel led to pursue a girl, but you are believing the enemy enemy's lies, like we're not asking guys out. Okay. So please just go out in faith and do it and step out, like step out of faith, ask her, ask her if anything, there's a good friendship out of it. Okay. So, but the issue, I think maybe, right. I mean, I don't want to say what the issue is because I'm not a dude, but I feel like a lot of us women, godly women are not getting asked out enough and it's because these men are believing the lie that they are not enough you know what it comes back to again rejection yeah it's rejection but what I
Starting point is 01:04:54 love is that if we remember just like what my friend said about you and our friendship where she was like does she love Jesus though? If you are pursuing women who love Jesus, they are not going to laugh in your face. They're not going to reject you in a way where they're like, okay, why are you asking me out? But I feel like that's the fear that men have is like, and like, don't let me speak for men. You know, y'all, y'all know, but I'm just, this is a theory is the rejection. Cause that's a big thing to carry. Like being the one that has to pursue and make the first move, that's a lot of pressure. And I want to give, like, you know, sympathy to that.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Because, like, you've got to be the one to, like, do the thing, you know? It is. And so I just, I don't know, I want to bring, like, light to that. That if you're pursuing women who love Jesus, like, they're not going to look at you and laugh at you and, like, make you feel rejected. Like, they're going to love you in that moment, whether she says yes or no. Like, there should be love in that moment that's so good i can i can speak probably for all of us here and saying anytime a man has ever approached me i've never once been like that was weird like i actually i feel a lot of respect for them especially if they handle it well if they do
Starting point is 01:05:58 get rejected and then they handle it well huge respect then i actually kind of i'm like i'm like wait yeah exactly awesome guy and there's a thing about so masculinity is like masculine men don't fear rejection because they know their their their self-value and their self-worth is so solid that it's not reliant on whether a woman wants to be with them or not and so a masculine yeah masculine man has no problem going and approaching a woman because if the answer is no, that's not his woman and he'll keep it moving. And I think that's because he trusts the Lord. Yeah. And you know when you see a man like that, like, oh, my gosh, my friend just got engaged to one.
Starting point is 01:06:35 He literally, he saw her. He's like, all right, I'm going after her. It is the, honestly, it's a true, literally moved for her. It's like so, it's a sign of masculinity, actually, and a sign of self-confidence to be able to go up to a woman and be like, what's it like? You don't have to be weird. I also want to preface this by saying you also don't want to be in every girl's DMs. That's not a good idea either. She's going to say that.
Starting point is 01:06:55 If there's a girl and there's a reason why you like her, not just because she's another random hot girl on Instagram. Who says she loves Jesus. Exactly. No, but you've like been either on Instagram or in person, but like you've gotten a taste of who they are and you who said she loves Jesus exactly no but you've like been either on Instagram or in person but like you've gotten a taste of who they are and you can see certain things and you're attracted to it and you like it it's appealed to you you should go up to her they will respect you for it it's all about the delivery be an assertive masculine man it's just confidence I'd love to take you out to dinner don Don't ask the girl, where do you want to go?
Starting point is 01:07:25 Say, I'll be at your house at 8. Yeah. Book it. Ask her maybe what her favorite food is. The Rez. The Rez. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:33 No, there's nothing. It's just so funny because men could, it's lies. It's all lies. You would think that like, oh, but if I go up to her, she's going to think that I'm like, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But actually I think about the men that I've met throughout my life that were unable to have the confidence to go up to women. And that's who I look at as like, oh, that's not great. But a man, I don't care if you get rejected by every girl, if you have the, don't go up to every girl, but if you are able to have that confidence to be like, this doesn't, this doesn't change the way I think about myself. If you say no, I'm going to try anyways. And if you feel the Lord is putting on your heart, hey, go at like, this doesn't change the way I think about myself if you say no. I'm going to try anyways.
Starting point is 01:08:05 And if you feel the Lord is putting on your heart, hey, go. Because I believe it will be divine. When God reveals to you who your wife is going to be, it will be divine. We see that in Scripture. Boaz and Ruth, everyone's like, oh, well, Ruth went up to him. I said, no, no, no, go back to when Boaz said, who is this girl? Yes, he noticed her. Who is this woman?
Starting point is 01:08:22 Go back to when Boaz said, who is this girl? Yes, he noticed her. Who is this woman? So when God reveals to you this person that you're, like, fond of, taking a liking to, you know, pray about it. If you feel the Lord's like, all right, go in, go for it, just see what happens. Step out in faith. Maybe it's a faith move, too, for these amazing men of God. Like, stepping out. The only way to know is to just try it.
Starting point is 01:08:45 men of God, like stepping out. The only way to know is to just try it. So we want to speak life into you because I feel like a lot of men have been just, just believing those lies from the enemy. Yeah. Thank you for bringing that up. How did we get here? It was from the waiting season and singleness. Yeah. So let's go back to your book. You have, you have, I think you speak a little bit about waiting to hear from God. So I want to ask you, Yura, because I know, I feel like especially recently, I've heard a lot of people saying things like, I just haven't heard from God in a long time. I just haven't heard from Him. Yeah, that's real.
Starting point is 01:09:14 And I think sometimes it's hard, I'll speak for myself personally, when I feel like I do hear from God all the time, and He is really loud with me, and it's almost as if I always know what to do. And so I think about, but it hasn't always been like that. And I think about the seasons where I didn't know what to do and I wasn't hearing from him. What were some seasons in your life where like, cause you clearly hear from God, like you are very in tune with the Holy Spirit. He says, move, you move. Like I love watching that with you. So in the moments that
Starting point is 01:09:44 you couldn't hear God or you didn't know what he was asking you to do or what he wanted, how do you deal with that? So it's so funny. I feel like the last year to be so vulnerable, I feel like this whole podcast, we were just doing that. I love that. The last year in my waiting season, specifically for a husband, I have felt the enemy attack that, attack my ability to hear from God because I feel like God has spoken things to me. And then anyone understands this in a waiting season, God has spoken things to you and you've been prophesied and it's been confirmed, confirmed, confirmed. Not just like one random person on the street said, this is a word from God.
Starting point is 01:10:19 It's general, like it's prophecy. One person says it, another person says it. They don't even know each other. Then you're getting that confirmation. Then you're reading a scripture, you know God is speaking, but then you don't see it. And that's when you doubt that voice and you say, God, I mean, was that just a fluke? Like what? And so in those times, I think, and to this day, I experienced that. To this day, I wonder, is that God? Did God say that five, six, eight months ago? I go back to journal entries and I'm like, God, I wrote this. I really felt like you said, I don't see it. God, where are you? Those are real things. When I feel that, Ange and I talk about this a lot, fast and pray, fast and pray. Let me just tell you one more time, fast and pray. Every time I get to that point,
Starting point is 01:11:06 and I fast and I pray, and I deny myself, and I humble myself, and I say, God, I don't care about being more productive. I don't care about, you know, whatever, like having energy. I need you. I need you to speak. I need you to move. I need breakthrough. God always shows up. So I'll say fast and pray, and no one wants to hear that because it's really painful. It's work. Everyone's like, I just want to hear from God, but I don't want to actually deny my flesh. Two, I think you need to ask for wisdom. Every time I ask God for wisdom, he's faithful. James 1.5, whenever you lack wisdom, ask God. He gives generously to all without finding fault. But when you ask, don't doubt. So if you don't know what God's telling you to do, if you don't know the girl to ask out, you're an amazing man of God,
Starting point is 01:11:48 you're like, well, should I? Should I ask her out? If you don't know to go for that job, if you don't know to move to that city, you got to take James 1.5 so seriously. God is not lying when he says he will give us wisdom. And he knows how to reach you. Say, oh, how do I hear the voice of God? God knows how to reach you, period. Period. It could be in a dream. It could be in just, you know, you're doing your skincare. Like, I was just, I heard from God. I was doing my skincare, guys. Don't limit God, but ask, and he will give you wisdom. Yeah. I love, thank you for talking about fasting and praying. Fasting has absolutely changed our lives. I have yet to experience it. Oh, you don't. Oh, come on. It's awful that I haven't done it yet. Never fasted before. We're going to do it next week.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Yeah, we'll all do it next week. We'll do a two-day fast. I mean, I... Whoever wants to join us could join us. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, maybe we'll even... You know, and this is the thing about fasting is that you're not supposed to tell people because it says in scripture, like, wash your face face and don't show up don't fast like a hypocrite to show everyone oh look what i'm doing but however i do believe that when it's for educational purposes and we have to help others yeah we're trying to deny that yeah and like there are churches that will do like a 21 day fast or like a community fast right as a collective so maybe we can do that with our collective listeners and we can all fast together because I know I have had, you guys know, insane stories with fasting where like I'll fast and then it's not in the fast that I see the results of it, but it's afterwards. God will literally move,
Starting point is 01:13:18 miracle, like miraculously move. Like you will know things that you didn't know before. You would have been so set on something before. And then all of a sudden everything is flipped upside down because that's what God does. Thank you for speaking to that. I am so, what is the title of your book? The Joy of the Inbetween? It's called The Joy of the Inbetween, 100 Devotions to Trusting God in Your Waiting Season. I'm so excited to read that. Do you know when it's coming out? It's coming out March 26th. You can pre-order before then, but if this it's coming out? It's coming out March 26. You can preorder before then, but if this is, no matter where it's at, March 26, you can get it from anywhere you buy books. I'm so excited. Well, this is coming out next week, so it'll be preorder still, right?
Starting point is 01:13:56 Yes, it will be preorder. So if you preorder, you get a bonus Bible study series because I want you to get in the Word. So if you want to preorder, go to backslash book. Or if you want to join the launch team, you can do slash launch. You can pre-order the book there and you can get all these free bonuses because I'm not holding out on you. It'll be out soon. You're so cute. I love that so much. Where are we at? 247. Three. You guys are such a gift. Aw. I love you.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I mean, this whole conversation has just been like God. Yeah. I mean, when you sit at this table, it's God. Is there something about sitting at this table? I'm telling you. That makes me want to leave. I was kind of like God was just the Holy Spirit just takes over. That's why we love it here.
Starting point is 01:14:44 We can't leave it. Yeah, he just took it. over. That's why we love it here. We can't leave it. Yeah, he just took it. I'm telling you, we walk in here. I know it's like that, you know, whenever, no matter where you are, God shows up. But like I literally, sometimes we get, we walk in here and it's not the room. There are another, there's, we're the only faith-based podcast that records here. That's for sure. Our producer is not like a devout Christian.
Starting point is 01:15:04 But like we come here and I swear God comes in here. It's insane. It's so fun. Because you take him with you. It's so cool. He goes everywhere you go. Isn't that fun? I mean, as I, when I was at the send with you guys and just seeing the people who've been affected by your podcast, like me, like seeing y'all literally like come up to them, like keep, when you see them in public, Like seeing y'all literally like come up to them. We're so proud of you guys. When you see them in public, keep doing it. Because it's just so cool to see what the Lord is doing with y'all's show. And just you guys being bold.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Speaking about raw, real things. I mean, we need that. We need that now. We need it now more than ever. It's too cookie-cutter sometimes. It's safe. Get real. It's safe.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Get real. That's the only thing. Testimonies, real, raw. That's the only thing that will literally deliver people safe lives yes thank you so much you guys we really do i i do i want to speak sorry we're the most physically i'm so visible i do want to speak so ally you have a podcast called christ christ with coffee on ice yeah which is just such a cute name and i want you to speak a little bit because we have a little time. I want you to speak a little because you used to have
Starting point is 01:16:06 a podcast called Girly Pop. Girly Popcast. I love that story you told us by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I left that out of my testimony. No, I think you should.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Can you just tell us a little of what you do? You guys, please. My girl is like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't. But my girl is like, she's on the charts.
Starting point is 01:16:24 There's a rise like there's a rise she was number one for the trailer of her like she literally went to the it was number one in like Christian
Starting point is 01:16:32 and religious whatever category that's insane and it's because you are so you are literally one of the easiest people to listen to
Starting point is 01:16:40 I love I love you even as her friend I'm like just keep talking no sometimes you're so sometimes i'll leave my phone on to one of your videos to one of your like instagram reels
Starting point is 01:16:50 and they'll just keep going and going and i just like listening to it i'm not kidding i don't know why she has such a good voice that just talks a lot i've always had i just always have talked a lot it's such a gift though using it it's such a gift though. I'm so annoyed that I was using it. It's such a gift because we do this together. You do it alone. How do I do it alone? You have a megaphone. Yeah, I just sit alone and I just be talking. And it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:17:14 It's not really. I'm talking to y'all, but you know. No, it's amazing. You need to share that story. So basically when my TikTok started to take off and I told you guys that I just loved to pour into people, so I was just speaking light into people, encouragement. It was also during COVID, so it was a really dark time,
Starting point is 01:17:30 and I was like, you know what? The Internet needs light. Even if it's just as simple as, hey, you're going through a breakup, sister. I see you. Hey, girly pop. That was the beginning of my videos is I would be like, hey, girly pop, and I would literally talk directly to the person. It was very intentional, and it was with so much love. I just wanted to love people.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And I would encourage them through whatever they were facing, you know? And so then it was funny because my followers would, like, leave all these comments, and they'd be like, I could listen to you talk for way longer than 60 seconds. Like, you need a podcast. Like, they said you need a podcast. And I said, okay. And, again, this is before I met the Lord,
Starting point is 01:18:02 like maybe a year and a half before I met the Lord. And I was like, okay. And so I I met the Lord and I was like okay and so I started a podcast and I was like well I call everybody girly pop and like 97% of my demographic are women so I was like girly pop cast right and so the whole podcast was basically like um you know my my listeners would uh email like whatever they were going through and we would just read through whatever hardship they were going through. It's usually relationships, you know, family stuff, everything like navigating college, navigating your teenage years, just all of it. Right. And it's all women. And I, I would sit there and I would just like help people get through it. And sometimes I'd be like, Hey, listen, I don't actually even really know what to say to this. Cause I've never experienced
Starting point is 01:18:41 this. And who am I to tell you how to get through this? Especially if I haven't personally experienced it. But I would would just like I would just encourage people and I would if anything I just wanted to create a space where people felt heard and they just felt like they had somewhere to get it out you know what I mean um and so then Jesus completely flipped my life upside down and I have this podcast where I'm giving very worldly advice because that's all I knew. And, um, my heart started to change. And so when people write in about stuff, I would be like, they'd be like, how do I find my worth? I don't know what to do with my life. I'm depressed. I'm facing this.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I'm not enough. Right. And I, I, I would, I started to bring Jesus into it a little bit because I was like, I can't lie. Like if you guys are asking what Allie would do, this is what Allie does. This is what I've been doing. This is what's been working for me, right? And I've only been in my journey for a few months and it was kind of scary, but I would kind of, and I did it in such a safe way where in the beginning I'd be like, if you believe in God, if you believe in the universe, whatever you want, bless your heart, Allie. I was so afraid. I was so scared. I was literally like, I don't know how to do this. But I said, but for me, I was like, Jesus be doing it. Like he's doing it for me. And so, um, I started't know how to do this. But I said, but for me, I was like, Jesus be doing it. Like, he's doing it for me. And so I started to throw little nuggets and I was getting good feedback,
Starting point is 01:19:51 but I was also getting that negative feedback where people were like, okay, we came here for not Jesus though. So like, stop talking about him so much. And then it became, because I opened that door though, there were a lot of people that were writing in about Jesus. And so I felt conflicted because I was like okay well some people don't want to hear anything about it but obviously people want to hear more because everyone keeps writing in and they're like oh my gosh I'm so glad that you mentioned your face because your faith because I'm going through this and it was like I was getting so much Jesus stuff and I'm like well what do I do I can't turn girly popcast into this Jesus like that's not what I built it on and so I just was like going through such a war and so I remember sitting in my apartment in LA and I was like God what do I do like I just want to boast about you
Starting point is 01:20:30 like I literally just want to explode about you I'm done feeling like I have to like hold back or restrain my excitement or be like well I talked about Jesus last week so I can't talk about it again this week like I hated that feeling and so I literally it was so clear and it was immediate I felt the Lord I was sitting right at my kitchen table and I felt him say we'll then create a space where it's just about us have another podcast and I said two and he was like yeah and I felt like that was him being like let me just like let her have this where she thinks she can do two podcasts we'll let her do that for a couple months and then she'll realize that she needs to be going down this road because at first I was like I felt the Lord be like yeah you can do two podcasts but I feel like that was his grace because
Starting point is 01:21:06 like no I couldn't it was literally getting exhausting and it was so clear that my heart was so in this new podcast about Jesus than it was girly podcast like I wasn't even really hardly looking which is awful because I love those listeners I love those people so much but like my heart was not in that type of you know content and so I was like well God what do I call it like this is so exciting I'm gonna start a new whatever, God, I can do anything through you. And so it was like, I was on, I was on my laptop and I was like, what rhymes with Jesus? What rhymes with Christ? And then ICE came up and it was like, I'm telling you guys, I knew I was starting a new podcast and I knew the name of it within 20 minutes. Like this all happens like in seconds.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And I was like, Christ with coffee on ice. That's the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life. And so I started it. And then I probably tried to juggle both podcasts for like two months. And then I was like, I got to be honest with my listeners. And I made like a podcast episode where I was like, y'all, I got to really bring this to the Lord. Like I'm feeling really overwhelmed, whatever. And then moved to Nashville. And I already knew, like I already knew the Lord was like you're gonna go full-time with this kind of broke the news to everybody that was getting rid of Curly Popcast I deleted it off of all my platforms too which I didn't even end up doing for a little bit
Starting point is 01:22:14 after I announced that I wasn't gonna do it because I was like I don't know God like should I delete it like but I felt like a lot of the advice I was giving is just not who I am anymore and I would hate to think that somebody would find it. Not that it was bad, like it was all with love, but it's just not who I am anymore. So it's like I wouldn't want anyone, that stuff is out there forever, like on a pod. Did you take off? I took it all down.
Starting point is 01:22:33 You took it down? It's all down. Wow. And now we're just full. And I felt like God was like, we need to commit to this. Me, done. Like this is it.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Like girly pop cast walked so we could run here. You know what I mean? It got you ready. It did. And, like, the way that that, like, my trailer was number one. I was like, God, you're in this. Like, I thought Girly Popcast was successful. The Lord has been so in this.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Like, it's blown my mind. No, and we had just become friends. And I remember, guys, she was voicing with me saying, I think God wants me to start a podcast just about him, and I'm just going to do it. I was like, I'm scared. And then you were like, you know, Ashley, I don't even want to sleep. I just want to do this. It's so fun.
Starting point is 01:23:11 I was stoked. I mean, there was not a lot of strategy. And I just want to give God so much glory there, because some people are like, well, I see a gap in the market, and I want to do this. It's like, no, literally, you felt the Lord, and you started it, and then he said number one. And it's like God gets so much glory with
Starting point is 01:23:28 that. You can see it in your eyes. You are just... Can I just say, do you know what I love so much? Tell us, Ant. I want to know. Since being in this Christian space, which we're so grateful for, we love it so much. We've
Starting point is 01:23:43 met so many people. We've been to the South so much. We meet so We love it so much. We've met so many people. We've been to the South so much. We meet so many people from the South. You're so cute. She went to the Bible Belt. She went to the Bible Belt. We go to the Bible Belt. And Ari and I aren't from a world where people have parents that are pastors, and that's why they became pastors.
Starting point is 01:24:00 We come from a world where if we know people that know Jesus a lot of the time, they just kind of met him. They've lived a kind of met him they've lived a life of darkness they've lived a life of sin they've lived a life according to what the world and society says to do and then they found jesus and like when we started doing what we're doing we're not you know we won't get into it too much but there was a lot of things of a lot of people saying like, they just became Christians. They should not have this platform. Or they just like, and Ari and I, I mean, bringing Jesus,
Starting point is 01:24:32 bringing us Girls Gone Bible. Not only do we help people, it's so crazy for us to say that we help other people because this podcast in and of itself is what made us elevate in our faith. This is what made us change. But when we first started this podcast, we were not living right by the word like we were not doing everything the way that we love Jesus so
Starting point is 01:24:49 much and we've had this genuine life yes but it's just like and so you started this podcast where you have another podcast and you're giving this worldly advice and I'm sure everybody or anybody would want to disqualify you from that I was I was doing both, right? But that's why God's grace is so good. Because he sees the end product. He sees where you're going to be. I think about how gracious he was with us that even when we started the podcast, I was still thinking, well, I'm still not going to give that up. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Sure, God, you want me to do this? I'll do it. But I'm still going to have this. I'm still going to have this. And he would literally, like if that was me, if I was the dad, I would be like, okay, then you're a bad kid, and I'm not letting you have this massive blessing in your life but he was like no I know your heart and I know you'll get there eventually and like so he saw you and he was like no I know where you're gonna be I know what I'm gonna bring it's like Peter I'm gonna let her hang on to this for a second talk about the universe for a little bit. Bless her heart. No. No, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:25:45 But what's cool is, like, God makes us leaders. Yeah. And then because we're leaders, we go, all right, well, I guess I got to let that go because I'm a leader now. And he looked at Peter. He said, Peter was not a perfect man. And he said, Peter, you're going to be the rock for my church. Peter had just been made Peter. He was simon like literally right before that yeah so it's like god does that where he takes he takes people and then he qualifies the called but he called was yeah
Starting point is 01:26:18 he was he doesn't qualify he qualifies the call yeah It's a tongue twister. So he makes you a leader. And when you're like, oh, my goodness, God, you're blessing this. You're making me a leader. Then you're like, I can't keep doing that. I can't keep talking about that. I got to be all in. The conviction's real. But God makes you the leader first.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Like he tells you that you're the rock of the church first. And then you become. And then Peter steps into it. It forces you to elevate it though it does you no longer and there are people who will be crushed by the pressure unfortunately i'm sure but luckily by the strength and grace of god you we all were in this position where we're like oh i'm being called higher okay okay i'll go i'll go i'll go you know what i mean and it helps so many people they're growing with us yeah yeah Yeah. So many people. Like we're growing together.
Starting point is 01:27:05 And honestly, that's kind of how I started it too. I was like, okay, guys, listen. I know I'm new. But I can't stop talking about him. So we're going to do this together. I literally was like, have grace for me, please. Because I know I'm new. And maybe you've known Jesus a lot longer than me.
Starting point is 01:27:17 But let's just do this together. Right? And like it gives validity. Let's grow together. Like I'm not sitting here saying I know any more than y'all. Let's just love him together. There's nothing better than that. And as you run after Jesus, you're helping, I mean, millions of people run after Jesus too.
Starting point is 01:27:34 And, I mean, even last night at Circuit Riders, these cute girls, they just are running up to Allie in the bathroom. And they're like, oh, my gosh, I love you, Pegasus. I love you, Pegasus. This is so sweet. And so, I love you, I love you, I love you. It's so sweet. And so, I mean, the anointing is so strong. If you have not listened
Starting point is 01:27:48 to Christ with Coffee on Ice, it's amazing and we can't wait for Christ with Coffee on Ice Cream. There'll be a little debut. That's so cute. I love that.
Starting point is 01:27:55 We're like messing around with words the other day. She's gonna have ice cream in one of these episodes. Christ with Coffee on Ice Cream. I don't know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:28:01 It's just, I mean, it's so sweet to see what God is doing and it's just a blessing to even be here, y'all. I know. We love you guys so much. We love you all.
Starting point is 01:28:10 I kind of wanted to because we sometimes will lead people in prayer, you know, and say the salvation prayer with us and lead people to Jesus. And we haven't done it in a while. And I'm wondering if we should do it today. Just I have it on my heart. It's been a minute. Do one of you if we should do it today. Just, I have it on my heart. It's been a minute. Do one of you guys want to say the salvation prayer? We'd love it if you did. I could do it. Yeah. Why don't you say it? Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, let's do it. Oh, I'm honored. Father, we just thank you
Starting point is 01:28:38 for the person who is listening to this. Anyone who's under the sound of my voice and you're just, you're done with your old life and you just feel the Holy Spirit tugging at you saying, this is the day that you commit and you go all in and you let, you let it go. And so God, we just thank you for this person right now, God. We're just going to, I just asked that you would repeat after me. Okay. So Lord, I admit that I am a sinner. I admit that I need your grace. God, I believe that you sent your son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. I believe that he resurrected and he rose three days later, and that he is now one with the Father so that I can be in relationship with this God, with my heavenly Father. God, I confess my sin to you,
Starting point is 01:29:39 and I want to live my life with you now. God, thank you for saving me. In Jesus' name, amen. In Jesus' name. Whoa, some of y'all just got saved. Let's go. Some of y'all. Holy Spirit activate.
Starting point is 01:29:58 Heaven is rejoicing. Wow, I'm so happy. Jesus, thank you so much. You guys, whoever is listening, if you just said that prayer for the first time, we're so proud of you. You have no idea what's to come, beautiful things and maybe some hard things too. There is a possibility for an attack on your life and your faith in this time. But I just really encourage you to get plugged into a church, read the Bible, listen to more podcasts, read the Bible before you do anything and listen
Starting point is 01:30:25 to anything though, and listen to sermons and get close to Jesus. We love you guys so much. Allie and Ashley, thank you so much for coming on. We love you guys. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace, not as the world gives, but the way that Jesus gives peace. In Jesus' name, we love you guys so much. We love you guys so much. Thank you. Thank you, girls. Yay! you

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