Girls Gone Bible - George Janko & Shawna Della-Ricca | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: March 22, 2024

hi ggb gang we love you we love you we love you :) before we get into today's episode, we have an announcement! WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!! the first night of GGB LIVE SHOW tour is set for May 15th Atlanta, Georgia at the Center Stage Theatre. click this link for tickets (use code ggbgang for presale) we can't wait to see you, love you, pray with you, laugh & cry with you. today's episode blessed us so so much. we had the pleasure of sitting down with George Janko and Shawna Della-Ricca. we heard the most raw versions of their testimonies of finding Jesus, what life was like for George during and after his time on Impaulsive and what it was like to share the Gospel on a massive & secular stage. we talk allll things relationships, traditional gender roles, getting engaged, masculinity & femininity, and how to deal with jealousy & insecurity in a relationships. we love you guys so so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo- HEY WHILE WE'RE HERE. WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO RATE & LEAVE COMMENTS ON SPOTIFY & APPLE PODS. IT HELPS US. OK BYE NOW LOVE YOU

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Ari. And I'm Angela. And this is Girls Gone Bible. We're a faith-based podcast where we talk about Jesus, God, life, mental health, everything under the sun. And we're so happy to have you guys with us. If you're new to the show, welcome. We love you so much. If you are a day one ride or die, God, we love you guys so, so much. And we have, before we start today's episode, we have some really exciting news. My best friend in the world and I have been so incredibly blessed with the opportunity. You guys, we're doing it. It's time. It's the Girls Gone Bible live show tour.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I can't even tell you guys how excited I am to actually meet you guys in person and just hug you and probably cry with you. I just, this is going to be the most incredible experience. And I just can't wait to meet you guys face to face. The first night of tour is going to be in Atlanta, Georgia on May 15th at the Center Stage Theater. Just like Ari said, you guys, we're going to hug you. We're going to love you. We're going to laugh with you. We're going to cry with you. And at the end of the day, we're all going to experience Jesus together. That's the whole point of this tour. We want to do what we do here with you guys
Starting point is 00:01:10 in person. We're going to do Q and A's. We're going to probably, I imagine the set is going to have like us sitting way back. I have a feeling we're going to be in the audience with them. Watch. We're not sitting in our seat. You know, I'll be right on you guys' lap. I was about to say, I was about to say I'll probably be on someone's. We won't be on your lap. I'm sorry. We love you guys. We just love you guys so much. We're so excited to be with you.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And just from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for giving Ari and I the opportunity to do this. Thank you for trusting us to be a part of your relationship with Jesus. thank you for trusting us to be a part of your relationship with Jesus. Yeah. I had a moment when we went live today about how we're going to be on tour. And I was just like, I can't believe we have this opportunity. Like, I can't believe you guys put your trust in us. And you guys just are so accepting and just love us. And it just, I really, I know I say this a lot, love us. And it just, I really, I know I say this a lot, but I really hope you understand from the bottom of our hearts what it means to Angela and I. Not only feel so incredibly loved by you guys to the point where it gives us a different confidence moving through life, like we're different because we know that we have like a family of people that we get,
Starting point is 00:02:23 we're like best friends. Like we really feel like you guys are our best friends. And at the same time, having you guys in our life has held us to a standard that who knows if we would have ever reached without you guys. We're accountable in our relationship with Jesus because we want to do right, not only by him, first by him, but then by you guys. And we're going to do everything in our power to do whatever we can for you guys. Yeah, we just, yeah, we love you guys. And it's not easy for us to get up on here and be vulnerable. And, you know, we're new to this too.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So again, just thank you for accepting us and trusting us and loving on us. You guys heal us and help us every day in more ways than, you know, you imagine. So seeing all the responses to us going live today, it just got, it just made it so real that like, we're all in this, it's a family. And like, you know, when you hear, you know, people who have platforms or or whatever and they say they have this connection with their their followers or their people and you don't understand until you experience it yourself because how can you love someone you don't know we love you guys I don't care if we've never met you we love you so much and we can't wait to be with you guys May 15th in Atlanta Georgia's first
Starting point is 00:03:40 night and then we'll have the rest of the tour dates announced after that we love you guys so much we love you guys we hope you enjoy today's episode may we glorify you in everything we do jesus we love you this is all for you let us get out of your way and move in this space holy spirit in jesus name amen amen amen oh wow i've never started a podcast with a bird like that oh it In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Wow. I've never started a podcast with a prayer like that. Oh, it changes everything. Bro, even me as a Christian, I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:04:13 oh, that's kind of set the mood. Your guys' prayers always give me such, like last time when we were together and we prayed, like you guys, like when you were holding it, you gave me like goosebumps, like from one side to another. It was really weird. Hey, you got to use your microphone.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I didn't even know we were talking. That's so great. That's so beautiful. That's so beautiful. I like your pasture breathing. You're just like a cheese I was like, whoa All the time when Angela starts like preaching She sounds like she's running up a flight of stairs cuz I just get so like breathing But it's just yeah when me and read we're going through our edits with you guys You guys are like so passionate, going like that.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It was so, we put so much in. We looked at each other like, should we mute them? Should we not like, but then we were like, I don't know, we don't want to be disrespectful to you guys. You should have muted us. Hey dog, the comment section had me dying. We were so embarrassed. Yeah, you should see us and we'd guess.
Starting point is 00:05:03 No, no, we don't. We don't do that on our show anymore after that episode. We were not released on every comment. She did it on the Ramoswami. Like, we have, like, a president candidate sitting there talking about things. She's just, mmm. No, I didn't. No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yes, I turned to you. I went like this. Oh, because I was going, mmm, mmm. Like, I'm listening. I know. Can I ask you, what did you think we were just talking about? Okay, but you made me sound like I was going. I was just going.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It sounds like you're moaning. I know. We literally sounded like moaning cats. It was bad, I know. Because you want people to know you're listening. I know, and we do it in unison too, so it just sounds like we're. I know. When I told you, you're high C, I'm low C.
Starting point is 00:05:40 You saw harmonizing? Literally, it's a problem. Anyways, hi guys. This video is sponsored by Celsius. No, it's not. No, it's not. Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Would you hook us up with Celsius? Dude, you want this show to be sponsored? You gotta make your dues, bro. Get us the plug. Yeah, I got you guys. We already introduced ourselves in the beginning of this, so you guys, GGB gang, we have literally the biggest treat for you guys today.
Starting point is 00:06:06 We know you guys have been waiting for this because you sent us thousands of messages asking for George and his beautiful fiancee, Shauna on. We have George Janko and Shauna Della Rica. Oh, hi. Long time listener, first time caller. Very excited to be here. We're so excited to have you guys. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I feel like family already. I just, we love you guys. We got really close quick. Yeah. We, yeah, we were like hung out one time and I was telling her, I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:30 to both you guys, I'm like, as soon as we met, I came down the stairs, we just couldn't stop talking. We like nonstop, nonstop. And then once we were apart
Starting point is 00:06:38 from each other, we'd call each other and be like, we miss you. I miss you. We got to hang out. Like, it's so weird.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I know we were really talking as if we've been friends forever and we're like, I miss you. When can we see each other got to hang out. It's so weird. I know. We were really talking as if we've been friends forever. And we're like, I miss you. When can we see each other again? We've never actually even hung out. It's the most beautiful thing. But I swear, that's what happens when God's people come together. Because the Jesus in me knows the Jesus in you guys.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And so that's why we feel like family without even knowing each other. Yeah, that happens a lot. It's cool. I like that feeling. It's beautiful. So we like to start off, we like to give people a platform to share your testimonies because we know that testimonies are so powerful. So would you guys give us a backstory on how you found Jesus, when you started your relationship
Starting point is 00:07:14 with him, whoever wants to go first? You want me to go first? You go first. You want me to go first? Go ahead, Shauna. Oh my gosh. Okay. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I guess, how do I put this? You know what's funny, I think, is like my testimony that I would have given even six months ago is so different than what I would say now, you know? And I think it all started for me specifically. I mean, obviously, I was baptized. What was your denomination? We were Presbyterian. Okay. What is that?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Presbyterian it's like a domination of the Catholic Church yeah similar yeah my family's like French Italian so you know
Starting point is 00:07:51 my dad's Italian so I was you know baptized in France things like that and but it wasn't really something and my mom
Starting point is 00:07:57 you know is someone who always followed God but I think for a time in her life when things got difficult you know she kind of
Starting point is 00:08:03 separated from that for a little bit you know and now she's in a place where she's found him she's stronger life when things got difficult, you know, she kind of separated from that for a little bit, you know. And now she's in a place where she's found him. She's stronger than ever, which is beautiful. But, you know, so I didn't have him much in my childhood. And then when I moved to California in 2014, I actually had a gift of a friend. Her name is Michelle.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And she's somebody who, you know, she had to go to youth group on Wednesdays. And that was something really important in her family. And her family was just so beautiful and bright. There was something in her that was like, wow, like, clearly something that you're doing with God is working. And she'd take me to youth group, and it was always such a fun time. And the worship music was so beautiful. And it was like, it just felt right, you know. So that really, like, started things for me when I was 17.
Starting point is 00:08:40 And then from there, you know, I was kind of just, I was a Christian, you know. Oh, we know all about that. But I was just, you know, I was just a Christian, I knew God. George, what's up? Yeah, what's up, George? We know that. We know being a Christian, but not necessarily following the word in the way that he wants us to. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I just thought that was so funny, like the way you guys are like, no, no, we got you, girl. That's what this podcast is about. No, because it's such a big thing. Usually you're a Christian, but you don't do the things in your life that actually bring you close to God, to Jesus. I know that's funny to say this, but we all say that about our past selves, but in our future selves, we're going to say that about the time that we are right now.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I can't believe it. That's true. I was a Christian, but I was like, I was not that much of a Christian. It's like you just keep growing more. How much more Christian can we get? I don't know. I really don't know. Just your turtlenecks go all the way up to here.
Starting point is 00:09:32 No, no, no. Actually, I haven't shown my neck in years. Yeah, yeah, it's like a Pez head, bro. I know, literally. Dispense a candy for me real quick, that'd be great. But yeah, you know, so, but I think I always knew it was like the right way and things like that and then I met Georgie and obviously through his you know the way that he's led his life and the way that he's like shown me an example of
Starting point is 00:09:54 what it is to actually lean on God for like the issues that you have in front of you and the blessings you have in front of you and so I think that's you know obviously an example in your life always helps and but he was never like he's never pushed me on it. He was never like, you're not studying. You're not doing everything that you can. Like, what is your relationship like? He just let me be. And so it was just it came from a place of me wanting to find out more and do that, you know.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And so then I think it was about was it six months ago? Yeah. was it six months ago yeah so like six months ago um for the last two years I felt like I'd really you know done everything I could to to do what I thought was right by God through every obstacle that was in front of me I was like okay I'm gonna have all my faith in you and I'm gonna follow what you want me to do but I still had that disconnect I still had that missing you know that missing feeling that thing that I feel like he has and other people had that special twinkle and fire inside of them. And I just didn't quite have it yet. And he had a friend who came over with his girlfriend, really special, beautiful people. And we just, you know, I'm not going to get into the full details, but they had a beautiful prayer over us.
Starting point is 00:11:05 the full details, but they had a beautiful prayer over us. And that night led to later on, like a conversation that we got into something where, you know, I just felt like I didn't forgive somebody in my life. And I felt like that wasn't like God would be disappointed in me if I didn't forgive that person. And so we talked it through and then I came to an understanding and I came to, okay, so I need to pray about this and I need to pray about forgiving this person. I also need to pray for this person to be, you know, closer to God and things like that. Right. So then I just I went upstairs and I prayed with all my heart and it was the most like it was the most connected prayer that I had ever felt, you know, where I felt like I was really in the moment. I wasn't distracted. I was really fully in and I felt like I was really having a conversation with him. And then after that, I just stood up and I had been crying a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I had makeup all over my face. I was like, okay, I need to go wash my face. And then towards the end of me washing my face, there was just something in my head that told me to rinse my face three times in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And I didn't even know. It was just something that was in my head. And so I finished that prayer by
Starting point is 00:12:05 doing that those three times and I looked at myself and I felt clean and new and like just connected and I went downstairs and I felt such a peace and such a stillness and then Georgie and I were on the balcony and we were talking about we were just talking and it was there in that moment where I was literally like, wait. I was like, wow. Sorry, let me get that. No. This is so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And I was like, wow. I, like, finally, like, truly with all my heart, like, understand why Jesus died for us. It's like, you know the story you hear so many times, but it doesn't fully, like, make sense to you. And we were actually just talking about this story on our podcast with Cliff, like, a few days ago. But I just was like, wow, I fully understand the sacrifice and the reason why he did that for us and how big that is that he did that, like, for me, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:03 And in that moment, I just, like, couldn't even believe, like, the connection and understanding that I had. And then I told him, and I hadn't even told him what happened upstairs, and I told him what happened upstairs. And he was like, dude, it was just the most wildest moment. And I just, yeah, I don't know, I just fell on my knees, and I thanked God with all my heart. And ever since then, it felt like literally like a fire running inside of me. Yeah. Isn't it crazy how it just takes one person, Since then, it felt like literally like a fire running inside of me. Isn't it crazy how it just takes one person, that one person that started praying over you, led you upstairs to find him in that moment on your hands and knees.
Starting point is 00:13:36 All it takes is one person. Like God just sends you people as angels in human form. Isn't that insane? It's so incredible. It's just, it's beautiful. They sent you as a witness. Yeah. And I think that that was something too I struggled with beforehand was that you know you you hear people's
Starting point is 00:13:49 stories and you're like oh okay that's how it's supposed to happen for me yeah but it's not like you don't know how it's going to happen you don't know when it's going to happen or what the experience is going to be for you so yeah it's so different for everybody what happened with you is that you had the baptism of the Holy Spirit in that moment. The Holy Spirit came upon you. What you experienced in that moment was a touch from Jesus himself. And then when you're on the balcony and you realize, by the way, thank you so much for sharing that the way you did. I know the Spirit is moving because we feel it all over our body.
Starting point is 00:14:18 He's moving in the room and he was with you in that story that you were just telling. And in the moment that you finally realized what Jesus did for you, it says in scripture that you can only realize Jesus is Lord by the Holy Spirit. So all of that, what happened in you is the Holy Spirit came upon you and in you. And that's why you had that fire. That's what he does is he gives you that fire and he's calling you to something so incredible. Shauna, you are a gifted communicator. You remind me so much of Ari in the sense that you guys are so sweet and you're meek and you're kind and your heart. You guys don't just wear your heart in your sleeve. You wear it outside of your body. You're like, hi, here's my heart
Starting point is 00:14:54 when you meet somebody. God is going to use that and you're going to bring so many people to him. And when you were 17, you had no idea that this was going to be your life. You have no idea where you're going. This is incredible. You're meek, but I see a boldness in you, especially I've been watching some of your interviews, and you are bold and confident, and I see it, and I'm just so proud of you. Shawna, I really am. Thank you guys so much. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:19 No, seriously, it's beautiful. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really, really appreciate it. Seriously. We want to get into George's, and then we want to get into how you guys met. And because we have so many things to say to you guys for what you're doing in culture. Yeah. Well, let's just go with George first and then we'll get into that.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You guys, I'm so excited about today's sponsor. It's Olive in June. I can't tell you how happy I am to have somebody like Olive in June in my life so that I don't have to go to the salon anymore and I can get salon quality manicures at home. Olive in June manicure system has everything you need for a salon quality manicure in one box. They have salon grade tools designed just for DIY nails. You can customize it with your choice of six polishes. This polish doesn't chip, and it lasts for seven days or more. It breaks down to basically just $2 a manicure.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And guys, what I love most about Olive & June's manicure system is their cuticle care. My nails look so much better with Olive & June than when I went to the salon, and not to mention so much cheaper, and I don't have to leave my house to get my nails done. I naturally have pretty dry cuticles so their cuticle care truly saves my life and my favorites are the press-ons. They look so real, they last so long and they have so many sizes and the best part is it's easy removal. You can legitimately just remove them with hot water. Olive in June Quick Dry dries in about one minute. It lasts for more than five days. It's full coverage in just one to two coats and it's offered in 40 or more cruelty-free and vegan polishes. You guys are going to want to
Starting point is 00:16:55 visit slash ggb for 20% off your first system. That's slash ggb for 20% off your first system. Thank you, Olive and June, for sponsoring this video. I'm going to start, but if I don't cry at the end, like this, I'm walking out. Jesus, please make sure. So it was 13th of March. So it was 13th of March. No, I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And, you know, it's so funny. I went through a pretty ridiculous childhood when it came to, like, making friends. I know people had, like, hard times, but, like, mine was, like, really hard. Like, they moved me out of school because I get bullied so hard. And I used to – I actually just talked to my mom about this. And ironically enough, I was sobbing when I said this, because I used to ask God, I go, God, like the only thing that breaks my heart when I was younger is I would watch my mom cry all the time. And I knew I was a good kid. I was just, I always liked to talk. And I was like, I, I knew what I loved at a very young age. Uh, but there was a church next to my house and I didn what I loved at a very young age.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But there was a church next to my house. And I didn't have friends at the time. It was like around anywhere from like third grade to like sixth grade. It was like really, really hard for me to make friends. I used to ride my bike to the church. It was like a block, not even a block, like in the neighborhood. That's the only reason my mom would let me do it. And I had a walkie-talkie. So that's how close it was. But I would sit in the grass and I would talk to God like all the neighborhood. That's the only reason my mom would let me do it. And I had a walkie talkie. So next time, but I would sit in the grass and I'll talk to God like all the time.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And I just knew I was going to do something for him. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew I was going to do something for him. And I would always tell my mom, I'd actually scare her. I said, I'm going to get killed for this. Like at a young age. And she was like, why are you saying that? And I said, no, I don't know why, but I was watching a lot of Dragon Ball Z. So in my mind, I was like, I have to die for this. Like, but, and then I realized he died for it. It was just a lot of, there was a lot of things I had to figure out that, um, it took me throughout life to figure out. And I would have dreams, uh, when I was a kid and later on in life, my dreams would, um, be revealed through a scripture. So like how God was described or talked about
Starting point is 00:19:07 was exactly how he presented himself in my dreams. So like, it wasn't like, oh, I heard this story and then I had a dream. It's like I had a dream. And then a couple of years later, while I was in Bible study, I would learn about how like Moses, you wouldn't be able to look at him directly because he's so bright. Well, one of my dreams when I was talking to him, I had to put my nose to the ground. So I wasn't allowed to look at him, but I was a baby. So I didn't know what I was doing. And then when I realized that was the presence of God and I just really couldn't stare at him. So my turbulence as a kid was like, yeah, it was tough in school, but like, I knew that there was something going on that I was just like, I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And also like, I had a great home and that's why I try to teach kids like, uh, or parents now, like it all starts from your house. Like my, my school and my friends and everything else is really tough, but because my mom and my dad and my sister rocked that it just coasted. And so my mom would always teach me like, Hey, like these kids are upset with you or hurt with you because she never was short with me. She taught me, she talked to me like an adult. So like if some kid was making fun of me because i couldn't read she goes well maybe he was made fun of at his own house and he's heartbroken so i would learn empathy like a higher level and uh and then i was able i was in an add
Starting point is 00:20:15 class so i would learn that like the disabled kids were the sweetest kids and then the the kids that were like over here and lost and confused they were like hurt and they would say crazy things. But then the kid that was drooling next to him on a wheelchair, when he did talk to me, his heart was just unbelievable. So I'm in fourth grade and I'm realizing I'm like all the people that are in last place in school are like first. And the people that are first are not really where I want to be. And then a year later, I run whoever's first is last and last is first. So it's like he was walking with me and kind of guiding me and whispering. And then I came to Hollywood as an adult and I was like, yo, I'm out. And so like, I went to a party, I did all these
Starting point is 00:20:55 things, but in, in like not the craziest way. Like for example, like my having fun was like me at a, at a club for like 10 minutes. And then I'll be. Yeah. Like I also like I didn't put God first. And then the world came really hard on me. And so I was like, oh, okay, cool. Like I'm going to bring it back. So like now I brought it back, but as an adult. And now I'm like really thirsty. It's kind of like this is the best way I could picture it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 The way my mom raised me is like, hey, if you're thirsty, here's a cup of water with ice and you're always quenched. And I was like, Oh yeah, cool. And I'm just drinking, drinking, drinking. When I walked away from God, I became so thirsty without even knowing what was going on. And so when I came back and took my sip, my body and my flesh was just like on fire that I was like, Oh, like I don't ever want to separate myself. So I kept them there and I would, I would just like, I would talk very deep because I'm very, okay. So the one thing that I did, I did love about myself since I was a kid and now is I never was afraid to talk about things I loved. If I really loved it, I wouldn't be ashamed about it because of how I talk to God in private is how I talk to people in personal or public. It doesn't matter to me if like,
Starting point is 00:22:02 if my God, who's the creator of everything is watching me i don't care what timothy thinks of me you know i mean like it just doesn't make sense i never thought that logic out right so i started talking about it passionately behind uh closed doors and it snuck its way into like podcasts because i think podcasts kind of show you who you are and uh through that i it was weird. Like I was caught in a place where I had to start all over. And in this industry, you'll catch yourself, you know, build, build, build, build, and then you have to start over, build, build, build, start over.
Starting point is 00:22:34 But after this fall and I had to restart, I was like, you know what? The only thing that hasn't failed me is God. And not like in a monetizing or like a creating type of thing, just the feeling. Like I knew that if I made a hundred bucks, but I was with God, it's better than making a million bucks without God. So I told my mom and dad, I said, hey, I'm going to take this route on my podcast and I'm going to see where it goes. And while I'm taking this opportunity, I haven't figured out where I want to go as an entertainer. I always talk to my parents, like, should I stop and just go into ministry? Or should I continue to do the entertainment? Because I have this whole project that we're doing right now,
Starting point is 00:23:15 and I do love it. But I'm just trying to figure out, now I'm moving so much, and I'm seeing what God's doing in my life that, like, I used to be like, I'm going to do this and then talk to God about it. But now I'm like, all right, right God what do you want me to do and then we could talk about it I don't want to take a step without you now because what he's given me is so much more greater than everything like for example her is greater than any like and in no disrespect it is better than any girl that came up to me at a club or an opportunity at a stage or any like you could line them all up no disrespect that's the most. I just don't want to bring up a different girl, but it's just like every avenue,
Starting point is 00:23:47 every time he opens a door, it's the door. And you don't even want to like have a conversation about a different door. So I started getting very, very comfortable with like, oh, I'm mixing my business now because I thought about it this way. Wait, hold on. In private, I ask God all the time,
Starting point is 00:24:03 you take control of my business. But in the public eye, I'm like, I don't even bring you up. So I'm like, all right, let's just see how this goes. I'm ready to risk it all because like I had the fame and the exposure, but without God, and it was just so empty. And it felt like you just keep digging. And it's just like, you're always looking for joy and happiness. But I'm like, bro, I was like five years old getting made fun of every day. And I had more peace then. So like flipping a burger at Five Guys, I'm having more fun there. There's something happening here. So like I had to figure it out. And it turns out it wasn't the lifestyle. It was God. I could bring God in any situation in my life.
Starting point is 00:24:37 And that's where the joy and peace comes from. So I had my own podcast and I started talking about deeper thoughts and people started kind of like really enjoying that version of me. And so I was like, oh, okay, cool. I'll go this direction. So I was talking to my mom yesterday or a few days ago, and I was like, should I go and should I quit? Should I just end the show and while it's high and then I go minister? And she goes, George, you are ministering.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You're using your stage for God. So right now, and I haven't really even flushed out the idea. That's why it's kind of hard to explain. But right now I'm just rocking this life as a ride, and I'm enjoying it. Like before I used to plan every step of mine, but now my prayers are like, God, you guide my steps. So it takes a huge load off of me. Like, oh, I don't even really need to think about my future as much as that sounds crazy
Starting point is 00:25:26 because I always planned, planned, planned. I can't out plan God. So I got rid of planning for me and giving it to him. And I started like due diligently working on today. Yeah. And all of a sudden just joy and peace started raveling around me. So right now I don't know where my future's held. I just passed it off to him and I can't see the future. So I don't know if one day I'm
Starting point is 00:25:53 going to be like, all right, now I'm out or I'm still in this industry, but I'm, you know, the light that's not hidden underneath the basket, but it's high placed above. I think the way I was raised from my parents of me being so open and vulnerable and like kind of fearless on like, if you judge me, I'm either going to weigh it to see if it's something I should really be understanding about or just toss it. That's my strongest skillset I feel like I have. So ironically, a podcast would be the greatest position for me to be in is because I'm learning in front of people and I'm taking those mistakes instead of like having other people make it by themselves like there was a marriage thing we talked about and I got roasted like out of my
Starting point is 00:26:33 life like on a Jordan Peterson episode and I just got grilled in the comment section but it didn't hurt yeah because it before somebody talked about me on a on a podcast or comments I'd be like oh no what are they thinking but like now I'm well, they're either pushing me in the direction of God or not. And now it's like I formed an ecosystem that is by God. My audience is by God. When we're done with a show, there's like 300 people lined up and they're all praying on me before exiting blessings. I I'm now my content, I'm more hyper aware of what I need to be my swearing in an episode two girls brought it up now I'm not swearing anymore like
Starting point is 00:27:09 you're so cool I'm just taking the opportunity every day and like I used to plan my life like day by day like oh this is the year I'm going to do this but now it's just like I gave my fruits to God and when I eat the fruits that God gave me it's just like,
Starting point is 00:27:25 yo bro, come eat. And there's like, there's no like jealousy. There's no, uh, envy. There's no, um, pride because it's not me. It's from him. And I'm willing to share this with anybody. So if I am on top of the industry in part of the culture, or if I'm just at five guys flipping a burger, my piece is with God. And if it's me discussing the gospel with the guy getting a bag of fries, or it's me on a microphone talking about whatever God feels useful for me is that's where I find my peace. And it's a, it's a weird ego hit because as a kid, I was like, God, I want to be famous. But now my prayers are like, God, I want heaven to know me. Like, i want to dap up david and
Starting point is 00:28:05 be like david did you see what i did and he's gonna be like yeah i saw what you did i haven't even thought about that i'm gonna be like mary magdalene what's up girl you saw me down there she's like yeah i saw that version of you where you thought you were a christian i'm like king david she's like uh mary magdalene oh I'm like King David. She's like Mary Magdalene. Oh! I'm just kidding. I didn't know. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, it was a long expression of where I'm coming from. And I apologize for like dragging it. No, you're not. It's still new. As you guys are, you know, you guys just found each other. You guys found this lane. And, you know, there's some people going to knock you. And there's some people going to lift you. But I think truly if we all just focus on what God wants us from like us to
Starting point is 00:28:48 do that, we're all going to make mistakes, but it's going to be a lot more full of grace. Of course. That makes sense. Here's the thing. While you're talking, you said you don't know where your life is going to go, but you put it in God's hands. Well, you put it on God's hands. You're good. You know, the scripture says that we plan our man plans his life, but the Lord orders our steps. Like we can try to plan as much as we want. We are massive control freaks all day long. That's what we used to try to do. And then the second week actually surrendered to God and said, we don't know anything. We have no idea what we're supposed to do. We're giving up everything that we think we want. God gave us everything we never asked for. That has been the best thing of
Starting point is 00:29:23 our lives. I before I think the best place we can go to because I have so many questions for you, George, just simply on the fact that if people don't know you were on Impulsive, which is a podcast that has been going on for I don't know how long, but you were on there for how many years? I think almost two. Two years? Maybe two, yeah. Yeah, definitely two.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And so while you were on Impulsive, so if anybody doesn't know, it's like, you know, he was on this podcast that's very secular, very worldly. And it's a place in which Jesus is not talked about, nor is he welcomed, nor, well, and as we saw with you, George, that the moments that you brought up Jesus, which was often, and that is incredible and so bold of you to do, you were mocked. And you literally, just like you said, like you saw the Bible come to life in your life. We literally saw the Bible come to life in what you did, that you will be persecuted. You will be mocked and hated and made fun of just the way that Jesus was. Can I say something? I never felt that way. No, you didn't. Of course you didn't because you know why you're doing it, but like other people will, will, you know what, you had a moment on there where, you know, somebody literally told you, if you don't mind me, we don't have to keep this. Oh yeah. Are you okay? Oh, totally fine. Okay. So you had a moment where you talked about how,
Starting point is 00:30:35 you know, you love Jesus and someone said that you need a therapist because you love Jesus and you came back and you were always so kind. So graceful. Okay, so let me, this is two part for this. While I was preaching and even on our show now, I don't get on there and just preach. I'm just discussing my conversations with God, right? So you could care to listen or you don't have to. It's not like, I don't have a church yet, right? And a lot of people yell at me for this, but my whole thought process is I am a blink canvas me and God he's the artist watch what he's doing to me watch my mistakes learn from my mistakes or learn from
Starting point is 00:31:12 my like successes this is how I lived my life I never was like you should follow me because I'm still a mess I haven't figured it out uh when I was on impulsive I was just speaking freely because well one I wasn't used to podcasting so I I was just like talking, like how I talk, how I close doors. And I got made fun of so much growing up. I learned a really special trick. No one is going to have a person that everybody loves. There's going to be 50-50. You could concentrate on people that don't like you, or you could concentrate on God's people that really like you. So while I was preaching and everybody's like, yeah, how did you deal with that? I was like, how did I deal with it? I was on a big platform making money. I was hanging out.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I was traveling the world. Like when I saw people in the street, they were like, hey, nerd, you're the guy talking about God. No, they were like, hey, dude, I like the way you speak about God. And it just takes one person to be like, yo, I found that really cool. And I was like, all right, I don't think God would be upset with me as this. So like, I just kept going. If you're worried about what people think of you, dude, take God out of the equation. You're dead because you are now morphing into other people's opinion
Starting point is 00:32:10 of you, which by the way, coming from a kid that learned to like, maybe not talk issue about people. The only time I ever talked bad about people, I was jealous of them. I was like, I was envious. And so when I like flip that mindset, I'm like, okay, if they're making fun of me, speaking about God, me and my relationship of God is wrapped in love. They don't understand love. Ooh, I don't want to even talk bad about you. I'm sorry. I'll pray for you. Like I'm out. So that was that. And then everybody asks me, this is the first time they ever asked me on a podcast about that question. But like when Logan said, you need a therapist, like Logan was the man who gave me everything on earth. God sent him to open up that door. Uh, so like, dude, I'm not looking at
Starting point is 00:32:51 this man, like, Oh, he's trying to hurt my feelings. I'm seeing a man that was never introduced to Christ. And like, I mean, him are equally the same. Like when I mean that was my best friend, bro. Like we used to do everything together, like everything together. I remember days where we would get so exhausted from hanging out. We would look at each other and we're like, you want to take a nap before we do more things? And we were literally just, he would be on that side of the room. We would put 20 minutes naps and then wake up and then go outside and have fun. Like we were best friends. So if I would behave that way if I didn't know God.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So I can't forget this. If me and him are equal and we see each other and we're like, oh my God, we're so the same. But then when it comes to God and then he gets angry with me, okay, well, if I'm worth God and he's not with God, he can only be with one other thing. And if he's with that, then he's full of lies and he's full of all these things. So I'm looking at my brother till now. I look at that man, he's my brother. And I told God, I'll do whatever it takes to get him to see who God is. If you get upset with somebody because they're mad at you for your love of God and you have no empathy for them, then you've missed the picture because God
Starting point is 00:33:57 didn't come back on this earth to be like, oh, you don't understand who I am. Peace. No, he was, the last thing he said is forgive them for they don't know. And there's so many things in my life where I think I know, I act like I know, I walk like I know, I talk like I know, and then reality hits me. I know nothing. So if I know nothing and I stand before God as an empty vessel, you expect me to judge my friend that not only put food on my table, money in my pocket, opportunity all around me, bro, that's my brother. He could hate me every day for the rest of his life. He's still my brother. I would never see it differently. When I listened to you, I listened to a man that seriously has a Holy Spirit in your heart. That is you come from love. And I relate to that so much because
Starting point is 00:34:40 before I had Jesus, I, and someone would come at me in rage, I would come back. I didn't understand. I would be so just angry. And now, since having Jesus in my life, when somebody comes at me angry, I look at them from a place of love. I'm like, they're hurting inside. Something's not right. And it just, your life will be so much more peaceful when you live like that. So thank you for sharing that, because it's so true. It's so true. It can get dangerous because like you loved that person at one point and then now it separates you, right? Yeah. There's going to be a day where it's too late. You know what I mean? It's too late to make the decision on who is your God. I'd rather not be in heaven with my king looking back saying
Starting point is 00:35:22 like, that was my brother brother i could have done something everything else is meaningless the microphones the cameras like bro even if this video gets a billion views it's still meaningless like in a couple years nobody would care there's music videos i get a billion streams and we're like oh that's sick tomorrow you don't even remember yeah nothing has meaning to it when you really really hold the value of it everything has is gonna have dust moth rust like everything so the only thing you do have is each other and and if you can't care for each other then then what what is it worth anything else yeah when I when I grew up in this industry I wanted to be like an Adam Sandler I would hang out with my friends and I would create content and we would just laugh but then I grew up and realized some things are not funny and some things, like, especially
Starting point is 00:36:06 now, like I was telling Bell this, I wanted to be an actor because I know how to like understand emotions. I could see you and I could feel what you're going through. And that's not an over-exaggeration. In fact, throw the camera on, I'll reenact you and people will believe that it's me because I know how you're feeling. What if that wasn't given to me because I needed to pretend to be somebody else? What if I had to stop pretending, be who I am and remember that I could feel other people's pains. So now I could communicate with
Starting point is 00:36:34 you better. Actors are just amazing communicators. I could take what the script is saying and communicate it through my actions. So why would I not just take the gospel stories? They're already better. You know how many times I watch a movie? I'm like, God, this sucks, bro. Like I just read King James, what he had to go through. And I'm reading this and this is terrible, bro. Like I don't even want to be a part of this. And now everything is getting a little bit more filthier and like, it's kind of sporadic. So I told God, if you want me to be a part of this industry, let me clean up with some talent. Cause I don't want to be a part of this garbage, bro. Like I don't want to be a part of it. Even the people that don't believe in God, look at the movies now. Like this is garbage. I don't even want to be a part of it. So in my mind, I don't even to be a part of this garbage, bro. Like I don't want to be a part of it. Even the people that don't believe in God look at the movies now. Like this is garbage.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I don't even want to be a part of it. So in my mind, I don't even like the industry anymore. I don't like what they're producing. And I'm going to waste my 30s and 20s here doing this? No, no, no. I can't. It's not how I am. So I ask God, what do you want from me?
Starting point is 00:37:17 And he has a really fully, I mean, there is opening doors and stuff like that. But it gets tricky, right? Like I tell this to my mom. I go, let's not confuse success with God, right? Like my show is successful, but that doesn't mean like God is making a success. Well, also it's kind of hard to say because like the blessings that are unfolding are ridiculous. My mom thinks this is, a lot of people think this is, but I'm so hyper nervous that I'm
Starting point is 00:37:44 lying to myself because dude, my whole life I just lied to myself in aims that – Lying to yourself about what? Oh, if I'm in the industry, nothing bad will happen. If I'm in the industry, I could do this. I could do that. And it's just like – or like – or I'll give you an example. Like I already had sex once, so might as well just keep having sex. Like I always lie to myself.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And so once I figured this problem out, I'm like, man, I'm my own, I'm my own problem. I read a scripture. It says, sin doesn't come at you. It comes through you. So I have to challenge myself. And a lot of people would rather challenge their surroundings. And I realized that's a waste of time. Nobody else could do anything to me. Like even her, she's my partner. She can't do anything to me. I could do something to me. So it's, it's in a level of like understanding it really is between you and God and your flesh. Yeah. So there's a spirit in you that wants to, like Paul says, you know, I do the things that I, I shouldn't and I, and the things I should, I don't. Um, and he's the top G not, not Andrew Tate but also can I just say what you were saying
Starting point is 00:38:48 the difference though between you now and you a few years ago is that you would have made the choices because you're like well I want to do it and this sounds good to me and I think this is fun and so if I'm a good boy then God will be okay with it but now you're leading your life completely differently because you don't lean on your understanding
Starting point is 00:39:04 you're always leaning on God's understanding. And so I think that if you felt like you were walking down the wrong path, you would feel that like in your heart. And I think with every step that you've taken, certainly with a podcast, you know, you're leading down like, okay, is this right by God? Am I, am I doing what's right? Am I treating the people around me? Well, am I doing something beneficial for the Lord not just for myself yeah it's overwhelming because like before i would just create and just like let it fly into the internet and now like when i put out i'm like oh like the conversations that i'm having are very real and meaningful but that's dangerous because if i come at it in the wrong step and then i position somebody else's foot to go in the wrong
Starting point is 00:39:45 step oh yeah bro I'm gonna answer to that and that's daunting and the devil always gets in my head to make me wrap it up and leave uh so I just that's why I'm always saying yo I don't got to figure it out I'm just expressing what I have and God willing like he'll he'll help me through it sorry for burping I just got really nauseous. Let me just say this man, this man stresses on his heart, like about how he makes other people feel around him, how he like guide somebody or somebody wrongly, like it weighs on him so heavily because he just wants to,
Starting point is 00:40:17 he literally only wants to do what's best for the people around him. And if he's giving somebody advice or wisdom or anything like that, it like daunts him that it's only leading them in the right way and not the wrong way, you know? It came out of nowhere, by the way. Like, dude, like, and I'm not sitting here trying to boast myself, but it went from like I was the mocked character. Yeah. That like, oh, don't even talk. Nobody really cares what you say to like, oh, we really care what you say.
Starting point is 00:40:39 What are you saying? And now I'm like, whoa, OK, like, hold on. Like, I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just regurgitating what I think I know. And so, like, it scares me sometimes that, like, people will come up to me and people get very emotional when they see me in real life. And when they see me, I realize that it's impacting them in a way that my mother impacted me. Because my mom would say stuff to me that would make me like, oh, like, it would my heart not cry and I'd sit there and I'll ponder it and then I realized I'm giving to these homes what my mother gave to me and it's nerve-wracking because like my mom was such a
Starting point is 00:41:14 perfect woman to do it I'm scared that I do it in a wrong way and I push somebody off the wrong leg trust me yeah it's it's nerve-wracking one of so ari and i's biggest thing on here is that we i mean you heard our prayer when we start you guys have no idea we pray all day long that god has control over our tongues like we are so serious about the fact that we understand and you guys are in the same position where when god blesses you with influence but it's from god it's a different type of influence it's an influence that literally you make one move and people will do the same thing that you do. I imagine you're experiencing that. We know that that's happening with us too, and we're so grateful. But the second that it
Starting point is 00:41:54 started, we had that weight that you're saying, that daunting feeling. It's weight. It's responsibility. And it's good to feel that it should be heavy because we should understand that we are leading people. God has put us in this position of leadership. And Ari and I are so scared to ever lead anyone astray. For example, recently I had posted a photo. So probably one of my biggest struggles or wrestles is between modesty and the things I wear and like posting and just the way in which I, you know, present myself. And I had posted something and I am in this wrestle where I'm trying to, you know, decipher God's voice between the opinions of other people
Starting point is 00:42:36 because we get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of comments. And I don't know sometimes if they're right. I don't know. And then I don't know if it's my OCD talking that's they're getting in my head or if it really is God so I had posted something and I was getting a little bit of backlash on it and I kept on praying and I kept on asking God like please like make it let me know if this is from you or not I don't want to be at everybody I don't fear of man people pleasing like I can't live at everybody's mercy and so I saw a comment
Starting point is 00:43:03 that said it was a girl that said Someone had commented something and then a girl respond and said yeah, I just came to her page, and I feel really disappointed I feel really misled I deleted that photo so fast And I was like I will put a bag over my head and delete my Instagram because I was it Nothing not even like I never see you post anything that I'm like whoa Angela it was she was wearing a dress is this a twerking video where like
Starting point is 00:43:28 no no no I can't imagine I'm like don't see that it was me in a dress but I how dare you I know and God and I have been
Starting point is 00:43:35 you know we've been working through everything together and it's like this whole journey that Ari and I are both kind of going on but in that moment
Starting point is 00:43:40 just hearing the words I feel misled truly wrecked me to the point where I like it again instilled that healthy fear of God of like, he gave me this, he can take it from me. But the thing is, George, like there are two things we have to do. You have to think and pray about everything, but you also have to not think too much. If you're in right standing with God, if
Starting point is 00:44:00 you're close to Jesus and you're in the word every single day and you're praying about everything, if you're close to Jesus and you're in the Word every single day and you're praying about everything, you have to trust not yourself but the God in you to make the right decisions. Because when you're in right standing with God, you're going to go the way that he wants you to go. And if you go off course, he'll nudge you back. You know what I mean? Don't chase perfection.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Don't. No. But we also have to be so aware of the responsibility that we have. We know we are so – I mean we triple check everything that we say to make sure. And if it sounds like an opinion, we check with scripture to make sure it's right. Would you wear that dress? Yeah. You should have never taken it down. And can I?
Starting point is 00:44:37 You can't, you can't, you can't, you can't please everyone. please everyone. And if you felt like you bought that dress and you felt like, okay, I would want to meet my husband in this dress or I wouldn't feel inappropriate wearing this in front of my father or my mother, if that girl feels misled, then let her leave away.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You can't come down on yourself so hard because then you're going to go so far past that you're not even going to be a real human being. You're going to go so far past that you're not even going to be a real human being. You're going to be an edit of what the internet wants you to be. I make mistakes all the time in front of people. I'll own it if I feel in my heart it's right. If it sticks with you, then you know it's wrong in your heart. If it doesn't stick with you, by the way, this will take time. You guys are so new. You guys weren't just like speaking. You
Starting point is 00:45:22 learned about God and then you got a platform. These are very two really big things. Chase God first and always be content and joyful with him. But if you felt like your daughter would dress like that and you had no problem, then you shouldn't be coming too hard down on yourself. It wasn't so much the dress as it was. Okay, let's honestly just talk about it. So I was at a premiere and it wasn't so much what I was wearing because what I was wearing was fine it was the posing and it was like that we were on a carpet and these are things that I don't even do anyway and the reason
Starting point is 00:45:54 why I took it down not only because the girl said that I misled her was because I really did see myself in a way that God was asking me to lay these things down in the sense that like, I don't need to be kind of like using my looks in any way to get any sort of attention anymore, which is something that I've, and all of us have done our whole lives. And so in that moment, I did feel a clarity from God that it was the right thing. I wouldn't have deleted it had I not, you know what I mean? And I did feel like some of, I did feel like that is what God wanted me to do in that moment but yeah I mean that's a wrestle that's something that we go that we're all gonna go through and you guys I we wanted to talk about this because
Starting point is 00:46:35 you guys are in the same space as we are that like we grew up loving Jesus but we didn't follow his word we didn't do everything the right way. We came from the world thinking we were really good Christians. And then we get some Christian friends and we're like, oh, we're not actually as good as we think we are. You know what I mean? Well, who's good? Jesus. But you know what I mean? But you know what I mean? You got to remember these things because you're going to be very, very hard on yourself. I could already see it on you guys. Like you guys need to make sure that you're like, just stand in front of God every day. Just stand before God with that dress, with that post. Like, don't, don't think you have to be punished for being beautiful. Like
Starting point is 00:47:12 if you're beautiful, God made you beautiful for a reason. Like there's no, you should never, ever, ever feel ashamed and feel like, Oh, I have to use my, my tongue, right? I'm a great speaker. If somebody's like, wow, you got to talk too much. They said that to me every single day growing up, but I use that for God. Now, if you are a beautiful girl and you're standing before the world as a beautiful girl, stand with confidence. Your God made me beautiful. Now, if you're sitting there like this and you're like, hey, guys, I just opened up an OnlyFans.
Starting point is 00:47:38 There's a massive difference from you on a red carpet feeling beautiful and presenting yourself. There's nothing wrong with that. You should never, ever feel ashamed of that. Now, mind you, I haven't seen the picture. So, like, I don't know exactly what was going on. I saw the post and I agree with what he's saying. I think you were just, you're on the carpet.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You're posing for a picture and you were looking beautiful. You're looking at the cameras and you're making yourself look, you know, like in flattering angles. Like, I really didn't see anything wrong with it. But I understand, like, you know, your conviction, how you feel is how you're gonna feel yeah but I think something like that's come up like a lot of times that I've seen is I and for a lot of people to remember this is like as Christians we're supposed to be understanding we're supposed to be non-judgmental we're supposed to be forgiving and like give people grace and I see a lot of times that I feel like sometimes there's a lot of people seem very righteous in a way where they don't even give you that grace and it's like you guys are learning we're all learning and so
Starting point is 00:48:28 yeah maybe let's say let's just say that post was wrong right then that person should give you the grace to know that like okay like she made a maybe she made that bad move but like she's learning and with every step like she's gonna get better or whatever that might be. And I think we shouldn't be so harsh and judgmental. EarthBreeze EcoSheets look just like a dryer sheet, but it's ultra concentrated liquidless laundry detergent. It's the best of all worlds. EarthBreeze is tough on stains and odors while being kind to the planet and on your skin. EarthBreeze EcoSheets are dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic, and free of bleach, dyes, and parabens. There's also a fragrance-free option. EarthBreeze got rid of unnecessary chemicals for a formula that is kind to sensitive skin of all ages, including babies. EarthBreeze is a more convenient option. No more heavy lifting or measuring sticky blue goo from a massive
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Starting point is 00:50:05 That's slash ggb to cut off single-use plastic in your laundry room and claim 40% off your subscription. slash ggb. Thank you, EarthBreeze, for sponsoring this video. There's going to be a person that looks at you and says, I can't believe she's wearing this unfollow. And then there's going to be another young girl that's looking at Ariana Grande's and all these other influencers.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And they're going to say, well, she's pretty. But then she sees you and she's like, wow, she's beautiful. Oh, and she speaks of God. Like anybody could see it from any point of view. That's why you got to stick true to yourself. If you picked up that dress and you're like, I don't think God would be ashamed of me wearing this, then I'm going to wear this. And if I want to post an angle where I look beautiful, that's totally fine. Now,
Starting point is 00:50:50 mind you, this is the problem. If you read that comment and you felt it already, then, then you got to be like, okay, I felt just like this. Cause I felt like that when there was times where she would be like, no, you're overthinking it. And I said, no, I've already been thinking this way. So for her to say that or him to say that, that just confirmed my thought. Then by all means, then you could take down the pictures because that's between you and God. But you can't bend to the way of the world. Everybody used to tell me about the swearing thing all the time. And I was able to filter them out or I was able to move around.
Starting point is 00:51:21 But if I am moving fakely in front of God, that's going to hurt me more. I didn't stop swearing because of a comment. I stopped swearing because you made a good point. And then I was like, okay. And then guess what? You know how many people since then has dapped me up and they're like, yo, bro, I actually stopped swearing because of you. That's so sick.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I can't even tell. I'm talking like, I'm not exaggerating. I'm talking over a hundred people have came up to me and said that. I can't believe it. In person. Do not in just DMs talking over a hundred people have came up to me and said that. I can't believe it. In person too, not in just DMs. Over a hundred people have came up to me and said that. So imagine if I would have been like, oh, I got to like the first person, but I really didn't feel it that way.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Right. I moved with fake conviction. It wasn't on God's timing. But then when you moved me, I moved in real conviction. And that had a bigger, bigger problem. Like God solved it in front of the whole world. And that had a bigger problem. Like God solved it in front of the whole world, and now there's other people trying to solve it.
Starting point is 00:52:12 So like you shouldn't move on the conditions of other people's mouth. You should move in the condition of your Lord's mouth. Definitely. My tongue is twisting, but I hope I'm coming off properly. No, because you're saying truth. Yeah, no, absolutely. That's speaking in pounds. When your tongue fails you. Do you catch yourself now when you,
Starting point is 00:52:25 because, you know, if you go to swear by accident? Oh, it's, it's. You feel it now, right? When I'm angry, it's so funny. When I'm angry, it flies out. Like, oh, it flies out like crazy. And then it feels nasty. I know.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Once you go, you can't go back. That's why in the scripture it says, whoever has eyes that want to see. You could see whatever you want to see. Seeking you should find knocking the door shall be open. Isn't just for God. It's for everything in your life. If you want to be a money power, hungry human being, guess what? It's here. You, you search for it. If you, if I get up every single day and I stand before God and I'm like, I'm not perfect. I know that I threw that away a long time ago. That's a lot of weight to hold
Starting point is 00:53:02 onto. Now I'm going to work on myself in front of people. It's actually pretty cool. Once you really master the fact that like, all right, God looks at me like I'm just a pile of dirt and I need him for everything. If I'm going to give him all the glory, then why am I giving myself all the anxiety? That doesn't make sense. So I'm going to pass the anxiety to him. Like, oh, I posted a dress.
Starting point is 00:53:22 This girl got upset with me. God, could you next time give me the ability not to be in that position that was really embarrassing that hurt me I don't want to mislead this person yeah but then also God might say no I want you to fail a hundred times in front of people so they can see you get up a hundred times with me so sometimes you got to stop playing God and start playing with God this is the thing though because we're talking about like comments and people saying things I will say that the christian because me and ari both before we became like super super you know about that life we would always be like god the christians are so annoying they're so righteous they so blah
Starting point is 00:53:53 blah they actually like kind of saved our life they did um when we first started the podcast their criticism truly changed our life in the best way possible there is something called righteous judgment and i know that you guys know this. And like, it's like, you guys did it to me. They already know about this speck in your eye. So it's like, you can't call someone out for sin if you're doing the same sin. We're all sinners regardless. But if you do see someone doing something that's not right, you should judge them and
Starting point is 00:54:17 you should call them out for it. But I will say you cannot call yourself a true Christian and be writing nasty things on the bottom of people's photos There's a way of saying it. That is not a Christian or a person of God period Yeah Shauna stop You know me and I am seeing that Our Finsta too dude not even with our own account Imagine that's our comment we're like I can't believe she wore that
Starting point is 00:54:37 Misled I know What were you gonna say? But no there's just a right way to come at people and you you judge people, but there's a way to come at people. Can I speak to your audience real quick? Yeah. Hi, guys. George here.
Starting point is 00:54:52 There's a lot of people that are watching this full passion, like full passion. Before you even leave a comment, for those of you guys that really believe in Christ, before you leave a comment, pray to God. Our audience, I kind of always tell them like, hey, don't like and comment, pray. But then she just randomly just goes in the corner and prays and that whole day God just puts something on my neck and it makes me come to meet to her on my hands and knees and say, I'm so sorry. There's something greater than us. That's right. That is a part of it. So if you see something instead of being like, I feel misled, you should really just be like, Hey God, I see that they have a lot of,
Starting point is 00:55:29 uh, they have a big platform and they have a lot on their, on their plate right now. Instead of leaving a comment that might, you know, put them off the right path. Let me, uh, leave a comment in a positive way, but also let me pray that if it is for them, let them open up their ears and eyes to this. That will go a lot longer and it'll give you guys a lot more peace and joy. But you guys really got to master your own peace. Yeah. Because I promise you, the devil is not a fast attack. He's a slow and steady attack. He's a very precise. He knows the timing. He watches you guys patiently like a roaring lion. If you guys are going to get overwhelmed by your audience,
Starting point is 00:56:07 he will bring you guys down by your audience. He will use your audience to go against you and bring you guys down. And also you got to remember. Did she beat gang? You're not going to leave, right? We love each other so much. They're just back there watching like, yes. They're our family.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And can I just say, because I don't want to cut you off when you were bringing this up, this part, but truly, truly, like, sometimes, you know, there's just certain things that, like, are hard to bring up in a relationship because you're like, I don't know how I'm going to say this. He's not going to take this the right way. Like, it's just, it's a really hard, awkward thing to bring up, whatever it might be. And I bring it to God, and God literally makes my life so easy, and he takes care of it for me. Like, I didn't have to go and have this awkward terrible conversation probably wouldn't have gone the right way like that's why I think it's so important to have God in your relationship and to lead it that way
Starting point is 00:56:54 because then he truly like helps you mend that relationship because then when I have an issue you know and I know that George is listening to God and wants to be led by him then he he takes that and he's able to like, you know. Absolutely. We'll get into your guys' relationship. Go ahead. Just to speak on this. She said that I never pushed her into believing or reading or doing all that stuff is because the best form of preaching is by action. And if you're a man who's telling his woman to do something, but you know, you're failing in that, it's a slippery slope. She'll lose respect for you because failing in that, it's a slippery slope. She'll lose respect for you because she's seeing you as bossing her around. But if I'm leading the pact and I'm moving this way, she's either going to come with me or be left behind.
Starting point is 00:57:35 That's a hard thing to understand. I told her I'll never love her as much as God. So this lifestyle that is cut and show for me, God's going to put a woman for me. It's either you are the woman for me or you're not. I can't sit here and melt to think that you're not for me. I look at Belle at my highest moments. I'm like, I can't believe I love you this much. It's actually sometimes it hurts.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And then you get this anxiety like, oh, my God, what if she leaves? If you really mastered the fact that your Lord will replant you something even better. I told her, I go, listen, if I get out of line with you, correct me with God or just leave. Because God will replace me by a man a hundred times better than me. Never fear me. Fear the Lord. Fear disappointing him as a woman besides disappointing me. Because once you fear him, then you'll be according to me. And once I fear him, I'll be according to you. If we have our eyes on Christ, we can't fail. But if I'm sitting here, be like, I got to be like this or I'm not tall. So I got to stand on my money.
Starting point is 00:58:31 If I start acting with my emotions, then I'm going to be acting with the devil and I'm going to start wilding out. That's all folks. I'll see you guys later. Yo, Jesse's like back there. He's like, yo, what's up, Jesse? And it's so true what you said too about like you being being pushy and whatever because you're leading by your actions. Because if he's pushy on me and he was like, why aren't you reading?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Why aren't you studying? Blah, blah, blah. Then as somebody who doesn't fully understand that relationship with God, then I would have been like, on the days where he does fail, because we all do, I would have been like, well, why aren't you reading? Well, you haven't studied in a week. So why are you on me for? Wait, you haven't done this. You haven't done that. And then that would have pushed me more away because I was like, well, clearly you're not doing what you're telling me that you think I should be doing.
Starting point is 00:59:08 While we're on the topic of relationships, you guys are doing something so incredible in the culture as a whole right now. I want to talk about you're saying that when you invite Jesus into your relationship, when you invite the Holy Spirit into your relationship, there is so much conflict and tension that can be avoided. There's resentment that can, like, resentment is the number one relationship killer. And the Holy Spirit will come in and he will strip you of all that resentment. The Holy Spirit will give you the ability to see your partner the way that God sees you, which is just lovingly and beautiful, as opposed to naturally as humans, we resort back to, like, looking at what annoys us about the other person i don't know why we're like that we all just do it it's so much easier to focus on somebody's bad than they're good but god he changes that he gives you eyes to see the way that he sees so what you guys
Starting point is 00:59:56 are doing right now you guys just got engaged yeah congratulations the rock is beautiful. Can we see it? Can we see it? Where do I point it? It's so good. Congratulations. Good job, George. And you know, it's, we're in this time where marriage is not celebrated. Traditional values are not celebrated. Ari and I are not yet married, but we are so pro traditional values, gender roles in a relationship, God's design, the way that marriage, the way that he intended it to be, and doing things God's way. And you guys are in a position where, you know, you have this huge platform, you have fame, you have, you know, you have it all. Why, as a man, are you going to settle down and get married when you could technically have, you know, probably
Starting point is 01:00:46 more than one woman? You know what I mean? It's really easy in LA. You get a little bit of clout gets you a long way in LA. Let's be real. You know what I mean? And you guys are choosing to get engaged and married at what is for LA very young. That's a huge deal. And you're going to shift culture by just doing that. You're showing people what it's like to do life in the way that God intends you to do it, which is to get married to somebody that you love and not just wait in hopes that you can get someone better and then change it up when you get bored. Not be 48 in the club doing ketamine.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yeah. Dude, thank you. My dad's biggest, first of all what what wait i did that i heard that who are you hanging out cocaine's a big one but like ketamine you're hanging out the trailer parks where you where you know i live in in la that's why i'm sure you see the same thing ketamine that's a pretty You guys have no idea. No, you guys have no idea. It's dark in these streets, Bella.
Starting point is 01:01:49 My parents both came from a different country. They didn't have anything. I was wise enough to learn from my parents. I respected my parents. So I took a lot that they wanted to give me. And I didn't have friends growing up, so they were my friends. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:02:04 So the world would say one thing and my parents would say another. I always leaned on what my parents said. Okay, now that I know that, marriage is a very, very, very, very powerful thing in the Bible. And in the Bible, in Proverbs, it says it's higher than any jewelry, any money, any everything. A good woman is the greatest gift from God. So when I came back to my senses and started following God fully with my heart,
Starting point is 01:02:26 or as much as I could try, I'm looking at my surroundings. I see men that are very successful, have a lot of money, and they're putting out their Instagram stories that are hanging out with girls, but I know you're sad. I know you're lonely. I can't hide that. I'm behind the filter. I see you for what you are. So I'm like, okay, cool. I don't want that. I'm behind the filter. I see you for what you are. So I'm like, okay, cool. I don't want to be that guy who's alone. And also, like, when you grow up and you're a man, I'll be vulnerable for men. Like, when you're, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:02:53 You're insecure now in your 20s. You have any idea how insecure you're going to be when you're 30-something years old at the club and the girls are young? Yeah, it's pretty cool when they look up to you because you're that older guy. But that's going to grow into the, you're the older guy, you're old. And now you're fighting for attention in a different way. But the worst part of all of that is while you are in the club and you're trying so hard, you have to remember you threw away good things. And there's a lot of good women that get tossed around. Like I could have taken her and gone in a completely different direction. And now her history is my history.
Starting point is 01:03:29 So she's going to get tossed back into the streets. And now she's going to take that behavior and go that direction with it. Okay. So I got presented an amazing woman. And I said I could lead by example or I could lead her into her own demise. The whole red pill mentality is like the man is a leader. And there's a lot of women that are like, no, men are not leaders. That's not gospel.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I am the leader of my house. I am in charge of my home. But that just puts more responsibility on me. Now I am a higher servant than she is. Anytime she puts a home-cooked meal in front of me i truly think dude when my friends come over they're like yo brother she just put a hot meal in front of you and this is three times a day when i grew up my mom did that for my dad every day so that wasn't weird to me that was like oh she's she loves me she's presenting me a meal that's. And then my friends are like, bro, you have no idea. Like,
Starting point is 01:04:25 like that's crazy. I took that because if I'm hearing that, then that means out there, you're not getting that. So I'm like, okay, wait, wait, wait. I could sit here and point out all the flaws that she has, or I could sit here and praise God for all the good that she's presenting me. And once I fixed my focus into being like, wow, I am so blessed that she's like this and she acts like this. And if we run into a situation that she is not in accordance to what I feel is good for my life,
Starting point is 01:04:53 two things happen. I present it to her. She either fixes it or God fixes it or we move on. People need, I know a lot of people want to either like, they think that if you find something, it's perfect. I look in the mirror and I hate myself.
Starting point is 01:05:08 There's times where I'm brushing my teeth and I go, dude, you suck. Like, I hate you. And I'm looking in the mirror and I'm like, you suck, dude. So how am I going to not look at this girl every single day? And there's going to be times I'm like, bro, like, you're annoying me. Like, get away from me. Like, go over there. Like, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:05:21 We go through that with each other. You get what I'm saying? That's fine. And I think people think that it needs to be perfect it doesn't need to be perfect you just got to be patient you got to be patient and loving and want to work with it but if i would have been like sitting on my high throne like oh babe like i got all these girls lined up and i got all this money in the bank and i got all this no no no no fix focus. God has presented me a good woman while also presented us financed so we could start a family.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And I have an abundance of fame right now. So I'm going to use this to catapult our family and God willing other people's family. If I don't think this way, God giveth, but God will take it. And when you have something and it's been taken away from you, that thirst is something you can never quench. And the rest of your life, you're going to have to sit there and be like, oh, I was the one that murdered this relationship. Sin is death.
Starting point is 01:06:11 And if I brought sin into this relationship, I just murdered this relationship. That's my doing. That's not God's doing. That's my doing. So I could either take it and exalt it together with the Lord, or I could play with fire until I get burned. It's your choice.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Wow. Oh, my gosh. That was just so good. You could get my book at Amazon. I'm just going to have a book. But I will also say, like, you know, and I think, too, that is that I think what was beautiful about the beginning of our relationship
Starting point is 01:06:40 is that from the very beginning, George was like, I think we were, what, maybe the second night that we were hanging out and you're like, hey, if we're gonna be together, we're gonna be in a relationship,
Starting point is 01:06:50 like, I need us to pray together, you know, I need to. Shut, stop. You said it that early. Well,
Starting point is 01:06:55 we were, we were, we were like immediately talking about like, we fell in love very quick. Guys. Like very, very quick.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I was seeing somebody else, she was seeing somebody else, we were dating. Yeah, what's, okay, what's the story? How did it go? yeah, yeah. I was seeing somebody else. She was seeing somebody else. We were dating. Yeah, what's, okay, what's the story? How did it go?
Starting point is 01:07:06 Oh, yeah, yeah. I was seeing, like, three chicks at that time. I'm being real. Okay, so you didn't have a serious relationship. I had girls on rotations. I was not in a great place. I was also in a place
Starting point is 01:07:15 where I was like, I told him, I was like, I don't want to be in a relationship. I just, because I had been in a long one before and so I had, like, this had been, like,
Starting point is 01:07:22 a year since my old relationship and I was like, I'm young And I'm just seeing people casually. I do not want to a relationship or anything like that like please nothing Yeah, you know and he felt the same way. I think can I ask you something? Did you ever have moments where you were like? I'm not ready like I'm not ready to get married, but you knew that she was such a good woman You could not pass that up I get married, but you knew that she was such a good woman, you could not pass that up. I always have a fear of disappointing God. And when I met her, I was like, oh, this is different.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Like you could feel it was different. The first time I ever said I love her, like it was the first time my tongue actually locked in my life. It was at Disneyland. I was about to, I had like this whole thing set up, but I knew right before I said it, I was like, oh, this is going to possibly be the last time that I say this for the first time. So I think every man knows, right? And if you don't know, pray on it. But I did know. So I walked into it being like, it sounds very disrespectful, but I saw a few of my friends that are a little older, and I just had a flash.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I'm like, I could either run with this and, and, and have God plant this into being, because like when we met, we're nowhere near where we are now. It blossomed to something even better than what we had, but that happened because we gave it to God. Do you get what I'm saying? Like, like this can is a can, but if I give it to God, oh my God, what can it not be? You know what I'm saying? Like it's in the, it's in the hands of the creator. So I gave this relationship for the first time. This is the first time I ever did that. And that's why it worked out. I don't think it was me.
Starting point is 01:08:48 And I don't think it was her. I don't think it was serendipity. I don't think it was a perfect time. I don't think it was the right time, the right place. She's the right girl. She had nothing to do with any of that. It had to do with the fact of one man that saw a girl, said, God, you take the wheel. Sometimes that wheel is the next exit.
Starting point is 01:09:06 This isn't the one for you. And a lot of people need to sit in silence with God. Sometimes they think that God's mad at them when they don't have what they want. No, God knows what you want. He's just waiting for the better opportunity. So you have to wait in God. And also it's like, don't disrespect God. You are not God.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Don't tell God what to do. Don't say, God, well, I'm 28 years old and I have no girl well guess what buddy you're gonna be 32 your girl's gonna be 22 i guarantee you're not gonna be mad at the fact that she's a little younger than you do you understand there's a lot of time that people want to place and tell god yeah it's because there's so many people that put so much pressure on it they're like no it needs to happen right now and they look and look and look and look it's not gonna happen when you're forcing it when you're looking for it it's literally when and I know so many people say this but it's so true it's when you are not expecting it you're not looking
Starting point is 01:09:51 for it and it'll just happen and it shouldn't be so hard to I mean and maybe we just got lucky and it's just a really big blessing but I think that for us it just it was inevitable like as much as we were like oh I'm like I'm like no I want to be friends's probably like, oh, I don't want to get serious right now. It just fell into place and it just happened because it was just meant to happen. And we just fell in love because it's what felt right. Time apart from him felt wrong. I only wanted to be with him. And so it was easy.
Starting point is 01:10:19 And falling in love was something that was just like it was just a gift. You know what I mean? Also, we're not the same people. No. love was something that was just like it was just a gift you know what i mean also there's a is a we're not the same people no and sometimes growing could grow apart and sometimes growing could grow together absolutely i think god put a foundation around us like boundaries so like we grew together we intertwine instead of separating right so you guys have jesus i know you guys have Jesus. I know. That's what it is. You guys have Jesus. You need Jesus. No, I can't even imagine how a relationship could be successful without Jesus. Of course you're going to grow apart most of the time. It's not successful without him.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Well, also the cool part is like she grew into an incredible woman. Like, bro, I don't know. You're the best, Shauna. You grew up to be an incredible woman and I grew up to be a way better man than I was before. But here's the problem. Like if I never had her, I would have never thought this way. Right. So like, if I didn't have like, Oh, look, here's the, okay. Sometimes fear could be a good thing. Sometimes God could use the devil to, for his own tool. He could use the devil. And you know, they say things are forged in the fire.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Devil plays with fire. Sometimes God uses the devil for you to get back into check when i was dating her all these insecurities were in my head like okay like i have money and fame now but what if i run out and this girl's like used to this lifestyle and now she wants to go and date so-and-so yeah what if she grows up to realize that dude the last guy and i don't mean to bring this up you could cut this out but the last guy like it was like yo you're too good for me i don't even know. He was overwhelmed by her. I felt the same way. When I met her, I knew she was so cool and hot and everything.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I was like, oh, dude, she's going to wake up and realize who I am one day, and she's going to want to walk away. All these thoughts accumulated in my head, but I didn't run for them. So I'm like, okay, those are real thoughts, as should a man think. I need to make sure I provide. I need to make sure that this lifestyle is okay and it's in accordance to God. There's all these thoughts. Now I could run away from them or I could prepare myself for war.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Make myself the man that I should be. And if it is money that we need, then give us money. And if it's money that we don't need, get rid of the money. You have to think this way. You have to think according to God. And you can't be attached to certain things. In fact, until I put a ring on her finger, I wasn't attached until the moment I put a ring on her finger. She was out at any moment. If she moved in a way that wasn't according to God, I'd be like, peace. I'm out. Like no problem.
Starting point is 01:12:37 And once you put your love in your heart and God's hands, and you're like, Hey, like you take this relationship, it's in your hands. Then everything else is going to go so much easier. So much easier. When I'm traveling on my trip, there's two types of women. One who does not know God and does not fear God. And there's one that terrifyingly fears God. Who do you think I'm going to be worried about while I'm gone? You think I'm going to be worried about Belle?
Starting point is 01:12:59 No. But when I had my other chicks, oh, my God. I'm looking at their stories, their friends' stories. What do you mean? That's how I feel when you start to travel for Impulsive all the time? As you should. Hang on, really quick. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:09 As you should, I want to talk about the fact. Okay, so I want to get it from both of you because I want you to talk to the girls. I want you to talk to the guys. I want us to both talk about insecurity and jealousy in a relationship if that's something you guys used to experience. First, I want to say Shauna is the most down loyal girl i i know truly the way that you look at him the way that you can't like defend him no this is like i know the man is the leader and he is but there's something about a strong woman that keeps the man up you are so loyal and you being as loyal as you are to him gives him of like it he sits differently because of how loyal you are
Starting point is 01:13:46 To him it's a structure that can't be broken So thank you for doing that for him and like we Everybody should take a page out of your book. Yeah, since you can tell the way you look at him seriously It's a good foundation for the spine of the family. I used to tell that to everybody I absolutely the wife is the spine of the family. Yeah, 100%. Well, thank you. You guys are so nice. I really appreciate it. But I honestly, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:12 It's not, I'm, I feel wrong, like, taking the credit because I'm just, I don't know. He makes it easy for me because I'm just truly, like, I'm just truly so in love with him. And he does the same thing for me. He gives me so much security, you know. Wow. Like, the way that he's been so loyal, so honest, like, such an honest, loyal man that when he is away, when he is on trips, like he makes that job easy for me. But as you said, like talk about, you know, jealousy. Yeah, that's still like I'm a girl.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So, you know, like I we had to go through so many tribulations where I created problems in a relationship because I would get insecure, get jealous. Like, what are you doing? Who are you with? Like, where are you doing? Who are you with? Like, where are you? Like, well, I don't understand. Where he's given me only the actions of a loyal, trusting man, but I still would fall to my insecurities and my worries, right? But we all do. And I think that that's something, like, what I think I've learned in our relationship is that in the beginning of your relationship, it's the honeymoon phase. Everything is amazing. You guys are learning about one another.
Starting point is 01:15:02 You're coming into this relationship fresh, right? So you're secure. You're confident. You're you're like well if you want to be with me then then you're with me right so it's very everything is amazing and then I think once your relationship starts to go you guys start to get comfortable with one another you're gonna start to learn how to like deal with issues deal with problems your insecurities are going to start to come out and I think that this is the pivotal point in a relationship where people, you know, you either stay together or you break up, right? And I think it's remembering if the person you're with,
Starting point is 01:15:30 if you're truly in love with them and you see that this person only works on themselves, only tries to resolve the issues that you guys have in front of you, then it's something that's worth it, right? And so when you guys have problems, don't give up. Have the communication and make sure that you're working on it. And then also don't be so prideful to always pin it on the other person. I think there's so many times where I would be like, but no, but please understand. Like, understand my, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I was being jealous and I was being annoying because you have to understand how I feel, how I feel. Like, please, when you'd be like, dude, you have to accept that you're the one who created this problem because you are being insecure. And so I have to accept and be like, okay. Like, I can't be so prideful to put it on you just because you need to understand how I was feeling. That's not fair. I had to do, you know, like, I had work to do. I had some growth to understand why I was feeling that way. And so I think it just comes down to being honest with one another, continuing to be communicative with one another.
Starting point is 01:16:22 And then through each obstacle and each thing you guys go through, you only grow stronger. And as long as you're showing each other that you're working on those things that you have problems with, you're actively trying to fix them, then that's what kind of keeps you on your path. Now if the person isn't doing it, right, they're not working on those things, they just keep falling back, falling back, that's when maybe, you know, maybe that person is not hearing out, it's not for you or whatever that might be.
Starting point is 01:16:45 But I think that that's something that has been so wonderful about this relationship is we're able to work through literally anything and everything that comes in front of us. And not give up on each other. That's the world we're living in now. The going gets tough and they just, okay, I'll find another person. The grass is greener. I love that you guys stick together and you don't give up on each other. It's a beautiful thing. And when you guys first started dating and
Starting point is 01:17:09 he was on impulsive and he had to go on these trips and stuff what was that like for you because I know like we talk about it all the time how the beginning of a relationship while it's the most beautiful because you're in the honeymoon stage it's also the most annoyingly painful because there's like that lack of security when you're with someone for a while. It's like you know each other, you know you love each other, you know you're locked in. But in the beginning, it's really hard.
Starting point is 01:17:30 So then to also come into this situation where he's on this big thing and it's all this stuff, like that's not an easy feat for a woman to step into. You know what I mean? It takes a lot of security and a lot of confidence. So how did you find that? How were you able to overcome those doubts
Starting point is 01:17:46 and those things that happened in the beginning? If they did. Yeah, no, I mean, they definitely did. I think it was just honestly like trial and error. And, you know, there's so many times where like, like I definitely ruined moments for him. You know, he'd be away and something really exciting was happening for him
Starting point is 01:18:02 and he should have been celebrating with his friends. But because I was insecure in my head and he was at a club and there were other girls around and, you know, I'd see someone else's story and I'd be like, whoa, but blah, blah, blah, right? Then it's like I regret those moments so much because I'm like, man, like I ruined something special for him when he should have been in the moment enjoying himself with his friends. But because he's understanding because he's, I mean, I'm sure has had similar feelings in the past or whatever it might be. He's understanding of, you know, okay, I understand the position you're in. You're at home. I'm away on a trip with these guys. I'm in a club.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Okay, and then we can talk about it and figure it out. And then I had to just realize that that's my own problem, my own thing that I need to work on. And for a while, I did that thing where I just was like, okay, this is how I'm going to deal with the situation. I'm going to tell myself I don't care care if he does something, he's going to do something. And then if he does something that he's not the one for me, so whatever, I don't care. I know my worth. But then that's still, you can only really say that to yourself so much, you know, you can only be like not caring so much. And so I realized like, no, I need to just give myself the facts. Has he ever done anything to prove me otherwise? No. Has his actions ever shown me that he's going to be this loyal
Starting point is 01:19:07 or not honest with me? No. This man tells me everything. He's so honest. He's so open. And he's so respectful with people always. So then it's like you just have to go back to the facts and what the person has shown you.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And that was how I was able to get through it. But through it together, it's not, you know, like your relationship should, your man should help you feel that security as well you know but sometimes it's rebuking that so like if i'll give you an example like um her obstacles are my obstacles you think god was like spontaneous about her problem no man it's a perfect puzzle like whatever she needs to go through i'm on the other end learning the other problem of it for example communication i was a wild boy with my tongue out like why like you wouldn't be able to win an argument with me not only would i bring out all your problems in your heart i'll present them in front of you and i'll just destroy you verbally like it would there was no way you'd
Starting point is 01:19:56 ever be able to be me four or five men against me i could handle like one poor 90 pound woman there's no shot but then god's like is that how you're gonna talk to the girl that you love because like i'll be like this and she'd just get quiet and i'll be like oh silence is what destroyed me the girl yapping in my face was was like the old me and i'll be like yo but we'd argue but then now there's a new woman who's just like she'll just sit there and be quiet and her silence ate me up alive wow and i was like whoa i go that's really crazy that i just like got angry she just sat there silent so like it changed the way that i spoke to her when i was angry that just by her being quiet defeated my terrible tongue and then now i'm in a new place right because there's going to be moments where i have to like teach her a lesson like hey you
Starting point is 01:20:43 can't do that right if i'm going to guide this relationship the tough part is like i have to be the guy that says hey this is yes this is no you can't do that a lot of guys take that ability and they're like they be chauvinistic with it right like for example this is a terrible example like when i get home i want a home-cooked meal on my table right that authority i'd rather put it when it's in good use like Like if she steps out of line, I then go into authority. I'm like, hey, you're not going to do that. You're not going to do that in this home. And one of them, for example, was that. But instead of me sitting and being like, oh, I can't believe you ruined this moment for me, like blah, blah, blah, this and that,
Starting point is 01:21:18 I sat with it with God. And I'm like, okay, how do I explain this to her? And God put it in a word for me. So I went to her, I go, hey, don't make God replace you with a woman who could handle this lifestyle. And she just sat there with it and been like, oh, like, okay. Like I want you to come on this journey with me. But if you're going to take my joy away from me, that's not from God. That's from the devil. And you are letting him come through my back door. And I can't be up against my back with you and worried about what you got going on when it
Starting point is 01:21:45 comes to your emotions and how you handle things because I have a direction I need to go. I have a duty that I have to present. I can't be worried about the made up ones. It's impossible for me. And if you can't handle it, then you are not the woman for me. So go, this is your task. Go deal with it. Now, mind you, later on in life, I've started to learn that, okay, she's built with a little bit more emotion than me. So I have to die to myself and my ego. Okay. So once I fixed that problem, I wasn't like, okay, now it's done.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Her problem is fixed. Now I have to look in the mirror and be like, okay, now how do I ease her heart? Yeah. Right. Because if we're going to ask God to come to our mess, he's going to have to come to our mess. So how am I going to look at her problems and be like, that's your issue. You deal with it. No, we're going to do this together.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Okay. I've already told you truths. And here's another part that I have to add to this. I tell her hard truths. There's some things that even my father's like, maybe don't tell her that, you know, like maybe like you just, you leave that one out. But I, nope, I put her on the table. Why? Because it's going to hurt. She's probably going to cry. She's probably going to get upset, but I guarantee you, she's not going to doubt when I'm being honest. Because I have no problem breaking your heart if it's for the truth. If I'm going to present my heart, I'm presenting all of it. I'm not going to hide some stuff because then it might show up in the future. And then she'll be like, wait, why would you? I think if you hide information, that's also lying. So if I'm blatantly honest,
Starting point is 01:23:06 she's going to know how honest I am to be like, oh, this kid's super honest. Like he made me cry about this situation. He's not going to lie about that situation. And so you have to present everything. And as a man, the leading part is when to go into fights and when not to go into fights. You have to be monitoring the conversation.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Like if we have an argument over something so stupid, I will literally check and be like, Hey dude, what's going on? Why are we talking about this? Move on from this. Or, okay. I understand. Like, and by the way, just to make this very clear, I'm not perfect at this. This takes practice. There's times where I'd shut down her emotions. And then a day later, God goes, Whoa, go back, represent yourself because you didn't do it the right way. Okay. So I have to, and by the way, when you apologize, make it sincere. Don't run past it. So when I sit there, I'll look her in the eyes. I'm like, yo, I wronged you. I should have said this, this, this, and that. I said this,
Starting point is 01:23:59 I present my mistakes first. Then I correct them so then we could correct her mistakes. But if I'm only coming to correct her mistakes, it's like this all the time. And that's not loving. That's not loving at all. And God came down as in an act. I'm going to act accordingly. You follow. So if I'm going to lead this relationship, I got to act accordingly.
Starting point is 01:24:21 So if she comes up and presents me a problem, I can't be like, oh, dude, you got to say blah, blah, blah. No, it's like, okay, I hear you. I can either take it or I can be like, no, I disagree with you. And then we can have that conversation. People don't want to have a conversation. There's so many times she'll bring up something and, dude, literally I just sit there looking at her like this. And by the time she's done speaking, she's like, yeah, I know, that was stupid. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Because she knows my voice now. So she already hears what I'm about to say how many times do we have that with god when we say something and we're like oh yeah like while you're praying you're talking to god and you're like oh i know okay i know i didn't say that but it was it was a pattern it was it was it was practicing it right and then we started falling in order with each other but but first i told her like let me me give you an example. It always has to come to God first. One last week, I know we said this before, but this is your podcast. Last week we got in a little tiff, a little argument. I'm going to, I'm going to be quite honest with you. It was a
Starting point is 01:25:15 stupid argument. It was a tiny one too, but I, I knew she thought I might be upset, but I wasn't upset. I just like, man, I'll move on. It was a little one. It wasn't like a big deal, but she was, I wasn't upset. I was just like, man, I'll move on. It was a little one. It wasn't like a big deal. But she was saying a prayer, and I was sleeping. I was facing this way, and I said, Bella, you're going to blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:25:36 And I turned around, and she's in prayer. And I was like, okay. So I turned around, and I know her. I know that she doesn't want to think that she's disrespecting me. So she stopped praying, and she goes, George, I'm praying right now. And then she went back to prayer. Now, I could have saw this and be like, oh, that was really sweet. But that got me very angry because she ruined the balance of order. I then afterwards told her, I go, I don't care if the house is on fire and our kids are in there.
Starting point is 01:26:02 If you are talking to God, you finish talking to God. And then you'll ever acknowledge my existence before you acknowledge his. If I was in a conversation with Belle and she said something and I stopped talking to Belle and I started talking to you, that's disrespecting Belle. So I told her, I go, there's an order to our life and I will never be bigger than God. Even if I'm a chauvinistic, if I'm in my pride, if I'd rather you break my knees and bend non-willing than for me to ever walk the wrong direction. I have to program that thoughts in her. She has to see me as secondary. And if I see her seeing me as first accidentally, because she's scared of my feelings, you saw it wrong. Forget
Starting point is 01:26:43 my feelings. Put my feelings and throw them in the trash if you're talking to God. You finish talking to God. Amen. And then you talk to me. These are the times where I go, hey, you're wrong because I'm walking with God. Not, hey, woman, where's my meal? I want a meal here. A lot of men feel like they need to dictate with a heavy hand.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And if you dictate with love, if you show with love, if you move with love, they'll be willing to present the love. There's times where I look at her and I'm like, dude, I don't deserve you. I do not deserve you. But I know that's how she feels when she looks at me. That is where your relationship should be. I don't deserve her. She was a gift from God. She does not deserve me. She was a gift from God. She does not deserve me. I was a gift
Starting point is 01:27:26 from God. If I took a gift and I didn't respect it, I know the gift giver would probably hold on giving me more gifts. So I honor these gifts with all of my heart. And I pray about them. Like, hey, God, I think I'm doing pretty well with this gift. But if I'm not, open up my eyes and ears. Everybody wants to see the signs, right? But why don't you ask God to show you the signs that were already given to you that you're too blind to see? There's so many things he's probably knocking on your heart. Be like, hey, dude, like, you know, your fiance's been at the house. You've been working nonstop.
Starting point is 01:27:55 There's a bunch of street women around you. Like, have you checked in on her heart? See how she's doing? Have you called in? There's so many things. Like, I'm 31. She's 25. In 10 years, we're going to look at this podcast and be like yo we thought we figured it out there's so many more
Starting point is 01:28:10 things we had to figure out that's why we give it to god because he's the endless supplier we're not you make her feel so safe i'm telling you when you make someone feel safe it's like when you give a girl a house she'll give you a home when she can drop from her head to her heart you will get the most beautiful version of her. And that's what you do. You make her feel so safe. How's your guys' dating life? Both of you.
Starting point is 01:28:30 All we have is each other. Bro, do you have any people to hit us up about you guys? How are you guys single? How do you not? Any good Christ-like men that you can... You know, it's so funny. How many times I was on the couch, I was like, no way, buddy. I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:28:43 That's the thing. I was like no way buddy But he's a little older I don't know if you guys he's he's a little older that's perfect for you Angela But he's the sweetest human being I've ever met in life really like in my like bro like I Hang out with him, and I'm like I'm a ball I'm gonna hang out with him. He is like he's like a nice dude. I'm like this guy is a nice dude That that was a guy in my heart. I didn't feel like it was set right i i think um my opinion is this like i think you guys have so much on your plates i think god is gonna finish you guys first before opening up a door listen god already put a major call on my life to be single 100 like i already
Starting point is 01:29:23 know that and oh be careful how you speak because like you're speaking that into existence oh no i know but i know or a cop for as long as he sees fit and it's oh absolutely no and you meet some like bitter women like no god wants me to be single like you're 98 buddy we had a lot of people come up to you and talk to you no no but you know what i mean i just i have some i have some things to work out in my life and I have to, I know that that's what he wants from me right now. And also Ari and I are in such a specific part of our lives where like who we, who you marry is already the most important thing, that decision you ever make.
Starting point is 01:29:55 And then add having a calling in ministry on top of it changes everything. His calling has to match ours. You know what I mean? It's just, it's, there's levels to it and we have to be very, you know, whoever God wants for us. I see cowboys. Oh wait, didn't you guys ask for prophecy? That's so weird. Cause I literally just started seeing, really? I see a guy who's super, super, and by the way, I'm not saying I'm seeing the future, but I, when you said this, I pictured a man distance from social media. He's like a cowboy dude, and he doesn't like the limelight And he enjoys that you are that like any shop in wood. Yeah, okay cool
Starting point is 01:30:31 You know why don't you just super ripped bro and always shirtless to drink? Does he have the boots on but you know what those you know why you know? You know why? You know somebody? I'm like, you know what? Maybe I want this guy. But I think why you see that is because, I don't know, but I feel like right now, too, in the, I feel like you guys want manly men,
Starting point is 01:30:52 and I feel like right now the manly men are like, it's that they're staying in that path, you know what I mean? Yeah. I feel like you'll have an easy time finding one there, you know what I mean? Or Kai goes, babe, come on, both hands. Let's talk about Jesus. And you're like, oh, dude, go back to chopping wood, buddy.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I know. I can't do it. No, you know how many clips you got where you're like, I just want to shut my brain off and have a man lead me? And every single girl is like, I get this. I do want to shut my brain off. Well, no, they understand because it just
Starting point is 01:31:20 sounds so counter-cultural. But that is like, you see it perfectly everybody look at shauna and george and see that this is what happens when a masculine man and a feminine woman come together you see george he's totally in his masculine because that's who he is but you inspire that out of him with your submission and with your femininity and your femininity it's it's who you are innately but at the same time, his security, you are like, you're free, you're fun, you're flirty, you're joyful. You can tell that you're just happy.
Starting point is 01:31:50 And that's what happens when you're with a masculine man. So we're trying to go... The truth is, it's like really, really, really in your heart if you really want a man, I swear to you. We've actually prayed for other people. They've welcomed people into their life. This is what you do. Ready for this? Pray. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 01:32:06 We're not worried about our... Hey, is it okay that I pray that he doesn't slurp? Slurp? I don't want to marry a guy that slurps. I can't just... Why don't you just tell him to cut it out if he doesn't? Slurps the food. Slurp...
Starting point is 01:32:18 Like, I can't do it. Why? Because I slurp? Oh, my God. Is that why you're saying that? Oh, my God. You slurp? I know we're working on it. You're a slurper? Hey, man, I figured out why you're single. No, I still love you. I don't... I still Isn't that why you're saying that? Oh my God, you slurp? I know we're working on it.
Starting point is 01:32:25 You're a slurper? Hey man, I figured out why you're single. No, I still love you. I still love you. Why are you saying that? I slurp my coffee in the morning for like two seconds when it's still hot. It's like we're married.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Wait, wait, wait. Do you do that while you eat? No. Yeah. What are you talking? This is the last episode of Girls Gone Bible. All right guys, anyways, join us. Hey, come to our show, the George J of Girls Gone Bible. All right, guys. Anyways, join us. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Come to our show. The George Jango show. Anyway. We don't slurp. No, we pray. You know what, though? What if you meet a man and he's everything you've ever wished for, but he slurps and then that ends up being something you love about him.
Starting point is 01:32:56 You're like, oh, babe, it's so cute when you slurp on your soup. What if he slurps while he's talking? Hey, hey, hey. I'm a little bit. What's that talk? It's a slurp talk. Oh, no. That's that talk? It's a slurp talk. Oh, no. That's a lisp night.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Also, speaking of lisps, kind of rude that they named lisp all the letters that they can't even pronounce. Like, hey, what do you have? Lisp. You guys are doing such incredible things, and I love that you're doing it together, and I just love what you're doing. You've come so far in what you're doing with the Georgeorge janko show which everybody needs to go watch you're having politicians on you're having you know massive christians on you're preaching the gospel you're hitting topics that are hard and the and and people in hollywood and in the industry can't touch and you guys are talking about them we're grateful for it and we're grateful for your
Starting point is 01:33:41 friendship as well we really are do you guys know that you guys were put on the roster after them but we put you guys first i love you so much no no for real for real ask her like uh we had everything lined up and then we made okay so this is what happened we make commitments but no dates and then we had all after the andrew tate episode it exploded we have a year of calendars out. And I go, well, we already kind of said that we're going to do this, but we started locking in dates. And so I prayed about it, and I was worried because, like, I was like, I didn't watch your guys' show right away. So, like, I was like, what if they're, like, kind of preaching the word the wrong way, and then I, like, have them on, and they go off and do their own thing. That Russell guy, that he, Russlyn?
Starting point is 01:34:23 Russ. Russ, yeah. Russlyn, sorry. Russlyn, he, that he, Ruslan? Russ. Yeah. Ruslan, sorry. Ruslan, like I've had conversations with him. I've probably had like maybe 10 conversations with different like Christian podcasts, but something in my heart was like, no, go sit down with him like now. And I was like, oh, okay, cool. But also you guys checked me on my like verbiage. So like that changed a lot of my life moving forward because from my mouth, I realized that my diligence with my, like my tongue was out of whack, which means like, okay, if my tongue is out of whack, then that must mean my temple is out of whack. Then I found out my temple was out of whack.
Starting point is 01:34:53 So it literally was just a domino effect of all these things. So to be honest, thank you guys for coming on the show. And like I get that our show is doing really, really, really well right now and thank God for that. And I get that our show is doing really, really, really well right now. And thank God for that. But it's moments like that where I have authentic, real people come on and have cool conversations. So I'm very excited I got back on the platform. And I just slurred again.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Don't date me. I was going to be slurring the whole time. I'm very proud of you guys. And I think that you guys are on an amazing path. And I'm excited to see where you guys take it. And I really want to say, again, don't worry so much about what your audience is telling you, because if I would have done that, I wouldn't be where I'm at right now. I would have changed because my audience at the time maybe wanted me to be funnier, or maybe you wanted to go and do this and do that.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Once I focused completely on my behavior, what God wants me to do, then everything started falling alive. Wow. And can I just say, too, that what you guys are doing, just as you're saying, like us, but what you're doing is so beautiful because you guys are beautiful young women who are setting such a wonderful example for women and for young girls to be like, oh, like, you know, like, I want to be like Angela and Ariel. Like, they're so sweet and humble and they put God first. And you guys are just giving such a wonderful example, like in I want to be like Angela and Ariel. Like, they're so sweet and humble, and they put God first.
Starting point is 01:36:06 And you guys are just giving such a wonderful example. Like, in a world where we have so many actors and singers and models who kind of portray this wrong message and this wrong example, you have so, like, you just have so many girls and young girls who are able to look at you and be like, wow, like, that's who I want to be like. Amen. Look at the dress thing. The dress thing, right? Let's put this as an example. You talked about this, and you were like, oh, like that's who I want to be like. Amen. Look at the dress thing. The dress thing, right? Let's put this as an example. You talked about this and you were like, oh, I wanted to take it down.
Starting point is 01:36:30 Just you being authentic was an amazing plus. That in your heart, you're like, oh, man, I really disappointed one human being by like being like, oh, I shouldn't wear this. Okay, now you come and you bring this to the table. How many young ladies are like, dude, I fell the same way? And that conversation spurred them to next, tomorrow at school, I'm going to dress a little bit more accordingly. Remember when you read the scriptures, it was all of the failures of David that set them up for God's glory. It was all the failures of Adam and Abraham and Isaac and Ishmael
Starting point is 01:37:00 and all these people failed them consistently, but God catapulted their failures into successes. All these people failed them consistently, but God catapulted their failures into successes. Don't run away from your failures. Examine them. Say your forgiveness and then just move on. But don't let that weigh on you because I'm telling you right now, bro, the devil's a butthole. He is a butthole and he'll sit you in your head and he'll make you not forgive yourself. But if God said you're worth forgiving, remember, who are you to not forgive yourself?
Starting point is 01:37:26 Right. You're so right. You've got to make sure you hold that into accountability. I think mine was the mouth thing. And yours is like, be careful of how many thoughts are in your head. Yeah. Especially as young women, bro. That's already tough enough to be a young, beautiful woman in this industry.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Every single thing you do is going to be like, remember when she did this and did that. People always have something to say. They do. You smile all the time. People are like, oh, they're fake. They're always smiling. You give a serious face. Oh, look at her.
Starting point is 01:37:52 She's trying to look sexy. Come on. I thought you guys were fake when I met you guys. I was like, yeah, bro. These girls are whack, dog. And then I listened, and I was like, oh, OK. Wait, can I ask why? It was just the mm.
Starting point is 01:38:03 I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, no, no. No, wait. On our episode, they were just mmm. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, no, no. No, wait. On our episode, they were just going mmm a lot. That was an inside joke. Hey, wait. Do we really look whack on Instagram?
Starting point is 01:38:11 No, no, no. I just assumed. I assumed. That's my issue. That's what I'm saying. Like, you guys have to stick in your own realm. Because even if myself, I'm going to be like, I'm going to judge. That ain't God saying, hey, you should judge these people.
Starting point is 01:38:25 That's the devil being like, you should have listened to these people. Do you get my arm jiggle like that? I feel like I look kind of cool on Instagram. Yeah, no, you said we look fake. Not though. I feel like we look pretty cool. No, no, not like a look thing. No, no, but trust me, the number one thing that we always get is people always, so we've met so many people in the Christian space,
Starting point is 01:38:43 and all of their friends will always be like hey you met those girls is it real do they really love jesus it's the number one thing and then my our like our friends jt and nate everybody that they meet ask them like is it real or are they i just like is it just a thing that they do but honestly why would they think that way but can i just be honest like it's it is because you guys are both so beautiful and that might be wrong to say i don't know if it's wrong to say but you guys are both just so beautiful that people are like you're so beautiful i don't know you could be doing anything like is this how you feel which is such a weird thing to put but i think it's because we have so many examples in
Starting point is 01:39:17 our society if you're a model if you're an actor if you're a singer right and you're held at a certain stature you look this certain way they expect you to act a certain way and you guys are not acting by what people are used to seeing. So they're like, huh, like is it real? And I think people maybe get,
Starting point is 01:39:31 it's the, you know, judging a book by its cover. People are getting stuck by that. Yeah. We gotta remember that your thoughts are not all yours.
Starting point is 01:39:37 That's why you don't, you're not judged on your thoughts, you're judged on what your mouth says, right? You don't take accountability for your thoughts
Starting point is 01:39:42 because it could be demons. When I saw you guys and I'm counter, counter like debating like should i even be on the show of course the devil's gonna be like nah they're fake they're called girls gone bible that's gonna be the first thing that hits my head why because the devil knows that if i'm presented in front of you guys that you guys will check me on my mouth there's only good so why he's not gonna be like yeah go ahead no problem with that so do you think your viewers are gonna have a great time looking at you guys no they're gonna they're gonna be like, yeah, go ahead. No problem with that. So do you think your viewers are going to have a great time looking at you? No, they're going to be challenged themselves. And the people that make it here are going to be like, oh, I really like this.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Some people are going to stick. Some people, their hearts are hardened and they don't want to hear right now. There's going to be so many reasons and explanations. But again, as long as you focus on God and know that how you're presented, you're doing it as if he's watching you, then he'll lift you through it. If he wanted you to wear that dress or not wear that dress, I guarantee you God's powerful enough for in the moment you grab that dress
Starting point is 01:40:31 and he'll be like, no, don't wear that dress. Oh, I am the most conviction. You get what I'm saying? He can intervene, but he knows the bigger picture. He knows what's going to happen. We got to remember, Paul killed Christians. He was a murderer. And he had to get blind
Starting point is 01:40:45 for God to start using him. So like for us to like try to avoid every mistake that we're making, it's just, it's unholy. It's not possible. Like you have to
Starting point is 01:40:54 seek Christ with all of your heart and you can't condemn yourself for every action you make. You're just going to be paralyzed in fear. Yeah. No, it's so true.
Starting point is 01:41:02 There's a difference of making the same mistake and just not feeling bad about it. I just want that to be very clear. No. But yeah, you should be easing yourselves, guys. You're good.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Thank you. We love you guys so much. Thank you for coming on. Seriously. Thank you for having us. What a great episode. Honestly, what a good episode.
Starting point is 01:41:16 I saw the Holy Spirit just speaking through you guys. I was like, I don't need to say nothing. Okay, you guys, we love you so, so much. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Starting point is 01:41:24 Lean in the way they are. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make guys, we love you so, so much. May the Lord bless you. Lean in the way they are. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace. We love you guys so much. We love you guys so much. God bless you. You guys got to subscribe to the show.
Starting point is 01:41:37 This is crazy. This is so beautiful for your life. Yeah, bro. We don't bless them. We just make like a weird joke and then bounce. God bless you guys. Thank you so much.

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