Girls Gone Bible - Our Testimonies | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: May 10, 2023

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony" Revelation 12:11 First episode of Girls Gone Bible! Join us as we chat about our walks with Jesus. Two imperfect g...irls serving a completely perfect God. Thanks for listening x -Ang & Ari @angelahalili @ariellereitsma  if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, GGB gang. This is Anjanari, and we have a question for you guys. Do you want to make a podcast? Spotify's got a platform that lets you make one so easily, and then you can distribute it everywhere and even earn money, all in one place for free. It's called Spotify for Podcasters, and here's how it works. Spotify for Podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer,
Starting point is 00:00:23 so no matter what your setup's like, whether you're at home or in the studio, you can start creating today. Then you can distribute your podcast to Spotify and everywhere else podcasts are heard. With Spotify for Podcasters, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and podcast subscriptions. And best of all, it's totally free with no catch ever since we discovered spotify for podcasters you guys it has changed the game i mean we're able to do video podcasts without just having to do audio podcasts and we're able to do q and a's and polls at the end and it has just brought us so close to you guys and really created a community feel so we really recommend that you give it a try download the spotify for podcasters app or go to slash podcasters to
Starting point is 00:01:12 get started we love you god bless you hi everybody hi everyone this is the arian and just kidding you know how many names we've gone through for this we've been uh brainstorming and i think what we landed on maybe we'll see is girls gone god like instead of girls gone wild which means you like that i know that was pretty good um we're thinking girls gone god because we're a couple of girls who used to be wild we still are sometimes yourself and we want to create a space where two people who look like us and act like us who might not necessarily fit the typical mold of christianity can come and talk about jesus because I know speaking for myself
Starting point is 00:02:06 I don't feel I fit the mold as a Christian at all and it's honestly probably one of my biggest insecurities is that I don't feel good enough to be a Christian I don't feel pure enough I don't feel like I behave a certain way or look like everybody else. And I know there's so many people like me and you who are like, but I don't look like that. But this Jesus guy, I think I want to get down with that. And so I hope that we can create a space where we can talk about our walks with God and our journeys and what we've been through and how he's literally saved us while showing you that it's completely normal to be imperfect and that there's only one person in the history of ever that was perfect and that was Jesus and you don't have to be perfect to
Starting point is 00:02:58 have a relationship with God and that's kind of what we're trying to show here. Yeah. So let's get into our friendship first of all and tell a little bit about ourselves. Okay. Why don't you start it off? So we have been friends for a while. And I know that I really, really wanted some good Christian friends around me. And you did the same. But like Christian friends who I could relate to and who I could open up to and, you know, be transparent about myself and my life and the things that I go through without receiving judgment. You were the same, right?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Yes, of course. I really just wanted Christian friends, but same as you, I felt ashamed because I felt like I didn't mold into the, you know, Christian, how would you put it? Yeah, into, yeah, exactly. We both were going to church looking for a community and then just, you know, being around, I know for me personally, every time I had a Christian friend or something especially when I like after the pandemic especially when I really got close to God I was like oh I need community I need people and then I felt every time I met somebody and had kind of a negative experience in the church I'd be like oh no no no no no my relationship with Jesus is so pure I don't want anybody tainting that yeah you know yeah and then so I know for my relationship with you is like I met R and I am I have such a strong relationship with God but it's not like that all the time and I don't I need somebody I remember being like I need somebody to be able to
Starting point is 00:04:46 pour into me like I need somebody to pick me up when I'm down and I it's hard to kind of feel like especially because I'm friends with so many unbelievers or people who they know Jesus but they're not like super walking in the faith or anything. And so I, I, I met you. And then I, in you, I found somebody who nobody else can tell because my, my faith is so strong, but you're able to recognize the days where I'm weak and you come and you pick up my chin and you're like, Hey, you, do you remember who God is? I love you so much. I love you so much i love you so much i mean our relationship is just so beautiful and pure i just thank you jesus thank you jesus i know if you guys would have seen us this morning first of all i'm losing my voice but if you guys would have seen us this
Starting point is 00:05:37 morning i mean ari and i are like we're on one most of the time we're nuts we're like we really are not and then this morning but it just goes to show that you can develop these godly relationships with anyone because we met under circumstances that were not like godly we're not gonna talk about it no we're definitely not but this morning i stayed at our house last night because we're you know talking about today and what we were gonna to say and do and everything. And we're having our coffee. I open the Bible. We're reading out of Romans.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And then we finish the chapter. Ari's like, all right, let's pray. Without even thinking about it, we both get down. We get on our knees in the living room. And we just start praying. We pray for today. We pray for each other. We're putting our hands on each other, praying. We pray for today. We pray for each other. We're putting our hands on each other praying. And I had a moment where I was like, do you remember when we first became friends
Starting point is 00:06:29 and we started praying together and how funny it was? Like it was never awkward, but it was funny. We couldn't get through it without laughing. Yeah. Remember the first time we held hands on the couch and we were dying. Well, I remember the first time you prayed for me. And that's the first time I remember. And it was the most beautiful moving thing I had ever experienced in my life. Yeah, because I had met her when I was down bad. Down bad. And your relationship with God is just the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. with God is just the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. And the way you pray on people is,
Starting point is 00:07:15 it's just, it's the most beautiful thing. And when you had prayed on me, you did something to me that I could not even explain to anyone. But it was, it was awesome. Yeah, I love you so much. I think that was the first time where I really, because I had seen what you were going through and I was like, this is so ridiculous. And I know she's so, she's so strong and she's, she's, we'll get out of this. She just needs to start praying. And sometimes you need that. Like how I went, what I said before earlier, how there are days where I'm feeling weak and I need someone. That's why you have to have good people around you who will cover you in prayer because sometimes when you're weak when you should pray the most is when it's hardest to pray it's the craziest thing when I'm having a bad day and I need to be close to Jesus I can't get there I'm like that's the last thing on my mind yeah and so we cover each other in prayer and it's can you tell about the first no I'm just wondering if you
Starting point is 00:08:12 want to tell that story she loves the story and I do too I had met her at a job and I had cried four times before I even got into the job. They had to redo my makeup three times, was it? And I just was so sad. And it was actually on my birthday. And I was just sitting there sobbing. And all of a sudden, I look over and there was Ange. And she sat with me and she just held my hand.
Starting point is 00:08:44 And she was like first of all what's your name and I said Arielle I said I'm so sorry I am just having the worst day and she held my hand and she said look at me she's like we are going to get through this together and in that moment I was like this is going to be my friend forever. Like I just knew. And she held my hand. And, yeah, you were just – she sat with me for an hour. And you were just so selfless. And you helped me through that.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And then that was it after that. And you know what? The first time I really knew – I mean, I loved you right away. I was obsessed with art. As soon as I met you, I was like, this is the funniest person I've knew I mean I loved you right away I was obsessed with art like I as soon as I met you I was like this is the funniest person I've ever met in my life and I can't take it and I feel like I've just really met my match in you in so many ways and then but the first time I really was like oh this is my girl this is my rider is when I had a situation with somebody else and we barely knew each other.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Oh, yeah. And I called you and I don't know why. I didn't know why you were the person I wanted to call. I call you and I'm like, hey, this just went down and I don't really know how to feel about it. And you were like this like sweet feminine angel. I'm like she just starts going off and like having my back and defending me. And I just in that moment i
Starting point is 00:10:05 was like oh this is the type of person who carries you through bad times yeah same with you girls gone god anyways the point of all of this is the lord sweet baby jesus man we love him we really do and i think this first time this first episode we're going to talk about our testimonies right and how we really found God how you know we feel like we've been saved and everything like that so yeah and why don't you go first why don't you share what how did you find him yeah well I guess I have to start with saying that I grew up Catholic I was raised in a house where we loved Jesus but we didn't read the Bible um I had a relationship when I was with Jesus when I was a kid I was a spiritual kid and then I have to say when I got
Starting point is 00:11:02 into like my teenage years and and especially college stuff like that, I was really in and out. I started misbehaving, doing things I shouldn't be doing. And I lost that closeness that I had with God. And it wasn't until I got sober from alcohol that I believe he saved me. Like that's when I say, because I've always had a relationship with him. But that's when Jesus saved me. Like that's when I say, cause I've always had a relationship with him, but that's when Jesus saved me. That's when I knew him and his authority and what it means, what I get in having a walk with God and what it means to have true freedom. And so I guess I have to kind of go back to, I go my whole life, not struggling with my mental health, didn't experience anxiety, normal like everybody else, but never had anxiety, never experienced depression. I was always a happy person. I get into my 20s. I have a panic attack one time.
Starting point is 00:12:07 really really weird and strange and something I can't even explain in me and I started experiencing really bad panic attacks this goes on for years and then comes like an influx of all these weird symptoms of anxiety I was experiencing derealization depersonalization I felt like I was disassociating half the time it was really scary and it was only getting worse and worse because I was so uneducated and imagine I never experienced this and then I experienced it and I'm like I'm losing my mind I was like there's some I'm I'm sick like there's something wrong um and because I was so uneducated on it I did the only thing I knew how to do and I started to self-medicate with alcohol and I was like working at the club at at the time I was doing bottle service I was around so much alcohol I didn't
Starting point is 00:12:51 have one friend who didn't drink like it's all we did it's all anybody does it's the most normal thing in society it's really weird to not drink and well we're gonna have like a whole episode on sobriety and alcohol and just culture and all that. But so I'm drinking a lot. And then all of a sudden I'm emotionally and I'm physically dependent on alcohol. Like it gets pretty bad. And everybody around me, because I wasn't doing anything different than, you know, my peers, nobody believed I had a problem. The only person that really knew was me. And I was not well, I wasn't feeling good. The anxiety was all only getting worse. I was so depressed. I was not right. And I would go into this little Catholic church by
Starting point is 00:13:40 my house in Sherman Oaks at the time. And I'd sit in there and I'd cry every single day. And I'd be like, God, how did I get here? I'm your daughter. You've, you're supposed to be there for me. You're supposed to help me. Like, I don't understand how you let me get to this point. Little did I know it was my fault. I got myself to this point. But then I met somebody, and that's why it's so important to look for people in the Christian community, pastors and leaders and people who are more far along in their journey with God than you are to guide you and to help you. Because I met my pastor in Florida, who's like one of my best friends now. He's a 70 year old man named Socrates. And he started praying for me every single day. My mom prayed for me every
Starting point is 00:14:32 single day. I started to open up with people that I'm struggling with alcohol. This is not right. And I'm not okay. And like, I'm going to die. I'm not, I don't know what to do. I really don't know what to do. and Socrates would call me every day and be like did you read the bible did you read the bible and I'm like Socrates I don't like enough please I I need Jesus to fix this that's so good enough seriously i was such a brat about i didn't understand and then all of a sudden i opened the bible and i started reading and i started educating myself on who jesus is and the authority that he has in the keys that he gives us and that all this stuff is spiritual and i am not a victim to any of this I don't have to be a
Starting point is 00:15:27 slave to any of this I have power and authority over all of it I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me and I started praying and I started to pray as if my life depended on it because it does and little by little every day I started to heal got oh well let me say on Thanksgiving 2019 I stopped drinking and let me tell you guys it was not by my own might it was not by my strength that's why I really believe that's the day that I was saved because I didn't have like an encounter with Jesus like some people have that was just the first day where I knew he went into my heart he took the desire to drink he went into my brain he rewired it because it's not normal to like go through that and then not need any type of like program or help or therapy I didn't do any I literally just stopped he delivered me that's what deliverance is one day he decided and it's
Starting point is 00:16:33 because I fell to my knees and I surrendered and I was like that's it me and you I give it to you for real this time and then I started reading the bible and that's when I really because I had gone my whole life loving Jesus without really even knowing who he was you know what I mean and then I realized this recently actually that the massive shift in my faith walk was I had always recognized God as love, but I never acknowledged him as judge. Like I knew that Jesus loved me, but I wasn't really concerned with what he thought about me. And then I can, I can, right. Yeah. And then it was like one day I just started moving different because I felt different. And I gained an awareness that anything that I do is either going to please God or it's going to disappoint him.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Well, it's funny. We go back to that thing where when we do something sinful, we both will look at each other and be like, yeah, it's conviction. Before I never thought twice when I would do something I know I know I know and it's so I I developed this little thing in my heart where I didn't want to let Jesus down and I was there's scripture that says um that one day when we get to heaven we're going to see Jesus and hopefully hopefully he says to us, well done, my good and faithful servant. You were faithful. And I want so badly, like I want so badly to meet Jesus and him to be proud of me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:16 I didn't have that before. I was living for myself. And let me tell you one thing. There is nothing more that makes you a slave than thinking about yourself all day long there's freedom i never understood when people told me fix your eyes on jesus put it in jesus's hands give it to him focus on him who cares what's going on focus on him those are the two sayings that got me through everything really keep your eyes i kept hearing that in my head keep your eyes on me keep your eyes on me you kept hearing it in your head from him. Keep your eyes on me. Keep your eyes on me. You kept hearing it in your head from him?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yes. Keep your eyes on me. And then when we saw that pastor, what was his, Judah, when he kept saying, you give it to God. This is not your burden to carry anymore. You give it to God. Give it to God. Give it to God. I mean, that is everything.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Everything. Yeah. Yeah. So that's pretty much my, there's a lot more that we'll get into. But yeah, that's when the Lord started to work on me for real. And I was like, oh, this is what it's like to walk with Jesus. I'm about it. I love that story too that you tell.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I don't know if this is off topic. But the story where you found your confidence in, again, what is that? What is her name that we saw? Sarah Jakes Roberts. Yes. Yeah. She, yeah, she really worked in you and, and built you up to be the person you are also. Sermons.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Sermons. Sarah Jakes Roberts is a great example. She, she was the first sermon, uh, like pastor that I started listening to and she, her words, they just built me up and they gave, I didn't know about boldness. I didn't know about confidence in God. I didn't know any of this stuff. And it's like, if you want to, if you want to really start like that's knowledge is power. Wisdom is power. Like you got to know what's up. That's why you have to read the bible and i will say something about ari and i but especially ari like we might not we're certainly we're not theologists that's for sure um we might not be the most
Starting point is 00:20:16 eloquent captivating speakers ever but one thing that you and i have that I know is a gift from God is we have boldness we do we are in spaces that it is not normal to talk about Jesus and we walk up in there and we talk about the Lord with such confidence she's a lot more understanding hang on I'm a little more gentle than Aria's guys if you see this girl the way she was she will go to bat for the lord she will fight because i'm more like i'm more like oh no no i get it i get it it's like f**k her jesus it's crazy like it's i know i'm on your side i get it's weird aria's like hey hey yo listen here you have five reasons you need to listen to jesus okay you're going hell. And if you don't repent, it's bad news for you. In my floral dress. In her floral dress. I can't believe it. Like I thought I was a warrior for Jesus. This girl is a Navy SEAL for Jesus. Listen, I grew up rough. I may look gentle on the outside,
Starting point is 00:21:20 but I'm rough on the inside. My favorite thing that you ever say is that you grew up rough because i look at this sweet feminine angel who wears floral dresses from reformation and makes like floral arrangements in her free time she's like yeah i grew up rough so funny but yeah so that's my a little bit of my walk. Now, can we talk about yours? Because I'm done. Sure. Okay. Let's see. While I grew up very Catholic, and I feel like I didn't really find God until I was in a season where I was left where I had to. And I will just say that sometimes life will hit you so hard that it will completely push you out of position. And it's painful and it hurts and it makes you sick. And my heart was sick. I felt like I was putting my identity into everything outside of me, which was so unreliable and so finicky.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And, you know, like my relationships and money and my career and all that can be taken away from you, right? And it did. And I was stripped away from everything that I had. And I was so sick. And it wasn't until I was literally backed into a corner. And I felt like God was like, All right, just me and you know, what you got. And that's when he really started working inside of me. and he worked miracles inside of me and um yeah i i i would just run to church and like you said i would pray like my life depended on it and i realized that the only thing that is reliable is god he's the only thing that is reliable and that will never leave you. And until I really fully understood that I was God's
Starting point is 00:23:27 daughter and that it was funny, I would I would call my friends all day. I would go to therapy and I would just constantly look for things to heal me. But it wasn't until I really found God until I found true peace. Can you tell me what it's like to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit? It's a sense of peace inside your heart. And it's not to say that I don't still struggle. I was someone who was an overthinker. I dwelled. I didn't have much faith because I was in constant worry about what was going to happen next and
Starting point is 00:24:05 was everything going to be okay and it was such a horrible way to live um but I feel like God's disappointment is is God's development oh okay yeah God's disappointment is God's development and that's what he did I couldn't understand why this was happening to me I was experiencing loss after loss after loss and I didn't understand I just couldn't understand and would you get mad at God I I hate to say this but I there were times where I hated him I hate to say this, but there were times where I hated him. I hated him.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I was like, why are you doing this to me? Why is this happening to me? I'm a good person. I do right. I'm good. Why are you doing this to me? But he was developing me into the person that I was supposed to be. And because of that, I have such such he brought the community into my life and people into my life that taught me how bold i was and smart and funny and good and now i walk with confidence and i
Starting point is 00:25:16 struggle i do every day you know it's it's it's life is never easy just because you have god doesn't mean life is not going to be hard but i will tell you you will your life will change miracles will happen and he will bring you the community the friends the life that you were always meant to have amen amen when we walk according to his will i know that's right when we surrender, I never knew what it meant to walk in God's will until I really started handing it over to him. That's right. Surrender. The only option that we have. You know, we were talking about it last night about, and you touched on it, like our careers, right?
Starting point is 00:26:02 And putting our identity on anything, in anything other than Jesus. I remember I have a story of I was with Socrates and he was praying for me and I was thinking about the way I used to pray was so aggressive. like, God, I need this and this and this. And I want this and you have to help me and you have to do it. Like, first of all, God doesn't work for us. We work for God. Let's never get it twisted. Second of all, I, I remember that moment. I was like, Sargatiz, I need you to pray for my career. It's all I cared about. And I wasn't working. Like it's all, I was obsessed. I was miserable. Me too. And I was sick because I was like, if I don't book a job tomorrow, I'm not okay. I'm not worthy. I'm not good enough.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm nothing without work. Yeah. And you're trying to control your own life and you're not in control of your own life. Exactly. God is. Exactly. And we make an idol out of it. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And we put it above God. Whatever you idolize will be taken from you amen i know he does that yeah i know and so and i remember i told socrates i was like hey i need can we pray right now for my career and he goes he looks at me and do you ever have those moments where someone says something to you and you know it's from god because it changes like your brain chemistry yeah right you say to me um I was like I was like we need to pray for my career and he was like you need to pray for patience and I was like okay and it hit me and I was like patience Angela without Jesus very little patience Angela with Jesus, very little patience. Angela with Jesus, infinite patience now. But at the time I was like, hmm, okay. I was in Florida. I remember it was the first time I
Starting point is 00:27:50 came back to my apartment in LA and I was sitting, thinking, praying, and I get on my knees. And for the first time ever, I held out my hand like this and I said, Jesus, and I'm crying my eyes out I'm like Jesus I hold my career and my work and my finances in my hands and I leave it at your feet Lord I put it into your hands and I want you to have your way with it it's so heavy I can't carry it anymore I don't feel good I'm miserable and nothing is even happening anyways so for the first time I give it to you and i ask you to have your way with it yeah he delivered me from making an idol out of my career since that day it's been years i have not one day not once felt worried about my future i know i have not same i haven't felt worried about my career i don't care if i get the job i really don't if i never work in acting again all right
Starting point is 00:28:46 if i do thank you jesus whatever he i he has a beautiful plan for my life no matter what let me tell you one thing that day i started booking like no other that's when my life started happen happening when i surrendered and let go yeah Yeah, exactly. I have not worried a day since I surrendered. Amen. You know, the place came to me, the community, the friends, the career, everything comes to you when you truly let go, surrender, and give it to God. I know. I know. And it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's not easy, especially when you have, when you overthink and you're riddled with anxiety all the time it's you know well it's a fight I know because it goes against our nature to just give up control to somebody else especially most of us I know you and I are both massive control freaks and it doesn't it goes against everything we know to be like I'm not going to worry about my own life it's like that's my life why would I not worry about it? Because the creator of the universe created us and he is the author and finisher of our faith. Like he's got it. That's right. And honestly, you know, when I got really strong in my faith is when I started speaking scripture over myself
Starting point is 00:30:03 like that, like just being like, you take what you read in the Bible because that's God, that's his word, and you speak it over yourself. We do that every day. We hold hands. You want to see what we do? I declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. I declare that every tongue that rises up against us in judgment shall be condemned. I declare that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. I declare that though we walk shall follow us all the days of our lives. I declare that though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. I have my eyes closed. I have them closed.
Starting point is 00:30:38 I am closed. I opened them right before you. I opened them right before you when I first started praying I like the way she prayed I was like I'm just gonna let you take the lead because you're so good I don't even feel right praying oh my gosh we used to have oh it was so funny when we first started praying together I used to think she was like a psychic. Oh, yeah. Ari thinks that because I'm, I'm like, I'm close to God. And like, I feel like I hear him and stuff like that. I was like, Ang, what do you, did you hear anything?
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah. She'll be like, hey, what do you think about this situation that happened 10 years ago? And what was the, what were they thinking? And I'm like, babe, I'm not a clairvoyant psychic. Like, I don't know. Or she'll be like, hey, ask God what they're saying right now. And I'm like babe i'm not a clairvoyant psychic like i don't know or she'll be like hey ask god what they're saying right now and i'm like i'm not the fbi you are one of his disciples tell me we love jesus so much we love him there's so much more that we could talk about i mean well we have a whole podcast now i know right like at one point we're gonna have a
Starting point is 00:31:43 episode about relationships that one's gonna be good that is gonna be good it's really hard for me to be vulnerable about that part of my life though me too and then we want to have a thing about sobriety and talk about you know the effects of drinking on your spiritual life and doing drugs if you partake in that i you know what i do want to touch on? Let's talk about the Bible a little bit because I've had, you know, a few years where I've been really in the word and really reading and it's life-changing. If you want to hear God's voice, that's how you hear him. You will hear him start to talk to you and that's the number one way he talks to us anyways.
Starting point is 00:32:27 um and that's the number one way he talks to us anyways and i know you can vouch that the days that we start the morning reading yeah at least just a chapter sometimes we only read a verse and it sets the tone for the whole day and you can feel it when we don't right yeah it changes your whole day i know you know because we're walking with him we choose to we we like proclaim that in the morning like the rest of our day is going to be we're walking side by side with jesus and for me like the bible so the bible i can't even believe i'm truly like i can't believe i'm somebody who is an avid bible reader like if you would have told me when I was a kid, like younger or in high school or even in college that this was going to be who I am, I would have never believed you. I know. Same. But the power that is in the word changes you and I cannot go without it. Like I literally can't. The Bible is alive. It's living and acting. It's God's word. It's not, man-made, written-by-man thing that everybody likes to say when they're debating
Starting point is 00:33:29 Christianity. It's God's word. It has the Holy Spirit through and through. Yes, it is written by people and it's from their perspective and their interpretation, but it is the spirit of God that is flowing through that whole thing and not a word in there would be if God didn't allow it and there's something called the fruit of the Holy Spirit so just a little education the Holy Spirit is there's three persons in the entity of God it's God the Father Jesus his son
Starting point is 00:34:01 and the Holy Spirit and so there's something called the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, peace, joy, hope, gentleness, kindness, and self-control. And I think that there's others, but when you imagine that God's word is God. So when you receive scripture and you receive God's word, you're receiving God. And what are the fruits of God and the Holy Spirit? All those things that I just mentioned. So when I'm full of scripture, I have infinite patience. I have so much hope for the future. I have peace, a type of peace that like seriously, guys, carries me through some really difficult stuff to where I'm in a situation and I'm like I don't know why I have this peace well I do but you know what I mean that's when you truly have the Holy Spirit in you when you can't understand why you have so much peace right
Starting point is 00:34:55 it's the peace that surpasses all understanding that's what it says in Philippians and you know what I have more than anything is joy. I ask God every single day, Lord, give me so much joy that it's overflowing out of me that anybody who comes into contact with me is able to experience and that it's like it contaminates them as well. Like I, joy is my favorite thing. The enemy wants to steal our joy so badly. Joy is my favorite thing. The enemy wants to steal our joy so badly. And I just think that reading the Bible, I always say like selfishly, even if you're doing it selfishly, start walking with Jesus because you're going to benefit from it.
Starting point is 00:35:40 But being close to Jesus, you'll stop being selfish. But I always tell people like there's so much like it's your life will be so much better not perfect I don't love God because my life has been perfect and it's been butterflies and rainbows I love God because he pulled me out of the trenches that's right I love God because every wrong that I've done in my life or every wrong that's been done to me every evil thing he's taken and he's turned it around for my good he Romans 8 28 said he uses all things together for my good amen and I just simply cannot live a life not acknowledging him that's why you should never worry about anything I know truly you should never worry about anything because he knows what he's doing he just does what was that thing that you told me one time i was worrying heavy and you came to me and would you say you were like do you believe in god yeah and then
Starting point is 00:36:41 what'd you say because if you, then you would never worry. You would put all your faith in him. Humbling. You would never worry. I was so humbled by that. I was like, my girl, you're so right. The God who created all of this, I'm going to worry about that stupid Tuesday morning. Like what?
Starting point is 00:37:03 It doesn't even make any sense. Yeah. I can't believe this is our first i can't believe we got through let's go let's go let's go i love you so much i was a little nervous today but you know what this is just the first one and i'm ready i love you so much i love you so much thank god i have you thank you jesus god I have you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank God I have you. And I just want people to understand that it is such a dangerous notion that you have to be perfect before starting a relationship with Jesus. It's something that I've struggled with for a long time. I've been wanting to be vocal about my faith on the internet for a long time and what really held me back was that i'm not i can't me i'm that's it's embarrassing it's like
Starting point is 00:37:51 who do i think i am every single person in the bible that jesus uses is really messed up half them are in jail all right we are the most imperfect people you will ever meet. All right. We are. And you know, we are. I know. No, truly. You know, we are. And we love Jesus. And that's why I think it's so hard for a lot of people to come to Jesus because they just feel like they're they're not holy enough. And it's no, you don't have to do anything. Being close to Jesus will make you change things. You don't even have to try. You naturally will change. And you will become better, holy.
Starting point is 00:38:32 We have a lot to talk about. We really do. But we're going to wrap up today. God bless you guys. God bless you. Walk with God. Open your Bible. That's all I can say.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Start with John. Read John. It's the most beautiful story. We're just off the heels of Easter. And the spirit of God, man, is flowing. Yeah, baby! Okay. All right, love you, guys.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Bye. Love you.

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