Girls Gone Bible - Singleness | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

hi guys. we're single. and today we talk about it and let you in on our personal lives in a way we haven't before. we know this episode is a long one... we debated splitting it into two parts but deci...ded it was best to keep it together as we didn't want the second half without the lead up & scripture in the first. the first hour of this episode is all things singleness-- from a biblical standpoint. we talk about why it is a gift (we knowwwww it feels like a curse, we know), what to do when your single, and how to look at it as a blessing with scripture to back it up. the second hour (at almost exactly the 60:00 mark) we just let loose. we had been getting so many messages of GGB gang wanting us to let our goofy sides shine for at least one episode-- and we definitely did just that! we had you guys ask us questions and we answered them. the most personal questions might i add (ex's, break ups, who we're currently dating, our ideal types, our worst first dates, our icks & red flags). we spend the second hour doing what we do best, laughing til it hurts. we hope you stay for the whole episode. we love you more than you know. Jesus loves you even more. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi guys, my name is Angela. I am Ari and this is Girls Gone Bible. We wanted to have a little fun today. So we gave you guys a chance to ask us questions about being single and we plan today to expose ourselves in a lot of ways because you guys are nosy and that's all you want to know about is our boyfriends and our love life and or lack thereof. So many of us are single and in the waiting season, and it's nice to know that you're not alone in it, you know? But so what have our last, what did we do last week? We had our baptism at Mosaic. I'm still on a high from it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I feel like the world is going and I'm in a cloud. Like I am on a high. I can't believe it. We had truly, so we basically, we had a baptism. We had our first Girls Gone Bible baptism where we invited anybody and everybody to come. It was in LA and it turned out that 70 people got baptized. And so 70 people came home to Jesus. They did the mark of baptism. They identified as being a son or daughter of Jesus Christ. And it was the most emotional, beautiful, powerful night that I've ever experienced. And I think something that Ari and I both took away from this experience was, because we've met a lot of you before a lot of our audience and our GGB fam but to this weekend was a little bit different we had so many people who showed up and we luckily got to talk to
Starting point is 00:01:38 everyone afterwards and we prayed with everybody and it was a really beautiful experience. But what I noticed mostly was that it was a bunch of people who were desperate for hope. That was the common denominator. I mean, we had so many girls and guys who came up to us being like, this podcast changed my life. Jesus saved my life. And they would tell us their story. And it was just really interesting to see. The reason we started Girls Gone Bible is because we knew that people are suffering and they're struggling. And then to see that face-to-face, see it manifested right before our eyes about how learning about the true nature and the true character of Jesus is healing people was beautiful but also gave us even more of a responsibility.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It made us even more aware of that responsibility that we have it did and it made me even more excited about life yeah and I just remember looking into so many people's eyes and just they were telling me their stories and I'm like I see myself so much yeah and you guys and that's why I now know why we're all such a family because we all relate. We all, at the end of the day, have the same stories. We're all broken. We're all trying to figure it out. We're on this path together. And it was beautiful. And it's, it's crazy when you and I got baptized, I saw such a change in my eyes and in your eyes. But to see just the power of baptism, the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of God, when I saw their eyes, how different they looked, how lighter they looked,
Starting point is 00:03:16 it looked like the pain, the brokenness, the weight of the past had just been lifted off so many people because I got to talk to so many people before their baptisms and then after, just the purity that you feel when you come up out of that water. It was something I can't even describe to you that night. It was truly the greatest night of my life. It was such a, just like Ari said, we talked to a lot of people before and after getting baptized. And we have so many stories. Like for example, there's this one girl, I don't know her name, but I have a video of her and I'll play it after this. It's so funny. It's so cute. But
Starting point is 00:03:54 she, I had caught her in the back room deciding whether or not she was going to get baptized. And she was crying. And I went up to her and I was like, what's going on? What are you feeling? She's having major warfare. She wants to get baptized, but there's a voice in her head telling her that she's too dirty and that she can't, she can't be baptized. She can't actually do this because she's too dirty. And she told me, but then she heard a voice. She heard Jesus's voice saying, I will make you clean. You're going to be clean. And then, so she ends up, she's like, but what do I do? I don't have any clothes. I was like, don't worry. I got you. I like went and I got her clothes. And then so she ends up, she's like, but what do I do? I don't have any clothes. I was like, don't worry, I got you. I like went and I got her clothes. And then she changed. She got baptized afterwards. I swear, I saw a new girl. And do you know what she told me? She said, I feel so clean
Starting point is 00:04:34 now. And after I got baptized, a random person went up to her. She's holding these white flowers. A random person went up to her and gave her white flowers. And the white was basically symbolic of the pureness that she now has after being baptized. And I was just like, this is actually crazy. Because it's one thing when it happens to you and it's like, oh, I know it's going to be. But when you see it happen to somebody else, like such a beautiful, wondrous sign like that, it was so cool to witness. I know. And she wasn't even going to get baptized.
Starting point is 00:05:04 What happened was you had to RSVP and sign up. And then at the end of everyone's baptism, they're like, does anybody have the courage that's scared to come up to the front and do it? And we were waiting and we were waiting. And then I remember seeing her come walk into the front. So it was, yeah, that was, that was special. I actually think we have a video of that too. So we'll play that that video because I actually think we have a video of the three of us standing in the front. Yeah. And then we also, I'll play the video of, she has us as her phone background. Oh, yeah. She goes, I put this as my, she has a thick accent, just the cutest girl I've ever met.
Starting point is 00:05:39 She's like, I put this as my background because when I see you guys, I remember I have to think about God. But I listen to the podcast and then I can, it's better. This reminds me of God. Like, every day I look at this, I'm like, yes, I need to remember God. I need to, like, listen to the podcast. I need to read the Bible. I love you. So cute.
Starting point is 00:06:03 That was really cute. But just like Ari said, there was, I don't, because it's so beautiful that people who like decided beforehand they wanted to get baptized, but there's such a beauty in the people who like, you just see that God was working in their hearts, like them watching. That's why it's a public declaration because you can inspire so many other people in the process and God, they feel a stirring in their heart. And then they're having this warfare. Should I do it?
Starting point is 00:06:27 Should I not? There's so many things standing in the way. Pride, embarrassment, shame, unworthiness, feeling like you're not good enough to, like, enter a true relationship with Jesus like that. And so when we would see people coming up and, like, having the courage to walk up is just the most beautiful thing. It really was. It was.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And there were so many young girls. Oh, my gosh, yeah. That's what I loved. And that little girl, how old was she? Was seven? It was like an eight-year-old girl, yeah, got baptized. It's so cute. And then also, shout out to the girls who flew.
Starting point is 00:06:58 There was one girl who will be in my heart forever. I love her so much. She came from Connecticut. Mona. Mona. will be in my heart forever. I love her so much. She came from Connecticut. And she was... Mona. She was the kindest. I'm just so happy she came into our lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:13 We had another girl, Tierra, that came all the way from Japan. I was just like... I'm so sorry. God bless you. When they told us that, I was like, what? When she, no. For us? So there's this girl, Tiara, who I, we had messed up one of her merch orders one time.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Maybe we sent her a small and she wanted a medium. I don't know. But I, so she's like in my DMs and I see her DMs all the time. We talk all the time. And when I saw her, she walks up and I was like, where do I know you from? And she goes, I'm Tiara. And I, and I was like, wait. And she, I know she's in the military. She goes, I came from Japan. I dropped to the ground. I was like, what are you talking about? Like, no, you didn't. No,
Starting point is 00:07:53 you didn't come from Japan. Absolutely. So yeah. So then I was like, I couldn't stop thinking about how she flew all the way for Japan for us. So all day yesterday, I'm like, what can I do for this girl? And I ended up messaging her. I'm like, hey, do you want to go to the shelter with me and, like, give back? And she came with me. She's like a friend. Like, we had the best night. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:16 That's so beautiful. Yeah. It was the best. It was truly the best night of our lives. We thank Mosaic in Hollywood from the bottom of our hearts. Pastor Erwin, Pastor Kim, Pastor Joe, Pastor Carlos, Pastor Mariah. It was unbelievable what they did for us. They provided the building, the resources, the staff, everything for us to do this. What would you do without them? They are...
Starting point is 00:08:40 We would have been dunking people in our bathtub at home. We would have given our address and like it would have been. Truly, they are the greatest and the greatest church too. Yeah. They are the greatest church. So they're really wonderful. And I just, I felt like a recurring theme that I noticed that night was like this feeling of unworthiness and this feeling of uncleanliness. And I know that it's something that holds, like nothing will hold you
Starting point is 00:09:06 back the way that shame will. Shame will stop you from doing anything good in the world because you feel like you're not good enough. Shame will keep you stuck in a bad spot because what shame breeds is the idea that like, I'm already so bad, there's no point in even trying to get better. And that's why people, when they have shame, they end up never getting better from a situation because they don't feel they deserve to. They don't feel like they can. And I remember just watching everybody and that girl telling me the story about the, about the rose and about how now she's pure and how Jesus told you, like, I'm going to make you clean. You're clean with me. And I was thinking about you and I in our lives and how we've done thousands of things
Starting point is 00:09:46 that would disqualify us from talking on that stage or talking on this podcast about Jesus. But because you and I both know the truth of what God says about us, we are able to let go of shame completely. Yeah, yeah. No, we had a couple of girls say that. I feel so ashamed. I feel so unworthy. I don't feel good
Starting point is 00:10:05 enough. And I'll tell you, we were in the same exact spot. I remember we had a moment where we looked at a girl, we go, listen, because this girl came up to her and she goes, oh, it was so cute. She goes, I just feel like sometimes I do the wrong thing. And it's just, I feel so guilty. We go, sister, my sister in Christ, trust me, we are all out here accidentally doing the wrong thing. And it's just, I feel so guilty. We go, sister, my sister in Christ, trust me, we are all out here accidentally doing the wrong thing from time to time. You know what I mean? Like you do not feel guilty. Do not like with these moments of doing the wrong thing need to propel you into God's arms even, even stronger than before. You know? Yes. I had such a pivotal moment because I had held on to shame,
Starting point is 00:10:46 which is the worst thing, like Angela said, you can ever hold on to. And it's truly shame is from the enemy. God does not ever want us to feel shame. And my friend Maggie, who had been with me from the beginning of my breakup, she was like she saw me at the bottom of the barrel, worse broken. And so she had saw me on stage. I haven't seen her in a really long time. And I had a moment because I went up there and I just let everything go. And I just, I felt like I really feel that I have come into my own. And it's this whole new version of myself where I can be bold and
Starting point is 00:11:21 confident, not always, but I'm so much stronger than I was. And she had looked at me and she said, this new person, this new version of you, I am just so proud of you. And it was just nice to hear that because it's true. Like when you let the shame, when you let go of shame, it's just, you will be, let God work inside of you. You will be transformed. Exactly. Well, and they think the thing about you and me and everybody who comes into a relationship with Jesus is you start to see yourself the way that Jesus sees you. And when you don't, like the enemy is an accuser. He's the one who accuses you of all the bad things you've done. And he calls you this and that and that. And you're dirty and you're not worthy and
Starting point is 00:12:02 you're not good. And you can never do anything for God because you did all these things. But God says that anyone in Christ is a new creation. God says that I am going to cleanse you and make you white as snow. And so I know just like how I said that I've done so many things that would disqualify me from talking about Jesus or spreading the gospel when I and while the enemy will try to accuse me in my ear of all the things that I know I've done, that I have done, I am able, because I know the truth of what God says about me, I'm able to look in the mirror and I do see myself as white as snow. And I do see myself as pure and beautiful and fearfully and wonderfully made because that's who God says that I am. And everybody has the ability to see themselves like that. And that's why we are every episode, we are
Starting point is 00:12:50 like, read the word, read the Bible, because you understand who he is and what he says about you and his nature and his consistency. Exactly. And it's also reading the word will also, that's, I mean, that's like, that's how you renew your mind. That's how God does the renewal of the mind is that you can have a thousand lies in your head, but the more you fill your mind with scripture, the more there's not enough space. It's like you kick out every lie with every new scripture that you read. And that's why we continue to speak scripture out loud when we're not feeling good. It's the most important thing to do. We, yes, we had the best time of our lives. And now today we wanted to have a fun episode where we talked about something that people, we've already done episodes about dating and
Starting point is 00:13:38 stuff like that, but everybody wants to talk about it. It's on everybody's mind. Everybody wants to be in a relationship. Nobody wants to be single. And so today we're going to talk somewhat about singleness. And we're also going to answer a lot of questions. We asked you guys to ask us fun, personal, maybe some juicy questions. Did you write down the questions? They're on my phone. Yeah, I just I screenshotted all of them. But so are, we're probably going to title this,'re probably gonna title this we're single because we're single we are so happy about today's sponsor it's our personal favorite hello fresh with hello fresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy,
Starting point is 00:14:31 fun, and affordable. That's why it's America's number one meal kit. Guys, say hello to a stress less holiday season with the help of HelloFresh. Skip the grocery store and save time with easy, tasty recipes delivered to your door. Spend your time this month shopping for gifts and sipping hot chocolate, not stuck in the checkout line. Sign up for HelloFresh and get everything you need to whip up a fresh, tasty meal delivered to your door. Just choose your recipes, select a delivery date, and relax knowing that your dinner is on the way. Did you know HelloFresh does more than just dinners? From easy breakfast to start your morning off to 10 minute lunches or satisfying snacks both adults and kids will love. HelloFresh has tasty choices for every mealtime occasion. Ari and I are so honored that HelloFresh sent us a bunch of stuff to try and we have been making it every night. Luckily everything is portioned for two people because we would
Starting point is 00:15:17 definitely be fighting over it if not. No literally that was the one of the best meal I've ever had. What did you make me? It was the chicken sausage. Yeah, it was the chicken sausage spaghetti bolognese with zucchini and Parmesan. And I'm sitting there being like, I am never going to go to a restaurant again. Truly, it's honestly so good. I'm obsessed with HelloFresh. It was the best pasta I've ever had. It really was.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And it's so easy to make. And I have an issue a little bit with I will add a little too much of whatever it is. Like I have over salted so many of my meals by accident, but HelloFresh gives you everything is pre-portioned. So there's absolutely no way of you messing it up. Well, what I love too, is that when we had that meal, typically when I eat pasta, I always get a stomach ache and I felt really good after it didn't make me feel sick at all. It's truly the cleanest ingredients. Yeah. So guys, we have such a good deal today. You're going to go to slash GGB free and use code GGB free for free breakfast
Starting point is 00:16:13 for life. Yeah, guys. HelloFresh has over 45 recipes and more than 100 seasonal add-on items to choose from every week. So it's easier than ever to find something everyone will enjoy. One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. That's free breakfast for life at slash GGB with code GGB free. Thank you, HelloFresh, America's number one meal kit.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Well, I, you know, something funny about Ari and I is that, because we have so many questions that said I mean we got this probably 30 times how long have you guys been single we had like 30 questions just asking how long we've been single for and I maybe I'm not going to answer exactly how long but all I can tell you guys is that me and Ari have been single for the exact amount of time because we went through breakups within a week apart. Don't tell me that God's not real. And we always said to each other, if one of us breaks up, we both break up. We're in this together.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I'm like, I'm not. And then it happened. And then it happened. And it was just honestly like the funniest thing of our lives. As like weird of a time as that was, we also had. That was a weird time. But we also had the best time of our lives. We'd be sitting in my house, dying laughing, just being like, what is happening?
Starting point is 00:17:31 How is this possible that we go through the same thing at the same time? That was weird. It's so weird. So we have a lot of experience in relationships. We have experience being single. And we're going to talk single. I'm laughing because this pastor was looking at us. He was like, you know, it's really important to have partners. He's like, but the good thing is, is you guys have each other.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I know. Well, somebody asked. Well, OK, I wanted to bring this up to you because somebody had a question that was like, do you think that you can do everything in life that God called you to do if you're not married or you don't have a partner? And the answer is yes, of course. God will call you to do things that you actually can only do if you're single. And I know that's the case for us. Maybe right now is that like there's a lot of things we have to do, maybe not with a partner because
Starting point is 00:18:29 that would just get in the way of things. And then at the same time, I believe that when you have a certain calling on your life, I think it's almost necessary to have a partner because there might be a weight that comes with that. And that comes with that success that you won't be able to carry yourself. And while God doesn't want us married yet, he also knew that we did need a partner to carry that weight with. Because I know that, like, God put us together doing this for a reason. Because he knew that we needed each other. Yeah. We got to stop talking about each other like we're dating.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's a problem. Did we talk about when we were at the conference, the relationship by design? Oh, yeah. And all the married couples are sitting there talking about their relationships and how to make it work. And we're referring to each other. We're like, yeah, well, what Angela and I tend to do. How could we? We get off stage and we're like, we just sat there talking about each other.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Like we're in a domestic partnership. We are in a domestic partnership. But honestly, it's like somebody messaged us and was like, oh, this is beautiful. You guys are practicing for marriage. And at one point, we had a sleepover the other day, which, man, grown-up sleepovers. What can we say? We had a sleepover and Ari brought me coffee in the morning, and we look at each other. I bring you coffee every morning.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I know. She really does. And I look at her, and I go, we got to get married. It's time. I don't care. This is the best time of my life. No, this is the best. I am flourishing in this time.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I know. Seriously. So being single, a lot of people really view being single as a curse. Being single, a lot of people really view being single as a curse. And one of the most famous sayings is that singleness is a gift, not a curse. And it is. The truth is there is, and there is, it is, and there's scripture to support that. But at the same time, we also want to be really sensitive to the, and realistic to the fact that singleness does not feel like a gift when you have the desire to be in a relationship or to be married. And so we want to hit all aspects with you today about how it is a
Starting point is 00:20:30 gift and we'll tell you why it's a gift. And it is also really hard. And God does want you to have a partner because he told Adam that it is not good for man to be alone. And that's why he made him Eve. So there's a lot of moving parts to this conversation. Take it over, sister. Singleness is a gift. And we'll get into it after we read the story. But it's... Oh, yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I forgot that we're reading Psalm 84. All right. So today we're going to start just with a little psalm. I was looking all throughout the Bible, like, are there psalms on singleness, on loneliness, on waiting for a spouse? And what I thought was best for us to read was a psalm praising Jesus and talking about how the best place you could possibly be in, best relationship you could be in, is your relationship with Jesus. Because that's the foundation of everything. Psalm 84. How lovely is your dwelling with Jesus, because that's the foundation of everything. Psalm 84, how lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty. My soul yearns, even faints, for the course of
Starting point is 00:21:32 the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young, a place near your altar. Lord Almighty, my King and my God, blessed are those who dwell in your house. They are ever praising you. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs. The autumn rain also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength till each appears before God and Zion. Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty. Listen to me,
Starting point is 00:22:12 God of Jacob. Look on our shield, O God. Look with favor on your anointed one. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows for favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you. I just want to go over this last little part right here. Better is one day in God's courts than a thousand elsewhere. We would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. The Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he
Starting point is 00:23:00 withhold from those whose walk is blameless? He will never withhold something good from you if your walk is blameless. He's not withholding a relationship with you because he wants to see you suffering and struggling and sad about it, you know? Explain that more. No good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. So if you're doing everything right by God, if you're blameless, if you're submitted to him, if you're, if you are walking in the will of God, according to his word, he's not going to withhold any good thing from you. And it is good. Marriage is good. Relationships are good. Love is good. Romantic love is, uh, is good. So he's not going to withhold you. He's not going to withhold that from you.
Starting point is 00:23:53 When he brings that to you is not up to us. You know, I think we sit there and we wonder, but like I always say, because I went through this, we just don't know what he's doing inside of us. Yeah. Like what he's, he's, he's, there's things that I thought when I was so ready just to be in a relationship and I'm like, thank God you didn't bring that I thought when I was so ready just to be in a relationship and I'm like, thank God you didn't bring me my person because I truly wasn't ready. There was so much more that I had to heal that I didn't even realize I needed to heal till right now. So that's why you just got to hang on. You got to keep going.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah. And just, and trust in the Lord's timing. And, and I love this better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the Lord's timing. And I love this. Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God. Like, this is a very humble statement to rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in like a mansion of evil people. And better is one day near God than a thousand elsewhere. day near God than a thousand elsewhere. Having a marriage, but not God, like if I had to choose between a marriage and the life that I want or a life with God, having absolutely nothing, I would choose God a million times over. That's where peace is. That's where joy is. And that's
Starting point is 00:24:55 where true fulfillment and purpose comes from. It's like such a weird thing because the truth, like I know we hear it all the time, but until you really get it in your bones and written on your heart, you can't have satisfaction. Because we have to understand that another person cannot fulfill us the way that Jesus can. And if you're not fulfilled without a person, I promise you, you will find, if you think that the one thing you're lacking in life is a relationship, I promise when you get that relationship, you're going to find a thousand things to feel you're lacking in your life. You know what's so funny? I was talking to my therapist a couple days ago, and she was like, how are you feeling? And I was like, you know, I woke up, and, you know, I'm waking up alone, and'm like in my home alone and I the only way to describe it is
Starting point is 00:25:49 just freedom and peace and to feel to wake up and to not be in a relationship to not have to look at someone else for to for to for worth and identity and all that and to just have it from him and to feel okay and be able to rest and just be okay on your own yeah that's freedom it is true freedom it's true freedom yeah and we get a lot of questions of like well how do I know when when it's time for me to be in the right relationship and I truly believe that's when you know. That's when you will be ready, when you can sit alone and be okay. Truly okay, not sitting there wishing, wanting, and needing someone for validation. When you can truly just be with you and God and that's it, that's when you know you're ready.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Singleness, a time of singleness that's when you know you're ready. Singleness, a time of singleness is your chance to prepare for your person. It's time for you to get your ducks in order, to get your house. The scripture says that you need to get your house in order, and that's not just your physical house. That means your mental house and your emotional house, and figure out what is in there that if your person came into your life today, what would inhibit your relationship? What would get in the way of you guys having a healthy and flourishing relationship? And whatever that is, like you need to ask God to expose that and bring
Starting point is 00:27:15 it to the forefront so you can heal it, tear it down, get rid of it before your person comes, you know? That's true. I mean, there have been so many times in my life where I thought I was ready for my person, but there's still so many things it's baggage so many things that are still hanging on to me that I even right now like I've got to get rid of yeah before you know and I don't want God to bring my my husband before it's ready it's so funny I never talked like this by the way like I I never talked about like a husband. Like, obviously, I want to get married. My parents are together.
Starting point is 00:27:47 They've been together for 30 years. Like it's I that's my desire. Of course, I know that that's God's plan for my life. But I never. Maybe because of my a little bit. Maybe I know you. I know you're going to. I know.
Starting point is 00:28:02 So I pray in the name of Jesus that I can be more like Ari and I can be better at being vulnerable. Why is it so hard? It's okay. I need help, Jesus. I need because. No, you are. Let's move to you. No, it's true.
Starting point is 00:28:19 No, you are vulnerable. This girl sits here and reads her diary about your sobriety and you don't think you're vulnerable? I don't know. Of course you're vulnerable. No, but it's true. If you are not satisfied in your singleness, you will never be satisfied in a relationship. Trust me when I tell you that. Sleeping is one of my favorite things to do in life.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And our sponsor today has truly changed the game for me when it comes to sleeping. I had no idea, but did you guys know that traditional bed sheets can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat? It can lead to acne, allergies, and stuffy noses, and it's just gross. But we have a solution because Miracle-Made offers a whole line of self-cleaning, eco-friendly bedding such as sheets, pillowcases, and comforters that prevent 99% of bacteria and require three times less laundry. What I love is they use silver infused fabrics inspired by Nassar and are self-cooling to keep you at the perfect temperature all night. They're self-cleaning because they're infused with silver
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Starting point is 00:29:52 You guys are going to want to go to slash ggb to try miracle made sheets today. Again, that was slash ggb to try it today, or you can gift it to someone special this holiday season and we've got a special deal for our listeners ggb gang you're going to save over 40 percent and if you use our promo ggb at checkout you'll get three free towels and save an extra 20 percent thank you miracle made yes miracle made is so confident in their product you have a 30 day money back guarantee so if you aren't satisfied, you'll get a full refund. Upgrade your sleep with Miracle-Made.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Go to slash ggb and use the code ggb to claim your free three-piece towel set and save over 40% off. Again, that's slash ggb to treat yourself, a friend, or a loved one this holiday season. Thank you, Miracle-M Made, for sponsoring this video. Can we read a little bit from 1 Corinthians chapter 7? We're going to talk a little bit about what Pauly Paul. You know Paul. We love, me and Ari, that was like one of the first stories we read on the podcast, and we studied that story of Saul and Paul for days, baby. Paul Saul, Paul Saul. We knew him like the back of our hand, like it was nothing. All right. I want to go to 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verses 8 to 9. So tell me what you think about this, Sar. So this is what Paul says.
Starting point is 00:31:19 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verses 8 to 9 says, Now to the unmarried and the widows I say, It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. So what Paul is saying here is that because Paul never got married. He traveled the world. He's one of the most influential people of the Bible. He spread the gospel like it was nobody's business. And one of
Starting point is 00:31:46 the reasons why he was able to have as much influence as he did was because he was not married. He devoted himself, mind, body, and spirit to Jesus and to spreading the gospel. And so there was absolutely nothing. Like if Paul had a wife and kids at home, he couldn't travel. He brought the places or he brought the gospel to places like Asia to countries that like would have never known Jesus if it weren't for Paul and he could not be leaving going to all these different countries if he had a wife at home you know what I mean the truth is that marriage yes is a beautiful beautiful thing but at the same time it holds you back from so many things you could
Starting point is 00:32:26 do for the kingdom. Now, that's not to say now don't get married if that is what God has for your life, but it should give you comfort to know that if you are single right now and you're not married, there's so much that you could do for the kingdom of God. I know for me, when I'm in a relationship, no matter what, no matter how good it is, no matter how much the person loves Jesus, it pulls me away from God. It's just the name of the game. It's how it works. When I'm not in a relationship, I can give 150% of myself to Jesus and to doing his work
Starting point is 00:32:58 and spreading the gospel. It brings me closer to him, you know? Yeah, it is. It brings me closer to him, you know? Yeah, it is. That is why it's been the greatest blessing of my life that God has kept me in this little holding period of not bringing me my person because I have been able to devout myself to him for, it's been a year and a half it's been the biggest transformation of my life just being able to solely focus on him it's been amazing it's it's I'm like at moments where
Starting point is 00:33:36 I felt so broken being like where is my person like time is running No, time wasn't running out. He was building me, developing me, being like, I'm first. Keep focusing. Keep your eyes on me. And my purpose right now was my purpose, finding out my identity, who I am. What do you want me to do? You know? Yeah. I mean, there's just this podcast in and of itself, the traveling that we've done together.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I mean, our friendship is built on a season of singleness. We met right after both of us had gotten out of relationships. We connected on the fact that we both had just gone through breakups. Like singleness is, it truly was a gift in our friendship and in our lives with each other. Otherwise, had I been in a relationship or had you been in a relationship, we would not have created that bond so quickly where we spent every single day together reading the Bible. We wouldn't have had a friendship, period. Remember any moment that I have that I'm like, Angela, blah, blah, you go, are? No.
Starting point is 00:34:39 If you, if anything was to be different. We would have never met. And that makes me sad. Literally, anytime I would start to dwell about the past, first of all, we say we're not Lot's wife. We're not going to turn into a pillar of salt. So we're not going to look back at the past. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:34:56 But anytime I have those moments, you have to put the pieces together of your life. Or even if you don't understand right now, just keep going. It will all make sense. Now that I'm on the other side of it, a year and a half later, it all makes sense. When I was like, how could this possibly have happened to me? The thing that I wanted most is taken from me.
Starting point is 00:35:19 What I wanted is the complete opposite is happening. And you just say, you say to me, if anything different happened, I wouldn't have come into your life. We would not have Girls Gone Bible. You would have not figured out who you are. You would have not found God. Most importantly. What did you say yesterday? I loved what you said. We were in the car and you said, what did you say?
Starting point is 00:35:44 What did I say? You were like, oh, the purpose of him was to. You said, we were talking. He goes, she's like, man, it's so funny how everything happens the way it's supposed to. The purpose for him was him to break you down so bad for you to figure out exactly who God was and who you are. Yeah. I specifically said that to break you over his knee.
Starting point is 00:36:14 What? What? Baby? Break me over my knee? That was weird. Sometimes you just try things i'm really sorry what did you say though nothing he broke oh oh you said he broke i was making it a little bit more intense and it just came he broke me over his knee he did He broke me over his knee. He did. I'm keeping that in. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I would like to also talk about, and actually to go off of what you were saying, single people, I do think about this, though. Single people who are doing it right are and should be the perfect example of what it looks like to be fully devoted to Jesus. Because, again, you can give yourself body, soul, and spirit to Jesus. And that's when you make moves. And then just on the same token where like marriage is just as good, singleness and marriage are just as good as each other, depending on what the God's call for your life is or what the call for you in that season is. Like, and then when you enter a marriage and a partnership, you can do really incredible, beautiful things for the kingdom that way.
Starting point is 00:37:38 But it's just, it depends where God has you and it depends. And I encourage you to pray your heart out and ask God, what is my purpose in this season right now? And if it's to be single, God, like let me be single really well. Let me do it the way that you want me to. And let me accomplish everything you need me to in the season of being alone so that when I get into the season of being with somebody else, I can transition into that. But like, let me really exhaust everything I could do for you during this season. Yeah. I think about 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verses 32. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs, how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned
Starting point is 00:38:24 about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife and his interests are divided. So single people, sorry, yeah. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord, how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about his wife, how he can please his wife. His interests are divided. Yeah. So that goes into saying when you're single, you can devote yourself to Jesus. Well, here's the thing. If you are in a relationship and you don't really know your worth or your identity or
Starting point is 00:38:55 Jesus, you're going to put everything, your whole life is going to be about him. You're going to make an idol. You're going to lose yourself. You're not going to know who you are and everything is going to be about your partner. And then you're going to be left feeling lost, broken. And the truth is, is anyone can walk away from you, but he doesn't. And when I learned that the hard way, you know, I, instead of being, trying to find a partner to fulfill me, like what that scripture says, you devour everything to him. These are just for encouragement to people and a little bit of guidance of what God would want from you during your season of singleness. Romans 12 says,
Starting point is 00:39:37 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship. Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice. You guys know what I mean by that when you're single. That is true worship, is giving your whole body, leaving it holy and pleasing to God. Let's talk about some of the things that we can do in our singleness. How about that? Let's do it. Okay. So singleness is a time to know who we are, to grow who we are, to ask questions, God, who have you called me to be? Because like we said, if we don't know who we are in our own identity, it will complicate our relational identity, right? So we really want to figure out who we are and the way we find out who we are is
Starting point is 00:40:31 through him. Just because we're single doesn't mean that we are to be alone. One of the most important things that I did in my singleness, because if I didn't, I would have been in the park talking to squirrels. Not the squirrels. No, fam, the best thing I did was to push through. I know how hard it is to be in a season of singleness. Many of you are in isolation season. It's scary. It's weird. singleness. Many of you are in isolation season. It's scary. It's weird. It's sometimes like you can be panicked. I know I was there and I know the reason why I am okay is because I have community. I didn't have community when I went through my breakup. I had to fight through and find it. I did whatever it took. I, there was a moment where I was like, truly like just laying in bed, looking, staring at the wall, being like, how am I going to get through this? And I was like
Starting point is 00:41:33 looking in the mirror at myself and I truly couldn't recognize the person I was looking at. And it's because I was so alone. It's because I didn't have anyone to talk to. I mean, my family's all the way on the East Coast. And so when I made the decision to be like, I am not going to let anybody break me. I am not going to let anyone steal my worth. I am going to fight through this because there's a reason why I'm here. And when I fought through it and I got up and I like, I went to church every weekend by myself. I had no one like, so anyone who's in this period up and I like, I went to church every weekend by myself. I had no one like, so anyone who's in this period where they're like, but I don't have anyone to go to church with, go by yourself.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Me going by myself to church truly was the best thing I could have done. I actually learned better when I went by myself. Oh, 100%. And when you start to do things on your own, you gain that confidence that you're like, okay, I like, you start to feel like a sense of like, I was proud of myself that I was getting up out of bed. Even in my weakness, I found strength, a little bit of strength because I would get up and do it. And you feel proud of yourself. You know that you have yourself in God and it keeps you going. And so I would go to church and I, and that's how I found community. I would,
Starting point is 00:42:46 I push myself. I went places I normally wouldn't go to. That's how I met you. I was vulnerable enough to open myself up to people. Hadn't I been so vulnerable, I would have never had a friendship with Angela. Um, and so community is the most important thing. We are not meant to be alone in isolation by ourselves. We will go crazy. The thoughts, that's when the enemy creeps in and he will eat us alive. He did that to me for a bit. And if I didn't push myself and get out, I don't even know what would have happened. So really in your singleness, it's your time to build a community. Um, and you know, instead of, it's just like, I was at, it's all about our mindset. Like I remember just being at a point where I was so negative and you stay in that negative mindset of, of wondering and wishing and wanting you're, it's going to prolong the process. And the
Starting point is 00:43:45 minute I was like, okay, my friends, most of my friends are married and they're having kids right now, but that's not my path right now. So I'm going to know that I already have my God, my King of Kings, and I'm going to keep going. And I'm going to, I'm going to find my purpose. I'm going to find my friendship. I'm going to start traveling. And that's what I did. And I'm so to find my purpose. I'm going to find my friendship. I'm going to start traveling. And that's what I did. And I'm so, I just feel, I'm just at this place of my life where I feel so proud of myself that I fought through. That's all you have to do, you guys. As your sisters, I'm telling you, we are not going to let you be stuck, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:27 you be stuck. Okay. Understand that you have two girls here that were in this place of, that are in this place of singleness and were both in isolation seasons. You were too, right? You were in such an isolation season and you just have to fight through and do things that you normally wouldn't do. And that's how you will build friendships. This year has been, I got to see places I would have never seen. I got to just like me and you, the things that we have done. It's incredible because we've been in this singleness and that we aren't married. So it's a gift. It's a gift to be able to wake up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And although it's amazing to have children and a husband, to be able to sit just with Jesus and learn about him and talk to him and read the Bible and not have anyone bother you. Yeah. And be able to, like, get up and go whenever you want. We can travel, do whatever we want. Focus on your purpose, who you are. Yeah. It's the best. I'm so happy you touched on the fact that there's nobody bothering you in singleness. It's so true. I had a moment where I was reading the
Starting point is 00:45:33 Bible in my house this morning, and obviously we're thinking about singleness and about marriage and about today's episode. And I had a thought, and I thought this before that as much as I want to be married and have children and it's you know my biggest dream and the biggest blessing at the same time I'm gonna cherish right now this quiet that I have because one day I'm gonna have three to five kids running around my house when I'm trying to just read one psalm and I can't get through it because they're like pulling my hair and throwing spaghOs at me. And I'm going to remember the time where I did. And my husband's going to like ask, like, it's going to be so chaotic. And I'm going to remember the time where I once
Starting point is 00:46:13 could have peace and quiet. And I know that's like really like retrospect, you know, you're thinking in retrospect, but like truly there's so many gifts in singleness. I think the worst part about needing someone is like not need that validation from a man because I trust me, I went through the withdrawals. It's when you're in a long relationship and then you get out of it and you're all of a sudden have no love from your partner and you don't have that um you don't have that it's it is difficult you go through that withdrawal period but then when you get to the other side of that and you can wake up alone and feel at complete peace and just be with your friends and just laugh and like being content with that like I I truly am at a place where I don't need validation from anyone. And I'm just
Starting point is 00:47:07 like, wow, it's, it's, it's a really powerful place to be in. And I just want anyone who's going through this to get to that place. It is such a powerful place to be in. What you mentioned something earlier about how God doesn't intend for us to be isolated. And he, just because you're single doesn't mean that you should be alone. And half of the questions that we got were talking about loneliness. And I really wanted to touch on loneliness. And I wish that I could get up the statistic, but I think it's like one in two people suffer with not just like, you know, oh, I'm lonely. And they suffer with severe loneliness. And loneliness is a killer.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Yeah, it is. A killer. It is. The enemy feeds on that loneliness because loneliness will lead to desperation. Loneliness will make you act out of character. And I just really encourage you, just like Ari said, just because you're single doesn't mean that you need to be or should be alone. You have to get community. You have to talk to people. I know every church, I'm not saying every church out there is amazing. We haven't been to a mall,
Starting point is 00:48:14 but I know that at most churches, there is a group of people who want to take you in and who want to talk to you. Please reach out to a church, reach out to a small group, reach out to friends. to you, please reach out to a church, reach out to a small group, reach out to friends. There are just like you're feeling lonely. There's a thousand other people who are just as lonely as you are and would die to have a friend like you. It's true. You know what I mean? And so I just, you have to reach out to people, take a stand against this loneliness.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It's not yours. And God never intended for you to live like that. And honestly, to be able to build friendships, it's the most important thing. Do you understand the greatest gift in my life are the friendships that I have right now? Yeah. I am. Friendships are so important. They bring more happiness to my life than I can even.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yeah. Every day we are just laughing. We have taught each other so much. I'm telling you guys, just... It's that support too. It's the support system. It's the best. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:14 I see a lot of people and they're constantly in this dwelling feeling and just being like, when is it going to happen? And in panic mode. Please, guys, don't waste this time. Singleness is not to be wasted. It is like Angela said, it is a gift. Cherish it. Cherish this time with yourself, with God, building relationships, doing new things that you don't think that you would ever do. I found my purpose in this waiting season. It's incredible. I want to read Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1. It says,
Starting point is 00:49:54 there is a season for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. And we know, we talked about it all last week about how God is so intentional with his timing. There is a season for everything. And then I want to read 1 Corinthians chapter 7 verse 28 to 31. What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on, those who have wives should live as if they do not. Those who mourn as if they did not. Those who are happy as if they were not. Those who buy something as if it were not theirs to keep. Those who use the things of the world And I know that's all a little, can be a little confusing if you don't know the context, but it ends with, for this world in its present form is passing away. And being single, wanting a relationship, having the desire for marriage can literally engulf you to the point of like not being able to see anything else except your lack in this area and your desire to have a partner. And God is – he talks about it all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I was just reading in Hebrews about how this world is nothing compared to the world that's to come. And it says for this world in its present form is passing away. None of this actually means anything compared to eternity in heaven with Jesus. Do not waste your short time. It says, the time is short. From now on, those who have wives should live as if they do not. That cannot be your main focus. That cannot be like the time here is short. Cherish it for what it is and whatever season you're in. And then just keep your eyes focused on Jesus and the world that's to come, the eternal world in heaven with him. I love that you say that about seasons because we never want to rush a season. We never want to force our way out of a season. If God puts us in a certain
Starting point is 00:51:45 season, whether it's hard, whether it's the best season, whether it's a single season. Sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry. That was great. Nothing. No, I'm so sorry. What? What I said? No, you said Caesar. I don't know why. I do not say Caesar. No, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Keep going. That was great. It's okay. Keep going. I was going to say Caesar. All I saw was Caesar dressing in my head. That was the worst. Caesar dressing.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I'm sorry. Okay. Keep going. You saw Caesar dressing, huh? I'm so sorry. No, I was just saying I love that you say that about the seasons because, um, you never want to force your way out of a certain season. And I, I've come to understand that I've watched a lot of sermons and read a lot of things about how, if you're in a season, just flow with it. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:52:37 what is, what are you talking about? Just flow with it. I can't, I'm panicking. I want to get married. I want a partner. But now that I've seen all the pieces come together in my life, I'm like, okay, yes, flow with the season. I am meant to be here. Yeah, exactly. Rest in that. Like, we're meant to be here. So just what can we learn in this season while God is preparing our person for us? You know, while he's doing the works and getting us ready for it, what can I do to be the best version of myself?
Starting point is 00:53:16 So when that person does come in, it's going to be amazing and I can be ready, you know? So every day we want to just constantly work on being the best versions of ourselves while we're in this waiting season, while he's preparing us. Yeah, I love. We want to interrupt this episode really quickly, because as you guys know, Ari and I are both in the acting industry and we have something really just important to us that we wanted to talk about. So there's a new film out called The Shift, and I wanted to talk about it. It's filled as a contemporary retelling of the book of Job in which God tests a man who has everything he could want by stripping him of his family, friends, and property. But the man still has not turned back on the creator and Neil Donahue plays
Starting point is 00:53:57 him. I'm actually, I mean, there's nothing I want to see more than the gospel being pushed in Hollywood and films and TV shows made about, because I don't think there's any story that's more interesting than the Bible and the different stories in the Bible. So to have films and TV shows being made on, especially even the Old Testament, because we have the Chosen series, which is so beautiful. And that's based on the New Testament. The Old Testament is so interesting. And so there's so much juice in there. And so the book of Job is one of my absolute favorites. It's one of the first stories I ever read in the old Testament. And it's really, yeah, because it's basically like Joe went through so much and he was tested
Starting point is 00:54:39 and he was tested and the poor guy had boils all over his body. Everybody left him. His friends turned their back on him. His own wife told him, you know, oh, is this the God that you love so much? You should just curse the God because he's cursed you. And Job, till the very end, says, no, that's my God. And I'm not turning my back on him. Yeah, and he remained faithful. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:58 And I think it's so funny what's going on with Neil Donahue. And if you guys don't know what's going on, Neil Donahue, he is an actor who he's known for playing a villain. And he says that's just what works for him. And at the end of the day, he doesn't do any role that has kissing or sex scenes or any sort of intimacy with the opposite sex. And now Ari and I aren't here to say that one is wrong or the other is right. But what we are here to say is that everybody deserves the right to live the way that they want to live and to have autonomy over themselves and their body and their career. And Neil Donahue made this pledge to himself and his wife that he wouldn't do these things because he's a man of God. And he didn't want, again,
Starting point is 00:55:39 not saying what's right or what's wrong, but Neil Donahue is a true godly man with integrity and morals. And he set out to do something and he took it to the very end. And he said, I don't care if people think I'm weird for this. I don't care if people laugh at me in Hollywood. But what ended up happening was Neil Donahue literally got blacklisted. Yeah, he got completely blacklisted. No one would hire him. But it goes to show you that if you remain faithful and you stay on the right path of what God wants and you're obedient to him, he will reward you. And that's what he did for him. Now he's playing this incredible role. And he almost turned it down at first.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Really? Yeah, because he was like, oh, I don't know if I should play Satan. And then he talked to his wife about it. And she was like, who else should play Satan than someone who loves and glorifies God as much as you do? That's so cool. Yeah, because he really wanted to show people like how Satan works and how he can get into the mind and what he does and how bad he is.
Starting point is 00:56:44 And I think it's great. It's going to show people a lot because in a world that we're living in that glorifies Satan and in Hollywood, this is amazing. This is a beautiful thing. So this movie, The Shift, is just going to be incredible. I feel like it's going to change a lot. It's going to really open a lot of people's eyes. And I'm just, I'm really happy that they're doing this. And I just, learning about Neil, I mean, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:16 If you watch some of his interviews, he is just a true man of faith, a true man of God. I mean, I'm like sitting there watching him listen and being like yeah because he plays the villain and a lot of people are like well if you play the villain then why why why are you gonna play satan yeah and he's like listen i i play a villain because you know i shoot people i shoot like 10 guys in a movie but i can laugh at it i can shake everyone's hand at the end of the at the end of the day i've, but, um, you know, when I'm actually doing a intimate scene with another woman and I'm, and I'm kissing a woman, my kids have to see that. And God has to see that. And my wife has to see that. And I don't want that because I know God doesn't want that for
Starting point is 00:58:00 me. And I just, I think it's beautiful. And I'm, I'm so happy that he's coming so boldly and he's not afraid and he's speaking on that because Hollywood needs that thank you I just I'm upset I'm reading right here it says he was fired from ABC scoundrels after refusing to do any sex scenes or kissing scenes the show only aired for one season but he was completely blacklisted from Hollywood. And this is a little bit of my issue with things in the world and the culture that we're living in right now is that you can go so hard for your beliefs as long as they are in line with like what everybody else in that specific space agrees in. And it's all like, you know, live your truth, do your thing, do whatever you want. Like you, you need a, you know, and it's, they empower you to live your truth and do, do the things that you believe in until you have Christian values. Yeah, exactly. Like it's, like, it's not, it's in, I'm, I love the, I love acting and I love the
Starting point is 00:59:02 acting industry. I really do. I'm never going to knock anybody or anything. But I am so grateful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for letting us enter into a space where, like, the one thing that's pushed the most, which is the media and which is Hollywood. And we know that Hollywood literally owns everything. We will bring Christian values back into this place. And Neil Donahue is doing that for us. And so are so many other people. And we're so grateful for these warriors of Jesus who are going into these spaces and being bold and who are willing to be made fun of and persecuted and put down and blacklisted. That's right, sister. I know. And again, it's like, you don't have to
Starting point is 00:59:41 agree exactly with Neil's principles and what he wants for his life and his marriage. But again, it's like, you don't have to agree exactly with Neil's principles and what he wants for his life and his marriage. But again, when we live in a world where everybody is, you know, we're like, you know, you want autonomy over yourself and blah, blah, blah, and whatever, like, then you give that to everybody in every, in everybody, in every aspect. So true. I'm just, I'm sitting there and I'm like, this guy, this man of God doesn't want to do a sex scene or a kissing scene because he loves his wife and he just doesn't think it's right. So no one will hire him because they think he's this weird Christian guru. But it's OK if somebody goes on stage and like wears devil horns and glorifies Satan. It's like, what is going on? and glorifies Satan. It's like, what is going on? That's why I'm just like, I'm so happy that we have people like him that are standing up and speaking boldly. And yeah, he's somebody like
Starting point is 01:00:34 Neil Donahue. He is paving the way for other Christians in the entertainment industry. And he, I don't even know if he's aware of the impact that he's making by taking the stand that he is in this way. And I want, hopefully we get to have Neil on the podcast. That'd be so awesome. But I want him and everybody else to understand that if you suffer in the name of Jesus, you should rejoice. You should absolutely rejoice. You are blessed. If you get to suffer for Jesus, you're blessed. If you are persecuted and made fun of in the name of Jesus. And let me tell you something else. It doesn't go unseen. No, no.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Jesus sees everything. He sees the work you're doing for him. He sees how much you're glorifying for him. And even through that suffering, he will come and intervene. And he will, you will be rewarded. You will be rewarded. He will bless you. Like abundantly. And we say it all the time. You can't rewarded. You will be rewarded. He will bless you. Even like.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Abundantly. And we say it all the time. You can't cancel God's children. No. Okay. You cannot. Jesus got canceled worse than anybody else. And look at him.
Starting point is 01:01:36 He is Lord of Lord, King of Kings. Yeah. So we are so proud of Neil. And we are just. We're ecstatic about this movie, The Shift. Any Christian movie. I really believe that we are going to see a true revolution happening. Me too. And Christians are going to take over the entertainment industry.
Starting point is 01:01:52 And we're going to put out, like, good content. Like, good, good movies. Yeah, yeah. No more of these goofy, kooky movies. No, no goofy, kooky, demon movies. No, thank you. I don't want no more weird movies. No, I don't want to see it. And while we're on this singleness episode, men, go watch Neil Donahue's interviews because that is a true man of God.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I don't think Neil Donahue follows girls on Instagram either. I don't think he's following Instagram models. So everyone needs to take a painy jaw to Neil Donahue's book. We're posting that at the clip. to take a painy jaw to Neil Donahue's book. We're posting that as a clip. I love Romans 8, verse 25, but if we hope for what we do not have yet,
Starting point is 01:02:32 we hope for it patiently. So let's just try to be patient. Patient is the greatest lesson I had to learn this year is to really be patient while God's working everything out. What do you think about dating apps? Did somebody ask? Yeah. Well, I think that they have brought a lot of people together, actually. And I think it's actually a positive thing. I think sometimes people can get carried away with it, whether they're just like swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. And it's, it's a little hard because I think back, back then we used to have to meet up with the person and things were a little bit different. But I think with the
Starting point is 01:03:18 way of the world, it's also a very positive thing. And it's a great way to meet people. What do you think? Because you and I both are not on dating apps, but I agree that it has brought a lot of people together, and it has done really beautiful things. I don't think that it's for me or Ari. I don't think that's, like, the direction in which we will ever go. Should I get on a dating app? Honestly? What if your husband's on your dating app?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Imagine. Should I get on Tinder? I mean, let's go at least shoot for Raya or something nice. Christian Mingle. We honestly should go on Christian Mingle. Should we? Should we? What's each of yours' ideal first date?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Ooh, I didn't see that one. Okay, well, do you want to go first? No, go ahead. I'm such a foodie. Okay, well, do you want to go first? No, go ahead. I'm such a foodie. If you take me to a really nice, like a good restaurant with some good food, you have my heart. But here's the thing, though. It's, yes, take me.
Starting point is 01:04:22 You want to go to a nice dinner, and I totally get that with good food. But you're the same as me, that on a first date, I'm not trying to sit next. I'm not trying to sit across from you. I don't sit across. You have to sit right here to my left. I know. But on a first date, I mean, I probably would have no shame and be like, hey, can I sit next to you? I always do that. You know that? Do you really? Yeah. I get too comfortable. Yeah. We're working on boundaries, her and I. Yeah, we're working on boundaries, her and I. You'll think that we know people for years when we meet them. That's like the one thing about us. I know.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Yes, I do like restaurants, but on a first date, I think I'd rather do something like... Comedy show? That'd be fun. Yeah, or I, well, I want something where we can talk. So I don't know, like even a nice going somewhere that's somewhat of an activity but one that we can still talk in maybe going on a drive maybe going to the beach having a picnic on the beach and like looking like being next to each other but looking at the it's the whole sitting across from each other having to stare down thing that I don't love you know what it is I can tell I don't know I don't want want to offend anyone. But I can tell fairly quickly at someone's taste by the place they take you to. So I'm like, I think I want to go to a restaurant onobby, but I am someone who's super chill and
Starting point is 01:05:45 laid back, but I am a foodie. And I think it's good to treat someone like a lady and take them to a nice, a nice dinner on your first date. I think it's a sign of respect, um, to be intentional about where you're taking somebody and take them somewhere. It's like it kind of like wherever you take them is kind of a reflection of how much you value them you know what I mean exactly it's a respect thing yeah yeah age gap you're willing to have with your partner you really had a screenshot all the ones huh I told you they were good I'll go with mine so I typically only like to date people much older not much older
Starting point is 01:06:25 than me but like for me I think we're gonna see Angela rolling a guy around in a wheelchair hey no I mean I either I mean I either my age or preferably I mean the most I'd go is like 10 years older oh really yeah I think I honestly think that's pretty good for me. That's like, I think that's worked in the past. What do you think? Okay. For you? No, for you.
Starting point is 01:06:58 You have to be honest. She knew. You have to be honest. No, I, it's really strange. I, sorry. No, I definitely, 30s and up. 30s and up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:20 Listen, typically the guy doesn't really develop till 30 right do they ever but I think it's how you were raised have you been through some stuff yeah you know I know some people that have been through a lot and they really are very mature for their age so it just it all depends on your character and what you've been through um what are your attachment styles um well let's answer it for each other huh okay i don't know how to answer this for myself um i think yeah go ahead i know you say you're avoidant but i actually think you are so loving and you're secure and you just don't take crap when somebody pushes you. So I wouldn't, I don't, I don't know. Maybe I would say that you were avoidant, but where you are now in your walk and your path of life, I think you are extremely secure and it's just confident in who you are and you you are very healthy I will say
Starting point is 01:08:27 that you are extremely healthy and loving and whoever gets you is so gonna be so lucky thanks yeah I think you have a really good balance like I for you you need someone to bring you peace you know because you are at such peace in your own life and you just exude so much joy and you need that. You need someone who's going to really bring that out of you, not bring you down. Just be joy in your life. Peace and joy. Peace and joy, baby. I think for you, you're also secure. And then it's funny, you teeter between anxious and avoidant. I do, for sure. Yours depends on who you're with.
Starting point is 01:09:11 It depends on the situation. Again, you're like all three. You're secure when everything is good. When everything, you know, and I am too. I'm secure when everything is good. I'm only avoidant when I need to be. When something is off
Starting point is 01:09:24 or when something is like too much for me, then I become avoidant. But you are extremely secure. I mean, when it comes in regards to yourself and how you view yourself in a relationship, you are, like, extremely trusting. You're not a jealous girlfriend. You're not a controlling girlfriend. Like, you are so good. You're, like, go do – she's, like, go to Miami with your you're like go do she's like go go to Miami with your friends I'm like okay go to my yeah I was like go to Miami with your friends you're so
Starting point is 01:09:50 good about that well I'll tell you why because I don't date men that don't have self-control which means I don't date men that can't control alcohol that are doing the wrong thing like I will not date a guy that is out you know drink until 2 until 2 a.m. Speaking of, I'm sorry, I have to, because we're going to forget. Somebody said, what's your biggest ick? I have mine. It's not men who drink and it has nothing to do with me being sober
Starting point is 01:10:14 because even when I was drinking, this was my thing. If I could be literally madly in love, truly madly in love with a man and if I see him drunk, like not just like a little drunk, like borderline sloppy or like out of control or slurring his words,
Starting point is 01:10:32 immediate turn off, immediate shut off from me, done. I'm done. I won't even do it. I will not date a guy that gets drunk. Do you know what it is too? Because we love manly men so much and we love leaders and men who are tough and strong and, like, in control.
Starting point is 01:10:49 That's, like, what the definition of a man is, is he's in control of himself and his surroundings. And so if I see you just, like, I'm, like. It is the most disgusting, most feminine, weird. It is not good. I'm done. No. What's your ick? My biggest ick is, yeah, you the drinking no um i it's it's hard for me when someone's not giving when they're when they're just i
Starting point is 01:11:18 how do we put yeah this is difficult for me to say this out loud because i never want to come off as someone who is this like bougie girl because i'm not i'm really not but i just i don't i don't like someone who who is like oh i gotta do this for you i gotta take you here oh we gotta like frugal like i can't do it can i just say something about the frugalness sorry go ahead sorry no no you could say it go my girl this is like an all-star like this is my thing is a man wants to be frugal and has a woman like you like you're blunching above your weight a little bit, brother. And this is the thing about being, I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 01:12:13 No, I'm going to let it all out today. I'm going to be honest. If you're going to be frugal and you're going to be cheap, it's like you shouldn't be dating anyways to begin with. Two things. One, it's not good and it's not a good look. And to be quite honest, it's embarrassing. Another thing is, what are you being frugal for? This is my thing about people who are greedy and frugal is like, where are you? You can't take it with you when you die. Let me tell you one thing. There's only one thing that you take when you go
Starting point is 01:12:39 to heaven and that's souls. You can only take other people. That's only people that you brought to Jesus that you'll see in heaven. Other than that, like you're not bringing any of it with you. No, it's just, I can't. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It's not okay. It's not okay. And yeah, it's just like, I don't know. You and I, like I'll give someone my last dollar. I really, truly, I will. I will give my last dollar. My mom was in town this weekend. My mom and Ari literally got into a fist fight in 7-Eleven over who was going to pay. That's just how we are.
Starting point is 01:13:14 So I can't even imagine being a man. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I would feel like a literal woman if my girl asked me for something and I was like, oh, that's like you want like I just. OK, we'll move on from this. But it's like if I was a man, I would take so much pride and honor in being the man and like taking care of things and being like, oh, how dare you even pretend to pull out your wallet. Even if we're like, OK, say we're with a guy. We're at the valet, and we have cash, and the guy's sitting next to me with the cash, and you're going to let me pay the $10?
Starting point is 01:13:56 I'm sick. I don't. It's the biggest. I'm sorry. It's the biggest turnoff ever. We love you guys so much. We do. I hope that you take this as
Starting point is 01:14:06 encouragement to like step up and step into, I'm not saying you need to spend all this money, but I'm saying in situations when you're around women, honestly, if I was a guy and I, even with girlfriends, like not someone who is my girlfriend, but female friends, I take, even if I saw like I was a guy and I saw a random girl paying for her valet I probably would have so much pride I'd pay for the random person I just couldn't I can't I would not be able to be a man around women letting them pay for things I'll tell you that's that's what I love about guys on the east coast is that they just have this sense of pride as a man like they they take care of things they they would never let you take out your wallets it's something about it's like that california uh boy mentality getting raised on the west coast i
Starting point is 01:14:53 don't know what it is but it's just this feminine thing that they have to them that they just oh yeah i'll let the girl pay yeah like it's truly makes it's it's it truly is the biggest sick i i don't understand it um i don't know what's going on right now but men from the east coast like you don't experience that i've only like i only they'll be like what do you put your wallet away oh my gosh i've only date i've really i only dated guys from the east coast and all of them it's like a universal thing like they are so prideful in the sense that they won't they would never like it would make them sick my like it would make them sick to have to to let us pay for something yeah but i mean i have dated a dude
Starting point is 01:15:34 from california and man we went to go eat ice cream one time and i had i almost had a heart attack being like i'm not paying for this ice cream made you pay no because i'm i stand there and i'm not gonna pay for it like i'm not going to but ice cream. And he made you pay? No, because I stand there and I'm not going to pay for it. Like, I'm not going to. But it freaked me out, and it's a really bad feeling. Oh, that's the worst. When you go to a restaurant, when you, yeah, when you go to a restaurant and someone, you're like,
Starting point is 01:15:53 do I take out my wallet? Do I take out my wallet? You shouldn't ever have to feel like that with a man. Yeah. I do, do you think guys and girls can be friends? I do. I do. Do you think guys and girls can be friends? I do. I do. Yes, I do, actually.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I think. Why are you looking at me like that? No, no, I'm not. You know what's weird? I really don't have many guy friends, if I'm being honest. Green flag. Every guy in the comments is like green flag. That's a really, that's people like that.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I know you do have a lot. I don't have a lot of guy friends. I have like three. She has a lot of guy friends. No is like green flag. That's a really, that's people like that. I know you do have a lot. I don't have a lot of guy friends. I have like three. She has a lot of guy friends. No, I don't. I really don't. It's okay. But you know what Angela and I were just talking about?
Starting point is 01:16:37 And with our community that we're growing, we are meeting a lot of amazing Christian. We're growing a lot in their men. And it's amazing in there. They pray for us, they help us, and they truly feel like brothers to us. It's pretty cool. The only time that I think men and women can be friends is when they're like true godly men.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Like we do have male friends in the Christian community now that are like actual brothers. This is the thing about men and women being friends, because you're right, I do have some guy friends, but this is, you have to operate differently when you're single versus when you're in a relationship. I do have a couple of guy friends who are my close friends. When I'm in a relationship,
Starting point is 01:17:21 the dynamic immediately changes. You know what I mean? They will no longer have the place in my life that they do before just out of respect for the person that I'm in a relationship, the dynamic immediately changes. You know what I mean? They will no longer have the place in my life that they do before just out of respect for the person that I'm with. I also think it's really important. This is just the truth. We all need to be aware that like, I think it'd be naive to say that men and women can truly just be friends because I do believe that there's always somebody in the equation that wants the other person. It's weird though, because I don't know if I agree with that. I know everyone says that, but I do. Has that not been your experience? So you're telling me, think about the guy friends
Starting point is 01:17:57 you had. If you called them today or at two o'clock in the morning and you said, I want to hang out, you think they wouldn't come okay but i mean that's just the truth trust me i like i have guy friends but i'm i am aware of the fact that like oh yeah you know yeah yeah i mean i'm i i truly don't have any guy friends it's the weirdest thing i like my friends are all women you're making me look so bad i'm just kidding but i will tell you that i do feel so connected to men like i feel so okay let's move on let's move on well okay well i i did have a question here it said uh are you nah no way no no us no this is the thing me and Ari love love man we are and like I I'd pretend to be this tough guy like I love love so much do you want to know the honest to god truth I don't know if I'm gonna sound a little too much when I say this but ever what is so funny and this is the truth why ever since I've had you
Starting point is 01:19:07 I don't even like I'm I'm fine I'm like I'm like I don't it's so cute keep going no I'm just saying like I feel so fulfilled because you and I have so much fun yeah we're constantly doing things where we're working on our, um, our purpose together where we just like, we have the greatest friendship that I'm like, whatever, like I'm fine. You know, I do know it's so true. It really is so fulfilled in my friendships that I'm just like, I don't know. I'm good. Friendships really can fulfill you in a way that romantic relationships can't and vice versa. I mean, they both bring different things, but friendships bring, friendships are so beautiful because they have all of the elements of relationship, obviously without minus the physical intimacy and stuff like that and the romantic connection, but they have all of the things that a relationship has without the like
Starting point is 01:19:59 ego, jealousy, trust. You know what I mean? So it it's like a relationship but better because there's no you typically shouldn't have that drama that you sometimes do in a relationship yeah no it's true I mean no I'm just thinking like when when we are single like we we need peace we need love we need all those things and we do find that first in Jesus. And then when you have friendships after you find Jesus, that's when you will feel so complete. And that's when God will really bring you a person. I, well, back to our friendship, not to make the whole relationship episode about our friendship, but somebody would, a lot of questions were like, what do you guys look for in a relationship? And honestly, I was thinking about how like the number one thing that I look for in a relationship is,
Starting point is 01:20:50 would you just say it to them without my knowledge? I thought you were going to say something about me. Well, I am saying something about you. So the number one thing that I look for is, I mean, I look, my top three, I would say, are humor. It's number one. Guys, I mean, whoever you marry needs to. OK, can I? I was actually going to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:21:15 But go ahead. No, no, go ahead. No, no, no. Please go. Humor. Yes. When I when I see your husband, truly, if I pray to God, because I know that if you have someone that you can just banter with. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:28 You need someone to banter with. It's my love language. It's truly. So it's yours, too, though. We're the same in that. And honestly, I've met my match when it comes to you. And I'm sorry to say, but you have set the bar for whoever my partner is going to be. Because Ari and I,
Starting point is 01:21:47 well, that's what I was going to say. My top two things are humor and intellect, and they are, they go hand in hand. You can't be truly funny without being really smart. Like that's, they just go together. And so for me, banter is my number one thing. I want to be able to riff for like an hour, going back and forth, roasting each other, just like building on top of each other, just having the time of our lives.
Starting point is 01:22:08 So whoever I'm with, I need him to not only be able to banter, I need him to be able to take it because Ari, I mean, sometimes Ari and I
Starting point is 01:22:16 will roast each other so hard to the, like sometimes we'll roast each other until one of us cries. We really will. And then we'll get over it. Like we've ended in tears so many times by accident,
Starting point is 01:22:27 by accidentally hurting the other person's feelings. But, like, and in, like, a funny way. Like, and we love it. Like, that's just the way that we like to operate. And for me, I think that laughter truly sustains a relationship. Oh, we, that's, I know. We laugh every single minute of the day. And just getting over things quickly yeah
Starting point is 01:22:46 yeah um not holding on yeah I know just like you said you need someone you you have set the bar so high I don't know what Jesus was doing but I will tell you honestly he brought brought you into my life to save my life to be my best friend to be my best friend, to be my partner in this life, but to also say, hey, look, this is a friendship, but look, you have someone who at your worst thinks you're the best, who would never leave your side, who literally like sees you as sunshine when you're down and out like you truly do. Like it's she has truly brought you bring the best out of me. You really, really do. And that is what a partnership should be like. You bring the best out in each other, you know? Yeah. And just like you were saying about how letting things go, that's how you bring the best out of somebody by not like harping on the bad all the time. But that comes down to,
Starting point is 01:23:43 again, your relationship with Jesus and the joy that you already possess within yourself. Because when somebody is miserable, it's really hard for them to laugh. I know. It's really hard, like, and I feel for you, and that really sucks. But for me, honestly, I think my number one thing that I look for in somebody is somebody who's genuinely happy and joyful. Yeah. Because I am, and I really can't deal with somebody sucking the joy out of me.
Starting point is 01:24:05 I know. Like, you inspire joy. You are joy. You are the joy of my life. You are joy. No, you are joy. She really is joy. Like, you make me laugh so hard,
Starting point is 01:24:16 and that's just, that's what all that matters in life. Like, for instance, I was in the worst mood on the car ride here. I didn't even know if I was going to make it through. I don't know what was, I was dealing with some stuff earlier, like family issues or whatever.
Starting point is 01:24:28 And I was just in the worst mood. But like the way you handle me is it's gold. I'm like, if I can find someone who can handle me, like, like you took a deep breath, you let me be, you came in, you know what I mean? It's just like's special it's really special and that's really what a partnership is yeah but I think that also comes with like neither of us have egos whereas in a relationship when you bring in that pride and that ego that will come because of because it just adds a different element when you're romantic with somebody and it brings in that pride it just changes things so I think like our number one thing that we need to focus on when we are in a relationship is to emulate
Starting point is 01:25:08 what we do with each other. We have no ego with each other, it's because we're sisters, who cares? You know what I mean? And we don't want to win the argument. We don't try to be right all the time. That's what it is. So wait, hold on, humor, what else?
Starting point is 01:25:24 Humor, intelligence. I need them to have the same morals, same beliefs. I need them to, you know what it is? My number one thing. Somebody asked, do you guys know why you're single? And I'll speak for myself, and I know exactly why I'm single. Because I've never dated a guy that I got would have approved for me. Not to say, let me clarify and say that every guy I've ever, I've actually only dated great men.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I have a great picker. I've only dated really wonderful guys. Good people to their core, obviously not perfect, and clearly not for me, because we would be together if that was the case. But like, good, good people. But never somebody who's further along in their faith than I am. And I know without a shadow of a doubt that what God has, the person God has for me is like so far along in their faith than I am. And I have such a desire, like a true, a yearning to be led spiritually. I just want to sit and look up at a man talking to me about theology, and I'll be so happy. You know what I mean? And so there's always been, unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:26:33 not in like an insulting way, but there's like a, there's a level of respect that I'll have for the person that I'm with when that's the case. And I've never experienced that. I completely agree with you. I, I could have, I mean, we could both be in relationships. I, I think one of my biggest icks now, and now I know why it never worked out with anybody else, because truly I could never be with someone who doesn't lead me spiritually. No. If I have to tell you about the Bible. No, I know. No. No. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:27:08 No, no. Ew. And like morals. Not ew. Wait, okay. So there's a question. I have it in here, but someone asked about your worst date. Someone said, can you give us the tea on your worst date?
Starting point is 01:27:18 Do you have a worst date? I do. What is that? So I was on a date date and it was somewhat recently and um the person I shouldn't have listen I knew beforehand that I shouldn't have gone but I was just trying something whatever I was on this date and this goes back to having the same morals So I'm obviously like on this faith journey. I'm very deep. I'm deep. I'm like mind, body and spirit devoted to Jesus. So I'm like, I'm in this thing with him. So a lot has changed in my life. Like modesty is actually a huge part of my life now. And it's very important
Starting point is 01:27:57 to me. I'm not saying I'm perfect in it by any means, but like, it's really, it's especially since the modesty video, which by the way, we should do an updated modesty video I've my views on it have changed tremendously even since that video did you say that that fishnet dresses are okay no fishnet dresses are not okay no fishnet dresses but um and I went on a date and I was like I'm trying to talk to this guy and I truly wanted to die I was crawling out of my skin I texted Ari when he went to the date and I was like, I'm trying to talk to this guy and I truly wanted to die. I was crawling out of my skin. I texted Ari when he went to the bathroom and I was like, this is the worst time of my life. The guy goes, he'll never see this, so it's okay. But he goes, he's saying something.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I'm like, yeah, you know, I've had to, because he's like, what is it like with this Christian podcast? And I'm like, well, it's beautiful. It's amazing. It holds me to a standard that I wasn't living at before. And I'm so grateful for it. And he's like, how so? And I'm like, well, one of the things is like the way that I dress and the way that I present myself. And it's important for me to uphold like a level of modesty and dress in a way that glorifies God.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And he's like, nah, no, that's stupid. It's 2023. Like I want my girl to have, like, her dress now. Like, I don't care. And I literally, she, and he said, I was like, please, what am I doing here? Oh, my gosh. And he was like, I want my girl to be, like, sexy.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Like, I want everyone to look at her. And I was like, I don't belong here. Not only is that an ick, that's a boy. And I think that's what, you you know we've been running into boys yeah i just know in that moment i was and i never on i never have i mean it was one day but like i remember being like this is so this is like hell to be sitting across from someone who has completely different beliefs than you do you know what i mean it's the most important thing what it's the most important thing i can't even think of a worst date that i i actually have been on some pretty good dates that's good i don't really go on dates like neither not unless i i'm the so picky but i
Starting point is 01:30:01 it takes a lot for me to to go on a date so. So if I do, but they've been pretty good. Yeah. My dates have been pretty good. Right. Good. Have I, oh, Angela wants me to talk about one date. It was a really bad restaurant, but I'm not going to go there. It's okay. Can I tell them? No. Okay. No, but, um, I'm just thinking about how important it is to be with a man of God that just has self-control and good morals and is not acting like a degenerate. Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm just like, people that act like that and talk like that, they don't have Jesus, you know? I love, I honestly, when I have a boyfriend, when I have a partner, like I look at him almost as,
Starting point is 01:30:52 not in like a very serious way, but almost as like my accountability coach. Like I love somebody who keeps me in check. That's where like the submissive nature comes in. Like I love, I want to send you things and be like, do you think this is okay? What do you think about this? Obviously, if I trust them and so I do not the last thing I want is to be with a man who's like nah do whatever you want like that's so not yeah but I will say I saw I don't know if you screenshot of one of the questions it was like green flags red flags I
Starting point is 01:31:18 think one of I think a red one of a serious red flag is when you first start dating someone I think a serious red flag is when you first start dating someone, if they are questioning everything you do, not trusting you, that's a serious red flag, you guys. Of course. That is someone who is not secure in their identity. Yeah. Either that or they're guilty of their own conscience. And so that is one of the things that really doesn't sit with me right because truly when I'm all in, I'm the most loyal person. And I just I can't stand that. I dated someone who was questioning everything I did like right away.
Starting point is 01:31:53 And it's a serious red flag, I think. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, I think my number one flag is, just like you said, somebody who's not trusting. I think, especially because you and I, if anyone's not going to cheat, it's me and Ari. We don't go anywhere. We don't talk to anyone. We are home, grocery store, church, gym, back home, reading the Bible on a Friday night, like truly. And so I and the truth is I have like it's something that I'm looking at within myself because clearly I have a large part to play in it if it's been a pattern in my life.
Starting point is 01:32:40 But I have typically dated a lot of the time men who are really controlling. Well, in an anxious attachment. Yeah. And it's something that I'm really trying to unravel and figure out what the reason is for it. Because I like will joke about it all the time. But I think it's actually really been making me a little sad recently. been making me a little sad recently because I just, I want to, like, God's love, for example, is very, it's freeing, right? Like, when God, the way that God loves you, it, like, makes you blossom into, look at your own life. You were, you know, a shell of yourself before you met Jesus.
Starting point is 01:33:19 You were nowhere near living to the potential, and because God's love poured into you, it literally made you bloom into this beautiful, strong, powerful powerhouse of a woman that you are. That's what God's love is supposed to do for you. You couldn't have said that better. You know, and I believe that. And just like our love to one another has also helped each other bloom and has been very empowering. And again, it's my fault if it's something that keeps happening in my life and it's the direction I keep going. But like every love that I've experienced has tried to put a ceiling on me, on who I am and who I could become.
Starting point is 01:34:00 And I just don't want to experience love that is like makes me feel caged anymore. Yeah. If I'm being honest, I have watched you grow. Man, in like two months, two, three months, you're a completely different person. That's why we change. We are constantly changing. If you're really working hard on yourself and focusing on God, the change that can happen so rapidly, the change in both of us I've seen tremendously in such a quick time. It's really beautiful to watch. And the more you change, the more you grow, the more you get to know yourself. You're not even going to let those kinds of people in your life. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Yeah. It's just something. So when we're on the topic of red flags, I think. Red flags. When we're on the topic of red flags. I'm like, I talked about it myself for a little too long. What's your green flag in a man? What do you think our red flags and green flags are?
Starting point is 01:35:04 About each other? Yeah. We'll say what each other's are, and then we'll say what we think our own is. Okay. You want me to say? I'll go first. Your green flag is that you're the best person I've ever met in my life. You have a heart of gold.
Starting point is 01:35:17 You love people so much. You are the most real, genuine person, and you make everybody feel like a million bucks. Your love is so beautiful and so nurturing and so godly the way you love people. And that's why people love you because you love others well. And your red flag is nothing. You're perfect. No, God. No. We all have red flags, Angela. Oh, really? What's mine? Yes, we do. What's mine? Honestly, nothing other than. No, it's okay. What is it? Tell me the truth. I want to know the truth. I want you to tell me mine first. All right. Why? You want to know how hard you should go after hearing mine?
Starting point is 01:35:52 Yours is... No, your red flag in a relationship, not as a human being on the planet. Your red flag is that you can be a little reactive sometimes. Yes. Once I get pushed. Sometimes your anger is just a little bit misdirected at times. Like, we'll have a little situation, and it'll be, like, not even that big of a deal. And then I'll just, because I go quiet, right?
Starting point is 01:36:17 But, like, not in a bad way. Like, if we have a little tiff, I'll be like, I love you, I love you. But, like, it's clear I just don't want to talk. And she'll be like, what? This is ridiculous. Yes, yes, I do do that. Yeah, I'm working on it. No, I love you, but, like, it's clear I just don't want to talk, and she'll be like, what? This is ridiculous. Yes, yes, I do do that. Yeah, I'm working on it. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:36:29 She's perfect. I don't want to say it. You don't want me to say it. It's fine. Okay, what's my red flag? Be honest. I'm trying to think. In a relationship.
Starting point is 01:36:36 In a relationship. What have you seen my red flag with a man be? Oh, I know what it is. What? Sorry, what? What? She'll be with someone he's not her husband he's i'm like sitting there being like she doesn't even like him he's like a five i don't i'm not gonna say that he she doesn't even like him and she'll she
Starting point is 01:37:05 convinces herself because she always wants to be like joyful so she would god he's the one isn't he amazing and she will like act like you will truly act like a wife in like the first month that is my red flag and I'm just sitting there being like, she will give like everything to the person right away and like play house. That's your red flag. Yeah, that is my red flag. But I also will say about you too, when you snap, you snap out. Well, you know what it is? Let me tell you what it is. First of all, with the whole like being like, even if things are bad, I'll be like, wow, it's great. It's a loyalty thing. And it's a it's bad. Like most of the time people when they got out of get out of bad situations, not that I've been in a bad situation, but like, they'll, they won't have told anyone in the relationship. So when they get out, everyone's like, what are you talking about? Like, it was great. I am so loyal in my head that i can't talk bad about the person that i'm with like i literally can't do it you are but you also gotta like some now i'm toxic when she's talking to someone and she's like she's telling me something it goes through one ear through another
Starting point is 01:38:17 i'm like okay that's what my mom says i swear i'm like it's i'm like can't decipher what's real and what's not because you really will convince yourself you like someone and i'm like, I'm like, can't decipher what's real and what's not because you really will convince yourself you like someone. And I'm like, you like him? Like what? You know what it is? I like someone. Okay, fine. This is my red flag.
Starting point is 01:38:33 I like the idea of someone more than I actually know the person. And so, yes, I sometimes will start to play house in my head very quickly. And then within like three months. Oh, she's. Yeah. And then within like three months, I'm will start to play house in my head very quickly, and then within like three months. Oh, she's, yeah. And then within like three months, I'm working on it. God's still working on me. What can I say? No, she's got, no, honestly.
Starting point is 01:38:53 No, we have no red flags. You are. Who's my green flag? Green flags, where do I begin? Thank you. I always say, you would be my worst nightmare if I had to watch my ex with you because you are truly like the full package. You're the full package.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Funny, loyal, beautiful inside and out, a heart of gold. You're just, you're everything. You truly are everything. Okay, somebody said, would you date a pastor? I don't know if a pastor would date me, if I'm being honest. Why not? I don't know if I'm first lady of the church material. I'm more like preach the gospel to the streets. I'm more like preach the gospel to the streets. No, we're both. Yes. Sorry, that was a joke. It didn't land. You mean a pastor's son.
Starting point is 01:39:45 No. What? No, it says, would you date a pastor? Oh, okay, okay. And I'm saying, I don't know if a pastor would date me or you. I can dress the part, but I don't know if I can talk the part. Someone said, do you guys have the same type slash areash, are you ever worried about liking the same guy? No, sir. Do you know why?
Starting point is 01:40:07 No, no, let me tell you why. Ari likes dudes who wear sandals and Abercrombie and tie sweaters around their neck. Okay, let me just say one thing. I do not like... Okay, I don't want to... Why does C-Rex wear sandals and a sweater around his neck then? Let me just say one thing. I do not like flip-flops. Okay, I don't want to- All right, why does your ex wearing sandals and a sweater around his neck then?
Starting point is 01:40:32 How could you? Okay, first of all, one of my icks is flip-flops. Second of all, yes, I tend to have a type- Angela likes guys that look like they just got out of prison. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Not that they just got out. I don't want them incarcerated. We couldn't have more opposite types. I don't want them to look like they got out of prison. I like. If Angela could have it her way, she'd have a guy with tattoos under his freaking teardrop. No, I would not. That's absolutely not. She likes them all tatted. No, no, no, under his freaking teardrop tattoos. No, I would not. That's absolutely not.
Starting point is 01:41:06 She likes them all tatted. No, no, no, no. I don't like tattoos. That's not a requirement. Historically, I've gone for men who are a little bit rougher on the edges. But you know what? I've changed my mind. It's clearly not work.
Starting point is 01:41:22 From this point forward, if you wear sweaters around your neck call me I'm changing my type I don't take guys that wear sweaters around their neck you mean like all-american like jockey type I do tend to have a type huh you do um yeah I guess no and it's awesome i just i think i prefer mine with a bit more flavor you know what it is i just like i like a guy that goes to work that's about yes i also i also like a man who has a job okay i don't actually want him in jail god i'm gonna get letters from Jim now. You're just gonna get letters from prison mates. You guys are probably horrified at this.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Choose a song to describe one another. Stand By Me. Aw, that was cute. I don't know why that just came to my head. Wow, that's beautiful. When the night falls and the world comes tumbling down. That's not the words. Stand by me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:36 It's mine. You get a call from your... What's mine? You've got a friend in me. I thought you were going to say some Drake song. What the heck? How could you? Okay, come on. Oh, man, I am not okay.
Starting point is 01:43:00 You get a call from your friend saying, help. Guess why they would need your help. I have it. You saw your... You have the cell phone. No, actually, it just came to me. Wait. If Ari called me and said she needed help,
Starting point is 01:43:20 the thing that she would need help with is because she has a spider at her house. Someone said it feels so right with him, but he still isn't serious. Well, sister, if he isn't serious, it's not right with him. Please run as fast as you can. Bye. looks versus character 50 50 or what would you say the ratio of importance is for you i think it's really important to be a you guys don't understand how hard it is try to talk to her seriously on a podcast in her face every time?
Starting point is 01:44:08 Or you're falling asleep. Shut up. I think it's really important to be attracted to your partner. You're going to be with them for the rest of your life. But they also have to be good looks fade personality is everything everything you have to be attracted to them but i will say a good personality and a really funny dude can honestly go from like a five to an eight so quick with good humor do you think people can change if they really love someone I don't think that anybody changes
Starting point is 01:44:48 for anybody else not permanently at least I think the only person who can change you is the is Jesus and having conviction from God absolutely I completely agree what's your love language oh I love words of affirmation I love to be reminded you'll have my heart if I get you know if you just make me feel good yeah I love physical touch I love quality time quality time is so important if you really plan things and spend time with me and just show me that you care. Yeah. I love that. What about you? Same. I think mine are, they used to be physical touch and words of affirmation, um, tied together because I can't really have one without the other. I need to be told how I feel about by somebody. Otherwise I will like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:45:42 yours are words of affirmation as well they are and that's how I give love as well physical touch though is 100% like you you know I'm very much like I just want to be around like with the people that I love and then but something that has really gone up on the list for me is acts of service as I've gotten as time has gone on I've really gotten into the place of not only do I like doing acts of service for other people for me if somebody makes my life easier even in the most simple act like if you go and get my oil changed or like build something for me or do something like it means everything to me I don't think there's anything more attractive than some a man who like steps in and wants to take charge and make your life easier and do things for you. It's everything.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Do either of you struggle with an attraction to unavailable men? This one's for you, baby. So I would say Angela doesn't. Angela actually attracts the opposite from what she was, which is anxious attachment. I think because I wasn't in a good place, I was probably not in the – before I had Jesus, before I – when I lost myself, I tended to attract unemotionally available men. Yeah. And that's just the truth of it. And if you are attracting those types of men, that is a sign to work on yourself and to be alone and focus on yourself so that you attract a healthy partner.
Starting point is 01:47:26 you attract a healthy partner because you just, you don't want to, you don't want to be with someone who's emotionally unavailable. You will end up completely heartbroken. Yeah. It's not worth it. And so if you are getting those signs, that's great. It's, it's, it's a sign to just really be on your own and focus on your identity and who you are. So you don't attract those kinds of people. Exactly. Yeah. That's all that's, that's basically all I was attracting. And it's just so sad because you're the most emotionally available, loving, nurturing person. So for you to be with someone who's not that or like can't even receive that, that's just, it's sad. It's, you know what it is?
Starting point is 01:48:00 It's, and I, I talked a lot about this with my therapist. When you are very nurturing and loving and have a really good heart you tend to those emotion unemotional sorry unemotional avail I'm sorry we can keep this in emotionally unavailable men cling to yeah to people that you know are loving and nurturing and stuff like that yeah I I don't even know what but it's also like you typically will attract the opposite actually no because I'm really emotionally available as well I don't know I but I I make it a huge point that I will never go for an emotionally unavailable guy because I don't want to be hurt. You know what I mean? Like I don't want to go through that. Um, all right. Well, that's all I've got. That's all we got. All right. Well guys,
Starting point is 01:48:52 I hope this was an eventful conversation for you. We wanted to talk about singleness and how it is a gift and it is a blessing. Marriage is also a blessing. Um, I know we're really all over the place. We wanted to ask some fun questions and answer those for you. We wanted to get a little personal. I think I got a little too personal, maybe. You are good. But we love you guys so much. We want nothing more than for you guys to know Jesus, get closer to Jesus, and read the Bible. Yes, guys. Get a Bible. Yes. Read a chapter a day. Give God the first fruits of your day every morning. Read the Bible. We are approaching the holidays. We're going to have a couple of really fun holiday episodes. Spend time with loved ones coming up. Focus on Jesus
Starting point is 01:49:39 during this holiday season. He is the reason for this season. We love you guys more than you understand. I just want to say, I know that some of you are really going through a tough time being single and the waiting season, the holidays are coming up. It gets rough. I know. The reality of it is, is it's not easy sometimes, but we're in this together. It's for a reason. Let God prepare you. It's for a reason. Let God prepare you. Just focus on him, and everything's going to work out. We love you so much, and we're here for you. We are sisters, and we're in this together, guys.
Starting point is 01:50:15 We love you so much. I love that you just touched on that. Holidays can be really lonely. Yeah. So get around family, friends, community. We love you. Just understand whenever you're feeling alone we love you so much and we're in this together isn't that nice to know that may the lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he turn
Starting point is 01:50:34 his face towards you and give you peace we love you guys so much Thank you.

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