Girls Gone Bible - Valentine's Day | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. GGB BESTIES. Happy belated Valentines day!!! so we have a lot of hehe and haha's in the beginning of this episode. we understand if you want to skip to scripture.. we start at 18 minutes! we read the story of Jacob & Rachel (and Leah) in Genesis 29. we discuss the difference between a man pursuing you correctly vs trying to earn a mans love. we then have truly... the most honest and real conversation we've had on here about love and boys. we kinda forgot we were even recording lol never forget, the love of our God is like no other. the only love that will ever satisfy. Jesus is love. and loves us all SO much. we love you guys. we hope you know how much your Father loves you. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You look really cool today. Really? I mean you look edgy. What? It's a house of CB. You hate this shirt. I love it. I know you hate this shirt. It's like you're styling. You're moving and grooving today. I know you hate this shirt. I love it. You totally love it. Can I ask why you hate this shirt? It's okay. You saw it on my closet two years ago and you hated it people are gonna ask you where you got that how's this i think it's a cool shirt can i give you a compliment i don't there you i can't you i want to tell angela she looks like ass and she and and just tell her that she because anything you say to her she thinks the the opposite. No, that's not true. It's just with you in certain things because I know you don't like the shirt.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I walked in. You do this thing where you try to light. I walked in and you go, whoa, sparkles. That was not. I think you look cool. Thank you. I think you look really beautiful. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Hi, guys. Hi, guys. I'm Ari. And I'm Angela. And we are a faith-based podcast. We talk everything spirituality, mental health. We welcome everyone and anyone. I want you to feel safe with us. That's right. What's up, Ari? What's up? Should we hop right into it? Recently, Ari and I have, we're always grateful in general. We're always grateful for Girls Gone Bible. But I really think it's amped up a little bit as of recent because you and I are just having so many moments of just being like, us?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. We get to do this like this is and I just want to let you guys know that if you think that we're doing something good for you you don't understand what you're doing for us Ari and I are so happy every day of our lives because of Girls Gone Bible we get to study the Bible and get close to Jesus and then tell people about Jesus on a platform. Like, this is my favorite thing that I've ever done in my life. I am so grateful that you guys watch. I am so grateful that you guys have taken this podcast where it is because it's not us. It's you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:21 It's you guys that love Jesus. It's you guys that are hungry for Jesus and you want to know more. And that's why you come back every week and just thank you guys for letting us do this. We are so happy. If nothing else, I want you guys to know, if you love us, just know that you've, you've done so much for us by letting us come on here and do this. It's so true. I mean, people will come up to Angela and I and they'll be like, you healed me, like you helped me so much. And all I can think is like, you are healing me, you are helping me, like you are helping us. Like you have no idea how much you're changing our lives. Yeah. It's incredible. And we're just, we're so thankful for you guys. And just,
Starting point is 00:03:03 I also, I had a moment where when you and I were talking and we are just, there are no words. There truly are no words just to how grateful we are to have you guys as our family. And we just love you guys so much. So yeah. And that is honestly like, we don't, we might not respond to everything, but we really do see everything. And like, everything, but we really do see everything. And like, you have no idea what the kind messages do. And also it's just like, we don't even receive any negative, like sure. Sometimes on Instagram, but like on the YouTube and the Spotify, like we don't get any negative. We don't have any negativity at all. It's just such a beautiful thing that God is doing. And he's allowing us to like experience this in just such a pure, uplifting way. And like, we just, we get, we have the bet. You don't understand, like we
Starting point is 00:04:12 spend all week thinking about you guys and thinking about Jesus and praying for you guys and being like, Jesus, please, what do our people need to hear? What does our family, because that's what you are to us. We're like, what do they need to hear? And then it's so cool to then see all, I mean, I feel like the number one comment that we get is people saying, how do you guys know every single week what I need to hear? And it just like, it brings me back to Jesus. And I'm like, please, my guy, like, how do you do it? How do you do it? Thank you. Just keep doing what you're doing. He's so good. I know. Girl, people are like, you guys just spoke to me.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I just asked the Holy Spirit and then I watched you guys and it's exactly what I needed. It's just, that's how, that's how he works. That's why we always need to trust him because that's just how he works. It's the coolest thing in the world. We're so grateful. So today, by the way, okay, so today's basically our Valentine's Day episode. It's coming out after Valentine's Day, but like whatever. We're just going to have some fun today. We're just going to have some fun. We're going to read
Starting point is 00:05:14 a great story. Do you want to tell the demon transferring story? Yeah. Okay. I know you guys like a little laugh on your Friday drive home to work. Go ahead. I mentioned the demon. And you know what I love about you guys is like I can mention something so briefly in an instant. And like people will hear. They hear everything. And they don't forget it.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Please don't clip it up, okay? Yeah. One of those goofy things that happened to us. This stays in the episode. Okay. So it basically all starts, it all starts when we are going to this worship night. So one of our friends had this like
Starting point is 00:05:53 little worship night thing, right? We get there. It's not okay. Okay, so what happens? Because we're on the way. Ari's having a rough day. I had a rough day, okay? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I just had a really rough day. I had a rough day, okay? I don't know. I just had a really rough day. Okay, I'm gonna be, okay, I'm gonna start off by saying that I need you guys to understand, Ari and I, we are your spiritual leaders, and you can trust us. This was a bad day and night for both of us. Everybody has them. Yeah, and this could be classified as almost religious delusion because there were things happening in our heads that weren't actually happening in real life. So we're on our way to this worship night, and I see that Ari's not really feeling good. She's just like a little anxious, and she's, how are you feeling? You tell them. I just wasn't feeling good.
Starting point is 00:06:43 She wasn't feeling good. I wasn't feeling good i wasn't feeling good and then we get to the worship night and we go into the bathroom and i looked in the mirror and i was like who is that like i just didn't feel like myself yeah i'm pretty good most of the time but today was just i don't know what happened can i tell him about what you said about the depression. Well, it's all about me bleeding out my life every week. Why not? She goes, shut up, Angela. No, no.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Shut up. It was really sad in the moment, but we're in the car, and she's not talking to me, and I'm like, hey, can I pray for you? Can we pray? And she's like, no, I don't want to pray. So I'm like, hey, can I pray for you? Can we pray? And she's like, no, I don't want to pray. So I'm like, yeah, this girl has demons. And then she goes. It's funny now, thinking back, that just our mental state was so, like, not there. So we get to this worship night, right?
Starting point is 00:07:38 We are grown women with a podcast. Grown women. Grown women with a podcast where we are supposed to be spiritual leaders. We are in a auditorium of children. High schoolers. High schoolers, college kids,
Starting point is 00:07:50 but like very, like the kids are like, these are 17 year old, 18 year olds and like me and Ari are in the audience during this message. We're feeling it.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We're going through so much and then they do an altar call. These poor kids. We were the first ones up at the altar poor kids who are the first ones on the altar and like these kids are just trying to get to the front except jesus for the first time we're like get out of the way you guys we need to go and so we're literally at the front of this altar call face down we're face planted we're bawling our eyes out i mean we are holding each other laughing crying so then my body i don't think i'm gonna sound like a kooky
Starting point is 00:08:35 we already disclaimed that it's it was a bad time it's just so funny and so dramatic and the truth is about me and ari like if the spirit is moving we are going to catch it we don't know how to not be dramatic in our relationship with Jesus we will be bawling our eyes out in the middle of like and it's just like such an inappropriate time anyways so tell them about when the demons left so Ari had a lot of demons in her body no I didn't have a lot of demons in my body I had a moment during worship where my body started like, I don't know, convulsing a little bit. I've never, I don't know. I've never experienced it, but my, my, I started twitching and something, something went out of me. I don't know. No, it's actually not funny. This is real. It's not. It's not. And after that happened, I was like, I need to tell my GGB family because this is incredible.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But then I was like, I don't want them to think I'm nuts. But I felt something come off of me. I can't explain it. And we're in the car. And I looked at her and I go, I'm back. I'm back. And then she's telling me all about her encounter, about how the demons left and whatever left. And then she calls my mom.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's 3 o'clock in the morning in Florida. She calls my mom. My mom is sitting there like, okay, great. And then as Ari's talking, I go, okay, now this is where my delusion comes in. She starts having a panic attack. No, no. Okay, so Ari goes, Ari goes, you know, and when I was convulsing and they were leaving my body, I went to go grab Angela and whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And then in my head. And I saw something switching her head in the car. In my head, I remember the one time where someone told me that demons transfer through putting hands on each other. So I start going, I start going, she transferred her demons into me. And then I start having a panic attack. So I'm like, Oh, I'm not feeling good. See what she had came to me. She's keeping it all in by the way. Yeah. I'm not saying anything, but I'm not feeling right. Okay. And then what happened? So then we get to my house and you guys know I'm new to this whole
Starting point is 00:10:39 demon thing. So she's just like, she's sitting on her knees on my floor and she's just like, she won't even look at me. And I go, I sit down with her and I go, hey, you okay? She goes, I'm sorry, I just, I need a minute. And she goes, I go, what's wrong? Are you okay? She goes,
Starting point is 00:11:00 no, I'm just, I'm not feeling good and I just think you might have transferred the demons onto me. And so I'm sitting there. I feel, not only do I feel awful, but I feel completely hopeless. I feel weird. I'm sitting there. I start looking at my fingertips, thinking that the demons might have came out of my fingertips.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And went onto her. And so I'm so delusional. I'm so messed up in the head. I'm going like this. No good demon transfer? Just stay away from me. No, I didn't say stay away from me like that. So she goes,
Starting point is 00:11:51 I just need a minute. She starts praying out loud. She goes, this is so weird. This is truly the weirdest night of my life. You go. She starts screaming. I bleed the blood of Jesus over my mind, body, and spirit.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Divas, get out of here and go back to hell, to the fiery furnace where you belong. And I'm sitting there like this. She's looking at her like. And I just keep looking at my fingertips. I thought, like, you know how Spider-Man, that's what I thought I'd get. Please, please, I can't. Please. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And then after we didn't even talk, we just, like, went to bed and didn't talk, and I felt so weird. I'm so sorry. I'm a no-good demon weird. I'm so sorry. I'm a no good demon transfer. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. First of all, me screaming, what would your neighbors think if they just heard go back to the fire? Go back to the fiery furnace. I don't know why. I'm like so new to all this.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I don't know what was going on. I don't know what that means either. I don't know. Where did you hear that? I don't know why, I'm like so new to all this, I don't know what was going on. I don't know what that means either. I don't know. Where did you hear that? I don't know. Go back to hell. I was desperate to kill the demon. I was like, baby.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's not okay, it's not okay, and none of this is an exaggeration, and I think about your face all the time, and I feel so bad when I did to you. You're sitting there so sad. He's fighting the demon changer. Oh, good God. And then I woke up and i realized
Starting point is 00:13:45 i woke up the next day and i go that is the weirdest night of my life we were laughing so hard and truthfully the reason all of this was so bad was because any after midnight, me and Ari get so weird. After 8 p.m., she makes necklaces out of gum. She's just like, we are, like, done. Don't try to talk to us. Don't try to work. No, the funniest is when I call my girlfriend the next morning, you know, and I start telling her this story. I go, yeah, I think I had a couple of demons in me.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And she goes, okay. She goes, okay. She goes, you think maybe you just had a hard night? You think maybe you're just, like, TMSing or something? Oh, man. Oh, my gosh. It was so. Maybe you're just like PMSing or something Oh man Oh my gosh It was so I mean we laugh
Starting point is 00:14:49 About it all the time I'm a no good Dirty demon transfer I'm a no good Demon transfer How could I do that to you I go I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:14:57 Please don't touch me Get away I was like I did not yell like that You were panicking In the car You almost took Your clothes off in the car.
Starting point is 00:15:06 That's what I do. She rips her clothes off when she has a panic attack. I take my clothes off. I'm like, Angela, where is... Please don't clip this up and post it on TikTok. I go through enough with you guys clipping out when I said I lived off chocolate milk because I was so depressed. I know. Please, guys, don't clip this.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And I just want you to know you can still trust us. It was just a bad night. Please, you can lean on us. We're good. We just had a bad night. And if you see us crying at the altar call, we're okay.
Starting point is 00:15:39 We just love you, Jesus. Everything's okay. We're just, you know. Oh, God. Nothing's funnier than when I see you laughing but crying. Ah! It's like when the Holy Spirit hits and I start doing my giggle laugh. Ah.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I am so grateful for Dinnerly. You guys have no idea. Dinnerly makes my life so much easier I am so grateful for all the nights that I worked all day and I am just so tired by literally 6 p.m. that I can't bring myself to have to really cook anything so having dinnerly meal kits truly changed my life so my New Year's resolution is to start eating healthy but my problem is that I don't know where to start when shopping for groceries.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I want to find meals that are good for you, taste great, and are not insanely expensive. Truly my life has been so busy lately that when I get home from work, all I want to do is eat and go to bed. Like who has the time to whip up a complicated dinner in the kitchen? It's also so expensive and unhealthy to order or take out all the time. I need something quick, I need something easy, and I need something nutritious. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but the price for everything is going up. I want affordable meals that I can make quickly after a long day.
Starting point is 00:16:54 This podcast is sponsored by Dinnerly. Dinnerly is the most affordable meal kit I've ever come across. With my code, GGB, you can get up to 25 free meals. With Dinnerly, you can choose from over 100 delicious dishes every week, including a wide selection of cuisines and flavors, from steak dinners to oven-roasted salmon or even your favorite takeout dupe. My favorite recent meal from Dinnerly was their salmon. I love salmon, but I just can never make it right,
Starting point is 00:17:20 so I'm so grateful that I came across theirs. And the recipes are completely customizable you can choose your own protein swap in a low carb side or make a dish vegetarian they are also the only meal kit with gluten-free friendly customizations all right I know I'm probably so annoying with how much I talk about dinnerly but honestly the reason I love it so much is because it is so customizable for everybody and it's like inclusive Like everybody can find something that they love and that they want. And that's good for them and for their body. And all of our bodies are so different.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It was time for me to learn how to cook better. And Dinnerly has upped my cooking game. Make cooking exciting, affordable, and easy with Dinnerly. Head to slash offer slash ggb and use code ggb for up to 25 free meals. offer slash ggb and use code ggb for up to 25 free meals. Once again, that's slash offer slash ggb for up to 25 free meals and make sure you use my promo code ggb so they know that I sent you. Thank you, Dinnerly. So today, because in light of Valentine's Day, this is going to come out two days after Valentine's Day, but nonetheless, basically, Jacob is the, we know Abraham, you guys remember Abraham and Sarah, they had the son Isaac at their very late age, and then Jacob is Isaac's son. So basically,
Starting point is 00:18:41 Abraham is Jacob's grandfather. And you see in chapter 29 that Jacob comes to his grandfather's hometown to find a wife. And Jacob finds the woman he wants to marry at the well, which is really interesting because his dad, because his dad Isaac found his wife Rebecca also at the well. So basically he arrives at the town and he goes to his uncle's house, Laban. After Jacob had stayed with Laban for a month, Laban said to him, you shouldn't work for me without pay just because we are relatives. Tell me how much your wages should be. Now Laban had two daughters. The older daughter was named Leah and the younger one was Rachel. There was no sparkle in Leah's eye, but Rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face. Since Jacob
Starting point is 00:19:33 was in love with Rachel, he told her father, I'll work for you for seven years if you give me Rachel, your younger daughter, as my wife. Agreed, Laban replied replied I'd rather give her to you than anyone else stay and work with me so Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel but his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days finally the time came for him to marry her I have fulfilled my agreement Jacob said to Laban now give me my wife so I can sleep with her my agreement, Jacob said to Laban, now give me my wife so I can sleep with her. So Laban invited everyone in the neighborhood to prepare a wedding feast. But that night when it was dark, Laban took Leah to Jacob and he slept with her. Laban had given Leah's servant Zilpah to be her maid. But when Jacob woke up in the morning, it was Leah. What have you done to me, Jacob raged at Laban.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I worked seven years for Rachel. Why have you tricked me? It's not our custom here to marry off a younger daughter ahead of the firstborn, Laban replied. But wait until the bridal week is over. Then we'll give you Rachel too, provided you promise to work another seven years for me. So Jacob agreed to work seven more years. A week after Jacob had married Leah, Laban gave him Rachel too. Laban gave Rachel a servant, Bilhah, to her maid. So Jacob slept with Rachel too, and he loved her much more than Leah. He then stayed and worked for Laban the additional seven years.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And, yeah. Oh, no, I was just going gonna ask you what you thought about something what there was no sparkle in Leah's eye yeah so I did a little studying when I first read that I when I first read that you know what I thought I was thinking like because my first initial thought was that like Jacob was so in love with Rachel that he couldn't even see any beauty in Leah and like in his mind Leah like was because he's so enamored by Rachel he didn't even see a sparkle in Leah's eye yeah what did you think I don't know I just was like sometimes you just you have that connection yeah and so he she he didn't see that in her, but he did in Rachel. That's what I got from it. Exactly. That's what I thought too. I did a little research and
Starting point is 00:21:50 basically in, in different translations, some say that Rachel or that Leah had big eyes or she had doe eyes or she had eyes that were just dull. So different translations say different things. And then I listened to some guys, some theologians talking about it, and they were basically saying that no one actually really knows what that means. There are even some theologians that think that Leah had something wrong with her eyes. So we actually don't know. Maybe she had demons in her eyes. Maybe she had demons.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Maybe she needs deliverance. Let's just read this little part right here. Because I feel like it really goes along with what we want to talk about today. Jacob's many children. When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, he enabled her to have children, but Rachel could not conceive. So Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, the Lord has noticed my misery and now my husband will love me. She soon became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She named him Simeon, for she said, the Lord heard that I was unloved and gave me another son. Then she became pregnant a third time and gave birth to another son. He was named Levi, for she said, surely this
Starting point is 00:23:05 time my husband will feel affection for me since I have given him three sons. Let's talk about a couple of things in this situation. So basically a summary of that is that Jacob went to Laban, said, I love your daughter, Rachel. Let me have her as my wife. Laban said, yeah, of course, just work seven years. Jacob loves her so much that the seven years just felt like a couple of days because he loved her that much. And then Laban deceived Jacob and said that I like, I'm not going to give you my second born daughter. I'm going to give you my first. And then Jacob was like, but that wasn't the deal. And I want Rachel. And so Laban says, OK, just work another seven years and you can have them both, which, And so Laban says, OK, just work another seven years and you can have them both, which, you know, we are not about polygamy.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Jesus does not like polygamy. But there's a lot of, you know, things like that in the Old Testament and before, you know, things were just different back then. So this was permitted. This was normal. And then I look at this situation where this whole situation created such a massive rivalry between Rachel and Leah. And it's just so sad to see women going against each other over a man. And these two are sisters, not that it's necessarily their fault. They were just put in this situation. they were just put in this situation. But I think about, I just think that this is so interesting because so basically this rivalry
Starting point is 00:24:29 between Leah and Rachel, both trying to gain the affection of their husband, ended up, they had 12 sons altogether. Yeah. Right? So Leah had four children and then Rachel, and this just shows how like love too, because we're talking all about love today.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Love can make you so crazy and so insane. It says that Leah had four children with Jacob. And then Rachel gave her maid to Jacob to have children, just like Sarah gave Hagar to Abraham. And this isn't like something that they even wanted to do but just out of like the competition and then Leah also gave her mate to Jacob and had and started having kids that way so both of them are having kids with their husband through their maid servant all as a competition with each other and they end up having 12 kids Jacob had that he had it I had He had it. He was living the life, my guy. I want to meet Jacob. I know. Anyways. So, so this ends up being, so his 12 sons, this, this is actually so cool. I love
Starting point is 00:25:33 this. The 12 sons end up being the 12 tribes of Israel. And I just love, I love this part of the story because it just shows that God truly always does keep his promises. He took this situation of so much deceit, so much chaos, so much wrong and evil. And like first Laban deceives Jacob and like all of this is birthed out of that. And then the girls are in rivalry with each other and nobody's intentions are good, but God still uses it for good because he made a promise that there will be the 12 tribes of Israel. And he used even out of all of this mess, he used it to bring his promise to pass. And it just proves Genesis 50, 20 to be true that you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. The whole promise is that Abraham's family, that you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. Yeah. Yes. The whole promise is that Abraham's family, that Abraham would become the father of a great nation.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And I love that because, you know, people always ask the question, like, why does God let bad things happen? And everyone should really be asking, why is God so cool that through all the bad things that happen, he makes good from it all? You know what I mean? It's not his fault that bad things happen. It's actually our fault. Yeah. And the only part that he plays in it is using it for good. Yeah, and a lot of times we think it's bad, but it's actually not bad.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I actually feel bad for people that don't go through things. Right. That's a scary thing when you haven't been through anything. 100%. I mean, you can't even through anything. A hundred percent. I mean, you can't even see God's miracles at work. Just love him. He can work through anything and everything to accomplish his plan.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah. And I love him for it. No, it's a beautiful story. It just, it's, and it really shows love. Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel and then another seven years so he served 14 years when I read that I just take away how how he put the work in and you know a lot of people don't do that nowadays they just give up and you're with somebody for you you reach a threshold in your relationship where obviously things aren't become not as passionate and they die down and you and
Starting point is 00:27:46 you you face trials and hardships and then people just give up and that's my biggest thing in relationships and it's just like no it's not that you fell out of love it's just that you gave up you stopped trying and this is like a perfect example. He just he. OK, you want me to work another seven years? OK, I'll do it. I'll do that for her. And then I love when he says he loved her so much that the seven years just felt like a few days. And that just goes to show you that God will restore the years that went missing. Okay. It's true because a lot of us, you know, we're going through heartbreaks. We wasted many years with people that just ended up leaving or it just didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And then you're like, well, now look, I just wasted all these years. Now what? He just took all those years from me. You know, God is a redeemer and he will restore everything that was taken from you. That I can promise you. Yeah. Yeah. You are so right about that. Please. I think that's something that people go through so much, especially when it comes to relationships is like, I gave all these years away. I lost all these years. Nothing is lost with God. Nothing. Like, I don't care if you are in jail for 30 years. Like, with Jesus, that time is not lost. He will redeem every single, he will give back everything that was taken from you. Yeah. And people are stuck in their bondage because of
Starting point is 00:29:18 that. And I just really hope you guys can really just be free from that. Yeah. Really, because we go through a lot and, you know, there's a lot really because we go through a lot and you know there's a lot of things we regret and a lot of things that we wish we could have done different and we wish we would have left earlier but we learn in that process and he restores it all he restored every single day for me that was taken from me that's right that's absolutely right hey we should come up with a handshake I know I can't believe we haven't I I really like that you said that about the working for so long and and I mean there's so many parts of love in this story but something that I okay we'll talk about
Starting point is 00:30:00 because my guy pursued her so hard and we live in a world where I feel like women accept being in a relationship with someone or accept settling for someone who's not actively and fiercely pursuing them. And it's not okay. Okay, guys, this episode is sponsored by, you all know, my favorite, BetterHelp. Okay, you guys all know that I'm single, but my best relationship is with my sister, Angela. A common misconception about relationships is that they have to be easy to be right, but sometimes the best ones are when both people put in the work to make them work. Therapy can be a place to work through the challenges you can face in all
Starting point is 00:30:41 your relationships, with friends, work, your significant other, or just anyone. I've shared this many times that I'm just such a huge advocate for better help. It helped me so much through my healing journey. It was convenient for me. I went right online. I told them exactly how I was feeling. They set me up with someone that was suited for me, a Christian therapist who understood who I could just pour out to, and they listened without judgment. And if I could encourage anyone to do anything, even if you're not going through a tough time, it's just a great way to dig deep and to talk about your feelings. So if you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. I promise you won't regret it.
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. And become your own soulmate, whether you're looking for one or not. Visit slash girls gone Bible today to get 10% off your first month. slash girls gone Bible. Thank you BetterHelp for sponsoring this video. Tell me how you feel about this. I took two really big things out of this story. Yeah. The first one is that the beautiful love that Jacob has for Rachel. And the multiple things that we hear in the scriptures, he says, I took them all out. It
Starting point is 00:32:12 says, Jacob was in love with Rachel. It says verbatim, he was in love with Rachel. He was willing to work seven years in exchange for her hand in marriage. His love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days. I mean, that's beautiful. He worked another seven years to finally marry her. He loved her much more than Leah. So when you truly love someone, I don't think that you can love anybody else. And the second part of this story is no matter what Leah did, she would not earn Jacob's love. It says in the scripture first that he loved Rachel much more than Leah. Leah was unloved. This is so sad. I feel so bad for her. It says that after she got pregnant, she said, the Lord has noticed my misery and now my husband will love me. She thought by
Starting point is 00:33:00 getting pregnant, her husband would love her. Yeah. After her third son, Leah said, surely this time my husband will feel affection for me since I have given him three sons. And then the last time after her sixth son, she said, now my husband will treat me with respect for I have given him six sons. So she looked for love. She looked for affection. him six sons. So she looked for love. She looked for affection and she looked for respect through works, through trying to earn that from Jacob. And no matter what she did, she could not get that from him because he wasn't for her. He wasn't meant for her. And I sit here and I think about all the women who, I mean, people, women even in this specific instance where they will literally get pregnant to try. I mean, it's a story you hear all the time where like the love has died down.
Starting point is 00:33:51 My husband is different from me, so I'll just get pregnant in hopes that that will bring him closer to me or that I'll win him over that way. And I just think about like all the women who feel like they have to earn a man's love by doing all this for him, by being at his beck and call, by like fulfilling all of his needs and desires. And I sit here and I think like Jesus is so clear. God is so clear in the Bible that we are not saved through works, but by faith. So if we don't have to work to earn salvation, if we don't have to work to earn God's love, but we have to work to earn a man's love, that is insane. No. Yeah. It's it, but that all goes back to your self-worth. Yeah. And that's why we don't get into relationships until we're whole. You go in there broken, you're going to
Starting point is 00:34:38 be trying to win his love. You're going to be doing what you can to, you know, have him just respect you. And that is just a clear indication that you do not respect yourself. You cannot go into a relationship broken. That's why it is so important to fall in love with Jesus before you love someone else. fall in love with Jesus before you love someone else. The greatest gift, and I say it all the time, the greatest gift of my life was falling in love with Jesus, building an intimate relationship with him, being alone. Sometimes isolation is never good,
Starting point is 00:35:21 but sometimes you've got to be alone to really get to know Jesus. And he will show you, I was never loved correctly and he showed me unconditional love. And so now I know what that feels like. I know what real love feels like. So I, I, when somebody comes in, I'm going to know right away. I didn't before. So I just kept letting things slide. I just kept letting oh, okay, maybe he'll change. And just kept accepting the bare minimum, not being with a true man of God. Now, because of everything I went through and because I saw God's unwavering love, I will never waste my time. I will know so quickly. And that's what happens when you build a relationship with Jesus. When you really get to know yourself, I look in the mirror,
Starting point is 00:36:12 you guys, a year ago, I had no idea who I was. I, I looked in the mirror. I was like, who is that? I am so proud of the woman I am. I love myself. I am proud of myself. If, if, yeah, I'm just, and when you get to that point where you love yourself, you don't accept bare minimum. You are only going to do, you're only going to, to let what's best in for you. Yeah. You know, it's all down to self-worth. It's all down. Like, I feel like something you hear a lot is like, oh, I attracted this person. I attracted this person. I actually think it's not that you even attracted them. I just accepted them. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, you just accepted them. I don't like you can attract all sorts of different people, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is who you accept into your life. but it doesn't matter. All that matters is who you accept into your life. And we, it's like the most famous saying that you accept the love that you think you deserve. If you think you, if you feel so down about yourself that you feel like you deserve to be with somebody who doesn't actually like treat you well or pursue you correctly, you will accept somebody doing the bare minimum for
Starting point is 00:37:22 you. You know what I mean? Actually, I love that you say that. And I think it's a great point for everyone to know because there you can be at your best and you're going to get some, you know, weird types of men or women coming into your life. But you have to it's it's they're always going to come, but you have to know not to accept it. Yeah, yeah. And when you are really surrendered and you are walking in the will of God, you are going to have the Holy Spirit in you in a completely different way. And it will tell you, your body will tell you exactly if they're not right for you, if they're not good. Like, that's why it's so important to be walking in the will of God and being obedient because you're going to know right away, which before when I wasn't walking in the will of God and I was, I would say, separated from him because I was obviously still in a place of, you know, not being obedient.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I couldn't see straight still. I couldn't decipher it. I think unrequited love is really, it's heartbreaking and it's so sad. And that's what we see with Leah and Jacob. And then we see literally the opposite with him and Rachel. And it's like, what do you think about the theory that if a man, if he wanted to, he would? I think that it's completely, that's one of the truest statements ever. If he wanted to, he would. Men are hunters. When they want something, they're not going to stop.
Starting point is 00:38:50 They are going to pursue you. And the thing is, is like I hear a lot of women being like, well, he just, he doesn't know. He doesn't know. Oh, God, please. He doesn't know. Of course he knows. He just knows that you will accept the bare minimum. That's why we have to know who you are, know your worth, stand firm in it. If somebody isn't meeting you
Starting point is 00:39:14 where you want, if somebody isn't meeting you in the middle and you're just taking bare minimum, they're going to give you less than bare minimum. You have to know your worth and you have to walk away when somebody is not meeting your needs. Cause I'm telling you guys right now, they're going to give you less than bare minimum. You have to know your worth and you have to walk away when somebody is not meeting your needs. Cause I'm telling you guys right now, they're going to waste your time. Yeah. I mean, please, if we can leave GGB gang with anything, it's just the mentality that like for men and for women, women, it's like you need to be pursued so fiercely and so intentionally. And so, you know, and I've said it before, like it needs to be pursued so fiercely and so intentionally and so you know and I've said it before like it needs to be very obvious how this person feels about you and men you need to be pursuing a girl who is all the who's a woman of God who has all the traits that you want in a
Starting point is 00:39:59 woman in a wife and in the mother of your kids and like don't settle for anything less than that and don't settle for a girl who's like stringing you along and and like you know messing you around and not being honest with you games are not okay we're not playing games anymore me and ari are so serious about like we don't play games we are so upfront and honest with guys and like people guys that we're talking to and in dating, like I don't play any sort of games at all. Either I like you or I don't, you're going to know either way. And let me tell you, and I don't want to come off as, I always want to come from a place of love, but I'm also going to be honest. And if it sounds harsh, then so be it. Those are God's daughters and God's sons. And if you're going to
Starting point is 00:40:48 be playing with people and breaking people's hearts and cheating and not being honest and ghosting, what goes around comes around and you will not get away with that. And I, I am a firm believer in that. So you, you, you just, you, again, when you don't know the word of God, it's really hard for you to live right and to be good in a relationship. When you're really walking in obedience and you know how Jesus was and you know what the word says, you're going to have integrity. You're going to have respect. You're not going to just flee someone off and not talk to them and be ignorant and just move on.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You're going to have compassion. You're not going to want to hurt someone. Thank you. Even if you're not going to be with them, you're going to put your pride aside and your ego. You're going to talk with them, and you're going to say sorry. And that's how we all should be. Thank you so much for saying that about breaking people's hearts. Let's be so seriously for real right now that like, just like Ari said, every single soul on the planet matters to God. And like, we are his sons and daughters. And if you mess with his sons and daughters, like you will get what's coming to you.
Starting point is 00:42:07 It's not OK. You are. We must treat everybody's heart with as if it's fragile because they are. And like you treat other people's hearts with care, whether you want to be with them or not, whether you barely know them or not. If you're a man, you have even more responsibility to be gentle with a woman's heart, to take care of her heart. I don't care if you don't even know her. I don't care if you don't care about her. It's your responsibility to take care of a woman's heart. And it goes back to what I always say. I think that's why it's so, I just, when you go through really hard things in life I just take it as a blessing because I I just find that people that have gone through things in
Starting point is 00:42:52 their life they have a deeper love and they have a deeper sense of people's feelings and they value people more they don't look at people as disposable to where someone who hasn't been through a lot and just kind of coasting and through life and doesn't have a lot of life experience, I've noticed that they look at people more disposable. And so I just think I'm just so happy that I've experienced such deep heartbreak and I've experienced so much in life because I truly I look at people and I just I value them. I would never just throw someone away. I would do anything for someone.
Starting point is 00:43:31 And I and I know what heartbreak feels like. And even if I don't want to be with someone, you have to take care of people. These are human beings. These are people that loved you. You don't you don't just throw someone away like they're a piece of trash no I hate the mentality especially in like our culture right now where it's like it's almost cool to like be a player as a girl or a guy and it's almost cool to like be like yeah I've effed this guy over I afraid I screwed this girl over or whatever. And it's just like, when did that become cool?
Starting point is 00:44:06 Like, that's honestly so lame to me. I laugh at people like that because I look at them and I think it's cool, isn't it? Well, it's not going to be cool when you get it slapped back in the face at you. Cause that's, I know that is exactly how life works. That is exactly how God works. And that, and he, he, that's what he does. And he, you, you will not get away life works. That is exactly how God works. And that's what he does. And you will not get away with it. That's just the truth. Whether it's a year, two years, or six years, you're going to get slapped right back in your face. And it's going to be ten times more painful for you.
Starting point is 00:44:35 No, you can't. You truly reap what you sow. Hi, guys. This episode of Girls Gone Bible is brought to you by Manukora honey. It's getting colder. It's time to think about presents for the people you love. And this miracle of nature just fell in my lap at the perfect time. It's a rare super honey that is 100% natural and has some unique properties.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Manukora makes Manuka honey, a single origin honey that comes from New Zealand, where the bees only feed on the nectar of the Manuka tea tree, making honey that is pure, rich, and complex with a creamier texture that is completely on a different level from the normal honey you can find at the supermarket. You can use it as you would any other honey, but that's what puts the super in Manuka honey is that it's super rich in antioxidants and prebiotics, a hundred times more compared to regular honey. rich in antioxidants and prebiotics, a hundred times more compared to regular honey. On top of that, it contains an antibacterial compound called MGO that can be found exclusively in Manuka honey.
Starting point is 00:45:31 The bottom line is that these nutrients really support your optimal immune and digestive health, and it's delicious. This is just the perfect way to treat myself with something that is going to keep me strong through the colder months, and the perfect gift for the people I love to keep them sweet and healthy too. Menacor sent me a jar and squeeze bottle of their MGO 850 Plus Manuka Honey, their best selling honey. This 850 Plus Honey has this creamy caramel texture that melts in your mouth and is unlike anything I've ever tried. I can grab a spoonful out of a jar to put in my favorite beverage or squeeze some honey
Starting point is 00:46:02 out on some toast or oatmeal. It's so delicious. And I personally, you guys know that I'm about my oatmeal and I'm actually not even kidding. Manukura honey is my favorite honey that I've ever had. And I put it in my oatmeal every single morning with my banana and my berries. If you head to slash ggb, you can get $25 off their starter kit, which comes with the MGO 850 Plus Manuka Honey, a free travel pack honey sticks, a free wooden spoon, and also a free guidebook. It's the perfect gift for a loved one this holiday season. Now I love the jar and squeeze bottle, but the extra pack of compostable honey sticks
Starting point is 00:46:37 is perfect for whenever you're on the go. You can bring them with you when you're traveling or need a quick snack running errands, and they're a perfect energy boost if you're out for a run or at the gym, especially in this time of year. That's M-A-N-U-K-O-R-A dot com slash GGB to get $25 off your starter kit. This is just the ultimate honey. Indulge and try some honey with superpowers from Menucora. We are like very intentional in the way that we accept like i for example for me personally i i guess like the one of the biggest things that i want you guys to walk away with with this is that it's better to be single than with someone who doesn't treat you well i will literally not even consider considering a guy unless he's already actively pursuing me like there's just
Starting point is 00:47:26 no way yeah like we deserve to be treated very well and I want your standards to be high and like you if you're in a situation right now where you're with somebody who isn't treating you right who isn't who just isn't putting in the effort like waiting 14 years years for you. Like, I know that's crazy, but that's the standard we should be living by. And I encourage you to today, unless you're married, that's a completely different story. But if you're just dating someone and they're still like not being about you in the way that you deserve, walk away, love yourself enough, respect yourself enough. I know it's hard, but I know that you can do it. Only accept love that is the way that God loves us, truly. Yeah, thank you for saying that. I remember I had a moment where I was just feeling so sad,
Starting point is 00:48:15 and I remember I have this lovely mentor. She's an older woman. She's been married for many years, and she said to me, you're in you're in pain now can you imagine if you were to marry that person and you would have had kids with the person a someone who can just um not protect your heart imagine you had kids with that person now that's a place where you should be scared yeah and it's so true it's like we are going we are going to go through so much in this life, especially when we have children. I think I said it in one of the episodes before, but we are going to go through so many trials and storms and with children. And we need someone who is going to stand firm with us who we're not going to have to worry about them not caring and being so selfish and just abandoning in us you know like
Starting point is 00:49:12 we we just yeah you you need someone who will not leave your side when the going gets tough yes and we get a lot of questions of like what what do you think? What is love? And to me, that's what love is. Yes, it's great. It's great when it's passionate and it's new and it's fun. But then what happens when the going gets tough? Who's going to be there and stick by you through all that? And I truly think that is what love is. And I think love is an emotion, but it says many times in the Bible that it's not
Starting point is 00:49:48 just an emotion. It really, I mean, it's not just an emotion. It is truly a choice. It's a verb. It's a choice. It's a choice. You have to stick by your person and you fight through it and you just, you make that decision every day to stick by them and not leave them. And I think about you. I think about my family. I think about, no, because I truly believe that God has us in this position together to, to like grow together because we do business together. We're always together where,'re each other's like rocks right now and I right now is that subject to change no but we're both not married and we do go through a lot together yeah and I and I I said this to you before like what I love about our friendship
Starting point is 00:50:41 is I feel so safe with you I just know that we're not going to just like bounce when the going gets tough. We're going to fight through it. We're going to talk through it because we love each other. That's what you do. It's a conscious effort every single day that we make to each other. I'm happy that you say that because it's like being married is completely different than just being in a relationship like we say definitely you should leave if someone's not treating you right you should leave but like marriage is completely different I mean like you entered into covenant under God like you you God you God is honoring that marriage and you should honor it too to try
Starting point is 00:51:19 and fight through it and I always think this you should be picky in dating and then gracious in marriage. Picky in dating because you still have the ability to choose. You're making that choice and you should be looking at everything and you should be evaluating everything. But then when you're in marriage, you got to start being gracious because there are going to be things that you don't like about that person. There are going to be things that are annoying and that they aren't meeting your needs in a certain way and that you need to have grace in those times and acceptance in a way to be like, you know what, this isn't exactly how I want it to be, but I'm in this thing. So I'm going to accept what I can't change and then pray for what I hopefully can be changed. Yeah. Stop giving these people the benefits before marriage. And I don't even want to get into right now about the thing
Starting point is 00:52:05 but you know you're you're just oh not even just that okay I have had in the past a habit of being a wife to every boyfriend that I've had that's what I'm saying yeah like I will literally clean cook do your laundry for what for what I don't even know you like that I know I I'm it's really it's been my biggest struggle in life is that I will immediately just like be everything for someone in that way literally be a wife to someone who like it's just so crazy please like you there's a honestly the one thing that I do love about Christianity and, and people can like talk smack about Christianity as much as they want. Be like, God, there's so, there's so many rules, whatever. They're right about everything.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Dude, I'm sitting here being like, yeah, no, you shouldn't live with someone before getting married. You shouldn't act like husband and wife before you are, because then why would you ever get married? Yeah. What's the point? Then you get lazy. Exactly. And I used to look down upon that stuff oh you should live why wouldn't we live together and get it's crazy you date you get to know each other on an emotional spiritual level and then and then that's it and then you'll know really quick you don't know really quick. You don't need to waste years. You don't need to sit there playing house.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yes, yes. You know, I've been thinking about this a lot recently, actually, because I've been thinking about how, like, I had spent, honestly, I've spent the past 10 years of my life in long-term relationships. Me too. I have always, Ari and I have the same story where we have spent, since I was 18 years old, no, since I was 16 years old, the past 10 years, I have spent every single year in like a long-term relationship. I'm like four years, three years, two years. I mean, it's just like always in a long-term relationship. I'm like four years, three years, two years. I mean, it's just like always in a long-term relationship with people that ended up not being my husband. And now on one side, I'm happy I have the experience. I know that I'm going to be such a better wife
Starting point is 00:54:16 from all that I've learned. It's a beautiful thing. Yeah. But also I've realized recently that like, as I've gotten closer to Jesus, honestly, when I started reading the Bible and I truly got saved and I truly entered a relationship in with Jesus and I started to somewhat live my life according to the word of God, my relationships, I've not been in a long, long-term relationship like that. Seven months, whatever, eight months, but like, but like a long-term, like years-long relationship. I haven't since being with Jesus. And I think it's because he doesn't want that for us. I don't know if we're supposed to spend so much time with somebody, years and years with somebody, to go through.
Starting point is 00:55:03 That's why breakups feel like that that's why they feel like you're dying because you kind of are you give so much of yourself to somebody and then it's just you're separated I I don't know if that's supposed to happen I'm really thinking I'm because I'm thinking about when I have kids and I'm thinking about like my daughter dating someone for four years and then like it not being the person that she ends up with and then getting into another three-year-long relationship and I don't think it's supposed to be like that yeah I just think it's a it's I don't think you need more than four years now it goes four years it goes back to a lot it does I I think it does have
Starting point is 00:55:42 to do a lot with the age now say if you're like in high school or something and you're with a boyfriend it's different but as you get a little bit older you don't it's just insane there's no reason to be together for three four years without a ring on your finger honestly absolutely not yeah I I yeah I I don't know there's just something about a long-term relationship that is starting to not make sense to me. Either you get married or you don't. Why are you together? I know.
Starting point is 00:56:12 You know what I mean? I love flowers. I know. She does love flowers. And honestly, if you, if I am with someone, I want them, I want them, I I like I want them to decorate the house with what with like roses and like I want it to be a thing that's so cute it's I've can I be honest yeah I've always had that like I don't even remember a time if I was like dating someone like I've always had somebody do that for me really isn't it funny how we always like I've always had certain things from
Starting point is 00:56:42 every guy as well yeah I think it's a familiar spirit. Oh, here she is. This is another thing with this girl. This is what she does now. I have had. Where did you, who told you this? Because it's all you saying. I have had.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Oh, it's a familiar spirit on. I have had a familiar spirit following me with men. And you guys know I would never talk bad about anyone. And I've truly, I love everybody. I love everybody from my past. Sure. Great guys. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Great people. No, seriously. Really wonderful people. I have had this friggin' familiar spirit following me where dudes are just a little, like, you know. I have had the same thing. Like, my past, I don't know how many relationships where it's just very like and I'm like and like and I'm pretty sure that's why I'm so avoidant now because everything scares me it's so funny because she says she's avoidant she's actually the most
Starting point is 00:57:39 you're I think honestly I am not more emotional than you so this past couple days sometimes I think I'm realizing that I'm like the guy in the relation our relationship right so I just like I was just chilling the other day you know and so she she gets all riled up you do it at the airport too if I'm not paying enough attention hey are you okay what's up do you don't yeah i want you to talk to me and when what did i do no you are not you are not avoidant i am avoidant with guys no you're not yeah okay yes i am not you are the biggest lover no i'm a lover but i'm avoidant in the sense that like i will like i don't like yeah i'd be avoidant too the sense that, like, I will, like, I don't, like, it scares me. Yeah, I'd be avoidant, too, if I was freaking, never mind. Deal with what I dealt with, I know.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Please, I'd be like, get away. I know. You know? I know. You know what I love? Go ahead. You know what I realize I need? Huh?
Starting point is 00:58:41 I love men that are active yeah like I love guys that play sports because it shows discipline just love a guy that's active can we talk about let's okay listen let's talk about exactly what we want in a man let's let's let's let's let's paint a picture of our perfect ideal man. Okay, go ahead. Okay. You know what I want anymore. You're like, I'll take anything.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I'll forget. Man I want. I want a man who is brown hair, brown eyes. Dark tall, couple tattoos. Six four. Six two is fine. brown hair brown eyes 6'4 6'2 is fine I want a man
Starting point is 00:59:32 maybe an ex or like a retired NBA player NBA player? what the heck they're so tall no but I really I want someone who like I want I almost like I'm thinking so much recently about like a pastor or just someone like I just want somebody who
Starting point is 00:59:57 is able to work and works hard at whatever it is he does, but like really truly lets the work, like I want his life to be the Bible. Like I just want somebody who's so obsessed with the Bible and so obsessed with Jesus and who understands. And like we said, like who can teach us things. Yeah. And he needs, what I realized is like, cause it's not even, I realize that it's not even just about somebody who is a follower of Jesus. But I think that there also needs to be a compatibility in like the type of Christian that you are. Because there are different types. There's, you know, Christians who are not that spiritual, who are more, you know, a little bit legalistic maybe or maybe religious in a way. There are ones who are very spiritual very charismatic
Starting point is 01:00:45 I mean it even comes down to the fact to the idea of like do you both speak in tongues like how do you guys feel about tongues how do you guys feel about fasting how do you guys feel about you know there's so many different elements to it and I just I need someone who is like like I want my dude to speak in tongues and have tattoos. You're going to have that. I know. And make you laugh. And, yeah, that's my biggest thing. I've just got to be with someone who is as funny as you are.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Okay. I was waiting for that. I'm not even kidding. I was waiting for that. I need someone who's as funny as you. I need, I need. You guys, she says I'm like Theo Vaughn. That's a compliment.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I love him. I love him so much. she says I'm like Theo Vaughn. That's a compliment. I love him. I love him so much. No, you are like Theo Vaughn. You do need someone who's funny like him. I need. He's awesome. No, I do. I need somebody who is like, he has to be hilarious.
Starting point is 01:01:38 What do you want? Oh, I just want a good man. I want. Oh, can I add one more thing? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. Thank you. You reminded me. I want to make this is actually my number one requirement. Truly my number one requirement. Now, I need somebody who is so secure. Oh, yeah. And so trusting and so confident. trusting, and so confident. I need somebody who's not worried about where I'm at, what I'm doing, who I'm talking to. Like, I can't handle it. I have really not had a situation in a long time where I felt like somebody was actually secure in themselves, and it will ruin my life. Like, and it does. When I'm in a situation like that, it kills me. It makes, it puts a ceiling on me. It makes me such a small version of myself.
Starting point is 01:02:26 I will shrink myself down to make the guy that I'm with comfortable. I know you do. And it will like suck the life out of me. It drains me. It takes the sparkle out of my eyes. I'm not as social. I'm not as fun. I don't laugh as much because I feel like if I'm too much, they get scared. Well, because you have such a big personality and you're so secure in yourself and in Jesus that it takes a very strong man that's going to be able to handle you. You know what it is. What? You can't date boys.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I know, but I would love to. And the same goes for me. I know. This is for Ari and Ange. Yeah, I would love. I mean, my requirement really should be I can't date anyone less than 10 years older than me. What? But I think like 10 years is a good age difference. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But they're all married. If they know Jesus, there's no 35-year-olds who are out here. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. Yeah, there is. Yeah, my pastor with tattoos is somewhere out there. He doesn't actually have to have tattoos, but he needs to be hot. It's so funny how Angela and I have the exact opposite of what we like.
Starting point is 01:03:36 If we're going to talk about looks-wise, I tend to go for the – I like a nice classic man like a nice all American classic man that's what I like athletic I want a guy who works with his hands
Starting point is 01:03:58 and who's never taken a selfie in his life I always go back to Jesus Jesus carried the cross but he also felt feelings and cried. He was assertive, but he also asked questions, you know, like there's got to be a balance. I want somebody who will literally protect me and beat someone's butt if they need to, but also will sit there with compassion and just, just like a good hearted man.
Starting point is 01:04:23 That's what a true man is. There has to be that dichotomy. It's the same thing with feminine women, too. There's always a dichotomy. There's a softness and a strength. And for men, being masculine is being able to beat someone's butt, you know, maybe not physically, but like being a protector and like doing what he needs to do to protect his family. But then also being soft enough to like be able to tend to his wife's feelings and like doing what he needs to do to protect his family, but then also being soft enough to like be able to tend to his wife's feelings and like to be a good, like loving father to his kids. Like there's gotta be that dichotomy. How do you handle being alone on a day that celebrates love? I think in general, and this just doesn't go for, um, Valentine's day,
Starting point is 01:05:02 we have to be around people, people that love us, people of hope, people that love Jesus, people that encourage us, people that make us better. The one thing about me this past year and a half is that I fought for friendships. I fought for community. And it changed my life. It made me a better person. And so having a partner isn't going to make you feel whole. It's okay that we're single. You have two sisters here that are single and are
Starting point is 01:05:31 living their best life. Guys, girls, sisters, brothers, it's okay. It is. Be encouraged. Be just, just, it's all going to come to you at the right time. Remember what I said? just, it's all going to come to you at the right time. Remember what I said? God has an appointed time for everyone. It's the truth. He has a time for everyone. You're not too old. You're not, you know, it's, it's okay. Live in this moment. Don't waste it. Be present, serve people, live your life right now, because that time is going to come where you are going to have a partner and you're not going to be fully available for just yourself and for Jesus. So focus on that right now and enjoy it because you don't want to waste time stressing. There's no reason to stress. Jesus has got you. He's going to take care of you. He knows the desires of your heart and he's going to fulfill
Starting point is 01:06:19 those. Okay. I promise. It's okay. It's really okay. It's honestly more okay than you think it is. And if we can be fine single when we've been in long-term relationships forever, you guys can do it too. Yeah. We kind of answered this a little bit, but what do you think about dating while young since marriage might be so far away? And just back to what we said earlier that, like, I don't know. Like, relationship experience is such a beautiful thing but I'm also getting to a place and this is just something I'm workshopping within myself that I'm like I don't know if you're supposed to be in all these long-term relationships
Starting point is 01:06:56 and go through all these breakups I think that you know pretty quickly whether you want to marry someone or not at least within a year I really don't think you need more than a year. And so I don't know if you need to be in all these year-long relationship. What to do when you have the biggest crush on him, but again, you know he's not good? I mean, I think you know what to do. And I think you just answered your own question when you said, but he's not good. Bye. How to fall in love with Jesus, how to stay in love with Jesus? Well, after I had many encounters where he rescued me from and comforted me when I was in isolation and I, and he showed me just unwavering love time after time after time. I then really, when I then really learned about him, which was reading the Bible, that's when I really just understood him. And
Starting point is 01:07:56 that's when I became so in love with him and building an intimate relationship with him. And that goes for even in your prayer life. When I pray and I'm talking to him like he's just my father. How do you fall in love with Jesus? How do you fall in love with people? You spend time with them. You get to know them. You listen to them. You listen to what they have to say.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You put in the effort. You put in the time. you listen to what they have to say, you put in the effort, you put in the time. When you spend so much one-on-one, face-to-face, intimate, loving, intentional time with someone, it's hard not to fall in love. And then how do you stay in love? Just how you stay in love with people, effort, pursuing them, trying, being intentional every single day, communication. That's the biggest thing.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Listen to Jesus and then talk to him. Prayer, just like really, like just like how you do it with people. If you fall off in a friendship or in a relationship and you stop putting in effort, like the relationship is going to suffer because of it. It's the same thing with Jesus. Yeah. I always say to my friends that are just coming to Jesus because they're like, man, he just keeps coming through for me. I'm seeing so many miracles. This is amazing. I say, open that Bible. Wait till you start to get to know him. That's when your world is going to change. I just hope you guys know that whatever season you're in, whether you're in a relationship or you're single, you're in this season for a reason
Starting point is 01:09:26 and just go with it. Don't try to fight against it. Don't try to force things. Just let Jesus do what he do. Just let Jesus do what he does best. Let him work it all out for you. Don't try to rush anything either. And, um, you know, me, I'm, I I'll say more cause it's Valentine's day and it's a love weekend. I just want to know that we're always praying for you guys and your hearts and, and anyone who's going through a broken heart right now, it's going to be okay. I promise you. And he is going to turn it around for you and you are going to be on the other side of this. He is going to turn it around for you, and you are going to be on the other side of this, and he is going to rise you up bigger than you can even imagine.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I lived it. You have to trust me on this. And in the meantime, he's going to make you stronger and wiser, and he's building you, and he's developing you because he chose you. Okay? So hang on because you have no idea what's on the other side of the pain that you're in. Get ready and get excited because it's going to be good. I love when you do that. It's like my mom.
Starting point is 01:10:35 It's just like a hug from mommy when you do that. You have this gift of encouragement. And I get to experience it every day of my life. gift of encouragement and I get to experience it every day of my life. And it's like the, it's like the biggest blessing of being your best friend is that like, it just works. Like you might not even think you're doing anything, but when you encourage people, like it really, it's so encouraging. I swear. I love you so much. I just want to say also, you guys just get close to Jesus who even cares about romantic love? Jesus is all that matters. Please read your Bibles. You guys get in the word. It's the only thing that matters. It's the only
Starting point is 01:11:11 thing that matters. Please seek Jesus first. The rest will come to you. I promise. And that includes your person. Thank you. We love you guys so much. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious towards you. May he turn his face to you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious towards you. May he turn his face to you and give you peace. So much peace and so much love. May Jesus pour his love into your hearts right now in Jesus' name. We adore you guys. We love you so much, you guys.
Starting point is 01:11:40 God bless you. I love you. And I love you. I'm so happy that we're gonna spend Valentine's Day together.

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