Girls Gone Bible - Wives Submit To Husbands | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: May 24, 2024

hi ggb besties :) today we give a recap of our first GGB live show and then we have a discussion about biblical submission and male headship in marriage. we read from Ephesians 5 to go over God's ori...ginal design for marriage and cover all the somewhat controversial aspects of this conversation. we love you all so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari GUYS WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!!! Austin, Texas 06/27 Houston, Texas 06/29 please join us. we can't wait to see you. if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo- HEY WHILE WE'RE HERE. WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO RATE & LEAVE COMMENTS ON SPOTIFY & APPLE PODS. IT HELPS US. OK BYE NOW LOVE YOU

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi guys, I'm Ange. And I'm Ari. And this is Girls Gone Bible. We're a faith-based podcast where we talk all things spirituality, Jesus, the Bible, mental health, anything to do with everyday life. We always say, come as you are, just don't, let's say that, what is it? Just don't, okay. We always say, I'm so sorry. We always say, clearly we always say i'm so sorry we always say clearly
Starting point is 00:00:27 we never say it because we never get it right we always say come as you are just don't stay that way just don't leave i don't know oh guys what's up man not much other than the fact that we had our first show. I'm still on a high you guys you have no idea best night of our lives. Oh man. We were just we have been on cloud nine it was the most special night of our lives right Vanj? I wish I wish that every person could have been there with us um we had our first show in Atlanta, Georgia, the GGB live tour. I don't even know how to put into words what it was like other than it was like every Friday that we're all together. In the spirit, we feel like we're all together. It was that, but in the same room.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It was almost 900 people, all of GGB gang. People flew from other states. People flew from other states. People flew from other countries. Like so wild. I can't even begin to understand how we've gotten here after a year. It was the best night of our lives. We are so happy. We love you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And we're just grateful that we get to keep doing it over and over again. I feel like I'm in a dream. I know. I'm just like waiting to wake up from you guys so much and we're just grateful that we get to keep doing it over and over again i feel like i'm in a dream i'm just like waiting to wake up from you guys are truly the biggest blessings in our lives uh we can't even thank you enough and the fact that you guys flew i know the enemy was working hard that night so many of you guys flights got canceled and I I just her and I are sitting there for days dwelling being like what can we do like we feel so bad we're so sorry it was crazy like how many flights got canceled Socrates her pastor he was supposed to come his flight got canceled Socrates this poor 77 year old man Greek beautiful Greek man was in the airport for eight hours. Eight hours because it kept getting delayed and delayed.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And finally he gave up when it was like two hours before the show. So many flights from Tampa got delayed and canceled. It was, oh, our worship leader, Nate, who's one of our very close friends, he's on his way from Charlotte to Atlanta. He totals his car. Totals it. Done. I am like, what is going on? He's on his way from Charlotte to Atlanta. He totals his car. Totals it. Totals it. I am like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Like, it was wild, the warfare, the opposition against this whole night. We were in prayer constantly and just making sure that we were doing everything we could to make sure everything went well. But overall, you know, Ari and I, we went to go do soundcheck and we went into the venue and we prayed over the whole venue and we anointed the doorposts. We didn't care who was watching. We prayed over that whole place that God would just be there. And what were your like concerns or fears or like what were you what was something specific that you were nervous leading up to the show and then ended up either be going really well or coming true or anything? My biggest thing was I just wanted people to leave feeling Jesus like I wanted them to leave feeling different. I wanted them to leave having the Holy Spirit and just to just to learn something.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And I was like, I just hope we just wanted to go in there and really just be led by the spirit. So I just, that's all we care about is the people. And I just wanted to touch people with, with the Holy Spirit. And so I think we did that though. We just went out there and we prayed for days. We prayed for weeks. We didn't go to bed the night before until five in the morning. You should have seen me and Ari the night before. We couldn't sleep, obviously. Like there was no chance.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We're up all night. I'm truly like we were up all night. You know when you're sleeping but you're still awake? I had one eye open the whole night. Oh, the whole night. And then we'd wake up. I watched you all night. You sleep in?
Starting point is 00:04:23 You sleep in? At like five o'clock in the morning, we quizzed so good. We start doing impressions. I was like, what did you do? I don't remember. We're doing an impression of who? I don't know. I'm like New York gangster or something.
Starting point is 00:04:39 And like random people in our lives. And one of us, I think it was you. You literally go. We start dying laughing because we're like, people are coming to get led by us tomorrow I do an impression of like people in the Bronx I'm like I need to first of all I need to grow up it was so what are you talking about do an impression no I can't no no it's a guy in the bronx you do a good one go ahead i can't you know i can't on the spot that's you go ahead all right go ahead where what setting am i in um you are you're at the bodega the bodega i don't know what's in the bronx i don't know
Starting point is 00:05:18 you're in the bodega with your no. Oh, this steak is off the charts. I don't think there's steak at the bodega. I think it's like a store. What a dog. What a dog. Anyways. What was something that you were worried about and that you... Yeah, I think very similar to you.
Starting point is 00:05:42 We're not pastors. Obviously. We didn't even grow up going to church like that. We don't know. We don't know exactly how this thing works. And it's like beautifully innocent and ignorant in a way that we are truly so spirit led that we're like, we're so desperate for God's voice and his revelation and, and his presence that like throughout this whole process, we fasted and we prayed and we begged God to like outline. My prayer was constantly God outline the show for us, show, show us exactly what you want
Starting point is 00:06:18 it to be. Um, because not only can he do it so much better than we can, we don't even know. Our goal is that we want people to get saved. Like we genuinely, I want to see everybody in heaven. Like it's my, it's what sets my soul on fire. And I just wanted that night, just like you said, I wanted the tangible presence of God in the room. I wanted for other people to experience what you and I have experienced, that these encounters with Jesus have changed our lives and they've saved us and they've changed the course of our lives. We were going one way and just one encounter with Jesus, just like Saul, like truly just completely pushes you in the other direction. And so I just begged God. And I remember the
Starting point is 00:07:06 weeks leading up to it. You and I handle process things really differently. Ari is really good at being vocal about how she's feeling. And like, if she's nervous, she's open about it. And it's a beautiful thing because you release. I have to learn how to do that Because the weeks leading up to it, I'm sitting there being like, this is great. Everything's amazing. It's gonna be perfect. And I'm like, not being open about the fact that like, I don't know what I'm doing either. Like, we don't know what's like, what the heck, this is insane. And as the numbers went up of the amount of people coming, I start being like, I like I told you, it's I felt like a pot of water that was boiling. That was just like just like this close to like tipping over.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah. And so I remember I took a moment by myself before the show and like weeks leading up to it. I'm like, this is amazing. God's going to show up. He's going to move, blah, blah, blah. And then I had a moment where I was alone, where I got teary. I got tears in my eyes and I was like, God, you're in this, right? Like you are.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Because if we go out there and you're not there, this is all in vain. This is just like Moses said, like, Lord, if you're not going, I'm not going without you. And I literally was like, if you're not there, don't let us go. I don't care what's happening here. How many people are here? I don't want to go. And just like you said, I really, really believe that God showed up like he does in the greatest church services that we've
Starting point is 00:08:31 ever been to. It was, there was so many people who were bawling their eyes out in the, in the audience. And we led people to salvation at the beautiful. And when I said, can everybody who just prayed that prayer and invited Jesus for the first time, would you raise your hand? And we both opened our eyes and the amount of people that raised their hand saying that they gave their life to Jesus for the first time. It was. That's another thing. When we, as soon as we went on the stage and I saw all you guys' faces, immediate nerves gone.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It's like, you know when you're so nervous and then you get around your family and you're fine, like you're cool? Like that's how it felt. Like when we got on there and I saw you guys was like oh it's my family it felt like the most natural thing when I looked at those people that I never met before but I was they were looking at me I'm looking at them and we have this exchange that and I'm on state we're on stage in front of these people, but we're looking at them eye to eye. And it's not. It's like you've known them. It's like we knew each other.
Starting point is 00:09:49 And you can just see from our sweet people, like in the front rows, they're looking at us like in so much support of us. We were on the way there. This was the cutest moment of our lives. We're on the way there. We're in the car. I think we're in an Uber. And there's a girl who's in the car next to us. We're in the car. I think we're in an Uber and there's a girl who's in the car next to us. She rolls down her window. So do we. She's like, oh my gosh, I'm
Starting point is 00:10:09 coming to your show. She goes, I know that you guys have anxiety. So I can't imagine how nervous you are, but we're so proud of you. No one has a tighter crew than us. I swear. They were so encouraging. I could die for you guys. I'm not even kidding. We would die for you guys. I would literally give my life for you guys. So much. That was, it was the best, the best time of our lives. And we know how hard it is, is to take the time to get out there and to fly there and to just do all the things. So I, it does not go unseen. We are more than appreciative. And we just thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do for us. Seriously, thank you.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Thank you so much. Thank you for making this what it is. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to do more shows. I can't believe it. We're going to Texas. We're going to be in Austin on June 27th. And then we're going to be in Houston on June 29th. Two more shows of the GGB tour. We're going to put the link to the tickets in the description. So please, you guys, we want to see you. We want you to come. We want you to experience not just what we do on stage, what it's like to be in the room with the rest of GGB gang. There are people who made so many friends. Oh, please. Do you understand when that girl got interviewed and she said, I met my best friend tonight?
Starting point is 00:11:36 Like that is the foundation of Girls Gone Bible, sisterhood, brotherhood, friendships. of Girls Gone Bible, sisterhood, brotherhood, friendships. Not only are we coming together with Jesus, but building friendships. That is so important to me and to Angela for you guys to build these kind of friendships. That made me so happy. You know what else? Who knew? I know that GGB is geared toward everybody, male and female. but there's something about seeing the guys there that i'm like why is that so cool it's just so funny i'm like i can't
Starting point is 00:12:13 believe that you guys i love it i love it so much i adore them and like when i was seeing like groups of guys coming i'm like this is not only that but i'm like when i coming, I'm like, yo, this is a good guy. And not only that, but I'm like, when I meet them, I'm like, oh, wait, so there are good guys in this world. Because you guys are truly, every single male that we met at the show are truly angels. Good men. Good, good men. Strong men. So we appreciate the guys coming, too. We love you all so much.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Please join us in Texas, you guys. It's about a month a little more than a month we want to see you there and we want to be with you in texas we love you so much we were cowboy hunts did you see the photo that the graphic with the hat i literally go and then there was another photo where he put the he put the thing on my head, by the way, the cactus. And I'm like, if you don't get that cactus off my head. He is. He is. Coming on stage with some country music and some cowboy hats.
Starting point is 00:13:13 The ones that are dumber and dumber. When he had that big cowboy hat. That's too dummy. Let's do it. Oh, man. All right. So, you guys, what are we talking about today? All right. So you guys, what are we talking about today?
Starting point is 00:13:31 GGB gang, did you know that your temperature at night can have one of the greatest impacts on your sleep quality? If you wake up too hot or too cold, I highly recommend that you check out Miracle Maid's bedsheets. Inspired by NASA, Miracle Maid uses silver infused fabrics and makes temperature regulating bedding so you can sleep at the perfect temperature all night long. Did you know that traditional bed sheets can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat? It is so gross it can lead to acne, allergies, and stuffy noses, and it's just gross. But Miracle Made offers a whole line of self-cleaning antibacterial bedding such as sheets, pillowcases, and comforters that prevent up to 99.7 percent of bacterial growth and it requires up to three times less laundry miracle made sheets are thermoregulating and designed to keep you at the perfect temperature all night long so you get
Starting point is 00:14:17 better sleep every night miracle sheets are luxuriously comfortable without the high price tag of other luxury brands and they feel as nice if not nicer than sheets used by some of the five-star hotels. Guys, please stop sleeping on bacteria. You know that bacteria can clog your pores. It causes breakouts and acne. You want to sleep clean with Miracle. I want you guys to go to slash ggb to try Miracle-made sheets today. And whether you're buying them for yourself or as a gift for a loved one, if you order today, you can save over 40%. And it doesn't stop there.
Starting point is 00:14:52 If you use our promo GGB at checkout, you'll get three free towels and save an extra 20%. Miracle is so confident in their product, it's backed with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So if you aren't 100% satisfied, you'll get a full refund. Upgrade your sleep with MiracleMade. Submission. We are talking about a topic where you guys might say, why are two single girls who've never been married talking about wives submitting to their husbands and men, male headship and men being the leaders of the family and the head of the family? Ari and I might be single. One day we'll be married. But regardless, the word of God remains true.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And as long as we study, even if we don't necessarily have experience in something, but we've studied and we know what the Bible says about it, I believe that it's something, even if you are single, it's something that you should prepare yourself in knowing this stuff because it's important. Yeah. Thank you for saying that because I was already preparing for the comments. Well, who are you guys to talk? No, I'm just kidding. And I mean, no, but we'll get to it. But we get it.
Starting point is 00:16:10 We get it. And we've also had relationships and experience in relationships where, you know. Not that you should submit to your boyfriends because you shouldn't. And I want to make that very clear. Learn from our mistakes. We're going to read from Ephesians 5. We're going to start at verse 21. It's called Spirit-Guided Relationships, Wives and Husbands.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For a husband is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the savior of his body, the church. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. For husbands, this means love your wives just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God's word. He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot
Starting point is 00:17:12 or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church, and we are members of his body. As the scriptures say, a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. So again, I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect
Starting point is 00:17:53 her husband. So Ephesians 5 gives a whole outline of God's design and God's order in marriage. And this whole Ephesians 5, this whole passage from it, it paints a metaphorical picture of Christ, man being Jesus, being Christ, and woman being the bride. So a man, the woman is redeemed, saved, sanctified, set apart, made holy, and restored. And she's bought at a price. And then the man is the one who's responsible for doing all of that for the woman. Everything. The reason why there's such an attack on marriage is because a marriage is the only covenant picture that illustrates what it's like to be in relationship with God, with Jesus and the church. Man is Jesus. We as women are the church.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And so that's why there's such an attack because the enemy knows that if he tears apart couples, especially Christian couples, he knows that he's tearing down the perfect image of Jesus and his sacrifice to the church. And so the thing about submission, and it's such a touchy subject, but it's not about value. It's not about equality. God loves women. We know, I have never felt more. People say all the time that like Christianity is patriarchal. Patriarchal? Patriarchal. It's like that God is against women and that he doesn't love women and that he that's why he appointed men to be the leaders.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Who says this? The feminists? The feminists. Yeah. Anyone, the antichrist, anyone against Jesus. That's like always, they'll go through the Bible and they'll take all the times where, and there are moments where women are not treated right in the Bible, but that's not the Bible's message. Those are just stories in the Bible that reflect the history that has naturally happened. But God is very clear that he loves women. And we are man or woman, children of God, equal in value, different in role. We're equal in value.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's not about value. It's about order. God is a God of order. Things have to be in order. It goes God, the husband, the wife, and then the children. in order. It goes, God, the husband, the wife, and then the children. And I really just want to, it says in 1 Corinthians 11, 3, but there is one thing that I want you to know. The head of every man is Christ, and the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Pete, I know, I hear you where that word submit is a little, people are like, oh, I have to submit. But I believe that
Starting point is 00:20:45 submission is like the highest form of beauty for a woman. I mean, if I'm going to submit to you, it's because I trust your leadership. I trust your character. I trust your, um, your intellect, your integrity. Um, so I'm going to trust you and I'm going to trust that, that I'm going to take you. I can sit back and really just let you lead. I mean, that's the, that's beautiful. How beautiful is that, that we can sit back and, and let the person that we trust lead us. And, um, and then when it says, um, it says, love your wives as, as Christ loved the church. For me me, when I hear that, that's the highest form of submission. I mean, look at what Jesus did.
Starting point is 00:21:30 He gave his life for the church. That's even more of a higher submission than women. Oh, absolutely. Do you know what I mean? That's the ultimate submission, yeah. And I think about I think about like back then with the king and the queens that she trusted the king to make the decision. But who is in the back to whisper in his ear what to do her. So it's like I think everybody has their strengths and their weaknesses and to come together. And I'm not trying to me and Angela are not married, but I do think about our friendship.
Starting point is 00:22:06 me and Angela are not married, but I do think about our friendship. And because we are in this partnership together and we are best friends and we have to do things as though as we are in a marriage sometimes. And so what, why we work is because you know, your strengths and I know mine, and I let you lead in certain things and you let me lead in certain things. And that's why it works. And so, you know, just knowing your strengths and your weaknesses, it doesn't mean, oh, I have to submit and he has all this authority and he's going to just do whatever he wants and tell me what, and he's going to tell me what to do. No, it's, it's, it's leading back because I trust, I trust your, your integrity and I trust you. And that's beautiful. It really is. I want to know what you think about
Starting point is 00:22:46 this. When you submit and you really like when you're able to let a man take the lead, how beautiful do you feel? Oh, man, there's nothing like it. Do you know what I always say? I always say love for a man is when you respect him. When you can respect your man, that's like the highest form of love for him. And then for women, it's feeling safe. It's feeling emotionally safe, that stability. That's how we feel love. So if you're giving us that emotional stability, we're going to respect you. If you can't give us that stability,
Starting point is 00:23:26 we don't respect you. That's just the truth. I think you're speaking to the scripture. It is Ephesians 5.33. So again, I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. And I think what's really important for us to realize and remember, and it's something that I've learned over the years through my dating relationships, is men and women are so different. And we want to be loved in a different way. And so the sooner we realize that, like, because as women, I feel like we are like, why doesn't he love me? Why isn't he affectionate? Why isn't he showing it? It's because they are wired completely different from us. And then the
Starting point is 00:24:09 guys are like, why is she so this? Why is she so, you know what I mean? And it's like, she's different from you. And then oftentimes couples, it's like, as soon as they're out of the honeymoon stage, they start trying to change each other and they start trying to mesh the other one and force them to be whatever it is that they want them to be in whatever way that they are themselves. But the sooner that we realize that that's never going to happen, that we're wired differently and we have to learn how to dance with one another in these differences, that's when you can have peace in a relationship. I want to tell a little story just about this scripture about how men want to be respected and women want to be loved. I was in a relationship with somebody and we were both, I don't know if I've told this
Starting point is 00:24:53 story before, but we were both kind of in this place where our communication was a little bit off for some reason. It's like everything would be great. And then as soon as we'd have conflict, things, we couldn't hear each other. And we were trying to figure out why we couldn't hear each other. Because as soon as we're out of the argument, we're like, we could talk about it and be like, what is going on that as soon as we get into something, we completely lose sight of like, up and down, like we can't hear each other. Wait, explain this more to me. So when you guys would get into a fight,
Starting point is 00:25:25 you couldn't. When we would get into an argue, it's like the communication would kind of leave and we couldn't hear the other person in the argument. You know what I mean? Yeah. And so I'll explain further. So I, we realized, I'll never forget. We were in the middle of something and it dawned on me and it's before I I ever even read the Bible and before I ever even knew this scripture, I realized that he wanted to be respected and I wanted to feel loved. And when he didn't feel respected, he'd withhold love. And when I didn't feel loved, I wouldn't be as respectful. Not that we ever cussed each other out or anything to that extreme at all,
Starting point is 00:26:04 but like a little bit of attitude. It was a sharp difference between the sweet, submissive type girl that I would be versus when we'd get into a thing and I'd have a little bit of attitude. And so it was this thing where then we would withhold from each other what the other one needed. And so it just paints a picture of being like, if you want harmony in your relationship, you give respect to your man because it's not based on a feeling and the love isn't based on a feeling either. I have to give my husband respect regardless of how I feel. And he has to give me love regardless of how he feels in the moment, whether we feel it or not, not because it's not
Starting point is 00:26:45 based on our feelings. It's based on what God is calling us to do. He's calling me to respect him and he's calling him to love me. Yeah. And then I think if I'm, if I am in a marriage and something isn't going right, honestly, you just bring, bring it and bring it to prayer. Say, God, I don't know what's going on, but intervene. And I'm just going to to let it go and I'm going to let him come to me in his way, but I'm just going to pray on it. It's a beautiful thing about godly relationships, marriages. When it's God-centered, there's no way it can fail, you know, because you're not trying to go head to head with each other. There's God in the middle of it who works it all out for you guys. There's God in the middle of it who works it all out for you guys.
Starting point is 00:27:28 The most beautiful thing is that God can always be your middleman. And especially men don't respond the best to criticism. Nobody does. And so I think before even trying, what's worked best for me is like to refrain from criticizing and to work on bringing it to prayer, like you said, and praying instead and letting God and letting the Holy Spirit convict and move. I think that's the best option. I think about as you're talking, I'm thinking about when I was in my relationships and because I'm a very submissive woman, I love to be able to trust the guy and let him take the lead. But when I don't feel safe, when I feel like something's not right, I turn into a different person.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I become, like, very hard. I can't, I can't, I'm not rested. I go head to head. But I never had God in the center of my relationships. But, yeah, and I'm sure that you guys, some of you guys feel like that too. When you're not getting that love or that safety, you then go head to head with them. And I would just encourage you guys, like we said, to, to bring it to God and to really sit down in prayer. Don't go, don't go to him or her and, and, and try to combat with them. Just bring it to prayer. Cause there's not,
Starting point is 00:28:44 there's nothing, there's nothing better than, than just always bringing peace because it doesn't feel good when you start fighting and going toe to toe with them. I, yeah, I think of this scripture. It's first Peter chapter three, one to two in the same way you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then even if some refuse to obey the good news, not even a follower of Jesus, not doing the right thing, you have to accept his authority no matter what. But your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over by observing your pure and reverent lives. Even though men are the leaders,
Starting point is 00:29:31 we can still lead by example. I would think, I would argue that it's so much more powerful instead of going to your man and being like, you're not strong enough in your relationship with God and you're not reading the Bible every day and you're not praying enough. not strong enough in your relationship with God and you're not reading the Bible every day and you're not praying enough, if you simply just do all these things yourself and don't say a word, but he sees you every single day in the word, on your knees, praying, he's hearing you listening to worship, musing and worshiping in the other room, the Holy Spirit will naturally convict him by your behavior. And I think that's just such a good lesson for all of us. I think if we all, including myself, moved into a space where we're less affected by what other people are doing,
Starting point is 00:30:13 but we focus on ourselves and our own walk with God and inspire others through that, I think we'll just be much happier in general. I swear to you, it goes even in our own lives with people when we don't agree with something. Like we always say, we never push things on people, but we simply live. And when people see how fruitful our lives are, they want some of that. And that I love that you say that with the marriages. Yeah. You don't ever push. You just, you live as if and do the right thing. And, and, and I think that's when things really come together. Yeah. Also when, when Angela says authority, like again, authority is another word that, that can kind of scare people. And you know, it's just been so misconstrued and authority just again means leading and listening and not, but it doesn't mean being controlled. I think, and I've been, I'm guilty of it. I have,
Starting point is 00:31:13 sometimes we will submit because we're trying to keep someone around because we feel like we're losing them. And so then we're submitting and we're doing all these things and we're, you know, trying to please them. That's not submission. And so I just, I just, I want you guys to be aware of that because I know a lot of us can feel like people are, we're losing people. So we want to try to be our best selves, but that's not love. And that's not submission. Submission is because you trust them. You trust them. That's why love and that's not submission. Submission is because you trust them. You trust them. That's why we submit.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I think right here where it says in Ephesians 5.21, further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. While the man is the head and the leader, there is a mutual submission. And I had a clip that from George's podcast that like when that had a lot of comments of people being like, she said that there's a mutual submission and that's wrong. No, actually it literally says in scripture, this means submit to your husband or I'm sorry, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. There is a mutual submission. Man is still the leader, still the head. But while a man submits to Christ, he also submits to his role as the leader to his wife.
Starting point is 00:32:32 So he is submitting to his wife in a way and submitting to each other in the sense that your lives are no longer your own. Your lives, just as Christ laid his life down for us, we must both as spouses lay our lives down for you. All of our selfish desires and ambitions have to go. We now have to serve one another the same way that we serve God. Always God first, but then our spouses. Yeah. Like I just said, for a man, what do you think Christ did for the church?
Starting point is 00:33:03 He submitted. He gave his life. He was, he protected it. He, he protected it at all costs. And that was, that's what a man is going to do for a woman. That is the, that is submission at its finest. I love the scripture. Mark 10 verse 45. It says, for even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. Headship is found in servanthood. I mean, Jesus was the ultimate king and was at the feet of people washing them. He was serving and giving his life for the well-being being of others. So I just, it's funny. I really studying this, I was like, wow, men really are servants to their women. They're in full submission to us. Their role as men is so
Starting point is 00:33:57 huge. I mean, think about that. They will take, they have to take their lives. They would give their lives for us. It's just, yeah, it's truly the highest form of submission in my eyes. I think the beautiful thing is that Jesus never asks us to do anything that he hasn't done. And I love that so much. He asks men, he calls men to lead and give his life up for their wives. Jesus did the same thing for the church. He gave up his life. He asks women to submit, to give up that authority, to give up the role of leadership and to submit to the authority above them.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Jesus had to submit to the authority of the Father, even when he didn't want to at times. And I think a beautiful thing, you guys, that I really implemented into my life is that when I realized that Jesus has never asked us to do anything that he hasn't done, and he's been through everything that we've ever been through, everything we've ever felt, he's felt in any given situation where I don't know how to deal with something, or I'm not feeling good about something, or I'm just not happy about something. I say, Jesus, you, I'll find it in the Bible, whatever it is that I'm going through and find a moment where he did. And I say, Jesus, please show me what it was like for you to go through this.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Show me how you handled it. Show me how to feel about the situation. Because submission might be really hard for someone, especially when you are a control freak and you are. And another thing is when you're confident in your own leadership, it's like, why would I let somebody else lead me? You know what I mean? I, whenever I get married, I am in full submission to my husband and I, and I pray to God that
Starting point is 00:35:39 I marry a man that I trust fully. And I plan on waiting until that happens. marry a man that I trust fully and I plan on waiting until that happens. However, I would be silly to think that I don't have capabilities in leading our family in some ways. You know what I mean? We have wonderful ideas and thoughts and we're creative and, and, and if women are so intuitive and beautifully like love it, we're so responsive to love that we just we can see we can come at a situation at an angle from an angle that men never can. And so it would be ignorant and silly for a man to think that leadership means complete and total domination. And I'm not going to take my wife's thoughts into consideration because that's not what God is calling you to do at all.
Starting point is 00:36:29 In fact, I think a man is very smart, really smart if he takes his wife's opinion into consideration. Oh, absolutely. Well, a man that has authority isn't a man of God. That's narcissism. But I, yeah, I believe that this is God's design. It's for a reason. Anytime that I look at, anytime that I look at a husband and wife and the wife is, and
Starting point is 00:36:55 the husband is at home and the wife is, is, is working and she's providing and she's being the protector, it never works out. If you think a woman is going to work all day and coming home with a stay-at-home husband, no, she doesn't feel safe. There's no way to feel safe if you're a woman. And the whole purpose of a man and submitting to him is because he's a protector. He's a provider. So there's a reason why God designs marriage the way he does.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah. So there's a reason why God designs marriage the way he does. Yeah, I think the happiest couples, I don't know if every couple that has that is like miserable, but I do know what I've seen is the happiest couples that I know, not even happiest because you can't be happy all the time. time, the most in harmony and peaceful couples that I've ever seen are the ones where the man is the leader, provider, protector, and the woman is the nurturer, caretaker. Doesn't mean she can't have a job. You know what I mean? It's not about that. It's more of an energetic position than it is like even just a physical position that you take. Can I read something really quick from Genesis chapter two? When I had this revelation reading, I love reading the Bible so much. And the beautiful thing about like interpretation of scripture is like you will have revelation. And I'm sure other people have had this revelation before me. But when you get revelation, it is just when God like illuminates something in the Bible and I'm like, I can't believe I never saw it that way. It's just the coolest. It's just when God like illuminates something in the Bible and I'm like, I can't
Starting point is 00:38:25 believe I never saw it that way. It's just the coolest. It's just the best feeling in the world. So I'm reading about creation and I'm reading about how, so in Genesis chapter two is the first time that God really is establishing order between the man and the woman. And I think about God created all of the male and female animals in pairs, everything he always did in pairs. And so I would have expected him to create man and woman in a pair as well, but he didn't. He created man first and then woman. And I think that he was completely intentional in doing that. So God gave Adam the command first, and then Adam's responsibility and role was to pass that information and revelation and word from God onto Eve.
Starting point is 00:39:10 So it was Adam's responsibility. That's where the order comes from. God, man, woman. God gave the information. He passes it on to his wife. So God gave Adam the command to not eat. In Genesis chapter 2, verse 15, the Lord God placed the man in the garden of Eden to tend and watch over it.
Starting point is 00:39:29 But the Lord God warned him, you may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden, except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die. So God gave him this command to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And then it was Eve's responsibility to submit to Adam in trusting his ability to hear from God, trusting that he heard right. So this is the responsibility. It's submission to man submits to God, woman submits to man. And then he could have,
Starting point is 00:40:03 I think about that. God could have given the order to both of them. He could have, but he didn't because he was establishing order because he is a God of order and there has to be order. Yeah. Yeah. So in Genesis 2, 15, he tells Adam, he gives Adam the command in Genesis 3, chapter one to five, the serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden? Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, the woman replied. It's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat.
Starting point is 00:40:44 it's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, you must not eat it or even touch it. If you do, you will die. This is a clear indication that Adam did not properly relay the information from God to Eve, because you see here that God said, you may freely eat the tree of every tree in the garden, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die. Eve told the serpent that God says that you must not eat it or even touch it. He never said don't touch it. Yeah. So there was a clear mishap.
Starting point is 00:41:16 There was a clear misunderstanding and misrelaying of this information. And so I really, truly believe that men in this moment, everybody blames Eve for what happened. Oh, and by the way, and also Eve, then Eve, Eve literally said to her husband, you here have some of this as well. And then Adam ate from the tree, even though he heard directly from God. So Eve, everybody blames Eve for what happened, but really the information didn't even get passed down properly. And then even though Adam heard directly from God, he still went against what God said. And so this is a clear miscommunication and it's a miss, the order of things of God's
Starting point is 00:41:59 design got so messed up. And I truly believe that man has such a massive responsibility. And if your wife isn't acting properly, if she's not behaving, if she's not doing all that she can in her own relationship with God, you have a part to play in that. You're not properly leading her. Yeah. Yeah. And if your woman is having trouble submitting to you, you have to look at your leadership as well and make sure, am I doing everything in my power to lead well? Yeah. You know, that's why I, as you, as you're, I hear you saying that it's so important. I'm thinking, man, it's so important for us to marry selfless men because it's so hard now to find people. I'm not just talking about men, but you know, Angela and I are single and
Starting point is 00:42:45 it is, it's hard to find selfless people, people that aren't always just out for themselves who really like when you're in a marriage, think about how selfless you have to be. It's, it's, as you were saying that I just kept thinking, man, we, that's one of the first things we need to look for is a self absolutely. It's so important. I don't know how you can be in a, I like, I don't know. Just the thought of being in a marriage with somebody who's selfish, it breaks my heart even thinking about it. And it breaks my heart for anybody who's in that position right now. position right now. And if you are in that position, I just want to speak into the fact that unfortunately, we live in a world where not everybody, even followers of Jesus,
Starting point is 00:43:31 are going to be behaving in a way that is pleasing to God. And I'm so sorry if you're in a position where the person you're with isn't selflessly leading you and your family. And I just want to speak into the fact that your obedience and willing to submit, even when your person, your husband, is not leading you in the way that would please God, your obedience to God in the way, because it's not your husband that calls you to submit. He shouldn't. Actually, a man should never ask you to submit. You submit because God calls you to it. And your obedience to God, regardless of what your man or husband is doing and the way that he's leading is so pleasing to God. And there's favor on that. And there's peace in that. And just keep loving and just keep praying. And, you know, write in the comments if you're going through something like that and let us intervene and pray for you guys because I don't want to see that in your lives at all.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. If there's one thing that I know, it's that there is nothing God won't bring to light and that there's nothing that God won't do for you. And whatever you are going through, you bring it to him and he will bring it to light and he will intervene. And like Angela said, there will be favor on you when you are fully submitted to God. So if you are being mistreated, I, if God is such a good father, he is, he will, he has got you and that, that I can, I can promise you. I was just thinking about how, you know, we're on the topic of submission and how some people just they they don't even want to submit. Like I see all this stuff on social media about, oh, I need a chase. I mean, you know, you guys know the thing with the black cat and the and the golden. It's I it is such rubbish.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Like I can't even listen to another second of it. Any man that wants a challenge or a chase or need you to be a certain way, you can only put that facade up for so long. Be you, which is a loving, nurturing person, because anyone who wants otherwise is a boy. Yeah. And that's truly. Yeah. And that's truly, how about a woman that is going to sit by your bedside if God forbid something really bad happens to you? That's the kind of godly woman we want. For any guy listening, we want good women, women that love your families, women that will stick by you, women that will take care of you if you're sick. Anyone who wants otherwise
Starting point is 00:46:04 is literally a boy. So don't ever try to be anyone you're not. Don't try to be a chase. Don't try to be a challenge. No, be a good godly woman. Being a chase and a challenge is so anti-biblical. It's insane. Yeah, I know. There's a lot of games out there. And Ari and I speak to this all the time. Please, you guys don't entertain anything or anybody that's making you play games or that's like truly a good godly relationship is somebody to people who are very serious about marriage and that they're not playing games and that you're very upfront and open from the beginning about what it is that you want in the direction that you see this going in. And if you feel like you have to become something, you're not for a man or a woman that is not your person. God created you so intentionally and he loves everything about you.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And I imagine it would break God's heart for you to try to change yourself to fit the mold of what somebody else wants. It's so important that we talk about that because this generation is truly the videos that I see. And even I have friends, oh, should I say this? So how, how should I, how should I answer to this? Be who you are. Be a good, just what about a good, good person? Yeah. That's what we need.
Starting point is 00:47:14 We need good people who will not leave our sides. So, um, yeah, I agree. You know what, while we're on the topic of men, I want to read this passage from 1 Peter 3.7. be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered. Treat your wife right or your prayers won't get answered. God is so serious. People they have no idea that men have to God to whom much is given much is required so if God is putting you in a position of leadership you are so much more is required of you it says that she may be weaker than you are but she's still your equal treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered if you treat your
Starting point is 00:48:24 wife harshly if you're not good to her if you are domineering and you shut her down and you don't listen to her and you don't take her feelings into consideration, God forbid you abuse her. Do not even think God is answering those prayers. Do not think that God is honoring you in that covenant if you are not treating your woman right and with love and with respect. Colossians 3.18 says, wives submit to your husbands as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly. God loves women.
Starting point is 00:48:58 This whole narrative that God is against women and he favors men because they're always in a position of leadership is so wrong. He loves women. He loves his daughters. And he, hell hath no fury on the men who abuse and use and hurt women. Yeah, that's right. That is right, sister. You know, there's a couple of things. I, um, I feel like, what was I just going to say? Um, I feel like, like when I hear when women want to be, I, I, I can't quite understand when women want to be domineering because it's just the way that men were made, they're more aggressive. They are the protectors. So I, there is nothing more beautiful than us sitting back. But I do, I do give women grace. I do because I think a lot of the times, and I'm seeing that women are acting tough,
Starting point is 00:49:57 like they, well, I don't need, I don't need a husband. I don't need a father. I'll just do this on my own is because honestly, this generation is a little is getting scary. It is. And women are hurt and they've, they're scared because of what they're seeing and how men are treating them. And so we can sit here all day and be like, women, no, we need fathers. No, we will. I see what women are going through. There are a lot of good women that are being absolutely abused and it's not right. And I see it. And I'm, and, and, and honestly, what I'm seeing in this generation of men is frightening. And I'm just going to be completely honest. It's very frightening. And it's not how God designed men, how they are acting. And this is nothing on men because I love men and there are a lot of good godly men
Starting point is 00:50:46 but I do believe that we can sit here and be like yeah women shouldn't blah blah women are really hurting right now and so when we hurt and we don't feel safe we are we act tough and we're like no I don't I don't need a man I don't I don't need men I don't need a man. I don't need men. I don't need a man. So I do. And I do give women a lot of grace because it's frightening right now. And it's like two things can be true at once. Like you're saying, like women should submit and they should be soft and feminine and whatever and all these things. But at the same time, it is hard to do that when the men are very scary. As you're saying, men are not reaching their potential of who they should be in relationships
Starting point is 00:51:33 or in general. There is a laziness, there is a timidity, and there's a weakness that is plaguing our men. There's a true weakness right now. There's something going on right now of weakness, of feeling like I don't need to take care of my woman. I don't, I don't. And yeah, I understand some men are struggling and some men are in this place where they're, you grow together and you go through the mud together. I get that. I do. But you do what you have to do to take care of your spouse. Yeah. And it's not limited to financial provision. Provide a safe place. Provide vision. Provide direction. Provide pursuit. Provide. There are so many ways to provide for somebody. For me, when I feel provided for and taken care of is simply somebody who I know is covering me in prayer. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Who is answering my questions when I need help. Who is there for me. Who supports me. Who's there on my bad days. Who provides this emotional security and support. And somebody to lean on. I feel like a lot of the times in relationships or just in general, like we're noticing as women, like we don't have men to be our rocks. Like we, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:53 And so that is, it's really unfortunate. I think porn is really, God is highlighting to me so much recently. And I've never been someone who like thought about porn or, or that hasn't been part of my ministry, but he's been highlighting it to me so much because it is destroying, destroying men, destroying porn and video games and these things. I'm not saying that video games are inherently wrong, but I'm saying that we have strayed so far away from God's original design in men being leaders and going out there and pursuing, not just women, but, and not money either, but career and, and, and pursuing the things of life
Starting point is 00:53:33 that matter and that create stability in your life. And we also live in a generation where men, where men, they don't, God created men to love sacrificially the same way that Jesus loves us. It's very sacrificial. I think most men, I think men, if men should really implement fasting into their life, like take it very seriously because that will, that will teach them so much discipline and so much sacrifice. Um, we live in a world where not just men, everything is at the disposal. Everything is at our fingertips when we need it and how we need it. And so there's so much that you don't have to work for anymore that we've all become lazy. And it's a lazy generation of men.
Starting point is 00:54:26 He's literally the most dangerous thing that can ever happen to us. Docile men. We will, as a country, be taken over. You guys don't know how serious it is. If our men get weak, it's already happening. I do believe that's the enemy. It's the enemy's plan. I mean, I talk to my grandmother all the time who is with my grandfather since she was 15.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Sacrificed, loved her till the end, didn't even have eyes for another woman. It's the generation of social media. It's the generation of the dating apps. It's the generation of being like, well, I can, she doesn't want to, you know, do this for me. I can just swipe left and go to the next. And that's literally what's happening right now. And, and I, and I really like when I, when I say that, um, stability, I don't mean money. I mean, yes, men should be protectors, but to, to just make a woman feel safe to be like, listen, um, I'm at the bottom right now, but if you just stick with me, we're going to make it together on the other side.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And I will protect you and I will be right with you and I'm not going anywhere. That is what women need to hear. That's that safety that we yearn for. There are women who have so much money from their husbands. They have cars and houses. They're the most miserable, by the way. And because they are insecure in their husband's love for them and they're not secure in that, they're the most miserable, like you just said. There are women who have absolutely nothing, who their husbands have nothing to give except their love.
Starting point is 00:56:04 And they're the happiest people in the world. And I just pray for all of us that we find the spouse who makes us feel secure in love because God makes us feel so secure in love. And that love should be emulated through our spouse. It should be the same sort of love. I thank you for saying that. It's so true. And I go back to, I literally like my nan and guppa, my nan and guppa, that's what I call them. But they emulate the perfect description of love. My grandfather had nothing like he, but my grandmother stuck by his side. They had the
Starting point is 00:56:44 most beautiful, it was like out of the notebook I'm not even kidding you that love but they stuck together they went through the mud together my grandmother didn't leave him when he had nothing she stuck by him but because he made her feel so safe and secure emotionally they they had the most beautiful marriage. And so I love that you say that because no, it isn't, it is not, it's not, it has nothing to do with money. Honestly, if I'm being honest, when I see the couples with that marry the men with all this money, they're the most miserable because the husbands are only focused on, on their careers and money and their attributes. And they, they neglect them and they don't give them,
Starting point is 00:57:25 they'll say, oh, well, I give her this and that. So she's okay. I'll go buy her a pair of shoes. That's not love. So I think that's a really great point because I know a lot of women in relationships might be like, oh, but he doesn't get me this or that. As long as he gives you love, that is all that matters. It's true. And knows that when things get tough, he'll still be there to protect you and lay down
Starting point is 00:57:52 his life for you, even if he doesn't have much. All I want, all I want is a husband who will cover me in prayer. You know, it is my greatest desire. I literally just want someone who knows Jesus so well and so intimately and who can be there for me spiritually. And like, I don't care. I literally, it's my greatest desire. And I know I believe that God will honor that desire because I just want someone who can protect me spiritually because it's scary out here. It is. And men that aren't doing that, it's scary because you have to.
Starting point is 00:58:36 You have to. You have to put God at the forefront. The way we are with him, how could we ever settle for less? I can't. You can't you can't you can't go back because we know how crucial and how important it is yeah and without him there's there's no joy of life there's no way of life you're just kind of coexisting through life the term unequally yoked has taken on a whole new meaning for me recently because I
Starting point is 00:59:07 imagine myself in a relationship or married to somebody who doesn't love God as much as or like in the way that I do, there would be such a misalignment in our spirit. On a spirit level, we wouldn't align. So like where could we go from there? Like, the thing that matters to me most in the world, if it doesn't mean as much to you, like, what are we going to talk about? It's true. Like, what are we going to – The most important thing in relationships, I believe,
Starting point is 00:59:41 is you have to have the same values. Yeah. What are you going to – I mean, is you have to have the same values. Yeah. What are you going to, I mean, really, though, I mean, they could be a great girl or a great guy. I mean, and we get asked that all the time. Well, he's such a good guy. He's such a, she's such a wonderful girl. But what are you going to do when you're sitting at the table and you're reading the Bible and you're in prayer? And that's all we talk about. I mean, it's not all we talk about, but that's, you know, that's, he's our life. And so how are you going to, how is that going to work?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I agree. So I think it's really important to have the same values. Just on the last thoughts about submission. I know for me, I've been thinking a lot about submission and just relationships in general. And I think one of the reasons why I have always loved being in a relationship, and let me preface this by saying that I've never been married. So every relationship that I've been in has been ungodly in a sense because I should not have been in a submissive role to somebody who's not my husband.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And I want you to know that if you are not married, you should also not be under any sort of authority except your own fathers and gods. The Bible is very clear on that. But unfortunately, me, when I was living in the world and all that, playing house, you know, just giving somebody more than I should have spiritually and emotionally and it not ending in marriage. But the thing is, the reason why I always love being in a relationship is because I am just like you are naturally submission, submission, naturally submissive. I love being under a man's authority. It feels really good. Submission should feel good. The world has lied to women for a long time saying that we need to be boss babes who are the leader and masters of everything and the rulers of our own lives
Starting point is 01:01:39 and making us feel that it's actually wrong and uncomfortable to be in a position of submission. But I want you to know that when you really get close to Jesus and you're really in right standing with God, I believe that this is something that comes very naturally and it will naturally start to feel good to be in a position of submission, no matter how much of a natural born leader you are. And I understand if you've not felt safe by men throughout your life, maybe you don't feel safe by God. Maybe you don't feel safe by your own dad, your uncles, some men in your family from childhood that either hurt you or mistreated you. And then when we get into later years, and then we start dating and men start
Starting point is 01:02:26 treating us badly and men do this, and there's so much trust that's broken. I want you to know that you don't necessarily have to put your trust in man, but you can put your trust in God and his design. And if he designed something some specific way, it's because He loves you and it's what's best for you. So have trust in that. Have trust in the God who loves you, that He will bring you someone. As long as you are living in right standing with God and you're sensitive to the Holy Spirit and you're waiting for God's peace, He's going to bring you someone worth submitting to and somebody that you can trust. and somebody that you can trust. For anyone who is single right now, I guess I'll say is make God your first love.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Make him your true love because he is always going to be your first and true love. Singleness has been, aside from all the pain I had to endure this past couple years, singleness has been the greatest gift that God has given me. I can finally see myself for the first time in my life. Your relationship with God comes before everything else. And like scripture says, seek first the kingdom and everything else will be added to you. Don't worry about your person. They're coming, and they'll come at the perfect time. So I don't want you to feel like you're alone, like it's too late, like it's never going to happen. I hope it comforts you to know that Angela and I are both in our singleness season.
Starting point is 01:04:01 And we're happy and confident. I don't get embarrassed when people say, are you single? No, absolutely not. I really don't want you guys to feel like that. Because honestly, I, I said to Angela the other day, I'm like, I am so happy to be single that it's almost a little scary. Like it's like me and God right now. And it's so beautiful. I am growing and learning and flourishing. If I'm being honest, I've never flourished like I am in my singleness season. So I don't want you guys to feel like your time is running out. It is not. It's not too late. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now in this moment. So I hope that gives you a little rest and it puts you at ease because that is the truth.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Amen. Absolutely. It's not too late. I have a couple of words that I want to pray for Ari and I and everybody who's single. I pray that for all of us, God will set us apart truly. I pray that he will keep us hidden and that he will keep us pure, us and our spouses, that we will all be separated, that we won't go on pointless dates, that we won't get into relationships that prolong our journey and finding the one who's actually for us.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I pray that we enter a season, if we're single, of true God-fulfilled joy and peace and love in His presence, and that we focus on the Lord fully and completely, and we devote ourselves, mind, body, and spirit, and that our spouses do the same, that we're hidden, that we're hidden and we're learning, as Ari said, and growing in God, and that God will bring our spouse at the perfect time, not a second too early and not a second too late. We love you guys. Thank you guys for everything. We adore you.
Starting point is 01:05:52 We will see you in Texas, hopefully, in Houston and in Austin. We thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace. We love you. Love you. you

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