Goes Without Saying - comfort catch-ups & cosy company: podmas #1

Episode Date: December 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes without saying, you're listening to Podmas, episode one. We're doing every single day this December, so open your little advent calendar. This is day one. Sephie and Wing saying hi, welcome to Podmas.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And tomorrow, congratulations, more of the same the same more of the same so see you then okay ho ho ho happy podmas happy podmas everybody happy podmas happy mince pie season i can't think of another christmas thing rudolph i just said him this is take two already of episode one we had a bit of a blunder in the last minute of the last as we always do that's down the drain but great way to start podmas with a mistake and i think that just sets the precedent of what we're here to do yeah and what are we here to do we're here to blow your mind during the christmas period mean to? Last year we did 12 days. Last year, last year I had 12.
Starting point is 00:02:08 12 episodes. This year we're doubling up. Yeah. 24 episodes. Advent calendar. For literally no good reason other than we just wanted to say hi. Just checking on you guys. We just thought it's like, are we the pioneers of Podmas?
Starting point is 00:02:22 I don't know if I... We kind of are. I'm not going to lie. are we the pioneers of podmas i don't know if i we we kind of are i'm not gonna lie podmas i remember when we first did it um yes there was not really anyone out i remember there was one kind of podcast that like don't be angry with me guys there's not a real podcast i think it was like some man like in kind of like ohio somewhere just like tucked away somewhere like it's not like there's no overlap you know and he had used the term because i just remember thinking have we because i remember saying did we just invent did we just break new ground was that ground shifting something we say quite often actually let me have a look because
Starting point is 00:03:02 if the man in in heart in ohio invented it i'm happy to give him his credit but we all know he definitely didn't invent we all know the clearly but this is the podcast twist oh that's what inspires yeah no we did invent it i'm gonna say with sephian it's sephian wings podmas you know we did and you know what it was actually the most beautiful um you know when like kind of um taylor swift sits down she talks about her writing process so it's just it was just so organic that album when i you know i did this is that pod was very organic it did just feel right didn't it time for us it was it did feel right and it served us very well it was perfect it was so much fun period and i feel like well this year we're doubling up as we said we're going to do 24 so it's a little advent calendar for you every single day up to christmas that's so fun and i'm so excited to do it ever me too
Starting point is 00:03:50 actually we're going to try and do a few today just to set off on the right foot because you know us classic because you know us and we've been busy actually should we say like what we've been up to well first of all thank you everyone for the rap oh my god thank you for the everyone listening on spotify congratulations on the wrap to everyone you've got great taste from looking around actual like best best friends i was looking at like some people's minutes they've spent with us is more minutes than episodes we've put out so they're like they're doubling up they're listening like multiple times and even if you're not listening multiple times just hey just hey if this is your first time here so nice to meet you hope you're having a wonderful podmas so far
Starting point is 00:04:31 i hope these three minutes haven't disappointed you been serving you well um but the wrapped was so nice to see everyone wrapped i actually feel like it's so funny that like spotify wrapped that release day actually ends up being quite a big deal for us like i never knew like spotify wrapped that release day actually ends up being quite a big deal for us like i never knew that spotify wrapped would actually mean something to me personally i saw an article and i truly mean an article i'm not talking about a tiktok when people say i read an article i mean i saw an article didn't read it but i saw the headline and they it was they were interviewing the people that work at spotify and they had quoted them said it's like election night and it's like truly it is it feels that way it's a big it feels that way yeah it came bearing good
Starting point is 00:05:13 news this year for us and it always does to be honest i remember the first time like it must not have been last year it must have been the year before i actually don't know maybe it was last year no it must have been the year before where like year. No, it must have been the year before. Where, like, it was the first year. It must have been the year before that we were, like, getting, like, quite a few, like, mentions and stuff. And I remember tapping through and just being like, what the fuck is going on? And now it's really sweet because people were sending them and being like, three years in a row. Or like, this is my second year with you guys. That is really fucking sweet.
Starting point is 00:05:42 So, hey, if you're new. Hey, if you're old news. You've been here ages um well thanks so much for sticking with us for three years or three months how long you've been here and i hope we can have a really fun december together same every day so tonight in honor of wrapped we've actually can you believe we've actually been invited out of the house i can't believe we're stuck outside this is crazy i can't believe this i actually can't believe it so we're going to the spotify wrapped live event oh my god which i also have news to tell you about oh my god go on
Starting point is 00:06:15 i don't i don't think this is founded but like i do have a bit of bubbling excitement in me about this is it something to do with taylor yes i've been seeing something about her bear in mind i'm not in the taylor swift sphere in any way and for some reason she's been coming up she's been coming up it's like something to do with spotify wrapped i know she was the number one artist she's the number one so yeah she's done a bit of a campaign with them well then i saw a tiktok this morning i'm not gonna lie and say it was an article it'd be a bizarre article i saw a really crazy tiktok this morning that was like swifties taylor's just landed in london last night but i then it's also it's beyonce's premiere tonight in london so she's going to be on say unfortunately which we love we
Starting point is 00:06:56 love but like maybe you could pop in to spotify rap what would you do if she's there tonight i have to well we were joking the other day i was i need to bring a pen and paper just in case i need to get a letter to her i didn't like like for example at the iris uh film i was shocked at um just her presence of how what it did to me really the magnitude i do genuinely think if i saw her i'd be sick and i don't even like her that much and i think i would actually vomit just from like the power i just want if i ever get a chance to meet her i just want to say like that there's just and it's kind of you know what i'll actually say what i would want to say to taylor is kind of similar to what i would want to say to everyone who like listens to this is just i would like to have a moment with each and every one of you
Starting point is 00:07:41 taylor and i now speak directly to you you're included in this i would just like to say like i hope you just get moments where like you can relax and have nice hot baths and like take care of yourself and like i hope the people in your life really make you happy and i just i hope you feel really cared for and like safe and like you're having fun i hope you're laughing a lot like i just hope everyone's good i hope everyone's good that doesn't necessarily go to taylor for me that goes just around the globe well that that goes to taylor with me and then i would also i'm not gonna lie guys you you wouldn't necessarily get this from me but taylor you would get a little bit of um just the gratitude for the generosity of like you've given a lot like i always say like the sheer volume of music from her is is overwhelming it's 24 days of pod
Starting point is 00:08:23 every day you wake up with a new advent from taylor it's insane um but if she's there tonight that'll be insane it'll bring the house down it would bring the house down i would never emotionally recover yeah that's insane anyway we all think the details we've been given about um the fit tonight what to wear and stuff is so confusing it's like camera ready no stilettos with no layers red carpet maybe like who wrote this willy walker i'm so confused i feel very under prepared for this tour of your chocolate factory i'm so confused like free bar loving the sound love the sound vip area loving the sound we're gonna try and like film it obviously and like we're trying to drop a lot more on the instagram and the tiktok and stuff to just keep you guys
Starting point is 00:09:10 um just almost aware that we're real people like with faces that move when we talk yeah we're not just like voices from the void also like this sort of thing is so like this will be our first like event of that sort of vibe we're very green to this we did we actually had an event last night which and it was like this is a dream event it was like a sky cinema event which by the way the only reason we're getting invited to this stuff i just want to make clear is because of our manager it's only possible because we have someone now actively like sending us to places sending us to places so god bless being like please can you just spare a seat for them yeah it's not like oh god sephie and wing have hit the big time now it's like oh god it's just freya it's always
Starting point is 00:09:56 freya um but we were at this event last night for sky cinema and it was such a dream like we're watching a film and then the scene in the film like for example they order pizza and it's like they bring us pizza to eat or like they're having dessert and it's like they brung us dessert like it was like there were courses being brought out it was to match what you're watching in the film it was so fucking good and there was one where they were like eating a gingerbread house they're making gingerbread and they gave us a little bit of gingerbread a house shaped gingerbread and we had to like paint it on and do some gems so cute you'll see it's on our instagram on tiktok probably as well yeah yeah i need to get those from you because last night that wasn't happening just a quick bit i sent them on the train on the train wi-fi it's never strong i'm quite liking
Starting point is 00:10:42 this just as a little hello really just a bit of housekeeping just basically this is this is kind of the group assembly before we go into popmus hi everyone here's what you can expect yeah what were your assembly songs we used to do um i feel like assembly is a very uk thing actually yeah i think it happens differently or like even the word assembly i feel like i've heard that that's not something that people are familiar with but it's just the idea that everyone's gathered in the hall and kind of dumbledore comes out like guys don't kill yourself on the third floor corridor on the right hand side we would sing um
Starting point is 00:11:18 look for the bare necessity recipes we would sing um we are the children of x y and z school oh what's that learning together and having fun is there a good time everyone and then it would be like did you do i can't remember we also did quite a lot of like he's got the whole world in his hands. Maybe. We did something about spreading kindness along and I always remember we did one about hunting and it was saying how hunting was bad. It was like, Shooting, hunting, fishing is our idea of fun.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Anything around in the air or on the ground better run when they see us come. And then the verses would come in and be like, No, don't do that. Oh my God. I don't know why they thought we were all going to be like a huntsman. Hunters. We were in District 12.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on spotify apple or wherever you get your podcasts a cast helps creators launch grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere a cast.com okay okay that's the beginning of podmas um well how are you feeling at the moment and what are your thoughts on like december any any hopes and dreams for what the month could bring my thoughts
Starting point is 00:13:35 and hopes and dreams for december are always the same in that it's always christmas then two days later my birthday so it's always it's kind of the month for me perfect as all months should be it's kind of all of my christmases come at once if you will you know what i was actually this is a separate note but i was actually thinking this morning in the shower which i was also thinking about the topic that i just told you about yeah like a topic which will probably be here in a few days yeah probably but i was thinking that i wanted to make sure i said to you thank you for getting me that chocolate truffle yesterday i was thinking also maybe not in the shower but i think i was thinking as i was going to sleep last night like i wish i got her a praline oh don't don't say that i got this is all in a video
Starting point is 00:14:22 as well you'll probably see it as well well hopefully you see this i did look like the fucking barmaid from shrek in it so i don't know if i can bear to put it up but i will barmaid from shrek that's my doppelganger that is actually insane that's how when i look at the mirror i see that barmaid from shrek and she goes do you want another one i go go, yeah, go on then. That is... I'm not driving. That is so rude. That is how I see myself. To you. What the hell? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:51 The barmaid from Shrek. Yeah, we all know... You know the one, don't you guys? The ugly sister, isn't she? The one that when you watched it, you thought, is that Wing? Why am I thinking of Wing right now? You don't... No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I do. There's something there. I think I'm speaking for us all when I say you don't know you don't i do i think i'm speaking for us all when i say you don't look like the bottom well i don't think they want you putting words in them no i'll happily do it guys none of us think that right um but in this video that you may or may not see but i hope you do because you really don't i hope you do yeah it's a sweet moment thank you there's so basically i was in selfridges i got there a bit early because the event was in selfridges i got there early for a bit of a peruse to peruse the words yeah peruse the fine words i just went like oh like we had an event did we mention we had an event like crazy um and got there early i got there early i went to smell
Starting point is 00:15:43 all the perfumes have a little spray spray spray i got there got to the chocolate truffle section and thought oh god here we go bear in mind the event we're going to is a food event like we're gonna be eating the whole way through and i physically couldn't resist these chocolate truffles i had a nitsu on the train on the way there i was really scared of overfilling before the event but then i was scared of leaving the event and being starved i thought i just thought realistically oh god full to the brim we really did we went in it was like it was like two kids in the capital it was it felt like the capital it felt like there are people starving back in 12 it was crazy what are we doing for it but this is what i mean by we're so fresh this that it's like you can imagine guys yeah no
Starting point is 00:16:25 we were we can imagine this is cringing now yeah like anything free we were grabbing and it's like you don't need to take everything and kind of be like thank you so much thank you is this the toilet thank you so much for telling me what the toilet is thank you i'm not an arsehole thank you yeah yeah um i shouldn't be here by the way but um got there early you got there early saw these chocolate truffles i saw a dark chocolate I shouldn't be here by the way. No, no, it's like, huh? But, um... Got there early. Yeah, got there early, saw these chocolate truffles. I saw a dark chocolate praline one.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I was like, that's for me. I'll get wing, a milk chocolate one. That's so sweet of you. Well, I'm not going to sit there eating a truffle in front of you without getting you a truffle. But I picked it carefully. I thought, what does this girl like? I think she just liked the milk chocolate truffle.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Yeah, and I did. I loved it. The guy that was running the thing was like, I'm also going to give you our best seller just like i'm going to sneak one into the bag for you it's our best seller by the way yeah good news thank you so much sir yeah thank you so much young man young young lad so then we snuck it well we went we didn't sneak into the event we walked into the event because we were invited to there was a sneaking energy but they're just always anytime we go anywhere and the imposter syndrome is coming in we snap even though we could have just walked we were sneaking um and we sat down we ate our truffles straight away in the corner didn't do
Starting point is 00:17:33 our mingling just sat and ate our truffles um and they're really good weren't they they were so fucking good but then as i got them out wing said i like praline i was like oh no i got myself i didn't say i like praline kind was like oh no i got myself i didn't say i like praline kind of like i sat there silently staring at your praline one saying i like praline the problem wasn't my favorite one was the best seller yeah the best seller was great thank you for them i just really wanted to make sure this morning when i was getting ready i was thinking she needs to know that that i really appreciate that was really sweet no no don't worry about it it was a nice arrival as well to be greeted with a chocolate
Starting point is 00:18:07 truffle i also want to say to you do you want a truffle hey i made you jump out of your skin as well because i was looking for you you said that you were like in the place with the books or whatever so i was looking around like where is this girl and i i kept thinking to myself she's got brown hair now she's got brown hair now like you need to remember because you've been looking for the wrong person which i have seen you obviously since your brown hair but yeah it just takes a while you know emotionally tell me about it but it wasn't even the brown hair that threw me i just couldn't find you but then alack you were right in front of me and then i said hey and you went ah kind of like a little skunk or something like a little raccoon just feral energy yeah rabid rabid rabid but i was reading a book about fantasy art
Starting point is 00:18:55 it was the best of fantasy art sorry to disturb um engrossed in the book and then you really took me out back into selfridges i also wanted to say to you that so then when I got there I was I'm so sorry I need to spray some perfume because I do I did have perfume on me but I kind of wanted to douse myself in perfume that I hadn't paid for yeah before I used my own which I had done before that was the first thing I did when I walked yeah first straight into the checklist Hackel's perfumes and sprayed it all over me spray away when we went in there did you notice that that woman thought I was going to steal it because I put my bag on the table no and when she came over she was like do you need any help and which is obviously lovely and like i know that's normal to say do you need any help
Starting point is 00:19:32 but it was because i got my bag out on the table and i was looking for my lip balm and we were kind of by the testers and i just thought yeah that's the classic thieves tell yeah it's a dead giveaway for a thief it's a dead giveaway that i was just but i was like i'm looking for my lip balm and then i you know when you know that like they're wearing watch and it's like no no trust me the context of that is that i had done about 10 loops around that smelling all of them for about 10 minutes before like i'd been bothering her for a while and then i show up again with you with your friend and start spraying more big bag with her well that was lovely nice little catch up nice catch ups well we'll see you tomorrow
Starting point is 00:20:09 see you tomorrow an actual episode i guess with the topic yeah this is the assembly guys yes just introduce ourselves we are the children of seven wings podmas do not hunt do not fish do not hunt the animals yeah you can do it but don't i mean hunting is a bit mad but anyway catnip is directly to you directly to you do not hunt do we have a podmas outro like if you don't hear from us ho ho ho assume we're slaying away i think it will come to us though assume we slayed too hard out of town assume that we slay too hard but i think it will come to us though assume we slayed too hard out of town assume that we slayed too hard but i think it will come to us we slayed too hard it's terrible we slayed too hard i can't bear myself to say that um i think it will come to us because i think in the other one they do
Starting point is 00:20:56 come to us don't they the days of christmas the verses yeah that was lovely all right well pressure's on for the next one yeah people that we're recording in literally two minutes okay well bye for now tomorrow love you lots be good guys don't do anything i wouldn't do don't go on the naughty list guys because he's watching sees you when you're sleeping hey oh that that's a bit creepy no it's fucked up anyway bye cool bye if you're looking for a new podcast recommendation we have just the thing go love yourself is an award-winning podcast hosted by best friends laura and lauren and they are the pros at handling complex and sophisticated topics but bringing loads of lightness and familiarity, warmth, it's hilarious and moving at the same time. It's everything that I want when I'm on the bus, walking down the street, I'm in my music video, I'm laughing, I'm crying. They cover themes
Starting point is 00:21:57 from self-love, body image. I just listened to one about being child-free which was very interesting. Recent episodes include barbie mania and body image and single life and how to love it so i'm hooked instantly immediately yes immediately yes if you're looking for more conversations on body confidence and self-love and how to get there go love yourself the podcast for you we always need more conversation on confidence self-acceptance they talk about how diet culture took over their lives but now they're unlearning everything they've been taught about body image acceptance and self-confidence i'm ready to learn from the best to be honest
Starting point is 00:22:33 go love yourself girls listen every tuesday with lauren lauren enjoy

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