Goes Without Saying - dreams & the afterlife: podtober #3

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

sephy & wing pathetically present... a spooktacular extravaganza bonanza, featuring sephy & wing, starring sephy & wing, brought to you by sephy & wing. assume the worst.join the conve...rsation every monday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukspeak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Mwahaha. Welcome to Sephian Wings. To Sephian Wings. Spooktacular.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Bonanza. Bonanza extravaganza. I think that's spooky sephian wing yeah yeah we were really trying to think we were when came up with the amazing ideas of a mummy or a zombie but we didn't really know how they spoke i don't know what their voices are mummy can't really talk surely through the yeah you turn on a podcast and you get that it's like i don't i don't know it is crazy it is crazy um and a zombie is just same energy really it's only gonna get worse from here really for the rest of the episode i think i think this is that i think this is gonna be a really spooktacular bonanza extravaganza okay i'm excited if i do say so myself how are you feeling i know you're not feeling don't even go there honestly it's so
Starting point is 00:02:15 boring well i just want to give you the space to acknowledge the fact that you're feeling deathly deathly hallows i really am in deathly hallows at the moment it's not ending i'm like it was part deathly hallows part two deathly hallows part three deathly hallows part four every day i wake up feeling even more deathly than battle of hogwarts all her friends are dropping dead it's killing me one by one it's killing me but i'm deep in podtober and i'm loving it yeah same i'm loving it i hope everyone else is by the looks of everyone yeah then to be honest i know they are i know they are yeah i mean i've been reading the messages and actually i was really stressed out yesterday ill as a bug in a rug nothing um ill as an oath not i wasn't snark i was ill um
Starting point is 00:02:58 and stressing about all the podtober stuff and then everyone's nice responses did actually make me feel a lot better and like okay that's nice it was all worth it yeah yeah oh shall we you she's also been i'll say been working quite hard behind the scenes today editing a lot of stuff that you're going to see there are tricks and treats happening along instagram that and on tiktok too mentioned and tiktok so go check them out be tricked and be treated so round of applause for wing right now she's working hard i mean i'm loving every second but i'm just deathly so i apologize for the for the snot and the coughing that you're getting from me it's so annoying shaking head i love the snot thank you i mean it's spooky sick yeah exactly the character sickly child kind of victorian sickly child do you want to kick us off with this episode yeah i was just thinking spooky
Starting point is 00:03:55 stories almost this is the campfire episode we're all sitting around the campfire we've got our hot hot cocoa yum delightful we've got marshmallows and we've got a kind of um a torch aka a flashlight i believe the americans yes um holding it underneath our chin we're telling spooky stories to each other someone and someone did actually send us a link to some spooky stories if we need more source material content material yeah that'd be good if you could do that for all of the future episodes producer role hit us up yeah we'd love to see a list of just topics in general do you want to kick us kick me while i'm down i this is the sort of thing i mean and this is just a story from actually my mum's life and it has really shaped my kind of understanding of the world um it happened to her when she was studying for well
Starting point is 00:04:59 she was doing an exam at the time so i don't know how old she is but her o levels so she would call them because she's an ancient lady her gcse is essentially so let's say she's like 14 15 good for her she was sitting in a big exam hall that had these huge windows at the side doing her exam do you remember this i know this one i just think this is so crazy and it really yeah i don't know she was doing her exam she was writing writing writing and she looked up outside the window and her grandma was there waving at her and she was like oh my god weird my grandma's come to like say hi to me she must be like picking me up after the exam like like waved back sort of got back down with her exam um and didn't really think about it again then was waiting for her grandma to pick her up and was like oh she's not showing up walked home she got home somber attitude in the house my grandma
Starting point is 00:05:50 her mum was like grandma died today um by the way and she was like i just saw her at school and she was like no no she died at that time like she like you saw your exam was at two she died at two and it really is one of those things that stays with me almost like if i don't see my grandma when she dies i'll be like why did you not visit me yeah it's really like gone in quite deeply to my soul like the idea that we're all connected that she kind of saw her yeah like some sort of thought transference energy i just love it this is why i want your mom to do the lentils of destiny on me oh and she would can you ask her if she would do that for me do you know what if we ever have an event my mom will come and do lentils and destiny on
Starting point is 00:06:35 everyone 100 she'll really do you mean that she'll be star of the show she's such would you let that happen please i really want that to happen oh she'd 100 do it yeah she's i know she would do it but i'm saying would you allow it a shower yeah she'll love it okay perfect because i'm i'm really i'll allow and can you let us know how the lentils work or is it tricks of the trade that's a little easter egg from our video that you'll be seeing soon um the trade is so absurd i can't wait for you to see this video it's so ridiculous it will be up um the only thing that's throwing me is just the sheer size on a technical issue this is where my head's been at guys the technical
Starting point is 00:07:19 side of things just the sheer volume of data that this video requires it can't go straight to my phone from my laptop so i'm gonna have to try and get it straight from my laptop to instagram instagram but anyway that's for me to figure out no that is not your issue guys don't worry about it well look where there's a will there's a way where there's a wing there's a way there's a way there's a way 100 um the lentils of destiny work like she buys a packet of fucking lentils red lentils dried pours them into a fucking giant mixing bowl throws a load of charms in there mixes them around and people dig their hands around and pick them out oh she puts charms it's very oh yeah yeah so she pour pulls there's a load of lentils in a bowl and she has all these charms that she's kind of collected over the years sounds familiar um yeah sounds very
Starting point is 00:08:10 familiar classic tarot reader move um she like puts them all in she takes it to parties people she says i'll pick one pick one that like you're you're drawn to they'll pull one out and it's a charm that they're pulling out yeah they pull out tiny little charms and she has a whole story okay i see so i completely different to what i was expecting go on i was imagining you eat a bowl of dark yeah to be honest i was imagining more of like a um tea leaves like reading the cup sort of thing i was imagining like the pattern of the lentils shows you something something no no no no it's literally a load of lentils are the vehicle for the mixing yeah yeah okay yeah i see i see it's
Starting point is 00:08:52 like literally like from our kitchen it's like things that she i really want to do gets from around the house it's fun she'll definitely do it on you what's the spookiest thing that's ever happened to you i don't know about the spookiest thing that's ever happened to you i don't know about the spookiest like i've had some scary moments in my life definitely there was a point when me and my sister went on a walk and that was quite weird that's just pure scared that's like that's like there was a it's not ghostly no no they were creepy though like that wasn't it wasn't just like a load of men that was like there was a woman there as well with no shoes on like that was a it was a weird situation but they weren't they chased us on quad bikes it was quite weird i i definitely think they're weird but
Starting point is 00:09:34 they're not they're not paranormal no it's not paranormal that's what i mean i don't have any spooky things i see i see i see because that is a harrowing story when did you did you tell that on because that is a harrowing story when did you did you tell that on the pilot season i don't think i've ever told it but it's not it's not like a crazy twist ending it's like some people changed yeah like it was got away though luckily but they did say this got halloweeny they said do you want to come up here and see the bats oh that was a bit scary oh thumbs down it's a no from me and that's when my sister got in the car and started driving um i don't know what's the spookiest thing that ever happened to you um i'm quite a spooky gonzalez girl you are there's always like bumps in the night there's always
Starting point is 00:10:18 weird things happening like there's always like figures and like weird things i especially think when i was younger as a teenager it was very much like i had so many sleepless nights or like weird things the classic sleep paralysis stuff horrible demonic beings but it was also i was actually living in a horrible time in a horrible environment so it probably was amplifying it like the actual stress was coming out in my um auditory and visual exactly yeah maybe um but there was always things about like when we were kids like my cousins and stuff there would always be things of like us going to the you know the corner and like talking to the man and saying like yeah look after this person and like do these things. And I saw this person and they would be like, that person's not alive. Or like, how do you know that name?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Or things like that. I feel like we all, like all of these, all of the cousins, I feel like we all said like weird things about someone who died like i i remember saying um things like we would be like oh i was speaking to for example granddad and he said like to look after you he said to give you a cuddle like weird things like that um or like people saying the names yeah i know weird stuff when we were really really young like i don't know five and under sort of thing like really little yeah but like classic weird kid stuff i do think as kids you're open to a level of life that adults just get like sucked out of them a hundred percent that's why i love i don't know i just i have a whole thing about like people don't listen to children like i really just think kids are treated so shitly even by people that are like good parents and like they're just like following the norms of
Starting point is 00:12:10 life i really think like the normal attitude we have towards children is so dismissive we just disregard them so easily and just like put everything down to just like childhood nonsense when actually they're speaking like if you actually listen to them they're speaking so much sense speaking from the heart more than adults do yeah the time just like they're not idiots because they're young i just love that sort of shit so much like where did that come from i do like the idea of dying and then sticking around to like check in on my loved ones and be like hey and kind of spooking them but just being like ha ha do you like that idea because i think i've internalized that that means that just from like movies almost from like the sixth sense i think i've almost thought that that means that
Starting point is 00:12:56 you're like sticking around because you haven't moved on i think like almost as i did like the sad ghost the ones that stick around well i mean i totally respect a ghost being sad i i can imagine they've got a good reason and it's like yeah wandering around this place your feelings yeah your feelings are valid ghosts but i think more so like when you've been on the earth and you've shared like real deep love with your family and your loved ones and blah blah blah i don't think i think it's not even so much about like oh they're stuck in this realm and now they can't move on they can't be free yeah no but kind of like i think when you lose someone especially
Starting point is 00:13:37 if they're actually um like related to you or like you've just if you if someone's been really really deep and meaningful in your life like they've impacted you on a certain level whatever blah blah i really actually in a physical sense they can never actually leave you like i remember saying to someone yeah um last year whose nan had died and i was like but your nan is literally in you and your children right now not in like a your egg the egg that made you grew in your yeah did we talk about this on the pod i don't know if we ever my dad always says that that my egg grew in grandma it's like he like says it as if it's so special and i think even if you're not actually like related to somebody the impact that people that you love have on you it changes like the things that you find funny or
Starting point is 00:14:26 your opinions on things or the facts that you know or like the shows that you've enjoyed and and your your job your world it changes everything about you so when people have passed on to another life i feel like they literally physically can't be gone because they're living in you every day um go on definitely i know i've just been surprised with that because i like since my granddad died which was maybe ish coming up to two years now about a year and a half ago and i've been very very surprised with like the way that he shows up in my dreams it isn't like the ways that normal living people that i have relationships show up in my dreams like i had a dream last night about my friends and they show up and they kind of change in my dreams and it's
Starting point is 00:15:18 like they're kind of vague and it could they could easily easily turn into like a tortoise halfway through the dream so that's that's alice but it's also a tortoise called Jeff but when my granddad shows up in my dreams it is so strange and my brother actually described that he had a similar experience like without me mentioning it just almost like there was just a bit in one of my dreams and it was literally me going around the table of my family being like does anyone want a tea coffee just being a being a barista these days I'm like tea coffee tea coffee and my and I was like to my granddad he didn't say anything I was just like coffee coffee and he just like nodded at me and it was literally like I looked into his eyes I saw his face there was no blur it was him like it was one of the weirdest
Starting point is 00:16:06 most visceral dreams and it was just him nodding yeah and it wasn't a memory that i had i don't remember being going around tea coffee tea coffee i mean i've made him a lot of coffees in my life but yeah that wasn't a memory it was him it was so it was so fucking weird. Yeah, it was really weird. It was a connection with something that never happened, with somebody that is dead. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I've got a gay rooster named Francoisis is so gay these rams are gay i'm studying gay animals does that mean i'm gay so why don't more people know this i'm owen ever i'm lane caplan levinson and this is a field guide to gay animals a podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find A Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere aks.com but it really felt like oh my god i i actually fucking saw him last night it was so i do feel like as well in those kind of dreams i am the kind of um sleeper dreamer that has lucid dreams quite
Starting point is 00:17:43 often anyway so this probably affects it but i feel like in dreams where there's someone there that for whatever reason is not in your life anymore or like can't be in your life anymore like physically you can't reach them um a lot of light no it's fine glowing heavens are sending down yeah yeah the heavens are breaking through what was i gonna say i do feel like there's a moment in those dreams where you for me personally like have that it's like my brain almost like is swelling like with the excitement of like a really like low level reserved awareness of the fact that it's almost like this is happening it's happening like don't let it don't ruin it don't let it go like it's happening like you're even when i'm not aware of it and i'm not like necessarily lucid dreaming i'm having a moment where i can feel that something important
Starting point is 00:18:38 feels like it's happening and i don't want to i don't want it to end wow that's you know what i mean you know that feeling when you're dreaming and you're like i'm in it i'm in it no because no because that's lucid dreaming which i lucid dreaming is just the awareness that you're dreaming which i do not have at all when i'm dreaming when i'm dreaming i'm like i take everything for face value i was flying around this is really embarrassing this wasn't like a choice that i made but i just realized it was happening in my dream and then i was like oh you're dreaming so like let's just keep doing it i was flying around on a broomstick i'm holding the quidditch world cap how can i
Starting point is 00:19:16 beg my parents are dead it's really that everyone's cheering my name ron wake up you have to see this i was storming around on my in his little pajamas on my um on my uh what's it called broomstick sorry god i'm on her nimbus 2001 and i was on the bus and then i went to get off the bus and i was like shit i've left my fucking broom on the bus and i had to go back on the bus and get it but i'm very much a lucid dreaming kind of girl but sometimes i'll then lean into it and be aware that i'm dreaming and then start to manipulate the dream in front of me that's what fascinates me so i'll be like oh okay like there was a choice last night where i was like you're flying around you fucking loser and then i was like yeah i'm just gonna keep flying like i it's it's more so like if there's something horrible going on i'll be like wake up or like oh that can go away get rid of that sort
Starting point is 00:20:13 of thing but i was generally so you're on a broom on your own and then halfway through you you think oh i'm i'm dreaming that i'm on a broom right now and then what you say oh i'm gonna keep i'll fly over there like what's the yeah i'll fly over there i'm flying lower i could fly up alongside that kind of wall so could you be like oh and oh look there's george next to me you could do that that's insane but if you got too hyped you would wake up do you know i mean so you have to almost like there is a fine line between this loser dreaming and reality like there's a fine line between like getting so hyped and then being like oh shit i'm awake oh god i i literally want to be able to do it so bad i really take it i would do it i think
Starting point is 00:20:57 it happened because when i was young this is a real fun fact about me deep in my medical history i've said this before i was born without hip sockets as i've said on the long list of things that just faults and missteps in my history in my making it is really it's an odd one it's yeah it's a real that i've never heard of that before um yeah no hip sockets so then in my real like i was an infant i would be like crying a lot in the night because it would kind of be fine in the day but then at night when you're laying down it would really hurt so this is like under the age of one for example between like one two three it's crazy you can remember i don't remember this like it must this is just like from my learnings of like it would hurt you know i mean like this is what i've heard like it would hurt me when i was younger
Starting point is 00:21:44 sort of thing yeah which is funny to think about it's like that was me was like how dare you tell me about myself it's like well i was there it's weird isn't it like well you're only one so you want to see a photo it's like how dare you dress me in me my body like these these hands so weird sweet um yeah no hip sockets so i would have like these tumultuous nights and never hasn't really stopped since but i feel like from a really early age my parents would say to me like it's just a dream or like you're fine it's just a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream because i would always be i think kind of in pain in the night so then my brain would create a kind of story around it where i was in danger and i was being hurt or whatever blah blah blah so i would
Starting point is 00:22:26 always have these um terrors in the night and then my parents would tell me over and over again my mom mostly it's just a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream so then i think i held on to this awareness of like it's just a dream when i was dreaming i remember one really specifically where there was like i remember the corrugated iron i remember the corrugated iron so well i thought you'd be really impressed that i remembered i am impressed actually but i know that means something to you because you're into lucid dreaming yeah it's kind of so you kind of would have been writing notes like picture corrugated iron um but i remember and i was i think i must have been five so this is maybe one of my earliest memories
Starting point is 00:23:03 and there was corrugated iron on the floor and i was running away from like this of men disgusting oh they would be always and i was and it's always running i was running away running away and i ran into this lift an elevator some might say ran in and i was tapping the thing like close it close it like let me go let me go and as all of these horrible men were coming towards me i just thought but why would they be coming towards me i'm just a five-year-old girl and it must just be a dream and then all of a sudden i was like this isn't real oh my god i'm about to have sex with four with four and in front of everyone can see it in the training so embarrassing janine's but then i think from there i never really stopped i really i can't imagine not sometimes i just have normal dreams but a lot of the time i'm like
Starting point is 00:23:57 i'm dreaming i'm just in a dream that's insane to have that awareness of it is i'm so envious of it like i wish i like when one of my friends can do it as well and she was describing dreaming and i was like no no not everyone can do that and i was the one that introduced her to the topic of lucid dreaming because she was always like i thought that was just normal dreaming and her she spoke to her family about it in terms of her dad can do it like he never knew that everyone can do that. And I'm just so jealous of people that can, in the middle of their dreams, be like, oh, wait,
Starting point is 00:24:31 I'm on a cloud of marshmallows right now, rather than I'll just be on the cloud. Is that what your dreams are? Are you on clouds of marshmallows? No, that was just, like, with a caricature of a dream. Yeah, do they go abstract? My dreams are horrible.
Starting point is 00:24:42 My dream, actually, last night was horrible. It was like, these people were trying to kill me. kill me i like hid at one of my friend's houses like in a weird like bunker it was horrible and all these candles are falling off the shelf stressful but i didn't realize it was a dream i was like oh my god it's just a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream i need to get it in my head i used to train myself to lose a dream like there's a no avail your hands. Yeah, and put your finger through your thing. No, I think I have done it once.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I think I had a moment, one moment, and obviously the excitement hit the roof, woke me right up. It is that state where like if you're dozing, it's kind of like, you know, you're kind of coming to and it's like, oh, I was just sleeping sort of thing. Oh, I was just dreaming, you know. Do you know what happened quite a lot though when I was in my training for lucid dreaming because in my training i know i really was in training i would set an alarm for the middle of the night
Starting point is 00:25:34 i was like i've got meanwhile we're writing our decisions that's actually a bad idea that was so silly yeah mental but i've tried it a few times in my life because i heard about it for the first time on a podcast called radio lab which i think is still running when i was like 14 and they told all these stories about it about just this guy that he like was having this recurring nightmare then he taught himself to lucid dream to like cure and like deal with the nightmare like it was just really cool to me and i started training then and obviously didn't manage it and then started training again at uni it's so good no no you are in training you had to take your hands like consuming so i that's almost the thing is like if it doesn't come naturally i can't imagine trying to force it to happen because
Starting point is 00:26:18 it almost feels it's like so on a different level of your brain but that's part of the training the training is to like get it to get your brain to ask you ask that is this reality throughout the day so that it will eventually start doing it in the night so like one of the things was that you have to look down at your hands and if your hands look normal in the day it's like oh yeah they're my hands i'm awake and then in the in your dream obviously your hands will look weird and it's like a good tell is like i started to have a lot of like um sleep paralysis exactly because you're getting yourself into that weird like limbo state of like dozing where you can then start to like be kind of half asleep you start hallucinating like weird shit it's horrible um yeah and sleep paralysis
Starting point is 00:26:59 is horrific oh my god horrible horrible you've had some crazy i've only had one weird um hallucination with it where like a thing sat on my chest and licked my nipples it's like it's actually like you're appropriating the culture of of sleep paralysis it's like no i had it yeah i know but the nipple the nipple licking is crazy it's like it was mental i was like oh my god there's something sitting on my chest what the fuck and i was like what's it doing i was like oh my god it's licking my nipple and it was horrific it was horrible it sounds horrible it sounds insane um i would love to know where everyone stands on lucid dreaming dreaming like do you lucid dream have you ever thought about it or are you trying or like what's
Starting point is 00:27:45 the vibe do you know i mean i would love to know i think dreams is one of my most fascinating just sleep i'm interested in in a deep way it's intriguing um do you want to tell your sleep paralysis story no if i die and come and haunt you in my in your dreams should i come into your dreams and be like seph you're dreaming yeah you can maybe help i will yeah exactly you can enlist me as your mentor maybe you could be some kind of animal like okay oh do you know what you'd be an owl oh that's not what they say yeah if i hear an owl i'll be like that's you do you hear owls often i'll be i don't know what i'd be it'd be like a little platypus or something sweet yeah like that like that i love
Starting point is 00:28:32 that i think yeah okay yeah nice all right it's a bit spooky okay yeah spooky yeah Thank you so much. We're tied up. We're mummies. We're not spookies. Just a couple of mummies. All right, bye. See you tomorrow. Spooky. Spooky.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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