Goes Without Saying - DRINK WITH US: a bonanza extravaganza #1

Episode Date: November 2, 2023

sephy & wing pathetically present... a spooktacular extravaganza bonanza, featuring sephy & wing, starring sephy & wing, brought to you by sephy & wing. assume the worst.join the conve...rsation every monday & thursday.shop our merch: sephyandwing.co.ukspeak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying, you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. And welcome to this creepy, crazy, chaotic episode of the spooktacular Bonanza extravaganza this is your finale we are
Starting point is 00:01:29 very drunk right now we have drunk a lot we're in we're in costumes for god's sake my dog is mental this episode it gets progressively weirder and weirder and to be honest i can't quite remember what we say i have no idea we've we've responded to whatever you said on instagram so we're gonna hold you accountable to this this is your idea we've got nothing to do with this we've totally been taken advantage of here totally been exploited you've caught us in a weak spot right now so enjoy we love you so much enjoy okay cool this is so fun hang on Enjoy. Okay. Cool. This is so fun. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Cheers. Cheers. To goes without saying. To goes without saying. Refreshing. I've got a pumpkin goblet right now with red wine in. A goblet of fire. It feels very goblet of fire. The video of this will be up on the Instagram and the TikTok, hopefully, and bits and pieces and are we doing the whole lot i reckon the whole thing should just go up let's
Starting point is 00:02:29 see if we're interesting enough who knows yeah yeah exactly let's see how it goes see how it goes no pressure should we describe our costumes yeah you go first i was gonna say for the visually impaired but immediately no yeah immediately you're not seeing the full video so i am famously taylor's version black space stabbing the cake crying ex-girlfriend i don't think i've seen um this version of that she doesn't have taylor's version but i'm just making it clear that you know if there was to be a taylor's version of the video that would be me yeah okay got it got it i was gonna say oh my god i actually don't know what you're talking about you are yeah and i am katniss everdeen the girl on fire as sinner has dressed up ready for the parade i was planning on wearing an anorak doing a katniss sort of look i've spray painted my hair
Starting point is 00:03:19 brown and well my sister has but then i thought why not be sinner's vision of katniss if you're gonna do it it's you're going out out so i should have flames behind me lizzie did a great job your sister did an amazing job she did she's done like i mean god i feel like katniss right now yeah you you look so good i really wish this hair could be a tuesday walking down the street it's kind of a take on katniss's hair as well, because they've got these plaits that are going up. But Katniss's are more to her head, but we did a bit of a take on Katniss. No, no, I'm into it. Are you?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Are you? Coming to the tree. All right. I had a dream the other night about Peter Malark. I'm reading Catching Fire at the moment, so it's very much in my brain. Peter Malark. That involved Wing's boyfriend, which was quite insane.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I had a dream that I was at Wing's house talking about Hunger Games as I do. Yes. All of that makes perfect sense. Yeah, it makes perfect sense. And Wing's boyfriend said, I would really like to learn more about peter meadows and i said his name is peter malark classic boys boys boys
Starting point is 00:04:31 when will they learn silly boy silly billy to meadows silly billy boy so first thing i I did when I woke up was say, I had a dream where my boyfriend said I want to learn more about Peter Meadows. About Peter Meadows. I would want to learn more about Peter Meadows. And I can tell you more, but, you know. I can't wait to find out. Should we kick this off? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So we put on the story like, kind of like a truth or drink situation. Yeah. Okay, that's fun. Yeah. I didn't actually read the thing. I've seen some of the responses yeah but we'll just actually read the thing i've seen some of the responses but i didn't even read the question i think we can just have a general chat about whatever's going on yeah in life just what you know whatever the however the mood strikes yeah yeah i'm well up for it all right some of them are a bit dark really well
Starting point is 00:05:25 that's really in my head i can't say i can't do dark one no it's like legitimately dark oh trying to find that one now oh found it found it yeah just let that one go okay okay just take it in and let it go just absorb that and try and move on with my life okay thanks all right where should we start i don't know i would like to start by just saying thank you so much for doing podtober with me and thank you harry so much for joining to do this like this has just been so fun like i've absolutely loved podtober so i'm glad we're doing like a finale of it as well same this is really fun yes this is insane it's like it's stupid fun yeah it's also it's halloween it's too much fun night right now like it's halloween it's hallows eve it is the night of
Starting point is 00:06:24 nights and i was so worried about not being able to dress up this year so this is actually so i wasn't so worried but i was not happy she was tossing and turning she was kept up at all hours i wasn't happy about it so this is really like the best thing ever it looks so good i really love it looks so good just thank you so much also like my sister made me a mockingjay pin pin a pin and she did raise a good question why do you not own one already i was shocked that i didn't she was like surely you have one and i was like it's weird that i don't surely a girl like you has a mockingjay pin lying around pull yourself together
Starting point is 00:07:01 why do you fucking mockingjay okay i'm not i think you should pick where to take us because i feel like i always just i pick the long roads do you know what i mean not at all do you know i mean i don't want to get us lost okay right i need you to keep up with me as well drink wise because i just yes we all know right should i take a big old yeah could you because i've already had quite a bit and i don a big old yeah could you because i've already had quite a bit and i don't need a lot okay right let me maybe even another big one yeah go on lovely like come on katniss you haven't drunk in weeks it's your one night at the capital live it up let's go then oh wow should a bit of a poor crazy pills they have in the capital that make
Starting point is 00:07:43 you sick there's people starving back in 12 i'm really in the heights of reading it like there's people starving back in 12 cheers to 12 cheers to 12 to 12 so what would your 12 be what does that mean what would your 12 be like where's your 12 she grows up in in 12 right district 12 yeah yeah she grows up in district 12 so we all have our district 12 surely it's my hometown oh you're there right now i'm living in my 12 right now she's in district 12 so send condolences send send packages hey mitch please you call that a kiss um which was the name of my dissertation which i'm really sounding like a super fan but i'm just in the peak of it now
Starting point is 00:08:32 where's your 12 you are a super fan yeah my 12 is david beckham's 12 i was gonna dress as um victoria beckham, that's iconic. I was going to do that. That's really fun. Next time. It's always tomorrow. It's always next year when it's even more irrelevant. Right, sorry. I'm really taking ages to pick a question.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Okay. So we're not going to talk about my 12 being David Beckham's 12, or we're just going to let that go? Oh, I didn't really understand it. Go on. You're from the same place. Oh, you went to the same school. We went to the same school. Yeah, you did. obviously a few years apart and um the teaching had obviously improved by the time i got there yeah yeah and that's about it where was that
Starting point is 00:09:15 you maybe don't need to say your hometown but like whereabouts was that it's in it's in northeast london yeah and um he yeah you knew that yeah and he um in his documentary when he goes through like his his old life i'm like that's my old life yeah and it's just quite sweet and i also have that similarly with the enfield um which we all know and love yeah yeah we do everyone's heard of famously in the conjuring two guys yeah or maybe three i don't know i'm actually not from enfield but i'm from really near enfield um so it's just you know familiar i like things like that when i'm like i know where you are yeah yeah no i get that just for me that demon came just for me just for me that's funny that you say demon because i was just thinking i feel like that with the northern lights
Starting point is 00:10:03 just for me that's funny that you say demon because i was just thinking i feel like that with the northern lights or um also known as the golden compass which is set in oxford wow and it's like oh well that's these are my streets but it's like a dystopian all right you win i get david beckham cheating on his wife yeah but who do i get lyra yeah it's delicious it's delightful yeah go on take it away um i'm already feeling it yeah yeah but you need more i think okay more more more if we're already nine minutes in this maybe isn't even a long episode i think okay well maybe we should do that one cartoon crush question mark no i don't know who it would be um cartoon crush what jessica rabbit thank you for the question by the way that's not an insult to you it's an insult to sephie yeah and i'll take it because you can take it yeah yeah i feel bad i'm really grateful for the
Starting point is 00:10:57 is that that's too mean do you think to put that out it's fine is that me is that me okay yeah who's your cutting crush um i can read outside of my door as well which is annoying me it's embarrassing to be overheard saying yeah i don't want to say like can we cut that sorry um we have to cut it because i just burped in it okay i just burped all over it so that's gone okay thanks yeah i didn't want to say loudly um robin hood as a fault i thought it was going to be robin hood i always did i haven't seen that before yeah i haven't seen him in years but you're always speaking about robin hood but i would say maybe good option yeah cute couple maybe even the fox from zootopia
Starting point is 00:11:41 it's kind of robin hood yeah exactly maybe there was something for foxes you have a type strong type fox okay maybe i don't know cartoon crushes is not i don't know if this counts as like a disney character but i think rapunzel entangled but what about flynn and flynn too yeah he can come everyone's invited i prefer rapunzel when she gets the short hair i know this is why we're fundamentally different people i love that look so much i love that you love it and i would i aspire to love it like you love it but i just don't you know how everyone always says that oh why didn't you just cut it a bit shorter i get no i get yeah yeah no yeah sorry longer yeah it's kicking in
Starting point is 00:12:25 my long and short but i always think like god that's such a good length the way it flicks out i mean yeah it's undeniably beautiful it gives me a florence p vibe that's cool it reminds me of um a character from the, the live action Garfield, the character Liz. I always thought had stunning hair. It's very similar sort of flick that's going on. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:12:52 I love that. I think I just quite like that look. I support the liking of the look and I wish I could be there, but I'm just not, I'm not evolved enough yet. No, it's fair enough. I do have a problem.
Starting point is 00:13:01 For example, when Tris cuts her hair. Oh God. Why, why, why yeah so i do completely get it that's painful that you're embarrassing me in front of four he can't see me like this okay um go on should we one because i don't know what to pick for some reason i've got like stage fright should we like do a quickfire round yeah go on oh i i wanna i want to give you the room to answer
Starting point is 00:13:31 this one but like i don't have an answer off the top of my head so if you have an answer if you have an answer i'll have to think of one just so i don't humiliate myself but they said what are your biggest icks for each other for each other yeah was mine for you when i got really upset about the wi-fi not working so we couldn't watch that's so relatable like that is that's me in every way like i completely that's like a relatable thing okay good i would find that nick of a boy did that i don't i think it's hard to for a girl to have an ick yeah i can't fault these girls it's true but boys everything they do is somehow just like revolting okay i hear you i hear you
Starting point is 00:14:12 okay what about this one this see this is kind of the thing that i would choose and it's like immediately taking us to a dark place and it's like let's do it for a while a fear that you've never voiced out loud see unfortunately when you have a podcast i do feel like we do voice the fears quite maybe too much yeah yeah they're always out loud but i'm sure there are some a fear i have and this is actually quite halloweeny and i only really realized it today because i went into my loft to go and get basically my grandma months ago bought well probably about a year ago now bought around all our old fancy dress stuff from her house and i bagged it all up with her and i put labels on it hats and wigs on one of them tops on this one tails on this one yeah yeah good for you you know well she kind of made me do it
Starting point is 00:14:56 she was like we need to label if you want because i was like she was going to throw them away and i was like no keep them keep them please please please please please um and she was like well okay well they're your responsibility then i was like okay i'll do it yeah i had to go into the loft today because i thought okay maybe i can find something turns out they're all i was gonna say did you get no what were you working with the best thing was like a sailor's hat and i was like oh that could be cool but a lot of them were like ratty wigs and things like that they're more just like nostalgic it's like oh that's my granddad's hat yeah you don't want to let it go and things like that it's almost like what do you mean from russia what he went to russia there were like russian hats that he gave
Starting point is 00:15:32 it and like wow my sister always wears his like army uniform and shit like we've got like loads of his stuff so it's like i wanted to keep as much yeah it's really cool so i wanted to keep and there's all of it it's just like a load of it's tats as well but just like cool stuff there's nothing i love more as you know exactly and i had to go into my loft okay and i was terrified like i was actually like i've never really been in there i could always get someone else to help me but i had a bit of a fear of like it's a room of my house that i've never been in i was gonna say what what is the particularly scary what's this scary part it's there's a but it's just unfamiliar it's like this house i've lived in since i was one
Starting point is 00:16:10 or younger than one i think nine months when we moved here like i know this house every crevice of this house but there's a whole other floor of this house i've never been to and kind of the idea that anything could be going on in there without you knowing i was i've always like had the joke of like oh i won't go up there because of the clown i always say like oh because of the clown i won't go in there because like i probably saw a thing about a clown living in someone's roof or something when i was like younger pretty horrifying but sometimes when i'm home alone i think i hear someone walking around up there and think like i'm just scared of the loft a little bit and i realized today i couldn't even confront it i had to get my mom to help i was like i actually am scared of the loft i was like my knees are knocking together
Starting point is 00:16:48 i can't on the ladder really no i was exaggerating but i was scared i couldn't reach for the bag the bag of fancy dress you were too scared because you're quite petrified kind of yeah so it's a new fear that i realized today new fear unlocked yeah the loft wow i actually also known as an attic yes also known as an attic i my bedroom was the loft oh my god from when i was yeah yeah yeah and that was where i had all my hauntings and i was just i was having i was in such a terrible time and you really would up there yeah yeah and it's like i kind of i had like openings to almost like the bit where like the insulation is and all the beams and like things like that like my it was just it was also it was a haunted home for many yeah there's more things than the clown
Starting point is 00:17:37 yeah that wasn't the scariest thing there believe it or not um yeah i relate to the loft attic fear i get it yeah all right and what's your what's your fear then oh i don't know probably something horrible like no one really likes me i'm just destined to be like like i've been thinking recently i'm a bad person i haven't said that well you're not you're not i don't know i'm thinking maybe i am yeah i don't know i i have this fear that i'm like oh my god everyone's gonna find out that i'm like such a mean evil person and i'm like but i'm not evil as someone that knows you quite well okay i'm just gonna crush the fear because i think i would have weaseled that out by now what if i was evil if you were
Starting point is 00:18:25 an evil mean person i would have not wanted to be around you and the fact that i have literally tethered to tethered myself to you quite so heavily actually in fact i would never do that with a mean person so it's almost like take it from me i don't know why it's not me recently i don't know why also i'm pro meanness not me pro meanness but i'm pro villains and i like that yeah i would be a villain if you had a villain era i would be here for it as well interesting enough to have a villain era you are i'm just a bit no you know i am i am you are please i don't have all right well that was lovely thank you for taking us there yeah that yeah well there's no mean not a mean oh thanks thank you good well that's quite an extreme thing to say there is
Starting point is 00:19:13 definitely a meanness in me but it's not it's not overwhelming right you're not a bad person also i don't think being having a meanness in you makes you a bad person like it's human just just the the speed at which women think they're a mean bad person i mean boring wing no no it's just it's human just just the the speed at which women think they're i mean bad person i mean boring wing no no it's just it's just like god we're we're screwed in this world silly girls they're like do i hear the boys talking around i think i'm a bad person no and they actually are someone should tell those boys you actually are okay if anyone sees those boys soon this one's quite bad no from us yeah this is like drunk episode energy this is from our friend jade as well i saw this one okay go go grossest slash grimest slash most embarrassing personal hygiene habits i thought this was
Starting point is 00:19:59 suspicious i'm slurring my words i thought this was a suspicious jade you need to drink i think actually yeah that was quite bad for me that wasn't planned I'm slurring my words I thought this was a suspicious I'm really suspicious Jade You need to drink I think actually Yeah yeah Because that was quite bad for me That wasn't planned It wasn't a planned slurring Believe it or not
Starting point is 00:20:11 Okay right let me fill up I thought this was suspicious from Jade Because I thought you've met us Both in person I've shared Do you know what I've shared a sprite with Jade Through a straw
Starting point is 00:20:20 And Jade came away From these encounters Thinking one thing these guys are unhygienic they stink stinky these girls please someone's gonna tell them and this is her way of telling us what do you think can we actually say no just a quick side note we're so excited and proud of jade because she's killing it right she's a dj she's a dj for well actually she's a producer for some she's so cool she's so cool um i don't know if i jade yeah shout out jade jade i don't know why
Starting point is 00:21:01 you've asked this and i don't know if i'm going to respond. What's your answer? I'm really trying to think. It's always like, Jade, what were you thinking? Who would ask such a thing, Jade? No, no, let's actually think. Let's like think. I don't want to say because I just know like if we're lucky enough to end up on like these horrific gossip websites in like two years.
Starting point is 00:21:19 This will be the headline. That will be the headline. Yes. It'll be like, did anyone hear that episode where sephie wing confessed to blah blah blah you know what i'm not giving you that i would love to give you a little something something i can't really think of anything wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts. Everywhere. ACAST.com um it's just so hygienic i think do you know what i think i am hygienic person oh people could find a little grimness in me i'm sure like easily done who cares yeah jade sorry jade we can't do it you're expecting we can't do it to ourselves we can't throw ourselves under the bus like just whatever you're thinking it's that
Starting point is 00:23:12 make it up just think of something gross that's us okay i mean this is no go on no go you go so i can't really do this for you because there's it's your current boyfriend but if you had to get with one of each other's exes who would it be like of all the guys i've dated in my life if you had to get one obviously no names who would you pick uh i think there are some um no the reason i don't like it is because it's involved with you i would never. There is an overlap in our... Not necessarily your real life encounters, but in our zoomed out global taste.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah. There's an overlap. The Nick Miller. Bad, bad taste. Boy. But the Nick Millers of the world. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I would love to know. That's a good question in my opinion yeah no it is a really good question but i don't know who it would be also i can't answer them i guess yeah what am i gonna say full name except he's like cut that yeah exactly it's like really bad content i would like i would almost love to have the oh i don't know i don't know because his i would rather just i would rather live a long tethered life with you at the end of the day i'd write why would i be interested in these little scraps they can go they're just all i know about them and you've had an unreliable narrator give you but i what i know of these people highs and lows what they share is that
Starting point is 00:24:48 they haven't had their heads screwed on enough i think and i'm sure they're fine and whatever everyone's nice sure but like i just i'm there's just there's you're annoying there's more for you yeah i just think like you deserve such extreme amazing passion peter meadows so i'm not seeing peter meadows just yet but i'll let you guys know if i think peter meadows shows up looks like him no okay i thought when Hunger Games, I thought, you look like him. He's reminiscent. I should call him. Also,
Starting point is 00:25:26 I feel like seek out people. It's like a bit weird wearing this, being like, he looked like Peter. But it's always like, I did actually think it was an afterthought almost. What was the funny, oh,
Starting point is 00:25:37 no, no, don't. Yeah. No, go on. Do you appreciate that response? Um,
Starting point is 00:25:41 no. No. Really? Um, I would love to have a net, not a name not a name but no because i almost think as well like they wouldn't be interested in me like it's just i don't want to get rejected like that there's there's in the best way there's no one there's no one but you i'd rather spend my there's there's in the best way there's no one there's no one but you i'd rather spend my i'm so happy to be tethered to you thank you yeah it's a tough question there are some scraps in there yeah tough question no but also like you not in a way that we no one looked down on the the choices made i want to make that clear don't you dare don't you are you slipping or no okay yeah yeah because i've hit
Starting point is 00:26:27 the other i'm on a different i have my fringe out as well i'm concerned about i've never really thought about this but like a shine on my forehead oh my god i didn't even realize you don't have your fringe yeah there's no fringe today i love it is this a thing like people like do i need to kind of put some kind of i don't think i powder, but like... You could just mat it down with your hand. I'll just kind of... Just kind of pat down. But it's almost like I've never really had this issue before. But like, as I look in that viewfinder...
Starting point is 00:26:54 I'm burping a lot, so I'm sorry about that. I hope I catch that in the edit, but if I don't, I'm sorry. Shall we do a We Like To Drink With? And be freshers. I'm finished that. I can't... You need to, you need to but yeah go on we like to drink with sephie because sephie is our favorite podcast i taught that to my little eight-year-old sister recently to make her finish her milkshake it's like we like to drink with mia
Starting point is 00:27:15 that's really and she was like now she always sings it but it's like it's quite embarrassing actually she's gonna be so bored of it by the time she's like 17 hopefully i've got a new song by then i actually heard the other day out in public i heard these kids saying i've got a song that'll get on your nerves get on your nerves get on your nerves you guys haven't got a new you guys are still singing the same song do you know what that is so true i thought today when i saw my sister i facetimed her today she's in spain at the moment and she was watching horrid henry the cartoon that used to be on citv yeah and i thought god that is still around he's still alive and kicking horrid henry i'm just gonna top up my my lip maybe maybe i will too can i tell you a little secret i have
Starting point is 00:28:02 not worn like a dark red lip in years yeah i think people have a problem with a red lip but i love red lip i have a person i love red lip i have a personal problem i love red lip so much chug chug chug please you need to keep up i'm i'm genuinely feeling fearful for the state that i'm in um i just have like three i love your red lip i think i came to a conclusion a while ago that i was like okay the red lip's not for me like and that's all right why not though it looks great yeah but then when i look at it i'm like the red lip could be for me but i am also having a bit of a makeup face revival recently
Starting point is 00:28:45 taught me through no go on well i've said it recently just that when i look at myself now more often i'm like oh okay yeah i like this face like that's fine i can handle it or like oh i like the way my skin looks i like the way i'm every like i'm just happier more than before like it was it was just a different experience so i feel like i'm seeing it differently seeing my face differently so i'm thinking maybe i can do the red lip thing you're 100 can but it's never going to be the taylor swift red lip and that's fine i think she didn't this is the thing it's like i know she's red lip classic thing that you like she really is oh my god i had such a fucking pr move for harry styles last night go i think now with the thing you can tell me why like
Starting point is 00:29:27 is this a basic thought like should he not do this okay i don't really know the full ins and outs of anything to do okay okay okay well good news is yeah yeah i'm talking to the right person i had a thought last night it wasn't even maybe a conscious thought it was like in the night i was thinking should harry styles do a kind of live lounge essentially cover of style and then i was even thinking could he do you've got that red lip i've got that red lip classic you've got that do you want me like i've got a short skirt good girl yeah whatever that lyric is it still kind of works it would be so cool with his kind of queer coded vibe yeah it would be so good i feel like it kind of works look i put myself out there i put my neck out there and i publicly said there was a double album coming dot dot dot i'm still waiting i've heard a lot about this double album thing go on
Starting point is 00:30:22 um well i've heard some things about it's putting pressure on taylor but i also don't really know what's going on it definitely does put pressure on taylor but i really thought this time and i'm sure she would understand that there was a double album coming because there's so many intentionally placed things this time i feel like the double album or not even double album but just there's something happening with 1989 where it was flicking from blue to black to blue to black and that isn't by mistake could you tell me why people think that's a double album because i actually don't even think i know the like reasons why the history so also just to cut to a lot of us
Starting point is 00:31:03 thought we're under the impression that what would be an amazing move would be style obviously taylor's version normal and then bonus track style featuring harry styles and he like comes on for a verse or something i know i know i know i know i know i know i don't know what this is i know i'm drunk praying on our hands and that would be so cool i just think he does need to he needs to get in on that like somehow what i don't like her standing and clapping for his oh it's like you clearly get on and you have a respect for him he needs to do some rendition of that song i agree there's a lot of pressure on taylor though and i always try as much as possible without being like cringe anything i post about taylor
Starting point is 00:31:50 swift i i try as much as possible to like put in the caption or like put in a comment somewhere like taylor like just run a bath like just in case like my my overriding message to you taylor swift i now speak directly to you is you've given gift after gift after gift yeah if you want to just be quiet yep for the next 70 years i'm so there for it and like she almost showed much like the generosity is crazy and i will take everything i can get i'm open wide my mouth is open yeah i am very much hungry for more i'm insatiable i have an insatiable hunger for more yeah but she need whatever she needs whatever my taytay needs she gets a bath a chill but there were so many intentional really specific easter eggs between over the 1989 like promotional period that it was just
Starting point is 00:32:47 intriguing okay so i'm just surely she would never drop an empty so there's technically a deluxe album that has the kendrick lamar bad blood but maybe it could have some more vault tracks on it with collaborations 1989 taylor's version is a completely like taylor swift only album there are no features apart from then on the deluxe you get kendrick lamar so i'm thinking okay maybe you dip into the deluxe a little bit more you give us to be harry you don't need to give us anything you could walk away and you could take 80 of the stuff you've already made with you and you still would have given us too much like you don't owe us anything however just from what it looks like if you wanted to i'm open why there's an appetite there's absolutely an appetite there's an appetite
Starting point is 00:33:38 here that is very interesting so i hear the live lounge thing i i respect that i said i just almost thought it was i hadn't even really respect that i said i just almost thought it was i hadn't even really processed that thought but i was almost like no it's a good thought he could do a live of that song and it would be it would break the internet it would be insane it would break the internet did you see what i'm doing yeah champagne break the internet i'm think of amy schumer's like cover of that cover. Oh, I remember it. Amy Schumer did like a fake version of that.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Okay. And it was really cool. Good for her. Good vibes. Should do another one. I've got the burps stop coming and they don't stop coming. I'm drunk now. I just, you know, you know that feeling you sometimes get?
Starting point is 00:34:23 No, no, no. I just had that feeling that i sometimes get at parties when you've been sipping and sipping and sipping like you've got kind of almost like almost at uni like a water bottle of drink where almost you suddenly think i need to have a break now it's like if you keep going you'll be sick don't have a break because i'm not having any breaks not to peer pressure but i'll have a little bit but it was almost like i just had the thing of like you know when it sort of goes yeah you kind of wave in and out just your vision is dodgy feeling yeah that's kind of what i just had it's kind of like the earth has stopped it's just us yeah there's a lot of movement outside
Starting point is 00:34:56 my door as well because my brother and sister are going to a sauna oh yeah night because i said i'm busy i'm recording this it's like okay we'll go to the sauna i actually um just had a thought that people might be listening to this while they get ready to like pre-drink to go out thing is i feel like everyone on saturday we're doing this on a tuesday night no but just in life yeah oh yeah no put put this on before you go out guys that makes me emotional right okay let me yeah go on someone said have you ever considered ending the podcast? No. No, not once. And I really hope, even... Do you know what I really hope?
Starting point is 00:35:30 If we do ever have that conversation about we're deciding to end it, I hope it's because we're doing something else. Do you know what I mean? I hope that we're not... I almost just thought, does this look like a Blue Peter badge? I thought, does this look like a short bangs moment? Oh, God. The thing is kicking in.
Starting point is 00:35:48 We need to drop it. We need to drop it. Almost like I look like, oh, no. Right. Do you want to see a wig? I bought a wig earlier to maybe wear. Did you? But it looked so bad.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It was like a three pound wig. And I thought, let's take a risk. And it was a short bang, sort of. It was kind of a curved. It was like a vampiristic. That's cool. picture it now would be really cool that is cool that was what i was planning on going into going as until my sister made this mockingjay badge yeah the badge is iconic i knew you would do something hunger games i had it in my i'm so this is secret by the way guys yeah i didn't know what wing was going as no i was like oh she'll probably just do some blood or something so i'm gonna look mental so i'm so glad you've done a
Starting point is 00:36:28 thing a couple of hours ago same and thank you so much i did yeah and thank you so much for sharing it with us so much cheers one more time cheers should we do a couple should we do like five cheerses which should we do three cheerses for three million come on okay one one two two it's not nice um i would be nice with a meal three three i can't remember and a half because we're in at 3.4 three and a half i think 3.4 i think we are stop i'm checking oh no no no no don't we're not we are i think i've been telling people i think we're at 3.4 i think you might be wrong okay can i check yeah yeah yeah sorry not to hold us up but yeah no check someone did actually ask how many
Starting point is 00:37:18 listeners does the episode get every week we don't know i don't know how much every episode but we get around what yeah i don't know we can say that i don't know how much every episode but we get around what yeah i don't know we go like that i don't know if we should gatekeep i don't want to with you guys but then also publicly it's like who's out there i don't know who is out there i don't know i don't know who's out there i'm legit checking our insights right now okay go on i would love to know i avoid the insides shout out freya no no don't say that name why i don't know what she said string me on my own don't don't say why not freya okay shout out freya no more context i don't know i don't know the law i don't know the law the law l-a-w or the law l-o-r-e i don't know the fucking l-a-w law um and let me check the law and then we can say
Starting point is 00:38:18 charlotte freya even though our law l-o-r-e yeah is we're not at 3.4 yet what we are we're at nearly 3.3 million i've been upping us by 100 000 to everyone plus that's quite a lot that's mentally upping us but i was i really did believe it you did i'm sorry to disappoint i'm sorry to disappoint okay I'm sorry to disappoint. Okay, that's quite gutting. Just to explain Freya. Does she want to be explained? Why do you think Freya needs to be anonymous? I don't know. I almost think, would she want to be dragged into all this? I think, well, not dragged in, but just a public shout out of like, we love you, we love you, we love you so much.
Starting point is 00:39:00 We don't have to. It goes without saying, we love you so much. I just get scared of what people want. Oh, well, that makes me nervous. Yeah, no. know oh my god she can be shouted out on here 100% love her love her love her but i was almost like i'm scared that she won't want to be no that's what i'm scared of now yeah no it's just her first name it could be anyone any who freya i've known other freyas before same i did a disco dance freya i'm not even talking about you i'm talking about that other friend i'm talking about freya from disco i'm talking about frayer that i knew my childhood best friend
Starting point is 00:39:28 like it's not about you this is weird have you ever considered ending the podcast no and i hope we ever do i hope it's because it's like because we're gonna do a live tour or like we're gonna do this we're gonna go on a temporary break or like we're gonna end it because we're doing a tv show do you know what i mean like i want it to be never a dead ending in the dirt no but a moving on to a new thing that you can always be part of i also fear with a tv show specifically i'm like what if we're the midnight beast anyone i don't want to be i don't want to be the midnight beast i would want to be the midnight beast but like i don't know no i don't want to be the midnight beast no let's let that go um these are great questions but they're all really like oh god
Starting point is 00:40:20 yeah you got you you used the word you saw that we wrote drunk and you ran with it you've capitalized on your exploit on a week you're taking advantage of us actually you actually are i like this one is there any episodes you regret or wish you didn't upload there's one really but it was gone now it was in the pilot season i think we both we both had like it was the one thing that i think we were more performing what we thought we should be saying rather than what we should have said it was one where we said like sort of sexual stories a little bit do you remember this you told a story i won't go into it i think that's still up is it i don't think it is yeah it's still up you can hear it somewhere i don't regret it but i think i wouldn't with my current head grip on this now i don't know if i would
Starting point is 00:41:13 say that right now there's loads of basically everything that i've said so far i wouldn't necessarily say now and tomorrow i'll think the things i said today i wouldn't necessarily say god i'm not sure i don't know how listenable this is, but I'm having a really good time. Cheers. Three more cheers. Cheers. One million? One million?
Starting point is 00:41:34 Oh God, please, no. Two million. Two million. Three million. Three million. Of the GWS. And a two or a three, whatever we whatever we're at oh that was a mistake what that last one oh i shouldn't have done that
Starting point is 00:41:55 okay i just kind of quickly want to do my lipstick again or let me just check my lipstick okay because it's like on my oh god no oh no it's all good it's all good my lipstick yeah it's fine my sister's done a great job i just heard them they're on their way to the sauna now they've taken their time i don't know they've been packing their thing she came and got her bikini well she's borrowing my bikini she got that before we started that was youngster guy. I know. So, thoughts on us, really? Question mark? Nothing but good thoughts.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's funny to be in this situation and be like, I feel like I'm seeing us in a whole new light now that I'm drunk. I feel fucked. I'm not going to lie. No, same. Those last three were bad mistakes. We shouldn't know because also what's really pathetic and sad is the second we close this down,
Starting point is 00:42:44 we turn it off and we close this down, we turn it off and we close the laptop. I'm just kind of in a Katniss costume in my bedroom. And then it's like, right, I've got to go downstairs and be like, should we watch Married at First Sight then? I've got two episodes of Big Brother to watch. I think that's quite fun. Let's keep this going.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I'm thinking this is double bills. This is a double bill. If we decide to put the episode into two halves, we cut it now. But I don't think we will. Yeah, a double fail. If we decide to put the episode into two halves, we cut it now. But I don't think we will. Yeah, cut it now. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy
Starting point is 00:43:24 and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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