Goes Without Saying - films & fictional men: podmas #15

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Ho, ho, ho. We're really ho, ho, ho-ing in every episode. Was that a thing from the beginning or did we just sort of develop that? I'm not sure, but when it it started it just didn't stop. We're ho ho hoing hard. We're ho ho hoing through town as usual to be honest. Nothing feels natural about that as an intro though as well.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Like it's almost goes without saying feels so natural. Yeah it does. It does. I miss her. Can't wait to get her back actually at some point. Yeah. Although I'm very happy with us for persevering through the trials and tribulations of podmas can you believe we haven't missed a single day
Starting point is 00:01:30 i actually you know what i can believe it because i think we've got a bit of we've got the higher fire going if anyone remembers when we confessed that um internally this brand talks about itself in the third person and we say we've got higher fire like higher priestess fire um just calling back yeah yeah yeah so today we're talking about what's behind the door what's behind the door what is behind the door oh god well we're all on our own yeah we're talking about FOMO and solo dates and loneliness at Christmas it's kind of romantic it's beautiful all of a sudden it's actually sounding pretty good
Starting point is 00:02:09 candles by a fire chestnuts roasting on an open fire there you go Jack Frost nibbling at your toes not so lonely because you've got Jack Frost nibbling can I ask you a question
Starting point is 00:02:26 before we get in actually yeah of course uh if you were in a rom-com who would your leading man be as in do i pick the actor yes out of the classics well or anyone i mean anyone anyone's up for grab any actor deny you any actor okay okay or someone who they could be making their acting debut i guess if you wanted to stretch the boundaries and pull in like a musician or something but it's a curious question isn't it like you're making like a real classic 90s early 2000s rom-com maybe a christmas i've got it go on but also i'm very aware with the events that we're going to at the moment. We're getting closer and closer to this person.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And God, the day we meet this person, I'm going to absolutely scream. I think I would do an insane rom-com with James Acaster. It would be zany. It would be cool. It would be kind of quirky. It's unexpected. But I think it could have a Notting healing energy to it wow um it could be quite traditionally like british in that kind of um i think it would have to have to be
Starting point is 00:03:33 because he's gonna turn up and be like hi or whatever his voice yeah people might not know james acaster maybe no you definitely won't if you're not from england and even if you are might be pushing it. He's a comedian. He also is the co-host of the Off Menu podcast. Yeah, superior podcast to us. And I just, I think it would be a great little rom-com. I think that's a perfect combination.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I love that. It would be quite sort of. I'd be first in line to see it. I think it would be quite London based. I think it would have like london based i think it would have like um yeah i don't know it'd be quite small a bit of like an indie little that's kind of like you run a cafe exactly exactly that yeah and he comes in and he like and he's like a bit weird but you're like oh god what's going on yeah there would definitely be some sort of dynamic going on
Starting point is 00:04:23 for sure what is it do you like him immediately or is it some sort of enemy i think i'm intrigued immediately okay i think i'm intrigued but not necessarily in a romantic way maybe he's like he's i'm in a big family or something like that and he's my older brother's friend that i'm like oh god this is crazy crazy jesus something going on like that but like we're in a big sort of manor house that's what oh god i love there's a few um ways it could go okay what would you do i'd love to know i don't know because i was well it actually got me thinking i don't know how many like young actors there are these days like almost i feel like the you can go to me well exactly and i can't do timmy because we're not we're not compatible
Starting point is 00:05:10 physically unfortunately like do you want to do jacob a lordy well you know i could do but it's asking for trouble i think a little bit of tom blythe maybe i wouldn't i couldn't possibly i couldn't possibly i couldn't possibly i could only deny myself that i would i've actually also denied myself josh josh hutchinson for the and it was my first thought but i thought i can't do it you bet you batted it away yeah good for you but i was showing some restraint here yeah i think jacob elordi actually is a good shout i love that but i also i was thinking more like kind of, I would actually love to do a rom-com with, well, I would love to more so see a rom-com with Daniel Kaluuya.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Oh boy. I just want to see everything with him in. Fun. Yeah. Yeah. King. Yeah. King.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. And I would love to see him as a leading man in a rom-com. But I would love. Well, Queen and Slim is quite yeah romantic there's some strong dynamics going it's i'm looking for something like vintage feeling yeah what's his name that did the movie that we watched the other day that did like all of the things richard curtis oh that's the energy i'm looking for from a rom-com i mean yeah not old school old old school not the recent movie no i need to be in a rom-com that was filmed 20 years ago it needs to be grainy
Starting point is 00:06:34 almost the actors need to have like bad teeth and i need to be able to see their pores like i need to be able to see you as a human definitely otherwise you're nothing to me i would love maybe everyone can let us know who your leading person i mean i would also love to do a rom-com love to do a rom-com but i think what's going on what is going on no no zendaya zendaya zendaya yeah sophie turner my queen could do zendaya and daniel clea now we're talking now we're talking now we're talking um well there we go okay just let's get us going a little bit that's perfect now loneliness and fomo yeah since we don't have leading men yeah yeah i would love it
Starting point is 00:07:19 since jacob elordi and james agassi like, not... They're not compatible as people. I love that you gave me Jacob. That's really generous of you. I think it would be nice to see him... It would. ...really shine in that way. Yeah. It would be quite nice.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I saw a hint of it in Saltburn. So charming. Mm-hmm. So true. You could easily fall in love. It's not a stretch to fall in love with him. It's not hard to imagine. It's not hard. It it's not hard come so
Starting point is 00:07:46 naturally um all right well shall we get into this yeah so christmas time should we keep running about rom-coms and just yeah it's just great i love it yeah all right so change of plan okay it's called rom-com i know we said what's behind the door yeah guys you idiots that was 16 this is 15 this is 15 jesus god behind the door 15 is apparently rom-coms and fictional stunning men fictional men and maybe like just festive recommendations oh now we're cooking do you have like a favorite um kind of romantic trope enemies to lovers is that your fave i think it is i love evil evil evil forbidden love enemies to lovers i think enemies to lovers is often done in an annoying
Starting point is 00:08:39 way where it's like they oh i don't know i kind of think of like the way when it's like they're not really enemies but they kind of annoy each other often i feel like enemies to lovers it's done in the way of like forced proximity almost like it's like they're the boss and they need to pretend to be something time together yeah i don't like that you don't like that i do in a certain way but i think it's done in a bit of i don't love it always okay I'm thinking of certain examples like I don't like the film The Proposal things like that where it's like oh yeah they you don't like Ryan Reynolds right don't like what you don't like Ryan Reynolds question mark no clean clean clean he is clean man he looks like a sims 3 sim he has that exact hairstyle um like he looks like he's sitting
Starting point is 00:09:27 in creator sim like ready to go yeah just just generic man just sitting in cas yeah yeah it's just not there's nothing really there for me why are you drawn to enemies to lovers i wonder i think i like the darkness of it i like something where maybe you shouldn't necessarily want them i think i like the the the bad guy often that's kind of an appealing but almost like are you fixing him are you making him good yes yeah yeah once he sees you he's like i've changed my ways now yeah i think it is a little bit of that i think it's a little bit that they'll come over to the good side with me but almost like they always have that temptation and they're quite a tense kind of stressed character quite brooding they're brooding they're worried yeah yeah okay i like that i think that's probably my ideal fictional i don't want
Starting point is 00:10:21 that for my real life but i do want um in a fiction thing i like there to be some tension some badness in there what about you what's your favorite romantic trait um i don't know i think it's more so about the characters and also about dialogue like i'm very picky like when things are so like there's only so much like cringe i can take or like when it feels like it's written like i don't i don't want to feel like i'm reading something that somebody wrote i just want to feel like i'm learning about something that just happened sort of thing or like i don't want to feel like i'm watching actors or like i'm reading a script it's like no no this is it and i think
Starting point is 00:11:01 that's also the problem with maybe it's's an English problem, of like lots of things feel written because they're not grounded in like the life that we would know. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals.
Starting point is 00:11:42 A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts. Everywhere. ACAST.com
Starting point is 00:12:05 oh yeah do you know one thing i saw recently it was just it was probably like dare i say it was a youtube short which god get off what are you doing over there yeah um and it was actually a clip speaking of richard curtis i i don't even know if it is him but i would imagine it would be four weddings and a funeral back in the day god haven't seen that in the no i haven't seen that in years um but it was a clip and i was like oh my god i didn't realize how bad this line is it's actually so horrific like hugh grant is like professing his love whatever to the girl andy mcdowell and she it's like absolutely tipping it down rain dripping off their noses and he's like as something something it's raining and
Starting point is 00:12:51 she's like is it raining i hadn't noticed and it's like that actually it's a line a line a line it's like she literally is choking on the rain. Is it raining? I hadn't noticed. She's drowning. So bad. So bad. But I do think things have come a long way since then. But when they hit you as a written line. We were talking about Give a Day actually in Thingy. Go on.
Starting point is 00:13:17 With Hunger Games. Well, it was actually something your sister said. Which I, my sister and my brother went to go see the new hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes they didn't like formally known as yes they didn't like it it was a point of contention it's also fair enough yeah it is yeah yeah yeah um but the point that she made i was like yeah no i actually do agree and you said that this line stood out to you as well and it was the bit where she says the only thing keeping me calm right now is my mama's dress like her arms wrapped around me it's like oh rage don't say that rachel yeah that you're embarrassing me in front of tom blind isn't the best of lines but also just you can hear no one in their right mind you can see it
Starting point is 00:14:06 written down yeah it's a written line i just actually want to make that clear before we go any further that um rachel zegler is obviously the superior the crown jewel yeah i want to make it clear that was very much a joke um and i would not be adding to a pile of no no no no no i wouldn't be adding fuel to the misogyny fire never i think never can we just take a moment to talk about the amount of hate that she has got for literally being quite a normal human being and making just like quite like she's 21 let's put out there oh gosh if you're 21 like divine girl like please let's leave her alone sorry that she said she didn't want to wear a disney dress like yeah we've all been not like other girls in our time
Starting point is 00:14:50 let's cut some slack and also like interesting we brought up um jacob elordi how could we not but the comparison being drawn of him being like oh i only really knew elvis because of lilo and stitch yeah and then kind of contrasting it with rachel zegler being like yeah i just need jobs like i do this to work whatever blah blah blah it's like yeah probably don't say that either of you it's not like the ideal thing to say but it's also not punishable by death like she doesn't need to pay the price no and she is so strikingly beautiful that it's like i know what this is i know what you are women say it she is so stunning that it's like i know what this is i know what you are women say it she is so stunning that it's like look okay we we as a society are um we're going to help ourselves we're going to want to see her
Starting point is 00:15:34 doom as we have for all beautiful women and to be honest just all women in general we want to see them their demise it's a problem if you're conventionally beautiful it's a problem if you're not yeah it's just a problem the problem is you're a woman you're an issue so yeah let's um yeah let's cast rachel in some more things please more more more of her i mean she's obviously insanely talented god like you know she was singing live in that film really yeah like when she's singing when she stands up and she takes i don't really know about musicals but i kind of always assume they're singing live but yeah i guess they're really not no not that ballad of song no no no but there is a performance or two and she i think
Starting point is 00:16:17 that was the thing my sister came back from singing she was like i didn't know it was a musical it's like it's not a musical but she's a singer i thought it was going to be a musical like i'd seen the kind of conversation of like what like it's all about singing sort of thing um as a humble um hunger games fan like as you know i'm not um i don't know queen of the capital yeah like some people president i responded very well to it but just because i like that i like it as a romance to be honest big time because that has some darkness there he's gonna turn when he's screaming i mean this is spoiler so just skips forward like one minute um when at the end when he's screaming lucy great i said are you are you trying to kill me
Starting point is 00:17:03 and he's shooting up in the air and he's crying and he's going crazy no one has ever looked better than that moment like lucy great i said are you trying to kill me whoa whoa whoa oh my god i'm crying why are my eyes watering he's like we can talk about it it's like okay i'm sad let's talk like shoot me in the fucking head do your worst hot reo it's painful actually yeah he no he's so great in that film like there are definitely awesome moments we were speaking about the bit the i think this is the hottest moment of the film oh god i do love him shooting at the mocking jays are you trying to kill me so good and he's like i said i said whoa he's like yeah deathly hot in that in that moment literally this is why we talk about fictional characters yeah i mean um
Starting point is 00:17:55 but the hot i think the absolute hottest moment in that is where she's singing she's on the stage she's performing and she literally looks at him he's been watching her sing she kind of notices him and they just have this moment of eye contact that is so divine i'm screaming just it's so loaded that look of like wait i've survived because of you i haven't seen you since you're here you've got shaved head you look great by the way yeah you look amazing new haircut it's really working for you it's really doing you some favors and then her old boyfriend tries to punch her and he grabs her and starts punching her just when you thought it couldn't get better oh my god it's painful and he gets dragged away wow oh my god billy taupe billy taupe who she never stops going on about jesus
Starting point is 00:18:43 he's not Baloo. He's no choreo. Like, Rach, give it a rest. Stop saying Billy Tope, Billy Tope. Oh, God. Great film. Speaking of films, should we touch on Salt Burn? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:57 We may as well. This feels like the episode four, doesn't it? Yeah. I can't bother to get into, like, a take take get into what a take no i'm not i haven't given any like it's almost like no god if you want to take no no this you come to the wrong place yeah yeah but with salt burn i feel like almost there's such a big conversation around it and i just i don't have the energy well let's just talk about jacob or lord whatever his name is yeah lordy yeah divine divine divine and alice and oliver venetia god we came out of that movie and we were like who plays venetia who is that who is that but we
Starting point is 00:19:33 knew we recognized her we were like who is that actress who plays venetia like she's everything she is she's in something she's in something unrecognizable and i was so excited when i found out who she was i couldn't wait to say i couldn't wait literally to get you on the phone and be like guess who venetia is it's not my nick not my president joe arwyn's um bow kissing yeah partner alice and oliver from conversations with friends i couldn't believe it what's her name in thingy in conversations with friends i don't know like lucy oh just jane yeah it's like plain jane is her name i couldn't believe that someone's so stunning i can't believe what they did with conversations with friends they fucked it so badly they did
Starting point is 00:20:18 the worst job i've ever seen um with making something so beautiful they made it so drab with making something so beautiful, they made it so drab. Drab? With the TV show. It was actually drab. Drab is so good. It was. It was absolutely drab.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Considering the source material of Sally Rooney's book. The impact of normal people as well. Yeah. Yeah, you're off the back of normal people and you've got the source material that is so intense and just like so stunning and brooding and everything. And you've just made a show that is just so bleh so why have you done that but she looks great with the blonde and the black eyes
Starting point is 00:20:50 it's divine she looks so good with the blonde in that movie she oh my god she's everything she's sharp she is everything yes she is sharp she's sharp and you couldn't that's the highest compliment you know she's irish you know she's got proper accent i think i have heard her speak yeah yeah i think i have heard that somewhere probably in conversations with friends yeah but insult bench does it so well that's what i love about salt burns they do that oh mate you're so kind you're so kind thank you are you sure oh my god like it's so good that whoa you do that so well i would say like i i would say a few things that don't maybe go on your own because it is i wouldn't necessarily want to be sitting through that on my own you i did have a few moments where i looked at you like god i actually almost need to
Starting point is 00:21:38 look at someone else and be like jesus we did look at each other quite a bit actually i felt like looking at you like what is going on? Yeah, and I was hooked. What did we witness? It's like, God, Wing's enjoying herself. It was crazy. You know it was. Well done, Emerald.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It's in my top five. With the other 50,000 films up there. Yeah. Okay. A little random up. I loved it. I'm slaying so hard I might have to leave. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Might have to go. Well, if you don't hear from us, assume we slayed too hard. We slayed too hard. Wendy's Smell Frosty We'll see you next time.

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