Goes Without Saying - 'glow-DOWNs' & flop eras: i'm the problem, it's me

Episode Date: December 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Here's a show that we recommend. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world.
Starting point is 00:00:49 The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying. You're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Wing. And I'm Sefi.
Starting point is 00:01:18 This is, I think, a really lovely, warm hug of an episode episode if i could be super cringe i think it's a really nice episode if you're feeling like things haven't gone your way you're feeling a little bit insecure feeling a little bit anxious about how you're gonna move forward everything's fucking going wrong why are you doomed why is everyone so much better blah blah blah um just quick note quick reminder they're not quick reminder you're not doomed you're amazing i really like this episode and i hope you do too love you oh my god guys through hell and back we're back we're here so just just to kind of um elephant in the of um yeah i am so fucking sick and wing has just burned her hand
Starting point is 00:02:12 as well and she had yeah quite badly but it's fine um but i just want to make it clear sephie's not here against her will and i've given her ample opportunity to leave if anything i've been um not letting you do anything you're against your will right now yeah i just want to apologize for my voice i feel i was saying to my friend earlier i was like do i sound like jennifer lawrence and she was like no yeah it is the bunged vibe now it's not nice i've been ill also i am never sick in my life like i i haven't in my memory i've never been sick like this and i don't know what it is as well i phoned the doctor and they were just like it's a virus and it's like yeah but what virus it's not covid i've done a million tests i think just give me out it makes you obviously it makes everyone angry
Starting point is 00:03:02 but it makes you very angry it's so frustrating to be i was saying earlier to you every morning is a disappointment because i wake up every morning like is it gone and it's not and it's just horrible and i feel like i've had every symptom yeah no but i think being bunged up is really really bad because it's all in your it's all in your head but it's all up here and you can't you can't even think straight it's not a good no it's not a good sign but i honestly like it was so fever i went to i was actually went to go see a screen writing talk with lena dunham and the hot priest was there sometimes and during that i couldn't even enjoy it because i felt so shit i had to leave um i didn't know you lair well i left at the end that's ridiculous that doesn't count no it really doesn't i don't know why i said that like what the hell trying to get sympathy does love the drums
Starting point is 00:03:54 that literally doesn't count at all i had to leave they kicked me out i was trying to stay i left and i was honestly just feeling so so so sick and i've been in bed for a week actually over a week today yeah horrific but you're look you're alive and want to tell the tale and that's all that matters exactly and you're feeling very towards the end yes and you're feeling very grateful for your general health i was just saying two mere minutes ago i'm grateful that like i get to get better from this which does show how dramatic i'm being definitely well the doctor's like it's viral i'm surprised you haven't turned up in a hospital gown genuinely i am unbearable like i actually am so unbearable like people i'm known in my life for
Starting point is 00:04:36 being horrific when i'm ill and i think it's because i don't ever get ill yeah and i probably had about 10 of those in my whole life and i know everyone's like i can't speak to you yeah you are the worst becomes the main character the ulcer 100 should we refer to this once it's over which i know it will be so soon i think we should look back on it fondly as the time seffy got man flu it literally is and i hate that you look really ill sephie i am it's horrible oh it's not good honestly it's so bad like i feel like also you were asking me like have you seen this yep have you seen this yeah have you watched this yeah it's on yep seen it up to date i've watched everything and i'm so bored of tv oh it's honestly it's on its way out i know it's welcome
Starting point is 00:05:26 do you know what it is sorry i didn't know i was going to talk about sickness for like four minutes i think i just need i haven't spoken to anyone in a week but it's the thing like i i was like okay i'm gonna be better on the tuesday oh no you're not better on tuesday i'll be better better on the Tuesday oh no you're not better on Tuesday I'll be better by the Thursday oh no I'm not better by Thursday oh and it's like fucking Saturday now it's like what and I've just had to cancel so many fun things a sims hot day yeah I had to cancel a sims hot day twice I rescheduled and had to cancel again that's actually gutting you'll come back I'm coming back for you baby he looks just like jake jillian hall quite fun that had to be cancelled night out has obviously had to be cancelled that was supposed
Starting point is 00:06:13 to be going on tonight my friend's birthday tomorrow cancelled it's all right no it's the time every it's the season tis the season when they say tis the season tis the damn season what they actually are referring to is everyone getting ill yeah so don't be worrying anyone else who's ill out there oh my god i'm with you right anyway sorry that was a real um no we love it sick talk at the beginning just to put everyone off right let's have a look okay this is a sorry right okay so today we're going to be talking about in light of all that oh it's so appropriate what we're talking about super topical we're talking about the flop era the everything's going wrong i'm glowing down there's nothing i can do i'm falling from heights my will yeah against my will everything is fucking failing before my eyes
Starting point is 00:07:00 and so we asked on the story for you to tell us about a time that you failed and i thought this message that i just read was very sweet someone said that their first thought was i fail a little bit in something every day but the trying is the win and i feel like that's really yeah that's really nice stunning poetic yeah and maybe we do just fail a little bit every day in lots of different ways do you know what it reminds me of what it reminds me of the thing we were also just discussing that i've also watched in my sickness times the documentary is it documentary starts starts that's made by jonah hill yeah about his therapist yeah there's a thing we were literally just talking about this where it's like one of his theories is like there's a string of pearls and these are like the things you have to do every day so it could be like
Starting point is 00:07:47 getting out of bed is the first pearl have a shower write an essay blah blah blah they're all like pearls in your day and each one has a shit in it yeah and it's almost like bear with us bear with us this is a therapist this is a medical professional talking guys um each one each one has you guessed it a big oh shit in each pearl um and that almost gives me the thing of like yeah you can have all these stunning things that you one of the pearls in your day could be you eat a cake there's gonna be a little bit of shit not in the cake but in your experience of eating right like your fork might your favorite fork might not be in the drawer that's a real issue i have i have a favorite fork and if it's not favorite fork i'm more so into like favorite glasses and like mugs and stuff like drinking out of something completely agree
Starting point is 00:08:38 i've got favorite mugs as well what's your favorite mug that goes without saying mug limited edition yeah currently buy it anymore. Hands down. Yeah, if you've got that, bloody hell. Did you also see on our merch store, you can see what people have, like, searched for and the most searched for words. Most searched is tote, thank God, because we've got tote bags still.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Second most is mug. And it's like, oh, these fucking mugs. But the reason we don't have mugs is because they don't exist without plastic in, apparently. So, yeah, we're trying to source them. Yeah. Anyway, can I tell you? Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, yeah. Tell me, tell me. Let me even, let's zoom us out. Yeah. I thought this would be an interesting topic because I feel like, for me personally, I feel like I'm constantly thinking about why I'm failing. For me personally, I feel like I'm constantly thinking about why I'm failing, but more so, if possible, even more so at the end of the year, I feel like I'm always like, right, what did I do this year? Like, how far have I come? Have I not come far? Like, am I a piece of shit? I feel like I start tallying up my wins and losses and trying to weigh up whether I'm a decent human or not based on like things that I've managed to do or not this year. And I feel like as much as I feel such exhilaration towards the end of the year because I'm so excited to get to the new year.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Like I really buy into the like new year fresh start feeling. I really do. The tabula rasa, the flesh slate. There's nothing like it. I completely agree. There's nothing like it i completely agree there's nothing like it just like god where what will i do it's like i'll just stay in bed all day like you'll have one at your birthday and you'll have another in the new year have one in the new year i normally have one in spring as well because i really like like kind of even like february march april times i'm like bloody hell this has been a flop let me restart again like now we've really settled into the new year set some new spring you know new new wave of life set some new things they all slowly go downhill then
Starting point is 00:10:30 we come back up yeah exactly i'm constantly trying to be like let's start fresh but as much as i think it's a nice positive thing to like reflect and take stock of all your achievements i think it can sometimes make you feel a bit shit especially if you're like comparing yourself to everything else that everyone else has apparently been doing i think it's really easy to be in your own head and be like fucking hell well i feel like i've been having a bit of a rough time or all the kind of hopes that i had didn't happen for me yeah and it feels quite personal yeah i definitely think that's i mean we're approaching the time now god so sad it really is it really is so sad but also absolutely fine like it's fine obviously yeah like it's kind of
Starting point is 00:11:12 so sad in the most i don't think he's listening i think you're fine she's sad about not seeing you in a chilled completely normal way i'm so glad this got to be my like second impression also he was one of my rats at halloween he was one of my oh fascinating he was one of my rats from antony guy yeah he was um i gave him the character of remy's dad wow god quite a big character and then i said let's go on a date and then i said i'm ill i have to reschedule and i said again i'm ill i have to reschedule it's going well what was the question the question was can i ask you a question the question was like talking about basically at the end of the year we take stock and we're like fucking hell i failed like i wanted to do this this and this and i haven't is there anything this year that you maybe wanted to get done in 2022 and
Starting point is 00:11:58 unfortunately it hasn't come to pass just yet i think there's so much yeah literally there is so much I think I start every single year and I have done I think since I was about fucking 12 being like this year I'm gonna write a fucking novel like I am gonna write a fucking novel no one can fucking stop me yeah I'm a fucking writer in my heart I know I'm gonna do all this blah blah blah December comes around and I used to feel massively guilty about it I actually think I've always had a guilt of like you didn't write as much as you wanted to this year whatever and i genuinely think that's my thing that i start every year like you're gonna be yeah you're gonna write something amazing this year which is a ridiculously high it is almost like weird weird kind of all or nothing yeah it's completely all
Starting point is 00:12:44 or nothing like it genuinely is you have to write a fucking novel or like a screenplay not just like let's have a gentle hobby of writing for an hour no absolutely unacceptable but then in the meantime it's like if you're not writing an hour a week i don't know if you are but if you're not writing an hour a week you're not gonna write a novel you're definitely not right well you might but i really doubt it yeah yeah it's ridiculous you know what i think is a great um sentiment for that which is not my own obviously but it's something i'm gonna regurgitate badly it's something like oh it's so cringe but it's like
Starting point is 00:13:14 progress not perfection but it's so true it's like why don't you worry about like doing it badly first like why don't you just do it a bit shit and then you're you're so much closer to doing it well than you would have been if you set the standard of i'm only tomorrow i'm doing it well it's like no why don't you just say tomorrow i'm gonna make a start do it a bit shit yeah i feel like thinking about things this is really helpful for me anyway when i think about things in my head of like i'll just sit down and do a quick first draft or i'll just do a little messy moment of something yeah you end up progressing so much further than you would have if it's like right i need to sit down and i'm gonna do it tonight tonight's the night tonight the night yeah
Starting point is 00:13:56 exactly i feel like when you set the like no one's shocked surprise surprise when you set the standard super high you're not gonna do it um i saw a i guess it was a reel but it was flex from boban oh my god absolute most iconic things in our lives from earth yeah flex everyone expects yeah um and she was saying that she watched a tiktok so it's kind of pavati told ron but she watched a tiktok secondary source yeah she saw a tiktok that someone was saying like um just do it badly exactly that either don't do it your options are don't do it or do it badly yeah badly is better than nothing yeah it really is i think as well like for me i know that comes from my childhood like there was a uh like um expectation set on me of well hang on why is it not 100 like yeah 99.9 is fine but what on earth you're playing at should
Starting point is 00:14:53 have been 100 or like why aren't you the best though even if you're so amazing it's like but if you're not 100 perfect it's not good enough but that's not realistic for life for me personally I'm not 100% perfect at most things no no one is and it's so debilitating because you cut yourself off from so many experiences and I think maybe if we're going to talk about new year's resolutions which I guess I am now maybe and I haven't thought about this before but I guess I should for the next year maybe it's something for me to think about 2023 is my year of just trying to do things shit for the sake of doing them yeah I'm moving forward rather than being so stunted because I have this idea of how I want things to be I love that Wendy's small frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay.
Starting point is 00:16:11 These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find
Starting point is 00:16:31 a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Do you have anything else that you, like, 2023 is my year of this sort of thing? Well, I want to sit down and really think about it. I think as well, like, on the note of failure and like kind of taking your losses holding your hands up and being like yep fine I'm a bit shit sometimes I feel like I have made big progress in just accepting my humanity and accepting myself for all the bits of myself that like
Starting point is 00:17:18 aren't great or are not my favorite and things like that and I feel like it's maybe just something that happens just with life experience and stuff but I definitely feel like really working towards yeah I feel like I've made a huge step towards like an active thing yeah I feel like I'm really so much more compassionate to myself and it almost I feel I definitely have like an instinct to kind of live my life with a big disclaimer over my head of like I know I'm being an I know I'm being there I didn't mean it when I said like I just constantly want to explain myself and make sure people think the best of me which i don't think is right and i almost think if i am compassionate to myself that you can't really say anything to me not that anyone is by the way no one's questioning me but
Starting point is 00:18:00 i just think why do i want to be validated by other people when it obviously is much more important for me to just validate myself and i think i'm a great person so that's something i want to carry into the new year i think that sounds great also i think like looking at you and your life i think that's what you need more of as well oh like i can see the progress you've made with that and it's like well if you just keep that up unstoppable yeah so apart from you haven't written a novel unfortunately you still got time still got time um also that was more something from like younger times like that's been a that's been a thing that i think every year that's been with my marker of like did the year go well or not and i think i've let a lot of that like go but i think i still have the residue of like you haven't created enough but I think also
Starting point is 00:18:45 looking at this podcast that's some pretty strong evidence of the other side in my opinion yeah I agree I agree thank god thank god is there apart from the illness and apart from writing is there something that recently you've had to kind of accept hasn't gone your way or you've had to really work on letting go of an idea of the potential of something and just take it for what it is you can take a moment to think about it so the thing that's coming to my mind is something that i think i've hinted to on here before but like it has been only something i found out that's happening in the last like month or so two months maybe but I I pictured myself in London for a while I think I pictured myself so I moved to London three years ago very much in probably like two months before pandemic times and then
Starting point is 00:19:37 it's been pandemic times London and it's just I can feel London starting to get its like life back together and I'm like oh okay London's coming back now like this is fun yeah um and it's been great but I kind of made the decision the most in my mind kind of reckless decision but also in loads of ways it's so so not reckless to leave London and I'm leaving in a week literally in a week um but I just feel as much as I have a love for London and I want to come back here and I know that I love it as a place I just want to have more fun in my life at the moment and I just feel like things have got slightly stagnant and I live in an amazing house and all of this stuff but it's like oh you know what I wouldn't mind exploring and like having
Starting point is 00:20:24 more fun and being more like in the world rather than like in a comfortable house yeah yeah i've loved my comfortable house and i'm so lucky to have that with my friends and all of this stuff is great but it's not right for me right now and i'm really excited to like i'm so excited because when i was asking you like if you have like a thing about like 2023 is the year of blah blah i think i've been thinking 2023 2023 is my year of fun like that's my overarching thing is i want to have so much fun next year hopefully and i have had so much fun in the last year it's been my most fun year in london by a long way but i just want to have more fun um because it's my priority in all ways yeah that's such yeah
Starting point is 00:21:05 so i don't think i necessarily have like flopped in london like it didn't necessarily come to a flop point but it was just like actually like when i made the decision i then got a bit like in my head about it like basically as soon as i'd let new people move into my bedroom which they're moving in in a week um so it's like i'm gonna sort this shit out hopefully i'm better by then i've got a man with a van arriving um but i was like what the fuck am i doing like this is a move have i made the wrong decision sort of thing yeah like this is a move of someone losing their mind oh my god people don't do people don't leave a comfortable situation right all my friends ringing me let me just hang up on her sorry decline um i'm gonna have to break to her later
Starting point is 00:21:52 that i'm cancelling on birthday stuff tomorrow and also i'm cancelling tonight dear god anyway declined um oh fucking hell ringing again decline decline this girl is it an emergency no no no Oh, fucking hell, ringing again. Decline, decline this gal. Is it an emergency? No, no, no. Hopefully not. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:10 No, it's definitely not an emergency. How would you know? Okay. But yeah, to have to leave a situation that's like, okay, this is comfortable. Am I pitch black to you as well? Yeah, you are, but I'm not opposed to it. I can see the red light of my microphone on my face against literal darkness.
Starting point is 00:22:26 So terrifying. It's really Star star wars i watched that yesterday or whatever i watched star wars yesterday and i thought i remember the moment when i first saw adam driver and just oh god like it was instant that love an instant connection it was just like him that's the man for me him whoever he is yeah you were worrying have you made the wrong move yeah it was just like i don't know if this is the right decision like why the fuck have you left a really comfortable like the rent that we pay for this house is insane like the london market people keep saying is mental right now like everyone is having to spend like a grand on a fucking room. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:23:08 A month, which is out of the question. Absurd, yeah. So I was like, am I making a crazy mistake, blah, blah, blah. But you know when you just know in yourself, it's like it's not right for you now. Like the excitement I feel about going versus the excitement I feel about leaving. It's not comparable.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So I think I had a moment where I was like, oh God, flopping but i've decided that you're not no because also it's like no it just doesn't feel right yeah yeah so i'm excited for like whatever that i'm excited i'm really excited same i've got a few fun things i told you one of them the other day you have do you want to share some things that you're looking forward to see this is what happens this is what comes with fluidity is new fun experiences i also i've always kind of lived by this again kind of cheesy saying i always think jump and the net will appear have you heard this thing i said i've heard you say it a few too many times i said i've heard you say it a few too many times it's like absurd but i really live by it and i moved to london with no job and i remember the job that i was working in at the time i was working in a bar and i said to the woman like
Starting point is 00:24:20 i hand in my notice i'm handing in my notice i'm going to lunch oh cool have you got a job it's like no and she was like where i see you in a few months then and from that moment it was Sophie's arch nemesis um and it's just one of those things where it's like actually I really do believe jump and the net will appear and I've been in London for three years now and like uni all of these things I feel like I work I'm realizing I think I work on a three-year basis of like almost three years and I think I just need a refresh well a lot can happen in three years everything changes I'm a different person to when I arrived in London and I would if you think about the three-year model of uni fucking different
Starting point is 00:25:02 person going in and coming out yeah stunning yeah really fun do you want me to turn a light on because this might be quite disconcerting i'm not mad i i don't mind it i don't know if this is the right conversation for today but i want to say that i agree with this person this person said well i just want to say that i'm proud of them and happy for them and i hope that they're okay but also if they made the opposite decision like if someone was in the opposite situation then i would i'm proud of them and happy for them and i hope that they're okay but also if they made the opposite decision like if someone was in the opposite situation then i would also be proud of them blah blah everyone's situation is unique this person said that they started eating meat after five years because they felt restrictive wow i don't know if we should get into this because
Starting point is 00:25:37 sephia and i've had a big like oh i can't get into mine but you can get into yours well let almost let's save it for another episode i could go all in yeah i think also we're on a real it's almost that is i mean goes without saying it's a massive deal like of course all of the stuff so i feel like um let's go into it because i'd love to hear i'd love to have the big conversation with you yeah me too maybe you'll hear from us sooner than you think yeah maybe you will um okay okay let's go with this one because i think this is very universal this person said they feel like they always fail i compare myself constantly to others and i feel like nothing in comparison and i feel like the best is me talking now the best way to set yourself up for feeling like a fucking failure is to literally look at any other human being yeah because i i
Starting point is 00:26:32 feel like we all have this crazy ability to it's actually really lovely you see the best in people yeah but i think it's our instinct a lot of the time to see the worst in ourselves and it's just so yeah dangerous and like a really hurtful habit to get into it's the worst it's also like you end up writing little short stories about what everyone's up to and it's like most of these things aren't true like you write short stories about like oh well that girl she has always just been so pretty and all the boys love her she just feels so confident and blah blah blah and it's like no that girl spent the whole morning crying yeah her boyfriend just chanced on her like it's like it's not going well
Starting point is 00:27:07 or like you you make up stuff and you don't know that's your novel she was a beautiful young girl but like you end up making shit up anyway any comparisons you've made recently that have made you feel like you are falling short can i have some time you go first nothing's coming to mind um can i be honest guys i compare myself to everyone all the time and i and i really really feel a lot of the time like i really don't have a lot going for me and i think like bloody hell like i'm 26 i have no money and no prospects but like i'm 26 i'm like i've got not as much money as i want to have i've got no money i've got no i've got there's so many things that i've just not got
Starting point is 00:27:56 to a good point and yeah i know and that's just life like that's what life is but yeah i don't i think as well i think i would look at stephanie wing as myself like five years ago i'd look at me now and be like oh fucking hell thank god for that i really sorted myself out yeah whereas now i would be like fucking hell no you didn't sort yourself out and yeah i mean i'm fine but i think there's always i personally feel like i'm i feel like there's always more to be done and i don't know if everyone always feels like there's always more to be done but i can imagine a lot of people are constantly feeling like they're behind and just definitely i do find that so silly though like just like it does show to me that it's a matter of perception rather than a matter of reality and
Starting point is 00:28:46 also it's a fucking huge matter of like these standards that were passed down to us generation generation through fucking literally our ancestors and also classically media always there at the top um but like these set of things that you should quote unquote have by the time you're 26 and like who you should be what you should look like and all of this shit and actually it's like right who said you should have money and like anything like if anything you just need to change your perception i would say you shouldn't have any money in 26 i agree i agree with you i agree with you you know what i've never felt better in my life um but i think that it's funny i think i would have and what i mean by like years ago i would have looked at me and been like all right thank god i've really i've got some things down
Starting point is 00:29:31 you might have to put a light on now fucking i literally just looked at the thing like this it's just completely like there's nothing there i actually might have to take a picture can you take a picture it's absolutely absurd all right let me go get a fucking light oh that's nice beautiful that's literally like what but i looked away and when i looked back i was like oh my god jump scare she's gone i was laughing almost when you were talking i was thinking god this poor girl talking to the abyss um but yeah years ago years ago i would have looked at myself and been like right thank god i've got a lot of achievements i'm probably feeling quite confident because this girl that i'm looking at has achieved a few things so she'll probably feel quite good and i actually think maybe even not necessarily the opposite but that just isn't true for me personally i feel like as much as achievements are so lovely
Starting point is 00:30:31 and really good to like keep you going throughout the day and like feeling like all right fucking hell thank god for that i really needed that like oh someone sent a nice message they've been listening with their sister okay right so i'm not a piece of shit completely that gives me something to live for for a few more days something to hold me over but does it it does but i think what really gives me the confidence at the moment is acceptance of failure or acceptance of falling short or acceptance of who i am like that has given me confidence like nothing else all of the achievements are the best thing in the whole world. Like it brings me happiness and joy and contentment and excitement and like a purpose and feeling like I have a reason for living
Starting point is 00:31:13 and feeling connected and all of these amazing things. And I never in a million years thought I'd be lucky enough to get to have someone and their sister listening to something that me and you do. It's just, it's so overwhelmingly amazing. But the confidence, and it adds so much to my life but i feel so confident in myself now i still feel like a piece of shit all the time but i feel so confident in myself now because i feel like i'm just closer to accepting who i am and who i am is a bit shit sometimes but i'm also pretty good and this and that and all these things do you know what I think almost the
Starting point is 00:31:45 for example a message from someone saying me and my sister listen that does a lot to my mood but I don't think it does anything for my confidence like I think the confidence has has has absolutely has to come from within it you can't like whether you get it from whether whether you're trying to grasp it from a dm that you get or from a job promotion that you got or like the way that you look or any of this fucking shit i genuinely think you're fucked like but it's like identifiers of who you are as a person but they can feed the external because they are external they can't feed the internal because they're not but does your internal not feed off of your identity of who you are and we get mark posts and we get signposted
Starting point is 00:32:25 who we are by external markers i think it can and that can affect my mood but i'm feeling good i'm feeling like i really feel happy with this all right yeah i feel sad with how it's going with this stuff but genuinely my confidence yes from what i've seen like this is why you meet people that are all of the things they should should quote unquote be in life and they're so insecure and you meet people that are all the things that they shouldn't doing quotes again be and they're the most content and like confident people you ever met it's like oh so clearly the things that we're chasing don't add to confidence can i ask you a question can i ask you a question just you're my question i don't know what song that is yes you do did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room in a crowded room every single one
Starting point is 00:33:10 of your friends is making fun of you oh yeah that was about what was you know what that is i can't believe you haven't listened since it's so good do you have someone kiss you in a crowded room oh god it hurts my soul okay so i'm guessing yeah it's a question it's just a question does it feel like you remember i'm liking the vibe no i don't know it though you would love it what song is this called it's called question dot dot dot question mark dot dot dot question mark you remember that no i don't remember it, but I've seen that. Right. Well, anyway, can I ask you a question? Is it on midnight? Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Oh, I don't remember. It's okay. It's okay. Video coming soon at some point. Yeah, it's coming soon. So then that will jog my memory. Can I ask you a question? What's your top skill for moving through,
Starting point is 00:34:01 feeling like you've let yourself down? I think there's only one i think you have to just accept it i think like and i think that goes through stages again please cut this i will thank you you're doing amazing keep going you're doing so well um i think you have to accept it like as soon as you i mean i think we often say this to each other when one of us is about to go kind of into a shitty period yeah into the pits it's like a phrase we often say is devil snare which is absurd oh my god but like we keep the shit going but like it's like just devil snare devil snare deadly sun but
Starting point is 00:34:46 it's hot in the sun i think i even said to you the other day i mean i hate to say devil snare i hate to say devil snare but it is devil snare but what we mean by that is like you can't struggle like ron yeah because it will kill you faster yeah it's awesome now i can relax you need to do what hermione does and kind of relax into it and then you get to go through it and it's all fine and i think whenever you start to feel like oh i fucked that shit up or whatever and then you start feeling fucking bad all of this first of all i would say let's add a bit of kindness yeah i don't mean except that you fucked it up i'd say except that you feel bad because most likely you didn't except that it's not going that way
Starting point is 00:35:24 yeah you're not gonna be able to go on the hot date tonight maybe for example like you need to just take some time be on your own have a bath whatever you need to do but yeah my main things would be just like kindness and acceptance i agree i agree love the kindness vibes because i feel like the instinct is to be like you're a fucking piece of shit you stupid cunt like really go in on myself um and i also feel like i agree with i think it's perspective too of being able to understand that one loss doesn't mean what is it like lost the fight but won the war sort of thing like you could lose the battle but we've lost the fight yeah things like that like you it doesn't mean it's all over for you just because you had a stinky morning or a fucking bad day do you know what i mean like there's still there's more coming for you it's all up from here if you're in the pits it's all up from here definitely and almost the
Starting point is 00:36:18 practical way to get perspective because almost like it's like how do you get perspective it is so easy to get perspective when you actually do it genuinely step outside of your door like get off instagram because that is almost that's the land of no perspective get away from that yeah the internet in general is the land of no perspective get away go outside your door and just like literally walk down a busy street and you will get perspective instantly like oh there's a man on a bike yeah i can buy these oranges six apparently yeah blah blah blah all of the stuff it's like oh life is a thing that is going on and i'm one of these people on this earth and i think the when when you get perspective it is so crazy and it's such a small thing that gives you perspective
Starting point is 00:37:01 it's like you don't need to sit down and fucking journal all of this shit it's like just remember how basically insignificant you are in the most beautiful way love it comes like that stunning well well done seffy big round of applause thanks i'm round of applause to you thank you for great energy in the studio today i don't know but i think it's true my hand is killing me oh my god that's properly burnt i'm scared i was saying to my boyfriend i was like i'm scared it's gonna blister really bad that's what you don't want with a burn do you remember when just last thing really important that i get this in last night for the podcast when we were in third year and i was using a fuck i still want to sue them for this and an oven glove from ikea wasn't mine so it was one that we had in the house i used it to get something obviously
Starting point is 00:37:44 out of the oven with my hand in the thing do you remember and it fucking burnt my thumb like so the heat went through the oven glove so what the fuck is the point of the oven glove burnt my whole thumb and guys you're gonna be sick i had a huge blister on my thumb that's why i'm scared that's gonna happen with this i'm gonna get a blister on my hand let's see it again it's disgusting i'm a monster no i don't think that's it's revolting really hurts anyway let's go i just i get those peas out again i would just put also i heard a thing with burns i don't know if it's true but it doesn't need to be like ice cold as long as it's just colder than the thing you can just put it under like a like a cold tap but not like i'm putting it on the do that i've been putting it on the bed sheet this whole time is anyone you should have had a cup of a glass of water well when funny you
Starting point is 00:38:28 should say that when i burnt my thumb in third year i remember i went to bed i took it to bed with me i took a glass of water into the bed with me and i remember laying down with my thumb dangling in this cup of water and i thought it's only a matter of time before this gets all over me and it was within probably half an hour i was covered in water going to sleep with your thumb in a glass of water quite a tall glass of water it's kind of a medieval painting yeah it's ridiculous make you. Make sense of this. Right, let's go. Cool. Well, if you don't hear from us, assume the worst.
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