Goes Without Saying - growth & transitional phases: *screams in retrograde*

Episode Date: July 5, 2021

brb we’ve got growing pains. in this bizarre episode of Goes Without Saying, sephy & wing are unpacking personal development, transformation and growth. from flop eras to hot girl summers, we're... chatting about self-imposed 'chapters' and why humans crave stability over everything else. can personal growth ever be measurable? is it inevitable to compare yourself with your friends? is the burger king vegan whopper really better than the royale? join us to unpack all the questions you never asked in this absolutely chaotic ep of Goes Without Saying. (and if you ever see this kieran culkin, call me). join the conversation every monday. speak your mind on the @sephyandwing instagram! you’re invited to our discord group chat: https://discord.gg/zuPH7gyeGp Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying that you are listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi, and I'm with the amazing Wing. Here she is. I'm Wing. Here I'm with the amazing Wing. Here she is. I'm Wing. Here I am being amazing as usual. And are you in a transformational period? Because apparently everyone is. Have you been feeling lost? Have you been feeling like you're growing in directions you've never seen before? Out of control.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Well, good thing because that's what we're talking about today. We're talking about growth phases, transitions, transformational periods, anxiety security boredom this is one of my favorite episodes maybe we've ever done i've had a great time i haven't felt much anxiety during it i feel like we've both been really relaxed during it which has been really nice it does transcend into chaos slightly but or maybe it just begins outright with chaos which you'll hear in a minute but let's just get right into it here we go so i'm in love i need to start with this stunning yep tell the crowd tell the audience i'm in love i'm in love and i don't care who knows it scream it from the rooftops who are you in love with i think everyone's getting really excited now that it's actually like a legitimate person but
Starting point is 00:01:58 it's unfortunately i have to say it's just another daydream it's just another daydream but i i can't focus on anything else until this love dies oh it's kind another daydream. It's just another daydream but I can't focus on anything else until this love dies. It's kind of perfect off the back of our sexual fantasizing episode which was honestly a cracker. Went down a storm may I say thanks to everyone who listened. Went down a storm thanks to everyone that listened to us honestly expose ourselves in the most embarrassing way ever. As they do every week. Yeah literally which is the essence of this podcast. Ever since then I started watching a show it's called succession if anyone's seen it i highly recommend change your life do you recommend
Starting point is 00:02:30 it just for this guy or you recommend it in general i recommend it purely for the guy i'm actually quite bored of the show but it's obviously really good but basically i ever since that episode just went into a complete dark spiral of being it's so in love that i can't focus on anything else it's so in love that everything else is a bore everything else is a drag a total drag i don't know who i am honestly i don't know who i am i'm like kind of i say his name i'm like sweating i'm like dying over go on tell us the name give us the name okay i'm gonna give you well however you want to tell it it's fine it needs a bit of a because i said the name. Okay, I'm going to give you... However you want to tell it, it's fine. It needs a bit of a... Because I said the name to Wing and she was like, who? And it's like, oh, okay, I should have said... So, right, how does it...
Starting point is 00:03:11 Everyone is familiar with the film Home Alone. Yes. This is bad. Everybody is familiar with Kevin McAllister from Home Alone. It's not him. It's not him. I would fucking hope not. It's Macaulay Culkin.
Starting point is 00:03:24 But it's Kieran Culkin, as in macaulay culkin but it's kieran culkin as in macaulay culkin's younger brother who's in his i would say 30s 40s yeah who also is in home alone as the child that wets the bed i can't believe that's him i can't believe that's him he's in succession and he's like this honestly cheeky cheeky cheek, cheeky boy. And I'm obsessed. Were you describing him as a bit of an evil villain? He is. He's not who you'd want to know in real life. Just your type really. Truly, truly my type.
Starting point is 00:03:53 You said he wanked onto a window. Can I say that? Spoilers for succession. And I saw that and I thought that's the man for me. He's wanking onto that window. You know when it's just like, I think it's the same thing you were saying about Seth Rogen. It's like, I need to show up at his door and say, fucking Kieran.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Kieran Culkin. Honestly. Do your worst. Leave me alone. Release me from this curse. Release me. I'm begging you. I'm on my knees begging.
Starting point is 00:04:20 You're ruining all my friendships. Yeah. You're the only thing I think about Kieran Culkin. God, it's horrible so embarrassing so who is that i have to edit this i hope by the time you're editing this you're like oh god i'm over it but you won't be i won't be i won't be it's a deep dark one what's your longest your longest lasting louis through and that was really bad louis through is an endless love for you i love
Starting point is 00:04:45 that that was about three years of pain you're over the pain of that though now yeah now i can i have a sweatshirt i wear at the time that my friend got me with his face on so i can wear that without crying yeah but if you got me one now with kieran's face on kieran colkin well it's almost i wouldn't do that to you because i don't want to ruin your chances of getting with him which is the most painful part is because we legitimately think it's gonna happen exactly that's the problem with james acaster as well it's like i can't even publicly declare my love for him which oops i have oops so a few thousand i'd say this might get edited out so i'm kind of ruining my chances by the second yeah it's a bit too close for her close to home spider-man far from home also because i'm going to the fucking off menu live
Starting point is 00:05:24 thing oh yeah and he's gonna be there that's the worst bit it'm going to the fucking off menu live thing oh yeah and who's gonna be there that's the worst bit it's going to a jonas brothers concert standing in the back row and leaving just as another fangirl it's like shit it's worse to be in the room that's why at reading 2019 or whatever i had to pretend that the for the whole thing that i was what's named alex turner i had to pretend i was his girlfriend in my mind because it's too painful to be in the audience do i wanna know why do you only call me alex when you're high you were in your little dogs crying your heart out um well how are you right so i said at the beginning before we started recording off the
Starting point is 00:06:04 record i said just don't ask me how i am and i said okay i'll start it by just saying i'm in love and then we said okay go three two one go and i'm in love like most chaotic start to a podcast just what not because i'm particularly bad but i just i don't quite know what to say how am i i don't really know where to begin i'm all right i think i'm just a bit knackered, a bit exhausty though. And that's fine. That's fine. I'm thinking it's a bit of a chilled vibe from me. We're recording in the evening, which is quite nice.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We never do that. We never do it. And it's because it was like, there was a school. The reason that we're recording in the evening is because, I mean, today's just got pushed back and back and back and back all day. It's got progressively worse as the day's gone on, really. I woke up in the morning and it was like literally kids screaming and a man for a microphone microphone going everybody red team and go go go
Starting point is 00:06:50 and it was oh god it's fucking sports day at the school that i live like right behind yeah um so that was a nightmare and then my granny came over which was really nice but so today's just got a bit um shifted yeah it hasn't gone to plan but it's been great i'm i'm i'm honestly wrapped up in a little blanket i'm having the time of my life really it's a very cozy vibe it is cozy time to talk about some transformations hey okay yeah so when we were talking about this episode i said to seffy i feel like a transitional growth phase kind of episode will go down a storm because everyone and their mother seems to think they're in a growth phase are you in a i'm just in a growth phase i'm just in a spiritual
Starting point is 00:07:29 awakening i'm just in my enlightenment phase right now just going through a bit of a phase like growth changes big changes in my life i'm just having a bit of a time there's a lot going on at the moment i've got a bit of funk at the moment it's just a lot going on a funk yeah that's what i feel like youtubers always say when they've taken a big leave of absence for about three months so i was just in a funk it's like oh jesus this funk i can't tell you how many videos i've watched how i got out of my funk all youtubers are living the funky life honestly take me to funky town funky town oh my god are you in a transitional funky time or what's going on are you at funky i time? I'm honestly, it doesn't feel funky, but yeah, I would say I'm in a funk. What about you?
Starting point is 00:08:09 Yeah, I'm definitely in a funk. It's chaos. It's chaos. It's thriving on chaos. It's thriving on chaos, but chaos is a ladder, famously. But I don't know. I definitely feel like everything's going wrong. I did say to you the other day, well, I did say what I always say, which is the veil is
Starting point is 00:08:24 very thin right now, but I also said, do you remember ages day, well, I did say what I always say, which is the veil is very thin right now. But I also said, do you remember ages ago in an episode I spoke about a crystal that's called Moldavite? That's like everything, it turns your life upside down. We remember, yeah. I said to Wing the other day, I was like, it does feel like one of us accidentally purchased something with some Moldavite on it. It feels like everyone suddenly had a little sprinkle of Moldavite.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's real like everything's being turned on its head. It's like there's definitely Moldavite. It's real, like, everything's being turned on its head. It's like, there's definitely Moldavite near me, and I just know it. Know it? God, I'm not crying. That was a burp, not a breakdown. It was kind of, I just thought of Kieran again, and I just, gulp. So I was thinking my kind of,
Starting point is 00:09:04 I was kind of thinking that my feelings on this as an episode as a topic as a whole kind of discourse is that really i don't know you know if i even agree with like growth phase like blah blah blah just in the way that i think i remember saying this in an episode back when we weren't called what we are called now and I'm not gonna address it but if you've been listening to all episodes then it goes without saying we always say I'm not gonna address it but we always address it elephant in the room also all the episodes are still up it's really mortifying all of the episodes where we say hey welcome to beep don't they're all still up it's too much honestly she who shall not be named voldemort in the room
Starting point is 00:09:47 yeah i said in an episode it must have been probably like maybe even over a year ago i don't know but something along the lines of like when we're in we're having a time we're living a life and we love to in the midst of an experience try and map out a pretty little title and a chapter yeah for this time in our lives and i think actually what often happens is it's only with hindsight that you can wrap up what that phase was and what that chapter was if if ever someone actually wrote in a message saying something along those lines and i let me try and find it oh you know i'm not gonna be able to find it i'm so sorry i think it was in response to does change and destruction and all of those things
Starting point is 00:10:28 does that happen for a reason like is that does that happen for a greater purpose and um the person said it's easy to think that it happens for a greater purpose when you have the luxury of hindsight and you see now how things mapped out and you can easily say yeah well that was the purpose but that doesn't necessarily mean that there actually was a purpose it just feels like okay everything worked out that is funny isn't it that kind of humans are so uncomfortable with mess that they have to kind of organize and categorize their messy lives kind of why we wrote the bible yeah it's like let's come up with the big we need some sort of overarching moral code this all feels like a bit of a mess what do you mean we live and we die no no that's a big fat mess let's kind of
Starting point is 00:11:12 say that this all is a purpose all kind of reincarnation lovely love the whole idea i get to do this again brilliant and even like your you know we talk about hoe phases or your slut phase, your hot girl summer. Or gap year even. My gap year, my, this is my grind time. I'm just in my hustle mode. Like we're constantly trying to tie up and put a little ribbon on where we are right now. And so much of life just isn't like that. But I love to explore it anyway.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But I even think that it goes beyond kind of the social media of like hot girl summer i'm in my gap year or whatever i'm in my my flop era is mine yeah my flop era i'm in a hustle hustle vibe girl boss whatever even in like society like big wider things even like your 20s your teens your childhood your um 50s your 40s your 70s what's supposed to happen in these times it's like it's a lie. We've just taken it even further to be like, I'm in this year, I'm dedicating to my career. It's like, don't fucking bore me. That's a joke. Yeah. Yeah, it's true, really. It's like in your 30s, you should be having your children. Well, when you think about it, it's kind of Mondays. It's like, what even is that? Two o'clock. You made that up. The difference between how I behave on a Monday versus how I behave on aay is absolutely insane when you consider the fact that time is just a construct yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:12:29 mental that's crazy or like i'll only have my i'll only drink alcohol on weekends oh my dear lord live a little live a little or don't drink at all yeah we are silly silly beings hey or just like oh i get i set my alarm for 6 a.m every morning why you've literally got work but why but this also gets into just my hatred of like maths i think of just like it's just a numbers thing i'm just like shut up it's fake i never thought i would be blessed enough to meet someone no offense sephie but worse than maths than i am and i think just incrementally sephie beats me by a fraction. No, I think, by what fraction? Two thirds?
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'd say, but you wouldn't understand. Let's simplify that fraction, shall we? Let's expand the bracket. I think Sefi and I are bonded in that we hate numbers like so deeply. It's like, can't we just put the string this into a nice sentence? Why do we have to put a number?
Starting point is 00:13:24 I just don't understand. Anyway, just like numbers, like prime numbers sounds fake to me get out of your ass prime numbers oh my god i can't bear it do you know any prime numbers i've actually my dad's obsessed with prime numbers like obsessed oh okay well i've i've set you up well there then my dad kind of do i even get into it he has a buddhist kind of cult he's not even buddhist he has like a psychedelic drug cult no psychedelic cult also he has like a psychedelic kind of farm honestly like no one is surprised yeah they're like oh now seffy makes sense to me i really get her now he made these like badges to get in to get into the thing and i'm number like i don't know they're all prime numbers they've all got a number he's of course one oh i actually remember you saying this and i'm number like fucking 47 is that a prime number who the fuck cares if that's a prime number but i'm in the 40s or
Starting point is 00:14:15 something i don't know um which is funny considering i'm his firstborn child joking i picked it i think but um so there's like a big my family are quite obsessed with prime numbers but no i don't fucking know any but why did you pick that number because it had some sort of spiritual flowery it called me i saw it and i just thought that is the number for me superfluous meaning the only way sephi and i work with numbers is by giving them a very literary meaning back in the day we used to sell these ebooks and we were like i think like three pounds 33 like i'm getting something about two pounds 68 what kind of feeling does that give you i'm thinking even numbers only that's ridiculous but i do think the only way because it's true it's like 11 11 oh my god like 11 11 like the only way it's like god i can only cope if it's like my lucky
Starting point is 00:15:02 number maths for dummies um okay let me think do you have something to say i don't have something to say but i saw something quite funny that someone wrote oh yeah go on i'm sorry it's not funny at all it's really sad then they end it's really quite serious and they ended it on a joke okay nice my favorite kind of message it's really bad and i've said it's funny it It's not funny. They said, recovering from PTSD. Then they wrote, terrible, but great things. Terrible, but great. Ollivander reference. Which I did quite like, but obviously not funny that you're recovering from PTSD.
Starting point is 00:15:35 No, obviously not. Yeah. Goes without saying. Yeah. Did you bring that up just for the joke? Yeah, literally brought that up for the joke. But I mean, we could definitely talk about PTSD. Okay. Well, that's their growth but i mean we could definitely talk about ptsd okay well that's
Starting point is 00:15:45 their growth period at the moment yeah as in i just think like that period of recovery because a lot of people were saying things like getting out of an abusive relationship as well and kind of healing from an eating disorder and things like that so yeah the recovery is definitely a period of like extreme growth so you have to go through shit things to get to that bit where it's like okay i'm actually feeling a bit more like myself so this was a kind of thing that we were speaking about a bit on the stories which we do on the stories at sephian wing on instagram kind of talk about the episode with you lot before we record the episode so that we're this you know using your messages and blah blah blah something we were kind of speaking about there was the idea of like is does a growth period have to be voluntary or like can you can it be forced upon you like do you have to consent to the to
Starting point is 00:16:30 the change or is it going to happen to you whether you like it or not that sort of thing i think it's that you have no say over whether it will be inflicted on you but you have a choice whether to grow within yourself like change is inevitable growth is optional uh-huh but i also think growth is a really interesting concept because i feel like it's very easy for someone to declare that they've grown or that they've changed how many times we've heard that i've changed i've changed right like i mean i'm hearing that left right and center i'm growing i'm growing left right and bloody center i can't move for people changing i don't see any growth here show me the growth yeah i would so it's kind
Starting point is 00:17:05 of it's tough isn't it because what's the barometer of growth you think you've grown but so i might think that i've grown but someone close to me might think i've become an arsehole yeah spoiler alert they do like it's hard isn't it what does growth mean you like yourself more is that the only thing that matters well the more you like yourself the more society will hate you so if you're measuring growth in society's terms of like more success more money more kind of confidence even more blah blah blah like more friends more love all of this stuff i don't know your barometer's off slightly because it's always going to be tailored slightly towards capitalism and like this idea that you must as an individual be the best but i think the biggest kind of personal growth of like actually learning to like yourself is about kind of shedding that
Starting point is 00:17:49 ego and actually being like am i okay with who i am not the facade version of myself not like the mirror version of myself that everyone can see and everyone can have an opinion on do i in myself sitting in a room no kind of bullshit around me do Do I like who I am? And society is not going to like you if the answer to that is yes. Do you think we need to be pushed through like, quote unquote, chaotic experiences to get that self-esteem? I don't know. I don't know. It definitely helps. Do you think? It doesn't hurt maybe to be put through an experience as in do we need to be pushed out of our comfort zone at least? Yeah, you absolutely need to be put through an experience as in do we need to be pushed out of our comfort zone at least yeah you absolutely need to be pushed out of your comfort zone i just hate the thing that you need to go through negative or like unpleasant experiences to grow like that's like oh god what
Starting point is 00:18:34 fucking shit world like there's definitely no fucking god then like that's a fucking joke let's create a species that they need to suffer in order to become good it's like jesus okay well and also kind of analyzing people suffering as a marker of their growth is kind of um horrible yeah it's just yeah you didn't need to go through that yeah it's not a just thing but i also agree like i've seen some transitions in people that have been through the shittest things and it's like almost because it does just shed the ego and the storyline the narrative of you and your life when you do go through absolute trauma yeah it's like you are just you're open to things in a different way because you're not attached to actually no i'm i'm attached to this bullshit the old self well it's true yeah how do you bring on a new self you have to ditch the old one first at least parts of it surely but i think maybe most
Starting point is 00:19:25 people maybe we're not that keen really like innately to shed shift our old self i don't think it doesn't come that naturally do you feel like you're quite comfortable with change or is it something you still resist i do really quite love a bit of change go on i think i stopped hating i remember saying i just don't want anything to change i don't want anything to change when i was like 10 and i think that was because my i could feel my period had begun and i could feel in my womb that my parents were going to be divorcing imminently i was going to be taken out of town and strung along on a crazy journey but i think once you go through a little well for me anyway i think once i've gone through a little bit of change and it's kind of the classic thing of with hindsight you look back and think okay well that panned out and
Starting point is 00:20:08 it's fine i'm a bit more welcoming now to change i actually look forward to it but maybe that's also because if i'm miserable i'm like yeah well i'd love to change it like i'm happy to change yeah yeah um because i'm not that ecstatic although i am i'm feeling quite good and also like in a great place goes without saying, blah, blah, blah, blah. But even when I'm feeling good, I'm always quite excited. For the possibility of change.
Starting point is 00:20:31 For the new thing. Yeah, yeah. What about you? And saying that though, let me just quickly add, I do still like to have a lot of control over the mess, which obviously doesn't work in this universe, at least for me. If you've got a big control over life and everyone and blah blah let me know how you're doing it but also like
Starting point is 00:20:49 being comfortable in the illusion of stability like if there's no such thing as stability in this world and if you do still believe in stability you're a laughing stock not gonna lie i'm joking oh my god i only stopped believing in stability. Six months ago? I think it was incorrect during coronavirus. I thought, oh, so all of the structures are fake. Yeah, not just some of them. All of the structures here are fake. But it only took one virus to prove that. Yeah, having the illusion of that is comfortable.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Like I'm not going to say no to just like an illusion of, God, you're settled right now. It's like, oh, that sounds nice for a bit. Even if I know, okay, this could be shattered in an instant right and it's also kind of of course i'd be willing to have change of course i'd be more welcoming of change when it's like oh move here or do this and it's not like this person that you love is gonna die this thing that you have is gonna get ruined this thing that you have doesn't exist anymore it's like yeah of course you're gonna be more you know change is nice when it's an addition. It's not when it's a subtraction to get mathematical.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, yeah. The great destroyer. Yeah, truly. And the tower card. When it's being like an abundant change rather than like a lacking change. But I definitely think my parents splitting up at an early age or like as in an early age in my life, not even primary school age. Definitely it acclimatizes you to change quite early you have this illusion of stability of like this is all fine and then it's
Starting point is 00:22:08 like what whipped the fucking carpet from under you nope life has changed and it's like okay so now um i will never feel settled again so i will always welcome change in that way just on the note of divorce we've been promising the parents and divorce episode for so long it turns out it's now have we not done that we did it a bit in christmas right oh did we we did like problematic families oh yeah we did i think it's like your grandma woke up and chose violence or something yeah yeah your grandma woke up and chose violence stunning yeah she might even be racist i don't know if that's in the title or like she might even be homophobic. I don't know. Yeah, no. But it's definitely some sort of...
Starting point is 00:22:48 It's like, why your TERF grandma? Yeah. Why your evil grandma, worst person alive. But yeah, on the note of divorce, as is every episode it goes out saying, it seems. I remember you saying before, oh, my parents got divorced at an early age. And I always thought my parents got divorced when I was quite old.
Starting point is 00:23:04 But we were the same age, you and I you and i roughly yeah we were like year six no year yeah year five i was in year five yeah yeah and i thought that was really old really is that kind of relative to the people around you as in no none of my friends parents had got split up so i was like oh my god really first yeah so i thought i was i was the first oh but i don't know if people around you were also had gone through that then it's almost like oh well this is old news this happens all the time whereas i kind of perceived it's like i've gone through the hugest trauma which now it's like no but at the time it was like oh my god why me why me i think i just also felt like i was a hundred years old yeah you're quite an old soul grandma i'm the i'm the evil grandma
Starting point is 00:23:46 wing is everybody's racist grandma it's me i would say you're quite an old i always have said this about you you're i see you as an owl a lot of people do you're not the first you've got an old presence that's nice thank you is that not nice i think that's really nice um well am i kind of kind of weak and feeble i'm about to kind of conk out i kind of need a hip replacement which i do my hips click with every step not a joke no haven't you already have had a hip replacement no but i was born without hip sockets so she really is an old soul and an old body. ACAST powers the world's best podcasts.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These r got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay? So why don't more people know this?
Starting point is 00:24:54 I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer. And we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere.-cast.com no but i do think you have a why a wisdom about your wise energy and almost you're not bothered
Starting point is 00:25:33 with this you're not bothered with this show it's almost like you do have an old an older presence that's why i like having my little puppy to kind of run around my feet bring the energy i think i'm quite a new soul if we're talking you definitely just got here yeah oh my god i am literally newborn this energy is not normal ever you go to a tree what's that oh my god what's going on kieran colkin what's going on in his trousers piss all over him kieran gulking wanking on a window i honestly the amount of energy i wake up i operate in the world with an amount of energy that's actually like quite worrying it's obscene it's absolutely obscene i'm gonna explode one of these days i love it i love it so much god i've gone quite red just think about kieran fuck i mean i love it for you but
Starting point is 00:26:25 next week it will be done sorry sorry guys this episode is kind of going to be kind of they're gonna be splatterings of kieran throughout i'm sure next week it will be gone honestly it's not even sprinkles it's splattering it's like english literature why did she the choice of words there splattering splattering it's too much says it all okay this message i really liked but also lots of people were saying this um or you know something in a similar vein but this person splattering splattering it's too much says it all okay this message i really liked but also lots of people were saying this um or you know something in a similar vein but this person said i'm currently realizing that i have nothing in common with my childhood best friends it's just really interesting i think how much we measure where we are by contrast to the people that we
Starting point is 00:27:00 are surrounded with because of course we would kind of it's okay i'm a human being so how do i evaluate how i'm doing as a human being well let me just take a look at the other human beings and my fellow human beings and that's why the internet is dangerous because like oh kylie jenner's what fucking 17 or something it's like oh my jesus or like billy eilish is like 10 10 years old okay like i really like also just in relation to friends something that my therapist said recently which I just thought was great she said and I said this to you Sefi so you've already heard this is old news to you but I thought it was great she was saying in your life it's such a blessing that you are in control about what you choose to bring with you you have the choice to travel light
Starting point is 00:27:40 travel light take what you need and go go go go travel light how beautiful is that just such a beautiful sentiment travel light pack up honestly a duffel fucking duffel bag of shit yeah bigger motherfucking duffel bag of shit travel light but turns out all you're taking is a duffel bag of shit but i just thought it's such a common thing with aging and also just shifting like out of school you went to uni you didn't go to uni you come out of uni you know just friendship i think in general is just a big big old thing isn't it so profound so friendship is a big thing it's huge hey there's a big show i had it's called friends you might like it if you're
Starting point is 00:28:25 into that theme no idea what that's about i think james corden's in it now nice that's great nice well done what was i gonna say you're still hung up on james corden i'm just like how can i get kieran into that how can i tell how can i twist this conversation to be about kieran i could have seen macaulay Culkin in Friends. Kind of playing Gunther. No, but I mean like at the time. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Not as one of the friends, but like kind of Ben, one of Ben's mates, like that sort of thing. One of Ben's mates. Yeah, but that's Cody. Yeah, I know. I'm just saying like. The role's taken by Dylan Sprouse. Not Dylan. Cole Sprouse.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Sorry, this has got so convoluted now and friends also talking about friends it's like how old how old are we i definitely also think with that is comparing yourself to your childhood friends is very different i think than comparing yourself to your family or acquaintances from work or your current friends that your friends are from uni or your friends from fucking down the pub or that you sit on a sofa in central perk with whatever but your childhood friends it's like okay now you've known these people for years and most likely i don't know if i'm kind of different in this or i don't know if this is like the universal experience but all my childhood friends we've all gone on to do quite different things and we have quite different life experiences now we went to
Starting point is 00:29:41 different uni some didn't go to uni um we're all doing like different things one of my best oldest friends is having a fucking baby like six months pregnant congrats honestly big congrats but it's like we're all in such different places that i mean to compare to them it's a minefield it's like to compare to them it's like god we're in such different places that it's almost incomparable right yeah so it's quite liberating in that way it's almost the people who could be really similar to you, but there are just some key details that have just slightly shifted off course. I think that's why leaving uni is hard. That's a bit harder.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Go on. Leaving uni is hard, I feel, because you often... Me and you have really grown apart since leaving uni. Honestly, don't even know. I was going to say, don't even know your middle name, but I do, you don't have one. I don't have one. Leaving uni, the second you have graduation, it's almost like this cohort of people thrown
Starting point is 00:30:27 into the world. And it's almost like you've been like, you're at the same stage in life for three years. You're all students at the same place. And you've very much had this identity. Then it's suddenly like, right, now all go fend for yourselves. And that is, I think, where things get tricky comparison wise, because then you're in the thing that you're in with your childhood friends, where it's like, right, we're all going to do different things now yeah well it's true the liberating thing about childhood friends is that they or the difference there is that you know they've got an attachment or at least an understanding of your old self and that may have gone that may have changed that may still be the same and you just you know whatever you might be
Starting point is 00:31:01 really similar to what they first were introduced to when you were 10 years old haven't changed a bit you could be a completely different person who knows but with like uni friends for example or like adult friends or friends even from like um like secondary school like high school whatever like your teenage years and on these people don't necessarily have or think these people don't necessarily think that they have an attachment to an old self yeah yeah they think they met the the real not real you but the final form they think they met you fully evolved but you're like charizard you know you're an evie you're not an evie evolution yeah yeah you haven't maybe you have reached your final form maybe they have reached their final form but when people think or you
Starting point is 00:31:45 entered the friendship under the premise that you weren't gonna change i think that is so fucking true that when you meet people at kind of 18 19 there's an idea that okay yeah i'm meeting you as an adult you've done your growing you've done all of this you might grow alongside them for a few years too yeah and that i think i think you do because i don't know what was your i was gonna ask you what was your big your biggest transitional period because I think uni is just such a big one I was almost thinking with uni actually that I could have been not physically growing that's the literally the complete opposite of what I mean but I could have been growth spurt yeah the famous first year growth spurt I could have been mentally or like emotionally stagnant, more stagnant.
Starting point is 00:32:25 But because I'm under the guise of, oh, you've done your first year, you've done all these terms, you've done these modules, you've done these essays, blah, blah, blah. You've given so many markers of progression that you're, at least for me, I think I didn't have to worry too much about how I'd grown. Whereas now, since leaving uni, with every year that passes, it's literally not even been two. But especially, and also pandemic in the mix passes it's literally not even been two but especially and also pandemic in the mix it's obviously all a nightmare but like more than ever now i'm i'm trying to judge i'm judging myself more than ever i think i'm marking up i'm trying to tally up how have you grown this year have you done enough and before i don't think i did that in the same way because i had the security of just in my subconscious thinking well you've done like
Starting point is 00:33:02 20 essays you've done do you know i mean like it's more unconscious you've had grades back yeah you think you're growing anyway and it's kind of more invisible because i think you're alongside yeah you're alongside people but i think that's when you look at a photo of yourself from like five years ago you're like oh my god i'm a i was a different person absolutely also because at the age that we're at now it's that weird thing where i don't know if this is going to make any sense but throughout our whole life so say you're 17 we're with you we're listening yeah so you're 17 you can mark your growth because three years ago you look like a fucking child absolutely yeah so you can very easily mark your mark your change because you're growing you're growing boobs you're doing you're doing a whole thing you don't fit in the same clothes anymore yeah you're literally
Starting point is 00:33:40 physically changing and now we're in that weird spot where we're not aging from like 30 to 40 do you know what i mean we're in this weird spot now where there's not actually a lot of physical change going on so it's almost how do you really mark your development when you're not physically developing in any way in any way so it's like me at the beginning of uni and me at the me and now two years out of uni i don't really look very physically different it's harder to measure than being like right okay from year nine to year 11 i made a big jump it gives the illusion of a bigger change when you know in one instance you're a child and then the next you're not or you know you you just look at you look really different or even in a few years oh and now i have wrinkles and i look different my skin texture is
Starting point is 00:34:17 different my face looks different and all of this i've had botox yeah we're laughing because we have this joke that we're gonna get rich and turn up really like kind of um i'm moving my face but you can't see but we're gonna be filler to the max i don't know if this we ever said there's an episode but we're saying like we better not get successful and rich from this because we will be so fucking certain we'll be unrecognizable don't be alarmed you see us in the reels unrecognizable it's be unrecognizable don't be alarmed you see us in the reels unrecognizable it's just these like absolute like plastic faced girls like so do not text your toxic ex we can't even move dump him like can't speak taylor swift famously once said
Starting point is 00:34:58 i can't actually really remember but she obviously said it really beautifully and i'm gonna butcher it but it was kind of it was about one of her songs it's actually in the folklore um disney plus session you should watch it oh stunning so stunning but she was i think it's in that and she's saying how once a lot of people you know you're in school it's a lot of unconscious you know growth and challenges and blah blah success those sorts of things as soon as you leave school education or whatever you're thrown out into quote-unquote the real world my favorite phrase love when people keep saying that you're in the real world you're in the real world don't take me here i do not want to go to that place that's the last place i want to go why is this where i ended up i like the fake world kicking and screaming i'll go to the real world but she says once you leave taylor says my queen she says once you leave school and you're out of education
Starting point is 00:35:50 there are not as many opportunities for you to get the pat on the back or the a star yeah or you're not being graded the clap in the audience yeah you're not being graded and you're not being you're not giving the praise anymore it becomes much harder to get recognition for what you've done that is so fucking true been chewed up and spat out oh my god totally because also the things that you were rewarded for at school and like in your youth even were like you did a very shitty performance at the talent show but everyone's well done for trying well done for trying absolutely you got kind of a not that good grade or you did your homework and things like that but now it's like no you never ever ever get rewarded for like trying now you have to succeed well now it's like oh you didn't kill
Starting point is 00:36:33 yourself no one cares no one gives a fuck yeah no one gives a fuck no one fucking cares you're trying your hardest because it's like yeah you and everyone else exactly yeah you're trying your fucking hardest and no one cares to now to get a pat on the back it's not enough just to show up it's like no you've got to do a marathon you've got to lose three stone you've got to be billy eilish you have to be a prodigy yeah you've got to write your first novel at age 19 like really un really uncalled reference like mary shelley wrote frankenstein when she was 19 it's like so out of touch it's kind of you writing your letter to your 10 year old self saying if you're not a doctor who what are they called companion that's the word i couldn't i was saying that to my boyfriend last night but no i didn't want to be a companion i didn't want to be a doctor's assistant i think
Starting point is 00:37:18 is the term you're looking for i thought it was the doctor's companion i think it's the doctor's assistant but it could be a companion oh well my boyfriend was saying last night doctor's assistant and i was like you're wrong but i guess i'm just an idiot maybe maybe me and your boyfriend are wrong on that no you're probably right you're definitely right yeah you would know wouldn't you because you wrote the letter you're the doctor you're the who head around you're the whovian so embarrassing if anyone doesn't know that story when i was like i don't know 40 i was younger i was like eight i wrote myself a letter being like if you're not in doctor who by the time you're 13 just give up and i'd underlined just give up i hid it behind my wardrobe and lo and
Starting point is 00:37:55 behold not in doctor who am i was never in that but it's a success story because she didn't give up she kept trying and we're happy to announce that she'll be in the new series of doctor who starring jodie whittaker and stephanie deacon dream role dream oh my god role of a lifetime role of a lifetime i am jodie whittaker's companion i'm going in that target that would be stunning god you know i'd love nothing more kind of do i write the earth please i'm all over it please stunning it's kind of there's a love scene it opens i will only do it if kieran's in it love scene we've written it opens up black screen sprinkles up to me and kieran standing there in the tardis jodie's there come on guys we've got to get moving it's kind of a Macaulay Culkin's mum in Home Alone, but she says, Kieran!
Starting point is 00:38:47 Instead of Kevin. Keep the change, you filthy animal. We still say Merry Christmas, you filthy animal, not keep the change. No, it's keep the change. You filthy... No, it's Merry Christmas, you filthy animal. And there's something about keep the change. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:39:01 There's a bit in Home Alone too where it goes, get down on your knees and tell me you love me. they go we love you is that what kieran says that i don't know kieran's like four in it kieran's he's like i don't want to get in the bed with him he weds the bed and then it just cuts to kieran's face and he's like little cheeky smile real cutie pie but i can't believe that's him yeah i was quite annoyed when i found out that was him it does kind of ruin it why annoyed well it does ruins it he's a child he's allowed a lie okay so you find a fit guy that you're obsessed with who by the way who's not that fit but you're obsessed with a guy it's kind of the equivalent of going on his facebook profile and scrolling way back and seeing things that
Starting point is 00:39:38 should just never be seen you see them in like a sort of a football shirt in a little waistcoat at the 2008 prom the number of times i've done that as well i've done it with you i often do that when i'm talking to someone i'll then find them on facebook well it's a good way to put yourself off quickly humble yourself it's like them in a spiked up gelled hair with flames on their t-shirt such a time so bad um i like this one. Someone said, I moved country, had to live with people I couldn't stand, but had some close friends.
Starting point is 00:40:10 We got into astrology, which was eye-opening, into my personality aspects and understanding myself as a whole and the psychology of why people are the way they are. Also, this is all in the question boxes. This is a one, two, three, four situation. Actually, it's a five situation.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Also, I learned that people's actions, etc. are usually just a projection of themselves and not a reflection of yourself really like that for a few things i quite loved the mention of astrology because i kind of do think as much as i am torn between it being bullshit and being like the bible itself i do think it is such a great way to like get into so what are my personality traits how do i fit within this world oh here's my charts like i do love that i do think it's quite transitional a lot of messages about people having their saturn returns oh really you know the podcast saturn returns i think that's a great name for a podcast um what's the podcast about i think it's about like being in your late 20s early 30s okay yeah i don't love it it gives me the similar vibe of what we
Starting point is 00:41:06 were used to be called and it freaks me out i like the art for it anyway it's not advertised it's not promo for every other podcast but ours yeah go on we love astro well that's the thing is i do love astrology yeah completely but i'm also i love astrology in the way that i love um the sims or like even veganism it's like i'm happy to never talk about it to anybody yeah absolutely i'm happy for it to be a private thing and just watch my little let's plays and watch my little plumbella and just eat my little veggie sausages and keep it to myself totally yeah it's not an identity thing it's just it's just kind of i will check costar every day yeah exactly well it's like i'll follow this like a religion but if you don't that's absolutely fine that's funny as well that that doesn't work the other other way
Starting point is 00:41:49 if you don't like astrology as soon as you find out someone does like astrology it's like oh you're mental you fucking psycho yeah well it's kind of the same thing with vegans it's like if you don't like a vegan if you're a vegan usually you're not desperate to talk about it but if you aren't a vegan you're usually desperate to talk about how much you hate vegans i think that's really flipped over the past few years absolutely because it was an identity thing to start off with i think the militant vegan is dead she is no more no no i met some recently really can you tell i met some and i thought god am i in 2014 what happened no i can't tell but i did they have little mustache tattoos they were listening to where do you only call me when you're high seen what happened no i can't tell but i did they have little mustache tattoos on their fingers they
Starting point is 00:42:26 were listening to why do you only call me when you're high they were saying call me maybe no no they were it wasn't even i met some militant vegans it was just i experienced kind of militant veganism and i was like okay like this used to be me like back in eight years ago when i went vegan i was like that's a fucking long time so i think that's insane also um yeah it is a long time but also do you remember i was on the phone to wing once i don't know if you remember this but i was on the phone walking around london and i got to a coffee shop and i was like wait can i just um hang up for a second i just want to go buy a coffee i do remember this wasn't a coffee i can't drink coffee because my energy levels they don't come down for hours so it was a tea so I went into the coffee shop and I was like hey it was actually a Gale's bakery everyone knows
Starting point is 00:43:09 Gale's bakery stunning I'm still outraged at this I was so shocked um it's not even rude but it was just mental no it's actually not a big deal we really hide it well it was just like god I've gone into I'm actually in Doctor Who turns out I am the star of Doctor Who and the TARDIS took me like back five years ago I went in and i was like is anything vegan here like can i get anything that's vegan and he was kind of pointing at the baked goods kind of pointing oh they're lovely cinnamon swirls i'll get a little treat while i get my tea um and i was like any of this vegan and he was this guy was like uh i think the sparkling water. I just literally thought. That told you. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I haven't heard that joke in eight years. I'm going to talk about this on my podcast. I just thought, I haven't heard the joke of, maybe you can have some of the water in eight years. Yeah. In London too. In London. It's barbaric.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It was barbaric, actually. It's wizard's dress. And I went, I'll just have a tea with oat milk, please. And he went, we don't with oat milk please and he went we don't have oat milk and i thought where am i where am i what is this hellscape do you have soy milk please and they did have soy milk oh my god i came out out and got on the phone to bring it down you're not gonna believe the joke this guy just made it was outrageous so we love astrology so i love that this girl got into astrology well that's kind
Starting point is 00:44:26 of the spiritual awakening enlightening thing what was the end point that she said something about um that you realize that other people's what they say about you is just a reflection of themselves yeah i love that it's such a radical lesson to learn i think you learn that one over and over and over and over yeah if you ever wonder why i've got not your type in my instagram bio it's purely a defense mechanism that i have to tell myself it's not a note to anybody else but myself as like a disclaimer of like you're not here to be liked yeah you really the last thing you're here to do is to be palatable and convenient and likable and nice and small and quiet and everybody's type and everybody's type yeah exactly so stunning it's so stunning but i think that is a lesson that you hear a lot you hear that phrase be yourself yeah
Starting point is 00:45:10 or kind of whatever people say if they say nasty things about you is more on them than it is about you it says way more about them than it says about you even not even the horrible things just the way that people act is not personal that's so true i don't even know whether we've said i think this is an old episode i mean we've recorded so many fucking episodes now at some point we said that everything that people do is just them trying to validate their own life decisions through you absolutely it's actually crazy when you realize it's like people that live a certain way are desperate for you to live that way too because they need to convince themselves that they're doing the right thing and that isn't like people that are miserable are doing it it's every single person it's what we said at the
Starting point is 00:45:48 beginning about you know if your existence here on earth is as a human being you will without a doubt be looking to the other human beings to just get the general gist of okay what's the consensus of what goes on here on earth am i following the general routine is this pattern okay am i following the trends yeah is this all right am Am I doing well, A star? Or am I operating more at a C, D level? Someone gonna tell me? But there's also that thing of don't look for advice from anyone whose life you wouldn't want.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And there's a bit of me that thinks, yeah, that is really true. Well, I do think it's true, but I also think it's really dangerous because it's like, there are loads of people that I think are amazing whose lives I wouldn't want, but I still think they're incredibly wise. Not the specifics of their life is that i'm not going to take your advice because i actually don't like the clothes in your wardrobe and i think your
Starting point is 00:46:30 boyfriend's a dick yeah but more so like even you know if you don't necessarily want their life you know i don't like your sofa so i wouldn't want their life it's almost do you respect their life better can you admire them the way that they live it's so fucking true because i do think a lot of people are out here taking advice from people that they don't fucking even respect well it's hard not to i believe the first thing i hear if someone tells me i'm doing a bad job at something it's gonna be hard to convince me otherwise god yeah absolutely i mean absolutely good that's saying life isn't kind of put into this weird thing of people i respect people i don't respect it's like i kind of think everyone's doing thing of people i respect people i don't respect it's like
Starting point is 00:47:05 i kind of think everyone's doing quite well right that's why i think the would you want their life thing almost not even life but it's like the decisions you're making do i do i think they're good decisions your mindset do i trust your mindset because some people i know i just think you make the you make the opposite decisions that i would make that whenever you're faced with the crossroads you go the opposite way you choose the other option that i would not have chosen yeah yeah well yeah okay so something that we asked on a story on a story on a we've got an old account on a story we wrote a short story on the stories we and we i mean we talk about this all the time off the pod we've probably spoken about it on the pod too and we i mean we talk about this all the time off the pod we've probably
Starting point is 00:47:45 spoken about it on the pod too and i actually think this conversation for us came from i think you heard this from bobo listening to bobo and flex is that correct it probably is i don't know what you're gonna say but if it's wise it's probably from bobo absolutely so it's we i don't think we've even given bobo and flex enough credit in our lives so maybe we should just take a moment now to be like we would not exist as a podcast without them i don't think i'd exist as a human they're amazing i mean it's wild it's absolutely wild and if you've got this far listening to this podcast without listening to bobo and flex we'll consider ourselves lucky because the minute you listen to one of theirs you're never coming back here yeah honestly you're
Starting point is 00:48:22 gonna you're a goner i think honestly stop this now if you've never heard of bobo and flex just stop this now and go over type in bobo and flex into i assume you're on spotify but if you're on apple podcast like me go to apple podcast and watch your life just change before your very eyes i believe it was bobo who said and i know you really like this which is also where the kind of first inklings of this episode came to be bobo said in life you either there are two options you either get fun and severe anxiety or stability and security but extreme boredom or like apathy i don't know if this was boba part of me thinks this was us that came up with this but then that could just be that's kind of classic you i kind of think didn't we say that but maybe it literally is in boba it's definitely boba i think remember her saying you know i'm choosing to have fun but i'll be anxious remember
Starting point is 00:49:14 that love the sound yeah you don't remember that i remember us talking a lot about stability and anxiety this came from bobo yeah and boredom yeah well brilliant bobo once again she strikes again take my word for it came from bobo anyway but yeah and i know that i mean you in particular really like that's probably why you don't remember it came from bobo because it's just embedded into your soul now yeah here's the the crux sephie and i keep joking that we keep saying the crux of it is the crux of it is by the end of the episode there's like a million cruxes going around honestly in the last episode that went out we said so i think the crux of it is about honestly five times they can't be five cruxes the crux inherently means the center of it the final bottom line oh my god you can't say that five times in an episode honestly but the crux one of the cruxes is but if yeah one of
Starting point is 00:50:01 many cruxes will be i can't remember now what was i saying bobo stability and anxiety honestly got memory loss say goodbye to your memories um it's good are you me literally got memory loss aha so on the stories the majority of people said that they would choose to have fun and anxiety but i don't agree yeah i beg to differ unless we have the coolest group around us which i'm sure we do i absolutely think we do have the coolest group but i also think on a societal level and i guess this is more like this is a kind of capitalist thing i think as well i think we're kidding ourselves to say to declare that we would choose fun and severe anxiety over just following what everyone else does because which is security and boredom yeah if we're going to be marks and angles
Starting point is 00:50:53 about it then yeah which we are which we are you're secure but you're bored you have the illusion of being secure yeah yeah do you agree were you shocked at that i wasn't shocked that that's what people said because i was i either thought maybe we do have this group of people that are living this like super fun but anxious life which i think would would in society's terms look like an alternative lifestyle to be having that life so i wasn't shocked but then i also think there's a level of potentially we're all kind of kidding ourselves you You can use the D word. Delusion. Yeah, I don't want to say delusion, but I think because I'm including myself in the delusion.
Starting point is 00:51:31 That's the thing. If we're coming for them, we're coming for us. We're coming for us. Oh my God, the whole thing is coming for us. Always. Goes without saying. After all this time, always. Goes without saying.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Every episode. That we're always including ourselves in this, that we are living the delusion life. It's a self-drag. I think we actually do seek the stability or the illusion of stability more than we know more than we think like we are actually it's much more comfortable to live in boredom and stability than it is to live in fun and anxiety it's like that is to be living more in that or to prefer that you have to be living radically like you'll be getting a lot of confirmation from society that you're doing a crazy thing you are actively choosing to subvert the norm which i think
Starting point is 00:52:11 it's not um that's kind of you've gone and bought a van and you're going around and it's like you've got no money this is suffice dream at the moment can we get her to do that i would love for you to buy a van i had just a bit of a fancy last year not last week i mean yeah last week i'm sorry what came over you you're a real time lord last week i haven't been in paris for the past week i didn't just get back from 1920 truly just being in a have an affair with kind of leonardo da vinci just been at the blitz just been hanging out on the sistine chapel oh my god that tweet that i loved did a sistine you're telling me a sistine built this chapel yeah i know that one yeah that's telling me a sistine built this chapel so good but yeah you'd have to be living an
Starting point is 00:53:00 alternative lifestyle to actually prefer the fun and anxiety one because it's almost like what does that actually look like because i don't think because in my mind i think well we're living a fun and anxiety life we're doing a podcast but it's like that's actually not that fucking crazy it's not like we live this crazy life we not at all actually are kind of choosing stability and boredom yeah within yeah well it's kind of who who defines the perimeters of stability and fun and boredom yeah it's kind of loads of people the perimeters of stability and fun and boredom yeah it's kind of loads of people would think we're weirdos and loads of people would think we're so normie and boring that's i guess the beauty of human beings i guess sorry my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:53:35 saying that the burger is a bean burger so do i want it because they don't have a fake meat do you want that the bean burger not fake meat i've said yes but then he said would you he said i can stop somewhere else on the way back if you would rather a kfc and would you would i rather the kfc yeah you know i feel like you would rather that yes please kfc something someone said to my boyfriend the other day what does your girlfriend do and he said so you know the burger king vegan whopper she eats those alarmingly that is so funny that is great i know what does your girlfriend do so you know the vegan whopper i would think you'd be more the vegan royale than the vegan whopper well so would i but i'm just when they say flame grilled boy oh boy no honestly i'm loving the vegan whopper these days i think because look the royale was always my order but i just didn't know
Starting point is 00:54:31 how good this whopper would i'm really honestly in love with that by the way i know it's plant-based and not vegan you can come from look you're lucky i'm not eating ribs at this point honestly what does that mean what do you mean it's plant-based not vegan i've eaten it uh that's worrying what's in it that's not vegan no there's nothing in it that's not vegan i think it's just there's like leather what do you mean there's definitely a bit of leather in it what do you mean it's plant-based not vegan kind of my heart rate's going up um well i think just legally they say that it's plant-based oh that's just to cover some shit do you see the two different types of vegans here yeah exactly it's like well look we're ordering
Starting point is 00:55:08 from burger king so to be expected mine's like i'll start projectile vomiting because i've got like major issues from childhood of never eating a piece of meat in my life yeah so i'll start being sick if i find out there was a bit of egg in that blessed honestly not lucky you're blessed it's okay he said thank you thank you so much god that's fun yum i want to have a vegan whopper maybe i should go and go oh my god no i've got beyond burger hit beyond burgers here yum that's fun see you do like a fake meat a meaty meat i'm getting into it more i'm i definitely am getting into it in the last year i've got quite i'm dipping my toes in the in the pool of fake meats even last year of uni you were into it with me yeah year i've got quite i'm dipping my toes in the in the pool of fake meats even last
Starting point is 00:55:45 year of uni you were into it with me yeah true i usually i think i pushed you out of your comfort zone hey do you know what scares me when people are like oh this just tastes so much like meat i'm literally yeah that's true yeah when people are like oh god you can't even tell the difference like that's literally the worst thing you could say to me because i think what if it's been switched i do remember once i was getting a burrito exactly yeah once i was getting a burrito in um is it called luchosa that place yeah yeah in brighton i'm definitely pronouncing that wrong so so sorry it's pink and it always smells of fish that place right well i went there and got a burrito and i was shitting myself because it had beans in it but i was really convinced that it was like some sort of meat like pate like a blended meat
Starting point is 00:56:25 that is terrifying yeah and not just like oh i'm having like chicken is that oh fuck i've gone back to me and i'm having the worst kind i'm having quite an extreme form of meat i'm having foie gras i was also kind of gutted that i was like god i've broken my streak by accident do you know i mean just in that kind of sense it was quite gutting but i didn't it was i was completely wrong i was being paranoid yeah yeah honestly jonas brother's paranoid it was a bean it was all a bean well that's the vegan segment of the show um thank god that's over what are you having for dinner do you like fake meat or are you more of a bean burger girl would love to know would you rather go to kfc or would you rather have the vegan whopper i would rather what time are we on out of curiosity we're on over an hour an hour and three
Starting point is 00:57:09 whoa but go on what would you rather i let's let it run let's this thing's got legs let's keep this thing going i could go all night um what did you say would i rather have the kfc or the vegan whopper or just like which what would be your go-to vegan burger right now well it really depends but at the moment it is the vegan whopper i'm loving it i think because my chicken burger growing up i'd always get the chicken burger my chicken sandwich meal etc etc i have to tell you what mine is after this because it's actually embarrassing but go on was yours a fillet of fish i didn't eat absolutely not it was vegetarian from like age four i love that i think that's embarrassing you said it's really embarrassing i said is it ordering a fish burger
Starting point is 00:57:51 at mcdonald's what was it i would get sorry i'll let you finish afterwards but this is too embarrassing no i don't care to finish go on me and my sister we only realized this was weird like a year ago but we'd go can we get a happy meal with double chips like it would be a happy meal with just two portions of chips and nothing else as in because we couldn't have chicken nuggets oh my god so we wanted the toy and everything so it'd be a happy meal with two portions of chips it would be say couldn't get a happy meal with double chips how old were you we would like well from age like four to like whatever age you stop eating happy meals happy meals but that's what i'm saying what age is that what age did you stop eating happy meals happy meals but that's what i'm saying what
Starting point is 00:58:25 age is that what age did you stop eating happy meals i don't know because then we went to a thing called a veggie melt but then they stopped doing that then it was spicy bean burger yeah that's not even vegan i don't even know what they do now the fucking dipper thing yeah mcdonald's needs to get they need to get a grip really they need want their fucking lives out grow up is this interesting no i want to leave okay let's do it but did you say what your dream meal i think i interrupted with double chips though dream meal is like a big old roast dinner but no no not dream meal dream burger what's your burger yeah my burger go-to at the moment would be the plant-based whopper i'm just really liking it and i love the royale as well maybe we should do that in our next live have the plant-based whoppers
Starting point is 00:59:09 i want the royale though well you know what me and my boyfriend did was that we got the longest conversation we've ever had on the podcast never got so in depth in this episode we'll be unpacking kfc we'll be unpacking the menu at burger king stay tuned what's your order basically we would order three things we'd order three meals and then have one each and then split the third so maybe we should do that if you're down to do that so what would you get the whopper the royale and a thing so at the moment i would i would eat a full whopper the royale and a thing so at the moment i would i would eat a full whopper i don't know what else is that burger king i literally stepped foot in a
Starting point is 00:59:49 burger king for the first time like a month ago i would eat the full whopper and then i'd have half the royale because i do love the royale that's fun and then what would your boyfriend get for his i think he's into the whopper at the moment got it veegs oh he's getting the veegs whopper yeah a humble king is saving the, one boyfriend at a time. This is just a con... We should just do this off the podcast now. Okay, well, if you don't hear from us... Assume that we're eating Whoppers.

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