Goes Without Saying - off the record: setting boundaries, the kardashians & our pet peeves

Episode Date: June 19, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com It goes without saying you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. And I feel like we haven't spoken to you in years. Oh my god we've both been shaking to record this and but it has been really nice. This is an episode of Off The Record so we've answered your questions, we spoke about boundaries, we spoke about pet peeves, we spoke about like a Freaky Friday kind of situation that was fun,
Starting point is 00:01:28 spoke about like a freaky friday kind of situation that was fun um tea and coffee we did all kinds of things in here crazy content so hopefully you enjoy it i actually feel a bit sick take one take one same this feels weird it feels so weird i feel horrible this is the longest we've ever not recorded for because we did the pre-records you know it then we took two weeks off thank god we did those pre-records hey thank god they went down a storm some of them i honestly can't even remember what was in them the one about um was it closure that got a lot of love which was nice it's long gone now it's history how are you i'm good i mean we've just been speaking for what have we done two hours yeah hour and a half it was nice kardashians i did actually say probably more than once this would be great on the podcast so just to give you a bit of i hate the phrase fomo but just to give you some fomo
Starting point is 00:02:26 yeah it was really not yeah we're just talking about the kardashians i was saying i had a dream that i lost i was in charge of looking after courtney's kids and i lost mason and p and i was in trouble and i was running around going the bit that i thought was especially good was us talking about tea or coffee shall we talk which sounds it was as riveting as it sounds well someone asked us on this is a q a if you didn't know you'd ask us questions we're answering them right now we need to be eased in very gently and someone asked us tea or coffee and i don't know if we were going to discuss it on the podcast but i was saying that i asked my friend tea or coffee. And I don't know if we were going to discuss it on the podcast, but I was saying that I asked my friend,
Starting point is 00:03:06 tea or coffee, good question. And then I threw it out to you and you had the exact pretty much word for word answer as me. Yeah. Because I think it, I'm not surprised that we feel the same way. The answer is as much as coffee is great, I'm loving coffee so much every day even.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It's quite a big part of my life now. I would be such a fool to undo all of the history, all those years of tea. I still have tea every day. What tea means to me? Tea just means so much. Oh, the most meaningful thing. In every situation every situation i would be like made every situation could be made better by someone handing me apart from i said if you're
Starting point is 00:03:52 eating a curry you don't want a tea and i said but i could do one after and i said yeah i would think i would need one after i completely agree yeah it's crazy so you were saying as well like i don't know if this bit is going on yeah no when my my mom i was on the way home from school it's quite obviously i'm bringing it um but it's fine it's a funny story i was on the way home from school my mom was saying we're gonna have a chat we're gonna like have a chat when we get home or whatever and she was like do you want a cup of tea or whatever and she was in her preparation to tell me that her and my dad were getting a divorce she said oh i'll make this kid a cup of tea like she said let's have a cup of tea like that is how kind of it's meaningful that's how meaningful tea is it's like the essence of comfort when is it not there yeah it's like she thought in
Starting point is 00:04:45 her head that will make it better if i give this kid a tea and i still do that to this day yeah whereas i got before my parents told me they were spitting out me and my siblings we all got some hummus and crisp give the kids what they love get these kids some hummus before you break but when would you not want if you would always want tea you would always want to it's rare that is do you would you want to take no i'm right thanks well how how we i actually don't know this how is your like how do you take your tea like what tea taught me you know what i've really gone through phases i actually went through a phase of having black tea i would say that's how you whenever you've made me tea you do this i do it quite strong you do strong it is black black black and you fill it to the brim of the cup
Starting point is 00:05:31 you are a risk taker you feel it so high that it's almost like i'm not sure changing you i've got to sip it sip that burning tea before i carry it anywhere that's how you make tea but i don't want to give you a little puddle of tea you want i think you want a big vat of tea and you do tea bag in with the milk in yeah i keep the tea bag in until the very last minute because i want it strong i think i'm very weak in life in mind and spirit you should have told me i would put more milk in etc no no i don't want milky i don't want milk right i would border on black i would like it darker in color yeah because you like boiled water that's probably why right now yeah it's so weird i'm just drinking i i really like boiled
Starting point is 00:06:17 water at the moment ever since you say that before on the podcast i think you did ever since i had covid i when i had COVID, like, four months ago, just into the boiled water life, and I've just never grown out of it. It's never left. So the question really should have been
Starting point is 00:06:31 tea, coffee, or boiled water. And I'd have to say a hard, no, it's still, it's still tea. It's still tea.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, fair enough. Nice, okay, we're feeling eased in. Started this with a bang. Yeah. We did,
Starting point is 00:06:42 did you notice that we got a lot of messages about Branston beans? Oh my God, so many. We got a lot of messages about branston beans oh my god so many we got photos of people eating their brands we should have got paid for that somehow we should reach out we should have a link saying use the code get your use the code x y and z i've never had 10 off your beans well you're a person for them now i'm just out here buying my 14 pound beans i reckon you would have 14p jesus i reckon i would have made you branson beans back at uni because i used to get branson beans i think yeah how nice good times good times great times
Starting point is 00:07:19 oh right okay well also thanks guys for your patience and just um for the love and stuff well how are you weighing we haven't we haven't i'm all right yeah yeah i'm all right cool any questions you want to jump into first or no um well i screenshotted a couple it feels like a couple of days ago now that we we're recording this on the sunday so this is risky risky business from us yeah honestly crazy from us because i kind of forgot that that means this is their sunday as well like yeah so this is now yeah yeah we're kind of coming out of a heat wave right now it's like you're in the sun we're going back in tomorrow though i think it's raining tomorrow isn't it oh i thought it's supposed to be glorious sunshine tomorrow i don't know someone
Starting point is 00:08:02 was telling me yesterday it's rain rain rain oh no i'm looking right now oh no they were lying it's back into the sun nice god i'm speaking to the right negative nancy um i've got quite a cute one yeah go on i'm torn between two i'm torn between two there were so many good ones thank you everyone for the questions this one i think is cute but i don't know what the answer would be i've got a good one to start then oh go on let's go because actually quite a few people ask this um opinions on harry's house and i think especially favorite song on harry's house which i think is a fun way to start oh no you're frozen you're frozen as well oh no you're back oh you're back did you hear what i said yeah harry's house yeah favorite song on harry's house general thoughts i can start yeah go on or do you want to start i have no preference i mean i can go i can listen
Starting point is 00:08:54 i can just i think i would like you to go first i'm genuinely curious my thoughts were as soon as i fucking heard music for a sushi restaurant i was wow wow what a treat for the senses wow what an amazing thing i thought this is incredible incredible incredible then the second song came and the third song came i thought am i liking this but then i listened to the whole album a second time through wow was i blown away and you went back in favorite song by miles no favorite song by inches by mere inches is yeah cinema i love cinema yeah i love the fact it's called cinema i love the vibe of the song i love the kind of olivia wildness of the song i think it's perfect for me and for others and i also love grape to be enjoyed by nice by many i love grape juice yeah i'm actually gonna get the album up so i can have a look i love the album cover
Starting point is 00:09:52 yeah and i love are you still loving sushi i love music for a sushi restaurant and i like late night talking and i'll leave it there and i do like daylight as well nice what are your thoughts on what's your worst song on the album my worst song is your favorite song little freak i don't know what's wrong with you i don't like the sound of it i don't like i don't like it's just like oh really yeah doesn't do anything for me it's i was shocked when you said that was your favorite it's but like you know what i will say by miles it's my favorite it's it's my favorite thing he's ever done i think it's the most beautiful thing i've ever heard for someone to say i was thinking about who you are your delicate
Starting point is 00:10:35 point of view i'm thinking about you are you joking you're you're actually taking the piss i actually not you him i mean he's joking you he's joking i put the pop in the cinema you know that's my that's my second that's my very close second yeah cinema is i'm glad you said that because it's my second incredible um and then they're all kind of around the mid-range and then my least favorite is boyfriends yeah does nothing for me the second half of the album really there's little other than cinema that i don't i like daydreaming yeah and what about love of my life does nothing for me really not in the way that when i heard music for a sushi restaurant i thought whoa that took you away i do imagine that going inside your mind is a bit like music for a sushi restaurant yeah i like matilda a lot we can't not mention that that was great i like it i really like it
Starting point is 00:11:36 nice but what made me like it is like i use apple music which i get roasted for but there's like a little interview thing at the beginning that you can read about each of the songs. One great feature of a bad platform. But they said in that little interview... It's his Zane Lowe interview, right? Yeah, it's the Zane Lowe stuff. And he, who I didn't know who that was, but... Really?
Starting point is 00:11:59 Well, you said he's someone that you'd be quite intimidated by. Yes! Yeah, and I agree. I agree. From hearing him speak, I agree. he's someone that you'd be quite intimidated by you said yes yeah and i agree i agree from from hearing him speak i agree but he's so um calm and nice and really like but everyone that speaks to him is shaking i'd be shaking because the thing that i find i think what i said is like i feel like he is very he's obviously very analytical which is not a negative it's actually a positive i think he's he obviously cares a lot about what he does and he
Starting point is 00:12:31 cares a lot about who he speaks to i think it's a really beautiful thing but i think the depth of thought going into it it's just you'll be it ought to be perceived it's just you are being perceived though no i love the sincerity but it's he's thinking about you when he drives home he's thinking oh i thought that was weird when she said about drinking tea when her parents got divorced i reckon that means she's a bit insecure i mean i think he's very fair enough it's just i think he's so perceptive and i would find that really uncomfortable that makes me kind of like him more i just almost feel like it's a bit like I don't know no I love him I absolutely it's on me there's no four of his I'm intimidated by his kind of greatness anyway the interview well it was I don't know but it
Starting point is 00:13:16 just basically said he's disguised who it's really about yeah as his has their favorite character from a role job a role doll is it about olivia wild well i've read some theories i just like to think everything he does is about olivia wild because i really like yeah even though everyone hates her but she's amazing oh well she's just absolutely adore there's a couple wow wow if you don't like her watch books martin you'll love her people don't even dislike her they just don't know her oh well they just dislike her because they want to be a parent. Because she's with Harry Styles.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah, that's fair enough. Boring. I'm not into 2009 people. Sorry that Justin Bieber got married and you couldn't handle it. Like, do you know what I mean? It just gets to me. Literally. Calm down, people.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Honestly. I just think so, such a powerful couple. I just really love that as a vibe. As a statement. Wow. It's gorgeous. Okay. okay again i'll say it again i put the pop in the cinema oh you pop when we get into it but that is a perfect song oh i bring pop to the cinema you can say that again and the rest okay another another key yeah sure acas powers the world's best podcasts here's a show that we recommend nature i've got a gay rooster named francois is so gay these rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:14:45 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson, and this is a Field Guide to Gay Animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer, and we are a part. Find a Field Guide to Gay Animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere.
Starting point is 00:15:16 ACAST.com Can I do this one? Yes, yeah, do the cute one. It's different. I don't know what i would say we're probably just gonna be like i don't know but our good friend jade has asked it's freaky friday and sephie and wing swap bodies what are you guys doing for the day oh my god i didn't see that that's so funny it's really cute i just like it's freaky friday like we're at the kind of chinese restaurant oh my god what do we do i know i was
Starting point is 00:15:48 thinking um i think you're gonna walk yeah i think you're swimming in my normal life yeah exactly yeah what would i do it's like all the things we do anyway you know what i would do this is so cringe and you would absolutely hate it i would would cover your room in, like, love notes to yourself. And then when you got back into your body the next day, or whenever we figured out the curse, you would have to, like, deal with just, like, little looking. And your living space would just be covered with, like, nice things about you.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I love that. I love the idea of us trying to work out the curse. One of us has got to flirt with Chad has got to i wonder how we've done you've got to get on stage because that's oh my god i love us trying to put our heads together to break the curse don't they're running into each other and stuff are they kind of throwing themselves down the stairs to try and break yeah i haven't seen that in ages neither all i remember is they sing that big song at the end oh it's so good um so good yeah i would like leave little like hints for you like in your in your life yeah i'd leave you with some treats
Starting point is 00:16:52 because i think you'd be celebration yeah i think you'd be quite um flustered as you would i would i would be flustered too obviously we're cursed mean, the first thing we're doing is recording an episode and saying, guys, you're not going to fucking believe what's happened here. You are not going to believe. That would really go viral though. That would be like, these two guys have gone mad. They've switched bodies. Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?
Starting point is 00:17:20 No, we're vlogging. Guys, we've switched bodies. I swear, I swear. This is Stephanie in here. Stop, it's too is too good yeah that's what i do lying i'd leave hints and stuff like just yeah i would probably try and go viral yeah i would do like a clickbait thing with you and then yeah i would probably spend the day with aussie i'd give aussie a real treat i'd spend the day with off yeah you'd have to go back to my family home get my dog i'd be driving the honda jazz she's acting weird she's being really different
Starting point is 00:17:50 why is she crying all the time um it's like otto's being weird around her that is such a good question that's so funny it's not even kind of like there's no good answer yeah it's just it's just a funny thing to think about i'd probably go for dinner it's like i do all the things i want to do anyway yeah yeah i definitely i definitely think we should go live making a plan for it when it happens we should definitely go live and we should do a live of us trying to break the curse i think you'd like the curse with us yeah yeah yeah that's great we did it guys we finally break the curse let's just milk it that's so funny so good oh that's something to look forward to do you have any questions um i did so many there really were i was just screenshotting and screenshotting
Starting point is 00:18:47 that's a really good one though yeah okay this is quite an emotional one well not emotional but i might make it emotional as usual they said when have you been the proudest of yourself slash each other and i think each other is what i would like to do but i haven't actually thought of it i'm obviously proud of you every day but i haven't thought of my answer let's not go too emotional but yeah not me thing i am honestly proud of you every day because i'm proud of you every day you look you have to be the coolest person i know like who compares no but let's be honest like no like everyone's cool everyone's cool i don't want anyone to come up to everyone's cool obviously everyone's the coolest person i
Starting point is 00:19:31 know to all my friends listening but there is something about seffy that she's just it's just seffy from seffy and wing which i think is very cool i just i'm proud of you every day yeah i'm proud of you every day i think there was one particular moment where i remember having a bizarre thing with you we were we were doing a talk um somewhere which we have only done a couple times in our lives but i think they are some of our favorite moments that we've done and there was a moment where i was talking and i saw you kind of grinning at me because i think we just had that moment between us like we're on a fucking stage and i remember you looking at me and i think i could see the pride in your eyes and then i was like just could i could just feel it back of like this is mental like i'm
Starting point is 00:20:19 so proud of you that you are like on a fucking stage right now you're looking stunning you're wearing a suit you look amazing you're saying your words you're saying your lovely words and all these people are like listening to you proud of you fucking yeah so proud and also excited for you i'm excited for you yeah i'm excited for you do you know what i mean it's like god wow what's she up to next so insane but yeah that's really cute okay this is another cute one okay i just quite liked thinking about it in this way so this person said your favorites at the moment question mark but they said brackets like small joys etc and i just thought that's quite nice and i would i'm just interested to know like what are some of your favorite what's a
Starting point is 00:21:03 little small joy that you're doing at the moment that I might not know about? Even if I do know about it. Small joys. Just little things that you're liking. Swimming is huge. It's huge for me. It's a big joy. It's a big joy.
Starting point is 00:21:19 But I also, I'm doing it in a way that's, like it's so part of my like daily routine like every day that it's sunny i swim it is becoming a thing that's like it's just a part of my routine now but in the most amazing way like 10 minutes of swimming makes me feel like i've been on holiday for a fucking it's a different it's like it's perfect i actually feel like swimming is a bit part of our brand which i don't like that our swimming i'm not a strong swimmer beans and swimming and harry potter it's like oh god no it's terrible it's like the worst brand if you were pitching it to someone they'd say that will never work this is why i hate that would never work to be honest and they did i don't see many a time they said that would never work and we just said okay not the most relatable thing I've ever heard
Starting point is 00:22:07 but don't you think I think swimming is like yeah life-changing I think it's such a big thing like it's such a fucking big thing for me like when I went like I went home recently and just every single day I was swimming in the river and it's one of those things where it is my favourite thing to do in any context. Like, on any day. Oh, should we go for a swim? It just improves the day. Like, it makes the day, like, feel so intentional. And you're really dedicated for, like, a specific amount of time to, like, a small joy.
Starting point is 00:22:39 And it's so real. Yeah. There's nothing more real, I think. It's the most real it's crazy my friend gave that advice that time and i think we've actually spoken about this in a very very old episode of the podcast like full pandemic i'm really hanging on the end of my seat yeah she said that with she had this friend and it was a bit of like like she's an old friend but they had developed a bit of like a jealousy between each other and it was a bit of like like she's an old friend but they had developed a bit
Starting point is 00:23:05 of like a jealousy between each other and it was a bit almost like a bit of a fake friendship just difficult at times well there was a bit of comparison there and she said the thing that she did to break it is they went to like a swimming pool together but not like a bikini outdoor swimming pool situation but like an indoor leisure center with the grandmas costume wet hair swimming cap vibe yeah pull with her and she said that was it just leveled them out because they'd been friends from so young it you almost you have to it just reminds you of like swimming lessons with them when you were like eight yeah and it's like it just levels you out it brings you right back to childhood like you're there with your hair wet in a fucking um what's that brand like speedo
Starting point is 00:23:45 swimming costume so yeah yeah little swimsuit yeah yeah it's just not if you're not there to look good and it just levels you out as humans and i just thought it's the best advice i've ever fucking is yeah but it's you can do that the essence of that is so like fine like if you're not going to get to a swimming pool whatever but just bringing it back to something real yeah is very it just sucks you out of your head and into the real moment i think that's why eating with people is just the best thing ever or like what i always feel like i mean small joys every fucking day is whatever i watch like whatever i yeah i honestly the amount that like watching something means to me is almost like i would say embarrassing like would you rather watch something on your own or watch something like with your housemates this is the problem i'm having i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:24:38 but there are certain things like that are completely sacred like for example the new stranger things which a few people asked us if we'd watch stranger things have you finished it yet yeah yeah we yeah loved it we're up to date loved it big crush of mine is in it actually big crush who i messaged a number of times a guy who actually bringing it back to olivia wild is in book smart um and there's an amazing moment where he's wearing plaits and he gets embarrassed and he takes the plaits out really quickly and i fell in love with him at this moment and he only had like 10 000 followers or something at the time and i messaged him being like hey if you're ever in the uk let's go for a drink i i really do think a couple more dms you would
Starting point is 00:25:16 have got in there i agree now he's in stranger things fucking your ship's in the night things but i've i've loved you know you have a massive podcast so the moment's gone so yeah so he's in that so i love that but like for example watching so that was a shock seeing him there it was a shock for me so i didn't think he was gonna be there i literally said sephie dm this guy number a number of times a number of times different occasions in my life i've messaged him forgotten about him remembered him messaged him again that's not dead i think that will that will come back no i think i don't think it's dead either i really like him i love love love love his long hair he's so beautiful um but like watching that for example
Starting point is 00:26:00 i don't think i could have watched stranger things with someone else like watching that when that first season came out like just pre-uni it came out for us it was it changed my life i was just like i fucking love stranger things so like stranger things like a sacred thing handmaid's tale is another like sacred thing i don't know if i'm gonna be able to watch that with other people um and certain things like i always feel that like i hate to bring it up but the office and someone asked do you mean the us or the uk office we mean yeah we mean the us the us michael scott office watching that like i always find it jarring watching that with someone else because like oh wait you know these guys like right them too you've been to my work yeah like what are you
Starting point is 00:26:40 doing here like what do you mean why are you laughing at what jim says why are you looking at jim go away nice um so i feel like some things are like yeah i have they're sacred need to watch them on my own also different different level of decompressing watching something on your own completely different also like watching something in your bedroom or watching something on your laptop yeah different very different completely different and i think i almost would i don't really do it that often i usually would watch things on the tv but almost watching something in bed on a laptop is like that is amazing it's very private it's honestly the most private most intimate thing you could do i never do that really but me neither but when i do it feels like a i watch like
Starting point is 00:27:27 youtube things though special true do you see i'm always watching youtube on my phone oh i couldn't i don't like watching youtube on my phone really i i like to settle in to like a youtube video like on a laptop yeah it's a good idea like with a tea i mean i did used to do it but yeah always a tea because that's saying well you make a tea to watch something on your laptop drunk in your um no but i just would have a tea with me wouldn't i yeah maybe i yeah no i probably because i would yeah of course i would i just can't watch something on my phone or like do we have the same phone do you have a smaller phone than me i've got this an iphone 11 i don't know if that's small is this interesting you no it's not it's not interesting yeah you're
Starting point is 00:28:12 right let's stop what are some like small small joys for you um all right let me actually think love being with my dog i wouldn't even say it yeah it's not a small joy that's like something to live for it's like that's my everything yeah um yeah my dog is my life yeah especially coming back from holiday oh i bet it was he was sick he was so excited to see you know what you messaged me saying i feel like my whole life has been building up to this moment of coming back and seeing your dog and seeing yeah i don't know i said that but i agree with myself no it does feel like that and i sometimes i keep having this thing where i see him and i'm like or i'm trying to remember that i wasn't seeing him every day do you know what i mean oh my god wow just remember like the gratitude because
Starting point is 00:29:03 i and it's something i do i always say to him and i always say it to my boyfriend as well i was like you so like it's insane but i always say like he could never say that he wasn't like fully loved like he couldn't because he can't speak he could never say but he could never say like oh no i didn't get enough love from my parents he could never say like look i could have done with a bit more attention do you know i mean he's not saying that if anything he'll say look i could have done with a bit of peace yeah i think that's perfect i think that's exactly do you know what that's kind of what um you would almost want your kids to say
Starting point is 00:29:51 totally almost like he's my baby those brats could never fucking he could never say yeah look she didn't give me everything yeah yeah um so definitely my dog never say it's like you think you're in the scooby-doo movie he is super scrappy okay i am obsessed with the beach yeah i'm also quite i really like i think i am someone who really appreciates being in a nice surrounding and preferably like, for example, the beach and like looking out in the ocean is like, you know, or like being even in a nice or or like um my nan's sofa like i am very much like appreciative of my surroundings i think your sims environment bar is to the max maxed out max motives um the sims is small i'm actually playing the sims 2 at the moment really yeah i think i've actually come to a really i love the sims 2 but i think i've come to a sad conclusion that i i just i don't like what ea is currently doing with the
Starting point is 00:31:12 sims i don't like what they're doing with the franchise and i know that everyone's saying that in the community but it is just really sad because i played the sims since the since the sims 1 since the year 2000 yeah so it's crazy do you remember the moment you found the sims because i played the sims since the since the sims one since the year 2000 yeah so it's crazy do you remember the moment you found the sims because i just remember it strongly being like whoa yeah this is it can you tell me yours what happened at my granny's house found sims one she's been playing sims one and it was like so funny did she show you or did you just sneak up and i was like what's this like all these like little people and i was like can i borrow this granny she was like i've never seen it before in my life and i took it home and i just remember being like was it her copy it was hers i don't know
Starting point is 00:31:56 hers or her husband's i have no idea and then i went to um what's that shop called um to um what's that shop called um what's that shop that closed down but there's game no not game hmv hmv went to hmv and i got i didn't realize sims 2 was i got sims 2 and sims 2 hot date no i didn't i wanted sims 1 hot date yeah i bet you did i wanted sims 1 hot date but i didn't i got sims 2 nightlife and i thought that was crazy yeah iconic hot tubs in that yeah and cars yeah yeah um yeah my cousin showed me sims sims one and i i took all of his like all the expansion packs and then i got there was this thing that it like folded out it had all of the discs it was it was called like the ultimate collection or something the deluxe the ultimate collection of sims one and it had all of the expansion packs and obviously the base game and my life has been changed ever since my friend had all the expansion packs for sims 2 and i
Starting point is 00:32:55 remember literally being like when i heard that there was a sims sims 2 pets essentially i've never heard of sims 2 pets when i heard that was a thing i was you can get fucking cats and not only your cat can go to work oh my god it's so cute it's so cute i would watch the trailer of the sims 2 like on youtube oh my god i don't even think it was on youtube i think if you had the sims 1 like it must have been maybe with the last expansion packs or something in the files like in the program files they had the video it was a video file and it used to open on like windy windows media player and it was the trailer for sims 2 and it's the woman like taking her top off and like
Starting point is 00:33:36 all the kids are flying around on the fan on the ceiling fan and i probably watched that when you put sims 2 exactly yeah thing that video plays oh my god so stunning and the um it's like a little cut scene the intro of the sims 2 is so good with the i the music where it goes cuckoo cuckoo or whatever when they're like it's it's actually they wouldn't go over it now but it's all people in straight jackets it's like the teenagers are having their kiss and they float up and then the next scene is cuckoo cuckoo and it's the people in straight jackets it's like the teenagers are having their kiss and they float up and then the next scene is cuckoo cuckoo and it's the people in straight jackets anyway i forgot about that when you are like heartbroken or whatever you it's it's quite insane actually yeah therapist
Starting point is 00:34:17 comes in i know so i'm loving that such a fucking great game but but i think they're not giving them the space to execute their vision properly with the sims 4 like they've really i don't really know it's on an alternate time like there's a whole timeline there's like lore there's history of the sims like of the of the actual characters and things like that and in the sims 4 they just rushed they rushed the base game so it came and no one cares but it came out without pause and whatever blah blah blah so it was completely rushed and ever since they haven't been giving them i think the money all the time to create content that reflects like the heart of the game or like what the community actually wants yeah do you know what that makes a lot of sense because i wasn't hooked by sims 4 at all yeah
Starting point is 00:35:02 you wouldn't be it's an empty game like i i like for the amount that like i remember sims 3 blowing me away yeah that was insane like sims 4 like the whole i guess the whole idea with it is that you can zoom out way more and it's way more of like you can go across here and you can go across here and go around a bit more the sims 3 open world no the sims 4 there's nothing the sims 4 there's the only thing good about the sims 4 the only like innovative thing i think is the build mode anyway i'm talking about this too long see i'm not really about the build i've never been about the build i like to furnish i like to furnish and then i like to make everyone woohoo but the build and buy mode in the sims 4 is one mode build and buy whereas in previous games it was live mode and then you had build mode and then buy mode but in the sims 4 it's they've really like streamlined it and it is really it's the
Starting point is 00:35:50 best game to build in but that that's it there's nothing left anyway the sims is a joy for me always a joy goes without saying so yeah so i've been playing so have you ever tried to play sims with someone next to you because it's the most painful thing in the whole world. Yeah, and as a kid, actually, I was thinking about this recently because my friend would come around and I'd be like, let's play Sims together. And then it's just kind of like, who's holding the mouse? Who's having fun? Like, who?
Starting point is 00:36:14 You can't. It's a private game. You can't. You can't. Yeah, no, you just can't. It's like, let's make them do that. Oh, I want them to. Oh, it's unbearable.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Or like, they need a weed. Make them go to the toilet. It's like, no, they can wet themselves. Because it's a game about control. That's why I like they need a weed make them go to toilet it's like no you can't yeah because it's a game about control that's why i like it so much is because when you feel like oh my god my brain is a mess oh i can i can control this perfect world and i can all the chaos can be orchestrated under my watch and blah blah blah oh perfect so good i thought this question was quite good well i thought the questions were quite good not just quite this question was good and quite a few people said like
Starting point is 00:36:52 similar things to this and i feel like this is something that i don't know i feel like there's a buzzword in here that maybe i i don't know i'm interested what you think about it the question is how to set boundaries but also be nice and a lot of people were saying like how do i you know stand up for myself but i feel like a bitch and like how do i blah blah but i feel like boundaries is an interesting concept because i feel like there's i almost feel like the the discourse around boundaries makes it feel maybe bigger than it is bigger than the reality of it do you know what i mean i always feel like i think people are setting boundaries all the time and they don't know they just don't know that they're setting boundaries like you're about you're doing boundaries every day yeah completely almost like
Starting point is 00:37:42 when yeah maybe like three years ago when instagram was really pushing the whole boundary narrative maybe even five years ago i feel like i would have been like if someone said to me i'm really setting a boundary here i'd be like okay that's great for you but now if someone kind of said i'm setting a boundary with you i'd be a bit more like what have you been what what are the infographics you've been reading yeah okay joe rogan yeah it's okay cool but i also think they're really important but yeah does it need this thing of like i'm for my mental well-being i need to set a boundary with i don't know if it needs to be that explicit but maybe it does i think there are certain certain examples you know when
Starting point is 00:38:20 when you're saying the words i'm setting a boundary you know that it's like okay it's come to a fucking point now where it's like i need to draw a fucking line here where you cannot do that to me i think that's i don't think i've ever said out loud i'm setting a boundary are you no have you no no oh my god i don't think so i think also like oh i don't know i mean communication is just fucking hard in all ways especially in a difficult situation but i think there are some things where you would just be like oh i don't know because it's so there's so there's a whole range of things exactly it's not universal to be like i'm setting a boundary with you then fucking say it absolutely i think with something like boundaries with a concept like that with any concept of with anything like that there's so much room for it to be
Starting point is 00:39:04 misunderstood misinterpreted go wrong it's not relative to certain people it doesn't work for certain you know like at the end of the day nothing is gonna work better than you figuring out what you need in that moment and like how you do you know i mean what you need to do and not in the sense of you need to figure out what you need to do which means like cutting out all the toxic people and like just be a bitch like who cares and like blah blah do you know what i mean i think just completely i don't know yeah but how do you set a boundary with being nice because while still being nice because i do think that's a real thing but basically saying no and still do you know i mean like how nice why do we need to be
Starting point is 00:39:46 nice in that setting i think in some things you need to be nice but almost like usually i didn't think you were gonna i didn't expect this answer yeah go on we'll just if someone is if so yeah if you feel the need to be like right i need to fucking draw a line here like you cannot do this thing to me that you've been doing yeah our relationship can't continue in this way it's usually not it's usually because they're not being very nice to you they're abusing some level of your relationship yeah they every single time i don't know what's a fucking example they're fucking cheating on you it's like you can't fucking draw the boundary here whatever it is i don't think they're they're
Starting point is 00:40:30 dropping all their shit on you every fucking day and it's like oh i need to actually have some fucking space here i don't know if i think empathy and kindness and all of this stuff needs to come into it just like let's view it from their perspective now let's do it from their perspective let's view it from an outsider's perspective let's see what's going on here but i also think sometimes you don't need to be nice you don't need to be nice i think that's good i'm sorry but no i've given a fucking enough now and now i'm not doing anymore yeah and if the way that you need to set a boundary with a difficult person is by potentially hurting them a little bit. And so if they're fucking hurting you.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Oh, I don't know what I'm saying. No, I agree. I think a lot of people need to hear that. Yeah, look, sometimes if you're not going to be nice, is that the worst thing in the world? Because for me, immediately, I'm like, oh my God, yeah, it is. That is the worst thing in the world. But I think i am nice all the time but i also think i don't really get walked over very often i actually think i strike quite a good balance here go on then because i think i'm pretty fucking nice i don't think many
Starting point is 00:41:36 people would be like she's not nice well maybe some people would but i think i'm probably nicer than the average and i think i'm pretty good at not getting walked overnight. I almost think, I feel like I make something like a quote unquote boundary seem so obvious that almost people wouldn't even realise that like I've just said no to them or something like that. Do you know what I mean? Go on. Like I almost, I just don't give it any,
Starting point is 00:42:04 I don't make it out to be a weird thing. i don't give that any room for it to be like wait what you're not gonna do that do you know what i mean i don't invite that sort of i don't invite questions i just act and then people deal with it yeah yeah can you give an example um oh we're all gonna go here and we need you to drive your car so that we can all put the stuff in the car and then we can blah blah i know the scene do you know i mean like things like that it's like huh like something like that that i think is like that's not sorry we're not doing that that's the perfect thing as well because that's one of those things that i always find before you know it you're swept up in i've said yes and i've been like uh-huh because i didn't even realize
Starting point is 00:42:48 saying no was an option and then i just feel resentful the whole time uh-huh yeah and it's whereas i think also sometimes by the way more often than not totally let's go in my car let's dump everything i don't care if i don't care sure i'm happy to do it but if because then you don't need a boundary but if it's something that you actually don't want to do and i think maybe the crux is that i know what i don't want i know how i'm quite good at knowing how i feel about something yes i want to go no i don't i don't like that person i do like that i don't feel good here i'm quite good at knowing myself also you're quite good at thinking before you speak yeah which i'm the podcast but in life i am believe it or not because that is i i actually really find that difficult to think
Starting point is 00:43:32 before i speak sometimes before i've known a bit yeah yeah sure sure and i haven't even thought about oh wait but my car's over there that means i have to go over there and i put it together and i'm like oh shit now i've got myself in a situation but i can't really let all of that but whereas you'll be like you'll kind of do all those thoughts before me well i don't want to hit my car from there that means i've got to go to the fucking clean that shit out i've got to get petrol blah blah blah no i'm not and then you'll say no yeah thinking before you speak guys it's a skill you know what i think is helps with that is giving yourself time as in like you're not wasting anyone's like just take your time i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:44:05 like seconds yeah literally five seconds give yourself literally 10 seconds i think we get in the habit of like rushing through things and like stressing through things that you're not giving yourself literally a second to step back and be like how do i feel right now whereas i think i'm quite a um you'll take your time i take my time with things i'm quite a patient person but i think that goes against your like people pleasing urge because i think it does yeah there's an urge to be like oh i'm gonna speed it up yeah i'm not gonna take your time but i think taking your time being like okay you've asked me something do i want to go to the party with you tonight okay i'm gonna think rather than maybe i can maybe i can't let me think you know why though sometimes i'm like if i know
Starting point is 00:44:51 now this is where i get really fucked up if i know that i am not gonna do a good job of using my car and driving and blah blah blah if i know that i'm even just gonna be miserable the whole time or blah blah i would rather not do it i would have to do it perfectly if i know that i'm even just going to be miserable the whole time or blah blah i would rather not do it i would have to do it perfectly if i know that i'm not the right person if i know i can't please someone in that moment whether or not i do the thing or not do you know i mean if i already feel like it oh it's a lost do you know i mean then i won't do it what does it come like how what do you think with like more sort of personal relationship boundaries? Like if someone,
Starting point is 00:45:28 someone kept on like digging at you in conversations or something like that. Like something, someone kept on saying things that were just slightly fucking rude to you
Starting point is 00:45:37 every time, but they're like, And who are they? Is it someone I, yeah, a good friend. How good? it's like,
Starting point is 00:45:43 I don't know. Not you, but. Someone from your class. Someone like from school, let's say like someone's just like in your class or someone from your work or like just the general people in life i guess okay just a general friend not a particularly good you don't want to upset like someone that is worth being nice yeah maybe they're a colleague you work with them you don't want to be rude to them because it's in your interest to be to keep them sweet maybe you don't want to rock the boat at work but they keep saying things like oh don't let erin do that like oh fuck off i quit i don't work here anymore where's erin she hasn't turned up the past three weeks yeah she quit she said something about she hated our guts
Starting point is 00:46:28 yeah no i'm not turning i'm not going anymore i don't go to that job when it's like who said niceness needs to come into this shit no i'm joking obviously i wouldn't quit but like it depends maybe i would quit um depends how bad like if everyone at my job was a dick yeah i would no it's just this one girl it's sally it's just little sally she just keeps making little comments like oh my god god your trainers are so brave oh fuck off sally you fucking cunt you're pissing me off already bloody hell um it depends if i'm really getting caught by this like if it's actually getting to me then i would probably say something i think in the moment i would if she said like if if she'd said things and things and things that made me feel bad and then one day she said all your trainers are brave
Starting point is 00:47:15 i would say oh my gosh she's crazy i would say sally you're making me so upset that's normally what i would do would you yeah i would say like yeah yeah i play the victim classic way in case she goes no i would i would say that make that has made me feel so embarrassed that you've said that i would that is the way to do it a hundred but i think that is genuine as well and i think you can i think that is quite if you can i think in the swimming pool essentially yeah get them back in the pool but also like i think it does feel natural for me to say that because what else am i supposed to say fuck off you can't sally you're getting on my fucking nerves here babe i quit do you want these trains i'll take them off you can have them like what is the i don't have a
Starting point is 00:48:02 response to that i don't have any other response but the general response would be like what the habit i think that you see time and time again is for someone to throw something at you and then you throw something back at her but what would you say if someone said oh your trainers are brave oh wow i can't believe you're wearing those trainers they're brave i would you have to say you have to communicate and be like wait sorry but that's what i mean what's the response of keeping exactly what's the response of keeping them sweet there isn't one what i go ha ha ha that feels weird i wouldn't that doesn't come naturally to me well i think what i would come naturally to me is before i've known about yeah they're crazy they're stupid they're absolutely
Starting point is 00:48:38 hideous yeah maybe yeah you would maybe be like oh yeah i know like i wasn't sure on them blah blah blah yeah i can see that happening as well but i think really but then i think that's when it's like it's a more subtle thing that it's not like my boyfriend keeps cheating on me i need to set a boundary it's like this fucking weird yeah i keep saying like weird things about my trainers i'm shit making photos very subtle almost so that when you repeat them they don't sound too bad so it's like things like that i think that's one of the more sinister it is yeah it's evil things that it's almost like you can't be like sally you keep fucking saying weird things and she'd be like what have i said but i would never say that i would never say sally you keep saying weird things i would say if she said about the brave trainers i would
Starting point is 00:49:23 say oh my god i'm so embarrassed now i feel like i need to go home and get changed like what the hell that's so mean i might even say i might even say that's so out of order sally yeah and then see what she says see what she says to that how are you gonna handle that sally you know it sally's in tears because sally didn't mean any of that sally was me now i don't want to work here anymore where even is this place i don't want to fucking work here. Sorry. Fuck off, Sally. This is a fun one.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And when I asked my friend this as well, I did it like, let's guess each other's sort of thing. Oh, that's fun. So we could do it like that. Like I guess yours and you guess mine. But the question is biggest pet peeve. And I think it's funny to guess what annoys yeah that is funny the other person but i haven't thought yet so let me think okay let me think i know one but i don't know if it causes a pet peeve go but i know that it's something that you don't like okay for example
Starting point is 00:50:39 if i if if you said someone oh is it okay if i um use your if i can i borrow your trainers if you said get this bitch away from everyone's training just for example you said a normal thing oh can i use a bit of your ketchup please and they said no as a joke you don't like that i know that you don't oh well and they mean yes yeah they mean yes but they're saying like no as if saying yeah of course you can yeah it's a shit joke like when it's a shit joke oh yeah can i just sorry can i just get to the kettle please oh no oh i'm joking it's like what was that joke because you quit the queens of comedy lessons because that's not a good joke does that count as a pet peeve? you look it's kind of
Starting point is 00:51:26 your trainers look nice nah it's like not a good joke jokes it's not it's such a shit joke it's like what
Starting point is 00:51:35 what is that who told you that was funny I just don't like that as a joke yeah you're so right what else can I say I guess that is a pet peeve it is a bit of a pet peeve isn't it
Starting point is 00:51:44 I don't like people with bad sense of humour coming from someone with the most lame sense of humor but it's not even like shit is that a specific yeah but it's not just any shit joke no no it's not any shit joke it's it's you know what that because i've been making shit jokes i've seen you laughing you're not oh i'm like no but you're naturally hilarious the problem with those kind of jokes is they're not even jokes it's just saying something to say something it's something i don't know what to say so they're just basically going blah blah blah blah and it's like why do you say that essentially us every week well no all of this has been massively intentional that's a good pet peeve hey you're so right i don't like that at all
Starting point is 00:52:26 let me let me think for you i don't even know there are things that you don't like but i don't know if you have just like stupid things like that it's like oh god i have quite serious things do i what a little bitch i am to not like that right okay maybe you have like stupid ridiculous things um you don't like rudeness like i don't think you would like if someone came up to you and was like rude like almost like for example we were once in a restaurant oh you can't say a real thing no go on i'm curious feeds into just a large like um okay and and the waiter spilt something on wing and he was like oh we're both getting everything everywhere or something oh we're both making mistakes today and wing was like i didn't do you spilled something on me and i think it's almost things like that it's like what like what that's not when waiters spill things on you and say that you both made a mistake
Starting point is 00:53:30 but i felt i didn't i actually quite liked that from him because i thought you silly little boy because he said like he spilled yeah did he spill a drink he knocked something i think he was clearing up our nachos and he was putting down some frozen kind of margaritas. And he said like, oh God, look at us today. Like, what are we like? And I was like, don't bring me into this. I don't work here, Sally. Like, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I love your trainers, by the way. Okay, well, maybe that's my pet peeve. Bit of a weird one i think it feeds into just like you don't like when someone is just kind of not that he was rude at all he absolutely wasn't but almost um that's the thing i quite liked that someone kind of blaming you for something it's been like excuse me if i didn't fucking do it then no yeah do you know what i mean you don't like um pet peeve is hard i feel like i thought of one the other day because it's almost like silly things like it's silly little things that you only know it at the time yeah you only know it like when
Starting point is 00:54:41 you're just going through it pet peeve for you i don't like um in the kitchen i don't like when people leave all the cupboard doors like open oh my brother doesn't like that either he goes on slamming them i don't necessarily slam but i just build up a layer of resentment yeah yeah um what else i don't know little things like that maybe i know what you mean yeah i don't like things like that just like when you have things your certain way and someone comes in just moves them even if it's well your certain way clothes like normal so true my son which is the only way really but um it's hard isn't it let me think of another one for you yeah i'm trying
Starting point is 00:55:27 to think one for you but i can't even think of anything i find it annoying oh shit i feel like i'm you're not very messy are you you're not a mucky pup i can be a mucky pup you're no you're not a mucky pup you all right thanks i think you like things quite in order i think if someone was to come in really yeah i think you like things in order if yeah there was a mess if someone was to come in and make a real old mess a real old mess you would be cleaning it i think in any space actually it it totally depends really yeah it really depends i like things to look good agreed agreed but in a specific way do you know what fucking pet peeve this is for me but this is a pet fucking peeve all right give me a clue let me see if i can get it give me a clue give
Starting point is 00:56:17 me a clue it go it goes with the ideas of like intention and also with like watching things oh when people fucking talk during when the people are on their phone during the film phones it's all about phones for me if you're watching that scrolling doing god knows what yeah your phone scrolling through fucking that's so true joking i find it such a good one i should have got that outrageous like the budget the script the action the millions of pounds have been put into this all that rejection they went through for you to be sat on your phone like not even looked at your phone look fucking hell if you get a text check it whatever i'm not
Starting point is 00:56:54 not gonna cry about but if you're not even watching you're just sat scrolling i would find that i don't care to do that if i'm on my own and i'm watching something or i'm not watching so i'm half watching something i'm sat on my phone I'm on my own and I'm watching something or I'm not watching something, I'm half watching something, I'm sat on my phone, whatever. It's my own business. If I was with somebody else, I want it to be that we are having a good time together watching something.
Starting point is 00:57:14 The disrespect. Not only am I putting my phone in the face of the TV, you're putting your phone in the face of the other person. I think it's rude. Because you've left them to just sit and watch something. I think that's so weird. Well, I see it as's so weird well i see it as that and i also see it as an insult to not only your time but the time of everyone involved
Starting point is 00:57:31 of making this the time yeah making the project like i find it insane the talent that's gone into this the sweat and blood because you're watering down your experience on both ends you're watering down the experience of watching the show yeah just commit to something and then you're watering down your experience of the people you're consuming through your phone yeah you're not talking to your friends properly through your phone or looking at all the shit on your phone whatever i'm getting told most like you're on fucking asos and you're not taking in fucking the fact that steve harrington just took his top off and then dustin said he's got to tame that jungle that's the funniest i've ever heard and he didn't take it in and it's few and I'm that's annoying when someone hasn't taken it in and you're looking at
Starting point is 00:58:09 them like did you hear that and they're like yeah I just heard it they're like yeah I saw it I'm like no you didn't and I will fucking rewind I will take the control and I will go back and we're gonna sit through it again now so it took it from my experience of watching it because I wanted to take that in and laugh exactly with you and the person next to me didn't take it in it from my experience of watching it because i wanted to take that in and laugh exactly with you and the person next to me didn't take it in and now my experience of that exactly this didn't actually happen in life would be tainted i think it's so rude you're right that's a really good one that's probably one of my biggest pet peeves like not if i didn't get it not um i knew i was on the brink of it so i should have got that um i can get you one more
Starting point is 00:58:47 i know i can i can get you one more shit it's a race against time but it has to be good yeah what do you not like i think you don't like when people insinuate something like of you kind of similar to me with the spilling a drink but like there's something there's more to this i'm coming back to that you're the one editing this so i feel sorry for you um oh fucking hell i don't know this about you actually but i i would imagine i i actually don't think i've ever been in a situation where this has happened yeah yeah i would because i'm always on time but i would imagine you wouldn't really like lateness no i don't care if someone else is late that's fine no really or maybe you being late i would
Starting point is 00:59:46 hate to be late if you were waiting on me and i was gonna be late i would die i would just imagine you to really really not like that no sure go for it be late give me more time just to chill i'll be on my own interesting yeah i don't mind if someone's late i think i would quite like that because it's no no not chilling out time though you're both meeting at yeah i'm waiting there it's just me you're meeting at the cinema and someone's like i would be happy that they were the late one and not me i would be happy about it yeah so much of a fucking freak i would be like thank god they're fucking late jesus like if we were meeting just anything i would rather but we've got a reservation somewhere
Starting point is 01:00:27 and i'm and i'm late and it was out of and i'm not respecting your time like it's out of complete tardiness on my side that's okay i've been just yeah sure yeah there's no rush that's what i say i say there's no right how many times have i said that to you no rush no rush there is no rush there is no rush always in a rush i wouldn't we've got a reservation so we're fine i'm just sat here then that's that's fine god there's no rush interesting i would hate the thought of someone rushing to me that makes me sick yeah 100 take your time jesus i don't want you coming to me in a fluster feeling bad god no why am i always flustered then that's your own problem i don't want you to be flustered at all please god don't be flustered no it's just my way of life just be calm and you took your time like i don't care if
Starting point is 01:01:15 you were 20 30 minutes late and you just walked in calmly i would rather that i agree sorry for putting that in your mind tardiness or trying to project that onto you i don't know a late hater you changed your mind are you so if i was really late you'd be getting annoyed with me no it i think i am putting on the cinema oh that's fair enough if if someone is too if someone is late to the cinema not that i'm annoyed but i god i'm coming up such a freak with like films like you're disrespecting the content but it's disrespectful of the of it of the ads and the experience is like i wanted time to just smell the popcorn i wanted time to just loiter go to the cinema really i think that's
Starting point is 01:02:04 probably the experience but like when it comes down to like it's fine popcorn's more than fine popcorn is it is celebrated to be encouraged yeah honestly i would love to think of another pet peeve but maybe we should just go i know pet peeves it's so i don't know why this is such a fun little i know game yes because it's hard enough to think of your own pet peeves let alone somebody else's i see where you were going with lateness i i totally get the attempt but but no because that is kind of that is a that is a bit of a classic one what is a pet peeve for you then like why don't you think one of one for yourself i don't think i really have i always think about pet peeves i get it in my own like not in relation to anyone else
Starting point is 01:02:48 like i think my pet peeves are like for example if i'm washing my face and my sleeves get wet that sort of thing oh a pet peeve is like do you know what i mean like things like that like oh my tea's gone cold to bring it back to tea yeah yeah just annoying things yeah i don't have a pet peeve really with people unless people are just assholes yeah almost like i feel like maybe a pet peeve for you oh i've got two i've actually just got one now that you said that but yeah go on maybe it's one of the ones that will come at once yeah we go for two weeks and then we've got two hours yeah one for you maybe which one should i go for first this one i know you don't like when people hate women for no reason like basically internalized misogyny when people like i've just got a problem with it does bug me yeah i've got a problem with maybe millie bobby brown yeah
Starting point is 01:03:39 there's just something about her i don't like yeah that's a massive pet peeve for you it is yeah and rightly so yeah also when people comment nasty things not to us but to like zoella i get annoyed and anybody remember that time i got in an argument someone because they commented something mean about danielle jonas on instagram and i fully went back there's a sense of justice here that took up two days yeah it did we were like writing our dissertations and wing was like arguing with this girl about daniel jennings on instagram that was what annoyed me and i just thought look you're you're getting to me now i had to say something you definitely didn't but i had to say something and then it was really funny because he said um oh shit someone's messaged me oh my god so cute
Starting point is 01:04:27 um someone's in our merch oh so nice um yeah i was going back and forth with this guy and i had said like in his bio it said like i'm just a cool fun loving guy like living my best life being kind or something and i thought that is a fucking bullshit and i'm gonna call you out you're a fucking little liar and you're being so mean and i thought this is so embarrassing because it wasn't even on it wasn't even on danielle jonas it wasn't even on kevin jonas's wife's account danielle's account it was a post that kevin had made and then someone's it's a post this is what's embarrassing kevin jonas has made a post about his wife and someone's commented saying she's ugly or whatever and i just thought that's horrible yeah you can't do what's wrong with you that's you and also i don't think you mean that
Starting point is 01:05:17 i think you're just in the habit yeah of being a bit mean i don't think you actually mean that and you're probably just doing it for a couple nights what i was other what the other pet peeve was gonna be oh yeah go on so i was gonna say that you don't like when people don't think for themselves i think when people almost have a yeah literally a habit of like yeah i don't like this thing because i just don't like that is so true i don't think you like that like oh i i just don't like for example taylor swift i just don't like her it's like you've just been told by the patriarchy whatever by the years of existing in this fucking shit world yeah that you don't like taylor swift i don't believe that's your actual opinion i think you don't like when people aren't critical with a thought yeah they just go along with oh that's just not i'm not supposed to like that so i don't like that that is actually
Starting point is 01:06:02 true yeah all right fine does that count it feels too deep to be a pet peeve but you're definitely right i don't like it right yeah but they're also like they are your peeves you get peeved off they are peeves yeah but they're not necessarily pet peeves no they're quite political peeves they are political peeves yeah um all right let me give you one last one for you i'm really do we think oh should we just go i'm definitely gonna regret this but let me let me just take my i just want one or is this bad do you think no i don't think it's bad content i don't know i don't know we've been talking about sims and shit like i know uh we can't go now now it seems weird now it's like oh maybe we'll
Starting point is 01:06:47 kind of go with our tail between our legs a bit like all right it's our thing like yeah yeah yeah i think people like um for two weeks they might like it yeah oh i just know there's one with you that i'm missing what i don't like yeah i feel like i don't like a lot of things like there are a lot of things i'm like oh it's just annoying that's why yeah that's what i i'm picturing you being like oh like rolling your eyes at things and i'm trying to capture what is it that she's annoyed about but it's just everything it's just a big blur i'm trying to pick i know that you're annoyed i can see it in my head but i'm, what's made her like that? But it won't rewind.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Do you know what I mean? Oh. No. Let's leave it. Maybe we, look, maybe we come back to it at a later date. My big one is the phones with the screens. The phones with the TV. That is such a good one. That is.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I'm gutted I didn't think of that. That's my big one. That is the biggest pet peeve of yours. And it's a classic pet peeve.'s a perfect pet peeve yeah but thing is i would also call that a political peeve like that's like how dare you it means something to you yeah how dare you insult the art basically so rude why don't everyone message us and guess what seffy's pet peeve is no no definitely don't do that but they might give me some hints because i don't know why doesn't everyone um message with their with their own pet peeves that'd be nice there's no chance we're keeping up with that
Starting point is 01:08:17 how about we go because this i don't know if we're talking yeah i'm not gonna get through this all right let's go cool well thanks so much for being here guys if you've listened to all of this i this is why i like q and a's they go all over the place and they are kind of nonsense but they are great yeah god knows what we're gonna call this some boundary stuff boundaries i'll go in there boundaries pet peeves no pet peeves is good okay and um. And Freaky Friday. That's nice. All right, let's go. Cool. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:49 If you don't... It's too real sometimes. Yeah. If you don't hear from us, assume the worst. Assume the worst.

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