Goes Without Saying - productivity guilt & falling behind: hard launching our imposter syndrome

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on feeling behind, comparison and jealousy, privilege, imposter syndrome, mental health, productivity, procrastination, and the pressure to be pe...rfect. ✷shop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.ukhear more ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwingwatch more ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwing Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. Nature. I've got a gay rooster named Francois. Is so gay. These rams are gay. I'm studying gay animals. Does that mean I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:00:20 So why don't more people know this? I'm Owen Ever. I'm Lane Kaplan-Levinson. And this is a field guide to gay animals. A podcast about queerness in the natural world. The animal kingdom is queer and we are a part. Find a field guide to gay animals on Spotify, Apple. Or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Acast helps creators launch, grow and monetize their podcasts everywhere. Acast.com Goes Without Saying, you're listening to Goes Without Saying with Sefi and Wing. I'm Sefi. And I'm Wing. And we're unsure what the title of this specifically is but I think this is about productivity guilt you're feeling behind in life you're not quite where you want to be you feel like oh god there's deadlines but I just can't reach them it's stressful it's stressful chill out man this is about rest and relaxation that's what we're giving here
Starting point is 00:01:20 chill out it hurts my heart. So enjoy. Beautiful. Hi. Hi. How's it going? Good. How are you? Yeah, good. Good. Good. A bit of a weird one, I think. Don't tell me I was about to say i'm excited for this one oh you are okay well i think it's just almost exactly what i need right now it's like resting relaxation that's all i want to give you it's calm that sounds so nice that sounds about right that's where i'm at right now yeah it's where we're trying to be at for sure well anything do you want to get anything off your chest or you're all right um no i haven't really got anything to get off my chest no i think we're a bit um in a daze in a bit like you know when you just wake up should we start
Starting point is 00:02:16 again it's too dazed i think it's only gonna get more days so i just thought slow beginning but i don't think we're gonna give anything different next time around i think let's just let that just felt too kind of god we're stoned like hey um in the washing machine yeah whatever um okay well we're still we're restful we're relaxing it's no productivity guilt season blah blah blah yeah yeah actually i have the perfect example i would actually do have something on my chest straight away this happened to me this very morning oh wow um and i think i had some productivity guilt about it um but i also kind of got over it quite quickly I bet you did I bet you did right through the
Starting point is 00:03:05 productivity guilt I um so I'm doing a creative writing course at the moment in Oxford just started it I'm in one week in and the women that's running it said I don't think it's too much to ask she said I don't think this is too much to ask but I want 5 000 words from each of you a week which i thought that does feel like well i mean it's a change of pace hey it is and the woman i said to the woman next to me i was like god that's more than i do a week and she said yeah it's 5 000 more than i do a week i thought but last clown god get that girl a podcast love her 50 year old woman yeah good for her but iconic and i was like oh my god 50 not 50 000 5 000 words a week like that is a lot to ask right my brain we're upping the ante for sure yeah right now uh-huh i don't have that in me right it's not ready to go it's not just
Starting point is 00:03:58 hanging around the back pocket it's not a few 5 000 words to spare no also it was quite a funny thing because we had to go around the room and you know how that's my absolute nightmare i do i do i you you listener harry you may know about i'm sure they do journey um and how that is truly a nightmare for me we're so proud of you yeah it was absolutely fine but one thing i did say i kind of accidentally got myself i i put myself out on the wrong foot almost like it was a fine thing but they've got the wrong end of the stick of me i think because we had to say immediately bad yeah it was almost like oh no because what i said was true but
Starting point is 00:04:37 it kind of gave the wrong impression obviously i didn't mention the podcast because that's my nightmare um what's your writing history um so i said i did english at uni and i said last year like a few months ago i wrote a play which i did do i wrote i spent in november i wrote a play yeah gorgeous just a thing um and then the woman was like okay so for you we're moving away from theater and drama and into prose and it's like no no i'm not like a playwright like i'm not moving away from it was just like i barely went into drama it hurts my heart a bit it was like no that's not really me like she kind of has really put me as like she's the playwright it's so impossible not to when like you know in relationships are so at
Starting point is 00:05:22 arm's length yeah they know you from one sentence that you said yeah and it's impossible to not become like a caricature of something so she's got me of like so you'll be really great at dialogue it's like no no i'm not like oh god it does hurt well are you having fun anyway yeah i'm loving it but here's my productivity guilt go on i last night was like okay so i going to wake up at seven and write in the morning. That's the thing I can do. Wake up at seven and do a couple hours of writing in the morning. Because I've got to crack out these 5,000 words by Thursday, the day that you're listening to this. Okay, good luck.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah, I know. Good luck. Good luck with that. I've written 1,500 so far, so far i'm gonna try and wake up early tomorrow before i see you for the skating event oh god so but also big big day this morning yeah my alarm went off 7 a.m it's dark outside you know the scene it is dark the birds the crows are crowing and the birds are all singing and it's like your bed just feels so divine better than ever yeah and i just thought i actually don't give a shit i actually can't do this i could not give less of a shit right now like i was like i actually don't care it's so
Starting point is 00:06:36 fair how dare they suck the fun and i just turned my alarm off as many of us do not a snooze a total off end alarm yeah quit the app and roll over and go back roll over heated blanket snooze snooze snooze woke up at nine two hours later had a moment of guilt yeah no that sounds about right wake up at nine this is my that's my best time to wake up good for you then but i thought oh now suddenly i do give a shit and now that i've had enough sleep i do give a shit oh god oh god oh god i'm never gonna write 5 000 words like so what's the turnover though what's the situation when is she taking those 5 000 words in and then like we don't know what she asks you it's the classic thing i don't want to fall behind and with the class and i also don't want um she's we go around the class and we have to say like what we're writing about and how much we wrote and do
Starting point is 00:07:31 all of that stuff and you know how i feel about that and if we're adding in a lie into the mix i can't lie no and why should you lie why should i want it i want to truthfully hit the marks of course but it's also like how dare you suck the fun and honestly art from my lived experience yeah but i'm a playwright you should say go in there and say listen up i'm a playwright okay but it's not following your rules i was actually thinking about you because i think it is the know-how to know when to push thing of like i think if i did push of course some weeks you push in 5 000 words can come out of you or the equivalent of 5 000 words whatever that is in your life can come out so easily and sometimes it's like nowhere to push getting up at seven in the morning isn't necessarily necessary to
Starting point is 00:08:22 accomplish that goal and he's just gonna make it it more horrific yeah harder so i was kind of thinking of the nowhere to push thing but i think it's like i could push and do it and it would be great to do but i also i don't think i can push in the early hours of the morning well that's the thing with know when to push is you have to know when to push and it's like is it now i don't know i can't tell yeah i don't know when to push and i think that's the biggest thing yeah to me as a third party i would say as well like you're in a bit of a phase at the moment where i think there are there are highs and lows there's some things like it's just that you're in days you're in a days as we've discussed well that's what i was trying to bear in mind so i wouldn't recommend wake up two hours before you normally do and sit down and almost like as well let's not
Starting point is 00:09:11 turn it into a chore because you always you could do the five that this is what bugs me about almost like um the institutionalization of art it's like you could do 5 000 words by accident i'm sure you have many a time but then suddenly the guilt and the pressure from like this woman who as well no no she's absolutely not she's amazing but she isn't but like just generally with the vibe as well of like authority and it's just like i kind of like it a little bit because i think it does, I agree with you, any kind of authority vibe and instantly... Katniss jumps out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yeah. She becomes the rebel. Yeah. But I do think having some kind of structure where it's like, of course, she's not going to sort of scream at me if I don't. Know when to push. Discipline is so important when you have things that you care about. But just know when to push discipline is so important when like you have things that you care about but just know when to push but it's kind of classic us recording this it's like mondays and
Starting point is 00:10:11 thursdays god they roll around quick they really roll around they really and having those things having those days those deadlines is so useful but i also think there have been many a time where we've been like today's not a push day today is not a push day which is why it's good that there's two of us doing it because i can look at you and be like okay what we're not gonna do is push this girl right now and vice versa yeah but it's hard in life it is And making those decisions for yourself is really difficult because it's impossible. Who's your hardest pusher? You. She's a pusher.
Starting point is 00:10:49 She's a pusher. Yeah. New movie thoughts on that? New movie, new meme girls. I haven't seen it. I've seen such terrible reviews. And we were actually supposed to be at the premiere. Supposed to be. Our manager was trying to get us there.
Starting point is 00:11:02 We were not invited. We were not supposed to be there anyway. Just to be clear. Supposed to be in the realm of Freya was trying to pop us there we were not invited we were not supposed to be there anyway just to be clear supposed to be in the realm of we just didn't bother showing out we were supposed to be but i think if we were there the movie would have gone down a hit but unfortunately we weren't there so yeah i can't you know so yeah watch you go down the drain should have known better yeah should have known that we should have been there according to no one i'm i'm up for it i think take it as camp and i love it anything for me can be written off as camp and it becomes perfection yeah i see that i see that i would love to see it like same i would have loved to have been at the fucking renee rap vibe me too
Starting point is 00:11:43 but i can't really speak about her too much because she was on snl at the same night as jacob jacob i saw yeah i haven't watched for that reason veto immediately red button panic button get me out of this conversation yeah yeah no i agree it's just a hard no from i just can't entertain it yeah i agree let's get out of here thank you so do you um have you been in a restful phase recently do you say do you think i think i'm in a phase where i'm struggling to put my phase into words you know sometimes it's just i don't i can't even explain what is going on so i don't know because it really is everything everywhere all at once like it's like i feel
Starting point is 00:12:21 everything and i feel it everywhere i feel like i um i don't want to say i'm in a restful phase but i definitely feel do you remember we were all talking about those resolutions that we were going to do like for example the 12 resolution thing like resolution a month yeah i think i am feeling good about this year in general yeah i love that so what are you what are some of them so my first one doing this month yeah so this month my focus was on um generally i was kind of um marie kondo-ing everything i was i've kind of been in my decluttering mentioned there yeah i've been stripping my life away i've been everything showering everything that i can yeah um because i i made those draws if you remember i was in my diy phase
Starting point is 00:13:06 i've been through a few fate i've had a few seasons a few characters going on yeah um and that has gone really well so i'm feeling good about it the one last thing that i want to do before the month ends and does the month end tomorrow or the day after i think we've got two days i've got tomorrow yeah tomorrow's the first first so kind of a day i've got kind of 24 hours but we're busy all day tomorrow exactly yeah so i might maybe i'll take leave out of your book and get up two hours um and i need to clear out like 20 000 photos from my phone so we'll see how that goes that's my last thing is like the digital declutter for some reason that's the one thing that i'm i'm a bit of a hoarder because there's
Starting point is 00:13:51 no storage there's no storage for anything there's nothing there and i physically need that no room if there's no room at the end for all this amazing content that we would be creating i know and we have to use my dusty old fusty phone which every single time we do a video it's actually really funny we should do kind of a compilation of those where it's like you're like we i set up the camera all nice and then when goes the screens are smeared and i don't like the camera because it's like grease all over my phone every time but it's perfect. We love your phone. My phone's fine. My phone is fine. It's iPhone 11. I bought it just before COVID and God, it's done me so well.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm just glad it's not my sister's because remember me and Lizzie swapped? I do remember that. When she went to Vegas and her phone was disgusting. I've been thinking about Lizzie a lot recently, actually. Have you? Yeah, I've just been thinking you hope she's good. Yeah, she is good, actually. Yeah, good. Something about her. Oh, I'm going to her show. actually yeah i'll just be thinking she's good yeah yeah she is good actually yeah good um
Starting point is 00:14:46 something about her oh i'm going to her show she's got a show um and i'm going a weekend but i don't know maybe i don't know maybe be so people don't all sort of appear yeah you i thought she was in amsterdam now sorry guys i know we should be she is no she's in Amsterdam now. Sorry, guys. I know we shouldn't be having this conversation right now. She is. No, she's in Amsterdam now, but she's got a show. This is... And the show, weirdly, is on in the place I'm going, that I'm not sort of saying the name, and also Mexico or something. I think it's Mexico at the same time. Wow, so she's going to be in Mexico?
Starting point is 00:15:15 No, no. So she's not going to that one. What the fuck is wrong with me? No, she's not going to that. Oh, okay. They're just showing her thing. But she came back for the one in the place I'm going. Uh-huh. But no, she's staying in to that oh okay they're just showing her thing but she came back for the one in the place i'm going um but no she's staying in amsterdam the whole time but
Starting point is 00:15:29 she came back for the opening week of it very cool very bizarre look it's family of stars it's all stardom it's in your blood it's very strange but yes i'm going to that next week which will be fun really fun okay just to be clear gonna pull some thoughts from the instagram if you wanted to join in you've missed the mark there unfortunately honey it was on instagram where were you we asked you and you you didn't call and it's called sephie and wing it is called sephie if you don't know how to spell that look at your phone right now it says it on there if you type in goes without saying it will come up too yeah if you i mean if you're looking for us you can find i trust that you can find us yeah i mean this one kind of stings for me can i go
Starting point is 00:16:15 yeah go okay so this can i go can i leave this one stings can i actually leave can i can i be excused it really is how embarrassing when you start working somewhere and you say can i go to the toilet and they're like yeah you don't have to ask it's like but bad when you start working somewhere and you have to ask you have to make it clear i'm going yeah true but unique can i go to the toilet it's like oh it's even worse actually when you accidentally call oh my god god, it's so embarrassing. No. Break. I accidentally called break playtime. Playtime. Yoiks.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Oh, much embarrassed. When? Because we stopped saying playtime at like probably year seven, I think. Yeah, probably. Okay. I'm almost sick of it being like, oh yeah, I see it, playtime. I'm on break. Playtime.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Playtime. So cute. Yeah, of course I'm playing. Yeah, playtime. It's designated time to play god i missed that but sorry go on um okay this person said they feel productivity guilt when i see people my age living my dream life ouch yeah ouch how do you think we feel when you say you guys are like my big sisters my really old grandma sisters yeah sisters i've always wanted an older sister old ancient sister yeah um i just could talk about this forever and ever and ever until the cows come home i just i know comparison it's like yeah we get it what you've been comparing yourself big deal oh my god you're so unique
Starting point is 00:17:43 like but why does it feel so evil when it happens no it's so it's evil it actually is evil you know how we always say loneliness horrific feeling that's a bad one jealousy horrific yeah that's not nice comparison goes hand in hand with it totally comparison is so isolating and horrible as a feeling. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.
Starting point is 00:18:26 ACAST powers the world's best podcasts. Here's a show that we recommend. In the early 1980s, gay men started to get sick from AIDS. Years before ACT UP, before HIV was discovered, before the history you know, there were people on the front lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabit. Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell. I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new lines of the fight against AIDS. Joe Sonnabin. Michael Callen. Bobby Campbell.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I'm Dane Stewart, and in the new season of my podcast, Resurrection, I tell the stories of heroes of the early AIDS movement. Like the story of a cabaret singer and a sex worker who invented safe sex and saved millions and millions and millions of lives. Go check out Resurrection wherever you listen to podcasts. Go check out Resurrection, wherever you listen to podcasts. ACAST helps creators launch, grow, and monetize their podcasts everywhere. ACAST.com I think for me sometimes the awareness of the fact that it's comparison really isn't there. So in the moment, I'm comparing myself, but I don't think, oh, here I am comparing myself. You just think it's comparison really isn't there so in the moment i'm comparing myself but i don't think oh
Starting point is 00:19:25 here i am comparing myself you just think it's the truth yeah i think oh here i am confronted with the reality that this person is so much better than i am yeah better than i could ever be but it's like no no that you're reading it wrong yeah because as soon as you call it by its name takes the weight right out of it it's like oh i'm doing that thing that we're all doing at the moment that i get and you can put the narrative of it of like on it of like yeah i'm just a girl in my 20s comparing myself to girls in their 20s which was by design predestined that i was going to do that on the day i was born in this society totally it's not an evil personal thing it's an episode it actually is unfortunately especially when we can't help but be confronted
Starting point is 00:20:10 with literally what everyone else is having for breakfast where they work yeah who they're sleeping with who their friends are etc etc it hurts yeah and also you're kind of not only presented with what everyone's having breakfast who they're sleeping with and who their friends are but the best breakfast they had that week the best but only the hot guy that they're sleeping with in a romanticized version and that their friends at parties all that stuff not when they're arguing and crying and all of this you're only being presented with like quite like fictitious versions of people's lives i also think it's important to mention even though it goes without saying but i don't think it does the just the idea that yeah
Starting point is 00:20:53 you're seeing all of those those best moments from those people but then also like the things that get the most the things that do better for example like on social media the things that do better like even in an algorithm sense will be like the richest the whitest the x y and z is group the elitist people and that um can really fuck you up i think when you're coming from a place that feels very different to that and you fucking want what they've got that hurts yeah totally not nice yeah i hope everyone feels like i think as well like sometimes i think at the moment or often i think actually now i'm i feel like i'm in a good point in my life i feel really happy with where i am generally i feel really proud of myself i feel like in most areas of my life i'm like this is really good i'm really happy here actually and i feel like a sense of
Starting point is 00:21:52 guilt generally which we can get into a later day i'm sure but i feel a huge amount of guilt for almost like to be perceived now i feel like i can like i feel guilty that people would look at certain things in my life or things that i show or whatever and be like oh that's really annoying like i wanted blah blah blah and i feel guilty almost like to the past version of me who didn't have any of this stuff and she doesn't know that that's what's coming and like i guess it's like imposter syndrome of i think when you transcend your situation in life you that loyalty that you feel to like your younger self or like the version of you that feels truest to you which normally is the one who like came from scraping scraps and all
Starting point is 00:22:43 that shit that i think always feels like your truest version of yourself so then when you're living something that is different it's kind of hard to navigate that like adjustment in your mind and then i think about like navigating the way that you're perceived which really really generally, I mean, I don't really think is very important because I think it's like just kind of impossible. It's like the crux is you just, you can't, you're never going to be able to nail that down. It's not in your control.
Starting point is 00:23:16 It's not worth it. Yeah, forget it. Immediately, no. Just cut that out. As soon as you start thinking about how you're presenting. Other people might see me as X, Y and Z. No, no, no. Just no point.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You're barking up completely the wrong tree. Totally. But I always am. I always am. I'm rarely barking up the right tree. I rarely find myself at the foot of the right tree. I'm barking, barking, barking up the wrong tree all day. Always at the wrong tree.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, I don't know. I feel a bit weird at the moment. I think, I don't know. I don't know really how a bit weird at the moment i think i don't know i don't know really how to put that into words but i'm sure someone out there can make sense of that and feel good about it or disagree or whatever no i get that i really think um that makes a lot of sense with you being like or like i completely agree with the feeling of people not wanting anyone not wanting to sort of be someone that my past self would have would have been really jealous yeah totally definitely have an awareness of that because
Starting point is 00:24:12 i think it's probably come from the fact that we have a thing that we would have wanted every time you would share that thing it feels like oh god i remember looking at things like that yeah and feeling disheartened and shit about it but i also think i don't know i've definitely experienced in the last um year potentially a discomfort with any form of success that we've had i think i'm really comfortable and i would actually speak for both of us in that i think we're quite comfortable or we have been very comfortable in the kind of growing stages of like we're scrapping for this thing we really want this thing um oh will it work but i think we can make this work and then when you find yourself in in a working stage it's like oh like i feel
Starting point is 00:25:01 being rewarded for my identity what yeah it doesn't align with who i believe myself to be i believe myself to be someone um or like my whole life i have been someone that looks at that and wants it yeah or is like trying and trying sort of thing rather than someone that has maybe got something that they want it's like that actually feeling like proud of something you've done yeah and owning it in the present tense is a really interesting it's a new thing for sure definitely being happy with where you're at in the moment and being able to look at it and be happy about it and like yeah being really present in the contentment and like pride of something you've done or
Starting point is 00:25:40 something you have or whatever it's an interesting one it's not doesn't come naturally and there's no blueprint for it i don't think i don't feel like there's a blueprint of being proud of your successes in a way that i would be comfortable with i really or like um a lot of the like um visuals of these things i actually think are really negative for society so I want to find a way that's that I can identify feel comfortable with it almost what do you mean visuals of things I don't know I think I think just in social media it's so braggy like it's just such a braggy self-obsessed and like um yeah obsessed preoccupied with the self presentation sort of thing yeah i don't know and numbers too i think i think that's something that we're both not really
Starting point is 00:26:34 interested in like no it's more about we're very much quality over quantity not knowing the numbers yeah my brain yeah it's like we're here for the qualitative data it's like i want the um i want a lovely message rather than to look at a stat and see a big number but to be honest it's like because i don't really know the number because i don't understand numbers it won't mean very much to me like i like the graphs the graphs i can oh really that helps i can see a graph i can see what's going on there but if someone tells me this blah blah blah number yeah what am i supposed to gauge that against i am really feeling at the moment this kind of um do you remember i can't remember what episode it was when i was saying like a car is like a house was it the last episode
Starting point is 00:27:23 yeah we were talking about driving and i was like i was saying how amazing it was when i was saying like a car is like a house was it the last episode yeah we were talking about driving and i was like i was saying how amazing it was when i got my first car your car well i got my only car i ever had yeah um because it gave me such freedom i feel like the thing or just it gave me like a sense of safety even it gave me like a thing that was mine and like yeah just at a time when i was so um like in a real world sense physically unsafe didn't have somewhere that i didn't have not even a room i didn't have a i didn't have a house yeah i didn't have somewhere to live that felt safe to me which is crazy and i was so young now that i like this is my dream of life like i live that this is my dream scenario like
Starting point is 00:28:06 i don't know i've said before it's so like cringe it's maybe too far to be like no i just wake up emotional like in this bed with my boyfriend and my dog in like this place that i love and it feels so like my home and i love everything about it and it's just crazy to me that i'm like but i'm that same person that didn't even have a whisper of that yeah but i think that's you can track that though of like the reason it means so much to you of course yeah but i just wish i wish that kid knew that i wish yeah do you know what i mean because i think obviously when you're in the moment there's nothing but the lack of awareness of what the future would be like and obviously your perspective depending on exactly yeah your perspective depending on where you're at if you're anything like us is going to be negative negative
Starting point is 00:28:56 negative i'm sure the future has in store more bad faith yeah bad fucking face yeah and i just feel a sense like because of the awareness of how much better in that respect things have gotten for me i feel the frustration of not being able to like go back and make that clear to my younger self because that would have been a nice thing to like look forward to it would have given me a sense of like okay i can do this then like the rest of this becomes worth it because i know at the end of the line you do this will be okay yeah yeah and i feel like um i feel compelled to sit everyone down and be like so that means there might be good things for you too in the future and you don't even know like and i know we always say that you actually don't even know all of the amazing things that
Starting point is 00:29:45 are coming your way like you actually don't even you couldn't even imagine them because they're so far out of like your current imagination of what you could predict or even desire for yourself like you don't know all of the amazing things that are coming your way it goes without saying the future will be hard in so many ways there will be bad things coming too and that's okay you can handle it but i trust that there are so many good things coming for you that you just don't even haven't got the foggiest no there's no way and it's just so beautiful i would be quite frustrated i think to hear like when you're in that bit where it feels so shit i think i'd be like oh but i don't want it now like knowing oh
Starting point is 00:30:31 there'll be a day when you'll feel like when you'll have it like but i want it now yeah it's one of those things where it's like yeah but what am i supposed to do fucking wait yeah that's exactly it you're supposed to fucking live through it like the rest of us jumps that's what life is like that perseverance and um just kind of the mundane element of like showing up the next day even when today was really fucking hard and painful that turnover is one of the only cruxes i think of life is like knowing that this was really fucking hard and tomorrow you're gonna wake up and you can do it all over again in the hope that there's something more for you knowing you deserve it when it comes and trusting that you can get there yeah and someone actually replied to this on the spotify
Starting point is 00:31:28 thing someone said like when you said like that's what it means to be human it made me emotional but i think it's just that is the sentiment that is coming to mind when you're saying all of this again it's like that is what it means to be human like that struggle and that like living through it is actually the point totally yeah there's no there's no yeah no it's not a waiting room until you get a thing that you want yeah no you're in it now yeah this is the thing that you're living yeah no nobody's coming harry like we're not waiting for the life to kick in it's like no no you're in the life you're living the life right now it's not just past it's not around the corner it's not totally it's not waiting until you've hit a certain milestone or like achieved a certain thing or done something look a certain way achieved anything
Starting point is 00:32:17 no it's happening now you're in it you're missing it actually it's you yeah hello we're talking to you yeah oh my god there's a lyric from my favorite song of the moment that really got me and it kind of sounds a bit like that you know what my favorite song is at the moment don't you do i oh yeah i do god you're hanging on to it it's been a while i love it um i love that you love it i love i heard it on the sims seasons trailer yes in similish it's the song that goes um in similish i love it so much it just really gets me going yeah and we were listening to it before cambridge and yeah we did which i feel like if you were at cambridge it explains a lot of the energy that came from us lying on the grass everyone knows that song right steal my sunshine come on guys you know that um it's by a band i guess i'm looking
Starting point is 00:33:17 at now called len i don't i've never heard of them steal my sunshine oh yeah this is it it's just a tiny bit but it says like um so here's the scene he's lying on the grass of course after on the sunday or something after class i'm not looking at the lyrics yeah um and then he says and i missed a million miles of fun and it's like you missed a million miles of fun you idiot and that is poetry that is no it is it's the client whoever you are yeah that's poetry because whilst you were um he says something in my self-defeat he's like lying in his misery he's like just not having a great time here no and who can blame here he is i was lying on the grass on sunday morning of week, indulging in my self-defeat. He was twisted wrong and beat.
Starting point is 00:34:08 We've all been there. And then he says, so I missed a million miles of fun. And he goes, I know it's up for me to steal my sunshine. So true. So true, Len. You missed a million miles of fun. And this is your life right now. Yeah, it's happening right
Starting point is 00:34:25 now don't miss it so true i like that yeah yeah it's a bit weird yeah i like it but i like it yeah i like it how is everyone i wonder i would love to know i really would yeah i really would i didn't could you tell us in the box yeah how are you today how are you okay anything we can do to help anything you'd like you're enjoying or something like i'll do anything from the shops genuinely i'll do anything um i hope you've enjoyed this episode me too yeah i mean i have enjoyed it have you i've enjoyed it I can't even remember. Yeah. Yeah. I do remember. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Given what we wanted to give. I'm not sure, but we'll give it something. I honestly, I don't think I ever know. Yeah. Fair enough. Every time that we, I don't know how people feel about our titles because they must have that thing where it's like, I feel like we always come from an angle that's unexpected. We do.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It's like you're getting the feet i hope you're just getting the feeling yeah that the title gives agreed i think you do i think you do we set the scene so what's this you've it's productivity guilt something like that you're gonna miss a million miles of fun guys i also think it's like um yeah yeah so true go on what was that um i think it's like i was just i was gonna start brainstorming on titles oh yeah well just almost like um when you're feeling like you're behind sort of vibes yeah i love it because it is kind of feeling behind that is what the app's been as well yeah exactly exactly they normally you know they tie in somehow they're perfect look you found it for a reason exactly you can't ask you can't ask what the universe
Starting point is 00:36:10 had in mind when it offered you up this podcast you just it's none of your business honestly sorry my headphones fell out so i missed that but irrelevant if you don't hear from us if you don't hear from us assume the worst. Wendy's Small Frosty is the ultimate summer refreshment. And not because it's cool and creamy and made with fresh Canadian dairy. It's also refreshingly cheap. Just 99 cents until July 14th. It's a treat for you and your wallet.

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