Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 107 - Kumail Nanjiani Transformation, Reincarnation, Baseball

Episode Date: December 18, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode, we dive deep into our recent trip to the batting cages, the mind blowing transformaysh of Kumail Nanjiani, the mystery of reincarnaysh and much more. Check it out!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ooh, big daddy. What is good? What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. And I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. And how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm good, man. I'm good. I had a busy Sunday. Yeah, we were partying at Strike Zone, which is like a batting cages type of facility that's got a bar and billiards and all sorts of good stuff. The batting cages, they monitor your hits so you can actually play a game against someone else. It has a big screen. They hit the ball against. Aaron, have you been there?
Starting point is 00:00:55 No, but it sounds like a place right up my alley. Dude, it's great. It's so fun. Where is it at? What part of town? It's Korea Town. Oh, okay, cool. On Wilshire. Yeah, at first I wasn't a big fan of the game aspect because I just wanted to crank some hits, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But then once you get into it and you start getting some hits in and you start scoring, it's a team effort. I was psyched on it. Yeah, it's great. And my brother got them to open early because they open at 11, but my brother was like, hey, me and my buddies want to watch football here for the Fantasy Football Championship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Can you open at 945? And the guy was like, yeah. Dude, yeah buddies want to watch football here for the fantasy football championship. Can you open at 9.45? And the guy was like, yeah. Dude, yeah, because I saw him, I was looking it up. It opens at 11. I'm like, oh, I thought we were starting at 10. It was a dank spot. It is a good spot. I'm a little sore from cracking that stick.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Dude, I'm kind of sore too. Yeah, my abs are sore. I had some bad at bats. But then by the end of it, I figured out what I got to do i got to crouch low i got to get real low uh someone called it jeff bagwell on instagram i don't think it's like that plus i also think he stepped backwards when he used to swing he was like the only guy to do that yeah but yeah i definitely crouched low and just try to make contact well the uh the machine would it wasn't just straight fastballs i mean they put some sliders in there oh yeah it has junk yeah dude i don't know i'd get so upset
Starting point is 00:02:12 because i would just swing on every i'm like i don't know if it's gonna i don't have the eye to see a ball yeah you know what i mean what speed are these coming in i don't know like 50 like 50 not very fast oh okay you can crank up the speed but i don't know to Like 50? Like 50. Not very fast. Oh, okay. You can crank up the speed, but I don't know to what degree. It doesn't give you an MPH, so you're just kind of guesstimating. Yeah, okay. But my buddy, Ferrari, who played college baseball, he took his first two pitches on the machine. That's a baller move. Yeah, he was like, I was getting the speed on the first one.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And the second one just looked outside the zone. I was like, you're out of your mind, dude. Was it a ball, though? Yeah, he was 0-2. I saw him take a ball yeah yeah oh yeah he's got a good eye for our you got a good eye yeah he can see it dude i'll take a walk on the machine yeah i was describing my softball leaking walks so oh you are you got a good eye yeah aaron you dog yeah i called myself the chuck knob block of the bat cages. I just work long at bats and try to tire out the pitcher. Good call.
Starting point is 00:03:08 That's how the robots beat us, though. Yeah. Because they don't get tired. I was working on my grip. I was like, should I choke up? For some reason, I always had a thing against choking up. I'm like, if I choke up, that makes me look soft. That's how I always thought.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I hear what you're saying because it does look cooler to just be at the bottom of the bat and just swing for power but to me the most manly thing is to win the game and if you choking up is what gets you on base baby no that's a mature choke up on that stick dude that's a mature viewpoint I guess I just I'm still in fourth grade baseball
Starting point is 00:03:40 mode so I need to mature right size my my point of view on barry bonds is the official home run king and he choked up yeah what yeah do you remember like at the start of every baseball season you got like your gear you felt good it was more about like you just wanted to look cool yeah and then pretty soon you start playing and you realize like some of the stuff that makes you look cool is like you're actually like my parents got me a nice bat but it was just too heavy for me yeah and everyone on the team would use my bat and i'd use one of the coach's bats that was like small
Starting point is 00:04:11 yeah because i i didn't have the power i think that's the biggest debate in sports is like the the neat the desire to look cool versus play well yeah and i always you know i was like i would always start out looking cool and then sort of gradually come back I'm like I guess performance is number one but you want to come out in that field just firing everyone up with your fashion choices yeah and some people it's like I know some MMA fighters are like yeah I work out muscles that don't really help me with MMA but I think it's important for my body to look good like me me to feel good, for me to feel strong and tough.
Starting point is 00:04:46 So the aesthetics can boost a performance. Oh, for sure. Like Allen Iverson with the arm sleeve. He looks so cool. Yeah. I didn't even watch how he played. I just watched his choices. He was inspiring just in his aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah. Just fun to watch. What do you think, Aaron? About which guy? Just about, like's does looking good like look the part be the part right yeah it get i mean i see it a lot in softball around around town and it's like there are dudes who just have all the gear and it's just like does that really work you can have you can have too much gear yeah where people are like, oh, you're overcompensating. Yeah, you're trying.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. Like, yeah, you're trying to look cool. Or like Wayne Corbett didn't wear gloves as a wide receiver, but gloves actually help you a lot. Yeah. Like it's 10 times easier to catch a ball if you're wearing like receiver gloves. Right. But he just, I don't know, he just liked the natural feel of it. But he looked really cool.
Starting point is 00:05:41 How were his stats? He looked like a 1950s wide receiver. They were pretty good for like a wide receiver too. He was never like a, I think a dominant enough athlete to be like a top tier receiver. Yeah. No disrespect to you, Corbett.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You'd handle me in most fashions. I probably know more about movies than you though, Doug. Um, Aaron, what was your, what's your go-to outfit on the field? Uh, I'm always in i'm always in shorts i wear batting gloves uh i don't really have anything i mean i or my one of
Starting point is 00:06:18 my cardinals hats but like and i definitely have like a gamer hat versus ones i wear here to work or whatever yeah but like i started out playing and I was wearing all these wristbands and stupid shit. And I was just like, no, this is dumb. If anything, it's cutting off my circulation. Yeah, I did find that with like sweatbands. I'd like when I played basketball and stuff, I'd rock a bunch of sweatbands. I'm like, this is in no way helping my performance. No, it's like it can get in the way
Starting point is 00:06:45 it's like itching you and you feel weird yeah I still rock headbands when I run though because I gotta keep the flow in check you know you can't go haywire with the flow that impedes your performance on the t-mill baby I think I've talked about this it's also important to wear the right
Starting point is 00:07:01 attire for the right sport because like I one time thought I was going to play tennis with some friends and I dressed in what I'm wearing now i look like a tennis player right now and uh we ended up playing pickup basketball at the y yeah and some guy tried to fight me that day i mean i was we were chirping at each other yeah and he was like hey if you don't do what i say you can't play here and i was like what yeah you don't tell people who plays here who the fuck are you yeah and then he was i'm gonna kick your ass and then i was like ah ah i started running and uh
Starting point is 00:07:26 and my buff friend john was there i was like john john get in the way get in the way and he he stopped the crazy dude from beating the fuck out of me turned out that guy worked with kids too but i think a part of what upset him so much was my outfit yeah he was just like look at this douche this isn't the country club this is the why yeah um that dude's last name was probably puzio yeah oh he was an ally of the poos dude guys speaking of aesthetics helping the performance have you seen the photos of kumail nanjiani oh i just saw that comedian this is kumail nanjiani right now no way getting buff for a marvel movie what are you shitting me dude he's roided out he's so roided out camille you owe it
Starting point is 00:08:06 to the kids to tell them what you're on he is on one of the deepest stacks of i think it's called d ball and hgh i've ever seen probably got some annavar in there too that's hilarious for the vascularity dude he has a comedy album named beta Male. I know. And now he's rocking Roids. Dude, his rig is ridiculous. That's Hollywood. That's Marvel. Yeah, he did an interview and he was like, a recap of the interview was giving him credit for saying, hey guys, but don't think it was easy to get this body.
Starting point is 00:08:41 He had a nutritionist and a trainer. And I'm'm like and what yeah and what else dude and danny from downtown yeah and my friend noel who used to go south of the border to make some needle pickups for us oh yeah yeah he actually ripped me off one time but yeah well you'd get a shot in the butt um yeah so well not from i ended up not actually using this stuff from noel um i went to a doctor and he yeah he'd shoot me in the butt a doctor can do that yeah it's you go to like uh well i don't want to give away the details because i don't want anyone to do it but yeah you can get a doctor to do it oh really yeah how's that legal uh because they can give you some tests
Starting point is 00:09:21 them that say you're low in testosterone. It's really easy. Yeah. Yeah. You just get a prescription for it. I didn't know that. But I bet you if that place got investigated, they'd get into some trouble. Yeah. But this was like, you know, in Canada. I feel like that's sort of like Adderall, um, doctors and stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Like when I got diagnosed with ADD, he's like, he had me look at like a photo of a bedroom and he's like, name all the furniture items. And I i was like you know i was like couch window and he's like what's this right here and i forgot what a window sill was i was like oh it's a frame and he's like yeah you definitely have add i'm like that's it he's like yeah here's the matter all right dude whatever you say. Dude, when I got tested for ADD, they had me sit there and just hit a space bar every time an X came up on the screen. Yeah. I did that test for like 20 minutes, and they gave me like a math test and like some puzzles.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah. And then they sat down, my whole family, and they're like, all right, well, JT scored on the edge of whether he has ADD or not. They're like, but anyone who has met JT knows he has ADD. on the edge of whether he has ADD or not. They're like, but anyone who has met JT knows he has ADD. So we would recommend with putting him on meds. Yeah. And so I got a prescription for Adderall, but I was so afraid to take it
Starting point is 00:10:34 because I was worried it would change my personality. And so I fake took it and I came home and my mom was like, how was your day today, Jean-Thomas? And I was like, very good, mom. I felt like I was really on top of things. And then I moseyed back into my room like a robot and she was like Chiti I don't think you should be taking these drugs dude it does change your personality I think it probably does yeah because uh I mean I took it
Starting point is 00:10:55 later so it's harder to tell yeah I would get so I would I would lose my personality basically I would get so jacked up and I'd talk to people i hadn't talked to in like 10 years i'd be like frank what's up dude how was uh i haven't seen you since fifth grade then like you know it'd wear off a little bit and i'd be like oh fuck and frank's like hey what's up dude i'm like i don't want to continue this conversation it is weird it like uh it sets a dangerous precedent sometimes i remember i took out her all one time when i was in college and me and my girlfriend were talking on the phone she's like at the end she was like this is the best phone conversation we've ever had yeah i was kind of sad i was like damn yeah i'm not stoked we had such a great conversation
Starting point is 00:11:31 but i was like i wish i could like keep up this heat when i was off the stuff right you know yeah no i uh it was funny going to get a refill too the guy's like he's like so uh are you still having trouble studying i'm like yeah it sucks and he's like, so are you still having trouble studying? I'm like, yeah, it sucks. And he's like, all right, here's a thousand more Adderall. I was like, thank you. Yeah, it's not the best fit for me. I just get too, I'm too wired and then I crash too hard. Oh, me too.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And my addict brain just wants to do more and more. Yeah. Because then I snorted it. Once I snorted it, I was like, all right, we've gone to a different. Yeah. I did that too. It's's probably a problem now i did that too and once i was crushing up in my car and being like all right like just trying to get it fast like i had to go meet you somewhere in my 10 minutes i was like all right let's go yeah i'm ready i'm ready this is okay i don't think i can do this every day for the rest of my life yeah i remember i did that in high school.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It was like blue pills and stuff. And I was in class and my buddy TJ was like, he's like, dude, hey, Chad, why is your nose blue? Why is your nose blue? I was like, what? What? And he's like, your nose is blue. I'm like, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:12:39 He called you out? He just didn't get it. Oh, he didn't know. He didn't get it. Oh. Yeah. That's like Schmoley by accident. Yeah, he's definitely not a Schmole.
Starting point is 00:12:52 He probably felt like one. I think we laughed about it afterwards. That is funny. I was like, dude, remember when you were a Schmole for like two minutes? And he's like, yeah, dude. Good times. But dude, back to Kumail. Jesus. His jawline looks more distinct i mean who knows i've been my gf is like really good at uh knowing when celebrities have done stuff yeah and she'll always
Starting point is 00:13:17 be like oh that's ristalin they like put that into the jaw and it like strengthens it up really yeah she's like you want to know why paul rudd looks the same now that he did 20 years ago yeah she's like this this and this and i'm like whoa do you have specifics i gotta know how paul stays i think they i i don't know what he did i just would and i don't know for sure that he's done anything but it is odd when you look at him yeah you're like you look younger than you were in clueless yeah exactly you're like okay paul i get you're a funny guy and funny guys don't really care about how they look but you look amazing so what are you doing so did she point out kumail did she say no i saw this on grady eldridge he's a comedian yeah he's a nice guy and uh he was like how could you believe this guy isn't
Starting point is 00:14:03 on roids yeah and then i've just been like staring at it since yeah because literally it's a bigger transformation than chris pratt to uh to uh whatever his character's name was and uh the guardians star lord star lord star lord yeah well that was like with chris pratt too you always knew he was doughy and he always felt like he had the muscle right uh so he just needed to trim down in my eyes but then kumail is just like he named his comedy album beta male so i'm like he definitely can't get the pump on but yeah i never believed that that beta male thing right because i was like you're too accomplished and too accomplished, and then he kept accomplishing more and more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And it's like him and Mike Birbiglia are always like, I think that was just the preferred mold of comedy at that time, was to be like, I'm so dumb. Like, I did this dumb thing one time. Yeah. And you're like, yeah, but you've also made like five movies, and you have like a book and like two albums, and now you're jacked yeah i'm having
Starting point is 00:15:07 trouble tracking it yeah he's got that endomorphic body no more now he's mesomorphic um dude what else uh i was just uh i was just moving some stuff out of my old apartment, cleaning the trash out, just cranking those reps, getting some weightlifting in there. I hit the steam room this morning, detoxed. Skin's feeling fresh. I took a cold shower afterwards, some hot and cold therapy. And that's pretty much it for me. That's fire, dude. What about you?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Dude, went over to Greg's after the batting cages to surprise him for his birthday. So we all hung out at the batting cages and then we left and we're like, hey, we're going home because it's his birthday today. Yeah. And then we beat him back to his place
Starting point is 00:16:00 and had a bunch of stuff ready for him. I saw the video. Oh, nice. Yeah. And then we played some board games. What'd you it got pretty competitive we played this game blockbuster where you have to like do charades or describe a movie and then people on your team have to guess it yeah and me and strider got into it a little bit nice because we we kept having to name movies that take place on the beach or the ocean and i was like point Break and then he was like you know like
Starting point is 00:16:25 Battlefield or Battleship and then I was like Finding Nemo and then he was like Johnny Tsunami and I was like you can't say Johnny Tsunami
Starting point is 00:16:34 it's a made for TV movie we're not doing that and then he was like no I can do it I can do it I was like no you gotta say something else and then
Starting point is 00:16:40 and then we were arguing about that and then I was like if he would have said a Netflix movie that'd be different. But for some reason, I think you can't compare the eras that TV movies don't count in the blockbuster game.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And then he was calling me a cheater. And then I just was like, raise your game, punk. Yeah. And then, but then we chilled. Do you think there's just some tension because he won the fantasy football championship? Yeah, there's probably counted into it a little bit. But not mainly, not mainly, because I think I would have had that conversation with him prior.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You don't think if there was a different winner, you would have let it slide? No, but it's interesting to think about. It is interesting to think about. It would be the right size of confidence a little bit. That needs to happen for sure, but that's not what this was about. But that definitely needs to happen. He was walking around the batting cages yesterday.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I was like, who the fuck is this guy? Oh, dude, I was loving his swagger. Yeah, his swagger was out of control. His lats were flaring. Huge, dude. I didn't realize it was the championship. He grew about a foot. Yeah, he was walking around.
Starting point is 00:17:38 He was just like the broadest shoulders I've ever seen. Just looking like the Hulk. I was like, what happened to strider and uh he got that title third title that's his third one yeah most of anyone what's the prize uh it's like 1500 bucks he says he's gonna buy everybody a steak dinner with it but he said you had to cheer for him and it was only like two guys in the league were cheering for him because he's already won so much dude uh met daniel babona oh yeah great guy great and ferraro i was so pumped to me that i was like i was in ferraro
Starting point is 00:18:11 you lived babona baseball let's get into the batting cages i didn't realize ferraro was a baseball player though too yeah but i could see ferraro i was like he's he's huge he's yoked it's insane yeah yeah he's always been like that. Yeah. He just used to flex and just bang, baseball came out of his arm. Is he naturally like that or did he work for it? He works for it. He works out really, really hard because I watched him in the CrossFit games a couple
Starting point is 00:18:36 years ago and he didn't win the whole thing, but he won one of the events, the climbing the rope one. And I was cheering for him like a fucking madman. And then after he won it, he pointed at me in the crowd or me and my buddies in the crowd and I was like but uh but yeah he's always just been jacked yeah Danny too shredded shredded beat my ass at like five games of billiards yesterday he's so good raises my game I'm coming for you Pomona but hey if you're a young buckaroo and you're playing baseball go to uci play baseball at uci the anteaters they should call uc newport beach because it's right there yeah and i can i can also add to that
Starting point is 00:19:14 daniel babona great guy if there's any guy i want to learn baseball from it's daniel babona okay i want to say my coach is coach babona. I've been hitting homers ever since. And you can too, Stokers. Dude, that was a great cut. And I hung out with Robbie a little bit. Oh, yeah, he's a legend. Legend. Whatever, Robbie.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah, he's a great guy. He's hitting the jewel with us. We've been hitting the jewel a lot. Dude, I'm quitting. So I'm like... I ripped it twice today, but I'm going to quit too. Yeah, I'm slowly weaning myself off, and then I'm going on a cruise, and I'm not bringing it. That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'm going out of town for Christmas. I'm like, I'm just not going to bring it with me. Yeah. But I am worried about being irritable over Christmas. I worry about that too. But, you know, I've been... I worry about that too. But, you know, I've been... Dude, I mean, you haven't been doing it that long
Starting point is 00:20:08 to the point where I think you'll be irritable. That's good. I've been on it for a couple weeks. I think it's just a necessary step. I'm a slave to the metal dick. The devil's dick. Yeah. Yeah, I'm ripping that thing left and right
Starting point is 00:20:25 mom if you're listening I'm done yeah my family too I'm getting off of it guys I mean we we partied on Friday too we had a work party great Mario Tennis
Starting point is 00:20:39 our squad is the best they're a great group of people they're all fucking legends super smart dank lords Pod is the best. They're a great group of people. Yeah. They're all fucking legends. Super smart. Just dank all around. Dank lords. Dank lords. I picked up a great song.
Starting point is 00:20:51 What's the song? It's called Big Wild When I Get There. I think I'm going to put it at the end of the pod. Oh, dude, I had a, I think it was a profound thought, but we'll see right now. Do you think any, do you, okay. Reincarnation. I think it's probably more likely than a heaven
Starting point is 00:21:10 that reincarnation is what happens. I don't know. That's what my instincts tell me. It just seems to make more sense that there's some kind of like Nietzsche and eternal return, if that's what he meant by that concept. Yeah. It sounds like it.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I've never really delved into it. Do you think anyone who's ever reincarnated has killed someone in their new life who was a family member or a loved one in a past life? Like same soul? Yeah, like this soul, these two people were married. Then they died. Then they got reincarnated into new bodies. Those bodies ended up becoming two sides that were at war with one another, and one of them ended up killing the other one.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yeah. I mean, I think sibling rivalries go past this lifetime. But I even mean, yeah. No, I know what you're saying, though. I think there's been so many human beings in existence and so much reincarnation that the odds are it's definitely happened. Wow. Yeah, so I would say that to anyone who kills someone imagine when you kill that person you're killing your lover from a past life
Starting point is 00:22:12 i'm not even saying don't kill him you might have to kill them i don't know what is going on in your life but maybe after you kill them hug them yeah and say i'll see you on the next side yeah but you probably shouldn't kill anybody yeah just say like my bad i had to do it this round but you know next time when we're sailors we're gonna kick it again for sure i uh yeah i don't um what do you think uh do you think so if you think reincarnation is real do you think we always come back as humans or do you think we can come back as any sort of living being i think we can come back as any living thing so you could come back as like jt the centipede yep you look so glum i know i'm not thrilled about it but dude a centipede with dank film knowledge i mean that'd be pretty sick well now you're talking
Starting point is 00:23:03 yeah but what's the possible what's the like I've never met a centipede with dank film knowledge well the gecko gecko knows insurance that's true but he's such an anomaly
Starting point is 00:23:12 that's true but dude I mean but I think you'll come back as a human I think I think you know going on what the Buddhists say I think it's all about that karma
Starting point is 00:23:22 you know I was thinking about that when I was thinking about this yeah if you're a good dude i mean you could come back as like you know a strapping dude or strapping lady you know doesn't have to be either you know any anything or you could come back as a fucking bear and just have your little hut and hibernate and just eat salmon that That sounds like good existence. Yeah, I want to come back as like Rose Namahunas. That'd be dank.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah. Badass female MMA fighter. Aaron, who do you want to come back as? I guess The Rock? Yeah. Dude, I hope you don't like sleeping, though, bro. That sounds exhausting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I mean, as The Rock, I won't like sleeping that much. What a beast. Dude, Aaron is The Rock. Aaron, The Rock, Brungardt. Is that how you say your last name? Yeah, that's perfect. Dude. You know, I'm actually up.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Not to get too big for my bridges here. I'm not not good at remembering them but i'm good at pronunciation wow because i and i surprised myself but like this one guy we were working with matt uh like we were we're checking into this place and they're like names i was like i was like chad and matt mitre and i'm like did i get that right he's like yeah you're like the first guy to get that right. I'm like, it's fucking right. Dude. It's because Father Vaughn drilled me on grammar as a kid. Who is Father Vaughn?
Starting point is 00:24:53 He's my grammar teacher slash principal. And he was a hard ass. He's like, you guys are going to learn fucking grammar. Was he a priest? Yeah. Nice. And he was like, you couldn't say I agree in class. If you agreed with something, you had to say I concur.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And so he'd be like, yeah, I'd say you'd put, let's say, participle. And he'd be like, Chad, what do you think? And I'd be like, yeah, I agree. And he's like, what? I'm like, I concur, Father Ron. He's like, yeah. Did he come up with that after the movie Catch Me If You Can? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:29 That's a good question. Dude, we had a father at our school, Father Pat. He was a charming, funny raconteur. And also a molester. Damn. Yeah. Did he teach grammar? No, he taught religion.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I told this story on here one time where he beat me up in class. Yeah. I was being loud. He's like, arm wrestle me. And I was like, all right. We go to arm wrestle. Then he just popped me in the face
Starting point is 00:26:00 with his arm wrestling hand. Yeah. And I was like, what? And the whole class started laughing. And then he just grabbed me by the shoulders yeah and i was like what are you doing and he was just putting pressure on my shoulders and then i just started wrestling him and then he took me down yeah that's awesome it was pretty cool i don't know maybe that's not that awesome actually yeah no it was weird yeah you know when you're like when you're young and older guys hang out
Starting point is 00:26:26 with you whatever you're like that guy's so cool man or like this guy buys you beer or something you're like man larry's so cool he bought us beer then when you get past 21 and you're like like that was like the least cool thing he has a really weird guy yeah yeah why was he hanging out with us um it's interesting to reflect on that yeah if you're 16 and there's any adult who doesn't have a direct bloodline to you who just loves hanging out with you they're not a bad person but they're probably immature so be aware of that if you're thinking about wanting to grow up into them was that too harsh no dude your ability to say people's last names right it reminds me of al jaffe the vice president of talent at espn he was one of the judges on the show uh dream job where you tried to become a
Starting point is 00:27:18 sports center host and he would always correct people on last names. Really? Yeah. That was like his skill. I'm trying to think of a name. Like they'd be like Takashi Minatoka. And he'd be like, it's Takashi Minatuka. And he would just do that like every round. He'd always find a name they fucked up. And my brother's friend kept correcting us about last names. And then his older brother was like, shut up, Al Jaffe.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Yeah. Well, how was, did people like al jaffe or were they just like oh this guy's annoying i liked him because i was like wow this guy really knows his shit but he was definitely if he was occupying a role on the judge's table he was like the obnoxious perfectionist with like uh kind of a curmudgeon II attitude yeah all love to you Al let me see if he's still alive yeah baby yeah he's doing great can I see what he looks like yeah let's find out find out you really know how to make me smile when you look at me with those ocean eyes oh that's not what i expected really know how to make me cry when you look at me with those ocean eyes i swear there he is you guys guys watching The Mandalorian?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Yeah, I saw Bill Burr on there. Yeah, yeah. Did great. Yeah, it was great. Are you watching it? Oh, yeah, of course. How do you like it? I love it. I think it's like old school TV in that it's like, and I'm sure they're still around, but it's almost like Murder, She Wrote.
Starting point is 00:29:04 There's a new thing every week. There's a new place to go. New people to meet. Then a problem to solve. And then you're out. Are they ever going to show his face? I don't know. I kind of need the face.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I know. I do too. It is Pedro Pascal, if that helps. Yeah. Well, it does, but I need the face. I know. I do too. It is Pedro Pascal. That helps. Yeah. Well, it does, but I like his face. I want to see the Pascal. Well, what's weird is that a lot of times it's a body double in the suit.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Oh, really? Yeah. So it's hard to know how much acting he really did or if he just did all the voiceover for it. Apparently, like, they worked together and they worked on a walk together and everything like that. But yeah, it's still odd that he's not in the suit. And he's the star of the show. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's very strange. So he just did the voice? Yeah, for a lot of it, I think. We're going to come back to you on The Mandalorian for your beef, because we talked about it before the pod started. Yeah, for've got yeah it's a beef for sure dude oh did you see the trailer for top gun i saw it is it the best trailer of all time the imagery is so good they treat every shot like it's so iconic he just like touches the front of the whatever the new f18 is
Starting point is 00:30:23 yeah and you're like, yes. Yeah. Back to where he belongs. Dude, Tom Cruise is just going, he's like a visualist now. Every movie he does is like so impressive on that level. Dude, I feel like they've really, I've been watching a bunch of like YouTube videos of fighter jets flying low, you know, and I love how they really got the sound in. So yeah, like this movie's gonna have
Starting point is 00:30:45 that full-on intensity of being in the jet or when the uh the engines fire up in the back and the way their tubing expands yeah it's hot it's arousing yeah miles teller looks ripped the guy from everybody wants some looks ripped i like that guy he looks like goose too yeah he's his son right oh so he's all pissed off at mav because he thinks it was mav's fault yeah bro that's what i'm talking about dude they're so smart yeah that's like how they treated creed yeah where they kind of make the last generation like have a complicated relationship with the new like they would yeah and it just adds intrigue but you can be a new viewer and still get the context without having seen the first one yeah i thought you should fucking see that yeah and it looks like instead of a volleyball scene for having playing with the boys it's gonna be a football scene
Starting point is 00:31:36 oh really yeah oh cool and there's gonna be gals involved nice yeah sweet they going to be oiled up? Yes. Like the dudes? Yes. I think you've got to oil up both sexes. Everyone needs oil. Yeah, everyone needs oil. I had a thing about sexism I was curious about. In the movie Sicario, I remember it's one of the best movies of the last decade. It's kind of like our generation's heat in terms of just like a really smart action movie that you can watch over and over again intense and very intense yeah and just everyone's
Starting point is 00:32:10 proficient with their guns oh yeah like a well-trained killer's worth like 10 bozo killers dude i was watching the scene not to interrupt you i was watching the heat scene with uh al pacino and robert de niro yesterday oh the din Yeah. The greatest. You know what that's about? Yeah. Not have enough time to do what you want. Anyways, go ahead. No, now that we've sat down and I've laid eyes on you, I like you, and it won't make me happy, but if it's between you
Starting point is 00:32:35 and some security guard whose wife you're about to make a widow, baby, you are going down. There's a flip side to that coin. If I see you? If I see you, I will not hesitate. Not for a second.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I forget the rest. No, that's it though, dude. You nailed it. Come on, dude. There's a flip side to that coin. They are the flip side of each other's coins. They are that duality. He's like, can you picture yourself doing anything else?
Starting point is 00:33:08 No. And they just smirk at each other. A lot of people, they think that's how they think of acting. They can't do anything else. Right. They share that smirk. That knowing smirk. This is all we can do. That's great, though.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I love it. But dude, yeah, in Sicario, I remember my friend Griffin was like, no, I didn't like it. I thought they made her character too weak. And he thought it was kind of maybe a little inherently sexist. And I remember being like, no. She was like, I don't need my protagonist to be William Wallace every time. They can have some weakness. But then I was thinking about it, because the writer said he wrote it for a guy, then for Jake Gyllenhaal and then they just decided to do Emily Blunt.
Starting point is 00:33:46 But I was like, no, I don't think they would have done some of those scenes the same had it been a guy. Like, have you ever seen, in the end when Benisa Del Toro puts the gun underneath her mouth, she starts to cry. Have you ever seen a movie where the male protagonist was that afraid to die and he's like a badass gun person? Yeah. Like, I don't think they would
Starting point is 00:34:05 have had jake gyllenhaal crying that last scene if someone put a gun under his chin yeah but i don't know maybe that was emily blunt's choice but i feel like it was probably scripted yeah does that make sense yeah i'm sorry i got a text that uh captured my attention for a second but so can you explain again no it's all good i'm sorry no no it's not your fault i talked for like an hour no no no that's i think i think if you probably checked out at that point so did the people listening so so she so emily blunt cried she cried the gun to her head yeah when benicio del toro puts the gun underneath her well i thought the movie was i thought it was just uber realistic no i did too i think it's awesome yeah yeah but i do wonder if they would have made a guy tougher in that scene um like i think they
Starting point is 00:34:51 would have i don't think they would have had it had it been jake gyllenhaal or ryan gosling or whatever actors work with denise on the way like i feel like they would have had him be scared but he wouldn't have cried but it would have been powerful if the guy would have cried. I would have really liked that scene. But I don't know if those guys would have thought of it that way. I don't know, Aaron, do you think I'm reaching here? No, I think you're onto something. I mean, it's interesting to think about. I can't imagine a guy in that role, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:35:19 But I don't know how they do that scene with the hitman. She thought they were just going to fuck and then have to fight to the death. Yeah. That would have been tough too, right? Yeah. How would they do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Would they flip it? Would it just be two dudes? What's going on? No, that would have been cool. Yeah. That would have been interesting. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 But yeah, I don't think you'd ever see a guy cry in that scenario, even though it's totally appropriate. Right. I just don't think you'd see it. Yeah, I don't think I've seen a movie where that happens. I've seen it a little bit in like Saving Private Ryan, like Corporal Upham, but he's literally like the biggest coward in cinema history. Yeah. It's so frustrating.
Starting point is 00:36:00 When our friends are being a puss, we go, hey, you're Corporal Upham. He's the schmole of World War II. Yep. All right. Question. My dogs. What's good?
Starting point is 00:36:13 Hope it's everything, dudes. Just wanted to preface this by saying I'm a longtime listener, and the pod has been getting better and better since the beginning. Rad to see you guys kill it so hard. Stoked. Anyway, to my question, I've been seeing this absolute babe for the past little while. She's super cool, extremely attractive, and her bone life is super sick. No issue, right? Only thing is I'm 21 and going to the university in the city I grew up in where it seems like
Starting point is 00:36:33 everyone knows everyone's business. Most people from here go to the same uni where they graduate high school because it's the only one in the province. Yeah, I'm Canadian. What up? The dime is the ex of one of my high school friends. They dated for a little under two years and broke up a year and a half ago. I haven't really hung out with him since like first year uni, maybe once or twice in second year. He will definitely be salty as fuck when he finds out. And he's already been asking her if her and I are boning. How do I tell this former bro?
Starting point is 00:37:02 He's honestly kind of whack though. Hence former dude, just small that I'm seeing this ex. I don't overly feel bad about it. Me and him aren't that close anymore. And where this is a smaller city dating here is super tangly and you're stepping on someone's toes. Thanks dudes. Uh, follow up advice. The girl also always throws mad low key shame about me kind of being a man son in the past. I mean, she's not totally wrong and it's all in a joking manner kind of but like how do i like tell her not i don't know i don't think it's a huge deal that she jokes with you about that but if you don't like it you can just tell her yeah yeah i would take note of her tone and sort of how she is saying if she's just if that's sort of her style she's just trying to you know tease you a little bit then i you know i think that's fine but if she's
Starting point is 00:37:45 if it's sort of uh if she's subtly sort of uh being disrespectful or something then then maybe take umbrage with it but that's a i don't know yeah that's true it could be something she like likes about him yeah if she's if she's picking on you about it. My ex used to pick on me about that because we were broken up for a time and I didn't get back together because I wanted to be single. And she'd be like, you were such a douche then. And I would get sensitive. I'd be like, it was too harsh.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, saying it like that, you can feel that. Yeah, I was like, I wasn't a douche. I was like, or if I like it, like maybe I was a douche a little bit, but there was a lot going on there and it wasn't so simple as just me being a douche. So it kind of like would hurt my feelings and I'd be like, can you not call me a douche? Yeah. But then, but yeah. And I think in regards to this former bro, I'd again sort of gauge the situation, you know, because if it's someone you're going to see and, I mean, it sounds like he's obviously going to find out. So I think the best move is
Starting point is 00:38:52 probably to be up front with him and just say, what up? Like, this is a situation. And just be honest with him. I think that's probably the best move. So I think it kind of doesn't really give him that much room to be upset, like you were hiding it from him, you know. Although it is kind of tough to say. But if he's, like, not really a friend of yours anymore, you don't really see him, I don't think it's an obligation to tell him. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I think I wouldn't overthink that.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I would let that just kind of play out organically think I wouldn't overthink that. I would let that just kind of play out organically. You didn't do anything wrong. You don't really like this guy. You didn't take her from him or message her while they were dating. So you guys are above board about everything. I think I wouldn't stress about it too much. There will come a moment where he probably asks you directly and you can just tell him. And how he reacts to that isn't your responsibility but and to the girl thing maybe think about it from her perspective she might be scared a little threatened by your
Starting point is 00:39:53 past so she kind of makes fun of you about it to make it easier for her you know like that's how some people deal with it but but um yeah it might just be her being a little bit insecure because she's worried that maybe you'll want to go back to that or something yeah so maybe you could just assure her next time she says like hey babe babe you're the light of my life i don't want anybody else when i look out into the world i'm just desperate to see you i love that that might be too much okay Here we go. Female stoker working in alcohol industry seeking counsel with boss romance. I'm watching the morning show, so I'm prepped for this.
Starting point is 00:40:35 What is your opinion on dating in the workplace? A few months back, I had a late night and ended up at my co-worker's house. I work in the adult industry in SoCal, where situations with liquor flowing and good-looking salespeople can occasionally lead to fornicating, but not typically within the same company. This coworker was not my boss, in quotations, but definitely a ranking officer. The seven-year age difference also creates a more noticeable gap. Things have progressed where we are spending the night at each other's houses at least once a week. After a few years of dating a mix of schmoles and babes to find out what I like in a partner, he is the first man I truly feel comfortable with since the six-year relationship with my ex
Starting point is 00:41:06 and the only one worthy of introducing to my family since then. He also mentors me about how to further my career, which lets me know he is rooting for my individual success and no malintent. It's funny because my initial instinct was to discount the relationship as an accident due to our professional standings, but now reflecting back,
Starting point is 00:41:21 I realize he has definitely been a positive force in my life. Here's my problem. We seem to have two sides of the relationships, works and intimate. But now reflecting back, I realize he has definitely been a positive force in my life. Here's my problem. We seem to have two sides of the relationships, works and intimate. They're not fused together, which leads to an element of sneakiness. Typically, I would think this is fun. But now being a bit older where actions have consequence and been there, done that with sneaky relationships. It's hard not being able to show the public affection of those you care about.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Kind of like in Breaking Bad when J.C. Pinkman is on cloud nine in love with a fiery passion going on with his neighbor Jane, but his crush when she acts like she doesn't know him when Jesse meets her dad. I feel like how can you be proud of a relationship you can't really talk about? Since then, he got a promotion and is now more of a direct boss. We work well together and maintain professionals and client meetings. It's fun and rather sexy to crush it as a team by working off each other's strengths. I'm the youngest employee Climb meetings. by my other bosses. So I've decided it's time to come to a decision instead of writing it out with no plan. Do you think there's a way to close the perception gap between a female in her 20s and the male boss in her 30s if we decide we really want to make it work? Any suggestion on how to do so without continuing in the industry with a scarlet letter
Starting point is 00:42:35 and him not being perceived as sleazy? Or is it too risky, I complicate a message and move on to something more socially appropriate? I apologize for the long message, but thought some context would help understand the intricacies I've been battling. Feel free to cut down if disgust on the pot, or if you have to get back to me personally,
Starting point is 00:42:50 it would be great. I've been mulling this over for a while now, and going back and forth internally, and although I respect my feminist therapist, she often thinks I like sex too much to make mindful decisions, and never give as much credit to men as they deserve, so thinks the male perspective could be helpful.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Thank you so much for your witty new age of self-help. The stoke is contagious and is making strides for the better. Cheers. Your girl in a pickle. Wait, can I read some of the details? That was a long one. Wait, so... It's a good question, though.
Starting point is 00:43:20 So they started fooling around when he was a higher-ranking officer, So they started fooling around when he was a higher ranking officer. And then, but did it turn, I missed, did it turn to a relationship? No, no. So they first hooked up when he was like a boss, but not a direct boss. And now he's a direct boss. He's a direct boss. And it's, it's, it doesn't look like they've fully made like a relationship commitment to one another, but they're spending that kind of time together. She spends the night once a week over at his place yeah and they ride home from work parties together and work nights right and she wants to go public with it but she's worried about uh being judged
Starting point is 00:43:56 by people at the office i think which i totally get but you know i worked at an office where some higher-ups dated um some women women who were coming up in the office. But everybody did it above board, and it ended up being okay. And I think it actually worked out great for them. Yeah. Some of them are married now, and they've all progressed nicely in their careers. Yeah. I'd be interested to know how much you've talked to him about it.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah, I'd be interested to know how much you've talked to him about it. I think, yeah, I think I'd take a moment of reflex just to see how serious you think this will be, you know, because I think if you are able to present it to the other employees, like, it's a serious thing that you guys are, you know, not just boning down, but also having intimate conversation and maybe, you know, grilling salmon together, then I think then you're in the clear. So I think you want to be sure, if you do go public with it, that, you know, it's something for real and not just like a, you know, a fool around tomfoolery kind of mishigas. I just said like three words I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Fire. Thanks. So, yeah. But you know what? If it's for real, I'd say go for it. Say what up to the world. Hold hands and raise them to the sky like you just want to fight and uh be proud because love is for real love is legit love is
Starting point is 00:45:38 that fuzzy feeling you get when you turn on austin Powers after not seeing it for 15 years? Yeah, I think, I think it's hard to know what to do in this situation. But I think you got to talk to him first, right? Not like you have to talk to him before you make any decision, but I think you got to talk to him to, for that, but more to gauge where he's at. Yeah, for sure. Cause you don't want to, and I think if he's in and you guys want to have a relationship then i think yeah at that
Starting point is 00:46:10 point you you go to hr whatever the process is or you guys might not even have an hr so it might just be as much as being like hey we're dating now and i think the thing is though you do i'm a huge pda person but if you're a couple i think when you're in the office it's probably best not to do a lot of PDA. I mean, you can give each other a quick hug and stuff and show affection that way, but if you're playing grab ass and kissing on each other, I think it'll become kind of annoying
Starting point is 00:46:33 for the coworkers. And the couples that I know who work together kept it very professional in the office. And then once it was after hours, it was a totally different vibe, but I think it's smart to, to keep it profesh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 What do you think Aaron? Yeah. If you, if you don't take it seriously, then not, then they won't, your coworkers won't either. So like you have to be respectful and be professional and then you'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:47:04 If you're really into each other like that You know and to go on long term or whatever. Yeah Thank but otherwise and that as soon as it was first mentioned the relationships in the workplace don't do it but otherwise All right, so various of stoke, please help I've spent my entire adolescent and adult life being completely confused by one thing the public's obsession with quentin tarantino after all the talk of you dudes loving once upon a time in hollywood which i have not seen yet
Starting point is 00:47:33 i find myself ever questioning the ongoing obsession with tarantino it seems to me that people like tarantino's movies simply because of the mere exposure effect i find the formula of long journal conversation followed by fast-paced, overblown violence incredibly dull, and it is a formula. I have seen Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Glorious Bastards,
Starting point is 00:47:49 Kill Bill, and even Natural Born Killers, although not directed by Tarantino. NBK knows this same formula. Who's NBK? Natural Born Killers. Right. Chad, I know you love Tarantino,
Starting point is 00:48:01 but it seems you love it because of the Tarantino violence. JT, you like movies. If you could please help give me an unbiased description about why these movies are so good and why the public loves them, it would be much appreciated. It's nothing against you guys. And I decided to write this after your dank discussion with Strider and Aaron about the top 100 list in the AV club. I just wanted to add a movie that was moving for me, Rune by Lenny Abramson. La La Land is worth category
Starting point is 00:48:26 categorizing as a good movie same thing with johnny greenwood scoring phantom thread sorry for the quick opinion piece um but you guys got me thinking i love it keep doing what you're doing stay stoked i like the formula uh i love the dialogue i think it can always go from like, have that sort of goofy signature style to it that just cracks me up. And the characters I always think are so, just fun and entertaining. I mean, I think they're always kind of, they're well fleshed out characters.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yeah, any of the movies, like you look at like Django and stuff, like Leo's character, and then like uh Kill Bill I mean they're all just so I think well thought out and then yeah I love the way he does violence I think it's hilarious I love comical violence it's uh it's always fun for me to watch that sort of spaghetti western style so that's sort of why I love him. Yeah. I like his movies a lot. I didn't love a once upon a time in Hollywood. I thought it was a pretty frustrating movie for some of the reasons that you
Starting point is 00:49:31 described. I just thought, I think some of his long conversations are good, but as he's progressed in his career, he's gotten more self-indulgent about how many he has in the movies. And, and so much of it about is about his interest that he forgets to make it like,
Starting point is 00:49:44 you know, as tight or as exciting as it could be but i agree with chad i think like everyone has a formula and uh and yeah i think you identified it well but but i don't think just because he has a formula it means he's not great yeah but uh yeah he's he's great but i do think he's a bit tedious. Well, the last two movies in particular. Yeah, Hateful Eight. Hateful Eight. I never even got through that one.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yeah, because his editor died. She died here in LA on a really hot day or something. She went on a hike and died. Jesus. Damn. And that's tragic and sad, but I think it's the real person he could collaborate with. Who could actually tell him, hey, yeah GT this has got to be 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:50:27 shorter yeah exactly we don't need all I know you wrote this and it's lovely but no we don't need all of it the audience doesn't need all of it but yeah I don't know I can't even I can't imagine anyone not watching Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 and being like, these are fucking amazing. Anyone not saying that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, Hateful Eight, I'd say it's my least favorite of the bunch. But I loved Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I get why people don't like it,
Starting point is 00:51:01 but it just hit all the right spots for me. California, L.A., entertainment industry. people don't like it but it just hit all the right spots for me you know california la entertainment industry cool dudes brad pitt leo you know like uh just watching leo hang out in his pool watching brad drive i was like that's so legit to me. That's why I liked it. Yeah, it still had some great scenes in it. He gets good performances and I think he's a good visualist.
Starting point is 00:51:34 His camera is good. He doesn't get as much credit for that, but his action scenes are really exciting to watch. Django had some great ones. The D is silent. Yeah. Yeah, once you had some great ones. The D is silent. Yeah. Yeah, once you get over with Once Upon a Time
Starting point is 00:51:49 particularly, once you get over it not being what you think it's going to be, it's fun to watch. Have you watched it again? I haven't yet, no. I'm waiting to get the Blu-ray. It's out, I think. You're a beast. I like rewriting history, too. I think that's fun.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Especially in a more favorable way. You're like, oh, that'd be fun if it turned out that way. Yeah, kind of a fairy tale. Yeah. A macabre fairy tale. All right, last question. Should I pursue this relation? I'm going to do a quick summary, because we get so many questions every week.
Starting point is 00:52:23 A summary of our point of view on this. And I hope I'm not speaking for you, my dog, but we get so many questions every week about, should I pursue this relation? What should I do? I think we can say with a resounding, go for it at the end of this year, that what you should do is just go for it. Like just call her and ask her out. She'll like it or he'll like it or they won't like it and then we reassess and we move in a new direction we focus on ourselves all good options yeah if you're young do it fuck it yeah fuck it dude go for it i'm 37 you look great i wish I'd have just gone for it a little more. Yeah. You just kind of forget, you,
Starting point is 00:53:07 you, you forget at the time how little it all really matters. Yeah. And it can, you can have a lot more fun if you just go for it. Yeah. Listen to those who have lived longer than you. I mean, you'll see how,
Starting point is 00:53:21 you know, these things in the moment seem like such a huge, like such a big deal. If this doesn't work out, I'll never get to manscape again. That kind of stakes. But I think the key to life is just go for it. Go for what you want. Risk failure.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Enjoy failure. There's nothing I love more than bombing and stand-up. It's so much fun because you have a group of people just staring at you just like what the fuck are you doing and you're just like i'm up here on the stage i'm doing what i love all right and i'm gonna take this moment and reassess and come back an even bigger beast um so live life without fear. No fear. Wear some no fear clothes. And if you fail a lot, you start moving up in what you're failing at. And pretty soon you're failing at the coolest shit imaginable for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Like going into space. That would suck to fail at, actually. Yeah, but I mean, failing going to the moon is failing on a massive level. Yeah, then everyone remembers you. Yeah. Yeah. Only the great can fail at that massive of a level. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 People are always like, are you afraid of sharks? I'm like, no, I think that'd be a great way to die. It's true. Yeah. I'm terrified of sharks. That means Poseidon chose you and he's like, I'm going to cut this short, I'm going to reincarnate you as a great white, and then you're going to eat some other dude. And that's the circle of life.
Starting point is 00:54:53 That's what's up. What's up, Savants of Stoke? I found myself questioning whether I should pursue a possible new religion. Nope. He's not saying no to the question he's like nope to reading it all right this guy uh just did some quick uncle tips for chad and the listeners i'm just gonna uh hit the uh broader points be the cool adult they can trust treat them like adults but enter kid world drop dank wisdom meet them where they're at. Be present.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Don't treat them as a novelty. I think that's a really good one. Break the rules. What does that mean? I think as your uncle, you teach them when it's okay to do something that your parents might say isn't okay. Right. But that's not too far out of not being okay.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah. Yeah. Like you don't teach them how to boost a car, but you teach them how to hit the NOS. Yeah. Like you don't teach them how to boost a car, but you teach them how to hit the NOS. Yeah. Roger. Because at that point, they've already picked that way of life. What up, my epic stokers?
Starting point is 00:55:55 When my dogs and I hit the bars and nightclubs, most of the guys in the squad are consistently successful in getting hot chicks' phone numbers, and more importantly, one-night stands later on that evening. Believe me, none of us look like Brad Pitt or have physiques like an NFL linebackbacker but my dogs always laugh and give me the shit that i have no game i've always had an issue being shy around women and i dance like a re-nob when i rarely get the courage enough to ask a chick to dance at a club nevertheless
Starting point is 00:56:16 please provide me with some positive advice on increasing my stoke level around the ladies love the pod dude i think the uh the best thing you can do, you don't have to adjust your personality or try and be this guy that you think ladies will like. All you got to do is be your most authentic self, because I think that is the most magnetic thing to a potential partner or lover. to a potential partner or lover. So I think just try and be as truthful to yourself as you can be and project that out into the world so when you enter a space, just be comfortable.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Just be like, don't worry about looking cool. Don't worry about dancing. I love that you admit that you're a re-nob on the D floor. I mean, I think that's legit. Be the re-nob on the D floor. I mean, I think that's legit. Be the re-nob on the D floor. People love that. When I watch my dad dance, he knows he's a re-nob on the dance floor,
Starting point is 00:57:12 but he's smiling the whole time, and he's loving it. Sorry, Dad. No, it was nice. Dude, you know what helped me a lot was getting away from... Like, I stayed friends with those guys, but I moved to a new place, and i would go out by myself and i was like oh like i can actually without having these like really cool guys
Starting point is 00:57:31 i'm always comparing myself to yeah and feel like i'm inadequate next to i just went out on my own a little bit and then i developed those skills like where i felt like they were needed more right you know yeah because i kind of had this mentality that probably wasn't the healthiest where like when a pretty girl would come over, I'd be like, oh, but she'll probably like one of these guys more than me. Yeah. So I was always kind of not feeling great about my prospects. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And then when I was by myself, I was a little free of that stuff. Yeah. And then I kind of got more comfortable with it. And then when I went back to my friends, I was like, no, I kind of know who I am now. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. So maybe taking some space, not in like a way where you're like they're not bad guys obviously you just need time to develop on your own it's like if you played on a team with all all-stars you wouldn't score 20 a game but yeah yeah it is always nice to be friends with people who you think you can learn from who uh make you be a better person not not that make you want to just improve
Starting point is 00:58:29 yourself you know you don't want to be like the the guys dominating the friend group because then and then you'll go into situations and i think it's uh um yeah then you just I just got distracted again by my phone you want to be with people so then when you go out like you're saying when you go out without them you're like oh wow I've really you know matured as a person and so like grateful to my friend group for leveling me up
Starting point is 00:59:01 like that and now I feel comfortable with myself yeah and then picking on you about having no game, that's not cool. Just when you end up having game, don't pick on other people for not having game. Yeah. And just model that better behavior. And they'll probably stop at some point. But yeah, my friends used to say that to me.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I remember one time we were going to Cabo and Robbie went up to me and two of our buddies and he's like, hey, have fun meeting chicks, have fun meeting chicks. And then he went to me, he's like, have fun meeting chicks have fun meeting chicks and then he went to me he's like have fun hanging out and everyone laughed and I was like you motherfucker dude you son of a bitch I'll kill ya I'll kill ya no I just wore it
Starting point is 00:59:37 but you know what it's all good wore it loud and proud alright Chad what is your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is uh too much trash i'm cleaning out my old apartment and uh i had so much trash so many so many items i don't need you I'm just going through. I'm like, why do I have a stuffed animal of Pluto? Why do I have porn? I go to the internet for porn.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Why do I have magazines? Why do I have Buttman? I don't need a print version of Buttman. I have just all these stuff. So many old pairs of vans, although I do love that. That means I'm staying loyal to the van company. Um, but you know, I'm just, it, it, it, whenever you move out, it gives you a chance to sort
Starting point is 01:00:37 of get some perspective on how much shit you acquire in your, you know, your life. And you're like, do i really need all this stuff do i really need to buy you know this leather jacket um even though i know i'm not a leather jacket guy do i really need to try and buy another pair of boots even even though i know i'm not a boot guy you know no you just need to buy another new pair of vans all i need in life are my slim fit um black pants from top shop a nice crisp white tea and some vans and then just some food to get me through and then yeah i need a roku tv but that's it and some books damn it the minimalist life is hard but that's that's my beef you're wrestling with it though in a genuine way oh thanks yeah what's your beef dude my beef of
Starting point is 01:01:34 the week is with google nice i'm reading this book about uh uber i'm only like 100 pages in but it's already pretty wild they did this thing called gray balling where when uh people in cities like portland or san francisco that didn't want or portland that didn't want uber to come into wild. They did this thing called gray balling where when people in cities like Portland or San Francisco that didn't want, or Portland that didn't want Uber to come into there, they would try to have city officials request Uber and when they got in the car, they would sue that driver like 5,000 bucks for illegally doing
Starting point is 01:01:55 transportation. And they thought that'd be a way to scare Uber out of the city. Because no drivers would want to drive. But Uber found a way to find their phones and to fake make them think they had a car picking them up from drive, but Uber found a way to find their phones and to fake make them think they had a car picking them up from Uber, but the car never came. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:10 It's like real counter espionage. Yeah. Yeah. It is awesome. Yeah. Maybe unethical, but awesome. And then, and then I was reading the book and they were talking about Google and Google used to have, don't be evil as part of their like corporate maxims.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And then in like 2016, they took it off. Seems weird. So Larry Brin, no, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Why'd you do that? I'm sure other people have asked you this on like more sophisticated pods, like recode decode or something. But I'm curious too. So I i'm gonna hold your feet to the fire why'd you take and you're gonna say something like no we just changed it to something slightly different when we changed the corporate umbrella under alphabet company or whatever but i'm not
Starting point is 01:02:57 buying it i think there's something more suspicious in play what do you think happened do you have any theories i think they want to do evil now no that's kind of the fun dramatic answer yeah i think they probably thought they were going to get too much guff over having that because they were doing things that the public disagreed with that they were like it's just better not to have the conversation which is still sneaky yeah yeah because maybe the conversation's necessary i really don't know i'm like trying to care more about this stuff like i'm trying to be like, they shouldn't have my information. Like now I'm noticing when I talk about things, it gets suggested on my phone, on like Instagram. I'd always heard people talking
Starting point is 01:03:31 about that. I only just noticed it. And you know what it showed me? Small dongs. We talk about small dongs so much that my Instagram started suggesting small dong videos. Those exist? Yeah, they're out there. I i gotta say it ran out after a short bit of time wow but i'm hoping that changes in the future i hope there's more small dong content interesting aaron what's up my beef of the week is with disney dude whoa disney we're going after the corporate head honchos well yeah disney more specifically consumer products this is my ex used to work there that's not what this is about but it's good context and we appreciate the honesty it is but we were talking earlier about the mandalorian what a great show
Starting point is 01:04:20 that is and clearly the star of this season is baby yoda and the greatest character in the history of everything one of the cutest things that's ever existed and it's this close to christmas there's nothing more in this world i would like to get for my wife for christmas is a Baby Yoda plushie figure, what have you. And they do not exist. Really? It is ridiculous. Like, they were so secretive about this show coming out that they did not plan merchandise.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Wow. And so you've got knockoff stuff coming out and people making their own t-shirts that suck but you don't have a stand-up doll or a talking or a cooing doll or whatever because that's all it ever does is coo uh like you have with you know your gizmo and your all the cute animals from a Groot. They had tons of those. But no Baby Yodas.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It seems so unlike them. I know. They seem like Star Wars and Disney. Who's better at merchandising than those two entities? And they blew it. Yeah. There was a disconnect. They got no Baby Yodas ready to fly off the shelves.
Starting point is 01:05:40 What are you doing? They're getting too big. After that Fox merger, they need to stay on top of their merch.'re losing track of stuff guys yeah you're spending a lot of money but you're not getting mine and now you don't have it now that you just said that that fired me up because now i want to get baby yoda for my gf and myself yeah what would what what else could be better that fucking baby baby Yoda is so fucking cute, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:07 The moment I saw that thing, I was like, fuck yes, this is genius. It made the whole fucking show work. Yeah. I don't mean to cuss. I just get excited when I hear about baby Yoda. It's good formula. And now there's fake baby Yodas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:18 People are putting out their own stuff. Stickers. There's literally people on Amazon. Like there's one guy who's like we're the only guys selling this sticker and then there's another one that says those guys suck like it's so stupid i'm going to disneyland on wednesday so i'll see if they actually have me there in the park but i don't think they do i'm so jealous have fun aaron thanks that gonna be awesome are you gonna get churros oh if I see them yeah Chad who is your babe of the week uh my babe of the week so my friend Jenny who lives in Miami
Starting point is 01:06:55 shout out she texted me the other week she's like hey are you in Miami and I was like no I wish what's up she's like she's like oh someone on a dating app is pretending to be you and uh that's my baby of the week because he's like living it up as me virtually but in miami so i like i like the idea that he's putting out that i'm there all the time that's awesome dude yeah so to the dude pretending to be me in Miami, thank you. Don't be rude or creepy, but just say how much you love Miami, if I can give one request. And then also be upfront about who you actually are, but just like on the profile say, I love Miami. I think that's all I request of him.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It's genius to interpret it that way. Oh, thanks. It really is. You're really seeing the best in it. I love him. It's genius to interpret it that way. Oh, thanks. It really is. You're really seeing the best in it. I love it. It's inspiring. My baby of the week is my girlfriend. She's just the best.
Starting point is 01:07:53 She's so fun. She's smart, funny, and just great to hang out with. The more time we hang out, I just feel this nourishment in my soul. I start to calm down, and I feel this nourishment in my soul. I'm like, I start to calm down and like, I don't feel, I feel at peace, which is nice, but she,
Starting point is 01:08:08 and she's just so nice, dude. She let me talk for 15 minutes about the social dynamics and the Joe Rogan friend group. And she just paid attention the whole time. That's awesome. Yeah. She asked followup questions. Really?
Starting point is 01:08:20 Yeah. And I didn't even know I was blathering on about it. And then at the end, I'm like, whoa, babe, I was like, thank you so much. She was like't even know. I was blathering on about it. And then at the end, I'm like, whoa, babe. I was like, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:08:28 She was like, for what? I was like, letting me talk about Joe Rogan and his friends for 15 minutes. I'm like, yeah. And then Rogan had a famous podcast episode where he told Brennan Schaub he had to stop fighting. And the big critical line from it was Brennan Schaub was like, I think you'd be surprised how well I do against Cain Velasquez. And Rogan was like, I think you'd be surprised. I think he'd fuck you up. And she was like, whoa, really?
Starting point is 01:08:46 He really said that? I was like, yeah, it was crazy, right? She is awesome. She does have a very warm presence. Whenever she walks in, she's just so upbeat and stoked. She is like the Lady Goddess of Stoke. Dude, babe, did you hear that? She listens, too. She gives me advice.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Oh, does she? Yeah, and she loves it. And she loves us, and then she gave me advice. Like, we were giving advice to one stoker, and she was like, you need to think about this more from the perspective of the girl that he's talking about. And I was like, bang, bang, bang. That's right. Guys, check out her podcast, Oralal Fixation with her super talented
Starting point is 01:09:26 friend Aspen Chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is David Byrne dude this fire new artist this guy is just a legend his voice is so magnetic just started listening to him last week he's a fucking beast
Starting point is 01:09:42 I love him I'm a new fan now shout out to David Byrne. I want to catch your Broadway show. He's an interesting guy. Yeah. Much love to the Talking Heads. I was actually going to do my Legend of the Week
Starting point is 01:09:52 about the movie Wall Street, which is so good, so fun to watch, and David Byrne did most of the music for it. There's a couple of Talking Heads songs in there. Most famously, this must be the place that's great scene where he's like redecorating his apartment.
Starting point is 01:10:03 But my Legend of the Week is this dude at the at the in and out drive-thru line i was going to one in orange county when i was like 16 and he was in a truck with like five of his buddies and uh he's a black dude and he rolled down the window and he looked at me and they were just they were having a good time and he just to me he goes what's up baby dick he said it in front of like 30 people and i swear to god every single person laughed i did too and i walked in my friends were like did he call you baby dick i was like yeah and he said it so smoothly and without malice yeah he's just like what's up baby dick that's awesome it's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Whenever you hear stuff like that, you're like, man, I want to come up with stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:10:49 I know. I want to be that creative. Yeah. I want to be that at ease with myself and that creative. Yeah. Call someone baby dick. Aaron, you got a legend of the week? I mean, sure.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I can gush about my wife. Dude. She's a legend. my wife is a legend she's she's by far one of the friendliest nicest uh and sweetest people on the earth and it it really counterbalances me because i'm kind of standoffish and uh introverted um it's socially awkward so So it really helps me to get involved in more group activities and keeps me going out there. And sometimes she's not in the mood to do stuff, and I'll bring the optimism and the enthusiasm for it. So I think we counterbalance super well. Isn't that nice when you can show up for somebody?
Starting point is 01:11:44 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, my girlfriend needed me the other night, and I was there for her. And then the next day, I was like, yeah, I can be there for somebody. Yeah. That's awesome. It feels good. Yeah. I love that, Aaron.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Yeah, you guys are. I'd love to meet your wife. We haven't met her yet. Yeah, she's awesome. Nice. That's awesome, dude. Chad, what is your quote of the week um i um so mine comes from uh armageddon lev andropov uh the russian the guy on the russian
Starting point is 01:12:19 space station uh he's just filling them up with fuel but then things start to get hairy and the whole fueling station is about to blow up and he's like, I'm the only certified astronaut and I'm saving your American ass! Mine is from the film Varsity Blues it's about to be second half of the district championship Yeah. Mine is from the film Varsity Blues. It's about to be second half of the district championship. And Moxon, the backup quarterback who's risen to success and controversy in the place of Paul, Lance.
Starting point is 01:13:00 And they just booted their coach Kilmer who got Lance hurt and who just doesn't care for the players as much as he cares about himself. Here's what Moxon says. Before this game started, Kilmer said 48 minutes for the next 48 years of our lives. I say fuck that. I say fuck that. Let's go out there and we'll play the next 24 minutes for the next 24 minutes. And we'll leave it all out on the field.
Starting point is 01:13:24 We have the rest of our lives to be mediocre, but we have the opportunity to play like gods for the next half of football. But we can't be afraid to lose. There's no room for fear in this game. If we go out there and we half-ass it because we're scared, then all we're left with is an excuse. We're always going to wonder. But if we go out there and give it absolutely everything, that's heroic. Let's be heroes. And then, uh,
Starting point is 01:13:52 shit. What is James Caan's name in it? Oh, um. Scooter? I forget his name. Skeener? Scooter. Scooter and sk forget his name. Skeener? Scooter. Scooter and skis. I wish.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Tweeter. Then Tweeter goes, What do you say, boys? What do you say, boys? And then they all just get freaking hyped, dude. Tweeter. Tweeter, dude. Kind of a real scumbag if you rewatch that movie. Tweeter, dude. Kind of a real scumbag if you rewatch that movie.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Oh, for sure. All right, Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase for getting after it is... Let's heat shock our proteins nice i love that mine is from uh this guy from the the mma show the ultimate fighter he's from season 16 his name's julian Lane. He obviously had some emotional issues and he got really drunk during episode and he wanted to fight someone in the house. And then his best friend in the house,
Starting point is 01:15:11 you know, wanted to help him, try to calm him down. And this is what he said crying to him. The guy who was losing it, Julian. Let me bang, man. What do I do with that, man? Let me bang, man. I do.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Let me bang, man. Let me bang, man. I do. Let me bang, man? I do. I do. I do let you bang. Let me bang you too, man. I let you bang. I let you bang. I let you bang. I let you bang, man.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I let you bang. What? I relate to it so hard, dude. Julian really wants to fight he said let me bang bro let me bang and then his friend is grabbing him he's holding him and he's like pushing him off but it's like the goodwill hunting hug him to hug him he goes I do dude I do because let me bang again bro let me bang again. And his heart's breaking, dude. I love it so much. Let me bang, bro.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I do, dude. I do, dude. I let you bang. I let you bang, bro. Let me bang. There's so much fucking heart between the two of them. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, my quote of the week, or my phrase of the week for getting after it is, let me bang, bro.
Starting point is 01:16:21 That's beautiful. Let me bang. All right. Sweet. Well, we we're gonna be back in here the next two days because we're banking some before the holiday yeah so stokers we'll see you soon and uh if this uh yeah i got the holidays coming up so keep the festivities high and the joy running and stay jolly Thank you. Bye. Outro Music We'll be right back. so Outro Music We'll be right back. Thank you.

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