Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 11 - Rain, Jennifer Aniston, Fitness Plans

Episode Date: March 28, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep into the split between Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, the debilitating effects of rain on your soul, the beef between and Joe Biden, and then answer some fire questions.  ...Check it out and go deep! Check out our patreon at www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stoke nation how you guys feeling today this is chad kroger coming in with my compadre jt what up dude stokers how you living stoke nash um how you doing i'm good dude i'm rock solid i'm just hanging in there in this bad weather yeah torrential downpour yeah i think uh but i looked at the weather report and this is the uh the storm before the sun oh perfect so i think next week is bronzing in full effect yeah i just want the rain to get the fuck out of here yeah never on board with rain people are like oh it's nice for the rains here i'm like no it's not it's like the earth is saying nah i need the weather to cooperate i need the i need the weather to reflect my attitude which is sunny and if it's not i'm in bed with a blanket on pondering my existence i get existential the sun relieves us of the bondage of our human frailty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Superman was really onto something when he was like, no, I get my power from the sun. I'm like, dude, I think I do too. I've always been interested in the boning. I don't know if this has been covered in something else, but him boning Lois. If he was just like, she was like, wow, you were amazing. He's like, yeah, that was like a millionth of my speed.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Superman's so asexual. He like not even into fucking yeah she's like can you fuck me please he's like no it's just like it's steel hard it's it's not good i just thought about the incredible hulk fucking lois and i got half a chub yeah dude that guy is teared up i think if i were to compare any superhero in the sack, you to one, it'd be probably the Hulk. I've never seen you at work, but I think you would match up with the Hulk. Thanks, dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah. Do you stretch before? I do dynamic stretching. That's nice. My policy when it comes to boning is the same that gandhi had towards enlightenment be the change you want in other people nice um first up self-driving cars are like supposed to be the wave of the future you know automation it's supposedly going to take out 13 million jobs for truck drivers and cab drivers and whatnot
Starting point is 00:02:22 the bots they're off to a rough start because in arizona a couple nights ago a self-driving car which had a driver in it but he was just letting the car self-drive at the time to test it out killed somebody yeah i heard about this this bums me out because a lot of people are against the self-driving cars thing but i'm kind of for it a lot i don't know a lot of people are against it and i'm like i don't really get it you know like i get like of course i'd want to still race a car but like in everyday stuff i don't i want to take that burden off and then you could bone on the way home while the car takes you home yes that although i yeah i do like the build-up
Starting point is 00:03:01 but would be fun to just be like on the freeway just plowing. Dude, when I have the ability, I'm for sure getting a spinning bed like Austin Powers. Right. Because I just want to bone doing 360s. That would be dope. Yeah. Dude, what do you think about Jen Aniston and Justin Theroux's divorce? jen aniston and justin thoreau's divorce um you know i'm never one to to rejoice at um a romance being destroyed but i am i've always longed to uh create a flame with jennifer aniston so i think
Starting point is 00:03:37 now's my chance so i'd say it's a combination of stoked and bummed i'm like stumped alternatively i've always dreamed of like hitting the bars with thoreau and so while i'm sad that he's going through this heartbreak i'm pretty psyched at the opportunity to maybe go grab some margs with him yeah and just see what's out there and and also in charlie's angels too like he was beyond jacked so he could give some like fire tips on like how to like really enhance your physical fitness yeah he said he got that just from doing the ab roller and i'm like yeah plus about nine thousand other compound exercises it's so annoying when people are like dude how'd brad pitt get in such good shape how'd like hugh jackman they're like i just did pull-ups yeah and you're like pull-ups and steroids you
Starting point is 00:04:28 fucking liar yeah i think they all do roids yeah they have to dude jake gyllenhaal and prince of persia yeah came in like 235 looking like bill romanowski yeah i was like jake like you're a drama kid what the yeah how happened to your deltoids? And he was supposed to be from Persia. And he's like, oh, I don't know. I just did push-ups. And you're like, you're a fucking liar, Jake. Give me your workout plan now. Yeah, give me your wellness doctor that's shooting you in the butt with tests.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah. Yeah, he got monstrous. And then there's like the- Not Persian. They're like, here's what Ryan Reynolds did for Blade Trinity. They're not Persian. They're like, here's what Ryan Reynolds did for Blade Trinity. He ate six meals a day that were like chicken breast, avocado, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Yeah. Well, also, dude, he got accused of getting ab implants for Blade Trinity. Yeah, that was like the big rumor. Like, I guess muscle and fitness wasn't going to put him in the magazine because they had heard that his abs were artificial. And they're like, we can't. Damn. We can't have you, like you destroy our integrity with your fake abs. I did not hear that. I know he got a chin implant.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Have you noticed that? Yeah, because I've seen before and after photos from Van Wilder to now and there's a discernible difference. Yeah, I think it took away from his comedic abilities. For sure. He's too just like... Studly now? Yeah, too much of like a butt chin did uh
Starting point is 00:05:47 did you hear about uh joe biden and donald trump no i haven't oh dude this is fire you're gonna fucking love this joe biden basically who's 74 years old but virile as fuck was um doing an interview and he's like you know i'm a'm a pretty good athlete. Played sports a long time. And Donald Trump reminds me of one of the fat, ugly SOBs that would be on your football team. They needed to take out behind the gym and beat the crap out of. And he was like, and I'm just the guy to do it. And basically came out and was like, yeah, I'll beat Donald's ass.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And then Trump fired back in typical trump fashion on twitter and was like cry baby joe says he could take me in a fight even though he's like a total pansy and goes down easily the truth is i'd lay him out and he'd go down crying he actually said that yeah not not exactly that but like it's not it's his was actually better than what i said like it was more succinct but yeah he just said straight up i'll fuck him up dude can you imagine him during like they're like on air force one they're like all right the terrorists we're moving on the terrorists he's like hold on i need to send this tweet and he's like joe biden is a full-on bitch all right what are we doing i also move in seals
Starting point is 00:07:02 yeah i feel like i feel like trump's the kind of dude that would just keep coming back. Where you're just like, dude, I thought you were dead. And he's like, fuck you, dude. I'm just coming back. Yeah, he's like, you think I'm done, dawg? Yeah. He's just all bloody and his face is all fucked up. And then he's just like, come at me, Joe.
Starting point is 00:07:19 He's like, you fucking lost, dude. He's like, dude, I beat your ass. He's like, fucking bitch. Yeah, that is true. He keeps beating his ass. dude he's like dude i beat your ass he's like fucking bitch yeah that is true like he's beating his ass he does seem to like decide what the outcome of a situation is regardless of how it actually happens yeah so he would be the one who was like no i won that fight and i was like dude you got knocked out he's like nah i kicked his ass yeah like no matter what happens he's like i
Starting point is 00:07:42 fucking won like puzio who would you pick in a fight, you think, between Biden and Trump? I'd pick Melania. I think, dude, I really think it's a toss-up. Like, I do think Joe's pretty tenacious. But at the same time, Trump is like pretty big. I really don't know who would win. I would want Joe to win. I think Trump would get dirty take out a chair
Starting point is 00:08:06 oh like wwf dirty yeah yeah i mean it's happened before yeah literally yeah so i there's a track record you know i think joe would you know just be like he'd be like like this is this only be a man and he's like all right i'll be a man and he just takes out a chair and hits him across the face with it i'd be really curious i hope they fight that'd be awesome like i'm always like i get kind of like upset sometimes because i'm like with the way politics are right now i'm like man there's like no decency i was like we should at least pretend to be like classy yeah but then when the prospect of biden of biden fighting trump came across my computer screen i was like of Biden fighting Trump came across my computer screen. I was like, please God,
Starting point is 00:08:45 please God, let this happen. I know to the rest of the world, they'd be like, Jesus Christ. I'm like, yeah, but you're watching. You want to watch this shit, don't you? You love it. Yeah, we're all curious. It's like the Pussycat Dolls.
Starting point is 00:08:57 You love their songs. Yeah, exactly. You love their songs. I don't think anyone can deny that we want to see that fight. Do you hear about Owen Wilson? No. He was smoking a cigarette with a hot blonde at a hotel,
Starting point is 00:09:09 and it set off the alarms, and they had to clear out the whole hotel. Fucking beast. Yeah. That's what having flow does. I know a lot of people view that as a negative, but Owen, I just want you to know that that is awesome because you're letting that like people be like why why do we have to evacuate i was smoking a cig with this hot babe and she's like
Starting point is 00:09:29 hey what's up and she's like what up respect to you for living an enviable life all these secret smokers too i mean i don't know if it's a secret but like i find it interesting that people still smoke yeah me too i've never i've never i tried to get into it like i dipped once in high school but i yacked everywhere i was like a freshman and that's just like in my mind i was like all right i'm i'm just i'm not down i only ever smoked yeah with like upperclassmen or like bosses yeah like if i had like a cool boss who wanted to get in with you like i'm gonna go smoke a cig i was like i'll join you and then i would cough during it and they were just laughing i made it very clear i was just doing it to uh engender some intimacy yeah yeah all right dude who's your uh who's your legend of the week
Starting point is 00:10:16 my legend of the week uh so since we're in spring break time i thought shout out uh it's actually a crew because this was like probably one of the most epic spring breaks of my life so my legend of the week is the top gun cabo crew where i went to school um all the houses were named different things you know like um my house was called cream pie yeah so this house was called top gun but i was boys with the Top Gun crew and they're like my boy Mikey he's like dude you're coming with me to my place in Cabo for spring break I'm like fuck yeah dude so we went and it was like it was like Miller, Alex, Mikey, Scott, and a bunch of chicks three palms girls Stephaniehanie katie janelle i forget the rest
Starting point is 00:11:08 but anyways so we're we have mikey's in cabo in san juan del cabo or san jose del cabo i forget we're all staying there and it was just like four raucous days of just if that's the right word like the bonding that went on was like truly epic and i think uh i'd just like to point out one of the most um tremendous times of that trip the end of the third day so the night before we went out and i drank a whole pitcher of amf adios motherfucker it's like a mexican delicacy it's just like a bunch of um booze and blue stuff drank that and then like the next day like there's so much sugar that was so hung over i like could not move and i looked over and i was like sharing a room with alex
Starting point is 00:11:56 i look over and he's on the other side and he's just i look at him and like her his face was just like there's so much hurt going on in his body. He like couldn't, he just couldn't even move his mouth. He was just shaking his head. And I was like, I can't move. And he's like, I can't either. And we stood, we laid there for like five hours. Everyone started raging and they're like, can you guys move?
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'm like, I can't move. Leave me alone. And I'd like throw up. But it like, I couldn't even throw up. It was like, I was crippled. And eventually Alex, he regained his composure and he went out and partied and he's like, dude, you can do it. Like you can do it. And I knew this is one of the most defining moments of my life. I'm like, am I going to be a boner who doesn't finish this Cabo trip strong? Or am I going to be a dude who comes back from the most vicious hangover of all time
Starting point is 00:12:47 to win a grand slam in raging on spring break and complete this bronze? So I'm laying there. Miller comes in, and I think the rest of the dudes were calling me a bitch pretty much. They're like, dude, you can't hang. And I'm like, I'm trying, dude. So Miller came in, and he's like, dude, I feel for you. Let's get you a chocolate cone. And I'm like, I'm trying, dude. So Miller came in. He's like, dude, I feel for you. Let's get you a chocolate con vodka. I'm like, what's that?
Starting point is 00:13:09 He's like, it's chocolate with vodka milkshake. He got me the chocolate con vodka. And I like looked at it for like an hour. And then I chugged it. And like all the hangover washed away. And I completed the trip strong. Yeah, it's just a true tale of perseverance, and just, like, you know, finding, I think, I just have so much gratitude towards Miller for the amount of empathy he had, because he could, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:40 as, instead of seeing me as a dude who couldn't hang, he saw that I was just a wounded soldier, and he put that morphine in me to bring me back to life and to kill the fucking germans you know what i mean and then you know there's just so much dancing going on and it just was a true life changer so thank you so much top gun cabo crew for being legends and just like creating the most epic trip of all time that's incredible my legend of the week is a good friend of ours joe maurice joe joe's my favorite yeah joe i feel like joe is everybody's favorite he's just a a super solid funny guy he's like big brother to us all he appears frequently in our instagram stories he does a food review instagram
Starting point is 00:14:26 series called joe eats i recommend that everybody check it out he's a great guy to hang with as strider likes to say he forces nothing like everything that comes out of his mouth is as much energy and words as necessary to get his point across like he's never verbose he just says exactly what needs to be said like last night he was like he was like hey have you guys been at taco bell he's from chicago he's like taco bell hard tacos pretty good that's all he said and i was like yeah he's absolutely right yeah and then um you know he could be the legend of the week every week, but this week is special because one of our best buddies, Kevin, lost his dad to sudden illness. He passed away and our heart goes out to Kevin. Love you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:15:15 In the face of that, you know, you learn a lot about people. And Joe stepped up admirably and quietly. He called me to let me know about kevin's dad and told me that i should reach out to kevin and he told me he was going to tell other people as well and he said yeah because that's what i'm supposed to do i'm one of his best friends and i was like damn you know he he stepped up in a moment of need for his friend, took care of a lot of the steps that need to be taken care of after something like that happens. He's driving Kevin's girlfriend to the airport on Friday,
Starting point is 00:15:52 you know, been instrumental in letting people in our town know about what happened and how they should handle it. And he does it all with zero expectation of notice. He just does it because that's how he was raised and that's what he thinks is the right thing to do. So yeah, Joe, you're a legend. I look up to you, dog, and appreciate having you in my life.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And beyond that, Kevin, we love you, buddy, and sorry again for your loss. Yeah, much love to Kevin. And just hearing you talk about Joe like that made me want to be a better person. You know what I mean? I think that is one of the reasons I love to hang out with Joe so much is you can tell when you're with him that he has a code. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 You know? There's some people when you're around them, I think my brother's a lot like this, you're like, oh, my brother's a lot like this you're like oh this person has like a code of ethics that they've kind of come to instinctively but that they're unshakable in as well yeah yeah for sure who's your uh babe of the week my babe of the week is uh jesse andrews who's like a full-on renaissance woman she's at the ripe age of like 26 or something 25 i think she's younger than that if we're thinking about the same jesse andrews we are the one that manuel ferrara pounded in that porn video i like so much yes she's uh yeah she's 26 she's 26 and um she's like a true renaissance woman because she started out in
Starting point is 00:17:26 the porn industry much respect to that and yeah um you know i like jt's i don't watch porn anymore we both don't but when i did i was just always in awe of her passion she gave so much more passion than like most actresses i've seen so um just really stoked on her for that just like you could tell that she works hard um and then she as she became a dj and i listened to any of her songs but the fact that she can spin the wax that just like knows that it makes you know that she's a party starter and i think as of late she's been she started this clothing company i don't know how you pronounce it baga tiba or something but um it's i think it's mostly women's stuff they make like fire bikinis and like jewelry or whatever and just like she models them and looks super hot she's just such a mega babe and just like
Starting point is 00:18:21 she's really grown into like a mature woman and just like I'm so in awe of her business savvy. So and just beyond that, she's just like such a babe. Like, Jesse, if you're listening or if you ever come across this, like I'd love to, you know, go play laser tag with you or go get some pokey because I just think you're the biggest babe of all time. And I just want to honor you for being a true Renaissance woman. You'll probably, next from here, you'll probably create an app or something, just something killer. Who's your babe?
Starting point is 00:18:59 My babe of the week is Jen from Future Focused. Future Focused was a tutoring center where I grew up, as you know. I got thrown out of high school and I had to go to another high school that my dad was on the board of because I couldn't get into any of the other private schools in Orange County. And my parents brought me to Future Focus because they statistically raised your GPA on average by like 32%. That didn't end up happening with me. They actually removed me from the math on that because they thought I was going to bring it down. And their reasoning was that I didn't actually do what they told me to do. But the thing about Jen was, is, um, but she was one of those people who could see through my bullshit right away. Like, I remember I got on roids and I
Starting point is 00:19:53 came into their office and I was working with another tutor there and I just stopped in to say hello to her. And she was like, JT, you're on steroids. And I was like, what? Jen, no, I'm not. She's like, I can tell you're like on steroids. Like your arms look huge. Your face is like a little bit puffier. I know you've been thinking about doing steroids. I don't even think I ever confessed to her that I was thinking about it. She just knew that I had like a desire to be jacked.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And I was like, and I couldn't lie to her. She just saw right through me right away. She's like, you're on steroids. You need to stop. And I was like, damn. And then like, sometimes I'd just be having issues and i wouldn't even have to come clean about him she would just already know she was so intuitive and i was so angsty so i needed someone who could cut through my bs and just tell me what i was
Starting point is 00:20:37 feeling and um on top of it she was beautiful she was always just a very very pretty lady surfer She was always just a very, very pretty lady, surfer, tall, and just generous spirit. And then years later, when I finally got my act together, I asked her for a college advisor to help me do my applications. And she came through in the clutch and gave me a super solid lady who helped me with all my applications and stuff. And I ended up getting into college. And Jen was just a total legend. I think she's still running future focused in orange County, helping kids improve their GPA
Starting point is 00:21:09 and getting kids into college. And, uh, and then helping the really wayward kids understand their feelings and why they're behaving the way they are. And on top of that, she always let me DJ future focused. I'd come in with fire mixes that had just like touches from the old school, contemporary top 40, and then just some personal faves and she'd let me spin it non-stop and kind of set the tempo. But thanks for all that Jen. And to Annie at Future
Starting point is 00:21:36 Focused who was also a babe and also super focused on helping kids. She wasn't my primary tutor the way Jen was but she helped me a lot and they were a dynamite duo so mass respect to you guys for uh helping us who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is with fruit of the loom so i went to target recently because i had to get new underwear i i really like boxer briefs you know where they like go down go down probably three-fourths of your thigh.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Just kind of looser, not too snug, and just cool. And I looked at the package, and honestly, it looked like, from what I saw, it looked like those were the kinds that I was buying. So I bought like 30 of those. I go home to put some on and I put it on and it's like the same underwear that like a European gigolo would wear, you know, like super snug, super tight, totally uncomfortable around my ball sack region. And then just like, you know, just like goes up my ass and I'm just like, maybe he's put like European gigolo on there.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So I don't buy European gigolo fucking underwear. Because like I'm wearing them right now and I feel super uncomfortable. Like if any of my boys see me, I'm going to look like a, you know, I'm just going to look like a complete D-bag. And that's my beef. My beef of the week is Father Pat. He was the Catholic priest at my junior high uh father pat was a charming uh raconteur from ireland with uh a cheeky accent he'd be like oh hey students how's it going today it's good to see the class oh in your seat in your seat jt
Starting point is 00:23:23 sit down with your back up and he'd give me a lot of advice on how to be a man and he had funny eyebrows and funny hair and um and the parents loved him but he was a uh a hard dude like um when i was in seventh grade i was being loud in class and he challenged me to an arm wrestling match and i agreed. And when we grabbed hands, he shot up his fist and jabbed me under the jaw. Oh damn. And I was like, dude, you just fucking hit me like in front of the whole class. And the class was like, well, if he hits you, he's probably right. Cause he's a priest and God's behind him. And I was, I thought the same thing, but I was like, and then he was like, what? And he, he, he popped me on the shoulder with an open hand,
Starting point is 00:24:01 like shove me. He's like, what are you going to do about it? And then I was like, what? And then he went to grab me again. So I started scrapping with him, but I was a little kid. So we started wrestling and he took me down to the ground and landed on top of me and kind of just bought me open handed in the head a few times. And then he got off me and he felt better about the whole sitch. Um, he'd really put me in my place. And I just went back to my seat and my boys were like, dude, everyone's just like, dude, father Pat just beat the shit out of you. And I'm like, yeah, everyone's just like, dude, father Pat just beat the shit out of you. And I'm like, yeah, it's pretty crazy. And like, they thought he was a bad fighter because he was a priest, but he was a full
Starting point is 00:24:31 sized man. So, and I think he used to ride a bike to work, so he was in good shape. So I wasn't that ashamed of losing to him in a fight. And he wasn't that ashamed of beating up a seventh grader. And it didn't really hurt our relationship. I felt closer to him because of it. Cause we had scrapped. And I'd like to tell you guys, once again, that we were brought to you by our sponsor, Douglas lubricant, the best in the business for smooth boning.
Starting point is 00:24:56 They have several fragrances, strawberry, original anal, all available online. you guys got to check them out they really do the best stuff chad uses it constantly and i hear great things from him yeah you know um douglas lubricant you know i think you know if you want to be a generic dude that doesn't think outside the box go with ky but if you want to be a guy who actually thinks things out and when people see the way you do things, they'll be like, wow, he's kind of like a unique guy, go with Douglas because that just shows that you're thinking outside the lube box.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And then we're also sponsored by Helix Beer Bongs. Remember to value your valve. And it's a great product that will make you a hit at every party you go to. Yeah. Helix Beer Bongs. Thank you so much for just, you know, I really want to meet your engineers because I've never felt such flow in a beer bong and you guys just really know how to make it just charge right into my belly. So thank you. Abusive power. All right, let's get into the questions. First up, we've got Blake. I recently started dating this badass girl that I'm super into and happy with so far. She has a douche nozzle of an ex-boyfriend sending her foul and demeaning messages
Starting point is 00:26:21 that are bumming her out, which are also draining my stoke tank. It's like I can feel his presence lingering and disrupting our progress with our relationship. What should I do to help her get past this dude who keeps bringing back negative feelings and memories? Huge fan, by the way. This podcast is a big part of what gets me amped to be productive and share my stoke with others. Thanks, guys. Yeah, I think, dude, you got to assert your dominance as like the new bf be like look dude i don't appreciate the way you're treating this girl because i love her now and so back up dude you know stop sending messages get a life go bake an apple pie i would say the best revenge is to live happily. I would take her out constantly.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I would show her fun times and experiences that she's never had before. And I would post them on social media. So this guy will see that his negativity is being responded to with total ignorance. Like you guys aren't even catching what he's throwing at you because you're too busy celebrating each other that's super smart show you good disneyland and show you both like enjoying a churro on the roller coaster if i were that dude i would be so hurt by that right that would just be like all right right, you win. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:45 What would devastate you more than seeing like a super cute photo of them in sync with each other on a fast ride? Oh, dude. You'd be like this piece of shit motherfucker. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to take her to Disneyland. Yeah. But I was too angry to ever have fun with her.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah. And now this piece of shit is comfortable enough with himself to really show her a good time nice what up chad what up jt i've seemed to reach an impasse in my life just before i graduate college i'm studying marketing and have zero passion for it anymore i do social media marketing for a non-profit as an intern basically i sit behind a small desk and go on facebook after a pretty gnarly ski trip to al for spring break and a lot of Bud Diesel, I discovered a deep passion for the sweet outdoors. I'm left with the thought of taking a year off to explore Mother Nature.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Do I go Alexander Super Tramp for a hot minute or stick out the internship? P.S. I got my squad to follow this podcast. I'm seeing some real improvement in Stoke. Keep raging. Daryl from North Dakota. I think one of the most important things to do in your at your young adult life is to find yourself so you go on the right path you know you don't want to just like feel like forced by society to like wear a suit or you know
Starting point is 00:28:57 do spreadsheets or like watch west wing you want to find out who you are and just be like, you know what? That's what other people do. But I like to watch Entourage. So if you can afford it and you think it's the right move, I'd say totally do it. Yeah, I think sometimes you got to get lost to find yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Like another quote I like, not all who wander are lost. Just make sure a year doesn't turn into 30. My name is Joe and here's my situation. So last summer, the boys and I were at Myrtle beach, getting our bronze on and enjoying some cold beers. Our friend's dad drank with us the whole time and passed out in his son's bed
Starting point is 00:29:38 that night. I went full stoke on my case of beer and blacked out. Apparently during the blackout, I got out of bed, walked past the bathroom and into my friend's bed and pissed all over my friend's dad and the bed and went back to sleep. My friend's father is not super happy about it, but I have no memory of it. What should be done to reconcile this wizard incident? Warmest regards.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So in the documentary Cave of Forgotten Dreams, where it's kind of chronicling the first known artwork for the human species, there's a guy who just is looking at the wall paintings. And then he's like native to the lands and he just picks up a brush and starts painting. And one of the interviewers goes, why are you painting that? He goes, I'm not painting that. The spirit of art is painting that and using me as a vessel. And I think Picasso animated your body and painted his finest work on that dad's body that night. Yeah. That dad. And plus, it's sterile.
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's not like you hurt him. You just made him wet. Joey, compadre. So four buddies and I are all crushing hard on this chick. We all take turns talking about basically being with her and getting ours. Nut. But will this competition lead to a bro breakup?
Starting point is 00:30:53 We're all pretty hot dudes, but this is kind of getting to be out of hand when everyone is trying to embarrass and expose each other when she's at the crib with her friend. Do I bounce or go aggro and establish dominance? Love the pod. People like loyalty. They don't like backstabbing, I got to get mine, selfishness.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Yeah, like if the other dude's fighting it out, just like, oh, look how much he sucks. Look how much he sucks. But you're doing pull-ups the whole time. She's going to be like, okay, guys, I'm going to go with him because he's strong and not involved in petty bullshit my name is alex and i've recently moved to atlanta for a job and started dating new people starting that new city trend since living leaving college i've been on a few dates with different women but the most recent girl i met worked at whole foods and gave off that cute stoner chick vibe that vibe is very cute which i
Starting point is 00:31:42 thought was super cool and interesting when we first out, she met my friends and we hit it off well that night, which got me pretty stoked. She asked to leave and go get cookout. And after we hooked up in her car and banged outside my apartment complex where my friends were raging upstairs for St. Paddy's Day. Before we went further than making out, I asked her, why is a girl like you single? Pretty simple question. I don't think it's that simple of a question. And she shrugged and said, I don't think it's that simple of a question and she shrugged and said i don't know i believe that was it the next day she asked to hang out still
Starting point is 00:32:09 intrigued and my mind blown from the sexual chemistry i was down to meet up again this time we went around downtown checking out the art museum and exploring the streets eventually i asked how is she living in this in the city without her parents support because she mentioned mentioned once being temporary homeless in her car that's when she dropped that she had a three-year-old daughter unplanned in high school. She's almost 21, and I'm not trying to lead her on past these first two times we met up. She may be gorgeous and have a great personality, but I don't know how to shake this one. I'm not trying to be a sugar daddy because I'm covering my bills and trying to enjoy my early 20s to the fullest. Thinking this girl was pretty cool before finding out she has a mom killed my stoke she definitely likes me and i don't know the next step
Starting point is 00:32:49 how do i break this off without being a total dick do you have any personal experience or know anybody that's basically got with an early 20s milf without knowing it alex try not to judge her too much and i think that's good advice for all people dating is just try not to judge her too much and i think that's good advice for all people dating is just try not to judge the people you're with yeah this could be an opportunity to you know for an amazing uh relationship and you're just hung up on this one thing right off the bat but just give it time to sink in and maybe it could be something that you never even thought possible yeah tim what's popping bros first off i just want to thank thank Chad for inspiring me to keep growing out my flow. It started off pretty whack, but now it's pretty killer. Also, JT's analogies keep my stoke at a healthy level, so thank you, bros, for that.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I do have a tough internal conflict, though. I've been dating this chick for almost a year now. She's super chill, and we have a great time together. But I'm about to be a senior in college, and I'm worried that maybe I'm tying myself down too early. My big issue is that her pops is a total tool and is a major drain of stoke. He's not necessarily mean. He's just condescending and narcissistic and needs to be top dog at everything and makes everything into a pissing contest. Any advice on how to deal with this dude? I'm super respectful and have all or most of my ducks in a row. I don't understand his beef. I
Starting point is 00:34:01 just don't know how I feel about this dude being the potential grandfather to my future children. Help a bro out. Do I stick with this chick or do I cast don't know how I feel about this dude being the potential grandfather to my future children. Help a bro out. Do I stick with this chick or do I cast my reel back into the water and see what else I can catch? Help a bro out. This is sort of my technique with like anyone who's continually trying to flex on me. I sort of just laugh it off because it just sort of makes them like, you know, they're just like, they're like you know they're just like
Starting point is 00:34:25 they're like yeah come on like eat this fucking habanero pepper and you're like haha like whatever dude and then they just eventually start to look like a fucking clown so i would just um i wouldn't i this seems like the kind of guy if you like push back he's gonna push harder so just don't play this game So just don't play his game. Yeah, just don't play his game. Just be like, you know, I'm eating chips and dip. Like, go butt chug elsewhere. I had a similar situation with a girlfriend where her dad was like a big alpha.
Starting point is 00:34:57 My dad told me something valuable about it. He's like, yeah, but her dad doesn't like me. And my dad just said, JT, nobody's dad's going to fucking like you. And my brother was in the car and he's like, dad, and i was like no i love it because then my dad just gave me permission in that moment to totally disconnect from what any of these people were thinking yeah like if you're on your own boss path and you know what you're doing is right then who gives a fuck about what these assholes have in their head yeah Yeah. They're focusing on you, and you're focusing on something bigger, so they can lick my butt.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, good call. Harry. What up, Stoke Council? Love the pod, Insta. Big fan. Pray you manage to maintain your stoke and bronze through these turbulent times. It is raining. Backstory.
Starting point is 00:35:38 My boys and I are from the UK, and I go to uni in the Czech Republic. A few months ago, my closest female uni friend, Fanny, got super stressed out due to all our exams. I recognized the signs early, so I called my best bro back in the UK and around for him to fly out and dick her down. She later found out that I had organized the whole play and thanked me for showing support. Then she said she was reasonably satisfied with my boy's efforts.
Starting point is 00:36:00 This kind of lowered my stoke as I believe in his capabilities and thought he would have done a better job. This is all relevant because recently Fanny showed me a pic of her sister and dropped the intent that she will be in town for a few weeks. Her sister is the definition of fire. The typical image of a smoking hot Swedish chick. Blonde, blue, and bronze. I'm nuts out stoked and truly elated at the thought of raging and then hooking up with her sister. Sister slaying is normally very taboo among close friends. I'd love to get a call from a bro.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He's like, look, my friend, she's feeling blue. I need you to sling your dong. But just talk to her before. Just be like look i'm gonna try and um i'm gonna try and pork your sister just let her know uh all right guys that is it for the 11th episode of the going deep with chad and jt podcast thank you guys so much for listening, for writing in, for just being amazing fucking dudes and chicks. Just an amazing squad. Keep writing in questions.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I'm sorry if we don't get your tears. We're trying to get to all of them, so just know that. And then submit the questions to our website. I think make sure when you submit the questions, go to the podcast tab because that is where the podcast email is. Sometimes the questions get sent to the other email and I don't see them. So, yeah, and the email is ChadGoesDeepPodcast at gmail.com. So submit your questions through that email.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And then, yeah, check out our patreon um patreon.com slash chad goes deep we have bonus content in there we have a whole new episode and we you know we put in more videos and all that kind of stuff so check that out thank you guys much love jt you want to say anything 11 weeks flew by i'm having a time of my life chatting with you guys yeah this has been amazing thank you guys. Yeah, this has been amazing. Thank you guys so much. Thank you.

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