Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 121 - Brad and Cameron Fuller Join

Episode Date: March 18, 2020

What up Stokers! Super movie producer and friend, Brad Fuller, joins us again along with his son, actor and producer, Cameron Fuller. We recorded this a few weeks ago before Coronavirus took over the ...world. Hope you enjoy it! Stay stoked no matter what. Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh Mama, what's up stokers of stoke nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the going deep with Chad and JT podcast guys before we begin I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because, guys, when you go to a neighborhood and you see a row of lawns,
Starting point is 00:00:39 the most well-done lawn makes you think what? That that person's got their shit together. Yeah, that guy trims his pubes yeah yeah exactly that guy's got the lawnmower 3.0 with manscape.com that guy uses go deep 20 to get 20 off his order and that's why his lawn is looking fresh so guys hit up manscape.com go deep 20 um brad have you manscaped lately yeah you know i just got the um lawnmower 3.0 oh wow and i like the lawnmower 3.0 i think that yeah i think it's a it's a it's an improvement it's an improvement yeah for sure it's a lot better than the two not i mean the two is great yeah
Starting point is 00:01:17 you know technologically this is a step forward for sure yeah i don't want to make the two owners out there feel like they got an insufficient product you got a great product but those 3.0 yeah that's a whole different ballgame i love it yeah manscape is like the apple of donkers i mean they just sleek design yeah tesla i thought you meant the food apple at first well that too i was on board an apple a day keeps the doctor away so trim it up fellas um here's my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we have our returning guest brad fuller hey guys producer brad welcome back happy to be here guys how's the producing been in the in the time between interviews um pretty good actually we've been busy we've stayed busy and uh we made a couple things and hopefully having some great
Starting point is 00:02:02 things we have we have a movie coming out in two weeks. A Quiet Place 2. So that's good. I'm very happy with the movie. Nice. That's awesome. I think it's actually better than the first one. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And you don't go into something thinking that's going to happen. But I think when we first started talking about making this movie, I don't think we had any idea that the concept could grow and grow and grow. But John Krasinski, he's a very bright guy, and he has figured out a way to make it bigger and better. And I think the second one really accomplished some great things that we couldn't do in the first one. That's awesome. How did he like just directing versus doing double duty acting?
Starting point is 00:02:45 I mean, he's in this one too, but it's, oh, am I giving this to him? No, no, you're not. No, no, no. That was in the Super Bowl ad. That was a big, our big reveal was that John is in the movie for a bit there. Listen, I think that it's hard to wear a lot of hats. I mean, that's definitely a challenging thing. But I think he likes doing it all.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You know, John's kind of an immersive guy and um he i mean he's a great director he's a great actor we just want to keep doing stuff with him because you know when you have someone like that who's leading the charge down the field and he he's just a great leader on top of it so whatever he's doing we're just happy to be a part of actually that's awesome when when you like see like did you know like like john krasinski or bradley cooper or ben affleck like did you know them have you did you know those guys like before they uh ascended to like a-list star status i did really so when you knew them when they were like before then well let's
Starting point is 00:03:43 be specific yeah let's go through it. So you said Ben Affleck, right? Yeah. So for 20 years, I was partnered with Michael Bay. So Ben, I was on set for Armageddon, and I was on set for Pearl Harbor. I wasn't there every day. So Ben Affleck has no idea who I am, but there were meals where I would be sitting with Michael, and Ben was there, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Bradley Cooper, I had dinner with a couple times because he knew someone who I knew and we all went out to dinner a couple times. Like when? This was around the time. The only way that I know it is that this was around the time of the movie The Green Lantern. Because as I recall, i think that he was almost the lantern i think he i think he was i don't know exactly what happened but something another actor was also up for it and i knew the other actor and so i ended up spending a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:37 of time with bradley at that point too was it ryan reynolds it was how did you know that because he was the lantern oh he was the lantern and now he now he's Deadpool and Ben Affleck's two superheroes. These guys have done two superheroes. It's crazy. It's crazy. Do you think Bradley's going to sign on to be a superhero? You know, I don't think so. And I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I think that that movie that he directed was so insanely good and so well received that I think probably, I mean, for a little while, I think he's probably going to find projects that he's really passionate about. I don't know. I haven't talked to him in years, but I'm sure he'll find stuff that he's passionate about. I'm sure everyone is sending him great material and he'll be directing. And then if he finds something where he likes the role, he'll jump in. But my sense of it is that he'll probably direct.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He's doing a Leonard Bernstein bio one. Right. Right. Which is not a superhero it's a different type of superhero actually right you know and there's not much i know about him i used to live in his same neighborhood in brooklyn oh really i know he was there yeah yeah long before i was there and i know he's a music guy yes good composer he's a pretty good composer that's what's uh yeah yeah good but so i mean that's like a passion project of his. But did you know, like, with any of those guys,
Starting point is 00:05:46 when you met them before they made all this crazy stuff and became directors too, could you see that in them? I'd like to say yes, but I don't know that that's true. I think, you know, Bradley was super charming on Alias, right? He was on Alias, and kind of you knew he was that. And then he did a movie called Midnight Meat Train. Did you see that movie? No.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It was a pretty good movie that he did. And then there was, I think when I saw him, when I thought that something was pretty great, he was pretty great in Wedding Crashers. So good. One of my favorite characters. I mean, just so good. Zach Lodge.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Right. And a character like that that is not the lead guy or but that everyone kind of responds to that makes your career go in a totally different direction and so yeah that's what that happened with him you know with ben you know that i mean it's felt to me like right off the bat ben was a big star i mean literally out of nowhere and you know he did a couple of those movies for kevin smith and then boom bay was calling him to do armageddon i mean it kind of felt like it happened very quickly for him right it seems like he kind of had some heat as like a young teen as well right from all the stories i hear about him and like matt damon it's like they always knew ben affleck
Starting point is 00:06:59 was the guy and matt damon sort of like looked up to him that i don't know oh really from what i from like interviews and stuff I've heard. He was doing commercials and stuff, and Matt Damon's like, you know, he was sort of chasing him a little bit. But isn't it crazy that those two guys' best friends growing up together and how big they both became an industry on their own?
Starting point is 00:07:18 And then Casey's a beast, too. I know. It's kind of crazy. I don't know what was in the water there, but something was. And I heard Matt Damon on Bill Simmons' podcast, he said Cole Hauser, who was their buddy, when they did Good Will Hunting, he asked for less lines in the movie because he said my character wouldn't want to talk this much.
Starting point is 00:07:35 That's unusual. I'm like, dude. Just randomly on Stern this past week, they showed the Matthew McConaughey interview. Oh. Did you see that? Is it the one with the bongo drum? Yes. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Cole Hauser was there in the house. Oh, he was Cole Hauser. He said, my buddy Cole. And I got to believe Cole Hauser is an Austin, Texas guy. So I got to. Cole Hauser's been around a lot of these people. So he was their nude bongo drum man? I think he was.
Starting point is 00:08:00 I put that together. Did you put that together? Fuck, man. I did not put that together. But that fired me up. I'd give anything to be there. I mean, if I could bongo drum with anyone, it'd be the villain from Too Fast, Too Furious. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:09 If I could get into a time travel machine and go to one place, it'd be that night. So I could drop Trow and play the bongos with those guys. Well, people are fired up about it, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. I remember he seems to, I mean, he has the same personality, but just like a totally, it's a little bit distinct from how he is now. I don't know. I mean, in that time.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Oh, yeah. No, he looks like he's smoking more weed back then. Yeah. Which is kind of cool for him. Yeah, it kind of works. All right. I just wrote down some questions. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah, whatever you want alright how do you how do you know if an actor or director is going to improve I've been asked a lot of questions
Starting point is 00:08:55 no one has ever asked me that really that's a crazy question how do you know if they're going to improve well here's the thing every project you go to
Starting point is 00:09:03 you hope that they're going to improve you hope that you start in thing. Every project you go to, you hope that they're going to improve. You hope that you start in one place and it gets, by the end, it's a different thing. I'd say with Krasinski, we knew he was going to be incredible just because he was so dynamic. But there are other people where the inverse happens, where you meet them and you think that they're going to be a star and they wither on set or they don't bring it or they're not prepared and there's no way to really kind of gauge that other than you know call through you put them through it and and and i i think i've seen everything happen you know good and bad do you think that because i feel like i've seen that in stand-up as well and do you think that's often that they sort of get so much attention early on that it doesn't create enough drive for them
Starting point is 00:09:47 to want to really deliver they've sort of figured they already have it in the bag a hundred percent yeah I think that um it doesn't matter if you're an actor or singer or stand-up with success brings the ability to not deal with daily problems. And I think that when you lose that, when you lose those things every day, like having to get your laundry or the daily things, and you get so focused on yourself and everything, I think that it doesn't always bring out the best in people. Right. But can anyone stay grounded with massive success? I'm sure the answer is yes, but I would say it's the exception to the rule.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. I would say it's the exception to the rule. And by the way, it's by no fault of any of these people. It's just that Hollywood is a system where when you have success, everyone says yes to you. Yeah. And any world, if you're raising a child and you just say yes to your kid for the first 18 years of their life, they're not going to turn out that well either.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I mean, you know, conflict and opposition and working through problems, that's what makes us what we are, right? So if you eliminate that from someone's life, that's a very unnatural state. And what I have seen happen, and it's not a consistent thing, but some version of the story is that when those daily things are taken away from people, they start to create their own problems. Because as human beings, I think we need always to be fighting something and surmounting problems um and when you're creating your own problems those problems are you know the car didn't show up at the right time and i'm not going to get in it or um the director looked at me the wrong way so i'm not coming out of my trailer
Starting point is 00:11:41 it's not real problems it's stuff like that. That's got to be pretty amazing to own that moment and be like, I am going to cause a huge shit storm out of this. Chad, you said early in their career, right? There are plenty of people who have not had success until they're in the middle of their life or the later parts of their life. And those people seem just so grateful to have anyone talking to them. Do you know what I'm saying? And those are the people that you would,
Starting point is 00:12:06 that when people talk about them, they'll say, that guy's a pro. Right. Because they've been to the mountain. The mountain's not straight up. They've been down and they appreciate it more. That's the coolest thing to be a pro. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:19 What do you think the cutoff is? Age-wise? Yeah, you think after 27? Yes. If you're successful at 26 or below you're screwed for sure but after 27 you've been struggling long enough have you established sort of a um i guess sort of throughout your experience with you know movies and stuff have you established sort of a a base knowledge or, I guess, are you able to typically accurately predict when a movie is going to be a success at this point? Never. Or is it still just kind of?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Never. Never, never, never. You have no idea. Now, there are, and I don't want to get too in the weeds in this because I just think it's super boring. But every Monday and Thursday, we'll get numbers, and the numbers will indicate where people are polling that a movie is going to end up. And so you'll see, like today, there was an article about Mulan. It said Mulan is tracking to do $80 to $90 million. That's based on tracking.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And so a lot of people in my business, you're waiting for those numbers to come in. You know, they start coming three weeks before the movie opens. And so that's what you're holding on to. But there have been plenty of times when a movie was tracking great and it didn't open. And there have been other times where a movie really wasn't tracking that well. The purge was not tracking that well. And it just exploded, right? And it jailbinded it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Exactly. I'm going to use that. And I think part of that, part of what you're talking about, Chad, is that you'll go see a movie. If you like, you'll tweet it out. And that didn't exist 10 years ago, right? Right. So the word of mouth can really impact the box office in a way
Starting point is 00:13:59 where it couldn't before because you can't call 1,000 people and tell them to go see a movie, but you can tweet out that. Yeah. In your guy's case, I'm sure it's many many hundreds of thousands or millions of people i don't know is it hard with like the coronavirus are you like worried about that impacting the business um i think of nothing else really yeah it's devastating it truly is devastating and um you know it's and the thing like people i've gotten phone calls and they say well maybe you should move the movie right and and you can't there is a time when you can move the movie like this i i don't want this again to get too in the weeds but i don't know if you know
Starting point is 00:14:37 that the bond movie moved yeah to thanksgiving yeah so um and i think people just assume, okay, well, that's just a simple thing. You change the date on the poster and you change the date on the ads. But the fact is, in the article that I read, they lost $30 million doing that because you commit to buying ads. And when you just jettison those ads, you've got to commit to buying more ads and so it's not easy to just not release a movie or punt a movie or because there's other movies i mean every weekend there are four or five movies coming out so you can't just say bond can but a movie like you know a quiet place which we've never discussed moving the movie because, you know, I think that it's part of what we were talking about, JT, is that, yes, here in California and in New York, it's horrible.
Starting point is 00:15:34 But there are a lot of states where there aren't any cases of it. And are people going to go to the movie theaters in those states? And, you know, I mean, would you go to the movie theaters right now? Yeah, I'm going to go on Sunday. Yeah, I'm going to see the new Ben Affleck movie the way back. I'm pumped for it. Yeah. I think,
Starting point is 00:15:48 you know, but I'm nervous. I am like, but now that we talk about it, I'm like, I don't know, should I, but that's,
Starting point is 00:15:53 that's about how far my fears go. I just canceled the trip. I was supposed to go see my dad this weekend, but where's your dad? He's in Northern California. Right. I think you made the right call though. I mean,
Starting point is 00:16:02 cause I think airports is like, I felt bad, but yeah, I, uh, I was like, I can't risk it. Right. I think you made the right call though. I mean, because I think airports is like. I felt bad, but yeah, I was like, I can't risk it. Right. Because the hospital that he works at
Starting point is 00:16:11 has a case. But I also asked my dad, I'm like, should we worry about this? And he's such a doctor, he's either like, you're either dying or you're fine.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And he's like, what the hell are you talking about? What does that mean? He's not worried about the virus at all i'm getting on a plane tomorrow morning to go to new york oh you are yeah nervous at all or no no i'm not nervous about getting on a plane to go to new york i'm not watch are you gonna wear a mask
Starting point is 00:16:34 i'm not gonna wear a mask right on because i because i've done that reading and it doesn't they say that perhaps the mask doesn't really make a big difference. You know, so, I mean, I'm certainly washing my hands a lot more and using disinfectant. And, you know, and I'm hopeful that, you know, that whatever this is. This is unprecedented. I said to my kids since 9-11, there's not been an event that has consumed our nation the way that this has. Is it also how we communicate?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Like, this is kind of like the first virus that we've had when there's so much social media connectivity and stuff like that. I think I stole that point from Bill Simmons. No, but I think you're right. And here's the thing. If you go on, now, I don't get my news from Facebook, but if you go on, I do look on Facebook. There's articles that run the entire gamut.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Any position that you want to support that this virus is going to kill us all and it's the end of mankind is to what your dad said. I mean, if you're healthy and you're not over 80 years old, you're probably going to be fine. But you can find anything you want on Facebook, on your feed, or on Twitter, on the feed. And where do you dip your toe? And what is, I mean, for the first time in my life, I'm really asking the question is, what is the real news? Like, what is the real story?
Starting point is 00:17:57 I'm not sure what it is. I don't know either. It feels so alarmist. It does feel alarmist. And yet, I mean, it's a real thing for sure yeah so you know and i think part of it is we've never been through anything like this before and it's terrifying and um it and there's been a lot of movies made about it there's been a lot of tv shows made we made a show that ran for five seasons about this exact thing it was called the last ship okay it stopped
Starting point is 00:18:24 airing two years ago. Are you guys seeing a boost in... I have no idea. Because Contagion, I think, is really doing well. Yeah, Apple put that on their homepage. I saw that. Did they really? Yeah, I saw that too.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So, you know, I don't know. It's certainly a scenario that everyone has talked about, but I don't think we've ever thought that it was really going to happen. So I don't know. Yes. So your question, JT, am I terrified? I'm terrified.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. We're scared too. We're working on something and it could throw a monkey wrench into that a little bit. That's why I didn't take the trip because I didn't want to put people we're working with in danger. Yeah. Because I'm not worried about health wise. I'm like, yeah, the death rate is like 3%.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Yeah. See, we're all looking at different numbers. It is 3% But if you're under 80 years old It's like 1% A lot of people have mild symptoms It's like kind of a cold, maybe a fever But that's new news that's come out
Starting point is 00:19:17 In the last two days I mean, I didn't hear the age Differentiation until two days ago So it's all changing so rapidly. I'm just hopeful that people want to stop thinking about it and go to the movie theater and watch a really scary movie. So who's the person in your life that when you don't know what to believe, you turn to and you're like, hey, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:19:38 What's your hot take? That's a good question. Well, the first is my wife. She is a good person. Yeah, I think she's very grounded. And then I'm lucky that I've been doing this for a long time, so I have a lot of friends who've been doing this longer. But that's what makes this so scary,
Starting point is 00:19:55 is that my friends who've been doing what I do longer than I have, they have no idea either. Right. I had one friend. This happened yesterday. I had one friend who called me and said, You're fucked. Sorry. We'll make another movie. I had one friend, this happened yesterday, I had one friend who called me and said, you're fucked, sorry, we'll make another movie. I had another friend, as soon as James Bond moved,
Starting point is 00:20:10 he said, this is the best thing that ever happened. Oh, because it cleared up, you got no comp. Yeah, and it's like, I don't know where to live. Who's right? I won't know until it's too late, for sure. I won't know until it's too late. They pulled off the road without even a busted engine. Now you're in pole position. Well, listen listen that movie comes out four weeks after us and but but if other movies clear out you know my uh my younger son today texted me he goes what
Starting point is 00:20:34 do you think's gonna happen mulan i said i don't know i mean how can they move mulan which is that's the weekend after us whoa yeah i think I read something that they're definitely not. That's what I read. Right. But again, what are you reading? What is that movie supposed to come out in China? Isn't that movie going to be huge? There's no theaters in China right now.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. That's got to be. They lost the whole market. Yeah, they lost the whole market. Oh, man. And so we're all suffering in that because, you know. I mean, bigger issues. I mean, you know, with China.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. No, it's the movie. No, it's the movie. Yeah. We need the virus to stop so they can open the movie but it's uncharted you know it's like you never never know and i've said i said to my wife i said i've said to her the whole time of my career if we do this long enough we will experience everything positive and everything negative that can happen to a movie oh that's a good take and so if you you step back, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:26 what happened on the first Quiet Place was a magical thing. You know, that was a, we could never have dreamt that that would happen. So, you know, hopefully you have a long career, you stay working. I mean, that's my intention is just to kind of keep working. What would you, go baby. What's it like the night before a movie comes out for you do you have like a routine to like calm your nerves well i have here's what i have i have a routine usually the night before a movie opens you're doing press for the movie usually that's what it is um but the night that
Starting point is 00:21:58 the movie opens i would say 80 of the time i've gone to the same restaurant with my partners. We go and you sit at that dinner at that restaurant. I'll say it because we go to Mr. Chow's. Nice. And we sit there and halfway through the phone will ring and it will be the studio. And it's either you're screwed or congratulations, we're going to have a great night. Right? Yeah. And it's some variation of that so if the movie does well if i've had movies that don't work where it's just it was myself andrew form and michael bay looking at each other
Starting point is 00:22:35 we had a movie called the hitcher and it didn't work yeah nice yeah good call thanks yeah so that didn't work no one came to dinner um on a quiet place everyone showed up oh really yeah the night yeah so camera can you tell if like the difference if one of his movies hit or missed he is he's psycho before any of his movies. Thank you. Well, you know, when you think about it, all your work for two years is determined in one night. Right. It's crazy. So it's a crazy profession to go into in the first place, at least if you're an actor.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Well, a director's tough. Or a writer, you can write multiple things. But as a producer, you're putting all your effort into one or two things. It's just so. That's why I'm's why i go i'm defending my son saying i'm crazy you know should we get cameron in here no come sit here cam get involved i don't want to interrupt the plot you're not no we'll keep flowing yeah yeah sit down i was gonna ask you while we get that set up what what what would you compare your job to like if you had
Starting point is 00:23:41 to say what you do are you like a baseball scout are you like if you could find another job to compare it to so people get an idea of exactly what it is like you're looking for and how you're doing it well listen i know that you're into sports i'm i'm not that into sports but it feels like you know like i'm we're coaching a football team right yeah and and so there's a lot of people who are involved and we're trying to uh you know to get them to have their eye on the ball and and everyone move in the same direction and there's certainly personality issues that people have and you know um you have to make some really hard decisions that can hurt a lot of people unfortunately and that's never it's never a good thing but i would say being a football coach is probably you know close the closest yeah yeah what do you think i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 00:24:31 enough about it but i would i mean football coach sounds good what kind of are you belichick or you what kind of are you pete carroll i always think of those as the two opposite coaches belichick is like the the cold calculating but like brilliant logical that's not me pete carroll's like the cold, calculating, but like brilliant, logical. That's not me. Pete Carroll's like the player's coach. He's got a lot of energy. He's exuberant. He's always chewing gum.
Starting point is 00:24:51 That's not me either. I don't think I'm either of those guys. Listen, I mean, I'm in my head a lot. He's Belichick. You think he's Belichick? 100%. Went to my college. Oh, he did?
Starting point is 00:25:04 Which one was that? Wesleyan. That's a good school. Good school. Yeah. My brother-in-law went Oh, he did? Which one was that? Wesleyan. That's a good school. Good school. Yeah. My brother-in-law went there. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Nice. What up, Tim? Hi, Tim. I don't think he listens. How does he not listen? I don't know. Maybe he does. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:17 There's an age difference. Okay. How old is Tim? 40. No. Yeah. He's much older. What does he listen to? If he doesn't listen to this what do you think
Starting point is 00:25:26 he's listening to that's a good question he's he's an intellectual he's very savvy with the culture and stuff then he's definitely listening to this yeah so he's up on it i don't know he's he's not a joe rogan guy so he's not he's more like in terms of like he's more hipsterish so whatever joe roan is incredible. I just started paying attention to that. It's incredible. When I look, I told Chad this today. I was at the comedy store last night, seeing my roommate do a set.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And Joe Rogan was there. And when I look at Joe Rogan, just in person, I beam. I smile ear to ear. It makes me happy. Because I think he's just living his life exactly the way he wants to. There's something very I don't know like empowering
Starting point is 00:26:07 about looking at him yeah for sure I just want to run up and hug his ass did you? yeah no because you gotta I'm trying to play it cool
Starting point is 00:26:13 oh okay but he tips all the guys there all the door guys he tips them a hundred bucks if they move his car because all the comedians they get out of their car and the door guys park them
Starting point is 00:26:22 and he created the tip them $100 bar. It's a high bar. So not everybody else is tipping $100, but everybody else is tipping now. And I think he created that movement. Yeah, Joe gives the inside info on which comics tip and which don't. Oh, he does? He's like, oh, that guy?
Starting point is 00:26:39 You don't like that guy. That's a tip. Yeah, he's a tip. Yeah, that's a tip. You're like, oh, damn it. I like that guy. Yeah. I love Joe. I he has a tip. Yeah, he has a tip. You're like, oh, damn it. I like that guy. Yeah. I love Joe.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I've never met Joe. Oh, yeah. All right. You've never met Joe? I've never met Joe, but I love Joe. I mean, everything I see of Joe, he seems like... The fact that he doesn't haul off and punch you is crazy to me. I mean, he just...
Starting point is 00:27:01 He's folding his laundry. He's doing 20 things at once. You're asking him a question, and he will always answer you. Yeah. And then when you see the question land and he's really thinking about it, it's hilarious. Like, yeah, he's a thoughtful guy. He is a thoughtful guy. And he's, and he's a very decisive guy.
Starting point is 00:27:17 That's why I like asking him questions. Cause he almost always has a take on things, which I really admire. But I do bug him some like those the clips where we get a little more combative don't get posted i post oh really yeah i would post him and then people would be like this is draining my stoke like oh wow he gets combative well he'll just be like you know what he does a lot he'll like burp in the video or something like right or tell me to fuck off and then yeah oh i've never seen that so i would expect that would happen more it It does happen a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Okay. Yeah, it does happen probably as much as you think. And I just bother him so much that there's a huge pool of both sides that I can pull from. That's awesome. With Joe, I always figure whenever he's angry, it's just hilarious. It is funny. And I always figure everyone else is going to be on board with that,
Starting point is 00:28:01 but I don't know. Maybe they just read it differently. Yeah, you know, actually I was not handling his anger well for a while. I was taking it too personal. And I think he'd be like, shut up. And I'd be like, don't fucking talk to me like that. But the way you've got to talk to Joe is you can say that, but he's just talking shit.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And I was kind of missing the boat on that. I was being too sensitive. So now when he's like, shut up, I go, you shut up. And then he'll be like, yeah. And then he loves that. That yeah. And then he loves that. That's awesome. He just loves, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. He loves the alphaness of it. Yeah. He just loves like being like, he'll just be like, you're a, he'll be like, you're a pussy.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And I'll be like, Joe, I'll like beat the fuck out of you. Like, let's go fight this weekend. And then he'll be like, all right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:28:39 And then the next day I'll be like, do you really want to fight? He's like, what are you even talking about? That's awesome. Yeah. You know, I met my wife at the comedy store. You did?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, that's right. Yeah. Magical night there. How long ago was that? 27 years ago. Wow. Maybe 28 years ago. Paint the picture.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So you walk in there. What are you wearing? Members only? No, I was wearing a... A little bit later than that. Sorry. No, no, no. A little bit later, but not much.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I think this is so bad, but I think it was a blazer that had shoulder pads in it. Nice. It was like one night at Roxbury. Remember that movie? Yeah. I felt like that was the time. And I went there to go see Richard Pryor, who was coming out of retirement. Was he already sick with MS?
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, he was sick, but he was coming out of retirement. And a buddy of mine said, we should go see Richard Pryor. And so we went there, and she was with a girl I knew from high school. And I just kind of zeroed in. I don't think that's the full story. I've heard a different story. What's the other story? I heard that you weren't supposed to go that night,
Starting point is 00:29:46 and someone else was supposed to go. No, that's kind of true. So the girl that my wife was with was supposed to have a date with Scott Shore. Pauly Shore's oldest brother. Oh, wow. And he didn't show up. That's what happened. The badger. Not the weasel, the badger.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Is he the badger? No, I don't know. I'm just giving him another. So he didn't show up. So they were just waiting around No, I don't know. I'm just giving him another. He didn't show up. So they were just waiting around and they didn't know anyone. And so that was it. But he slid in. I slid in.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And that place is magical to me. Were you a man about town at that time? No. So you were looking to settle down? I don't think I was ever really a man about town. I was always looking to settle down. Nice. If you were a man about town, would you admit to it?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Of course. Oh, nice. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Yeah, I think I would. Because you it? Of course. Oh, nice. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Because you're so classy, I figured you might be like, no, no, no. But at that point in my life I was definitely looking to settle down, for sure. Thank God you did. Thank God, that's right. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And also, we should say you have a movie coming out. By the time this comes out, it'll already be out. Well, it's big news. You're a lead in a Hulu movie. Thank you, yeah. Do you want to talk about it a little bit? We had the premiere last night. Nice. It was great.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It's a Hulu movie. It's called Crawlers, produced by Blumhouse. Nice. Scary, campy, fun, sort of alien invasion movie. Right on. It was fun. Oh, I love that. Yeah, it was really fun.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's their Into the Dark thing, where they do a movie every month, right? Do they do a movie? Every month, yeah. So ours is St patrick's day themed cool i kick an alien in the head and explode his whole head how'd that feel fun it was great it was great it was great yeah how many takes did you guys do with that that took all night oh really yeah that was that was a lot is it tough being in movies when your dad is in movies? It's a loaded question for sure. But, I mean, he's never acted, so it was kind of... That's true.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I don't have that face. I mean, I've got a face for podcasting. Look at him. You're both handsome. It was more stress-free when you're acting. Producing's a different story. Yeah. His first scene, this was weird for me.
Starting point is 00:31:42 His first scene, he's lying in bed in his underwear. He's got just his underwear on and he's tied up. It's the thing that you don't want your dad to walk in. Right. And that was the first thing I said. That's where the movie starts for him. Yeah. I had to shoot that the first day ever.
Starting point is 00:31:57 So that was a lot on my acting career. I was tired. We had a comedian in here for the last one, Rob Hubel. He was great. Yeah. Great guest. He had to be sexually dominant on this TV show, for sure. I was tired. We had a comedian in here for the last one, Rob Hubel. He was great. Yeah. Great guest. He had to be sexually dominant on this TV show, Transparent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 And I was like, bro, that must have been really hard. And he was like, yeah, that is hard. And I think that's the hardest thing to be like. Oh, yeah. To be sexy on camera. People don't realize you're just in a confined space with people you don't really know. And you just have to be that person in front of all these people. And you have to like try and seem bad-ass in front of like a 40 person crew.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And there's like some 45 year old tattooed like a boom operator. And he's like, yeah, that's not how I do it. Yeah. It's people get really insecure about it for sure. Do you want to be, I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:42 do you want to act? I mean, is that like aspirational too? I do. I like it a lot, but I don't think it's like my number you want to be, I mean, do you want to act? I mean, is that like aspirational too? I do. I like it a lot, but I don't think it's like my number one thing. I think there's, I think I'd like to direct probably more or do,
Starting point is 00:32:51 uh, just keep doing what we're doing. It's also like, uh, it's, you know, really it's like acting with Chad. He's such a good actor.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Oh, thank you. That I'm always like, when I see him doing it, I was like, I don't think I can do it like that. Like he just is so good at it how do you feel about it? I love acting
Starting point is 00:33:08 that's why I want Chris Pratt's career you do? that's why I want it it's a great career yeah strong career great career yeah I love acting I love it all but I think I love performing the most but I mean JT's just genius director
Starting point is 00:33:23 and performer I mean cracks me up every time i think i'd like to be like joe rogan i think that's like the dream yeah i'd love to like take over commentating on the ufc right bring a softer side to that right interview a bunch of weirdos yeah yeah yeah that's cool and get better at fighting yeah my fighting skills have never been as good as I'd like them to be. What do you do? I did like a year of jiu-jitsu and I did a couple years of boxing, but I'm pretty pedestrian at both.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I don't have a – you've got to have like one physical quality that makes you good, like whether it's your footwork or your hand speed or your power. I don't have a single one. Or hand eye. But have you ever had to use it? Yeah, I've been in a couple scraps yeah was it helpful yeah for sure for sure that's good but i've also been beaten up and i was like well there's a ceiling yeah we don't have to talk about yeah and you can't really you don't know when you're looking at someone what they're capable
Starting point is 00:34:19 of so it's it's uh i was actually going to tell so i was at the basketball courts one time and this dude kind of picked a fight with me. He was like, out on you, out on you. I was like, dude, it's not out on me. He was like, you calling me a fucking liar? And I was like, I'm not saying shit, dude. And then he was like, you calling me a fucking liar? And they just took it to like 100.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And then he's like, fight me, fight me. And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to back down to this guy. So I got all fired up, and I went, you want to fight? You want to fight? And I walked up to him, I'm like, come on. And I started smacking myself in the head i was like let's fight and then he went and then he looked at me went oh and started smacking himself in the head and everyone at
Starting point is 00:34:52 the court was like dying laughing they all started going oh getting themselves in the head and i was like so humiliated and i was like so you didn't you't... We were still squaring up a little bit, but I lost a little bit of my bravado. Yeah, and then this crazy guy came running up with long hair who was like a meth head, and he goes, you trying to attack my brother? You trying to attack my brother? That's my brother.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I'll kill you, dude. And this guy was just insane, and I was like, what am I doing? I was like, this is like... And I just looked at my friends. I was like, we got to get the hell out of here, and then we left. Yeah. it was uh yeah it was scary that is scary i had nightmares about it because like someone threatened to get a gun or something
Starting point is 00:35:32 like that so i had nightmares about it for a while yeah that's horrible but half of me had nightmares and the other half of me was like i think i should go back to that court and me and that guy should resolve it over a game of like-on-two. Yeah. That's interesting. How long ago was that? A couple years ago. Was it here in L.A.? Yeah, Pan Pacific Park. Oh, by the way, I play there every day. Do you really?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Every time. There's a fight there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's a fight there every time. I go at times where I know I can just get a group of my friends and we don't have to play with a ton of other people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah. People get feisty there. Do you play? I've almost gotten in a fight there, too. Basketball? Yeah. I used to. I want to get back into it.
Starting point is 00:36:08 We started playing at work a little bit. Yeah. My shot's way off, but, you know, I used to be a good dribbler. I could dribble it up. Yeah, and you're athletic. I can run. Yeah. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I want to get back. You know, after Kobe died, I was like, I need to play basketball. Right. Right. So, but we've been so busy, but will give maybe i'll go to pam pacific let's play some threes dude he's very good you're good it's good the kid playing varsity ball in high school yeah he can play like shooting guard shooting guard yeah nice yeah kid's good were you good no were you good athlete no so it comes from the mom that's not true you seem
Starting point is 00:36:42 athletic no i i but i was but I was never focused on athletics. I just wasn't. I kind of knew what I wanted to do, and I just kind of, the athletics was not part of that. I can do some things, but not well, not like him or his brother. He's great at sports that you probably wouldn't think he's great at. Right. Like what?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Formula One. Exactly. I've been obsessed with that. Ultimate Frisbee. Oh, you're good at that? Incredible.'ve been obsessed with that. Ultimate Frisbee. Oh, you're good at that? Incredible. Dude, I can't throw a Frisbee to save my life. No, it comes out straight into the ground every time.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I could help you with that. What's your throw? Do you go to the underhand? I can do both. You can do both? Dude. Yeah. He's great.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Water skiing. Right. These are not real sports cameras. No, they're real sports, Dan. I was going to say you look like a skier. Yeah. I can water ski. Tell him what you can do.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Stop. Tell him what you can do stop tell me you can do i am the only guest on going deep with chad and jt who can water ski on his elbows and knees no way oh yeah that's at this old age i can still like get in the water and i pull the court i pull it right here under my neck yeah and i tell him to hit it and i can as long as i'm strong enough that's why i try and i can hold it and i can ski on hit it and as long as I'm strong enough I can hold it and I can ski on my elbows and knees that's awesome it's a parlor trick can you go barefoot?
Starting point is 00:37:53 I have but no my dad's done a little barefooting we had a friend who would race I talked about this guy before he was the one who was doing the Baja 500 on a dirt bike and just hit a horse and I came and visited him he's in a body cast seriously like i'm like i'm like a teenager i'm like dude what happened to
Starting point is 00:38:10 the horse he goes fuck the horse he's like a blue and a smithereens oh my god yeah because he hit it doing like 95 oh man it's not funny was he in a dirt bike or uh yeah he was on a dirt bike he was like going like kawasaki 250 But you would think he would get hurt? No, he was annihilated. His lungs were punctured. He was in a full body cast. The horse blew up. He's literally like, the horse blew up.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Like when Randy Johnson hit that bird with the pitch. Oh, yeah. Can I ask you some more Hollywood stuff? Sure, whatever you want. Do you like Parasite? I did like Parasite. That was great. I did not.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I had no knowledge of it I didn't know where it was going and I found it really surprising yeah that was for me too you're just like what
Starting point is 00:38:50 people in the basement those twists were crazy phenomenal and it really added to the story and I think that when you make a movie if you can surprise your audience
Starting point is 00:38:59 that for the audience feels like a very good movie going experience I think that we get when we go and see a movie and you go oh the guy's gonna do this and then that's gonna happen and that's exactly what happens that's not fulfilling and i think the reason that people love parasite there are a lot of great reasons i mean it's a magnificently directed film but you're surprised
Starting point is 00:39:17 by what's happening like you think you know where this is going and you and it goes in a totally did you see it i did yeah did you like it i loved it it was a little you know i saw after it was all hyped up by everyone but it lived up to it but um i wish i had seen it without any expectations right yeah but it was amazing i loved it yeah do you feel like the academy was like kind of correcting for green book the year before i don't know that you know, when I hear stuff like that, I'm not, I don't know how the Academy can control. When it's like a bajillion voters.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah, it's a bajillion voters. I mean, these are people who are in different walks of the entertainment business, so they're not communicating together. Right. You know, I just think that it's kind of like something gets the momentum and it just kind of takes on its own life.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yeah. And you don't know. I thought Green Book was a great movie. But every year it feels like something happens that leads up to something being magical. And I did not think The Parasite was going to win. In the same way that I was surprised with the turn of Parasite, I was surprised that it won Best Picture. Me too, yeah. Because it won Best Foreign.
Starting point is 00:40:30 What's it, Best International? Yeah. So when it won that, I said, okay, so now Parasite's out of the mix for Best Picture because they gave it that award. They'll give whatever else I thought it was going to be. What was your favorite movie of last year, 2019? I loved Quentin's movie.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Me too. Oh, so if you've been listening to the podcast, you've been, yeah. I loved it. It's been a very divisive film. You're team Chad on this. No, no, no, for sure. I thought that was a really fun.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I loved it. And I liked 1917. That was great. Just astonishing filmmaking like i wouldn't even know how to start to do that yeah i mean it's just a different level so those were my two favorite movies what was your favorite i mean i'll be honest with you i haven't watched enough of them this year you're probably gonna be mad at me i'm not mad at you i saw jojo rabbit i thought that was really great. It was great. Yeah. Did your dad, he's like, you better watch this many movies?
Starting point is 00:41:26 No. The only movie he ever made me really watch was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Nice. When I was 11 and he locked me in a room and said, you have to watch my work. My dad showed me the movie Sleepers where all these kids get molested at a juvenile detention. Yeah. My mom came home.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Go ahead. go ahead. And my mom came home and she's like, why are you showing them this? And my dad was like, it's good for them. Do you know that the star of Sleepers also starred in Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Jason Patrick? Nope.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Brad Pitt? Nope. Kevin Bacon? The kids, the kids. Oh, the kids. Brad Renfro? Nope. You're right there.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You don't know Cameron? Is it tucker jonathan tucker oh okay tucker was one of the kids in there and then nice which kid was he i don't know aaron what was your favorite movie from last year you know i loved everything you guys have said uh i just re-watched avengers endgame oh yeah i watch clips from that all the time on youtube that thing is amazing it still gets me yeah yeah dude i haven't seen that yet oh dude it's good it's good yeah okay so can we talk movies for one more second yeah please okay and this this will relate if you guys will have me around for legend and babe and all that yeah of course um have you guys seen Back to School?
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah, the Rodney Dangerfield movie? Yeah. I haven't. You must. Yeah, it's great. It's like, with all the shit that's happening, somehow that movie came on this weekend and I... Sorry about that, guys. And I came on and... Who is it?
Starting point is 00:43:02 You don't know the guy. And I watched that movie and it took me out of my funk it's so good and billy zapka's in it too yeah he's the best bad guy ever robert donnie jr robert donnie jr but you know his kid is kind of a wet blanket danger fields kid in the movie yes of course yeah gordon yeah every time i see him I'm like you don't even seem like you don't seem like you're capable of having fun yeah that's so true
Starting point is 00:43:29 that's true and then there was another movie that wait so it was that movie and then you asked me another question
Starting point is 00:43:35 Once Upon a Time well no I loved that movie there was something else that I love I can't think of what it was oh shit sorry I can't
Starting point is 00:43:43 I lost my train of thought what do you think is going to win best picture next year do you know the what's the early buzz i haven't heard anything yet i mean it's too early so yeah it's a quiet place too no not a quiet place too maybe who knows love it there's some so would you have to campaign for that like have you gone through that process yeah oh yeah it's a full-time gig so what do you like well it doesn't it ends at the Academy Awards. It starts, you know, there's the Golden Globes,
Starting point is 00:44:08 and there's the SAG Awards, and the Producers Guild Awards. And there's a whole, it's a campaign. I mean, it's months. It's months of going out every night and showing the movie and pressing the flesh. And he came a couple times to some of those screenings, and you're just meeting Academy members and saying, this is our work, I hope you like it.
Starting point is 00:44:27 If you have any questions, I'd love to answer it. It's a lot of screenings, too. You have to watch the movie a lot of times, and you have to talk to a lot of people. You're basically auditioning. And everyone else is doing the same thing. Right. So you've got to have a better party than they have.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It's not so much the party. I think if the movie's great, you can tell that people like it. The part that sucks is when you're talking to someone you know they don't like your movie, and you're trying to convince them that your movie's good, and they just don't think it is. It's a hard thing to convince someone. When do you start that process for the campaigning? I don't remember. I think it's November.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah. I mean, it's a couple months. It was three solid months. And it's if you're getting buzz or every movie does it? Yes. Okay. Yes. I mean, when A Quiet Place came out, there was this notion that they were going to have a best popular movie award. Do you remember this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And so I think that people felt that we had a pretty good opportunity. We had a good opportunity with that. So that was how the campaign kind of started. And then when the Academy decided they weren't going to have that category, we were already on the road and so we went out there and shook hands. It's kind of great because you meet people from all over the world
Starting point is 00:45:42 and you talk about movies and I kind of enjoyed it you meet people from all over the world and you talk about movies and you know and and uh i i kind of enjoyed it it was exhausting but i enjoyed it who's i know harvey weinstein was used to be the best at the campaigning who's the best now i don't think listen i who did the parasite campaign i don't know right you know what i'm saying it's like you know i think that that was an era when harvey you know had a lot of control over what academy voters were doing and he very famously would seek out every academy member and work on them one by one to get them to you know to get to support his film um i think it's a little different now yeah and and um there's not anyone who yields that kind of power.
Starting point is 00:46:27 That's probably good. Yeah, I think it is good. I think it's good, yeah. I think what's unique about it is, when I was there at least, I'd see you talking to so many different people. It's not like everyone's similar. Everyone's a very different person,
Starting point is 00:46:40 so you're trying to convince these people that are very different people. Right. It's not just producers. You're talking to people. You're talking to costume these people that are very different people right it's not just producers you're talking to people you're talking costume designers and editors yeah i mean anyone who is a member of the academy and there are a lot of branches of the academy so people you might not relate to at all right yeah you know that happened yes yeah do you want to be a member of the academy yeah um some yeah i do yeah i do what's that? You have to be nominated. Oh, okay. And then a couple members have to support your being in. But as a producer, it's different for all the different branches.
Starting point is 00:47:12 But for a producer, you have to accumulate a certain number of credits to make you eligible. Oh, okay. Cool. I have a question I had written down. Do you think Hollywood parties more or less than people think? Well, I'm the wrong person to ask. But you see. I do.
Starting point is 00:47:30 But I think there's always going to be the component of people having too much money and doing stupid shit. Right. So we're going to say they party as much as you think. I think that there is always a faction that are partying crazy. I think that there is always a faction that are parting crazy. Look, before I came up in the business, but the books I read about the 80s, right? Yeah. Don Simpson and those books.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Yeah. There was cocaine on it on tables and meetings. I've never seen anything like that, right? Yeah. And I think that as a culture, L.A. specifically is so vain now that everyone wants to look good and you can't go out and get totally obliterated and then show off the next day and looking good that's not to say that people don't do it it certainly happens but i think that it's not at all what it used to be right i think it was where they keep it more contained yeah i think they definitely and also here's the difference and this is a big difference. Not everyone had a camera.
Starting point is 00:48:25 So a lot of people were out doing stuff, and no one was capturing it. But now you always have to think in the back of your head, what I'm doing could be captured, and is that what I want? So that's probably made it less, I imagine. Bummer. Yeah, do you think that was the biggest factor? Do you think it's the health kick? I think it's all of it. All of it, health kick i think it's all of it all of it yeah i mean when you think about as recently as you know 20 years
Starting point is 00:48:50 ago people you know were smoking cigarettes i i can't remember the last time i was in a meeting that someone smoked a cigarette yeah like that was something that was a regular occurrence in the 70s and 80s i mean no one thought about thought about it. Well, what do you think? I think you can always find something if you're looking for it, sort of thing. My generation is different than what his generation was. So, you know, I've seen some things that probably aren't great, but it's probably not nearly what people were doing back then.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Yeah, I think it's true. I would imagine, yeah. What was it like growing up in hollywood like did you are you still sort of in awe of the stars are you kind of like uh it's all just normal there's some people that you're always just like you know when you see like the tom cruises of the world yeah have you met tom cruise i have not met tom i haven't either i want to meet tom cruise oh me too let's set up a meeting. We'd love to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, but, you know, it's... I'm lucky to have such a good dad, to be honest, because I've seen a lot of friends, or used to be friends, that kind of... There's two ways it can go. Right. It can go one way or the other, and there's a bad path, and he kept me on a great path, so... Do you love L.A.?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Love it. Yeah. Couldn't be anywhere else. That's awesome. Yeah. I always feel like people, when they grow up in L.A you love la love it yeah couldn't be anywhere else that's awesome yeah i always feel like people when they grow up in la they either love it or hate it well i'm just assuming a lot of them yeah high school where they would stay it's the best right yeah mostly new york new york yeah i can't even fathom that yeah i mean my whole life is here like yeah everything is here so i could never go yeah yeah that's good news yeah should we answer some questions yeah sure i love this part of it all right let's do
Starting point is 00:50:32 this is fun how's the green juice guys it was delicious so good yeah thank you which one was it the uh it was the one with a little bit of apple yeah aaron did you have your green juice had it this is how we're going to beat coronavirus, guys. You think so? I love it. I think tonight's the night we beat it. I love the optimism. You got me a green juice, right? Yeah, where is it?
Starting point is 00:50:51 It's somewhere on the couch. I lost it over there. It's fine. Oh, I see it right there. Is it over there? Yeah. Got it. Get it on the way home. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Oh, we got a bunch. That's what the hell I'm talking about. What's up, bro? So I'm really digging this new Betty. She's way into Christianity. I am not. I've been pretending to be a newcomer to the faith. Usually I wouldn't be this willing to put on this kind of facade.
Starting point is 00:51:19 I just like how he went straight to it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He didn't jump around too much. But this girl is one of the best looking babes I've ever met. I know this is a dirtbag move, but I'm looking for some positive reinforcement to justify my less than stellar morality. What do you guys think I should do here? Do I continue
Starting point is 00:51:33 to be disingenuous with my motives? Or do I admit the truth and absolutely torpedo my chance with this dime piece? Much love and respect from your biggest fan north of the border. Go Raptors. Should I go first? Yes. Okay. I think basing a relationship on a false foundation probably is not going to lead to a
Starting point is 00:51:51 happy ending yeah yeah i think unless you can make a real full conversion and actually believe in god then you can't do it but you know step three of the the 12-step program is came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Did anything in that letter give you any indication that this guy's headed in that direction? Well, I wonder how much of a non-believer he is. Like, do you believe in God, but you're just not a Christian? It's the second thing he said. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:16 He's not, so. Yeah, and you seem pretty at peace with your non-faith. Yeah, maybe just come clean to her and, you know, fingers crossed, she'll think it's endearing. But if you're open to it, that could be a good thing. Yeah. But, yeah, you got to tell her. Yeah. Sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Sorry. Sorry, dude. John? I got to concur. I mean, you know, I wish the best for him romantically, but, you know, I think he's got to come clean and just. But I think if you come at it in a sweet way where you're like look you know this God thing isn't really me but what's between us that's real you're my higher power that's probably a bit too intense
Starting point is 00:52:51 yeah that's like something you say to someone after like 15 years it's something you say on Love is Blind you gotta watch that show because of you I've seen you watching it it's drugs it's just like doing drugs people love that show
Starting point is 00:53:04 I heard about it from him and I watched the first five minutes I've seen you watching it. It's drugs. It's just like doing drugs. People love that show. It's so good. I heard about it from him, and I watched the first five minutes. I was like, I've got to watch this whole thing. Okay, I've got to check that out. There's a couple on that show named Cameron and Lauren. Right, yeah. Oh, wow. And my girlfriend's name is Lauren.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Wow. I have people tagged in photos or something or tweets tweets and people will text me and be like congratulations. I'm like, it's not me. I get DMs for the Chad Kroger from Nickelback. They'll confuse me because they'll be like, man, you just lift me up every day with your lyrics. I'm like, and I don't realize I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about?'m like oh they think i'm chad kroger yeah um and you are he gets some nice dms that's nice yeah a lot of people think that nickelback is the hate but yeah according to my inbox that's nice yeah that's cool yeah yeah dude so tell her the truth and then go do uh
Starting point is 00:54:04 what's that thing they do in the Catholic Church? Ask for forgiveness. What's it called? Oh, confess. Confess. Right. I was raised Catholic. How could I not remember that?
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah. What's cooking, bros? I got a double whammy quest for guys, for you guys, if that's cool. One, so I used to speak to this stellar looking babe, but eventually the idea of a relationship freaked me out. So I straight up and told her the truth. Fortunately for me, she was on a similar page about not wanting a relationship. So this prompted me to bite the bullet and ask her whether she'd wanted to be friends with benefits. She agreed.
Starting point is 00:54:33 We set our rules about being just friends, but smashing raw dog while we can, while also still being able to get with other dudes for her and dudettes for me. So a fairly Donnie procedure for the both of us. Never heard that. Unfortunately, however, I am yet to capitalize upon this situation for one main reason. One, the first two times we were meant to meet, I ended up getting way too stoned and just vibed at home.
Starting point is 00:54:54 This is an unfortunate sitch, as you can probably tell, as I don't want her to lose interest, because I still want to suck face and admire that bodacious bod. What would a pair of blokes like you do in this situation? I have no idea what this situation is. What's the question? Yeah, I have no idea what's going on so they're friends with benefits i got that and he just gets too high and he can't go out is that what it is i think that's what's going on i think he's just too high when he's worried about losing the the flay he's worried
Starting point is 00:55:16 about the spark going away did he say he's losing the spark this isn't a fortunate situation as you can tell and i don't want her to lose interest yeah oh so he's just getting too high dude i mean super complicated i think there's an a fix maybe though is just don't get too high for next time that's good and i think it could work yeah what's it what else is there shit man it's tough tough to say i mean why is he getting so high if he knows she's coming over yeah and she's bodacious and what else did he say about her he wants to suck face yeah so why what why is he getting so high yeah dude i think i think i was being a little goofy i think yeah you just gotta smoke less weed when she's coming over. And then maybe smoke less weed in general.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And then I think it'll only work out. You sound like a fun guy. Just three strikes, you're out. Don't do it again. Yeah. I agree. You know, whenever I think, I always think if I get hammered or something,
Starting point is 00:56:21 it'll like, you know, I'll have a fun time with my GF and it'll improve it, but it's usually the other other way around when we're sober and just like watching a rom-com that's when the sparks fly so that's why i recommended this dude right hell yeah question there's a second part thank you so sorry brad you're bad i mean you can put that but this is like very on brand you're a producer who's that who? Oh, Neil, what up? I like that ringer, though. Classic. Put him on the pod. Do I know that person? Pick it up. Yeah. Pick it up.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Answer it. Should we pick it up? No, he doesn't want to be on the pod. Okay. I'm locking it up. You know. Oh, is that your partner? No. You pretty sell the fanciest movies. Whoa! Cool. Come on, answer it. He doesn't want to be on the pod. No? no you pretty much saw the Fast and Furious movies whoa cool come on answer it
Starting point is 00:57:06 he doesn't want to be on the pod no he's not pod he's not a pod dude do you want me to call him on the pod and we can get rid
Starting point is 00:57:14 of it if he doesn't want it yes okay you promise me you'll do this I swear to you yeah let's
Starting point is 00:57:18 do we have the hookup yeah right here guys we're about to surprise call Neil Moritz producer of Fast and Furious do you want to be on it because I'm we're doing it right call Neil Moritz, producer of Fast and Furious Do you want to be on it?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Because we're doing it right now Do you want to be on it? Oh, I wouldn't be good at it What? I wouldn't be good No, I think you'd be fantastic These are the guys, they're your biggest fan, Neil We're huge fans
Starting point is 00:57:39 We love you, Neil Alright, well, give my email They can text me and we'll figure it out. No, right now. We'll tape it with you. Cameron's in here with us. Hey, Neil. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:57:49 We can all talk to you. Yeah, we don't want to pressurize you, but we'd really love to talk to you now. I can't do it right now. I appreciate it, though. I'm walking into dinner. Where are you going? Just to Vino with Henry. We just came from a soccer game.
Starting point is 00:58:04 All right. All right. Well, I'll from a soccer game Alright Tell Henry hi He's not in a rush I gotta go He sounds cool There was a second part to this guy's question Question numero two My mom is being a real cock block
Starting point is 00:58:21 By not letting me go out when I want to meet this babe For some class A bonage How do I tell my mom and dad that I need to go clap this honey's cheeks without causing a big hullabaloo? Love, MomSlayer69420. Use this, not my real name. MomSlayer69420. Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Wait, is that the same person for both questions? Yeah. So that's the same girl yeah so he's smoking too much weed and he's not allowed out right that's a hard situation yeah now i would say he wants to talk to his mom about it i'd say write her a letter similar to when he wrote us yeah like i'm trying to clap those cheeks mom have you ever heard that before yeah i've seen the memes i've seen memes i've never have we ever seen the stokers ever described it that way i'm not not a stoker but i have heard that through just a culture at large but i agree with you
Starting point is 00:59:15 chad i think putting your words down on paper and he's got a talent for you yeah because sometimes when you're when you're frustrated with your parents especially if you're horny like you are you might come in a little bit hot and you'll say things you regret. So really put down on paper why you want to make love to this person so much. And then give that to your mom and let her see you at your most clear. You're incredible. How did you do that? How did you pull that out of there?
Starting point is 00:59:41 Oh, really? Thank you. No, that was incredible. I just had to lock in. Oh, that's good. Okay. And meet him where he was at, not where I'm. No, that was incredible. I just had to lock in. Oh, that's good. Yeah. Okay. And meet him where he was at, not where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Okay, I understand. Yeah. Communication with your parents in these situations is super key. It really is. I mean, we had great communication about stuff growing up and it was... About your... There was one time in seventh grade where I remember I was trying to make out with this girl in school and we were walking around blocks and I mean there was nothing to do we just kept walking until I finally tried
Starting point is 01:00:09 to do it and uh he kept calling me because he had to pick me up and I was not answering my phone and then he grounded me for the whole weekend and then finally I was like can I just I was like can I just be honest with you like I was I was with. And he was like, oh, if that ever happens again, let's just talk about it and communicate. Oh, nice. Yeah, we had an open line of communication. Then do you remember what we had? We had a code word. We had a code word.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Do you want to give it away? I hope my girlfriend doesn't listen to this. But if there ever was a situation where I was with a female friend of mine, I would tell him that I hurt my eye all right and then he would say hope your eye feels better yeah I was gonna say one more thing to this stoker don't raw dog unless you're in a committed relationship what is raw dog that means not to wear a condom Oh Yeah He said I didn't know what that meant Yeah I missed that too
Starting point is 01:01:07 Which is stupid on my part Yeah Thank you Aaron Yeah What up guys Much love from a stoker Up in Canada Third Canada?
Starting point is 01:01:15 Yeah this is incredible Writing this message From my car outside the clinic Where I just got diagnosed With herpes Honestly not too upset Mostly because I just heard JT a few days ago
Starting point is 01:01:23 Share his story Thank you for doing that man You're a legend The last thing I want right now is for a bunch of people to find out about this my issue is that while I have a girlfriend right now neither of us know who gave it to who and I've potentially had it for a while do you think I should go through the potentially humiliating task of messaging every girl I've ever slept with and telling them if I have herpes or just let them find out on their own there's no serious side effects like infertility at risk if they don't hear from me.
Starting point is 01:01:46 If yes, I should tell them, can you dudes do me a huge favor and make a message right now on my behalf to send to them? I mean, yeah, I think you have to tell them, dude. Of course. So I would say, hey, this is Cameron. I hope you're well. I'm really sorry to have to send you this message. But I was recently diagnosed with herpes, and I'm not sure when I got them.
Starting point is 01:02:07 So I want you to know that because you need to know that. Get yourself checked. Yeah, and go get yourself checked, and God bless, or a nice sign-off like, sincerely, Cameron. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:28 I think you've got to tell everyone. And stay safe. And with your girlfriend, too, it sounds like no one really knows. I mean, we were talking about this before. There's such a one in four, one in three people have it. So, you know, neither of you can really know who gave it to who. I mean, one of you could have had it for a long time. So I think it's best just to not even try to broach that territory. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah, I mean, it's like you never know. Yeah. All right. I can't believe I'm actually a part of this section of the pod. I hear him listening to it in the car all the time, and he loves it so much. And I listen to it with him. Oh, you do? And I'm on it.
Starting point is 01:03:13 It's actually a surreal experience. Oh, that's cool. Thank you guys for letting me join you. Of course. Thanks for coming on. Yeah. I think it's cool. We're getting the different perspectives on stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Yeah. If you want to know anything about my dad I'm happy no one cares which I was going to throw you a real meatball what up philosophers of sun tanning and beer bonging I have an urgent question
Starting point is 01:03:37 on a situation unfolding quickly my squad has been mumbling the last couple of days about a party but I was never included in the discussion one of my friends in the squad asked me today if I was going, but I was never officially invited by the guy in my group who was invited. The girl who's having the party is friends with my ex, and there's been some bad blood. But why wouldn't you just tell me about the party to avoid conflict?
Starting point is 01:03:56 Should I ask him why he didn't invite me, or should I keep the peace in the group? Is this the start of me getting boked? No one wants to get boked. No. Dude, the cruel, mercurial winds of young friendship sometimes your boys are just like a little tired of you or you've been doing something that they've just kind of arbitrarily decided they've had enough of and i've been in that spot before where
Starting point is 01:04:16 i just didn't get the invite to a party and sometimes i've gone and kind of you know uh subtly confronted them just with my presence and sometimes i've just let it slide and stayed home and was sad, but it does not mean you're getting bogged. Cause me and all those guys are still thick as thieves and you get through these things and, and, uh, you,
Starting point is 01:04:32 you either improve on the things that they're valid in their concerns about, even if you have to assess them out on your own or you, you know, decide they're wrong and you just keep going. Cause both can be possible. So I don't know, man, you're good.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And you can go to this party if you want to and and make it a little awkward you can stay home but you'll be good either way my friend you're on fire tonight oh really yeah you are on fire tonight oh nice thank you yeah i have nothing to add to that how could it be any better anything to that that was awesome all right we'll miss it out this next one no here go. Dear Chad and JT, I'm in need of some advice. I recently moved into a new apartment with two of my bros in San Diego. They're great dudes and we get along great with one exception. One of them has a girlfriend who is at our place nonstop. I certainly don't have a problem with her as a person, but this is getting out of hand.
Starting point is 01:05:17 She brings a suitcase and practically moves in for several days at a time, showers here, and eats our food. In addition to that, I also share a wall with these two. I lost count how many times I've been woken up to them pounding it out either late night or early in the morning i would never ask my bro to slow down his love making with his gf but i also need some solid sleep how do i approach my roommate about his girlfriend overstaying her welcome he has been best friends with our third roommate for years and i'm the newcomer in the group i don't want to overstep my boundaries but i also want to make sure my concerns are heard thanks dude to me it sounds like there are a couple issues there. First,
Starting point is 01:05:48 earplugs can solve one of those problems, right? You know, the kind, the silicone type you put in here. It sounds like there's a financial issue there also, where she's eating all the food. That's a different conversation that he should probably have with his roommate and say, what's up with your girlfriend if she's going to eat so much you guys you got to contribute there right yeah are those the two issues it's sound and food i like where you're coming from yeah and i think her bringing the suitcase all the suitcase she just shows up with the suitcase yeah she's moving in and and he and the guy hasn't checked with his roommates to say is it cool if my girlfriend brings your suitcase?
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, that's a harder conversation, isn't it? I mean, I live with two other guys. One has a serious girlfriend. She's over a lot. Love her to death, no issues. But, you know, it's so important to have an open line of communication about this stuff. Like she actually contributes food to the house. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:06:43 She adds things that we wouldn't normally have right so she kind of makes our home more of a home by her being there which is important um so yeah i think it's like kind of about just when you're living with people that are your friends that go south most of the time unless you have a real strong line of communication with them and being open and honest about what needs to get done yeah um and who does what and what's going to happen because that's so important yeah i think i think you got to be uh open and establish you know basically your property in the apartment a little bit because like when my old roommate had a girlfriend move in you know like i would sort of just designate like this is my food this is my olive oil one time she took my olive oil and i'm like she took my olive oil
Starting point is 01:07:29 oh you said something i was like yeah half of my olive oil is gone and he was like he's very apologetic he's like he's like oh i'm so sorry dude i'm so sorry i'm like yeah okay so i think just establish i think boundaries are healthy i know it's scary but i think your buddy uh and I like the earplugs thing, because I know you don't want to infringe on the boning. Can I tell you a good solution to that? That's a producerial mind. Practical.
Starting point is 01:07:54 A fan. That's what I have. I put it on every night. I don't hear anything. Oh, nice. Nice. Oh, dude, you know what I've been doing? I do this new app called Sync Tuition.
Starting point is 01:08:02 This guy could try it. It's like binaural sounds it's supposed to be like a meditation but it's sort of like you know it it's weird i mean it'll be like a boat rowing you know and stuff it's it's supposed to be like good for your brain or whatever but that's something you could listen to because it's like 3d sounds uh sync tuition okay and it's supposed to enhance your intuition i'm not sure if it's doing that but i sleep very well yeah and i just pass out can i ask you one question though yeah does it have repetitive sounds like when i listen to water and it's that same right it's a that will make me go
Starting point is 01:08:38 crazy because it's disconcerting yeah very yeah does it? No, it's a new track each night. Okay. So I'm going up in levels. Oh, cool. I think my intuition's... Yeah. Your intuition seems really strong tonight, though. Oh, thank you. Yeah, I think it's intuition. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:08:56 I like the fan, too. The fan, it's fun. Yeah. You're getting the AC, you're getting the noise, it's all... I love all these solutions, because it's like, you know, we're going to take care of the food situation, and then the lovemaking, we're going to let it go. You don't want to curtail that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:09 You don't want to say, dude. Unless he comes through your wall one time. Yeah. Right. Dude, come on, bro. And then you start clapping. Yeah, then you're like, dude, you're a beast. Can you imagine?
Starting point is 01:09:24 Oh, yeah. You just cool it through my wall. You go to work the next day, you're like, can you imagine oh yeah you just cool it through my wall you go to work the next day you're like my roommate's a tank dude this morning came straight into my room i never heard my roommate boning yeah and i know they were but i'm like you know i was kind of like dude bring it a little bit right well i want to hear what's going on yeah yeah for sure i've yeah yeah i've caught my roommates doing it and stuff and it's yeah i caught strider yeah horrifying yeah can you do the impression yeah no i'll do it i'll do it uh and i love him and his gf so much and i'll cut this if he's not into it but i opened the door to our apartment and
Starting point is 01:10:05 strider left his door open so i had no choice and i just look and strider is like obviously two seconds from coming and he's like he's like and then i was like and i just i sprinted to my room but i didn't i swung open the door and it swung closed behind me yeah so they heard it slam and i was like oh they're gonna think i'm a pervert so i hid in my room didn't. I swung open the door, and it swung closed behind me. So they heard it slam. And I was like, oh, they're going to think I'm a pervert. So I hid in my room, didn't get my bag out of my car, go back downstairs. And then in the morning, they both laughed at me. And they were like, dude, we don't care. And they were really sweet about it.
Starting point is 01:10:32 But my girlfriend at the time was really jealous type. And I was like, dude, I caught Strider having sex. I'm so embarrassed. She's like, why did you watch them? And I was like, I didn't watch them. And she knew I was a sex addict, too. So she was like, you were watching them. I was like, babe, I was not watching Strider
Starting point is 01:10:47 I'm watching Strider I'm like a degenerate but come on yeah yeah yeah just while we're here Strider and his tongue darts is one of my highlights of the pod
Starting point is 01:10:59 you know that's the whole reason to watch it on YouTube isn't it to see Strider doing that he's got incredible technique. Strider kind of freaking, what up? Last question.
Starting point is 01:11:10 What up, dude? Just started listening to the pod and I'm vibing with it heavy. Keep it up. I'm a junior in high school and I'm having quite the dilemma with the girls recently. I recently transferred to a smaller high school and there are no babes to be found. So I have to look elsewhere. The only option is my homie's ex and I can't go there. I'm always meeting new ladies at parties every weekend, but nothing.
Starting point is 01:11:26 It's awesome you're going to parties every weekend, but nothing seems like it's working out. I've had a few hookups here and there, but at this point I'm just looking for some commitment. Should I just keep chatting it up at the parties and wait for something to happen? Or should I try something else? I'm a relatively good looking dude and I'm good at meeting people, but it just seems like nothing's working out. Keep stoking it up, boys, and thanks for the help. He's just got to chill. Chill, right the help. He's just got to chill. Chill, right.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Yeah, he's just got to chill. You never know when it's going to happen. Yeah. Just, yeah. It sounds like you're doing great. He's going to parties every weekend, and he's hooked up with a few people. But he might be too focused on the outcome
Starting point is 01:11:58 and not enjoying his time at the party. Yeah, he's got to be more open and more committed to having fun, and then open and receptive to letting to having fun and then a lot open and receptive to letting for sure ladies walk in yeah yeah there's something in our male brain because i have it and i'm older than this dude by a lot but like i'm like i never think i'm doing well with the ladies when i'm single i'm always like dude i'm sucking like i focus on the failures yeah never focus on the things that are going well and then i'm just like i'm always like
Starting point is 01:12:21 damn dude like why do i suck so hard at this i need to be better at this i need to get on top of it i need to set up a date. And it's like, I'm doing what he's doing. I just got to, but it's easier when I read him writing. And I'm like, it's so obvious. You need to relax, but I can't see it in myself. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:34 And I just need to breathe. It's tough in this culture because the way people are, I always, the way dudes are, especially I always feel like you always think everyone's doing way better than you. Yeah. Lady-wise. You're like, oh, all my boys are just fucking nonstop and not me. But I think more often than not, that's just not the case. And it's social media.
Starting point is 01:12:56 You can just see so many hot people all the time. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I know it's cliche, but it's true. Yeah. My brain's not supposed to see that many hot people. Guys, you're going to hate this, but the producerial side of me, I've got to bring something up.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Go. You've got to do a mid-roll. Oh, dude. Thank you. Wow. Yeah, and then we'll get into our legends and beats. That's awesome. Brad, thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Yeah, thank you. Okay, good. I'm sorry. Everyone at home right now is like, that's why he's a producer. That's why he gets paid the big bucks. I think you're right. I'm thinking ahead of what we've got to do do you should text us when we're recording in the future how's that mid-roll coming thank you bro i uh that's nice because our we got a comment today
Starting point is 01:13:34 saying it was rude that we're doing mid-rolls with guests so i i'm i don't know i don't know i think they're fun i think so too i think it's part of the charm. Yeah. Yeah. All right, guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs,
Starting point is 01:13:54 for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Cause guys, like it or not, summer is approaching. Okay. And you want to look fresh and you want to beat the heat. And there's no better way to do that than to trim your pubes, all right? Because you don't want, you know, heat down there.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And the best way to do that is to take the Lawn Mower 3.0 and just straight up apply it to your dong. So guys, Cameron, have you been manscaping lately? I've been manscaping for a long time. Oh, nice. Yeah. It's in the family. Yeah? Yeah, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:14:30 That's awesome. Did you ever give him any advice on what his pubes should look like? No, but I would provide, before Lawnmower was there, I would provide utensils so that he wouldn't hurt himself. Oh, nice. I remember, maybe you weren't home, but I looked in your drawer and there was like a thing, like a man grooming tool. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:46 You know, the four, the five in your hand. Yeah, yeah. It said Clipper. Yeah. It said man groomer on it. Yeah, yeah. Oh, whoa. You were on the cutting edge of this for a while.
Starting point is 01:14:57 That's nice. Yeah, I've got to be on top of it. You keep it tight. Yeah. That's awesome. You've got to keep it high and tight. You inspired me. I think maybe I'll send my nephew some.
Starting point is 01:15:04 They're still young, but you want to send this. Send it to your dad. Be like. Send it to your dad. Yeah. Dad, I got you this. Yeah. It's a 3.0, Dad.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Yeah. Can you get him a deal on that? What's 20% off? 20% off, Dad. Go deep 20. Go deep 20. Yeah. I might get one.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I mean, honestly. Yeah. Sounds like a great deal. I'll get you one. It is, dude. Yeah. Yeah. I'll get you one. Oh, yeah. We'll get you one. It is, dude. Yeah. Yeah. I'll get you one.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Oh, yeah. We'll get you one. Dad, do you want to get me one? Yeah. Sure. Thank you. For Christmas. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Appreciate it. Yeah. All right. Brad. Hi. Who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week this week. God, I wasn't prepared for that.
Starting point is 01:15:40 You know, I got to say that, you know. Oh, wait. I went backwards, actually. Oh, why? I left out. We're supposed to do beef first. Do you mind if we reroute to beef? Let's go to beef.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the coronavirus. I mean, it's really, you know, I know it's not fun and no one really wants to talk about it, but it's really creating a lot of problems for a lot of people. And I wish coronavirus would go away. I wish there was something we could do. Yeah, there's nothing we can do, right? They say it's going to be like a year before they come up with a vaccine.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Yeah, so we just have to wash our hands. That's a good beef. Yeah. Chad, who's your beef? My beef is the equilibrium in my AirPods. Yesterday I woke up, and my left AirPod is not as loud as the right and it's kind of messing with my running you know like i'm whenever i'm running i have like eric prids on full blast both ears you know same volume and now it's kind of like one and it's throwing me off a little bit
Starting point is 01:16:42 so it's with the airpods you know they're they're tricky sometimes and they're kind of you know they're hurting my morning a little bit so i'm just trying to you know maybe i'll set up an appointment with the genius bar but we'll see but yeah for now i'm beefing with those hard even though they brought me good times mostly so those are the pro right the pro i think yeah the new ones the new ones think. I got them, they're my mom's actually. I got them like a year and a half ago. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Are they having issues with those? I have the same issue with the Pro. Oh, you do? Because there's a noise canceling component to it. Yeah. And it sometimes isn't the same in both ears, and it's kind of weird. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Do you know how you test if one of the pods is working and the other one isn't? You pull out one ear, and if it's not that loud, you know it's not working that good. That's what I've been doing. Yeah. Trips, it's trippy, huh? Dude, oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Yeah, for sure, dog. Cameron, do you have a beef of the week? My beef of the week is probably the dentist. Nice. Good beef, dude. good beef dude had to go twice it's actually been kind of fun because I've never had nitrogen before so that was really fun it's nitrous
Starting point is 01:17:55 nitrogen and nitrous Cameron had some pretty serious stuff and I told the dentist that he was a little nervous to come in but he needed to get this stuff worked on. And the dentist said, I got something that'll make it very enjoyable for him. I didn't know they're still doing that.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Dude, I have a picture for you. Oh, good dad. No, go ahead. Cameron, talk about your,
Starting point is 01:18:14 oh, I turned it off. But yeah, um, it was a great time. I love it. I think he told me after, I really didn't remember.
Starting point is 01:18:21 He told me after that. I told him to pull my wisdom teeth while we were doing it. Yeah. Just to keep partying? Yeah, because I wanted to keep it going. Do you still have them in there? Yeah. Yeah, I got them pulled like two years ago.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I went after hours. This guy just showed up with a briefcase. Didn't even turn the lights on in the place. Yeah, and then he just went in there and he was like, are you going to put me under? He's like, no, I just crank them out. And he pulled them out. I was better in like a day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:44 The guy was aces. Yeah, it was really not that bad of an experience. That's crazy. He didn't give you any? He gave me some stuff. He did some local injections. You didn't go under? I didn't go under.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Sounds like a Quentin Tarantino movie. Like the cleaner shows up. He's got a black piece. Yeah, exactly. He's opening your mouth. He walks in. Yeah. That's what it sounds like.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Exactly. Is that what it was like? He was like Harvey Keitel. He pulled up in his Nissan RSX. And I was like he was like harvey kytel yeah he pulled up and his crazy nissan rsx and i was like this guy's fine that guy i'd been there before but like during working hours and i just called them late night and they're like yeah or i called them and i was like yeah i know i can't get there till like 10 they were like it's no problem and oh you went in yeah yeah he has a beast yeah sounds like it i'll give you his contact info okay yeah dad is that cool yeah, you have a good dentist, but you do whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:19:26 I remember the last time I got nitrous at the dentist, it literally felt like I was doing flips on the board. And I was like 10. I had no idea what was going on. It was awesome. Yeah, it was really, really tough. We're looking at a photo of Cameron and Bliss. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Yeah, that pops. Yeah. I really was having the photo of Cameron and Bliss. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that pops. Yeah. There you go. I really was. I was having the time of my life. I remember that I had to go pee in the middle of it. So I told them, I was like, I have to pee, I have to pee. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Someone held me to the bathroom, and I actually thought I peed for an hour straight. I had no idea. Yeah. It was crazy. I didn't know. I didn't know. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 My Beef of the Week is with another virus. It was an email virus. A co-worker of ours fired off an email to a lot of different people. And it just said this. It said, hello, take a look at this and see if everything is up to code. Let me know if there's anything wrong. And it was on an email chain from June 3rd, 2019. At the bottom, it said, thank you.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I said, hell yeah, I got to check this out. So I download the zip file and then I open it up and I'm like, this doesn't make any sense. And then like an hour later, one of my coworkers is like, oh no, Luke's been hacked. He sent out a virus. And I was like, no, a virus. And I was like, I downloaded the virus and I'm just dumb. Like the guy, my coworker was like, what kind of idiot would ever fall for this? I'm like, me. Where did it come from? It came from his email.
Starting point is 01:20:48 And it looked like this. But I should have known because he's never written an email like this. And it didn't have his information at the bottom of the email that it normally has. So anyone who's computer savvy would not have downloaded it. My assistant told me not to open any emails from them because that came out. Yeah, they had a big hack over at that company. From your management company. Yeah, they emailed me and they said, well, you must have gotten a weird email this morning. And I downloaded it.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And then this is the second time it's happened to me in a couple years. It happened to me another time where I was like, oh, someone sent me an attachment. I got to download it. And then I don't know what's going to happen to me. Well, no, but so should we not open attachments from people we don't know? Is that what we're learning? Is that raw dogging our emails? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Yeah. Is that what it is? You got to look for specific things. Like on this one, for example, it has the question mark in the icon and, um, and just the wording too.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I mean, with a link like that, like attachment, it's just like, you can tell it's robotic. Our coworker, Dan was like, you're an idiot. Like he looked at me, it's robotic our co-worker dan was like you're an idiot like he looked at me it was like he was and they were like they talked about the guy who got hacked and his email who went out there like this is really bad for him yeah like in companies when
Starting point is 01:21:54 you get hacked everyone looks at you like you're a doofus right yeah like you like yeah like everyone was looking at me like how can this guy be so dumb because if you also click the attachment it says it's from japan he's like don't't you see that the URL says it's from Japan? I was like, I've never checked that before in my life. Neither have I. But I took great sauce in the fact that Strider also downloaded it. I was like, you dumbass. But then it's the second time this has happened to me.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I just don't learn. The first time one of my bosses emailed me, he's like, you've been hacked. And I was watching so much porn at the time. I texted him back. I was like, is it porn? And then he was like, why would it be. And I was watching so much porn at the time, I texted him back, I was like, is it porn? And then he was like, why would it be porn? I was like, no reason. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I've been getting a bunch of emails, on our email actually, from like, it'll be like, Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones, like plural, at gmail.com, they're like, hey, you want to come and do an interview? We'll pay for advertising.
Starting point is 01:22:45 What's up? It's the band. I'll just delete them and. They're like, hey, you want to come in and do an interview? We'll pay for advertising. What's up? It's the band. I'll just delete them and they'll be like, all right. Literally, this one got kind of salty with me. They're like, all right, you're not going to take our first offer, I see. We're still here. Are you sure it's not the band? I mean, I don't want to fall for this stuff again, but could it be the band?
Starting point is 01:23:01 I mean, half the words are misspelled. It's not coming from the band. Yeah, dude, Keith Richards is fucked up. I mean mick jagger is part of the small dong movement so yeah is he keith outed him and said he has a small pecker oh wow yeah that's good to know keeping it real key yeah um but yeah i'm looking forward to getting uh duped by another virus pretty soon and downloading it i'll never stop you know why because i'm an optimist i see an email from someone i'm like could be a great attachment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:27 That's good. Who's your babe of the week? Listen, it's, again, boring. My babe of the week is my GFF. You know, she's solid. 27 years. Been there for me. You know, going through, you know, this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:23:42 You know, my wife is showing up at the house with you know clorox and we have huge vats of purell i don't even know how she got purell how do you get purell right now you can't find right you know and so uh fell off the back of the truck yes but she figured it out so i feel like we're safe in our house and so she's the babe of the week that's awesome that's awesome yeah chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is whitney houston um you know i was looking for a babe of the week? My baby of the week is Whitney Houston. I was looking for a baby of the week, and then I'm Every Woman came on, and it fired me up.
Starting point is 01:24:14 It's a great song. I was singing along. There's nothing. 80s music, we've got to get back there. It's the best. It's the best. I mean, it just fires me up every time. She has so many hits.
Starting point is 01:24:28 They may be overplayed at weddings, but you know what? They still fire me up whenever I hear them. That's awesome. And she's an incredible performer. So I just got to give her a shout out. I wish I had seen her live, but we still have your hits, and I'm Every Woman will keep me stoked nonstop. Cool. That's great.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Love that. Great babe. Who's your babe of the week? Well, since it's my first time on the show, I'm going to say my girlfriend. Oh, nice. Nice. She had to miss my premiere last night for a panel that she spoke on to a ton of college students, and she did a great job, I heard.
Starting point is 01:25:05 So good turnout, and proud of her for doing that so you're a sweet boy and it's great because she actually had to drop out of college and it's kind of ironic that now she's speaking to you know students at college so it just shows that she's worked really hard to get to where she is so that's great yeah when i see you guys on social i've never met her but when i see you guys on social media i'm like they're in love she's awesome that's awesome yeah she's awesome she'll let me ball with you guys anytime
Starting point is 01:25:29 that's what's up that's who I'm gonna be terrible out there but let's do it my babe of the week is a Formula 1 car racing and specifically the legend Nicky Lauda
Starting point is 01:25:39 Chad and I went to a NASCAR race and then I've been obsessed with racing since then I've been watching the show Formula 1 on Netflix we're gonna cover it on a later pod phenomenal show dude formula one drivers it's probably the sexiest sport in the world they get in these fancy cars they look like bond villains or like uh like soccer coaches you ever notice like soccer coaches like in the premier league and in la liga they're like they're all so cool looking yeah these guys
Starting point is 01:26:04 are sophisticated dudes they get in these cars they haul ass they're very dangerous you know they're always at risk and i just uh i'm into it and you know they race in monaco and cool cities like that and nikki lotta was the guy from the movie rush who won a bunch of championships car exploded caught fire burned half of his skin he comes back back, wins again. And then in this doc series, they follow him when he took over as a crew chief or like as a manager of Mercedes and turned them into a champion. And he's just awesome. And you can see some interview clips of him with Graham Bessinger on YouTube, where he talks about how he doesn't like having friends, but everyone loves him. So he has friends, but his mentality on life is just hilarious. He's very like,
Starting point is 01:26:43 like non-sentimental where he's just like i don't need friends they get in the way of what i want i don't need friends it's for weak people my life is about doing what i need to do and accomplishing what i need to accomplish but you know underneath it he's got a heart of gold but uh and he passed away so uh did he pass away yeah i did unfortunately i know i found out from the show but uh he's a he's just an all-time legend in a great sport. And yeah, guys, check out that show on Netflix. It's really cool.
Starting point is 01:27:08 That's great. I will check that out. It's cool. Yeah. Yeah. And then, yeah, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Elon Musk. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:27:18 I was lucky enough to get a Tesla 3 this week. Wow. And I've never had more fun in a car. It drives great. And the fact that that guy started a car company. He was in his 30s. He started a car company. And he is now, that's the cutting edge car in the technology.
Starting point is 01:27:43 I mean, he looks at it a different way. I walked into the dealership i was out in 10 minutes do you know like when you go to buy a car you're there for three hours i was out in 10 minutes i love this car um i just think he's he's unbelievable what he's accomplished and then you don't not to mention what he's doing with solar and then what he's doing with space exploration i think that guy's a legend yeah that qualifies don't you think yes absolutely do the do you have like the self-driving capabilities not not fully but it's like i do yeah that is that have you used incredible i did today you used them today so
Starting point is 01:28:14 come in here is it scary were you scared it was the coolest thing ever really yeah it really is so so what what do you do when it's in self-drive mode do you still hold on to the wheel or yeah you i do hold the you have to hold the wheel because it'll stop. You don't have to hold it. You have to go and you can go hands off for a minute, but then you just have to show that you're still there. So it makes you touch the wheel. It makes you repeatedly touch the wheel.
Starting point is 01:28:35 I have a friend's parent who puts gloves on the wheel so that they don't have to touch it. And then they just take fat naps on the freeway. Oh, my God. That's crazy. Yeah. Really? That's crazy. And he's still alive oh my god but the best part about it is in la traffic because
Starting point is 01:28:50 there's you know yeah there's a lot of traffic i did not put my foot on the gas for the break the car did it the whole way here really yeah what yeah it's it's got adaptive cruise control that just will go down to zero and then back up to whatever. I did it the whole way here. So crazy. It was so, I mean, it's like a different experience. It's like, how did I not do this before? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:15 That's what it feels like. You don't think you could go back to a regular car? I don't. Yeah. That's amazing. And it's a sensible car. I mean, it's, I don't know. And they look fucking badass. Yeah. Do you still have a need for speed I mean, it's, I don't know. I love it. And they look fucking badass.
Starting point is 01:29:25 Yeah. Do you still have like a need for speed? Like, I need to burn some rubber sometime. I did today with Cameron in the car and he couldn't believe how this car is crazy. It does zero to 16 in three seconds. Yeah, that's really, that's like your neck goes backwards, right? It did, yeah. You got to start doing a neck workout.
Starting point is 01:29:39 It's silent too. Yeah. Wow. It's sick. You feel that roller coaster feeling in your stomach really yeah in your balls yeah have you driven it yet no i can drive this one correct yeah okay sometimes he doesn't let me drive some cars do you have a heavy foot yeah he does i lost my license when i was younger yeah but now i'm in a prius so it's harder yeah yeah it's better for you for me it's
Starting point is 01:30:04 better yeah i'll still hit the gas a little bit but now i'm med a Prius, so it's harder. Yeah. It's better for you. Yeah. I'll still hit the gas a little bit, but now I'm medicated. So like the voice in my head and my frontal lobes probably developed a little bit. The voice, it used to be 20 minutes of driving fast. Now I just hit the gas for like two seconds. I'm like, all right, that's enough. That's enough. Whatever you're taking, that's a great outcome. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Just two seconds of it gives me my fill. That's nice. Chadad who's your uh legend of the week uh my legend of the week is daylight savings it's coming up this sunday best day of the year um i will have more sunlight i mean nothing gets me more amped
Starting point is 01:30:38 i do want to see both of you have a great tan i wanted to oh thank you we worked outside today yeah you guys both have a really we were like writing stuff but we were like how about we go outside and we're just absorbing yeah sorry thank you so much cut you off though no i appreciate it you can cut us off to tell us we have a good time yeah this is best part of the pod um but yeah you know i'll have always have beef with daylight savings i don't get it i think it's outdated you know they take an hour of light who wants that no one so um but you know we're correcting ourselves this sunday so i'm pretty pumped for that and i just want to give a shout out and uh keep fighting the fight you know it's probably my the biggest fight of my life is trying to get rid of daylight savings so you're a warrior
Starting point is 01:31:21 dog thank you thank you for fighting for all of us that's a real thing it's real it makes you really depressed when it does it does 3 30 4 o'clock the sun starts going down yeah you're like what do they do with all the daylight they save well we were talking about this all all day where does it go I don't know where it goes. Government's hoarding it. It's wasted. Yeah. And I figure you take away one hour of light.
Starting point is 01:31:55 You should, if we're going to do that, why don't we just give ourselves back two hours? What are we doing with these hours? Right. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know where it's going it's like die hard with a vengeance when they got to fill the water thing with certain amount of water yeah only the farmers know
Starting point is 01:32:12 yeah they did daylight savings for the farmers right yeah and it's like we don't have farms anymore it's all well there are a couple farms oh there are some farms oh crap like mendocino farms yeah the mendocino farm yeah yeah Mendocino Farms is a farm oh right it's a great sandwich place but I don't know they must keep the grass patch in the kitchen
Starting point is 01:32:29 yeah yeah oh sprouts sprouts yeah it'd be nice to get two hours of flight imagine
Starting point is 01:32:35 oh man 10 p.m yeah sun out dude oh dude dude come on
Starting point is 01:32:41 dude that's what I'm talking about yeah yeah there's those places where it's like sunny 23 hours out of the day. And they're like, everyone goes crazy. I'm like, I don't understand why. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:52 I guess it throws off their circadian clock or rhythm or whatever. Yeah. My circadian clock would be like, this is nice. You know what the problem is? They're probably farmers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, fuck you, farmers.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I had to have my dogs back. Thank you, dude. I'll set your Brussels sprout farm on fire. Aaron, do you know where the light goes? I don't know. I think it must go into cows somehow. There you go. Cows, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:26 They're funny. Cameron, who's your legendary lead? I got two. Is that allowed? Yeah, two. Absolutely. Okay. One is my dad.
Starting point is 01:33:35 That's very nice of you. Thank you, Cameron. He's gone through the ringer a little bit this week in terms of the virus and the movie. It's a high stress situation so i commend him thank you for staying calm to the to the whole thing at least to me um the other one's kobe bryant always well done yeah yeah that was a tough one right yeah i mean still a tough one yeah it still hurts yeah my phone background oh shit hold on it's weird watching clips of him now
Starting point is 01:34:07 his mamba mentality all day I watch clips of him I watch like the top 100 plays of the decade from the NBA on YouTube and just seeing clips of him making plays and his face afterwards he was such a performer he had such a flair
Starting point is 01:34:23 for the moment it's just terrible to lose him. But it's great we have so much stuff we can look back on. It's tough. It's tough. Did you guys go to a lot of Laker games? Yeah, you took me to a lot growing up. They were a great father-son bonding experience.
Starting point is 01:34:43 We would go with my brother. And we actually used sit by vanessa in the beginning of his career wow um so we'd see his daughters and they were like they would wave to us and that's right they was just it's crazy time flies and crazy things happen oh man tough yeah yeah did you guys meet kobe i never um yeah not not really not really right yeah i met him i had a great experience with him yeah i uh a friend of mine his daughter was a friend of his daughter was a fan of a friend of mine show when i was in college and and and he invited her over to his daughter's birthday which was like 15 people so she called me and i was in college and and and he invited her over to his daughter's birthday which was like 15 people so she called me and I was in Wisconsin at college and she goes I'm going to Kobe's house do you want to come with me for his daughter's birthday I was like are you kidding me
Starting point is 01:35:34 and she was like no no come and I was like oh my god so I book a ticket home from Wisconsin like that day we go to his house in Newport, and it was probably to this day one of the most surreal moments of my entire life. I talked to him for like 30 minutes. I thought I was going to be someone that he wouldn't want to engage in a conversation with at all for a long period of time, and we talked for 30 minutes, just he and I, about everything, not even basketball, movies, cartoons, and he was like a big kid.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Oh, that's awesome. he's so nice it was it was it's a crazy experience yeah he seemed like a really great guy and kind of a renaissance man yeah yeah like uh raptor bass i mean he went to movies and he just seemed like academy award yeah it seemed like he was just yeah kind of getting started. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah. Live on forever. Dude, my legend of the week is so much weaker, but it's special to me. My legend of the week is Island's Cheese Fries.
Starting point is 01:36:36 There's no judgment here. Of course. If you guys have been to Island's, their cheese fries are out of this world. The Island's here? Yeah, they got a couple of them around. And I grew up going to the one in a oc at the kaleidoscope theater and uh i get the cheese fries and sometimes i get two if there's four of us or five of us sometimes i get two cheese fries right and get a lot of ranch dude some of the best i'm gonna put it down now and i'm a cheese fry guy i'm a cheese fry aficionado i'm not some nozzle who is talking out of his butt with a small
Starting point is 01:37:06 sample size. I've had cheese fries in a lot of different states and maybe even on multiple continents, but I don't want to say that without verifying. But I'm fairly confident. And the cheese fries at Islands are the best cheese fries you can have. So if you're in California, they might have Islands in other states too, but Islands in California,
Starting point is 01:37:22 I think they taste a little better. So you go to the Islands in Crown Valley in Orange orange county you get the you get the cheese fries and you tell them jt sent you and they won't know what the fuck that means but but i'll appreciate it i want to go now yeah go yeah i want to try that let's all go i'd do that anytime i always i always laugh about that when it's like when it's a radio ad and they're like so go to uh uh you know uh newport beach uh n Beach Nissan and tell them Mario Lopez sent you. And I was like, could you imagine if you were like, Mario Lopez sent me? By the way, my car will drive us there.
Starting point is 01:37:52 We can all get in there. Let's go. I love that. Let's go. That sounds great. Cool. Do you have a quote of the week? We've got one more segment.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah, I do. I have a quote of the week. I mentioned earlier that I saw Back to School. So my quote of the week for getting after it. That's what you're talking about, right? Let's attempt the triple indie. Oh! What do you think of that? Do you think anyone will know what I'm talking about? I know what you're talking about. And that
Starting point is 01:38:15 you hear about that dive the whole movie and it has to live up to it in the payoff. And it does. And it absolutely does. It does. Yes. So that's my quote of the week. And if you haven't seen Back to School, please go see it so you know what we're talking about. Chad. So we went to see NASCAR. So I've been obsessed with racing, too.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And I got to pull something from Talladega Nights. From now on, you're the magic man. And I'm El Diablo. I love that. Shake and bake. Shake and bake. That is'm El Diablo. I love that. Shake and bake. Shake and bake. That is so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:49 Shake and bake. People should say that more often. Right? Yeah, for sure. Shake and bake, guys. Thank you for bringing that back. Thank you, yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:56 I love that. By the way, one of the best movies that there is. It's so great. Have you guys been to NASCAR live? Yeah, I have. It's awesome. It's awesome. The pit, have you seen it live?
Starting point is 01:39:04 I don't think I've you seen it live i don't i don't think i've ever seen it live did the pit crew the coolest thing i've ever seen it's incredible fast yeah it's crazy it was so cool yeah it looks like you guys were in the infield yeah yeah that's nice it was cool i got the i got free hot dogs they had a manscaped car there too they saw that yeah they really yeah wow and uh yeah we Wow. And, uh, yeah, we saw, um, Jimmy Johnson. Oh, cool. He's cool. California native. Yeah. Yeah. Um, the trust they have to have with each other, they're doing 180 miles an hour and you're like six inches behind the guy. Like you have to trust that the other guy won't do anything that's going to put you in danger. Like you're going to
Starting point is 01:39:42 try to win the race, but you also have to try and keep everybody alive. And it's, like, an incredible amount of just, like, professionalism. Yeah, and it's so precise. Like, we were talking to some NASCAR guys, and the guy was like, I didn't realize how critical each moment was until I think it was, like, the championship. And this guy landed for a pit stop,
Starting point is 01:40:03 and the crew, they were supposed to be 12 seconds. They did 14. And he lost the championship because of those two seconds. Oh, wow. Yeah. Wow. Life, like football, is a game of inches. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:15 And NASCAR. Wow. What's your quote of the week? This brings me back to my childhood a little bit but my dad always told me to try before i cry which is a quote that he always said to me is like make sure before you don't do anything you at least try to do it and uh you know i've been trying to win at this acting thing for a long time, and having him there last night to be able to see that win sort of brought me back to that moment.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Oh, that's sweet, Cameron. Thank you. Wow, that's awesome. And congrats on the movie. Yeah, congrats. I can't wait to watch. Thank you. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:40:57 It's fun. That's awesome. My quote of the week is from the movie Green Street Hooligans. It's a cult classic from the mid-aughts. It stars Charlie Hunnam and Elijah Wood.ijah wood gets kicked out of harvard unfairly and he falls in with some uh british football hooligans who fight and and actually they're they're they they really make the fighting seem uh important like as a as like a way to bond and really test yourself and uh and i love this movie when i first saw it, it made me want to fight people more. And I was like, yo, I need to be badass like these dudes.
Starting point is 01:41:28 But it can feel like that when you've got your young testosterone brain. You're really like, this is what life's all about. And I think it can all be distilled in this one line where Elijah Wood actually starts fighting, and he gets pretty good at it. And he says, you know the best part? It isn't knowing that your friends have your back. It's knowing that you have your friends back.
Starting point is 01:41:46 That's awesome. Wow. Yeah, it was cool. Nice. Yeah, it's a cool movie. Nice. The plot's kind of ridiculous, but I don't know. It's badass.
Starting point is 01:41:53 If you just want to watch something badass, like a little spiritual brother to boondock saints, check out Green Street Hooligans. I will check that out. Yeah. You've got to be pretty good to say that, to have that quote. You've got to be really good at fighting. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta be pretty good to say that, to have that quote. You gotta be really good at fighting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Yeah. But it's not even about, but maybe you don't. Maybe you just gotta be ready to die for your bros. Right. Right. That too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Cool. Yeah. I remember we were at a party and I was talking shit to this huge guy because I had just seen the movie and my biggest, buffest friend went into the bathroom at a party and I was talking shit to this huge guy because I had just seen the movie. And my biggest, buffest friend went into the bathroom, like right when I was talking shit, just totally bailed on me. And when we drove home, he was like, dude, I was just in the bathroom getting myself fired up, ready to fight. I was like, shut up. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:42:39 No, you weren't. What's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Oh, that was my phrase. Oh, for getting, um, I don't know. Chad, um, let's junk the car. I got to junk my car.
Starting point is 01:42:59 This, my car died. My hybrid escaped. Sorry. And, uh, I got to junk it. Who makes that analysis that you have to the mechanic so uh he so he when he called me it was sort of like a doctor delivering bad news i'm
Starting point is 01:43:14 like i i get i get a call and i'm like because i thought it was just the ignition switch i'm like oh i just gotta get that fixed and he's like he calls i'm like how's it going he's like it's going and i was like what's up and he's like she's gone it's a great hollow note song like the hybrid battery died it's gonna probably be about eight thousand dollars to fix so you should junk it. All right. I'm so sorry. Well, I've been planning on getting a new car, but, I mean, this car, I've had it since 2009. It's meant a lot to me. It's taken me all over California, many trips to Santa Cruz, SoCal.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Yeah. And, you know, it's got – I was actually – it's kind of nice because I was wondering how I'd ever be able to sell it because I have so much surf wax melted into the trunk. Right. I'm like, I don't even know how I'm going to, but now it's just, you know, God decided. It was time. Yeah. I'm sorry you're going through that loss. Sorry, dog.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Oh, it's okay. 200,000 miles. She lived a good life. That's good. But thank you. I appreciate the condolences. Yeah, for sure. Cameron.
Starting point is 01:44:28 This is tough, but you got me on the Ricky Bobby grind. Oh, nice, nice. I think there was a quote in the movie where his dad was like, if you're not first, you're last. Yeah. I think that's a good way to approach the week. No, absolutely. I always try to win first.
Starting point is 01:44:46 That's Kobe. that's kobe my phrase of the week for getting after it is from warren g harding who was the 29th president of the united states and died in 1923 during his term i guess which is pretty wild um he hired some chicago admin which was a new profession at the time to help him with his campaign and they ended up landing on the line return to normalcy as his campaign slogan, which was actually pretty solid. But they had a better one at the beginning. They said, let's be done with wiggle and wobble. Really?
Starting point is 01:45:14 Yeah. Let's be done with wiggle and wobble? That was one of his slogans in 1920. That's awesome. How'd you find that? I was listening to John Dickerson's podcast called Whistle Stop, where he just talks about
Starting point is 01:45:24 different presidential campaigns and stuff. Oh, cool. It's like super interesting. Like Ronald Reagan had this fire line that he would say during debates where he goes, there you go again. But he actually had that line planned for when he was debating Jimmy Carter in 1980 because they got their hands on Jimmy Carter's debate papers before the debate. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:45:40 And all the people who found it ended up being high ranking people in Reagan's academy. Yeah. So it's cool stories like that. I like it. Should we bring it back? Yeah. I think we just did. It sounds like a rap song.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Got your wiggle. Now get your wobble. It's good. Get your wiggle. All right. Well, guys, thank you for coming in. Come on. This is a treat.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Thank you. I'm the lucky one. I didn't know this was going to happen, so thanks for having me on. Oh, we're honored to have you. Seriously. It was great treat. Thank you. I'm the lucky one. I didn't know this was going to happen. So thanks for having me on. Oh, we're honored to have you. Yeah, it was great. Yeah. And your movie comes out on Hulu tomorrow? Tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:46:11 Crawlers. I don't know when this comes out. Crawlers. But it's called Crawlers. It's on Hulu. It's fun. It's not too long. It's like an hour and 25 minutes.
Starting point is 01:46:19 So there's good bloopers on it. We love bloopers. Oh, of course. Yeah. Yeah. And A Quiet Place 2? A Quiet Place 2 comes out March 20th. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:46:28 All right. Stokers, check them out. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Yeah. Yeah, thank you. What a delight. Is Genesequa, can you give yourself more Genesequa?
Starting point is 01:46:37 No. You just have a certain amount? I'm not even aware that I have any. But you can't build more je ne sais quoi on yourself? No. Because I don't know how. I wouldn't know how to do it. But can any citizen do it?
Starting point is 01:46:51 Yes, of course. Oh, you can build more je ne sais quoi? Yes, of course. Yes. Okay. Yes. It just takes focus like anything else. Oh, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Interesting. You just have to be focused on it. Nice. Yeah. I don't know. Don't worry. Okay. You're good.
Starting point is 01:47:03 I'm going to Google that. Yeah. It's good news. It's good news. Yeah, we should Google it. It's good news that that's... Very good news. Don't worry. Okay. You're good. I'm going to Google that. It's good news. Yeah, we should Google it. It's good news that you can build it up. You can build it up, sure. Yeah, it's like anything else. Like your bicep.
Starting point is 01:47:15 You look huge, by the way. There's YouTube videos for it. Really? Hey, so are you doing the Juice Fast Still or are you done? No, so I did six days. And then our buddy Dan, who we work with, I did it with him. He's like, you're going to look gaunt. So I was like, because you're supposed to do 10.
Starting point is 01:47:33 He said you were looking gaunt? He's like, you will soon. I was like. He just did that to get you off because he didn't want to do the cleanse anymore. That's a smart guy. I don't trust that for a second. I don't think you were looking. You were looking luminescent.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Oh, thank you. You were shining in the dark. You know, it was nice because I've been able to stay away from sugar and stuff. And my energy is much higher. That's cool. I usually, by this time, I'm just beyond sleepy. But at 11, I'm cruising. Cool.
Starting point is 01:48:01 I know Aaron has a hard out at 830. We got to go. Aaron, kill it at your softball game bye Aaron thank you Aaron thanks Aaron Aaron you're a legend
Starting point is 01:48:08 you are a legend you guys are legends bye Ooh, child, things are going to get easier. Ooh, child, things will get brighter. Ooh, child, things are going to get easier. Ooh, child, things will get brighter. See ya. We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun Someday when the world is much brighter Ooh, child, things are gonna be easier Ooh, child, things will be brighter
Starting point is 01:49:17 Ooh, child, things are gonna be easier Ooh, child, things are gonna be easier. Ooh, child, things will be brighter. Someday, we'll be together and we'll be under. Someday. Someday, we'll walk in the rays of our beautiful sun Someday Bye. Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:32 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:32 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:33 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:33 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:33 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:37 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:38 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:39 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday
Starting point is 01:50:43 Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday Someday easier Ooh, child things will get quieter Ooh, child things are gonna get easier Ooh, child things will get quieter
Starting point is 01:50:55 Right now Right now Right now Right now Oh baby Right now And you're just the way I see The things are gonna be Right now And you're just the way I see
Starting point is 01:51:16 The things are gonna be Right now You're just the way I see The things are gonna be Right now

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