Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 128 - MP Cunningham and Jer Jackson Join

Episode Date: May 1, 2020

What up Stokers! Today we are joined by, and it can't be overstated, two legends, MP Cunningham and Jer Jackson. We talk about their new show "Agua Donkeys" out on Quibi, making stuff in Utah, and how... to remain stoked. Check out their show stokers! it's so funny and they are super great guys.Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys this is going deep with chad jt my name is chad kroger coming in with going deep with chad jt podcast guys before we begin i want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because guys we may be in the q-team right now but that does not mean that you should not be well trimmed and ready to reenter the world when the government says it's chill. So get 20% off and free shipping with code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. That's 20% off free shipping, go deep 20 at manscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom. Clap Stokers. And, uh, we are here with our guests, MP Cunningham and Jer Jackson. What up, guys?
Starting point is 00:01:13 What's up, bro? First, have you guys been keeping up with your manscaping? Jer, you want to take a stab at that first? Yeah, the answer is no i appreciate the honesty yeah a lot of people lie because they feel you know we start off the bat with the with the pube shaving and then they they don't know if they can come clean about how not clean they are in their ball uh that's not cool that's not cool. That's not, that's so not cool, dude. Just so you guys know, I'm pretty fresh. Oh, nice. Nice. Yeah. I like to keep it clean. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I like to hear that bulge too much.
Starting point is 00:01:59 That fires me up. Yeah. Uh, well, you guys just had a new show come out on Quibi, Agua Donkeys. So funny. JT and I have been crushing it. And, yeah, we're stoked to talk to you guys. Thanks for coming on. Well, thanks for having us. And we were just saying, and we'll say it again because we should,
Starting point is 00:02:19 you guys are just like the funniest dudes out there. So it's – Come on, bro. Come on, JT. You know that dude you know you know but it's really yeah it's rad mp told me that we were going to be with you guys i've never i've never watched a podcast in my life and but i know who you guys are and i think this is sick so oh thank you thank you man And just so you guys know, this is our first podcast. Oh, wow. Yeah, this is, it's with you guys, man.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Nice. That's really cool. I'm honored. We're honored. We wouldn't have it with anybody else, you know. That's cool. How are you guys holding up during the whole lockdown? Chair?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Okay, okay. I've actually been down at a cabin my family has a cabin down there bryce canyon i don't know if you've ever heard of that in um southern utah it's like these crazy rock formations and stuff but i've been down there by myself for a couple of weeks but i just actually came back up to the city because there's absolutely no cell service or anything within miles around, like probably a hundred miles. It wouldn't be good enough to do this show.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So yeah. You went back to Salt Lake City? Yeah, I'm in Salt Lake right now, but two weeks in total isolation is probably enough. But it was amazing. I mean, you'd come out, there's no neighbors. I saw some elk go every day, just go on a hike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Take a little gun in case I got accosted by a bear. What kind of gun? Just a tiny little.380. Is that going to do anything to a bear? It's more for humans, but I didn't want to say that. There's not really bears down there. Just in case. You got to catch it in the eye.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Thank you. That's awesome. Do you guys both live in Salt Lake City? No, I live in Northern California right now in a small town named Houston. So that's near Modesto. You know where that is. My family has an almond farm out here. So I'm out here on the ranch.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Oh, sweet. That's awesome. Quarantining. So it's a good setup. My grandpa had a peach farm up in Northern California. Oh, nice dude. Yeah. My grandpa had a peach farm up in Northern California. Oh, nice, dude. Yeah, up until, I don't know, like the 40s or something, but that's where our roots are.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I like it, dude. Yeah. Where are you guys right now? I'm in Culver City in LA. Okay, sick. I'm at my mom's house in San Clemente. I've been on the fence about going somewhere else, but I don't know if I'm going to do it. I think I'm just restless and I house in San Clemente. I've been on the fence about going somewhere else, but I don't know if I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I think I'm just restless and I want to make a move. Actually content here. And I think I should just stay put. Where would you go? I think I might do an Airbnb either in San Clemente or just go back to my apartment in LA. But I'm not, I'm like vacillating between all of them i talked to two therapists about it we're seeing what we're seeing what's up
Starting point is 00:05:30 what were they saying yeah they didn't really have conclusive uh feedback on it yeah they were like you know i see your point both ways. Yeah. So vague. Yeah. They're solid, though. They're solid. But, yeah, they didn't give me much to go on. I think they're leaving the ball on my court. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 You see them at the same time? No, no, no. I got one guy, and then I got another guy. Playing it safe, dude. I like that. Because I broke up with one of the guys for the other guy and then the other guy when this whole thing happened was like
Starting point is 00:06:10 yo bro are you freaking out because I'm kind of a hypochondriac and I was like I am freaking out a little bit he's like hey I could just call you like once a week or something like that just checking on you I was like yeah that sounds good well played other guy well played yeah and I haven't told them about each other yet.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Oh, wow. Yeah. You wouldn't, dude. Maybe you should set a deadline. You're going to make the decision on May 5th. To tell them or to move? To move. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 May 5th's a good date. I think I will do that. Yeah. Well, what about, how are you guys? Are you guys getting restless? I'm in, I'm in like a bunch of space. And so I don't even like, kind of, I had to go to LA this weekend and I hadn't really been like in town yet. And I went to a Walgreens and they're like oh do you have a mask i'm like oh no i don't they're like you can't be in here and i just was like whoa yeah i'm serious yeah the
Starting point is 00:07:12 masks are creepy man i went to the grocery store i mean it's it's a weird it's i'm getting a little more used to it but when i first saw it was pretty felt pretty apocalyptic yeah yeah it's kind of a bummer that we're getting so used to it so quickly i know right yeah yeah i mean but utah's not that bad it's one of the only states it's not on like a full you know there's like seven states that haven't gone into lockdown and it's one of them so it's like you're supposed to stay home stay safe but you know you can go out and about nobody really really sweats you, you know? And so that's nice. But yeah. Are you guys both from Salt Lake city originally? Jer?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I'm from Kansas city. I'm actually from a town called blue Springs, Missouri. Okay, cool. But I went to school in Utah, came out and I just loved it. I mean, the mountains are incredible. And then, yeah, yeah. in Utah, came out, and I just loved it. I mean, the mountains are incredible. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I mean, it's just the nature here. Actually, another thing I did during the lockdown, I went camping alone for like four or five days.
Starting point is 00:08:14 It was incredible. Just loaded up. I rented a truck because I don't have a truck and just headed out to the desert, and it was pretty magical. It was really cold at night, but it was incredible. How did you guys get to know each other uh i'm from northern california but i moved out to salt lake for work stuff and um there and i luke worked together luke plays our boss in agua donkeys
Starting point is 00:08:46 and i luke worked together luke plays our boss in agua donkeys if you remember who that dude is yeah um anyways so luke was like you gotta meet my buddy jare or my brother jare and we just started writing stuff together making videos and the rest is history dude we just had a good time you know cool what what was the uh inspiration behind the show because Were you guys pool boys at one point? Jerry, you weren't, right? No, I never was. We were just kind of thinking about like, you know, maybe we might have to get jobs one day. And if we did, what's like the best case scenario and we thought like being outside most likely we could get away with getting our shirts off and talking being around other
Starting point is 00:09:38 types of people and stuff so we're just like that could be a funny premise too and so we uh like that could be a funny premise too and so we uh made that short and then uh wrote the series eventually what's the comedy scene like in salt lake who you ask uh uh between the two of you that was that was me attempting humor but not dude not not not because the comedy scene i don't know i don't know what the comedy seems like the mp view no we just we're just kind of like a we just kind of stuck with our friends and just started making stuff like i don't i don't we're not in the stand-up scene or anything like that i mean the comedy scene for me and mps we just we'll go walk around the park and just have conversations.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And then every now and then, I'll say something inadvertently that's completely inane. And then MP will be like, oh, that's funny. We should put that in something. That sounds awesome. That's the scene, dude. That's what our scene is. I'm sure there's a good scene that we just don't know about. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I'm so impressed by that that that you guys were able to like make something coming from a place where there wasn't like a huge environment for it at least not one that you guys were uh tapped into well one thing i'll say about mp which is one of my favorite things about him creatively is like if everybody's just hanging out and it's a normal saturday the typical saturdays everybody hangs out they go to the pool or just do nothing you know and mp is always like well let's go make something you know and it's just and i'm like what are you talking about and the next thing you know we're all sitting around his backyard making you know something and then he's edited the next day and yeah i annoy jt sometimes
Starting point is 00:11:27 are you the same way i think i'm always kind of anxious to just keep creating uh but jt's got the genius dome so you know it's not it's a good mix he's got a dome to the genius one for sure yeah kind. Kind words. I mean, I don't know if this is like genuinely, I don't really watch podcasts where I'd ask you guys how you guys sort of got going with your stuff. What was the first thing you did? Was it that Hollywood party scene stuff?
Starting point is 00:11:58 What was your first thing together? How did you guys meet? The first thing we really started working as a team on together is the Paul Walker statue. Yeah. Just getting that cause up and running. And then it sort of snowballed from there. It's not it, which is boosting the stoke.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I can feel it. Very good. And yeah, it sort of just snowballed from there. And then we just sort of found a uh we just kept grooving when did you guys start making videos together um jerry when was that it was a few years ago our very first one was we were cruising around literally on like a saturday and I was complaining about this girl I used to be on social media I've since deleted it all but and then
Starting point is 00:12:49 MP did too but he just barely added back Instagram but we were cruising around and I was complaining about this girl that had added me so I follow her back and then the second she did the second I did she deleted me and then I was just so pissed off about it and i was just
Starting point is 00:13:05 going to off the mp in the car i was calling her every name in the book and just saying she was like a piece of crap and then i was like oh never mind actually she still follows me and then he was like and that's to me that's the thing like that's the genius of mps to me that's just a normal conversation you know what i mean yeah's so funny. Let's go back to my house right now and shoot that. Yeah. And he cranked it out. Like, you know, we cranked it out. Like, how long, MP?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Probably just a couple hours. Yeah. And then he edited it the next day, and he submitted it to Vimeo, and it got a staff pick, and it got, like, 100,000 views. Wow. You know. Who shoots it? For a long time, I just shot it. Like like i would just set everything up and do it but now we just have like a bunch of friends our buddy
Starting point is 00:13:54 trevor owsley just shot the agua donkey series but most of the time it just was kind of me setting stuff up and going back and forth between behind and in front of the camera the the rhythm of the editing and the uh like the environment that you guys get in the shots it's really beautiful and and it's got its totally own speed to it i was i took to it right away when i was watching your guys's first episode on quibi i was like right away you can like just see from the way you guys are framing the exteriors. And you guys, I was like, oh, there's something like, you can already feel the comedy in that. And did you guys stumble onto that right away? Or was that something you guys kind of developed?
Starting point is 00:14:34 I've always had like a pretty good idea of how I want things to look visually. But then we had our buddy Trevor Owsley come in and shoot it. And he just is, he just makes everything so beautiful. He's like, came from the fashion world. So he shoots like Victoria's in and shoot it. He just makes everything so beautiful. He came from the fashion world. He shoots Victoria's Secret and all this crazy stuff. MP's got this really distinct look that he wants. Trev just came in and made it
Starting point is 00:14:56 beautiful. That's those two. They did an amazing job. What are your guys' influences, would you say? When I first started getting into film like wes anderson was like a big thing for me like when i saw that it just kind of changed the game and so i think that like my really wide shots kind of came from that and maybe the tone and the characters but i think i know especially for jare like jare doesn't watch my stuff i don't watch much stuff anymore i just try to like get inspired from like everything other than the film world you
Starting point is 00:15:35 know i'm saying yeah i can feel those things watching it thank you man jare sorry to speak for you no speak away i don't watch i do try and watch movies but i mean to me like the funniest stuff would be like i don't know like it's not a comedy by any means but like boogie nights when you've got like that vibe that's between uh you know mark walberg and uh john c reilly you know just that dumb i don't know just that where it's real i mean it's kind of honestly you guys like a lot what you guys do it's like so real but it's just a little bit off you know it's a little bit i don't know uh but to me that's just like i just enjoy like the comedy of people like of just people like realness in a way you know and so yeah boogie
Starting point is 00:16:27 nights like arguing with the music producer about the tape and they're like you don't have the magic on this tape and then he's like it sounds like a catch-22 and they're like what the do you do i have to do karate on you and like all that is so insane yeah paul tongs anderson's so good with the funny dialogue yeah yeah but i do mainly like the main thing i think i get inspired by personally is like books i just love reading uh what are you reading uh what am i reading right now yeah or what's your favorite well comedically this is also gonna sound awful but i think i think uh the book american psycho is just it's just where you know there's a there's a,
Starting point is 00:17:05 there's a chapter in there that's like 20 pages long. That's literally a conference call between four dudes, like where are they going to go to dinner? And it's just, you know, it's just the fact that he wrote that and had the like cojones to put it out there, but just that kind of,
Starting point is 00:17:21 you know, or just paragraph after paragraph of like describing somebody's Versace tie and their Valentino suit. It's just, I just love it. You know, I mean, then it gets into some really weird dark stuff. But it's so, that's the funniest book to me. I think I've ever read. Probably read it like six times. I got to read it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I got to check it out. I've read his other books and they were so sad. But I think American Psycho is supposed to be the funniest, right? I read like Less Than Zero and the Impostors. It's like a series of short stories. I didn't read that one. But Less Than Zero is dark and it's not funny. No, it's so sad. Are these characters that you guys had been doing prior to the short film?
Starting point is 00:18:04 Because they seem to be pretty much based on your real selves, right? With a little bit of a, I think it just came from us just making stuff. And then when we, when we wanted to make agua donkeys,
Starting point is 00:18:22 we really wanted to mess with like the really dry tone and so we kind of leaned into that and I think that you know when Jer and I like go to a friend's get together or something we kind of naturally had like a banter back and forth and so I think that we just kind of know each other's language and we kind of wrote from from there you know right yeah a lot of a lot of friends have been like you guys aren't even acting you guys are like yeah yeah but they don't see it right because it's i i think like you are acting though right like it's a very specific kind of performance i feel like i mean like the dryness and the and the kind of quietness of the performance
Starting point is 00:19:06 that's got to be super calculated right yeah yeah i think that people have been saying that like our characters are really dumb so i don't know maybe we're dumb in real life i don't know i deal with the same thing that's my whole life yeah i love it yeah someone someone at work one time was like i love how you just walk around like you don't care and like you just don't care what anyone thinks about you know i was like what the fuck are you talking about yeah i was like that's not my personality at all i was like i care so much yeah yeah everybody's like dude you don't care what anybody thinks i'm like uh i don't know how good you think that i don't know if it's good. Do you think that, I don't know if that's a compliment or, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yeah. Yeah. But it was kind of funny when we were pitching it, we, we, we, you know, we made a short film about 20 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And then funny or die saw it and, you know, reached out to MP. Didn't it, didn't they reach out to you on, uh, no three arts first. Then three arts took us
Starting point is 00:20:05 to Funny or Die um and then uh but so you know we had we developed a pitch with Funny or Die to actually take around to like networks and uh stuff and so we developed it for like a half hour show um but then when we were pitching it to people they one company, I don't know if I'm allowed to say names or not, but they were like, there's no conflict in this. And they were like, we really like it, but would you guys be willing to make it where, I don't know, one of you guys sleeps with one of the pool moms or Raj cheating on his wife with Jackie or this kind of stuff. But we really set out like when we did it, like we just want something that's not – everything right now is just like people are fighting all the time. And I get it. Like that's entertainment, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah. But we just wanted to do something that felt kind of innocent, I guess, and different. And, you know, and then they called back and were like, we like it, but would you guys be willing to do that? And me you talked about it just just said you know that's not what this is and and so they passed and we're just so stoked i mean quitty was awesome but we're so stoked they yeah came in and you know we just want some good vibes man you know yeah it's a very heartwarming bromance. Yeah. And, yeah, I especially love the character's desire to tan because I relate to that.
Starting point is 00:21:33 You've got to stay bronzed. Yeah. So when I read the description for the show, it's like, you know, it's like, was it like everlasting summer two dudes who love to tan i was like oh that's me i'm gonna take this show yeah yeah yeah when jay and i together were probably laying by a pool somewhere yeah or taking off our shirts and walking around like we just look like yeah we're walking with our shirts off all summer. I love being shirtless. It's great. It's the best route. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:07 I feel more myself. I feel like I can talk to people more easily. Through it, dude. Yeah. You're in sync with nature. The less clothes I have on, the less armor I have on, and the quicker I can just be myself. Have you talked to either one of your guys about that?
Starting point is 00:22:28 I mean, I used to have to talk to like parents and school administrators about that, but I found a way to make it work. Yeah. Find different, you know, just timing and reading the room. I feel like your dudes are helping you out.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Like you feel like you you you seem very vulnerable dude oh dude legend i am for that thank you i really yeah i really relate to what you guys and about people wanting to add that conflict to you do you ever find that people also want to like what if like your character did something fucked up to you and that really pissed you off and i'm always like what if we were just like the best friends to each other right yeah again i i hate to keep going back to you guys's comedy but but that's one thing i love about your guys is like you guys are out there like you're you're full bros together and but you're not making fun of each other but you also like walk this very i think it's a very difficult line where you're full bros together and, but you're not making fun of each other, but you also like walk this very,
Starting point is 00:23:25 I think it's a very difficult line where you're like entertaining, you're gauging, but you're not insulting the people that like you deal with. And I think that's really tricky. And I mean, I mean, yeah, I,
Starting point is 00:23:38 I mean, most people, you know, they've got to like, just push it a little too far and make somebody feel stupid. And you guys never seem to do that maybe you're just really good at editing you know that's a big thank you for sure well i i think i think it's something we we that i personally enjoyed it in like comedies and movies growing
Starting point is 00:23:57 up is like the escapism and it's like you know like you're saying good times you know people just want to watch other people having a good time. And for me, that's enough to keep me engaged. And it just makes me happy. So I think that's always tried to be our aim with our stuff is just to provide, like, a relief and then boost the stoke. So, yeah, which I feel like is the tone of your show as well. Yeah. Very stoke.
Starting point is 00:24:29 We're always trying to, yeah. I feel like us four, we're spreading some major, major stoke around the world, you know? Yeah. Which is always a good thing.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Do you guys have like a favorite comedy or like an inspiration that, that kind of, you know, I think when I was growing up, Ferris Bueller's day off, it's a masterpiece, dude. It's so it's the movie is perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And it's just like Ferris's ability to not take life so seriously. I really admired and I sort of tried to emulate. So yeah, I think that was a big one for me. And I love watching Steve Martin too. I mean, Steve Martin and like his Tonight Show appearances and stuff are just like incredible. And the joke's always on him, which I or he he with his stand-up at least where he was just like yeah i like that style i guess like the stuff that makes me laugh the most is
Starting point is 00:25:34 like i think the sopranos is like really funny which is funny because we just had this director on the other day and he just said that so i don't know if i'm just stealing that from him but i love the movie like midnight run I always love that I love Moonstruck I like a lot of like 80s movies broadcast movies you know what 80s comedy is good is Better Off Dead you guys like that one?
Starting point is 00:25:54 oh I haven't seen it it's so weird I gotta watch I'll watch it tonight I'll watch it tonight the race scene with the the foreign exchange students who sound like howard cosell yeah it's so i remember i randomly caught that movie on tv with my brother and we're just like this is like the weirdest funniest movie that's i kind of miss that where you just
Starting point is 00:26:20 accidentally stumble onto a movie like that on cable yeah you don't realize that it's like a big touchstone for a lot of people i think that movie's like a masterpiece i heard i heard somewhere that john cusack thinks like regrets that he ever did it i think is one of his first films not to me it's like it's the best thing you ever did you know and he's a talented guy he's done some good stuff but that to me is yeah he says he says he's only done 10 good movies and i was he was probably just speaking vaguely but i always try to think which 10 is he talking about yeah well you can scratch better off dead off the list because it's not it was on there it was on there growth point blank though that movie's funny too yeah what what was it like when three arts called you guys
Starting point is 00:27:02 had you guys already been generating some interest, or was that kind of like the – was it out of the blue? At that time, we made another short called Forklatoris, and that went to Slamdance, and we talked to somebody from Warner Brothers that was there watching it. to somebody from Warner Brothers that was there watching it and so it was we had developed and then wrote a show that just didn't get green lit and so we were kind of like once once we saw this we wanted to make something else and that's when we made the short Agua Donkeys so there had been talks and we thought that things were going to kind of take
Starting point is 00:27:45 off and stuff, but it wasn't until Three Arts Called that things kind of sped up a little bit, you know? But that, that again goes back to MP. What I was saying, which sounds like Chad might be the same as like we had sent in all these scripts to Warner Brothers and we were waiting for notes and they were taking forever. And MP was just like,
Starting point is 00:28:02 I don't want to wait around all summer for notes. Like let's do something. And so so then you know uh we just so we sat down and wrote the short to Agua Donkeys you know and just over a few sessions and uh yeah and I was going to say something else about that but it completely spaced what it was so but it was just you know it was just to keep cruising and then i don't you know not to speak hopefully not speak too much for mp but you know we both intensely or not have like kind of structured our lives like to try and really not grow up you know and then that was just like who who were those people and it was kind of we were talking earlier it's like those pool guys dude
Starting point is 00:28:41 they're outside they're tan they're chilling their job is low pressure you know unless you're the owner of the company and but it was just kind of like you know because a lot of what we're going through in Agua Donkeys is the same thing that a 16 year old boy is going through you know it's just like having a crush on a girl and thinking this guy is the sickest guy in town and yeah you know just trying to do the least amount possible you know yeah it's just kind of like taking that mentality i guess and but us playing it really you know so is it kind of aspirational do you like want to be more like those characters and do you feel like do you worry if like you guys keep going with this stuff you'll become less like the characters less or more we're worried about becoming less or more like them what's your question
Starting point is 00:29:29 about becoming less like the characters uh mp you want to handle this one i think to have a good time you know and we don't like we didn't do the whole corporate rat race thing we just wanted to make movies do our thing and everything since we made that decision has been focused on like having a good time writing funny stuff and trying to kind of make our dreams come true you know yeah that's awesome that's what's beautiful about the internet is that you can create your own audience and sort of carve out your own space within the industry uh without having to really you know uh do any of the kind of networking or anything you just create the stuff that you want to create and you'll i think if you're doing the
Starting point is 00:30:32 stuff that you want to do then you'll naturally create an audience and then the industry will you know knock at the door um and so it's i'm always so thankful that we have something like the internet to sort of create our own platform from right yeah do you guys oh god no good no i'm done dude i'll go dude yeah um i just was gonna say like when when kind of youtube hit for me it was like say like when when kind of youtube hit for me it was like i was like i would see people kind of blow up and so i was like like okay like this is a way that i can kind of i don't have to go to la you know i'm saying so since then i just kind of started making my own videos and then when jared and i teamed up it kind of took it to a new level but like what you were saying like the internet was so good because i think that
Starting point is 00:31:29 it's such a good place to make a bunch of things see how people respond to it and kind of get like what your tone is you know right yeah yeah i think the power of having it having an audience pretty much right away so you sort of see the reaction it just helps i mean i think you you always want to make the stuff that you want to make but but just sort of seeing the reaction helps sort of fine-tune your voice a little bit more um yeah have you guys like has has feedback from the audience uh changed your performance at all? No, but it's just interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah. It's just interesting. I think that Jaren and I both want to make stuff that just makes people feel good. Just have a good vibe. You watch it, and you just want to have a good time and all that good stuff. Maybe I'm repeating myself, Jared. I don't know. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:27 I love it. I love it. It bears repeating, dude. Thank you. You're welcome. What are some things you guys are doing outside of comedy? Like, do you guys kneeboard in real life? I haven't kneeboard in a while, but I used to until I just had a brush with death like too many times.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. Like if you've ever kneeboarded before, if you ever get caught upside down, like still in like the strap. It gets all twisted up. You can't wrap it. So where's your back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:04 We've got all squanched up but you for some reason like you want to hold on to the rope still and it's just like you just let go you know but that happened a few times and i just and then kind of wakeboarding came around and then i was like i'm calling it quits jerry how do you feel about it uh yeah kneeboarding's painful dude but but i could jt when he was sort of like, you know, empathizing with you, dude, he went to a place and I want to hear JT story. Did he clearly been clearly had a wipeout that stuck with you? It could have been surfing or wakeboarding or whatever, but would you, would you tell us about that? Yeah, dude, I was kneeboarding. I was out in Barstow at our friend, Joe Black's lake house,
Starting point is 00:33:42 man made lake. You know, he takes shifts being on the water. He's got a nice outboard engine. And I was getting cocky. I was probably 11 or 12. I was trying to impress his daughter, Jade. And I was getting outside the wake, starting to hit some airs, doing some 180s, surface 180s, cruising backwards, just feeling no pain. You know, next thing I know, I just got too confident.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And that's when you get caught underneath. And my whole rope got twisted. I never thought – or my Velcro got twisted. It gets mangled. You don't think about it because you just haven't experienced it yet. And then I'm underwater, and I'm just – I'm going to drown. And thankfully, my dog, Taz, swam out there. And he couldn't save me, but just having him biting on my kneeboard,
Starting point is 00:34:23 it gave me that extra burst of energy I needed to try and survive just so I could see him again. And then I managed to get out by just actually pulling the kneeboard away from my knees so I could slide out. What kind of dog was Taz? He was a yellow lab and it's funny, he used to hump everybody. And then one time I was letting him hump me at a party in front of a bunch of people and he jizzed on me. And it's funny funny because he was neutered and so everyone's like he jizzed on you and i was like no he didn't and then everyone's like no he straight up jizzed on you and then i had to take their word for it and i told all my friends i was like hey everybody shut the fuck up i was like everybody shut the fuck up no one ever talk about this do you hear me
Starting point is 00:35:03 and then that night i checked my buddy ferraro's info on instant messenger and it says we all must fear taz's red rocket i was like you piece of shit bro piece of fucking shit is it weird that you're now telling that story to everybody i think this is the fourth time i've told it on the podcast okay is that true dude how much jizz was it dude i'll never know i'll never i just remember like honestly i have to take the guy's word for it because i remember taz was humping me we're all laughing we've all done it a million times and then i just remember everyone oh oh oh and i was like what what and they're like you fucking jizzed on you dude and i was like no i didn't no i didn't no i didn't i was like what what and they're like he fucking jizzed on you dude and i was like no idea no idea no idea i was like and he's neutered he's not supposed to be able to jizz
Starting point is 00:35:49 and then um but you know jurassic park yeah it sounds like a lot of jizz dude yeah i've always wondered how big a dog's load is same same i think taz i think i think he learned how to jizz because like my dad was so horny and i'm so horny that it just uh it got like environmentally conditioned into him to want to fuck how old were you i was 17 at the time okay strong about 5 8 bucks 65 strong dang dude yeah holy crap it was crazy man because that's your buddy you know but you play with fire no wonder you used to like to take off your shirt or you still do that makes sense now yeah i love to take off my shirt yeah take it off dude we've had enough dude okay what a setup, dude. Look at that cheese. Oh, my word. Talk about cheese, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Oh. That's a cheese plate, dude. Like Pierce Brosnan. Third or fourth pot. Charcuterie, dude. Charcuterie. That's great. So, dude, you just took off a soccer jersey.
Starting point is 00:37:03 True or false? Yeah, it is a soccer jersey true or false uh yeah it is a soccer related shirt for sure are you a soccer guy or not so much I got buddies who are
Starting point is 00:37:11 I followed a little bit why are you a premier league guy no I'm a La Liga guy oh nice yeah who's your squad
Starting point is 00:37:19 Barcelona of course you know it's like liking the Yankees but I love Barcelona you know it's beautiful they the yankees but i love barcelona you know it's beautiful they play a beautiful brand of soccer yeah yeah did you watch the maradona doc on hbo yeah it was sick
Starting point is 00:37:34 right yeah it was good yeah i like that i like that he's a fireball do you guys play sports together i can't keep up with MP. Hopefully you don't delete this because he lettered like five sports. Whoa. No. MP, you can... You might be exaggerating, Jared. He can be a little modest here, but I've seen him. He's an athlete, but go ahead and tell him.
Starting point is 00:37:59 The sports that we play together are one in particular, which is, what's it called? Pickleball? Pickleball. Have you guys played pickleball? I've seen it. I haven't played yet, but it looks fun. What is it? It's so fun.
Starting point is 00:38:19 It looks like, you know, spike ball? Have you played spike ball? Yeah. It looks like, when you watch people play it looks like the dumbest thing on the planet like there's four people like huddled over like a little trampoline and then you play it and it's just so bomb but pickleball is kind of like that it's like a paddle court like they got in venice you know those those mini tennis courts down in venice it's about that size but you play with like a paddle and basically a wiffle ball and
Starting point is 00:38:47 you watch people do it uh my brother tried to get me into it and i just wouldn't do it and finally you know it's thanksgiving we were bored and i went out and i was hooked it's so fun it's like the perfect mix between ping pong and tennis yeah so that's what those little the littler courts in venice those are pickleball courts no those are paddleball courts okay badly but but you know it's the same same about size but those are like you use a cork paddle and you take a tennis ball and you punch a needle into it and deflate it for venice and those are those are super fun too i used to live in a santa monica we go play paddle all the time, but, but pickleball is what has my heart now. I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:29 that's what me and P would play over the summer. We were writing, right. And we need a little break. We'd go out and hit the pickleball around. It's fun. Oh, nice. How did you like LA? I really liked it a lot, but I just, I mean, every place has its pluses and minuses, but the traffic is just so tough. You know, not that I had to go out that much, but, but you know, your entire life is literally governed about, you can't do something for like four hours a day,
Starting point is 00:39:56 unless you're willing to send traffic between like three and seven, you're just stuck. And not that that's the worst thing ever, but I also really, really love like the mountains and just simple things like a starry sky at night there's so much you know light pollution there that you just don't it's just not the same i mean the ocean's incredible that i mean i'm not i'm not trying to bag on california because it has a lot of great things uh but but i whenever i live there i just always miss utah on every chance I got to go back, I would.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I spent so much time here. And then finally, I was like, you know, I should live in Utah and then go back to LA or whatever, you know? So do you guys plan on keeping creating outside of LA? Yeah, I do. I mean, Jared, don't you? Yeah, yeah. yeah i do i mean jared don't you yeah yeah i just feel like um i mean personally i would i want to shoot all my stuff in utah um just because there's like the landscape is so awesome like from northern utah to southern ut Southern Utah, like just completely different vibe. But yeah, and Utah is just so good
Starting point is 00:41:07 about like getting stuff done and the film commission there's like, everyone wants to help out and everybody like wants to help you film stuff rather than like trying to charge you a bunch of money. And, you know, so it's a pretty cool place. Have you guys been out here uh i've been to the salt lake city airport many times but i've never gone outside of it i i go
Starting point is 00:41:32 to idaho a lot some valley it's my my dad uh would go there part my stepmom lives there part-time so uh but i've never i've never been to Utah outside the airport. I want to go. And whenever I see Tom Cruise rock climbing in Mission Impossible 2, I'm like, I got to go to Utah. How often did you say that is? See him rock climbing? Yeah, in MIT.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Once a week. Really? Yeah. Well, get out of here then, here then dude i say to myself every week that's how i get out of bed yeah if you guys need a place to break quarantine get out here man it's sick it's sick yeah it looks so fun i uh i go there a lot you do yeah my buddies and i would do a fantasy football draft in park city every year. And then I went to the Sundance Film Festival just as a duty-like movies with my buddies like four or five years in a row or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Really? Yeah. It was cool. We just wait list and hang out outside the theaters for a couple hours and then just see what movies we could see. Did you get into any good parties? We snuck into a party. Our first year there when we were like 19,
Starting point is 00:42:46 we snuck into a party and like Jamie Foxx was DJing and it was insane. And like we just went wild. And then I ended up, yeah, I got arrested afterwards for fighting a dude over a girl. Really? Yeah. And then when we got to the station, I made up with the guy. What happened with the chick?
Starting point is 00:43:05 She didn't intervene When we said we were going to fight Because we kind of verbally agreed to it But did you ever talk to her again? Did you give her a number or anything? I don't even know her name I hate that I didn't really have a chance
Starting point is 00:43:19 I think I was just I had a lot of energy And I was sexually frustrated. So I just was like, you know what? And this guy was rude. And then it just, yeah. They teach him a lesson, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah, and then when we got to the station, he was like, I'm going to fuck you up, bro. And I was like, dude, I'm genuinely sorry. And then he's like, it's all good. I'm over it. I love that. I love that. I love that. Do you ski when you're out there ever?
Starting point is 00:43:50 You just hit the movies and the parties. I retired from skiing. It's hard on my feet. But Chad, I think, can shred on some skis. Yeah, I like moguls. Really? I'm a mogul guy, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I wanted to compete at a certain point but I never I don't think I ever got up to that talent level but I I went to like a camp in Whistler what was it called Momentum and I was like yeah I'm gonna shred moguls and I went to this camp and then there are these dudes from like Steamboat Springs and like Aspen and like Park City, you know, and they just dominated me. I was like, you have a ways to go. But I do love skiing. Yeah. You guys ski or snowboard?
Starting point is 00:44:35 I ski. I'm not great. You know, I didn't grow up skiing, but then when I came out to school here, I did. But definitely not a mogul guy. If I'm being completely honest i'm like i love the groomers i like a steep yeah but i just love i love the cruisers i'm mogul they terrify me like you're it's it's you know you're um rock hard you gotta dodge a rock hard mount all the way down the mountain and that's just i like it yeah deer valley is just they groom
Starting point is 00:45:03 everything and you just i've heard about it. I'm a blue run guy. It's nothing to brag about. No, me too. That's the worst when you link up with someone and they're like, hey, dude, we're going to do some backcountry stuff. So I brought you this extra transponder that will beep if we get caught in an avalanche.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, and pull this. If you get caught in an avalanche, you'll come out. get caught in an avalanche i'm like how about we just chill dude and do some blues and get some chili when we get to the end yeah let's do a couple hours of blues and then hit some chili some trickle chili how did how did sorry go ahead i was saying mp do you shred no i used to snowboard when i was in utah and then the last half of me living there it just i just didn't love it enough yeah you know like it's a whole ordeal and i feel that this winter jare and i were gonna get into skiing at least i was but uh jare did it and i didn't so yeah it does take a lot of work to put on all the stuff and get there get to the mountain and stuff well the bummer for mps we were going to sundance which is about like from door to door for me it's like 25 minutes you know an mp lived lives in salt lake
Starting point is 00:46:21 i'm down south so for him we got passes with a couple of buddies. But for MP, it really would have been like – for us, it's like, all right, let's go two hours and we can still go have a day. But by the end of time, MP got down there, and it really would have been like a whole day just shot, you know? Right. That is the big thing. It takes a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah. Yeah, it's super expensive. yeah it's super expensive yeah is there anything you guys do um to help your to get sort of in the creative zone like like do you do like meditation or anything like that or i know like being in isolation too like being in a cabin can sometimes help too jerry you want to you want to go first you go first okay um i like to meditate first and then i like to kind of just start moving around dancing free flowing then i feel like once i get into a good groove my mind is open to a free thinking mode and then i go from there but it's always like there's always moving or stretching or yoga something involved like that
Starting point is 00:47:32 because i feel like when you loosen up your bod like ideas come with it yeah that makes sense totally absolutely sure how do you feel about it i mean mean, I don't, I mean, you know, the weird thing is, I imagine you guys probably know working together is like, it's different. Like when me and Empire working together, it's like, okay, we're going to meet up tomorrow at 1030 in the morning. And then you get there and you try and get into the zone together. But like, you have to like on command be creative, which is really hard. You know?
Starting point is 00:48:04 I mean, if i'm by myself it'll be like i'll hear like a cool line in a song that i just think is really profound and i'll write it down or you'll see a painting and you know what i mean like just what i mean whatever you know looking online but but it's a whole different thing like when you're alone because then it's like you just write when it hits like sometimes if i'm writing alone it's like oh whatever project i'm working on sometimes it's like, you just write when it hits. Like sometimes if I'm writing alone, it's like, Oh, whatever project I'm working on, sometimes it's better in the morning or sometimes I find that I can't really
Starting point is 00:48:29 write until it's like 10 at night and then I'll start. But when it's, it's, it's together with somebody, it's a lot harder, but you just have to force yourself to do it. You know? I mean, yeah. Yeah. There's sort of that thing of like, if you just like, like that, uh, uh, Stephen King king is that who is there's some author who's like yeah he's like i just forced myself to write and eventually something good comes out which is tough to do every day i mean just for you know because it's so when you're in that like flow mode that that's, it's like euphoric because you're just like right and died and you're like, this feels great.
Starting point is 00:49:06 But yeah, it's, there's something to that like discipline of just forcing yourself to do it. And then eventually the ideas will come. I think it's that screenwriter, William Goldman, you know, those books or whatever. But I think he was saying like, you write 10 pages a day and i've tried that and yeah it ends up being crap and like yeah i'll finish the script or whatever and it's junk and i don't you know what i mean like yeah it doesn't work for me like yeah i'll be like that was a complete waste of time it's 120 pages that isn't what it could have been and it's right and i don't know how to fix it because i never so i just think
Starting point is 00:49:46 you know i just think it's different for everybody if i start trying to write something before it's kind of like evolved enough in my brain it never comes out right so i just try and be patient then you kind of know when it's ready because then you can't wait to do it but when i force it it always comes out terrible. It helps me to have someone else in the room. Like if I'm just by myself, it's really hard for me to do the work. But if someone's like sitting there with me, I can do it.
Starting point is 00:50:14 It's weird. Even like reading, I read faster and better when like with my mom and her boyfriend, if I'm sitting in a room with them, I'll read better than if I'm just by myself, I'll get distracted. I don't know if there's like a performative aspect to it for me but it it does help me a lot maybe I'm just really extroverted I think is what it is what do you guys say about that my two therapists they don't worry too much about that we don't we almost don't ever get to
Starting point is 00:50:40 that stuff as much because we're so busy talking about um like other stuff okay makes sense to it i think i think comedy for me like doing it with mp it's it's you know mp when we're writing together you know we're talking like one guy says something and then MP will be like, okay, so what could, what's a good response? You know, and then we'll both kind of go until we make each other laugh. But with MP, sometimes I would say something that I just thought was like a home run. And I'd always be so bummed this happened more than, you know, more than once. And I would think I just crushed it. Like, you should say this back and then he'd be like, okay, keep going.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Keep going. I like where your head's at. And I'd be like, what do you mean, dude? I just crushed it. Like she'd say this back and then he'd be like, okay, keep going. Keep going. I like where your head's at. And I'd be like, what do you mean, dude? I just crushed it. And then, you know, and then I would, you know, we would just keep spitballing. Then all of a sudden he'd start laughing and be like, that's it. Or he would say something, you know, exact same to me.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And I'd be like, oh, that's it. But I think comedically, I think comedy, I think it's extremely important to have, you know, somebody in the room with you that you can see their reaction, you know? Right. Yeah. Absolutely. Do you guys want to answer some listeners' questions? This is typically what we do. We have the guests help us give advice to some of the listeners. Yeah. We'll do our best.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Dude, you guys are great guys. Yeah, that's a question. Saw dudes. I feel like now we're four true bros, you know? Yeah. Bonded by the Stoke. I think we're kindred bros you know bonded by the stoke kindred spirits for sure I was actually bummed we didn't get to do this in person
Starting point is 00:52:30 to meet you guys we got to do it again in person guys yeah we'll do it again yeah with masks on you're making me want to leave LA you're making me want to move I don't think it's a bad idea i mean you
Starting point is 00:52:46 guys you guys have you guys have the gift it has nothing to do with anybody else you know i'm saying so it's like you can do that anywhere and if you can at least why i think that jaron i like it so much is it's nice to be around real life you You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, I don't want to go too much into that because L.A. is great, I think. No, no, but I hear you. I mean, I just remember two things. One, I was living in L.A. I came back one time to Utah and I was at my nephew's soccer game just talking to some guy at a small town in Utah,
Starting point is 00:53:21 and I told him something that kind of blew his mind, and he said, well, blow me down like a pirate would say or something. And I was just like, I would never hear that in LA. Like, you know, and, and, and, and another thing is like, you know, I already said, I'm like a massive Paul Thomas Anderson fan, but I was back in Utah one time and I was talking to my friends that I thought were pretty savvy as far as the entertainment industry. And I was like Paul Thomas's new movie's coming out in two weeks or whatever I don't remember and they were like who and it just was like for some reason struck me like you get in
Starting point is 00:53:54 LA and you start to like think that the world revolves around like what movie's coming out who directed it and who produced it and who starred in it and you know and people don't people people in america they i mean they want to see a good movie you know but they don't they don't care about you just get sucked into this weird vortex right and i and i think you know i also remember i hope you edit this out a lot i'm talking a lot no you guys are great keep going yeah i love it but i was talking to a movie producer in la one time and this movie came out and i told him you know he's like did you see it i'm like yeah i saw it was awful it's a total piece of crap and he goes well it can't be a piece of crap it made 65 million dollars opening weekend i'm like that's that's you know it i hate to tell you, but it sucks. It had two major stars in it, which I'm not going to name.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I don't dislike them, but I'm like, that's why it opened at $65 million. Not because it was a good movie. How many years ago was this movie? I want to guess it now. How many what? Was it that Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence movie where they wake up on a spaceship? Dude, that's what I was thinking. Were you thinking that same movie?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Passengers. Does that make a lot of money? Do passengers make money? That sounds like how much money it would have made. I heard it was bad. I never saw it. That's what I thought it was going to be. You really did?
Starting point is 00:55:20 Did Aaron come in with the hot take? It's not bad. I've hot take. It's not bad. I've seen it. It's not bad. If I could live in San Diego, I would. I think that's the spot. It's a good spot, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:36 It's a good spot. Maybe I can. You guys have inspired me. I'm inspired, too. I love San Diego. I love Coronado. Yeah, I lived in Coronado for a couple years yeah
Starting point is 00:55:46 it's amazing yeah it's a good little spot yeah you guys you guys have everything you guys are doing everything yourself like
Starting point is 00:55:55 yeah you're good you can do it anywhere you know yeah it's a good point if I ever come back to California
Starting point is 00:56:02 I think I would I would want to live in Ojai which is about the same yeah you know yeah but i'm not a surfer and i know you guys i mean i can see three surfboards in the background i know you guys it's my quiver uh yeah north county like santa barbara ventura that's where paul walker lived santa lives, Santa Barbara. I think he had the same idea. He's like, I want to get out from the LA sort of, you know, the industry stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:35 So are you a genuine Paul Walker fan? Oh, huge. Yeah. For that? Yeah. Well, I just, you know, as a kid, when I watched Fast and the Furious, I was like, this guy is the man. Yeah. That was a sick film. And when he died, I was so, I like grabbed a bottle of red and watched the first movie, first Fast and the Furious again.
Starting point is 00:56:57 He just, yeah, he brought me so much joy when I was young. He can do the whole, like, performance perfect to Paul. It's because we're like doing it right now. We're trying to recreate the whole thing. Performance perfect to Paul. It's because we're doing it right now. We're trying to recreate the whole movie from quarantine, playing different parts instead. And Chad, if you watch Chad's against Paul Walker's, there's no difference. It's literally the same.
Starting point is 00:57:19 It's pretty wild. I was struggling with one of Vin Diesel's lines, and I was like, I really want to nail this because this is a pivotal line. And then Chad did it for me, and I was like, that's vin diesel's lines and i was like i really want to nail this because this is like a pivotal line and then chad did it for me and i was like that's exactly how vin diesel did it it was like like he's like he's like you have to turn slower you're turning too quick and then he did it i was like how the fuck did he do that so well pretty crazy are you really doing that like filming it and you're gonna edit it Yeah, we've done a couple. We've done the tuna scene. We've done the
Starting point is 00:57:47 why'd you bring the buster here scene right now. We did the race against the Ferrari. Do these scenes... Yeah, are these registries? I don't remember that movie. I vaguely remember something about the tuna scene.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'm pumped to see it. Everyone knows the tuna scene. It vaguely remember something about the Tunisian. But I'm pumped to see it. Like everyone knows the Tunisian. It's just a violent little world. But yeah, we're busting out the scene. It's so fun. It's like a lifelong dream. So I'm glad the quarantine has given us that blessing. I like it.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. All right, dudes, we got some questions. What's up, Baggers of stoke long story short used used to be a total degenerate was overweight boozing and drugs way too much moved to Florida for famine to change my lifestyle mission accomplished 100 pounds down to a jacked 160 got a sweet job as well in the process I've lost out on making friends and meeting potential gf so my new goal is to go get out there and here's the dilemma I'm kind of a mix between chat and jt I'm cool and a mix between Chad and JT.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I'm cool and have confidence and love a montage of Creed and Nickelback being played all day like Chad, but I also have super anxiety about myself and things around me all the time. I like this guy. Yeah. I've never had issues with alcohol or the kind, but it, but it does loosen me up. And with my new lifestyle,
Starting point is 00:59:03 I feel like that stuff is sending me back mostly alcohol. i don't want to put weight back on also i don't have a massive hog like joe and haven't had a dank gf like strider in 10 years so i've been out of the game way too long i've been on all the dating apps and got one date out of it mostly get no replies kind of humiliating it gets my confidence down i guess my question would be how do i get myself back in the game what should i do especially in a time like this. Thinking of adopting a doggo. That's a good idea. Huge shout out to my dog Strider starting a new pod. Can't wait to subscribe and get stoked on some history.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Straight dank knowledge to my dome. What's this dude's name? Jeff. Jer? Well, this, I mean, this sounds more like a question for uh chad and jt but i'm happy to try and weigh in but it sounds like he really looks up to you guys and i don't know that advice from us would mean as much no it does i think you know he doesn't know who's going to be on but the guests often have a new view on stuff that can be really helpful.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I would, I mean, yeah. MP, you want me to go first? Yeah. I think, I actually think get a dogs would be nice because it's a good way. It forces you to get outside. It starts conversations with people that aren't in bars and stuff. I would just say he sounds like he's a little bit, I mean, in all honesty, you can delete this if it's going to hurt somebody's feelings.
Starting point is 01:00:30 It sounds like maybe he's a little bit down on his confidence right now. And I just say, keep it super positive. You know, I would really just try and focus on being positive towards yourself. He sounds like he's a great guy. It sounds like he's got a lot going on. And you should just block out the negative thoughts and try and pump himself up, you know, in a meaningful, legitimate way.
Starting point is 01:00:51 That's what I think. It's not funny, but that's my real opinion. No, we appreciate it, man. Thank you. We want it real. Yeah. I feel like, I mean, he said that he dropped a bunch of weight right like he got healthy is that what he was saying yeah i think that's great and that's a great step in the right
Starting point is 01:01:14 direction i think he's just needs to keep on working on himself put himself out there, believe in himself, you know, and he's doing the right things and trying his hardest. Like the right chick will come to him. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I agree. I think, I think he, I think he seems to be a little too result oriented. Like just enjoy the process process keep putting yourself out there you know and just think of it it's just like a fun ride you know it's like you're on the fun ride of life and you know um you're gonna you can sort of i think if you approach it that way like like you're saying about staying positive and stuff, you can see the, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:08 like if you don't hear back on a dating app or something, you'd be like, oh, that's funny. But I'm getting that much closer to, you know, my ideal lady or something like that. You know, I think it's, you know, just enjoy the ride and you're doing great. And it seems like he has great intentions, and he's creating a good life for himself.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So just, yeah, I agree. Just keep up the positivity and just keep pushing forward, and you'll be great. Yeah, I agree with everything you guys are saying. I think he's being really hard on himself. He's like, I don't want to do alcohol and fuck up up all my progress and i think that's great not to drink but like it's okay to be human and to feel down and to take l's when it comes to pursuing things it's all very normal like i you know if a girl doesn't respond to you on a dating app it's it's not
Starting point is 01:03:04 humiliating because it happens to everyone. We're all being humiliated constantly. So take solace in the fact that I just got humiliated like three times last night then. And then, yeah, it's just part of the process. And it's fun. It is fun. Yeah, it's fun to be out there taking swings. So I'm proud of you for taking care of yourself and for getting out there.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Just keep doing what you're doing. Yeah. It sounds like he's kicking ass already. If he keeps kicking ass, good things are going to happen. It's just they will. Yeah. Are you guys watching this Jordan documentary? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yes. It's so good. I was obsessed with Michael Jordan growing up. And so watching all this new stuff is like blowing my mind it's the best right and his mindset it's like i mean you know there's obviously downsides to it but it took him two years to get past the detroit piston so it might take you a while but no one remembers that now we just remember the six chips so just keep going yeah and it's only got to work out with one chick
Starting point is 01:04:05 dude so if it didn't happen before then it wasn't meant to happen agreed good call great call improve face time boning help what's up my dogs hope all is well in the q team and carb consumption is limited lately due to quarantine my girl and i have started to get frisky on the face time and it's been great we talk for hours actually both somehow end up naked and have ourselves all the time. I'm wondering if you boys have any advice on how to elevate these virtual bone sessions to the next level. I'm worried that it's getting kind of boring for her if I don't do something spontaneous and fun for her. Any advice or ideas is much appreciated. Stay safe and stay stoked.
Starting point is 01:04:47 I'm not starting this one yeah i don't this is not really my expertise either so dude i think it's normal for it to get stale everything gets stale if you do it a bunch i mean i think you know you guys were talking about earlier like you watch some west sanderson movies you get an idea for shot composition and for the way that you can frame stuff and, you know, do different angles on your face and chest and, uh,
Starting point is 01:05:13 uh, and, uh, yeah, you can get exciting with that stuff. Like get into film, find out all the different styles, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:23 Martin Scorsese, a lot of camera movement. That could be kind of exciting because it kind of propulsions feeling you guys are probably just super horny and doing it all the time. And anything's going to get old after a while. That's cool that you have someone that you're connected with and that you guys feel comfortable doing that with each other. That's, that's really nice. Very nice. Yeah. Maybe set like,
Starting point is 01:05:44 like play around with the format you know like maybe set like a restriction like you can't moan and if you moan you get like punished i like where you're going with this about bds one stuff i like yeah yeah no moaning don't moan Don't moan. Don't moan, dude. Be quiet. Your stepmother's next. She'll hear you. Yeah. Is that what you were talking about? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I think you're getting there, yeah. Dude, I was doing a phone sex, and I was running into the same issue this young gentleman was having. And then so I was like, all right, I'm slapping your butt. And then I would slap my stomach to do the sound effect and it totally took the girl out of it. She started laughing.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Which is good too. It was fun to laugh. We both laughed and then we were like, all right, yeah, it actually was. It was kind of the nicest moment. Yeah. And then after I nodded,
Starting point is 01:06:42 I cried to her about issues with my family. Wow. It was a big... Sounds like it, dude. Wait, you were with your family? Yeah, I was at my mom's place in Sacramento. But they were in their own rooms and stuff. Is that too much?
Starting point is 01:07:04 No, I just didn't know. I genuinely threw me for a little bit of a, I just didn't know. I genuinely threw me for a little bit of a loop. You know? I didn't know. I mean... The only thing I would maybe say is strip naked and sort of reenact your favorite
Starting point is 01:07:19 scene from Fast and the Furious, you know? That's it. That's such a fire call, dude. Dude, that's it. Dude. That's it. That's such a fire call, dude. You got it, dude. I love it. MP, what do you got for us?
Starting point is 01:07:35 I can't do better than that. You know? Like, it's great. Is there another movie that maybe would be good to naked reenact? Amadeus. Yeah. Like conducting kind of stuff. You could do the scene from Heat with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Yes. When they meet for the first time in person. Doing that naked. You know what that's about? Yeah. Not enough time all right dude this is a big question too ball and position what up council of stoke i'm going to my freshman year of high school basketball and i'm wondering what position i should play
Starting point is 01:08:16 i'm six foot one and i'm one of if not the best shooter in eighth grade i'm still growing and my doctors say i should grow to be six five right now i'm a small forward shooting guard and I'm all right at dribbling, but I'm a really good shooter. On the other hand, I'm going to be about 6'5 by my junior year, which is as tall as most centers in high school. And my coach says I should score more in the post. I would score more in the post, but I like playing forward more. I have a dilemma on my hand. Should I be a tall guard like Magic Johnson or should I kick it in the post and more likely score more points? Any suggestion to gain respect of upperclassmen as a freshman? That was a PS. MP, you've got to take this when you play basketball. What's this dude's name?
Starting point is 01:08:58 Evan. Evan. Evan. You got to get good at everything now. You you gotta be able to dribble you gotta be able to do everything outside inside don't sell yourself short you gotta learn how to dribble bring up the ball say I want it and to uh get the respect from the upperclassmen just bust your buns dude you know outwork them love that i totally agree with you i mean you look at the modern nba like yannis atatakumbo like he's dribbling the ball up there he's seven feet tall you know what i mean but he's you got to be able to go inside out i think having some post moves would be good you know you think about guys like gary paint mark jackson old plant cards you
Starting point is 01:09:43 could take it into the post and that's always a good skill to have so yeah I would think of yourself as a positionless player and just work on the skills and if you want to impress the upper class I think having a quiet confidence is always good and then if they bust your chops just
Starting point is 01:10:00 be a good sport about it just laugh it off and try to seem like it doesn't faze you. And, yeah. Yeah, I agree. Embrace the Mamba mentality to take some inspiration from Kobe. If you see someone out there practicing, you keep practicing until he leaves.
Starting point is 01:10:22 That should be your... Power move. Power move. Every time. If you lose a game, keep shooting baskets until 5 a.m. So true. Jer, what do you think, dude?
Starting point is 01:10:38 I think also, in addition to staying up until 5 a.m., he should get sleep, a lot of sleep because when you're that age and growing that fast, you addition to staying up until 5 a.m., he should get sleep, a lot of sleep, because when you're that age and you're growing that fast, you need to sleep or it's not good for you. Or he's not going to make 6'5", for sure. Yeah, we want you to make 6'5", but I agree. All the greats, you know, I mean, Tom Brady, they would say he was always staying late, practicing.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I was going to say Lionel Messi, but he probably doesn't follow soccer. But all the greats, they just practice and they work and they work. And I would, yeah, do that and get some sleep, eat healthy. Doesn't LeBron sleep like eight, like 12 hours or something? Yeah. And probably like in an oxygen tank or something or whatever they call it. Yeah. Steve Nash said it changed his career when he started monitoring his sleep.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I think it's a game changer, guys. I sleep like a log now. Is that something that you would recommend for our basketball player? Jeff? Yes. What's his name? What's his name, Jeff? Evan.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Evan. Dang it. I'll cut that, dude. No worries. Go again, MP. Evan sounds sick. You guys are the best, man. All right, last question.
Starting point is 01:11:55 My friend's negativity is getting on my nerves. Yo, what up, my dogs? My name's Luke, and I have a 3.1-inch dong. So I've been having some issues with one of my best friends lately. It just seems like whenever he's sending messages or sharing posts on insta the squad his take is always negative he's just be put he'll just be putting people down or always calling someone or something stupid it just seems like when i go back and look at everything he sends the squad he always seems so angry agitated about something or some people his messages are just rude unneeded and can be
Starting point is 01:12:22 very nasty while i haven't talked with the other squad members privately about this, I think they're noticing his energy too. Some have said things in the group like, man, you just hate everything or poking fun at his anger. My question to you, bros, is have you ever had a friend like this? How do I go about telling him to chillax a little? Or what other recommendations do you have? Love the pod, my dogs.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Thanks for all you do. Your podcasts make my week, and I love listening. Sending love from Canada, Luke. From Canada, huh? Yeah. Dude, you guys' reach is far. A lot of Canadians, actually, yeah. Really?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah. Interesting. Which is cool. All the Canadians I've met are really funny and really nice, dude. Yeah. That's fucking sick. Yeah, but what's the worst is when
Starting point is 01:13:05 you're in europe and there's a canadian or an american with a canadian flag on his backpack and he's american yeah and they're you know they want to get the better treatment so they post like they're canadians oh really yeah it's awful it's like dude you know what you should do if you're one of those if you care is like being american but be a nice american and like help us out a little bit you know yeah but let's let's focus on our canadian dog well i feel like that was the answer that's part of the answer it's like be the example you know i'm saying yeah the positive example well can i can i say something to this guy? Yes, dude. I mean, I'll be honest. Well, there's a couple of questions for me that he should think about.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Is this just a guy that he kind of tolerates? It's bringing him down? Or is this a guy that he loves? Because if it's a guy that he loves, you know, sometimes I'll find myself being a little bit negative, and my friends will call me out, and then I'll kind of realize like you know I don't see that maybe he doesn't see it or maybe it's because he's not in the best headspace so maybe you should if he's a guy that you actually care about maybe you should you know like talk to him you know make sure he's okay and make sure he's not in a bad space you
Starting point is 01:14:19 know and just sort of actually see why he's being that way. Maybe he thinks it's cool. Maybe he's bummed about something. Maybe he's feeling insecure, you know, maybe he's feeling like he's not part of the group. I don't know, you know, or maybe he's just, what do you guys, what do you guys call him? Schmoles? Yeah, Schmoles.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Schmoles, dude. I mean, you know, maybe he's that guy that only brings like 10% fun rate to the group, you know? I don't know. It's interesting. I like that though. A lot. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:14:51 And I would say on top of that, don't entertain the negativity. Like a lot of times I, if someone's being negative, I'll find myself being like, I'll like laugh at it or like encourage it in some way um so yeah i think i think that's a huge thing if they if he seems to if he feels like he's getting a positive response from it then he's probably gonna keep doing it but if he's if he can visibly see that it's you know um bumming out the squad, then he's probably going to think twice. But I also agree, if you love this guy,
Starting point is 01:15:31 say something. Just reach out and be like, what's going on, my dog? The bottom line is being negative does not make you as happy as being positive. It just doesn't. Yeah, yeah. So maybe give him a pointer, and if he takes it, he takes it. And if he doesn't, then maybe he's not the kind of energy you need in your life.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I don't know. Totally agree. As well said. Guys, thank you so much for coming on. You guys were awesome. I love you guys. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Yeah, thank you yeah thank you congratulations on the show it's wonderful uh are you how do you guys feel having it out there i guess you guys have put out a lot of stuff but does this feel different yeah i mean it was the biggest thing that we've ever done so it just feels nice to have it out there i feel like it's like our favorite, best thing that we've done. So it's just nice to have people's eyeballs on it and hopefully more and more.
Starting point is 01:16:34 It's our favorite and our best thing that we've done. And it's nice to have it out there and hopefully it just opens up more doors and gives us more opportunities to make it, you know? Yeah, absolutely. Um, uh, opens up more doors and gives us more opportunities to make it you know yeah absolutely uh i've got a question for you guys but i'll answer that first um yeah it feels great man i mean it was weird because as you you guys make your own stuff and you know like when we made the short film we wrote it in a handful of days we shot shot it in a week and MP edited it in like,
Starting point is 01:17:07 uh, I don't know, a day or whatever. You know, he's a really fast editor and then it was done. But, but this, this,
Starting point is 01:17:14 I mean, it was an awesome experience. Funny or Die was incredible. Quibi, they were genuinely all so great to work with, but it was strange to take some, you know, we did that in,
Starting point is 01:17:24 in a few days. And then this was like you write episodes then you send them in they send them back and they send it back and and the whole thing took almost a year of our lives so it's really it's really great that it's out there but it also was such it's just such a it was such a journey but but to have it done and to see it come out and actually you know how people seem like they like it it's a really nice feeling that's cool
Starting point is 01:17:48 do people, like when you guys go out do people recognize you and yell what up council do you guys get a lot of that? yeah in the past year and a half or so it's increased I think from Howardard and ellen
Starting point is 01:18:06 um and then i'm barstool and stuff we've been able to get a following from that so do you like being recognized or i mean what is it what are your feelings towards that oh i love it i like it yeah yeah i don't know yeah it's just cool to meet people who enjoy your stuff and and they're always usually so nice and positive um just a bunch of bros you know it is funny like if I have like friends come to like a stand-up show you know my friends will be like I'll be talking to my friends and then like some hot girl will come up and she'll be like, my boyfriend loves your stuff. They always talk about their boyfriends. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:49 They always send in their girlfriends. They're always like, cause I get a lot of the messages. Hey, we do like a happy birthday for my boyfriend's thing. You know? Yeah. Yeah. I guess I,
Starting point is 01:18:55 maybe I am like, I do think if you probably did a ratio of like how much time I spend with a fan, if they say what up, I'm probably more generous to the female fans in terms of how much time I give. Like, I don't think it's like grossly in terms of how much time I give. Like, I don't think it's like grossly disproportionate,
Starting point is 01:19:08 but there's probably a definite imbalance there. Yeah. Where I'm like, Oh, thank you. Oh, really? Oh,
Starting point is 01:19:12 no, no. Yeah. It is like, well, I'm like a standup show and it's just like all dudes, just, just these bros come in,
Starting point is 01:19:21 you know, you guys are forming a huge gang dude yeah yeah have you have you guys been getting recognized and stuff we don't really leave the house much so we're both super introverted dudes genuinely yeah yeah thank you for you guys i can't imagine you know that we're like a massive draw so it was nice of you guys to to hook it up so thank you genuinely we're pumped yeah
Starting point is 01:19:51 we were so excited we love the show and I think the Stokers are gonna want you guys back yeah for sure a lot good vibes and I mean you know this is weird but yeah I would love to hang with you guys when we come to LA or whatever. I was going to say the same thing to you. I felt embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I was going to fan out. I was like, I'd like to be friends. Yeah. I'd like to be friends. You guys are sick. Thanks, man. You guys too. Let's grab a burger or something. And by the way, I'll just, my sister, my sister-in-law whose house I'm at right now is on City Council and I made her watch all your stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Oh, really? Oh, that I made her watch all your stuff. Oh, really? Oh, that's hilarious. That's so funny. That's awesome. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, well, I'm going to – on the email chain after this, we should all find a way to get each other's numbers and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:20:37 and stay in touch. It was really a privilege to have you guys on. Yeah, great talking with you guys. Yeah, you guys. Keep in touch. Yeah, and best of luck with uh agua donkeys and and everything thank you i appreciate it guys all right dudes all right suckers great talking to you you too they were like the coolest guys ever they're so cool they
Starting point is 01:20:58 were the coolest guys ever yeah that was awesome just have a big get together with them and machado be like the three chillest dudes in the world yeah we're gonna have a we're just have a big get together with them and machado be like the three chillest dudes in the world yeah we're gonna have a we're gonna have a run-up of just like cool cool dude guests aaron do you want to hop back in here for the the end we'll do it fast sure um chad you want to do an ad and then we'll do this oh yeah what's up guys i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we were brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Guys, I saw a Manscaped ad the other day on YouTube,
Starting point is 01:21:38 and Giannina from Love is Blind herself said that when it's trimmed, it's more sexy. Now, I mean, what more of a recommendation do you need than that? G and Nina. Yeah. So if you're bored in the house, bored in the house,
Starting point is 01:21:56 bored, bored, bored, why not play with your balls? Our sponsor. Uh, I wish this was like a Superbowl bowl ad just like us on this zoom talking about playing with your balls uh our sponsor today manscaped is here to make sure your balls are smooth while you or your
Starting point is 01:22:15 partner are playing with them whoa you are your partner my dogs at manscaped manscaped promotes clean hygiene when it comes to shaving your nuts thanks to their lawnmower 3.0 and this is the only men's brand dedicated to below the waist grooming they're looking out for you dudes okay with the lawnmower 3.0 guys i manscaped last week i felt so good i hopped on the assault bike afterwards and i busted out a personal record that's right a pr because my nuts were not chafing they were smooth as eggs uh so yeah manscape has forever changing the game with their perfect package 3.0 precision tools engineered for your family jewels uh you can all get the man also get the manscape crop preserver which is an anti-chafing ball deodorant and moisturizer and um so i mean we have a lot of time guys and you know you can
Starting point is 01:23:11 establish a new routine for your nutsack and you can i mean you imagine if a girl goes on a date with you and then she is able to tell her friends like this guy puts ball deodorant on i mean you're gonna win right there so get 20 off and free shipping with the code go deep 20 manscape.com that's 20 off free shipping at manscape.com and use code go deep 20 uh make playing with your balls the best part of your day jt have you manscape been playing with your balls? The latter, for sure. Aaron?
Starting point is 01:23:51 I have not, but I'm awaiting the day. I'm going to, for sure, in the near future. Nice. Cool. Rock on. Chat, who's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is the coronavirus. I don't know if i beef with it yet and it's like honestly dude time to bail
Starting point is 01:24:12 i agree later you know you've overstayed your welcome no one likes you uh everyone thinks you're a fucking schmole and uh you know you're schmalling up the economy making us stay inside and summer's coming people want to go outside so poke yourself dude poke yourself right now i'm done with you i don't know if i have the antibodies but i'm visualizing the antibodies so i can develop them with my mind so that when you come, my body can say, poke yourself, you fucking knob.
Starting point is 01:24:52 That's my beef. Corona heard that. Aaron, who's your beef move? My beef of the week is my neighbors. They threw a party yesterday. What? What?
Starting point is 01:25:10 Yep. They're kind of new neighbors. I've been like really unsure if they're even living in the house or just remodeling it. But this is like the second time in a week they've had people over. And I wouldn't even have known yesterday except they started playing music at 10 10 p.m like which i know sunday doesn't really mean anything right now but but it's still it's like that's late and why and uh luckily it was only like one song and then they pretty much dispersed like within an hour of that, but still like, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:47 now everyone from that party is going to go off to somewhere and they've got 14 days to whether or not they show symptoms. And then everyone they come in contact with from now till then has 14 days, like a countdown starting. Like it's just, it's so reckless and stupid. Yeah. Yeah. This whole thing is sort of it's revealing a lot about people's character i think you know like it's it's i over the weekend i i was like i had a strong desire to go to huntington beach and surf, but I was like, you know what? I want this shit to end. And if I'm not going to set the example, you know, I can't blame anyone else. So, and I can't be upset.
Starting point is 01:26:33 So I stayed inside and, uh, I'm just going to stay inside until they say you can go out because, you know, you got to lead by example on this one. For sure. Far be it for me to be on Going Deep with Chad and JT and be anti-party. But not, not right now. No. We're on the same page.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Yeah. Yeah. People have been reaching out about like speaking out against policies i'm like i i i'm not a scientist you know i'm not gonna go against like you know i'm all for parting and all that stuff but this is not the time i don't know you know i'm gonna listen to uh the scientists on this one you know dude my beef of the week is with the show Too Hot to Handle. I just want to be on. I want to watch some with Chad,
Starting point is 01:27:31 but I'm only halfway through the first episode. But there's one dude on there. He's got megawatt charisma. His name's Sherrod, but he looks discernibly shorter than the rest of the guys, like about a foot and a half shorter. But I looked up how tall Sherrod was, thinking he'd be like 5'2".
Starting point is 01:27:45 Dude's 5'9", bro. He's not even that short. They casted a bunch of freaking Goliaths on that show with him. I don't know why I fired me up. Maybe because I'm 5'8", but I was like, he looks so little on there, dude. That guy Kel, that 6'6 dude from england monster keep watching man kel turns out to be one of my favorites he's pretty great dude him and the jesus looking guy are talking oh dude that was like my favorite moment where they're talking about long-term relationships
Starting point is 01:28:19 yeah yeah and dude the way that the jesus guy's like dude i mean i don't even know i don't even know if i believe in long-term relationships and And Kel's like, word, word. But what if someone on this show, he's like, no, I mean, even for me, four weeks is long-term. And then Kel looks at him with so much respect. Yeah, dude, I saw that, man. Like, you're a real dude. Like, even to the Jesus guy was like, oh, okay, a kindred spirit. You get me. And there's this recognition of, like, we're the same. Dude, that head nod was the most incredible moment on the show. He's like, when I say long term, I mean, like, full weeks.
Starting point is 01:28:57 And he's like, no, bro. And Kel's like, mm-hmm. He's like, you're a real dude. It's so fun. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Buffalo Sauce. Dude, I fucking love Buffalo Sauce. I'm not afraid to say it it i'm saying it out to the
Starting point is 01:29:26 universe i love buffalo sauce i'll put it on anything i'll put on eggs a salad a chicken a steak apple an orange i'll put buffalo sauce on anything it's that good and i love you buffalo sauce and you know if i could be sexually involved with you, I would be, but I think it would sting a lot. So I stay away, but you know, maybe, you know, maybe, uh, Douglas Lube can come out with a nice Buffalo product. Um, but I just want to say what up to a Buffalo sauce. You know, you've really boosted my stoke, um, in times when my taste buds needed it,
Starting point is 01:30:05 and you're a freaking legend. I'm probably going to make a buffalo chicken salad after this, and whenever I just think about the first bite, I get fired up. So what up? Gus, what up? Aaron, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the 1986 classic movie by james cameron aliens nice dude it's a sequel to alien alien is a horror film by ridley scott it's great but aliens is like
Starting point is 01:30:38 just it's it's totally the 80s in that it's like it's alien on cocaine, but it makes a lot more sense. And especially I think there's like an extended cut. That's kind of the only thing that is on DVD now, which is great because it's so much better. It's just it's a little bit longer. It gives you a little bit more breathing at the beginning, gives you a little more slow build up to what is going on and if you've seen the first movie you kind of know why like you're like oh there's a lot of like PTSD involved in between the
Starting point is 01:31:17 two movies and then and then as soon as you land on this alien planet, and even before that, it's just go, go, go the entire time. I mean, it's suspenseful for the most part. Then the aliens come out. No spoiler there. I mean, they're going to come out. It's called Aliens. And then it's just a fucking foot race to the end of the movie,
Starting point is 01:31:43 like to the very last moment. The score is just perfect. It leads you right up to that. It's just so amazing. If you haven't seen it and you got this quarantine time, check it out. It's amazing. You should watch the first one just because
Starting point is 01:31:59 it does lead into this, but you don't really have to. It's all new characters except for one so that's what up yeah that's awesome and paul reiser a comedian isn't it as an amazing actor yeah he's a good actor yeah dude my babe of the week is my buddy luke connors hilarious dude um he does this thing when we're playing war zone or uh call of duty multiplayer really late when it'll be like one in the morning he's in chicago so it's like two or three in the morning his time and we'll be like uh we'll be like all right hey who's got one more game in him
Starting point is 01:32:35 and he'll just go silent and then he'll play the clip from wolf of wall street where he goes i'm not leaving i'm not fucking leaving and it just uh fires everybody up. And then we go in there and we try to, you know, squat up again. So, Luke, you're a beast, dude. And, you know, we were kind of poking fun at him because he can be a little verbose on the comms, but he says a lot of good stuff. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is uh the sun uh the sun came out and i you know i took a nice walk around uh the block and uh it just boosts my stoke so you know uh i love the sun man um whenever i
Starting point is 01:33:22 can get a good dose of vitamin d just it just makes my day that much better. I know you're going to town on my immune system in a good way. I know you're bronzing my skin. You're giving me vitamin D, which, you know, helps with mental happiness and probably boners. So I just want to say what up to the sun. I love you. Thank you for giving me life and just being a legend. Thanks for, you know, coming out to say what up to the sun. I love you. Thank you for giving me life and just being a legend.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Thanks for, you know, coming out to say what up. That's what up. Aaron, who's your legend of the week? Well, I have a tie. The first legend of the week is MP's hair. Nice. Dude, how amazing was that flow great flow fire uh my second is playing the guitar um i've gotten back into it in the last few months um i kind of strayed from it
Starting point is 01:34:18 i started playing when i was like 13 and never really got very good at it. I mostly played Blink-182 jams, which I'm totally fine with. But I kind of got away from it when Rock Band came out. I started playing the drums, fell in love with that. But, you know, when you're drumming, you're not really hearing the song, or I am, but no one else is.
Starting point is 01:34:42 So then I was like, well, I want to play the guitar again. I want to hear the guitar again like I want to play I want to hear those melodies and everything like that so uh I've been doing that lately and just like uh like playing along with songs as loud as as my wife will allow or can stand before I hear about it uh and it's just awesome. I love it. That's what up. Nice. Dude, my legend of the week is New Zealand and their prime minister, Jacinda Ardern.
Starting point is 01:35:13 I'm sure some of you guys have heard New Zealand's killing it with the coronavirus. Yeah, it's heartening. So what up, New Zealand? Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from david goggins uh just imagine him you know running with probably like a weight pack on a weighted vest it's so easy to be great nowadays because everyone else is weak
Starting point is 01:35:39 what did he say harsh he said so easy to be great nowadays because everyone else is weak imagine if you like some we could like like jt park quotes and that was like at the top of the list yeah goggins dude he's like hey can you give us a quote can you give us a quote? Can you give us a quote? Yeah. I got one for you. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from Aliens. It's from a legend himself, Bill Paxton. His character's name is Hudson, which is also my dog's name, which is not related, but also awesome.
Starting point is 01:36:24 They find a girl on the alien planet she's the only survivor of this mining colony that lived there and um they're like we're not gonna make it he keeps saying like we're not gonna make it we're fucked and uh sigourney weaver's character goes well this little girl survived here for three weeks with nothing. She's like 10. And he goes, put her in charge, man. And I think that correlates to whoever's doing good right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:58 About the coronavirus. Put them in charge, man. That's funny. My quote of the week is, I think his name is christopher mccandice i think i'm saying it wrong the dude from into the wild mccandless mccandless right um he says it's not important to be strong but to feel strong it's easier to feel strong these days because everyone is weak yeah it's funny our quotes quotes were nice yin and yangs to one another. That's hilarious. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 01:37:36 I'm all in. Nice, dude. What's yours? Mine is – I wanted to tell a quick anecdote i had a girlfriend one time who's very uh sexually adventurous and uh one time the movie suffragette the movie suffragette was coming out about the woman's right to vote movement with meryl streep and carrie mulligan and uh and she said she wanted to blow me during it in the theater and i said no i was like i'm not gonna get caught getting blown during that movie i'm like i'm too embarrassed and uh i think that was
Starting point is 01:38:12 really cool though that she offered that and i think because to her it was funny to be like i these women fought for me to have the right to do this and then yeah i've just been thinking about what a cool person she was. That made me jealous. But I think I made the right call not doing it too. I was like, so instead did it during that Zac Efron DJing movie, which I think is appropriate. But yeah, it made me think about my friend Tom, who I talked to a lot, who's a doctor up in Napa.
Starting point is 01:38:44 He's a frontline worker. Fortunately, he hasn't been dealing with too many COVID cases. He's a great guy in uh napa who's like you know he's a frontline worker fortunately hasn't been dealing with too many covid cases he's a great guy i call him all the time and we bounce philosophy off each other he really helps me through stuff and at one time we were talking about relationships and i was like dude maybe we just kind of have juvenile ideas about love like maybe you just want a love that like steadies you and like keeps you stable and he's like i don't want a love that steadies me a love that sets me on fire and i was like dude passion i dig it so yeah you know he's a doctor but he's got a he's got a wild heart so yeah i love you to death t-bone uh yeah so my phrase for the week
Starting point is 01:39:18 for gun after it is um i need a love that sets me on fire. I love both. Thank you, dude. Aaron, do you have one? Sure. It's just another one from Hudson from Aliens. Game over, man. It's like it's time to go out. Game over. Dude, you know what?
Starting point is 01:39:38 I think I'm going to put a Switchfoot song at this podcast. I was going to put one at the end of the Machado one, but I thought that would be too cheesy. He is friends with the Switchfoot guys. Oh, he is? Yeah. Should I do that then? Yeah. Yes. All right. I can republish it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Nice. All right. Do you put it out already? No, no. I scheduled it to come out tonight at midnight, so it's sitting on there. I can use that real quick and then put it out already? No, no. I scheduled it to come out tonight at midnight, so it's sitting on there. But I can just go. I can use that real quick and then put it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Hell yeah. All right, guys. Good stuff. All right. I'm going to watch the Michael Jordan documentary. I'm going to get my kettlebells tomorrow, 1 p.m. Oh, nice. You can watch the Jordan documentary.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Thanks. You're like the y is yen what you're like the yen to his yang oh dude thank you like you were like the nice version of michael jordan dude thank you but dude he's it's so inspiring dude yeah so inspiring he's just his he's one of the most psychologically compelling people ever. Like, any time that the story gets away from him, you're like, I love Scotty, I love Dennis, I love Phil, but let's go back to Michael. He's just like – He's a beast. Even when you just look at him, when he's just walking on camera,
Starting point is 01:40:56 you're like, what the fuck is it? Like, he's just in such command of his, like, human. It's crazy. Yeah. That's cool. He flies. All right, dudes. All right right aaron good to see you see you guys stay safe later guys Thank you. Ever since I heard the how and when
Starting point is 01:41:50 I didn't need to go where a Bible went But then you know your gifts seem heaven sent But then you know your gifts seem heaven sent Just leave me to a caller, dad, that's the thing And I don't know how you housed the sin But you freed up And I was never sure how much of you I could let in Once you settle down, baby, here your love is built Heavenly Father
Starting point is 01:42:42 It's brought to you loving You don't care the other name I heard about a day where he dropped alone To go another day as we learned to close Cause I'm a known coward in a coward's wind I bet you're dreaming
Starting point is 01:43:24 You turn around now and you count to ten I bet you're free now You turn around now and you count to ten I see you go now Well I know now honey that I can't pretend Heavenly Father Is brought you His autumn And love has left it in Ooh
Starting point is 01:43:52 Ooh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
Starting point is 01:44:02 Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Cause I just been up here for god damn years Can you see now Filling up holes with god damn fears I'm free now.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Well, I know about it, darling. I've been standing here. Heavenly Father. He's all that he offers. A safety in the end. He's all that he offers, a safety in the end Oh my goodness Oh my goodness Oh my goodness to show

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