Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 13 - Lions, Betrayals, Conspiracies

Episode Date: April 11, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep into the lion kingdom, Lion King, flat earth conspiracies, the Facebook debacle, sophisticated comments on porn, a deep betrayal and then explore beefs, legends, babes, and some ...FIRE questions. www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what up stoke nation this is uh chad kroger coming in with my colleague jt what up what up dudes oh how you feeling i'm good i mean i've told you I'm battling through stomach issues. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it's just causing me pain, nausea, myriad symptoms. Yeah. Yeah, it's all good. Yeah, I guess the stomach's tricky. You just got to power through, I guess. Yeah, and I got this special juice to supposedly settle it.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah. A lot of mistakes whenever i have like stomach issues it's all like get like jack in the box and my stomach would be like what the fuck was that and i'll be like i'm sorry i just like i had munchies but you know i think you just gotta stay smart with your intake yeah i got myself into this predicament because I had steak and fries, chili cheese fries, an Oreo milkshake on top of a belly that already had like eight shots of Jack Daniels in it. Yeah. It's going to hurt you. Yeah, my body's pissed.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. So it's just putting you through the ringer for the week? Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks, man. You look like you're about to throw up yeah i feel i feel horrible damn yeah but yeah i'm still blessed stay up there it is um i'm feeling pretty good i just watched a video of a bunch of lions giving humans hugs so i was pretty stoked off that i think that's a probably my biggest dream is to like hug a lion i think we talked about that last on last week's podcast did
Starting point is 00:01:51 we yeah i was just so stoked i'm i'm still like i don't think that i don't think i've watched anything better than that i mean i i i said it's like my dream to have like a fierce creature hug me yeah my ross parallel my friend friend Ross is like a tough guy. Yeah. The girls always like him, I think, because he's so, he's soft with them. And they're like, oh my God, this like dangerous animal likes me. Yeah. Man.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Just when like danger gives you comfort. I don't know, man. I just, I think that's going to be one of my life missions is to like get in good with like lions as a whole. So like anytime I go to africa or something they're like be like what up chad like right embrace me and um i don't think you need much more than that in life dude you're a likable guy i you think i could do it yeah that'd be pretty sweet i i love watching the videos of like mike tyson like wrestling with his tiger yeah sometimes i'll
Starting point is 00:02:43 get like upset at it like it's like a friend like he's like hey man get out of here yeah you're like uh don't piss it off yeah i guess like do you think it's real that like if you don't show fear towards an animal like if you're comfortable around an animal regardless of what kind of animal it is it'll be comfortable around you i think it depends i think if i think i don't know i mean i think around tigers you know and like lions you know they're just like um i don't know i mean you know they just i think they yearn for acceptance from us you know what i mean? Lions and tigers? What makes you say that? I'm going off gut right here, off my instinct, and that's how I feel. I think snakes, anytime you get close to a snake, they're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:03:35 fuck you, dude. But lions and tigers are like, dude, if you just come in cool and embrace me, I'll give you a shot. Yeah, I i mean it's a roll of the dice yeah i don't know dude i just i really relate to simba yeah i love the lion king i think you tapped into something deeper within me what's your favorite song from the lion king all of them? Nice. What about you? I think there's something happening. And they don't have a clue.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Da-da-da. Our trio's down the tube. Oh. The sweet caress of magic. There's magic in the air. And with all this romantic atmosphere. Disasters in the air. Oh, my God. Can you feel the love tonight?
Starting point is 00:04:38 One of my favorite lyrics is when Nala's like, will he be the king? That's my favorite, too. i want to be the king that nala knows i want some hot lion just to be thinking about me i've been like man i know if par just dug deep he would run this kingdom with so much grace and strength yeah yeah and then like they do a great job with simba of just like he looks like a teenage lion yeah he looks like like if yeah just having fun with the boys but he's got a responsibility with great power comes great responsibility and she's like simba it's time to step up yeah
Starting point is 00:05:12 if you had tony robbins and what's the female lion's name from lion king nala nala in your corner i mean what couldn't you accomplish yeah I mean, you could take, I mean, goodbye Silicon Valley. Like, what up me? Dude, I just, yeah, I don't know. Man, it just like, and I don't think I'm alone in this. Like Lion King makes me kind of horny. Yeah. And they make all those animals like, you know, they anthropomorphize them a lot and
Starting point is 00:05:44 make them, they give them like lines and curves and facial features that I think are traditionally human attractive. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. So. That's good stuff. Yeah. What next?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Okay, what did you think about all this uh facebook stuff um i have said before dude i don't trust these nerds do you cover the uh camera on your laptop no i i used to i need to put some tape back on people are like dude they can see you i'm like if they want to watch me jacking off they can watch i know yeah part of me is like they're giving away your information i'm like well i don't really care i mean i'm not up to anything i'm such an idiot like i've literally signed up for like porn memberships which is the first stupid part like i paid for my porn yeah because i literally was like no i have like integrity i'll pay for my porn yeah and i at times would sign up with my name yeah like my username was jt par so you know wasn't ever expecting that i'd have a girlfriend or something where it would embarrass more than just me yeah just my family and i but i was like my family can take it uh i think people would be like wow
Starting point is 00:07:00 that dude um that dude par he he pays for it nice i used to be such a weirdo i'd um leave comments on porn scenes which i would never do outside of being funny and um i would sign him at the bottom with my brother's name yeah and i'd give like weird commentary like the chemistry between the two stars is palpable if they can really learn how to channel some of their abilities i think they'll be a force to be reckoned with it's like really kind of detailed kind of way too um thoughtful analysis and then i just signed a crisp part i remember one time like five years later i was watching like um the scene or whatever and i scrolled down to the comments and i saw saw the comments. I was like, who wrote that? And then at the bottom it said Chris Parr.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I just started dying laughing. That's so funny. Last weird porn thing. I remember one time I was a member of Brazzers. That's a free plug. Yeah. And I was in a group. They were doing like a live show,
Starting point is 00:08:03 so there was like millions of comments. And every guy would be like, hey, say my say my name say daryl say daryl and then i would write things like say a flat tax is what's needed to reinvigorate the economy or or when the guy would be like say daryl say daryl i'd go say daryl say daryl and just back him up that is so funny you see these porn stars like reading a laptop they're like flat tax they've all got like i think they're all a lot of them are right leaning porn stars they're all like libertarians yeah my dog what uh anal what what um what you're you're knowledgeable about conspiracies and stuff right yeah what uh what are what do you think's going on right now what are some conspiracies i need to
Starting point is 00:08:58 be hip to something that's going on um conspiracies to be hip too fuck i don't want to bring up like the only ones that like i don't really follow that stuff anymore oh but dude yeah like i saw this like dude i saw this like fire video like i'm not i'm not well now maybe i am but uh i always thought that flat earth was garbage but then i saw this video on facebook and it like really opened my eyes like and it was sponsored by bob the rapper who's like is from all accounts a pretty knowledgeable dude and he has fire songs too and um there's this video these guys made where they like got a ball was made out of foam and they put it in a water bucket. The guy picks it up and he spins it and then water just flies off the ball.
Starting point is 00:09:51 What? Yeah. I'm like, oh, fuck. That was really eye-opening. Why hasn't MIT done anything like that? Why don't they look into the technology of spinning water balls? Or Harvard or Yale. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Or Dartmouth. Or Georgetown. Interesting. But is that great? So what do you think about flat Earth? I mean, I've always thought the Earth was a circle or a globe rather because that's what my teachers told me so yeah i'm totally open to it yeah to be honest like if whoever i date like if they believe in it i'll believe in it too yeah like if my girlfriend's like the earth is flat i'm
Starting point is 00:10:36 like sounds good yeah like because you still want to get sat upon yeah that's super interesting who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is camilla cabello so if you haven't heard of her yet you've probably heard one of her songs havana is super fire never be the same super fire uh havana has like 795 million um plays so i should research more into her but like i just discovered who she was like last week and like honestly dude like i've pretty much been horny ever since which is like huge and um so i'm like really stoked on that like that's you know it's hard to stay horny for like a full week but like i'd love to take you like ritz chris sometime so please watch this and maybe i could get you like a prime rib because i think that's a fireplace to go and um great food at ritz chris yeah great place to bring somebody. Yeah. I'm fired up.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my dog, Mike Ferraro. He's 6'3", 215, built super well, like proportional with big dinner plates for pecs, peaking biceps, and a strong lower half to go with it. He played baseball in college and in the minor leagues. And then he's since retired and he's running a state farm office with his dad. He does my insurance and he's a beast at it. I really feel taken care of and like I'm in good hands. But not just to objectify him, he's got a really good heart. He really believes in true love and he's objectify him he's got a really good heart like he really
Starting point is 00:12:25 believes in true love and he's super sweet and he's big on family values his family's great they're just very warm and welcoming people and um yeah mike stay hot i'd love you if you weren't but i love you more because you are nice who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week? All right. This is long overdue. My legend of the week, it's two this week. Multiple legends. Yeah, that's L-E-G-E-N-D-S, motherfuckers. Legends of the week are my brothers, Bill and Mark.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I didn't want to do one at each time because I didn't want to separate them. I had to put them both in the same because I didn't want... Like my brother, when Mark got married, he made us both best men. Becoming Legend of the Week is probably a higher honor. They're such mega beasts in their own regards. Like my brother Bill, he's in york killing the financial game just he has two kids a darling wife meg what up i've known meg since i was like nine beautiful family if you saw if you see like a photo of them you're like wow they deserve to be on like a banana republic like ad or something so shout out to um my niece jane, my nephew, Charlie, and sister-in-law, Meg. And
Starting point is 00:13:48 then my brother, yeah, he's just a beast. You know, he moves, I think this goes for both my brothers. They move serious weight, not only in the gym, but also in other areas of life. You know, my brother, Bill, he's killing it in New York and I'm going on a trip for his birthday next week, which I'm really stoked about. You know, we're going to go shoot some guns in Argentina. Fuck, dude. That's very exciting. For that.
Starting point is 00:14:11 And then my brother Mark, he's also just a mega beast. And he as well moves serious weight. He's in New Orleans studying naval architecture. You know, he's like building ships. So i think that's epic and like uh he has an amazing wife bb um who's just the best she's a nurse for me you know if i ever get sick she's like take dayquil i'm like thank you for your knowledge on that and then also uh they have a dog nash who was already a legend of the week and he's just a beast so I grew up raging with my bros Bill's 11 years older than me so like and then Mark's two years older than me so they they
Starting point is 00:14:51 sort of had the upper hand on me in terms of raging but they inducted me into that um very well and you know like I think one of my fondest memories is on Christmas Eve we played Edward Forty Hands when I was like in high. And my mom cried when she saw it, but I think she was just so proud of how well I was chugging. Thank you, bros, so much for just being aspiring dudes that I'm proud to look up to. And I love you, big bros. Who's your legend?
Starting point is 00:15:24 My legend of the week is Rose Namahunas. Rose Namahunas is the strawweight champion in the UFC. Her nickname is Thug Rose. She grew up scrapping, and then she made it to the UFC. And she went up against Joanna Young-Jaychek, who was an unstoppable stand-up fighter. And before the fight, Joanna was talking so much shit. She's like, I'm going to smash you. You are weak. You cannot stand up to me. I will crush you. And she was like poking her in the face.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And during their stare down, when Joanna was doing all that, Rose just repeated the Lord's prayer and stared into her eyes. She was like, our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. And didn't break eye contact. And I was like, wow, that's pretty chilling. And then the fight happened and no one thought Rose could win. And they thought if she did win, she'd win on the ground, but she ended up knocking Joanna out. It's one of the biggest upsets in mixed martial arts history. And now they're going to fight again this Saturday. And I like both of them, but I'm pulling for Rose because I listened to her on the Joe Rogan podcast and she's just really sweet. And she said on Joe Rogan, like like i actually don't want to be a fighter i want
Starting point is 00:16:28 to change the world but the best opportunity i have to do that is through fighting and she could kick my ass nice like that's hot to me yeah and so i just feel a lot safer going out in newport if i had a girlfriend like that that's super smart to think about all right should we get into the questions beef oh i'm a fucking idiot dude who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with the uh supposed earthquake that happened about an hour ago i just saw a bunch of posts were like earthquake in southern california and i'm and as you know like i'm a pretty chill dude, but I also secretly have an appetite for destruction. And I think that was most notable in the summer of 2012 when I got blacked out and my buddy put on Slipknot and I destroyed my buddy Bo's room.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And thank you both. You understood that it was an artistic move. So, yeah, I mean, everyone's like, oh, there was an earthquake. There's an earthquake. I'm like, cool, but I didn't feel it was an artistic move. So, yeah, I mean, everyone's like, oh, there was an earthquake. There's an earthquake. I'm like, cool, but I didn't feel it. Nothing fell over. You know, like I don't sense any danger, you know. So California, I think you need to bring the fucking heat, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Like I don't want you to destroy the city, but I also want to like a chance to like feel the earthquake and maybe show people how good my balance is it's my beef i love going after natural disasters because it's like who's pro yeah my beef is um with my dog greg greg w not greg g it's happened a little while ago but i figured i'd bring it up because we've had a lot of questions that are sort of similar. I was at a rave with Greg in Austin, and I was under the influence of psychedelics, mushrooms. And I was being super relaxed because of it. Like I had great energy to me. And I tried to talk to this pretty girl, and she kind of was like, nah, not feeling it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So I went away. And then I was dancing, and I was getting weird, and I was having a good time. And the rave was like half indoors, half outdoors. And actually, I think I was the only one calling it a rave. There's dancing music, and I'm on psychedelics. This is a rave. That is a rave.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And so I was standing outside, and I saw that same girl that i hit on earlier come out with a guy and she didn't seem to be feeling him and she was walking and he was like on her hip and she started walking towards me and i just had like the most relaxed like no muscles in my face were working i was just like pleasant and she saw my face and i just gave her a pleasant look and i said hey becca her name was becca and then she went oh my god there you are and she started talking to me like out of a movie to like get away from the dude and then the dude like just walked on and she was like thank you so much she's like you look so like relaxed i was like thanks yeah i'm a really relaxed guy i didn't mention the shrooms and uh yeah we hit it off and we started talking from
Starting point is 00:19:18 there and and we walked back to her apartment and she didn't want to hook up. So we just snuggled. And then I left in the morning to go do a kettlebell workout. So then I get her phone number and a week later I'm like, hey, come out with my friends and I. And she says, okay. And she meets us at a bar and we all started heading to another bar. And Greg's being like really funny in the taxi. Like he's like cracking jokes and he's being like kind of like the cool wise ass guy. He's like, look, I don't really have a care in the world.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I just say whatever I want. And I was being like much like more of a golden retriever. Like I was like, I'm nice to everybody. Everybody have fun. And she was laughing a lot more at what Greg was saying. And I was like, damn this fucking shit. Why Greg? I was like, Greg, if you're my friend,
Starting point is 00:20:03 you'll stop killing right now. You'll stop being so funny and you'll just let me be the top dog but uh it was not to be and greg just kept killing her id ended up not working to get into the bar because it was like expired or something and uh so we went back to her apartment and um we didn't hug up again we just cuddled uh which i was totally stoked about. You look stoked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And then a couple of days after that, I go get pizza with Greg. And Greg's like, oh, hey, dude, I ran into Becca at a bagel shop. And we hit it off. And I got her phone number. and i think i want to hug out with her did he know about these yeah i've been keeping him abreast what was going on with us and i was like what dude i was like dude i've been hanging out with her like i like her and then he was like yeah um i don't think she really likes you dude i think she's um more into me and i was like awesome for you dude but um what do you want me to say he's like i just want
Starting point is 00:21:06 you to say you're okay with it and i was like i'm not okay with it and he's like so what are you gonna do i'm like nothing i'm just telling you i'm not okay with it and then he was like all right well dude i think i'm still gonna go out with her and then greg w yeah damn and i was like okay i was like i don't think i'll trust you again like around women and then he was like yeah it's okay yeah so greg and her ended up having sex a bunch so he went through with it yeah i mean i kept trying i would like hit her up and stuff and she just was hanging out greg this isn't the coolest story i have i just did uh i because i know i know i just i didn't uh i never i've never seen that side of greg oh yeah it's there yeah but he's a great guy like we're still like best
Starting point is 00:21:54 of friends like i call him all the time we hang out all the time he gives me great advice he's super honest which he was in that case too yeah uh he just uh was in a period of his life where he was like look dude i'm like hugging up with chicks if they want to hug up with me. And he's like, I don't know what right you have of her. And he made some smart points. Like it was like, yeah. I mean, if she likes him and he likes her, what right do I have to get into the way of that? You know, like, yeah, my feelings are going to be hurt, but I'm an adult.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I can walk with that and handle it. It just sucked to lose really. Yeah. And then she did try to hang out with me later and she was like, no, it should have been you. Like Greg was a jerk and stuff. then i was like i'm actually kind of a jerk too i just you just like that other jerk more than me it wasn't like uh it wasn't like he was the bad guy and i was the good guy i felt like it was more like she just liked one of us more than the other one and then uh i think she has like a boyfriend now and stuff and greg and i have moved on
Starting point is 00:22:43 interesting but she was really cool. She was really fun, as Greg will attest. He thought she was really cool too. So that's my beef. It's not even a real beef. It never even manifested into a fight. It was just an awkward conversation where I realized some people don't live by your same code. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 But Greg has a code. I trust him in a lot of ways i never heard that story oh you haven't no if i could be honest that scenario if i were i would be fucking pissed i was pissed i was pissed but like i was like what am i gonna do about being yeah am i gonna stop being friends with greg and then i was like i'm not gonna stop like I love the guy it's it's like one of those situations where you're just like yeah you're like pissed but it's like yeah it's like what are you gonna do and also at that time like I had been going around like hooking up with like or trying to hook up with lots of different girls and stuff so it's not like it wasn't fair of him to be like, look, dude, you don't really like her. But I also understand why he could have felt that way because I was like being wild. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 That makes more sense. It's a lot of liberties on his part, though. It's a lot of like... Just like, no, she likes me. I'm going to fuck her. Yeah. You're like, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It happens. Selfish. It's fuck her. Yeah. You're like, okay. Yeah. It happens. Selfish. It's definitely selfish. Yeah. But he's not a bad friend. He's actually a really good friend. And I, I,
Starting point is 00:24:12 I love you dearly, Greg. And I guess my vengeance is just to tell this story over and over again. But we did go out one night, all of us together. We went to another rave and, um, no disrespect to Greg, but I was way funnier than him that night and she was laughing at all my jokes nice and like wanted to
Starting point is 00:24:31 hang out with me it was a minor victory but i hold on to it so take that greg bitch bitch becca you don't know what you do yeah i hope you're well you were cool you were super cool yeah i guess like i guess i was just talking about how i like this other girl before the podcast right it's like you expect the girl just tell her friend i don't know yeah you expect like people will get out of the way of like stronger feelings yeah yeah right that is interesting that is kind of like a similar scenario yeah so from yeah it's tough man when love when uh boning intersects with friendship is yeah and it's just like when you're living when you want to have like really good friendships but you're also living a hedonistic lifestyle yeah those two things don't always marry well yeah i don't know yeah because i think that greg did to me i don't know if i've done that as baldly as he did but i've done things like that you know what
Starting point is 00:25:37 i mean yeah it's always tricky it's just like that conversation like just to be that like frank yeah you're just like pretty stunning yeah you're just like damn dude i was like you are i was like i almost had respect for how transparent he was about being a dick yeah yeah it's like so are we still gonna go watch x-men right and our friendship was built on like kind of honesty yeah and sometimes dark honesty yeah and that can be really compelling but it can also bruise your feelings a lot but i think it made me tougher in the long run to be able to like go through something like that and just accept that i can't that outcomes aren't always going to go the way i want them to yeah okay all right let's get into the questions sup brohemoths how can i be more forthright when multiple women catch feelings at once?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Can I be a modern-day Don Juan, or am I duplicitous, enticements, immoral? Shout out Douglas Lubricant. Love the pod. Otis. Trust me, dude. I've always wanted to be that guy who throws on a silk suit, a top hat, and a cane, and just calls myself Daddy daddy chad daddy chad but uh i think the biggest thing you think about is time management you know you don't want to get too busy and uh yeah just to echo that like i think as long as you're being
Starting point is 00:26:59 honest with all these girls it's totally cool if you want to call yourself don juan and grow your hair long and have a thin mustache and wear white linen shirts that kind of are open and very uh breezy like they're constantly kind of flowing in the wind i and you want to have like romantic guitar plucking songs in the background of your day-to-day experiences i think that's all killer just as long as you're being honest about it yeah for sure hey guys big fan of the pod and the Instagram. Love dance moves and Chad Melania Donald post. So question for y'all. I am a freshman at college living up what college life has to offer. Making classic freshman mistakes as I further my alcohol threshold.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Whenever I seem to go out and throw back multiple brews or have several mixed drinks, I come back to the dorm still a little too tipsy and usually pass out within minutes of returning. My roommate tells me that I sleepwalk and start to piss. It seems like everywhere except for the bathroom. I wake up the next morning having no recollection of this happening. Any tips on how I can prevent this from happening? Because not going out and drinking is not an option. Full send.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Thanks, Michael. Damn, a walking wizard. Dude, does any podcast have more listeners that piss everywhere than ours? I think we hold the record for that. And I know Ask Clown is, because he listens, he's super stoked on all this. He's a hero to these people. Yeah. So to the question, how can I prevent this from happening?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Just roll with it, dude. What do you mean? Just pee. just roll with it dude what do you mean just pee chad come on i think we got to give these guys uh more uh a solution that's conducive for the roommate yeah you're right you're right you're right i think diapers yeah hey fellow stokers with stoke Nation. This is Chad Kroger with my colleague JT Parr, the house party bros who bring the party to you and to America and to City Hall. Guys, you like to party. We like to party. And we also like to have intimate relationships with women. have intimate relationships with women. But you have to think outside the box and be safe and be smooth when you're boning down. So that is why we use Douglas Lubricant in the bedroom. Not only is it quality, safe, affordable, durably tested and reliable, but it is also a fun time.
Starting point is 00:29:24 So use Douglas next time you're going to bone one of your significant others oh and we also have another sponsor um hey guys this is me chad kroger house party enthusiast and big time partier with my colleague jt parr on the going deep with chad and jt podcast. Hey, guys. You like to party. We like to party. And I'm guessing you guys watch Fast and the Furious, so you also like to drive.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Now, it's a bad idea to mix the two. We all know that. That leads to a DUI and lots of shame. But sometimes things happen, and sometimes you may get a DUI, God forbid. But if you do, just know that you're safe with me, Kevin Fard, DUI lawyer for Southern California. You're a leading DUI lawyer to help you get out of a bind. With me, I guarantee that you'll have lower fines,
Starting point is 00:30:27 guaranteed no jail time, and you'll get to hang with a solid dude while you go through this DUI ordeal. So next time you get a DUI, pick me, Kevin Fard, your leading DUI lawyer for Southern California. Stay stoked, Stoked Nation. Wow, that was a great copy. Thank you so much, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And thank you for sponsoring the pot. He's a beast. What up, dudes? I wanted to hear your thoughts on the situation I'm in right now. I met the most rad chick a couple months ago. We hit it off hard. This girl and I have been vibing on each other like crazy. We have tons in common and we really enjoy each other's company.
Starting point is 00:31:01 We hook up frequently, chill often, and just have a fucking amazing time together. I've seriously never felt this with any other girl in my life. I'm catching mad feelings. She warned me going into this that she didn't want anything serious as she just got out of a long-term relationship. She's also moving across the country in a few months.
Starting point is 00:31:16 My question to you stoke-level geniuses is, do I keep what's going on right now flowing until she moves away and then just deal with it then? Should I end things and try to keep it way more casual so it's not so bad when she dips out of here or do i go balls deep with chad and jt and try everything in my power to win this girl over even though she's leaving any other ideas any advice and words of wisdom would help p.s you guys make my day when i listen you keep my stoke levels on point keep doing what you're doing much love sincerely roger keep going with that romance dude you You know, let that fire burn.
Starting point is 00:31:47 But maybe, you know, discuss it with her. Be like, look, you know, you bring fire to my loins or whatever. But you're leaving soon. So what are we going to do? What do you think? what do you think? I think trying to live your life so that you don't feel pain is always futile. The pain is coming no matter what.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Life is going to take things from you and it's going to hit you no matter how you try to safety proof it. So I would say with that being known, go for broke. Yeah, let it all hang out. And yeah, it might not work out, but you're in.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You're all in. All in. So yeah, be all in. A co-worker saw me dry swallow some headache medicine and told me I was intimidating for doing so. Have I just asserted
Starting point is 00:32:42 a new level of workplace dominance alpha status or creeped out all my office peeps? Please advise. Respectfully, Cam from H-Town, Houston. I think that's something that you because just judging from the way you chug water,
Starting point is 00:32:54 I'm sure you've asserted your dominance with pills. Yeah, I swallow my pills dry. Yeah. I'd say keep going for it. I never even knew me doing it was like like an aggro thing and i was thrilled as a pig and shit when i found out it was people were like dude you're so ag you're just swallowing pills i was like if that's ag i'm mike tyson because yeah i can do this all day baby yeah yeah if i were you cam i'd i'd uh revel in it. Flex that dry swallowing muscle, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Keep dominating. Josh from Cincy, Ohio. What up, Chad and JT? I'm in a predicament with my boy Alex. He seems to believe that the ancient aliens helped build the pyramids in Egypt. Regardless of the numerous factual sources and ancient architectural documentaries
Starting point is 00:33:39 I've provided for him, it's really taken a toll on the overall stoke of crew due to arguing about it every time we meet up. Although I believe that we are not alone in the universe, I do not think that the aliens helped build the pyramids. I've even gone so far as to schedule a walkthrough of the local ancient architectural museum. Is there any advice you can give me
Starting point is 00:33:54 to guide him to the knowledge I so desperately need him to find? P.S. I'm in the Ohio National Garden. I've gotten a bunch of my boys in the unit to listen to the pod and they are hooked. Thanks, guys. Thank you for your service, man. Appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah, nice. Thank you, dude. in the unit to listen to the pod and they are hooked thanks guys thank you for your service man appreciate you yeah nice thank you dude um i'd say i'd say if you want to keep this friendship strong maybe just drop that whole discuss out of the whole relation it's just gonna create a bigger divide and then the aliens will come and you guys won't be as strong of a unit i totally agree with chad um it made me look up a winston churchill quote that is a fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject i think your friend is a fanatic i think the danger in dealing with the fanatic is you can be a fanatic dedicated to defeating the fanatic and that's just not a fun place to be for either of you look to joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo for more advice on this subject. Brody, what's up, bros?
Starting point is 00:34:49 Love the pod. I was at this rager the other night and my bro spotted this girl across the room and swore she was the finest baby I'd ever laid eyes upon. It was a dark room and I had my doubts but decided it was my duty as a bro to assist in the conquest. I tried to be the best wingman possible but it got weird when the girl left the party and my boy decides we have to follow her. We followed for a while and ended up at the local Mickey D's where we came to realize this Betty was nothing special.
Starting point is 00:35:11 My boy Stoke has been down ever since. He strikes out a lot with the ladies and is embarrassed to hang out with the squad because he so heavily pursued this sulking flower. What can I do to re-energize this Stoke and get over this night to forget? What do you mean they followed her? Yeah, it's weird, right? Yeah. I think... Yeah, I think that would be the first thing I would say is stop following people.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah. Yeah, stay away from the following. Yeah. Study more. I don't know. Dear Chad and JT, huge fan here here i was recently listening to episode relisten to episode 10 thank you man for a second time i was truly disheartened to hear that someone would write in with a spurious question that turned out to be the plot of a freddie prince
Starting point is 00:35:54 jr movie from the 90s you guys give such thoughtful and intelligent responses to your fans questions and the fact that someone would take advantage of that generation generosity brought my stoke down immensely you bros deserve better that said i'm currently dealing with a major conundrum on my own and i was hoping your insight might help guide me in these trying times i'm an undercover cop currently infiltrating a crew of street racers in connection with a string of brazen high brazen high speed robberies i really soon discovered that this crew is indeed responsible for the crimes in question but here's the kicker along the way i've gained so much respect for these guys these are not bad people they do it out of necessity and they're gearing up for one last
Starting point is 00:36:27 heist before they give up crime for good. Running with this crew has honestly been incredible. For my whole life, I've been totally underestimating my stoke tank's capacity. I feel like this is the life I was meant to live. Not to mention I've fallen completely head over heels for the crew's sister, who is a mega babe. What would you guys do in this situation? Do I give up my career and my old life entirely? It would be such a drastic leap, Whoa. What's up? I'm not sure, but... I'm getting, like, crazy deja vu.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I'm just, like, stoked they told us he's an undercover cop. Yeah. You don't meet a lot of undercover cops. No, it's one of the coolest jobs I think in the world. Yeah. I would say, dude, if this crew is really who you're vibing with and like props to like law enforcement
Starting point is 00:37:24 and like all that they do, tons of respect, but if you think that this crew is in the right, then I think maybe you have to roll with them and maybe give the head of the crew your keys. That's a guy I'd want to root for. Yeah. I can't get over the sneaking feeling that like
Starting point is 00:37:47 i know this story wait a second dude what's up that's the this is the story of fast and furious chad look at me. Do you think it's possible that Brian from the Fast and the Furious wrote to us from an alternate timeline and he's asking us what he should do
Starting point is 00:38:21 at the end of that story? Oh, fuck. But you told him to do the right thing. Yeah, I told him to do the right thing, right? Yeah, we're good. Or does this happen to all undercover cops named Brian? That's true, too. But we just got to keep perpetuating. Tell him to do what the other guy did
Starting point is 00:38:45 if this is even happening in our timeline so okay dude here's how it's gonna go down dude and you need to heed our advice you're gonna find yourself in a sticky situation and you're gonna have to tell them who you really are because
Starting point is 00:39:02 one of the guys Vince is gonna get shot by an aggro truck driver and then you're going to he's going to get run off the road and then you're going to have to save him by calling a chopper but when you call the chopper you're going to have to say that i'm an undercover cop and then the head of the crew is going to give you a super aggro look and you're going to be like look dude i still love your sister and i still love you and then you're going to follow these asian dudes and uh in a high speed chase because they're gonna shoot your main mechanic and then it's all gonna be over said
Starting point is 00:39:31 and done with and then you're gonna run into the head of the crew and you're gonna be like all right dude are we cool and he's like let's race first and then you're gonna race and then you're gonna almost get hit by a train and then you'll think you're good and you know hit a semi truck and he's gonna do a big corkscrew over you and then you're going to like you have to get him out of his car and his car is going to be totaled and you're going to be like all right the cops are coming take my car so give him your toyota super dude we have a severe problem here my bro can only eat one and a half fish tacos the other night at dinner and when i asked him what was wrong he said the love of his life doesn't know what she wants my buddy really likes this girl who is awesome to be around and a
Starting point is 00:40:07 total bro and they were laying in bed the other night making out and he made his move and she stopped him when he started playing bop him with her boobs but immediately after she stopped him she asked if he wants to see her pierced boobies they're pierced bro like everyone's loves pierced tits but anyway like she should he stay with her and proceed to ask if she likes him as much as he does her i'm trying to help my brother out but this question really needs to be handled by a lead task force like yourselves i really hope you can answer this in time for the next pod my buddy asked me to remain anonymous but i want to let you guys know who i am i am the one who got cock blocked by a baby monitor a few weeks back thanks ass eater please dive in on this harder
Starting point is 00:40:42 than jt dives in on the Olympic lifts. Thank you, dude. Feels like there's two running stories here. There's one story about her having pierced nipples. I don't know how it affects the other story, which is that his friend really likes this girl. Yeah. Yeah, I don't really get... So they're like, how should he keep her? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Maybe pierce your nipples? That's what I was going to say, pier should he keep her? Yeah. Maybe pierce your nipples? That's what I was going to say. Pierce his nipples. Yeah. What's up, Chad and JT? Hope your stoke is through the roof right now. I come to you with some trials and tribulations with another male. Someone I grew up with since the womb and is basically a sister to me
Starting point is 00:41:20 is dating some guy that her dad and brother don't like, and they asked me to look out for her. I've been keeping this guy in check until recently when he tried to attack me in the instagram comment sections i completely obliterated him just like dominic toretto destroyed deckard sean furious 7 after the ass beating the boyfriend received in the comment section he said to come see him in his group in person i know for a fact my group filled with water brolos lax bros and rugby players would beat the shit out of him and his group. But do I stick to dominating him on the mental level or do I go out there and dominate him in the street?
Starting point is 00:41:49 I need help. Thanks, ChynaJT. Stay stoked, Alex. Man, I'm reluctant to tell you to go fight because the consequences of that can quickly go from nothing to dire. Yeah. I cannot tell you to go fight i even think it was weird like i've always thought that was weird when people hey like watch out for like my daughter my sister my friend like what do they want you to do yeah like she's an adult yeah or she's not
Starting point is 00:42:19 maybe she's not an adult but you she's making the decision you're not really in a position to you can tell her what you think but you can't change her mind for her yeah i said be the bigger man you know it may have been cool to dominate this dude in the instagram comments but you know ultimately i think what does that accomplish? Yeah. Nothing. So, yeah, just let this dude fume. He's just going to look like a fucking nozzle. Also, I think... I think you fighting him, even if you beat his ass and make him look like a punk,
Starting point is 00:43:04 that's not going to make her break up with him. If anything, that's going to make them closer. Yeah. Cause they're going to be, have something that they're fighting against. They're going to feel righteous about it because they have reason to. So I don't know,
Starting point is 00:43:15 man, I think you get more bees with honey. I would just be really nice to her. Tell her what you think, but don't get physical with some guy. Cause the only thing that's going to help is like your temporary feelings of masculinity but it's not going to get the desired result which is her away from him last question chad and jt what up to the prophets of stoke you guys are legends taylor from salt lake city
Starting point is 00:43:41 i have a real question regarding sober bros at Ragers. I love to hang with the bros after a good skate session. Shout out to the Blindside Board Shop. Anyways, I don't drink, but I love to be around the bros and experience Ragers as a sober bro, taking care of the dudes too messed up to drive and handling beer runs for the boys when they feel the need for a smash and grab at the local gas station. Shout out to B-Dale and D-Blaze for both snag and 230 racks each on the latest beer run. Interested to hear your thoughts on sober bros at ragers um dude totally down for that man I think that I think if you're able to like be an enthusiastic bro
Starting point is 00:44:17 sober bro I think that is fire so total respect for that confidence you have and for just like saying uh like respect to you dudes and not being a bummer about just being like respect to you dudes but this is how i like to party and just being like a solid dude totally down with it so uh proud of you for uh you know just being a strong dude staying true to what you want to do. So stick with it, my man. Yeah, dude, I'm competitive. So the way I look at it is like, I'm going to prove to these people that I can be as much fun sober as they are hammered. And yeah, just tap into that and be like, and just take pride in the fact that you can get to a level that it takes other people
Starting point is 00:44:59 a lot of money and substance to get to. Yeah. Nice work, guys. All right, we good? Yep. That will be it for episode 13 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for listening, for writing in. Love the questions.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You guys are the best. You keep the stoke alive. Check out our Patreon if you want to get bonus content. We have stuff on there if you just want to help us out and whatever. So patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. We have an extra episode monthly.
Starting point is 00:45:31 And also, we love the ratings, guys. Keep the ratings coming in and leave a review. They get me so fired up. So yeah, dudes, that'll be it for the episode. And we have more videos and all that stuff coming out. So keep your eyes peeled. JT, you want to add anything? Stay stoked.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Stay stoked, guys. Thank you so much. Later.

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