Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 130 - Pro Surfer Bethany Hamilton Joins Then Comedian Cory Loykasek

Episode Date: May 8, 2020

What up Stokers! Today we have an all timer! A two part episode, first we are joined by pro surfer Bethany Hamilton, she talks about her new documentary, surfing Jaws, and maturing in the public eye. ...Then our dear friend, Cory Loykasek joins for the second time, he talks about his tv show, The Dress Up Gang being released on TBS online, finding the right speed to walk through life, and does slam poetry,. Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. And we're here with our guest, pro surfer, Bethany Hamilton. Welcome to the show. Hey. Thank you for coming on. I've actually, I've surfed at the same break as you at Honolulu Bay. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah. Yeah. I didn't talk to you or anything, but I saw you paddling in, but it was like 2015. Okay. So a little while back. Yeah. And I was kind of hanging off to the side,
Starting point is 00:00:38 more like watching people surf. Yeah, I know that way. It was crazy hard to get waves. Yeah. Yeah. Even for me, like i got there and i'm like what yeah especially when it's big there's so many guys out um but thanks for coming on we're we're such yeah glad to be here when did the doc come out my documentary came out um i want to say like last summer in theater or last fall i don't even remember but it's now now it's on netflix and itunes and um almost everywhere worldwide so it's awesome i'm stoked and the timing is pretty cool with
Starting point is 00:01:22 all the chaos um it's just so you know, it's an encouraging film, but also like entertaining. Yeah. Yeah, we watched it. It's so great. Just like the whole journey. And then I love the surf montage towards the end. It's so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So I actually to kind of go back in history, I had set out to make a short film, not a documentary. And it was just going to be all action surf performance kind of a piece. And then just kind of things got carried away. I let other people carry away with all the footage.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And I was like, yeah, just do whatever you want as long as I'm surfing. Yeah. And then the documentary came together. And it's cool documentary documentary came together and it's cool because it's just it's so different from any others like pictures of my life story and very like true to my heart kind of and like the way I live and who I am so it's exciting to be sharing it yeah it's a and it starts out with you
Starting point is 00:02:28 you're basically about to surf jaws which is for those who don't know is like the biggest way one of the biggest waves probably one of the gnarliest waves too in the world would you say yeah that wave is crazy it's nuts um definitely the most adrenaline pumping surf of my life I think or up there top top three and um just a very heavy consequence when you fall and but I don't know there's something about that whole like big wave surfing I've always kind of been driven towards that ever since I was young I was always kind of charging bigger surf than you'd maybe expect for my age and being a girl I just was always drawn to it so it was cool to finally like get out there and I'd been dreaming of it for years I just didn't like kind of take
Starting point is 00:03:19 the plunge and then got it captured on film too. So that was sick. Yeah. What's your mindset and sort of preparation before something like that? Yeah. Well, I feel like I've been kind of preparing for moments like that since I was a child. Growing up in Hawaii, like the ocean was my playground.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I would, I grew up like going to get pounded for fun in the surf, so I got comfortable with that kind of feeling of getting just ragdolled in the ocean. And then also I did a lot of free diving and just kind of rough challenges, like diving for shells or just trying to to go the distance so I built like really strong lungs and then on top of that surfing a lot of forever and then cross training and then kind of just mentally like watching other guys surf out there and kind of imagining myself do it too just kind of yeah I feel like I was preparing for a long time for that day and to give you a little inside look like I my longest static breath hold which static is so
Starting point is 00:04:34 different from being thrashed underwater but my best static was like 423 or something minutes so just kind of knowing like in big wave situations, you like a long hold down is probably 30 seconds. And yes, it's very different, but you can at least kind of go into the situation pretty mentally confident. And then kind of knowing like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:57 I can handle. And then on top of that, having like all the Maui boys there to kind of keep an eye and coach and rescue and need yeah was comforting um do you do like breathing exercises daily to sort of build up your lung capacity I wish I did I kind of just forget about it um I feel like it's one of those things where you kind of practice and then you forget about it for months and then you're like, oh, yeah, breath holding. Or you like have a bad wipeout and you kind of get out of breath. That kind of is a reminder.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Oh, yeah, breath holding. So I like doing things like spin biking or running and like trying to only breathe through my nose for like 10 minutes is pretty hard and just doing like random stuff like that or holding my breath while driving like as a passenger kind of because it's like just hard to find time to do everything and so kind of getting creative with your time management and like finding moments to do it yeah Yeah, absolutely. What was it like dropping in on that wave at Jaws when you paddled in? Oh gosh, it felt like forever. Like you're just, you know, it's kind of like riding a mountain. So like snowboarding, it's, yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:18 you're just dropping in forever kind of a thing. But then like all the energy of the ocean is just mind blowing. And kind of like, also you have all the energy of the ocean is just mind-blowing and kind of like also you have in the back of your mind like stay on your feet yeah um hold it together um so kind of just like extreme adrenaline excitement rush fear um but also just like yeah incredible is it loud i didn't really notice the sound that much i think you're just kind of in a different mode definitely watching the wave it's pretty loud and just really beautiful like if there's one wonder of the world or i would add it to a wonder of the world like going out there on a boat just to watch it on a huge day because even just cruising in the channel watching
Starting point is 00:07:11 that wave is just incredible did you have any random thoughts when you're on the wave like like weird memories to your childhood or anything or is it all just thinking about the wave? Definitely not. I was fully immersed in the moment. No Instagram thoughts while surfing. Right. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I've watched Jaws once before in person. I didn't experience this but I guess when you're on the cliffs, if it's big enough, because you basically watch from these big cliffs in Maui, and sometimes it rumbles the ground, right? Oh, I didn't notice that. I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I didn't experience it. Yeah. I think that's probably on really huge days and maybe like high tide when it's like washing up on the shore more. Right. Right. Nice. So where are you at now?
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm home in Hawaii. How's it going over there? Good? Yeah. I mean, it's a little like eggy, stressful, but of all the places in the world to quarantine i'm pretty satisfied i mean we're still surfing so that alone like we just had like an incredible run of swells out here and it was just pumping for like two weeks straight and so that was really nice it definitely took mind off everything yeah um but also it's really weird because there's almost no quarantine or no
Starting point is 00:08:49 corona victims on the island yet they're not reopening businesses so that's super like odd and frustrating and you know everyone here isn't necessarily super wealthy so if they're not on unemployment they're really suffering yeah right yeah it's tough it's such a crazy situation um but it's nice to get to surf still i know i'm super thankful and there's just so much outdoor life here like we have a yard and we're just in a jungle all the time so you can kind of have your bliss and peace yeah until you go on your phone or internet and then you're like oh yeah yeah I have to it's such a strong desire to look at stuff on the phone and then I just have to get outside of that and be like no that you know good for sure no for sure I've been trying to set
Starting point is 00:09:43 boundaries because part of me doesn't want to be ignorant or like lazy about it I want to be like well informed and kind of know what's going on but I also I'm like oh I just want to like go surfing and not think about anything yeah that's good though yeah I actually your documentary was hugely helpful for me because it was so inspiring. I was like, I'm like hoping that your toughness is contagious and that I can take that. Yeah. Actually it's funny. I'm surfing this morning and it was really random. This almost never happens,
Starting point is 00:10:17 but there's only me and six other girls in the water. And one of the girls like, I was so angry yesterday. And then I watched your documentary and just got fired up and now we're surfing together so it's kind of cool just to see like just the effect it's having on someone who's may having a bad day and then kind of turned it around and got her fired up and encouraged her and yeah I mean I feel like that's a lot of what my life's about and I love it like I love being able
Starting point is 00:10:46 to encourage people and inspire people and um just share life in that sense because I think we need it more than ever now and there's a lot of you know kind of noise going on that's not necessarily helpful um so i was trying to like join that noise for good you know yeah yeah having that yeah because i watched it it just gives you just like a nice moment of positivity and a little bit of escape and inspiration yeah speaking of like really cool but i was just thinking about your guys kind of listeners and have you guys read that book rules for a night no no you should totally read it and so should all your listeners it's like the raddest book it's written by a knight like in the 1800s or something he's about to go into battle and he thinks he's likely gonna die so he writes to his kids like all the life lessons he wanted to pass on to them and it's just too
Starting point is 00:11:53 for like oh but it's written for like kind of young men in particular i really enjoyed it though it's by ethan hawke yes oh is it really well like it's kind of by Ethan Hawk. Yes. Oh, is it really? Well, like it's kind of by him. He just kind of got it together. Cause it was a, it was a real letter and they just kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:13 put it back together. And then he might've put it in like understandable English since our, our English has changed so much, but yeah. So thanks to Ethan for getting that out there because it's super rad yeah but i was just like you know any boy that's like graduating high school that i know i'm gonna like buy that book for them and give it to them oh that's nice yeah the listeners are always looking for book recommendations so that yeah yeah and i think reading is something
Starting point is 00:12:44 that's like really good for us right now and all this like it's just like get off the phone and read something interesting or empowering or yeah just good stuff do you have a favorite book i unfortunately like like teenager like ya novels type stuff like the series, like... YA novels type stuff? Like, the series where, like, the world's coming to an end or, like, Apocalypse-y or... You like dystopian stuff. Or not even that. It's, like, where the world's, like, not how it is.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's just really different. Fantasy. I like all those, like, they're pretty stupid and mindless, I would say, but really entertaining. Yeah. A lot of lessons in that stuff though in that genre yeah yeah it's always about like you know and then in times like this those books end up being more realistic than all the realistic books we were reading yeah for sure my mind starts wondering like what is our world coming to we're gonna be sectioned off depending on our
Starting point is 00:13:47 personality and the different off our myers-briggs test yeah i'll be with all the enfps um and then you you got a new course that's come out this year the unstoppable year um what what's sort of uh and that's sort of an inspiring thing too for people what's sort of the main tenets of uh of the course yeah so it kind of stems from a dislike from social media and just feeling like it's such a shallow place and um not very helpful for our life and well-being but also like not just that kind of also coming from a place of being in this place of inspiration for so many years but like wanting to do more and equip people with actual like good solid advice and tools to kind of live their most empowered life and unsalvable life so
Starting point is 00:14:42 to say um so in the course right now how it's designed is it's a year long because i believe true change takes a long time and um we start with kind of slowing ourselves down it's a really important topic to me is just being present like being able to put away distractions so we have time to just like think and be and self-reflect and just grow and and then from there like diving into different topics like your mindset what else healthy living I'm like spacing as I'm trying to like share about it but um kind of like letting go of comparison or letting it be a healthy comparison um overcoming obstacles helping others all these different things that I believe make us like living an epic life so to to say. And yeah, it's been really cool. We've had a lot of life change lives changed thus far.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And my husband and I do live Q and A's one to three times a month and just kind of try to pour in the tools that we got and yeah, help people. So it's pretty rad. Cool. That's great. Yeah. It's's it, that seems so personal for you too. Cause I mean like watching the doc, like you've been famous for so long and you were in like the eye of like the, so much attention for such a long while. Was that, and now it seems like you're living like a more normal life.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Was that like a conscious choice that you made to kind of. Yeah, I think like that was interesting um kind of phase in my life um it was kind of around the time of well being a teenager and just like the amount of media attention on my story and we kind of I don't know if I fully knew what was going on I just kind of was along for the ride so to say and I wrote my book Soul Surfer and then eventually had the film made about my life Soul Surfer and of course yeah that was really challenging for me and I don't love attention I don't love the spotlight so to say so it was always a bit grindy feeling so now that I'm older I just choose what I want
Starting point is 00:17:07 to do and make it happen and um I'm not like as anti-spotlight so to say I just try to like make it have a purpose and reason behind it right to be more what you want to like say and yeah put out there yeah that's that's awesome that you took that agency and like yeah I like it I think it comes with like a bit more maturity and then too getting married and having my husband's support it's just like we're like super team oriented we do everything together we live life very um intertwined like he's just helps me accomplish a lot of what I want to do and vice versa but so he's been super integral and working on the course and yeah just kind of running our little business so to say but I hardly I don't know it's like
Starting point is 00:18:01 business but not like it it's a yeah I guess the raddest kind of business I could dream of I guess yeah yeah and how did you meet your husband we got set up kind of on a blind date um we had mutual friends that we thought we should meet and so we did and I remember the first time seeing him he's pretty tall he's like six four super athletic background um played you know a bunch of college sports football and stuff and so he's just a big guy and we met up at the beach and kind of hit it off and yeah grew a friendship and then decided to spend the rest of our lives together. So now we have two boys and yeah, now we are like,
Starting point is 00:18:49 um, getting through parenthood together. Yeah. How old are the boys? Um, five and two. Oh, they call them the terrible twos,
Starting point is 00:19:02 right? Is it a, yeah. Oh my gosh. It's been interesting. My two-year-old likes to wake up at 4.30 every day, so that's really grindy for us. It's hard to wake up and be stoked to see your kid
Starting point is 00:19:18 because it's like 4.30 in the morning and you're just barely awake. But we kind of just take turns and then him and his older brother love to fight a lot too so i don't know if they love it they just do do it a lot yeah but it's also really fun like my four five-year-olds kind of getting into surfing so i just really look forward to like the older years and like getting real adventurous with them and I grew up super adventurous like camping and hiking and exploring the coastline and hopefully traveling together so yeah I mean we've already traveled a lot but I just kind of envision like doing like surf trips with them when they're older. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Oh, that sounds so fun. Yeah. Kauai, it seems like such a great place. Because it seems like it's been able to sort of maintain kind of a small town kind of feel, I guess. Like it's much more of a community yeah it's very community oriented I know a lot of people here and um yeah we all kind of um I feel like everyone here has similar mindset like beach first works in Hawaii a lot of people it's like surf or beach first and then work which is very counter kind of uh counter to like the normal life you know work first then play yeah um but that's how I grew up so it can be a problem at times but it's also like I appreciate it yeah yeah um how are you doing on time by the way because I
Starting point is 00:21:07 know Becky said I yeah I was trying I got a little time um yeah we can go a little more thankfully since I did start y'all late okay I had some quick fire questions. We could do probably like 10 more minutes. Is that cool? Perfect. I had some quick fire questions for you. You ready? All right. So I call these pick-ems.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You just pick one or the other. If you feel like justifying it with your reasoning, that is good. Pineapples or coconuts? Ooh, coconuts are more of a survival food uh chopu or pipeline chopu pipeline gosh if i could have one with no one out probably pipeline so chopu just because it's less crowded it's actually not even that much less crowded they're both really bad but if you get like an incredible long barrel at pipe that's pretty hard to beat so maybe pipe uh Rihanna or Beyonce Beyonce favorite Chris actor Chris of Pratt Hemsworth Pine and Evans
Starting point is 00:22:28 oh gosh what was the first one uh Hemsworth Pine uh Pratt Pratt and Evans maybe oh gosh that's a hard one well the one that surfs Hemsworth yeah yeah and he's the strongest too stairs or lamps stairs or lamps yeah stairs
Starting point is 00:22:59 nice alright thank you yeah so can I go back to the Nice. All right. Thank you. Yeah. So kind of going back to the media, sort of during your teenage years, did you get a chance? What was it like meeting like Oprah and Obama? Oprah, I didn't know who she was,
Starting point is 00:23:24 so it wasn't a big deal. i was so young i guess i was 13 so i could have known who she was but in hawaii i like didn't pay attention to that yeah i just had no clue so that was pretty hilarious because you know she's pretty huge and then yeah i shook obama's hand so that was cool i guess and spoke at the prayer breakfast which was amazing um opportunity though i think i was having like a nervous breakdown the day before just so freaked out and scared to speak in front of like the president and like politicians so thankfully my husband was there because he definitely held that one together and like helped me compose yeah what would you say you're more scared for that or jaws yeah probably more scared for speaking I mean I actually love speaking but just like in front
Starting point is 00:24:26 of like politicians it's kind of like just hard and scary yeah whereas the ocean is just comfortable so to say even if it's huge yeah it's sort of like home for you yeah it's like where I want to be you know even if it's like it's intimidating, like I'd like to give it a go, you know? So that's cool. You're so determined. What's like an unexpected thing that helps you be so determined? Oh, I don't know about unexpected, but I think especially when it comes to surfing, like I just, just have that really true deep passion. Whereas if it's something that's not, you know, as,
Starting point is 00:25:18 as deep of a passion for me, it's like easier to so kind of like let go, so to say. for me it's like easier to so kind of like let go so to say um yeah I just the only thing I can really come up with is just the passion that like keeps me coming back and it's a place of sanity and um just kind of being present and but it's also really challenging. And I think the cool thing about the ocean is it's a super big life lesson teacher. Like, it's always wanting to knock you down and send you back to the shore. And it's super challenging at times. And to be honest, like really frustrating sometimes. So, you know, then the good days really feel incredible. But there's a lot of rough days in between and
Starting point is 00:26:06 you're just like can come in so angry sometimes they're just like ah that was not fun or especially if it's like really crowded and it just kind of teaches you like resilience when you have to duck dive 50 waves and you're just kind of over it but you know there's like a good way to be caught just kind of over it but you know there's like a good way to be caught so it really like you have to push through that like the must the muscular and mental pain of that like just duck diving over and over and over again and you may not even get rewarded but if you do you're gonna have like the high you know a high of a lifetime. Yeah. Clearly, like, more of a natural high. So I think that's why it's so attractive to so many people.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You know, a lot of male surfers have relationship issues because they put the ocean first. And I get it. Like, I've had to find my own balance in that area. So it's kind of like one of those things that's just that amazing and you seem to balance being competitive and compassionate really well too like when you were at trussell's at a wsl event like the way you were like uh look you're like the best surfer in the world and i hope you win the tourney but i also really want to beat you it was such a good uh yeah balance between the those two desires yeah i think
Starting point is 00:27:27 competitiveness like is what makes us better as humans and it pushes us and challenges us and um and especially when it's in sport form it's just it's a healthy place to be competitive and um it's okay to like want to win and smoke other people yeah it is nice about sports with that because when you're being life competitive with people it's like so creepy you know yeah like yeah that's maybe not a good competitiveness like that goes in the realm of like just bad comparison like live your own life um i always trip out on like modern day soccer leagues where every kid's a winner and like in a sense you are a winner if you try but like let someone win the game you know right yeah yeah were were you and uh alana alana blanchard the
Starting point is 00:28:21 pro surfer were you guys did you guys push each other? Were you competitive growing up? Yeah, like we were competitive, but also just like had a blast together. It was like that really healthy balance of like cheering each other on, but like trying to beat each other at the same time. Yeah. And so, yeah, that was a cool part to share in the film because I had some heavy blows that were directly related to her and that was really hard to swallow but like at the same time I was so happy for her too
Starting point is 00:28:52 um just kind of ticked off from my own situation but yeah today we're still really good friends we live like walking distance from each other and give each other surf reports and surf together. And yeah, I still cheer her on in her own way. Yeah. That's great. If you could paddle out with one person alive or dead, who would it be? My friend Strider suggested this question. Probably like Duke Kahanamoku. Oh, cool cool what's his story i'm sorry he was like the
Starting point is 00:29:30 kind of like the original like he was the first hawaiian to go into the olympics and is just kind of like an icon of surfing um i think he died trying to save people. I should know his story even better than I do. I just like the idea of surfing with him. Yeah, that's awesome. And maybe my husband, like, toss-ups. He thought the last time we surfed, it was kind of a rough session. And I think I ran him over.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Oh, really? I didn't even know I was on top of him until I was already there. But that was a wife fail moment for sure. So growing up on Kauai, did you get a chance to surf with the Irons brothers? Yeah, I grew up surfing with them or, you know, trying to surf with them. Yeah. I grew up, like, ding-dong ditching Andy Irons. Really?
Starting point is 00:30:31 He was right near. And then one time we washed his trucks, him and his friends' trucks. Yeah. And we were, like, super goms. Yeah. And he tried to pay us in stickers and we were all ticked off. I have a couple of funny stories. I still have not watched his documentary.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I'm just like feel pretty torn on that one emotionally. He was a really great guy and just a really warm kind of, you know, warm spirit, like really really nice guy always said hi to even me as a kid and he saw you you know yeah yeah everyone just seemed to really love him uh yeah and he was just an incredible surfer too and talk about competitive that guy was like super competitive but still yeah like most people loved him you know yeah and then bruce just seems like the coolest dude he just has so much style he at least puts off the vibe that he's cool i don't know he's i'm not like the well i don't know if i should say that publicly, but I really loved Andy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I got you. Got it. Yeah. I guess just one last, do you ever, is it ever hard to be such an inspiring figure? Like, does it ever kind of feel like you have to be inspiring? Yeah, you know, I just try to be honest too. Like I don't try to put off like the kind of wording of that I'm perfect or have it all together. So I think that helps me kind of take the pressure off, so to say,
Starting point is 00:32:21 because yeah, I have failed and I'm'm not perfect, and I don't want anyone to think that I am, and so, and then also, just the ocean really keeps me grounded, so to say, and just living in Hawaii, like, you know, playing outside, and you're just, I mean, I can't imagine living in, like, LA or something like that and just like the pressure of just always kind of having it together like you know here I don't wear makeup hardly and I'm just myself most of the time so yeah I try to keep it more honest and real and just yeah not try to put a complete I don't know image of like perfection up and I think that's a big issue that young people are facing is like they think that this person or that person is
Starting point is 00:33:15 really cool or amazing but they we all have our issues so kind of seeing people for who they are and you know everyone's always asking me too like who's your biggest inspiration I'm like I don't know but one thing I do know is like I really try to just see the good in people and like admire what strengths they do have and like kind of let go of the things that are not necessarily a strength of theirs. So, you know, you don't have to agree with everyone, but you can see the good in them to a certain extent or see their passion or the things they're skillful at, but still kind of recognize the kind of side
Starting point is 00:33:57 that you may not appreciate and try to learn from that. Awesome. Yeah. Anything else you wanted to check out you were on the amazing race yeah we were on the amazing race that was super hard and fun i would never do it again but we almost won like we were winning if i had done the second to last challenge and then Adam did the last challenge I think we might have won but the last challenge was like the epitome of like my weak points like I just have a really bad memory I'm not like organized with numbers and memory and it was like our last challenge was me like walking around this shipping container and you had to memorize numbers with each
Starting point is 00:34:46 city that we had gone to but like it was like a super maze so you just had to walk around and find the numbers and then try to memorize them in the proper order of the cities that we had visited so it was just not good I like I realized like 15 minutes into the challenge I was like okay at this point it's not about winning it's about finishing so we had gotten to like that challenge first and we were like on a roll and like kind of smoking people and then I was like okay we just gotta finish Yeah. Would you recommend other people to go on? Oh, yeah, it's super fun. I think my biggest thing was, like, the casting or the directors
Starting point is 00:35:35 don't really, like, feed you well or take care of you very well. And there was a lot of, like, weird times just sitting in hotels and, like, just kind of bizarre stuff that like to give you a kind of picture of it like I lost like 15 to 20 pounds in that time frame because I was like not eating basically yeah so that was like challenging that sounds horrible yeah that's yeah especially being an athlete where you're used to like eating good like healthy solid food yeah uh yeah keep that in mind yeah but so just gain a little weight before you start 10--4. You guys got to carbo-load before we go on.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, just put a few extra pounds on and you'll be fine. Going to ketosis. Yeah, just prep for a nice cleanse. Yeah. Cool. Well, I got to run, guys. But thank you. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Great. Thanks so much. Okay, aloha. She was awesome That was great Alright dudes for the second half Of the pod we are joined by our dog Corey Lukasik
Starting point is 00:36:53 For our Beasts, Babes, and Legends What up Corey? Welcome back Thank you so much Good to see you guys I guess I really good to see you guys actually Dude for real, man. Miss you,
Starting point is 00:37:05 dude. Yeah. How are you holding up? Uh, I've been doing great. Yeah. I mean, honestly,
Starting point is 00:37:14 my day to day life hasn't changed that much. Been writing, doing the same stuff. Show came out last week. That's great for me. The show we were working on and then, uh, taking a lot of walks.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I'll save it for my babe section, but you know, no i've been doing good really good actually how's the show how's everything with uh sorry jt i was just gonna say your presence is uh immediately i feel better about the state of the world yeah it's very calming oh thanks likewise yeah yeah it's a lot of low blood pressure on this podcast. People say they like to fall asleep to it. I can see that. I've done that. When I was getting ready to work on that project we do with you guys, I was listening to your podcast, and I was doing it before I went to sleep, too.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Not to try to fall asleep, but I was like, this is a nice, relaxing way to just chill at the end of the day. That's so nice. Yeah. How's everything with the show uh you know it's going great like we uh well just the fact that it's out is huge so that's exciting for me even just even if no one ended up watching it just as like a closure on a chapter just to have it out there because it's been two and a half years since we finished and it's a lot
Starting point is 00:38:23 of me driving in my car thinking like what if i like can i do something to right trying to like figure something out and so it's been nice and then also just nice to have like my family able to watch it and kind of understand what it is i've been trying to do down here for the first time is that a glass of wine yeah pino yeah that's a big glass good um and it's been we're getting some really nice messages too like really really nice and it's just been you know you make something because you want to share it so it's nice to be able to finally do that and that's great get some nice stuff back it's so funny man yeah i've been watching it's so good so thanks thanks man you know i never would have uh
Starting point is 00:39:05 wanted it to take this long to come out but given with everybody at home and kind of maybe searching for something a little on the good vibe end of things i feel like maybe it is kind of a good time for it to be out there yeah yeah so just to recap quickly too i think most people probably remember from the episode you were on you guys made a show for tbs the dress-up gang yeah um and then it got shelved because they switched management over there and you were you were concerned for a while that it might not ever see the light of day and then last week they they dropped it on tbs online yeah like two months ago we just posted it anyway without asking just because we were kind of tired of it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And then two days later, we had to take it down legally. And then they put it out for real last Friday. Do you think you guys putting it out kind of jump-started them putting it out? You know, once we kind of go through this initial process, I want to ask him because I really don't know. Because there was that and then we put out this – right when this all started, out a video called cute house oh it's so good it's one of the funniest things i've ever seen dude yeah it's it's incredible all the performances are i mean the writing and the performance it's all well no frankie and fox like they brought it yeah yeah no i and so but they got most of our videos have only ever gotten thousands a couple you know a couple thousand views whatever it got a million views in a week oh wow and so we for whatever
Starting point is 00:40:31 reason so we sent it to tbs and just kind of we emailed their head guys ourselves instead of asking our agents to do it or something and then they responded right away and they're like yeah we'll put it up so i don't know if they were already going to do that or i truly don't know but yeah i think you made it happen i'm gonna think that's something about my putting the energy out in the universe i think i maybe i did do something yeah you could roll the universe into proper order that's right i think i did yeah yeah and for the audience you guys what if that's how i answer that question when you ask the first time how did you get this show out there? You know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I laid awake in bed with him for about 20 minutes. I just looked into space and I asked the universe. And the next day it was on TV. It's on me for not doing that earlier. And for the audience, they can catch it on TBS On Demand, right? Yeah, it's on TBS app and website. It's on cable on demand if you have cable. And then what I've been telling friends who don't have those is YouTube TV,
Starting point is 00:41:29 it's on there, and they do a two-week free trial. So that's my suggestion. Nice. It's called the Dress Up Gang, so check it out. It's so good. Do you have any tips on how to optimize during the quarantine for people who are stuck at home? I feel like you probably have a good perspective.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Well, I'm trying to think what's been working for me. The microdosing a little bit on mushrooms. That's been nice. I could feel it a bit. Yeah. It's been feeling good. I went to therapy yesterday for the first time in a long time. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Because I'd stopped with this cane came but started going back to that I've gotten really into um maybe it's just it wasn't intentional but really like my neighbors have been a big part of my life we've been sharing the courtyard hanging out there's a couple comedians that live in the neighborhood that I guess I kind of knew that vaguely but now we like make a point to hang out in the courtyard. Something about keeping everything local and in my neighborhood and making my world feel as big as this neighborhood has been feeling really nice. Yeah. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Not hoping to extend much past that. Just taking walks, taking it in. Yeah. Not that exciting, I guess. It's a good opportunity to slow down and try and find that present moment. Yeah, I always feel like when I get FOMO bad, when there's stuff going on, it's hard for me just to chill. And I kind of like this because I always think if you want to take in the flowers
Starting point is 00:43:03 while you walk, there's some ideal pace for taking those in. If you run, you miss it. If you go too slow, you don't see enough. There's some ideal pace. And I think with life, there's got to be some ideal pace for it. And I would guess that I'm usually going a little too fast. Right. I'm feeling lately just a little more in the pocket, relaxed,
Starting point is 00:43:21 and just feeling pretty good. I feel the same, yeah. Yeah. It's weird. is it a bookshelf finding dude i'm at my mom's and she has a well a well decorated office and yeah they got a bunch of like old style books primarily western stuff my mom's boyfriend's big into western stuff yeah western stuff like westerns westerns like the genre yeah like jesse james type uh i know it's myth yeah i know it's obvious but i never even occurred to me to be a western book yeah yeah i guess now that you say it i haven't really thought about that yeah i guess i did read blood meridian but i didn't really think of that as a western no dude i didn't know what to think
Starting point is 00:44:02 of that thing i did i honestly some of his stuff i've read and i didn't really think of that as a Western. No, dude, I didn't know what to think of that thing. Dude, I honestly, some of his stuff I've read, and I didn't understand what was happening. Like, I could not take the words on the page and make a picture of it. He was a toad-like figure. I'm like, what does that mean? Is he human or is he a toad? It's up to you. Yeah, right, right.
Starting point is 00:44:19 No, no, I agree. There'd be paragraphs where I'm like, huh, like, am I dumb or is that beautiful? Yeah. Or I'd pick out six words and I'd move where I'm like, huh, like, am I dumb or is that beautiful? Or I pick out six words and I move on and be like, well, I hope I took the right six. You can watch a breakdown of that book from Yale summer school English class. And the teacher does like a really good breakdown of it. And it'll make you don't even read the book. I would say just watch the Yale summer school class on it. Well, you know, I did read it. So I guess I did get enough out of it. I mean, I think I was just kind of like in awe of the language and the something going on.
Starting point is 00:44:52 But I wouldn't say I would retell you what happened after I read it. Yeah. He's a beast. Then you read The Road and you're like, I could read that in about half an hour. Yeah, that one. That was like the first serious novel I read. And I remember like i had that moment i don't know if you've had some you're reading and then you just have to close the book after chapter put it down and just like reflect on what they made you feel yeah you know good books take me a long time to read because you'll read a paragraph and then be like huh that's interesting
Starting point is 00:45:19 yeah go back to it and it takes forever to get through it yeah which is why every book should be 60 pages long is my personal theory but this is probably two side of a story but i gave that book to my aunt when she was sick in the hospital and she was sick and so it was kind of it's kind of a heavy book to give to someone sick but she loved literature and i was like hey this book's kind of sad it's like a dad and the son post-apocalyptic like he's thinking about does he have to do is killing his son like the more humane thing to do and she just took it from me and she goes sounds poignant and then no i was like yeah she loves books man oh that's great nice yeah i guess that'd be a good read in that situation because it's it's kind of a rough situation also but very distant from your own
Starting point is 00:46:02 sure yeah yeah it's all metaphor it's not too direct so you're not getting reminders and stuff yeah yeah but it's broadening your worldview on all those things yeah exactly i think that's what i was thinking dude yeah yeah nice dude yeah for sure um all right should we get into it guys let's do it yeah chad you want to kick us off what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week. So I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty. I've been dropping into the war zone often, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:35 just getting the adrenaline up. And everyone who's played Warzone knows that you start the game by, you know, skydiving. You parachute in onto the map, go to your place. And a lot of dudes, they'll parachute with you. And some of them are your enemies. And I always take that as a sort of time to reflect. It's like I'm sort of preparing myself for combat. I'm about to head in and fuck some dudes up.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But that's sort of my moment of peace. But three times in the past week, dudes have parachuted in behind me and shot and killed me while I was in the air before I could even do anything. And I was like, you know what? That is not cool, dudes. Like, this is not the kind of conduct I'm looking for in the war zone. So, yeah, I just want to give a shout out to those dudes and say, you know, just give a nice big, you know, suck it.
Starting point is 00:47:33 You weren't cool and I hope you died early after that. Is that a glitch in the, I don't play it. Is that a glitch in the game or is there an etiquette that they're violating? It's an etiquette that they're violating. So these are like real dudes on the internet. And you're allowed to shoot each other in the air, but the idea is like, let's just not do that until we touch the ground.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Correct. I think that's fair play. I mean, you know, give us some time to loot some storage crates, get our weapons, get settled, and then have a proper gunfight. Don't just like parachute in behind me and shoot me in the dome. You know, I'm just reminded of a quote. All is fair in love and war, my friend. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:15 It's true. It's a lot to ask for people to be chill. War zone. But what kind of war do you want to fight in? I've been playing with chat. I've had to say, I've had guys kill me while I'm parachuting with their helicopters and stuff. And I think it violates the rules of engagement. I think.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Okay, right, right. Okay. Like you don't shoot a captive. I think you can shoot a guy when he's parachuting, but only hit him enough to let him know that you got him and that you could have killed him. Like how they Americans would like smack you with the top of their sword or whatever they had to, to let you know they could have killed you just to show their, their combat skill. But don't actually kill me.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Give me a fair fight. You know, it may be fair, but it is cowardly. Ooh, fair enough. It could be both. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah. It's like gangs in New York. When Amsterdam tries to kill him with a CP kill, there's no honor. He has no heart. Sorry I questioned you on that. You gotta, you know, I'm all for it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 I had a PlayStation for two weeks. I did the whole get it from Best Buy and then return it. Right. And I tried to get into those games, but just i sucked so bad i couldn't even participate for like two seconds yeah i'm so behind on video games i'm like it would take me like three weeks of training just to like be normal yeah i hear you i always i mean i started gaming like you know once this started but it took me a little bit. But once you get past that barrier, it's – and especially if you're playing with a squad, it's pretty fun. I got friends who were playing Apex something.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Is that a game? Apex? I heard about that. Yeah. It's a free one. I played once. It was really fun. It was fun to home you up with everybody and talk over the things and try to coordinate. But I just died so
Starting point is 00:50:05 fast you know when you hit left and right on those joysticks you turn so damn fast right i gotta get used to this you gotta have a light touch the sensitivity yeah cory if you need someone to you know walk you through the your incubation period dude i'll be your sensei okay i appreciate it i can't tell if i should get the playstation back and try to dive in or just let it be like no you should dive back in it there's a lot of peace in there and there's a lot of camaraderie because we're all on the comms together so like this we could be talking like this all the time while we do a mission together okay that sounds pretty fun i need i need that but i will be i will be blowing your dome off with assault rifles and light machine guns and some machine
Starting point is 00:50:43 guns fairly often but with honor oh dude yeah for to help you get better bro but okay i'm gonna have to take your dome off but man to man can i still talk once i'm dead or do i am i out oh yeah you can talk okay cool i always like to give sometimes i'll say bullshit if i think it's bullshit like the guy kills me like this fucking bullshit but sometimes like if Strider has a dope kill, he's gotten good, I'll be like, Strider, that was legit, dude. Nice kill. So you guys are fighting each other. Sometimes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I see, I see. Strider the man or what? Who's the king of the castle? Our buddy Brooks. Okay. Although our buddy Ross would be upset I said that. But the truth is, the truth is in time, they'll both be my bitch. Yeah, I remember Mario Tennis, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I remember how you feel, so. Dude, you said the funniest thing. Of course, I bring this story up because I got the W. But when we played one-on-one and I beat you, turn and in front of like everybody in the room you just went if you take too much of it from that victory that's on you dude. But it brought me so much joy to just elicit the reaction yeah but it was it was brilliant yeah. That's right I remember that i hadn't adjusted to the star characters yet i think i had some excuse um yeah um well cory who's your b for the week
Starting point is 00:52:11 uh the tbs app all right look god bless him thank you for putting it out every commercial break there's like nine commercials yeah and it's truly a slog i mean i haven't i don't have cable so i don't really watch commercials anymore. And I'm just sitting in there. And I'm like, just to enjoy this comedy, which is supposed to feel good. You got to watch nine commercials about shit you're supposed to buy. I know that's the game. I know it's not fair to, but there's a lot of them on the app. That's, that's my beef. Good. Aaron, who's your beef?
Starting point is 00:52:45 My beef. It's a heavy one. It's with the killers of Ahmaud Arbery. You've probably seen that going around social media. Like back in February, this 25-year-old black guy was jogging through a neighborhood, and these two white guys came up and questioned him and wanted a shotgun and there was a struggle and Ahmaud ended up getting shot and killed
Starting point is 00:53:11 and no charges were brought. About an hour and a half ago, they did arrest the two guys who did it though. So that is good news. Yeah. Agreed. Good beef, man.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yeah. That was a tough video to watch. Yeah. Agreed. Good beef, man. Yeah. That was a tough video to watch. Yeah. My beef of the week is not as important as that. My beef of the week is with the show Normal People. It was going to be my babe of the week. It's this new show on Hulu about two young Irish people who are kind of awkward and fall in love,
Starting point is 00:53:46 and then because of issues in themselves and issues that the people around them have given them, they kind of can't find their way to each other. And it's just, it's not as romantic as it should be. And it would actually be a more realistic show and more true to itself if it was romantic. Like in its bones, it's a romantic show, but they keep trying to pull these people apart from each other. And it just doesn't feel realistic. It just feels like they would be together. They're the only sensible, attractive people in their world. All the other characters are assholes in the show. Her brother's a serial killer. All of his high school buddies are awful, non-sympathetic people. they're just like these two lovely people and they just
Starting point is 00:54:26 and then they end up dating other people who suck and the key if you're gonna have the the main love interest date somebody else the other person should be attractive too so it feels like a tough call if they date some douchebag it doesn't make sense you like, just go with the sensitive stud. Why are you with this rich asshole, short jerk dick? It just doesn't make sense. What draws them apart when they get pushed apart? What type of things? Their inability to communicate how much they need each other. Ah, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:57 And so it's like, what? Like, I don't, in real life, these people would just cling to each other. They wouldn't push each other apart. And I think the show's not the, the first six episodes are great. Cause it's more about the romance and the things that pull them apart are more understandable. But then the back six episodes, it's just they take it into sadness and it just doesn't fit the show.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It doesn't fit the characters. And I don't know, it wasn't what I wanted and it's been pissing me off all day. It's also like as if relationships aren't hard enough that you have to have these weird constructs to break people apart. Yes, exactly. You don't need that. They're already hard. There's enough there already.
Starting point is 00:55:32 And I want to see them figure hard stuff out together. I want the things that life throws at them. I want to see how they navigate that as a couple, not apart. And then, and it just, yeah, it just made me mad. And then like, and then he's, they're finally boning again in the last episode. And she's like into BDSM stuff. And she tells him they're having like a little edgier sex than he's used to, which just means doggy.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And then, um, she says, tell me I belong to you. And then he goes, what do you mean? I'm like, what do you mean? What do you mean? What you're inside? Like, you don't know. Just say what she told you to say of course you get it you're boning her just say she belongs
Starting point is 00:56:08 to you you belong to her too what the fuck like what's with this character he doesn't know just to say the thing is he that dumb like come on I know he doesn't watch porn but like it's not even porn in romance you belong to each other it's not like maybe the writer wrote that on like a
Starting point is 00:56:24 cold lonely morning or something put themselves in the action of what's going on right why do you why did you say that oh well i'll tell you why i said that like if you're sleeping with someone they tell you to say anything you just say it you just play the part and then this guy gets a layup and he fucking bricks it off the you know 24 second clock i just didn't understand it yeah yeah okay so watch the first six episodes of bail after that dude i would definitely recommend those first six you'll really enjoy them they're heartfelt and there's a soul that aches in there but then it just gets too sad and it just doesn't even feel real what's on hulu yeah it's
Starting point is 00:56:59 on hulu and dude i really loved it the first six episodes it was my favorite thing i'd seen all year and that maybe that's why i'm beefing so hard with it now is I feel let down. But Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is J.Crew. I don't know if we spoke about this on our last episode with Corey, but my favorite shirts are the basic t-shirts from J.Crew.
Starting point is 00:57:24 And J.Crew is one of the first retail stores to declare bankruptcy in this coronavirus crisis that we're in and like you know i'm sad man you know i'm gonna i'm gonna order some shirts because you can't be drinking coffee on the bumpy road you can't be eating a mustard sandwich like you got to keep those things clean now't be drinking coffee on the bumpy road. You can't be eating a mustard sandwich. Like, you got to keep those things clean now. Good call, man. Yeah, I can't wash them too much. You know, I think that's something I do.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I wash them constantly. And I'm like, you know, maybe I'm going to dry clean these because they're going to be vintage pretty soon. Sorry to hear that, man. Yeah, yeah. That is a bar. I'm just hurting for J.Crew. But I think they're going to pull through. You know, J.Crew is known to be resilient.
Starting point is 00:58:09 That style is timeless. You know everyone, when they talk about resilience, they say Michael Jordan, Dwayne Wade, J.Crew. We know it's like that. J.Crew's got alligator blood, for sure. Dude, yeah. Yeah. I mean, they've been through this before. I think maybe this is a chance to try new styles out, yeah. Yeah. I mean, they've been through this before. I think maybe this is a chance to try new styles out, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Maybe this is a chance to broaden your shit. Oh, that's true. Yeah. But I think that's like, it's a lot of work. It is. I wouldn't do it myself. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I have like a mesh shirt phase and then, you know.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Maybe set up a Pinterest for you and then people can pin shit that you mesh shirt phase and then you know maybe set up a Pinterest for you and then people can pin shit that you look good in and then you just buy it you don't even have to think about it yeah that works
Starting point is 00:58:51 that's a good call that's a very optimistic outlook on it I like that yeah dude thank you yeah I mean you just gotta
Starting point is 00:58:59 they have uplifting shorts you know I don't know that's huge Corey what's your babe of the week They have uplifting shorts, you know. That's huge. Corey, what's your babe of the week? Babe of the week for me is my courtyard. My courtyard.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I don't know if you can actually. You might be able to get a little sneak peek. Can you see it out there? Oh, wow. Wow. Nice. Hey, when the sun starts going down out there, it is just beautiful. And there's all these gardenias that have, someone told me they're gardenias.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It just smells beautiful out there. I just spend this time of night, go for a little walk, come back in the courtyard, have a friend come over. We'll do a distance hang. This courtyard has really saved me this quarantine because it gives you a nice, beautiful place to be outside. That's great. That's awesome. You got some nice plants in there, too. My roommate goes ham on succulents.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah? Yeah. Every time he goes for a walk, because you can break them off and then regrow them at home in a jar. I never do that, but I guess you can do that. Yeah. I mean, in my opinion, a little too many. Like, check this out. Right. Wow. I hear you. It's a bit like a bookshelf to me or like a bookstore or something yeah but you know they're beautiful it's great
Starting point is 01:00:10 dude that was the most visually stimulating babe of the week in the history of the pod yeah quarantine provides new opportunities that was fire aaron who's your babe of the week? All right. So I have a tie. My first babe of the week is my plumber, Danny. I've been doing so much, so many dishes and everything since the quarantine started. I mean, I know you guys probably experienced that too, which is like you're eating at home. So you're doing dishes all the time. So my kitchen sink sprung a leak and the faucet
Starting point is 01:00:47 need to be replaced and this dude comes uh all hours of the night he's checking back with me um and everything like that and charging very reasonable prices and that's super hard to find so uh he's a absolute babe uh if you're in the valley uh danny ortiz is the guy to go to for plumbing needs uh and then my second babe i would probably said this anyway if i had thought of it but since cory's on here cute house is an absolute babe oh thanks i'm i'm not joking i've watched a lot of sketches. I watched a lot of short films, uh, going through film school and all that.
Starting point is 01:01:28 And it's so funny how it's, it's kind of one thing. And then all of a sudden it shifts tone into this other amazing thing all in one video. It's, it's so good. Thanks. I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah. Yeah. I sent it to my buddy and he responds he's like he's like wow that's comedy so many layers it's so good and that dude fox was some of the some of that delivery is just like it's incredible yeah i remember that when we were like if we can i think i might have talked about this before because i'm obsessed with it but that documentary the work right yeah and they they do kind of a group therapy type thing like that which is where we kind of got the model of it
Starting point is 01:02:13 from and yeah like if we can just get fox and frankie facing off and their energy together like that's gonna be really fun yeah and he keeps calling him miho yeah yeah i always like pasola what is that a pasta yeah at the end does anyone know how to beef stew dies i've been waiting on you dude yeah yeah i know you know what's funny is that house is a couple blocks from mine and uh that guy hella nice guy he just let us film there one day he has no idea that the video is even on the internet or anything really oh really and so I've been I've been trying to every day I keep thinking I'm gonna write him a letter and be like hey check out this link and then also somebody on sim city or something made the house and sent us a picture of the house wow I gotta
Starting point is 01:03:04 print that out and give it to this guy like he's gonna be like what and you gotta film his reaction to finding all this out yeah i'd love to see because i'm genuinely curious like how it'll hit him oh yeah maybe that's right it's like the cutest house like you know it's even cuter than the video he has a little i just went back by the other day and he has a little sign up front that says everyone is welcome here and then he has a book exchange box out front where you can leave and grab books. And as I was walking by,
Starting point is 01:03:31 this guy was like idling his car while his wife got out, grabbed a book, put one in, got in the car. They took off. I mean, it's like a functioning book exchange thing. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:03:41 this guy's killing it. Yeah. Yeah. That guy's living life. Right. Yeah. That's great. Good babes of the week.
Starting point is 01:03:47 And when you first set up and doing so many, I thought you were going to say shits after you said plumber. Yeah. The dishes make sense to me. No more than normal. That's good. Dude. My babe of the week is my mom.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I've been staying with my mom for a while, a couple months actually. And it looks like i might be hitting the road relatively soon and uh dude she's just a queen above all queens dynamic personality so loving and caring every day just john thomas i love you and then uh always cooks dank food always just living life to the hilt and uh yeah she's made me just a happier, I'm leaving the house better than I came in. I'm like happier and calmer. And, uh, she just rubs off on me in a great way. And, and, uh, yeah, just thankful to have her and her lovely man, Greg, he's, he's a fucking beast as well. And they've just been so patient with me
Starting point is 01:04:40 and all my paranoia too. Cause I've, I've been, I've been like, I've been not letting them do all the things they would typically do. They've been just gracious. My mom's just the best. She's so uplifting anytime she comes into frame. Like during the pod or when you're filming a story.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Oh, she's incredible. She'll just bump into we'll be just doing like work calls and she just that means nothing to her but now i now i don't even get mad at first i was getting mad i was like mom i'm on a work call now i'm just like mom i'll be out in a minute love you she's like okay bye and then she just takes a break yeah everybody's so patient now on zoom like we all get it um chad who is your legend of the week uh my legend of the week uh taking it back to call of duty uh so the small and i kevin
Starting point is 01:05:35 dropped into the zone and we got partnered up with a rando and you know whenever you get partnered up with a rando you're like what's gonna happen happen here is he going to be part of the team is he going to help out is he good is he bad what's going on well this dude augie drops in with us and dominates and schmoll and i were kind of just trailing behind like you know shooting a little bit here and there but this dude was just capping dudes left and right getting supplies supplies, buying airstrikes. We ended up getting fifth, I believe, which is good. I think if he had probably two more dudes that were a little more competent at the zone than Schmoll and I, he probably would have gotten first. But it was just an honor to be on his team for one round,
Starting point is 01:06:22 and I got to give him a shout-out. I tried to message him, but he didn't respond augie if you're hearing this dude we love you bro some horses cannot be saddled yeah he's about to go to sleep listening to this because he likes it. He's like, is that me? Oh, Schmoldaddy. Yeah. Oh, Schmoldaddy. That was Kevin. Yeah. I thought he seemed like a schmaltz.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah. Kept talking about bagging. I was going to try to think of a joke, but I don't even know what a schmaltz move in that game would be. I guess shooting people on the parachute right now. Yeah, that's a small move. That's small for sure. Corey, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:07:09 I got two quick ones. I got to go Dua Lipa. Her new album came out like a month or two ago. I mean, I am on repeat with that thing in the morning. Nice. My roommate's been staying else for the last week, pumping it up. I'm jumping around. I'm dancing to get a sweat going.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I just can't get enough of this what is what is it about it that that slaps so hard i don't know you tell me it's like just pop music i usually don't go for it but somebody's track i'm like damn it's a banger i don't know it's undeniable yeah i think so i think maybe like six of the 10 tracks i'm like just all about nice and they're fun maybe it's because it's fun. Usually I like a little grimy shit when I'm dancing, but I think right now I just kind of like the fun bubblegum shit.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yeah. And then the other one would be my nephews. My nephew's been Skyping in a lot, and I've been kind of needing that family love connection. They're just like two, four, and six and just so cute. They pile in front of the camera and we talk. And then when our show came out last Friday, they watched it all weekend and it was cool for me just to be able to share
Starting point is 01:08:13 that they just were firing questions. And I live in the house now that we filmed the show and, you know, so they're kind of confused. Like what's the difference between my life and the show? And they've met my friends before. And so they've just been having all these really funny questions about how things work and did you really do that and was there really that in the house and pitching me ideas for episodes like it's just been cool to see them kind of i don't know just to connect over and their questions
Starting point is 01:08:37 have been really cute that's cute that's awesome yeah i saw the video of them doing the uh the walk yeah exactly it's like, come on. It's great. My legend of the week is that aliens. I've never been interested in aliens. And actually it's taken effort for me right now to be interested because I heard that they finally came out and said there was a UFO, an unidentified flying object.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Chad, you're my buddy. Three. Three. And so now I'm going to be into aliens, aliens i've decided because i think it is interesting like i think in my head i was like wait but i got there's so much shit already going on on earth that like we need answers to why am i worried about aliens and then i was like well maybe the aliens have answers to that stuff you know like in the movie arrival like maybe they can give us some wisdom that could help us fix these problems. So now I'm making a call out to aliens. I'm tired of them just flying around. If they got enough technology to get here, they got enough technology
Starting point is 01:09:32 to go direct and just come say what up to us. And I just want to see one land at the pier, walk straight up to us and just say, hey, here I am. I'm an alien. And just start the communication that way. Let's cut the government middleman out and just fly straight into a population-dense area. And let's mix it up. And I'm eager to say what up. That's awesome. Is this a new one? Or is this that thing that the Navy reported over the ocean in San Diego a couple years ago?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah, it's that one. It's that thing, but they confirmed it? Yeah, they confirmed it. And it looked like an alien, right? I watched the video, yeah. It's crazy. It's a Tic Tac, right confirmed it. And it looked like an alien, right? I watched the video, yeah. It's crazy. It's a Tic Tac, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:09 A Tic Tac size object? Yeah, yeah. It was that sort of on the radar. No, I know it's bigger than that. Sorry. No, I thought it was that big because I don't know. Yeah, I was like, whoa, weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Yeah, it's tough with aliens because, you know, if you want to learn about it, you watch some documentaries and you're like, this is obviously just horse shit. You know, and it's tough to find the real stuff. But, you know, like with the coronavirus, people say, look to Dr. Fauci. Like, he's your North Star for this. Look to Tom DeLonge. He's our North Star. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I watched The Abyss recently for the first time and aliens at the bottom of the ocean man i just got into the idea after that yeah oh interesting what's bluer the ocean or ed harris's eyes dude he crushes it in that movie he's a beast dude dude that scene where he resuscitates his wife do you remember that scene yes and he slaps her it's like it's such a funny it's like how do you write that in the script you like he's trying to bring her back to life for like a long time trying to like pump the water out of her lungs they finally go hey it's over you know and he like relaxes and they give it a long beat and then he goes
Starting point is 01:11:21 god damn it bitch you want to live and he slaps her it's like so aggressive but then she wakes up you know he's a he's a physical maniac because he broke will patton's arm when they were doing a sam shepherd play and then when he was doing an interview for uh a history of violence they asked him about violence at con film festival he's like it's about what is it what is violence and he took his glass that he had and he broke it like while he was on a dais with like six other actors whoa that makes sense because that scene i was like bitch you want to live slap her breathe more like jimmy cameron didn't write that it worked but i'm like huh i just can't imagine putting that you want to yeah like everybody like practicing that being cool then we'll act like she's dead. Then you're going to slap her, say, bitch, you want to live?
Starting point is 01:12:08 Well, I bet you he ran it by her and the director beforehand. And then they were just like, Ed, go with what feels right. You know, I later read that she bounced for the scene when it was his, when the camera was on him. Oh, really? She was just over the whole thing of it. Makes sense. Dude, that reminds me ofael douglas in wall street
Starting point is 01:12:25 he has this great scene and then he has his the baby his son in the film and the baby gets like whipped cream on his fingers and he sucks the whipped cream off the baby's fingers and i was like i was like well that's not his baby in real life and there's no way that's in the script because no one would have thought of that so that's just michael douglas ad-libbing in the moment and being like if i was this kid's dad i'd suck his fingers and that's what makes it that's just Michael Douglas ad-libbing in the moment and being like, if I was this kid's dad, I'd suck his fingers. And that's why he won Best Actor for that. And he goes up to the dad after he's like, thank you. Yeah, he's like, here's your baby.
Starting point is 01:12:54 The dad's like Cloroxing the kid's fingers. Oh, my God. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're so okay. You're like, oh. Yeah, the dad's like, gross. The baby's like looking at the dad like, what the fuck's going on? The dad's like, am baby's like looking at the dad like what the fuck's going on
Starting point is 01:13:06 the dad's like am I going to hell now yeah this is such a big opportunity for you baby you're going to love this I'd love to meet whoever that baby is now just be like do you have any issues he feels dirty about it
Starting point is 01:13:22 he touches his hands he's got gloves on he's like yeah I watched that when I was 15 well it's probably twins too because they always hire twins to play baby oh so it only happened to one of them it happened to both
Starting point is 01:13:41 and then for continuity's sake they were like dip the baby's fingers in the whipped cream let's run it back yeah god and then they were like michael are you okay he's like look i can suck baby fingers all day i got a gas tank all right uh all right chad do you have a legend oh sorry just keep you here yeah you just get me my legend is simply hugs god damn it i miss them uh i've been like dreaming about them about giving them to my friends uh i don't know how soon after this is all over we're going to be able to do that uh but uh hell yeah i want to hug people fuck yeah i hear youaron you were like the soul man thank you yeah thank you dude um chad do you have your quote of the week yeah my quote of the week is from stanley godspeed yeah the rock it's godspeed right or is it good speed good speed it's good speed yeah my phone
Starting point is 01:14:41 auto-corrected to godspeed i was like wait what am i reading yeah stan the good speed nicholas cage in the rock he goes i love pressure i eat it for breakfast nice one of his best performances dude he's so good look i'm a biochemist man when he's explaining to him yeah if you don't respect this that's when it kills you or the moment you don't respect this that's when it kills you is that where you guys visiting yes yes we did a 10 minute video of my brother just describing that movie from beginning to end it's pretty incredible he misses zero detail but he tells it well so i'll watch the yale video on blood meridian and then i'll watch your brother explain the rock i i have the criterion collection of the
Starting point is 01:15:32 rock they made a criterion out of that yeah really that's awesome that's i bought it just because i'm like i don't know why they did this but i got it dude there's behind there's behind the scenes of ed harris going nutty on that one, too. Really? Yeah. Like being super in character when Michael Bay is trying to give him notes. All right, I'll do it. God damn it. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Exactly. Yeah. All right. Corey, what's your quote of the week? Quote. All right. This is mine. This is a.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Well, I've been getting a lot of teary lately, but not in a sad way, like in a kind of overwhelmed way, especially with the show coming. I got a lot of nice calls from friends and family and stuff. And I have been simultaneously, someone sent this video and I had heard this a long time ago, but this guy, Martin or Martine Prestle, definitely make you screwing that up. But it's a talk about like Mayan culture.
Starting point is 01:16:24 And he says uh grief expressed out loud for someone we have lost or a country or a home we have lost is in itself the greatest praise we could ever give them grief is praise because it's a natural way to that love honors what it misses damn dude and so whenever i get emotional i'm just like trying to make my brain immediately connected to what I'm loving and missing. So it feels like one thing instead of sad and happy as two separate things. That's great. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Fucking great. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? I'm having trouble thinking of one. Can you come back to me? For sure. My quote of the week is from Remember the Titans. It's Julius Campbell during the big game. Coach Boone, played by Denzel Washington, they're down a half,
Starting point is 01:17:11 says, look, guys, even if we lose today, it's all right, because they lost Berthier, so he's trying not to be too hard on the kids, which is a change of pace for him. But then Julius Campbell, who is Berthier's best friend and is the leader of the team, says, no, it ain't, coach. With all due respect, you demanded more of us. You demanded perfection. Now, I ain't saying that I'm perfect because I'm not.
Starting point is 01:17:34 It ain't going to never be. None of us are. But we have won every single game we have played till now. So this team is perfect. We stepped out on the field that way tonight. And if it's all the same to you, Coach Boone, that's how we want to leave it. I got chills, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I haven't seen the movie. That's good. That's good. Yeah, dude, that actor's great, dude. He's Avon Barksdale. He's really, really good. And he crushes him. Is he the guy in Armageddon? Bruce Willis' best friend?
Starting point is 01:18:06 Is that that actor? Well, that's the other coach. Yeah, that's Will Patton. Oh, that's Will Patton. Okay, yeah, yeah. And Ed Harris broke his arm. That's the guy I said. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:18:16 Dude, we've had crazy synergy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, weird. Something's going on, dude. Something's going on during this Beef Babes and Legends. There's a little energy in the air. It's Corey microdosing. on, dude. Something's going on during this Beef, Babes, and Legends. There's a little energy in the air. It's Corey microdosing.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Yeah, Corey. I think I'm getting it through osmosis, bro. Yeah, well, the world is connected, whether we realize it or not. We're just tapping in. And that means that Harris is going to be on the show soon. Dude. Dude. Put it out into the ether, man. I want that.
Starting point is 01:18:43 That's awesome. Can you imagine him on Zoom just looking in? Yeah, dude, exactly. He'd get so close because I'd just stare it into us. Well, that's a good question. Who's your baby of the week? Who's your baby of the week? Shards of glass for the reminder of pain and beauty.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Just leaves it at that and then keeps pushing. Yeah. All right. Aaron, do you have a quote of the week? I don't. I can't think of one. Sorry. You say that like you're trying to make one up.
Starting point is 01:19:23 No, I'm like Googling. Nothing's really striking me as awesome. You know what what i like that you're not forcing it though i think yeah that's nice dude they all mean something when you give them out when he said the first time i legit thought he was like well i can't think of one and he went like this and i was like oh is he going in his mind to try to really this guy's a super genius yeah He's going to concoct it himself. Chad, what is your... Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Aaron, maybe you could improv one off the top of your dome.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Not from someone else, but you could just do your own quote. If you want. From your guts, dude. Like Ethan Hawke and Dead Poets. Yeah, just whatever you're feeling. Aaron, I don't know what to do right now, man. I'm depressed. I think I'm about to give up.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Aaron, what do I do, man? I'm just not good at that, guys. But you know what? Actually, Corey, can I call you Big Wild? I asked you if I could nickname you Big Wild. You showed me that band, and I think it's a good nickname for you. I love it. Dude, that's so nice. Thank you. So Big Wild, do you think you have another uh poem in you another spoken word slam
Starting point is 01:20:31 poem in you i mean i could certainly try if i give you a suggestion do you think you could you could yeah okay i appreciate that that's all we can ask all right i will certainly try all right quarantine quarantine what means more to me than quarantine with my friends orange juice and orange gina too much sugar put it inside the chlorophyll leaves in front of the succulent who sucks it less than it is lent when the money that you talk to is never spent j crew what do you do give up black? Black t-shirt, is that enough? Can we dig deeper? Can we find the highest peak steeper if we creep and shh, shh, peep,
Starting point is 01:21:14 a little quiet on top of the mountaintop and see what is up there? Don't disturb it. Don't perturb it. Don't unnerve it. Have you heard it? I have not, but I've spoken what I forgot. That's all I got.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Damn, dude. Damn, dude. If Ed Harris was here, he'd punch a hole in his laptop. That was amazing. That J.Crew part just hit me right in the soul. Hey, that was for you, baby. I love how you're like, I can try. I can try.
Starting point is 01:21:47 My God, dude. You smashed it. That was beautiful. Well, I'd be like, you know, sometimes they're clunkers, man. What are you going to do? You know? Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:59 I think they always will. But not if you're in the moment and not if you're staying present. So that's the love it to Chad. Do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it? Yeah. Um, you know, I still have more waves to paddle.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Love that too. Maybe more waves to surf. That's probably, yeah, dude, you know, I still have more waves to surf. I like that. I like that.
Starting point is 01:22:26 I like that. Corey, do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it? Two quick ones. My therapist on the wall behind his chair has a sign that says, the problem is not the problem. Your reaction to the problem is the problem. I love that one. And then whenever I'm parallel parking, I always tell myself,
Starting point is 01:22:44 if it can be done I can do it and I try to do it because sometimes there's not enough space and you don't know so it's like I'm not guaranteeing I can do it but if it can be done I can do it and lately I've started to just tell myself that about this and everything. I don't know if it can be done but if it can be done I can do it. Love that. A-Rock do you have one? I say uh let's let's get some pozole nijo oh nice dude damn now you got me one pozole my book that you fucking pozole sucked anyway all right let's come see me up yeah dude what brent weinbach too are's like he's like
Starting point is 01:23:27 Frankie look at me we're both dressed the same right with the Looney Tunes ties, the trousers you got the LA looks LA looks that was that was this is just making me nostalgic for it
Starting point is 01:23:43 that was such a fun damn day. Fun group of dudes and a lot of, it was all like scripted, but very loose too and playful. And what a day, man. That was fun. Yeah, that's awesome. My phrase of the week for getting after it is more of just an insult. And it wasn't even one that I actually heard.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I heard my friend say something else and I misinterpreted it. I thought he called someone in our uh call of duty team small heart and I I think that's like the best burn you can put on someone is to just call them small heart like would you say small heart like that really gets to the core of someone's essence in a pretty punishing way yeah and it challenges them to kind of it's like we have a bigger heart that's the challenge yeah to level up a little bit yeah yeah like i don't think it's a condition a permanent condition i think it's something that you develop you know through bad choices so yeah i like to
Starting point is 01:24:35 call someone small heart and maybe and i think they'll look at you and they'll know what you mean it'll bring out the best of them all right guys that's uh that's it cory dude you just bring the best vibes dude you're a great guy thanks man i miss you guys good to connect yeah miss you too man miss you too man yeah good to see we'll have you back on very soon big wild for sure bro yeah i'll be back and then also uh maybe i'll get call it dude you got to help me out. I would like to get in the game, you know? Dude, I would love to pop your dome in Call of Duty, bro. I'd love to see you in the crosshairs. Yeah, you know how fired up I get.
Starting point is 01:25:14 I don't know if I can handle it. I love it. I love it. What was I going to say? Wow. Oh, Milstein was playing. Did you you guys did millstein send out a message today about us kicking it next week digitally oh i don't know i didn't check out was it on whatsapp or i think it might be on the i didn't check either but he was he was instagramming me
Starting point is 01:25:35 about it yesterday saying that we might do it i'm down on that yeah we might do another thing thing yeah let's do it cool all right guys check out Guys, check out Dress Up Gang on TBS. Yeah, please check it out. Definitely check it out. All right, dudes. This was fun. This was great. Thanks for having me on.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Aaron, good to see you again, too. Yeah, you too, man. All right, man. Great to see you guys. Peace. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know
Starting point is 01:26:08 What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just watch them have the trophy's tied You're in the tree You're in the tree We'll see you next time.

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