Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 155 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: October 7, 2020

What up stokers?! Chad and JT call some buddies on this episode and then dive into cursing parrots, scary doctor visits, and helicopter parenting. Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping... with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah, call me a skillet and turn on the gas. This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Deepwood Chat and JT Podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims puked, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because guys, when you are in the world, when you become an adult, you want to let the world know that you
Starting point is 00:00:43 are not only a professional and a just well-intentioned person but you want to let them know that you also trim your pubes and the way to do that is to hit promo code go deep 20 manscape.com and then um sorry jt we got another let me just just do it dude i i shaved my pubes the other day oh you did yeah sorry so you shaved them no i don't know where he's bro um yeah i shaved him and uh it was nice i felt really good about myself that's awesome yeah um i got hyped i looked at myself in the mirror and i was like looking good so you just look yeah did you Did you, you know, so you used the Manscaped lawnmower and you just sort of like had like a, I always think it looks like AstroTurf. Yeah, I don't take it that low. I take it to like, it's like, it's just more, it's more the density.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I cut into the dense. Right, right, right. I keep the same width and height, but I just cut down the density. That's awesome. Dude, you were giggling before we started the pod what were you thinking about richie april richie april and sopranos uh yeah i can't think of a good impression right now of like a quote but um he's just the funniest dude guys if you haven't watched sopranos you gotta watch sopranos multiple times he's one of my favorites i think besides joey pants is r as Ralphie I think he's my favorite kind of like adversary yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:02:09 absolutely um dude when he fucks up he just fucks up the dude Beansy yeah just runs him over with his car and the fact that they named him Beansy too or Beans right makes it that much funnier because he just knew he was going to take a beating and he just runs him over with his car he's like he's not honest but he's a hard-working guy running like three pizza joints and richie's like i want to get on some of your action he just beats the fuck right i love that there's like punishment for richie too but it's not like he just has to pay up for everything. He has to pay for Beansy's recovery. That's how the mob self-enforces. Like, Beansy?
Starting point is 00:02:51 He's a paraplegic now. Yeah, he's going to be in a fucking wheelchair because you're paying for the ramp. Richie's like, what are we talking about? We pay for ramps now? Back in the day, we didn't do bullshit like this. I'm from the old school, kid. When he first meets Christopher, Christopher's like like richie april jackie's brother it's odd to meet you you're a legend he's like yeah i've heard you've been putting your hands on my niece better stop doing
Starting point is 00:03:13 that and then he's like the old school kid what'd you say no i was gonna jump on it yeah i'm from the old school kid what i forget what he says after that no he goes i'm from the old school you gotta be married for that. And then Christopher leaves and he's like, that's a good kid. Yeah. It's the funniest show of all time. I think it is.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Dude, say how you've been. What's been going on? Good, man. I'm still recovering from a hangover. They hit you hard, brother. I just... I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I just can't, I can't rage hard this much anymore, you know? It does, you have a great time, but it does incur a big toll. Yeah, it puts me out for like two days and I just, it's like the only time I get not stoked. And it's like, you know, I can stoked and it's like you know I can't
Starting point is 00:04:06 I can't try to be a savant of stoke and then actively do something that depletes my stoke you know it's like there's a time when partying made me incredibly stoked and it still makes me stoked but then the the lack of stoke following it uh it makes it not worth it I think yeah how are your hangovers? They're pretty bad. Yeah. But I don't drink a ton. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:28 But they're pretty bad. They can be nasty. I mean, after we went to that birth, that Halloween party like two years ago, I was hungover for like four days. Yeah. Like just side-splitting headaches, horrible anxiety.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It was really intense. Yeah. But for the most part, they're manageable. Yeah. Yeah, I just like to go hard and then I, I don't know, I'm just sensitive. And then, yeah, I think especially when you get older and stuff, like the idea of losing a couple days to just being lazy, it just bothers me.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And if it's bumming you out so hard, too. Yeah. But I think you need that release, though, too. I'm trying to figure out what that is. I think we've talked about this before on the pod, but maybe it's like skydiving or something less dangerous. Sorry, Mom. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:13 What could give you a thrill of letting loose? Salsa dancing? I swear to God I was going to say dance classes. Yeah. With some kind of recital at the end. Yeah. Performance. Yeah. Yeah, maybe that recital at the end. Yeah. Performance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah, maybe that's it. I could see you there and I can see you in the outfit. Yeah. With the frayed collar and the white pants tucked in. You wouldn't make fun of me? No, I think it'd be amazing.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'd film you. And if you won, I'd be the most hyped dude in the building. I'd be like, like you'd be dancing and you'd look over me. I'd be like, let's fucking go. Let and you'd look over me. I'm like, let's fucking go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Hit that fucking pirouette. Yes. Yes. I'd be squeezing me and my brother. We'd be like wrestling each other. He's doing it. Yeah. He's doing it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Like, uh, uh, what's that Bradley Cooper movie? Uh, several linings playbook. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I do like the finishing pose where you're like this and you're like breathing. Like I look over and you just be like with your shirt off. i be fired up yeah big c written on my chest yeah i mean it's got to do something to you if you like having your quiver that you can salsa dance like a king yeah yeah and if you just once a month instead of partying once a month you go out with caroline to
Starting point is 00:06:20 a salsa club and you just shred floor for four hours oh dude and you just get it all out yeah i think that's it now i'm now i'm picturing that in my mind of like the how i'd feel the next day too and i think that's unmatched pretty amazing yeah dude i got you do it yes i would definitely do it i'm in sign us up all right dude i had a physical therapist who was working on my neck and uh we got into relationship talk he was this great frenchman and he was like uh you know my wife she um she got into salsa dancing classes and i was okay with it i said go dance have fun but i knew she was dancing with other men so the deal i made was that when she came home we had to have sex every time after she came home and he goes she starts she it it changed our relationship
Starting point is 00:07:06 in a bad way i would stay up till three in the morning sometimes and she'd be sitting in her car because she didn't want to yeah and i was like jesus man and then he's like but then i realized i was pushing her away i was commanding her too much so after that i got into dancing with her and now we do it together wow and we compete yeah wow and he competes and they like figured it out wow yeah that's great. Yeah, I was pretty fired up for him. I'd like to imagine that conversation. He's like, I know you're dancing with men, so you need to have sex with me every time you go to salsa dance class.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I love it. He's like, because I know she's having sex with me. She's not having sex with other men. When he was telling me the logic, I was like, I kind of get where you're coming from, but I don't think it works that way yeah he's like in bed afterward he's like i know she had sex with me and i feel good about that now we're okay honey bedtime now the slate is still clean yeah uh can you talk about this on the pod you have a new uh new lady in your life yeah dude i can talk about it yeah sweet yeah i'm later on the table so uh yeah she's she's lovely she's cool yeah yeah have a lot of fun with her you guys went paddleboarding that fires me up she's got
Starting point is 00:08:11 a great smile yeah really lights up the room and yeah we went paddleboarding and i would just look at her and i'd be like i'm psyched yeah that's great yeah it was fun yeah i have to i have to actually stop myself from telling her how psyched I am all the time. Yeah. Like, I could literally just look at her and be like, guess who's pumped? This guy. Yeah. No, that's great, though.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It is nice. I mean, I feel like you'll have that. If it's that strong right now, it'll probably last for a while. Yeah, I hope so. You know. Yeah. I mean, planet by year, all good. Yeah. She's another full human
Starting point is 00:08:46 being i'm a full human being yeah we have our own lives wants needs and desires yeah i get that so whatever goes goes but yeah i'm pumped i'm optimistic do you to not show her how way psyched you are uh all the time do you like sort of like go have to go into your car and just sort of like lay it all out like yes i de-psych yeah like sometimes we'll just be like we're laying down there we're cuddling yeah and i'm like hey i gotta go to the bathroom i had like some really gnarly tacos and then i go into the bathroom and i'm just like i don't i didn't have gnarly tacos my stomach feels fine i'm like yes yes yes and then i come out and she's like what were you doing there i go yes i didn't get all the yeses out no no that's good i had one yes still in the hopper that i thought
Starting point is 00:09:31 i had emptied then i came out i was like yes do you think it's i feel like at some point in the relationship you're gonna be like uh you know hey you know those those times where i had said i had to go take a shit. I was just pumped I was just fired up and I said they say yes, and she's gonna slap me like you should nuts in the cutest way possible But thank you, honey. Thank you. So thank you for saying that I'm gonna go live now. I'm gonna go hit some fucking cleaning jerks. I Forgot damn it. I don't even fucking know it I had something to say but I forget I don't even fucking know
Starting point is 00:10:07 it's gone dude it'll come back it'll come back to you baby yeah it'll circle alright Dom I'm commanding you to let that thought reemerge um can we call my friend Frank Lundy absolutely
Starting point is 00:10:21 alright let's do it you know what we should call Joe Morisi if this doesn't go through My friend, Frank Lundy? Absolutely. All right, let's do it. You know what? We should call Joe Morisi if this doesn't go through. Hello? Hey, is this Frank Lundy? It is. Who's this?
Starting point is 00:10:36 JT Parr and Chad Kroger. Hey, Frank. Hey, Chad. How are you? I'm doing well. How are you? Good, thanks. Frank, it's good to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Just right off the bat, I've got to ask, how are you feeling about the Cardinals? I'm sorry for their early exit. Well, I'm sorry about them, too. The only thing that kept me interested in baseball this year was the Cardinals. But they were in a great team. They were missing a lot of pieces. I still love them. I loved every player, as bad as they were. Harrison Bader,
Starting point is 00:11:08 he can't hit a curveball. I love him. What I like about the Cardinals is they put out a good team, and if the team isn't good, they're a bunch of nice guys. You like them. Oh, really? Nice. So you think management does a good job of identifying cool dudes?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Who's that? Moselov? Management does a good job of identifying cool dudes who's that management does a good job of identifying cool dudes yeah good manager good gm it's called the cardinal way there's a cardinal way to play baseball and you know i think if you don't play the cardinal way you make fun of the cardinal way but but everyone's just jealous i believe they're just jealous it It's a franchise that's historically successful. You're a handsome man. Have you dealt with a lot of jealousy in your life? It's vicious. How did you deal with it?
Starting point is 00:11:56 I just looked in the mirror and went, I could see that they're a problem. Sometimes I would intentionally have bad haircuts. Just to make other people feel more comfortable around you? Yeah. I remember that Mohawk phase.
Starting point is 00:12:13 He has never seen me, has he? I haven't seen you, but I'm trying to imagine you. In my head, you're a handsome guy. I'm hideous. I'm hideous, and that's why JT is saying all this. I was just poking fun at you. That's our joke. Yeah, he's a hideous. I'm hideous, and that's why JT is saying all this. I was just poking funny. That's our joke. Yeah, he's a hideous man, so I always call him handsome to kind of mess with him.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Oh, yeah. Yeah. I am not an animal. Yeah. Frank, so you're a movie theater operator. Is that the right way to describe it? What I am is an exhibitor. Right. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:12:49 My mother hated it. The phrase exhibitor? Oh, because it's... I'm wearing a raincoat all the time. I'm a movie... I'm an exhibitor. And then, how's it going right now? Has it been tough? Oh, it's great. Everything's great.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Business couldn't be better. And then how's it going right now? Has it been tough? Oh, it's great. Everything's great. Business couldn't be better. It's a fascinating nightmare. It's apocalyptic. It's like I'm watching it happen to somebody else. It's so bizarre how such a great business and such a fun business and such an important business and loved by so many people could just completely fall off the face of the earth yeah yeah yeah do you see an end in sight or like how are you feeling about the the state of things right now i don't think it's coming back
Starting point is 00:13:38 and until maybe next summer yeah they're going to need a vaccine and regain people's confidence that there's not a virus waiting to jump them every step of the way. People are afraid to go to the theater. I totally get that. We've done everything
Starting point is 00:14:01 technologically we can do do but people still don't want to go into a place with strangers and in a small closed room yeah well they pulled all the movies so and the main reason that we people don't come to the theaters is because there's no movies in them what's your best theater-going experience you've had seeing a movie? What was the one that changed how you felt about
Starting point is 00:14:31 movies the most? What I changed was A Fistful of Dollars. Is that Sergio Leone? Yeah. Sergio Leone, A Fistful of Dollars. I went to see a movie in college and i i saw that movie and i went this is this is the greatest movie i've ever seen i wasn't i wasn't a real movie buff then i was like you know i would play baseball and like i like sports i wasn't into
Starting point is 00:15:01 movies as a movie i've been a dating device and i saw a fistful of dollars and it blew my mind and i went back to my my roommate i said we got to make a movie so we we in a long story short we made a movie we didn't make the one we wanted to make but we made one how did it was terrible it's bad it's well it, it was great for about four years. The University of Denver, people would play it at parties, and there would be a big event, and they would show Tumbleweed at these events. And not that big of an event. This is not a great movie. And it has not stood the test of time.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Anyway, it has not stood the test of time. After that, a couple of us enrolled in the film school and we got a degree in mass communications and motion picture production. When we made that movie, I just wanted to be a cowboy in a gunfight. Yeah, you love cowboys. You love what we'd have in moments. You like dressing up as a cowboy, right? That's your favorite kind of motif? Well, you know, you're saying that dressing up as a cowboy right that's like that's your favorite kind of motif well you know you're saying that like it's kind of a like a like i'm i'm a deviant it came out weirder than i intended i was just trying to get into your kind of appreciation for western lore but i couldn't help but be suggestive in it
Starting point is 00:16:19 well it turned me on i'll say we'll say that well frank i'm very happy to do that when i when i played i did turn you on i went down what nothing sorry go ahead Well, it turned me on. I will say that. Well, Frank, I'm very happy to do that. When I played – Honored to turn you on. I went down – what? Nothing. Sorry. Go ahead. It doesn't take much.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I went to – I'm going down to Bob's Ranch one time. You're at the ranch down in Tin Cup. Of course. I come out, and there's your dad and Bob and an aunt. I don't know who else is going to ride. And they're all dressed. I said, you're going to go play golf. I get out of my car.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I got boots up to my knees. I got a big bandana. I got a 10-gallon hat. I got a six-gun. I got a band player. I got a bowie knife. The whole works. I say, when I play golf, I dress like you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:01 When I ride, I dress like this. Frank, I can relate. Dressing like a cowboy is one of my favorite things to do. Boots, huge buckle, cowboy hat. It's great. It's the best. It's the best. I was with three friends of mine walking down the street in Ketchum, Idaho.
Starting point is 00:17:19 My friend was over there, Tommy Ross, who has the cutouts. Oh, yeah, good artist. Check out his stuff, guys. Ross, did you ever meet my friend Rusty was a he played pro ball i think so it was harris harrison ford's tennis instructor oh nice that's how i became friends with harrison can you tell us how good harry is at tennis or is there like an nda in place well i could tell you he he was very good not as good as moi but he was very good he Not as good as moi. But he was very good. He was, you know, he wasn't a good player.
Starting point is 00:17:50 He was, you know, he was strong and fit. And, you know, I had been playing tennis a lot longer than he had. He was just doing it for the exercise. I was doing it, you know, just for fun. I just watched that Once Upon a Time in the West, Sergio Leone. Have you seen that, Frank? just watched that once upon a time in the west sergio leone have you seen that frank once once upon a time in the west yeah yeah that was my first introduction to sergio leone because our buddies told us to watch for the the that first scene because it's uh breaking bad based like their their initial, their sort of like aesthetic off that. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, I think. The Henry Fonda one, right? Henry Fonda, yeah. It's one of my favorites. Yeah, my wife can't stand that opening scene. Really?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah, she got up and left it. I remember, you know, we were, I don't know how many years ago it was, we were young and she's up and out of the theater. I remember you told me once, you know, we were, I don't know how many years ago it was. We were young and she's up and out of the theater. I remember you told me once opening scene. I actually really loved when you said this, and I'm sorry for saying something else that's going to be sexually suggestive, but we were watching the beginning of Seabiscuit
Starting point is 00:18:55 and eight wild horses were just running and it's a beautiful like crane shot of them. And I remember Frank was like, that turns me on. And I was like, that's awesome. Yeah. I love horse running. I love them. Beautiful things.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Beasts that let you ride on their backs. It's the best thing in the world, right? Yeah. I tried ostriches, but it just didn't have the same cachet. This is something I think about horseback riding. You know how some people control the horse when I'm riding I never feel like I'm controlling the horse I always feel like I'm just a passenger
Starting point is 00:19:29 and I'm just giving it some helpful suggestions that's probably true of most people hang on how do you feel? hang on and don't fear their fall exactly that's life I'll tell you this one story
Starting point is 00:19:45 my my other my college roommate who made Tumbleweeds the funniest thing he thinks I've ever done we were riding and up in Mormon Row where they filmed Shane
Starting point is 00:20:00 and as we're coming back the Tetons are behind, and four of us are riding side by side. We all got dusters on and big hats and flowing dusters, and the Teton is behind us. And we can see we're riding to our trailer to put the horses away. And there's a white van behind the trailer with tourists out hanging out the window taking movies and pictures of us. Oh, really? Yeah. So I said, well, you know, we know we're beautiful. with tourists out hanging out the window taking movies and pictures of us oh really yeah so i said well you know we know we're beautiful i never finished telling you the story about catch your mind over that's a funny story anyways um i i spur the horse
Starting point is 00:20:37 and i do this wide run in front of them to show up showing And as I do this big loop and get in front of their van where they're all filming, I take my hat off and wave it in the air. And my horse thinks it's like an eagle or something coming at his eyeballs and freaks. What do you do? Oh, I have an audience. Anyway, it goes crazy. It finally throws me off. I land on my bear spray.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Anyway, my college roommate didn't believe that I got up and dusted myself off and said something like, I got this, I got this, I got this. I did it on purpose. Oh, you played it off as a pratfall? That's very clever. That's how he remembers it, and he thinks it's so funny. I said, I wish I would have. Maybe you did.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I might have. I was in a little bit of shock. It was a throw. I got thrown at 45 miles an hour on my bear spray. It didn't go off, but it would have been funnier if it did. I let off a fire extinguisher one time at work. I dropped a case on it, and it sprayed all over an office. And everybody went to lunch after work, and I stayed and cleaned it with my hands because I couldn't tell anybody. But what I'm saying is accidentally setting off cans is, I mean, it's really life just having a laugh at you.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. I got, can't, I got, can't. So I tell you the story to catch up. It's real. Let me finish this story. I think it's funny. Three of us are walking down the street. Rusty, me and Tommy Ross, the artist, we're all dressed because he's got a show.
Starting point is 00:22:19 He's got an art show over there. Cowboys, you know, Billy the Kid show or something. I don't know what it was on. And we're walking down and we had one of the tennis skirt one of the tennis instructors is with us and she's she's in tennis outfit she's got a little micro mini skirt and you know walking and she's cute as could be so the four of us are walking down the street and this car goes by with these guys in it and they start whistling and rusty rusty looks over at the girl and says they ain't whistling at you honey because we we were beautiful frank you ready to can i ask you specific genres and you can give us
Starting point is 00:22:59 the film you would most recommend to a young uh movie? You can try. Alright. Sports movie? No doubt about it. Bull Durham. Whoa, you went Bull Durham? I thought you were a Field of Dreams guy. I love Field of Dreams. I love Field of Dreams, but
Starting point is 00:23:19 I go with Bull Durham. Bull Durham, if it ever comes, I can't not watch it. Field of Dreams, I can sometimes, if it ever comes, I can't not watch it. It's so good. Field of Dreams, I can sometimes, if I'm not in the mood, you got to be in the mood for Field of Dreams. And I'm usually in the mood. I remember Field of Dreams when I played it in the theater. Nobody, when the credits at the end, when the cars pulled up, that was done without special effects.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Those are all real cars and real headlights anyway uh nobody left their seat they just they were they were frozen in place but with with you know emotion or memories or you know whatever it evoked and and fathers and sons and so but i love bull durham bull durham i i i love it i love the dialogue love the script screenplay it's it's i love it i don't i don't like the relationship dynamics are so good too like costner mentoring robbins and then and then costner and Susan Sarandon. Yeah. What's your favorite Western? Chain. I only know it through The Negotiator because they reference it
Starting point is 00:24:33 as spoiler alert. It's a sad ending, right? Well, it's an inevitable ending. In the beginning of the movie, he's riding down in the valley. In the end of the movie, he's riding out. And he had to ride out. It's a great movie on so many levels.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's funny. I just showed the movie in my closed movie theater. I showed a Blu-ray on our digital projectors. Rusty was up here, and he had never seen Shane on a big screen. Oh, that's nice. We were weeping. Anyway, it's a magnificent movie. It's got the history of the American West, the rancher and the settlers and the conflict they had. And there's the love of the little
Starting point is 00:25:26 boy for for shane there's all the different levels of shane you know that he's kind of a he's got this white fringe outfit and this hat like like an he's like a an angel and he's in he's in love with the mother and the mother's in love with him and the little boy's in love with the mother, and the mother's in love with him, and the little boy's in love with Shane. And there's so many levels of complexity to Shane that it blows every other Western away, I believe. Nice. Yeah, those dynamics sound good. Oh, it is. It is.
Starting point is 00:26:00 I mean, there's a lot going on. There's the father and Shane. So there's Shane and the dad, Shane and the mother, Shane and the son. The son wants Shane to be his father. The mother wants Shane. It's incredible. The other characters in the movie, the bad guys, they're not these cardboard cutout bad guys there you know they they got a they got a real beef with these homesteaders they were there first and they're fencing me off from my land and they're taking my water and i got to move my cattle we were here first and i mean it's it's it is a great movie nice nice tribalism good gunfight at the end and then what's your what's your what political movie would you recommend? Political movie. I don't know. A political movie. Can I tell you what I thought you would say? I thought you would go Capra-esque, but I haven't seen any Capra, so I can only do some influences.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And I thought you were going to go with Dave. Maybe that's just because I go with Dave. The Kevin Kline movie. He's my second cousin, sort of. I can see that. You guys have similar vibes. You're a little more cowboy than him, though. There's no blood relation.
Starting point is 00:27:13 He was in Silverado. Right. He was. Anyway, he's my first cousin's first cousin. My cousin Vicky and Patsy Cline are Kevin's first cousins. Anyway, I don't know how political this is, but it was Strange Love. I love Dr. Strange Love. That's kind of political.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Nice, yeah. And I do love that. It was about the doomsday machine. It's pretty political you know i i played a movie my film festival a couple years ago i don't know why this pops up i haven't thought of it in years but it's a good movie it's called tel aviv on fire and it's a it's a you ought to stream it or whatever however you can get it um it's about a palestinian who commutes to work in into into israel every day twice a day he goes through this israeli checkpoint and on his way to work and back and he works on us Palestinian soap opera called Tel Aviv on Fire.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And it turns out that the captain at the checkpoint is like a huge fan of the show. And he gives this kid, who's not even the writer of the show, I think he like cleans up. He gives him ideas for the plot. And the kid starts delivering the ideas for the plot and the kid starts delivering the ideas for the plot to the producer of the show and the kid becomes like the wunderkind
Starting point is 00:28:53 screenwriter, he's getting all the information from an Israeli captain at the checkpoint anyway, it's a good movie it walks that line between the Palestinians and the Israelis pretty well. Nice, I'll check it out.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And then, what last one? This is an odd genre, so it might be hard to think about quickly, but like family movie. Like movies about families. I know that could be like every movie, but... About families. I know that could be like every movie, but about families.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah. I don't know. Nothing's bringing. It was a terrible question. I don't know if anyone can answer it. Honestly. Well, I have to,
Starting point is 00:29:36 I have to give it more thought. Should I have gone with romance? That was going to be the other show. What about best romance movie? Best romance movie. Oh, there's a, I love a lot of them love annie hall i love i asked the casablanca would be you know too trite to say i'll tell you what i like i like
Starting point is 00:29:54 how about i'll give you the city sit in nancy city lights is that charlie cha? Charlie Chaplin's silent movie Spectacular Nice dude I like you going with the deep cut there Best boxing scene in any movie ever made Is that true? What?
Starting point is 00:30:17 City Lights has the best That's our engineer Aaron Who's also a Cardinals fan by the way Oh he's Aaron Hey But he was saying it has the best boxing scene in movie history Yes it is to a Cardinals fan, by the way. Oh, he's Aaron. Hey. But he was saying it has the best boxing scene in movie history. Yes, it does.
Starting point is 00:30:31 It has a hilarious boxing scene. The best footwork you'll ever see in a boxing ring. Wow, I got to check it out then. Because I always thought that was Willie Pepp. Silent movies are special. There's a special thing some people can handle and some people can't but i mean charlie chaplin was the most famous person on planet earth at this time when he was making movies everybody because because the movies
Starting point is 00:30:56 were silent they didn't have to make you know a german version a french version an italian version a russian version always Just one came out. Everybody loved him, and nobody was more recognizable than the little tramp. I never really thought about that. The silent movies are just universally accessible. Yeah. He was the Beatles, and I don't know what else. I mean, the Beatles really only reached English speaking.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So this is worldwide. Anyway, Little Tramp, great character. Most recognized character in the world. Kind of this ethereal little being. He kind of existed. He wasn't exactly like a normal person. He just was
Starting point is 00:31:40 different. He was an outcast. You know, a loner. Anyway. Love it. He made great movies. Modern Times and
Starting point is 00:31:56 what's the one the Gold Rush. Gold Rush. Great movie. Anyway. Aaron, know your chaplain, dude. Yeah, no one here chaplained it. Yeah, Modern Times is my favorite, I think. City Lights was for a long time. Modern Times, great.
Starting point is 00:32:10 But yeah, Modern Times. Some would say better than City Lights. I love City Lights. The ending of City Lights is a special moment in film. What's your favorite ending from a movie all time to end our talk? What movie did i just see that had i mentioned i thought i i had this idea that i would have a film festival i just did this this is funny that you mentioned this that i was gonna no the movie that i think i was talking about what oh what's the movie there's this vince vaughn movie with jennifer
Starting point is 00:32:47 anderson called the breakup that has a bad ending but if you watch the deleted scenes on the dvd it has a better ending that they could have gone oh really i need to check it out they botched it i cannot think i was gonna have a great ending film film and all the movies would have great like you know i'll tell you what movie has the best ending I ever saw in my life was Shane. Oh. Can't beat Come Back Shane. I like that he went full circle as you described it. Bye, little Joe.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Mama wants you. Daddy wants you. Come back. Shane. That affected me. I felt that. If you've seen a movie, you guys should watch that movie.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You should watch every movie I recommend. I'm never wrong about movies. You can ask my son. I'll have to get a list from you. I think I'm going to watch Shane tonight. Watch Shane. And take it in.
Starting point is 00:33:48 If it's not dated, I'll tell you nothing about Shane. Their costumes in Shane blows Tombstone away. Their costumes in Shane are much more authentic than they were in Tombstone. I dress like I'm in Tombstone. But Shane has better costumes
Starting point is 00:34:04 because they're faded colors old and the and the old nice i'll watch it we'll watch it and and you know don't it's a great movie it's it is a it is complex and there's shit going on all the time and then that movie that that uh you know maybe kind of off-center. Do you think people are complex or do you think people are simple? I think some people are simple and some people are complex. I would say people are complex. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Do you think, can characters in film, are they ever more complex than people? Like, can movies be more complex than people i don't know about that but i know that if you don't if you don't have viable characters you know i mentioned i think in shane i think i said the bad guys were not you know one-dimensional bad guys they were they were three-dimensional they were they Every movie that has a great supporting cast that develops characters, making them more complex, is a better movie. Movies that the bad guys are just... I've seen those. They're just completely...
Starting point is 00:35:19 Black and white is never as good as gray. Well said. Well, Frank, it was nice talking to you um i love you dearly you're uh yeah you're one of my favorite people to talk to all time so it was nice to talk to you on here call me anytime i'm just sitting here by the phone like what's the name putty and seinfeld waiting for someone to call me i'll call you all the time frank is nice chatting with you. Chad, nice talking to you.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I kind of thought I was supposed to, so I went on. You were wonderful. Oh, yeah, you were great. You inspired me. I'm going to watch like 10 movies this week now, at least. All right. They're all great. City Lights, great.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Shane, great. Strange Love. What else? Bull Durham. I'm going to go watch that too that's a good list of wrecks yeah Frank stay handsome it's good talking to you
Starting point is 00:36:15 I can't not I'm sorry about the Cardinals they'll come back next year they'll be back this year you know I think they're still owed a ring by Don Denkertcher the first base umpire in the 1985 World Series. But if they could have got one and stolen a cheap ring this year by winning the World Series. 12's not enough for you? No.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Well, we're missing. They took one. I think we're only 11. Are we 11 or we're 12? We're 11. We're 11, yeah. They took one? Is that Aaron?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah. Aaron's 11. I signed with 11. Dankinger in 85 would have been 12. Aaron, you know when I was born? No. October 15, 1946, the day the Cardinals beat the Red Sox in the seventh game of the World Series when Enos slaughtered a square from first base on the single by Harry the Cat Cooper
Starting point is 00:37:02 when Johnny Pesky double pumpedpumped in short left center. Who was the best guy on that team? Stan Musial? Musial was on that team, but he... That was the only thing I knew about the team and I had to insert myself. Won't go wrong, Stan Musial. There's few better.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Great man. Yeah, he was always your favorite. Well, Don Blassingame was my favorite. But Stan Musial was really everybody in St. Louis' favorite. He was just, he was the rock. And then, you know, to say Stan Musial in St. Louis is your favorite player, that just goes without saying. But I had Don Blassingame who played second base.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Born March 16, 1936, Cornets36 cornets mississippi bats left throws right loved him i told everybody he was my uncle did they believe you my mother would help me with the lie she would say yes my my my younger brother yeah she was complicit in it wow she was she was she abetted that's nice though that's a nice mom assist there yes it was what it wasn't really like her either but she did it she went by what she went she might have been winking behind my back but i'm not sure all right you know uh well i was actually born here for the cardinals if i uh if i may interrupt i was born october 13, 1982. That was Game 2 of the World Series. Cardinals won against the Brewers.
Starting point is 00:38:28 October 13? Yeah. Congratulations. Well, I hope to share space with you soon. I love you, Frank. Love you, JT. Thanks for thinking of me. Yeah, it was nice talking to you.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Nice talking to you, Chad. You too. Have a great one go cards go cards bye guys bye hey i'm gonna get some water real quick i'll be right back hey what up stokers this is uh chad jt's just going to fill up uh on water gotta stay hydrated um water's an interesting thing you know it's like we were born on a planet with water, and it comes in lots of forms. You know, it could be salt. It could be brackish. It could be fresh. You know, water's, it's good for you. It's good to drink. Whenever I drink it, you know, as a kid I preferred Coca-Cola, but as I've gotten older and I've gotten more mature, I've come to value the hydration qualities.
Starting point is 00:39:44 You know, you go to McDonald's and you pay homage to Ray Kroc, who's kind of a douche. And then you get some Dasani. That's kind of the preferred McDonald's meal. So, yeah, okay, JT's back now. He just filled up on water. So I hope you liked my little sermon on water. He's got Pinot Noir. Cupcake. Cupcake Noir.
Starting point is 00:40:03 2017. Pinot Noir. Pinot Noir. Pinot Noir. When I order, I go, Pinot Noir. cupcake cupcake no 2017 peanut no peanut no peanut no what i order i go peanut no peanut no uh dude so i i went to the doctor uh last week to get a physical you know to check my nuts check my blood check my urine and uh everything's good he's like, you're a little bit anemic. And I was like, which is so crazy to me because I pound red meat shamelessly. Is red meat supposed to be the best cure for anemia? I think it's iron. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Iron. But, okay, so you're supposed to be between like 13 and 18 i don't know like percent whatever it is for your red blood cell count and i was like 12.6 so he's like i'm not worried about it but i just need to get an extra blood test to just make sure because he's like either you were like bleeding beforehand or like usually like if if a girl's on her period, her red blood cell count will be a little bit below. I was like, I don't think I'm bleeding. I think I'd know. But then, you know, he's like, I'm not worried about it.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I just need to do my due diligence and get another test. And I'm like, immediately I'm like, I have leukemia. No, I feel that. That's where my mind would go right away. But you definitely don't. Also, one time I got a blood test and it said I was anemic and maybe had rheumatoid arthritis. And it was literally because I just wasn't eating enough for the last couple days. Yeah, I have been experimenting with fasting.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And I know you're doing big fasts, so I think that can affect it. Yeah, I think that's why it is. And then, I mean, you're so not far outside whatever the standard is. I'm sure there's a little fluidity there. But I had the same thing when i got my full checkup at scripts they were like i just kept looking at the numbers as they updated and it was like oh you have hypothyroidism i remember for two days i was super depressed and i was like i have hypothyroidism that's just my reality now and then the doctor
Starting point is 00:41:57 when the doctor called me he was like dude you're fine yeah like honestly it's we're not even i'm i wouldn't even think this is a thing yeah and i was like okay so why am i exhausted he's like because you're super anxious yeah no yeah you could i could hear in the doctor's voice that he's like hesitant to even like say it right because he was just kind of like he's like i need to you know cross my t's and freaking you know pee my peas i know it's not my house but thorough yeah he's just you know dude i love a dude who finishes that loop on the p yeah no he's like one of those guys who does like the who does a um a b with a little like squiggly under it. He's like that. He adds the squiggly. He adds the squiggle.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah. Dr. David, whatever. Nice. But dude, I don't know. It's scary.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's scary. It's scary when you find out that like something's wrong. Yeah. You know, you're like, wait, I thought everything was just running perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:59 They don't prepare you well for it. No. They kind of tell you that like, Oh, wait till your mileage. You won't feel the same, but they don't get specific enough. Right're not like look at 31 your gastro intestinal system is just not going to be able to break down food the same way it used to and
Starting point is 00:43:11 you're going to have tummy aches three days out of the week yeah if someone would have said that i would have just been more prepared right i always hear comedians talking about they'd be like i'm 30 now i'm not even 30 yet but they're like i'm 30 now you know'm not even 30 yet, but they're like, I'm 30 now. You know, my elbow clicks. In my mind, I was like, shut up. I thought they were being babies.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Yeah. Exaggerating. Yeah. But now I kind of get it. I totally get it now. But I don't, I still don't think they were communicating the message as well as they could have. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. I think so. Yeah. They should have been like, Hey, to all you 23 year olds out there who don't think this shit is going to happen to you. I'm talking, yeah. They should have been like, hey, to all you 23-year-olds out there who don't think this shit is going to happen to you, I'm talking to you, JT Parr.
Starting point is 00:43:49 This is going to happen to you. I know. That would have been a good bit. Yeah, and I think I may be even more susceptible to it because I've always had this forever young, I'm going to look and feel like I'm 23 forever. That's the hope. Dorian Grammy, baby. Yeah. That's why I'm going to look and feel like I'm 23 forever. That's the hope. Dorian Grammy, baby.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. That's why I'm fasting. Give Lord Rochester all the one-liners. I'll take eternal youth. Yeah. Oh, that'd be sick. It pissed me off so much when I heard that future is saying that, like, our grandchildren will be able to be 30 pretty much forever.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I'm like, we're so close. Like, two generations i i wonder if they market that way intentionally because they know it adds that element to it because i feel the same way every time they're like yeah we're like 80 years away from eternal life and you're like so right when i die right when i die we have eternal life yeah i missed the cutoff by this much yeah like well you know it's the same thing for everybody else like i'm not talking about everybody else all right talking about me chief yeah yeah it's uh it's frustrating to not make that cut i'm wondering though if maybe i still got up i got some optimism we can make the cut oh for sure that we can make it to the finish line but i don't want
Starting point is 00:44:59 to be like 90 you know and just like i want to i want to i want to get like that regenerative stem cell therapy where it's like it ages you backward they're going to restore us like 30 years i think they're totally going to restore us yeah it's going to be like when they ran the tires backwards at the end of ferris bueller yeah i mean the odometer i don't think it worked but yeah but if it did work they're just gonna spin that odometer back what an interesting thought to like be able to live. The idea of, oh, I'll live until I'm 90-something. That's not that far off.
Starting point is 00:45:34 No, it's a blank. Yeah, but if you're like, oh, I could live until I'm 200. I don't know what I'd do. I think I'd have probably six careers. You could try a lot of different stuff. Yeah yeah you could live life one way for 90 years and then be like all right I'm just getting out of my adolescence now I think I'm ready to like settle down yeah yeah or change career paths I'm gonna be a doctor well what if you were the same thing the whole time um out of choice or just like you were like stuck or you just couldn't you try to be a doctor and
Starting point is 00:46:07 you spent like 30 years on it you're like it's just not happening i just i gotta go back to me and the other thing gotta go back to activism yeah um that would be frustrating i think either you could be really lucky and you found like your passion passion or it's just frustrating you're like i can't do anything else and have all this time. If you did dig it in the whole 200 years, you're like, I was just doing the same thing and it was great every time. Yeah. It's an interesting person who could do that.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, the wisdom of like a 160-year-old would be interesting. I wonder if they just start getting dumber at some point. They regress. Yeah. They getress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:45 They get deeper into the dumbness. Well, I think when you get older... No, I'd be wise as fuck. Well, I think when you get older, you get... Maybe you get... It seems like sometimes older people get a little bit more kind of like carefree. You know? I think when you're closer to your mortality, you're kind of like, Oh, I didn't need to worry about half the shit I was worrying about all the time.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I feel like that's a common thing. I think you're right. Yeah. I wonder about if it's like a virile 150-year-old, though. Like, the history of transgressions and hypocrisies that this guy's absorbed. Yeah. He's going to be really pissed off. At himself?
Starting point is 00:47:25 At society, I think. Oh, right. If you had to live through 150 years of society, you might just see so much fucked up shit that you're like, this is fucked. Because people always remember stuff. When I was a kid, this happened. It is like 130 years ago.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Because think about how much morals change in 40 years. Right. If we had a 160-year-old right now, it would be'd be like a slave owner yeah so you'd be seeing your great great grandfather oh you'd be like having tea with him and he was a slave owner yeah and then you're like i'm not hanging out with great great great great grandpa he was a slave owner and your family's like he's your grandpa yeah and you will respect him yeah you're like no dude yeah the guy owns slaves all right you want me to take a picture of grandpa pop people know this shit jt is a different time it was a different time you didn't do damn dd you
Starting point is 00:48:12 would have done it too no i fucking wouldn't have dude yeah no i wouldn't have i mean you might have but no how many times would you have to change with the times you'd have to cut you'd have to update to a point where i don't think you could update the the system wouldn't update it it'd be too old of a computer they're like you can't get the new ones on this model yeah now they point that out i think that would be the most frustrating thing about getting old is you're like like dude i have my core values set you know like i and all these things i set those 150 years ago and now i have to worry about this shit it's just so you have to keep resetting like like, every 10 years. You better be super adaptive.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And someone who's that adaptive, then what's even at the core? They might just be an adapter. Those people are scary. You don't want someone who's pure adaptive. Yeah, he's not like the opposite of Joe Morisi. Yeah, exactly. They're wearing a different costume every three years. Dude, 150-year-old Joe? Wow. That'd, exactly. Yeah. They're wearing a different costume every three years. Dude. 150 year old Joe.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Wow. That'd be epic. Dude. 150 year old hog. That elder hog. Oh, all the rings around it, like a Sequoia.
Starting point is 00:49:15 So you can check the age. Yeah. Yeah. Same size. I wonder if you could check by the veins, you know, he's still vascular. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Blood is pumping. Look at that vein. He's still vascular. Yeah. Blood is pumping. Look at that vein. That's a 150-year-old vein. Yeah, Joe with his hog. Should we call him real quick? Yeah. Dude, double up on the phone calls. Joey.
Starting point is 00:49:39 He's putting it on speaker. Yo. Maurice, what up, dude? You're live on the pod hey joe oh hey what's up i got you guys on speakerphone just so you know oh nice who are you with hey i got my people listening in nice dude who are your people it's my dad he's in the living room i'm in the kitchen right now oh tell him i said hi hey mr marisi hey these guys say hi dad i don't know if he heard what do you guys want just wanted to say what's up oh thanks how are you doing hey did you drive my car there like i
Starting point is 00:50:24 asked you to? I'm going to do it after the podcast, I promise. Yeah, but you can't drive my car to the podcast if you already drove to the podcast. The plan has changed. That's what I asked you to do. You want me to get it moving, keep the engine flowing? Yeah, because I haven't driven it in like four months. Baby, I'm going to take it for a whip, I promise.
Starting point is 00:50:50 After the podcast, I'm going to drive back to the apartment. I'm going to take it for a 15-minute cruiser. And the only thing I miss is that you're not going to be on the passenger side with me, holding my hand. Yeah. Yeah, it sucks. Joe, let's get into some hot goss. You were trashing people who do TikToks yesterday. We won't get specific we're not going to talk about anybody but how do you feel about tiktok uh i mean yeah i'm trying not to take any controversial stances these days
Starting point is 00:51:20 um let it rip yeah yeah let's hear it you know what i said right but other people might not well i i just said uh simply that i think tiktok is for girls i don't think guys should be doing it yeah i think you have a good point there it makes sense yeah it makes sense yeah that's all i said I didn't say anything else. I said it's usually just girls doing dances, so let's keep it at that. I don't know what guys are doing out there. Joe, do you think if you were 150 years old, do you think you'd be able to adapt to the times? No. Would you want to be 150 years old, do you think you'd be able to adapt to the times? No.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Would you want to be 150 years old? Or would you think you'd be pissed off too much? Are you 150 years old? Yeah, I wouldn't want to do that. It's too much. What happened with the Cubs, dude? Oh, you know what? Let's skip that. I don't want to drag you through that pain, but what's going
Starting point is 00:52:24 on with Nick Foles? Is it Foles gold? Is it Foles gold? No, I think he'll be alright. Is it time to bring back Trubisky? Not yet. Do we miss him?
Starting point is 00:52:39 Foles is going to have to really be bad for that to happen. I'm going to be honest. I miss Trubisky. We'll give it a few more games and then we'll reassess but yeah he deserves another couple cracks at it joe night golfing how's the swing looking uh pretty good yeah i just uh i gotta really start getting command of my pitching wedge though it's a tricky club yeah um but once i get that down i'll uh should be shooting par on the course so is this your short game need the most work
Starting point is 00:53:28 course so is this your short game need the most work well i'm good with like a sand wedge like i got like a 60 degree um it's really just a pitching way i need to master my like 100 to 120 yard distance that's interesting i've always had uh trouble with like the four and five irons i gotta start hitting those greens um i'm pretty good with those pretty good with those i would say i always sort of trade up i have like a hybrid like half wood half iron that's always what i go with because i like the long distance i have wood what's a... You always do, Joe. I'm thinking about your 150-year-old dog right now. Yeah, one of those hybrid clubs. Those are good. Yeah, I like the hybrids. Joe, anything you would want to say to the young buckaroos who are dying to party right now?
Starting point is 00:54:17 Any mantra you could give them to keep them fired up in this time of ice, Olaj? Yeah, I mean, I would just say uh based on where you are just follow the uh safety guidelines like me where i'm at um i can party i'm in the suburbs and i i party so um i'm not breaking any laws um you party how like what do your parties look like these days uh just been going to the bar every saturday it's on the street basically the street is shut down it's outside and it's still pretty warm here so So are you, uh, are you throwing rhythm? And then I go, uh, I golf every Thursday night and drink a lot of beer when I golf.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Are you throwing rhythm at the bars? Also outside? No, I'm not throwing rhythm. Baby, but you get like rhythm as a dancer. You a dancer you got rhythm coming off of you i think you're throwing it without even knowing you're throwing it i arm wrestled a couple chicks last week i saw you posted the video on instagram you yeah you wiped that girl out like your friend
Starting point is 00:55:39 actually your friend had some competition at the top the other girl had good top end power but didn't have the muscular endurance but you you wiped right through your girl yeah that's right anybody else wants some that's what happens joe did you didn't you mention that you're you plan on arm wrestling more women uh yeah sure i think it's a good uh i do conversations i think it's a good conversation starter. Well, I guess it could be. It's pretty hilarious to walk up to a girl in a bar and just walk up to a girl in a bar and go, do you want to arm wrestle? I like that. Have you tried that straight up?
Starting point is 00:56:21 And if they don't feel comfortable, you could bring gloves. Do you go 100% on every girl you could bring gloves do you uh do you go 100 on every girl you plan on arm wrestling are you gonna go easy on some no i i mean the way feminism is nowadays you can't take it easy you gotta go full go they don't want you i mean they don't want you to half-ass it you gotta you gotta give it your all. Do you talk trash afterwards? No.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah, you're classy. Yeah, because we were talking about that. I actually thought Joe's video about arm wrestling was cute. Because afterwards you can tell that the girls are really good friends with them. If there was like a douchier version that we were describing where like a bunch of, they walk into like a UC Berkeley bar and they're like, What's up, feminists? Who wants to arm wrestle our friend rick and they just have some buff douchebag with them and then rick just dominates all the women and all the guys in the bar just like yes yes
Starting point is 00:57:15 and they're just destroying them but if you watch joe's version it's just sweet yeah i keep it classy on there you're a classy guy do you who do you think is the classiest uh celebrity of all time uh i probably go pesci joe pesci nice good call well joe it's good talking to you, man. Miss you to pieces, dude. Can't wait to see your handsome mug. Yeah, I miss you guys, too. Yeah, Joe.
Starting point is 00:57:52 You know, thank you for calling, and I'll see you guys in a few months, all right? Here's a little quick kiss. Yeah, Joe, are we going to see you, like, the holidays? What are you thinking? January. January? Yeah, you're going to want to see you like the holidays what are you thinking uh january january yeah you want you're gonna be home for the holidays yeah all right we'll see january um keep that hog tight keep that hog tight all right love you guys good talk to you love you too man i'll give you a smooch all right hey joe that was a nice kiss all right talk to you later man later what a hoss dude dude so we read some articles um the first one was from the bbc and apparently some uh parrots were cursing at a zoo and they've been removed yeah i i thought
Starting point is 00:58:42 that's totally unnecessary. I was way against that. Let them be? Yeah. If people can't take what their parents have to say, that's on them. When you go to the zoo, you know that you might see some stuff that's not okay in the human sphere. Exactly. I mean, do you separate the gorillas if they wrestle a little bit?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah. Is nature too offensive now? You know? Like, come on. are we getting so soft that we can't take some parrots cursing at us i also think if i go to the zoo and there's a cursing parrot that's adding to the experience of course you know dude i would love that maybe they just do two separate shows they do the kids show and then they do zoo after dark yeah that's when you get to see the parrots being reballed yeah yeah they have like you know they have like a adults
Starting point is 00:59:24 only zoo section you know with like that's separated by like beads you know they have like a adults only zoo section you know with like that's separated by like beads you know like there's a bunch of beads and you just go through them and then you know that's where you see like you know some humping yeah it's cursing at you under the lava lamp glow yeah right by the beanbag yeah if you're lucky an elephant dong which have you seen one of those no oh my god dude a legit third leg it's huge aaron have you seen an elephant dong uh only in like a nature doc i haven't seen him in person did it fire you up i mean it was like like you said it's like a third leg it goes all the way to the ground yeah and it comes out when they're
Starting point is 01:00:05 like looking to fight did you elephants ever get boner problems i mean asking for a friend who wouldn't at that size you know i think elephants too if i know animals i think elephants are the most sensitive so they definitely have anxiety you know know, performance anxiety. They're like, man, I really got to deliver. Like, you know, Tracy's, she's the hottest E-fan in the Sahara. You know, I got to really pork her well. So I'm sure they have performance anxiety. Man, I relate to that elephant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Dude, also, I don't know if you heard about this. Donald Trump, President of the United States, got COVID. I know, dude. I shouldn't laugh. Although it looks like he's going to recover. It's pretty nuts. Yeah, well, it's like the whole White House got it pretty much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 They're like the whole cabinet. Yeah, they didn't do a great job. Yeah, the clips of them at the the that uh justices like confirmation they're all just hugging and like kissing and stuff and you're like oh oh dude did you see his tweet today no what he said he's like don't he's like i'm feeling i feel like i felt 20 years ago don't let covid control you don't let it overtake your life he said that yeah i think that's lame just because he has the best treatment in the world too yeah he's also on a heavy dose of
Starting point is 01:01:30 steroids yeah do you think that's really kind of like uh giving him like a you know a huge boost and because it can make you manic i read oh really yeah yeah oh yeah that'll be different for him yeah and he's he's on like four different therapeutics, right? Yeah, he's on like remdesivir. Regeneron. Yeah, friggin'. He's getting it all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Do you think he gets like tweet hangovers where he's like, next day he's like, oh, oh. Just got to take a break. I told people to vote like 30 times yesterday. Fuck. He does. I think he gets less than most people. He's pretty relentless with that.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Do you see his tweets today where he's like, Second Amendment, vote! I did see that. And he's like, Space Force, vote! Vote! He's like telling an intern to say he's like use all caps in that what are you doing i think he has to write it himself i know this is like no way it's like
Starting point is 01:02:32 because no one else could do that syntax yeah yeah space force boat dude i feel great coven i i do have some i watched cnn yesterday and you know how he went in his like motorcade around to like wave to people he's like doing okay but he had like two secret service agents and yeah in the front which i i think is like you know that kind of a foolish move to you know yeah that was a little fucked up put them in date i was watching cnn they covered it for you know i was watching it with caroline for like two three hours that's literally all they talked about for two three hours i was like i was like i get it you know it's like i was like you're almost making such a big deal out of it that i don't want to care about it anymore you know what i mean totally well which kind of
Starting point is 01:03:22 transitions we want i watched the social dilemma yeah have you seen that uh no i haven't but i did very radioed you there because we i know you haven't seen it but i was like but chad do i say i have yeah you're like dude we just talked about this bro um but basically they talk about how the the conclusion the darkest conclusion is that the phone is intentionally just because it feeds off taking you into rabbit holes is intentionally like kind of polarizing us. Yeah. And that we're, we're, the guys are like, look, literally it's an existential threat. Like our phones and our addiction to social media will take us to civil war.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah. But I was also like, dude, I don't think, I, I, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it is. I don't, it doesn't feel that bad to me, but maybe I don't think, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe it is. It doesn't feel that bad to me, but maybe I'm so deep into like this thing having its like squid on me. Yeah. Just like my face is covered in tentacles and it's just sucking juice out of my brain.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Yeah. Maybe I'm so in it that I don't even feel it when it's not there. I checked my phone 40 times during the movie. Did you? I counted. Really? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Yeah. No, I, i agree with you like i i can see how it can be very polarizing because you can just go on youtube and whatever opinion you might have you can just find someone who talks about it and just confirms it more and more and and and it's and we do feel much more polarized and it's like it's just so in your face all the time, I guess. But I'm sort of like people who are like, you know, civil war, civil war is on the brink. But I'm kind of like, well, what does a civil war today look like? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I just worry about, you think less death? Yeah, I'm just not sure it looks like the way it did in the 1860s. Yeah, it might be more like Ireland in the 70s and 80s. Oh, that sounds pretty rough. Yeah. You don't want that? No. You're like at a bar and it might get exploded.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Yeah, I wouldn't think we're going to line up in ranks when wearing either blue or gray. Yeah. Well, let's avoid that, guys. And if that means getting off the fucking phone, get off the phone. I just burned my phone right now. Yeah. I guess it did get to me.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's just maybe I'm in a little bit of denial. No, well, it's scary to like it. And I think people tend to be hyperbolic with all that kind of stuff to grab your attention so i i don't think it's i think i think it's way worse on the internet than it is in real life you know it's like you look at the internet you're like wow we are polarized but then you go out in the real world and you're like that's not that bad you know yeah the more the more you live inside your device or on your computer i think the more you think it's like that but it's it's really not day to day yeah but for some people it
Starting point is 01:06:13 maybe is and that's why i think it's having a tangible effect on the day-to-day though certainly right well with covid especially if you if you think it's the root cause but i think there's a palpable sense of uh i don't know like tension in the air i think covet has not helped at all no for sure because everyone's just on their phone constantly now yeah we're all just stuck in our homes and like little news portals yeah it was interesting i posted a negative thing about donald trump on my story and i i was like arguing with dudes all day i mean some people made like horrible points but some people made good points and it gave me a more nuanced
Starting point is 01:06:48 understanding of stuff oh but the things that like some people were upset about were just a totally different group of things than what i was upset about yeah and and there might have been validity to what they were upset about it sounded like there was and i was like i was like oh but we're just getting told we're in totally different circles of people and we're getting totally different information. And I can't tell you like what you care about. It doesn't matter as much what I can care about. I just tell you like you're,
Starting point is 01:07:11 I'm sticking to my guns basically. Right. Right. But, but it was like, uh, it was interesting just to see like the other things that people are talking about.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah. How different it is. Even with this, like, uh, I don't know how smart this is going to sound, but even with like this thing in Armenia, like the only reason I know about that
Starting point is 01:07:27 is from friends of mine on social media. Right. I wouldn't know about that if I was just reading Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Yeah, it's interesting. It's like, I know about it because of Mark Stevens.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I know about it because of Fonto. I know about it just all the people who were at Michael Schurz or all the people who were at the rallies. Yeah, interesting. Yeah, I don't... It's a confusing time. I think something needs to be done about it.
Starting point is 01:07:55 They got to bust it up a little bit. There's social media and all that kind of stuff. One guy said tax them on their data, which I thought was pretty interesting. So the more data they have, the more they have to pay for it. So just make it not cost effective for them to do that. I think that's a good way to de-incentivize them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't know what the... Because I know the solution is just to get off our phones and connect with each other again, but it's like, how do you... That's not going to happen. Yeah, how do you do that? connect with each other again but it's like how do you that's not gonna happen how do you yeah how do you do that i i always think we like the technology of the day and like the the pathologies of the day they're just there and it's just how well can you navigate them yeah and i don't know i don't see us using our phones less i think we just have to make our phones less kind of corrosive yeah
Starting point is 01:08:45 um and then should we even talk about this last article that was about acceptance parenting i got like two pages out of nine through it yeah but it was compelling but it basically just said um no matter how much you helicopter your parents it's not going to make a difference your kids are going to turn out the way they're going to turn out uh and the biggest determinant of that is not you yeah you're not even in like the top 10 or something yeah as long as you're providing you know the basic stuff yeah i think uh i do think parents need to chill out these days they're too they're just too stressed yeah my friends are just having kids now all my friends seem pretty cool about it yeah when i talk to you that your friends seem cool about it they seem pretty relaxed maybe
Starting point is 01:09:29 maybe it's like the the generation like right before us that got really because you just started hearing about like you know it's like when the kids are affected this way during childhood then it leads to problems there down the road and it's like people are so afraid of scarring their kids that they just go way overboard i think and uh i think we're too afraid of that in general of like making mistakes early that will have negative consequences down there i mean some people don't think about that enough you have to be thoughtful but even in like everything is like so we're so protective of everything now like hey if you make a mistake in your relationship it's not just a mistake you know a year later that's gonna it's gonna sow the seeds of distrust
Starting point is 01:10:09 or something like that that will inevitably create fissures in the relationship that make you break up you're like well dude i'm not gonna pitch a perfect game here yeah yeah i'm gonna fuck up and i'd like to be able to throw some pretty wild pitches once in a while yeah you gotta scrape your knees a little bit yeah yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I'm probably from the generation before you guys, and so. Yeah, how do you feel about your upcoming fatherhood? Well, that's a whole other story, but I was just going to say for how I grew up, like there was a lot of hands off, like there was a lot of do your own thing.
Starting point is 01:10:40 I met people like. Oh, you mean the ones. Like 10 years older than us, maybe. The people younger than us, right? I was saying, I guess parents I've seen in the past 10 years, I don't know. Right. Yeah, that's older than us. Yeah, I mean, I think it's become more, parents have become more involved lately as opposed to back when I was growing up and it was just kind of like I hope you make it to school
Starting point is 01:11:08 and back that's what I meant when I grew up my parents didn't really I left home at 14 and they didn't really know what I was up to my parents would let me do whatever I wanted I would be gone for just huge swaths of the day
Starting point is 01:11:24 they had no idea where I was at. My parents would not give me rides home. They'd be like, just find a ride home. So I'd go to the movie theater, and if I couldn't get a ride home, I'd have to call a cab. My parents were sweet. They gave me the cash for it,
Starting point is 01:11:37 but they were just like, no, we're just not picking you up. I think the sense of independence that they gave me early on was so, you know, I just had, when your parents kind of give you that freedom to figure it out, that benefits you so much more down the line. Totally. To where you're just like, you know, like when I was in college and stuff, I was partying and I felt like I was well-versed in raging. Yeah, maybe more so than others but I also had that like I had been to boarding school and stuff so I had that
Starting point is 01:12:10 I had already felt that sense of freedom so like when a lot of kids go to college for the first time it's like their first introduction to that like that kind of freedom and they just go wild you know and a lot of times they like fail out of their first quarter semester because they're just raging all the time they're like this is fucking no way dude and i think that's the problem with
Starting point is 01:12:28 parenting today is like parents are such helicopter parents that they don't allow their kids to like you know explore and make the you know um gain a sense of independence so then when they finally do go to college they just fucking yeah go hog wild todd marinovich the the they call him robo qb because his dad marv was like this intense uh world renowned like personal trainer but he didn't let him have like mcdonald's ever yeah like told him where he was going to go to college in the beginning told him he was gonna be a quarterback and then when todd got to like the pros he just went nuts with drugs and stuff like that yeah but then again maybe todd was always gonna go that path.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Right, right. Because if the parenting doesn't have that big of an effect, like this article suggested, that's why I kind of think the article is BS, because I do think you can put your kid on a negative trajectory. Yeah, totally. Yeah, 100%. But we're talking more, I guess,
Starting point is 01:13:18 about just the intensity of how much you're overwatching them. Yeah. Yeah, I kind of misunderstood that for a sec. Yeah, maybe it's like you can watch them as much as you want but as soon as you let go they are going to do what they want to do it's true and they might even make it worse because you're just you're you're you're keeping that the stoke that they're searching for from them for so long that it explodes my parents raised me to be very independent but i still like i feel so good when my mom's around oh yeah and i find like when i'm struggling with something i find so much
Starting point is 01:13:50 comfort in talking to her about it yeah and so i'm always like i'm a big ass mama's boy i call my mom every day it's nice i like it i love talking to my mom yeah it makes me feel so good yeah and i can talk to her about anything yeah i've borrowed viagra from my mom yeah she's cool she never how does she respond like mom uh look i'm like nervous with this girl i think i got some performance anxiety i was like i don't know why that happens with me when i like someone a lot i'm like can i borrow if i i'm like this do you have a viagra she's like oh yeah let me grab one she's like take two i'm like mom is this gonna be dangerous he's like john thomas you had your heart checked out. You're fine.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Just be careful. Don't do too much. Don't drink. You'll be fine. Did she ask you how it went? No. But sometimes she'll be like, she'll be super inappropriate. She'll be like, John Thomas, well, I know you had a great time the other night.
Starting point is 01:14:42 I'm like, Mom, enough. But then it's like, well, if you want the other half, this is the other half of it yeah yeah i'm like mom all right cool got it good all right okay bye yeah she's like john thomas did you have a lot of fun the other night i'm like sorry does your mom listen to the pod sometimes my mom listens to the pod my mom my mom listens to the pod she checks out the instagram she'll just randomly be like that was so funny when you guys did the dance moves in the parking lot i'm like oh thanks for watching yeah that's nice that they listen thanks mom and dad thank you i gotta pee real quick right back then we can do some questions yeah i can i can still talk to chad um because i want to answer your question about
Starting point is 01:15:29 oh yeah yeah what i'm thinking about going into being a father hit me with it so i mean yeah i'm definitely trying to be mindful of it already and i see it with like little nieces and nephews when and nephews when we watch them or whatever. It's just trying to be mindful of not doing everything for them. The instinct, I think, is to always fix things and dive in and solve stuff. Sometimes it's just better to let a kid figure that stuff out or to even go without figuring that out. And then they understand how hard things are sometimes. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:11 No, I can totally relate. I think I would be so nervous of, you know, I would just instinctively just want to fix everything. Please them, basically. Yeah, yeah. And make them happy. Yeah, but that's not good either yeah because i think um i mean like my my nephew like he i think he puts on a little bit of a front for his parents or for us and then i've seen him with his little friends
Starting point is 01:16:39 when he thought he was away from me, acting like a, not completely different, but like, you know, just being a little more aggressive or whatever it is that boys are. Yeah. And I remember being that way with my, you know, I had a whole different language when I was outside of my house.
Starting point is 01:17:00 I cursed up a storm. I still can't, I can still barely curse in front of my parents yeah no i was the same way i was i would be uh i was terrified of misbehaving in front of my dad um so i was totally different um yeah i don't know parenting parenting is it sounds tough oh yeah it's got to be next to impossible. I mean, first of all, you're a regular human being. You're all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:17:29 And then you have to be basically perfect for this other human being. Yeah. Because they see everything. Yeah, you just can't. And I've, you know, long before my dad passed away, I was like, he did the best he could considering he grew up like his mom died when he was like five or ten oh wow i forgot i don't actually even know if it's five or ten but uh you know and he was his dad like was an alcoholic so he took off and my dad considering that was his childhood, did an incredible job. Yeah. Amazing. Had no manual for it. But, you know, he did great.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Yeah, I always think about it like football where I'm like, it's like they're taking over a quarterback like on a drive and you're just trying to get another first down. Just get like a little more yardage than the last guy and just move the family lineage closer to the goal line basically. Yeah, exactly. You don't have to be Tom Brady. Just get us a first down.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Yeah, just get us a first down. Just move the chains. Yeah, my dad, same thing, lost his dad at 15. And so you're like, what are you even culling from when you're coming up with how to talk to me about these things? You're just having to decide on your own. There's no manual at all. What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast to let you
Starting point is 01:18:45 know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because 2020 is nuts but that does not mean you should disregard your beautiful nuts manscape is on a mission to take care of your twins With their below the waist grooming and hygiene products And they just released their products in the UK Canada and Australia Boom Do you feel that?
Starting point is 01:19:12 That is the sound of well Groomed Pubes trimmed Pubed all over the world In English speaking countries That's the sound of a guy applying a lawnmower 3.0 with a light on his hog as he just turns his dong into a well-groomed baseball field like a friggin' diamond. Does that fire you up, JT?
Starting point is 01:19:39 Absolutely. That fires me up. Yeah, I manscaped. JT, actually, maybe do you want to tell us about when you manscaped? Yeah, I manscaped recently with the Manscaper Lawnmower 3.0. And, you know, I don't make it smaller. I just make it thinner. I just take out some of the depth.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I just clear out some of the hedges. It's like if you were at the haircut place, they'd be using the squiggly scissors. Yeah. And I felt so good afterwards. I was just pumped. Yeah. I felt beautiful. I felt deserving of scissors. Yeah. And I felt so good afterwards. I was just pumped. Yeah. I felt beautiful. I felt deserving of love.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Yeah. Did you just want to go run in nature? Absolutely. That's often what I want to do. I just want to go like the sequoias and just run. I just wanted to stick my hands out and walk slowly and just feel plants just bending through my fingertips. Like Maximus Desimus Meridius in The Gladiator?
Starting point is 01:20:24 Just through the weeds like maximus as he's walking home finally yeah he's gonna see the fam yeah that was me just the sunlight was just breaking on me yeah and then the dong and the sunlight just hits your dong just just nice yeah boosting your t like 200 literally watch it sprout in front of me man well guys you can have that experience too okay because manscaped also just released the crop care kit which is a formulation bundle to give you a plus balls and ultimate male hygiene ultimate male hygiene hack or pack i'm not sure but get the crop preserver guys, guys. Ball deodorant. Crop Reviver.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Ball toner. Spray-on toner. Crop cleanser. Body wash. Just freaking clean your hair on your bod. Crop mop. Ball wipes. What up?
Starting point is 01:21:16 Foot duster. Foot deodorant. Yes, it's designed to keep the stanky's feet smelling fresh. The Lawn Mower 3.0 trimmer offers a replaceable ceramic blade with advanced skin safe technology which helps reduce grooming accidents the waterproof technology also allows you to groom in the shower for up to 90 minutes it's the best trimmer for your butt balls and body and these formulations are all vegan cruelty free dye free sulfate free and paraben free so you know your manhood is in good hands i mean guys there's no better company when
Starting point is 01:21:46 it comes to self-care and self-grooming than manscaped so you get 20 off and free shipping at manscaped.com with the code go deep 20 it's 20 off free shipping at manscaped.com with the code go deep 20 add some swag to your saggy bag. Blah. Oh. Sup, beast? I've recently seemed to place myself in a not-so-wet sitch. Last week, I hooked up with this girl who seemed pretty about me and my above-average dink.
Starting point is 01:22:18 She asked me super personal questions about family issues and my ex-girlfriend, which I normally wouldn't have answered, but she insisted that I did. I let my guard down and spilled more beans than I would have liked. Since then, she's been more distanced and hasn't even forgot about plans, and has even forgot about plans that we've made to grab drinks, despite complimenting me on my personality and skills between
Starting point is 01:22:35 the sheets. Ordinarily, I wouldn't care very much about something like this, but she pulled information about me that not very many people know and gave me false hope that we would hang out again. I don't want to act like this is affecting me but let's be honest girls sometimes get in our heads and mess with our stoke levels how do i get out of my dome piece and continue on pursuing females with confidence by the way i love the new show china jt's world can't wait for more episodes oh thank you dude that's very nice of you thank you um dude i've been on both sides of this um
Starting point is 01:23:02 i don't think she did it maliciously. I think she probably just enjoys learning about people, and she doesn't think about the consequences of that. But you don't want to be with someone who's being careless with your feelings like that. So I think you're just going to have to suffer through these feelings for a little bit. But just do stuff to keep you pumped, to offset it, and then in a week or two you'll be right as rain, I think. And if it takes longer, it takes longer. but you'll get over it just just just move on and and you'll
Starting point is 01:23:29 you'll meet someone else who's super dope and it'll be completely erased i feel like yeah so basically she just kind of used him to hook up with him i think she hooked up with him and i think i think the thing that he really feels like kind of uh vulnerable about is that she got him to like tell him all these secrets and then she rejected him after he told her all those secrets so to him it's like you wanted to know the real me and then when i showed you now you're saying you don't want to be with me but i don't i don't think i think she was already on that trajectory you could have said anything i don't think that's what caused her reaction yeah i think she's just the kind of person who likes to pull that stuff out yeah and. And you can look at it this way. You saved yourself from some probably deeper pain down the road.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Yeah, this is not the one for him. Yeah, I would say, you know, it's going to hurt right now. It sucks, you know. But congrats on having an above average piece. But, you know, I would be grateful that she sort of, that now, you know, that you're going to find someone who's even more right for you. You weren't going to try and force it for some, with someone who, where it probably wasn't going to work out anyway.
Starting point is 01:24:35 So, you know, just continue on your path. Keep being a beast, you know, good for you for being open and honest. I wouldn't be, I wouldn I wouldn't feel shameful about that. It's an admirable thing you did. And I would just keep being you, my dog. And feel that pain, too. You can have that in your quiver for life. Or just like, yeah, I felt this before.
Starting point is 01:25:00 I know how to navigate it. Now you're learning about pain. And you're learning how, you're like, oh, you know, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, maybe. That's awesome, dude. That's wonderful. Yeah. It's part of it. You learn about pain, even though it sucks.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Right, but then the next person who meets you will be like, oh, this person knows how to hold pain? Yeah. And that's impressive. Yeah. this person knows how to hold pain. Yeah. And that's impressive. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:25 She'll look at you and it'd be like, wow, he's, he's, this guy's a deep well of, you know, life experience. This dude's the Achilles of just carrying a rejection. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Nimbly. Yeah. And on top of that, he's got Joe's hog. Yeah. You're a beast in the sheets too, dog. Dear Chad and JT. First off, I'd like to excuse my rather awful English,
Starting point is 01:25:49 since I'm writing from a land very far from you, Denmark. If you haven't heard about it, it doesn't matter. We aren't known for much. I've heard of you. I've heard of you, too. However, I'm a relatively new member of the Stoke Nation, but sadly already running out of videos to watch with you guys. Now to my actual question.
Starting point is 01:26:02 I'll try to keep it short out of respect to JT. I've been with my boyfriend for a little less than a year. There is the age gap since I'm 22 and just started at the university while he is two years younger than me and currently attending college. We do not have college here, but he is three years behind me in our school system. The entire time, the thought of me being older than him has been bothering me and I can't look past it. Might not like seem like much of a problem, but it keeps lurking in the back of my head. But now that doesn't seem to be the biggest issue anymore. We are frankly in two very
Starting point is 01:26:27 different places in our life, I feel like. He is every day letting me know how much he misses me. It's kind of a long distance relationship. And although it's nice to hear, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable, since I'm not sure I'm feeling the same. Also, I'm not having a lot of time even think about much him.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Oh, I don't even have much time to think about him due to exams and stuff I don't exactly want to be without him but I am just extremely selfish where I don't even know what my feelings are and still wanting us to be together hope you'll keep up the amazing work that you are doing both with the podcast and your question the stokedness of your country all right thank you so much
Starting point is 01:27:00 um I think that's normal it's when when you're at a different place than someone else and their intensity outstrips yours in terms of how they feel about you it kind of freaks you out it's normal but you got to realize you know he's a good guy he's coming from a good place so i think you got to just uh let him know you're not where he's at and then and then the hard part becomes can you can you let him stay away can you not go back and keep needing the the assurances because even though we don't like it it does feel
Starting point is 01:27:31 good to have someone there for you but that's not really fair to them so you got to kind of like at this point you got to just kind of you know this guy's going to fall deeper into love with you and you're just going to go more the other way so it might be good to just call it now yeah i agree it's it's it's a tougher choice in the moment but it'll be uh you'll be glad he did yeah it'll save you from pain down the road and it'll be glad he did it now as opposed to you know a year because you don't want that to live with that kind of like uncertainty for a while and just that kind of like that feeling in your in your the back of your dome where you're like i know this isn't right but i'm just keeping this going and keeping this guy on like a you know just dangling the carrot i guess yeah so to speak yeah he's gonna be tortured and you're gonna feel bad for torturing him yeah so you just gotta
Starting point is 01:28:20 you gotta execute execute delete exit mission your mission is to break up execute delete um dude next question rip surfer magazine the true culture of cool oh yeah i heard about that surfer magazine is no more it's pretty sad yeah dude trans Dude, Transworld, which Chris Cote was editor-in-chief of, and now Surfer. Wow, I can't believe Surfer's gone. I used to read it a lot. I mean, it's so good to get on a plane, you know, and just look at the photos.
Starting point is 01:28:57 Man. Shane Dorian at Show Pooh. You're like, this is awesome. Dude, Shane Dorian's so cool. He's a cool dude. Should we have a moment of silence for surfer magazine i think that'd be really nice yeah i'll do it for maybe 30 seconds i might cut it shorter in the on the youtube maybe like 10 i know i'm down to do a full 30
Starting point is 01:29:16 but i just might cut it down in post yeah all right aaron stay silent for server please thank you all right three two Aaron, stay silent for server, please. Thank you. All right, three, two, one. Thank you, server. I think I held my breath that whole time. I was thinking about times where I was on a plane just reading it. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Bro, I'm such a fan of your work. It provides me stoke every day. Keep up the solid content. I'd tell all my dogs about you. This guy just wants to meet up, actually. No cue there. That is a problem. Yeah, he says he likes to work out. Maybe we'll do a digital date
Starting point is 01:30:06 first see how that goes what up bros first I would just like to apologize I recently purchased the most excellent lawnmower 3.0 but I forgot totally got I totally forgot to use your promo code again I sincerely apologize for my most egregious mistake it's all good man as long as you're using the product we like to hear that your pubes are looking trimmed
Starting point is 01:30:24 no I said that wrong trims are are looking pubed? That's right. But it was purchased in your honor. Anyways, I wrote to you a while back about a family stout crisis. It was about my mom was unfortunately diagnosed with leukemia. I just wanted to give you a quick update. She's doing awesome. She's fighting through it, getting stronger and living it up every day. Anyways, moving on to my question. So I just recently graduated high school and totally partied hard over the summer. but now all my friends are off doing their own things like college i decided not to go for the fall semester because of the bogus circumstances due to the pandemic but i got to move on someday i guess my question is mainly just what did you guys do right
Starting point is 01:30:55 out of high school and how did you make that big decision and how can i know if what i chose to do is right for me i know this isn't the most urgent question but any advice is much as much appreciated catch you later challenge Chan JT. What did we do right after high school? Yeah. I went to college. Nice. Like right after I graduated?
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah, I think so. I think he's wondering what our moves were after high school. What was i doing i had a job i can't remember what it was i uh i moved to costa rica and i taught english oh nice and i was horrendous i think i showed up to 10 of my classes that i was supposed to teach when i was there i was good just show up for class and you wouldn't be able to teach? I wouldn't teach. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Like it was kindergartners and I just, I probably missed four days out of the week. So what'd they do? They just had their normal school day. I don't think they had like huge curricular expectations for me. Right. And once I felt that and I felt that it was pretty loosey goosey. Yeah. I was already just such a kind of just dumbass.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Yeah. And also just very insecure. So I was like, I'm just going to hide at this apartment for like a couple months. Yeah. It was fun. I lived with all English guys. They were cool dudes.
Starting point is 01:32:14 But I just wasn't ready. I needed to be older to appreciate it. And then I went to junior college and I suffered through that for a couple years. And then I started studying movies. And then I moved to L.A. and just did comedy and stuff and then got into activism with Chad
Starting point is 01:32:30 and then everything is about that now. I don't know. But what I would tell you to do, dude, is yeah, get to college soon. Go as fast as you can. Even if it's not the perfect circumstances, I would go. Yeah, after high school school i worked a job
Starting point is 01:32:47 at rematch sports selling uh you know some blades some uh sports equipment essentially and then i went to college went to college right away studied philosophy uh partied a lot um and then i moved straight to la and i just right after college just moved straight to la uh to do comedy and then activism so i i kind of i was pretty lucky i i halfway through junior year of college i knew exactly what i wanted to do so i was dead set on it. And I just like a week after graduating, moved to graduation, moved to LA and I was like a fucking had the, uh, tunnel vision of what I wanted to do. So I just started working out tanning and, um, working on my craft and my civil service. For sure.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Last question. Let the Jim Broney live. What up, Stoke Lords? I've recently run into a predicament with an old friend, and I need some advice on how I should proceed. So Jonathan and I have been kind of tight since fifth grade, but never that tight. We used to hang out pretty often, but we never had a deep emotional connection. He never once told me what he was interested in and would make fun of me whenever I would tell him. Yeah, sounds a little rough.
Starting point is 01:34:05 We have grown even further apart since I dropped out of high school to start college, and we have seen each other a lot less since then. We are kind of neighbors, and we hang out with some of the same people, so I feel there is an opportunity for a good friendship. I've always thought it was weird that we weren't close, so I decided to reach out to him. In an attempt to rekindle our friendship, I asked him for advice on a girl I was dating. I didn't really care about his opinion, but I wanted to feel like we were still tight. This was all over text, and I thought it went fairly well. I didn't really care about his opinion, but I wanted to feel like we were still tight. This was all over text
Starting point is 01:34:25 and I thought it went fairly well. I recently exposed myself to him. What? Oh, I really, sorry. I really exposed myself
Starting point is 01:34:32 to him and let him know all of my thoughts. We went on a hike that week and it was really fun. We had some good conversations and I felt like we were close again. A week or two passed
Starting point is 01:34:39 and I found out that the schmoll sent screenshots of our conversation to my ex-girlfriend and started telling everyone I have commitment issues. guy did what what a maniac not chill oh dude i'm just gonna go into the town real quick i'm jeremy renner you just told me the story you're ben affleck i I just go, hey, who's Kawi taking?
Starting point is 01:35:06 Jesus, dude. This is not the first time he has done something like this to me, but I want it to be the last. Yeah, I mean, dude, you just can't hang out with this dude. Should I forgive him another time and try to restore our friendship? Should I punch scrawny little face and light poop bags on his porch? See, I like that energy. We're not going to do it,
Starting point is 01:35:21 but I think that's the appropriate energy for this betrayal. Or should I just go on trying to ignore him and let my anger fade? I mean like that energy. We're not going to do it, but I think that's the appropriate energy for this betrayal. Or should I just go on trying to ignore him and let my anger fade? I mean, that too. It's the energy of two, but it's the decision and choice of three. Yeah, I would say drop this dude from your life ASAP. Just cut him. Success is the best revenge. So just, you know, continue.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Stay on your path and just continue to keep crushing it and just dominate him from afar. Some people just want to see the world burn, dude. This is a Joker type. Yeah. I also think you were probably chasing the friendship a little bit too much. Let's get me being super way too thinky about it but like is this guy being a glutton for punishment like why is he chasing a guy like that to be his friend
Starting point is 01:36:11 if the guy's like does stuff like that he says it's not the first time that's happened yeah he probably is has some kind of like desire to yeah why do you want this guy to like you you know yeah maybe it's because you just have optimism in people and you want them to be why do you want this guy to like you you know yeah maybe it's because you just have optimism in people and you want them to be better than you they sometimes show you to be but this guy has shown you enough keep it moving yeah damn dude it's one of the darkest things i've ever heard i don't know why that affected me so much because it reminds me of when that one guy told some embarrassing shit to my girlfriend. And she told me about it. I didn't talk to him about it for a year.
Starting point is 01:36:47 And he knew you were dating her, right? Yeah, she told him. She's like, I'm dating JT Parr. And he's like, you're dating JT Parr? Did you know these awfully embarrassing things about him? That I told him in confidence. Man, I wanted to fucking... I was so pissed off that day.
Starting point is 01:37:02 I remember. I was like, fucking motherfucker. He's a dead man. My sponsor in sex addicts was like, okay, you're going to relax a little bit, JT. I was like, I can't say his name. I'm a fucking idiot. Cutting that.
Starting point is 01:37:19 All right, dude, should we get into the beefs, babes, and legends? Yeah. Chad, who is your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is um post-college hangovers um dude i mean there's just sort of a message to my noggin what is going on why are you betraying me so much you know when i was in college raging was you know it was my thing i was like you know it was like a weekend cam and i'd be you know just gyrating my hips in public for like 24 hours straight and then you know i'd have you know i'd have a little bit of a hangover but i
Starting point is 01:37:57 recover quickly and i'd be like all right next thursday it's on but now uh when i booze, when I party, and I get hungover, it just knocks me out for one to two days where I'm just sort of – and I'm like, why am I being such a sally? Because most of the time I'm just beyond stoked, just extra, extra stoked. Beast mode. Just so fired up but then i you know then i try to get even more maybe maybe i just get too stoked where i just get in that realm of being like too fired up because i party i get too fired up and then uh and then i just i just sit in the deep deep depths of bummer for a day or two. And it just makes me question, like, if partying is even worth it anymore. You know, it's tough.
Starting point is 01:38:51 It's like, because I'll fight for parties. But, you know, it's like sometimes you've got to take a look at yourself and be like, you know, maybe it's time I find a different party. Do shrooms work uh yeah do you have fun on shrooms the way you have when you're drinking yeah oh you do yeah that might be the ticket yeah sorry mom mean, like once, you know, very responsibly. I'm not going to let him do it all the time. I got his back, Mrs. Kroger. You don't worry.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Oh, you know JT's right there. I'll have him ride his rain. Just a little shroomy. A little shroomy to give him a little escape. And some, you know, there's enlightenment on top of that, too. Yeah. And no hangover. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Or skydiving. Which one's scarier for a mom? Probably the shrooms no i'm probably skydiving you think so yeah what's scarier shrooms or skydiving skydiving that's that's actually tough that's a tough question it's a tough cue because take it for a walk well it's just two different types of fear different thing you know because like skydiving you're like okay i could either go well or sudden death or shrooms i could dive deep into the most evil parts of my mind and have to confront that that seems scarier to me because if you die you die you're just like you know if you die skydiving you're just like
Starting point is 01:40:25 it's a fast one yeah although it seems like you do fall for a while yeah that that would be an interesting headspace to be in yeah i'm gonna hit the ground yeah from skydiving how did my life end like this you're just like you're like of all the fucking ways to die god damn it yeah plat they explode um yeah thanks shrooms if you're falling from the sky do you at the end though damn it! Blat! They explode. Yeah, thanks, Shrooms. If you're falling from the sky, do you at the end, though, try to do something physical?
Starting point is 01:40:52 Do you just cover your face and be like, no? Or do you try and tuck into a ball and kind of roll onto your back and just see if there's any way you can physically kind of get out of it? I think... Did you just bring that shoulder in or did you just try to hit that roll? I'd like to think that's how people try to do it,
Starting point is 01:41:15 but I think in reality, it's kind of like, oh, no, no, no. Oh, whoa, whoa. Back up, back up. It's not... kind of like oh no oh whoa back up back up it's now disemboweled oh yeah what do you think scarier skydiving but shrooms are pretty scary yeah but skydiving scarier doing both of them at the same time, too much. Whack a noodle, don't do it.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I can say that 100%. Do not do that. Oh, yeah, I did. No good. I want you right as rain when you're skydiving. All right. Aaron, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week, you mentioned a little bit earlier,
Starting point is 01:42:05 but it's the countries of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Fucking get out of Armenia. What the hell are you doing? We're not having a genocide going on. We have a fucking global pandemic right now. It's just so frustrating, the fact that the Armenian genocide isn't isn't recognized recognized
Starting point is 01:42:26 especially by the the main participant Now they're trying to start shit again. It's it's awful and they're they're Out our Armenia is out financed outgunned It's it's crazy. We need and we I don't know if we can get involved i don't know well i mean some articles are saying like the f-16s that turkey's using are are the f-16s that we gave them oh i'll bet and that we're probably from top gun we need their allyship sorry because of our
Starting point is 01:42:58 relationships with other countries out there so we're kind of just tacitly supportive well no more than tacit actively supportive yeah yeah dude it's a motherfucking bad situation you hate to see something like that happened i mean it's just you think in modern times that like just being like uh just like a warmonger would be i don't know people wouldn't do it anymore like we've've gotten past that, but no, people just want to acquire more stuff. They keep grudges from a hundred years ago. It's crazy. Yeah. It's really too bad.
Starting point is 01:43:30 I'd like to see it get more coverage to you. So thanks. Thanks for bringing it up. Yeah. My beef of the week is a silly one. It's a, but it means a lot to me. It's from gangs in New York and it's with bill,
Starting point is 01:43:41 the butcher. Now probably my, maybe my favorite performance of all time. Daniel Day-Lewis is bill, the butcher. That was kind of like the way Frank was talking about a fistful of dollars. That was kind of gangs in New York and it's with Bill the Butcher. Now, probably my, maybe my favorite performance of all time, Daniel Day-Lewis is Bill the Butcher. That was kind of like the way Frank was talking about A Fistful of Dollars. That was kind of Gangs of New York for me. That was the first movie that introduced me to it.
Starting point is 01:43:51 I was like, wow, there's like ideas in play here. But so Bill the Butcher, you can kind of, even though he's like an asshole and he's a violent criminal, you can kind of buy into the fact that there's like an integrity to him. You know, he has his values, the things that he believes in, and he's brave in defending those things. But there's one moment especially where – because first when he kills Prince Valen, who's this epic enemy of him that he has this like deep abiding respect for. He gets him by throwing another guy's body into him and stabbing him in the side, which I guess all is fair in war. But it's a little
Starting point is 01:44:25 underhanded. But still, you're like, all right, look, it was a clever move and it was smart in battle. I'm not going to judge another guy who's actually in battle. But then at the end, or near in the end, he throws the butcher knife into the back of the barber. And it's like just straight, like a cowardly move. Like the barber's like, hey, let's go inside and talk. And then he throws the thing into his back. And maybe that's just because he knows prince valen is actually
Starting point is 01:44:47 his real enemy but i don't know i just lost a lot of respect for bill the butcher when he did that yeah no i hear you he shouldn't have done that why do you think why do you think scorsese made that choice or maybe it's the screenwriter i guess to show us that look you shouldn't look up to this guy like even though you most rational people probably don't but i was like i was pretty taken with him i think uh so yeah maybe it was good to do that because you don't want to it's the same maybe it's the same move like when leonardo dicaprio like hits margot robbie in the stomach and wolf of wall street yeah that's like the moment where you're like even though he's been such a piece of shit before then that's the moment where you're like, oh, fuck this guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Scorsese always does that. He gives you a fuck this guy. He makes you love the bad guy, but then he gives you a fuck this guy moment. Yeah, I watched a YouTube video, I think related to the Tony Soprano one you did, but it talks about the cinema of excess on Wolf of Wall Street. Have you watched that one?
Starting point is 01:45:40 No, on Nerd Rider? Yeah, yeah. That's right up my alley, yeah. Yeah, where he's talking about how in Wall Street, the difference between, like, you know, Scorsese actively tried to put all of that excess and stuff in there. I'm going to fucking botch the explanation. But it's basically like, because when you're watching the movie,
Starting point is 01:46:03 he doesn't, because he got sort of panned by critics for sort of glorifying this lifestyle, you know? But I think, and this guy argues that the reason he did that is because it's, it's like the, when you're watching the movie, you're, you're basically watching it, looking in a mirror. That's what it is. It's a commentary on you. It's why do you like it so much?
Starting point is 01:46:22 Right. Why am I so titillated and excited and pumped up after watching that? Yeah. It's because that douche that you're looking at, you want that douche. That's what you do. You want that douche in you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:32 No, I totally agree. That's why I thought all those critiques of that movie being like that it celebrates douche culture. I'm like, no, it's reflecting douche culture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:41 That's what Michael Eric Dyson always said about hip hop. He's like, at its best, it's incisive about pathologies and at its worst it just reflects our worst pathologies right like misogyny materialism all that stuff i was like yeah so all art is basically worthwhile yeah yeah totally especially marty doing it but yeah dude bill the butcher why'd you do that why'd you chuck that into his back bro that was a punk move um chad who's your babe of the week? I couldn't think of one, so I think I'm just going to improv it. My babe of the week. What's something we talk about? My baby of the week is the sun coming out
Starting point is 01:47:26 after a heavy marine layer. That's a nice one. You know, it's... Marine layer, for those of you who don't know, it's when it's overcast on the coast. And it's typical, especially in Southern California, you know, in June. So you get June gloom, May gray.
Starting point is 01:47:46 You know, you just get heavy just overcast in the morning. And it can really bum you out because you're like, you know, summer's on its way. Summer's here. Summer's coming for me. But now this sun is getting blocked by these clouds. This is horseshit. And then the sun burns it off.
Starting point is 01:48:04 You know, it's like noon noon and the sun starts poking through and within this 10-15 minutes it's all sun and it's all blue and you feel reborn you feel like a rebirth you're like thank you Apollo thank you Poseidon thank you Zeus god of the sky for bringing us this fresh these you us these fresh UV rays that are going to bring me vitamin D and stoke. So I think that's a massive babe for me. It's like the hottest chick I know. Dude, one of my favorite things is to say,
Starting point is 01:48:37 when it's like 10 in the morning and it's cloudy, it'll burn off. Yeah, I was going to say burn off. It'll burn off. Don't worry, that's going to burn off. This is such a cool way to think about it. The sun is just going to power blast that stuff off. It's going to say burn off. You know, burn off. Don't worry, that's going to burn off. This is such a cool way to think about it. The sun is just going to power blast that stuff off. It's going to burn that off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Aaron, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my boy Yadier Molina. He's a catcher for the Cardinals. Legend. He is a legend, but he's a babe because, I mean, despite the Cardinals losing in this past series, he's still been like 500 at age 38 as a catcher. That should be your golden years,
Starting point is 01:49:16 and you're just kind of hanging on and just handling the staff, the pitching staff well. But he's still doing it with the bat and doing it in situations where I feel like in the last game he probably had the only hits that we had. I mean, he just never gives up and does the right thing, slaps the ball to the right side,
Starting point is 01:49:37 gets on base a lot of different ways, and is a super leader. And there's a possibility that he wants to play two more years. There's a possibility he might do that somewhere else, and that'd be terrible. And I hope that doesn't happen. I hope St. Louis is smart enough to re-sign him for as long as he wants to play, because really, sure, we have a young guy who probably thinks he's ready but it doesn't matter this is a one of a once in a generation guy um they showed the stats like
Starting point is 01:50:11 just like he's the only him and wainwright are the only two guys um who've been on the same team that long and um and all the postseason stats he had when he wasn't on the Yankees in the 90s. It's just amazing what he's been able to do in his career, and it'd be great to see him extend that in St. Louis. Nice. He's a beast. I want his knee specialist. Whoever's doing his knees is doing a great job.
Starting point is 01:50:40 My baby of the week is the grilled cheese sandwich. Hell yeah. Specifically the one that my mom's boyfriend made today for me wow my mom's awesome boyfriend greg legend uh made me a grilled cheese and wow you know when someone just does they cook the bread perfectly where it's got that like brown kind of crunchiness on it and then the cheese is perfectly melted inside he went he did a he did like a 12 grain bread with a pepper jack cheese and I was worried at first when I took my first bite
Starting point is 01:51:06 that the pepper jack would be too overwhelming and I should have gone with something softer like a cheddar but it was perfect. It was a perfect grilled cheese. It fires me up.
Starting point is 01:51:14 It's just I think one of the best kind of you know last meal thing grilled cheese is right up there. That and Eggs Benedict
Starting point is 01:51:22 are just you know fist fighting for the top spot. Souss too. Some souss. That's probably the triumvirate. I was going to make sugarfish. That was one thing.
Starting point is 01:51:34 I was going to make that. You're going to make it? One of the legends. Oh, right. This week? I don't know. I had something else in mind, but you just reminded me. Well, it's your legend of the week.
Starting point is 01:51:43 No, but I didn't want to keep going. No, that was it i could i mean i could rhapsodize forever but that was i got it i got it out well yeah my mouth is watering that's nice uh no i gotta go with james gandolfini though yes um i might be better than grilled cheeses yeah dude i've been crushing the sopranos just non-stop i think i going to do synopses of it maybe. It's just so good. I mean, you watch it. I've watched it all the way through once. You watch it a second time, it's even better.
Starting point is 01:52:15 I imagine the third time even better. It's one of those shows that has so many layers and just like so many just hidden gems everywhere where you're always discovering new stuff. It's such a rich show. Yeah. But is it synopses or synopses? Synopses is plural. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Yeah. I didn't know that. Synopses is... Just one. Yeah. Hell yeah. But James Gandolfini, I mean... I think some people argue that his performance in The Sopranos
Starting point is 01:52:49 is the best performance of all time. And, you know, I probably have to agree. I agree. I mean, he layered it over six seasons. Six seasons. I mean, every scene, you know, like the scene in the first season where he's like, it's fucking Jimmy, you know, and there's just like, and JT sent me a video on how he basically how James Gandolfini navigates emotion. I mean, in so many scenes, you see him just like enter so many, he's like a full human being.
Starting point is 01:53:18 He does so many different emotions. You know, and just like, it's just like he's just in and out. And, you know, he's angry, he's sad. He's blah, blah, blah. And the way you feel about him, you're like pissed off at him. Then you agree with him. Then you're laughing at him. Yeah. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:53:32 It's just so masterful. And he's just, you know, RIP for sure. The greatest. The greatest. So, yeah, I just want to pay homage to James Gandolfini. You're a legend. Sopranos, what up? Guys, you've got to watch it. If you haven't watched it,
Starting point is 01:53:46 you're gonna love it. It's just the best show ever. And also, since you can watch it, be glad you can watch it now where you can stream it and binge it, because when it was on
Starting point is 01:54:02 originally, they took some massive breaks between seasons yeah it was really frustrating yeah like years and it was before we you know we before shows did that like before game of thrones took a year and a half off to do the last season like the sopranos did it i like the way hbo acts with its shows where it's like you're lucky that we give this to you yeah so you're on So you're on our timetable. Yeah. We're artists over here.
Starting point is 01:54:27 That turned me off about Sopranos. I didn't watch the end. Oh, really? I respect that. I was thinking about that, actually. I'm just cruising through. I can't imagine waiting a whole week for another episode. But the gift of having a new episode like that Sunday would be just incredible.
Starting point is 01:54:45 Tremendous. It really would test your patience. I kind of wonder, you know, was it better when we watched shows like that? I liked it more. I was telling you I like watching movies on cable more. I don't like having to pick a movie and start at the beginning and go all the way to the end. I like to jump. I like to do 30 minutes in this movie, last 40 minutes of this movie yeah then something new i haven't seen pops up i watch that but i like
Starting point is 01:55:08 being able to flip around yeah it seems like it the way we we binge movies and shows now it's less a part of your life and now the problem is if it doesn't grab you right away you're out and you never finish it but with other movies like on cable you can just jump in 20 minutes to a movie that's not that great yeah and you kind of it's more fun to watch that way yeah it's it's not meant to be watched all the way through it's not that good yeah but on netflix you watch like 10 minutes you're like i can't do this i'm i can't commit to this yeah aaron who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is uh cardinal and hall of famer bob gib. He passed away on Friday, unfortunately, the same day that the Cardinals lost. So that was a big, huge blow.
Starting point is 01:55:50 A lot of the teammates, a lot of the guys on the team knew him personally and had relationships with him personally. I don't know if they knew. I think they were told as they walked off the field, which is also kind of shitty. But I don't know how they would have handled it if they'd heard before the game. Just, I mean, highlights of a career, nine-time All-Star, nine-time Gold Glover, NL MVP, two-time World Series champ. He set the modern record for lowest earned runs in a season at 1.12.
Starting point is 01:56:26 modern record for lowest earned runs in a season at 1.12 that means for every nine innings he pitched he gave up an average of 1.12 runs beast uh the following year they lowered the mound so that would never happen again they literally were like no this is too good it's like kareem abdul jabbar territory where they're like you're too good now we're outlawing dunking um basically the same thing. And speaking of which he was also, Bob Gibson was also so good at basketball. He was a Harlem Globetrotter. That's great.
Starting point is 01:56:51 And the Cardinals paid him extra to let that go. Um, an amazing dude. And what I found out is pretty amazing as well as that. Like he was known as this super intimidating dude and he looks so mean up there and he was so mad at you um and in interviews later in life he's like i was terrified uh i was terrified of failure terrified of um hitters getting to me uh he he he had this like fierce intense look in his eyes on the mound and he's like i just literally couldn't see i i needed glasses and i didn't get them and you
Starting point is 01:57:34 you never really wore them on the mound um in this in the 50s and uh 60s and 70s so like he just couldn't see the signs and so it's just crazy uh how he had this like lore and this legend of being this guy who would hit you with a baseball just as soon as look at you and he was just like i was terrified my stomach was in knots all the time he had ulcers from from having to pitch as well as he did because the team wasn't scoring any runs. He would win so many games, 2-1, 3-2. And, yeah, so it's just like everyone's opinion of him versus his own opinion of himself. It just makes for an even crazier legend.
Starting point is 01:58:20 Yeah. That's nice. Rest in peace, Bob. My legend of the week is my family that came to stay with my mom this weekend while i was there even though i kept my distance from everyone it was felt a little anti-social at times but i really did love uh having him over i was just nervous about corona but it was a my cousin andrew his wife josie um my uh cousin diana and her husband dan dude it's so fun just hanging with them they're all just great folks
Starting point is 01:58:46 we were eating Colombian food all weekend like chicharron and like empanadas and stuff and then yeah just watching football with some guys I haven't done that in forever and there was just four of us just watching ball and Dan's a baseball coach my cousin Andrew's a cop and they're just awesome dudes
Starting point is 01:59:01 and super fun to hang out with so it was nice to do that and then Diana and Josie out with so it was nice to uh to do that and then diana and josie were really cool i know it's just nice having company yeah that's cool yeah like my mom is just kind of living it up and so i you know it makes me a little scared but it was nice having family over absolutely um that's cool chad what's your quote of the week uh my quote of the week comes from sopranos this, I believe, the season one finale or maybe the penultimate finale. Is that the right word? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:33 One before last. I'm not going to get too into it, but there's beef within the family. And Tony is talking to his wife, Carmela, and he's like, Connell Lingus in psychiatry brought us to this when do when they find out uncle junior's been going down on his girlfriend like old school italian men don't do that yeah yeah he's like i've been and then when they finally tell me he's been going to see a shrink he just they're like i'm not on doing junior with the pie yeah but he gets he's so jilted by her by telling his secrets he throws a pie and he cries while he throws the pie in her face junior's the best he's hilarious yeah
Starting point is 02:00:13 when he sings that was a great ending to that one season yeah uh aaron what's your quote of the week uh my quote of the week is some more jimmy world lyrics uh This is from the song I Will Steal You Back. It's the chorus. It's on the album Damages. Damage. Just damage. How slowly we built the walls. In years they pile on. I will steal you back.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Funny how the smallest lie might live a million times. I will steal you back. Now, this song might be about a relationship. And it was written in 2013 so who knows but uh i feel like that's uh that relates to america right now uh building walls uh they pile on small lives live a million times. That's not us. Let's take it back. Love it. Dang.
Starting point is 02:01:08 My quote of the week is from David Goggins. Now, I sometimes get annoyed with David Goggins because I think he's too one-note. But he actually did a good job of kind of pushing back on that thinking against him. So this guy wrote kind of what I've always been thinking. He said, man, you're always being motivated and in a positive influence, but are you even capable of having a normal human moment? Is it legitimately absolute 24-7 white knuckle do or die? Bro, sit down.
Starting point is 02:01:34 We won't judge you. And I was like, yeah, well said. I mean, also my thing with him is that it's always in service of himself. He's never like, I have to be this badass for my family or for the core. He's always like, I just got to be a badass. Wait, he said that? Someone wrote that to David Goggins. I have to be this badass for my family or for like the core. He's always like, I just gotta be a badass. But wait, he said that there's someone, someone wrote that to David Goggins.
Starting point is 02:01:50 The second part was me talking, but yeah, the first part. And then David Goggins wrote to the guy, relax. It's just my lifestyle. Do you, you don't see me judging you. I hope you were sitting down and enjoying your life.
Starting point is 02:02:00 If so, congratulations. Not me. You say you won't judge me. So why the fuck do you even care to write stupid shit like this? So you made me sit down for a few minutes to respond to this bullshit. Stay hard. And,
Starting point is 02:02:11 and I think, I think there's, it's a good point by Goggins that it's like, well, why are you guys even fixated on what I'm doing? If you don't like it, just ignore it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:18 Yeah. Which is true. If he likes it, if he likes it, he likes it. Good for him. Yeah. Do you Goggins?
Starting point is 02:02:24 Stay hard. Um, what's your phrase of the week you, Goggins? Stay hard. What's your phrase of the week if we're going to after it? Stay hard. Nice. Aaron, what's your phrase of the week if we're going to after it? Stay hard. Mine is from a Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie interview that they did with one another
Starting point is 02:02:39 based off Martin Amis' new, I guess, novelistic autobiography, which I guess talks a lot about Christopher Hitchens, so I'm curious to read it. My friend Robbie, who sends me all the best articles, told me to read this. And then Salman Rushdie goes, have you noticed the readers are getting older? It's so nice when you can actually get a young reader. And then Martin Amis says, it's
Starting point is 02:02:59 orgiastic to come across a young reader. That's nice. Got me pumped. He says, you think that means my afterlife is going to be as long as their life, but I think I write for my younger self. It's an, it's a compelling conversation between two,
Starting point is 02:03:12 uh, old lions of the literary world. That's cool. They're very refined. Salman Rushdie. That's Sam. Yeah. That's always a name I knew as a kid,
Starting point is 02:03:23 but I just was like, I just, I had no idea who he was and I just associated it with fine art I've never read any of his books I first came to know him because there was a fatwa on his life because he was such a dangerous writer that literally religious fanatics
Starting point is 02:03:38 were going to kill him that nerdy guy is badass and he dated Padma Lakshmi. Wow. Yeah. They were married. Yeah, they were married.
Starting point is 02:03:48 And I mean, Salman Rushdie, not conventionally hot. Yeah. But. That's putting it well. Yeah, right. But women like him. Thank you, Salman. I feel bad saying his name.
Starting point is 02:04:02 Salman. Do you know who's on Bumble? Who? Sharon Stone. Oh, I've read that. love sharon so i just watched casino the other day one of my favorite movies of all time i date her she's at an 11 that whole movie yeah just you motherfucker yeah give me my diamonds yeah he's like you never loved me you used me she's like oh fuck you i never loved you all you want to do is control me. He's like, control you!
Starting point is 02:04:29 He's like, you got to move on, Sammy. Dude, when Joe Pesci boinks her. Oh, dude, traumatizing. Watching Joe Pesci has sucked. I joked with my mom when I first saw it. I turned to my family and went, you guys know I'm scarred for life now, right? He's like, ha, ha, ha. The acting by Pesci is amazing. He's so
Starting point is 02:04:46 committed. Ha, ha, ha. I haven't even seen the whole movie, but I've seen that scene, and I am still traumatized by it. It's scarring. I mean, Sharon's son's so beautiful, and Joe Pesci is going after it so hard. Yeah. Pesci. I guess Louis C.K. tried to cast... This is
Starting point is 02:05:01 so funny. All these threads are coming together. But Louis C.K. tried to cast Joe Pesci in the Alan Alda part in Horace and Pete. And he said Joe Pesci wasn't interested, but he said the one thing Joe Pesci told him that was of note was that he doesn't go down on women. Was that fucked up of Louis to repeat it on late night? Or do you think that's fair game? I don't know. Maybe he asked. He probably asked him.
Starting point is 02:05:24 He said, hey, is it cool if I i share that i don't think he asked him would you if joe pesci said that to you would you repeat it on conan no i'd be too scared you'd be like i'm not doing joe disrespecting joe right i feel yeah yeah you put it like that i might say something i would probably say it you'd say hey look i'll talk to joe i think joe a great guy. I love Joe. He says he hasn't gone down on broads. You'd say that on Conan? If Conan would let me. On like TBS? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:52 He doesn't go down on broads. I wouldn't say broads, but I'm, you know, having fun. No, I know. Yeah, I'd say it, but I'd say it. Yeah, if Conan would let me. I think. If they said no, I wouldn't, though. I mean, because we, you know,
Starting point is 02:06:05 we wanted to talk about steak on Ellen. That was a no-go. She wasn't down. Yeah. All right. That was fun. Yeah, that was great. Aaron, good to see you.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Yeah. Good to be here. J.D., good to see you. Good to see you, too, brother. See you soon. Stoker's Rise, a review. That helps us out. And thanks for listening.
Starting point is 02:06:28 And thanks for staying stoked and just being legends. I'll see you later. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 02:06:53 Just step out and go Beside you Go with me Go with me Let's go Go with me Let's go Go with me Cat and Dave TV

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