Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 18 - Iran Deal, Debate on Chillness, First Impressions

Episode Date: May 16, 2018

Chad and JT dive into the Iran deal, talk about when it's important to be chill/not chill, JT describes what he means by having a "rocket in his ass", the crazy texting controversy in the news, helpin...g gullible people out.  As always, we touch on babes, legends and beefs. For bonus content, check out our patreon at www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 he was like short but like super ripped and he was the starting running back on the football team and his his instagram was eagle running back stud which is like the worst instagram ever except for the one i gave my brother when he was in seventh grade My brother was first getting on in to not Instagram. I'm sorry on an instant messenger What was what's the one I gave I gave my brother an instant messenger handle and I was like Chris What are you into? I was like you're into paintballing and you're into chicks and like he wasn't really even that into either Yeah, that was just he's a seventh grade. He's not into anything and then so I was like, um, all right I got it paintball letter n ladies paintball and ladies horrendous dude horrendous dude that's amazing it's the worst big brother in history
Starting point is 00:00:57 paintball and ladies there there is it's hard to imagine a time without institute before instagram when you could just go on and just see like the hottest babes and you're just like wow i remember one time you said to me you're like dude how many books would hemingway have written and if you could look at babes doing squats all day yeah it's true and i was like none dude none you would have written zero books dude dude i i sincerely believe that there would be half as many wars if throughout history humans could just look at butts that was uh someone said that in the show generation kill too they were like you know what the problem is with like iraq when they were
Starting point is 00:01:37 over there like there's no like you can't see any like boobs yeah if they could see boobs like it would take people's anger down a little bit. And you're like, yeah, probably. I mean, we've tried other things. Yeah. What else was I going to say? Stokers, what's up, dudes? How are you guys feeling on this fine, fine day or whatever this gets to you? What up?
Starting point is 00:01:58 My name is Chad. What up, dude? What up, dog? This is my colleague, JT. I didn't properly introduce you there. I was just like, what up, dude? No, dude, hey. I think they know me by now boom clap stokers boom clap they'll be like who's that other voice yeah it's me dudes um and it's in the title of the podcast too yeah so it's they're sitting there and they're like well chad said it's chad so the other guy who wasn't introduced
Starting point is 00:02:21 yeah it's probably jt it's gotta be yeah you got i think you got to make that connect you got to be a master of deduction for sure um so yeah just so we're clear this is jt i am and i am chad you certainly are uh how you doing my dog dude i'm feeling pretty good man i think uh yeah i mean you, typically I'm having a green drink during the podcast. But today we did some stuff before. So I'm green drink-less, but it's in me. So I still feel good. For sure.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'm feeling good too. I've been having these CBD waters. Oh, nice. Yeah. Is it relaxing you? I think so. It's not like a fully like, I'm just like, whoa, I'm super relaxed. But I think it's like a, I feel some uplifting thing.
Starting point is 00:03:11 This one's a pro anti. That's the thing. Everything outside of like genuine narcotics is kind of an imperceptible shift. Yeah. You can only really gauge the benefits and like good things that happen to you. But there's no like feeling to it yeah that's a good point yeah because i mean they have all like has lists on all the like benefits of it and i'm just like just the fact that it's on the bottle makes me feel a little bit better yeah so
Starting point is 00:03:38 i'm just gonna trust the bottle trust the benefits listed yeah so yeah this pro anti what up um to be honest i feel like i kind of got a rocket up my ass today how's that like i'm just jacked like pumped up yeah like i mean even when i'm standing still i feel like i'm like like everything's running yeah you know what i mean yeah just like i feel high velocity. I feel intensity in 10 cities. I'm still kind of like in a good way. Yeah, yeah. Or could be good, could be bad. Like when I was driving here, I just drove past it by 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I was just listening to like- Drove past the location? Yeah, I just kept going. And then I looked around, I was like, dude, I'm in a totally different town. Like dude, I was way too into that hinder track. Yeah, like I was so deep in like whatever. And I wasn't and I was like, dude, I'm in a totally different town. Dude, I was way too into that hinder track. Yeah, like I was so deep in like whatever. And I wasn't even deep into anything. I was just so deep into nothing that I just like blasted past it. Yeah, there's sometimes when I'm feeling really jacked up and I start driving and I'm just like, I don't even want to go up to my destination.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I'm just so jacked up right now. Yeah, I mean, I was like, oh, I got, you know, we got time. We got to be here. But I was like, whoa, like I just drove an extra 10 minutes and wasn't like cognizant of it at all yeah let me drift this u-turn yeah and that's kind of where i'm at like i'm just like i'm like like moving like i'm already on my babe of the week yeah nice yeah i like that you're uh progressive progressively thinking i think that's a nice way to say it. So thank you, my dog. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm always stoked on intensity. I think that's, that's the way to go.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah. Growing up in Orange County, it was like the coolest thing you could be. The thing you had to be was chill. Like if you got mad, if you were like, it's like you'd lose every argument if the other guy was like, look, you're mad. Yeah. You're mad. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:22 And then you're like, fuck, I am mad. I lost. Yeah. look, you're mad. You're mad. You know what I mean? And then you're like, fuck, I am mad. I lost.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah. But only now as an adult sort of do I realize that like mad can be good if channeled correctly. Yeah, dude. And like being chill is legit. The most legit. You know, but there's been times when I've like have been fully in the moment where I'm like all right in this situation i'm not going to be chill i'm going to be intense i'm going to be like a
Starting point is 00:05:50 chad where people are like whoa like this guy is really on a mission right now but then people were like man you're so chill back there and i'm like fuck that was not my intention so that just you know there's sometimes when um that you can be called chill too much yeah and it rubs me the wrong way yeah they're like oh you're just so chill there i'm like really because i thought i was dancing up a storm yeah like no it was kind of chill i'm like well i just i for me i think my baseline is so chill that i really got to go way over what i think is intense to be to be perceived as intense no i remember when that snapper turtle came onto the shore at salt creek and you stabbed it with your shortboard and you're like sorry for being so ag back there and i was like you seem pretty
Starting point is 00:06:37 relaxed about it to me yeah it felt like a mercy kill yeah and that to be quite frankly that comment kind of rubbed me the wrong way because i felt like a warrior in that instance and i thought that i let out a pretty good like warrior roar when he went oh oh is that how it sounded so that was more that might have been the turtle that was like, ugh. No, that was me.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Well, to me, in my ears, it sounded like, rawr! And then blood spurted everywhere. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! And you were just like, blood splattered over you, and you're like, dude, are you okay? I'm just okay i'm just like that was pretty intense right yeah angry politeness you were like i'm sorry you're hurting kids you have to die can i please kill this turtle um the snapper turtle was like 180 years old too so it was on its last uh shell yeah it's the last 30 years yeah it only had like 60 more years to go
Starting point is 00:07:48 yeah he's like dude just kill me he was like i'm over it i've seen it all dolphins do nothing for me now i look at him and i'm like yeah another dolphin he's like oh thank you like 60 years it's like nothing 60 years of solitude um but yeah so yeah I'm glad you're feeling intense that's uh yeah that's a good way apathy is
Starting point is 00:08:11 the um evil until it's some Van Wilder quote but I can't remember it the glove that the devil slips his hand into that is correct is that it? yeah
Starting point is 00:08:22 oh nice yeah Van Wilder's a genius dude it's like such a prolific movie shout out to ryan um all right let's get into some shit let's get into some stuff let's do it do you hear about this girl in phoenix who went on one date with a guy and then um texted him 65 000 times 65 000 yeah yeah i'm gonna go out on the limb there and say she's over texting i think it's way too much yeah but then our buddy jay made such a good point today he's like why didn't he block her yeah oh i guess i guess like they finally caught her when a surveillance showed her taking a bath in
Starting point is 00:09:05 his tub when he was away on a trip they caught her what she was taking a bath in his tub while he was away on a trip and she had a knife in her car that's intense she went to his work yeah that'd be such a that'd be such a mind fuck because you know maybe she's like texting photos she's like i'm in your bath right now i'm in your bath and you're like oh like let me get back from this business trip and she then she shows like another photo of like a katana and you're like this went from like pretty legit to not chill in an instant she says oh what i would do with your blood i'd want to bathe in it she called herself the new hitler and she said don't ever try to leave me. I'll kill you. I don't want to be a murderer. Nice.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah. Props to her for knowing who she is. At some point, if someone's like stalking you that hardcore, you got to consider a hit man. Yeah. Like you don't want to take life, but you're like, this is a massive inconvenience. Yeah. I'm not talking about just some chick you went on a couple dates with and then he goes to her
Starting point is 00:10:06 and she's texting you angrily. You know what I mean? That's all part of what happens. But if it's 65,000 and she's taking baths in your tub and she's got a knife and she says you can't leave her, she's going to be a murderer,
Starting point is 00:10:20 I think at some point your brain, without even any choice in the matter, just says we gotta eliminate the issue yeah I think in the eyes of the law that should be a fair decision what do you think about the US pulling out of the Iran deal
Starting point is 00:10:38 dude complex issue I'm glad you brought it up I was actually talking to you about this earlier I mean there's arguments to both sides I don't know which to choose you know because complex issue i'm glad you brought it up uh i was actually talking to you about this earlier i mean there's arguments to both sides i don't know which to choose you know because you know as you were saying if you read both arguments they both are sound they make good points so it's like what is the right move i guess time will tell because we've spent some time in the iran deal and now we're going to be out of it and we'll see how things plant uh come into fruition what do you think exactly yeah i mean i feel like trump says that
Starting point is 00:11:16 we didn't negotiate as well as we could have we could have gotten them to give us more stuff for them to make more capitulations. And that the one thing we did get, which was them not working on their nuclear arsenal, they're not even abiding by that. So the deal is null and void because they're not respecting their side of it. And we lost some leverage when we let go of the economic sanctions.
Starting point is 00:11:40 But then I hear people from Obama's administration who are like, look, dudes, all you're doing is giving ammunition to the hardliners in the government to tell the people of Iran that the U.S. does not follow through on their deals. They'll never have your back and they'll always do the selfish thing. And I'm like, that makes sense, too. But then I heard a rebuttal to that that was like, listen, dude, if you think there's reformers in the Iranian government, then you're eating Swiss cheese for dinner, partner. Because guess what? Everybody there's a hardliner. And here's the thing. I've never been.
Starting point is 00:12:08 That's good. Yeah. No beaches. No beaches. I'd say pretty negative vibes overall. Actually, I know people who go. I want to say that. Dude, I know what you mean 100% though.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Because there are some countries I've never been to that you just hear about them in the news a lot. And it's pretty one-sided, the kind of information you you're getting but i know people from there who say like no it can be fun and bustling and uh the people are more genuine than the people you meet here and you're like that all sounds very inviting but then i've also heard other people be like dog not for you well dude and as a nudist they tell me it's not for me. Not a nudist, but as an eccentric personality that can get naked at times. You'd have an issue partying there because you would have to hold back. I'd have to hold back big time. And that would be a crying shame because when you whip that dong out in a totally, like, bro, I love you way, it is electric.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So I think to, like like disregard that side of yourself would be criminal um also dude um i mean this is just my honest opinion like whenever i see movies of people in like iraq or whatever like soldiers you know and they're like oh it sucks here this place sucks like i hate it sucks i'm like well you do have a really good tan maybe we should do a music festival in tehran yeah be like the bronze fest that'd be amazing yeah i uh i saw a film from iran by the director ashkar fahadi called a separation and i think it won best foreign picture at the oscars like four years ago and um i asked uh some iranian friends about it they're like that movie's fucking bullshit yeah i was like oh okay so that's just like like we get something from there and we're like this
Starting point is 00:13:55 is so special but then if you actually talk to the lokes they're like have you seen fast and furious that's a movie yeah they're legit yeah i think it's you know it's it's a insightful movie about uh divorce and class warfare and but dude that other bullshit things that fancy movies try to make you think are more real than what's actually real the relationships of a fucking criminal crew dude that's the thing about politics is there's like, so it annoys me that people are always trying to make you like pick a team. I'm like.
Starting point is 00:14:31 And tell them what, like what do you read? And like I don't read politics. So it's not like I, like people are like, what's your political opinion? I'm like, I don't know. I don't read, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I read self-help. So what can you give them an opinion on? Like if you want a solid opinion on grit, the value of grit, I'm here, dog. if you want to know how to optimize your morning if you want to know how to put yourself in an abundant mindset if you want to know how to work your subconscious and so that you're always in a productive state and that you can achieve your dreams if you want to know how to just maximize yourself, optimize yourself, human optimization, I'm here, dog.
Starting point is 00:15:09 But when it comes to treaties and deals and laws, I don't fucking know. But you seem to have a little more understanding of politics. I mean, I try to read about it, but the thing is it's in one ear and out the other. I only maintain the information for a short period of time yeah and then my brain naturally just holds on to what it likes more which is like movies and chicks yeah and like um sports and stuff yeah and the politics just kind of like floats away like to really maintain knowledge of that subject it's
Starting point is 00:15:42 like i have to be way too vigorous and i just don't have the energy like for me dude like politics they just don't seem sexy yeah i know that being like a dude that's full of grit and fully optimized that's gonna lead to more chicks and to be totally candid we'd probably care more if our lives were more precarious you know what i mean like if we were struggling to survive or if we were dealing with an oppressive system that was marginalizing our well-being, we would probably have more need to be informed. Yeah, like I'm passionate about parking enforcement.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah, because it affects you. Yeah, so that's a good point. And because they're fucking assholes. Yeah, because they're pieces of shit that don't know what the fuck they're doing and uh but they're chill and they deserve yeah they're right to happiness agree to disagree my friend no i'm just trying to keep it positive i know yeah i mean of course they're barns you know what i mean they they really do like they when you think of them you're like have i ever had a good
Starting point is 00:16:45 moment with parking enforcement it's like no it's only been negative dude the worst is when you're like dude i paid for that spot and they don't respond because they're so like annoyed that people just like talking back to them that they just keep walking and making tickets and you're like can you please respond to me yeah be a human well because i think they're trained to not respond i remember one time i parked in five minute loading and i ran into a store yeah and then before the five minutes were out like whoosh pan i turn and look and i just see a parking attendant writing me a ticket so i ran to a car i'm like hey i haven't been here for more than five minutes what are you doing like put away your thing and then he was like totally unresponsive yeah so i just went fuck
Starting point is 00:17:21 it i jumped into the front seat of my car backed it up and went to pull out and then he came running up and started banging on the window he's like stop stop stop and i just kept driving i kept like moving like i was gonna leave and then he he like started i started driving away and he ran with my car and banged like stop and so finally i stopped and i rolled in the window i was like what and he's like when i talked to you listen i was like you didn't listen to me yeah i was like you didn't listen to me like three minutes earlier okay dude and then i was like plus you're giving me a ticket i haven't been here for five. Yeah. I was like, you didn't listen to me like three minutes earlier. Fuck you dude. And then I was like, plus you're giving me a ticket. I hadn't even been here for five minutes. And then he was like,
Starting point is 00:17:48 you have to be in the car for the five minutes of loading and unloading. Yeah. Or at least near it. And I was like, I did not know that. Yeah. And then he's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And then I was like, all right. And he's like, all right, you can go. No ticket. And I was like, so it was kind of worth it to defy you.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah. I think you may have told that story in the pod before. No. But. Did I tell it that well that was a i mean i think we should keep it in i'm very concerned about this i asked you earlier i was like did i tell this fight story already you're like i don't think so i'm like at some point i'm just gonna be like adam carolla where it's just like you're like dude yeah i've heard about your friend ray or like 65 000 times or like joe rogan he's like they're talking about
Starting point is 00:18:23 something they're like talking about like meat and he's like yeah because like for i think in the future we're gonna have this augmented experience and you're like joe i've heard about your augmented experience theory a thousand times why do you have to keep going to that he's like just because like we're gonna like transport to this world where like emotions don't even exist it's just pure ecstasy you know mike joe shut the fuck up why do you look so bloated i know can we get into it a little bit like we love and respect joe rogan so much i obviously did that video that was like a tribute to him um but sometimes when i look at him like when i watch the video feeds of his podcast or when i look at pictures of him i'm like why are you so wet and why are you so red when you're like the
Starting point is 00:19:05 healthiest guy alive and i think it's got to be from the testosterone replacement therapy he does yeah oh he does that yeah i think he does trt i think he's getting shots of testosterone which is i mean also why he has such amazing energy and he's so physically capable no no you can get a prescription for it that's what i did when i was like i don't know if i've talked about this on the pod but when i was like 18 i just wanted to be jacked yeah so i started seeing a wellness doctor at a clinic who would shoot me in the butt with 100 milligrams of test and was giving me hgh to plug in my belly how'd you feel dude amazing i was so strong i had so much energy but um are there negative effects yeah i think uh without knowing too much about it the movie bigger stronger faster
Starting point is 00:19:43 is really good about steroids in amer. And it just kind of talks about more of like the psychological factors that make us want to do steroids, you know, like the insecurity and stuff like that. But like no one's ever died from steroids officially. Like people think Lyle Alzea, Lyle Alzea who played defensive tackle for the Raiders died from it.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But he had brain cancer and there's not a direct, there's other doctors who say there's not a direct causation from those two things. Yeah. I'm using these words. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And then, but the things that did happen to me is my face got fat. And by the time I got off of it, I have a sensitive shoulders as you guys can hear them crack. Hold on. Let me get a good one. Oh. And by the time I got off of them,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'd been working out like twice a day my shoulders were shot like I could barely lift my arms because I just overworked them tremendously and I think I only did it for a couple months but I think if you do it long term for certain you're going to have some heart problems some liver problems
Starting point is 00:20:38 and it can enlarge your organs and things like that yeah I mean anything you put into your body there's a cost there's no free lunch yeah but if you're like 80 and you're doing it and people are like you're gonna die i'm like yeah
Starting point is 00:20:48 but you're also kind of jacked and healthier than any of their 80 year old i know so it might be worth the cost of doing business well this is kind of the way i work i trust everyone until someone tells me that that person's a psycho and then i automatically think they're a psycho right well people have people told you i'm a psycho well i know you're you're a good psycho no no one told me that i just figured it out it was clear i told you up top yeah i saw i saw you like i saw you like helicoptering your cock and i'm like that guy's a psycho but i love it yeah right um no just so but there's been times like when i've been with you and we met dudes and i'm like oh it seems like a really solid guy and you're like hold pump the brakes chief and then you have these things i'm like
Starting point is 00:21:35 those are some good points thank you for protecting me right so i don't know how the law could enforce this but i'm gonna say we should have some kind of thing where we try to help gullible people out yeah like for the longest time i thought that sprite was a refreshing beverage for after a basketball game because i watched kobe drink sprite after basketball games and all those commercials and it wasn't until many years later after long bouts of dehydration that someone was like, look, dude, you need to switch to Gatorade. And I'm like, oh, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Or like chocolate milk, you know, where they're like, it's good for your muscles. Yeah. And you're like, yeah. And then you're like, is it actually good for my muscles? Yeah. Although I heard LSU's football team drinks chocolate milk instead of protein shakes after workouts. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Y'all getting that quick. Yeah. So everyone should go there. Dude, going back to the psycho thing psycho thing now that i think about it you did tell me that you were a psycho yeah i was you're like i think we were in the car or something you're like yeah yeah i'm just i'm a psycho and i'm like what are you talking about you're just like i'm a psycho i'm like all right dude well that's it my thing was always like and uh it can upset my girlfriend or my family members sometimes because i'll just like meet strangers and I'll tell them like the most outrageous things about me. You know what I mean? Like, I'm like, Oh, I'm like a chronic
Starting point is 00:22:50 masturbator. Oh, like I got kicked out of high school or like, Oh, I went to jail for this thing. Or like, Oh, I like, and for me, it's more like, I trust that I'm actually a good person. So that's a big part of it. And the other thing is I don't want other people to feel duped. You know what I mean? So I'm just like, Hey bro, let me tell you up top that you're about to get into a friendship with a real fucking psychopath okay you good with that yeah are you cool and then most people are like yeah okay it's all right and i'm like it's exciting yeah let's do it yeah yeah exactly buckle up motherfucker it's a very unique way of thinking about like how to you know negate that people getting duped yeah um because i think that happens a lot where like
Starting point is 00:23:26 in like relationships you know people will be like you made me think i was like dating this kind of person and then you turned out to like not be that person yeah you know like like people up top in relationships will like hide who they really are so that they can get the other person to like date them yeah and i just think that's like so then you're not going to be able to maintain that six months from now they're going to see who you actually are so then you're not going to be able to maintain that. Six months from now, they're going to see who you actually are, and then you're going to look like a liar. Yeah. Who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 00:23:50 My babe of the week is Shannon Elizabeth, who is, you might know her as Nadia from the American Pie series. Dudes, one of the first movies where I ever saw a pair of melons was American Pie. And I'm the youngest bro, you know, I'm the fifth child. And so like all my siblings, my bros, my sisters, they're all watching it. And my mom was super anti. She was like, Chad is not ready for this. He's not ready for this. I'm like, mom, please just, you know, let me be one of the gang. And she's like, he's not ready. Finally, after a long persuasion, I was like, mom, please, just, you know, let me be one of the gang. And she's like, he's not ready.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Finally, after a long persuasion, I was like, mom, just let it happen. So she let it happen. I watched American Pie. Shannon Elizabeth comes on, undresses. And it was like an explosion in my little youth mind of just, yeah, explosion in like my eyeballs and my dong piece. of just, yeah, explosion in, like, my eyeballs and my dong piece because she had just the most fantastic melons I think I've ever seen. And that moment has stuck with me. I probably wake up and think about it every morning
Starting point is 00:24:55 because I think that's, you know how people say, like, there's, like, your life before, then your life after. Like, you know, there's, like, a turning point. There's, like, a turning point when your life switches and your life after like you you know there's like a turning point there's like a turning point when your life switches and like changes seeing shan elizabeth's melons was that moment for me so um and also she just made me really open to like foreign exchange students because in the movie um she's a foreign exchange student so that made me really sort of open to like in high school you know i think it can sometimes be hard for them to make friends which is like really not chill because like you know they're from a different country a different culture they have like a super amount of things to offer so um yeah
Starting point is 00:25:36 Shannon Elizabeth thank you for making me open-minded thank you for introducing me to the female form thank you for just being an amazing actress and playing nadia so well and thank you for making me super excited about high school and partying because i came into high school full steam ahead just ready to do it and just you know have study sessions with hot romanian chicks so chan elizabeth you're my babe of the week brilliant who, you're my babe of the week. Brilliant. Who's your babe? My babe of the week is Georgia St. Pierre,
Starting point is 00:26:11 the longest tenured welterweight title holder in UFC history, which is 170 pounds. Michelle Beadle on Sports Nation like six years ago said he had the best body
Starting point is 00:26:22 in sports. So, he's a babe that way. But the real reason I like him so much is because like in this new age of mixed martial arts, like post Conor McGregor, everyone has to like talk shit. Like now and Conor McGregor is amazing at talking shit. So when he does it, it's a it's different because it's authentic. But now there's this dude like Colby Covington, who's like, oh, fucking all Brazilians are idiots. And like, I'm the fucking man. And like he does videos where he's like, what's up, Beto's? And he like flexes at him. It's like all fucking all Brazilians are idiots and like I'm the fucking man and like
Starting point is 00:26:45 he does videos where he's like what's up betas and he like flexes at him it's like super homoerotic and I don't even think he knows that though I think he just thinks he's being like a badass yeah but he sucks at shit talking and but he's doing it and it's working it's getting him attention which is sort of a bugaboo but you know it'd be fun if he gets his face smashed and then George St. Pierre was like, not like that at all. He was always very respectful. Like he'd come in in a full gi, he'd bow.
Starting point is 00:27:11 When he talked about other fighters, he'd be like, hey, so, you know, I'm very excited to fight Carlos Conde. He's a good fighter and I respect his initiative and his ability and it would definitely be tough. But I think if I execute my game plan, I will win. And you're like, oh, that was like, he was just a professional. And he came back this year and fought up a weight class and beat michael bisbing uh michael bisbing does only have one eyeball though so kudos to him for still
Starting point is 00:27:36 fighting and um yeah george you've just always been a class act and you and your whole camp at tri-star with farasa hobby very smart, very pragmatic approach to martial arts. And yeah, I just think for a hot dude who can kick ass, you display a lot of modesty. And that's good. It's a solid bait. Thank you. Solid bait.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Who's your beef of the week? Beef of the week. This one's a hot one. All right. solid bait who's your beef of the week beef of the week this one's a hot one all right my beef of the week is with uh one of the dudes in my squad uh from college carter i love you dude but i'm gonna have to cite this beef so um this dates back to senior year of college our last hurrah spring quarter we were trying to just live it up as much as possible because we knew that life would end after college um because that'd be the end of non-stop partying that's the that was the perception we're like so we're like we're just gonna live this up we're gonna party
Starting point is 00:28:36 as much as we can and it was memorial day weekend i believe you know close to graduation so we were going hard and there's a Saturday coming up, big day party day. There are about three day parties going on. So we're going to go to each one. And, you know, in my partying schedule, I'd say, you know, I'd go pretty hard. I'd start with, I'd start boozing around like 9am on Saturdays to really get, you know, my juice flowing. And according to my schedule, I would usually run out of gas around 4 p.m. or so. So I'm like, you know what? I need to prepare because I really need to live this Memorial Day up. So I went to Panda Express and I got a fuck ton of orange chicken. Super dank, super delicious, tangy, refreshing, salty, every kind of flavor you want. It really just pops in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So I got a bunch of orange chicken, put it in the fridge. I'm like, I'm going to attack that at 4 p.m. so I can rage through the night. I think I know where this is going. Yeah, so I'm raging, getting after it, having the best time ever. 4 p.m. rolls around, gas tank is low, is low feeling empty i'm like i don't want to turn to stimulants because they shrink your dick so i was like i'm gonna go get that orange chicken maybe watch some like real world or something and refuel so i go to the fridge orange chicken gone stoke meter low me pissed and i looked out ass clown was actually in the house at the time i'm like ass clown do you know where my orange chicken went he's like oh yeah carter
Starting point is 00:30:15 was eating it earlier i'm like oh he was are you sure he's like actually there's a snapchat of him eating it i see him just joyously eating my orange chicken i'm like what the fuck dude so i go carter carter and he's like what's up dude i'm like dude you ate you ate my orange chicken and he's like no i didn't and i'm like here's proof dog and he's like yeah no i didn't he still denied he still denied it he will still deny it to this day to this day ah that see that drives me crazy yeah and i'm like dude proof dog and he's like yeah it's not your orange chicken i'm like it says chad on the box no it didn't dude it was so clearly my own tree and for some reason he could not own up to it. Dude. I think he was so ashamed of ruining
Starting point is 00:31:05 that my pre-planned orange chicken fest. So, yeah, my beef of the week is with you, dude. Just own up to what you did. You ate that orange chicken, dog. Wow. So, that's my beef. Did he post the Snapchat story himself? No, Asclown was
Starting point is 00:31:21 doing the Snapchat. Oh, right. Yeah. But man, just going back to them brings back so many good memories. Oh, I love those day parties. All right. My legend of the week is one of my dearest dogs, Reggie. Reg. Reggie is a beast. Reggie is like good vibes.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Like when you meet him, you're just like, oh, this guy's like super down to earth and chill. But here's the thing. Inside of that chill package is like a super smart supercomputer. So like you're chilling with them and you're just having a good time. You're relaxing, just smoking some pot, watching some comedy. But at the same time, your brain is like low key getting bigger, but it's like, it's a great like combination. And like, he makes comedic connections that make me feel like my brain's like running on a treadmill, like just like so linear and stuck.
Starting point is 00:32:10 And his is like, and just like a wild jungle, you know what I mean? Where there's like just so much to choose from and so much to look at. It's really inspiring. And just some examples of that. And like, I know my dog Reg, I know sometimes I reference these too much, but they were huge for me as a young man to see someone make these jokes. Like sometimes someone makes a joke and it like opens up a door in your head where you're like,
Starting point is 00:32:30 well, I've never even been in this room. Like we were watching Team America, the South Park guys movies, and the eyebrows were moving. There was like 15 of us watching in a room, all super baked. And the eyebrows were moving on the dolls. And someone was like,
Starting point is 00:32:43 how do they make their eyebrows move? And there was like two seconds of silence and then reggie just went motors i was like what yes yes motors dude and then one time we were just drinking beers chilling and reggie just looked at me he's like dude do you know what bon jovi means in english and i was like no i don't what does it mean he goes good jovi and i was like yes yes the best dude yes so he would just drop those little like pearls and he'd be like dude thank you you've just made me a little bit sillier for the moment and i feel better now it's fun to live in a silly world so this is the best and reggie can play in that world all day but he can also get work done like he's a hard worker like sometimes we were working at
Starting point is 00:33:35 the same place for a while he and i uh are both uh hedonists so we would chase the night we'd rock it like we would just go like 24 hours hard like drinking bar to bar like getting a wild experience messing with weirdo people and then the next day we'd both stroll into work at like 7 a.m and he'd just be like on it just like da da da da da and i was like dude you got the constitution of a fucking bear man and that is rare and he's that's rhymed and he's just fun to kick it with to To my dog Reggie, thank you. All right, who's your legend of the week? All right, my legend of the week is one of my pledge bros, Kip.
Starting point is 00:34:16 What up, Kip? Actually, I didn't really kick it with Kip. He moved out after freshman year, so we didn't really kick it to the full extent for the four years, but I got to give it up to him for being a legend during hell week of Pledge Ship. So Kip, one might say a bit of a goober. One might say the only reason he got a bid is because his roommate was getting a bid, and the dudes felt bad because he was in the room at the time and also wanted to get in the fraternity so like oh fuck we'll give this fucking guy a bid mercy bid yeah mercy bid so one might say that one might say he was just kind of a straight up dweeb and yeah he kind of was all
Starting point is 00:34:56 those things but he this dude had the heart of a lion and uh he was really committed to just becoming one of the dudes. He committed to solid brotherhood, committed to living life to the fullest. So there's one moment during Pledge Ship when the guys were really just ragging on him hard during Hell Week. They were really just going after him. They were like, Kip, you piece of shit, stand up. And they were just like, recite the alphabet, dude, fucking do the founder's monologue, and he would just do all this shit, you know, and they're like, Kip, you suck, you suck, you know, and they're just really breaking him down like a navy seal, and he was, they're like, Kip, you know, Kip, do push-ups, and he's
Starting point is 00:35:39 also kind of soft, too, so physical activity was not his forte, kip yeah um but he was getting after it you know and then they were breaking him down for like two hours and you know and then he was just like he started like crying they're like kip do the alphabet again he's like oh oh oh oh oh dudes and then like the guy in charge he's like kip how do you feel and he's like, Kip, how do you feel? And he's like, oh. And then in a moment of sheer, like, where, like, you know, a phoenix rises, he just, like, stands up. He's like, I, I, I feel amazing. I want to get through this with all of you. And we're all just sitting there blindfolded like whoa kip became a man just now
Starting point is 00:36:27 and he's like oh bros lift me up and we just like lifted him up you know and then like that's amazing it's amazing yeah that's like the scene in miracle where they're like who do you play for yeah united states of america yeah and it's just we're just in the basement of a frat house. Dude, but that's where magic happens everywhere. Yeah, you just got to break a dude down until he really realizes who he really is. Yeah, but in that moment, his character just shined. Yeah, and we were just all sitting there. I want to get through this with all of you.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I feel like I could do anything. So, yeah, Kip, you're a legend in that moment, dude. You're a fucking beast. And yeah, thank you for making Pledge Ship that much more enjoyable. And thank you for taking the brunt of all their torture. And just sort of made me think about, you know, like Navy SEALs and shit. What's up, Stokers? This episode of Going Deep with Chad and JT is brought to you by Kevin Farratt, attorney at law. Did you, a friend, or a loved one just have the worst night of your life getting busted for a DUI? Getting popped by an undercover squeeze thinking you were just paying for love? Getting thrown in the slammer for scoring up with a boogie boarder who dropped in front of your barrel?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Don't worry. Kev's got your back give kevin farred attorney at law a call at 213-290-6464 and ask how he can defend you that's 213-290-6464 or kevinfardlaw.com that's kevin k-e-v-i-n-f-a-r-d law.com serving southern california This is a legal advertisement and does not constitute legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. Epic. And this is me, Chad, going off book here. And I just want to say Kevin is a solid, solid dude. He'll have your back both in the court and in the pub. And he is just a fucking beast.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah. All right. let's get into some questions gotta do that dude keith up top is keith who's written into the pod several times this is our first time getting to him so thank you for being persistent keith what up chad and jt i recently listened to your pod where jt is super hungover after drinking way too many mimosas at brunch and woke up the next morning just feeling guilty for whatever reason i could not relate more and showed that segment to several of my compadres and received reciprocal laughter and reciprocated laughter and nods of approval in return i black out a fair amount a lot i guess you can say i have a problem with blacking out and it's not that i can't handle my elk i just drink a ton and i'm probably an alcoholic
Starting point is 00:39:01 high functioning but it's chill because it's college. Anyway, despite always having a killer night, I always wake up feeling guilty for whatever reason and have that fuck what the fuck did I say do last night before a blacking moment in my head. Sometimes I get the news back that I was really funny, delightful. However, other times I'll get stories back that I really wasn't in my best. Lifting people up, trying to squeeze a plus-size man nipples, attempting to chime into two black girls. Forcing my Uber to take shots at me. Forcing my beautiful, awkward, fat friend Gabby to moon people. Always ends bad. Ruining a relationship with a girl I'm talking to, etc.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Although all fun and games, I want to put an end to these blackouts once and for all. As the feel of guilt the next morning is just unbearable. What do I do, Chad and JT? Please help. And please don't say stop drinking as much because that's not an option. I can't. I'm probably an alcoholic, but it's chill because it's college. Do you know any remedies to prevent these blackouts and or the feelings of guilt the next morning? He asked us to not say, don't stop drinking. That's tough, dude, because it sounds like you're in this rhythm of like, you're like, I'm in college, I need to rage. It's a sort of denial where you're in this rhythm of like you're like i'm in college i need to rage it's a sort of denial where you're like we're like yeah i do have those traumatizing mornings but i'm in college and i need to rage this is a necessity and it's like
Starting point is 00:40:15 it's like i think you would actually enjoy yourself and your life much more if you found a way yourself and your life much more if you found a way to slow it down and just chill. Like imagine waking up on a Saturday, not hung over so you could go shred, you know, that would be a pretty epic morning. You need to drink less so that you don't have to give it up completely. Like I used to tell my buddy Austin before we blazed weed together, I'd be like, dude, look, we can't do this too much or then we can't do it anymore you know what i mean because it seems like i don't think i'm not saying you have a problem but i don't think you would have written in if it wasn't an issue yeah so the thing i would tell you to do is um give it up for a month prove to yourself that you don't need it because right now it's definitely a dependency which isn't an addiction yet but it's a dependency
Starting point is 00:41:03 that's still bad and you're on your you're on the trajectory towards addiction. So give it up for a month and just see what that feels like. Prove to yourself that you can rage hard and have fun sober. And then when you go back to the sauce, it won't be a, it won't be out of necessity. It'll be out of choice. And then the other thing I would tell you is to, um, for every drink you have, have a glass of water in between. That's a good point, yeah. What up, Chad and JT? I'm a senior in high school, and I've been crushing on this girl in my grade for a while now.
Starting point is 00:41:33 She's super cute and nice and is in my league, too. A rare find. The only problem is that we're both pretty shy, and I don't know her all that well. Dude, super cute. So I feel like it might be weird and awkward to ask her out. With summer coming up soon, I'm in a time crunch to make a decision before we part ways after graduation what should i do guys put it all on the line and ask her out or take my lack of opportunities to get to know her as assigned away for someone else also if i should go for it how should i motivate myself to do it
Starting point is 00:41:57 and not what's out you dudes are awesome and i love your podcast keep up the good work dude you gotta go for it man you know what i do dude i um i uh i tell other people i'm gonna do it so then if i don't do it the shame is even greater like i tell my parents and like my friends i'm like hey i'm gonna like you know like ask this girl out or i'm gonna like try and get this job yeah and then if you tell enough people about it you'll feel really bad if you don't do it because the next time you see them they'll be like oh did you ask out that chick and you're like now i pussed out yeah and then they're gonna be like oh yeah and like i just don't want people to like look at me like that so
Starting point is 00:42:36 once i put it out into the world that i'm going for this thing it puts pressure on me to do it and do these things that like scare you you you know, like asking a girl out, like these things that make you super nervous. Once you do it, the feeling of accomplishment after is like, it's like the best feeling in the world. And also to your point, it's a great point of like letting people know,
Starting point is 00:42:55 like I was at, I was eating at a diner with Joe the other night. I'm like, dude, I think I'm going to ask out the waitress. And he's like, good, you should.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I'm like, thank you, Joe. And then, you know, but I pussed out guys. I'm good. I'm just, dude, I think I'm going to ask out the waitress. And he's like, good. You should. I'm like, thank you, Joe. And then, you know, but I pussed out, guys. I'm just going to be honest. I pussed out. And after Joe's like, nice asking that chick out, puss. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I'm like, thank you, Joe, for putting me in my place. Yeah. So, yeah, man, do it. Do it. Sort of unrelated. I was watching The Avengers yesterday. Yeah. And, like, you know, it's all about, you know, superheroes stepping up even though it's impossible odds.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah. And I was just thinking, like, yeah, like, I don't even mean for this to be badass, but it might sound that way. Like, if someone, like, challenges me to a fight, I think the thing I would say is, like, I've walked away from every fight I'm going to walk away with. Like, I already hit that cap in my life, so we we're gonna throw down because i'm just done walking away yeah like i've walked away from enough fights i've had my fill yeah i hit my quota it's time to stand and do this yeah and he chokeslam him and then i fucking put my dong in his mouth dude wrong fight make it dude i used to i uh i was on ecstasy and i uh my friends told me i was uh arguing with a veteran who was in the wrong and um and my friends were saying i was saying crazy
Starting point is 00:44:12 shit like i was like get over here and i'll butt fuck you dude come over here and get butt fucked and i've done that before and i always find it works as shit talking in a fight it's just like you know go left to center really attack the guy where he's not expecting it and just be like dude come over here and i'll fucking make out with you left to center, really attack the guy where he's not expecting it and just be like, dude, come over here and I'll fucking make out with you and butt fuck you. And then the guy's like, I don't want that to happen. Yeah. That's worst case scenario in a fight.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. So if you don't ask this girl out, my dog, I'll butt fuck you. DP, baby. We'll both butt fuck you. Dude, if you don't ask this chick out, Chyna are gonna fucking DP you, dog. And not like mouth and butthole.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Two and butthole. Two and the butthole, dude. So how's that for motivation? You're a good kid. All right. Fellas, I got a pretty pressing issue that I'm sure you bros can help me out with. Last summer, me and my squad were mad tight
Starting point is 00:44:59 and did everything together. We had the best times and went hard in the paint as Waka Flocka put it best. However, one of our bros has recently been dissing himself from us for what seems like no reason and is kind of breaking up our group. I used to be really tight with this bro, and this being the summer before freshman year of college, I want this time to be full of unity and Max Stokage.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I think this is a problem everyone experiences. However, I wanted to hear your sage opinions on it. Do I let this bro go, or do I try to bring this group back together for one last banger before we go our separate ways? By the way, keep my name anonymous because my squad watches the pod. Thanks, bros. I had friends in high school who went on a religious retreat and when they would come back, they were experiencing serenity, but it changed them in other ways. They didn't like to socialize with us the way they did before. And it agitated me.
Starting point is 00:45:53 It made me angry because I felt like they were being a bit pious and thinking they were cooler than me or more enlightened than me. But the thing was, dude, I wasn't going to be able to argue them into staying tight with me. You just got to let the bird fly away. And if it comes back, it's meant to be. And in my case, they did. I'm super tight with me. You just got to let the bird fly away. And if it comes back, it's meant to be. And in my case, they did. I'm super tight with those guys. Still.
Starting point is 00:46:10 There's still my road dogs. And, and, uh, I think you got to let people, you know, go on their own path. Even if you think that pass a mistake and just trust that they'll, that it's just part of their journey.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I concur. Yeah. And get into your own weird shit all right fellas i got a press issue that i'm pretty sure you bros can help me out with last summer me and my squad were mad tight and oh no i just read that i'm 27 and living what up bros i'm 27 and live in orlando florida nice i have a question on journey i have a question on journey that is bumble now i do okay on bumble but i was drinking with some bros, and they mentioned how you shouldn't post pictures of yourself
Starting point is 00:46:47 with your hunting or fishing trophies in your Bumble profile to increase your odds on matching. Not only do I have pictures of myself fishing on my profile, but I fish obsessively. With girls seeing dead fish as offensive, do you think it's a loss of self-identity to not disclose your passion? For the record, I'm not looking for a serious relationship or anything on B on bubble really just a good time that's more than a one-night stand well you kind of want it both ways there dog um but i i understand the whole context of this question
Starting point is 00:47:13 though i really just want to throw flies and not tell lies thanks bros ps ironically enough uh grabbed a match as i was writing this question so this question might be for the birds oh congratulations on the match my dog dog. That's very exciting. What do you think, Chad? Should he take out pictures of dead animals so that he's got a better shot at matching up with some girls who are sensitive to that, which is a pretty big portion of the pop?
Starting point is 00:47:37 I don't know, dude. I wouldn't want to. It's sort of like what you were saying, how you're open about people, about how you're a psycho. Don't call me a psycho. wouldn't uh just so casual no you tell people you're a psycho anyways um so i uh yeah dude so i wouldn't i wouldn't completely hide that side of yourself you know maybe have like one photo of you with like a huge trout, or maybe you like wrestling a marlin, or maybe you just like filleting a big fucking Dorado fish. Um, just whatever floats your boat, my dog. But,
Starting point is 00:48:12 uh, you know, so because I think maybe you want to find a lady who shares the same passions and, you know, you don't want to sort of lie about who you are. So, um, I would, uh, out who you are. So, um, I would, uh, maybe not overdo it, but I wouldn't completely hide it. JT. Yeah, dude, I would say this. Um, and I know earlier in the pod I was preaching, um, upfront honesty, but you have to get the person in the room first. So I do think on your dating apps, it's good to kind of avoid, um, things that are going to alienate people that you might be able to connect with, you know? And the thing is they don't know you. So they see dead animals. And even though it's a big part of your life, it's not your whole personality. You know what I mean? So, um, I don't think you're being disingenuous to just, uh, remove those things. I think you're being disingenuous to just remove those things.
Starting point is 00:49:05 I think you're just being smart, dude. So I would take those out. My friend Jay, who we mentioned earlier, he had a picture where he's laying next to a sleeping kangaroo, but the kangaroo has red fur around its neck. So it looks like the kangaroo's dead. And Jay does pretty well on Bumble and Tinder because he's a handsome guy, but I think he'd do a whole hell of a lot better if girls didn't think there was a dead kangaroo in his profile photo. And yeah, man. So maybe take it out of your profile pic. And then when you meet them on the first date and they're like, what are
Starting point is 00:49:38 you into? Be like, Oh, I'm like actually really into hunting and fishing. But now that they're there, you can explain to them why you like it so much. And it's, it's not them. Cause if they just see it on your profile, it's a one sided argument. They're like, Oh, this guy's a monster. He kills animals. But then when you meet them, you can actually be like, no, this is like a tradition that's been in my family. And these deers are overpopulated in the area. And we're actually helping the ecosystem by eliminating a few of them and the meats really healthy. And we take good care of it and it's not you know inhumane like machine processed uh you know death machines so i uh i would take it out of your profile photos but include the ones with you and cool camo because camo's fucking sweet what up chad and jt first off i'm a huge fan of your work you two have inspired a whole generation
Starting point is 00:50:23 to perform our civic responsibilities with the utmost poised passion of professionalism. Man, I'm beyond honored to hear you say that. Thank you so much, man. You're too kind. I'm facing some serious qualms right now and really need the advice of the two most respected bro-hemes in the entire galaxy, potentially even the universe. Come on, talk. I was recently diagnosed with a case of margarita photodermatitis.
Starting point is 00:50:43 It turns out lemon or lime juice on your skin can make you hypersensitive to UV rays, creating a rash that looks like chemical burns where the lemon juice was. I was in AZ for a wedding a week ago. After landing in Phoenix, I met my bros at the Airbnb where there was a plethora of tequila that was begging to be distributed and ingested within the rituals of marriage and brotherhood. I'm not usually one for lime or limes with my tequila, but there was a lemon tree in the backyard. You got to do it. Naturally, I snagged some lemons and went to town on them. I now have discolored splotches along my arm and side where I was holding the cut lemons, like I was nursing newly born babies from my teat. The skin ailment almost
Starting point is 00:51:17 makes it look like I was traveling through the desert on a horse with no name, aka mainlining some smack. With the heat of summer upon us and pool parties abound, I am in deep despair. The dermatologist recommends keeping out of the sun till everything heals. This could be multiple weeks till full recovery. Plus, I don't want to look like some sort of freak show to all the banging hot babes. Like I can't print out the Wikipedia page and show every one of them. It's just getting sloppy with some fat, juicy lemons. Chat, JT, what do I do? My mind and body and soul are craving a good pool rager and jello shots dispensed from two well-bronzed knockers.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Maybe I just stick to small kickers where I can throw on the unbuttoned long sleeve as a fashion statement that also hides my battle wounds from the sun. Please bestow your infinite wisdom upon me and for anyone else going through a case of margarita photodermatitis. Thank you for all the stokeage you bring to the world. You are beacons of light in times of darkness. A lighthouse for sailors lost at sea. Quentin.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Wow, Quentin. First off, thank you so much for those ultra kind words. That just really warmed my soul to like a level that's like really legit. JT. My take is, you know, informed by my experiences and the things I've witnessed. So they may be specific only to me
Starting point is 00:52:24 and it may not work out this way again, but you're playing hurt. And I remember seeing one of my bros play hurt and it was one of the most Herculean efforts I've ever seen in the field of snagging babes. My dog, A-Bomb Andrew, bomb, Andrew, has hairy arms. He's got a hot body, striking face. And he was in a period of his life where he was maybe grooming a bit too much. So he tried to nair his arms. He left the nair on for too long and he ended up causing severe burns up and down his arms just before 4th of July. I mean, he looked like a lobster. It was really bad. So he was going to stay home for 4th of July and I wouldn't allow it. I said, dog, get up and let's finish what we started. So we ended up hiking over to Newport Beach.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Andrew ended up going out to the bars that night. A super hot chick from Russia was dancing on a table. They ended up hooking up all weekend, having sex on the beach. I remember I really pissed her off because I kept playing back in the USSR and saying, Hey, why'd you put this on and framing her for putting it on. But then she looked at me with stoic eyes and said, I don't understand the joke. Stop. And I was like, all right, fair enough. And I cut it out. All right. I took her signal and realized I'd, I'd, you know, was being obnoxious, but Andrew had one of the most beautiful weekends of his life. And, um, oh dude, him and his girlfriend listen to this pod
Starting point is 00:53:46 Ah, this was long before he met you and when I see him look at you I know he loves you deeply and if he could go back in time and meet you before he met these other girls I know in my heart honest to god. He would do that. He's gonna show up your door, dude What the fuck did he do? But he did meet this r Russian chick and hook up with her while he had lobster arms. And it's part of the reason I respect him so much that he was able to do something that cool while he was dinged up. So, Quentin, maybe you can do the same, my dog.
Starting point is 00:54:19 What up, Chad and John Thomas? Oh, dude, good call. That is my name. I've been going deep with the pod since day one. You guys are always giving solid advice, and I'm seeking your wisdom. I was hooking up with this Betty for a while now, and she caught major feels. One day, she told her friend she wanted a serious relish. I caught winds of this, and it drained my stoke tank.
Starting point is 00:54:36 It went from being a fun time to something I was conflicted about, so I eased off her for a bit. Then she goes and hooks up with some Barney. I didn't think I would care, but once I found out, I was bummed. Several months passed, and now she's hitting hooks up with some barney i don't i didn't think i would care but once i found out i was bummed several months passed now she's hitting me up again we've been talking and she's interested once more i'm interested in her but not sure if i want a serious relationship do i lock it down or do i let it go seriously need help to hear david ps i haven't written this much since high school dude i never wrote that much in high school, dog. Nice. I think you're thinking too much in the future. Put yourself in the present moment, dog.
Starting point is 00:55:13 You know? Because you're just like, oh, she wants a serious relationship. I got to cut it off now. Dude, I've done that so many times where, you know, I'll start to get interested in a girl, and then she'll be interested, and I'll be like, wait, what about these other options? Am I committing too hard? And then I end up messing it up, and I totally regret it. So let things play out.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Let that cookie crumble, dude. Go to Miss Field's cookie shop and let the cookie crumble the way it crumbles because, you know, you don't know what she really, really wants, you know? So, you know, just enjoy, if you like her, enjoy your time with her, you know? Do the things that you guys, you know, have fun. And then if she like asks you straight up, look, I want to get into a serious relation, you're like, well, I don't, then that's that. But I wouldn't, I wouldn't make assumptions and then cut everything off, especially if you get upset at her hooking up with straight-up Barnos, dude. That can be a telltale sign that maybe you should keep kicking it with her
Starting point is 00:56:15 and go get some pokey. And it's hard, dude, because I'm listening to this, and I'm like, maybe he really likes her, and I'm like, maybe he's just a competitive guy. You know what I mean? And he's hard, dude, because I'm listening to this and I'm like, maybe he really likes her. And I'm like, maybe he's just a competitive guy. You know what I mean? And he's just being territorial and he doesn't like someone else, especially a Barnault, you know, dipping into the same place where he's been. But at the same time, the girl I'm with now, my girlfriend, my love, when we first got together years ago, because we've kind of been on and off. Um, I was into her, but I wasn't going to go for it. I was too nervous.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I thought she was too cool for me. And then one of my best buddies started going for her. And then I was like, and he had like kind of snaked a few other chicks from me. And I was like, dude, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to miss out on something that could be really special.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Cause this dude and him going for pushed me to go for her even harder and then we ended up getting together so sometimes it takes sometimes it takes a reminder that you can lose out on something to remind yourself that you want something and because you can take stuff for granted until you're afraid of losing it so maybe uh maybe maybe this is just what you needed dog so so go for it you know what i mean whatever you do just go for it dude You know what I mean? Whatever you do, just go for it. Dude, what would Lao Tzu say in the Tao Te Ching? Stay present, dude. Enjoy the moam.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Int. Sometimes I try to abbreve and it's not working. So the moam. I should complete that. Int. Recently, I've been trying to hit up this chick. The problem is that she recently became friends with my ex's friends from freshman year of college, but now my ex isn't friends with them anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:47 This chick is cool from what I hear, and she's a babe. My friend's girlfriend was hanging with her one night when I drunk snapped her and asked, What's up? I got blurry snaps and no words and got the hint and left her alone. It's a weird response. After that, I texted my boy's girlfriend to put in a good word, and she heard I was a bad guy. From my ex's friends, I'm guessing. Stuck.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Stoke is in the fucking basement bros my boy's girlfriend did end up putting a good word and then she hit me back but i ignored her should i leave it like this as a no-go or try to change her mind that i'm actually a good dude and go full send on the approach thanks bros joey yeah dude fuck the chatter get in there show who you really are go for it dog yeah figure out if she's cool. Yeah. Go wear a jacket, unzip it, and show yourself shirtless underneath. And that's a metaphor, I think. And I would just say, dude, don't spend the whole time just trying to prove to her that you're a good guy. Figure out who she is, too.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Because sometimes when you come in playing from a deficit, you can get obsessed with just correcting the wrong. But that's the wrong mindset. Just being a place of flow and and of non-judgment yeah act like you act like you never heard that she heard negative things about you just come in at like a fucking uh like heath ledger and a knight's tale yes all right dudes that'll be it for episode 18 of the going deep with chad jt podcast thank dudes, so much for tuning in. Thank you for writing in questions. I'm sorry if we didn't get to yours. We're trying to get to them all.
Starting point is 00:59:09 So keep writing in, dudes. If you didn't get your question answered, write it in again. And, yeah, check us out on iTunes. Leave us a review. We love those. And check out our Patreon for bonus content. And stay stoked, Stokers. Sorry, real quick. Boom stay stoked, Stokers. And sorry, real quick.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Boom, clap, Stokers. And I want to thank my main dog, Get Strider Outta Benihana, for his Instagram messages about pistols. The guy who backdoored me with my girl. You really helped take some of the edge off me, dog. And I appreciate your counsel. I'll do it. I got to check those out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Thanks, dudes. Hey, Stokers. We know that you guys Are into boning And we know that you guys are into preparation And we know that you guys are into Smooth function Which is why I need to choose Douglas Lubricant
Starting point is 00:59:56 The best in the biz For smooth boning We offer a ton of different fragrances From strawberry To peach, which is a new one, to original, to anal, my favorite. And guys, this is just me, Chad, talking. Use Douglas. It will enhance your boning experience, especially with their new tingle technology, which really just sort of makes your whole dong piece explode. And chicks, you'll love it too. Don't want to be exclusive.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Chicks will love it too. Don't want to be exclusive. Chicks will love Douglas too.

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