Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 180 - Seaspiracy (we didn't watch it), Vaccine, Following dudes on Onlyfans

Episode Date: April 1, 2021

What's up stokers! Its just Chad and me in the studio today. We talk about getting vaccinated, if there is anyway to live an ethical life, and sexuality.    Sign up for new merch here: http:...//www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​     Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you rolling? We rolling. We riding. We love to go. Bake the beans and then tell me to show you. Sometimes I get into that. Yeah, I know. I know. I know i know hold on let me get into it baby because sometimes i get into i'm like i'm like that doesn't sound right but you know i just gotta roll with it i can't i can't let those there is no i can't i can't block it i need to be full flow so all right here we go
Starting point is 00:00:42 so all right here we go are you asleep no i'm thinking yeah let's open the can and wet my nipples what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the gun team with chad jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again oh fuck i forgot to figure out the ads um who are we sponsored by this week for sure manscaped for sure we're i would bet my nipples on it we are of course brought to you by the legends manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because guys i mean it's freaking spring break it's freaking spring break and it's also march madness did you fill out your bracket yet because our sponsored manscape who is the best in men's below the waist grooming want to remind you to do so. Their precision-engineered tools for your family jewels
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Starting point is 00:02:06 I'm with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. We're here in the new studio again. Yeah. We've got Aaron over there. I think you're off camera, but your presence is always felt. Hello, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:02:22 His shock is still not in frame, actually good soakers could feel it i think the energy comes through the audio waves for sure we're here in the studio again yeah i'm loving it it's great yeah how you doing oh we got fruit sorry i'm just plug nation right now we got fruit smash too shout out to them you guys if you're going to drink hard seltzer and you want to drink a cool new hard seltzer and you want to drink a cool new hard seltzer that gets you fired up and brings on the good times. Check out fruit smash. I also have a Celsius.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I don't think they formally sponsor us, but they sent us a case. Yeah. So if you're going to drink an energy drink, what if we just did plugs for the rest of the episode? Yeah. These, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:03 that couch is brought to you by Wayfair guys if you want to get a new couch check out wayfair.com horseradish strider called it out last week that's the color although Joe was saying it's more of a Dijon I think Dijon more horseradish is more kind of white
Starting point is 00:03:18 oh you're right interesting it just sounds like the right color for it right yeah dijon's a little boring it's not as fun to say it's horse radish i think we just stick with the horse radish it's horse radish yeah uh well nice man how you doing i'm good dude trying to think what i've been up to just been chilling dude worked out today at the park nice hit some pull-ups hit some toes to bar did some push-ups went for a nice walk with our friend Rachel Cuthbert. She's amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Oh, she's in town. Yeah, she's in town because she's doing her stand-up show. Right. Yeah. Did she move? She lives in Austin now. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:54 She's doing like the Aubrey Marcus like life coaching program. Right, right. It sounds pretty cool. Yeah. And then what else did I do? Then I played some Call of Duty. Then I did a little work. And then now I'm potting.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's been a lovely day. Yeah. It's a good day. I mean, it feels like yesterday, yesterday felt like sort of a new, yesterday and Saturday felt like we were entering spring formally. Oh, yeah. Because we had those like chilly days. You know, there's like, there's like horseshit March, like kind of like cloudy days.
Starting point is 00:04:23 But then it was like 80 yesterday it's hot and i was like yes bring it on julie came over today to get another camera for the studio yeah and she was like aren't you hot in here and i looked at the temp and i was like it's 75 degrees in here nice but i wasn't hot i was loving it yeah but it's it but it's's hot. I love it. Yeah. It's getting up there. Bring it on. That's sort of hot where it's like the new hot that comes in when you're ready for it. You know, it's like I've had enough cold. I'm ready for a hot, hot.
Starting point is 00:04:56 My body runs hot too. Yeah. Like people sometimes when they touch me, they're like, oh, you're warm. Really? You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I think it's the anxiety. Really? Twerking it up. I run cold. I think I was thinking about this the other day. I think it's the anxiety. Really? Twerking it up. I run cold. I think, I was thinking about this the other day. I was like, we're like fire and ice a little bit. You know what I mean? That's kind of, you're like the ice man.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You get in the ice bath, you know? Dude. I'm always freaking out, crying. So it's like, that's kind of our feng shui personally. Feng shui. Mmm. That was a little yodi-wee on's a good point val kilmer's cool too he's awesome yeah really good actor yeah i guess they didn't think he could play jim morrison in
Starting point is 00:05:32 the doors so he sent a tape that was like all degraded like video quality wise of a jim morrison performance to oliver stone the director and he was like oh this is really good he's like that's actually me in it really i think that's the that's the story but he had a director, and he was like, oh, this is really good. He's like, that's actually me in it. Really? I think. That's the story. That's cool. But he had a run there where he was in that, and he was in Tombstone, and he was really good in something else
Starting point is 00:05:54 that I can't remember. He played Cunth in MacGruber. He was really funny in that, too. I mean, he aged kind of poorly. It's a bummer. Because he doesn't believe in medicine. He's a Christian scientist Oh really
Starting point is 00:06:06 Does he still have cancer I think so So hopefully he's doing some medicine for that But hey live your life It's up to you Yeah Dude and also speaking of medicine We got our vaccine shots
Starting point is 00:06:18 Right yeah Dude we're dosed up Modern Got the modern Dude and when we were in line I was because we all You, and our friend Dan. Yeah. All got our appointments around the same time at Dodger Stadium.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And I was like ahead of you. And so we were talking, you know, we were calling, we're all nervous. We're like, oh, I don't know if I want to do this, but like, let's do it. It's kind of, it was almost like going to prom or something like that. Yeah, yeah. And then, and then I called you and I was like, which one are you guys doing? Let's all make sure we get the same one. Yeah. like which one are you guys doing let's all make sure we get the same one yeah i was like all right let's all do maderna we're all doing maderna
Starting point is 00:06:48 yeah and we were all on the same page and then i got my shot and then you dudes effed with me and we're like yeah we decided we're doing johnson and johnson and i was like what the fuck i was like we said we're doing maderna dude but then you guys said you were full you got two shots dude that sucks for you yeah but it's so funny that you pull in and it's like you get a choice of vaccine. Yeah. When in history have people been like, which company vaccine are you going with? I don't think that's ever happened. It kind of bugs me.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It bugs me that the technology just wasn't shared across the board and everyone was like, hey, we're not worried about revenue or intellectual property. we're just here to share and get the best vaccine everyone's like no there's 33 different vaccines in america yeah yeah you got to do like yelp reviews and figure out which one you want yeah i know yeah we were it's not that dramatic but well we were looking up johnson and johnson because it's it's one shot and we're like that sounds nice but then they're like the efficacy is lower and stuff and but even even if you get it it sounds like it still will greatly reduce the disease that you get from it which is nice yeah and then the person who came up to give me my shot or to scan my shit was like started talking me and they're like he was really funny he's like you sound like one of those surfer dudes
Starting point is 00:08:00 i was like yeah it's like kind of my thing he's like we say radical for me and i was like radical and then he was like yes and he like ran over to the cooler where they had the shots and he was like talking to the nurse he's like this dude's hilarious all i had to do was elongate my vowels he loved it it was so weird and kind of dystopian pulling in because like when we were in line to get the vaccines like i was it felt like we were graduating yeah like we were in line it felt like it was the start of summer break i was like summer's here like we finished high school like that that's how i felt i had that same feeling but it was just to get a vaccine it does it did feel like once i got it i was like oh we made it you know what i mean yeah it's been like a year this and it does even beyond us getting the
Starting point is 00:08:42 vaccine i'd already been feeling this way for a while i know cases are like taking up a little bit but it does feel like new york times had a huge article today about how the vaccines are working really well at preventing even like asymptomatic uh disease and like spread yeah like people aren't getting it if they have the vaccine i think that's basically what the article said yeah and uh so it did and i'd been feeling this way i could feel it in the streets it feels like we're like in a different chapter of this and potentially hopefully one of the later ones so we can dude i'm fucking fired up on it dude me too i'm ready to get out there traffic is booming traffic is back in la i've never been more fired up to be in traffic you know what else too i think uh from what i've gathered from people the dating apps have slowed down a little
Starting point is 00:09:25 bit and i think it's a good sign because i think it means that people are out and about more yeah that's good yeah i um it's interesting getting the vaccine too because you know it's such a people make such a big deal about it and then there's like the controversy around it and then when you get it you know you're like it just feels like such like a nothing thing nothing thing you're like that's what everyone's like freaking out about you know they just like i didn't feel the shot no it's barely a poke and people are like yeah be like 1984 is coming yeah you get that vaccine you don't know what's in it and then they give it to you and you're like i think it's fine a lot of comedians aren't getting it.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Really? A lot of people we're friends with aren't getting it. I'm just like, I'll get it in my nuts. They all say they'll do it if it's mandatory. Yeah. But they're like, I'm not doing it. Yeah. If I had the option to get it in my nut sack to get back to normal life, I'd take it.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Hell yeah, dude. I'll shoot it in your nuts for you. I was feeling off. You'd bukkake it? Aaron wants it all. Aaron wants to do vaccine bukkake. What a beast. He's looking out for all of us.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, I'd take it. What if I was too into it? I'd take it on my face and my ass and just get so into the details. While it squeezes my nuts and someone's stepping on my neck. You hear about JT? He got the vaccine in his ass. That's what was the big thing in China, right? When they were like, they're testing COVID in the butt. It's more accurate.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It was like this, you know, it was like another... I feel like every month we get some articles from like, you know how crazy China is? And then you're like, whoa, yeah, they're really willing to push the envelope. They'll go farther than we will. I think it's a huge competitive advantage for them that they're willing to do. Like whenever I see that, I'm like, China's taking COVID so seriously,
Starting point is 00:11:09 they're doing anal swabs because it's more accurate. I'm like, we're done. Like they're just going to eat our lunch. These people are willing to just go the extra mile every time. Yeah. Like here in America, we're like, nah, we're good, dude. I think I would go there, just get tested like that for the experience.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I think it'd be hilarious. It is really funny. Yeah. Hard to do in a drive-thru, though. Yeah, I'm used to sticking my ass out car windows. That'd be easy for me. You could easily do that. All you have to do is moon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I used to write stuff on my butt. I mean, it's so uncomfortable when you get the thing in your nose, but can you imagine that thing in your ass? That would would be tough i've never had anything i've had a finger sort of in my butt but not deep so i i don't have i don't have much uh that you know i was thinking about that though too with like sexuality and i really do think because i follow some people on only fans but i follow dudes who have sex with a lot of women oh really which is kind of gay I think you know right yeah that's interesting yeah and then at one time I went to a gay bar with I've told the story before with our buddy and there was so much uninhibited sexuality because when you go to like a hetero club like you know it's it's pretty restrained like guys
Starting point is 00:12:21 are trying to hit on girls but it's all pretty like, it's not in a sexual realm yet. But at the gay bar, there was like naked dudes, just in G strings, not fully naked. And then like they'd see a hot guy and then not all of them, but like a hot guy would come up
Starting point is 00:12:34 and just stick his face straight in the guy's ass. And I was horny for like two weeks after I went there. Really? Yeah, like really horned me up. Interesting. And then I was thinking like
Starting point is 00:12:42 if I had been born and I had been taught that like hooking up with dudes was cool. I think I could be into like dudes, you know what I mean? But I was just raised where it was like, it's cool if you hook up with a girl. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And then, so I was like, okay, well that's, that's what I'm into. And I think it's pretty deeply ingrained, but it's like, I do think I have some like,
Starting point is 00:13:04 you know, and I hate when like straight guys claim that they're gay especially in LA it's like a little I don't know it just feels like not authentic but you know I think I have a little touch of it yeah but not super gay just like when I have sex with a girl I like to like you know have a hot dog in my hand and
Starting point is 00:13:18 lick it once in a while Oscar Mayer or Heber National Heber National higher quality little thicker dog. I can't say I feel the same way, but I think that's cool. Yeah, I don't think you're very gay. No. I mean, I like...
Starting point is 00:13:35 Not that you're opposed to it, but just... I like being touchy-feely with my friends. Mm-hmm. Just because... I don't know. Especially with my older brother and his friends and stuff, I would always give them big hugs, you know? Because i don't know especially with my older brother and his friends and stuff i would always give them big hugs you know because i don't know i think i just like being affectionate with my older brother but that's nice yeah yeah but i don't think i ever brought a sexual vibe to it
Starting point is 00:13:55 um when i hadn't i think it's cool when i was deep in you know i claim i was a 24 year old virgin i should get this out in the open although it it really hurts the narrative that i've kind of uh convinced myself of but i did put my wiener barely in someone when i was like 17 oh really and then i think she was shy and so like it wasn't really there was no give right and then i pulled out and that was it yeah but technically i had i i didn't have sex but i was no longer a virgin i don't i don't think you don't think so no okay i i think i think you gotta i think you gotta be like you know there's got to be a couple pumps you gotta be pumping yeah well it's good we settled that thank you so i can stick to what i've the story i've been telling that so when i was a virgin i was 24 i remember when i was like 22 ish i'd be like hanging out with my buddy andrew's like a hot dude really sensitive and
Starting point is 00:14:48 stuff and i'd like grab his knee like when we got excited during like an episode of mad men or something and i could feel a a charge between us but i don't think i was i think it was honestly because i just i had no options who are girls so i was like at some point your brain's just like well we need you know something right almost like prison i could see doing that with andrew yeah he's probably pretty choice he's a big he's like a sexual conductor you know what i mean dude when he used to go into his room at his apartments whatever apartment he lived in yeah everyone who walked in was like man some fucking happens in here i can feel it yeah he just had an incredible ability to uh concoct that energy yeah yeah he's sort of like tesla's reactor a tesla coil he's like a tesla coil of boning for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:15:32 just a great guy electrical semen big time that's cool and and also the um the the juice that comes out of the female genitalia i think the those two reacting what's going on i don't know i was trying to be inclusive no i saw you getting shy so i like was like i was digging in no but what do you mean uh i think i was just i was just trying to be inclusive like it's that's nice it's semen and be inclusive people love that i love it saying like pussy i understand that i don't know maybe i just you don't say it at People love that. I think I get a little bit uncomfortable saying, like, pussy. I understand that. I don't know. Maybe I just... Am I just so polite?
Starting point is 00:16:09 You don't say it a ton. Am I just so polite that I don't know? There's nothing wrong with that. Oh, thanks. It's nice. Thanks, man. I don't like saying that word a ton either. I mean, maybe a little bit when I'm playing Call of Duty, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Right. But I do always get, like, a little pang of, like, yeah, it's a little harsh. i'm when i'm playing call of duty you know right but i do always get like a little pang of like like yeah it's a little harsh yeah yeah and i'm not even trying to be politically correct i just sort of like you know and don't get me wrong i'm i'm horny i know you are and i you know i know you are i'll get after it but absolutely but i think i just keep the language nice well sometimes people accuse like they're like you're soft you're being politically correct i'm like no no i don't say this shit yeah i'm like i'm just trying to be nice yeah yeah yeah oh man that's funny no i feel you yeah i was even thinking about that like i'll probably cut this but like with dave chappelle's special, his specials, you know, like he, he talks so much about
Starting point is 00:17:05 trans people and I, it is like interesting that we have so much public discourse about that when it's a pretty small segment of the population. So I do understand why people like react to it. Cause they're like, why is this taking up so much like of our media and like headspace and stuff. Yeah. But he did spend like an hour and a half talking about it in all of his specials and like i'm just like and he's so funny he's a genius but i'm just like
Starting point is 00:17:29 just be nice leave him alone i'm like you don't need to do an hour and a half i'm like hit him with one or two and let's keep him moving dude i have no i'm in no position to tell dave chappelle how to do comedy but that was what i felt when i watched it yeah yeah i was like just be nice yeah yeah i mean i do say you know i can be mean as fuck and say off color shit, but for the most part I try to be nice. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I think I've always gravitated towards, towards people who are a little bit meaner in like high school and college. I've always been like, they have this ability to just be mean. And I think I just thought it was funny yeah well you loved when we would go and when we went on our first comedy trip you nicked apollo the whole way oh that's right yeah he's one of the most like acerbic and edgy hard-hitting comics so it's great joke writer too but like i mean super like yeah hard hard hitting yeah i think i think it's just because i i i'm just so not that way
Starting point is 00:18:25 maybe it's like a whole i'm just sort of in awe of people who can just say shit like that it dude it's a power it is but i don't really have those thoughts you know what i mean right it's more i'm just like that's hilarious that's how his brain works and that's what comes out of his mouth you know what i mean yeah i mean reading the Steve jobs book, like one of my main takeaways is like his real superpower beyond being like really bright and motivated. Yeah. Like the things that distinguish him from other people is like first he, he has like,
Starting point is 00:18:54 no, uh, he doesn't ever rely on the past to dictate the future. Like he'll change one 80 on a subject or a topic or, right. Cause he's like, no, don't like,
Starting point is 00:19:03 I'm not going to be constrained by like the dogma of who i was yesterday or like what people who what people think i am uh-huh he'll just he's just completely like willing to adapt but then the other thing is he's just willing to fight all the time right like he goes into every situation without any fear of conflict yeah and that's like his superpower he just fights with everybody if he believes and he's often right but like it is pretty crazy to be that kind of person yeah it's been helping me a little bit where i'm like no just say what you think i mean it's gonna come out nicer out of my mouth and he calls me he's like you're a fucking idiot this fucking sucks yeah go fix it right it's like some guy who like invented the nano ipod but like i you
Starting point is 00:19:37 know i can do like my version like and be nice and be like hey i feel this way and i feel strongly about it and it's like okay right yeah. It's okay to have some conflict. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But I do hear you. There is like the people who are really, Tim Dillon's like that too. Like when I watch him, like,
Starting point is 00:19:54 but yeah, again, I just don't think like he does. You know what I mean? My brain's just not really wired that way. Yeah. I think I have fantasies of like, I don't know, I could watch Entourage back in the day and I'd be like, like yeah i want to be
Starting point is 00:20:06 like re gold just like yeah just but i you know i had to come to terms with that's just not me people used to tell me i was like him really i was a little more of a shit talker when i was i was a huge shit talker when i was younger really i mean i still can be like when i'm playing call of duty but that that doesn't even count to me because that's just like boy shit yeah yeah no that's cool i mean yeah i think i think you just gotta but isn't ari a little mean to his assistant lloyd oh yeah i don't think you'd ever do that no i don't think you'd ever do that if i'm gonna be mean to someone's gonna be in a deeper life way i'm gonna like you notice you like say a lot of things but it feels like you're trying to create a version of yourself for us to believe in that you don't even believe in i'd say something like that yeah that made me
Starting point is 00:20:48 feel bad about myself i wasn't talking to you i know i know but still that's like how i insult people that's soul crushing i try to come from more of a sincere place of insulting someone yeah i guess i just picture you more as a shit tiger like walking down the hallway and just sort of like finger pistols people with you know little remarks yeah nice backpack dylan yeah stuff like that yeah i used to do a lot of that yeah yeah we saw your pubes last night yeah i think i always had an inner desire to be like that but at a certain point i had to come to terms with like i'm like no i know, it's cool to be mellow. Even though when people would describe it, they'd be like, dude, you're mellow.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I'd get some, I'd be like, I'm not mellow. No, I'm always envious of you when we have like a situation that, uh, like if we're having a disagreement with someone over something creative or like the direction of something, I'll get like, or if I feel like I'm not being heard i'll get like i'll call you and i'm like i'm like fired up about this man you're like i think it'll work out and it's i envy you i'm like yeah because most of the time it does yeah you know yeah and then i'm like oh fuck man i'd like to be that chill and then i'll try but then i just like well i i you're you're better at expressing i i'll have those feelings in my in my my dome and, but then I'll just sort of like mellow out, I guess. Um, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 That's good. That's good. People it's, that's an interesting thing too, is that people are like, Hey, when you're mad, you don't have to respond. Like wait till you're not mad. Yeah. But I was like grew up in a place where you use that madness and that anger to like funnel what you're thinking. And it actually gives you a lot of juice when you're talking to someone. So it's hard for me. And then sometimes I make mistakes, but then sometimes I actually think it helps me that I react when I'm mad. Cause I need the, the madness gives me willpower to fight. If I'm not mad, I'm not
Starting point is 00:22:38 going to, I'll just let it go. And then I'm like, okay, well I better fight with them now when I'm mad. Cause if I let it go, I'm not want to fight oh that's interesting so like when i get mad sometimes i'm like yes yeah it's like fuel and then i call him right back and i'm like what the hell was this like what is going on yeah yeah and they're like what's up with you i'm like i'm mad yeah i guess i've had instances in my life where i've when i've when i've reacted to like my anger it just always comes out just like not cool you know what do you mean like i was just like i thought i thought this kid kenny in college stole my couch you know or like slept on my couch some other things or jizzed on it you know you guys know um and i was like kenny kenny what'd you do to my couch you fucking bitch and then i i was playing golf with
Starting point is 00:23:27 my dad after that and i was like kenny's a good guy like no you did the right thing you didn't do anything it wasn't him no oh okay well you know you made a mistake but i wouldn't be hard on yourself for making that mistake uh yeah but you only called him a bitch you didn't get too personal or anything yeah i just called him a bitch but that's nothing he probably him a bitch you didn't get too personal or anything yeah i just call him a bitch but that's nothing he probably is a bitch not in a bad way we're all bitches he's kind of a bitch we're all kings and bitches yeah i think i'm more of like in arguments and stuff or like when people like like press me i'm like i just want to be like can you give me like 10 minutes to reflect on this and like really think about it and i'll come back with my rebuttal yeah you do
Starting point is 00:24:05 a great job with that because we had like uh we were working on a project and we had a disagreement with some people we were working with on it and i was more like in the phone call immediately afterwards i was like pushing back more and a little upset yeah but then you took a day and then you formulated all your ideas into an email and you had like this whole record of like why you felt the way you did and why you felt like uh why like some things they said might have been unfair or something like that it was so well thought out i was like oh that was like a really smart way to handle it oh thanks man yeah but you still get the point across yeah yeah and it was a little more substantive than mine which was like a little bit more just because i'm just on my feelings i'm like okay well i feel this way
Starting point is 00:24:44 and i feel that way and like yeah But you're able to make really eloquent points when you're in your feelings dude let's like each let's kiss each other right now Come here aaron are you are you about to vomit is this too much dude yeah Aaron's about to kill himself dude i know people will love it i hope Jesus christ you guys shut up and stop liking each other Enough is enough um oh dude i dm'd andrew schultz and he dm'd me back that's nice you did what'd you say uh because he's getting francis and ghanu who's gonna come up later on the pod the ufc new heavyweight
Starting point is 00:25:19 champion oh nice beast on his pod and i just wrote amazing and he said oh shit what's up man that's what he said he said oh shit what's up man oh really yeah isn't that cool wow that's cool i know i'm kind of pumped uh damn so so he knows who we are maybe you are no he well if he knows who i am he definitely knows who you are um dude i wanted to talk about this i was gonna make him my beef but i don't want to make him my beef because i don't want to have too hard of a perspective on it but like so we did it we're doing new videos where we review pokey bowls and and people have corrected us and said it's actually pokey and i'm sorry but i think i'm gonna stick with pokey for a while it's gonna take more shaming to get me to switch but i never change you beast bro i that. Stick to your guns. But people responded in the comments and they're like, bros, you can't be eating fish.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Have you guys seen Seaspiracy? And I was like, God damn it, dude. Is there like anything ethical that we can do in this like information age, like capitalist society that we live in? Like, I don't know what the, what are the machinations that are making everything bad, i think those sound like they're in the ballpark like is there anything i can do that's like because you'd start drinking oat milk and then
Starting point is 00:26:33 people are like oh that's actually the water resources needed to make oats is like yeah super bad for the environment you shouldn't drink oat milk and then you know you eat spinach and people are like oh it's gonna give you what other thing you told me spinach do? Oxalates. Oxalates, yeah. Right. Give you kidney stones. But that's more on the health side. I'm even just thinking of like the ethical side of like – Yeah, right there with you.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Is there anything you can do? This was my beef too actually. Really? Yeah, it really bothered me because it's just like people come – they're like, bro, what are you eating, fish? I'm like, what are you doing? What do you eat? Yeah, what do you eat? Fish? I'm like, what are you doing? What do you eat? Yeah, what do you eat?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Are you just on Soylent all day? And if you are, mass respect to you. You're a better person than me. But like, I'm probably not going to watch. Now that I'm talking about it, I'm going to watch it. Because now that we're talking about it publicly, I'm going to feel compelled. But I would not have watched Seaspiracy under normal circumstances. Yeah, getting those messages made me want to eat more fish and not watch it and eat fish on video.
Starting point is 00:27:29 This is the DePaulo in you. Yeah, because I don't like being told what to do. You know, bro. And then like these morality pillies coming in, you're eating something like a poke bowl. And people are like, bro, you're eating a poke bowl. It's like... Eating a poke bowl is evil now yeah and you're like you know i get you know factory farming you know i i try to like buy meat and stuff from like
Starting point is 00:27:53 uh more ethical places more ethical places and whatever the term is there's some places that you know if you buy beef from certain farms that are like free range, they're carbon sink. So they actually suck carbon out of the atmosphere. Oh, nice. And then with fish, you know, I don't really know if you can do the same with fish. I think maybe just fishing is just bad in general. Probably. But you know, but everything's bad. That's my point. Everything's bad. Yeah. There's nothing point everything's bad yeah there's nothing that there's no there's no way to get out of this life without having a negative footprint on like there are some people do i mean i'm not holding myself to too uh rigid of a standard
Starting point is 00:28:34 i'm pretty lax with myself but i don't know i just and it was just so surprising to me because it's like it's bros who are getting mad at us which is kind of sweet because it's like, it's bros who are getting mad at us, which is kind of sweet. Cause it's like these really like, uh, enlightened and, you know, uh, involved bros, but they're like, dude, my man, man, dude, massive love for you and Chad, but dude, for real tuna, bro. Tuna on the main channel, dude. Not cool, bro. Check out conspiracy. Definite negatives coming from all that fish consumption.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I'm like like this guy parties yeah but how does he party is he just drinking out of like what's he drinking out of and and on top of that people are like if you eat plants you're doing good for the earth i'm like that's not necessarily true like the the huge agriculture and stuff tons of animals get killed with that shit and there's like displacing the animals so that they can make room yeah it's not like it's not like that's like you know completely harmless like you're still doing you're still harming the environment and you're still killing animals right when you're eating plants so you know go fuck yourselves yeah we're way over our
Starting point is 00:29:43 skis now but if i can say one thing i don't know what the hell i'm talking about but you can go fuck yourself but you're cool man look i appreciate it i gotta be a better person but i mean but man i'm trying in a million different part places like i'm blown and like i gotta focus on my relationships before i focus on like what i'm doing to fish i know they're not mutually exclusive but like you know i'm fucking out here getting annihilated and doing some annihilating. I can't be worried about where I'm getting my pokey from. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But yeah, no, I thank you guys for reaching out, I guess. Yeah, we appreciate it. We should watch Seaspiracy. Yeah, we'll watch Seaspiracy. So we can be super sad. Yeah. Aaron, what do you think? I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I think plants, farming is a problem too because you've got shipping yeah guys you don't have aaron aaron's an ethical dude man right good call is that on mike no well the people here he said what are the labors about shipping the environmental cost of shipping you know how much water it takes to make almond milk like gallons of water gallons so yeah take your almond milk and yeah i don't know do something good with it. And, you know, pesticides,
Starting point is 00:31:06 all that stuff. It's shrinking your dongs, which, you know, Oh, that was a huge article that everybody sent out. Yeah. That should be the one article we covered. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Everyone sent us, did you see that Aaron? Everyone sent out an article that said pollution is causing dongs to get smaller. Yeah. That, if anything could, you know, be a catalyst to get, to, to galvanize this into change.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I think that's it. Totally. Because we already got micro dongs. I don't got inches to spare. Yeah. I can't get more dexterous with these digits, my fingers. Yeah, I mean, our dongs are under attack. Our dongs are under attack.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We got to fix it. We got to do something. And it's probably somewhere connected to c-spiracy well here's i think here's the solution that i think i think it's i think it's you maurice's dong well first yeah we got to make a at least a bronze relic of maurice's dong so we have a you know frame of reference for what a dong could be yeah so we know what the past looks like um but i'm sorry what were you saying well i think it's just ethical farming you you buy from people you know you go to the farmer's markets you go you buy meat from uh you know free uh free range grass-fed i mean it's more expensive but but, you know, organic beef, organic produce, ethical farming, ethical fishing, if that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You know, at least dolphin-safe tuna. But maybe Sea Spirits is like, here's the thing about dolphin-safe tuna. You know they're going to hammer everything. Yeah. And you know, whatever they don't hammer, there's another documentary in the pipes that's going to be here in like a month or two. Totally. That whatever you jump ship to, they're going to sink that one as well. Yeah. There's no safe place to stand right now yeah and and and with with with regards to dong size you know it's just you know eat eat organic because it's the poison and
Starting point is 00:32:58 the pesticides and it's not in the air uh i think it's air i think it's air pollution too a little bit which i don't know you can do about that but keep wearing masks get like painter's masks every time you go out and then yeah put a little note on it's like for my dong yeah but yeah dude dude then you could get people to wear it and then girls start hitting on those guys you know yeah dude that guy's natural girth how funny would it be if a girl was like oh oh my God, your dick's so little. Thank God. Yeah. Like if she was really into it. Oh my God, you got a little dick.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Look at how cute that thing is. I love it. You like my little dick? I love it. Really? It's so cute. I hate those big monster dumb dicks. What do you think when you see my dick?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Simplicity is elegance. Thanks. Do you like my bellend? Mm-hmm. I wouldn't even call it a bellend. bell i'd call it a little what's smaller than a bellend what's a little a thimble a little thimble end for real for real come here give me that thing do you like how my balls are huge i do i have big balls people comment on that. You got big nuts. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:08 Thanks. Don't know what that's good for. Well, you know, I guess my brother's got big grandpa nuts too. Really? Let's go par families. Let's go. Dude, I, uh, see about this too, uh, with my ex, you you know she was a engineer and so i remember i'd get like insecure and i'd be like should i know more about science should i study engineering and then she would talk about bitcoin i just could not care less about bitcoin it just doesn't interest me but i
Starting point is 00:34:37 was like should i learn about bitcoin it's weird how like other people's like what they value become what you value right but i don't care about you know engineering school i think that's dope like hard sciences that's that's what's up but like bitcoin i'm interested in it because i just don't want to miss out if everybody's talking about it but it's not something that i would instinctively care about i i do i do stuff like that all the time i remember when we were working on a big project last year and we were continuing like every day we were with a group of really smart people like writers and artists too yeah i i was i was like listening to audiobooks that i thought would would make me sound smarter but that i'd have tons of factoids from you know like
Starting point is 00:35:21 i got benjamin franklin's biography brutal and i was just it's like history of united states i'd just be driving i'm like this sucks was that the isaacson one was it the same guy who wrote the steve jobs one dude it might be because i think he did einstein and i think he did a founding father but i'm not sure which one let me check he's a good writer though he really like stays out of the way of the story but yeah dude ben franklin come on yeah let's see uh the right of a lifetime bob agar that was actually that was a good one yeah uh yeah walter isaacson nice yeah he goes really in depth but uh it was brutal that must have that's got to
Starting point is 00:36:06 be tougher to write ben franklin's than to write because you can talk to people who knew steve jobs you can't really yeah how do you do like a first person account for franklin yeah i mean i'll respect him he's a cool dude wasn't he in europe and like he left his wife he was in france and he left his wife in america and he just stayed over there for 30 years i don't think he even saw her before she kicked the bucket i think so i mean to be honest i don't think i absorbed any of that audiobook because i would just continually switch to jessica simpson that song so yeah which one i think i'm in love good song her book was good dude john mayer and the moana song that guy got deep into her dome oh oh right yeah yeah he tripped her up hard that's a bummer yeah
Starting point is 00:36:53 he like was so persuasive that when they broke up and she was dating tony romo uh he pete wentz who was like one of his good buddies was dating Ashley Simpson so he'd go over to like get togethers with the whole family and he convinced the parents to reach out to Jessica and be like hey John's changed you should like meet up with him. Really? When she had Tony Romo as a boyfriend but John Mayer was that persuasive Wow. He kind of like seduced the whole family
Starting point is 00:37:19 Interesting. And then so Romo finds out that she's been that she emailed with Mayer not anything too much. And I think they might have even met up. Like she didn't do anything super inappropriate, but he just got mad and broke up with her. And then he tried to get her back and she was like,
Starting point is 00:37:34 no, this was like the right thing. We shouldn't be together. And she was like, but he'll never admit publicly it was over John because it would make him look like weak or something like that. Wow. I was like, yeah, but you put it in the book. But it's in the book so who's she married to now uh this old football player eric johnson who was like a
Starting point is 00:37:50 tight end for a couple years i think he had one really good season nice and uh yeah she says that he's like a yoga guy and like pretty spiritual and i think they had a nice nice first sesh bone sesh that's cool that fires me up i've mentioned this before and i don't know why it makes me smile i just have a morbid sense of humor but her hero and her best friend growing up is like her i don't know if they're related but it's this like girl who's like a family friend who's like straight a student super religious like gets other kids to join the faith just like a leader and she dies because a horse got loose at a rodeo and ran straight into her car on the freeway and how'd she die the horse just came through the fucking window and killed her sorry it's funny right because you're reading
Starting point is 00:38:42 the book and you can tell the girl's going to go down from like the kind of tone that she has about her. Like it's all kind of like past tense, you know? She's like, she was my hero. And then you get to the next page and you're like, then a horse got loose at the rodeo and ran through her truck. And you're like, you kind of look around,
Starting point is 00:38:56 you're like, never heard of that happening. And I swear to God, I think I closed the book and I was like, this might be the best book I've ever read. It was a high watermark that was hard to reach again that's funny yeah crazy deaths yeah sorry i'm really sorry to jay sims though that's terrible yeah i'm sorry that a youth was lost that's terrible totally but you just don't hear about that much um i was like is there something that happened this weekend I can't remember I got nothing
Starting point is 00:39:30 you're good dude should we answer some questions yeah some listeners have been saying they want us to do more questions I gotta I gotta pee real quick yeah let's do it
Starting point is 00:39:38 it's a good point guys Chad's back from the bathroom and he's saying how like and aaron said that maybe we shouldn't even trust conspiracy because they lied and remember the the first like expose duck not the first one because like i remember like i watched the enron one when i was like 19 and that was really good but the uh the one about sea world what was that one called blackfish blackfin fish blackfish that's that was wrong i heard there was stuff in there that was The one about SeaWorld. What was that one called? Blackfish? Blackfin? Fish. Blackfish.
Starting point is 00:40:06 That was wrong? I heard there was stuff in there that was bogus. Really? Yeah, like the way that they say that the dorsal fin folds because the whale gets sad. I don't know if that's supported by science. Again, way over my skis here, but I think I heard that from someone who knew.
Starting point is 00:40:23 But that was a good doc. It will make you really sad dude when you see fucking orca whales that are sad and then they have like you know he's a misunderstanding i wouldn't call him a villain he's a misunderstood um you know uh creation of his circumstances but tilikum yeah the killer whale that just mercs like 40 i think he kills like 17 he doesn't kill 17 i'm being way over the top with the numbers but he fucks up like a bunch of the uh the trainers and then he he sires like if you go through all the orcas in america it's like gangas khan he's like the father of all of them right oh yeah so till it comes killer mindset dawn so all these trainers are just you know
Starting point is 00:41:10 and he would fuck them up he'd like pin them to the bottom of the pool and like beat the shit out of him nice like he was kind of sadistic about it yeah because they were riding his fucking which is amazing yeah a trainer dude how cool is that you're a trainer on an Orca and an Orca jumps out of the air and then you, you fly through the air. Right. Off the Orca's nose. Can you imagine that's your job? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Dude. I mean, you start dating a girl and you're like, why don't you come by, come by work sometime. And it just, that's instantly where my head went flying through. Yeah. What's up? Oh, is it? Why don't you come by work sometime? That's instantly where my head went. Flying through, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 What's that? Oh, is it? They start dating one of those guys? Because it's like so... And everyone's like, okay, this guy's amazing because he does that? Yeah. Yeah, how could you not? All right, should we do some cues?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. Oh, these are long, dude. But we're doing a lot of questions today so we can go on people said that i read fast because i'm trying to show off that i read fast and can't say you're wrong what up chad and jt and hopefully strider and joe i'm freaking amped to be asking you guys for advice since i've been in a relationship for the entire time i've been listening to you guys you guys are legends and i love you dudes so much so i've been dating my girlfriend for quite some time years i graduated I graduated in from UNCW last December and have been living at home
Starting point is 00:42:30 while my girlfriend is finishing up school in May at U of Miami, the U baby. She is a freaking beast. She works for the school's fashion magazine, got an awesome internship in NYC last summer, and is not shy to slam some beers with me. Truly my best friend. And this is why I feel so empty right now. Over the last six months, we just haven't had the connection we had when we started dating. She says that our interests are not as similar. We weren't, we aren't on the same communication wavelength. And the last time I went to Miami, she felt like it was an awkward experience. While those things might be true, I've been having some issues too. She was not very nice to me and didn't have nice things to say about anything. When I last visited her in Miami, she's usually such a nice, sweet girl, but that weekend she seemed to have her bad bitch mentality on.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I didn't think much of it because she told me it was that time of the month, so I thought this was the case. So I leave and go back to NC, and three weeks later I hear a rumor that made me feel untrusting, speculative about her. It's a rumor that is just immature to even bring up on air, but bottom line is that it set her off since I told her in the morning that went agolfed with the boys. Then went agolfed with the boys. I kind of need to know what the rumor is. By the time I got back to tell her what I heard, she had all these issues to bring up with me. I think she's just anxious and uncertain about graduating and then moving to NYC to work while I'm in NC. Although I'm planning to move there when it's a good time for me to get a job there. Okay, well, that due to the rumor that I heard. Okay, well, that's what the rumor is.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And also the fact that the fireworks are dying down in the sheets. So many thoughts running through my head. And I was like, well, shit, I'll just ask my freaking boys I've been listening to for four years. Love you guys. And I'll write into history as dank to see what Strider has to say. Oh, that's cool. Nice. Yeah, that's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:44:20 that's cool. Nice. Yeah. That's the way to do it. I mean, I think, I think she wants to break up with him and doesn't have the courage to do it. So I think she's being kind of a jerk to kind of,
Starting point is 00:44:33 uh, I don't know, make the situation unlivable so that it has to reach this breaking point with some, with, you know, one of you guys pulling the trigger. And I think this happens a
Starting point is 00:44:45 lot unfortunately yeah i yeah i mean it kind of breaks my heart to say but yeah i think you know the thing is man you're young and these are just the you know this is this is life. This is romance. You go through ups and downs. And sometimes relationships, they just kind of fizzle out. And I talked to a therapist one time, and she's like, a good way of looking at it is like, okay, that part of my life is over now. On to the next.
Starting point is 00:45:22 It's sort of like you're grateful that you had that experience with that person and it's time to sort of keep pushing forward and just look ahead to, to new people, new experiences. I love that dude. That's very liberating. Yeah. Because I think he's come to define himself so much by his relationship with
Starting point is 00:45:39 her. Yeah. That actually this will be a huge opportunity for him to kind of like find out who he really is. Right. You know what really is. Right. You know what I mean? Right. And, you know, look, there is a chance that you guys are just going through a rough patch
Starting point is 00:45:51 and that you'll kind of navigate through it. That's totally possible. Yeah. But I do think there's a lot to that, too, where it's like, look, dude, you just got out of college. And this could be a blessing in a very difficult disguise that, you know, you could really have a new life that is different than what you expected and might be better in a lot of ways. Totally. But you have to go through these really hard things to get there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But also, you know, hopefully she's just... Well, I don't know, though. I'd be curious to hear more about this rumor too yeah because i think sometimes too when people like cheat they'll they'll they kind of do it because they want to end the relationship yeah you know yeah and so that that can be a way to kind of force the hand too yeah and i think um And I think, what was I going to say? You know, especially when you're young, it's, and she may very well be sort of like the one for him.
Starting point is 00:47:01 But I think in my experience when I was young, you know, I thought everyone was the one. Yeah. Well, then you're young, so you have no frame of reference for, of course. You get those new feelings. They are the first one. Yeah, and you're like, oh, this is awesome. You know, it's like, then you can move forward and, you know, you keep evolving and eventually get to a place where you're like, you know, oh, that was just, that was the phase I was in at that point.
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know, it's tough. I think it's tough to really know the true one when you're you know 22 for sure listen to taylor swift song the one that's a really good song really and it would have been fun if you would have been the one yeah yeah and it would have been yeah but what can you do man i think you know you're doing your best it seems like and also like she can acknowledge that she's not keeping up her end of the bargain. And it's nice that she has that self-awareness, but if it ends there and she doesn't take the next steps to like be more generous and nice to you and stuff, then it doesn't really matter if she calls it out, you know, that, I mean, that gives it some breathing room.
Starting point is 00:48:01 You're like, oh, okay. She knows. So, so now, you know, I'll be like, you know, I'll give her a couple more chances without me being like punishing her for past behavior. But if it doesn't change, then you're like, okay, look, this isn't getting better, dude. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, almost for you, man, like it might be good for you to, I don't know. Like,
Starting point is 00:48:25 what do you really think is like the healthiest thing for you? Do you think the healthiest thing for you is to like, keep going in this relationship with someone who seems like they're kind of indecisive about you? Or do you think the best thing might be to like, kind of take control of where your life's going and be like, look, this isn't good for me and kind of make a choice based off that of your own best interest not in a selfish way but just
Starting point is 00:48:51 like you know you are you're important to you totally yeah i like that i forgot i should do ads oh i thought we'd do them after this just because we went into it quick but maybe i'm wrong no that's cool. Okay. All right, what up? I come to you from the land of Lincoln, Illinois. Last night at a party, this girl came up to me and said her friend thought I was cute. Let's go. So she pulled me over and introduced me.
Starting point is 00:49:16 She was a year older. I'm a freshman in college. And after taking a... She's an older woman. Nice. After taking a short while, it felt like the spark just died off. My question is,
Starting point is 00:49:24 how can I create a more exciting and interesting conversation to make girls more excited about me? Maybe the vibes just weren't there last night for her. But I feel like this scenario has happened before when a girl shows interest and then just shuts it off. Love you guys. Cody. Yeah, bro. That's everybody, dude. I've had nine million conversations just peter out.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And then you're like, what did I do wrong? What did I do wrong? Everything and nothing, dude. Yeah. You got to be like a DB, defensive back in football. Quick memory. Quick memory. Sort of like a pinball in a pinball machine.
Starting point is 00:50:01 You just bounce from conversation to conversation. Pew, pew. Dude, yeah. Trust me, I'm the king of you know i'll talk to someone for like a minute and then i'll just like yeah i i i yeah uh especially when i was young you know forget it i'm not i'm not holding up a conversation i'm not i don't even know what the word banter meant until i was oh yeah 25 if someone says they love banter meant until I was 25. If someone says they love banter, red flag. That conversation's going nowhere. Oh, you wear sunglasses?
Starting point is 00:50:32 Maybe I do. Oh, you drink Celsius? Yeah. You ever heard of Miami? Look at this banter. We should fuck. That was pretty good. You like that?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah, I'm turned on. Yeah, I've got some wisdom on me dude even i'll have conversations peter out when i come in with like a leg up where like a girl be like oh my god i like your stuff a lot you guys are hilarious yeah and then two minutes later conversation's dead i'm like how did i blow this oh dude yeah that's brutal yeah yeah i've had that a lot like she came in thinking i was cool yeah yeah it's funny you like you get into entertainment you're like man if i just like get some notoriety it's smooth sailing it'll be easy peasy nah no dude nah struggle city bro yeah i almost put more pressure on myself you know if i'm like i haven't done like you know i've been
Starting point is 00:51:19 in a relationship like but dude even in a relationship i would like struggle with it with my girlfriend sometimes you know yeah you're like how come i can't bring the magic in here yeah yeah yeah come on yeah we had a hundred thousand views yeah shouldn't that be enough yeah it's not it's not that that you know that that's the that's the that's the whole ego thing it's like you're like yeah if i just get like if i just get this volcom shirt conversations are gonna flow and you know it just takes practice and also it just takes this attitude i think of just being stoked on life and just the experiences you have and the people you meet i think just having this like thing of like i got to meet all these great
Starting point is 00:52:02 people and when you get like into a conversation with a lady where you think that, you know, hopefully your genitals will meet, you know, don't put pressure on yourself. Just have fun. And if it doesn't work out, that's fine. You get hit by a bumper to, you know, to a cool dude. And then maybe you guys, you know, talk about, you know, that crazy bowling guy. And then you find another lady and you're like, engage in sweet banter. And then you you guys, you know, talk about, you know, that crazy bowling guy. And then you find another lady and you're like, you can engage in sweet banter. And then he goes, boom. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:30 That's life. Dude, I also think just say, don't think about what you're going to say. Say something. And saying something dumb is better than overthinking what you're going to say. Because here's the thing. If you say something dumb, you can recover with the next thing you say. Yeah. You actually put yourself in a position to like actually seem cool if you say something really dumb and then you just all
Starting point is 00:52:48 you have to just go oh that was kind of dumb what i said yeah and if you call it out they're like oh this guy's cool he like is aware he's yeah yeah so i would just say what first thing that comes to your head like she's like how's your night going you're like it was good i almost tripped when i walked into the party which would have been really embarrassing because like what if you take a tumble in front of the whole party yeah you're like well maybe taking a tumble would have been cool i would have been memorable and then all of a sudden he just said something yeah it doesn't have to be perfect and then dude just do a lot of cool shit yeah go mountain climbing like just do cool shit every day so when someone asks you what you did that day you have cool shit to say totally
Starting point is 00:53:18 and and also don't listen to these youtubers and anders who are like, you got to be alpha. I hate that. You got to dominate the room. It gets so into my head, bro. And I start being like, do I need to do that? And it just makes me hate myself. Yeah. Then you actually look who's telling you to do this shit.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And you're like, this guy's a fucking goon. Totally. Well, see, I'd rather read the Steve Jobs book and just see how it worked with him and his relationships. Rather than have someone who specializes in telling you what to do in those situations and like because at least with steve jobs it's like i know all these tactics are like battle proven through his like actual life and accomplishments yeah whereas with these other people they're like giving you advice and i'm like but why are you giving advice right like yeah i'd rather just know about your life and hear about it through a different, like, I don't know, interaction dynamic. Yeah. Yeah. Listen to like Bob Iger's book.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. You know, where he's just like, you know, it took five months of trial and error to get to the CEO position. I knew I had a lot of pressure on me and I wake up every morning and I do, you know, I'm like, and that's sort of like like that's who you want to you know strive to be like not you know not derrick hardcock totally with his alpha mentality it's weird i just feel like with every one of those guys i'm like man some girl really broke your heart every time i see one of those guys talking the camera's like in my past i allowed other people to take advantage of me and put me in a subordinate position that wasn't healthy for me or the other person. But now through these nine steps,
Starting point is 00:54:51 I've learned how to take the high, uh, high terrain and put another person in a position to impress me, which has helped my life a lot. And I'm like, I call it the penis tip method. Yeah. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:55:00 I call it the Tiffany method. I'm like, dude, some girl did a number on you bro and he's just like beyond jacked with like the you know the the um shave side tight haircut yeah and just like uh you know perfectly groomed um scruff here's what you gotta do you gotta dominate them and make them feel like shit. Yeah. You're like, what? And if you're ever nice to your girlfriend, you fucked up. I'm like, oh, fuck, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah. I was thinking about that, too, with like simping. And I was like, because I hate all that stuff, but it does get to me. And I'm like, you know what? Just simp until someone gives you a reason not to. Yeah. Just be nice until you have a reason. And then, you know, don't keep doing something if someone's not being nice back but like i don't know it seems like a because dude like even being back on these apps like i was trying to be like i was trying to be like uh like kind of a dick
Starting point is 00:55:57 you know i was like trying to be like cool and then when that bombs that that feels extra shitty. Yeah. When you're nice and it fails, you're like, oh, that was nice. Yeah. But when you're a dick and it fails, you're like, oh, God. Yeah. Because then you want to mess with me and be like, that's not really me. Yeah, you want to apologize. You're like, I'm sorry I was a dick there.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I was trying to be flirty. Yeah, I was using the Tiffany method. I'm so sorry. Whereas if you're nice, you're just kind of like, oh, some things don't work. And then you almost think the other person, you're like, it's a bummer. That person couldn't appreciate kindness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:30 It's just easier for 19 years of my life. I was in the friend zone because I was a bitch. And here's the thing. I discovered I suffered for 19 years in the friend zone. The guys are like, and now I'm having sex every day of my life. And you're like, no,
Starting point is 00:56:44 you're not. Dude. I met, uh, marisi had some people over i didn't meet i'm friends with with this person but uh there was someone there who did like a did casting for a pickup artist show in like las vegas and she uh learned all these methods from the pickup artists about how to like socially engineer situations yeah because she wanted help at her job and stuff and then so it was like really interesting to hear about like some of the this was like the only tactic she like revealed to us was that like if you see somebody that you want to talk to beckon them over to you because it puts i guess i'm doing all this fucking pickup artist shit that i just said i hated but like i was interested and then she's like beckon them over beckon them over to you because then they're at a disadvantage because then they have to think about what they're
Starting point is 00:57:24 going to say to you. Yeah. I guess that makes sense. But then the whole time I was like, wait, are you doing tricks on me right now while we talk? Like it made it hard for me to relax after a while. I was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I just think once you commit to that stuff, you're committing to seeing the world as a constant power struggle between people. And like, I definitely have an overstimulated sense of that, but is that how I really want to think about things when I walk into a room? No, no, you know what you don't want to do you don't want to use tricks No, and you don't want to feel like everything's a transaction that you can win. Yeah, this this way
Starting point is 00:57:55 I mean I do sometimes you know, it's good to have that gear, but let's not live there Yeah, you know what I mean? I think especially in social situation if you're having fun people are attracted to fun They're attracted to stoke, having fun, people are attracted to fun. They're attracted to stoke. You know, they're attracted to energy. It's all energy. I think if you have good energy about you, that's all you need. There's people who like always get invited on like trips.
Starting point is 00:58:19 You know what I mean? Yeah. It's just because they're good hangs. You know what I mean? Yeah. Strider. Strider. Every time you touch a strider, you're like, what are you up to?
Starting point is 00:58:25 He's like, oh, I'm going courtside to the Lakers. My buddy Billy's bringing me. Yeah. I'm like, dude. Yeah. Because you're just the best guy to have around. He's good energy. That's all you need.
Starting point is 00:58:35 For sure. All right. What up? I come to you from the... Oh, yeah, we just read this one. He's a good dude. Bros are changing my personality. What up, Chadad and jt i just joined a fraternity and was originally stoked about the idea but it's actually been kind of fucked for my mental during pledging i started to feel a subconscious pressure to conform to the personalities of the bros instead of being myself also i'm a junior so it's weird having younger
Starting point is 00:58:59 guys belittle me and treating me like a beta little bitch it took away all my confidence i'm worried i gave off the wrong first impression of myself and i'm stressed about how to overcome that i'm a pretty chill and likable dude but for some reason i lose all my social skills when i'm in the frat setting because of my of this mental pressure how do i overcome feeling like the new god and gain my personality and confidence back much appreached toby twister so he uh he's in a new he's pledging a frat as a junior which is kind of interesting it makes me think like maybe he's not having the best time maybe he needs more bros right yeah but then he's i don't know if he's like i don't know if he's like the normal bro kind of guy because he feels like he's kind of having to compromise himself to hang out with these dudes yeah which isn't a bad thing it's it's kind of cool if you're a little
Starting point is 00:59:49 too like idiosyncratic to be in a frat i know you'd lose out on some of the benefits of being in a frat like the access to all the parties and people you'd meet but you know i don't think there's anything wrong with uh not fitting into frat culture no it's a bummer for a couple years but in the long run that's probably uh a good indicator of things yeah yeah not that frats are bad but because i know you were in a frat and you loved it right yeah i loved it for everyone gets over it right i loved i loved it the first year and then it slowly declined um my buddy was at boulder and all the socal dudes were in a frat at boulder yeah and they wanted to make them everyone every if you were in the frat you had to live in the house like your junior year and everyone's like fuck that and they left and like
Starting point is 01:00:34 just disbanded the frat really yeah interesting but i i i do hear that a lot where people just get over it by like junior or senior year yeah well it's like senior year you know it was like what some of our last weeks bro why weren't you at the meeting i'm like because i want to go to a stupid meeting what are we gonna talk about um yeah we gotta talk about our next party i'm like let's just throw a party just have a party yeah um i i do i get annoyed with that too when people have i call it capital f fun yeah where everyone's like we're planning this and everyone has to show up at this time for this thing yeah and then we're gonna have a photographer here i'm like that's not how i party like i don't like it when there's an itinerary yeah yeah especially nowadays people are like okay uh you should come because all these people i'm like i'm
Starting point is 01:01:23 gonna be naked in my bed watching Sons of Anarchy that's what I'm gonna do that's a party I had fun and I looked at OnlyFans too yeah I just follow dudes who bone lots of chicks I'm gay
Starting point is 01:01:40 who do you follow I don't want to get into it it's too embarrassing I'll tell you off camera. Well, are some just like picture of their boner? There is that, but I skip that. I'm just like, get me to the part where you're hooking up with chicks. I'm not into like the explicitly. I think it's like a vicarious thrill.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I think it's almost like the way I watch athletes where I'm like, that guy's really good at something that I appreciate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's cool. But it's gay. But I'm just a little gay. Dude, I totally relate to this guy of not feeling like yourself for a little bit. And I think don't put pressure on yourself.
Starting point is 01:02:16 You'll get comfortable. I think some people, it just takes a little bit to get comfortable. For sure. You'll get comfortable in due time. It just takes a little time to really you know get that osmosis take the long view of it totally yeah it's always interesting i talked about this before like the people who are most popular freshman year in high school by senior year it's like normally the nice people have kind of become the most popular totally because their values and traits have kind of uh they don't
Starting point is 01:02:43 pop as much when you initially meet them you know what i mean yeah it's like the really badass guys who are cool freshmen but then by senior you're like oh no i'd rather spend time with this really nice guy who's got a kind of subtle sense of humor totally yeah but it takes a while for that stuff to it's just it's only through being around someone a lot that that stuff kind of comes through yeah yeah there's always those guys that just like dominate and like everyone loves them for like a couple weeks it gets old like oh that guy's actually a massive douche yeah he's like selfish he's a piece of shit yeah dude i was at marisi again because he had people over and dude i was kind of like i shouldn't have said anything but we went back
Starting point is 01:03:17 to my old place where marisi lives and then i was like i'm just gonna hang out outside i don't want to be inside with people because i just got the vaccine. I was like, I don't want to get COVID. Yeah. Like at the 11th hour, right before I'm like safe. But everyone was like, you pussy get in the fucking house. Like you fucking asshole. You're ruining the vibe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:34 And I was like, oh, maybe I should dip. But everyone was like, no, no stay. But they just wanted to pick on me, you know? Yeah. And then, and then, so I just was like hanging on the door. And then like, you know, some guys like, you know, fucking comedians comedians they they love to talk and they get so close to you they're just like spitting on you yeah and so I keep backing up but I'm like I'm just you know I'm just in the danger zone but it was weird for me being around a lot of guys again because I haven't been in that
Starting point is 01:03:58 setting a lot besides when I play Call of Duty right so I was kind of rusty at socializing yeah like I'd come in and say something and it would create an awkward pause with everyone and i was like oh i'm kind of sorry guys i haven't hung out with dudes in a while like i'm figuring this out again yeah and it was interesting i'm rusty that's interesting yeah i uh i guess i don't know if i've had if i've hung out with crews of dudes yeah or i or i hung out with the same i hung out with you i hung out with strider yeah hung out on comms with the high school hung out with my brother and then i hung out with the same i hung out with you i hung out with strider yeah hung out on comms with the high school guy hung out with my brother and then i hung out with like luke casey and like you know the people we make shit with but like i hadn't been with like an other group of dudes in a while yeah and i was a little i was you know i wasn't tip top yeah i was
Starting point is 01:04:38 being like a little too sincere i wasn't ready for like the ball busting right like someone would ball bust and i'd be like oh that's interesting i interesting. I was like, do you think you ball bust? Because like your dad was kind of a ball buster and everyone's like, what are you talking about? I've just been podcasting. Yeah. I've just been doing podcasts. Dude, it's funny too. It's funny how guys talk shit in their 30s.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Like Chudwind or Chimbor kept making fun of Chudwind because he was getting blood work done the next day. He's like, good luck with your blood work tomorrow, Chudwin. Doctor's going to tell you to lay off the sodium. Hope you enjoyed your time with salt. It was like shit talking like that. Yeah, that's hilarious. Because we're just old now.
Starting point is 01:05:23 All right, should we do one more and then get into the other stuff? Yeah. I was like, I love being 30 you like it i love it well you look 20 too oh thanks well i've always felt i was like i always felt eternally young oh thanks two o's i've always felt eternally young um but i just uh it's true you just feel so much more comfortable. And I had neck pain. I was fired up to tell people I had neck pain. I love neck pain. Like, dude, sorry I can't make it.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I have tons of neck pain. And that just fired me up to be like... Grown man excuse. Yeah. And it's just like... And also the things I like to do, like watch Sons of Anarchy nude in my bed alone. That's like, you know, people are like, oh, this is your twenties. This is a time when you should,
Starting point is 01:06:12 you know, let loose and like, you know, take your shirt off. And in Hollywood, you know, it's like, when you're in your thirties, you know, people are like, oh, that's cool, man. Yeah. Maybe we could play, maybe we could go on a hike tomorrow. I'm like, yeah, maybe we could get some pokey too. I think it's much more my vibe. Yeah. It's mature. Yeah, I love it.
Starting point is 01:06:34 It is the best. Guys, don't fear getting older. It's awesome. It is the best. It's cool. And I'm even starting to understand the love of having a kid. Because I'm going to be honest, when I having a kid because I'm gonna be honest like when I saw myself I love hearing that I was like I don't get it you know did did you get it from
Starting point is 01:06:52 an early age Aaron or did it take yeah because I I'll see like my nieces and nephews I'm like I love them you know but then I'm just like, it's just like, I don't get it. Like, like why would you sign up for all that work? Yeah. Yeah. You'll be a fire dad though.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I think I would. Thank you. Why? What makes you hesitate? I think I just like doing my own thing a little too much. But dude, you'd have like a little partner in crime and hopefully he likes, or she likes all the same shit you do yeah hopefully you're in your ice bath with your
Starting point is 01:07:27 baby i know that's the thing i'll be like in my new words like please don't freeze the baby you're like it's good it's good for his brown fats yeah my newborn's gonna be like crying i'll be like i gotta go i got an ice bath at this time so like can you can you just chill here for a second i don't know if it works this way but you love pets so much right i think there's got to be some kind of i think i think i think if i had a child because i i fall in love with stoked on it i think you'd look at it you'd be like dude like i bet you yeah facetime me every day you'd be like dude look at it look at the way its cheeks move when it laughs i think that's what it is yeah and you get fired up on like stuff like that like
Starting point is 01:08:03 you have a really good, uh, like you find joy in a lot of things. So I can't imagine if you had like progeny, you wouldn't find oodles of joy in like the little things that they do. Yeah. I think maybe the, the fact that I was so resistant to it means I'll love it more.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Right. Cause I, I really want to have a kid and I'm like the last person who should have one, but I'm so fired up on it. I want a kid so bad. A little JT is going to be awesome. Oh, he's going to be a little animal. Just doing cleans. Yeah. She's going to be lifting for sure.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah. Dude, I think about that. Cause I'm not a very good athlete and you know, I have a little butt. And I think all power comes from the butt. When you see a guy with a big ass, I'm like, he can hit. That guy can hit. He's got power. So this is gross. It's a little Marv Marinovich-y.
Starting point is 01:08:50 But when I'm dating someone, I'm absolutely thinking like, what kind of athlete are you going to give me? What kind of athlete are you going to give me? Because I can give them the tenacity. But we need somebody else's frame. We can't use my frame. I don't want him to be a pro athlete, but I'd like him to be competitive at the high school level
Starting point is 01:09:09 in a couple different disciplines, depending on their choice. So you need someone with brothers so you can assess. One of my favorite things about the girlfriend I had when we started the podcast was freakish athlete. He used to piss her off because I'd always bring it up. And she thought I was like not respecting her
Starting point is 01:09:26 femininity enough. She has a funny... Yeah, but babe, you hit like a... You hit like a truck. She said every time I would bring it up to people, all she heard me saying
Starting point is 01:09:35 was I love my sturdy bitch. But she had incredible... Because her brothers would always try to like hit her and she grew up with like really tough athlete brothers. They'd always try to hit her. Her hand-eye coordination it's phenomenal Like if you ever just try to grab her arm, she's like grab your hand. Yeah, it would turn me on so much Yeah, I'm like babe. That's amazing. Yeah, she's like stop and I'd like you're amazing. I
Starting point is 01:09:57 Was like that's amazing and she had like good good vertical good proprioception. I was like, it's gonna be badass dude You're gonna create a piece. I was like this kid's gonna be a fucking animal you let me take him into the lab you let me work on the head game yeah all right and then but she would get pissed she's like he's not fighting i'm like it's good self-defense is good but then i was like it was even funny that i would even talk about this stuff but i was like but can i have like a heavy bag in the garage you know like a punching bag she was like yeah i was like all right well if the kid sees me hitting the punching bag it's it's gonna get that's like how tiger woods you know he was like two and he like his dad was just always hitting golf balls and he like climbed down from the crib and just freaking
Starting point is 01:10:34 schwacked a seven iron holy shit the dad was like holy fuck look at him he had like perfect technique when he was like two he's a prodigy that i was i i tried to do a question like who's more of a prodigy him or leonardo dicaprio and everyone went tiger but i think it's actually i think people were not thinking about it enough though because like leo was in what's eating gilbert grape when he was what like 12 or something like that and he's playing a mentally challenged person and he does it with like incredible like uh i don't know nuance and stuff he doesn't it's not like it doesn't feel like caricature or something yeah and then he was in this boy's life where it's him and robert de niro the two leads and he's like good in it yeah and so i was like that's pretty
Starting point is 01:11:19 crazy but i guess he's a little bit older but like i don't know it is pretty nuts he was that good of an actor when he was that young. Yeah. But I get Tiger Woods is a different thing. You know the thing about Leo is, I think maybe his looks betray him a little bit. Because people aren't able to appreciate his talent as much. That's a really good point. Because I've always, especially because of Titanic and stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:42 You're like, oh, he's a pretty boy. He's an angel. That's why he's a movie star. I think that's why he's kind of fuggled himself up a little bit. I mean, he's still super, super handsome of Titanic and stuff. You're like, oh, he's a pretty boy. He's an angel. That's why he's a movie star. I think that's why he's kind of fuggled himself up a little bit. I mean, he's still super, super handsome. Yeah. But he doesn't seem worried about it.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Yeah, it doesn't seem like he's too stressed about it. Yeah. Which is cool. Yeah. Because I'm very stressed about it. Me too. Yeah. I don't have the luxuries you have, Leo.
Starting point is 01:12:02 All right, I'm fighting for every inch out here. As he puts on headphones to bone have you heard this that when leo bones i see a lot of these like famous guys who can get laid very easily i don't know if they're the most generous lovers because i think it comes a bit too easy and it loses its like meaning or they lose their uh need to impress which i think is probably a good thing to have and And then, so what does Leo do when he bones? He puts on headphones. And he hits a vape.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Oh, he hits a vape, too. He hits a vape, and he puts on headphones, like noise-canceling headphones, and he only does doggy. Does he listen to something? I think it's, like, noises, or it's, like, EDM. He only does doggy? Like, noise is, like, I heard it's doggy. I might be adding that part.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Does he engage in, like, oral? No, I think it's just basically like run it through the run it through the same thing every time that seems boring yeah i don't think it'd be too fun for the other person but i guess the story is the big takeaway right or maybe he's really good at it maybe he gets them really into it but i just can't see him burning the calories calories for that yeah russell crowe does what he chants his own name no he does he does not say go rusco he goes go rusco what aaron said go rusco because go rusco dude i always thought it'd be funny if when you're having sex missionary if you smacked your own ass oh yeah like if you're on top of someone and you're like, come on,
Starting point is 01:13:26 come on, come on. Just to see what the other person would do. Yeah. Like, okay, you relax, man.
Starting point is 01:13:35 But then if you find someone who's into that and is like, yeah, go smack your ass. That's a pretty cool person. Totally. That could be, that could be a longterm thing. Um,
Starting point is 01:13:45 all right. Should we do one more cue or should we hop into the next part? Uh, you have to go at cool person. Totally. That could be a long-term thing. All right, should we do one more cue or should we hop into the next part? You have to go at 7.30? Yeah, maybe get into the next part. Yeah, probably. Okay, here we go. Oh, you want to do an ad first? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Do we have time? Should I do them after? No, we have time. We have time. I'm not on that tight of scale. I'm just going to dinner at Greg's. But I told him I might be like 15 minutes late I'm good
Starting point is 01:14:06 we're also brought to you by Manscaped thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure our dongs are looking fresh and clean because you guys all have pubes I trimmed my pubes today and you know
Starting point is 01:14:23 I was just getting stuff done. I was doing laundry. I was doing dishes. I was, you know, I put a new fin in my longboard and, and I was like, you know what? You know what? I don't feel fully fulfilled yet. You know why? Because I haven't trimmed my pubes yet. So I trimmed my pubes, felt like a new man. I felt so awesome. Also, Felt like a new man. I felt so awesome. Also, we have an exclusive offer for all you college basketball fans. 20% off plus free shipping with the code goDManscaped.com because you want to get the Lawn Mower 3.0.
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Starting point is 01:15:30 to bring awareness to testicular cancer, men's health and early cancer detection so Manscaped is committed to raising awareness for the most common form of cancer men age 15-35 and giving support for fighters, survivors and families impacted by testicular cancer as part of their We Say Balls TM initiative.
Starting point is 01:15:47 So get 20% off plus reshipping with the code godeep20 at manscaped.com. godeep20, manscaped.com. Be the best ball handler this year with Manscaped. Legend. All right. Chad, what is your B for the week? Or who is your B for the week? My B for the week, it was, you know what, it week, it was the sea spirit thing, but now it's...
Starting point is 01:16:08 My bad, dog. No, no. I had another one, actually. Nice. I think I foresaw our discussion. That fish would be the beef. Yeah. My beef of the week is with Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah. He just continually posts clips from the wolf of wall street movie and i'm like dude we get it we get it yeah we get that they made a movie about you and that's that's you dude i love this beef that's leonardo di caprio portraying you um it doesn't need to be every video he acts like he acts like he wrote the movie well i guess he did write the movie by living it yeah but he he acts like he wrote the movie. Well, I guess he did write the movie by living it. Yeah. But he acts like he had a creative hand in the actual movie.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah. It just, you know, and he's portrayed as kind of a badass in the movie, I guess. But if you're going to, it just feels like a high school quarterback, you know, just being like, dude, check out my trophies. Reliving the glory days yeah i'm like dude i get it you know like the movie's about you let's let's move on what's the next chapter about yeah let's move you're out you're the wolf of wall street sick dude but like it's just every time i on tiktok i'll just like be scrolling and then he'll come
Starting point is 01:17:20 up of him just like in like a split screen just like reacting to like he's like look at this yacht scene from awful wall street that's supposed to be me and he's like here's some factoids uh that was true that was true that was not true and i'm like i never asked dude what a nozzle yeah and i i you know it seemed like he seems like a cool guy but yeah you gotta stop with those videos nice Nice. Yeah, stop with the videos. Maybe just stop. Maybe just sit the rest of this out. He gives business lessons.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Yeah. I'm like, you're not a person that anyone should be taking business. I mean, even you could say with the jobs book, he's such an asshole. You know what I mean? But you could be like, is that really the person you want to like base your but like jordan belford it's like that's like 30 levels below like anyone who's taking business advice from that guy it's like do you like know what you're doing because like because look i'm the tough guy and i wouldn't take business lesson from jordan belford and i've done blow with jordan
Starting point is 01:18:20 belford and he's not that fun to do blow with that's my hot take and i don't like to talk shit on people but i've done blow with a lot of people and i've done blow with Jordan Belfort, and he's not that fun to do blow with. That's my hot take. And I don't like to talk shit on people, but I've done blow with a lot of people. And I've done blow with Bill Gates, and I did blow with Steve Jobs. And when you did blow with those guys, their brains went in crazy creative directions. You know what I mean? It was fun, dude. You were engaged. Because, I mean, Steve Jobs on blow, that guy could talk.
Starting point is 01:18:36 That guy got fired up on some IMAX shit. But when you do blow with Jordan Belfort, he just talks about the Wolf of Wall Street. You're like, dude, I talked to Marty Scorsese about this. I'm going to talk to your ass. Just shut up, Jordan. You're like, dude, I talked to Marty Scorsese about this. I need to talk to your ass. Just shut up, Jordan. You fucking asshole. Look,
Starting point is 01:18:51 live your life. That was a good tough guy. I saw him too, like in one thing where he was like, Margot Robbie came up to me to do like research on why I was attracted
Starting point is 01:18:58 to my wife. And I was like, it's just because she was hot. And he was like, so proud of himself. I'm like, you don't have to be so proud of yourself yeah like it's so cool that you like liked your wife because she was like it's like it's just like it's not cool yeah he's giving hot takes you know he's like i mean it's cool to you know hot people are cool but you know to brag about it like that yeah here's what's gonna happen with the economy i'm like shut up that's what i'm saying i think jordan belf you think mario scorsese and leo
Starting point is 01:19:31 are like dude that guy is annoying yes yes didn't they get that movie financed too by like a sheik from uh the middle east who ended up like being a criminal too oh really like it was literally like jordan belford types, like finance the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think they were probably crazy about him. Do you think,
Starting point is 01:19:49 do you think he calls Leo? He's like, dude, we should hang out. Like what's going on? He's like, dude, I don't want to hang out with you.
Starting point is 01:19:54 And you don't want to blame the art for kind of giving these people like a, a different like national character that they can then like inhabit for more money. Yeah. But but like even with like the i tanya movie like i think 100 tanya harding knew that her husband and his buddy were gonna schwack the knees yeah like i think they found nancy kerrigan's uh practice schedule in tanya harding's locker which they left out of the movie yeah i'm not sure about this stuff but i think that's the case and then i'm like dude if i'm nancy kerrigan i'm so pissed off at that movie i'm like no don't
Starting point is 01:20:29 do like a super sympathetic look of tanya harding like she was an asshole yeah she like busted my kneecaps yeah and then they're like no but it's fun it's fun to take a different perspective on it yeah but i mean you know it's art what What are you going to do? Um, join a belt for it. Join a belt. Dude. My beef of the week is, uh, what was my beef of the week? I had a lot of beefs too. Um, Oh dude, my beef of the week is, uh, is with myself for, uh, but I actually think it's pretty hilarious.
Starting point is 01:20:58 So, but it was a, I was in Miami like five years ago and this is when I was really doing a lot of drugs and partying hard. And when I got there, it was for Thanksgiving. It was just going to be me and my dad. And I get there and my dad's got like a 30-year-old buddy of his out there with him. And I was like a little bit like you had to like bring another son. You couldn't just hang out one-on-one with me. But my dad, you know, it's a different dynamic.
Starting point is 01:21:18 So I totally got it. And the guy was super cool. But so I spent the whole week just trying to out-party the guy. And I ended up out-partying him. And he was like really sick one day from raging with me. And I heard my dad on the phone go, man, JT can really party. And I was like, hell yeah, dude. I remember that.
Starting point is 01:21:33 But that wasn't the beat. But when I was out there, a dude we're friends with in LA was like, hey, I'm in Miami, man. Do you want to come out to a party? And I was like, for sure. So I hammered a bunch of Adderall and I went to the party and uh i get there and he has a cute sister but she has a boyfriend with her yeah but i'm like all effed up you know and i'm like i'd love to talk to her at some point so then we're at this he brings me to like this weird party which is like it was like someone's like college graduation and uh they all knew each other and i was just kind of this weird guy who was there but because
Starting point is 01:22:02 i was on drugs i was like i didn't care I was like, I didn't care. I was like, this is amazing. Yeah. And then the boyfriend goes for a walk and then the, the sister starts fighting with the mom about how the mom doesn't like the boyfriend. And she's like, you don't like will. And the mom's like,
Starting point is 01:22:16 I never said I don't like him. And she's like, you don't like him. And she's like, I just don't know if he's right for you. And I'm like, Whoa, I can't believe they're like having this.
Starting point is 01:22:23 So I'm just standing watching them fight. And then the sister goes, and you're so like, I just don't know if he's right for you. And I'm like, whoa, I can't believe they're having this. So I'm just standing watching them fight. And then the sister goes, and you're so, you did this. I've been with them the whole night. And the sister is like, and earlier you were like really dismisses him when he talked about his job aspirations or something like that, which wasn't the case. And then I slid in and I go, hey, hold on. I go, I don't think your mom did that.
Starting point is 01:22:43 I think you're being unfair to her. And I go, hey, hold on. I go, I don't think your mom did that. I think you're being unfair to her. And then the sister was like totally stunned. She's like, hey, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't know you. I'd prefer if you stayed out of this.
Starting point is 01:22:58 And I was like, look, I just felt like it. I'm sorry, did I get really loud there? I was like, I'm sorry. I just felt like it needed to be said. And then they went back to fight. I never talked to her again, but that was like my moment of like casually flirting with her was taking her mom's side in a fight. I don't know you.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Yeah. She turned to me and she was so stunned and she just like sized me up and she was like, she went easy. She was like, look, you seem like a nice guy, but you should stay out of this. And I was like, yeah, no, for sure. With my crazy manic eyes. I was like, no, you seem like a nice guy, but you should stay out of this. And I was like, yeah, no, for sure. With my crazy manic eyes, I was like, no, no, I hear you.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I was like, let's fight about it. Let's talk more about it. That's awesome. Yeah, that's my baby of the week. Chad, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is the sun. Um, you know, they say, they say, you know what true love is? The sun. Cause the sun gives you a tan. It gives you vitamin D. It gives you light, gives you warmth. you warmth if you let it penetrate your genitals or your b-hole it gives you
Starting point is 01:24:08 untold amounts of energy And ask for nothing in return yeah So that's my babe. Dude that was a fire babe. Thanks the b-hole That was a fire, babe. Thanks. The B-hole. It's potent.
Starting point is 01:24:30 I follow this one on Instagram where the guy's like constantly, he's just like, you need to sun your balls. Makes sense. And I'm like, really? My favorite skepticism about the vaccine is all the dudes who are worried about dick stuff. Yeah. They're like, no, man, I heard it fucks with your semen. I'm like, I'm pretty sure that's just like the number one way to scare guys yeah and we were always afraid of that like anything you take people like are you taking that that's actually bad for your balls yeah yeah we're very protective i had an idea i had an idea for a tweet i took it down pretty
Starting point is 01:24:59 quick because oh i like this tweet is this the one you sent to me yeah people people didn't get it you got it you're so good at it though you got to keep going because i've always thought you were great with those those things thanks man yeah i i people didn't get it they but the people who do get it get it but keep going sorry what was it more like so i was i was feeling a little bit fluish from the vaccine just like side effects really uh so i thought it'd be funny to tweet like dude i think the vaccine gave me covid well because some people really believe that yeah yeah like our friend today i was talking to one of our buddies and she was like i know six people who have died from the
Starting point is 01:25:35 vaccine yeah and i literally went no you don't yeah and she's like i literally know them are you saying they died from something else and i was was like, yeah. Yeah. I was like, I don't think they died from the vaccine. I think we would have heard about that. Yeah. But yeah, it's a good joke. Yeah. Maybe I should have kept it up, but people were just like. What was the joke you had?
Starting point is 01:25:56 You're spreading misinformation about vaccines. I'm like, I'm being sarcastic. Well, you're really good at it. What was the joke you wrote on the day of the, uh, when the Capitol building got stormed? I was going to say, I should have kept it up. It was, uh, Hey dudes, I'm going streaking tonight if anyone wants to cruise. Like just oblivious, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Just oblivious. I had no idea what was happening. I'm going to start tweeting more. It was too scary though. Cause that's all, you know know That's how people get in trouble Yeah why don't you just Sort of like Why tweet
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah what's the upshot I just think you're good at it Thanks Yeah maybe I'll keep thinking on them Dude my babe of the week Is Craig Robinson Our friend Rachel
Starting point is 01:26:37 Did her stand up show On Saturday Our buddy Amir Performed on it He had a great set And then Craig Robinson went up last Which he traditionally does on a lot
Starting point is 01:26:45 of shows like when i first moved here to la he would always go last at the store or at the improv yeah and him and jeff ross would be on stage till like four in the morning yeah and i'm like man this guy doesn't want to go home and it's true he loves being on stage and he's such a pure entertainer yeah like he's really fun he's got great jokes yeah but it goes beyond that like he just sits there at the keyboard and he creates an energy and he plays music and it goes beyond like standup. It becomes like a full, like it's almost like a Coachella set or something like that. And he creates this excitement that like, I know it's hard to do with just telling jokes
Starting point is 01:27:17 and you get so fired up. And then it even hit me cause you know, I'm still busted up from the breakup and he started playing usher you want it bad yeah you got it bad and i literally just was like standing there by myself and i just got so sad and i looked at the ground and then i was like wait people are going to see you looking like this and then i was like let them see stand here just be who you are and so i did that for another 10 seconds and i was like no no, that's weird. Just go grab a beer. But you know, he just gets so many emotions out of you.
Starting point is 01:27:51 And again, he went like for like, I guess the show had a hard out, so he couldn't go as long as he wanted, but he just kept going and, and, and it just, everyone left in such a good mood.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Yeah. And he's just a pure entertainer. Yeah. Like, uh, I don't know. He just really seems to get so much joy out of getting everybody else joyful. Right. And it's so special. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Yeah. So, yeah. And he's also his career. He's fucking hilarious as Daryl in The Office. He's hilarious in Hot Tub Time Machine. He's got a great deadpan. He's funny in everything. But really, when you get to see him live, it's just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:27 There's no way you dislike it. There's just no way. I remember when I first moved to LA. My first show at the Improv, I watched. I was really starting to get into stand-up a little bit. He went on stage. I was like, when you first move to LA, you start seeing celebrities a little bit. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I was like, whoa, Craig Robinson. First show I saw, Daniel Tosh went up and then Louis C.K. followed him. Damn. And then some regular dude had to follow them. Yeah. And it broke him. Yeah. He went up afterwards and he was like, oh, I'm sure you guys are all disappointed.
Starting point is 01:28:58 He led with his insecurity. And then someone was being kind of loud ordering food. And he was like trying to do his joke. And he's like, so I went down to the post office. And then, you know, they said I needed to come back. And then he goes, hey, just get the chicken wings. Really? He was really flustered.
Starting point is 01:29:17 He was super flustered. I mean, it was a tough spot. This is when Daniel Tosh and Louis were like the two most prominent comedians in the world. Yeah. And I just remember watching him go up. i didn't know anything about simp i was like this guy's gonna bomb maybe it was like one of those sets where you know when you like you're trying to get club sets and he's like i got it like yeah i finally got a club set main room those two people go before you you're just like that's so funny i've ever seen people after their set so you know they like their first set in the main room like how'd it go they're like
Starting point is 01:29:48 yeah it goes bad well you're following the best comedians in the world yeah who have like just boundless charisma yeah and there's a huge difference yeah you know even watching because rachel booked an amazing show she had neil brennan eric griff Griffin, Taylor Tomlinson, um, Emily Browning, Amir, uh, Craig Robinson, all these, like, it was like, it was like a main stage, uh, comedy room show. And I was like, man, these people are so, you know, it's like, it's like they always say about MMA. There's levels to this. Like when you're with those people, they've done so many sets in front of such big crowds. It's like, they're just geniuses now right yeah yeah and i guess neil brennan's really into ayahuasca now really interesting yeah i i was sort of like thinking like shag
Starting point is 01:30:33 you totally should you think so yeah it'd be great you'd love it i'm too scared to do it i did acid once i'm good i feel like i've gone there maybe i don't want to rule it out forever but i'm a couple years away i mean i love doing sh, but I'm a couple years away. I mean, I love doing shrooms, but I'm a couple years away from doing something. I have a friend who's doing DMT next week and I'm like, I can't do that. That's too crazy for me.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I think the idea of shitting myself, I'm probably like, I'm sorry. No, you'd laugh about it. Shitting myself? Yeah, you'd make it cool. Everyone would be fired up. You don't think you'd find joy in that? I if chelsea handler asked me to go that'd be cool like gwyneth paltrow they're like hey you want to you want to come goop i'm like oh i definitely it's a good caveat because i definitely do dmt with gwyneth paltrow i'd feel
Starting point is 01:31:18 safe with gwyneth paltrow yeah like how bad are things gonna go gwyneth paltrow's there you're good she's not gonna freak out yeah Yeah. People give her flack, but I think it's cool. She says she blew it with Brad Pitt. She says he was like the perfect boyfriend and she just wasn't ready.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah. Which is kind of crazy to think about. But her husband now, Brad Volchek, writer from Glee, I used to like his episodes the most.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Hot guy. Nice. Got a lot of inside baseball knowledge here. All right, who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is jaw rule bro let's go dude yeah yeah great legends and babes this dude thank you man yeah this is an all-time dude saturday morning i was vibing i was you know i
Starting point is 01:31:56 woke up uh woke up at like eight i was gonna go surf huntington with our dog austin who's the man great guy uh shout out to austin and uh i was like you know i was making you know some coffee for myself i'm like you know what to compliment this jaw rule and we talked about this about how 50 cent broke him and it's such a shame because he had such good songs always on time mesmerize uh i'm real with jlo all bangers and he just like he has so many good songs that just fire me up to this day they haven't gotten old i hope he i think he's the next i think he's the keanu of rap oh i hope he hasn't come back that'd be a nice trajectory yeah that'd be awesome because because 50s 50s cool during get rich or die trying and then his coolness just kind of i mean when he
Starting point is 01:32:45 talks shit to people it's pretty funny but he's good at talking shit yeah but it's funny that he went after ja rule for being soft yeah and ja rule like try to go with harder music after that to prove he wasn't soft yeah but the the stronger move would have been to stick to what he does and not yeah conflate his music with his toughness yeah because now 50 cent like it's like a business guy like an actor yeah it's like he he's tough i'm sure but like his the stuff he does isn't doesn't feel tough not the way get rich or die trying felt yeah and and like he never really came out with like amazing songs after amazing albums after that no not at all and he let a future sellout make him feel like a sellout yeah which is like there's some sad irony in that i know i saw jar roll i hope you come back i love
Starting point is 01:33:30 your music you crush the fashion series uh soundtrack and your scenes so monica monica um dude my legend of the week is francisannou, the new UFC heavyweight champion. Nice. So he fought a great champion, Stipe Miocic, on a Saturday. And Francis Ngannou is what you want a heavyweight champion to look like. He looks terrifying. Nice. Like he's so jacked.
Starting point is 01:34:01 Yeah. He's like 6'4". Like he's got to cut some weight to hit the weight limit. He's 265 just all muscle and he just obliterates dudes and i think you want because the heavyweight champion in the ufc is by the measures that we have the toughest guy in the world yeah like the guy who can beat up every other person in the world and steve miocik was a big strong athlete but he was kind of an everyman. He didn't look like someone terrifying. Francis Ngannou is larger than life. When you look at him, you're like, that's the toughest man in the world.
Starting point is 01:34:29 He can beat up everybody. And I think you want your heavyweight champion to have that mystique. Brock Lesnar had that. When you looked at Brock Lesnar, you were like, you know, his big Viking ass. You're like, yeah, that guy could fucking kill anybody. He looks like a cartoon character. That's what I want our heavyweight champion to feel like. And Francis Ngannou has that.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And he's scary powerful like when he hits dudes they just like he hit over him with this like left hand and literally like pez dispensed his head really and just like tore his lip open he just knocks guys out really quick but he fought stipe a couple years ago and stipe beat his ass like he had better technique francis hadn't trained his wrestling enough and he got kind of he was tough and durable but he got beat down and then he in his next fight he fought this other guy derrick lewis who's really tough and uh he was scared he fought kind of like tentative like the beating that stipe got him got in his head right and i thought for a second like francis wasn't going to come back i thought like he had like some guys once they lose their their aura of invincibility they don't know how to like recover mentally right but he built
Starting point is 01:35:30 himself back up strong like freaking bill the butcher and gangs in new york and then he knocked out like four guys in like under two minutes and then he he came back and fought steep again and he was a different dude he was like measured and and and calm but still a, and he was a different dude. He was measured and calm, but still a beast. And he knocked him out in dramatic fashion. That's awesome. And then, I don't know. I'm just so stoked. And Joe Rogan talks about it all the time.
Starting point is 01:35:54 He made Joe Rogan cry, which makes me cry anytime Joe cries. But Francis grew up in Cameroon and as a child laborer working in coal mines. Really? And now he's the heavyweight champ of the world. And yeah, he's just a beast. So I'm glad that we have, he's up there with Tyson and Brock as like, just like when you look at him, you're like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:13 But he's very sweet and soft and has like a gentle voice. And that's actually why I messaged, yeah, like I said, that's why I messaged Schultz because he's going to have him on his pod and I'm sure that'll be amazing. Now I call him Schultz because he responded to one of my DMs. I mean, dude, we're friends.
Starting point is 01:36:31 But yeah, Nganou, what a beast. Glad you came back and you're the champ now. And Stipe, you were a great champ too, dude. But I'm stoked that Nganou's... Because he just looks like the fucking heavyweight champ of the world. Hell yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:44 What's your quote of the week? I was going to do Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder, but... Fuck. Dude, I'll go real quick my quote of the week and this is what I was talking about earlier I kind of misspoke what I think would be really cool for a girl to say right before sex when she first sues your penis is for her to go oh my god thank god I thought you were gonna have a huge dick
Starting point is 01:37:20 because it's like you got that bde that big dick energy that everyone talks about but it's nicer because you have a small penis which is better and she appreciates it that's awesome i like that thank you man okay so this is uh this is an exchange uh between kirk lazarus and tug speedman and trop. Me? I know who I am. I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude. You a dude that don't know what dude he is. Then Tug Speedman, or are you a dude who has no idea what dude he is
Starting point is 01:37:55 and claims to know what dude he is? Nice. That's a great scene. Thanks. Dude, my phrase of the week is a movement of the week. I got a new movement. They're changing Verdansk in Call of Duty. They're coming up with a new map.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Fully? Yeah, but I want to keep the old map. I want to keep Verdansk the same. So that's my movement, and that's my phrase of the week for getting after it. Keep Verdansk the same. There's probably a better turn of phrase there for Verdansk. Well, in that vein, I'm going to say...
Starting point is 01:38:29 Change is inevitable, but not in Call of Duty. Nice. Let's keep it the same. What were you going to say? In that vein, I'm going to say, let's drop in. Let's drop in. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:38:37 All right. Second pod in this dude. Dude, it feels good. Yeah. Yeah, I love it here. Aaron, thanks for joining. Aaron, you're a beast. We've got to get you on mic for the next one. All right. dude dude it feels good yeah yeah i love it here aaron thanks for joining aaron you're a beast we
Starting point is 01:38:45 gotta get you on mic for the next one uh all right well i'm gonna get some air one nice dude yeah cool i do i've been eating cereal lately nice cereal so kashi nice good stuff all right cool dudes later dudes all right

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