Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 185 - Joe Marrese Joins

Episode Date: May 7, 2021

Big Hog Joe is on this week bringing the lumber on beefs, babes, and the bears. Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​​  Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% O...ff and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stokers what I need you to do right now is nod your fucking head what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with the going deep with Chad JT podcast guys before we begin I'll remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because guys, we've got some big
Starting point is 00:00:36 huge news coming for you from Manscaped. You won't believe what they got in store this time. What do you think it is? Stay tuned for the big reveal. In the meantime, join over 2 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped with this exclusive offer for you. Get 20% off and free worldwide shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. That's code go deep 20 at manscaped.com for 20% off and free worldwide shipping. And I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas.
Starting point is 00:01:02 What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And I'm here with, we are also here with the biggest dong I've never seen, Mr. Joe Marisi. Thank you. You want to see it? Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I don't know if I do. I want to see it.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah, I don't think you do. I want to see it. At this point, it's all legend, and I believe the legend, but it would be nice to actually lay eyes on that thing. Yeah, someday. But do you think it'd be like, I don't know, like looking at Medusa or something, like you'd turn to stone? Yeah, you better watch out.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Once you see it, your life could change. You've seen my penis a million times. No, I don't know. Have I i you've seen it a lot i always try to get naked in front of you yeah i think you've shown it to me before how does that happen he just pulled it out or something i just get naked and i say joe look at me or i think he had a question one time oh yeah sometimes i'll walk up to him with a pick-em but i'll be naked oh yeah yeah just to spruce up the day that's good stuff no i think you had a penis question what was my question i don't know something was it like is it weird like is my dick weird yeah you might have had a some kind of thing
Starting point is 00:02:15 going on that you had me to oh when i had herpes i made you look at it no i don't know if it was that but it could have been yeah the trust i shared with you yeah thanks you're welcome dude i love you all right love you yeah dude strider was supposed to be here today but today we played a round of golf with the friday beers guys uh popular instagram account great guys yeah jack and max awesome guys yeah thanks for having us dudes yeah but uh we had to drink beers we had to drink six over nine and uh strider carried more than his fair share of the burden he drank eight crushed eight and as we got into the car to drive back to do the potty at that thousand yard stare he was just looking up into the distance he was very moody it was like he was
Starting point is 00:02:56 in an art house film and then we got into the car and he just said i'm not gonna be able to do the pod today but you guys each had six uh I didn't. I was the coach. I was just rolling soaps. But it was confusing because, you know, Strider's always full of energy, full of life. And I was cranking Ride With Me by Nelly. Hot tunes. I was cranking Ride With Me.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I was cranking Shaky Tail Feather. And Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado. He didn't respond one bit, which is like, that's when you know he's hurting. I mean, Monday golf beers in the afternoon, Monday afternoon, those have to hit really hard. They hit different. That's their catchphrase. Those gotta be like shots of whiskey.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. And they were blonde ales. It was ale, right? Yeah. It wasn't like Coors Lights or something. Yeah, that's. And he's the best golfer. so he had to carry more than his fair share there as well i was shanking dude shanking tough game it really is a frustrating game yeah if you don't play and it's easy to get demoralized you have a couple bad holes in a row and you're just like what the
Starting point is 00:04:00 fuck am i doing out here did you hit the range before no i don't like to waste my good shots at the range i have a finite amount of yeah that's what the pros always say i save it for the course yeah for when it matters i'm not a big fan of the range either i don't maybe it's just because i'm not that passionate about golf when people like yeah when i hit some golf balls i'm like oh wow give them an uh yeah yeah but the range is practice and In every sport, you have to practice. That's golf practice. Yeah, but that's what the range is there for. It's too boring, though.
Starting point is 00:04:30 That's my problem. Well, speaking of sports, you're back into softball, right? Yeah. Aaron got you on the team. First game this week, yeah. I mean, I didn't. Mike Bertolino got Joe back. Mike Bertolino had all things comedy.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Yeah, it was, yeah, I mean, Aaron got me thinking about it was 5050. Then when I saw Mike, I don't know, he really sold it, I guess. Are you nervous? Because your last two seasons in softball, you were tired because you were having injury problems. You had two straight seasons and an injury. Yeah, no, I'm feeling good. I'm confident. because i'm in tremendous shape what's your position um hopefully second base do you guys have a second baseman already no it's a lot a lot open are you what's your batting average oh i think you left one of those in my car oh nice um it's a bait i mean it's got to be I probably hit at least in softball,
Starting point is 00:05:26 probably at least 700-something. Really? You crank them? Yeah, I mean, I probably get on base four out of five times, I would say. That's incredible. Yeah, there's not a whole lot of outs being made. Yeah. Well, I mean, that was the last time with, with you know in a co-ed league so we'll see
Starting point is 00:05:46 how this this one pans out but it's all men it's all men oh yeah oh yeah this sounds intense how's the living you got some new roommates graham and lockwood yeah i love it yeah you guys put up a nice instagram photo of all you guys together being like you choose your friends but this feels like family or something like that well maybe one of them said that but sweet though what i mean i'm not trying to make you feel sad for leaving i come over i mean i did yeah i mean i just said uh roommates night out i didn't i didn't go deep with the picture you didn't get sentimental yeah just roommates night out tuesday night it's not it sounds like you guys
Starting point is 00:06:27 your your place is the hot spot yeah there's been parties there they're fun yeah it's not parties they're parties 10 plus is a party in my estimation i mean if it's rowdy enough i mean you could call it a kickback but we're a little old for that yeah it's a kickback can you still say kickback after 30 i i never said it ever yeah i can't imagine you saying i'm going to a kickback can you still say kickback after 30 i never said it ever yeah i can't imagine you saying i'm going to a kickback yeah we're having a kickback yeah what are we kicking you don't kick my back gonna get some deep dish that's my impression i've only had pre-game parties after party after yeah keep it simple you were upset at the party they had the other night though right you were worried the neighbors were going to get upset i appreciate you caring so
Starting point is 00:07:09 much about the neighbors yeah it's annoying because i'm the one that's uh in charge you feel a responsibility to the to the to the community yeah because i vouched for the guys that i live with and also do you have a master bedroom as well i do yeah i have the biggest bedroom in the entire building so did you have a talk with him or you just sort of like guys listen i'm the head honcho in this and yeah one of them gets it one of them kind of is like he's looking to still let loose can you say who yeah matt lockwood matt daddy lockwood yeah matt yeah he likes being called Matt Daddy. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Let's get into the daddy stuff, too. If you want. Me and our normal daddy, the schmole Kevin Fard, we had a beef because I said I wouldn't do something nice. I said I wouldn't let him do our stand-up show unless he called me daddy, and he refused. Yeah, he called your bluff. Is that what it is? I don't think he called my bluff yeah somebody called somebody's bluff though i think well he didn't he didn't do the stand-up well what i'm saying is he didn't well he didn't concede he didn't capitulate which i respect i
Starting point is 00:08:17 respect it's a man of principle yeah for sure he's got integrity but we hashed it out took a while to hash out i mean he schmo daddy was talking to all of us it was a couple days of conversation for sure he called me before he called you he's like hey i heard some stuff from joe jt's pissed at me what what's going on and i'm like i'm like you to talk to JT. Why don't you just call him? And it's just two daddies going head to head. I don't think I can ever see either of you calling each other daddy. No, I can't see it either.
Starting point is 00:08:56 But it was fun to really test the limits of it. But, you know, but it also strained our friendship, although I think we'll be better off for it. I think sometimes you need conflict to get to a better place. Conflict is necessary sometimes. Although I know it put a strain on you. Yeah. Is it cool if I wear the manscape shirt?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, dude. Play it, bro. Well, yeah, you guys made me like the referee. You guys, when grown men have a beef between each other usually they can sort it out but i'm getting phone calls on both ends like what do you want me to do like i'm the like okay who's daddy me you guys are coming to me i'm daddy then i guess you are daddy because you guys couldn't handle it yourselves i can call you daddy no problem yeah i prefer you as daddy yeah i think you're a good dad. Yeah, I am daddy.
Starting point is 00:09:45 It's a good stand-up show, though. A lot of fun. When? The one on Thursday. Yeah, it was. Joe, can we also talk about this? You got a podcast of your own coming out. Can we talk about it?
Starting point is 00:09:57 Dude, yeah. Well, it's going to happen. Yeah, it's not like it's not going to happen. I just don't have a date. Oh, okay. That's okay. But yeah, we listened to the pilot the pilot episode it was tremendous so funny yeah thanks guys i appreciate that yeah feedback it's gonna be good yeah i'm excited yeah stokers keep an eye out we're gonna release it on our channel first uh to give it you know
Starting point is 00:10:21 so people know know what it is and then And then can I say the title and everything? And then Joe Code is just going to be flying. Joe Code, I like that. You're going to inspire a whole new group of people how to live by your code. I think that's pretty awesome. Yeah, hopefully, yeah. I mean, hopefully people don't take it too seriously
Starting point is 00:10:45 and i don't want uh people to come after me if things don't work out for them but it's a big burden it's a big responsibility you think if someone if someone's dreams didn't come true they'd be like it's because i listened to joe code yeah i hope they're like i live my life by what joe does and my marriage didn't work out. My marriage just blew up. I don't think that's going to happen, though. You have a great code. Yeah. You're like a knight.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, I keep it pretty, I don't know, pretty cut and dry, I guess. Yeah. You keep what cut and dry? I don't know. I didn't know what to say there. Yeah. You mean your life philosophy is... Made up a saying that made no sense for the matter.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Which, again, I said a thing that didn't make any sense. So that's good. So what else? What else? It is going to be fun for fans. They've never heard Joe speak this much. That's true. Yeah, it was weird talking by myself for that long.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Did it bring stuff out of you that you weren't aware was in there? I don't know, because I was in my head a lot, because it was the first time, so I didn't have a whole lot of stream of consciousness going it's not easy makes you respect like colin cowherd doing like a three-hour yeah radio show by himself man yeah like what a maniac especially if you're alive too where i wonder if you just hit a wall where you're just like all right fuck i'm just gonna be quiet for like 20 minutes here yeah yeah you get like a text that makes you anxious.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And you're like, I don't know if he checks his phone, but he's just like, oh, fuck. It's true. You got to block the world out. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, I was going to ask you something. Sure. I had a question for you, but I can't remember it.
Starting point is 00:12:41 OK. Will you look at me until it pops up? Oh, the Bears. Thank you for looking at me. I came back. How do we feel about Justin Field going to the Bears? Yeah, we're feeling good. Don't be modest.
Starting point is 00:12:55 You were very excited post-draft. You were very excited. Well, I mean, it's still the Bears. I'm waiting for something. Don't. Tell them how excited you are. Well, I mean, it's still the Bears. I'm waiting for something. Don't. Dude, tell them how excited you are. Well, yeah, if we couldn't get Russell Wilson, this is the next best thing. Are we worried about his bust potential coming out of that offense?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Not a lot of Ohio State quarterbacks pan out. They seem like system guys. Well, I don't know. Let's not be negative about it. They say he can't get through his progressions that well. Well, I don't know. Hopefully the Bears coaches can help him. Who said that?
Starting point is 00:13:34 People are saying he should have went two overall. Some people are saying he doesn't get through his progressions well. I don't know about those people. I've never met those people. 4.45 speed, though. That's not bad. Yeah. He can hustle some butt and if aaron rogers leaves green bay it could be the best qb in the nfc north what about kirk cousins what they're saying what about him nice he is trash he makes like that but
Starting point is 00:14:03 do you don't disrespect athletes you won't say that, but... You don't disrespect athletes? You won't say someone sucks? I don't know. When someone's at the pro level, it's hard for me to do that unless they're playing a team that I like and I've had beers. Trubisky? I don't want to say he sucks. He sucks, though. He seems like a good man.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Is he a nice guy? I think so. Oh, and now he's backing up Josh Allen in Buffalo man. Is he a nice guy? I think so. Now he's backing up Josh Allen and Buffalo, so that's a nice gig for him. Oh, that's a good combo. He's a good backup for Josh Allen because they kind of have similar skill sets. He doesn't have the live arm or the leadership qualities. But he could come in and get some things. If he needs to come in, he could do a couple things for them.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I only said his name because that's the only quarterback I know. Why? I quarterback I know. Why? I don't know. I think two seasons ago, we were all just hating on Mitch Trubisky. And I'm just like, I guess I just remembered the negative. Because if they're good, it's boring. Yeah, I guess. What do you think about the Steelers getting Najee Harris?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, that's good. That's cool. First rounder, though. Is that a burn? Is that a burn pick? Because your second stringer can be just good that's cool first rounder though is that a burn is that a burn pick because your second stringer can be just good as a first rounder traditionally i don't know i mean he could be like he could be another jerome bettis for the steelers the bus yeah it could be bus too that'd be nice the bus lived in the same dorm as my brother at notre dame different time periods oh yeah i forgot he went to Notre Dame.
Starting point is 00:15:25 What's up? Did he have a nickname? The Bus? Yeah, The Bus. I'm not sure if his nickname was The Bus yet. Did he have that in college? He was big, dude. At the end of his career, he was like 310 pounds.
Starting point is 00:15:39 They didn't list him at that. They listed him at 270, but he was like three bills. I don't know when he got the nickname. Joe, did you have any nicknames growing up? Yeah, I had a lot. What were some nicknames? Like Smoker, Meatball. Because of your voice, Smoker?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Yeah. Makes sense. Meatball because you're Italian? Yeah, Meatball. Wasn't everybody Italian? I don't know. You were the most Italian. Stallion. Who called you stallion
Starting point is 00:16:06 people ladies i don't know my guys and then uh nice in college a couple guys called me ball sack you still friends with them which i went along with for some reason isn't that the worst when you get a nickname you don't like and you can't fight back because you know it'll just cement it well i mean i just thought it was funny i mean wow why'd they call you ballsack i don't know it just looked at me and thought ballsack and uh i mean this was the university of iowa so these guys are you know drunken cohock guys yeah were you there when brad banks was there and fred russell dallas clark bob sanders that was the year i was there yeah what a year to be there yeah that was the 2002 team that's exciting yeah it was a fun year but you got your asses rocked in like the orange bowl right yeah i think it was that carson palmer and
Starting point is 00:16:56 usc i think truck to you guys that was a good i'm not mistaken justin fargus salton mccullough mike williams they had some players yeah kareem kelly i think i can't remember that paula molly i'm just no he was on that team yeah he was the strong safety it's a pretty good team it's a fucking hell of a team how do you remember that shit yeah i know i remember a lot of stuff and and I'm like, whoa. I was really into that team. You'll be like, hey, dude, what's on the schedule? I'm like, you remember the Iowa defense from 2002?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah, it's hard to remember college rosters. Or the memory cards. Yeah, yeah. For this podcast. Yeah. You don't know where your keys are, but you know who played on the 74 Red Sox? Yeah. He brought that up to me, too too about that Iowa team that I saw
Starting point is 00:17:46 because I had season tickets for that. It was my freshman year in college. And he like knew all the guys on that team. I was like, how the fuck do you know who these guys are? I was like, anyone outside of whoever went to that school, I wouldn't expect to know who Brad Banks was. You guys should have had one less loss that year too because you lost to Iowa State and Seneca Wallace.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And you probably should have won that game. I was at that game. Yeah, you guys should have had one less loss that year, too, because you lost to Iowa State and Seneca Wallace. You probably should have won that game. I was at that game. Yeah, you guys should have won that game. You're an idiot. It's a great game. Yeah, well, that was when I saw Seneca Wallace. This guy's amazing. He was a freak, man.
Starting point is 00:18:15 He started off that season high. He almost beat Florida State in the opener. I think he was a Heisman candidate, but if he would have won that. He was on the cover of si i think they were saying this is gonna be your heisman winner but he you know you can't pick him too early because he won yeah carson came on strong late by himself lit up notre dame i was really into college football that year that was like a big year for me yeah college football was exciting it's not the same anymore especially when you go to a big 10 school you feel like
Starting point is 00:18:41 you're like involved in it yeah but you're only just drunk the whole time yeah that's awesome we need to go in the stands and watch the game yeah it just blacked out really yeah i lived across the street from where we would tailgate too that's and it was in the parking lot of the field house that's so cool people just fucking beer bongs like two stories just oh that's so cool people playing flippy cup yeah you go into the game blind yeah you know that's great you're going you're in there and you just you can't even really see did you ever get on tv like if they're on espn it's just you yeah no i never i don't think so you would have been perfect for that yeah i think you're my favorite guy to watch
Starting point is 00:19:22 football games with yeah it's fun you excited for it to be back you'd favorite guy to watch football games with. Yeah, it's fun. You excited for it to be back? You'll be able to watch games again at the parlor this year? Your favorite bar to watch the Bears? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, we'll see. Yeah, unless the guys found another place. Because I know last year, because the parlor was closed,
Starting point is 00:19:38 so maybe they're going to stay at that same spot. Oh, they had a bar they could go to during COVID? Yeah, there was. um yeah because there was an outdoor thing going on nice for at least for a while i think before the because outside was open right before the second shot i wasn't here but was an outside stuff open from like the i don't think so like late summer not in la la was like full no i think it was how how was the comedy store was open how was the comedy store opening back up yeah how how did it go yeah how to go because it was last week yeah it was good it was cool yeah it just opened
Starting point is 00:20:17 last weekend who went up uh it was tim dillon was there eliza schlesinger bill burr stopped in uh leslie jones um who else neil brennan jeff ross yeah they were all there you guys were at 50 occupancy No, it's like maybe 20, 25. Yeah, we've still got a few months before we can really pack it out. And there's no hangout? Yeah, there's no chilling, there's no hanging. And tickets are pretty expensive right now, right? No drop and buying. Yeah, because you're buying the table.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. So, yeah yeah it's uh yeah it's expensive interesting that's so cool it was cool seeing the photos of people on stage yeah yeah it was it was it's yeah it's also it's weird but it's cool because it was like it's like wow i can't believe we're actually back here it's nice man did you watch tim dylan set almost 14 months i yeah i saw i i was outside in the parking lot but i had uh walked in for like a minute or two and just heard uproarious laughter he smashed in there he was crushing yeah he brings it yeah i have a question guys we were talking about this last night
Starting point is 00:21:42 texting etiquette in the dating world. What's your guys' like? You know, because I feel like that's one of the toughest parts of modern dating is knowing how much to text. Say you go on a date and you're interested in her. When do you text her? I got no clue, man. I'm as confused as you are.
Starting point is 00:22:04 What, after the date? When do you text her i got no clue man i'm as confused as you what after the date when do you text her yeah really if you really like her you can text her right away yeah i think she appreciate would appreciate that also what do you think aaron yeah you text her like when you got home that you're home safe that sort of thing thing. If you went separately or whatever. I think at the very least, if you had a good time, midday the next day is always safe. Man, I got no idea. I mean, I'd like to just go off what feels right.
Starting point is 00:22:39 You know what I mean? What feels good and not overthink it. I was stressing about it. I asked my dad yesterday. I was like, Dad, do you think it's possible to be like too nice to a girl and my dad was like no and then i was like okay and i was like so you don't think my problem's that i'm too nice but i was like no your problem is that you overanalyze and that you need love too much and i was like nailed it it's pretty good yeah yeah he's smart well uh so you can be too nice though i think i think i've been too nice but i almost think the too nice thing is, I think. I think I've been too nice.
Starting point is 00:23:05 But I almost think the too nice thing is the too needy thing, is really what it is. Because I almost think it's like, is it really kindness, or are you being kind because you want something in return? You know? I'm kind because I'm kind. Fair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, I know, but I think it costs me getting some serious action. Right. I need to like some action well i so i went on a date with someone that i was like interested in i don't know maybe we just make it way more complicated than it needs to be well yeah i think i think the thing is none of these rules matter if the girl likes you right right yeah because if she likes if she's into you you can't unless you like wait unless you unless you like you text her a month later. Hey, that was a great date.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And then you've already fucked it up. That was a great date in 2020. So, okay, so, yeah. But I think when you're talking hours, a matter of hours, the next day, none of that matters. Because I was of the mindset, I i'm like i think it's smarter instead of playing games to like the next day be like to be like to tell them like hey i had a great time i want to see you again i think that's sort of the the confident gentlemanly thing to do yeah yeah and then maybe check in midweek send something you know light-hearted yeah like that okay you think you're good yeah yeah i stress
Starting point is 00:24:28 about it like even if i'm seeing someone and like we have plans that night i'm like hey should i pick you up at this time and i'm like oh i i said too much i know dude it's so it's so annoying yeah you shouldn't be asking what time right i blew it bullshit yeah yeah because you're just like just show up yeah just show up in your car and be like hey what's up i just thought i'd show up yeah like you never told me a time and they're like and you're like yeah i just didn't think you'd respond yeah so i just decided it'd be better if we just never saw each other yeah yeah i was too in my head about it yeah that's true i was with my wife for like three years before I found out that she went on a, we met online before I found out she went out on a date with someone the day
Starting point is 00:25:10 after we met. Whoa. Oh wow. Nice. It was fine. I won. Yeah. It was the last time,
Starting point is 00:25:15 you know, she saw anyone else. Right. Yeah. Yeah. But it was crazy. I went on a date one time and I liked somebody else, but I'd set up the date before I was I was sure that we were going to keep going.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And then I went on the date, and the girl was like, how are you doing? I was like, good. But then after 30 minutes, I was like, look, I think I like somebody else. And then she got kind of defensive and was like, oh, I like somebody else too. But I don't know if that was real. If somebody did that to me, I would never go on a date again.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I would just be like, this is bullshit. Fuck all this. I mean, I don't really date anymore as it is. I should have just played it straight. The way he described it to me at the time was like, I was like, oh, I thought she was like, it was like an aha moment where she was like, I like somebody else too.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Maybe it was. She did. I mean, it seemed like the guy was real. Yeah. And it seemed like the guy was real yeah yeah and it seemed like they had a good thing going yeah i hope they're married now yeah so how often if you're like seeing if you're like dating girls you know if you go on a date and there's like one you're interested in but you have like a lot of other dates set up yeah do you still stick to those dates i don't know i think i think i think it's cooler to not stick
Starting point is 00:26:23 to them and to go but if you go on like one date. Yeah, I'd still go on the other dates. It's still good. One, yeah. But you know what? Even still, man, I don't know. If it feels better to you to not and you just want to be romantic and go all in with someone and then just risk it, I think that's cooler. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I think that is cooler. I think it's cooler to like go in than to like be like, you know, I got to play it safe. But I think it does feel better to kind of keep your options open you feel a little bit more in control for sure right but i mean is that ideal i think you know the romantic heart the kind of person i'd want to be would just be like fuck it i like somebody i'm just going and i'm just gonna see how it goes with this person that's how i feel yeah that's what i did yeah i think that's cooler yeah my wife uh apparently was a little bit frightened by it though like sure like i told her i was like after two or three weeks dating i was like i you know i
Starting point is 00:27:10 closed my okay cubit account right and she apparently was like frightened by that but i was like oh really i was like i'm getting hit up what who do you think like yeah oh so i'm getting hit up by other ladies like i'm trying to turn them away for you. Yeah. Yeah. But she, that, that, and we'd been on,
Starting point is 00:27:28 we'd have been on like eight, nine dates by that time. Three weeks. And she was still freaked out by that. It's weird. Yeah. She said, she told me after the fact, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:35 Oh, interesting. We went on like five dates in the first week. Like that's how it's, you know, instant it was. Oh wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:42 That's nice. That's the dream. Yeah. Hmm. I think you're good, dude. You're a catch. I'm not worried, but I'm just sort of like, you know, just trying to figure out, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:57 it's a new world. Yeah, it's tough. I don't know. You're not into it anymore? Yeah, I don't go on dates. Like, my roommates ask me about, they'll tell me to invite girls over. I'm like, who do you think you're talking to here? I don't talk to any women.
Starting point is 00:28:15 And I don't mean that in a way that I don't like them. It's too much. I got too much going on. I can't deal with it. You know what I was thinking about on all right i can't deal with it you know what i was thinking about too it's like we talk about women so much you know what i mean and so like in film there's this thing called the bechdel test that like 90 of films don't pass where it's does your movie have two women in it who talk to each other who don't talk about a guy that's all you have to do to pass the bechdel test and like 90 of movies don't pass it that's just super male
Starting point is 00:28:43 driven and if there is women in it they're're kind of, their lives are oriented around men. But I don't know. There's not a lot of time for that diehard. Right. Yeah. So you got to, is it pushing the plot forward? Are we learning more about the characters? No, sorry. No space for it. But I think what's actually more true is that if men were being honest and they wrote movies that were true to their own lives, 90% of those movies wouldn't pass the male Bechdel test. It would just be guys talking about women the whole time.
Starting point is 00:29:09 But guys don't want to write those movies. They want to write a badass movie about John McClane or Jack Ryan rescuing a nuclear sub. But in reality, Jack Ryan is on that sub and he's just texting his buddies about chicks. And he's like, hey, when do I text this girl back? And text this girl back yeah hey focus on de-arming the nuke yeah and he's like i know but this girl won't text me back and that'd be so that that's realism that's realism yeah yeah do you think they were doing the manhattan project you know yeah yeah oh fuck dude they were like have you been able to uh
Starting point is 00:29:42 centrifuge the neutrons and he's's like, yeah, I did that. But more importantly, Kelly. She sent me a letter. She works at the bakery. She's being super confusing. Yeah. She sent me this telegram. And I was just like, I'm waiting a few hours not to seem over-eager.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But should I just send her, you know, what kind of telegram? I just assumed they used telegrams. I think that's right. Yeah. Oh, really? Now that I think about it, in Die Hard like he has a conversation over the radio with uh the dad from family matters about his ex-wife right yeah dad from family matters kills it in that movie that's great yeah and that was before family matters right so that's probably on the trajectory to get that part yeah and then he yeah he's like this
Starting point is 00:30:20 guy's a great carl winslow yeahlow? Yeah. Good dad. Solid. I mean, it's a cliche question, but Uncle Phil or Carl Winslow? Who'd you rather have as your dad? Oh, wow. Yeah, that's a good one. I'd say Carl Winslow. You like it because he's a civil servant? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Oh, they're both civil servants. One's a judge. One's a judge. Yeah. I don't know. Well, they were a Chicago family, so I'm a little servant. Oh, they're both civil servants. One's a judge. Yeah. Well, they were Chicago family, so I'm a little biased. Nice, dude. You going back to Chi-town anytime soon?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Yeah, in the summer, probably. Nothing planned, but yeah. What do you think about this Detroit pizza that's taking over? I think it's great. It's all the rage. Yeah, I have a friend in Chicago that makes it, too. It's great it's all the rage yeah i have a friend in chicago that makes it too it's it's awesome that's prince street pizza right is chicago style or detroit
Starting point is 00:31:11 style yeah yeah that's detroit style it's good have you had it yet you should try prince street it's really good where is it it's right by the store right is it new yeah it's sunset and uh it was like a new york staple and now it's out here oh well yeah they have new york style and then they got that the detroit one is i think they're famous one the one in detroit no they're the detroit styles they're famous pizza that's like their staple i'm smoking this vape like crazy what does a detroit style consist of um it's kind of halfway between deep dish and thin crust yeah it's like a sicilian i like when you can taste the dough it's thick it's that style i think you'll like but the dough or the crust is
Starting point is 00:32:00 more it's almost like i don't want to say caramelized. I don't know if that's the right term. Aaron? It's crispy. Yeah, it's like... It's a bit like a pan pizza almost. Yeah. They do something to it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah, they do something to it. I'll do something to you. Me too. Go ahead. It's a Joe-style joke. that was it was good you like that yeah is the couch light on oh no let me put it on sorry come on damn it sorry guys what have we been doing let's start it on hold on for the people watching at home on camera. Yeah, I mean, now you're going to get a whole new thing here. Boom.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Wow. Yeah, what the heck? Boom. I mean, how could you forget to put this on? This is great. I know you told me to beforehand as well. Dude, I'm tired. The golf took it out of me.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I'm tired too, man. Nine holes, six beers. I'm ready to fall asleep. Yeah, that's a lot. I might have dodged a couple sips. I hope they don't see that on the gopro that'd be pretty hilarious yeah it'd be beer gate yeah well i mean nine holes it's not too crazy i mean if you guys would play 18 and drink i would say i don't even know how you're
Starting point is 00:33:14 doing this podcast but nine i'm playing hurt i'm definitely playing nine oh yeah it's still i guarantee strider's sitting there oh but mich But Michael Jordan used to play like 36 holes, right? And then go play like game four against the Suns or something. Probably, yeah. What an animal, dude. Totally. That's crazy. He might be the most compelling human being of my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Do you think Michael Jordan worries about texting? Yeah. If Michael Jordan went on a hot date and he was like he's like wow yeah he's like you know he's really yeah we have a date set up like a few days from now but you know should check in no he freaks out cuz we found out a famous athlete Trello and said he he's super needy during text messaging how do you know we know someone who might who's seen him a little bit oh nice and they say he's very needy she sounds hot she's very pretty nice lady i mean he got divorced like in his 40s so he's yeah you think you had to get back on the horse you think he cracks under
Starting point is 00:34:17 pressure yeah i think everyone does that's how you bounce back. Look, we all break. I like how nowadays people say people are needy. Yeah, I mean, the entire world's collapsing. Yeah, people want to feel love. You know what I mean? Let it rip. Go, baby. Go. Go off, kid.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I mean, really. It's like, you know, the world's nuts. You know, people are losing their minds. We're all looking for a point. Yeah, people want to be loved yeah it's too needy oh sorry what are you mr tough guy during the pandemic dude keep going we're looking for a port in the storm come on yeah keep going i don't know you shelter me i'll shelter you i feel it joe
Starting point is 00:34:59 yeah i'm sick of it man do you think too needy i'll show you what i need what do you need i'm sorry do you think it's do you think it's uh do you think guys are naturally kind of needy unless they're like like you think back in like the 1800s yeah they were they're as needy yeah yeah you can read like napoleon's love letters the guy's like all in right yeah he had options i mean he's little but people loved him do you think napoleon had game for sure not the best game but enough do you think he if napoleon were texting with a girl right now what do you think would he be texting every day he'd be bragging hey did you see the
Starting point is 00:35:43 cool shit i did at Austerlitz? No one saw that coming Where? Austerlitz, that was like his greatest Military victory, I've referenced it before It's like the only thing I know from his Besides his big L that he took at Waterloo Aaron, what kind of texter do you think Napoleon would be? Absolute tactician, man
Starting point is 00:35:59 Absolute strategy, he knows what he's doing He's got a spreadsheet I think he's more like, please call me. Please. Please, I miss you. I'm stuck in Russia and it's freezing. Because he was short? You think he was insecure?
Starting point is 00:36:14 No, I just think everyone needs love. I think you were right. You nailed it. Everyone needs it. Did you hear about Bill and Melinda? Oh, Gates? Yeah, yeah. I saw that on the news today, yeah. Tragic, dude. tragic dude is it yeah i didn't see that coming
Starting point is 00:36:28 at all they seem to i don't know a lot of people get divorced she was running that foundation you know they were helping people everywhere malaria nets vaccines yeah i mean you don't know what goes on behind the closed doors. I don't know. You think Bill was a freak? I don't know. Is that what they're saying? No, just curious. Oh.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah, I got no evidence. He doesn't come off as a freak to me. But who comes off like a freak? You. Do I really? Or is that just because of what I tell you well yeah i don't yeah am i that freaky i think i'm actually sweeter than i i sometimes represent myself as yeah well yeah i mean you're sweet but you could still be freaky you a freak no
Starting point is 00:37:17 sorry no you're good dude we're all tired this is we're playing hurt should we answer some what sorry once danny devito and rhea perlman broke up i was like they broke up it's like oh yeah damn you guys want to answer some questions yeah yeah all right falling in love as she's walking away to whomever may concern this past weekend, I took a lifeguard certification course at the pool. I will be working at this summer. Eight others were taking this course with me, including of them was a Brown Wopo player. She was awesome. I think the thing was Brown capital. I think he means the college. The thing was, we didn't talk much because I wanted to keep things profesh. I mean, we talked about, we talked when we were
Starting point is 00:38:04 supposed to be practicing rescues and that was chill. But most of our encounters were the odd glances where I would look at her and she would look away or she would just be paying attention. There's a huge chance she wasn't looking at me a whole lot, but I fumbled the bag. In my fear of rejection, I let her leave the weekend unacquainted with. I'm also 16 and she is 20. Nice.
Starting point is 00:38:30 This fucking guy yeah for the first time i felt this older girl i didn't really see that she treated me like another lifeguard i found her ig by simply looking up her name do i say what up and maybe try and meet up with her before she goes back to school or do i regret what i wish i had done and just move on please keep me anonymous no yeah hit her up come on i mean it's only a felony yeah that's the thing it's it's illegal um oh okay yeah so i don't think i can give you the green light brother say yeah cancel that yeah she's too old for you dog but i like i like your chutzpah sure yeah i admire this guy's passion. I would say keep that passion, and I think you will find someone who knocks your socks off the same way.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah, because here's the thing. If she is down to hook up with you, she's probably got some bad stuff going on in her dome because she should know better than to dip below the legality line. But, you know, crazy things happen. But, yeah, I wouldn't do it. I would say, you know, keep your eyes peeled, you know crazy things happen but yeah i wouldn't do it i would say you know keep your eyes peeled you know i i see uh you know i see some love happening for you at like the local dairy queen another 16 year old blizzard maker you know you see her making that blizzard
Starting point is 00:39:40 she sees you it's great and you're a lifeguard and sparks fly i just picture that for you dairy queen yeah hit up the dairy queen yeah what up stoke lord since college i've been working at a job based in south carolina that i really like and i've been almost doing for three years however during the panty d once everything went full remote there was no one in sight i moved back closer closer to home. I've been living out in Colorado for the last eight months and it's been awesome to see the old squad and family regularly.
Starting point is 00:40:08 So here's my quandary. Do I return to SC or stay here? I do really love it here and always picture myself living back closer to the mountains with my family long term, but not sure the time is right to quit my job yet.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I just got a promotion and with the vaccine rollout reopening in full swing, I'll probably get called back into the office soon. Not to mention, I do sometimes miss the friends I made over all life I created for myself in SC, where I was also fairly stoked on life. On the other hand, who's to say if I really like my job
Starting point is 00:40:32 or I'm just comfortable in my position and scared to start over in a new company? Not to mention, it takes time to build a full social life, and many of my friends have moved away, and I think that scares me too. Although I consider myself an extrovert like JT, so I don't think it'll be too bad. I'll just have to be patient. it's tough because there isn't a wrong answer but both are great options but i do have to make a choice what do you legends recommend hey just 40 he okay he followed up again and just said hey uh he wants us to read it sorry that was his follow-up email uh so where are the two choices? South Carolina or Colorado. And what were the benefits of both?
Starting point is 00:41:10 He's from Colorado. He's got his old family and friends there, and he always pictured himself back in Colorado. But he has a job in South Carolina where he just got a promotion, and he has built a new life there that he's pretty proud of. I'd say South Carolina. I think so, too. I'd say Say Yes to Life life i read a good book the surrender experiment by michael singer just say yes to life wherever life's taking you you know just i would
Starting point is 00:41:33 say yes to it i mean i think there's you know we can get tripped up on nostalgia you know you want to go back to colorado feel you know be with the old friends that have that warm feeling. But I think, you know, you're blazing a new path for yourself. And I think you need to keep trucking along that path. Oh, damn. Yeah. I think you're right, too. Yeah. Because I see great things in store for you.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I see you at Dairy Queen as well, falling in love. Yeah, I think it's nice to go home and recharge your batteries, being the people you grew up with and to feel grounded in that way. But then I think you take that new surplus of energy that you've given, they've given to you and take it into a new frontier and just keep pushing. You're young. I think it's always good to rediscover and redefine yourself in different places where you don't have your familiar comforts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Comfort. You know, you're young. You don't want comfort right now. You want, you want discomfort. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And then growth. For sure. What up, council? Please keep me anonymous as my dogs, my dog listens to the pod as well. Long story short, my friend is a disgusting eater. He smacks his lips, chews with his mouth open all while breathing violently out of his nose. It's literally animalistic. I'd rather listen to a pack of hyenas
Starting point is 00:42:45 in an antelope corpse on hi-fi stereo than to listen to my dude eat a single bite of a burrito. We've been friends for almost 10 years, and as the years go on, it's gotten more and more on my nerves. The one time I confronted him about it was in the middle of a meal earlier this year. I should have told him,
Starting point is 00:42:58 close your fucking mouth when you eat, which in hindsight was definitely a little harsh on my part, but he got the message and was good for a few days. But now it's back, and I can't take it. It's gotten to the point where I almost get annoyed with him as a friend because of how gross he is when he eats. He's pretty defensive and not receptive to criticism. So how do I politely tell him that this is really bothering me and also grossing me out as well as some other of our friends? Not eating out with him isn't an option because I don't want to lose out on the valuable mealtime with my dog. Conversely, it's
Starting point is 00:43:24 just a me problem. Conversely, is this just a me problem like do i just need to adjust and really realize that's who he is and it's cool maybe i'm the bad guy here but any advice on the situation would be majorly appreciated also he's a well-adjusted hygienic dude in every other facet of his life and i love him to death but i need to find a way around or through the issue yeah i don't know don't be so soft let the man eat that's what i say right i agree yeah i think um what what is this uh was he a teacher of an etiquette class well you're a pretty loud eater yeah you you you the masticator is what i guess you know you're like if it's just him and if it's just them two eating and he gets gets crazy it's like come on it's your buddy but if you're like around like
Starting point is 00:44:10 a group of like girls and it's like a big group of people then yeah but if you're one i'm one of them just i do know where this guy's coming from though but i think you're right you just got to let it go i've never been annoyed by the way someone ate. No, I like ASMR. Well, that'd be pretty insane if you got annoyed by how someone ate. I get ASMR tingles. What is that? When people smack their lips. Where it just feels good. It's like a sensory response.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So when you chew, it turns me on a little bit. I mean, I try not to eat like a slob. I love it, dude. I smack my lips. I would say this. Joe's a loud eater and it drives me crazy. But the thing that Joe does that's nice is he lets me... He doesn't let me.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Like, he doesn't change. But I'll go, hey, stop eating like that. And then Joe will go, shut up. And I think that helps. Just being able to say it, even if he doesn't listen, it's nice to just be able to express how I feel. Yeah, feel free to express yourself. Yeah, I do think it is this guy.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I think it's a you problem. Yeah, stop watching people eat. Just mind your own business. I don't think you're a bad guy, no no i don't think you're a bad guy but i think uh no he's definitely not a bad dude it's a nightmare when some dude yeah i worked on a tv show as an intern yeah and there was one guy on the crew who was an intern and you just eat like this every day during lunch dude you're busting your ass all day you You're tired as fuck carrying C stands and bullshit. I'd sit there and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:48 bro, I'm gonna rip your head off, dude. And then at the wrap party, they wanted all the interns to do standup. And I was going, I was, I'm at the joke I wrote.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I go, I don't know why the producers get to eat first, but then again, I wouldn't want to eat with Eric either. They made me cut the joke. Oh really? You can't say that joke. it's too mean oh that's a wrap party yeah i'll never see that dude again no i ended up seeing him a bunch after that
Starting point is 00:46:10 yeah but he's a smart guy too super talented guy great guy but um dude he would chew like a horse and i swear to god like i i took everything in me but i wasn't the only one like me and the other people here's what you can do this is what i did and this isn't the best solution it's not the most noble solution you just go up to the other people who are annoyed by his eating and he talked to them about it and you commiserate and that takes some of the heat out of it if you got some friends you can complain to i mean you're halfway to feeling better or don't eat with them as much i know he said something about cutting out the bro time or whatever but or go to louder places yeah yeah go eat with them at stadiums go eat with them
Starting point is 00:46:47 at dodger stadium you won't notice as much yeah although one time dude i went and saw cold play and my dad brought his friend scott big dude that guy singing the scientist next to me almost ruined the whole concert he was like nobody said it was easy. That's good. It's on tune. I was like, Jesus, man. Let Chris Martin do it. It's such a shame for us to part. Was that too loud?
Starting point is 00:47:20 No, it was fine. Did that fire you up? Did it peak? For sure. I'll turn it down in post. Sorry, dudes. Did that fire you up when I peaked. Did it peak? For sure. All right, I'll turn it down in post. Sorry, dudes. Did that fire you up when I sang that? Yeah, it fired me up.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Pretty good. All right. Touching me. Just know, too, that these habits are hard to break, and the way people eat and what they eat is very personal. Guys, you know, I'm so sorry. I'm trying to be nice here, but I don't think it's that hard to break it. It's hard to break it. You just chew with your mouth closed. Well, yeah, you can do that. Tough guy's got to be nice here, but I don't think it's that hard to break it. It's hard to break it. You just chew with your mouth closed.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Well, yeah, you can do that. Tough guy's got to step in here. I mean, you eat. I've seen you eat. You shovel your food in. You're not a nice eater. Yeah, that's true. I eat too fast.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah. So that's rude. You got a problem with that? Mind your business, bro. I remember when I first started watching you eat, your hand would shake. I'm like, is this okay? Yeah, it's like, yeah, I don't know what. Yeah, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:48:07 There's a tornado in my ears. Yeah, what's shaking for? I'm intense, dude. It's not going to melt. No one does a sugarfish box the way I do. It's out in two minutes. What's your average run through time? Two minutes, flat.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Dude, Joe Pelazon is still sharpening his chopsticks by the time I'm done. I eat fast, man. Yeah. Does it bother you? No, I don't. Because I'll change how I eat if it bothers you. I don't even live with you, so what do I care? The same goes for people who laugh weird.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You just have to kind of deal with it. Yeah, yeah. See, I got in a fight with an ex-girlfriend we went to a stand-up show and i was like you gotta stop laughing like that really and she was like you hate it when i feel joy and i was like well let's not get hyperbolic here but it does bother me yeah let her have her joy but she was laughing like it was like It was making her like the She was like the second performer in the room You know I thought it was distracting from the show
Starting point is 00:49:11 We broke up Not cause of that A million other reasons But Yeah Didn't work out Probably didn't help That's cool
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah I feel joy If there's a million reasons to stay friends with this guy, and this one reason to hate him, you gotta let it go. Yeah. I'd say, dude, try to flip the switch. Maybe try to make an ASMR thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Because who knows? I mean, the way that your buddy eats could make you horny. I wish, dude. If Joe eating made me horny, dude, I'd never stop coming. Yeah. Joe, sorry I told you that. I'm sure you've wondered why I stare at you when you eat oh oh oh oh oh joe joe eat another bite of pizza would you if i if i if i came every time you ate like that do you think you'd still eat
Starting point is 00:49:57 like that no there you go because you don't like it when i come yeah i don't want you coming well that's even that's even that's even more constraining joe can you act out eating a slice of pizza like how you normally eat it what kind of pizza is it combo it's detroit detroit style oh that's actually a really good impression thanks you did that honestly hey you did that for real bro truth and truth and art dude that was true all right what what would like a what would like a uh pepperoni from joe's hold my hand it helps me podcast better dude why that's a you problem bro what would yeah. What would a pepperoni from Vito's sound like? That's a good pizza, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Oh, pepperoni from Vito's. Yeah, or do the white ricotta cheese pizza that they do, too. Oh, yeah, the white pie? Well, it'd be the same thing. You'd grab it. You'd fold it like that. Give me a couple more chomps. No.
Starting point is 00:51:04 All right, fair enough, fair enough. i don't want to i don't want to force you know it's a good move is do the white pie add chicken oh really yeah that's good you're welcome aaron try it if you ever do a white pie all right hey fellas i need your help here recently i've got in the habit of sending a lot of drunk texts dms and even phone calls i usually i'm not saying anything bad but it is definitely annoying. It makes me look dumb. I don't mind sending funny drunk texts to my squad group message, but now I've been sending them to everyone and anyone. To add some context, I'm 26 and just recently moved to a new city where I don't know a lot of people. So I definitely think I just miss being around a lot of friends.
Starting point is 00:51:41 But what do you guys think I can do to stop this habit? I know the obvious is to drink less and when i go out i don't try to get fucked up usually things just escalate i like to start waking up the next day and not having to worry about doing damage control i'd love to get your guys's thoughts about this thanks a lot for the pod i wish i could listen to you guys every day you're the best oh thanks man dude i was a bad drunk texture um i remember i remember i had a crush on this girl in college and i was like i was like freshman she was a sophomore i was like just smitten and i called her like 30 times one night yeah yeah i've done uh and i i used to text i used to text everyone i and i used to text my brother and it was always nice to i'd be like i love you so much i just fucking i love you so much
Starting point is 00:52:22 you know and my brother was like finally he's like dude just focus on the party stay away from your phone just focus on the party so i think but it's tough because i know the mindset you get into when you get like hammered you get amped up and you're like i gotta text everyone let them know how much i love them uh but i would just you know lock away your phone somewhere give it to a friend. You know, I think you're in a situation where you just got to part ways with your phone for the time being. Dude, I went through a breakup with the girl who laughed too much, actually. And I was too afraid of texting her when I get drunk, so I just give my phone to Strider.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And I'd say, don't give me this phone back for any reason. You don't need your phone when you're out drinking. You're already at the place. I i mean if you need to coordinate with someone borrow it back for a second but just do a buddy system give it to a friend and then just don't worry about it yeah because you're not going to stop drinking you're in that you're at 26 you're going to be partying a lot so just like kind of battle proof stuff so you don't you don't get caught into trouble and also it's not that bad man you're probably as long as you're not saying mean stuff if it's like what chad's doing like i get why someone might want to correct it but that's not like it's not toxic it wasn't yeah
Starting point is 00:53:27 yeah yeah you're positive calling the girl 30 times i mean that's sweet 30 is a lot though yeah that was intense you're just hoping she would answer eventually i remember i was like blacked out at someone's house on a couch just like for some reason just kept calling yeah i don't know why he loved her they might pick up eventually yeah she picked it hello oh oh oh oh let's hang up i'll call you later yeah oh yeah i was just wondering uh do you know where do you know where the round table is um all right hey fellas i've got myself a bit of a sitch i've been seeing this girl for what we both agree would just be casual hookups but it's progressed to sleeping at each
Starting point is 00:54:11 other's places like four to six nights a week clearly i caught feelings because today she told me she was catching up with a guy off tinder for coffee and it's left me feeling pretty shitty i don't really see her being down for dating so I'm wondering is whether feelings Getting involved in a fuck buddy situation Means it's time to cut things off Cheers please keep it a non Yeah dude 100% You're just setting yourself up for hurt She's been pretty clear
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah 4-6 tonight that's like the whole week It's only 7 days in a week pal Has she been pretty clear if she's allowing that Allowing the sleepover Like she's kind of Blurring the lines too Yeah she's blurring the lines I mean she's not that allowing the sleepover like she's kind of well she's down lines too yeah she's blurring the lines i mean she's not making it easier on him but you know you gotta you gotta have your own boundaries yeah i think you know you're just setting yourself up for her man you really like this girl you're only gonna like her more the more you guys sleep together
Starting point is 00:54:59 i would take some space and honestly maybe if you take space, that's going to leave a pretty big hole in her, I don't know, day to day. And then maybe she'll rethink things and be like, you know what, I think that guy was someone I could date. But if she's able to get those four to six nights a week and get these other dates with other people, she doesn't need to compromise at all. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I would give it space just for your wellbeing, not even for the tactics that I just mentioned. Just, I think you'll feel better if you, if you detach a little bit. I concur. Yeah. Tough though,
Starting point is 00:55:32 man, it's going to be tough, but you can do it, brother. Just dig deep. You can do this. Yeah. You'll feel better in the long run.
Starting point is 00:55:39 What's up Stokers. Me and my girlfriend, both around 20 years old. I've been dating for a year and a half and our relations been been going strong we go on dank camping trips around california i've experienced a lot of love for each other a few months ago she told me she was into the idea of posting her nudes on reddit and she asked what i thought i told her that while it's her body and i don't want to be controlling i was completely against the idea of random dudes drilling themselves to her pics and i said i didn't want her to do it a couple of weeks she told me that
Starting point is 00:56:03 while she was happy in our relationship right now, she didn't imagine us settling down together because she really wants to be single again at some point so she can sleep with strangers. When she said this, it really drained my stoke and I felt heartbroken as our relation was very stoke-inducing and didn't want to think ahead to a time apart. The next weekend I took her on a dank trip
Starting point is 00:56:19 to a beautiful spot in the Sierra Nevada and during a hike she slipped away off trail to take some nudes with a picturesque background later that week she sent me the nudes and i was suspicious of her so i checked her reddit account and found she had posted one of the nudes behind my back i was super hurt by this because she knew i was against the idea of do it anyways on top of that she knew i was recently hurt by a desire to sleep with strangers then she went and sent a nude to hundreds of thousands of strangers should i dump her for going behind my back uh and doing something that she should have known would be hurtful or should
Starting point is 00:56:48 i give her a second chance am i being too controlling sorry for the long question thanks for the advice p.s she listens to the pod yeah oh nice i think that's the end yeah it's keeping it anonymous she still knows exactly who this yeah dude i didn't know you could put nudes on reddit yeah you can dude um dude i don't think look the the diplomatic answer she's not wrong and you're not wrong i mean you just you can't handle what she wants to do so you need to find someone who's has values that are more in line with your own right yeah like she can do that shit but you know she probably should have communicated better with you, but I get why she didn't, but like, it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I'd be fucking pissed too. I'd be hurt. I'd be really hurt. And then, but what can you do about it? You can't give her another chance. She's, she's been very clear about what she wants.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Sorry, man. Yeah. Another chance to what? Yeah. I mean, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Yeah. I concur. Yeah. If you're not down with what she wants to do then forget it yeah yeah don't don't worry about yourself like am i am i a square like no don't worry about it yeah you have your things she has her things yeah they don't match i think you handled it pretty well too you've been like rolling with this stuff but i think she's making it pretty clear that she wants other things yeah yeah and that they can't come from a single entity yeah and i know it's tough
Starting point is 00:58:13 in the moment too to like to to sort of admit to yourself that it isn't a match you know because you're just so in you're just in it right now. But I guarantee once you get some, once you sort of, I think, make the right decision and realize that you both are on sort of, have a different set of values or you're on different paths, then later on down the future, you'll find someone who shares your same values and it'll be even 10 times more stoke-inducing.
Starting point is 00:58:42 So I would say both of you guys and the Relish have good things in your future. This is a huge curveball, too. You don't even have to do it, but just say, hey, I saw those nudes you put on Reddit, and I want you to know I've been posting cock shots on Reddit as well. Well, yeah, I was going to say, why doesn't he post some nudes? My cock's on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:59:04 In fact, it got two likes yesterday so yeah i'm feeling pretty bold yeah it's good stuff yeah fight fire with fire dude i like yeah do you think he asked her straight up i don't want i don't want a bunch of other dudes drilling themselves to you i mean he cut to the quick yeah i just he's such a sweet guy i just imagine him being so diplomatic like babe that's really interesting you say that i guess my main frustration would be me picturing all the men masturbating to your photo all the men drilling themselves yeah i i i appreciate you wanting to be so um open and and you know i appreciate your adventurous side but it's hard for me not to picture all the men drilling themselves to your photo
Starting point is 00:59:46 which if you do think about it it's pretty brutal if that's how your brain works yeah or she posts a nude and then your head just goes through like a super cut of like 500 different looking dudes being like yeah um stoke lords i think you guys need to know this story about how i met my husband because if it weren't for the pod we would have never met whoa it starts when they also uh send us those dudes oh yeah of you of you dude yeah yeah uh it starts when i started listening to the podcast in spring of 2019 and started following you all on instagram and being pretty active on there and commenting on posts and such I was contemplating moving to Hawaii I was even going to write to the podcast about whether I should move there or not
Starting point is 01:00:32 when suddenly out of the blue I got a DM one day it was from a guy who said that he had seen a recent comment I had made on a pic posted by going deep with Chad and JT account and that he recognized me from a dating app we had both been on months before. Fate had tried and failed to bring us together on a dating app so it brought us together on Instagram through the pod.
Starting point is 01:00:49 My husband then stranger had recently discovered the pod and started listening to it on his hikes and workout sessions and had started following me as well
Starting point is 01:00:55 but here's the kicker just the fact that he had found me in a string of comments on a random pic and we were both locally located to each other
Starting point is 01:01:01 we reside in Arizona Phoenix metropolitan area to be exact yet a dank ass post from a SoCal pod brought us together both locally located to each other we reside in arizona phoenix metropolis metropolitan area to be exact yet a dank ass post from a socal pod brought us together and not even 14 days after meeting we spontaneously jumped in a car together and drove down to cali one weekend to see you all live at a locals only show where we met both of you oh wow my crush on jt was pretty ablaze at this point oh that's nice i'm not sure if you guys remember i just added that part it's not actually in here not sure if you guys remember probably you don't meet thousands of fans all the time
Starting point is 01:01:26 I'm sure but the rest is history some of the dankest details about us that you might enjoy I'm five years older than my husband we got engaged skydiving and we eloped to Vegas at the Graceland Wedding Chapel where Elvis performed the ceremony this year on Valentine's Day forever grateful for your podcast and I hope that if you do happen to read this
Starting point is 01:01:42 or summarize the story in the podcast that it will give hope to all those out there looking for love yeah i mean that's a really cool story that's awesome i kid you not congratulations when my husband first dm me i was not interested at first he seemed a little young but had he not mentioned the pot in the dm i never would have responded stay strong stokers there's hope congrats to strider on getting engaged fuck pusio please launch joe eats merch and boom clap forever dude that just fired me up that's cool yeah i mean joe you're talking about how everyone needs more love and in this uh you know this past year and this stoker brought the heat
Starting point is 01:02:16 yeah wow talk about making it happen dming you saw a girl commenting and then DMing. Yeah, what? And he's a young buckaroo, dude. Yeah. He's five years her junior. They didn't let that get in the way. I love that. They drove to California after 14 days of knowing each other. I love that.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Let's go. Wait, is this a gyna girl? Why did I read this to guys? No, her name's Maggie. It was a gal. A gyna girl. Yeah. Skydiving? Skydiving. Yeah, that's a really cool proposal. That's that's how they got engaged yeah that's a great way so he put the ring on her finger
Starting point is 01:02:50 midair maybe terminal velocity at 1200 feet wow nice you say terminal yeah you guys both knew that term what is this fucking because we both like the movie dude it's not a nerd podcast but there's nothing wrong with being a nerd podcast radio lab is chill yeah was i too defensive there yeah i'm sorry sorry no it's my bad fuck up radio more defensive all right um all right last cue let's end with a sad one greeting stokas and stoker stoker tease i come to you in trying times. A member of our squad, horny James has recently acquired a new girlfriend and he is super stoked on her. We're all happy for him and glad that he thinks he has found the one, but there's a problem. She has, she's a small, she has not passed a vibe check with any of the members of the
Starting point is 01:03:36 squad. She's not a terrible person, but she has some personality traits we find kind of annoying. It can succinctly be put that wherever she's around, the collective stoke levels begin to drop. My question is, is our relationship is horny james closest homies to inform of his girlfriend's failure to vibe with any of the boys or should we let him continue to believe that she is cool and chill i mean i think this is just like the eating one you just gotta let people eat the way they eat well i mean just tell horny james you know i don't know you can't say nothing dude you just got to let him live his life man
Starting point is 01:04:10 yeah i mean um well how would that conversation even go and she's like listen dude she's a schmo i mean yeah what what do you where do you where do you go from there? How long have they been together? I think they're pretty new. Yeah, I mean, let him figure it out. Yeah, and also, he's horny James. So, you know, it's not like this guy's... I mean, we know this guy's horny, so... You know, if you really want him to,
Starting point is 01:04:43 he probably will find... He probably will have a few relationships because he's so horny yeah and this guy is horny and i think what's so horny guys they're horny for sex but oftentimes they're more horny for love right you know right and you gotta let him if he feels love also dude i always think about like when you're in a relationship you're making your own language with the other person and other people might not understand that language you know like there's so many couples where i'm like i don't quite get it but then they work out better than a lot of the couples that i totally thought made perfect sense yeah you know what i mean it's a total roll of the dice and you really don't know what's gonna
Starting point is 01:05:24 click and what's gonna last so i don't know you kind of just have to give it up to like the big mystery and be like yo i think this is fucking stupid but horny james is happy yeah what can you do it's also impossible almost near impossible for her to just fit right into your squad like good point squad yeah yeah she could grow on you dude yeah well you also don't have to like all your friends partners you just don't one some of the ones i loved like there was one friend's partner i was like dude she's the fucking coolest and then she ended up cheating on him for like a year you know oh right you just don't know and i was always like dude she was awesome and then it was like she wasn't that awesome. Yeah. She was kind of mean.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Keep your boy anonymous, please. Chancellor's a stoke. This one slightly goes against the grain of the stoke, but we need something to address something that's in the back of our minds. Let's get deep. I'm a dude, a horny dude, and I like to fap. Even though I'm married, sometimes you just need to lock that bathroom door and put in some time at the drill factory.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I'm not sure why we fap, but I think that we can agree that sometimes you can just crave the release and to get a quick dopamine surge. It's sort of like an alcoholic or a drug addict who needs that quick hitter to get right. Anyways, I've heard that no fap can actually make your life better by easing anxiety and depression and increase happiness. I definitely suffer from anxiety and depression. It does seem to get worse after fapping. I haven't made it past 10 days of no fap yet, but I'm trying. Have any of your stoke lords ever tried no fap how are the results would you consider no fap to see if there's any improvements in life well dude i'm actually at day 11 right now of no fap oh you
Starting point is 01:06:52 are yeah wow but i'm not like i'm not like one way or the other like i don't like extremes you know what i mean i think always best to do things in moderation but for you dude i think it would be a really good challenge to see if you could go like a month man and just i think you'd feel better just knowing you can have that discipline but it's not like a you know don't not fap forever yeah yeah well he's also he says he's married he's in a relationship so he's maybe getting laid anyway right yeah yeah save that she for your lady yeah fucking horny bastard sorry yeah well you don't you don't f ever, but it's not out of any kind of principle, right? You just don't like to masturbate? No, I mean, I do it here and there. How often?
Starting point is 01:07:29 I don't know. I don't want to talk about this kind of nonsense. But just here and there, we'll say. What is here and there? I'm not saying a number of days or whatever. But yeah, I'll, you know.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Sorry, dog. I'll, I'll, saying a number of days or whatever but yeah i'll uh you know sorry dog well dude i've go ahead you go yeah i've done 30 30 days maybe maybe 30 plus um and i definitely i definitely felt better i i and uh although i went for like 30 plus days and i hooked up with a girl right when she touched me i just came everywhere yeah that's awesome that's awesome like a shotgun dude yeah it was a lot and she's like did you just like is that how come i was like yeah I've been doing this NoFap thing just to, you know, raise my dopamine. So, but I mean, you're married. So I would just, you know, wait until you, you know, have relations with your lady. And, you know, see if you can do that.
Starting point is 01:08:41 That's when your release comes. I think that's manageable. For sure. Yeah, dude. I mean, it's pretty clear that even from the way you phrased this email where you talk about you're like a drug addict or like an alcoholic, it's clear in your own head you're thinking of it as a problem and something that you can't stop yourself from doing.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And I think once you make up your mind that that's where you're at, every time you do it, you're reinforcing that idea and you're just making yourself feel more and more like an addict so if you can break that cycle you'll feel like someone who's in control and not being controlled and i think that's always good for your self-esteem yeah i agree um and if you're doing it because you're not having enough relations with your lady pop Have a talk, yeah. Chad, you want to do an ad and then we'll get into the other stuff? What's up, guys?
Starting point is 01:09:30 I want to... What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims puuuuute. Because breaking news
Starting point is 01:09:46 this important PSA is brought to you by Manscaped.com this is your pubic service announcement and the news you've all been waiting for the Manscaped engineering team has confirmed that they have successfully created the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer
Starting point is 01:10:02 which is now available for purchase in the USA and Canada. Whoa. Whoa. You heard me right. The Lawnmower 4.0 is out. I'm one of the first people to try it. I'm blown away by it.
Starting point is 01:10:15 My pubes look so good. They look like Tom Hanks' haircut in Apollo 13. Dude. Because they have their advanced ceramic blade and skin safe technology uh and they worked with elon musk engineers to make sure your testes are as safe as possible uh they have a multi-function on off switch that can engage the travel lock create for people like to travel uh 400 4000k led spotlight so you can really see you know if you actually have crabs uh new trimmer uh guard length sizes one through four and looks wise it's so sleek dudes matte and gloss finish oh my god
Starting point is 01:10:53 uh the optimized lawnmower 4.0 trimmer is waterproof so you can groom in the shower and you have to worry about making a mess on the bathroom floor so guys i already know you're sold i know i already know you want to get it and i'm going to tell you how you can get it you're going to get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com that is 20 off and free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscape that's it chad it's right back to you brother who's your beef of the week dude i didn't write any down oh nice I'm just gonna freestyle it
Starting point is 01:11:27 do you want us to circle back to you or do you have one ready my beef of the week beef my beef of the week is with uh well oh you're talking about sleep dude my sleep is weird i wake up super early and i think i've had a baseline of anxiety this month that's contributed to it because i can fall asleep super easy i fall asleep i fall asleep like pretty quickly and um i sleep through the night but i keep waking up at 5 a.m i just wake
Starting point is 01:12:14 up at 5 a.m no matter what no matter how late i go to bed you know like saturday night a little bit later night went to bed you know still woke up at 5 a.m and i just wake up and it's like it's sort of like an on switch where my body's just like turns on i'm just like oh dude so i don't know maybe i just have to go to sleep earlier uh maybe i'm just like uh have some baseline anxiety that hasn't subsided. But I'm tracking my sleep with Whoop now, which is pretty sick. And as I was saying earlier, I have a high percentage of REM and deep sleep. So I'm like, well, maybe it's just efficient.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah. Yeah. Dude, some people don't need that much sleep. Tiger Woods didn't sleep a ton. Yeah. Yeah. There's a that much sleep tiger woods didn't sleep a ton yeah yeah there's a lot of high performance you don't sleep a ton yeah but i think that whoop is like definitely making you want to focus on it more right totally yeah it's cool you're doing that though it's comfortable to sleep with a watch on yeah i don't even know i don't i can't i wouldn't be able to do that it's not a lot not a million years there's nothing yeah but it's something on your wrist
Starting point is 01:13:29 yeah i have an apple watch and i just can't i can't even imagine yeah yeah aaron who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is also at sleep oh i'm having i had this about 10 years ago and i'm having it again where it it's just kind of like, I will wake up at four in the morning and then whatever's going on in my head, I'm thinking about, I can't, I can't even remember what it was last night, but like I'm awake for two hours and then I fall back asleep and it's great, but it's just that couple hours in the middle of the night I'm missing. It's just like. So you're doing the same thing as me.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Yeah. You start looking at your phone and stuff? No. Oh, okay. That's good at least. For sure. Joe, who's your beef of the week? Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Oh, sorry. Aaron, do you think it's something in the air? I definitely had different things I was anxious about, like selling my car. That was a big one for a long for a long time yeah once i got that done it's just stuff here and there i mean sometimes it'll happen in the during the playoffs uh the mlb season and i'll just be like they need to do this and then it just cycles in my head for an hour and it's just like what i don't i'm not on the team i don't manage the cardinals what's let's go to sleep dude i didn't realize you became a cardinal stand because of mark mcguire
Starting point is 01:14:49 the friday beers guys told us that today yeah oh nice i have two batting practice home balls from him let's go caught one on the fly that's amazing second deck big mac land left field well in qualcomm stadium though the left field yeah yeah he always pulled them right oh yeah yeah you Second deck. Big Mac Land. Left field. Well, at Qualcomm Stadium, though. But left field. Yeah. He always pulled them right. Oh, yeah. You couldn't hit them that high.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Big Mac Land was the third deck, anyway. In St. Louis. Yeah. Who's your B for the Week? The only thing I could think of is my B for the Week is JT and the Schmoll Kevin for making me the referee of their stupid daddy battle that they had love it dude that got for whatever reason way too serious and i hope is resolved by now no we're all good we're all good we had a nice heart to heart good it was tough we had a couple difficult
Starting point is 01:15:36 conversations on the way there but we got there yeah okay good because that was stressful i'm sorry man yeah kevin called me he just talked for like 45 minutes, just yelling. Yeah. Friday night. And I was like, dude, I have to go to bed. He's just yelling and trying to have a conversation, but he's just having a conversation with himself, and I spoke probably like two times.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah, he was calling me when I'm out at the Market Tavern trying to have some fun. Well, that's why he's kind of a tough guy to argue with because he's so used to lawyer stuff. So he'll set out his case. He was basically laying everything that he was thinking. He was saying it through the phone. And unfortunately, I had to hear it. You should have just been closing arguments, Kevin.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I literally went to the bathroom. I left the phone arguments kevin i literally went to the bathroom i left the phone in the kitchen and i went to the bathroom and came back and he's still talking yeah yeah that was it was a wild time well i'm sorry joe thanks uh my beef of the week is with kevin no i'm kidding um my beef of the week is with the you know i think i was a little high on my own supply last week i said that i would smack a magician but i think i underestimated that magicians know magic and maybe that would give them an advantage in a fight yeah you know right like you go to sock him and then you know he pulls like uh brass knuckles out of a hat and he knocks your tooth out or something yeah or just that
Starting point is 01:17:03 that's the cloth out of his mouth and just wraps your arm with it right there's so many tricks that they could do you know they could have false doors when you go to get them and then you fall into a water tank and they shut the lid on it and drown you like hugh jackman did all of his duplicates in the prestige um so you know i don't want any beef with magicians like i think your patter is a little superior and i think sometimes you guys could you know just be a little more real up there but i understand that you know there's a certain arrogance that goes with knowing magic so and i and i don't want to fool with nobody who knows magic yeah i got some messages people being
Starting point is 01:17:40 like i can't believe you talked about magicians that way wow and i was like i didn't think i said anything bad no we just said that they were a little bit like uh cocky yeah but you're supposed to be yeah it's cool this guy's like i was really hurt by what you said about magicians i'm like really yeah i got a magic trick for turning the paint off turn down the volume on it bro yeah sorry dude i'm like you're a fan i love you dude don't keep listening we need the Turn down the volume on it, bro. Yeah. Sorry, dude. You're a fan. I love you, dude. Keep listening. We need the numbers.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Yeah. Yeah, do we need the numbers? Yeah, keep commenting. You're a good guy. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the, oh, my babe of the week is the whoop squad i got going on and i'm not by the way i'm not sponsored by whoop i'm not like this i just i just love this thing um i'm just stoked on it so uh i've got a uh i got this new thing whoop that tracks you know my my
Starting point is 01:18:40 uh my you know the calories burn the exercise strain i'm doing my recovery and my sleep it's like tracking your heart rate essentially and uh you can have teams so you can like compete with people to see who's uh who's performing at who's performing at the highest level who's sleeping the most who's recovering the most so i got a whoop squad chad's whoop squad um and we're about 120 strong you know we got some we took we got some guys in there just is that like clubhouse kind of yeah no one's talking you just can see what they're up to so we got i mean right now we got wyatt shaw cranking it out with 3 000 calories dan shepherd 3,000 calories. Dan Shepard, 3,962 calories. This guy is unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Then there's one guy who's always at the top, Terrence Amorosa. He's a hockey player. Just, I mean, I'm 19 right now, and I went surfing for like two hours this morning and walked around the golf course all day. I guess I was in the cart, but got some high performers they'll definitely put you to shame what does the leader have for calories the leader has well he has 3 000 calories but his strain is 19.4 the guy second has 3 962 calories his strength is 18.7 So guys if you want to join my loop squad I
Starting point is 01:20:12 I Have a code if you have it if you have it and the code is all caps comm dash stoke see hell yeah aaron who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is philly cheesesteaks oh nice had one uh before coming over here solid where'd you get it at philly's uh philly's best in burbank oh man yeah i gotta go there very good what was that one do you do cheese whiz or you do regular like mozzarella provolone oh yeah i'll do whiz i don't really do the onions though nice uh joe who's your baby of the week uh i was watching some uh champions tour golf uh my my baby of the week is john daly he was uh i mean know, he's not in fantastic shape.
Starting point is 01:21:08 He was tied for the lead yesterday in the tournament on the 18th hole, and then he wound up losing to Mike Weir, but just to see this guy out there doing it still, and I didn't realize he's a cancer survivor too. Is he really? Yeah. He's like, yeah, he rides in the survivor too is he really yeah he's like yeah he rides in the cart and uh yeah he almost won i was hoping he would win but yeah just to see him out there
Starting point is 01:21:31 doing it is awesome he used to say he drank like a 30 rack during a round right that's what they said but yeah beast yeah he's a beast uh my baby of the week is uh what kind of gave me some clarity on the magician beef is i started doing jujitsu last week so my baby of the week is uh what kind of gave me some clarity on the magician beef is i started doing jujitsu last week so my baby of the week is jujitsu i've only done like three classes but uh what a humbling experience just getting my ass kicked dude by guys of all shapes and sizes like little dudes just twisting me up like a pretzel and it's a very uncomfortable sport like everything hurts it's all about putting the other person in an uncomfortable position so that they'll give you a more advantageous position.
Starting point is 01:22:09 So you're getting like elbows in your thighs and knees in your chest and, uh, it's all uncomfortable, but you, but you know, you can do it because all these other people do it. And I can just tell it's going to take me forever to get good at it, but I'm eager to try.
Starting point is 01:22:22 And it was, it's really, really fun. And it's good camaraderie in there too. It's a lot of like joking, a lot of joking around. Oh, that's great. Yeah, and they're all really nice. You touch hands like that before you wrestle.
Starting point is 01:22:37 There's nice little touches like that. And I'm new, so it's like no one wants to roll with me. They want to roll with someone more experienced so they can really get more mileage out of it but people will teach me and they'll take me through the stuff and be patient with me and i really appreciate that but then when it's like time to spar it's kind of like a school dance you pick who you're going to spar with so sometimes i'll just sit there and be like i don't want to ask anybody to dance i don't really know how to dance yet oh yeah but but people come dance with me, which is nice. That's cool. Yeah. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week...
Starting point is 01:23:09 My legend of the week is Eckhart Tolle, who's like a spiritual kind of author, teacher, all about being in the present moment. That's his thing. You've got to be in the present moment because that's where you find God. And I love him. His stuff, stuff you know i think for some people it everyone understands i think the present moment but i think when he talks about it at like a deeper level it's um it's really kind of freeing and and i just love
Starting point is 01:23:42 the way like check out his books like the power of now and a new earth because you know it's sort of like we're always sort of like our all our thoughts and stuff is the egoic mind and he he's able to sort of teach you to take a step back and realize like what the function of the egoic mind and sort of it brings you to like a state of peace where you're sort of like you realize that it's just you know it's it's wired in a certain way where it's it's supposed to make you know the the constant thinking is so it's going to make you suffer so you got to take a step back and and sort of um train yourself to separate from that so uh and i just love watching him because he's he's at that place where he's present and he doesn't he's able to separate from his thoughts
Starting point is 01:24:32 and so when he talks about things that for people that are like big problems and stuff like relationships or like anything going on they're like he just like giggles because it's so fun because he's like it's just so silly yeah the stuff that we like worry about so much oh that's awesome yeah he's just like this like little german guy he's just like he's just laughing about like everyone's worries and and problems and stuff and i just i i find it just so liberating and fun uh so yeah guys if you're if you're stressed if you're having anxiety or depression check out eckhart tolle for sure nice aaron who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is softball nice yeah it's good just um after having to take a year off of it um and i've been back uh three weeks now uh it's just more uh more
Starting point is 01:25:29 obvious how much i need that competition i need the release of getting out there and competing and just fucking swinging a bat at something hard um whether it goes anywhere or not because it's not right now right but uh but yeah just needing that release and doing that camaraderie and that uh yeah just that competition with other people nice dude glad to stoke you back out there yeah joe who's your legend of the week uh i was looking this week. I didn't realize it came up so fast, but this Sunday is Mother's Day, so I would say my mom is my legend of the week.
Starting point is 01:26:12 My first Mother's Day without mom, so it'll be weird, but love you, mom, and miss you. She's my legend, yeah. Nice. That's it. You're a beast. Do you want to hold hands now yeah love you love you joe thanks i just love you uh my legend of the week is the man who couldn't be
Starting point is 01:26:36 here today strider wilson put in a heroic effort today down at the links you know we were supposed to drink 12 beers over nine i said look i got the podcast i got a busy day the next day i was like you know he had all the same shit he's just as busy but i was like oh you know i was kind of wimping out i was like i was like man i don't know how many beers i'm gonna drink and he was like i got you dude and coming in so if you drank more than six beers you got to subtract a stroke from your score so we come into hole nine and we're one stroke back and i was like i don't think i'm gonna have the other beer i was like i'm done i'm i'm tapped out strider who'd been shooting better than me all day goes for broke and had an extra beer and he'd already drank seven so he was
Starting point is 01:27:16 already above the the minimum amount needed and so he went eight beers in in the dead of heat in north los angeles and uh and just fought like a champ, dude. And also, it's not like he's just sitting there drinking the beers and hitting the golf ball. He's a great hang the whole way through. And all that energy output, it caught up to him, but he went out like a champ, dude. He left it all out on the court. He emptied the tank. He didn't save anything for the swim back.
Starting point is 01:27:43 So massive respect to Strider for just always sacrificing sacrificing for the crew he's a true hero absolutely chad what's your quote of the week uh it's from eckhart tolle the primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Fuck. Quotes of the week, I always muff it up. Hold on. My thoughts about that quote that I said, it sucked. Here it goes again. The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:28:24 That's real. Good second crack. Darren, what's your quote of the week my quote of the week is another song lyric from my boys and jimmy world it's from the song work on the album futures this is the bridge uh and this goes out to all of our uh stokers who are in uh like friends with benefits type relationships uh i can't say i was never wrong but some blame rests on you work and play they're never okay to mix the way we do nice don't do it joe what's your quote of the week no i got one from uh charles dickens uh from a christmas carol it says uh there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor. I like that.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Hell yeah. It's good to have. Not always with the laughter. Just my ex. Yeah. My quote of the week is Ernest Hemingway. I've been making slow way through his documentary series on PBS by Ken Burns. I'm almost through episode one.
Starting point is 01:29:24 It's taking me six viewings to get there. I watch it at night and it just puts me out. If you're having sleep problems, dive into some Kenny Burns. I like Nature Docs too. Yeah. But this quote from Hemingway was solid. Don't tell me you love your art if you don't practice because practice is love. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it is... All right, let's get into Downward Dog. Nice, dude. Aaron, call me daddy nice we're gonna have to have a long talk about that dude like um like three hours of conversation around that i can only imagine uh joe what's your i'm gonna call you daddy all right you don't have to i respect it
Starting point is 01:30:29 what what what's your phrase of the week yeah i want you to say the question oh sorry uh let's play ball softball's back baby we're ready to roll dude my my normal phrase of the week for getting after it is let's go i love to tell people let's go but two people in a day were working out and i said let's go like trying to fire them up and they said yeah when do you want to work out and i was like no i mean more like go for it so i was like i need a new phrase of the week so now i go hammer it up that's good stuff yeah like, I like hammer it up. Hammer it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:10 All right. Cool. Well. I'm going to get a green juice. What are you up to, Joe? I'm going to get some food. I'm hungry. What are you going to eat?
Starting point is 01:31:20 I don't know. Maybe a turkey sandwich from Jersey Mike's. Nice. Dude, get the Philly cheese from Jersey Mike's. I don't want to do that tonight. With the sauce. When they put the aioli on it. The Chipotle cheese stick.
Starting point is 01:31:32 I know what you're talking about. It's the number 43. It's a great sandwich, but I'm not getting that on a Monday night. I hear you. Thanks. All right. Well, this is fun. It was a great time.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Joe, thanks for stopping in. Yeah, thank you, guys. This was fun. It's good seeing you, man. Yeah, good to be here. Good to see you guys. You too. Aaron, thank you as always for being on the sticks.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Hey, Ron. And providing your dank wisdom. Yeah. You're a beast. Thanks, guys. JT, good to see you. Good to see you too, Chad. I'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow yeah yeah i'll see you every day this week i'll see you every day i'll see you guys again thursday oh yeah oh yeah we got ivy miller coming in nice cut that who's that
Starting point is 01:32:19 uh she's a instagram uh performer oh actress surfer okay we good yeah yeah i'd just like to if you need advice these guys are really nice You wanna know What to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you Just to have the girls beside you Go and see Go and see
Starting point is 01:33:04 That's good Go and see Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep Try to take deep

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