Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 190- Strider Wilson and Joe Marrese

Episode Date: June 9, 2021

What up Stokers?! We got the horsemen of the chillpocalypse riding again with Strider and Uncle Joe in studio.  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% ...Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Support for today's episode comes from the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, what up? Thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dingle dongles are looking fresh and clean. Manscaped has the right tools to get the job done quickly, safely, and hygienically. Father's Day is just around the corner, and you probably need a gift for a hairy dad. That's your dad. So that's where manscape comes in get him and yourself the manscape lawnmower a 4.0 and ultra smooth package yeah uh get 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 manscape.com that's 20% off plus free shipping at manscape.com use code go deep 20 it's dad bod season time to get smooth all right epic
Starting point is 00:00:45 so i jacked off last night before the show to help myself did you really i try not to yeah i do that sometimes too to keep the nerves the energy channel the chi to the boxer yeah but use your seed in boxing
Starting point is 00:01:13 they said like you have weak knees if you bust before a fight totally but then they did a study and they were like no correlation
Starting point is 00:01:19 in knee strength dude there was a there was a myth buster episode about that they had a guy and his wife sports science that was it guy and his wife. Sports science,
Starting point is 00:01:25 that was it. Him and his wife, he did a workout. They clocked all of his weights and speed and everything. Then he went to a hotel with his wife. They made love.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Next day he went back and actually improved in his strength. Right, you're feeling good. You're going to work better. Yeah, if I, this is what my mind goes through,
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'll be like, if I'm stressed and I drill, right after I'll be like, if I'm stressed and I drill, right after I'll be like, ah. 20 seconds. 20 seconds later, I'll be like, oh, crap. Yeah. That's just what my mind goes through.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Lawrence Taylor, the football player, he said he used to send women of the night over to opposing teams' running backs' hotel rooms before a big game to tire them out. Yeah. Oh, dude, that's some Michael Jordan typeordan type shit didn't work he's apparently nice but i but at the same time i was like i don't know i think these guys are pretty big studs i think they can i think there's a big known misnomer about athletes is that they're healthy all the time but i've seen like professional athletes smoking cigarettes and like dirk novitski was just talking about how nick van actually used to eat like cheeseburger before games. Yeah. It's like, they're a different level. There's a story where like Kareem, there was like a Lakers game. It was a close score.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And Kareem thought like the game was over. Like they were going to review a shot. And he thought like it didn't get in before the buzzer. And he was like already in the locker room, like enjoying the post game spread. Like a nice, you know, big ass, whatever meal that they had back there. And then they had to come get him and be like, hey, we're going to OT. Like, let's go, bro. Right. Did they right did they win did he play well yeah i think he came back and like had a good solid dude for him to be 72 270 pounds and to play 20 seasons at a high
Starting point is 00:02:55 level oh dude and to enjoy coriolanus no tinker taylor soldier spy. He's a smart guy. He's an astute fan of art. He is. He was in a movie. We can just keep all this in. Airplane. I love it. He's a killer in an airplane. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:03:13 He was in a doc called The Blacklist, which was a bunch of black luminaries talking about the black experience in America. And instead of even just talking directly about race, he talked about how he grew up near a Civil War battlefield, and he would just go there and collect the old shells out of the dirt whoa he's a curious man i wonder what the tv12 method is on drilling yourself yeah robert guerrero definitely anti proper hydration though you just channel all
Starting point is 00:03:41 that energy into kissing your sons right definitely that Definitely. That's better. Eat a raw vegetable. Anytime you pop a boner, it's like just eat a hard carrot out of your garden. Eat a strawberry. Yeah. Oh, a hard carrot. Yeah, that's more phallic. That's, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:54 So you're kind of using it, but not. Why do you even do a carrot? No sensation like it. Look at the noise. The noise. Yeah, it's the crunch. Whack! What is the motif with the carrot juice in that um andy kaufman
Starting point is 00:04:08 movie charlie kaufman movie when the old man just drinks the ton of carrot juice is that john mount being john malkovich maybe i don't remember that at all it's a good movie yeah great time in cinema when those movies were getting green lit totally they're awesome i was thinking about that because you know like our our animated script it it came out that Dan Harmon was making a similar theme show. So that kind of hurt our prospects. But most ideas are going to have parallel ideas floating around. Even though I thought ours was pretty specific. So do I.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But then being John Malkovich, I was just like, Charlie Kaufman never has to worry about that. He writes being John Malkovich, and they're never going to be like, oh, there's another project like this out there. It's like, no, if you buy that,
Starting point is 00:04:47 it's the only one. Some guys like writing being Daniel Day Lewis, like who's another great, amazing character actor. There was a story that when a producer read it and didn't like, just looked at the title, he was being John Malkovich. Why can't it be being Tom Cruise?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Yeah, totally. Tom Cruise. He's fun. Everyone knows him. No one knows Malkovich. He's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:04 Don't you just know that they greenlit a series at Fox who is John Malkovich yeah exactly what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin Deep with Chad and JT podcast cue the ads guys remember to
Starting point is 00:05:22 you know summer's coming Memorial Day is coming we may by the time this comes out we may even be past memorial day so remember to hammer home that fruit smash get in there deep get some nice hard seltz do my brother's drinking fruit smash he loved it and you know his review too he was like when i he's like when i taste it doesn't feel like i i can't taste like the chemicals you know what i mean it's real juice it's like real juice it's like he talked he's like when i taste it doesn't feel like i i can't taste like the chemicals you know what i mean it's real juice it's like real juice it's like he talked he's like in other hard seltzers and stuff you can like taste the chemicals and stuff you know it's like not legit but he's like but this fruit smash i agree huge drinkability factor yeah one of my friends in chicago showed
Starting point is 00:06:01 me he was drinking it there and he loves it. Really? Let's go. He's getting around. Well, next mish is to get you to try it. If they sell more, we make more money, too. Good, let's go. I'll buy some up right now. That's tight. If my boys can, if I can line my bro's pockets, why not, dude?
Starting point is 00:06:19 That's why every time I drink one, I don't feel guilty for drinking booze. I'm like, I'm working. That's the trick. Nice. I'm here with my compadre. Oh, voice cracker. Dude, that's a good one. That's a good sign.
Starting point is 00:06:34 That was a good one. My compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom. Clap, Stokers. We are here also with the engagement emperor,ider wilson what up thank you my dogs fired up to be here take a little rage yeah that that was actually pure fire right there thank you novelesque and we're here with the biggest dong i've never seen and also the best guy ever joe
Starting point is 00:07:00 maurice what up thanks guys what's up wearing a lot of What's up? Wearing a lot of blue today. For Cubs? Yeah, a lot of Cubby blue. Yeah, big series coming up this weekend. Against Aaron's beloved Cardinals. Yeah, it's exciting. Dude, actually, let's come out hot. How has Aaron, how has Joe been doing in softball? Because Joe's very modest about it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Every time I see him after a game, he's like, yeah, it went all right. I mean, you know, we're not winning, but we're getting together. We're learning each other. modest about it every time i see him after a game yeah he's like yeah it went all right i mean you know we're not winning but we're we're getting together we're learning each other joe is on fire like joe is hitting the ball hard every single time which i'm not uh and he's had more time off than i have so it's like embarrassing uh i'm getting kind of defensively he just made like three like big league plays yesterday it was amazing scoop and throw throwing on the run cutting down runners at second when he's playing third like it's crazy how does that feel to you joe yeah i mean it felt good yeah i mean i felt great i feel like i'm back um he literally made one of those plays, and then he goes, I'm back.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah. Yeah, you are. Because it just, yeah, it felt good, and I just don't want to get clobbered every game. It's all about winning, but it's nice that you're playing well. He had a killer set, too, right after the game, too. We threw you up. He came to our stand-up show in his softball uniform.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Talking about softball, too. It was great. Yeah, it was uniform. Talking about softball, too. It was great. Yeah, it was good. That's a doubleheader. Yeah, I mean, I'm ready to go up whenever. Yeah, I was just coming to hang out. But, yeah, if people don't show up, I'm ready to go.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah, Tim Dillon didn't show up. He's too busy. Strider, you had a killer set, too. So did you, Chad. I think killer sets all around. Everyone had good sets yeah that's always nice it really was crew acquitted ourselves nicely actually i got one more joe thing a little bit of a surprise so we did the fruit smash ad already a lot of people were asking has joe tried fruit smash yet have you joe yeah you didn't try it yet no did you just lie why'd you lie i don't
Starting point is 00:09:03 know all right well let's turn that lie into the truth i don't want to try i want i'll have a budweiser can i have a bud are you serious you won't try the fruit yeah i don't do these seltzer drinks give your dad to the sponsor give it a shot dude no i listen it's fruit smash this is this stuff is amazing. Barry Blass is my favorite. Raspberry. Joe, I have a serious question. Are you ready? What? Do you feel seltzer shame?
Starting point is 00:09:35 No, I just, you know. I think you do. It's not my... You've never had a seltzer. I just don't do... How much sugar is in that? Less than one... A little bit more than one gram. I don't do How much sugar is in that? Less than one A little bit more than one gram Yeah see I do
Starting point is 00:09:47 I don't do drinks with sugar That's not a lot of sugar That's no sugar Beer has more sugar Beer has sugar That's like the smallest increment possible It's not a lot And booze at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:09:56 Gets converted to sugar So no matter what And beyond that It's great podcasting It gets you trying for the first time on camera Why don't you drink it? I'm about to have one I have another one right here I'll drink it i'm about to have one i have another
Starting point is 00:10:05 one right here i'll drink it with you all right i'll drink i'll drink one of those buds this is no i have a i've got a mental block about it dude they're pretty nice i've never tried any of them and i i just don't want okay look we'll both we'll both start off right here we'll make this happen i like tropical punch a lot i think you'll do well with that you ready no not all right let's just let's just pop them open and give it a shot do you want it i want you to have it honestly i don't want it i enjoy them and i would like i'd be happier seeing you drink it dude but i don't you know you to that own self be true wow cranking it crushing it yeah see that that's called living life well that's why i don't that's why i don't want it because i'm sure it tastes that good and i want to chug them we're gonna circle back on this we'll just come back at the end of the pod joe what about memorial day
Starting point is 00:11:02 what about it can we schedule a fruit smash tasting on memorial day a day when you're gonna be you know imbibing when's the 200th episode which episode is this we're not that far away i think we're 12 episodes away yeah or this will be like 190 so we'll be we're like 10 episodes away yeah i might do it on that do you have seltzer shame though what do you mean like like do you think if you drink seltzer you're a different kind of guy yeah i don't know i just kind of uh yeah i don't know i don't know what it is to me it just it reminds me too much of like vodka and i know it's not it doesn't you can't look this isn't even me the pitch man although maybe i can't disengage from that part of myself
Starting point is 00:11:43 right now but you don't taste any of that. Dude, it's delicious because it took me forever to try a seltzer. I was super opposed to it. Like when I found out my brother broke his Xbox by spilling seltzer on it, my big thing was like, you're drinking seltzer? But then I tried it. I just love beer. So do I.
Starting point is 00:11:59 We went to the fantasy draft. You can love more than one thing. You don't have to be monogamous in your alcohol intake. True. I know you don't do hard booze anymore, which makes sense, but this isn't hard booze. What happened at the fantasy draft. But you can love more than one thing. You don't have to be monogamous in your alcohol intake. True. I know you don't do hard booze anymore, which makes sense, but this isn't hard booze. What happened at the fantasy draft? Remember the bros? We were playing beer pong and they snuck seltzers into our cups and we got mad.
Starting point is 00:12:14 We got mad. What is this? Get it out. Then we've turned a corner. We were old fashioned. Yeah. We were living in the past. Welcome to the new generation, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You could add a whole new thing to your repertoire. fashion yeah we were living in the past welcome to the new generation dude i mean you could you could add a whole new thing to your repertoire you know you got laundry softball uh hanging joe code beer and then seltzer well a beer i'll you know i like wine too i'll do wine there's no wine here chianti we don't got there's no got no wine. Joe, you're bringing up random things. You're like, I'll have a pina colada. It's like, yeah, let me go find my blender. I mean, look, we got seltzer. That's what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:12:52 It's a seltzer thing. I mean, it's Friday afternoon. I'll have a bud. I'm not having that stupid. Hey, that's a sponsor. That's a sponsor. And the only reason I'm mentioning that is. And it's good.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's what's in your refrigerator I know but like with the week old pizza it's good pizza Prince Street yeah I think that's the best
Starting point is 00:13:12 pizza in town it's solid you're not crazy about it Chicago's stuffed pizza company it is good Prince Street is good pizza it's not thin
Starting point is 00:13:19 but it's all about the pepperoni on there that's doing the lifting more than like the crust and everything else I don't know bro yeah what do they call that bread's nice those pepperonis what do you mean sir it's a different kind it's like a yeah they're like little like quarters yeah they have a little more like of a curl at the end of them too is that easel they're a little
Starting point is 00:13:38 like satellite pepperoni i think maybe you would know best well you guys were talking about beer and you guys like Elysium? That's a beer you like? Yep. It's a nice IPA. It's got like an 8%. So it almost has like a dip percentage of booze. But then Joe saw me.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I was crushing, actually. Speaking of pizza, I was watching Mystic Pizza and enjoying a nice tipa. That's a good movie. Great. Julia Roberts' Breakthrough. Bro, Matt Damon's in that movie. Really? Oh, is he one of the townies at the bar?
Starting point is 00:14:05 No, he's the, you know, the wealthy preppy guy? Yeah. He's the brother of the preppy guy that Julia Roberts gets with. Oh, nice. There's like a dinner scene. He's likable in that movie. The preppy guy when he comes in and drills the darts. Bro, great.
Starting point is 00:14:16 That guy's incredible. He does a good job. He's good. Likable as fuck. Yeah. What's a tippa? Triple IPA. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So, tippa, IPA, dippa, double,ppa double trippo tippa what's the percentage that's like a black diamond you're taking the trail all the way to the top yeah you're not joking you got to get in a gondola for that shit dude you can only go up there certain times are you yeah there's got to be enough snow one a night not coke i did one i'll tell you that's all you needed i did one i was actually getting a fucking game with my boys we got a squad of three Greg and Trevor stepped up hard Update 15 gigs Mystic pizza. What's yeah, I mean two of those you're like drunk if you have two of them. Yeah, I'd be done Yeah, it's like six beers and it'll mess with your tummy, but you know, it doesn't fruit smash
Starting point is 00:14:58 No, my stomach feels great and I drink six of them a day. Yeah, I've never been in better shape It's replaced that is true shake. Yeah, it it is good you're in the best shape you've been right i feel great but you say your agility you you mourn for your agility there's no question that was my leading athletic factor was my quickness my fast twitch and you know father time will take that yeah that's what happens yeah you got to keep. You can't let your body get stayed. But strength-wise, I feel good. And I mentioned this on our last pod. I'm feeling sexy, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You look sexy. I'm wearing these shorts right now so you can see my... I love your thighs. Thank you, yeah. This is actually, I was reading an article. My fiance told me about it. The men's leg, upper leg, is in right now. That's in.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's not. That's what I'm hearing. Yeah, is in right now. That's in. It's not. That's what I'm hearing. Yeah, look at that leg. Look at that. Wow, wow. That's some fucking beef right there. No one wants to see your milky white thighs. Joe, what do they call that cut?
Starting point is 00:15:56 What is that for yourself? It's a brajul. No, because I'd say it maybe if you were looking at it there. I would say maybe maybe maybe for tanning the thighs. But if you got like your your tan line and it's like, hey, here's here's my white thighs. Yeah, you got to break it in. The shorter shorts are in now.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I think you got to go with the shorts that are like, you know, a few inches above. And, you know, correct. When I was when I was a young and it was the cargo shorts past the knee. Yes. Yeah. When you when you bent your leg, it like the little hoop thing yep or whoop or whatever the fuck and uh but now it's you know you gotta you gotta you gotta show that leg and joe you can get past the tan line get those i mean wait look at that you got tan you've got tan right there on the
Starting point is 00:16:41 upper thigh walking my dog in these puppies dude i hike them up. If Joe wears shorts two inches above the knee, though, he has to worry about... Oh, shit. Hanging out the bottom. Yeah, it'll hang out. The bell end saying what up. That's a good call. But, Chad, you got new pants, dude. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:55 This is a huge debut for you. And I wanted to put this out to the Stokers. Check it out. Yeah, these are my seersucker pantsucker pants preferably worn on a yacht but i wanted to wear them for the pod today because uh you know it's kind of a new look and i just wanted to see you know stokers let us know in the comments stoke or boke boke means to get rid of it's heavy stoke heavy stoke dude yeah bro i'm feeling no boke. Yeah. I think maybe if I got on a boat and I threw on some type of cool fedora. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'd rather croak than boke. Yes. On those pants. Thanks. Yeah. I'd want to pull out your dong and give it a stroke. Wow. Yeah, that's how worthy it is.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Maybe I'll give it a toke. Guys, can I be real for a second yeah are you for real right now yep yeah joe yeah what about rings would you guys wear would you guys wear rings no no because i watch a lot of youtube videos of musicians and they wear rings often well yeah because they're wedding rings different wedding rings Well, musicians, a lot of attention is on their fingers because people are watching them. And they're holding the mic. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:18:12 They want to add a little visual stimulation there. Yeah. I game. So I guess like maybe on the Twitch stream. Do you do a video for the Twitch stream, Chad? Yeah, you should wear rings. You could get some sick ass like a skull. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Yeah, if I go leather. I mean, that could be the whole look leather and rings that could be tight yeah um where my hair like straight down that'd be a good look you could go if you went emo and dyed your hair you would you could pull that look i feel like you have you are yourself and have your own look but you could go and chameleon it if you really wanted to. I could see you being in a goth band, emo, if you really wanted to. Goth? If he went, dyed that hair black, straightened it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 How would his stoke... It would not induce your stoke. ...fit into that, though. I was saying if you were like a spy, you would have to be like solving a crime, an underground crime in the goth world of killing vampires. You could do like a sad character,
Starting point is 00:19:01 like Sad Chad who goes goth or emo. That could be the ultimate challenge is like, can you stay stoked while shopping at Hot Topic? Could you play a part where you were sad? What was it? You'd be stoked about the devil. That's true.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Stoked on the devil, yeah. Yeah, if you were stoked on being goth. Cruella DeVille, she seems stoked. John Mulaney had the best stand-up joke about goth people. He was like, they're so miserable because they have to wake up in four in the morning to put on all that makeup right yeah oh god i got all that crap again brutal uh what were we talking about yeah i uh could you play a sad character i don't know i don't that's a good question i don't know i mean i think i i think i could because yeah but would audiences vibe with it i don don't think so. And would you want to?
Starting point is 00:19:47 No, maybe that's a... Maybe later in your life, dude, when you challenge yourself. You know, every actor goes through that phase where they're like, okay, I've been killing it in the type of roles I have. Now I need to really branch out. Will Ferrell did a couple of sad parts. Stranger Than Fiction and Everything Must Go.
Starting point is 00:20:00 But I don't... Everybody didn't go to see that movie. Right. And no one went to go see was will ferrell on gulver's travels or is that jack black jack black okay yeah i i'm not sure i could play that's where they tie down the giant yeah i think i could play that guy but i just don't uh i i don't think it'd be appealing i like like with will ferrell they would not go um i i i think if i were to go from stoke to maybe like you know i don't know where do you go from there you go to amped amped yeah i think i could go to amped and maybe to um pretty fired up pretty fired up to i can maybe
Starting point is 00:20:43 just go radical. You know, I think that's the next move. You know, maybe do a remake of Supercross. That's a good call. The Disney movie? Yeah. Where the girl pretends to be her brother in the dirt bike competitions? I was thinking the one with the guy from. Oh, Mike Vogel, the one where it's the two brothers and their dirt bike.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah, but I like the Disney one more, actually. Yeah, I think that was Motocrossed. Right. Oh. brothers and their dirt bike and yeah but i like the disney one more actually yeah i think that was motocrossed right oh i love movies where the girl pretends to be a guy like just one of the guys do you remember that movie from the uh what it has at the end is what i want in all movies the nerdy guy who's been getting picked on just turns out to be a tremendous fighter and beats the shit out of the bad guy yeah who's like a uh i think it was billy zabka really yeah who's who's you know perfect for those roles he's got the love that's a great movie that's it my bro and i used to watch that a lot dude i went to uh disneyland yesterday nice dude your favorite place it's uh it's good to be back a little weird with the mask it was my first time and A little weird with the mask. Was that your first time?
Starting point is 00:21:45 It was my first time. And a little weird with the mask, but they do the whole social distancing thing. So you go on a ride, you're the only guy on that ride. That's awesome. I'm with my brother. Yeah, right? The thing is, it's at 30% capacity right now. So you would think that the lines would be short, but because they do it that way, where you're the only guy, the lines are still the lines still get up to 45 minutes an hour.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Whoa. They don't skip the cars in between? They skip the cars in between. Yeah, they'll mix it up. Splash Mountain, we were on our own log. Oh, okay. Space Mountain, we were in our own thing. Millennium Falcon, in our own thing.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I wonder if I could use my hog at Splash Mountain. I mean, I would ride that. I would feel much safer in that. All right. Yeah. Would you get it hard for the ride? Or what do you think would be best if it was floppy? I mean, I think it would be people would...
Starting point is 00:22:41 You know, you could fit more people if it's hard. Agreed. Yeah. But you could have a little banana boat action thing if it was flaccid yeah yeah you get a nice what family of five on there yeah i think yeah five kids yeah strider you got into bitcoin yeah dude i'm doing crypto now i'm on crypto.com i'm on coinbase i've got a very small amount of dough in there yeah but i got um here it is dude i got i got some stellar lumens you got some cardano got some ethereum and then i have a little bit of bitcoin but bitcoins are super expensive but i'm in i talked to my buddies who know more and they're saying the best way to do the coins is once you have your usd in there because you got to buy a you got to you know
Starting point is 00:23:25 shout out some some dough to get into the game but the best thing is to buy crypto with other crypto oh you know so take your like say if my stellar lumens hit hard then maybe i go buy more ethereum you know more cardano right um but who are your boys my buddy jeff he knows a lot about it dude he's legit um and then uh basically just my buddy jeff just a good guy and my buddy ben this guy ben that i met he's tight dude hell yeah yeah fired up on ben oh you're doing it too right yeah i bought the dip let's go uh there's a dip during when it went down i went down so i i invested i invested in bitcoin and ethereum late april just put you know because i'm long term i'm long term yeah i'm not planning on taking it out i'm putting you know small increments over time uh i did bitcoin so i did
Starting point is 00:24:19 bitcoin first and then i bought ethereum a couple weeks ago and then i saw the dip so i bought more ethereum more bitcoin and some cardano maybe i love that cardano yeah yeah which i you know are the guy who runs our going deep account jack he'd always tell you he's really into it he'd text me about it he'd be like dude you gotta get in cardano and i don't know anything about crypto i'm like dude you're speaking a foreign language to me i don't know what you're talking about but then i you know i finally i was like all right let's deal with cardona he's in that and it's actually it's greener it uses less energy which is why people like it yeah well you know jack's all in on it see here's the thing how i still like i'm talking about crypto i still don't know what
Starting point is 00:24:59 the fuck one of these things are no i don't know what it means to mine crypto yeah i don't know how you mine something digital i have no idea how that works i imagine it's just by crusting monster energy drinks and personal pizzas with your boys for sure but i have no idea i truly don't know what it is no i i don't either i feel like every time i have a conversation about it i understand it a little bit and then my brain just resets to not knowing within like an hour afterwards yeah there's a wide range of subjects that do that to my brain totally but i'm missing out like in because like last night at the show all the comics were talking about bitcoin really yeah and i was just like i just kind of looked at my phone i was off stage or on and now just off stage
Starting point is 00:25:39 in the green room yeah we're all chatting up a little bit everyone talk people talking about moon coin you can only buy certain shit on certain platforms though and then you have to download fucking five different apps moon coins a thing moon coins they all have weird names like dogecoin was based on a meme and then people made like actual money on it yeah it's crazy have you guys been keeping up with the cicada thing no what's that cicada it's a kind of bug oh i know and they've been like uh fomenting underground like that's where they develop and we're about to have like an influx of like every 17 years is the big thing
Starting point is 00:26:10 yeah we're coming on the 17th yeah but in California do we get it? I don't know it's more in the Midwest but they're about to be like they're going to blot out the sun like the invading Persian army they eat the crops
Starting point is 00:26:21 they were one of the seven plagues of Egypt the locusts cicadas yeah they're kind of they have that plague sort of characteristic yeah yeah they're kind of beautiful if you look at a close-up of them oh wow this let me see they're really loud and annoying you know that's ugly as fuck i remember you think that's beautiful dude let me see i mean i think the color contrast but you're not wrong but i think the eyes and the wings are better than I thought. Yeah, yeah. No, stick to your guns.
Starting point is 00:26:50 They're really loud. They'll go back. Yeah, you'll hear it. 15 states across the East Coast and Midwest. Yeah, yeah. They'll shed their skins and spend four to six weeks mating before the females lay eggs and they all die. It's a brief life, but it's exciting. But, dude, there's a fungus called massapora massospora which can produce compounds of cathinone and amphetamine and it infects a small number of them and makes them lose control
Starting point is 00:27:16 namely it pushes them into sex overdrive and their wieners fall off nice whoa they want to bone all day interesting yeah it's like crystal dick they called it wow when people do meth oh that happens is your dog fall off no i think when you just people who do meth get really horny right but then it wears out your heart over the years and you end up croaking we're talking to our er doctor friend tom hall and he was giving us the different breakdown on how people come into the ER and what's affecting them. He said with meth, it's years of just deterioration
Starting point is 00:27:50 and then your heart just says later. Oh, man. Get a lining. What did he say? It thins out? Yeah, I think so. What the hell is that shit called that reverses all those effects immediately?
Starting point is 00:28:00 It was for opioids. He said we give them something called Narcan and it instantly just flushes the opioids out of your system and it can bring you back pretty quickly really but then you come out of your uh your spell um totally fiending for opioids you're you're in like withdrawal so he says they come out just like freaking out that's so narrow like tie you up restrain you i think sometimes yeah they say that's a lot of like how people believe in devil possessions right because people doing like um opium dens and stuff back in the day and uh you know lack I think sometimes, yeah. They say that's a lot of how people believe in devil possessions.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Because people are doing opium dens and stuff. Back in the day, a lack of medical knowledge and literacy was down across the world hundreds of years ago. It's one of the ways to explain possession. If you're religious and you see someone come out of that, not that they had Narcan, but someone having withdrawal symptoms, vomiting, extreme strength, strength like rage they're just said a lot of time it's drug addicts it's interesting to look at a lot of historical like uh kind of uh what's it called super supernatural or supernatural occurrences as being a result of just you know drug inducement like like a lot of prophets they think might have just been doing mushrooms and that's where they were getting these visions from yeah they would believe their visions and and even there was one like anthropologist was saying that back in the day we had a bicameral
Starting point is 00:29:12 mind so we used to uh we didn't have like consciousness the way we do now where we have like an inner monologue you just had your animal brain and then you would hear uh different thoughts that were telling you like where to go to survive or like how to you know get your animal brain and then you would hear uh different thoughts that were telling you like where to go to survive or like how to you know get food or whatever and then i guess once our brain got integrated that's where like the notion of god came from because they didn't understand where those thoughts were coming from so they just attributed it to a higher power yeah yeah and then you get more nutrients and stuff the brain grows more you develop you have these sort of existential thoughts because we have our nutrients.
Starting point is 00:29:46 We don't need. Yeah. Well, I listened to someone on Joe Rogan like a year ago or something. He said that like there's arguments that like, you know, Jesus and like people like that. He was taking like mushrooms and they're on hallucinogenics. Yeah. Or psychedelics. Hallucinogenics are so in right now.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I mean, I'm doing a stand up joke about it. But yeah, they're just saying like, you you know shrooms just fix everything yeah but if i do them too much my brain starts to rattle i have mental health stuff in my family so i can't be like pushing the envelope too much with it yeah i'm scared to do shrooms dude me too i'm like dude that shit because i was talking to a buddy at the show. I forget his name. Mike, I think, was his name. Mike Turner. Yeah, super interesting, cool, nice guy.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Good guy. And he's like, dude, shrooms are the best, man. I love them. I've had those coming to God moments on it, totally insane. And I was like, yeah, dude. I was like, maybe I'd try it. But I go, do you think it could really change the chemistry of your brain and you could think different? And he goes, fucking absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, it totally changed me. I was like, I don't know, man. I don't want to mess with that. You don't need that. I don't think you need that. Yeah. You should do everything once, though. I don't think everyone should do everything once.
Starting point is 00:30:52 But you're such a solid guy. I don't think it's going to rattle anything too much. I've got no desire. I was just talking to our boy, Brooks. He's like, dude, would you go skydiving? I was like, maybe. But I see a billboard for skydiving. It does nothing for me.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I don't want to go. Yeah. But maybe I would. It does nothing for me. I don't want to go. Yeah. But maybe I would. It was an exciting experience. I think it'd be rad. You did it? Yeah, I did it with my buddy Jeff. And the guy was on my back.
Starting point is 00:31:13 You know, you have to go tandem for your first one. And I just told him all my secrets before we jumped. Because I was like, I don't want to die with a stranger. Dude, do you think those guys? So he listened to the recording. Wait, you recorded it? Yeah, they give you a video of it. So it's just me babbling.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Bro, you've got to release that, dude. that dude that's amazing no i think it would embarrass them because it wasn't just my secrets uh and then uh but you have an incredible rush afterwards do you think those guys get more of a rush and they're such edgelord extreme dudes that they need another life strapped to them otherwise to feel responsible for it do you think there's 30 jumps in a day they don't give a fuck which puts you at peace because you're like okay this guy's doing it all the time my odds look good 30 in a day something like that wow but circling back to the shrooms thing too um we were talking about joan of arc last night and just you know it's just like 16 year old girl she gets visions of like military strategy in her brain that she says are from god and then yeah the king ends up
Starting point is 00:32:03 taking her seriously and puts her in a strategic position, and she just starts winning battles left and right. But then everyone freaks out, and they're like, no, she's too good at this. It's weird. So they burn her at the stake for being a witch. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Damn. Too much power. It's like turning, too, like during World War II. Oh, Alan Turing, yeah. Yeah. Or Turing, rather. Yeah. during world war two alan turing yeah yeah or turing rather yeah that's that's an interesting like solution to you know any kind of like suspicions you might have you're like you know
Starting point is 00:32:33 rick is kind of he's kind of a know-it-all i think we should burn him at this he's probably a warlock let's light him on fire and see if we're right. Yeah. Let's see if he can survive it, and then I think we can include him in the group project. Totally. Yeah, I think it just sounds like insecurity on the part of the French aristocracy. Totally. Like, hey, you're too good at this, so we've got to kind of knock you down a peg or two.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah. I bet the former war strategist was just like, bros, clearly she's a witch. Burn her at the stake i mean like she doesn't know what she's doing with battles and stuff and just test it out let's see how'd she even get a seat at the table to get the king's kind of uh assessment of it that was crazy tom said she just like kept showing up and then some nobleman ended up backing her like someone like listened that had you know could get the king's ear and then he kind of vouched for her and then the king's like well i'll listen
Starting point is 00:33:29 and then she just nailed that audition nice yeah woody allen says 90 of success is just showing up i agree yeah the other 10 is very seedy for him right oh fuck yeah yeah she's in the bathroom like yakking before she's like you gotta nail this strategy dude
Starting point is 00:33:50 mom spaghetti that was a tremendous film oh dude 8 mile so good the final battle Curtis Hanson director
Starting point is 00:33:57 LA Confidential Wonder Boys I gotta be honest I watched it again recently and I gotta be a little bit honest I know this is sacrilege, but I thought
Starting point is 00:34:07 it seemed like a little too whiny. Interesting. I'm like... He's a negative guy. Yeah, I'm like, stop whining. That's probably why B-Murf ends up cheating on him with whatever that fella's name was.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Right, yeah. Was that Exhibit? No, no, no. Wink? Wink, yeah. Exhibit was in that movie. No. Yes, he was.
Starting point is 00:34:31 He's one of the guys who works at the factory. That was McKay Pfeiffer. Small part, yeah. But he's out at the factory when they go to get lunch from the truck. That's it, yes. Great part. Yeah, that's a great battle when he dominates him right there. He's like, you've been working here so long, you're a plant.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yep. But his buddy's the one who ends up cheating on him right it's his buddy who crosses him yeah fuck and I love Eminem I still listen to him all the time
Starting point is 00:34:53 but that was just kind of like dude you're whining yeah Brittany Murphy great performance rest in peace yeah
Starting point is 00:34:58 great in Summer Catch Clueless dude Uptown Girls that line i think we talked about this one elton's like forgot my cranberry cd in the cafeteria can i go get it you went to vegas again yeah i went to vegas road tripped with brooks dude brooks is a beast what's this put your tally at for vegas visits i think i just got to 30 well i think I'm in 30. I think I'm there. I think I was around 28, 29. And I'm going to count when my dad got his fiance now and I road tripped back from Chicago to LA.
Starting point is 00:35:32 We stopped in Vegas so I could lay a parlay. And I'm counting that since I was there. And then I was just there a second ago. So I think I'm at 30. Those are great. You went last week? Just went on Monday. Oh, wow. You went last week? Just went on Monday. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Where'd you stay? Mandalay. Nice. Yeah. Do you get sort of creepy vibes from the shooting? You know what? We were thinking about that. No, it's...
Starting point is 00:35:53 And we were also looking around. We're like, would there be extra security? Like, security seems basic. Right. It's regular dudes. Nothing. Yeah. Yeah, they really powered through that debacle.
Starting point is 00:36:04 We looked it up room what they do with the room are people staying it's a good question it's on the 32nd floor yeah we had the same view actually the view that we looked at was of american ninja warrior which is sick that's cool right over there but that's like my concert was yeah yeah do the energy on iceman dude that guy's he has no off switch he's on baby he's ready to go he's enjoying life he is he's great he's got a good attitude um should we answer some cues yeah what's up stokers i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our
Starting point is 00:36:34 trims puked for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean make your dad proud this year and get him and yourself the manscape lawnmower 4.0 and ultra smooth package uh manscape is the only men's brand dedicated to below the waist grooming and their brand new shaving tools just dropped right in time for father's day the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer is now available in the usa and canada and what makes this waterproof trimmer different from all the trimmers? 7,000 RPM trimmer, skin safe technology, no nicks and cuts, multifunction on off switch, travel lock, 4,000 K LED spotlight so you can see your pubes in high def and guard lengths with sizes one through four to let you trim to your liking. Do you want super short or do you want kind of some some buffer around your dick
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Starting point is 00:38:41 It's dad bod season time to get smooth. Sorry. One sec. Okay, here we go. First question. What up guys dad bod season. Time to get smooth. Sorry, one sec. Okay, here we go. First question. What up, guys? I'll cut right to the chase. I'm 18 and I've got my first real girlfriend, so I'm kind of new to the whole comforting her
Starting point is 00:38:53 when something bad happens situation. She's got problems with her dad, so it happens more than you'd think. I know girls don't want to be told solutions, but what am I supposed to say when bad stuff happens? I try to say I'm here for you and stuff like that but it feels kind of cliche and awkward what do you guys do in those situations any advice helps bros much love i think i think the biggest thing is uh just being a comforting presence you know sort of i think being present with her and sort of just like you know giving off this this feeling of like comfort and
Starting point is 00:39:29 security like you can you can tell me what's going on and i'll be here for you and i'll i'll support you and i'll you know i'm i'm a listening ear and uh you know just let it all out i'm here for you and uh and i think that goes a long way. I think girls can sense when you are really sort of fully present with them and you have that sort of caring vibe. So I think that is really helpful. I think that was a great answer. Oh, thanks. Dude, you for real right now?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, man. I got to agree, dude. Boom. Boom, dude. Dude, thanks. Let's go. All right, let's get to the next one then.
Starting point is 00:40:16 What up, guys? I'll call... Oh, same question. Let's get to the next one. Dude, so this episode hasn't come out yet, but we had a long discussion about man the dan who was going to use his entrepreneurial skills as a trojan horse to get close to a lady he was feeling yes now i liked how overthought out his plan was and i appreciated the ruse because i
Starting point is 00:40:39 thought it was a good heart behind it but i'm getting thumbs down from aaron and i think that's the collective consensus. Um, but he sent in a follow-up 18 hours ago and Joe hasn't heard this. So Joe can be an unbiased observer. Yeah. My brothers, I've come with some fatal news. It turns out that that entrepreneur girl I try to meet up with is in a pyramid scheme. It gets worse. I asked to join one of her recruitment meetings and I got rejected. Yup. That's right. I got rejected so bad that I can't even get recruited in a pyramid scheme, but alas, I man of high hopes i may be at rock bottom but i'm sure i can get better chat jt what are some tips for not getting rejected by everyone so he tried to join in on her pyramid screen scheme to get closer to her i guess so so. And then turn him down. So is the whole...
Starting point is 00:41:26 So he thinks the whole... His whole plan is kaput? I guess because if he gets rejected from the pyramid scheme, maybe it undermines her overall perception of him as an entrepreneurial man. Right. She only sees the Dan. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Dude, so we'll... To cut to the quick on what your question is, how do you stop from getting rejected all the time? I actually think you're learning from these rejections, and it's helping you learn, assess the situation. Don't beat yourself up, but just look at the factors. Okay, what can I be in control of so that maybe the next time I'll have a better result and then you just
Starting point is 00:42:06 keep going but i think rejection is a good thing and you just don't let it don't let a win get to your head a loss get to your heart just keep going and uh you'll figure out what's your way of being like how you should be in these situations because i think if you're true to yourself it's gonna work out maybe not as often as we'd all like but it'll work out yeah yeah and i think he i think he's relying too much on like the he's like if i can't get into this pyramid scheme she obviously doesn't think i'm worthy which i think is the wrong mindset because it seemed like he's like he's like they rejected me it's over with her and i don't i think this is I don't view it that way I think he's I mean I maybe this gives you a chance to just straight up ask her out be like look I
Starting point is 00:42:52 look I tried to get into the pyramid scheme to like show you that I'm a good entrepreneur they rejected me so you know do you want to just go get dinner like how about that yeah he's putting too much of his identity into this business persona. Right. Yeah, into this business identity. And so, yeah, I would let go of that a little bit. And I think in the end that'll help your business too because people want to be involved with a straight shooter
Starting point is 00:43:16 who knows who they are. Yeah. So, yeah, maybe stop thinking that all your success will come off of that. Yeah, dude. You want to be steer clear of pyramid schemes unless the product's protein powder, because if you get boned over and you can't shuffle it, you can just take the protein powder and get jacked.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Smart. Like my boy Jordan Lawley did in college. But also, this guy didn't really revisit what we were talking to him about. I mean, he kind of did. We'll probably need another follow-up after that episode. Yeah, we're going to need to hear something. I think he's lying.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I think he has a pyramid scheme. No, I'm kidding. What up, Chad and JT? Long-time listener here. I'm going into my junior year of college, and I'm considering transferring to another school. I rushed to fraternity my freshman year and got along with my pledge brothers.
Starting point is 00:43:58 But when COVID hit, I moved back home to quarantine with my family. I ended up staying home for the year and doing online classes. Since then, I've been considering the idea of transferring because I feel like I was really unhappy there my freshman year. Pledgeship aside, I do not like the town or the culture at all. I'm torn between transferring to another school that I vibe a little better with and making new friends outside of Greek life or going back to what I know and reaping the benefits of a fraternity
Starting point is 00:44:19 in a place I don't love all that much. And there's not a chapter of the same fraternity at this other school I'm interested in, so I can't reaffiliate. Thanks boys. Dude, just transfer. Yeah. If you don't like the school that much, I don't think it's worth it just because of the frat life.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I think you'll still be in the same place. So yeah, I don't know. It sounds like this, you know, COVID reset was good for you. You got to reassess and yeah, I would pick a new school.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Yeah. Don't stay somewhere. You're unhappy, especially when you're young and you can be mobile like that yeah any new experience i think new experiences are always great meeting new people and and going to a new location um i think uh i think that i think that'd be a good move it doesn't i don't think he'd regret it either given what he knows about this other place what up stoke legends first time running in sorry if it's too long my girlfriend and i are both 23 living in colorado we've been dating for 10 months and both just graduated college she wants to move back to austin to be with friends and family but
Starting point is 00:45:15 only if i move there with her she's been pressuring me because her lease ends soon i told her i'd move if i found a job but if that if it's really what she wants to do, she should move without me. It's been hard to find work. I've been applying to in a lot of different States. I'm letting my career dictate my choices, which I don't feel is wrong to do at 23. I've been in plenty of relationships and I've done distance and hated it. This is her first serious relationship.
Starting point is 00:45:37 This is definitely the most compatible I've ever been with a person who would suck to let go. Love is blind and I'm worried. I'm holding her back from living her life. She's been really adamant about doing whatever I do and letting me dictate her path i'm thinking i i need to end things let her figure out how to do her own thing she's never seen heartbreak and i'd hate to be the reason why any advice would be greatly appreciated jar that was a good green day songAR yeah dude
Starting point is 00:46:05 I mean it's tough you guys only been dating 10 months though and I would say you know maybe if you guys are having these little debates and she's saying well I've done this for you or that for you I think you just got to pull the classic good old alright well time out I don't know if I asked you to do those
Starting point is 00:46:22 things maybe I did and if we did if I did I'm sorry about that and if you've made any adjustments for me I asked you to do those things. Maybe I did, and if we did, if I did, I'm sorry about that. And if you've made any adjustments for me, I know you want me to make this adjustment for you, and I care about you, but it's just too big of one, and I'm not able to find the work. And honestly, I think, you know, I'm not saying I want to end things, but, you know, I want to say you've got to follow your heart,
Starting point is 00:46:40 and I know you want me to come with you, and I would love to, but I'm not finding work out there. I've got to get my work, and I've you want me to come with you, and I would love to, but I'm not finding work out there. I've got to get my work, and I've got my career. You know what I'm saying? I don't want to resent you for making me go out there and being unhappy, even though it wouldn't be your fault, and what would end up happening. So nip it in the butt, dude. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I think you have good intentions, and you're a good guy. And I think you know what you need to do. Yeah, you're 23, you're young. You want to get yourself in a situation where you move there and it's hard to find work and you start resenting her and stuff. I think you can already see that path. Yeah. And heartbreak is good for some people you know obviously you know
Starting point is 00:47:26 it's uh you know it sucks but it's you know makes you stronger so yeah you can't be with someone just because you don't want to hurt them and then i don't know i think she's putting too much pressure on you like i feel like i've been in relationships like that where you it feels disproportionate how important you are to the other person almost feels like it's less about you and more just about them like needing a rock I mean I'm sure she's crazy about you and really loves you but um she might have some like codependency stuff going on there and I think uh you're probably feeling that and that makes you more nervous it's like if someone's like hey I'm gonna move here and like you can
Starting point is 00:48:03 come if you want to and I you know I really love you so i'd love for you to be there you're like oh nice that's like a warm kind of uh and uh that's like a warm setup where you're like yeah i could i could do that but if someone's like no i'm moving wherever you move then you're like your your body kind of gets freaked out and you're like i don't know if i can handle that yeah and then so i don't know i maybe i would tell her first like hey i want to be with you and i'm don't know if i can handle that yeah and then so i don't know maybe i would tell her first like hey i want to be with you and i'm open to anything but i'm feeling a bit pressurized because of the move so and just see how she handles that it's a good way to see like and then if she's like what why do you feel pressurized like i just want to live with you
Starting point is 00:48:38 because i love you you're like all right this this could be uh kind of canary in the coal mine about how she's going to handle these things in the future. Yeah, canary in the coal mine. You don't want to be in that sitch where you're constantly worried that the other person's going to be worried that you're going to leave or something like that or not meet them where they want you at. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I would throw back what you've been saying and see how she handles that. But again, I think you're right that I don't see this being the one. Yeah. I think you're probably... You're so young, too, dude, and you have a good head on your shoulders, but I think you've probably got some more relationships to go. But sure, you've had one GF, and now she's your dank fiance.
Starting point is 00:49:24 That's right. right yeah you went in work dude yeah works my brother too he's marrying his first girlfriend i know it's crazy it's nice that way though because there's like a uh yeah it's a good idea it simplifies things yeah we figure each other out dude it's like you know you go through some fun experiences together and i've talked about this with aaron too we've said too, but it's like the people we were like 10 years ago, we're growing and different now, you know? So it's like,
Starting point is 00:49:51 you kind of subtly get to re meet someone a little bit and continue the liberation relationship there. Sometimes that's why people grow apart. Sometimes it's why you grow together. So it's an interesting, a fun, fun map. Everyone thinks like,
Starting point is 00:50:04 Oh, I'm locked in. Like this dude who's 23 now when he's 30 is going to be a different dude you know what i mean yeah i've been ruminating on this i'm 33 so my memories from 10 years ago from when i'm 23 so i have i have memories from 10 years ago where i was virtually the same person in a lot of ways you know what i mean like i was an adult man at that point yeah because when you're 23 and you look back 10 years before that it's so much easier to chart the difference because like i was a kid i was 13 but now i have like old memories of me being the same person and i just but i know i'm different but it's just hard to see the difference it's so subtle and you're in it it's so hard like you are the people who understand their own story the best is the
Starting point is 00:50:44 person living it but also the worst because you're not zoomed out it's so tough. Like you are, the people who understand their own story, the best is the person living it, but also the worst because you're not zoomed out. It's so tough. Yeah, because if you told me like, hey, are you the same person you were when you were 23? I'd kind of say no, because I'd be like, no, of course I've changed. But if I really think about it, I'm like, no, I think I'm basically the same.
Starting point is 00:50:58 No. No? How have you changed in 10 years? I'm curious for real. You don't do hard A anymore. No, I don't disagree with you yeah but i mean when you're 23 i mean you're technically an adult but you're i mean you're really not in behavior i didn't know you when we were 23 no i know but i'm just assuming that you weren't
Starting point is 00:51:15 grown up yet no i was a little more of a wild man i was like yeah well that's what i'm saying yeah so you've you're not the same person then although Although I did throw up. We had dinner with Jimmy Tatro on Tuesday, and I threw up afterwards from too much red wine. Or do you just mean like on an intellectual level? No, I meant on all levels. But how do you think you've changed in 10 years? Oh, it's, yeah, immensely. I'm way more mature.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And you were probably very mature even 10 years ago i would say you're probably 10 years more mature than the average like when you're 23 that's a marisi 33 would you get worked up about girls when i was that young i was i was reckless really yeah would you get worked up about girls oh yeah what would you do like call them all the time or send like emotional text messages? Yeah, I would, yeah. Really? What's an emotional text message? Yeah, I stopped doing that.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah, that's what it would be. I don't know. You just think, I don't know. Like a Facebook message? No. Just like, yeah, just like texts with a lot of emotion behind them. What are you saying in those texts? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:28 You try and convince them to be with you and stuff. Yeah. And then you got to learn if, and then as you go on, you learn that you shouldn't have to convince someone to be with you. I had an experience like that when i was like 20 21 yeah i was like 21 i was with this girl in college for like a couple months but i had no like concept of like exclusivity and stuff i didn't really understand that whole kind of like you gotta talk about like being exclusive i was just like she was she was two years older i was like she's super hot this is
Starting point is 00:53:06 awesome we're together we're gonna get married yeah we're gonna get married this is gonna be awesome and then you know i was living in newport she went back to san francisco and um and then she like came to visit me but she like pretty much was back with her ex a little bit and i i had no idea so i was like and So when I learned about it, I was devastated. And then I saw her at a bar a couple months later. I was just blacked out, and I was like, I hate you. I hate you so much.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I hate you. And it was just so, you know. How did she respond? I think she was just looking at me like, oh, oh. Kind of deer in the headlights yeah she's like we weren't exclusive i was like what was this the one that you called like 50 times that's no that's another one that's that was pretty much oh yeah i've done that too where you just call and keep calling and call yeah what it what it's stupid yeah that's the you know like when when you put
Starting point is 00:54:05 booze and like heartbreak and stuff or just like booze and like obsession especially when you're young is for me it was just like unlock this thing i had called a bunch of times and you know they're like yeah you called me like 30 times i'm like that i'd be super shy. I was sober. I was like, oh, what? Weird. Butt dial. Yeah, yeah. Because I was super shy, and then I viewed alcohol as a way to become this extroverted guy. And so that's what I would do. I would get hammered, and I'd be like, I love you, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And that never, you know. And then I'd get know get hung over sober again and then it was just sort of that jekyll and hyde thing i was always nice except for that one instance but just sort of like you know just immature love wise yeah and so it's probably better you didn't end up with that girl too right because you had so much learning that you did after that tons of learning yeah i'm yeah i mean it, I mean, I'm appreciative of the path I've been on, yeah. I mean, a lot of it was just, I'm glad I took, like, you know, from, like, 23 to, like, 26, you know, 7,
Starting point is 00:55:19 to really learn about myself and to all that stuff. So that was really valuable for me, I think. Nice. Yeah. What up, guys? My my name is mac and i seek your wisdom my life is good in stoke levels are currently through the roof i'm 21 years old i live on the north shore of hawaii surf every day eat pokey quite often and even have a rad station wagon that gets me where i need to go i got a solid group of bros our squad is called the sds small dong squad and life is off the chain however i'm in this quite this conundrum when it comes to my babe situation it all started a month ago at this wild rager on the point we got the cops called on us and everyone fled the scene
Starting point is 00:55:55 my boy t-dog and i were exceptionally sweaty so we ran to the end of the point dropped on and jumped the 30-foot cliff into the ocean nude stoked levels were off the charts we redressed and ended up going over to a mega babe's house with a group of homies to watch the dark knight rises oh cool great night i'm just seeing no mistakes here yeah i was fortunate enough to receive cuddles from said mega babe after the movie everyone left but i stayed and capitalized on the moment her and i then had a dope max session the max session developed into a good wholesome relation that lasted about a month but then she moved to utah i thought things would fizzle out with her after leaving but we still
Starting point is 00:56:28 talk every day and i miss her a lot i don't know what to do do i keep her close and hope that the universe brings us back together or do i start a search for a new babe any advice is helpful by the way huge fan you guys are legends dude i think i think he needs to i'm not saying one way or the other what it should be i don't know if it should be a relation. I don't know if you should look for something new because you are young and you guys do live thousands of miles apart. But I would go visit her. I think that's the move.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Go to Moab, dude. Oh, yeah. Mission Impossible 2. There was a time we didn't know what Moab was. Yeah. But now that's where you need to go. Moab. Everyone's going to Moab now.
Starting point is 00:57:03 It's a new spot. It sounds like the nuclear missile launcher in XXX. 100%. Dude, I love this guy. This guy's living a great life. He likes to freaking just get after it a little bit. Yeah. So I got to totally agree with what JT said here.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You get on the plane, dude. And guess what? If it doesn't work out, this goes to a lot of the questions that have been coming right now. You have the failures, the dude, you know, even Dan, who's not the man, and everyone else. Failure, you know what another word for that is? It's experience, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:33 You go out there and you get that damn experience, dude. It just might be a nice one. Yeah, especially when you're young, you can take those hits, dude. The more hits you can take, you know. Yeah, I don't think, I think sometimes people were looking for like help we're like hey how do i hit harder and it's like no work on being able to take more
Starting point is 00:57:50 hits yeah correct totally what's she doing in utah maybe they're mormon because there's like a utah um a mormon university in hawaii maybe not this is just me being theoretical now yeah watching a lot of mayor of Easttown. Dude. Detective. Mormon people. Great smiles. Yeah. Definitely. A lot of dudes named Brady.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Dude, but yeah, get out there and see her. Oh, do you know what I saw at the park today? This was amazing. I walked by two little kids, little kids eating burgers from In-N-Out. I'm with T-Hall, the doc, and they're with their babysitter i go i gotta ask these kids some questions because i'm a weird guy i go up to the kids and i go yo you guys like in and out and they're like yeah i go do you guys like the fries from in and out and these five-year-olds you know and a five-year-old will call it out they'll say the emperor has no clothes they go yeah and then i asked him if they like other fast food places and they weren't the most verbose kids because they were kind of scared that this bearded man was asking him questions but the
Starting point is 00:58:57 babysitter affirmed that they have been to other fast food joints but i didn't you're right i didn't get the full lay of the land in terms of what their sample was and then she said it was their first time having in and out oh dude that's beautiful me and t hall were like what we got to witness the first time you guys had in and out yeah dude and we asked we asked a pivotal question like you're gonna go back and they said yeah were they eating like kid style burgers like ketchup and mustard ones or did they get the special sauce dude i didn't see the condiment sig i mean they were sitting at the park so they weren't in a position to like right it's tough to scope that and clock that yeah had they been at a table it would have been easier but they were kind of uh you know doing a more casual sig but they said they said tell aaron to go blow
Starting point is 00:59:40 me i got these fries this little five year old said to my wife that's a pretty massive moment his babysitter didn't even get mad she was like hell yeah dude these fries are dank yeah
Starting point is 00:59:50 that's a good call by those kids I'm getting a five guys order from my wife oh nice oh dude I got my fiance on the line
Starting point is 00:59:57 doing a chipotle order right now dude Aaron how did that make you feel I'm gonna go to Golden State after this
Starting point is 01:00:03 these young conners get them when they're young. That's what they say, right? I mean, literally within and out with the religious connotations. I just think they're young. They're inexperienced. Maybe a little naive. Maybe feeling some peer pressure from the bearded guy who's asking them questions.
Starting point is 01:00:23 You don't even know. Yeah, you don't even know these kids, you don't even know these kids. You don't even know these kids, Aaron. And you're condescending these five-year-olds. Yeah. These are autonomous little creatures, dude. I mean, when you're five, what else do you think is great? Transformers.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Power Rangers. Yeah. Power Rangers. Really not good. It's a different day. Yeah, really not. You It's a different day. Yeah, really not. You never liked it, Joe? No, I did, but it's...
Starting point is 01:00:50 That's one thing that's changed over the last 10 years. Yeah. I think, going back to the question, I like what you're saying about, with life, getting those experiences, taking the hits, you know, I think that's huge, especially in your 20s. Be the man in the arena yeah read that teddy roosevelt poem yeah and then put it into action because i was like especially when i was young i always thought whenever i like
Starting point is 01:01:14 met a girl and we had something going a little bit i was like i sort of viewed it in my mind as sort of like i did it like i reached i reached like my goal for life you know and um and i know and then when it like didn't work out i'd be just so devastated and stuff and it's like if you can have more of the mindset of just sort of like i like this experience i like this i love being with this person and just enjoying it but having that sort of like that that that armor of like i can i can take whatever life throws at me i'm just enjoying these experiences and learning about myself i think that's huge yeah yeah and i think everyone who ends up living the life they want to has to go through those trials and tribulations totally like you're not
Starting point is 01:01:57 gonna i remember like i wanted to be like a film director and i was like oh man i just want to jump in like on like a hundred million dollar movie and just get to make like a big epic and then and it was so naive of me like i really thought maybe i could find a way to do that i'm like no the only way you get there is by making a million things that suck and like finding your voice and then yeah building your credibility so that other people are willing to believe in you like yeah and i think it's like that with all things like you're just not gonna some people do some people you know first girlfriend it's the right one or like but i don't know i don't think that was what my trajectory was supposed to be yeah well it's
Starting point is 01:02:33 like stand-up it's like you go out there and you just you you bomb and you learn and you learn to love the bomb which i i love bombing not when people i know are watching or like when stokers come out but when people i don't know are there and I just eat shit, it's like, it's very cathartic. Our buddy, he came to the show last night. He was like, dude, I haven't seen you. The last time he saw me do stand up was an open mic in San Clemente at a cafe nine years ago where I got heckled by like a middle-aged woman
Starting point is 01:02:59 for sucking. Like she was like, you're not funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like, that was so painful at the time all my friends were there but you know if you don't have those moments you don't have the the days later on where you get to have a good set yeah um too old what up chad jt and aaron and maybe strider and joe i've gotten myself into a bit of a switch i need to sit i need some advice from the lords of stoke i'm a 49 year old bro bro with a grown up job who just happens to love to jam and raise some stoke. During the pandemic, I went to two
Starting point is 01:03:29 weddings with dancing. The first was an absolute rager. The DJ was a beast and had both the grandmas kicking it old school and the young kids bringing out their dancing bag of tricks. The second wedding had a bad DJ, bad song selection. The reception was a total dud. I have jokingly told all the boys that I could DJ better with just my my phone one of my dogs took that boat seriously and his daughter has now asked me to dj her wedding this fall being an elder statesman of stoke i have the time and resources to buy the necessary equipment to dj a wedding properly this is my question for the stoke council am i too old to dj i know age is just a number but would i be distracting as an older dj even if i can get the kids going?
Starting point is 01:04:08 I love to rage, have great taste in music, and think I know how to rock a wedding dance scene. Will I be a distraction of embarrassment, or can I just lean into having a blast regardless of the distinguished gray starting to appear around my temples? Do I try and back out, or do I lean in? Thanks, boys, and rock on. Chris and Phoenix. P.S. F. Puzio. If the music's good, no one is going to worry about what you look like. Agreed. Have you seen DJ billboards?
Starting point is 01:04:29 They all look like dudes who probably are serial killers. You're either a DJ or a serial killer is what the look is. Also, how I feel about DJs is it's kind of like a riff. If you're doing your job right, people are fucking stoked and things are cruising and really no one notices. And then look at the biggest DJs, dude. Deadmau5, Daft Punk, even Marshmello. You don't see their face.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It's not about them really. And I know that is presentational and marketing in and of itself, but it's like when you're DJing this wedding, bro, no one's really going to be like looking at you kind of. I think like, it's's just like just play the good tunes and freaking get stoked and play the tunes that are gonna bring joy like don't worry about your age yeah i think this guy's gonna bring the heat just from that email he's gonna be you know raising it up he's gonna bring the vibes he's gonna play the jams i know he's gonna bring fire jams i know he's gonna bring jagged edge into there i can feel it he's gonna play jagged know it. And he's going to get the party started. And the fact that he has a relationship with the people there,
Starting point is 01:05:28 I mean, I think that boosts it times 10. And everyone's going to know. They're going to know it's his first DJ session. Everyone's going to be fired up for him that he's getting this opportunity. Yeah. I just wear baggy pants so you can put your knee braces on underneath. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And then it reminds me of the film The Rookie, where Dennis Quaid plays like a 45-year-old who gets his first opportunity to play in the majors. Yeah. I mean, you're on like a dramatic journey and I'm all here for it. I mean, this is a proper hero's journey and your whole life has been building towards this moment.
Starting point is 01:05:54 I'm not trying to put pressure on you, but what I'm saying is you got to rise to the occasion, okay? You can't turn down an opportunity like this. You do that, it's a sin. It's a sin. Much like Zac Efron at the uh end of uh we are your friends okay can i uh this is how i i'm gonna give this guy what i think the intro should be what did he say whose wedding it was his friend's daughter all right let's say her name is uh lisa
Starting point is 01:06:22 you guys psyched on lisa and jeremy getting together yeah all right let's say her name is Lisa You guys psyched on Lisa and Jeremy getting together? Yeah Alright, let's get this party started Yeah Oh Oh, bro Come on Come on
Starting point is 01:06:35 Dude Yeah Come on Oh, we got JT coming on the dance floor Bringing it Who else is coming out here? Oh, oh Here comes the grandmas Oh Grandpas are even out Oh, we got JT coming on the dance floor bringing it who else is coming out here Here comes the grandma's Oh grandpa's are even out
Starting point is 01:07:05 Let me see some hip thrusts on the floor baby Oh Joe Oh, Joe's coming in. He's got a big hug. Should I kiss the grandma? Yeah, kiss the grandma. We got JT sucking face with granny. Hey, where the party at? Girls is on the way where the bacardi at? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Party at. All right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Party. All right. JT's grinding with Joe. Oh, oh, oh. Damn, dude. Something almost just flung me off Joe like a catapult, bro. Fucking Marissa, you're dong, dude. Strength. Yeah, dude. That's a good first song. Yeah, dude you should DJ dude what would your guys's DJ names be mine yeah
Starting point is 01:07:56 your milk right yeah maybe it could be. Milk's not a bad one. That's what our buddy Ross says, Milk. Because your maiden name is Klimkowski. Yeah. You look like you would have been a milkman. And it does a body good. You know what I mean? And I'm going to do your body good with these tunes.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You know what my DJ name would be? Balayage. Oh, nice. Oh, nice. Sexy. Yeah. Very sexy. For those of you who don't know, Balayage is a lightening of the hair that's not full highlights, but it's a more natural look. I think mine would be... Bell?
Starting point is 01:08:39 DJ Bell? I like that. Ring the Bell? Ring the Bell, Kettlebell. Yeah. Yeah. Butt moves like I got a bell for a butt Mm-hmm Joe
Starting point is 01:08:49 DJ DJ Blank DJ Just I don't know DJ Oatmeal Ooh DJ Oatmeal
Starting point is 01:09:00 DJ Oatmeal dude DJ No Seltzer Cause he's here every morning, dude. Yeah. Yeah, let's go back to the Seltzer. Every morning, bro. Will you drink this? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:10 After that lap dance, will you drink this? No. Dude. It is good, though. It's a really, it's good. I've had it before. All right, this one's from Olivia. Last cue.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Hello. I really just want to say that, first off, Chad, I love you. And I think we'd be perfect together. I'm a pretty funny gal myself. But anyways, you guys are the best and make my week better every week. So thank you. I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. So long story short, I got into a fight with another girl in college.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Her and I have never liked each other. So honestly, it wasn't a surprise when it happened. I'm a lover, not a fighter. So she started it. But yes, I did win. Let's go. And so my squad of friends out of nowhere just ghosted me for it, even though it had absolutely nothing to do with them. And then started to like bully me on social media and such. And I never
Starting point is 01:09:52 said a word back to them on social media or just ever because I decided to be the bigger person. But what hurts the most is that one of the girls was my best friend for 10 years. And then she just ditched me with the other girls that I introduced her to just because they were so my just because they were. Oh, ditching her. So my question is, when things calm down and everyone moves on, should I reach out again and try to rekindle the longtime friendship that we had or just leave it alone forever and continue to chill with the new friends I've made? And should I continue to stay silent on social media or should I tell them to leave me the fuck alone? I feel weird talking to my new friends about this because I feel like it brings down everyone's stoke. So that's why I brought it here I appreciate it
Starting point is 01:10:26 P.S. this happened like over a year ago we've all still graduated and yet they still talk about me on their accounts to this day and such which is why I wonder if now I should be like hey guys fuck off and then she sent you her a snapchat I would let it go because I feel like
Starting point is 01:10:44 I feel like at this point they're just trying to get her to respond. Yeah, it's very sweet. Olivia, what up? Thank you for the kind words. I think that's a tough one, especially if it's been a year. I think because I'm always sort of like, you know, stay silent. Let them do their thing. It'll burn out.
Starting point is 01:11:04 But if they've been going on a year, maybe it's time to say something. Because I'm always sort of like, you know, stay silent, let them do their thing, it'll burn out. But if they've been going on a year, maybe it's time to say something. Just like, hey, you need to cut it out. I'm not sure about reaching out. If you've made new friends, you've moved on. I don't really see, I mean, I don't really see a path with these old friends. friends especially if they've been such you know renobs throughout this whole process so yeah i think i think maybe i think maybe just say like hey uh you know i'd appreciate if you cut it out uh this is ridiculous and have a nice life
Starting point is 01:11:39 i think that's sort of the move yeah and look, I think there's, you know, peace is always the preferred situation, but sometimes you get dragged into a war and you have no choice but to fight. And this isn't that situation, but I don't know, after a year of this, I think it would make me feel better to take it to some of these people. And I'm not even saying go low on them.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I would just be like, look, it's been a year and like you stupid assholes can't stop fixating on me because your lives are so boring that like the only thing that can unite you guys is like picking on someone else like how about you move on and like grow the fuck up and actually have some experiences so you don't have to like feel good about just shitting on me you loser lazy pieces of crap yeah and then and then i would tell your friend and what about you you freaking sell out like we had 10 years of friendship where we were like close and relied on one another like where's your sense of loyalty and then say but hey let's get some coffee and talk it out because i think you've been friends with something for 10 years like i don't know i
Starting point is 01:12:38 would want to hash it out i would need some resolution there even if it wasn't like continued friendship i would want to be heard so i don't know i would take it to not all of them and i wouldn't engage too much but get yourself into that angry rush and just start firing off some messages and i think you'll feel pretty uh electric for day i kind of like that stuff sometimes i posted a political thing in november and some stokers got on me and it was fun getting back and forth with them yeah I mean you don't want to do it you know a day out of the year is not bad or even like my conflict with Kevin it was like super immature and you know I was obviously in my ego but I don't know something
Starting point is 01:13:13 directed me to go there and I had to honor it a little bit I could have handled a lot better but I don't know it felt like I needed something yeah I think calling them losers hits pretty hard they are they're freaking what are they doing yeah i hate when like ganging up on someone like that yeah yeah just get a life yeah yeah it's gross when the unifying factor of a crew is like the detriment or making fun of someone else it always sucks yeah um because they're jealous yeah it's not she's not experiencing that every day though what she's hearing about it from a friend that her friends are doing it they're not like messaging her all the time.
Starting point is 01:13:46 They're harassing her. Yeah. So they're harassing her, sending her that stuff. Yeah, I think so. And I don't know if it's on like, if it's public or not, but yeah. That's a lot. Yeah. Then in that case, it changes things.
Starting point is 01:13:56 It just needs to be like, yeah, block them, send them, look guys, get a life. And you don't know, maybe that would just invigorate them more. And maybe there's such sadists that they would like get off on it they would like that yeah but but who knows maybe you give it better than you get it but you know it but you'll find out after it's the best to turn the page you can't control what other people are going to do they want to be yeah maybe don't take it to them i just got i got excited about that but maybe that's not the move maybe the move is just to move on maybe just block them all just block them all yeah you know just say that stuff out loud yourself and then just block them all because that might be cathartic
Starting point is 01:14:29 enough but i would reach out to the the 10 year friend or then block her too maybe maybe just move on i i do think having an attitude of indifference you know it's like they're trying to come at you to get any reaction and you're sort of indifferent like you're just sort of that that stings them more when they're like that'll i think that'll really make them look inward a little bit more because they're like man she doesn't even give a shit but but she does though that's the only thing yeah and what would she want if she wasn't feigning it i'd be like yeah i mean if you can just like be like yeah over it that'd be tremendous but i don't know if someone harassed i don't know if she's able to
Starting point is 01:15:03 for a year i wouldn't want to be friends with them again. You know what I mean? So basically it would just be her unloading some emotion on these people and it would be fine for a second. But like, even for a resolution talk, it's like, maybe we can forgive each other, but we're never going to be friends again.
Starting point is 01:15:19 At least I wouldn't want to be. I'd love more context too on how it got to this point and why you and this person always hated each other it's kind of tough though these people fought two friends fought and beat their ass and she beat the one friend's ass and what does it mean to win i'd be curious what that means too yep like how does she feel like she won maybe went too far below the belt i don't know it's too speculative it's like the guy who stole my car you see that's something tangible like that guy's done or even like but i felt like i won that because he i threw a bunch of parties that
Starting point is 01:15:48 summer and he couldn't come it's true it's badass eckhart tolle is a good he did drive around in my car all summer though eckhart tolle is a good guy to listen to on this stuff because he puts all that all that ego stuff in a perspective where it's it just it funny. Where you're just like, man, you're really living unconsciously right now. That's hilarious. If you can laugh at the absurdity of things and just laugh that you're wrapped up in this situation, that's always a great thing. I was watching Eckhart for that stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:16 I guess when I was arguing with those guys, I was kind of in that. I was just going up to my mom. I was like, mom, this is hilarious. I'm just arguing with this kid from Pennsylvania. All right, let's keep pushing. Chad. DJ Oatmeal, how do you feel about it?
Starting point is 01:16:29 I just wanted to call you DJ Oatmeal. What? I mean, I would either block the people or never respond, because at this point, they're just trying to get you to respond. And I think the more you don't, eventually they'll stop. Yeah, they want to rise out of her. But then they're like i don't know i just there's a part of me that like loves the karate kid and is like these are bullies
Starting point is 01:16:51 and like sometimes i think you got to like throw something back at the bully and let them know that like they're not just gonna go through this life just with keep living for life and don't care because the best they say the best revenge is living well they say this is why people love the sopranos because it's people who actually like are in a position to fix the things they don't like in their life right you know like in the sopranos if they get mad enough at a situation they go to the utmost degree to change it like they kill the person yeah and uh i think that's why a lot of people got a vicarious thrill from watching it because it's like you know like tony's daughter
Starting point is 01:17:29 gets hit on gets kind of sexually harassed by one of his gangster rivals coco and then tony goes in there like knocks the guy's teeth out and smashes his face and when you watch you're like yeah that's what i would do if i it made me want to like have a daughter just so i could defend her you know what i mean yeah but i don't know you know in real life he goes to jail for life after that and his daughter's deeply traumatized for feeling like a part of it yeah that's like sons of anarchy maybe she loves it his his like wife's like what'd you do today killed a man retaliation for donna uh chad who's your b for the week dude by the way sorry yeah so strider i was watching sons of anarchy and he's like there's a point in the series where you'll be like this is ridiculous i can't watch this anymore and i got you know i i got like five seasons in
Starting point is 01:18:17 dude you're way past that point yes i was like i remember telling you i go just i go you'll know when you reach that point yeah we'll talk then yeah and i was like what remember telling you i go just i go you'll know when you reach that point yeah we'll talk then yeah and i was like what season are you on season five i was like whoa all right you you like this you're on board dude charlie huddle is a man you're holding on tight and telling charlie to fucking ride faster baby let's go it's retaliation uh beef of the week who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is myself i uh i took a look there's a reddit thread on the on the going deep and and some stokers are beefing that i haven't been prepared lately with uh my beef spades and legends and you know i i was sort of taking the
Starting point is 01:18:59 stream of consciousness i was like maybe i i sort of like doing it in the moment a little bit because i feel like that's i can get a little bit more amped on it, but apparently they don't like that. So, um, but that's my bad, you know, I may have been telling myself that and it is honestly disguised as laziness. So, you know, my bad Stokers for not being more prepared. I do like getting checked like this, you know, it fires me up. So I'm going to come in more than prepared and I'm going to annoy the fuck out of you guys with how prepared i am uh but i appreciate you know the the uh criticism so um yeah it's just myself for you know you know sort of losing steam a little bit um but i'm fired up to get back in there and
Starting point is 01:19:38 and prepare my ass off so thank you guys for checking my ass it feels nice to take some on the chin sometimes nice dude yeah yeah you're a beast thanks strider who's your b for the week my b for the week is uh having a dry throat dude i mentioned went to vegas with our boy brooks dude the desert makes your throat so fucking dry dude and i hate that shit dude i hate there's nothing worse than just like being extra thirsty and just you want to talk but you're like and it just comes out all weird and then in the morning you do that i would i had zero drinks was like not it was like 90 there how was it it was like 97 super dry and uh it was like 90 at night and um yeah dude i just maybe more in general when my body has too many needs dude like when i get hungry you know like when you grow up your your parents always like eat breakfast the most important meal of the day yeah like as a kid you're like fuck that doesn't
Starting point is 01:20:34 not need breakfast i'll cruise out and i'll be fine all day long don't need a stretch or any of that i hate that my body's got needs i hate being hungry getting, and having a fucking dry throat. I just want to be like a machine, dude. You want to be without any kind of need or fault in your system. Yes. I know, we all want that. It's very frustrating. And feeling it is very frustrating. Especially in my damn dry throat, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:00 What did you do to alleviate it? Dude, I pounded so much water, but literally the only thing that helped was leaving the desert immediately when i got back to california dude testament to socal dude certain environments they just don't agree with you yeah i'm meaning you like the royal no it's true it makes me think of like uh maybe 310 to humor or something more like some western where he's like a guy was living a life that he liked in the big city but moved to arizona because the wife had like a um condition and the doctors were like you need dry climate dude one of our buddy's girlfriends she lived in california she had to move because like she just had allergies out here and it would like cause she'd have to go to the hospital because like her face would puff up from
Starting point is 01:21:36 reacting and it was like she just couldn't live in california it just wasn't gonna work that's a terrible allergy yeah that sucks joe jo, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with my softball team, the Pizza Party or Pizza Place, right? Pizza Place? Pizza Party, sorry. Pizza Party. We had to play with eight players last night.
Starting point is 01:22:07 It's like, guys, it's one night a week is all we're asking to make it. We need 10 to have a full. So we're down two guys. You can't. How are we not going to get our ass kicked? So it's like, I want guys committed to being there on Thursday nights. You don't miss. It's disappointing playing with eight people
Starting point is 01:22:33 and just watching the ball roll past everybody because there's not enough guys on the field. So, you know, let's commit to the team. Please. It turned out it was a work thing. All right, well. He was out of town on a trip for work. He told me last week and did not remind me.
Starting point is 01:22:58 So I thought he was coming. Oh, okay. I have a lot going on. You have a baby. You need to tell me multiple times. Yeah, yeah. You got to let me. Multiple times. Yeah, yeah. You gotta let... The weak god has to be...
Starting point is 01:23:06 Do your due diligence on it. Maybe even find a... Can you get a replacement? That's the thing. The league is very shitty about subs. They're so worried about getting sued over injuries or something that they're just like, you gotta be on the roster and you gotta be...
Starting point is 01:23:19 And you gotta be the guy you say you are. Like, we'll check IDs and stuff. There's real consequences. It's like hardball or something. Yeah. I did a, when they don't let Andre stay on the team, did a, what were you going to kick in before that? Before Joe's beef? The allergy thing?
Starting point is 01:23:38 Oh, I was just saying, peace to that girl who couldn't live here. More room for us. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, nice. Yeah, savage. My Beef of the Week is with one of the greatest commercials of all time. Maybe not the greatest, but an iconic one from the 90s. The Chihuahua Taco Bell commercial, Yo Quiero Taco Bell.
Starting point is 01:24:02 I have a suspicion that it's not an original idea. Because I was reading Elmore Leonard's book, Get Shorty, which is kind of like a soft satire of the film business and he's picking on a producer in a passage for green lighting silly movies and one of the movies is about a talking chihuahua and then i was like whoa maybe someone in the ad game read this elmore leonard book which was fairly popular thought about a talking chihuahua took that into a pitch with Taco Bell and was like, Hey, I got an idea. And cause it's pretty specific, you know, a movie built around a talking Chihuahua. And then I was like, Oh man, I, I kind of was, you know, connecting dots. Like I'm in minority report, looking through the precogs visions. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:24:41 they stole that. So my beef with you taco bell or the ad agency that pitched it to you i i think uh you know should have credited the legend elmore for having that thought first yo quiero elmo leonard yo quiero mas elmore leonard i would like that yo quiero que churi um in beverly hills chihuahua does the chihuahua talk oh so even more of a of a thievery there yeah and it is also funny that an idea that omar leonard was making fun of ended up being a hugely successful ad campaign and a film like he was basically saying like how ridiculous is hollywood and they were like it's a good idea yeah exactly um you care you care who's your babe of the week uh i had two so my babe of the week was the cardano blockchain um because i don't know jack or the guy who runs going deep shout out legend
Starting point is 01:25:37 he just kept telling he's like dude cardano cardano and i was just so like i was like i don't even want to think about uh crypto you know i want to think i i just i i felt like i was like there's too much information you know people are like what about this coin what that coin with it and i was like i was like i was like i just don't have the bandwidth to think about different blockchains right now um but then looking into it and putting some scratch into it i got got fired up on it. Because it's at like a dollar right now. And I learned that it was greener. A lot of people are beefing with Bitcoin because they're burning up a lot of... It's not very green.
Starting point is 01:26:17 It's burning off fossil fuels, I guess. Never thought that there would be any correlation between that. Never in my million years yeah you're like dude bitcoin don't you know that it's like the equivalent of like a coal factory and you're like what dude uh i thought okay um but hearing that it's like green and then looking at the projections for the price you know and like you know 2030 could be you know you could you could like 100 it looks like you get a hundred X what you invest now it's not I think yeah which is nuts and that's the whole thing with crypto too is I'm sort of like you know
Starting point is 01:26:54 I'm getting into the game and I'm not I'm not I'm not getting into the game to like you know do a bunch of trading and stuff I'm just gonna you know like we're talking about put small increments of money in there. And then, you know, 40 years down the line, I'd be like, you know, have a nice little nest egg. Use it as a long-term savings. Question, when you say blockchain, what is that, dude? I don't know. That's what Bitcoin gets traded on. I've heard the term.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Okay, blockchain is the platform. That's like the stock exchange of Bitcoins? No, I think it's like the actual, sort of, but I think it's also like the actual, like, I think it's more the technology platform that the trades happen on. Okay. And then so they have people building more space on the blockchain so that more trades can happen on there.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Oh. More digital space on there? Mm-hmm. Interesting. Distributed data storage. And it's like a ledger of all the existing trades okay so like when you when a user gets on coinbase or whatever app they have and buy something that the blockchain will register that even how small or large it is i think so okay right and it's just constantly
Starting point is 01:27:58 growing on itself yeah because more and more people are doing it right and i think that's where the mining is actually happening so when people say they're like mining for bitcoin i think that's what they're doing is they're they're mining more space for bitcoin to be traded uh oh yeah but just the bitcoin so that will make their thing more valuable like you can't put cardano on a bitcoin on a segment i'm not sure about that i don't know if it's like uh yeah like single uh crypto use or something yeah um i don't even know if i'm right but that's what i i think i'm buying that sounds that sounds correct and the coin i was referring to is ada yep cardano and ada are same thing right that's a signature like stellar lumens is xlm it's like it's you know southwest
Starting point is 01:28:44 is luv on that stock exchange right i think it's like it's you know southwest is luv on the stock exchange right i think it's just its code we need we just got to get saint capital back on the pod to kind of uh give us more of a uh a rundown on this so i can forget it five minutes after yeah but it's a great kind of talk to you uh another babe just quick is battle ropes i've been hitting the battle ropes pretty hard dude such a great exercise i feel like it really tones up your your upper body and it's just like and you just feel like a yeah just a beast doing it where you're just like you know you just know you're just hitting these ropes down you know it's just like you know anyone that looks your way is like okay that guy's really he's really pushing himself so that's what fires me up um strider who's your baby of the week
Starting point is 01:29:25 under my baby of the week's gotta be my dank ass fiance dude um we've been nesting together recently and nesting is just when we make our place i've just i've understood is you know we've been doing a lot of interior decor as always and sort of to my fiance i was like let's step it up and like you know like cook together we've been enjoying that and she's like yeah that's we're nesting i'm like wait what what did you just say and that's just when you create a dank ass environment like as bros we can nest together you're nesting in your own place by building this dank ass pod studio for us to come to so i'm just fired up on on nesting right now and maybe like nesting with my my dank ass fiance i love that yeah sometimes i think our enjoyment of experiences are limited to the words we can use to describe
Starting point is 01:30:09 those experiences so anytime you come up with something novel like that that just brings such a different energy towards what you're doing you know then you're you're framing everything through that nesting imagery and idea and you're like oh we're like two birds in here exactly you know bringing our little trinkets and that's yes and that's the life we've kind of in we're that we're enjoying together it's like yeah dude nesting it's so it just made it made it just made me more psyched to be in here with you guys i was like we're not doing a podcast we're nesting we're nesting right now it's good word good it's great word and then now we're flying it out by creating these fucking signals to me we're laying eggs of stoke i'm honestly amped i'm described it better i'm pumped yeah amped good
Starting point is 01:30:50 word for it maybe a brand new word for it joe what's your baby uh my baby of the week is the stokers the fans of the pod uh anytime i see them at a you know after we do a comedy show or just see them out in public, everyone's always so cool and super nice, and it's just great to meet them and talk with them. It's always a great experience, and I appreciate them very much and how cool everyone always is. It's a joy to talk with them they're the best yeah dude especially coming from joe that's just perfect um my baby of the week is uh well for one thing it's it's the lady i've been seeing because uh i borrow from her so
Starting point is 01:31:41 liberally on here like she'll just say things and I'm just like, oh, that's a great thought. And then I do like, I'm Robin Williams-ing it a little bit where I take that thought and then I run with it. And I'm like, and I forget that I got the thought from her. I'm like, oh, this is my thought. And then like, so I guess last week when I was talking about auto-erotic asphyxiation and it being mistaken for suicide at times
Starting point is 01:31:59 and how that's bad for overall stoke because it makes us sad that these celebrities aren't happy when in fact they were just looking at jizz too hard and then um i was talking to her about it and she's like i said that and i was like oh dude i was like i'll cite you on the next pod my b dude and then my other babe of the week is a musician she showed me casey musgraves great songs dude like little country twang to him but pop friendly it's just the kind of music makes you want to drive through prom springs in a drop top 1980s convertible with your lady's hands in the air, cutting through the air.
Starting point is 01:32:29 You know, you got your hand casually over the steering wheel and you're kind of driving with your wrist a little bit. And it's just, yeah, it's just sprinkling you with dust as you drive out there. Fuck yeah. But it's not desert dust. It's like fairy dust a little bit. Your throat is fucking nice and wet.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Not parched, my friend. Not parched. It's not parched music. It's soothing music for your throat. Hydrating. Oh, fuck yeah. Maybe you had a fruit smash. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Joe, will you drink this? Just take a sip. I don't know. Look, I don't know what it is about you that's making you not sip this why dude but like you're you're this is like and this isn't rare for you it's a mental block you draw some lines in the sand yeah like the vaccine but why don't you just just try this and trust the science dude on cell 2 cell 2. I mean, it's 100 calories. It looks tempting. Just take a sip.
Starting point is 01:33:25 I'll finish it. 4.7. I mean, one of these days. Memorial Day. One of these days. Memorial Day. Memorial Day. How about that?
Starting point is 01:33:36 Episode 200 or Memorial Day. We'll see. I will eventually. Just know that. We're going to be 75 doing this podcast. Joe. Joe, drink a fruit smash. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:51 By then, fruit smash will be the number one selling beverage in all of the world. Yeah, there you go. Joe still might have tried it. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the look away high five. You guys familiar with this move? It's such a great move. Dude, when someone tells you something incredibly dank that really fires you up you know it's like it's like bro i got engaged
Starting point is 01:34:11 it's almost like you're so stoked that you you gotta slap skin you gotta slap skin hard but you look away as you do it because you're so fired up you know it's like it's like you're sort of like it's sort of like you're you're you're turning away like oh dude i'm not even worthy of being in your presence right now but you still show them the hand get that contact like should we demonstrate it yeah this sounds amazing i was hoping you'd ask that it just yeah let's tell me something fucking sick dude yeah tell me something awesome that just happened okay all right um hey so strider how's it going dude it's so fucking good dude um i just got my kd ratio up like 3.5 points on a cod the fuck does that mean hold on hold on dude oh wait i look at you yeah and get
Starting point is 01:34:59 i look at you get it get into the wide a little bit too see this middle one oh yeah so we can get good optics on it. All right. Maybe I can come up with something even tighter because Joe doesn't know about that. Okay, okay. Okay, I got something. I got something. Yo, Strider, how's your life going, man?
Starting point is 01:35:11 What's new? Dude, it's amazing. Joe actually tried Fruit Smash. That's awesome. Wait, can I throw one thing in there? Yeah. Can you guys get back into the original check? Can you get into your position when you had your hand out?
Starting point is 01:35:27 I don't think that's a thing. I think you've got to rotate your hand. I think you've got to pronate your hand a little bit. Like that? I think just there. Yeah, right there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you have to see the hands hit.
Starting point is 01:35:40 No, a little less twist. A little less twist. Right there, right there. It's not a no look. Does that feel awkward? Yeah, it's a no look because I trust that he's going to slap someone. No, it's a great move. It's a great move.
Starting point is 01:35:48 It's a great move. Yeah. So Joe tried fruit smash? Yeah. I can get another one for you, dude. I can get another one for you. Chad, what's up? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:55 What's going on with your life, man? What's up? Chilling, dude. I saw Joe's penis. It's bigger than we all thought. Whoa. That's what's up. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:36:04 It's too far away. That's what I'm i'm saying it's gonna mess up your hand because you're not ready there it is there it is fuck yeah it's one of those things too when it happens in life it's always seamless yeah yeah yeah it's hard to do i mean everything everything you told me fired me up beyond belief had you actually actually tried the fruit smash, I think we would have got it on the first take. I think it's true. So that's my legend. That's awesome. Strider, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:36:32 Dude, Kate Winslet. Nice, dude. Yeah, dude, she's bringing it, dude. Me and my freaking dank ass fiance in Washington, mayor of Easttown. Her performance is amazing, dude. Kate Winslet has been beasting it forever, bro. Since Titanic.
Starting point is 01:36:49 And she crushes it in this role, dude. I'm in. She does a really good job. Hell yeah. Check it out. Kevin Bacon's daughter's also in it. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:58 So does Guy Pearce. Nice. Nice. Good cast. Yeah, she's an amazing actress. I mean, Little Children, Revolutionary Road. Eternal Sunshine. Eternal Sunshine. nice nice good cast yeah she's an amazing actress i mean little children revolutionary road um eternal sunshine oh yeah yeah i'm just a fuck up fucked up girl looking for her own peace of mind bro that's it um yeah she's she's one of the best ever joe do you have a legend of the week yeah i do yeah i have two yeah because it's
Starting point is 01:37:26 this is actually yeah my mom's birthday is on sunday so she's my legend and also my grandfather who's also passed away it's his birthday tomorrow so i'm gonna have a big uh i'm gonna celebrate all weekend i'm gonna celebrate them have good food. Get wasted. No, not. Yeah, I'll get wasted. Just enjoy the weekend. Have a lot of fun. That's nice. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Well, hit me up, dude. I'll come freaking pound a brew. Nice. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do, man. That's awesome, man. My legend of the week is, and I might have done it before, the Maroon 5 song Sugar. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Aaron, come on, bro. Are you serious? You seriously don't like Sugar by Maroon 5? Aaron's shaking his head. Sugar. Oh, yeah. Great song. Yes, please.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Won't you come and put it down on me? That's your legend? Yeah, because I think that is the best song of all time. I think it's the best song of all time i think it's the best song of all time i think it is just pure pop perfection i think you know the muse of music came through maroon 5 and they honored its spirit and they honored what it was telling them and they just they came up with just the perfect song and i i think it's, I put it up there with like, is this 11?
Starting point is 01:38:45 Could you be loved where it's the kind of song that if you're not in a good mood afterwards, I think you need to go see somebody. And then it's like, Hey, do I need help? And I thought this before you did that, Aaron,
Starting point is 01:38:53 I don't, I don't think you do. I think you're an anomalous person when it comes to this stuff. You're, you're resistant to some charms, but I think that's part of your charm. Um, but I think that for me,
Starting point is 01:39:03 I guess if I hear that song and I'm like, I don't feel good afterwards I'm like whoa I'm in trouble like I gotta go I gotta go into Dr. Rice's office and get
Starting point is 01:39:10 boost the meds cause this song is you know it's just it gets ya it gets ya it gets ya light yeah
Starting point is 01:39:19 hell yeah I love that I wanna listen to that that DJ should play that song at that wedding the guy we're talking to and the video for the song from Room 5 the sugar video it's them going to different
Starting point is 01:39:29 weddings and surprising the guests oh let's go they drop these drapes they're on a stage and then everybody gets popping you know fucking let's go and then you look at what they got for food and they got in and out they got in it no oh i just i just tossed that in there as a little uh little aside little aside um chat what's your quote of the week um i gotta go with another quote from american pie just my favorite movie in my adolescence i just gotta keep you know shouting it out uh this comes from chris austriak when he's on the date with the uh with the college girl and he's trying to pull the moves he's like there's something about the springtime you know something in the air she's like yeah he's like yeah what does he say he's like this
Starting point is 01:40:19 thought he's like there's something about the springtime you know just it's really cool the air and she's like oh and he looks at her he's like suck me beautiful yeah that's great she's like what'd you just say and he's like suck me beautiful yeah he doubles down but with a little more self-doubt on the second one. Yeah. Strider, what's your quote of the week? All right, here it is. I don't know if I've done this before, but Joe,
Starting point is 01:40:51 Joe, if you're able to hit, and you guys all might be able to get this line, but Joe, I really expect you to get the line after I say this quote, okay? That's all I'm saying. It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes. It's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Starting point is 01:41:12 What's the next line? Hit it by Jake Blues. I mean, I knew that. You let down a lot of Chicagoans right now. Joe, you let down me? I was supposed to know hit it. I didn't remember that. I wouldn't have got that.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Was that you doing Ackroyd? It's me doing Ackroyd. He's your favorite from SNL all the time. I love him. He's the best. He can deliver dialogue so good. He does snap with the dialogue. Like in Gross Point Blank. Which Aaron doesn't like.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Aaron, what's going on, dude? Which is like the sugar of 1990s, you know, comedy crime films. Um, yeah, he's,
Starting point is 01:41:54 he's so good. He's just such a smart, funny guy. And he writes the blues, like he writes with, um, Landis that ghost brothers and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:01 And, uh, yeah, he's just a, and he's into UFOs. He's into niche stuff stuff he's a cool guy coneheads yeah funny speaking of uh lex like your lexicon and diction like coneheads is like a whole take on like um people like frats interpreted coneheads as like drinking and would play drinking
Starting point is 01:42:22 games around it because they're like, we will consume mass consumptions. And like they would all drink and stuff to watching those sketches. It's kind of interesting. That's cool. Joe, what's your quote? Just a real quick, Jack Peterson let off the game with a home run. So it's a one nothing Cubs. Hold on. Aaron has no mic. He's got a bit well no I'm just saying I just wanted to give a live
Starting point is 01:42:48 update on the game that's very interesting yeah just a fact that I was stating um what is it quote of the week oh yeah quote of the week is uh there's a cold beer calling my name. It's a song by Jameson Rogers and Luke Combs. Was that your quote of the week before we had our seltzer standoff? Yeah, because it's Friday and I'm thirsty. Nice. My quote of the week. So my favorite kind of theme in something is when two people in a movie or a song choose to love each other in the face of death or in the face of like some kind of like annihilation.
Starting point is 01:43:40 Deep impact. Deep impact. Yeah. And then a good example is I will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie just one of the cutest songs of all time and i think the line that summarizes what i'm talking about best is uh if heaven and hell decide they're both are satisfied illuminate the nose on their vacancy signs if there's no one besides you when your soul embarks then i'll follow you into the dark toy story three two when they're going down the uh like the terminal thing and it's putting them into the fire and then i'll just decide to
Starting point is 01:44:09 hold hands it's like that's all you can do we just hold each other's hands as we go towards uh towards nothing or maybe something but i like the idea that makes me feel better about the nothing if i feel like we can do something in the face of it chad what's your phrase that we forget after it my phrase the week forgetting after it is uh let's all buy new pants oh strider what's your phrase we forget after let's fucking go joe what's your phrase that we're gonna after it uh keep swinging oh yeah my phrase of the week this is about like what what's the best outcome for a night out with the boys let's jizz hell yeah all right
Starting point is 01:44:59 all right joe what alright Joe what will you try the fruit smash to end the episode I won't that's the best I won't well that's our episode I will someday but today's not that day
Starting point is 01:45:21 nice guys thanks for stopping in. Thanks for having us. Stokers, keep leaving reviews. And anything else? That's it, Doc. Yeah. Smash.
Starting point is 01:45:35 You're going out with a Trump supporter tonight? Dude, I'm fired up for you. I think that's going to be great. Yeah. I think it's good for the country. I think it's good for you, too. What's that? I think you're a uniter.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Yeah. Yeah, the country needs it. Pot Walker statue. You're doing it for all of us. Bring us together. Let's go. Bring this country together, Chad. Hell yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:59 All right. All right. These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just a half-hearted side You're going free
Starting point is 01:46:21 Going free Let's go I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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