Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 191- Actress Jordana Brewster

Episode Date: June 16, 2021

What up stokers?! We got an exciting one this week. Jordana Brewster from the Fast and Furious films joins the pod and talks about acting in the biggest movie franchise in the world, Vin Diesel, and w...hat Paul Walker was like. Honored.  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers? Good to see you. So stoked for this episode. I want to start off by saying that we are brought to you by Helix Beer Bongs. The best in the biz. They got amazing funnel technology. Check out our Helix Beer Bongs at ShopCGD.com if you want to start chugging some froth. We are also brought to you, of course course by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dingle dongles are looking fresh and clean because you got a dong or something like it. Yeah, and you got pubes, so trim them. Summer's coming. Are you ready to unwail your beach bod?
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Starting point is 00:01:33 What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we have our guest today. Needs no introduction, but you might know her best as Mia Toretto. So stoked to have you on the show. Thank you. We were a bit nervous before the pod yeah we were nervous this is a big deal for us
Starting point is 00:01:49 why? is it the personal public thing? because you were going to be on it no we were nervous because you were going to be on it I don't understand that do you get nervous for interviews? I get nervous you know what I get nervous when I'm not prepared for something.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Like when I, like recently I had this campaign and I did not understand what my job was. I kept reading all this. And I'm like, there's one message in here and I'm supposed to talk for like hours about this. How am I going to pull this off? And if I'm not prepared, I can't wing it. I'm not like one of those charming people that are like oh just like my sister Bella's really charming and she can pull it out of her ass and and and perform that day but I can't I need to like do the prep I'm that way I need to prep on most things but podcasts though
Starting point is 00:02:38 it's it's kind of a trip because you can prepare as much as you want to be like you write down like questions you but then again when you get into it you're sort of like you go on tangents right yeah it's interesting yeah you just people want to hear a free-flowing conversation that sounds like a real life one totally yeah but there is a bit of performance in it well i think for me the tricky part is like especially with you guys because i know you guys in real life it editor, right? Like I'll have to edit myself a little bit and be like, shut the fuck up, Jordana. Like don't tell that story.
Starting point is 00:03:08 No, let it rip. Let it rip. You can edit it later. What I like to do, I like to go too far in the recording and then I can pull it back. Right. Because you can't add stuff,
Starting point is 00:03:16 but you can always pull it out. So how do you edit? You have to hear the whole thing again. Yeah, I have to listen to myself all the time. It's brutal. Do you do it on hikes, on walks, or do you have you have to sit no i have to sit like with my laptop and just watch it's good you get very familiar with like your habits some good some bad right yeah well you must get that i mean do you watch yourself do you like to watch movies that you're in i often don't
Starting point is 00:03:39 um or i'll watch it once or twice and then years will will go by, I don't watch it. And then I'll have like a shitty version of like what that experience was like. And then I'll go back 10 years later, and I'll go, oh, my God, that was good. Like, recently, I did a podcast on Fast Five. Hadn't seen it in ages. So good. It's really, yeah. I already watched it two weeks ago. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's so good. And that's why it kind of, I feel like the scale of it kind of leveled up to a degree as well i agree it got more international four was in la yeah mainly right i haven't seen four in so long yeah four is primarily southern california four is la uh three tokyo drift two miami one echo park nice. And Long Beach. I couldn't, you guys know more than I do. It's so bad. But when I saw five, I was like,
Starting point is 00:04:29 damn, I was really good in that film. Same thing with one. I was really good in one. Tremendous. Yeah. But when I look back, I'm always like,
Starting point is 00:04:35 no, I really sucked in that. I don't know. I'm glad we're, go ahead. Well, when the editor says, we've got to cut,
Starting point is 00:04:42 do you get, because I get this, like a rush of anxiety. You're like, oh God, I don't want to see. Oh, um, editor says we've got a cut do you get because i get this like a rush of anxiety you're like oh god i don't want to see oh um no because i'm usually begging to see the movie oh you want to see it yeah well this time around it was different because we were set to come out before the pandemic and then the covid hit and it was like okay now we're going to delay a year
Starting point is 00:05:04 yeah the movie was ready. So I text Justin. I'm like, what's up, Justin? Like, look at this. This reminded me of you. And he's like, Jesus Christ, Jordana. Like, just come out and say it. And I'm like, how's the movie coming along?
Starting point is 00:05:18 And he's like, it's really good, Jordana. Like, you'll see it when you see it. But I just kept hinting at it because I was dying to see it. So I wasn't nervous. I went with my boyfriend, Mason. We watched it together. Who's here? Mason's over here.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Listening. Mason, good friend of ours as well. Yeah. And you guys, we owe our relationship partially to you guys. Yeah, let's tangent that. Totally. Can we hear the origin story from your perspective? From my perspective, so there was a period of time where we were DMing each other on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's how it happens these days. It's how it happened. Well, or that or like Raya, which I was lucky I never had to. You didn't have to get on Raya? I don't think I would do well. I feel like it's. I've never been on there. Right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 I got on recently. And I had like a month where I was like going deep into the dating apps. But then after a month, you're kind of like... Is it addictive, the scrolling in the page? You've already kind of found your people. Yeah, it's addictive. And then I kind of realized the better connections kind of come from people that you, for me at least, that I've known for a little bit where we can sort of rekindle. That's what I found recently.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I agree. Yeah. Who are you talking about? No, I'm just kidding. Don't worry about it. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Chad was tripping out today because someone had to text him back.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, I was dying. Yeah, he was in his anxiety. How long did she take? Three hours. Well, it was like okay i was like i was just on the couch jt's like we were working on a little pitch talk we're working on and i was like i can't focus man because i i made a joke and then i was like oh maybe that didn't read as a joke. Oh, no. And so I was like, do I have to do the explanation? So I showed JT and he's like, I think it's- Can you tell us the joke?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Was it maybe offensive? No, it was like, so I saw her, I bought her a taco, right? I was like, let me know how much I can Venmo you for that minus the taco I bought you. Which I thought was funny. That's a good joke, right? It's funny, but yeah, I can see how shit- On text where it's like, oh a good joke it's funny but yeah i can see how on on text where it's like oh this guy's really so i was like i was like dude you might have to say you were joking right
Starting point is 00:07:31 yeah i was on the fence i was like i don't know how she'll take it but i was like i would clarify so i clarified oh no 45 minutes later oh god yeah wait so why don't you think you would do well on raya i just wait first i'd like to go back to so then how did she respond um she responded with a joke back okay good yeah okay so then everything was okay yeah but i was just so i was like i was like dude i messed it all up no it's awful and then you can also check their instagram feed and whether or not they've posted yeah or been a awake or live or whatever it is yeah um yeah that's really horrible yeah luckily i didn't have to go on any um dating apps but i wouldn't do well because i'm just not good at i don't like
Starting point is 00:08:20 dating i don't like like i don't mind putting my best face forward and being interviewed or doing that sort of stuff, but not with like, I don't know. I've been a serial, like in serial relationships my whole life. Right. So I don't think I'd like to like. That's what you're used to. Test out the waters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Like some girlfriends were like, oh my God, you're single. You're going to have so much fun for a while. You weren't looking forward to like a hot girl summer? No. Right. At all. Well, you know what you like that's good yeah so so you and mace you guys are dming each other like flirty banter stuff we're dming each other sometimes few and far between sometimes regularly but i but you gotta give it some space at times you gotta give it
Starting point is 00:09:00 some space but also yeah there are other factors at hand. But he was, to me, he had like the ultimate badge of like checkmark or certificate of approval because he was very close with my best friend in the world, Max, who I just trust her. I love her. He'd been vetted. He'd been vetted. That's how I met him initially. And then we would just occasionally DM. But he sent me one of your guys' podcasts. And I didn't listen to it initially, but it did turn me on to it because I knew also about the Paul Walker statue because my dad had also sent me that.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, interesting. And which is funny because Mason always says, like, you're kind of with your dad. And which is funny because Mason always says like, you're kind of with your dad. Sometimes they have very, they're very, both very intellectual, very like dry sense of humors. So that's funny. That's another tangent we make.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Right. Slight electric complex thing going on. That's normal. Yeah. I didn't, I mean, I didn't prior to this, but I finally made the right choice. So if I do, it's fine. Yeah. The prodigal daughter, you had to move away before you came back. Yeah. That didn't, I mean, I didn't prior to this, but I finally made the right choice. So if I do, it's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You're the prodigal daughter. You had to move away before you came back. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not ashamed of it. Where were we?
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then, oh, the Paul Walker statue. Because you guys have picked that up again. But that's what drew me to the pod as well as Mason's recommendation. But I always thought of that as like is it a joke is it not a joke right that's I wanted to ask you guys about I was really when it first sort of blew up because it it sort of blew up outside of like a San Clemente newspaper or their Facebook page released it and so it was at like 2 million views before I even knew. And that was like my first worry, you know, because I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:52 oh, like I was talking to my sister about it. I'm like, well, how do I convey that I'm like a true, genuine fan? Like I just love, like it came from a real place, you know? So that was one of the biggest concerns i had when it first came out um i'm glad you guys can clarify that because i think i think the reason there's a misconception is because you guys use that that device of like talking to um city hall and and arguing your case and oftentimes it is the jokes on them right right but with the paul one it's or it's in their hands to decide whether the jokes on them right right but with the paul one it's or
Starting point is 00:11:25 it's in their hands to decide whether the jokes on them or not i suppose right yeah i think one thing is that uh with our speeches is the jokes on us kind of because it's more like it's up to other people i guess but that's how i think of it yeah i don't know how much i want to go behind the curtain but it's sort of like the the but the paul one was in earnest that's what i think it's up to other people i guess but that's how i think of it yeah i don't know how much i want to go behind the curtain but it's sort of like the the but the paul one was in earnest that's what i think it's the most sincere of everything we've done and the fact that i mean you guys should get it built i agree there should be a monument to him i've always thought when he first passed i was working with um brandon bertel his partner who i who I really love he's wonderful he took over the Paul Walker Foundation and I was like initially I had a vision for for Paul's legacy where it would kind of be like
Starting point is 00:12:12 the Paul Newman brand you know where it's sort of ubiquitous you see it everywhere and I knew about the brand before I knew about Paul Newman the actor so to me he was like the salad dressing guy well that's kind of what I wanted, not as the salad dressing guy, but like still as someone who was... Yeah, or into a consumer good, but someone who's kind of always in our lives and kind of a wholesome image for people.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Absolutely. That's what I wanted. So we'll see. We'll see where it goes. I think it'll get there. Yeah. Can you talk more about, because our fandom is kind of removed.
Starting point is 00:12:46 We never got to meet him. Can you talk maybe about meeting him, doing the first Fast and Furious and kind of your relationship afterwards? It's funny because for the first one, we weren't, I mean, we were all, like, think about that time. It was like we were on the heels of,
Starting point is 00:13:04 I mean, I remember when the first one came out, we went to the Deauville Film Festival. It was us, Tara Reid, Heath Ledger. Like it was just a bunch of- That sounds like summer camp for all the cool young actors. It was so much fun. But none of us were really hanging out in earnest and really chilling because we just had the maturity of like a bunch of teenagers basically given a lot of exposure and not power because we didn't have any power but it was just a fun time and it wasn't until four that I really got to know Paul and really started talking to him more.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And, and we talked about his daughter and we talked about where I was and, um, And you guys must've changed so much in that time from one to four, right? So much. I mean, that must be incredible with these fast moves where you come back and it's
Starting point is 00:13:57 like, you know, it's almost like that seven up series, this documentary where they come back every seven years. It's like, you guys can be radically different people each time you meet up again. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you think about you know one movie we were all single the next some of us are married some of us aren't some of us are divorced um
Starting point is 00:14:13 now i'm separated have two kids at the very beginning i had none like we're all of us are going through different phases of life and kind of going through it together yeah it's really cool and and I'll call Vin up and I'll be like, I mean, right before the pandemic, there was something huge I was going through and I had to make a huge decision on whether or not to do something. And he was like, I didn't listen to my dad gave me advice. My husband at the time gave me advice and I was like, I'm going to call Vin. Like I called Vin and i'm like yes okay i will i will take that advice and i'm gonna he gave you good advice he gave me really really good advice so is vin kind
Starting point is 00:14:50 of like the what's his role in the kind of social dynamic vin is he brings everyone together um before we start a film he usually has a get together where i I mean, I'm an introvert. So this is my idea of a nightmare where, oh my God, this happened on five too, where I made Paul sit next to me, but there was a mic. Anytime you see a mic, you're like, I'm going to have to give a speech. And you never know when it's going to happen. It could happen like on the first course, the second course. And like, you kind of have to moderate your drinking according according to when you're going to have to get up there. And there's no escaping it.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And so the whole time, you can't really have fun because you're like, what am I going to say? And preparing. But ultimately, it's the kind of thing where you're like, I'm really glad I did that. Because people open up. It's a way to bring everyone together. It's really nice. But we do that with every single one so vin has you guys give a speech yeah and he gives speeches my dad makes everyone do that
Starting point is 00:15:51 at dinner my dad will just point go hey give a speech yeah and doesn't it give you like performance anxiety it doesn't also after the first one it's great but then he keeps making people give speeches i'm like hey come on like let's fix like let's have a fixed amount here yeah but i get it because it does it makes people open up and kind of pour out their feelings that everyone wants to hear but maybe wouldn't come out and just uh more stilted hangs totally yeah yeah yeah so then you're on four and you and paul really kind of yeah so on four paul and Paul really kind of, yeah. So on four, Paul and I really, um, our,
Starting point is 00:16:27 our friendship became stronger. I remember he gave me like, he gave me this album. It wasn't, it wasn't Ben Harper. Um, it was Amos Lee. And I just remember Paul having this,
Starting point is 00:16:40 what was magnificent and really cool about Paul and what I was amazed, I was really amazed with the fact that after he passed, it seemed like having not met him, everyone still got it. Like this deep feeling coupled with an appreciation for everyone around him does that make sense like he made everyone feel he valued everyone whether it be the camera guy the makeup person the costume person he made everyone feel very seen and I think that's a very rare trait to have especially in this industry yeah um and the other thing i i thought was kind of magnificent about paul was that he would talk he would never talk about like he would never brag like i think a lot of actors are like oh i benched this much or oh i do this sport who's bragging about their bench i mean no one clearly
Starting point is 00:17:48 or about their fasts or about you know their ice water baths like no one that's what doesn't happen guys was that was that was the ice water bath thing a chat i'm just kidding you guys um but but what I thought was was was so cool was like talking to Brandon after Paul passed like there were all these things about him that he never spoke about like he was super intelligent about um conservation and uh he lived so humbly. He had this, like, smaller house in Santa Barbara and was super chill and low-key. And he collected all these and restored all these cars. And, like, that wasn't something he'd be on set and go, like, hey, like, I just bought this car and I'm restoring it. He would never flex like that, which I think says a lot about him. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, one thing. He also played a joke on me that I have to share. Oh, yeah, yeah. I felt like such an idiot. One of the most fun parts about shooting the Fast franchise is franchise. And we don't get to do it this time around, which sucks because of COVID. But we traveled to Brazil. We traveled to Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:19:03 We traveled to Mexico. And usually to taiwan we traveled to uh mexico and and usually michelle would get paired up with vin i would get paired up with paul and one time on our way to brazil paul was next to this really big burly dude and i was like oh who's who's that guy and he's like he's my translator i was like okay cool and and i let it fly for like the next couple of days and i was like that's kind of weird that he would have a translator like usually the studio provides that and like come to find out days later they were like dude he's my buddy and my trainer like you are such an idiot that like i'm the most gullible person but he was always playing those sweet jokes on me yeah i one of the things from his documentary that I loved that you kind of hinted
Starting point is 00:19:48 at was that he seemed to have like this inherent humility that you're talking about. Like he was almost like, especially when the first fast took off, he was almost like a sort of reluctant movie star. Like he had the star power and everyone loved him, you know, but he kind of wanted to stay down to earth and he lived in santa barbara and and sort of was connected to the ocean and all these kind of it seemed like he had that which i think was just so such a cool thing to learn about him that he
Starting point is 00:20:15 just like i i imagine just this incredible warmth um about him that i've sort of gleaned from what i've seen no it's true he did yeah he absolutely did yeah when you when you do so many of the the fast songs like for like you and vin and you guys are playing brother and sister does it ever feel like you like our brother and sister now it does it does he was actually one of the first people I called. I mean, every milestone I go through, I call him. I can't share his response this time around because it would be wildly inappropriate. Why don't you let it rip? No, I can't. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:20:55 But he just, he's so, yeah, he is like my big brother. What was the milestone? It was actually separation, so that's why I can't, I cannot share. No, but that is a good thing, right? Yeah, no, he's, yeah, he held Julian in his arms when he was a baby. He, like I can, you know, it's insane. It's crazy. And Mason said he calls you sis, right?
Starting point is 00:21:23 He does, yeah. That's cool. Oh, wow. That's nice. Oh, wow. That's nice. Did you feel that sort of connection, that sort of sibling connection even from the first movie? You guys have really, like, I was going to say, your guys' sibling rapport is, like, really lived in,
Starting point is 00:21:37 even in the first one. Thank you. No, the first one I really didn't know what I was doing. The first one I think I was so scared. I was 21. That's one, I think I was so scared. I was 21. That's crazy. It is crazy. Although I thought I was younger, but I guess now that the,
Starting point is 00:21:51 although maybe I was 20 when we were shooting it because it came out when I was 21. So I was 20. I could not have handled that pressure at 21. I mean, I don't know if I could handle it now, but like at 21. But I didn't know back then that it was pressure, right? Right. I think as we get older, we get more neurotic and more fearful.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Right. But even though I was pretty neurotic as a 20 year old, but so I was at school, I was at Yale. And then I... Were you in the acting school there? No, I was clearly not. I was kidding. I was no, I was undergrad. I was majoring in English. And I... My sister was there at the same time. She was? Yeah. And she was at Saybrook. Uh-huh. And we were big fans of Fast and the Furious at that time. So I remember she came back from, she's like, you know, Mia Toretto's at my school. Oh my gosh, that's so cool. I was like, no.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I was like, no effing way. I was like 11. I was like, no way, Bridget. Yeah. Oh my God. Just a little tangent, but yeah. So I came over to LA. I auditioned and then got the job and then had to take off a summer.
Starting point is 00:22:53 But then we went over. So then I took off another. I took off the fall semester. But what was the original question? I totally forgot. Your rapport with Vin. Oh, my rapport with Vin. And then feeling nervous on set or not knowing
Starting point is 00:23:06 where you're at on set yeah on the first one i just felt like vin was this he was coming off a big movie so i was intimidated by him pitch black pitch black and saving private ryan right yeah saving private ryan was the one you were talking about yes and then and then uh paul was coming off this other rob cohen movie but the skulls skulls they were they were more hollywood than i was and then michelle coming off of girl girl fight that was a dope movie so awesome and michelle also like i admire this she has so much integrity she is the least full of shit person in this town like she'll quit you told us she doesn't care you told me that she'll like town. Like she'll quit. She doesn't care. You told me that she'll like,
Starting point is 00:23:47 if an interviewer asks a question she doesn't like, like she'll just. She'll just leave. Right. She will just leave. And she has, I think the ability to walk away from money, the ability to walk away from the business
Starting point is 00:23:57 gives her that freedom. And from the very beginning, she read the script and she was like, no, I'm not playing her like this. And so she had to create with Rob, like a character. Cause she, Letty was written as like the girlfriend and she was like, no, I'm not playing her like this. And so she had to create with Rob like a character. Letty was written as like the girlfriend and she was like, this is bullshit, especially coming off of Girl Fight. So she made that into something more interesting
Starting point is 00:24:13 and it was really fun to watch her be like Dom and like, you know, be the one that was. A badass in her own right. A badass, yeah. So, but all that to say i would go to set um do my job work and then i'd come home this is so lame i was staying at the standard for the whole summer and i would order dinner and like watch big brother because i felt so lonely i wasn't having fun or like doing anything crazy i was just like working really hard and then I was super lonely.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Did you like miss school and stuff like that? Like miss all your friends and whatnot? I had no friends at school. It was when you're an actor and then working. I mean, I think it might be different now. Oh, because you'd already done the faculty too. This wasn't your first movie. It wasn't the first movie.
Starting point is 00:25:01 The faculty was different because the faculty, we were all in Austin, Texas. We were sort of not stuck alone, but we were like, none of us had our driver's license. It wasn't Hollywood. I forgot he's the teacher in it. He's the teacher. It was such a great cast. And Elizabeth Avalon, Robert Rodriguez's ex, but his producing partner, would make sure we all got together. It was like a camp-like experience. When you're in L.A. where Paul lived here, I think Vin lived here, it was just different. I just felt like sort of the outcast. Were you auditioning at Yale?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Or how did that work? I would take – I would go to LA. So the reason I had no friends was cause I would, uh, go to the city on Thursdays. I would only spend like Monday to Thursday in new Haven studying and taking classes. And then I'd go to the city and party. Not a great new Haven, not great outside of the campus either. No. And plus there's like two bars. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I mean, it was great. It was like a good pizza shop. Not if you grew up in New York and you're like having lots of fun. You and Bella were like club kids in New York, right? Well, club kids makes me think of that movie. I want to do exaggerated. No, Bella and I were like, we'd go to, yes, we'd go to like Bill Bouquet and dance on tables and drink wine. And we were definitely
Starting point is 00:26:26 when you were like teenagers yeah yeah that's so fun but you're either doing it in a metropolitan setting taking cabs and i was like drinking zimas on stoops and then going to a club it was really fun um or you're doing it at house parties so i was doing it at the club but it's advanced i mean it's like you said precocious like uh i don't know i but yeah toads in new haven wasn't gonna that wasn't really my thing and it sucked for me because i'd seen all these pictures of my dad as a hippie at yale in the 70s and everyone looked so old and i was like oh my god everyone's so sophisticated it's gonna be so cool and then i got there and i was like, oh, wow. Wow, we're just kids. And I was a year older because I deferred.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So, yeah, I wasn't going to – there wasn't going to be much socializing. When the first – Except for my best friend – not my best friend, but my good friend, Deborah Friedle, who now works for the London Review of Books, and I still talk to her all the time. Oh, no, that's cool. Give it up for Deborah. I love her.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I love her. She's so awesome. When you were shooting the first Fast, did you have an idea of how big it was going to be? No. I remember it was called Redline. I remember it being based on an article. I really had no clue.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And then I remember the producer telling me they changed the title to Fast and Furious. And I was like, that kind of sounds like a porn. Like, that's the worst title. Are you serious? A lot of good movies have good porn titles, though. Like, tell me another one. The Hurt Locker. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:27:59 No, I don't know. But I just thought it sounded, I don't know. I didn't like it. I had no idea how um big it would be and then i remember i think the first weekend was like 48 million dollars and that was unheard of and right just insane did you go on the trl route yes what was that like i was i was a huge trl kid i love trl personally About as cool as it got. Remember? He was very cool.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And remember spring break? We had to go to Mexico for spring break. Those were amazing. I know. Never saw any body hair. There was never any body hair on spring break. Like the foam pit, everyone dancing. A lot of sex too.
Starting point is 00:28:37 A girl would be like, my fantasy is to be wrapped in a burrito with a guy. And I remember being in fifth grade. I was like, is that hot? And then they put him in a burrito and the camera cut to them. They were making out, covered in sour cream. And I was like, this is amazing. I was like, is that hot? And then they like put them in a burrito and the camera cut to them. They were making it out like covered in sour cream. And I was like, this is amazing. I was like, I got to get out there. So yeah, we went to spring break.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It was, yeah, it was really awesome. It was really, really fun. We had an idea where we wanted to bring it. We got a call from MTV like early on. We were like, we should bring back spring break. I don't know how far we got into it it was a good idea i like the idea still i uh yeah i'm willing to shave my chest whatever they need but i'll whack yeah it was it was it really was like a seminal thing for i think people of
Starting point is 00:29:17 of that age group yeah that age group were like this is where i want to go it was like this like paradise and you're like oh man one day if i could just get there and you know i could see corn perform live and then i think we had to be at nelly or oh it doesn't get much better than that oh my god or maybe it was ja rule because she did the he did the first one with shanti remember that song i'm real mesmerized every little thing that I do. Yeah. You and me and you. Yeah. And mesmerized. Is that mesmerized? Those eyes. Love it when you call me baby.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah, that song slaps. What's the fast... The first line in it? On two, one, one. Fast two, one. The Fast and the Furious one is like, fast and the furious or something. I think Ludacris kind of really took the mantle when he did move bitch for this oh right is that for too fast i think that was for too fast yeah
Starting point is 00:30:10 or at least came out around the same time what was your rule like really job so has he ever messaged you and he's like you guys replaced me with tyrese and god can you imagine that would be really awkward well he missed out on like a lot you know i thought he was great too. The most, that's grammatically incorrect. You know who I feel the worst for is Jesse from Fast and Furious 1. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That day he got killed off. Chad Bloomberg. I'm like, dude, I recently started following him on Instagram because I'm just like, what? Oh, that sucks. What happened? Well, he's just not part of the other eight movies.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Right. Like that sucks. He was great too he was great yeah it was really good the whole cast was so good yeah matt schultz was also great but then he died in five do you know what he called me what so he so we were shooting in atlanta for five we shot most of it in atlanta a lot in puerto rico a little bit in Brazil. And I, I, I'm just, I'm still like this where if I'm shooting somewhere and I like, I constantly check flights.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Cause I always want to get home as soon as we wrap for the weekend or for a three day weekend. And so the flights to Atlanta were such that I think the last one's at eight o'clock. So then I'm on a flight with Matt. And he's like, Oh, let's sit next to each other. And I'm like, no buddy, I don't want to talk. Like I don't want, I'd's sit next to each other and i'm like nobody i don't want to talk like i don't want i'd rather sit next to a stranger trying to chill you're so weird you're like the female larry david oh that's high praise yeah i mean it is now but at the time i was like just
Starting point is 00:31:39 because i want to relax and not like talk and he was was like, I just don't want to get recognized. And I was like, neither of us are going to get recognized. Like just relax. Yeah. That's funny. So yeah. Do you keep in touch with him at all? I don't,
Starting point is 00:31:54 I haven't seen him for a, for a minute. Yeah. I was going to do, it's interesting to me that you were in Annapolis with James Franco and Tyrese. And then. And Justin. And that's what I was going to ask,
Starting point is 00:32:05 is that Justin Lin was the director before he did any of the Fast movies. So you were the only Fast actor who had worked with Justin. Like, did you... Well, Tyrese was in two. Oh, that's true. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:16 But Justin was like... I mean, I love him so much. He's so... That dude has so much integrity. If you watch his movies, and if you watch Nine, you'll see, I'm completely blanking on his name, but a really good actor from Annapolis is in Nine. Like he's constantly recycling the people he's working with. He's a real, really loyal guy. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It is. But so Justin was entertaining the idea of Tokyo Drift while on set. And he was like, listen, they're talking to me about this. And I was like, you have to fucking do it. That would be awesome. So, yeah. So you kind of gave him the nudge. You were like, you got to do this.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I gave him the push. And then so when you guys were all together on four, was it just like, oh, my God, I can't believe we're this kind of. It was. Four, I was still sort of like, I still felt like the awkward, odd man out. Because when you're doing a movie or a television show, it's much easier to like shoot every day and to be there every day than it is to like come in once a week.
Starting point is 00:33:19 That makes a lot of sense. Once a month. So on four, I was there for like two weeks or so. And, you know, I shot a bunch of scenes and it was awesome, but it wasn't like I was there for like two weeks or so and you know i shot a bunch of scenes and it was awesome but it wasn't like i was there for the entirety of the film you weren't embedded in like i wasn't embedded in the crew same thing with six with six i got boned because i was shooting dallas and then uh in five i mean how long is it because i re-watched five recently like the the train stunt that you guys did how long
Starting point is 00:33:45 does it take to shoot a scene like that the train stunt was oh paul so the the so there are a couple of aspects like the the train where it's like the really cool opening scene where they're opening the right the door and then we're revealed that was all shot in the back of a soundstage in atlanta okay um and then the interior was shot in the soundstage in atlanta i remember one day paul was just like i'm really hurting i've got like one hour of sleep and i was like we'll get through this like the scene where the scene where we're talking about going to Goa or that really sweet scene. I think that was because, again, I was the good boring girl. And Chris Bridges, Ludacris, took everyone to a concert.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I was like, no, I'm just going to stay home and get my beauty rest. But everyone else was hurting the next day. And I wish I'd gone because that'd be a better memory. Speaking of the soundstage acting, I think about this all the time. I was like really stoned one time when I was watching Wrath of the Titans with Liam Neeson and Sam Worthington.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And Liam Neeson had to pretend that he had like God powers and that he was shooting lightning bolts, but it was just a closeup of him. And so he's like doing like this weird, like kind of twitching and hand movement. And I was like, I think that's harder acting than being like Sean Penn and mystic river and having to pretend that your daughter was murdered because I could, as like not even really an actor place myself more easily in the Sean Penn part and like kind of know what
Starting point is 00:35:19 to do then to pretend I have like power. So when you're like in your acting experiences, doing stuff like that, where you're like pretending you're on a moving train, is that harder than doing like emotional scenes? Yes, because oftentimes, like there's a whole sequence in Fast 9. And you guys have to tell me what you think when you see it.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's so elaborate. I'm like rescuing someone and it involves John Cena. And there there's like a like I can show you pictures of what actually what it actually looked like and it's pretty tame like we're 360 degrees it's like green screen I'm on a tank nothing's really moving but um Justin's piecing it all together knowing exactly what he wants and then when you see it come to life, it's this dynamic, massive action sequence. But they've shot a lot of it, you know, piecemeal. And that is really difficult.
Starting point is 00:36:13 It's also really difficult where sometimes because of weather or because of just different elements, like you don't have certain actors. different elements like you don't have certain actors so there was one there was one day like the most beautiful scene in the movie is always the barbecue at the end where we're all coming together so i come i come over to i think it's santos or romero um but it was really justin's driver i was like justin what the fuck like and he's like you signed up for this and I was like dude because I was supposed to be like speaking Portuguese and super warm and like giving this guy a big hug and I'm like you're talking about I know it's Johnny from no it's Johnny from Transpo it's worse it's like like I've seen him all the time and like it dude you're Justin's driver but um that's the kind of stuff you have to roll with.
Starting point is 00:37:06 And, you know. There's no acting training for that either. No, you just have to make it work. But I did remember something today that my acting teacher, Nancy Bank, said, which I really love and hold on to. Like, I was getting kind of bitchy in my head about, oh, my God, there's so many interviews and I'm really tired. You did do 45 five-minute interviews today? I did. Yeah, I did 45 four-minute, but two of them were 10 minutes. But there were a lot, right? But so Nancy said, I take this class where it's once a week. I mean, I don't know when we're
Starting point is 00:37:41 going to go back because of COVID, but it's the small theater. It's awesome because you see people perform and they're so good, so much better than me, so much better than a lot of working actors I know. And also I watch them perform and I'm like, that's perfect. How's Nancy going to tweak that? And she does. And then I'm like, whoa, because for me, like in my twenties, anytime a director would approach me, I'd be like, like, I think that i was getting a note that would mean something reflect poorly on me but really it's just a tweak that's going to help you but seeing that firsthand with nancy has been really really helpful but um this one thing she says in class is like once you get the job and you're on set
Starting point is 00:38:22 that's the dream like Like that's smooth sailing. This is the work. Auditioning is the work. Like the torture you go through to get to that is the work. And I had to remember that when I was like, oh, so many interviews. I was like, no, that's nothing. What age did you start acting?
Starting point is 00:38:41 I started at 15. 15. What motivated you? So I had the same confidence my son has. My son is seven. His name is Julian. And Strider's his babysitter. Strider's his Manny.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Sorry. Strider's his Manny and his buddy. Also kind of his, I would say his- Guru? Guru, confidant slash- Couldn't be a better guy in that spot oh my god because he's like he explains things so well he's ethical he's like a really great leader for my for for zhuzi um and anyway i see julian like sometimes like checking himself out in the mirror and he's flexing and like he just or like I'm like, Julian, let's get a haircut. And he's like, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:31 The ladies love my curls. And I'm just like, dude, like you. And I remember I had the same level of confidence when I was a little girl. And I thought, oh, it's like me and Claudia Schiffer. Like I was delusional. So I think it was was delusional. So I think it was a delusional sense of self-confidence that I had coupled with a desire to perform, which I started to in grade school. This is horrible.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I was cast as Jesus in Godspell. And I thought I was the shit. And then I won the award for like acting. And then my dad was like, yeah, that's because I donated to the school that year. And I was like- Why did your dad tell you that? Why didn't he tell me that? Were you too high on your own supply? Were you treating people poorly
Starting point is 00:40:12 as a result of your success? He told me like three years ago and I was like, that changed the trajectory of my life. Oh, he waited that long to tell you? He waited that long. Wow. And I was like, whoa, dad. That is heavy.
Starting point is 00:40:22 At this point, it's worked out so the deception was worth it. Totally. And do you think that desire to perform came from being an introvert? I think it did. I think it, I've listened to lots of interviews. There are lots of army brats that became actors. Like, Viggo Mortensen's a really interesting one.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Have you ever, like, listened to anything, any podcasts he's done? No. I've heard about that he lives in like idaho he lives in idaho but he grew up in in um spain i think and then he moved around again so i think there's a sense of of if you're a chameleon and nomadic childhood you're always having to reinvent yourself everywhere you go but i didn't reinvent myself i just always i felt like the odd person, but you do end up observing people and observing what you need to do if you were to, actually, that's not true. You didn't change who you were, but you knew how to fit in. I knew how to fit in or I tried to fit in. Like I went from wearing what I would wear in Brazil to like then, oh, okay, Doc Martens are cool and L.L. Bean backpacks are cool and wearing this kind of jewelry is cool. So I'm going to do that for a little while at the all-girls school that I went to.
Starting point is 00:41:28 How was that? See, it's another thing where Bella did really, really well. She, like, excelled and played volleyball and was, like, the head of her class. And I just was picked on. And I had a really hard time. I did not like it. I was really happy to get out of there. I mean, I remember going through a period where I would, I mean, I, I would pretend, I don't know if I was actually sick, but I would say I had a stomach ache and I just stayed home and watched.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Remember like back in the day it was, I love Lucy reruns. And, um, I would just watch that and eat macaroni and cheese all day. And this was just to avoid the girls at my school. Yeah. Do you think, because I'm an introvert too. So I've always felt like, like we do like stand up and stuff. I've always felt like, you know, because I would always be kind of shy in school. But then if there's like a stage or like with stand-up, there's a mic,
Starting point is 00:42:26 it's like that's my opportunity to like be myself. That's sort of I think how I always felt about it. Yeah. Did you have that same kind of like drive? I think it might have been that. I think because I didn't like sports, because I didn't like – I wasn't good at anything else. sports because I didn't like I wasn't good at anything else I think it was a means of self expression and and and the feedback loop is so fast with acting it's like there's connection
Starting point is 00:42:53 with someone like once I got on a soap opera and I in in New York the so not to say that not to disparage soap operas on the west coast but like the guy that played my dad graduated from Juilliard. Like he was awesome. And to be able to just play and act with someone daily and have all these lines of dialogue that you need to memorize. It was just so engaging for me. It was just I needed that constantly. Yeah. It's almost like you're able to like the way I think about acting and stuff or like stand up, it's like you're able to tap into this like energy source. Totally. That like, you know, it's like you have like material or lines and it's like you get to like be this person.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's such a, yeah, how do you describe it? Just sort of like a. Tapping into an energy source is a really good way of describing it. Yeah, because it's like you sort of hold it in. Because I had older siblings that were very kind of like super confident and loud. And I could never speak at the dinner table. I could just never get a word out. So it's like I had all this energy within.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And then you get a microphone and you're like, all right, now I get to let it out. Totally. I think people would say the same thing about music. Because like with, with Mason, I noticed he'll be, he'll get like, not to speak for you, my love, but like you, you,
Starting point is 00:44:09 it's like you need that outlet. And then once you get into that groove, it's like super gratifying. I think everyone needs that. Yeah. Whether it be writing music, acting. But,
Starting point is 00:44:20 and I think where you get screwed up is cause my acting has gotten, my auditions have gotten better. My in the last year, like post separation, post COVID, post all of that, because I feel like I stopped trying to interrupt the process and just let it flow. Right. I think that's really important. Yeah, I think so much of it is just like getting out of your own way. I think so much of it is just like getting out of your own way. It's like you do all this, you know, training and stuff in order to find that like stillness in order to really perform.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's like you do all this work to get to a place where the thoughts kind of subside, I think. When you're performing though, do you, does the audience, do they freak you out? Because like that would scare me. At like a show yeah only if it's people i know if it's people i know if it's people i don't know actually i really enjoy bombing what's bombing where like no one laughs oh oh yeah what is this bombing yeah
Starting point is 00:45:17 bombing sounded like like you just okay yeah uh Just because it's... You do? He's really good at it. If it's people... Not that he does it a lot, but when a joke goes bad, a lot of people shrink and he actually comes alive a little bit more, which is rare.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah, because it's like... A lot of times, just with my style, it would just go over people's heads. So it'd just be kind of fun to sort of they'd be staring at you and you're just kind of you feel like you're messing with them a little bit do you feel like you've been muzzled you guys have been muzzled now with like having to be like even with the the dog joke you do right like do you feel like i feel like if i were to say that
Starting point is 00:45:57 people would be like what are you talking about what do you mean like that's cruel yeah like that must be really hard now to navigate that i enjoy it i think it's like it's like an entrapment when katherine zeta jones is going to get that diamond and she's got to slither through the lasers yeah i think jerry sonnenfeld described it that way i'm like okay well there's more lasers now and i'm like all right well you just got to slip through a couple more and then right entire degree of difficulty so no i don't i mean that's like to me if you like i understand why people complain about it but if you're complaining about that it's like screaming at like the wind or something like
Starting point is 00:46:27 that like it's a good way of looking it's kind of bigger than you so you just have to figure out a way to i don't know i think you can still be edgy you just have to right be smart about it totally and take risks but i don't you don't have to i don't think it's as it's bad like you know like i talked about it like ali kemper getting in trouble for doing like a beauty pageant in the South. Like stuff like that is like, it's like, I think. Like years and years ago. Yeah, it's too much. But overall, I'm like, as a comedian,
Starting point is 00:46:51 I'm like, no, I think I can figure this out. It's also fun seeing art comment on this phenomenon. Like there's this show with Jean Smart on HBO. Have you guys seen it? It's called Hack, I think. Hacks, I haven't watched it, but a friend of ours, we're not super tight, but Hannah Einbender's on it. Oh, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Is she the comedian? She's the, yeah, she's the other lead. She's the writer. She's really, really good. She's always, like the moment, I was like,
Starting point is 00:47:12 yeah, she's super talented. She's super good. Yeah, she's great. And that's the whole thing with her character is that she gets canceled because of like one relatively benign joke
Starting point is 00:47:21 that she makes and then she's done. Oh, really? And she has to go work for fucking gene smart who's who sucks although there is a lesson in it and that gene smart works her butt off and this i love this show i'm on like the binged on three episodes last night nice um chad do you have more before we get into cues yeah a few questions um let's see. These are more for Mia, if you don't mind.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Could you answer these questions as Mia? I'm going to answer them as Mia. Thank you for doing this, by the way. Yeah, thank you so much. We're in Fast and Furious theater now. Yeah, Mason, if you want to give a what up into the mic, you can at some point. What up, guys?
Starting point is 00:48:00 That was huge. Mason's... You want to say hi to Harry? What up, Harry, Will, and Nick? Nice. Yeah. Mason's... You want to say hi to Harry? What up, Harry, Will, and Nick? Nice. Yeah, Mason's... We've known you for three years now, I think. Well, I mean, I remember when I had to do the...
Starting point is 00:48:15 I got a meet and greet for Harry. You said... We did a lunch and it was... It was for me. People said it was for... They said it was for Mason's son. And then when we got there, we were like, I think Mason's more into it. Your son was more was more into like the chicks at the bar yeah oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:48:31 no i was like okay yeah don't you love how mason doesn't need a mic because his voice is so deep he's got a nice baritone voice yeah yeah yeah it's very sexy okay uh first cue how did you feel when you first heard that hector was going to be running three Honda Civics with spoon engines and a Motec system exhaust? I said, damn, my brother better get on his game. That's a good response. Okay, next cue. Were Dom andny tran ever boys no johnny tram has always been a punk all right last cue a vain ass punk yeah he's vain he's a
Starting point is 00:49:15 good one i've never thought of him that way but i guess it comes with those looks though that that jaw that cuts glass that and lance with the snakeskin pants uh last q why was your tuna so bad at the grocery store did you go generic instead of bumblebee amazing question i think maybe i left too much water in the tuna which always dilutes the mayo and therefore it kind of sucked and made the white bread soggy did dom ever consider hiring someone with more culinary experience? No. Because it's a family. It's a family.
Starting point is 00:49:53 It's all about family. Always. Love that. That's awesome. Thank you for answering those. Those were great. All right. Do you want to answer some listeners' questions?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah. All right. Sweet. Will you send a picture to Bella? She'll be like, guys, what's going on? Let me get the pizza. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again again we were brought to you by helix beer bongs the best in the biz for froth technology we have this super cool um funnel and hose that's
Starting point is 00:50:33 really going to deliver the froth into your gulla and it's going to just you know stoke is just going to rise from within after you chug from this beer bong helix is the best in the biz they got revolutionary funnel technology it's legit go shop cgd.com to get your helix beer bong today that's shop cgd.com we're also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pube for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because it's time to bundle up with manscape performance package 4.0 inside this package you'll find their lawnmower 4.0 trimmer weird wee whacker ear and nose hair trimmer crop preserved ball deodorant crop reviver
Starting point is 00:51:18 toner performance boxer briefs and a travel bag to hold your goodies the new performance package 4.0 includes the lawnmower 4.0 this trimmer is insane dare i say the goat of ball trimmers yeah i said it guys it's got amazing led lights uh different speeds different lengths a 4000 4000k led spotlight so you can see your nuts in high def what more could you ask for also it's waterproof that is what i could have asked for and manscape delivered thank you that's the they have the weed whacker for your nose hairs and ears and all that you know crap so get in there trim your pubes trim your nose um use the crop preserver ball deodorant to keep you on your game in the heat. It's all legit, guys.
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Starting point is 00:52:48 history politics etc she couldn't tell you who joe rogan mike trout or mitch mcconnell are for example it can sometimes lead to awkward social situations where people are bewildered that a highly educated person like her who went to great schools and has a great career can be so clueless in common knowledge areas am i making a mountain out of a mole hill should i encourage her to broaden her horizons or let her be um well first i don't think joe rogan and mike trout aren't like i don't know who mike i don't know who mike he's like the best baseball player in the world but he plays for the angels and a big part of his reputation is not that many people know who he is yeah so uh i think it's actually
Starting point is 00:53:26 more specific that you know who mike trout is that your wife doesn't know who mike trout is and speaks more to the circles that you're in and you kind of thinking that your circles are normal when hers are probably pretty normal too yeah yeah not to be hard on you dog what do you think i think i mean the way he described her in the beginning of the question says it all right like it feels like she seems pretty stellar if she doesn't know certain things she's a fucking doctor yeah let it go i think she can if she's a doctor if she doesn't know someone she can always just like i'm a doctor don't bring it up and also don't care what other people think about your girl care what you think about your girl.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Yeah. I like that she has her own interests, too. I mean, you know, she likes what she likes. You can't force her to like Joe Rogan, you know, as much as one may try. Okay. Yeah, I think maybe it bothers him more. Yeah. But you know what? It seems like the kind of maybe it bothers him more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:26 But you know what? It seems like the kind of thing that bothers him because someone said something to him and then once they said that, it was like a bee in his bonnet. You know when that happens? Yeah. Yeah, don't let other people corrupt what you love. Correct? Yes. Let's put that on a shirt.
Starting point is 00:54:39 You can't do that. I can't imagine saying to one of my friends, be like, your girl doesn't know who Joe Rogan is. Yeah, I'd feel pretty dumb And I love Joe Rogan. I'm like Joe Rogan's biggest fan. Yeah, but I why would you care? I've never had a girlfriend who liked Joe Rogan and in fact, I was sort of suspicious of the one who did yeah Yeah, I was like I was like are you doing this? So guys will like you which was a little unfair me and then one time I tried to show one of my girlfriends That Joe Rogan video that was like she'll love this. It was him on happiness and after five minutes
Starting point is 00:55:04 She just goes is he stoned? And she couldn't get past it. Okay. So this is this guy, man, the Dan. So an episode ago, well, it'll be, yeah, an episode ago, me, Strider and Chad had one of our most contentious conversations about this guy, man, the Dan, who was trying to woo this woman. And rather than just asking her out directly, he was going to offer her free marketing advice
Starting point is 00:55:26 because they're both in that world. And he also had a lot of jokes in his email about how she was a dime, a Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They were kind of weird jokes. They didn't quite hit. And then he said he wanted to marry her too. So it was pretty intense. And Chad and Strider were like not feeling it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And I was kind of supportive of them. And so here's the follow-up from Man the Nan. Chad, JT Strider, you were right. It turns out giving free marketing advice as a way to get a girl's heart doesn't work and is also kind of creepy. I guess the problem is that directly asking girls out to go on a date has only ever worked once in my life,
Starting point is 00:55:58 over socials or in person. I honestly just like to be creative and try new things out. My problem is that sometimes my creativity gets a little too weird for a lot of people. Also, I wasn't using this just as a way to hook up, as Strider previously pointed out. I'm one of those weird dudes that's more into getting into a long-term relation, starting a family. Sex is fun and all, but it only lasts 18 seconds.
Starting point is 00:56:16 But love lasts forever. I knew he was a good guy. So I have a new pickup line, Stratt, that goes something like this. Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice that you have some fresh kicks. I'm currently looking to buy some new shoes, but I'm really bad at picking out new shoes. Would you like to go shoe shopping with me? Is this a good move that could lead to a fun date, or does this sound like I have a shoe fetish problem? P.S. Sorry for previously coming off as a robotic serial killer.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Your boy's a little awkward. Stay toasty, my dudes. Yeah, Strider called him a serial killer that that sex joke was pretty endearing they made you think so as long as it's a joke that made me a little that made me more pro man man the dan are you coming around on man the dan not his plans but you but now man Dan. You like him as a man. I do like man to Dan. I knew he was a good guy. He's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:57:08 But you guys did not think he was a good guy. I never commented on, as far as I remember. You might not have, but I think you and Strider were both like. I just thought the plan was whack. How do you feel about it? I like the shoe line. I think try it out, man. I think you're on the right track.
Starting point is 00:57:25 You're getting better with each email. He's getting better with each email. It's his journey. We got to let him go on his journey. He's figuring it out. I believe in you, man. But I feel like shoe shopping is an investment. I feel like more like, hey, like you seem like you have really good style.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Could I just ask you for, like, I've got a couple of options here on my phone. Could you help me with this? And like engage that way. Right. Versus like, let's go shoe shopping. It's a big ask yeah it's a huge ass right and then she has to see your feet no she doesn't want to see your feet on day one too too early even though i'm not wearing shoes right now um but you know that's
Starting point is 00:57:54 probably why i relate to man the day and i get it stay weird brother but you know hone your weirdness make it palatable yeah i like what you're saying though is lower the investment. Totally. Lower the ask. That's a good call. But I like where Man the Dan's coming from. Keep emailing us. I engage with him a little bit on Instagram. Who you were talking to?
Starting point is 00:58:16 Brief. I mean, I just reposted a story and he's a good guy. I like Dan the Man, Man the Dan. I keep messing up. Because you know Dan the Man I like Dan the man. Man the Dan. I keep messing up. Because you know Dan the man exists. Dan the man exists? Dan the man is like a gym that my kids used to go to. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:58:31 Bella's super... Ask Bella about Dan the man. Okay. I will. Dude, Bella's been like a really good friend of me. Yeah. I know. She's given me really good advice.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Yeah, she's given me a lot of advice. She's helped me through stuff. Yeah. She needs to come on. Yeah, we're going to have her on for sure. Yeah. She gave me dating advice. I still have to surf with her. I haven't done that. Yeah, we're going to have her on for sure. She gave me dating advice. I still have to surf with her.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I haven't done that. You really do have to surf with her. You know what? It's her birthday on June 18th. Oh, is it really? Yeah. All right. Is that the day that Nick Cage gets out of jail in Con Air?
Starting point is 00:58:58 It might be. No, Strider would know. All right. Next question. What up, Stoke gods? I come to you in a time of need. Here's the story. I've been dating my GF for three and a half years now.
Starting point is 00:59:08 She's amazing and I love her more than anyone. Recently, she's begun hanging out often with one of her old friends. The kicker is my girlfriend's old friend is also friends with my ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend. Oh, is also friends with my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend who treated her like shit. He's super childish and is always saying things to her like, what do you rate me? Like on a scale of one to 10, in case you aren't a fifth grader and this isn't part of your vernacular, and bringing up sex. I've never met him and all of this has been going on when I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:59:35 He will FaceTime my girlfriend's friend when he knows my girlfriend is with her to do this shit. My girlfriend even asked if he'd speak to me in a public setting and he said no. My question is, what do i do about it i trained kickboxing and bjj and i know i can beat his ass so that is an option i wouldn't go through with that option but it's nice to know you have that option because it would suck more if you didn't should i should i no don't don't kick his ass i don't want to do it unprompted and seem like an asshole if we are around each other i'm not insecure about his and my girlfriend's relationship
Starting point is 01:00:02 because i know where we stand but he's blatantlyantly disrespecting me and my GF by continuing to ask her questions he knows make her uncomfortable. Should I let the disrespect slide and let this jabroni live, or should I hit him with a clean takedown in front of all of his friends to let him know who's boss? I look forward to hearing your sage advice. I kind of got lost. So his girlfriend has a good friend who hangs out a lot with his girlfriend's ex. His girlfriend has a friend? Who hangs out a lot with her old ex. Oh, okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So like... Oh, right, right. So his girlfriend's friend is hanging out with her ex. It'd be like if you were hanging out with my ex a lot. Oh, okay. Yeah, and then my girlfriend at the time wasn't liking it because then I was seeing the ex a lot right because of you okay yeah gotcha and then so the guy is like will be like hey rate me on a scale of one to ten and like flirt with her
Starting point is 01:00:54 okay and so this dude wants to beat that dude's ass right and he's trained that's a tough one it's two questions yes why isn't he engaged to this chick? Like why hasn't he proposed to her? Three years. Oh. That's a long time, right? So you would need a commitment before that time arrives. I think that's a long time to date. I think that's a really long time to date.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And then I would advise him to get in a situation where he does talk to this guy in a stern way not i'm not suggesting he beat his ass but i think that's really sexy to a woman when a man like fucks the guy up no defends her no i like your honesty i think this is good i think that's really good for the record no remember when that guy was was stepping up to me and rowan and you like got between? Also, whenever Mason and I are walking, he does the most gentlemanly thing. He puts himself by the street. He's very gentlemanly and chivalrous. I really appreciate your candor,
Starting point is 01:01:56 but I don't know if we can tell this dude to go kick someone else's ass. No, I'm not telling him to. That's what you said. No, he should not kick someone's ass. He should look threatening in the same room telling him to he that's what you said no he should not kick someone's ass he should he should look threatening in the same room as this guy and he should be like wait i'm sorry what were you saying to my so just check him a little bit yeah like what were you saying
Starting point is 01:02:14 right that's that's what i thought right there's nothing sexier to me okay and i think his girlfriend might given that his girlfriend is telling him these stories like she's not telling him the stories for nothing. We're not that arbitrary. Does he need to check with his girlfriend first if that's something she would be into? Because what if she doesn't like that stuff? Well, I think he should say, hey, I'm not comfortable with what this guy's doing. Would you be okay if I... Right, but run it by her first, right? Sure.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Yeah. Cool. Perfect. I think that works great. Wait, Masonason so you stood up to a guy yeah he stepped to some dude homeless guy it wasn't it wasn't a competition scenario right just a you know sad situation okay the guy's not respecting personal space i think we should take some creative license and say that it was a Bob Sapp, former K1 kickboxer. Nice, dude. All right, should we get into the next part? Because we got to go. Chad, who is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:03:24 My beef of the week is with, and we talked about this earlier today la confidential love the movie very great movie but i just don't know what's going on and i felt dumb watching it i was like i don't understand what's really going on here and then i talked to jt about it i was like and i didn't even say it because i was so i was kind of embarrassed i didn't want to like say like you know yeah i didn't really know what's going on so i was talking to jt and he's like jt you're like it's hard to follow the plot and i'm like yeah it is what's going on with that because i've seen it 50 times i couldn't explain the plot yeah i do love the movie. Russell Crowe, badass. But that was my beef.
Starting point is 01:04:09 It made me just feel dumb. And that's my beef with it. Not the movie itself, but just the feeling it gave me. Who's your beef of the week? Can I stew on this yeah and come back to me cause yeah
Starting point is 01:04:30 uh my beef on that beef can I interject yeah yeah let's get you on mic though if you're gonna
Starting point is 01:04:39 yeah cause it'll sound bad that movie's an homage to film noir right and film noir. Right. And film noir's thing was the plot's made no sense. And there's a famous story that Raymond Chandler, who wrote The Big Sleep, I think,
Starting point is 01:04:52 and Bogart or whoever was in it and the director. Philip Marlowe, the character. They do not understand this fucking plot. So they call Raymond Chandler up, and he's offended at first. And he's like, what do you mean you don't understand? He's like, it doesn't make any sense hangs up the phone calls him back an hour later and he's like yeah I don't actually understand and it's about the ambience and the constant don't matter it's the
Starting point is 01:05:22 tone yeah dude thank you for that dude that was awesome yeah that'll work awesome um my beef of the week is with paul's mom uh freshman year carpool five of us would used to ride to school together and each family had a different uh each family took care of one of the days so i think my family's day was wednesday and it was always my housekeeper who drove my parents never made it out. But on Thursdays, Paul's mom would drive and she drove a Volvo station wagon. So there was the front seat, the three middle seats, and there wasn't a total back row. There was a seat in the trunk that was really small that faced out, that faced out the window. And everyone would have to put their bags in the back too.
Starting point is 01:06:05 So it was really cramped because there's five backpacks back there. Paul's mom made me ride in the trunk every week. You didn't love that seat? I hated it. I was crunched. That was my favorite seat. I was crunched. I looked ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Everybody driving to school at the same time was looking at me. I used to write on slips of paper, save me and put them up against the window. It got to it. It wasn't, i didn't even hate the seat it was the fact that she made me she made me sit in it right and every week she go all right jt get in the back the other kids started to feel bad for me and they'd be like
Starting point is 01:06:34 hey i'll take the back seat and she go nah jt's cool he'll do it yeah and my mom started to get mad and she's like i'm going to fucking say something to her and i was like mom don't say anything it's fine and i just had to soldier through it until I became friends with an older kid, Trent Downs, and started getting rides from him and his six Explorer. But yeah, Paul's mom, who I really like. And we ran into each other at my friend Clinton's engagement party years later. No bad blood, but I'm tapping back into that anger now. And freshman year, I had other beefs like Puzio but paul's mom was definitely in the top 10 beefs
Starting point is 01:07:06 right dude i that the volvo the backseat volvo yeah is that what it was yeah that was my favorite seat dude it might be cool but when you're like in prison there like when someone's like hey you can't leave you're stuck in back yeah stuff they're like that's that's your seat and i was like well can we mix it up like once a month? And she was like, no, you sit back there. I was small. Was she punishing you for being a ne'er-do-well? She was punishing me for being annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:32 But honestly, there was another kid in carpool who's very annoying. And he might be a beef another time. But I don't want to spread the beef thin right now. I'll save your beef for another time. And honestly, you know, no bad blood there. He sent me a nice message one time saying, it's nice that conservatives have a comedian they can look to. And then he told me, unsolicited, he goes,
Starting point is 01:07:55 and maybe give the standup a rest and just focus more on the other stuff. Really? I haven't talked to him in years. What? When was this? This was like right after we did like the, like the woman's March thing or something like that. And first popped on Fox. And I was like, I get where he after we did like the, uh, like the woman's March thing or something like that. And first popped on Fox.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And I was like, I get where he was coming from, but unsolicited. I was like, you fucking nozzle. You got a beef and then you got to do a babe of the week and then a legend of the week after this, and then a quote of the week and then a phrase of the week. I'm sorry. Just a lot of the week after this and then a quote of the week and then a phrase of the week i'm sorry my just a lot of homework my beef of the week is that we have these little disgusting little critters in our front yard and no matter what i can't i can't get rid of them that's not a good beef i don't like that beef my love we need a better beef
Starting point is 01:08:38 that one's edited i would say my beef of the week of the week is my sister constantly does this to me. I'm like, Bella, next Monday you're coming in for the thing. And she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, a thousand percent. Uh-huh. And then I'm like, this morning I call her and I'm like, are you ready? And she's like, or what? And I'm like, Bella, I told you for the podcast. Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:03 And she's like, oh, oh yeah my throat's really raspy and i was like from partying at walt disney all weekend with your kids like what are you talking about did it sound like an authentic raspy voice or did it sound put upon it sounded put on rather to be fair like she gave me warning the night before and i was like uh-oh like i can feel this coming um it sounded slightly put upon like i bet bet if we FaceTimed her, like she'd be fine. Should I FaceTime her right now? Yeah. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Is it because I think she did it because I haven't surfed with her yet? I think we need to make that happen. And then she's going to make a Go video, Go Pro. Go Pro? And blast that, which will be awesome. Chad, who's your babe babe of the week my babe it's kurt russell nice yeah i watched uh executive decision over the weekend good one yeah great movie yeah i was expecting it to be a little you know just because steven seagal
Starting point is 01:10:00 was in it but he died so soon i was like like, oh, this will probably be corny. But it was really good. It's a good movie. Kurt Russell, I love watching that guy. Tequila Sunrise. Another Fast and Furious alum. Right, yeah. Mr. Nobody.
Starting point is 01:10:18 That's right, yeah. So have you hung out with him at all? I have not hung out with him. I haven't had the pleasure. Yeah, he seems like a cool guy he seems very cool yeah he's i like that i like that he has that like he's like very good looking you know but he's like that kind of like old school like yeah you feel like he could be like the hot dad at a high school exactly yeah yeah he feels like a real man you buy it he doesn't feel like uh born out of some like acting school he feels like a real man. He does. He doesn't feel like born out of some acting school. He feels like he walked off from the plant and just was like,
Starting point is 01:10:48 hey, I'll be an actor now. Exactly, yeah. Yeah, I think that's what I like about him. An unalloyed masculinity. But he can still play scary. Unalloyed, good word. I stole that Chris Connolly described Mark Wahlberg as having an unalloyed masculinity in Boogie Nights.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Oh, really? And that's what would have made him better than Leo because I guess Leo was the other option. Wow. That was probably too much context. Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week would be my babe, Mason Morfitt. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Speaking of aneloid masculinity, that's who it would be. Because, by the way, I don't like pretty boys. I think pretty boys, like, and to bring it back, sorry, my love, to Paul, he got better as he aged and became like rougher around the edges. So that's what I like about my guy over there. He's handsome. He's very handsome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Good scruff. And he'll throw down and he has a very deep voice. Well, now, Mason, maybe we can ask you about this now, because when we've been out with you guys, you guys get paparazzi to take photos of you. you've you're like new to this right paparazzi and stuff and so how does it feel having like you know i'm i'm friends with you so i'll see like shirtless photos of you in like the daily mail or something like that has that been like an adjustment for you uh yeah um you want to get in there well the first um couple dozen times i had no idea anyone was around right and so it was kind of creepy because you're being observed that's weird
Starting point is 01:12:16 yeah you're exposed and then i made the rookie mistake because this isn't my world of reading the comments oh and jordana goes you idiot you never read the comments right and one of them said uh this guy needs to hit the gym and get a full body wax which is when i reached out to you yeah we talked a little about it yeah like what do you think i should do and and and you know, what's your opinion on chest hair? But you can really go down a rabbit hole when you read the comments. And so that's, you know, my only sort of profound lesson learned is don't do that. Right. Smart.
Starting point is 01:12:56 But it's cool it's happening. It's kind of cool. Yeah. I mean, it's a new life experience. Do you have that discipline of being able to not read the comments? So do you guys remember IMDB? Of course. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:13:16 I used to go on the best websites of all time. In my 20s, I would go on the message boards. Because I had way too much time on my hands. Because I just did. 20s i would go on the message boards non because i had way too much time on my hands because like i just you know did and i would torture myself because there would just be these threads of just like people obliterating me so no i don't have the discipline and now i've discovered daily mail message boards and despite what i say oh man i still read them and some of them stick they're awful right yeah if they're perceptive, they can be. Well, I didn't say perceptive.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I mean, in my case. I said mean-spirited and cruel. The ones that hurt me more are the ones that have like a kernel of truth to them. Of course. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I wasn't suggesting that. No, that's always the case. Yeah, I didn't go to the gym and get a wax.
Starting point is 01:13:57 No, no. Dude, you look great. No, but that's always the case, is if there's like a little nugget of truth there, you're like, ooh, that stung. Yeah. Yeah. no but that's always the case is if there's like a little nugget of truth there you're like oh that's dumb yeah yeah um all right my babe of the week is oh i wanted to go with an actor too i'm gonna go with a billy crudup i think he's such a good actor and i was watching him in the morning show and he plays like this like kind of like ostensibly slimy character who's just all about like uh ambition and rising to the top but somehow his character is like uh doing the right is kind of the only character doing the right thing throughout which
Starting point is 01:14:34 i thought was like a cool commentary on how like right now because like being virtuous is like and like virtue signaling is like an important part of like being powerful so it kind of makes sense for this character who's just ambitious to actually be virtuous because that's actually works to accelerate even if you don't really believe in it it's like the best way to accelerate your career right now and he played that so perfectly and he was so fun in it and i know he just brought this weird like glee to the performance and i was like i don't know anyone else who could have done that he doesn't get enough cred for it i don't know he's been so he's so good and like almost famous i almost feel like he like intentionally doesn't want to be like right yeah like huge or something like that but he's so good in everything he's really good and
Starting point is 01:15:13 so yeah i just want to give love to a billy credit uh chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is you guys and bella nice uh because we've been sort of hanging out with you guys here and there for the past year so it's been fun I mean it's something I never would have like pictured like as being like possible in my life had I been younger you know what I mean so it's been really I don't know it's been incredible getting to know you guys and welcoming us into your lives and Bella too shout out she's been you know good friend to us and guys and welcoming us into your lives. And Bella too, shout out. She's been a good friend to us and she's given us advice too
Starting point is 01:15:49 and gave me dating advice. It's awesome. She's the best. Yeah. You guys are the best. You should have called her about that text, by the way. She would have been like, stop it. Do not text her back.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Just chill. He told me, I shouldn't have listened to you. You had to clarify, they were confused on the taco too they didn't know it was confusing yeah i told you it wasn't a deal breaker either way i know i know i told my mom and she laughed at the joke you can't put this on me i didn't know yeah i know i know i it's all on me but i think it's okay but i get it dude look we're living and dying on every text message i'm out there yeah that's also my other beef but I think it's okay. But I get it, dude. Look, we're living and dying on every text message. I'm out there.
Starting point is 01:16:26 That's also my other beef is like texting. It's like, it's so, my voice just cracked because I'm so upset. Because you're so impassioned. Yeah. It's just so, you know, you're like, I don't know, man. It's such a mind game because you're sort of like, you're like, I'm fine. Like, I like who I am. You you're a good person you have self-worth yeah why do i have to you know you know export it yeah right oh man it's just like
Starting point is 01:16:52 but you know that it's it is actually cool that that's why i stress about the most is texting although i stress about career stuff instead all that stuff i do love like finding your journey to like acceptance through like just silent gesticulation be like i mean it's just like i gotta it's just you know you're and then but it is it's okay well i was just laying on the jt left my house i was laying on the couch he's like you're gonna be okay i'm like i'm not gonna be okay i fucked it all up i almost didn't leave i stayed like an extra hour because i was like i can't leave him right now dude i was like i was just sitting there I almost didn't leave. I stayed like an extra hour because I was like, I can't leave him right now, dude. I was like, I was just sitting there and I didn't want to bother you too much.
Starting point is 01:17:28 That's a good friend. I knew it was a non-issue though. I was just like, I don't know. You're having fun with it. It is fun in a way. You're on the ride. I mean, you guys had that too, right? In like the courting process.
Starting point is 01:17:39 I'm sure there was a lot of like nervousness and a lot of moments where you thought like, is this going to continue to grow or are we going to hit like an impasse or something? And I also think it's a really good sign if you get anxiety because I think when you stop caring, it's a really bad sign, right? Yeah, you want to be invested. Yeah. Totally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Nice. I've been with my wife eight years. I still have to explain jokes to her all the time. Really? And sometimes I'll send a text i'm like oh you're gonna get that oh nice still happens so dude that's huge yeah it's fine oh i think it's passive aggressive instead of texting back if you just like something that's my way right i'm kind of upset right now right totally who's your legend of the week
Starting point is 01:18:20 um this it's it sounds like such a weird thing. I was in line for coffee. Does it have to be someone famous? No. I was in line at Cafe Lux, my favorite coffee shop in LA. It's so good. And this guy was in front of me, and he was like this peaceful force. And I loved his energy, and he had this vest on with like doggy treats to each side.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And I was like, sir, can I have a card? And he's like, I don't carry cards. Like he spoke very softly. And I was like, because I have this crazy Portuguese water dog and I really need you to chill her out. So and she has since been really mellow. My dog went from like jumping all over the place to like super chill. And he's Transformed her with his magic. So nice dope dog walker. I think it's called happy dog service I'm gonna check it out, but he's my legend of the week. Let's go That's nice. Oh, he's not just giving your dog weed He happy dog service. It's Bernardo Bernardo is my legend of the week. Whatever. He's giving your dog a type of attack quality My legend of the week. Whatever he's giving your dog, it's high quality. My legend of the week is Logan Paul.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Nice. Dude, I don't know. I think he just keeps winning. You know what I mean? I mean, because we made so much fun of him after the Japanese dead body thing, you know, where he showed someone who had committed suicide, like their body in the background of a video. And he's like, oh, dude, that was fucking crazy, which was not a good reaction.
Starting point is 01:19:44 But then I was thinking about it more. We had a run-in with a biker gang we were shooting like a biker video and then we went up to a biker gang like a pretty notorious one and we're like hey can we shoot like a little video with you guys and they were like are you out of your mind and then a guy who worked at like it was at like a harley davidson place and the guy who worked there was like hey you can't shoot with them like they'll stab you and then we're like okay yeah we'll get out of here and then it made it made us all talk about how the rolling stones used to hire the hell's angels to do security for him and then they ended up killing a guy at altamont and i was like that's like that's way worse than what logan paul did and that's like the 10th thing people talk about the rolling stones it's like if you just keep
Starting point is 01:20:17 going people will forget about your huge mistake now granted the rolling stones have like you know sympathy for the devil and like give me shelter all these beautiful songs and logan paul doesn't really have something like that but i don't know i just think the guy just keeps going so he's my legend and after the fight he was like i hate being an asshole and i like kind of believed him and i was like i don't know i think i like logan paul he went eight rounds with floyd mayweather i'm like i don't know he's kind of he's kind of a legend for sure he's never gonna be my favorite guy but no he definitely came out on top. Yeah, he survived too. He had not a good night for boxing.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Not good for boxing. What's your quote of the week, Chad? My quote of the week is actually from yesterday. We were trying to shoot this video. Can I mention the Biker Club? I wouldn't mention their name. Oh, they're that damn. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I mean, I've just, I don't know. I'm scared. Yeah. Okay. I got to think of a new quote then just say it we're fine just say it they're not gonna hurt us we're fine they might hurt us dude they were pretty scary did you tell them you watch sons of anarchy or the look of menace in their eyes yeah let's see it was i respected it i kind of wanted to be around it but it was uh it did feel threatening uh let's see let's see let's see. I respected it. I kind of wanted to be around it, but it did feel threatening. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Let's see. Let's see. What am I? They had their prospect, you know, a guy who's trying to be in the gang, just sweeping after them. Oh, wow. And they were doing a big meeting. They're like, you don't want to shoot here anyways.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Like, the leader has cancer. They're doing like a fundraiser for him. I was like, what a sweet gang. Yeah. Maybe my quote is, I don't have to say the name. This is my quote. This is from yesterday. Hey, do you mind if we just film us shooting this little Instagram ad
Starting point is 01:21:52 for hard seltzer with you guys? No, they'll stab you. What's your quote of the week? Well, I just, like the nerd I am, I just Googled Virginia Woolf and I found a really good quote. In keeping with all the message board stuff that we were talking about. The eyes of others, our prisons, their thoughts, our cages. That's a good one. Right?
Starting point is 01:22:17 Oh, you wolf. My quote of the week comes from, uh, uh, Jim Kelly. He was a personal trainer that we all went to in high school. He was like a six, four dude from New York, strong and ripped, um, English major. And, uh, he actually ended up cutting me as one of his clients cause I wasn't strong enough. And, uh, but yeah, I also didn't show up sometimes, but basically it was cause I didn't really have much prospects, uh, athletically. So I ended up working out with one of his proteges who i ended up becoming really good friends with all for the
Starting point is 01:22:49 best but uh jim at some point was like feeling wayward and in training and he wanted to try something else so he started writing a crime book and he named one of the characters after my friend andrew and then uh one day jim came to the to the gym and he was like i changed the name from andrew johnson it was too cookie cutter his name now is vincenzo vega and he was like, I changed the name from Andrew Johnson. It was too cookie cutter. His name now is Vincenzo Vega. I was like, this book's going to rip. That's my quote. Andrew Johnson, too cookie cutter.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it is, oh, let's hit the NOS. And basically, you just got a NOS tank. That's awesome. You got a nos tank that's awesome you got a nos tank you got a nos tank like in your car no oh just like as like an artifact from the film yeah oh very chill 150 bucks on ebook that's a great purchase i double clutched and i texted jen and i was like five or seven stupid waste of money and he was like you gotta do it let's go what's your uh phrase we're freaking out jade oh damn it you guys
Starting point is 01:23:53 what does what does uh our trainer say all the time we work out with this trainer who's really awesome. He's getting us jacked, right? His name is Aaron Lautman. You guys, I'm pulling a blank. Pulling a blank is a good one. Pulling a blank? Yeah. I'm pulling a blank.
Starting point is 01:24:19 I can see that firing some people up. Pulling a blank. Or does he say, come on, let's get 10? Is that something he says? Let's get 10? No, he doesn't say let's get 10. Does he have an accent? He doesn't have an accent.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Kind of New York accent, actually. Like Jim? Yeah. All right, well, I'll do mine real quick. And then if you don't have one, we can figure it out. Yeah. One time Jim left a message on the trainer he cut me two's answering machine and he was quoting the movie ronan and he goes hey tej i was watching the
Starting point is 01:24:51 movie ronan and someone asked him if he ever killed somebody and robert de niro and it's a hitman like criminal he goes you ever killed anyone he goes nah but i hurt someone's feelings once and then jim on this the answering machine just went and hung up but that is a great line for the movie Ronan written by uh David Mamet I think I've never seen him uh what's your favorite week you ready you know it just reminded me of uh a movie we would watch all the time on on the set of Annapolis uh Team America funny movie remember that so funny and america fuck yeah over and over again that's a good phrase yeah america fuck yeah yeah you don't hear that enough now too you know you know and that's another thing my son quotes all the time he's he gets like very like pro-american and he's like
Starting point is 01:25:38 he's like you can do that in america mom and i'm like julian you're seven like relax also like that's not something you want to be saying. But that passion is very healthy. The passion is very healthy. It's, yeah, misdirected somewhat. But yeah. Maybe he'll heal America into the version that we always dreamed of. I hope so. Through Strider's stewardship. Yes. Through Strider's stewardship. Yes. Because he'll also, you'll probably have to edit this out, but he'll also be like, Mommy, I can't have a playdate with that girl. Her dad's a transphobic.
Starting point is 01:26:09 He'll say stuff like he's very precocious. Nice. I feel like Strider could be like, I always look to like sort of mentors in my life as sort of the Harry Stamper, like Bruce Willis and Armageddon. I feel like Strider could be that for Julian. He is. Yeah. That that's beautiful he definitely is he'll be on the next one too when we all get together oh yeah get some more mics in here all right well that was it awesome you guys yeah thanks
Starting point is 01:26:35 for joining us yeah really fun that was really fun mason thanks for coming in and i've listened to all what are we at 1899? This will be 191. He knowing that is so freaking nice, dude. Yeah, that's cool. So wait, am I 192? Top tier. I think this is the best one ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Yeah. I'm so excited. I'm really excited. Bella should also be super flattered. She was mentioned at least like five times. Oh, yeah. She's got a lot of air time. It's going to be the first time she's heard my impression of her she's not gonna be happy all right nice awesome thank you guys this was really
Starting point is 01:27:13 fun yeah that was so fun these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, such that happiness grows beside you. Go free. Go free. Let's go free. I'm going deep. I'm going deep We're trying to dig deep

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