Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 199- Strider Wilson Joins

Episode Date: August 11, 2021

What up dudes! This week Strider comes in and puts down the heat.  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​​ Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Sh...ipping with the code GODEEP at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are brought to you by Helix Beer Bongs. Helix Beer Bongs, the best in the biz, making sure that that froth, that booze gets down through your gullet, through revolutionary funnel technology. Go to shopcgd.com to get your Helix Beer Bongs today. We are also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and be clean. Because attention, listeners across the galaxy,
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Starting point is 00:01:05 out plus free shipping with the code GODIP. Guys, the code for Manscaped now is GODIP. In the episode, we're going to say GODIP20. It's GODIP. Going deep, Chad and JT Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep Challenge AT Podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you or let you know, I don't know, that we are brought to you by Helix Sleep. Take their two-minute sleep quiz and they'll match you to a mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners at helixsleep.com. Helix is legit check them out we are also
Starting point is 00:02:06 brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because you have pubes you have pubes you have pubes aaron has pubes guys what's the length of your pubes right now inch no half inch half inch that's not that's not bad yeah my pubes have a nice like four days ago good call yeah i've got a summer chop right now i'd probably say maybe half inch wait not that long that's pretty long half an inch is pretty long that is pretty i think they're a quarter inch quarter inch what did you say i'm probably yeah maybe i'm a half inch and i've also got some on my grundle too that i let really um yeah do you let those fly or do you get the 4.0
Starting point is 00:02:49 deep in there i'll get in there but you know i'll trim it but i let it i like to have something there you used to call your taint yeah i used to say taint but i like saying grundle when did it switch to grundle probably when i read beowulf you know and i was like isn't beowulf's mom or the monster's name grendel or something like that? I think that's when everyone, I think it's the taint until you read Beowulf like junior year high school English. Exactly. That's how you know you're a sophomore is when you start calling it
Starting point is 00:03:13 Grendel. And some words match so well with the thing they describe. Like espionage for spying. It's like a perfect word for that. And I think when you see Grendel, immediately your brain goes strip between my ass and balls. Which confuses
Starting point is 00:03:30 me because people will say the word chode, which to me is a penis that is fatter than long. Some people call their Grendel the chode. Where? Who says that? There's bros that say this. Where? Dude, honestly, my middle school. Weird. They haven't read Beowulf.owulf no no they didn't read shit they read outsiders that's about it
Starting point is 00:03:51 and chode is a latin word right i believe the etymology of chode is latin yeah i'm colombian so i can speak just on behalf of maybe i can't but i'm going for it i'll speak on behalf of colombia for us chode is short fat dick not ever the space between I'm hoping this is a regional thing that just existed in your neck of Laguna Nogal yeah I think that that could have been the case I don't know why I'm so passionate about it but I guess I am I'm pretty passionate I mean
Starting point is 00:04:16 dude we live in an era now where words are being bastardized constantly people are trying to communicate you know we have words for a reason to communicate effectively dude and you know definitions get twisted and mixed around all the time. And it's about time we found out what a chode is, what a grundle is. I know what a chode is. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm learning today because I thought chode was Greek, had Greek origins. Oh, right. You know, chodes. Chodes, chodes alongus. Chodes, the prefix meaning to make fat? Yeah. To make fat in the pelvic region? Yeah, chodes to squash in order to increase width.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I think it's a blacksmith thing. What other words start with cho? Chaturanga? Chaturanga. What is Chaturanga again? So Chodes is a province of Spain. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Do they have tiny fat dicks there? Probably. Interesting. I'm sure they have all kinds of dicks there, too. Oh, I thought that was sort of like a, you know, like a, that that's sort of. I'm just covering our ass. Right, right, right. Yeah. I guess I was like, maybe that's like a that that's sort of i'm just covering our ass right right yeah i guess i was like maybe that's like a source of pride for them so you could be disrespecting them right now and sometimes that chance you gotta roll the dice yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:05:34 and sometimes girth is good i mean there's been you know i've had you know ladies in the past before you know now i'm a taken man i've got my dank ass fiance and she knows i have a small skinny tiny penis that comes quick and you know in the past her and her friends would talk when we were raging at parties and they would say oh they like a coke can cock sometimes that's how they joke they would say coke can cock you know and even honestly one of her friends i don't No. No, no, no. You know that you can do a move like we do the wristwatch with your hog or you do the goat. There was a guy, Rupp, who used to do that in the locker room.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Oh, good guy. Yeah, I heard about him. Yeah, Rupp, he would really, he was a beast. He would helicopter his cock in front of all of us. He would do a wristwatch. He'd be the goat, the brain. Yeah. He had a presence.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Good ball player, that guy. He had a presence about him oh yeah he came he came into uh leather bees yes the fountain one time and ordered a sundae and i've never seen one someone order a sundae with so much confidence you could just tell that thing was swinging oh yeah yeah that's nice dude i was gonna say too when you open the pod by saying... Pour grease on my ass? I pictured it, and the grease was really hot. Yeah. So you're kind of like, ah, ah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I was thinking about a scene in Wolf of Wall Street when Jordan Belfort is really sort of on his deep dive, and he's going from candle wax to grease. Nice. Dude, I have another question. Do you think you're a good kisser? I do, yeah. Nice. Yeah. Do you? I think so sometimes i i wonder yeah like did bobby trip you up is it your thin upper lip that he was talking about maybe it was that i don't know i could have been that i honestly don't know where the thoughts sparked i was kind of just driving i was like am i a good kisser i think
Starting point is 00:07:21 sometimes when i kiss someone yeah you know you don't feel the spark but other times you're like this is amazing and so sometimes i wonder if it's even about the kissing or if it's just about the how you feel about each other the intensity but but there are bad kissers for sure yeah i remember this girl simona in elementary school it was like my second makeout ever middle school and she just went all tongue and just you know and that was and that was when you know when they scare you about stds that time i was like i like made out with her at a party i was like i have herpes i know and also wait because you thought because she did was she uh she kissed a lot of people i thought because she was from i don't know you get this i mean i thought because she was from romania i was like i don't know what's going on over there dude dude you're racist towards romanians yeah dude
Starting point is 00:08:11 they did some i watched the 94 world cup yeah yeah that'll freak you out i'll mess you up dude yeah um and then this guy that's funny this guy won't drop his name in high school though but i heard through you know he he's one of those guys that started off high school who was, like, getting all the shit. They're like, dude, this guy. All the girls were like, this guy is the guy. We all got it. And then he, like, made out with a girl, and word spread fast that he just, like,
Starting point is 00:08:37 he, like, came in with just all tongue, just, you know, just sticking his tongue out, and his, like, he didn't get any more girls after that that dude that's the thing about like high school reputations like yeah they can be very damning it actually made me afraid to hook up with people because i was like if i'm bad at it where it's gonna like circulate and then i'm gonna like take a i'm gonna get knocked down in popularity yeah i felt too visible he's funny because he he peaked his first week of high school that happens to some guys too
Starting point is 00:09:05 he came in real hot and he got real cocky and he was just like talking shit and he's like fuck all you guys like i'm getting all the chicks and then he just plummeted we're like dude what happened to that guy i went to a boarding school you know and he was in like the the junior year he we're like where is he and we're like he was in the dorm for like the you know the damned like he was in like the far off right never saw him dude some people can't handle it it corrupts them i always said popularity corrupts absolutely like yeah and like there was kids would transfer in or something and they'd be like the flavor of the week and everybody like the guy's the man yeah and then you'd see the power go to his head oh my god and then he just started treating people bad and then like a week later he was like done yeah dude it happened to me in an office i
Starting point is 00:09:48 was working in an office and everyone was like everyone was like jt part you're like the nicest guy ever and i was like yeah i am nice yeah and then um and then i ended up i don't know if i can say this but i ended up like making out with two people who worked there and everyone was like that was cool you did that yeah dude i became the biggest douchebag after that. I would come into the office, like finger pistol and everyone, you know, pow,
Starting point is 00:10:12 pow, pow. Yeah. And they'd be like, what are you up to tonight? And I was like, I was so douchey. I was like,
Starting point is 00:10:15 I was like, just trying to hook up, dude, just get out there and hook up. I'd be like saying it to one of the girls I made out with, like, it should be cool about it. And then they all just started looking at me like this.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And then it was like, uh, it took me a while to bounce back but i was like dude i'm a fucking huge douche right now it's hard it's hard to be in a well first off when things are going your way it's easy to get to get high on your own supply totally yeah so tame your pubes with help from that was a long ad wait did we not finish the ad no i have to give them the code but let's get back to kissing after yeah yeah tame your pubes with help from our friends at manscape the leaders in below the waist grooming they got the lawnmower performance package 4.0 if they're if an athlete treats their body like royalty why not treat your pubes like olympic gold fellas do right berry balls and join two million men worldwide who trust manscape by going to manscape.com with the code go deep 20 um it's tough high school's i mean i don't know if it's a good or bad thing that you're in such a
Starting point is 00:11:10 place of high consequence you know when you're when your your ego is so susceptible you know like uh because it's like your ego you know you're just not used to that so your ego can can get inflated so easily and then you're in a place where it can just but maybe it's good maybe it's like good training for the world to just be like you know keep that shit on the dl for sure i don't know some some people could handle it then we knew one guy who was like he had great class as a high schooler yeah and everyone respects it like if someone can like handle the popularity and like can be still decent to people and kind of above the fray like doesn't get into like like petty squabbles with people where they're always like beefing with like some guy or girl in class.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Like you do look at those people and you already look up to them. Like that person's kind of got like adult stability to them. Do you know who I'm talking about? 100%. We'll say his name. Hernandez. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:01 That guy was a beast, dude. Fucking six fork a don dunk was cool as hell he's a guy who i met and i was like i was always you know fancied myself a cool guy i got along with people pretty well i saw him and i was like this guy's cooler than so in his body right i'm like he'd like meet your parents and he'd have the same energy towards them that he had towards you but like respectful yeah and i remember like my mom ran into him years later and she just calls me she's like i saw christian hernandez at cedar creek what a guy dude yeah dude dude he was always the man dude and yeah he was looked like an adult he was six four as a freshman he was like fucking 220 like dude if you had a crush on a girl and
Starting point is 00:12:34 then he got a crush on a girl good luck dude i mean bro we all had crushes on amy dude we all had crushes on amy yeah we did and uh then he then i was like i think i might try to ask her to winter formal this year i think i might i think i might just go for it dude the year before like i went to see friday night lights with the boys dude didn't want to risk being hurt didn't want to risk vulnerability to just control the narrative myself so i had a better time with the guys should have gone to the dance and i was like you know my ass gave me this year dude find out dude you know that friday hernandez is going with her find out that ben to disneyland find out dude you know that friday hernandez is going with her find out they've been to disneyland find out that he's the fucking man find out that he can charm anybody dude i was like i wasn't even mad i was just like that makes sense it might have been more damning than that i think they
Starting point is 00:13:14 went to disneyland not only with her but also with his little sister yeah bro yeah dude you were dead in the water oh no chance dude he was a good dad already dude yeah he was a good brother and a dad dude wow i'm not really do you think you're a good dad already, dude. Yeah. He was a good brother and a dad, dude. Wow. But not really a dad. Do you think you're a good kisser? I'm a great kisser, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm a great kisser, dude. I know. I wonder why, because my mentality when I'm kissing isn't that. It's I'm getting kissed. Ooh. Oh. Get kissed, dude, is how I do it. I go.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah. Just put myself out there, and then my fiance comes in. Come back in. You know what I mean? Right. So you're on the receiving sorry for anyone who hates adr right there you're grateful you're very grateful for it um although i will share this one story maybe this is too inappropriate to share i was in college and uh
Starting point is 00:13:57 this is before my dang fiance and was a mac and cheese and with this um lady on the swim team and uh she smelt my hair she goes hold on what smells and i'm like what and she smells my hair she goes your hair smells like chicken and i was like oh when's the last time you washed your hair i go uh i don't know she goes get up it was over dude she was disgusted a disgusting college kid i mean i get it dude yeah that was yeah i don't know that would you would you do that to someone if their hair smelled like chicken never no that's what's funny i guess yeah yeah but i get where she's coming but she should have let you wash it right totally dude i mean we were alice was a party. It was like, yeah. Smells like chicken. What's your kissing mentality?
Starting point is 00:14:46 I don't know. I think I come in from a place of like, I'm going to caress these lips. You know what I mean? Just get in there and just, you know, soft, but then wait for the opening and then just dart the tongue in there. Oh, I love that. But not aggressively. Yeah, I think I'm pretty fire at it. Not to be cocky.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I love it, dude. I'm fired up on my guys. I don't want to have a high school situation where it starts to travel fast. Of course, of course. JT, I think you're a great kisser. I'm sure you're good. Oh, no, I'm not doubting myself. Yeah, I think you were.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I think you were. Oh, I was. Yeah, you were. I was. And you got passion, okay? Yeah, dude. No, I'm a, I was. Yeah, you were. I was. And you got passion, okay? Yeah. No, I'm a good kisser. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You're a good kisser. I was just thinking about it like it was like a thought experiment. Right. Yeah. I wasn't like, my self-esteem wasn't really on the line. But no, but sometimes I do doubt it. Yeah. But yeah, I think, you know what?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I think I'm fired up because you guys believe you're good kissers. And I know you are. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, that's the energy I want to be in. And you know, believing is doing. Yeah. There's things that make sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Ketchup. French fries goes in ketchup. Pasta sauce. You know, meatballs go on spaghetti. Syrup on pancakes. The way you dance, you're going to be a good kisser, dude. It wouldn't be incongruous otherwise. It wouldn't make sense, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:58 We wouldn't be incongruous? It would be incongruous. Oh. Yeah, yeah. I thought he... My bad, dude. No, I saw he... I could see you dude no i saw he i could see you in congress as well i could see you in congress dude i would love to man i could push in legislation just i'm
Starting point is 00:16:10 on that alexander hamilton kick too yeah dude i'd love to be a part of just some landmark movements in this great nation i don't think i could be a politician just because we've been to city council meetings and it's so boring like like the the issues you know that you talk about you're like what about these you know you're like the mayor and they're like what are we gonna do about these parking meters and you're like dude i don't give a fuck what about hubby to the first or whatever number no i don't female pres no i don't want to be that guy no way no way but like in central casting if they were making a movie where they're like we need to have a likable like husband for the president like a handsome guy that all the ladies watching will be like, yeah, that would be the guy I'd want.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Okay. If I were like... Megan Hughes. Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. If I were like Megan Kelly's husband in Bombshell, he comes off as like a pretty badass dude. I don't know anything about him, but he comes off as like he's also dude uh i don't know anything about him but he comes off as like
Starting point is 00:17:06 he's also he's not just her husband he's also like right he's also done well for he's not furniture yes i think i think if i had like a backstory of like oh this guy you know he's a crypto whiz and you know he he built two tours yeah he built factories in mongolia then i think i'd be you know i think i'd be able to take on that role but if i was just like the yeah i'm the stay-at-home dad no dude you'd be freaking eleanor brozovel dude that's who you'd fucking be dude getting stuff done starting nato dude are you for real right now dude i'm fucking 100 for real right you'd be hillary clinton ton of fun dude thank you dude harry harry clinton dude
Starting point is 00:17:46 you'd be michelle of the obama dude the obama yeah dude the bomb did i'd be uh barbara barbara manscape bush barbara grundle Barbara Tainer you'd be Geraldine Biltford Tubb oh dude oh you'd be Nancy pay to see my ray gun yeah dude yeah I'd be Jackie
Starting point is 00:18:17 Jackie can can he not do anything yeah oh man uh i've got my summer outfit on looks great summer outfit it looks awesome dude bringing the heat dude i was gonna ask what's the worst sunburn you've ever had dude it might be on our trip to cabo a couple years ago when i just i got torched you remember that my back i remember that dude you were by the jacuzzi laying down i remember i was like you were chilling really taking in the rays and i was like jt we got to get chat out of the sun dude i remember that you were like you were really enjoying the rays a lot you guys had a
Starting point is 00:19:00 team meeting and it was amazing and i was like he's getting too many rays dude I was sitting there sipping a drink and Strider just comes over and goes hey head up I look up I'm like what's the deal he goes keep an eye on Chad he's burning yeah you were burning dude
Starting point is 00:19:11 the thing is because I never want to cut you off from getting your rays I preach you know what I mean but at the same time you know
Starting point is 00:19:18 don't want my dog to get freaking roasted too hard and I want you to have energy for El Squid Road it was stressing him out dude like I was like I was like hey man you want to play like a checkers you know the checkers board out there and he goes yeah man yeah and then the whole time i bet his strider
Starting point is 00:19:31 it's your move yeah he just was staring straight at you i'm like what's up he's like i can't stop worrying about chat yeah dude the only thing more savage than your massive intake of rays was how much fucking avocado jt was housing on that trip bro yeah we We'd order guac, and they gave us a shit ton of guac because we're three dudes, and they know that by looking at us, we can freaking house that shit. And then JT would order, and then can I get an avocado on the side?
Starting point is 00:19:52 And every time the guy would be like, okay. Yeah. I remember I Googled, can you eat too many avocados a day? I remember that, yeah. Short answer is no. You weren't allowed to get sunburns in your house, right? Nope, dude, my dad was a dermatologist. Hilarious. We were like, yeah. Short answer is no. You weren't allowed to get sunburns in your house, right? Nope, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:05 My dad was a dermatologist. Hilarious. We were like, yeah, bro. If sunburn was the worst transgression you could ever have, dude, if my dad caught you at the dinner table looking a little bit red, dude, you better be blushing, dude. You better be nervous, dude. There better not be a sunscreen.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. Or, excuse me, a sunburn. So, yeah, worst transgression. Would you ever just sell that? You'd be like, dad, are you sunburned? You're like, no, I'm just constantly embarrassed. I would try. I'm literally blushing. Yeah, I'd be like, oh, no, worst transgress. Would you ever just sell that? You'd be like, dad, are you summer? You're like, no, I'm just constantly embarrassed. I would try. I'm eventually blushing.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Yeah, I'd be like, oh, no, I just got off the phone with this girl. And whatever, he's like, you didn't talk to a girl. I was like, yeah, you're right. And I was like. He'd call you out like that. Yeah, he'd call me out hard, dude. Dude, the best call out your dad ever had was when we were supposed to get jobs. And we applied for five, and we already felt like winners for applying.
Starting point is 00:20:41 and we applied for five and we already felt like winners for applying and then his dad comes home and me and Strider in the parking lot or driveway just shooting hoops and his dad walks up
Starting point is 00:20:51 and he goes did you get a job? and Strider goes no but we applied for five before he was convinced his dad goes success is all that matters and walked right past
Starting point is 00:21:00 did you ever did you ever come home sunburnt? oh yeah oh dude I remember one time i was at a volleyball tournament and he like came to the tournament and i had a sun except the beach all day then i went straight from the beach to my volleyball tournament and had a bad sunburn and didn't even know what he said i played well and i was like i was all stoked after the game i was like oh he's gonna
Starting point is 00:21:18 compliment me for playing one he's like you got a sunburn. Unbelievable. Looks stupid. I was like, I don't know. I don't think it looks good. It's like, he's like, calling it stupid. It's a good way to get your chains up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 All time quote from my dad too. This is an all time quote from my dad. As we're at the park, it's like a soccer game, a youth soccer game, third grade, fourth grade, something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Young, impressionable. And I was thirsty after the soccer game and I was going to use uh the drinking fountain yeah and he goes what are you doing and i was like oh thursday like i just played a soccer game he's like drinking fountains are for idiots i go wait what like yeah because people wash that people wash their hands in that dog's asses get washed in that it's a dog's asses i was like what do you think's going on here he goes idiots use drinking fountains all the time dude like get me water dad i was gonna say like yeah i drank all my water i was like dude i'm thirsty bro like that's house this capri sun after the game dog's asses yeah dude i um my dad was really pro sunscreen too and i think that's why i'm so partial to tanning now
Starting point is 00:22:23 i think he's sort of like i went the other way because yeah he would just lather me up and and uh i would get really upset about it he's like you're putting on sunscreen i'm like i'm not like i not today you know and he'd you'd use like the neutrogena like super thick you know and he'd like lather me up and i'd like go to the beach and like all my boys would be like dude the, the sun's out. Take your shirt off. I'm like, my shirt is off. Okay. It's Neutrogena. Oh yeah. Dude, my mom would be, we want to, would want to avoid sunscreen too.
Starting point is 00:22:51 We'd be at like the pool on vacation or whatever. And my mom would just get globs of like 70 SPF Neutrogena, dude, that like just does not rub in, dude. I don't care what, like you'll look like the dude from the movie Powder once she puts it on you. And we'd be running by the pool and my mom would just reach her hand out and just slap us with sunscreen as we walked by it was hilarious yeah like no what was your dad thing about like the sort of commercial sunscreen these days because there's a lot of stuff coming out that there's pretty bad chemicals
Starting point is 00:23:21 in there yeah have you talked to him about that not much he always was was pushing neutrogena like neutrogena deals yeah like that's what he always did and maybe there's bad chemicals in there but i would have to ask him about it but i think his take would be uh you're like guarantee if you're going to be out in the sun you'll guarantee to get skin cancer as opposed to like i don't know exactly what's going to happen if you wear some sunscreen right oh wow you know that's terrifying yeah i mean that's what he would use for your tactics yeah and they say you know pro tip if you're a guy since you most of us have short hair top of the ears tip of the nose premium melanoma spots right you forget to get those all the time and they're exposed to the
Starting point is 00:24:00 sun and then back of the neck that's scary that's why i'm growing out this disgusting mullet that my fiancee doesn't really like dude i just like to keep this long back natural sunscreen it feels like masculine for me to have you've got dank flow and jt you have great flow as well good curls but chad has like iconic flow yes i mean doesn't it feel nice having that yeah yeah yeah it does Yeah, it does. It feels nice, yeah. What's your guys' take on sunscreen? I don't wear it. Really? But I should. I should.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But I don't, if I'm being honest. Yeah, I just go out there and get some. You know, because my mom tanned, like, my whole childhood. So I think it's kind of culturally wired into me. And you are Colombian, dude. I'm freaking, like,ish and shit like i just get burnt like i don't get a nice bronze yeah i when i was teaching surf lessons i would put on heavy stuff because i'd just be on the sun all day so i would put on like zinc and stuff
Starting point is 00:24:59 but lately i've been i've been putting i've been using like organic sunscreen same uh because uh i think i i heard that the chemicals in in like you know copper tone or whatever they prevent you from getting like vitamin d and stuff and that's so it's toxic um so feel you got to use organic so i've been using organic stuff um and in mexico yeah i use like sun bum i like sun bum smells so good smells like vacation dude smells good and i yeah i don't think i really got sunburned dude but you know what we went to um these cenotes which are like the underground fresh water well and you snorkel on there and there's fucking bats above you it's awesome dude like in tulum amazing but you're not allowed to wear like nitrogen or like any, you have to get a specific
Starting point is 00:25:46 and they, like, have to check it and they're, like, spit, like, super, I mean, I guess you could, like, get away with it if you wanted to, but you'd be a dick. But they're, like, only buy organic and coral reef safe sunscreen because you can't damage that small body of water. And the same principle should be applied to the ocean, but it's just so big. Yeah. So, it's true. There's some there's some
Starting point is 00:26:05 whack shit in there dude yeah i think the organic stuff is and now when i when i'm inside i try to go like an hour you know and if i'm like out surfing or whatever i put on sunscreen for sure but it's you know i go to dermatologist every year now i get checked smart good yeah smart i've had a couple bad sunburns in my life oh really yeah i spent a week at lake elsinore once and we rented a jet ski for the week day one top my knees and my feet like second degree oh bro yeah yeah so i couldn't go in i couldn't use it anymore it was awful everyone who goes to lake elsinore gets a sunburn yeah if you do comes back if you do one lap you're fine i did like a lap and a half and then a few years later my buddies and i were going to vegas so like two months out i was like
Starting point is 00:26:57 all right i'm gonna work on my tan because i'm so fucking white uh so in the backyard of my house, I did it. And then I did it peak UV time. That was the mistake. And I couldn't get all the areas of my back. So I had this fat cross sunburn on my back that I just had to take. I took a cold shower. I was in there for an hour. It was still hurting. Just water on my back.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And then so I just took Benadryl and slept for like three days. Yeah, we'll fuck you up. It drains you, dude. Yeah, it was the only way to not itch and be miserable. And when you peel too, you lose all your progress. When I came back from Cabo, I peeled pretty heavy. The peeling process is... Yeah, it's gross.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah, it's terrible. Yeah, you wake up in your bed. Yeah, there's like a flake in your bed yeah gross i had such a horrible sunburn one time and we went bowling afterwards i had such a bad sunburn honestly i should have stayed home because people no one could talk to me without commenting on it but fortunately for me some kids came back from a costume party and one of the guys had a red mask so i borrowed it for the rest of bowling nice but you had a sunburn that day and you made it you were smart you wore
Starting point is 00:28:11 a red shirt which i didn't realize learned that from my dad dude and my sunburn was way worse than yours so there was nothing was gonna cover it but i wore white so i was pops the contrast was loud but you wore a red shirt and you couldn't really see yours it's the move el matate shirt looks stupid oh you're so funny look it does kind of look stupid he's kind of right yeah like when you're at a dodger game they cut to a guy who's got a sunburn in the audience there's an idiot you're disrespecting you're gonna buy a car from someone and the guy's got a sunburn like i'm not gonna buy a car from my dad my dad was always skeptical that this one guy he worked with was working hard and i go why my dad's like he always says too good of a tan yeah that's a thing he did have like a perfect tan all the time yeah but i was like he just prioritized it on the weekend uh it was amazing what do you guys think about
Starting point is 00:28:59 bowling i think bowling is a top 10 hangout i love top 10 hang you're basically getting drinks with your boys and having a fun activity to do great great hang in high school as well yes yes great way to hang out with some gals in high school go bowling totally i don't think i'm as amped on bowling as you guys are no no because i i might my throws way off or my toss or whatever you how what do you say maybe your stroke my role yeah my roll it's way off and my arm goes out and i just you know i haven't taken the time to correct it and i just fucking i gutter it every time but you know what dude fuck bowling i suck too dude yeah yeah i i don't suck i don't
Starting point is 00:29:40 like that much dude oh yeah what are you i mean i like it i go, dude. Oh, yeah. What do you bowl? I mean, I like it. I go once a year, but fuck it, dude. If you're not into it, you're not into it. Yeah, I think, you know what? I don't know, dude. I have a thing about places that make me feel a little bit off and wear shoes. There's an innate sadness to a bowling alley. No question. There is. A degenerate level of sadness around there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Even the hipster ones? Hipster ones, probably not. Like a Lucky Strike, no. Or like Highland Park park is a cool one you mean small town bowling alleys any bowling alley besides those yes you go during business hours and it's a fucking stepdad and his kid or the biological dad and his kid trying to spark up a conversation same with the dave and busters has this same thing remember we went to the dave and busters and saw that dad i'll never forget that image i did a double jack and Dave and Buster's and saw that I'll never forget that image I did a double Jack and Coke and his kids playing like
Starting point is 00:30:27 that fucking House of the Dead game and I was like whoa sad immediately sad to really burrow into the details of it it was clear that this dad was getting his like day of the week with the kid you know and he was hammering back some Jack and Coke they were having a nice conversation
Starting point is 00:30:43 but Strider and I were there because we didn't have jobs. So we'd just go to Dave and Buster's on weekdays. All the games were not ticketed or free play. It's free play. Oh, really? Yeah, dude. So you could play video games for like six hours for free. But no one takes advantage of it because they're all at work and have families.
Starting point is 00:31:02 But Strider and I didn't have jobs. We were just going there. It was just for a month or so. But then... Best month of my life. We were there for like three hours. And then we walked by this poor kid, and I'll try and do his face,
Starting point is 00:31:13 but he was playing House of the Dead for like three hours straight. And who knows where his dad had gone. He just looked like this. He was... His out and sad. And me and Strider were like, we were like, hey, dude, we'll adopt you. And then we grabbed the kid and we actually took him with us for the rest of the day.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And we played tennis and went to a strip club. Yeah, it was fun. And then we went to the Moth, the storytelling competition that's on NPR. Yeah, it was fun. And then we went to the Moth, the storytelling competition that's on NPR. Sick. Yeah, it was nice. Great rendition, yeah. And then we dropped him off.
Starting point is 00:31:50 That's sick. Good kid. Yeah, he had an awesome day. A24 was thinking about making a short film about it. No way. Yeah, it's going to be directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Oh, that's going to be fire. Yeah, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Really going to be good. But we're not in it. No, no. Some guys are playing us who are a little bit younger and hotter like um way hot yeah super hot guys who are jacked it's sad a little bit yeah so there's kids from that like outer bank show or something oh uh chase stokes is that really his name dude how do you know that it's because it because it pissed me off when i saw it oh really so it's ingrained in my brain dude you're always the best about that yeah you're always aware when
Starting point is 00:32:29 someone's on your corner yeah yeah it's like chase stokes there was that good looking stand-up comedian i won't say his name but he did our show yeah and i was like what do you what do you think about this guy you're like i don't like him and then i was like why don't you like him you were super honest though you were like i know he's good looking we look the same i don't like it i'm very competitive yeah you gotta be baby you gotta be very competitive no once you said that though i looked at him i was like i got it yeah yeah i was like fuck this dude yeah i saw him go up one time at meltdown i was sitting there waiting for the open mic and he comes up you know just smiling just oh yeah jokes and everyone's laughing i was like you motherfucker way to have the same haircut as me you fucking cheese it's a valid concern too because like on a lineup right if they're booking eight people they're only gonna
Starting point is 00:33:21 book one person from like each subset of like what kind of person they are yeah yeah so like if you're in like the good looking cool category like they're not gonna put two of you on the show no yeah and and i always beef with him from afar i remember one time i ran into him and i was wearing like a black t-shirt and black pants like what i typically wear and he's like all black huh i'm like yeah all black yeah and a great joe maurice your funeral yeah restate the fact yeah all black uh yeah all black yeah can you see dumb ass when people were congratulating joe on the pod people were like dude congrats on getting the pot atc that's awesome then he go yeah it is awesome and he would like step on them singing he'd say it really fast it was so funny call it
Starting point is 00:34:06 but so this guy though i had a show one time when i was you know we were on the same lineup for some reason i don't know what the producer was thinking um but after i went up he like came up to me he's like hey man i really like your stuff i think you're gonna go really far and i was like damn it he's nice i was like like, thanks, man. I like you too. Dude, that happens a lot. Yeah. Yeah. You want to not like someone and then you meet them and they're like wonderful.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah. Yeah. That's what's genius in forgetting Sarah Marshall when he finally meets Aldous Snow, Russell Brand's character. He's like, fuck, you're cool. God damn it, man. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:38 It's a great scene when they're surfing. It's great. Oh, you surf too? And he like gets the place. He's like, oh, it's like a dog twisted Neil Diamond. I see what you're going for. He's like, that's exactly right. It's so funny, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:47 That's just great writing. Dude, they wrote that character to be like a professorial English guy who wore a tweed coat with elbow patches. And then Russell Brand ripped the audition so hard, they just totally rewrote the character for him. Greatest call to air mate. That's his best thing, for sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Besides his two-hour podcast now on Ego, those are also equally. character for him greatest call that i made that's his best thing for sure oh yeah besides he's like two hour podcast now on ego those are also yeah equally as good yeah he's i'm fucking with you russell those fuck dude i'm sorry i'm sorry i remember i did that i felt bad oh yeah branda yeah dude brutal but dude his actually the show he did when he was in a, I forget what the name, Rebrand or something like that. It was something like another name pun. It was an English show and it was just him like with a camcorder, but it had some amazing episodes.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I didn't see the one, but one of them he does like heroin in it. Another one he boxes his dad, which is pretty hilarious. But then the best episode is him hanging out with two neo-Nazis and he really just spends a couple of days with them and he ends up like breaking down their psychology. He doesn't even do it. He has two people who are just like blue collar dudes from England argue with the neo-Nazis and like break down their argument. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:35:53 And it's, it's pretty cool. Yeah. That's awesome. But now he doesn't, you know, do shit like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:58 But that was really good. That was really, really good. Um, that was a long thing, dude. I had a, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:08 a crazy experience. Well, no, I found something out that really bothered me i uh i was on a date with a girl who works in reality tv casting and i told her i had herpes and so we started talking about that and she was like you know you could never be on a reality dating show because of your herpes and i was like what i was like is that true she's like yeah it's not allowed and it really upset me i was like that's not fair like we should have people with herpes we need representation yeah and then so i got a like a spark and i was like dude i'm gonna be the first guy to go on the bachelor who has herpes yeah she was pretty funny about it too she just was shoot straight at me she just kept kept going, it'll never happen. And then I was like, no, it will. I was like, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I'll be the first. I will be the first guy on the bachelor with herpes. And she goes, nope, they won't cast you. Won't happen. Yeah. And I was like, lady, give me some, give me some, give me some green lights here. I want to run with this thing. I was like, and I think I'm, yeah, I'm going to be the first guy on the bachelor with herpes.
Starting point is 00:37:03 They've had virgins. I'm like, how about a wholesome guy who fucks? Yeah. Yeah. It's not like you're tricking anybody, dude. You'll let people know, dude. Dude, you come out. I'll be as wholesome as that virgin.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Dude. 100%. I pray for the day when you come out of the limo holding the rose and you have like an asterisk, JT Par, herpes. Mm-hmm. And you just come out and you're like, what's up? I'm JT. I'm going to write it on the card.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I'm going to go read the card. It just says, I'm JT. I have her herpes and when she looks up and she'll be gone and then she might feel bad she you know what you would if she wasn't into the herpes you know she'd be smart she wouldn't cut me on the first rose ceremony because it'd be too obvious yeah she'd wait till like round two and then be like we just didn't click yeah you like you know you say the goodbye is it because of the herpes is it because of the herpes hey shoot me straight is it because of the herpes though for real it's not a big deal i'm like but look i don't want to convince you call me after the show if it doesn't work out i'll check so i don't have an outbreak right now
Starting point is 00:37:59 like you're safe you're good lady you're if she, I mean, if you guys got married, that would be the most legendary bachelor season of all. I'd be a pioneer. It'd be so inspiring. I don't doubt your bachelor, I mean, you make a phenomenal bachelor. That's really nice of you. A bachelorette, I guess, would have to be it. But yeah, I think, no, I got my height working against me
Starting point is 00:38:20 and then some other factors. No, you'd crush. What if you were the bachelor? You have way more personality than those Reynos. I hope so,no i hope so man but i know there's some handsome dudes on there but you're a hot dude though you're jacked sorry i'm sorry we broke him sorry no dude it was so nice i just uh fuck man thanks dude my bad dude no don't look at me like that he's not wrong why are you looking at me like that dude because he's right dude
Starting point is 00:38:47 should I hop into the ads right now give him a breather dude give him a breather Aaron was like nah dude but that was nice that was nice I needed that
Starting point is 00:38:56 thank you you could be the bachelor dude no dude would you want to do that I'd rather be on the bachelorette I think it'd be more fun because you could hang with the bros too which would be sick yeah you can maybe have some bro time even
Starting point is 00:39:08 though you're they're your competitors yeah can maybe make it more of a hang it feels pretty lonely if you're the the one yeah dude and 15 people in love with you it's a lot dude fighting for you and shit it's a lot but everyone seems to enjoy it's kind of like the popularity in high school thing like yeah they all seem to take on the role pretty effortlessly at a certain point and they just love the uh the kind of energy that's getting directed at them right yeah i mean they always sort of ham it up too i feel like as if you're the bachelor you have to ham it up oh yeah i could not do you gotta be like hey like a little bit of that energy today we're in cleveland you ladies ready to tickle my funny bone and then they have to do like a five minute stand yeah brutal yeah when the when the producers
Starting point is 00:39:52 get a little too hands-on on those shows it's like look we have attractive people in exotic locations let them do the work dude we don't need put them in the house give it an open bar yeah have a have a pool have a swim up bar yeah that's all we need dude have the cars for timeouts let the dramatics happen let people get buzzed i don't need any fun intros dude the tila tequila show did you ever watch that one oh hell yeah that was phenomenal dude season two yeah these two this happens sometimes guys will just hate one guy a lot of times they have good reason there's like sociopaths on there and like like there's a guy in this season i think his name's forget his name he's like really handsomes on there. And like, there's a guy in this season. I think his name's, I forget his name. But he's like really handsome, but he seems like a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And so all the guys are kind of bandying against him. But I'm worried it's going to just make her like him more. But on Tila Tequila, two guys hated this one guy. And they just punched his teeth out. Damn. Full on just blasting him, dude. I used to watch it on YouTube all the time. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:42 And the guy took it well. He was like, oh, Jesus. And he just had his teeth jacked. And the other two guys were just like... And one guy, they were both in his face. But I don't think the one guy expected him to throw a punch. Yeah. Because he was kind of shocked.
Starting point is 00:40:56 But the guy just cracks him in the jaw twice. Wow. Yeah. Who's the best reality star of all time? Is it the guy CJ from the real world? CT. CT. CT.
Starting point is 00:41:07 You know what, dude? Is it CT, dude? Dude, you're absolutely right. Yeah. What a call, dude. I'm going to throw this out there. Is he the best reality star? I'm going to throw this out there.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Flavor Flav. Amazing. He's great. And that was where my head went. But I think because he was already a celebrity. Right, right. I like that CT's homegrown. That's a good call.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And then the Jersey Shore cast has some great characters, too, that are undeniable, dude. True, true, true. Yeah. Who's a good call. And then Jersey Shore cast has some great characters too that are undeniable. True, true. Who's your favorite? My favorite? It's gotta be Snooki, I guess. Snooki's the biggest star from the show, but I do love Pauly. Pauly's the best. He's DJs now and shit. He makes a lot of jing to them. I would love to go see him
Starting point is 00:41:40 DJ. I kind of want to learn how to DJ just so you can just go do... You went know you went to friday veers thing yeah dude what's what's their dj dj press play dude with press play and um uh yeah it just seems like such a fun gig be amazing did it be so soon you just rake it in you go to cities you never heard of yeah places you've never been yeah and you're just you're getting people like it's real stoke inducing like you're just getting people as excited as they can be yeah and then you have like a whole plan for how to do that and you got to follow it and hope that they respond to it i don't know i think it's a foam cannon it's fire yeah when people kind of
Starting point is 00:42:17 send a djs i'm like uh there's a reason everyone wants to be one it's the best job in the world yeah but you actually but because of that it's high competition so i think i think the people we know are the best yeah yeah we could take our route though we could be stoke lords and then transition you know i'd do the three person dj crew would be awesome there's already two people there's never been three dude yeah we could be the three musketeers we could split the pressure of the auxiliary cord yeah i mean the other two are hyping always be fired yeah there literally would be fine yeah there would absolutely be fire we would have fire dude i would just love to like you know where you do the thing where you like i've you know i'm like toned up sound you know what the fuck but you like slide the
Starting point is 00:43:01 thing and then it just like the beat drops and then like you know the the foam cans go burn and you're just and then people are just like oh my god oh it's the best the fucking confetti falls down and everyone's just like it truly takes your buzz to the next level you're just like oh it really did you do that's when you do this one you're like you're like having a good time you're like yeah and then they hit you with like a cold air blast at the right b and then you just close your eyes and go yeah you go into a different plane yeah where you're kind of just like you get you get taken above the setting it's so true you're in a different plane of existence yeah yeah you're like dragon ball z when they go up to that place where they learn how to be Super Saiyan or whatever. Oh, great call.
Starting point is 00:43:45 You're on that cloud. Did the walk up to the table? I remember I saw Zedd, and he has the orb thing. State of the art. And I remember when he walked up there, he just walks up there, and it's really high up, and he just starts playing the music music and it just all lights up and you're just like man that's got to be the coolest feeling of all time where he just he's up there and he's like and everyone's like everyone's like sad sad no way and then you just see like this figure appear and it just like everything just lights up and you're just like oh
Starting point is 00:44:20 my god oh dude it's awesome you're the captain of the party, dude. You're the fucking, like, you're a spaceship captain of a sick-ass spaceship that's going to frickin' just rape. What's your go-to, your DJing song to get everybody moving? I mean, dude, if I'm going old school, I mean, maybe Sandstorm or Pro Nails. But that might be a little bit too heavy, too much. I mean... Dude, you doing Sandstorm with Fireman? Rad Anthem.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Rad Anthem. Zombie Nation, dude. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I can see you rocking the tech last night. I've been hitting Pitbull Time of Our Lives lately. Yeah. My rent was laid about a week ago.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I have my land on, but I can't pay it though. but i got just enough to get up in this club i think that's flow rider good time no that's pitbull and uh neo oh okay i think the flow writer flow ride is pretty legit he's amazing he does his music videos are sometimes just him and miami on a stand-up paddleboard what else do you need that's a music video he does dude yeah no he's just he's paddling he's a house too yeah dude i love that his name it took me forever to put this together someone else had to do it for me yep his name is florida his name is florida wait what but he calls himself flow rider oh shit dude i didn't realize that how long has miami hip-hop been around Probably as long as hip-hop, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:45 30, 35 years, 40 years? Sorry. I'm probably... I don't know my numbers there. But he was the first one to come up with that. That's sick. Or do you think someone else had already done it, but they just didn't pop the way he did?
Starting point is 00:45:56 No. Do you think he stole it? No. I'm getting skeptical. I wouldn't put that on Flo Rida. You're right, you're right. He knows what he's doing. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Do you guys remember when Atlanta was huge? Welcome to Atlanta, where the players played. Oh, that dude you guys remember when atlanta was huge welcome to atlanta what a place play so good every day i mean yeah atlanta was the spot peace up a town down boom boom boom boom dude and outcast it's amazing when like certain places just have like artistic kind of explosions come out of them like seattle with like grunge rock or whatever or like chicago with like uh what was that like blues music like little walter and muddy waters like chess records and all those guys or cadillac records yeah uh detroit motown yeah exactly uh maybe oc was good for punk rock yeah vh1 did some specials about that some california ska ska dude yes ska all right should we uh do you have it uh any new things with your df what's what's what's going on just posting dude just um
Starting point is 00:46:55 shit's going well dude you know grooving dude just freaking in the speed line chilling and getting it done dude um no wedding plans we're sort of you know just dragging our feet enjoying the engagement life dude you know do you guys cook anything cool lately you know we're mixing up our recipes it's actually a great question we both had a conversation we're like our recipes that we have now are dank but we've grown tired of them we want to mix this up a little bit we want to do like maybe a cauliflower curry later tonight could be fun to make um we still like to infuse chickpeas and a lot of stuff we made a chickpea broccoli um fusillini pasta the other day that was good both hot and cold in your whole life did you ever think you'd make something like that
Starting point is 00:47:34 never would have dreamt it how many of those words did you know when you were 16 zero i still thought it showed was a chip was it was a grundle at that point not a skinny fat penis whoa so look at how much of life is brand new to you it's amazing that's the that's what love does it unlocks and opens new doors takes you to new heights both linguistically lovemakingly and uh cuisine-ly dude so it's it's just been so freaking tight and you know you got to find the silver lining in shit and you know we were all locked up in this pandemic and or most of us but uh fucking we're like dude let's just start cooking dude we got this kitchen sitting right here let's use it you know we live in la it's easy to post
Starting point is 00:48:17 make there's a million great places to eat we go let's start cooking dude she's like all right good looking let's go sick ass ryan let's go dude now we're making all sorts of good shit but you know what i was talking to about i think you we were talking about joe and another guy chudwin i think they're making dank new york strip steaks and my dank ass fiance and i have a um skillet like a cast iron skillet and they go they cook new york strips in that i think i want to cook a new york strip for myself chadwin was really detailed in his approach too with the uh tilting it and then pouring the rosemary back onto it yeah rosemary garlic rosemary garlic and he says all you need is a little salt and pepper rosemary garlic like the and you put the olive oil on there whatever
Starting point is 00:48:59 and that creates a nice juice and yeah he really talked about sprint sprinkling that juice on there once you flip it i want to try that dude you should yeah at home steak i use an air never done it oh yeah i use an air fryer for my steaks it's so easy and i just put like basic seasoning on there 10 minutes ready to go and uh but you know i never really mess with recipes or anything like that i just you know it could be fun yeah i mean i'm down uh uh when i was dating caroline we had some cooking nights but i kind of let her just take the reins because she on the sous chef yeah sous chef as well you know yeah i'm like do you mean she's like you could chop up that tomato exactly dude you end up chopping exactly yeah it happens a lot with. Have you discussed the Chode debacle with your DF?
Starting point is 00:49:47 No, no, no. It doesn't really. I mean, it's something that's something we don't really have to worry about. You know, it'd be like. I was just talking about the term, like the misunderstanding. You know, it's like, you know, I used to think Chode was a taint. Oh, she would be good to talk to. I think she's very well read and would be versed in it.
Starting point is 00:50:05 But I haven't brought it up with her only because I do have a small cock, so I don't. It just hasn't come up. I mean, you know, it's almost like, hey, how's the weather in Argentina right now? You know, it's interesting and cool cool but we're in la do you think saying you have this you have a small cock do you think that makes it smaller like if you say it all the time yeah is it is it sort of like you believe what you say you yeah you practice what you preach i think so like i think so if you woke up with a huge cock whoa do you think you'd even
Starting point is 00:50:47 think it was huge i'm that's a good question dude that's a great fucking black mirror episode yeah like would i i would know because i'd have my same body right so i would look down and i know my perspective against my leg. I know that. But I'm wondering if there's doors of perception that are deeper than that and more deciding on what you see. Potentially. But I've seen a lot of other dicks. I've seen a lot of other dicks. I've been on a lot of other athletic teams.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And all the dicks are bigger than my dick. Did you? All of them? You had the smallest dick on all your sports teams? Did you ever think... There was one guy on my freshman basketball team who had a smaller cock than me. What was his name?
Starting point is 00:51:34 I'm not going to say it. I don't know if he's comfortable. And I don't small-dong shame, but here's the thing. It's his narrative. Were you psyched that he was in there? I was psyched. I was psyched that I wasn't last. But also, he had a big bush.
Starting point is 00:51:48 He had a big bush. So if he shaved his bush, it might have looked a little bit... Did some of the guys pick on him? They picked on him more for his bush than small penis. Right. And I honestly would be like... I wouldn't rally it. Because sometimes, you know, it's high school.
Starting point is 00:52:01 We're immature guys. If you pick on someone for something, you know, you always... Everyone gets in on it. But I would never hop on that pick on him train because i knew his affliction do you he also loved wearing affliction t-shirts did you ever spar with someone you know who's you got the smallest cock and then you sort of and he's like and you're like no you got the smallest cock and then it's like but you had different body types, so you did the math to analyze? Mental sparring never really came to a conversation about it or having to be like, hey. Never like, oh, who's got the biggest bicep? Guys will talk like that or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It was just more, this was a different era. This was an era where I was young and I didn't want to, you know, I didn't want to, I would even get worried about mooning someone if my pants came down too far and people saw my small dink. That happened to me in seventh grade. Yeah. And it was, how do you still think about it? It was a tough week.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Exactly. So we never really matched up or squared up with one another. It was more just like, you know, I would close my locker and then I'd close, and then his face would be there when my locker closes, and I'd look at him. Do you remember the first time your dad hit you for having a small dick? Yeah, I do. I do remember it. It was even before puberty.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Really? Before puberty, because he knew. Because he knew. He goes, How soon before puberty? Let's see. Puberty is about 13 i'd probably say i remember probably i would say three and i have a very i'm smart i have a very strong memory from
Starting point is 00:53:38 when i was a toddler and so your dad your dad hit you at three oh yeah because your penis was small yeah he actually hit me with one of those pool noodles, you know, that you go with the pool. And he goes, see this? You'll never have anything this powerful. He's a little dick. Whacked me with a noodle right where my dick. He actually, the thing that was weird about it is he did it right past my penis. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Because he goes, I should be hitting your dick right now, but there's nothing there for me to hit with this. Damn. So it was more of an emotional hit. And you said the hardest part for you was that your grandma was there and that she... She saw it. And she was okay with it. And she knows that it's his side of the family that my small dick's from.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah. She knows. She knows her husband's dick was huge. Huge, fat, fat, huge penis right mm-hmm you know blue collar cock you know did that strain the relish yeah cock that can really deal with grip hand right and that works you know she's Irish like a built for tough cock exactly a hundred percent I remember you told me that you your dad told you that when you were born you know the first words out of his mouth
Starting point is 00:54:47 when he first saw you were like oh this cock is stupid yeah he said that's a clit yeah he thought I was his daughter he said oh man I got a daughter cause you know he's not progressive we talked about this when I pinned his ass he doesn't know
Starting point is 00:54:59 he didn't think my niece would play with proper toys I had to pin his ass I felt justified to pin his ass for that even though I was pinning him cause he was just being a straight-up bitch. But he thought I was a daughter. And then my mom was like, no, no, no, no. Look at the birth certificate. That's a sack.
Starting point is 00:55:19 He might not have been able to read it. He was crying. He's like, that's labia. I know that's a sack. Right, and he's a doctor, and he had hubris. He's like, no, no. You know Chad. You know how doctors doctors are they're fucking condescending totally he was trying to tell the obgyn the obgyn's like you're not a fucking
Starting point is 00:55:30 this type of doctor bro yeah he's like but that's skin and he's like this is foreskin that i just cut off and he held up my foreskin right and he cried this is all on video I've seen it because you know we filmed the birth crazy man do you still send him like all those pictures yeah my dick mm-hmm on his birthday on his birthday I do not father's day not on father's day
Starting point is 00:56:09 on father's day I don't send him shit father's day you send him a tie with little your dicks on it that's what I should do yeah
Starting point is 00:56:16 at Strider's house they had the little squiggly marks going up the thing to show people's height and everybody else's squiggly marks were horizontal
Starting point is 00:56:25 going up and then striders were uh vertical going sideways and i was like on the door so yeah i was like why is your your height is like static yeah and then you were like no that's where they measure my dick and it was a screen door so it was really thin. And there was almost no growth. So it was just black line after black line after black line. Yeah, my dad would call me baby cock because I've had a baby cock forever. But then I tell him I have love now. Yeah, and you told me that at the wedding, no matter what he says, you're serving him pigs in a blanket.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah, there's no question that's going to be the after ceremony, pre-dinner appetizer. And I'm going to make sure to be like, you know, I'll become boys with the staff working it. Dude, I've got some boys who do catering from valet and shit. Maybe my buddy Randy, maybe my buddy Ali or Eric S. And fucking just be like, dude,
Starting point is 00:57:21 make sure you bring him. My dad has a goatee. Bring the dude with the fucking goatee. Picked in a blanket. Are you worried that at your wedding he's going to talk about your small thing? Like, have you talked to your D.F.'s parents about it? No, no, because he's not going to make a speech. When you asked your D.F.'s parents for permission to marry her,
Starting point is 00:57:39 were you like, just so you know, I have a small cock? I told them that, yeah. I told them that. It's been amazing getting to know you guys over this many years. We haven't been in a long time, like eight years. It's been a while.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Should have proposed even sooner, but, you know, it's been great knowing you guys. Really looking forward to being in the family, but just so you know, going forward, yeah, I have a super small dick,
Starting point is 00:57:59 but I love, my dick may be small, but my love for your daughter is titanic. I love it. Should we do some questions? Yeah, can I take a rip? What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation?
Starting point is 00:58:11 And I got dirty last night at In-N-Out. It was dank. What'd you get, Double Double? Double Double, animal style. Dude, can I be real with you for a second? 100%. I've never gotten an animal style double double really dude they're tasty i think i got to i think you know what you know threw me off is the the
Starting point is 00:58:33 uh whatever that is it like pickles yes they put pickles on it the pickled like sauce i don't know what they do so they it's grilled onions that's what it is yeah the grill which it always looks weird to me but i think i'd be down with it it'd be dank yeah it's grilled onions. That's what it is. Yeah, the grilled. It always looks weird to me, but I think I'd be down with it. It'd be dank. Yeah, it's dank. I mean, you've had grilled onions on other stuff. Oh, for sure. It's good. I love grilled onions.
Starting point is 00:58:51 There's nothing better smelling than like cooking onions. A hundred percent. It's the best smell. Speaking of cooking too, every recipe that my dank ass fiance and I start with involves heating up onion and garlic first. And then you just add shit to that. It's the base. It's everything. it's the best intro yeah yeah so yeah the the the animal style they mustard fry the patty which is a little bit different so i guess like they put mustard and maybe
Starting point is 00:59:16 some other stuff on there yeah it's a little more savory patty yeah plus extra special sauce um grilled onion pickles lettuce and tomato nice very dank that sounds really it's really good and i mean i'm sure you can get it like if you don't want to eat the bread you can probably just get like a flying dutchman animal style i bet yeah you know or protein style i'd go bread on that oh i'd go bread what i would say is it's if i'm going animal style exactly you can't i'm not gonna mess around exactly might as well just I'd go bread on that. I'd go bread. What I would say is go full throttle. If I'm going animal style, I'm not going to mess around. Exactly. Might as well just go all in.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I'm not going to be some chump with flying Dutchman animal stuff. Dude, exactly. What are you doing, dude? Get the bun. Pick lanes. You know what I mean? You don't drive in both lanes. You've got to pick a lane.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah. Even though Aaron is driving on the wrong side of the road going to Five Guys. Yeah. I mean, I guess if you were at Five Guys, you could build an In-N-Out burger at Five Guys. Totally. Like, you could ask for special sauce, which is pretty much Thousand Island. Mm-hmm. I would be interested to do that, bro.
Starting point is 01:00:22 I would be interested in doing that. Mm-hmm. Well, I think... I think you'll be pleased. Are the patties thicker, though? Yeah. See, that's the difference, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I like the thin patty at In-N-Out. Well, that's the thing, like... More for me. After shows, yeah. After shows, we go all out. It is nice. Double, double. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Fries. Fries, well go all out. It is nice. Double-double, fries, fries well done, drink, and a milkshake. Neapolitan. That was fun. Yeah, when we went to, I remember we saw you after the show on Rachel's show on the west side. Yeah. You got the shake, and my brother and I looked at each other and we're like, Gotta get the shake. Let's go get some fucking shakes. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:04 So good. Nothing fires me up more than a shake or ice cream it really is the best treat dude i love it i love ice cream not picking an ice cream cake though funny enough no but yeah you need actual cake you know what also too the the ice cream's so cold that it like cools down the cake part so it's all hard and stuff and you're like you know you need like soft cake 100 all the mode dang like a lava cake and like fucking chilies yeah let's go the fucking cake is hot and then you just put an ice cream scoop on the side yeah it's amazing yeah pizookies are delicious yeah bj's could have got one there last night except they had valet and it was the line was packed out the door dude you can go you can drive past valet just
Starting point is 01:01:48 drive right past it South Park oh really you can I did I blew past this lady mmm still all the time smart yeah yeah no like there was no values like there were no spots though it was going off yeah Bert downtown Burbank was going off last night. Oh, yeah? With families. Yeah. They were out. People are out.
Starting point is 01:02:08 They're looking to go. Are you guys scared of this Delta variant? Let's get into it. What's going on? I'm not scared of it. I'm scared of implications it might have. But my thing is like... I think we're good.
Starting point is 01:02:23 I can tell you were stressed about it today. Yeah. I think we're good. I tell you were stressed about it today yeah i think we're good i think if the vaccine's available it's like what else can you do and dude i think i think people have made up their minds collectively that we're in a different phase of this thing and i don't think we're gonna go backwards no i don't think we have the the collective will to do that i don't have it yeah like uh i'm ready to go yeah and i was like the most scared and i'm like and you know not that there's greater extrapolation just from my way i'm thinking but i don't know like i think people want to get out there yeah i still wear a mask in the grocery store and stuff though
Starting point is 01:02:57 same yeah like that sort of place i carry one in my pocket all the time well right now and to quote joe today when i asked him at the park i go joe are you afraid of the delta variant he goes i don't believe in that so maybe maybe hopefully joe's right yeah talk to joe um are you guys ready for some cues fuck yeah okay this one has a good title her Her help. Her dad's dumb as fuck. Hey, Stokers. Need your help here. So due to COVID, my partner and I were separated and she had to move back to the Netherlands.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Eight months later, I moved over to live with her until her passport arrived so we could move back to Australia. To save money, we were living with her dad and until our flight later in the year till we returned back to Australia. And until our flight later in the year, till, till we returned back to Australia. Issue is her dad's maybe the dumbest person I know consistently spitting out completely false facts and just in the house being an all around slob, no cleaning, cooking, groceries, et cetera. I love my girlfriend, but don't know how to deal with her dad. He's not a scary lad, just a skinny six year old alcoholic who spends his days scrolling through chicks on Tik TOK.
Starting point is 01:04:03 It's his house. So I have little power and he's my girlfriend's hero. Any advice on how to deal with this? More info. If you have the time, the guy clearly, the guy's clearly sending himself into an early grave as a two pack a day cigar smoker and alcoholic.
Starting point is 01:04:18 This is obviously devastating for my partner. My partner is one of four daughters and none of them seem to have the guts to really grill him to be better. As a guy, maybe I can talk to him on a man-to-man level, explaining that his choices here are hurting his daughters, or is that not my beef at all? Sorry for the negative stoke,
Starting point is 01:04:33 but keen to hear your advice. Cheers, guys. Love the pod. I mean, dude, he's going to be moving out soon. It's not going to be a problem. Sounds like he just has annoying roommate grievances, dude. Like, this guy's habits and all that type of stuff. Yeah, it's really affecting him.
Starting point is 01:04:47 You and your old man aren't supposed to be, like, living in the same area. Unless, you know, you're married and you're a couple and that's a different thing. You're in a relationship. But, like, the boyfriend or the husband of the daughter and the dad aren't supposed to be in the same place, dude. Like, for a prolonged amount of time. You're going to have beef. Yeah. You're just going to see the world different.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And then, obviously, his health stuff and and everything he's probably a fucking sweet guy dude and that he raised the a woman that you love and and you know everyone's flawed and yeah he shouldn't smoke he's he's got the judgment of someone who's been living with someone for a while like he's just judging the fuck out of all this guy's weaknesses yeah and then he might be right like the guy might be not the best but dude i just i just do not think that is your place yeah to tell the dad especially at this stage when you're not married or have kids or you don't know each other that well like and you're saving money you can't be telling people how to change their lives at this point yeah and you're not willing to go live in like a
Starting point is 01:05:42 a weekly hotel room or something then right then you just have to eat it yeah yeah that would be like you suck man but thanks for paying for all my shit exactly my house no groceries he's like i'm hungry dude he doesn't get fucking dino nuggets dude from tjs dude what the fuck dude yeah also like i don't know dude if my girlfriend was staying at my parents house and then she started giving my parents shit about their lifestyle even if i agreed i'd be like what the fuck are you doing yeah yeah yeah like yeah what are you doing like just picture that your girlfriend going up to your dad or something and being like you know you really even if she just did something like you
Starting point is 01:06:22 really shouldn't eat that i'd be like what i be like, don't talk to my father that way. Yeah. I can't imagine saying something like that to her. No way, dude. You know what you can do is just crush it and shame him that way. Model good behavior. Where you're just sort of being like super healthy and stuff. What did you do?
Starting point is 01:06:41 I just went for a run. Exactly. He'll feel that. Exactly. But you don't have to to say anything and that'd be good for the guy too it's like if you just take all that it's all stuff you don't want to be so if you do the opposite yeah just run a lot like chad was saying read a lot you know go get groceries a lot yeah yeah and get busy dude like you'll be like don't be in the house all the time and then maybe you have to work remotely or on a computer or some shit I don't know but like yeah get fucking busy and get going but I am sensitive when I want if I live with
Starting point is 01:07:11 someone who's I've never lived with anyone I had a couple bad roommates but for the most part it's all been homies but you know you just you do end up like you get judgmental because you're just so intimate with them it's you hate everything they do everything is their philosophy on everything. The way they close the microwave door. You're like, that's fucking who taught you, who taught you that was the way to close a microwave door.
Starting point is 01:07:31 How could you think that was the way to close a microwave door? I'm in the last episode of fucking castle right now. And you're going to close the fucking microwave door on me like that. Dude, don't ever disrespect castle. Do you spoil the ending of everything with how you close things? Do you know that about yourself? Have you thought about that? How you just ruin the endings of shows with how you close things do you know that about yourself? Have you thought about that how you just ruin the endings of shows with how you close things?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, what kind of fucking person does that? Dude, what's your problem? You're like I think I just need to go on vacation. I just gotta get away for a week Yeah Sorry, I'm just fucking fired up. Yeah, just talking to the dad. You know, there's no mayo in here. Yeah. This place sucks. Yeah, Rick. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Mayo's a base in every recipe. You gonna have another beer, Rick? It's Tuesday. And you're gonna live in Australia, and the fucking guy lives in Netherlands. Yeah. You're gonna see him never, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah, this is it. Enjoy your time with him, because I don't think you're gonna have a lot of hangs in the future. I did think it was funny, but he's my partner's hero he's probably a sweet dad then yeah he's got four daughters i mean yeah no mention of them i don't i'd like to know what the guy's wife is like too no mention of her it sounds like he's scrolling girls on tiktok maybe it's a divorce he's a single dad and he's got four daughters yeah this guy's a fucking hero
Starting point is 01:08:42 in a sitcom yeah beer and a beer and a cigar. Of course. Also, dude, everything's wrong. Dude, was this Man the Dan that wrote this? What's this guy's name? Kidding, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Kidding, bro. Kidding, dude. Kidding, dude. Kidding, dude. What is it about Man the Dan that he's just like... I'm just kidding, dude. No, you're not.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Look, I want to fucking... Are you kidding? I want to fucking beat Man the Dan's ass, dude. Nice, dude. No, I don't, dude. No, I want to fucking beat man of the dance ass, dude. No, I don't, dude. No, I don't. I'm just going to take people down, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Tell him, Strider. No, no, no. Strider, you do. Here's what I'm saying. Is this too much to say for not man of the dance, not man of the dance? For this guy that just wrote in. The fact that he calls his girlfriend,
Starting point is 01:09:19 and he's a dude, my partner, is just everything I need to know, dude. Oh, dude. It's just everything I need to know, bro. He's too intense yeah like trying to use like the right term when you say it like i thought it was a lesbian couple at first and i was like that's cool that you say my partner you could still say my girlfriend i don't know any dude that calls like their sig of you should say sig of the dude why is he saying
Starting point is 01:09:40 my partner is that too much to say that my bad guy for judging him for that no i don't know it's interesting it's super interesting like maybe he's like one of those really intense guys like Why is he saying my partner? Is that too much to say that? My bad guy for judging him for that? No, I don't know. It's interesting. It's super interesting. Like maybe he's like one of those really intense guys. Like, dude, there's people you meet when they've been dating someone for like three months. You're like, how's the relationship going? They're like, amazing. Just planning our life together.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And you're like, all right, dude, like slow down. Exactly, bro. But I don't know. I don't know. It could be a regular thing, but it could be something. Yeah, I think it's there might be a there there. I don't know. I don't know. It could be a regular thing, but it could be something. Yeah. I think it's, there might be a there there. I don't know. I get that where like it's, it's, it sounds more mature to say my partner, maybe.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Maybe that's where it's coming from. He's trying to, yeah, he's very serious about it. It's clear he wants to marry her, right? I think so. Cause or else you wouldn't be, if you're just dating someone casually, you're not worried about their dad. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Also he's Australian. Yeah. Maybe they say that maybe this could be an australian true yeah true my partner my partner she's my partner could be something down my girlfriend and maybe they're business partners too my girlfriend what maybe they're business partners too i don't know yeah my girlfriend i mean my father's a drinker it's a crazy place down there they call fries i just make everyone sound like paul mccartney yeah yeah my father he's a drinker he He's a pathetic loser.
Starting point is 01:10:46 He walks around the house all day. He's got no muscle. He fucking has on a tank top with little shorts on. He dresses like a freak. I gotta look at his pasty skin all day. Doesn't make a smoothie. Makes himself some cheese and mayonnaise. He's a fucking loser.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I wanna talk to him man to man and tell him, hey bro, be a man. You raised all these hot daughters. Take some fucking pride. Stop looking at chicks on TikTok. Get into finance, you fucking old bastard. It's fucking embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:11:14 You're not going to fuck any of these chicks. You hear me? You're a loser. They're just like looking at hot chicks. It's not a big deal. You're a fucking loser. See all those chicks on there? None of them would sleep with you you're fucking out laser you're fucking drunk bastard
Starting point is 01:11:30 this is not brilliant not brilliant all he does is scroll that's the best thing to be mad at him about he just scroll he just looks at hot chicks on t all day. He's 60 and retired. His wife probably passed away, dude, or divorced his ass, dude. Dude, our friend Gabby, her dad will just post on Facebook hot pictures of ladies. No, his Facebook. On his Facebook. If you look at his Facebook, he's like 65-year-old, normal-looking guy, looks nice as fuck, dude. All he does is just post really hot chicks on his facebook
Starting point is 01:12:05 but you know it's like okay i don't think i don't think that's ideal but like i do like that that guy's not scared of what anybody thinks about him yeah you know what i mean he's he's just check this out hard drive for later check this out dudes yeah yeah that's what i mean like he check out this smoke it's like a classic car or something he's like this is a cool car i saw he's a hot 22 year old i saw just like posted dude cindy prado she's fucking hot dude that's funny um look at this ass jt's australian accent like at first it was like real bad then it got good for a second and i was like all right i'm really and then really in. And then it got bad again. Yeah, then it got bad. But the point of view was so what I would see this guy being.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I was like, this is great. Then he turned Scottish. Yeah, yeah. Went Scottish for a second. Yeah. Fucking loser. Dad's a fucking loser. You're a fucking loser.
Starting point is 01:12:56 You're a fucking loser. He's a fucking loser. All he does is sit around, fucking drink, and look at all the chicks on TikTok. He's fucking pathetic. You're a fucking loser. You're a loser. You're a loser. I don't want you influencing my daughter anymore i'll be upstairs in one of your bedrooms sleeping sir you don't deserve this house you know that i'll take your pink slip from me i'll take what do you got i'll take your deed from you take your deed take your deed i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:13:20 go to d bar take your deed i'm gonna go to d and get a suntan, you fucking pasty piece of shit. My father's my hero. My father's my... It's an Australian girl accent. Hey, my father's my hero. Listen, I know my partner thinks you're her hero, but I think you're a fucking loser. I think you're a loser. I think the rugby player Tom Mason is a much better inspiration.
Starting point is 01:13:44 You should have a real hero like my favorite rugby player, Tom Mason. He's a beast. You're cracking open another Foster's, you fat pig. He had 15 tries last game. When have you ever done something like that, you loser? Why don't you put some more fucking mayo on your chips, you old scallywag? Dude, let me talk to this fan, too. You're probably a cool guy.
Starting point is 01:14:04 No, you're not, dude. The guy I was doing the interview with. No, he's cool. He's cool. He's cool. He's cool. You're a fucking loser, dude. I might.
Starting point is 01:14:12 You're a loser. You're fucking... I think you're a bitch. Thanks for letting me stay in your house, you fucking... I'm getting down under your daughter the whole time. You're paying rent. Your daughter was sitting on my face and all i could think was your dad's a fucking loser that's a laser that's his dirty talk hey honey we have
Starting point is 01:14:30 sex call your dad a laser don't call me daddy what up jay tisland chadster it's your boy zach with a question about a mega babe with a beta BF. I work at the gym on campus and this blonde bodacious baddie consistently comes in. Every day we have serious eye contact and deep conversation about the finer things in life. But after doing some investigating, I've come to find out she's dating a man child who's never been in the inside walls of a gym. And plays serious frisbee golf. And plays, that's a big line, and plays serious frisbee golf and plays there's a big line and plays serious frisbee golf me being the stallion i am with the sane amounts of sarms coursing through my veins i can't help but want
Starting point is 01:15:14 to get my bone on with this bird do i tell her flat out that i'm trying to do the naked dance with her or play it cool and wait for her to make a move thanks Thanks, doggies. Much love. Go to Australia, you loser. Yeah, you sound like a fucking loser. Fuck off. Your boyfriend, he plays Frisbee golf like a fucking loser. Like a... Like a fuck... What a fucking...
Starting point is 01:15:39 I don't even know any other insults. I don't like this guy's tone yeah yeah i think he's trying to joke around a little bit like with the sarms comment he's trying to be like hey i'm being self-aware yeah i'll go even past toned i don't like this guy's entire point of view uh you know he he has gym energy with this girl he knows that this she has a boyfriend he's trying to scam on this guy's girl dude yeah don't be doing that and also don't think you're better than a guy who likes to get exercise playing frisbee golf with his boys smoking a joint and having a fucking good time in the sun dude probably wearing a tank top and posting up
Starting point is 01:16:12 in a beanie yeah and i and i'm happy that he's proud of the fact that he lifts weights and i love that too go fucking lift some weights and get jacked but it doesn't make you better than anyone and no dude you don't you're not gonna horizontal dance with this girl i mean you just gotta go and and maybe you have a crush or you do have good rhythm or you feel like you're right for her but you if you really want to date her i don't know man if you you may i don't know if you make a move i don't think you make a little bit trying to snag someone else's girl dude i think it's bad bad juju yeah and i i think i think the thing too about self-awareness is if you're being self-aware about being a douche but you're still being a douche it doesn't like count for anything
Starting point is 01:16:50 oh it counts double yeah it counts double bad and i've had friends who were and i think me too who were like doing douchey things they were like yeah because you know i'm that guy but they are or we are being that guy yeah and you're like they almost think they're like being a character but you're like but your behavior is that thing so it's not a character like you're that thing yeah and so yeah i don't know it's like you seem like a cool guy but if you're doing uncool things it's not gonna people are gonna judge you on the behavior and i and also i think you know you might be like a good-looking dude you can like hook up with girls who have boyfriends and stuff and and that is exciting and and but just
Starting point is 01:17:25 because you can do something doesn't mean you should yeah you know like i think you'll you're it'll make you more distrusting of people you'll worry your girlfriends are going to cheat on you and shit and then it just sets bad patterns in so i don't know i would how are you ever going to trust her yeah she cheats on him with you yeah exactly and then that's what there was a good quote about lying where it's like the problem with lying isn't that you is that people don't believe you it's you stop believing other people and yeah i think and then you just don't want to be a bad guy just to just yeah totally agree and who's to say schlubby guys don't deserve hot chicks i mean my whole marriage is based on this let's get out you You're very hot. I see you patrolling He pitched very well
Starting point is 01:18:05 yesterday at softball, dude. And you're made in the 80s. Thank you. That's right. Very humble. You know, this guy could take a lesson from Aaron's
Starting point is 01:18:12 tone right there. Yeah. Yeah, and put yourself in this guy's shoes. He might have a fat hog. Yeah. You don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:19 True. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. She's fucking doing her right where it matters. They're happy. Exactly, dude. She's making eyes with you sometimes. Who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:18:27 Put yourself in this guy's shoes, too. If you were dating someone, would you want some guy doing squats to just scam on your chick? Yeah, dude, exactly. She's probably just a nice lady. She's probably just nice talking to him. Yeah, he's probably projecting the eyes. Totally. Especially if it's a gym conversation. I really doubt there's... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Listen, listen, dude. I don't know. My wife is just really friendly, okay? You leave her the fuck alone. Nice. Tell him, Aaron. Yeah. All right, what up, council?
Starting point is 01:18:58 I've been re-listening from episode one, and the strides you both have made over the past years have been amazing. Oh, thanks, man. Greetings, JT, Chad, and any other Stoke-inducing guests. I am fat. I am about 5'10 and weigh 245. Every time I try to start a diet, it lasts for a few weeks or a month, and then I fall
Starting point is 01:19:14 off and gain back all the weight. What tips do you all have for eating healthy and wanting to work out and get to the gym? Yours truly, Hugh Jackman. Oh. Hugh Jackman? Oh, Hugh. Hugh Jackman. It was a joke. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. I thought it was Hugh Jackman. Oh, Hugh. It was a joke. Because at first I was like,
Starting point is 01:19:30 why would someone write this email and then put their name on it? I was like, well, because they're not ashamed. And then I was like, oh, no, he was tricking me with Hugh Jackman. But he spelt it H-U-G-H-J-A-S-S. Yeah, that's funny. This guy's great, dude. He's trying to get after it. I mean, fuck, man, it's a hard This guy's great, dude. He's trying to get after it. I mean, fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:19:45 It's a hard thing to do. I don't know. Yeah. What was the question? He just wants to get... He wants to drop some pounds and he doesn't know how to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I mean, quite honestly, I'd love to be 240. Yeah, so you're doing good. Yeah. You're doing fine. I would... Sometimes it just depends on how your proportions are, you know?
Starting point is 01:20:05 Totally. I think I wear my weight well but you know if you're top heavy or something yeah fucking sex part that thing up yeah i don't know when you just when you just said 5 10 240 i was like oh i killed to be there right now yeah yeah exactly he's not doing bad there's there's always room for improvement probably no matter what unless you're like laird hamilton or something like that bro freaking tyler durden but if you're just looking at those stats 5 10 240 that's like a linebacker dude exactly bro that's fucking sick zach thomas yeah or a london london fletcher and dude it's all perspective be stoked because you can recruit that right now, that fat into muscle and rock. I mean, it's, that's what it's, it's there for on your body. And then,
Starting point is 01:20:50 you know, obviously it's part of what you eat, what you're fueling with. And believe me, I love the sweets. I love my brewskis. I'd say get rid of those first if you can. And then, um, what I really love and was maybe even going to be my legends of the week is the kb boys is a thread of dudes like-minded friends i think a workout at least one workout partner and that accountability is really going to help dude i mean that's why crossfit's so appealing to people is because it's got like a deep community like those people get tight dude yes they all end up freaking partying together and then they bone a lot a hundred percent and you know what, dude?
Starting point is 01:21:25 Classes, man. CrossFit, maybe it's not for you, or HIIT, or whatever it is. Dude, the HIIT classes, my dank fiance and I watch those. It's like a fit girl doing it. They're fucking all stronger than me. Their cardio is all more insane. And a class will make me push myself harder than I ever will in the gym alone. So if you don't have a buddy to lift with, or you're living at home, or COVID, or whatever,
Starting point is 01:21:44 hop on YouTube and watch some fucking videos, yeah let me get a little reckless too i i was talking about this the other day uh on stage and some people got upset thanks brother yeah you got it you're a legend dude thank you um chad just adjusted my mic for me I was saying like when I'm trying to lose weight and it's not sustainable but sometimes if you get your weight down it's easier to keep it off you can actually reintroduce more calories because you're kind of at a new baseline
Starting point is 01:22:15 and I was like you gotta kind of get okay with being hungry sometimes but some people were like that's not healthy just have a balanced diet I was like I don't even know if our definition of a balanced diet is that like i do think we probably like i have no clue what i'm talking about i'm just talking about when i need to lose
Starting point is 01:22:32 weight i i have to be hungry sometimes and just like be okay with that yeah but then i don't feel worse the next day like i think i do take in more than i need most times totally totally and well that's what david sinclair was saying in terms of longevity and living longer it's like you know you need to introduce those stresses to your body of like being hungry you know like like i don't eat breakfast ever um and it's it and you you adjust to that and it's you know like the whole you know you need to be full all the time i think is a i don't i don't think that's correct uh i think i think our bodies were designed to to be hungry and then you feed you know it's not like you're always sort of taking in food that you're always satiated yeah
Starting point is 01:23:17 we just think it's natural because that's what we live in when they raise us on that food pyramid like five meals a day thing and like get this many servings yeah but i don't know looking back i don't know if that was like right but also like i mean you don't have to do that but you know find whatever works for you just try everything yeah like some people i like you know we work out we all work out totally different than each other we all have different things we like to do yeah yeah find your workout get getting huge you know i like to do hit workouts you know i think that's the best for for shedding the pounds and which is like high intensity
Starting point is 01:23:51 interval training and um i think one thing that a lot of people neglect is quality of food which is tough you know if you're on a budget but it i think the biggest difference you can make to your diet is quality of food if you're looking for you know it i think the biggest difference you can make to your diet is quality of food if you're looking for you know trying to keep it organic and high quality because i think a lot of a lot of what's affecting uh us is is the chemicals in food it's like the pesticides herbicides all that stuff sugars sugars yeah so if you're if you're living like a, you know, I try to go like meat, vegetables, you know, and meat, vegetables, and like fruit. And, you know, if I'm like craving sweets at night, you know, I'll treat myself to ice cream. But, you know, eat a grapefruit.
Starting point is 01:24:37 That's good for you. It takes away your appetite a little bit. And it's like, you know, then I just try to eat, you know, like steak and avocado and just like have it be quality. So I think that makes a huge difference. And probiotics, I think are huge. You know, I eat a lot of kimchi and stuff like that. Yeah. I might be more like obsessed with this stuff than others.
Starting point is 01:24:58 I don't even know if other people notice the variance, but like in my, how i'm looking but as much as i do but like i do feel better when i'm like when i feel like i'm like uh in better shape like when i see myself naked if i'm like oh yeah it looks good yeah i'm like it kind of i think it makes me like better the stuff i care about like i think i'm like funnier sometimes yeah so i'm like yeah i feel sexy yeah i guess you thought that was your baby the week, you saying you're sexy. Yeah, I feel sexy, dude. Looking at my. It's tough to say, but it's important, right?
Starting point is 01:25:30 It's very important. And like what you need to, like if I go to like, I mentioned I crushed In-N-Out and it's dank, but you do feel a little guilt after, you know, or I'm like, oh man, I wish I had a healthy meal or something, but. And you gotta have those, I had two donuts and a milkshake the other night. I felt so good afterwards. Dude, and every once in a while. Yeah, exactly. You just don't want to do it all the time.
Starting point is 01:25:46 But it does feel like an addiction to me, it's like, alright, I'm not gonna drink tonight, and I'm not gonna watch porn, I'm like, alright, tonight's like a milkshake night. Right. And then the next night's like the porn night, and the next night's like the drinking night. Yeah. And I just rotate through the way to satiate my need to like feel different or to feel better and then I'm like but I'll just jump around so I don't get too too much of the consequences of each individual thing yeah yeah because if you do if you
Starting point is 01:26:14 do one thing every night in a row then you got a problem but if you jump around it's like maybe I'm okay maybe I'm getting away with this Chad what should be for the week I think the weakest is this dude, Alex, from high school. So at boarding school, hilarious prank is when someone's sleeping. You go in, you put the vacuum in the room, you plug it in, turns on the loudest sound ever and just wakes them up. Great prank. And I did it to him one time.
Starting point is 01:26:39 And, you know, we all did it to each other. Whenever it was done to me, I would die laughing. I'm like, you guys got me good you know i may have you know i was i was deep in a sleep and you guys fucking you turned on that dirt devil and you you know you scared the shit out of me dudes fucking thank you so much guys um but uh i did to this dude alex he jumps out of bed, super pissed off. And he chased me around campus with an umbrella with a pointy end. He was trying to stab me. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Yeah. Luckily, I... What? Who is he, the penguin? Apparently, dude. Jesus. Yeah. And he chased me around for like a half hour trying to stab me with an umbrella. And, you know, I watched Roadhouse this morning.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I'm like, I should have just, you know, I should have just judoed it, taken the umbrella and, you know, kicked his kneecap out and called it a day. But I just, I wasn't aware of Patrick Swayze at that time. So, you know, I just didn't have the skills to dominate him the way I should have, you know. Was it your first time seeing Roadhouse?
Starting point is 01:27:43 This morning, yeah. Did you like it? Oh, yeah. It you like it? Oh, yeah. It's all the time. It's good, right? Dalton.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Dude, Dalton's here. Dalton's the best. What was your favorite line from the whole movie? Because it has a lot of quotable lines. I like the one
Starting point is 01:27:53 where he's like, Dalton, see you're in my trophy room. Only thing that's missing is your ass. Is that what Ben
Starting point is 01:28:02 Gazzara, the bad guy, says to him? Yeah. He's a good bad guy. Yeah. He's so good. So that's my beef alex like relax dude it's a simple prank i woke your ass up and you know but we got some good cardio in so would you like to go party at that bar the double deuce yeah i think i mean if that guy was playing the music, his buddy who's blind, if he was on the keys.
Starting point is 01:28:26 He's really cool. If he was on the guitar, he's super cool. That blonde haired guy? And he's playing the guitar sitting down, right? Yeah. He kind of plays it like it's a piano. Yeah. You know what I'd do? I'd go and I'd mess with Dalton a little bit. I'd sort of like, you know, pretend to throw a punch. Maybe we'd mess with each other, pretend to throw punches, then look at him. And if he gave that that smirk i think i'd be hard for the rest of the night that's what john jones and uh anthony johnson did to dana white they fake fought at the stare down yeah and then he broke it up and then they laughed that's awesome dude someone on the reddit said i always reference everything back to mma and
Starting point is 01:28:57 i was like that's not true yeah but you just did just did it dude fuck drilled aaron yes sir uh beef of the week my beef of the week is with the movie aloha good beef i just watched it on a podcast uh it's so bad i mean aside from you no it's 2015. oh it's 2015 oh it's bradley cooper and uh rachel mcadams and emma stone and bill murray's in it it's cameron crowe movie should be good it should be but it's it's fucking just terrible cameron crowe's on a he's on a cold streak that's apparently there's like deleted scenes apparently there's deleted scenes that like make things a lot clearer but it's like it's already an hour and 44 minute movie it's crazy only good thing about that entire thing was in the trailer they put cold war kids first as the song and it worked really nicely there's some odd music choices in the movie though like there's a intense kind of almost like armageddon type scene in the
Starting point is 01:30:05 in a control room with a rocket going off he plays like and it's a soft really soft song it's his I mean he's cool he got so much credit for music in his movies I think he overstuffs it now like yeah he's oh yeah music credits in the movie are like eight minutes long it's insane I think Elizabethtown and almost famous have two soundtracks. They have so many good songs in it. Great soundtracks. Yeah, I love the guy.
Starting point is 01:30:29 And I still root for him. He's from San Diego, just like me. But man, get it together. And he was 15 years old writing for Rolling Stone. Yep. That's pretty cool. And 20 when he went back to high school to do Ridgemont High.
Starting point is 01:30:41 He lived a cool life. Yeah. But yeah, his has movies blown out yeah it's real bad don't don't do it it's funny too you know his movies always had like iconic lines in them like uh jerry mcguire has like you had me at hello or show me the money and then almost famous has like like i'm a golden god i am a golden god or if you always have fun then you never get hurt stuff like or philip sumer hoffman's lines but then he would try in his other movies like that like and we bought a zoo which is freaking so boring uh the big line is if you have 60 seconds of courage like life will really
Starting point is 01:31:17 surprise you or something like that and it just no one cared yeah he's just trying he's trying he's not letting it flow he's not he's out of flow he needs to get back in touch with his muse yep yeah what do you need to do cameron you need to come on the pod altered state of consciousness we just talk about the movies i like he needs to hop in my ice bath dude i might need to hop in your ice bath with my feet dude it's awesome i'd love to put my feet it's awesome it is you feel so good afterwards that's right but dude that moment getting in sucks is the that first minute is brutal brutal yeah i've only been i've never been in a full ice bath i've been in a waist down ice bath many times yeah can i tell you something what i think your dinkle grew oh or at least send a photo to your dad of you in the ice bath
Starting point is 01:32:08 i'll send him one after an ice bath yeah you were hard last time you were in the ice bath you maintained a boner in the ice he got a bunker in the ice bath that's amazing that's something you can learn i would love to learn that skill dude the way your skin feels after you get out is fucking great well it's like the blood rushing back in and you're just like kind of tingly and if i'm ever like stressed or something you just hop in there and you just get out and you're like if i haven't done it in a long time or even been like chest up in an ice bath how many minutes should i do like one three no get the fuck out i think i think i think you could do two for sure I did three on my first try
Starting point is 01:32:45 yeah but you go intense with stuff you go all in you get right after it dude I was talking to this fucking guy he goes how many days in a row have you been working out nine I'm like you gotta take a break I weight lifted nine days in a row doing crossfit workouts
Starting point is 01:33:01 my back is so jacked up I had just two baseball knots in the middle of my back that's awesome well dude also i i uh i set up a date with someone and it was a gym date i've never done that before it's actually kind of awkward she was great but like just and i she was really cool but like working out at gym is just kind of awkward as a first date yeah but i had worked out but like i'd done squats like three days in a row i'm like what do you want to do and she's like legs and i didn't want to say no so we're just doing in a row. I'm like, what do you want to do? And she's like, legs. And I didn't want to say no. So we're just doing deadlifts.
Starting point is 01:33:28 And I'm like, oh, fuck, dude. And the next day, my back was just totally locked up. That's it. Yeah, lifting, you could really show them what you're made of, though. She lifted more than me. Oh, wow. All one lift. We did these ones.
Starting point is 01:33:43 What are these called again? Oh. Like, it's good for your butt because I'm trying to get my ass bigger hip thrust oh yeah we did hip thrust and she was like let's do 185
Starting point is 01:33:52 and I did my first set and I was like that ain't working yeah you see people doing those in the gym I'm like I've never done that people go heavy on those
Starting point is 01:33:58 yeah that's like a new thing is to go really heavy on your hip thrust where I liked it but my back's all jacked up you need to put like a little soft pad on your area though right because the barbell's over it no it's not too bad really
Starting point is 01:34:08 this fucking guy i'm soft dude my foot hurts right now you're not soft so i want to put my foot in an ice bath but dude but actually wait what's your beef because my you you are part of my beef of the week my beef of the week is uh when i'm getting my car and all my shit's hot in it, dude. Like my water got hot and my fucking shades are hot, dude. I don't like that, dude. So it's just temperature. It's nothing I can control.
Starting point is 01:34:36 You know, I'm a gentleman. My dead guy's fiance gets the parking spot, so I'll park on the street. And I got a black car, but I'm like, dude, it's fucking hot dude it's tough i don't like being hot when you get in and you're just like oh oh it's brute like like the leather yeah what's worse though if it's super cold or super hot i'll take cold i'll take cold it's cold well i don't you mean like winter cold you mean like like if you're like snowboarding or something oh no no i can't do it. I might go hot.
Starting point is 01:35:08 I don't want anything fucking extreme, dude. Right. I want to go extreme on stuff that I do, but I want my weather mild. If you're shredding. Yes, exactly. You know? Yeah, sorry. No, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Go ahead. No, no. I'll save it for Legends. My beef of the week is the uh contraband contract in um call of duty you're in the war zone and you finish a recon or something and then this contraband and you're planning on doing three more recons and in port and then you know one of your teammates just i don't know he's trying to grab a satchel or something accidentally grabs a contraband and it just totally fucks up the rest of your game i mean the best thing to do is ignore it but i i guess we wanted to get some more contracts,
Starting point is 01:35:46 so we went to take care of it. It's like a five-minute process. It's so long. We end up getting shot, our chopper gets fucked, and it just totally thwarts the rest of our war zone plan. So, yeah, that's my beef of the week is contraband. I grabbed the contraband, dude. Dude, I hate that. I'm not naming names.
Starting point is 01:36:06 I'm just saying it happened last night. I got to conclude. You were very nice about it when you handled it. Now I'm making a known. I grabbed the contraband. And I was like, dude, my bad. I was going for a satchel. I suck, man.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I really suck. He's like, it's all right. It's not ideal, but let's go try to get it. Dude, I hate the supply choppers. Oh, I hate them. They're loud, bro. Yeah. Who the fuck goes after those?
Starting point is 01:36:31 So unnecessary. I forget like 13 rolls. They add a lot of stuff to the game. They do such a good job. You know what I mean? Like Warzone's the best, but they add things sometimes. Like yesterday we were trying to play Rebirth and they took away duos in Rebirth just to like.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Why do they do that i don't know and then now that the thing that freaked me out is in the the newest update there's like uh planes flying overhead or yeah or rockets they do like a satellite overhead get a load out and it's like i love the that they go for this kind of like heightened realism or whatever but sometimes i'm like dude it's too much like i don't need to i don't need to feel totally like i'm you know hearing chaos all the time and stuff exactly yeah but you know great job by you guys and get rid of the glare too i guess it makes it better if people are camping in buildings but you can't see shit my eyes are already stinging from playing for seven hours straight don't give me glare. It's a crazy detail to come up with.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I'd love to know who was the creative programmer who was like, let's add glare. Be insane. I bet you they consult fucking ex-military people about that shit. Totally. I'd love to be in the writer's room for it. It is pretty interesting how they come up with all those details. This American Life did a great one about food condiments. I think I brought that up on Tiger Belly.
Starting point is 01:37:45 But it was really interesting um chad who's your uh babe of the week uh my babe of the week is jonathan taylor thomas nice um i mean obviously gotta give him props for home improvement of course simba on the lion king crushed it um what else was he in seeing like jingle all the way was that him no oh i'm i'll be home for christmas something like that but he's just a legend house man the house yeah he's just a legend back in the day i gotta give him props but then there emerged like a photo like a paparazzi photo of him like the first one and in a while they're like jonathan taylor thomas like emerges you know it's like he's showing himself publicly for first time in a long while and he's just cruising with a jewel in hand low-key walking his dog looking cool
Starting point is 01:38:36 staying cool and i just i just gotta give him props for just being he seems like he's maintained like a level-headed, cool existence. And he's just cruising through life, just being Jonathan Taylor Thomas, the voice of Simba. And I just saw that photo, and I could feel his chillness. And I was like, this dude's the man. I've got to give him props. So Jonathan Taylor Thomas, if you're listening, I'd love to hang out
Starting point is 01:39:02 and bring Rafiki. Did he sing as Simba too? No. They get like a pro singer to do that. Yeah, a pro singer. It's Donny Osmond in a Goofy movie. Really? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:39:18 He's singing all those songs. After today. Donny can sing. Aaron, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is Vertries. Nice. Hell yeah. I think I've had him as a baby legend before, but dude.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Yeah, he's a beast on the field. He's a boxer, so it's like, you know, if something goes down, he's got the skills. He bought pizza and nachos for the table last night. That was really awesome. He's from San Diego, for the table last night. That was really awesome. He's from San Diego, so we bonded on that. It was really nice. It was really cool to get to know him.
Starting point is 01:39:49 He's such a great guy. Yeah. Explosive, too. He can move out there. Oh, yeah. Oh, he can run. I mean, you guys didn't even get to see him make diving catches the way he's been doing all season. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:39:59 He trained me in boxing. He was such a good hang. Yeah. And very generous with his time. Yeah. And then also had a great soundtrack to work out too nice it's huge everyone i believe for all didn't have a good soundtrack you had to talk to them about it it was like after like five sessions i was like hey uh mike can i talk to you bro i didn't want to do it in front of all the other guys I was like can we go outside say hey bro can tell you some playlists it's not in and then he looked at me with some hurt in his eyes and I went
Starting point is 01:40:31 I'm sorry man I just I care and it was huge and then we both started crying and all of our times got better on our workouts once he changed it and it was a good playlist but not five times in a row once you throw on the bench sevenfold yeah i think the singer from that and then good charlotte the river that's a mainstay it's about moving to la how it can chew you up and spit you out dude this big sprawling beast of a city is there a soul who's your baby of the week baby we's gotta be my freaking dank ass fiance dude um we crushed it we got our new couch dude performance fabric for sunny and when we got it um she was a little bit worried about the color scheme it looked a little too gray we wanted to
Starting point is 01:41:18 go with light blue and i was worried and she could tell i was worried, and she goes, yo, just hold up. Let's wait for them to get the whole couch in here. You know, West Elm was delivering it, and once they put the whole couch together, those blues really popped, and we did not have a gray-on-gray disaster on our hands. That's so sick. So it was really fucking tight,
Starting point is 01:41:39 and so basically just her reassuring me to have faith, trust. So she's just really totally being a beast that's so sick so the couch is for the dog it has performance fabric but aaron to be quite honest oh yeah that dog thinks it's his bed he maintains that space dude he he's the king of that thing yeah sunny good guy he is he likes you dude you. It took a moment, but we got there. Thanks for saying that. I really like him. I really like him, too.
Starting point is 01:42:09 My Baby of the Week is Leslie Odom Jr.'s performance as Aaron Burr in Hamilton. I saw it at the Pantages, but I didn't see it with the original cast. There was a 6'5 guy sitting in front of me for the first couple acts, and I was in the worst mood. Then finally, my GF sacrificed and was like,
Starting point is 01:42:24 switch seats with me, because I can't hang out with you the rest of the day if you're gonna be this pissed um but you know the aaron burr character is also pissed and a little petty but he plays it bone deep dude if you watch you can watch it on disney plus like his performance as leslie odom or his performance as aaron burr is unbelievable he imbues like each line with like this sadness and this kind of like annoying quality but it's so deep you kind of like just relate to it and I know he just destroys it and Lin-Manuel Miranda is like kind of bad as Hamilton really he's kind of bad he's so talented I think you have to be like hey it's
Starting point is 01:43:00 your thing you're a genius you came up with this whole thing but he's kind of like a real dork and he he doesn't he's kind of too broad in his choices too and like the guy i saw i think was better he he felt like that the line in my shot he was like young scrappy and hungry and he he like he kind of breathed that into the whole thing but uh but dude leslie odom jr is just phenomenal my favorite song is wait for it too and the way he performs is just amazing but i recommend anybody watch that and just pay attention to him. He's so good. Oh, maybe I'll watch that tonight. Dude, it's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:43:28 I've been listening to it nonstop lately. It gets me fired up. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Quentin Tarantino. I think I may have legend of the week before. But I listened to him on the Joe Rogan podcast. We didn't talk about it. I listened to him too.
Starting point is 01:43:42 It was good. And I got so fired up when he talked about casting John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. Because the whole story, you know, people were very against it. At the time, John Travolta was like, he's a made-for-TV movie guy. Like, it was over for him. He had come off the look who's talking movies. Yeah. The first two were good.
Starting point is 01:44:04 And I just love that in a lot of his stories, Quentin's very strong in his conviction. He's like, no, I'm doing this or I'm walking. He'll tell Hollywood, he's like, no, this is how it's going to go. And he did that with John Travolta, and it turned out to be an amazing choice. And it just fired me up that he's, he's like,
Starting point is 01:44:26 he's like the kind of guy that'll, that'll sort of stand up for someone when, when they're not hot or whatever. And, and, and he just holds true to his vision. And, and he like,
Starting point is 01:44:37 he's, he's rebirthed so many careers with his casting. And it's just like, I don't know, hearing that just really inspired me and i was like i was like yeah man without without that we wouldn't have had face off you know get shorty get shorty uh phenomenon that's not even good but i'm just listing johnson walton movies broken arrow broken arrow swordfish i'm not solid swordfish dude swordfish
Starting point is 01:45:01 uh so yeah i just want you know i just thought that was really cool to hear him talk about that and getting getting jay travolta back in the scene i liked what he said too about the bruce lee thing oh yeah he's like look if you're bruce lee's like daughter yeah i understand why you're upset but if you're just someone who didn't know him suck a dick yeah suck a dick they can go pound sand? I don't give a fuck. It is true. He's talking about Bruce Lee's wife. All I'm saying is she's a fucking liar.
Starting point is 01:45:31 She's a fucking liar. Yeah, he's real as fuck. Have you seen his face when he gets questioned at, I think it's maybe con. About the Margot Robbie thing? Margot Robbie. She has no lines. His face is hilarious. He goes, I reject your hypothesis or I reject your proposition. I reject your proposition.
Starting point is 01:45:49 He's pissed. Yeah. Amazing. Dude, we were, I went, me and some of the buddies used to drive out to Sundance to go see movies. And we just like,
Starting point is 01:45:56 uh, stay at like a cheap hotel and then like, just wait in line for the movies. It was super fun. It was, I would recommend it to people. I don't know if it's still the same there. It's always changing,
Starting point is 01:46:04 but it was like a, it's like a fun version of Spring Break or something because you feel like you're taking in art. But he was so nice. He was at a movie we went to, and he was so nice to everyone in there. People were being so annoying to him, being like, Quentin, I have a script. Check it out. He'd be like, oh, yeah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:46:18 Keep working on it. He was really nice. And then I was like, dude, that guy's the man. He's such a nice guy. And later, that same Sundance Film Festival, I go on like a news website and he punched a cameraman for bothering him but like in the limited time i saw him nicest guy in the world yeah yeah could not have been chiller yeah he seems like he's a really cool nice guy but he had you know if you he's got a switch yeah if you cross him or something he'll he'll turn on you he'll get fired up yeah but i
Starting point is 01:46:45 mean maybe that cameraman was he was so nice to everybody and people were being annoying i was like i don't know he seems like but maybe that's good like a paparazzi cameraman i think so yeah the most annoying yeah they get in your space and stuff yeah i don't blame him um aaron who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is pizza yeah i mean yeah it could be every week it could be every week for sure it's like the tom cruise of food um it's just so good and when you have a good one you know it and i had one last night it was amazing that's it looked good it was good i peeled the mushrooms off don't need those i'm not a mushroom guy what don't eat them you can have them mushrooms just don't have taste to me me and terrence
Starting point is 01:47:25 mckenna will crush them i don't like the texture that's what i'm saying it does nothing for me i love it's foamy yeah i love them you love yeah that's what's up yeah dude my fiance i think i love him too strider who's your legend my legend of the week is clint eastwood dude i think clint eastwood i watched pale rider and i was like so funny i was just like looking for a Clint Eastwood, dude. Nice. I loved Clint Eastwood. I watched Pale Rider. And it was so funny. I was just looking for a movie to watch, and nothing was really popping for me. I was like, I don't want to watch anything.
Starting point is 01:47:56 And then I see Pale Rider, and I'm like, this movie looks great. And it was that thing where I got 15 minutes in, and I was like, yep, I've seen this movie. But I was at that point where I was really buying in, and I'm like, let's go. go and dude his character just has no flaws he paid he i think he plays like the first william wallacey dude even more yeah dude like there's like a legend about him and like there's also funny like a 15 year old like women just love him in the movie there has to be deleted scenes because there's like no scenes where you see him giving them like anything other than the fact that
Starting point is 01:48:23 he's like a hot gun slinging preacher dude and they, like, anything other than the fact that he's, like, a hot, gunslinging preacher dude. And they love him. And, like, it does make sense. He's the man. But it's just so comical. And, like, just how cool he is. Like, unapologetically fucking cool. It's hilarious, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:36 That's awesome. And good movie, dude. Rides into town. Saves the fucking, you know, all these gold miners working a claim trying to get taken over from, you know big the big dog so it's nice we need more characters like that i like that i like what you know like dalton and you know uh dude yeah roadhouse it's like it's like it's it's nice just to watch people who are kind of just perfect yes and it's inspiring you're like you know you watch patrick suez doing yeah make patrick suez doing tai chi in the morning and you're like yeah yeah dude that's what i need to do you know it's like I love Tony Soprano and stuff you know but it's like
Starting point is 01:49:09 sometimes you just gotta watch you know Paul Walker Fast and the Furious you just gotta watch like awesome people sometimes it's inspiring and I think it's on a continuum too where it's like like when the I remember like Time Magazine had an article in like 2007 like the rise of the beta male and it was just about how like the Judd Apatow movies found like this new version of a hero that was like kind of like a flawed guy who wasn't like the typical assertive type that you see in movies
Starting point is 01:49:34 and they even said like Jason Bourne was like the thinking man's action hero you know he's like a little more vulnerable and I think that was important because we had had like this like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone like paradigm but then it goes too far that way and it's too much like jim from the office or like you know seth rogan and something yeah and then it needs to go back
Starting point is 01:49:52 the other way and we need to have like just like here uh like kind of simple heroes yeah you know what i mean like just dudes who are just awesome and badass yeah like the fucking keanu and um what's this the john wick yeah john wick dude so sick great guy number one so awesome yeah don't need it to be go beyond three though yeah just quiet they have a code they're gonna they're gonna get down yeah and that's what tony soprano always says on the spring what happened to the gary cooper type the stoic strong strong, silent type. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Wait, what? Oh, dude, you know what else I like about Clint Eastwood? Is that he was mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea. Oh, yeah. Like, he just became a mayor for a while. Oh, Carmel? Mm-hmm. It was just a beautiful town.
Starting point is 01:50:42 And he just became mayor up there for a while. That's awesome. I mean, he's Republican. Right right yeah which is oh yeah dude how does that even how does that even play itself out in local politics though like if you're a city i think yeah i think it was just popularity more than anything right but i think like uh i think like and that's more modest too you know now you have like you got guys like r got guys like Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump who are like celebrities and they're like, I'm going to be president.
Starting point is 01:51:07 But I think that's like a little too outsized, you know? Yeah. But like, if you're an actor and you're like, I'm going to be mayor, I'm just going to leverage this into being mayor. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:51:15 yeah, that's like appropriate. Yeah. Sonny Bono was a mayor of Palm Springs. It's like, okay. Yeah. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:51:20 Yeah. Republican guy. I think every mayor should be a movie star. If you're in a town you don't have a movie star as a mayor it's not that cool of a town yeah agreed uh my legend of the week is uh molly it's uh my friend dustin and adriana's dog um she passed away and she was sick for a while but she was just a total legend every time we go over there and see her she had great energy she was super bouncy a lot of fun to be around and just a lot of personality and it's it's too bad um so yeah i'm sorry for
Starting point is 01:51:49 your guys's loss but uh you're a legend forever molly um all right chad who's what's your quote of the week uh my quote of the week comes from uh danzig the rock star wait what was this you sent this text to all of us what was this i sent to like 30 people what was that text well i'm gonna read it okay um so glenn doyle danzig put up a tweet and this is my quote of the week all caps i was hacked anything that was posted in the last month was not me i don't smoke weed i don't eat hot dogs and i definitely fuck damn it let me do that again i was hacked anything that was posted in the last month was not me i don't smoke i don't eat hot dogs and i definitely don't eat my own cum when i find the piece of shit that did this and I will they will pay the ultimate price
Starting point is 01:52:45 so in case you guys are wondering Danzik doesn't use Ocom I was concerned until I got that text I know I sent it to a bunch of people I'm like dude FYI Danzik doesn't use Ocom who had the best response I think my brother with Pilsen Yeah. Yeah. Danzig doesn't need to come. Who had the best response?
Starting point is 01:53:08 I think my brother with Bill C. He goes, he's five, six and very sensitive about his height also. He's a sore cut. Well, there's a video of Danzig. He's jacked and he's he's talking shit to this big huge like rockabilly looking dude and he's talking shit to him the big old other rock star they were fighting over some kind of like stage shit like you know someone fucked up the show yeah fat dude just knocks danzig out just hits him with a straight right and puts him out it's really funny.
Starting point is 01:53:45 That's hilarious. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from a character named Jimmy in Roadhouse. Let's go. Nice. Says, I used to fuck guys like you in prison.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Yeah. So that's what, I think Chad's so interesting that his favorite quote is like that Ben Gazzara one. You know what I mean? And not many people would pull that as their favorite because everyone does that you know that's like the yeah yeah yeah did that what did that quote do to you i mean i definitely appreciated it but i
Starting point is 01:54:13 think i recognize it as the most popular right i think that but the other one did tickle my fancy more it's just next only thing left is your ass it's just hilarious but yeah when i first heard i used to guys like you in prison i was like this writer's a genius yeah yeah to put that into the guy and then he pulls his throat out dude it's amazing he pulls his throat out his throat out it's hilarious you're so you'd be bigger. You are such an asshole. Also, the best part is with the doctor. She's stitching him up. Who won the fight?
Starting point is 01:54:49 No one wins a fight. Well, yeah. Great line. Chuck Klosterman wrote about it. He was saying why it's great. And his opening sentence in the essay was like, he's a bouncer who's a philosophy major from NYU. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:02 He's like, it is a nice combination of traits i love when he the sex scene is amazing i forget it but it's very sensual right a lot of cutting and stuff it's very sensual yeah it's just because they like start off so slow and he's such a gentleman you know he like kisses her once good night and you expect them to take it slow and then like next thing you know he's like just ripping her pants out just stand up sex strider style get you a guy who can do both yeah i was watching it and i was like strider could play this scene very well thank you that's my praise thank you apparently when according to the trivia on imdb whenever bill murray sees that sex scene he calls mitch glazer who is kelly lyn's husband, to tease him about it.
Starting point is 01:55:46 That's funny. Which is probably a lot, because that movie's on a lot. Oh, yeah. It's a good one. Strider, what's your quote of the week? Quote of the week is from a little movie called Pale Rider. Preacher. That's played by Clint Eastwood and this guy, Holt Barrett.
Starting point is 01:56:03 He's a good character actor. I don't know who it is, though. Why don't you put me to work? This is after a preacher beats up some guys in town, saves Holt's hide. Oh, no, I couldn't ask you to. Well, I mean, you know, maybe if there was something spiritual.
Starting point is 01:56:19 Well, that spirit ain't worth spit with that little exercise. Now you tell me where. Badass, dude. That's badass. Badass, dude. That's badass. Badass, dude. The guy fucking loves lifting and beating dudes' asses. What year was that movie made? It's got to be 80s.
Starting point is 01:56:33 Maybe early. 70s. He looks pretty young in it. He's a good looking guy. Dude, for my money, he's right up there with Paul Newman. Robert Redford. Brad Pitt. In the pantheon of most beautiful male actors. And he's so bad.
Starting point is 01:56:52 What about Hemsworth? You put him in there? Yeah, he's very hot. Yeah, he's very hot and jazzed. Hemsworth and Rush. But is he too jazzed? Actually, no. Hemsworth, when he leans it up, is there.
Starting point is 01:57:01 And Rush, I think, is the perfect bodybuilder. He likes to bodybuild. He says people would take him more serious as an actor if he was skinny yeah that's what i mean like i don't know even like if hendworth played the cool cowboy role like a clint eastwood or something no no if he could pull it off no way he looked too big on the horse but he also does great in comedy maybe where i think that's where he's better yeah he's gonna be in the new hulk hogan movie that todd phillips is doing that'll be be great. Actually, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:25 The Joker. The Joker for my money. I think this will be better. I think this will be better because I think it'll be a mix. It'll have the Joker's like intensity maybe, but then it'll be
Starting point is 01:57:34 a little more playful. Yeah. Hemsworth is great in Cabin in the Woods too. He's really funny. He's really good in that. When someone's like, well, why don't you
Starting point is 01:57:40 like rock climb out of here? He's like, because I left my belay back at the dorm. Yeah. It's just good writing that character that that's actually serious for him. Dude, well, why don't you like rock climb out of here? He's like, cause I left my belay back at the dorm. Yeah. It's just good writing that character that that's actually serious for him. Dude, Mike, what are the weakest from a Knight's Tale? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:52 You know, a very quintessential kind of hero story. Very good movie. Heath Ledger, good lead performance. But the rest of the cast is really what kills it for me. It's like Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany, Alan Tudyk. But it's a quote from the end when james purefoy who's the prince i think prince edward and uh servan ulrich lichtenstein uh heath ledger's character has been found out to be a fake knight he's been posing so he can compete
Starting point is 01:58:17 in jousting competitions and he gets caught they put him in the stocks or whatever and everyone's like pelting him because the mob turns against him because people are fickle and then prince edward comes up and he spared prince edward in an earlier joust when he was hurt he let him uh withdraw and then he actually charged him when he knew he was the prince so he did two counter to normal uh jousting mentality moves and so the prince is going to make him a knight and he goes up to him and he kneels down. He goes, looks around and goes, what a pair we make. Two men trying to hide their identities, unable to do so. Then he looks at his crew and he goes, your men love you.
Starting point is 01:58:57 If that was all I knew about you, that would be enough. But you also tilt when you should withdraw. And that is nightly too. I watch that like 10 times a day. It gets me so fired up. Bro, that just got me fired up right there. It gets me so jacked that like 10 times a day. It gets me so fired up. Bro, that just got me fired up right there. It gets me so jacked up.
Starting point is 01:59:08 Let's fucking go. It gets me so jacked up. And then he lets him out of the stocks. He makes him a night. And then his father, his blind father hears his blind father. They're chanting the name Thatcher, Thatcher. They go,
Starting point is 01:59:18 so William Thatcher. He goes, your father heard that. Dude. Yes, dude. Dude. Good.
Starting point is 01:59:24 What's the, what's the, you know, what's the best father? You. Dude, good. What's the best father? You're going to get this. What's the best father line from a movie from that era around people who fight in wars? It's in Braveheart. Is it the father of Robert the Bruce? No, it's when... Oh, don't want to lose heart.
Starting point is 01:59:39 It's when Brendan Gleeson's like, you're only doing this because you think she's watching. Then he goes, I know she's watching. And your father's watching you too. Then he socks him for bringing up his dad but then they hug and shit it's so good because they're dudes just trying to bring out the best of each other and shit uh chad what's your face that we forget after uh i'm hungry that's because i'm hungry as fuck let's go what are you gonna go to air one yeah i got mike at seven so i'm gonna rush there all right let's go dude aaron let's feel the power of love let's listen to that song right when i pulled up got me fired up that's fucking awesome dude
Starting point is 02:00:17 strider what's your phase that we're freaking after it um there's few there's plain few problems can't be solved with a little sweat and hard work it's clinty's wood mine is the uh chorus from my shot it's uh i'm young scrappy and hey yo i'm just like my country i'm young scrappy and hungry and i'm not throwing away my shot so fuck don't throw away your shot tonight guys get after it nice yeah he also wanted us to have a king is that what hamilton wanted oh because he wanted george washington to stay but he didn't want himself to be king so it's kind of you can almost kind of understand it
Starting point is 02:00:54 better it's not it doesn't feel as steeped in at that personal power was there any other presidents no there was no but that's why it makes so it's that's what makes washington such a beast that's why there's a total time is so a total yeah you can't really trouble Hamilton for that he goes we'll teach the nation how to say goodbye well Washington what a beast Washington is a beast dude the old man I know he had some shortcomings but he was a strong dude yeah yeah of course of course 6-3 I know guys Heights did you love height. Prominent man.
Starting point is 02:01:29 But you're like besties with a couple of shorties. You guys, no, it doesn't matter if you're tall or short. I just like knowing the height. But I do have an affinity, like James. But you always thought Ferraro was hotter than Andrew. And I'd say, why? I think Andrew might be hotter. And then you'd say, because Ferraro's taller. It's true.
Starting point is 02:01:44 But empirically, I mean, that's society that's that's that's you though bro i mean dude i mean dude six deuce 212 lefty that's huge hot that's better than 510 185 righty but also hot no andrews are lefty too is he really i like that because it's unique it's rare i mean who knows what hand that guy is he yeah he's he can move but he's got some awkwardness athletically oh yeah it translates we got one speed it translates artistically in him yes all right dj apop great guy He's only got one speed. It translates artistically in him. Yes. All right. DJ A-POP. Great guy. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:02:31 Drink Fruit Smash. Leave a review. Love the reviews. They always help us out. And, yeah, most importantly, I mean, Strider, thanks for coming in. Dude, thank you, guys. Fired up to be here. Always a pleasure. Always, dude.
Starting point is 02:02:44 And stay stoked. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just a half a throat beside you
Starting point is 02:03:07 Go in peace Go in peace Let's go in peace Go in peace Go in peace God and game team

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