Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 2 - Beefs, Legends, and Questions

Episode Date: January 24, 2018

Chad and JT cover current events, their beefs of the week, legends of the week, and answer some hard hitting questions from the fans.  Get stoked cause this one goes deep....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your team? Going Deep podcast. This is the second episode. We're stoked to be here. I'm thrilled. Yeah, we're thrilled. Should we dive right in? Let's get into it. We're going to start off with our current event. Chad, what's going on in the world that's piqued your interest? Okay, so this is a major event that not only affected most of the nation and also my brother.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Shout out to my brother, Mark. I love you, dude. I love you, too. Yeah, JT loves you, too. So, freezing temperatures have blanketed the U.S. And some parts of the country was, like, below zero degrees in, like, New England. So, shout out to you guys. Stay warm.
Starting point is 00:01:02 And, like, New Orleans, too, where my brother lives, it was, like, he said it felt freezing. So, I just really felt for him because, like, you know, you live in a place place like new orleans and you're like i like being down here because i know i can bronze every movie i've seen that takes place in new orleans is sweaty yeah you think it's like tropical and you just like it just sounds like a good place to really bathe in the sunlight and then winter comes and you're like there's like snow on the ground you're like fuck yeah i'm expecting white walkers to come out of like you you know, your favorite crawfish joint. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:27 So just, you know, shout out to my brother. Hope you can maintain your bronze in these trying times. And shout out to everyone out there affected by these cold temperatures, you know. And, you know, Apollo, God of the Sun, turn up the heat, dude, because people are getting pasty. Show us the power we know you possess, Apollo. Yeah. How about you? My current event is, I'm sure you heard about this,
Starting point is 00:01:50 there was this couple that had chained up their 12 kids and would basically, as you can probably surmise from that, treat them like shit. Kids like 4 to 29, they basically built their life around torturing their own children and um you know you can just embarrass your kid at little league practice you don't need to chain them up and uh not let them participate in the world yeah that seems a little heavy maybe there's some jealousy there i'm ready to drop the hammer of judgment and call them
Starting point is 00:02:23 bad parents i think you're right in doing that dude that's pretty messed up and i don't do it lightly you're pretty uh fair dude well and i was talking to my brother about it and i was like dude like these kids like they've never seen like a nice break they've never had a good fish taco yeah they've never um seen fast and furious and then my brother was like that's all really heavy but even heavier than that they've been chained yeah inside and i was like damn dude like you really crystallized what's so heavy about this situation dude not only that i followed this story too and i saw a photo of them at disneyland and then knowing what we know now like i'm sure their parents didn't even let
Starting point is 00:02:59 them get churros oh wait they brought the chained kids to disneyland yeah they brought to disneyland there's like photos but you can tell that those kids probably didn't get churros, probably didn't get to Red Space Mountain. Yeah. Probably to just do that like President's Hall bullshit simulation thing. It's not even like a fucking ride, so. Let's hope that those kids get to go back to Disneyland and enjoy the full amenities of the park.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, we should make that campaign to get them there, get them some churros. And get them hooked up with whoever they're attracted to. Yeah. But good call on the judgment thing. I think you're right in doing that. You could be a judge one day, honestly. I've had professionals in my life tell me that I need to be more straightforward with my harsh opinions sometimes. Like that's a part of me. Yeah. Even if I'm not as proud of it as i am of the stoked part yeah it's there yeah and it deserves um some air time for sure so to those parents step up you got a chance to be a better person in jail and um i hope you're good to your bunk mates good call dude i can't i can't damn someone completely yeah i mean yeah you gotta give everyone a chance good call you're more than the worst thing you've done every day of your life i'm honored to be in your presence of fairness
Starting point is 00:04:09 dude i just want to say that dude you're gonna throw me off with the sentimentality i can't even talk to you i'm bringing a fucking tear to your eye dog we got that video too you guys see that we're doing the legend of the week and i think i just got a brand new legend you mean it dude a familiar one that i've named often but he's back taking the crown chad just hit a mega double bicep flex what up um all right so he's going into legend of the week you want to start off i'd like to hear yours first all right first all right starting off i'm coming in this one's kind of coming from left field but once i name the name you guys will know who i'm talking about i'm talking about legend of the week for chad is martin henderson you may know this dude as the star of torque now torque was a pretty controversial movie a lot of people thought you know okay this
Starting point is 00:04:57 is kind of a knockoff of fast and the furious you know and they're like are they trying to take away from fast and furious but like if you watch the movie it's actually about motorcycles so i think they really captured the fast and furious thing with motorcycles yeah it's a totally different means of transportation yeah and i honestly i think it was a good homage to paul you know to just be like dude we love what you do and we're gonna do it on crotch rockets and they did have that joke in there where they were like martin henderson's characters like i live my life a quarter mile at a time. And then one of the characters is like, that's so cheesy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So they were throwing a little shade of Fast and the Furious. A little shade. But I think what redeemed him, though, in that movie, there's a couple things. He fought that dude, or the guy got in his face. This is just a testament to his maintenance of stoke. The guy got in his face and he's like you got loud pipes but you ain't saying nothing and that was that was pretty harsh you know that like that
Starting point is 00:05:50 took me aback even just watching in the theater but then he like maintained his stoke and he just like smirked and like beat the dude's ass and it was i was happy to see that vince from fast and the furious didn't die or go to jail yeah just started a motorcycle gang dude that's that was gonna be my second point dude he he like took it to vince in this movie as well which was also a good homage to paul he's like dude i love you and i'm gonna beat vince's ass as well yeah and he had excellent flow too which is he's got a great head of hair yeah you always got to respect that i liked him a lot i was hoping he would be in a lot more stuff. Yeah, I guess he's in Grey's Anatomy now. I don't watch that, but pretty good things.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I respect doctors. Yeah, for sure. So shout out to doctors. Yeah, guys, keep learning. What about you? My legend of the week is another unconventional one. Because after my current event, I wanted to think more about cult leaders and stuff like that and there's this new tv show coming out called waco about the um branch davidian siege that happened in the early 90s where basically all
Starting point is 00:06:51 these people who aren't a religious cult were like holed up in a house but they were like having weird relations like old dudes were dating young chicks as often happens in cults yeah and um they had a leader david koresh who um died, I think, when the FBI basically lit the whole building on fire or something. I think a lot of people died. So here's where I pull the legend out of that. Yeah. David Koresh, I have a lot of problems with what the guy did. But when he first joined the cult, there was another guy running the show with his mom.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And his mom was in his 90s. And David, to usurp power, started sleeping with the mom and his mom was in the in his 90s and david to usurp power started sleeping with the mom whoa yeah so she basically was like all right i'm no longer gonna hand over the reins to this like cult to my son i'm actually gonna give it to david because of all the good work he's been putting in so david started hooking up with the mom who was like in her 90s i think and then that's how he gained power yeah damn he became top dog that's that's a bold move yeah he just like was like dude i don't like you i don't respect you yeah i'm gonna hook up with your mom to show you who's the top dog damn and it's not like i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:07:57 i'm like i respect the going there yeah i mean that's thinking outside the box and then people make that threat and they don't act on it And she was 90 too so he really must have Just like hated that guy Yeah like if it was like You know like Stacy's mom from like that song It'd be like got it going on Yeah it's like it'd be like
Starting point is 00:08:17 I'd be like stoked but like He's really taking one for the team just like She's got some age on her I heard the mom's son was like oh He found out what happened he was like oh he wasn't even pissed he was just like dude dude take the coal yeah yeah dude just gross him out just be like maybe some of yeah hey uh bill i'd like to talk to you about the future of the cult side note i just slept with your mom oh main note dude yeah dude oh dude oh take it dude
Starting point is 00:08:54 i'm just gonna go i'm gonna go fucking i'm gonna take a shower yeah dude i'm gonna go um hook up with your mom we got beef of the week what about your beef of the week dude all right well i'm gonna keep this one local keep it within our squad so uh kellen is probably he's probably the main guy who throws ragers in our squad at the moment he's got a really solid crib and uh he really throws down so shout out to kellen i love you dude um i love you too and our boy jack aka ass clown is a known wizard among the squad which for those of you who don't know a wizard is a dude who when he drinks too much he pees himself yeah a lot and uh he's known to do this pretty much every time he drinks you know and last saturday at kellen's rager everyone was turning up ass
Starting point is 00:09:37 clown was getting after it slept on kellen's couch pissed the couch you know at first glance you could be like you know what ass clown is in the wrong kellen wants couch piss the couch you know at first glance you could be like you know what ass clown is in the wrong kellen wants a new couch so maybe ass clown should get the new couch but then if you look back at it this is jack aka ass clown's argument he thinks that you know what kellen knew what he signed up for when he invited him over right he's like dude you know i pee you know i'm gonna pee somewhere it's sort of like signing like a waiver. It's like, yeah, dude, my bad for ruining your couch, but you knew I was gonna pee. Right. Like, how many times can you keep going back to the same person and then blaming them for their behavior? At some point, you're tacitly endorsing it by continuing to party with them. Well said, dude. Great words
Starting point is 00:10:19 in there, too. Thank you. Yeah, for sure. Dude, sometimes it'll just flow out of you, I gotta say, um thank you yeah for sure dude sometimes it'll just flow out of you i gotta say and like it's super impressive but i mean i i don't you know props to them for beefing it out you know i um i gotta say i'm kind of on jack's side on this one i find that curious um not to take umbrage but like i feel like while i do think that kellen doesn't need to like be like super harsh on him and get a new couch but like i feel like while I do think that Kellen doesn't need to be super harsh on him and get a new couch, but I feel like Jack owes him something for whizzing on his couch. Yeah, maybe I just love how hard he gets after it. Maybe that's what it is because he gets after it, dude, and it's so much fun. And yeah, he pees, but you know that coming in.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It's like, what, do you not want him to have as much fun? It's the cost of doing business with a really good businessman. It's like, just because he pees, we're going to tie his hands around his back? Yeah. You don't want to limit Jack. You want Jack to be his full self. Yeah. So maybe it's just some inner things within me about my preferences towards them.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Maybe I'm not being as judicial as I could be. Interesting. But your ability to mine your own bias there is stellar. I just really love raging with Ass Clown. And shout out to Ass Clown. I love you, dude. Yeah, don't change. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Keep peeing. I'm just saying like pay for like a refurbishing on the couch. Yeah. Or at least like some Febreze. Yeah. I think if Ass Clown just like made amends to people whose couches he was peeing on, he could keep peeing. Yeah. I think well said. You got it. What's your beef, dog?
Starting point is 00:11:48 My beef? All right. I'm beefing with the, I'm going athletes. So Chris Paul used to play for the Los Angeles Clippers. He had a pretty good run with the squad. They never made it deep into the playoffs, but they were a formidable team. And then in the off season, he requested a trade to the Houston Rockets. And he came back to LA and there was a lot of tension between the teams because they had traded players and they just have a long history of playing against each other. And then people had often thought that him and Blake Griffin didn't get along, but they were always like, no, we're solid. You know what I mean? But I think they almost got into a fight on the court. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah. And they were talking mad shit to each other. And then after the game, Chris Paul, James Harden, Trevor Rees, and Gerald Green took a back tunnel way into the Los Angeles Clippers locker room that Chris Paul knew about because he had played there. And they tried to sneak in to fight the coach's son and maybe Blake Griffin. Wow. And here's my thing. Yeah. I got no issue with you having issues with somebody you worked with or somebody that you got bad blood with, but you're not beefing hard enough if you're going into the locker
Starting point is 00:12:57 room where there's hundreds of people. Yeah. If I was Chris Paul, I would have just written longitude and latitude coordinates on a piece of paper with a time. Yeah. And I would have had one of my handlers bring that to Blake Griffin. I would have just said like, meet me here. And then just one-on-one, the only person watching is God. And you just, he's a good judge. You unload on each other, but do it with serious intentions and do it with respect to combat. Don't like try to mob in with your crew and like you know be all loud and hearty i'm a big guy yeah you know what i mean yeah i think
Starting point is 00:13:33 just owning up to like all right we have this beef let's fucking grill it up and eat it in an honorable way right i think we're losing some honor in society these days yeah i think we need to just be honest be like we have this beef let's meet up and let's go after it yeah like rocky three at the end it's just like apollo and and and rocky yeah former foes now bonded through their common struggles yeah and they just fight each other one-on-one and they don't tell anybody about it yeah it never reminds me we saw because it was in the movie but for sure people inside the movie's universe had no idea yeah like they set that up and that was pretty wild you know i also think of uma thurman and and kill bill right that final one they just hashed it out first they're like what up and he's like yeah i have
Starting point is 00:14:18 a daughter and she's like he's like that's your daughter and she's like oh shit you know and then they fought it was very well thought out. And maybe Blake and Chris get to a place where they dialogue through it and they don't even have to throw down. Yeah. But when you got all these other people around and when you're trying to show up for your peers, that's when things get a little bit diluted.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I think that's when people stop acting as their best selves. Yeah. Great call, dude. Yeah. I think, yeah you you worded it well fight him chris but yeah sneaking around that's not that's not gonna because even if you win that fight like you snuck you know yeah and you brought people and like you're picking on the coach's son yeah have some honor yeah come on chris i know you got it in you dog all right you
Starting point is 00:15:01 want to get into some questions yeah let's fire it up this question is from joey yo chad what's the meaning of chad goes deep why is it goes deep is it brain wise or deep in the women i'm just gonna say brain wise dude um the whole point of chad goes deep was to initially um bone up on my knowledge but uh you know as we've as it's gone along i think it's been to raise stoke i'm always looking for knowledge you know like knowledge is pretty rad but it's i'm going deep into and jt you're coming along on this journey of going deep into issues and stuff and just trying to raise stoke and maybe go deep into why there's less stoke in some situations you're just finding answers yeah so i know it has that um connotation of uh with chicks and like i love the ladies don't get me wrong for sure but i also
Starting point is 00:15:52 respect the ladies absolutely and i just want to make that clear like i'm not saying i go deep like it's not like a porn name i'm just going deep into like raising stoke yeah with chicks i think chad doesn't talk about he just is about it yeah thank you dude and then going deep he's boning up on knowledge he's not talking about boning down on women great call we got chad next chad do you see yourself being able to exceed the canadian og chad kroger stoke meter from the band uh nickelback the dude fucking wrote rock star and picture why take on the name of a true canadian legend well your parents named you that so you didn't really take it on yeah people keep i'm like dude my name's not nickelback um yeah i'm not really trying to one-up anyone i just you know i have a ton of respect for that dude you know those
Starting point is 00:16:36 songs they really do amp me up people may say they're corny i they do have a corniness i mean what do you think jt i think they're a tremendous band i mean i think people make jokes but at a certain point it's a lazy joke like you haven't even really dipped into their catalog you're just saying what you heard other people say yeah i think most people if they really went to a bunch of nickelback concerts yeah they'd be a fan yeah i mean i sometimes find myself it comes on the radio and i'm like jamming out and i'm like oh shit that was nickelback. Right. So they have some talent. So I want to be on even terms and props to that dude also for bagging Avril Lavigne.
Starting point is 00:17:12 She's a babe. Yeah. So I hope to, I aspire to get up to his greatness one day. I think we're on the way. It's a noble quest. Yeah. I mean, maybe not through rock songs but maybe through stoke song pod songs pod song good call i think uh their song if everyone cared yeah if everyone cared and nobody lied we'd see the day when nobody died yeah it seems like kind of
Starting point is 00:17:41 your motto dude yeah and i don't know if it's feasible, but it might be. Yeah, it's a beautiful message. Yeah, in the video they show a bunch of people who fought against hearing. Yeah, if that's something that you think is cheesy, why don't you reassess your values, you pretentious motherfucker? Yeah. Sorry. You okay?
Starting point is 00:18:03 I think so. He's okay. Thanks, dude dude you need to take a some water should i hit 10 push-ups real quick yeah dude do it just did him here's a good one why was dom not mentioned when talking about bald stallions in the last episode uh chad was uh talking about how when dudes go bald they really step their game up do you have a vendetta against him? And if so, why? No, no. I just want to make that clear to Vin and The Rock. Who did he say?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah, he said Dom. He said Dom. Yeah. Dom, total respect for you, dude. I love you, dog. Family. It was a huge omission. Huge.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I was listening to the episode, and I noticed that I'm like, I forgot Dom. I forgot Toretto. I had to tell you to go easy on yourself because you were like beating yourself up. And I was like, dude, I don't think Dom would want you to lose your stoke because you just like blanked on him. Like I ate only like half that fish taco. And when it affects my consumption of fish tacos, you know it hurt me. Yeah. my consumption of fish tacos you know it's it hurt me yeah so you know um back to that question from the first episode dude you can be legends like the rock joe rogan and dominic toretto
Starting point is 00:19:13 love you toretto shout out that was a stellar list thanks colin there's a sutra sutra no there's this super ultra mega babe that gives good bjs but she only hooks up with dudes at Ragers. My parents don't let me go to Ragers because they're uptight. Help me, Chad and JT. You're my only hope. Well, I think there's one flaw in your, you're looking for just the BJ. I think you need the whole female, right? I think that's, I think that's definitely, his thinking is a little bit one note.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Yeah. Like, I don't think she's gonna be too into a dude who's like hey i heard you give good bjs you mind if i grab one of those yeah like i snuck out to come to this rager to get a bj from you yeah however romantic that might sound yeah it's a little bit incomplete yeah i mean it sounds good in your head but then once you do it it's not gonna work and like we've all made mistakes but this is just some uh this is like the most grown up advice i'm capable of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And to the second part about your parents being uptight, have you been honest with them that there's a girl who gives good BJs that you'd really like to meet? That's a good point. You could point that out. I think your parents probably perform oral sex on one another. Yeah. And I'm sure they understand how wonderful that can be. And maybe if you could impart to them
Starting point is 00:20:25 that you really hope to participate in that union yeah not theirs but with your own people maybe they'll uh give you a hall pass once in a while yeah just especially your dad man just be straight up be like dad i know you don't want me to rage yet but i'm missing out on bj so you know i know you love those two don't lie to me. And I want to get in there. Hey, Dad, can I talk to you real quick? I got my report card and I got a 3.8 GPA. My class rank is 17th out of 600.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And I've really been killing it with the extracurriculars. And I've been taking really good care of your daughter, my baby sister, Sandy, and helping her get through some trials and tribulations at elementary school. And all of these things have really made me realize that I think I'm deserving of a pass to go to a rager so that I can maybe get a BJ. You want a BJ, son? Yeah, dad. I do. All right. You can do it. There it there you go buddy we just modeled it for you yeah that's how easy it is he's gonna say yeah every time and that was a great argument too i think he can say that verbatim yeah yeah yeah take take what i said and like you know kind of
Starting point is 00:21:37 like mold it to um your own super sick life yeah and then if your dad has issue with you asking for that um tell him to call us and we'll uh deal with him direct yeah all right benjamin i was wondering if in your podcast you could help me out with some girl issues there's this girl i really like in my homeroom class but she gets weirded out when i stare at her for too long please help dude that's a struggle i always had you know it's hard not to stare totally with you on that dude it's tough what's a struggle I always had. You know, it's hard not to stare. Totally with you on that, dude. It's tough. What's a good way not to stare? What would Paul do?
Starting point is 00:22:10 He would not stare. That's great advice. He would order a tuna sandwich. Watch Paul Walker in movies. Watch George Clooney in Out of Sight. Yeah. And then just kind of take notes and fake it till you make it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Respect you for respecting the female form. Like, honestly, that's tight. till you make it yeah respect for you respect you for respecting the female form like honestly that's that's tight and you know it's i think she probably secretly appreciates how much you appreciate her but think of your heroes too for sure yeah and i think dude the fact that you're aware that you're staring too much means you probably have the uh internal equipment to stop staring as much yeah self awareness is pretty epic all right hallie hey dudes how do you stop being shy around acquaintances you get stoked yeah if you're excited about things maybe if you fake the stoke you know and that's that creates real stoke yeah fake it till you make it again yeah i know if i just like
Starting point is 00:23:04 commit to it you know like i'll i'll know if i just like commit to it you know like i'll i'll meet people who would be like super intimidating you know like i'll meet like like big raj who like dominates the pier terry who owns like three pokey shops and i get super shy because i respect them so much but when i a lot of times if i act like I just had like a really good surf session or like just like ate a fish taco or just watched like a sick movie I'll come in like firing and I'll just be like what up Raj you know like what up Terry come in hot like that and they'll respond with the same energy and they'll be like damn Chad's really coming into his own maybe we can get him some free pokey yeah I think um that's absolutely true because
Starting point is 00:23:47 you do get a lot of free pokey i'm starting to get a lot of free pokey now hallie you just got to understand that you are worth talking to and you are worth listening to like these people are not chiller than you you are one of the chillest people ever yeah and uh it's high time they found out about it you have a lot to offer that's beautiful jt self-worth i dig it and it's cool to be shy it means you know you're you're sensitive yeah but it's cool to be sensitive so let people get to see that can you talk about str Strider and Boomer Kingsley? Yeah, all day. Strider, I love him always, but we're going through a tough, tough time with him right now.
Starting point is 00:24:32 He seems like his priorities are out of whack. He's doing cooking classes and working. But it's also winter, so he's pretty pasty. I think, yeah, he's got a pretty narrow perspective on what it means to be an adult. Yeah. And I think we're just trying to keep his mind open to the things that used to make him happy because we don't think those preclude you from being a good adult thing. Yeah, to be like a solid adult to you need to take words like shift
Starting point is 00:25:09 and wage out of your vocabulary and replace them with like lift and yeah rage boomer is a lot i've gotten a lot of dms um from people asking about boomer he's off the grid in indo getting tubed um i've seen photos he looks amazing stoked on boomer very adult yeah just uh sipping on bing tangs you know just getting barreled and um boomer i hope you can do that as long as you can dude his parents helped him out yeah they paid for the trip all right sam a couple of my best boys moved to chicago last year and left me left me slamming mugs solo in knoxville i've been up twice since they moved to visit them and neither of them have been back down in Tennessee since they left. Do you think I should branch my bros out or stay faithful on their return?
Starting point is 00:26:08 I think branch. If you're branching out and you're trying to make bros, I think deep down in your deepest bro, you're going to know that you're taking command of your life and of your happiness, and that's going to make you a better stronger bro and then let me tell you something when you tap into that when you start making new bros and start making new bro debt friends those friends in chicago are going to notice and they're going to be coming
Starting point is 00:26:37 back down every weekend every fucking weekend dude and you know what? Like we, uh, recurring theme, don't export your stoke to other bros. Find it within. I think you said it right there. Find it within. Let it radiate through you. And then magnetic forces will block more solid dudes your way. And you'll be so fucking stoked. Dude, what's the 6'2", 240-pound thing that just got stuck to my back?
Starting point is 00:27:11 That's a new bro. That's a new bro that I just magnetized to me. Damn. What up, dude? What's your name? Daryl? What up, Daryl? Daryl, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Deadlifts, fish, and sip Budweiser with my best friends. Wow, this seems like a good match. Find your Daryl, dude. He's out there. I want to say it. There's a Daryl out there looking for a Sam. Dude, when Daryl was describing himself, I'm like, I want a fucking Daryl in my squad. That dude is a beast.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I just got a boner from that. Dude. Chad Sporting would. Non-sexual, just stoked. Someone call HR. I want him to get a promotion. Riley M. What tips can you give a first-time Coachella goer?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Hydrate. Dance. Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Hydrate.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Hydrate. Dance. Hydrate.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Dance. Hydrate. Daniel, I've been hanging out with my ex a lot lately. She has a boyfriend, but we have never addressed it. It's like an unspoken knowledge. Should I continue to do my thing, or should I respect the boundaries of our unspoken relationship? That's on her, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:33 You're putting a lot of weight on your shoulders. Yeah, I don't think that the issue is that you're participating in a betrayal. I think the issue is she can't give you what you want dude she is splitting her attention and affection between two people and it's not only not fair to the other guy it's not fair to you my friend yeah you deserve someone's undivided attention yeah make that known and if you love her i I get it, man. It's tough. You can go for the robbery. And if you end up getting married, the robbery won't look as bad because your guys' relationship will be proof that it was worth it. But I'm betting she'll
Starting point is 00:29:16 respect you more and you got a better chance of being happy if you just let it go and go find somebody else that you totally grok with. I don't think I can add any more to that. That was beautiful. I got to pee real quick. Alberto, is it cool to check out your bro's girl? If you're sly? Yeah, I mean, I think you got to put a cap on it, like two seconds or less. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Acknowledge her beauty. And don't look at her with the expectation of her reciprocating. Yeah. Steal your looks, but don't engage. Do not. Austin, bros versus dudes debate. Bros. Oh, there's a distinction here I want to make.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I think I like bros the most because you're close with your bros? Oh, there's a distinction here I want to make. I like, uh, I think I like bros the most because you're close with your bros. You bond with your bros. You eat pokey with your bros. You locker box with your bros. You bronze with your bros. You, you tie your shoes with your bros. You go shoe shopping with your bros. You go to hot dog on a stick with your bros you go chug fiji water with your bros you go chug bud lights with your bros you do all kinds of things with your bros but i like using the word dude more in combo you know i don't like saying to someone hey bro you know it seems a little too forceful and a little douchey if i might say will here we go will what up chad what up jt will from rhode island here this inquiry this inquiry this inquiry is directed to chad no offense jt
Starting point is 00:30:54 none taken chad what up you got some fire locks any hair tips for bros uh find your conditioner you know don't just you know don't just watch a herbal essences commercial and be like i want to be like a chicken waterfall you know experiment try new stuff you know you could you could fall in love with pantene then you can fall in love with aussie you know just sort of be open find your conditioner and brush the shit out of it dude brush the fuck out of your hair and it will shine in the fucking
Starting point is 00:31:30 sunlight and people will be like I knew that guy is just a lightning rod of epicness Charles from New Jersey what up bros I work your Regular 9 to 5 job
Starting point is 00:31:46 And I absolutely hate it All I do is get yelled at By my boss What sort of advice Do you have for someone like me Who's too afraid to quit their job But also hates it Quit your job
Starting point is 00:31:54 And become pen pals with Strider And get him to quit his job Yeah Honestly dude If you really need the money I totally understand you doing it But Maybe
Starting point is 00:32:04 In your off time Be looking for something better. Yeah, I like that. Don't resign yourself to a life that's not fulfilling. Big Frank, is it mandatory to invite your Eskimo brothers and or wiener cousins to your wedding? Probably got to be unstoked if you bros say yes. Then no? Yeah, so I'm assuming that you mean that these dudes slept with your uh wife and dude really it comes down to your comfort level if uh you're okay with these guys having
Starting point is 00:32:33 had relationships with your wife more power to you i appreciate you taking the high road but if it at all makes you feel uncomfortable fuck no dude let them stay home man yeah you got to be comfortable at your special day yeah it's your special day dude you don't need to be like sitting there being like i wonder if craig has a bigger dong than me yeah i mean being at your wedding and wondering if a dude has a bigger dong than you is like that sounds like the worst thing on earth yeah i can't think of anything worse than that yeah because at some point you're gonna go up to your wife and be like, Susie, can I borrow you for a second? She's like, hold on, I'm talking to my aunt.
Starting point is 00:33:10 She flew in from Switzerland. You're like, I need you real quick. Yeah. You know, I know we haven't talked about it in a while, but I know you and Craig slept together. She's like, what are you talking about? You're like, does Craig have a bigger hose than me? That's a tough one, dude. Can you imagine having that convo on your wedding day?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Because that's going to come up. You've got to ask about your fucking hog. And she's like, honey, you've got a great hose. And then you're like, honey. And she's like Craig's hose is fatter and then you're just like oh god oh my god fuck Craig's like ripping it up on the dance floor he's never looked happier you're just like can this guy just take it down a notch at my wedding leading the conga line with his freaking python with his fat fucking hog and craig's like i love you so much dude i'm so happy for you and you're
Starting point is 00:34:15 like are you really or are you just like taking a sadistic pleasure and knowing you fucking dick down the love of my life with some piece of Home Depot hardware. You bionic freak. Get the fuck out of my wedding, Craig. All right, guys. I think that'll be it for the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. That's episode number two in the fucking can, my dogs. Just some announcements.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Make sure you go to ChadGoesDeep.com to follow all of our stuff, Instagram, Twitter, whatever. I'm going to put this on iTunes hopefully by the time this is out. So if it's on there, give us five stars, subscribe, give us a good review. We love you guys. Yeah, we got some new t-shirts coming out if you guys have ideas for t-shirts we'll definitely take those in so send those in and send in more questions we love the questions dudes we love you i've been chad kroger i've been jt signing off
Starting point is 00:35:17 thank you later dudes

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