Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 205 - Joe Marrese and Strider Wilson Join

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

What up stokers! This week we got the four horsemen. We talk to Joe about not getting vacc'd, Norm Macdonald's passing, and AOC at the Met. Enjoy!   Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd....com​​​​​​​​​​     Sponsored by Talkspace: Match with a licensed therapist when you go to talkspace.com get $100 off your first month with the promo code GODEEP. That’s $100 off when you use code GODEEP at talkspace.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? I'm coming to you live from my purple-tinted room, and I'm here to say what up. This podcast is brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, Pete, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean, because autumn is in the air. The pumpkins are in the patch, and our friends at Manscaped are here to make sure you don't carve your pants pumpkins when you're grooming. Damn, I thought that was going to rhyme. If you know what I'm saying. So boys, get ready for a cuffing season like no other.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Ready to take a leap in the fall with Manscaped? Join the two million men worldwide using Manscaped by going to manscaped.com for 20% off plus free shipping with the code. Go deep. All right, let's start the show. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling. What? Keep rolling, rolling, rolling. Yeah. What rolling, rolling. What? Keep rolling, rolling, rolling.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah. What's up, Stokers of Stokeration? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep Challenge AT Podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. We are here with the... The what?
Starting point is 00:01:24 The Sacagawea of sex oh is that that's probably offensive huh maybe i don't think so yeah sacajawea which is a guide she's a guide she's leading us into western expansion she's on a gold coin yeah she's an explorer so that he's the he's an explorer as well and i said sex because there's two s's but i say but you're more the saccageoia of sensuality sensuality and thank you oh the saccageoia of sensuality yeah okay yeah let's stick with that one yeah freaking what up bro it's honored to be here let's do this shit dude str out and we're here with the uh the three-legged hammer joe joe marisi thanks it's good to be back on for the first time in four months thanks for having me back well yeah we don't know you're you you almost had covet every time we tried to
Starting point is 00:02:18 have you on no should we get into that what happened, let's hear about it. I don't even know, dude. Well, no, you know. You know. Yeah, what happened? Well, so you haven't wanted to get vaccinated, which I actually do respect. I don't think there should be forced vaccinations, even though I'm super pro-vaccine. Yeah. And it's a tough thing to talk about. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I'm glad you say that because that's, I think any person with common sense knows and it's a tough thing to talk about well that's the thing i'm glad you say that because that's i think any person with common sense knows that it's wrong to force it on people if they don't want to do it i'm not sure if i'm right though because i've been like you know there's a lot of vaccines that you have to get yeah well but but so to about this particular one you're right but then so we went that's the only one i'm talking about not the other ones we went to do a show in san diego and uh we were driving down there for a stand-up gig and we you not getting vaccinated is affecting your career you might have to lose your job at the store and then there's a big project that was coming up that was potential game changer for you that we're involved in and then you uh yeah probably not gonna be able to be a part of that and then and then we did a show in brea right and we gave you a lot of shit on the way down to san diego we were like just do it just do it and we kind of went into why you didn't want
Starting point is 00:03:34 to do it and we were mean and then we were nice and then it was uh it was intense but but it was all pretty good discourse yeah it was it was fine. I expect that. But then you come to the Bray Improv when we're doing a show there. We're all performing. And you come in and you go, guys, guess what? I'm vaccinated. And you showed us your appointment from earlier that day. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It was a good lie. It was good acting. Right. So that's the twist is that we all had good sets. We all celebrate that night. It was a magical night. Yeah, it was a great show. Live karaoke after.
Starting point is 00:04:09 There's a photo of us hugging when you told me. Yeah. I have it on my phone. I'm hugging you. It was a beautiful moment. Cherish those memories. And then you called me two days later and you go, JT, there's something I got to tell you.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I didn't get vaccinated. I lied. And and dude literally it almost broke my brain i felt like i was like in a dream or something like that me too dude you told me i was like i need to i need like you told me i was like what i need i had to take like i had to take time to process it yeah you want to eat it was there i i hung out i was like give me like 15 minutes because you don't ever lie no I don't I'm a very truthful person that's why I came clean quick
Starting point is 00:04:49 you broke the Joe code yeah it's true and you said you lied to a couple people right every person in my life not a couple people everyone and Kevin's still mad at you my entire family my entire friends um the schmoll still upset yeah i haven't talked to kevin in a long time really yeah dude yeah like you called me what
Starting point is 00:05:15 is it probably like two weeks ago now saying what's the deal with kevin yet and you haven't talked to him since no i it i mean it's it's purely on him at this point because he takes two to tango. He's the only person that's distanced himself from me because of this. If you're going to be that person, you're crazier than me. You guys are on completely opposite ends of the spectrum, I'd say. Pretty much. On the COVID thing.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah. Yeah, on the vaccine thing. I'm pro-vaccine. I'm excited to get my booster, and I trust it. But I understand why people don't. Why don't you want to get it? Because I believe I have a natural immunity at this point. Because you had it?
Starting point is 00:05:57 I had it. I've been around in close proximity with people that had it. Like, while they had it but that that'll probably wear off at some point same as the vaccine we're learning but um but but it's more than that don't you have like some i think you told me when we were talking about that you were afraid it might kill you well yeah i know i know people that have got injured from it i know people that know people and yeah it's just it's like i know not getting it i won't get a blood clot but but don't you worry about the doesn't regular covid f people up more by and large
Starting point is 00:06:34 i think the i think the older and the unhealthier you are it'll mess you up more right typically guys that look like us four be fine well that was the funniest part unless we have underlying complications when we were in the car you were like you're like look i'm fit i'm you were talking about yourself like he goes he goes i have a lot of muscle all organic yeah i have a lot of muscle i was was like, dude, you're not Aaron Donald. I haven't. No, but since I've ate healthy, I haven't had a bad, I haven't had the flu in like eight years. Yep. Did you get the flu shot?
Starting point is 00:07:14 I got it like twice. Yeah, Kevin told me you two would go and get the flu shot together, like a date. Well, I guess I don't have to get it anymore because the flu's gone now. No, it's not, dude. You still got to get your flu shot. Flu might come back with a vengeance dude well last year i don't think anybody got the flu because everyone was well yeah they asked me i was at cbs the other day picking up a prescription they asked me you want a flu shot i said no thanks well i think we should get to to the root of it what i think you and we talked about this in the car ride, I think you're scared of the vaccine, that it'll kill you, right?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah, there's that fear as well, yeah. And why do you have that fear? Why not? Well, who do you know that's died from it? I don't know anyone personally, but I've heard it's happened. But you know, a lot of people have died from covid too also yeah also that yeah um and we've all had it we've all had the vaccine i know you guys have had it yeah and then congratulations on that no i'm just saying most people you know have had it and
Starting point is 00:08:22 they're fine yeah but also a lot of people that i know that got it also got covid and i haven't gotten covid so all right more people have died from the vaccine than have gotten blood clots from the vaccine excuse me died from covid thank you that's a good stat thanks for defining my just no no i'm no no i'm not going to get your argument more people have died from covid than have gotten blood clots from the vaccine and then well yeah there's that but i think a big reason we were encouraging you to is like at first when it looked like you know the vaccine kept you 95 percent from safe from even getting covid i was like look everyone's gonna get this thing and then once all these breakthrough cases started happening i was like kind of changes the convo a little bit for me
Starting point is 00:09:07 right yeah but and uh and i feel even uncomfortable talking about that because it's like it's such a divisive thing but then the the career impact it's gonna have on you because then the other the other yeah i'll be all right dude i mean no but go ahead. I do believe in you. Go ahead, though. Yeah. Well, no, but like, we can focus on that for a second.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The career thing is like, it's big implications. And I think a lot of people watching this will respect you for sticking to your guns. But me knowing how long we've worked at this thing and how few of these opportunities come along, I worry about you. But there's greener pastures ahead. How? Well, that's why I'm planning to move to Austin, because I've got an opportunity there and connections there. You're going to work at Rogan's new comedy club.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I mean, we can't say that publicly, because we don't know when it's opening or whatever but but yes don't at joe people but yeah but here here here's the thing i mean there's career implications but you know there's a high survival rate of covid but you know you are at risk still of what of getting seriously ill so are you i have the vaccine my chance my chances of getting seriously ill are pretty much yeah according to what according to the statistics yeah well that's i mean that's not true what the studies aren't true yeah no because everyone why are so many people getting sick people are still getting it but they're not getting severe symptoms yeah if you look at
Starting point is 00:10:56 like the hospital intake it's like out of like 70 people obese people no no yeah across the board this is this how it goes like say there's a sample size of a hundred just so ridiculous at this point i don't even want to talk about this bullshit i mean i guess we have to yeah stats don't matter for the sake of this podcast but you don't mind but you've got a good reason to kick it with your boys and get your shot dude i would get kicked in the nuts every day dude to kick it with my boys dude on this project yeah and just so to me it with my boys, dude, on this project. I wouldn't. To me, it's just so fucking dumb. Yeah, but it's hard. We can't change it.
Starting point is 00:11:30 No, I know, but we also don't have to go along with it either. No, you have a choice. It's your guy's thing. I mean, you know, you guys are fine without me. Yeah, but we love you. Yeah, I would love to be a part of it. I've put in almost 10 years of hard work in this town. But wouldn't you say at this point you're creating more problems for yourself than you need to?
Starting point is 00:11:59 That's what my dad says, but I don't see it that way. Let me ask you this. I think a lot of people in your life and a lot of people who do care about you are telling you one thing and it seems to be pretty consistent but then you're going against it a lot like i was telling my buddy daniels about it and he goes wait why aren't you telling them this and i go dude we all told him that like all three of us are all telling him this and he's like why not i go dude i can't explain it i've heard that a lot from people too like comedian friends will be like what is joe doing and then they're like are you they're like have you even like gotten mad at him like kevin
Starting point is 00:12:32 kevin called me and was like you know all you guys laugh at him and you tell him all of his decisions are okay and i was like kevin back off man i'm like that's not what i mean i'm like i'm all over here's the thing about kevin too i think think Kevin thinks I am like, what's the correct term for mentally slow nowadays? Just slow. Let's just say slow. I think Kevin thinks I'm actually like slow. I'm a 37-year-old man. I pretty much have a good grasp on the world at this point,
Starting point is 00:13:07 and I'm able to make my own decisions. Kevin thinks I'm, like, easily... Because, you know, I've talked about having, like, anxiety issues. He thinks I'm, like, easily influenced by stuff because of that. It's like, no, I kind of already have my world view set in place and it's not any anybody kind of like you guys laughing at me that doesn't encourage me to do what i'm doing like i'm gonna do what i want to do anyway that's what i'm saying there's also there's one person who's influencing you not to get vaccinated no there's a lot of people but one main one that's that's what you think that's what kevin
Starting point is 00:13:49 says too and that's not that's not true i never wanted to get it right but but she was in your ear with a lot of horror stories about the back yeah but a lot of people have sent me a lot of stuff fair enough that i don't even talk about not, dude, here's a side effect that I heard that could be beneficial to you. You know, Nicki Minaj says her cousin's balls got huge. Oh, yeah, I saw that. Imagine if you had your hog and huge balls to match. Yeah, that'd be fun. Imagine if you said.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That's a good point. Yeah. Dude, you could be. It could be worth it, yeah. You could be in a plane crash into the ocean, and people would be like, oh, we got Joe's hog and his balls. Yeah, the ball. Yeah, grab a You could be in a plane crash to the ocean, and people would be like, oh, we got Joe's hog and his balls. Yeah, grab a ball. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah, it's true. You've been saying, too, that since you're moving to Austin, we've talked a lot about you don't really feel at home in Los Angeles anymore. No, I think this is a pretty dreadful place. It's a really, there's a blower going on. Yeah, I don't like it here anymore, basically, is the long and the short of it. But, you know, I understand. I mean, I'd say, you know, it's gotten a little bit more kind of.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And the thing is, too, is I'm tired of putting up with it. But, you know, I don't think that's a thing. People say that shit. They're like, Los Angeles is like a hellscape now. But I don't. I think that's just people complaining. It's all in your fucking head. It's in the media.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You know, you're looking at the news. No, it's not. It's real. No, it's not. Yeah, it is. It feels like. I mean, I guess there's. You're out surfing.
Starting point is 00:15:24 You're not paying attention. Yeah guess there's you're out surfing you're not paying attention yeah maybe you should go out surfing like if you step outside if you go to like where i live culver city feels normal it feels great like people are not i mean i think people are just getting upset because they would read like twitter and they're like well also living in this area doesn't help yeah i would move out of west hollywood for sure i mean i i've wanted to when i first got back into town in january i tried to move to the beach but i couldn't i think a lot of it is just people getting upset for this i mean there's people who like but in terms of like they're like la sucks now it's like they're kind of just getting upset for the sake of getting upset it's like it's not
Starting point is 00:16:02 that bad and you're kind of yeah but i mean thousands thousands and thousands of people have left town i mean and they're coming back you know when i think a lot of people have come back no yeah that's what i heard no bro you should move to los feliz dude it's sick people are artsy and creative they're not yeah i don't mind lowe's fields but nice trees over there yeah it's definitely the land of wisp as jt yeah they're a little wispy whatever that means but you like you liked austin yeah i think it's great i think it's a great mix of a big city with like a college town feel a lot of of different, a lot of mixed beliefs, mixed race. I like a nice diversity in all ways. Not here where it's one way or the highway.
Starting point is 00:16:53 What? What do you mean? Diversity of thought, you mean? Right. Oh, right, right. Yeah, because I was like, you don't like regular diversity. That's crazy. No, I do like regular diversity.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I like diversity in all forms yeah that's true that's true i respect that um yeah thanks i respect it too all right well we'll circle back and we'll keep we'll keep us posted is that going to be too loud aaron do we need to pause uh i mean i close every. Chad, will you check behind you and see if that window's closed? Yeah, it's just that loud. Oh, Christ almighty. LA's such a shiv. Well, this is why.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Dude, we're doing this at 9 a.m. because we've been busy with some stuff. So we haven't had to deal with the Gardner situation. Well, then in other big news, tragic news, dudes, Norm MacDonald passed away yesterday. Yeah, that really sucks. That was really sad. that was so unexpected that was like the last thing i was would have you know and um but then when i thought about i'm like yeah i didn't see much of him in the past like two years or so yeah i just thought he was gearing up for more uh episodes of the show my brother saw him like four or five years ago do
Starting point is 00:18:06 stand-up and he said he was like he was like a dude it was weird he wasn't like really present he was kind of loopy he's such a weird guy yeah intentionally oftentimes that i thought maybe he just did it to like that was like his process or finding new material was like being kind of out of it and then wherever his like mind kind of wandered that's where he would go yeah it was kind of his style anyway right but now knowing what we know now maybe maybe he was you know on chemo or something at that point yeah yeah dude fuck gardeners man i know should we say i like gardeners well yeah i know what you mean though yeah fuck leaf blowers yeah yeah how have we not invented a more quiet leaf blower? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:46 The rake? Yeah. But there's a more quiet version than this. Oh, wow. Oh, they're all over the city. But yeah, I was nuts about Norm. He's so funny. One of the funniest guys ever yeah maybe like i you
Starting point is 00:19:06 know everyone's prone to hyperbole when someone passes but maybe the funniest person that ever lived he's yeah i i watch youtube stuff of him almost on a nightly basis and he he's i think what everyone like the the universal kind of sentiment was that he was just fearless and he's just fearless, unique, original, and just like kind of one of the, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:32 last comics to really just not be afraid to, to, you know, not, I think one of his things is he, he's like jokes should surprise people. Never pander. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah. You couldn't predict never punch lines yeah he's so funny his movie dirty works that was like the one of the first seminal comedies for me i was in like fifth grade when i watched it with greg and my brother and dude just dying laughing the entire time and he was edgy but then there was always this kind of sweetness to him and then just the mischief in his face when he was delivering jokes like he just was and you know it's funny a lot of people were giving him credit because they were like a lot of comedians were like he never wanted to make the world a better place he just wanted to make you laugh yeah and there's not enough of that in comedy which is kind of funny to me that we
Starting point is 00:20:16 especially nowadays yeah right it's funny that we pick on people for wanting to make the world a better place yeah but there was something pure about it where he was just like no i'm just here yeah to like surprise you and make you laugh yeah i all i want to do i i respect comedians that are just comedians you don't have to be on facebook talking about stuff and trying to influence the world yeah i agree with norm was uh that was him yeah he didn't mind being the dumb guy i like the what day is it october yeah it's a billy madison so great dude and then uh other big news went to my brother's bachelor party in Palm Springs and Strider, you did Mushrooms? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:09 On this podcast, I mean, Chris was listening because we've never been on together. So it means he was listening because we talked about it and I was like, yeah, dude, I'll do like in passing one of those promises that I was like, yeah, this will never like, no one's going to remember this or come about. So yeah, I'll do shrooms at Chris's bachelor party for sure, dude. Then we get there and he's like, you said you do shrooms at my bachelor party. Let's go, dude. And I want to say that I was like cool about it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I was like, oh, yeah, good call. I was like, do I really have to, dude? I was like, please don't make me, dude. He's like, no, dude, we're going to him cashing that check. I was like, all right. And then we're looking at like a chocolate bar. He was nice about it because he gave me the chocolate bar, is way more delicious and how much did you eat just three little squares you feel like that's a lot that's what i was saying bro because i was like and i kept being
Starting point is 00:21:54 like and i was looking at this little pyramid but it was like to scale like it was one two three and three said like god level but really below it was like oh 10 little squares is what that was and then the first one was like one to three is like your normal, but really below it was like, oh, 10 little squares is what that was. And then the first one was like one to three is like your normal thing. So he gave me the highest dose of the first little tip of the pyramid thing. And so I was scared. And he's like, I've never lost a soldier, bro. Bet on me. That's what he kept saying.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Bet on me. And I was like, all right. So took the little three little pieces. And he was right. He's never lost a soldier. was fine good time I would say like it just there's one part where I got into like a big laughing fit because um you know when the guys were hanging out guys can tend to be bullies and uh one of our buddies like was just kind of taking a little breather in the party drinking a water and everyone was like what are you doing drinking water dude and then another
Starting point is 00:22:44 dude's like well he's got information dude he's not partying let's get it out of him so they started squeezing the water like too much into his mouth and then reggie looks at me he goes we're waterboarding our friend and then i just couldn't stop laughing once i heard that i was like that's the funniest thing oh just being a monster so i was like i don't know if i was my best self but i had a nice time nice and am i rushing back to do it no but it was fine it brought out the playful sadist in you yeah exactly i guess i i'm more sadist than than massive it was all positive effects all positive all good didn't do too many didn't do any i couldn't even tell you were on mushrooms love you were still consistent with how you've always been i love that you were definitely in a good mood but you
Starting point is 00:23:24 know it's a bachelor party so you know everyone's having a good time exactly it was it was the right space to do it and that's what our buddy chili said he's like dude just set it and forget it bro this is like i love that dude treat it like my roth ira do some shrooms dude in the back of my mind and then when the buzz kicks in it's kicking in and you're still on shrooms right you're becoming a drug guy yeah i'm a huge drug guy now that's the thing my baseline is going still on shrooms, right? You're becoming a drug guy? Yeah, I'm a huge drug guy now. That's the thing. My baseline is going to be shrooms. I'm microing every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. It's just sort of who I am now, dude. I don't give a shit about anything else, dude. I'm over it. That's sick, dude. Yeah. I think that if I do enough shrooms, I probably, you know, COVID can't get me. I like that you've discovered this in your 30s.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, dude. You know what I mean? Everyone comes to it when they come to it you know what i mean and i feel like i'm coming to it in my prime so i'm pretty sick um we played what up no go ahead i was gonna say we played some tippet speaking of my prime we lowered the rim to like eight and a half feet got some dunks in it felt nice oh that's sick on shrimps yeah it was during that same day but you know who did you beat in that am i allowed to say say his ass i beat yeah because i beat his ass clay thompson did dude what yeah bro took him
Starting point is 00:24:32 out and tip it dude now was he shooting left-handed i don't know do you sack to happen no no i respected him i faked it out though and he didn't flinch and i got respect yeah that was for my brother happy bachelor party dude you're a legend that was so sick dude the clay come nice dude what about uh aoc wearing that dress to the met gala what did really wait wait which one was it was that the chick-fil-a one no she wore like a beautiful dress but it said tax the rich oh yeah oh right that is it was the text oh you mean jing-lai like the i didn't think of that font yeah it is kind of that yeah did she really stuck it to the net yeah that's what i'm saying are you really protesting
Starting point is 00:25:13 if you're like on the red carpet at the met like are you really sticking it to the man you want to have it both ways but it's one way yeah like you're still you got your ten thousand dollar and you're getting you know table or whatever it is at the table. It's $30,000. And you know everybody else there was stoked on it. They were like, yeah, you get them, girl. Totally. I mean, I guess, I don't know, it's a platform.
Starting point is 00:25:35 That was dumb. Yeah, exactly. Whenever I see photos of the Met Gala, I'm like, that's the last place I think I'd ever want to be on earth what would you wear what what would you wear if you were there board shorts i really yankees gala hell yeah that's what i'm talking about what about the cubs gala yeah well i'm just saying yeah like what everyone like wears interesting like everyone dressed dresses like that dude from the commercials captain obvious or whatever yeah like what's everyone doing dude joe i know what you should wear if you go to met gala what a cock sock yeah red hot chili pepper style yeah what's bigger than a sock maybe like a sheet maybe like a christmas stocking tube sock is fine what is that like joe is that a duvet yeah it's king california king yeah dude dude i've been watching cliffs from the 85 bears dock the 30 for 30 oh cool dude how much
Starting point is 00:26:34 those guys love buddy ryan yeah there was a special brotherhood with that team eight all pro too bad they only won one super bowl eight all all-pro guys on the D? Yeah. And then Singletary just seems like such a good leader. Yeah, oh, man. Yeah, he's phenomenal. If Buddy Ryan was your coach, and do you think you'd get the vaccine then if he wanted you to? No. If you were part of the 85 Bears and your team captain was like,
Starting point is 00:27:01 look, we got a good chance to win it all this year, we're all getting vaccinated so that we're on the, make sure we're on the field. Would you do it? I don't know. You did tell me that if you didn't live in LA and he lived in Chicago, that you might, you'd probably get the vax. Maybe. Do you hate that it's LA people telling you to get the vax?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah, very much. What is like, I kind of blame us that we couldn't get you to do it. Like what could have been better messaging? No, it's just you shouldn't know if you get it you're a pussy dude yeah yeah yeah you should have tried that to see if it would have worked yeah because i go for i fall for psychological stuff dude we had a our fantasy football draft one guy didn't come because he didn't want to get vaxxed. We almost had an issue with the other guy who was unvaxxed in our fantasy football league, but we all got tested
Starting point is 00:27:50 before we went out there. We all felt safe. And once we got out there, we were fine. You guys didn't let him come because he didn't get vaccinated? So there was an argument. The guys who were more pro-vax and generally more liberal were like, we don't want unvaxxed guys coming. And then we kind of discussed it and debated it.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And then we said they could come, but they're going to get tested. And then we said, like, everyone should just get tested. So we're not just picking on these guys. And then, but one of the guys who was unvaxxed pretty hilariously was like, first of all, he's not in the fantasy football. He just comes as a friend.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And so I think he was kind of feeling like a mascot. He's like, I don't want to do that anymore. And then he also said, I don't want to not be able to talk about the vaccine and he's like i'm going to want to argue with all you guys well yeah because obviously that'll come up yeah like it really didn't though no no but i'm saying if he was there that would obviously come up yeah but the other unvaccinated guy came and was like you know and he said the same thing you said he said look i respect all of your choices not to get vaccinated or to get vaccinated. I just, you know, I want to, I feel like I'm young and healthy and he's really shredded.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yeah. And then he was like. So leave him the fuck alone. Yeah. And also if you're vaccinated, you're not supposed to be, you're not supposed to be afraid of the unvaccinated. That's all fucking bullshit. That's what's interesting about it to me because it's like we're protected. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:04 But I do understand the argument that argument stop watching the fucking tv and getting fucking scared but you're you're consuming just as much information as anybody else yeah yeah but i'm consuming the right information come on no but i'm just saying you can't the whole fear of the unvaccinated thing is very, it's just absurd. And you're a skeptic by nature because you had COVID and you didn't admit you had COVID until six months later. I mean, I didn't, you know, because I didn't know that that wasn't even a symptom at that time that I had that. He had no taste or smell. When I didn't taste or smell.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And we're all like, you got COVID. He's like, I don't have COVID, it's allergies. I mean, that was mid, that was mid, that was mid-march last year that was right at the beginning when you fled town i had to get out i'm sorry man i'm sorry i left you but i was around people around me during that whole time because no one knew that that could have been coveted yet and i didn't give it to anybody so that was good i don't know i'm just bummed that you that you're moving because of it i i think it's uh but you know it's your choice um i just will miss you yeah yeah i'll miss you guys too i won't be that far away it's gonna change things though like we
Starting point is 00:30:22 were doing a lot of shows together um yeah you know doing the podcast a lot of things that we enjoy doing together are not going to be but i mean the thing is too i mean if we if we travel and do comedy i you know we can do that i guess it's just the local southern california shows yeah if you guys want to travel i'm we're auditioning new four horsemen more than happy to come with good luck finding someone we're looking at a lot of big dudes with big dicks and we're saying hey can you come through
Starting point is 00:30:53 give us a little fodder on the pod do you mind just doing the podcast maybe just pants off you won't find anybody I had an idea Joe maybe you could take a dick pig and then we could blow it up in a poster board and put it on that part of the couch. All right, that's a great call.
Starting point is 00:31:08 That's a good idea. We'll do that. That's a good move. Well, if you're not going to get the vaccine, will you at least try a fruit smash? No, not at 9 in the morning. You said you'd do it at episode 200. This is de facto 200.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Oh, yeah. I've been having acid reflux issues. I'm not doing alcohol. I thought you were a healthy guy. Yeah, but that's... Sorry. Yeah. I've been drinking a lot
Starting point is 00:31:41 because due to the last month. I've consumed drinking a lot because due to the last month. So I've consumed a lot of beer, and I think the carbonation has caught up with me. Yeah. You've been partying a lot. When we lived together, you were on a pretty substantial cold streak. Yeah, I've been going out a lot of quarters a week. But your cold streak has totally taken a turn and now yeah it's eviscerated
Starting point is 00:32:06 what are we talking about you're a man about town now yeah i love it that's all i'm not gonna get into it what do you want me to say i just wanted people to know who's coming when how much how hard what positions i like to hear about it inside outside i like all the details i'm a sick fuck uh did i tape my mouth shut last night oh yeah like a baby that's creepy as fuck like a motherfucking baby dude that's amazing bro what tape do you use like like just athletic tape like paper cloth tape yeah super non paper cloth tape it's like it's like a you know it's like is that that white white tape yeah yeah it works dude oh yeah that's pretty light tape yeah what's that yeah see when you tape your
Starting point is 00:33:08 mouth i like i'm picturing duct tape so i guess if you're i'm picturing that too i'm picturing him like in his bed like just wake up but yeah i guess if it's that tape that's yeah when you wake up is it still on or do you get it off do you in the night times your body like take it off uh makes it both like you know when you sleep with socks on somehow your socks wind up off right yeah yeah uh yeah no i uh last night i woke up at like four ripped it off i was like oh no i really know that uh but i did i did rip it off in my sleep and then uh but i do sleep much better it's crazy and it's like it's like if you if you don't want to get like um sleep apnea it's a good way to prevent it i think i have sleep apnea really is that like where you feel like you can't move your body and your brain's awake and then you're like no it's where you basically suffocate in your sleep so you just get like you need to get a mask why do you think you have because my mom has it
Starting point is 00:34:08 and then um sometimes i'll it's honestly it's only when i take viagra but i'll wake up in the middle of the night and i'll be like oh like i'm out of breath and then i gasp and my heart will just be pumping yeah be careful yeah no i stopped. I talked to my doctor friend, and I was like, do you think I'm going to die? And then he was like, no, but it could increase. It's our buddy Tom Hall. You always say I make him sound nerdier than he is. He was like, you might experience complications that will enhance it.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And I was like, complications? And he was like, yeah, no, it could make the sleep apnea worse, and you could have deleterious health effects. So I would be careful. And I was like, I think I should not do it yeah but you just think do you wake up rock hard uh yeah yeah well i was gonna it depends but yeah that's fucking tight dude yeah that's sick yeah it is sick yeah maybe that's what you're like oh i'm hard all the oxygen all your blood is going to your dick dude yeah yeah maybe it's just horniness it's just my body's like wake up and fuck your heart's like there's so much blood going to his dick i can't pump this
Starting point is 00:35:14 dude joe must have the most powerful heart in the world yeah it's good heart it's like he's got to go Bane mode when he gets a boner. Sort of like for Joe's body to give him a boner, it's like blowing up a bouncy house. Oh, 100%. Yeah, it makes a sound too. It's not a light switch. It's a sunrise, dude. It really just rises up.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah. That's beautiful. All right, should we answer some cues? Yeah, dude. No. What? I What just kidding you don't answer the stuff yeah, go ahead Dude, just contrarian dude. Just mr. Contrarian did Joe are you gonna miss going on dude? Are you gonna miss this? I guess you're gonna be having beef brisket with Rogan, but you know
Starting point is 00:36:03 Give me a yeah dude good luck when the humidity sets in and the insects get you dude yeah dude have you heard tim dillon talking about austin he hates it yeah because he's fat and he probably sweats whoa whoa dropping huge dude body i love tim but you know he's he can't handle the humidity What is being fat having to do with- Because it's humid, so he's probably depressed about the weather. When you get COVID, are you going to do the ivermectin, the monoclonal antibodies, and the IV drips and all that? Are you going to throw the kitchen sink at it Rogan style?
Starting point is 00:36:39 I don't know. You know, a lot of that stuff is not good for your body. Putting all those antibiotics in there blasts the immune system. It's not good long term. You should do an ice bath. Yeah. It's also thousands of dollars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah. Dude, it's not going to get it. He's a millionaire. Like, if you're not getting the vax, you're just saying, like, dude, I got fire health insurance. I'm all good. And the timing of it. Because, like, I called an urgent care because my mom you know is like she's had some health complications and i was like mom even though
Starting point is 00:37:08 she's vaccinated you need to get the monoclonal antibodies if you get it so i was calling urgent cares and doctors and in orange county dude they were like uh they were like yeah you can come in we have an appointment available in like two days and then you can get it the next day so three days and the whole point what they say with the monoclonal antibodies, you got to do it quick, like right when you get COVID. But it's not, even if you can get access to this stuff, it's not like automatic.
Starting point is 00:37:31 These are busy places. And I'm like, it's... He got tested, diagnosed, treated within probably four hours. Well, yeah, he has all the people to do that that he has hired personally probably here comes the mid-roll
Starting point is 00:37:52 what's up guys i'm interrupting this podcast letting you know once again that we were brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims puke for looking after our hogs for making sure that dinks are looking fresh and clean. Because making sure you're keeping things fresh this fall with the Leaders of Male Grooming and their brand new fourth generation performance package. The performance package has the Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, the Weed Whacker ear and nose hair trimmer, crop preserver ball deodorant, crop rev reviber toner performance boxer briefs a travel bag to hold your goodies and i'm talking about your nuts melamor 4.0 is not gonna let you nick your nuts i'm gonna say that right now i trimmed my pubes
Starting point is 00:38:36 recently and guys it is so freeing to be able to trim your pubes and not even think about the possibility of nicking your balls you know it's like oh wow now i can like really get artistic with my pubal region and i yeah i put a palm tree in there uh and let me tell you it was appreciated so seal the deal of the manscaped liquid formulations, the crop-reserved ball deodorant. I can't believe they sell ball deodorant. How are you not going to buy that? It's ball deodorant. And they also have, like, amazing boxer briefs and then the, you know, the Manscaped Shed travel bag.
Starting point is 00:39:17 It's sick. The Weed Whacker near no hair streamer. I mean, they got everything, guys. And get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEPATMANSCAPED.COM. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com make your balls a priority this fall choose manscape your balls will thank you all right first cue what's up dudes i'm leaving soon i'm heading to boarding school and i'm a little sad the place i'm going to is fucking dank they've got a ski mountain on campus and a bunch of awesome shit and i'm wicked stoked but there's part of me that's a little sad not to be cliche with that word but i feel a little sad
Starting point is 00:39:50 you're good dude i heard you dudes mentioned you guys going to boarding school if you don't mind me asking do you guys have any advice even right now writing this email i'm remembering all the shit that's happened in my hometown which i'm now leaving i just got a tear in my eye have a good one this is probably my last night in this is probably my last night or this is probably my last write-in but he spelled right like the direction see ya carter the seventh grade fucking stoker seventh grade and then p.s who has the better finger pistols toby mcguire's spider-? And Spider-Man 3 or Shooter McGavin and Happy Gilmore? Whoa, big question. Good cue.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Who went to boarding school? Me. Oh, okay. Sorry, problem child. Yeah, dude, that's totally normal to feel that way. I remember when I went to... Actually, I was really psyched to go to boarding school. And then my first week when I went to, actually, you know, I was really psyched to go to boarding school. And then my first week when my parents, like, left, you know, it was like I got dropped off.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I was really excited because my brother was there and, like, my brothers were there. And I was like, yeah, boarding school, I get to, like, hang with my brothers. And it's like you get to live with people. And then when my parents left, you know, I was, like, 14. And it just, like, sunk in. And I was like, oh. And I was sad for, you know, was like 14 and it just like sunk in and i was like oh and i was sad for you know a few days and then you just start making friends and all that shit goes out the window you just and you're gonna make friends super quickly you live with them you guys are gonna have a blast
Starting point is 00:41:17 together you're gonna order buffalo chicken pizzas and you're gonna watch like the rangers and you're gonna um you know just have a blast you're living with your buddies new york rangers yeah you're living with your buddies and uh you're gonna have a ton of fun so you know uh but it's good to feel that sadness you know it means you've got a good connection to your hometown and so you'll have good places both at boarding school and at home and and you're gonna thrive and i think unique experiences make people interesting too yeah like i because it's i think i'm always like fascinated by your boarding school experience yeah and i think other people are as well like when they hear because especially because you
Starting point is 00:41:54 seem like you just have never left california right i think people are always there but then you even told me it kind of enhanced the california side of yourself because then time to your boarding school bros you were like the ultimate california go like new york somewhere in new york connecticut oh wow yeah sucks ass the hell unless this kid's going there in which case yeah enjoy what goes on there dude nothing at boring school but that's why you're just living with your buddies and um just picturing wood boards but it does give boards. But it does give you a sort of a newfound perspective on where you come from, the way people view where you come from, and a newfound sort of love and respect for where you come from.
Starting point is 00:42:36 And it helps you understand bros from other places, too. It's just basically college, but you're younger. Yeah. Because you'll always have really good breakdowns on Connecticut bros and Southern bros because you were with all the bros yeah yeah i appreciate that thank you uh i do know different bros um i did um uh what was i saying uh yeah it's like it well it's like i i you know you you come from california when i came from california you know at the time i was like you know i was like in my mind i was like oh california
Starting point is 00:43:21 yeah like people think it's cool but it's whatever but then you go there you go to like different parts of the country and you're like wow this sucks and you're like wow california's the shit i love it and i don't know i think it it gives you like a new like a very strong sense of independence and it's like you go to college you know from boarding school oftentimes people when they go straight into college from like home, they lose their shit because they just have this like newfound independence. And then they just party all the time and kind of screw around their freshman year. That's what I did. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:55 But then, you know, if you come from a boarding school, you have a better like handle on it. And you're like, kind of like, you know, just like, oh, you guys haven't felt freedom before. Yeah. It forges some independence in you. Yeah. And I think you put a good work ethic in you too, just like, oh, you guys haven't felt freedom before? Yeah, it forges some independence in you. Yeah. And I think it put a good work ethic in you, too, because those schools are pretty competitive. It's really tough, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:12 But then you learn about all different types of bros, southern bros, you know. I can spot, I can see a bro and I can know where he comes from pretty instantaneously. How quickly does he need to find his drill factory or jack off spot is that gonna affect his dude so my freshman year i live with this guy and we were in a bunk and you know you're fresh you're you're 14 year old guy you got a j off and bless you when he'd go to sleep you know i tried i tried to crank it one time i was just you know going town, and I thought he was asleep. And then his head pops. He's on the top bunk.
Starting point is 00:44:51 His head pops. He's like, are you jacking off? I was like, what, dude? I was like, no, go to sleep. Yeah, dude. See, I've been in camp, and I've heard dudes jacking off next to me. And I'm like, dude, I'm not going to call him out on that. Just let them jack off. Yeah, you sleep you sleep easy yeah bro like they're doing their thing
Starting point is 00:45:08 you're like my cousin vinny when he finally gets into prison and gets a good night rest dude great exactly it's like everyone needs their space to do it it's tough to find your time yeah it's a different story if he's whacking off at 9 a.m when everyone's getting dressed yeah everyone's asleep well i think and also i'd say shooter mcgavin has the best guns i think so too um yeah hey squad long time listener of the pod loving in the vibes fuck pusio i'm in a bit of a pickle i'm in my mid-30s and about two months ago i broke up with a girl i've been seeing for about nine months i initiated the breakup because i felt her wanting children was scaring me a bit the The breakup was soft in nature so we kept close contact.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I immediately regretted my decision but was too stubborn to tell her I was wrong because I was fully in love with this woman. Now to give you some background, early in the relationship I saved her life with my mongoose-like reflexes and acting quick when she had a medical mishap. I can't share too much without giving up her identity to fellow listeners of
Starting point is 00:46:02 the pod who are friends with her and I. Right away I felt very much connected to her. I also see her often as we play a sport together about once a week. Recently, I saw her and we had a nice chat about possibly rekindling the flames that we once had. We left things open and about a week later, I saw her with another guy. I didn't want to pry, but from what I noticed, they deaf sexed him. I then found out that he will be replacing me on a vacation we had coming up together it destroyed me inside and since I've had a really hard time getting it together I even found myself
Starting point is 00:46:31 reaching out during a night out with the squad I've put myself out there and told her how I felt my question is what should my next move be press and possibly get in the way of her current path in the name of love or move on and bank on the cliche let something go and if it belongs to you over a turn thanks in advance and if it belongs to you it will return thanks in advance and if you guys have any more questions please reach back out
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'm not great with words so if you feel the need to cut some stuff out or restructure this to make more sense by all means bye dude you snooze
Starting point is 00:46:57 you lose yeah I think look look he was feeling the fear of the future dude you know what I mean she wanted kids he didn't realize
Starting point is 00:47:04 and look everyone has that, you know. Me and my Danca fiance are taking next steps, planning a wedding. There's stress that comes with that. You know, your whole life ahead of you. You're like, dude, whoa, all this type of shit. And, you know, he got a little bit afraid. And he said, let me just go ahead and pull back. But, dude, she ain't going to wait up.
Starting point is 00:47:20 That's the thing. When you do that, women are going to move on. Yeah, and I got to tell him. Some, yeah. He's telling, oh, should I go at her in the the name of love you're not doing it in the name of love dude you're doing it in the name of fear and i'll tell you right now you just got to get out of the way she's doing her thing and sadly but truly she might just be moving on my dude and he wants closure i think he just got to go different lane find a lady it's your life path it's all right
Starting point is 00:47:43 you make mistakes you learn from them you grow bro yeah uh don't worry about it also i don't think you hit her identity unless there's a lot of people in your friend group who saved someone's life it's like eight of my friends saved eight of my their significant other's lives i won't give you the details no i think his friends are going to be able to know they know dude. They know, dude. Yeah, plus the sports details. He threw in three pretty big specifics. One of them wanted to play kickball. Yeah, I think the best breakup advice I've heard, some of the best breakup advice I've heard is that even though you initiated it, it's like,
Starting point is 00:48:18 this didn't happen to you, it happened for you. So I'd say, you know, further on down the line, you're going to realize that say you know further on down the line you know you're gonna realize that you know it's probably the fear drew you to you know initiate the breakup but there's probably other stuff in there too yeah and it probably just wasn't a right match so yeah keep moving forward yeah meet uh you know maybe you'll meet like a russian girl who looks exactly like your ex-girlfriend yeah and you'll start dating her instead yeah and once you're in your mid-30s unless you live in la most people want to uh start settling down yeah so if someone
Starting point is 00:48:54 gets the vibe that you're not they're just gonna find someone that is willing to do that but was it him who wanted to settle down and she didn't right or he no she did oh she like wanted a kid yeah i think i think if if you wanted that you would have known in the moment i just yeah i think i agree with these guys i don't think she was the one for you bro but i know it's hard to think that when you're feeling it yeah nine months yeah it's and i we have lots of friends and you know we've all probably been guilty of this too where you break up with someone and then the prospect of losing them makes you feel like they were the one. But your brain's just kind of creating that narrative for whatever reason it does that.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. But I think you're good, man. All right. Good day, boys. I hope this message finds you peaked out on Stoke. I wish I was reaching out to you under better circumstances, but I have to admit something. My beef of the week is with you, Chad. I was enjoying my morning coffee and Epi 195
Starting point is 00:49:49 until I heard Chad has beef with cyclists. I was immediately engulfed in rage as I am a road cyclist. I like to fancy myself as someone who is self-aware of the inconveniences we bring to the streets. And with that in mind, I only shred my Scott Addict RC20 on roads with bike lanes. I've tried tearing up trails and bike paths, but it just doesn't get my dong amped up. There's something about flying 20 miles per hour on the road that just sets my stoke to the max.
Starting point is 00:50:14 While I don't live right out in California or know anything about the cycling culture out west, I do know that we cyclists are victimized throughout the world by vehicular enthusiasts who have never hit the drop bars. I would encourage you stoke lords to watch the segment Bike Wars on Real Sports with Brian Gumbel, just so you can get an idea of the uphill battle we've been fighting. I hope you can understand where we are coming from and potentially use your lobby to platform or potentially use your platform to lobby for more bike lanes to be incorporated into your roadways. No hard feelings whatsoever and keep drilling.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Thanks. Let me tell you something, dude. i don't hear where you're coming from i'm sticking to my guns you know i don't know where you live but cyclists here are annoying we're in la a city of cars i mean if you if you live in another town you know it's just like there are many other places to cycle and it's like i think and i think you describe i i respect that you love cycling i love exercise i love all that kind of stuff but the way you're describing it honestly sounds selfish to me because yeah dude because cyclists when they're in the road especially on like the pch when you're like you know it's all backed up,
Starting point is 00:51:26 and then there's cyclists taking up a whole lane. It's selfish. They're not being victimized by vehicular enthusiasts. They're getting in the way of two-ton cars that are trying to drive on the road. People are messaging me. road people people are messaging me they're like they're like the uh they're like the cars made that like who are you to say that the road is made just for cars i'm like i think i think we all i think that's a thing i think roads are made for cars yeah yeah everyone look how they're designed yeah it's like you don't you don't get you don't and i respect maybe it's where different where you live but here in la you don't get you don't take your bicycle on the fucking highway yeah bro dude i 100 agree with you chad it's annoying get a stationary bike dude set it up near a window
Starting point is 00:52:18 you know or go to a place where there's not much vehicular traffic and probably a more sick ass route that's more nature oriented yeah um i understand you got to drive to go do that but or go to a place where there's not much vehicular traffic and probably a more sick ass route. That's more nature oriented. Yeah. Um, I understand you got to drive to go do that, but honestly, dude, put some work into get your stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:32 You know what I mean, dude? Yeah. So yeah, I'm with you a hundred percent, dude. It's annoying. They're called sky on Instagram calls them,
Starting point is 00:52:39 but darts. It's hilarious. Yeah. Sorry to curse back there. No, dude, never, never apologized.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Dude. Um, he said like, it's so cool to go 20 miles an hour exactly yeah it's like it's the worst yeah yeah yep all right should we keep pushing do you have an opinion on it i don't know i'm i'm conflicted i i definitely get annoyed with bikers when they're on the road i don't know i'm i'm conflicted i i definitely get annoyed with bikers when they're on the road i don't know what the solution is i don't want to tell bikers not to do it honestly my brain was like this is kind of like the vaxxed and the unvaxxed that's what i thought too and it's different for different cities like in la the bike rules should be different like a city law is different than like if you're in jackson wyoming dude like there's just completely it's just a fucking different ballpark it's a
Starting point is 00:53:25 different it's apples and oranges dude and and then like la and new york like there's a lot of people bike because of the traffic and because of the cost of of cars and parking and all that stuff but it's you know it's it creates more mayhem and you know it's it's already stressful enough but then you know i'm like you know teach their own and live and let live but you know, it's already stressful enough. But then, you know, I'm like, you know, teach their own and live and let live. But, you know, if I had my druthers, they wouldn't be out there. But to live and let live is like, it's a major inconvenience. It's affecting other people. It's affecting a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:53:58 It's holding up traffic in like a, you know, in a congested city. I'll tell you something about the city of Austin, Texas. They have the traffic lanes, and then they have metal or whatever they are, barriers, plastic probably, and then the bike lanes. The bike lanes out of the track. Oh, that's nice. Dude, Austin sounds sick, bro. Yeah, let's go.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I'm going to visit you a lot. Fine. Sweet. dude austin sounds sick bro yeah let's go i'm gonna visit you a lot fine sweet um we can go paddleboarding on the ladybird lake nice which is also the colorado you're never doing that they call it a river i will put i will put a river and money how is it you are you are never paddleboarding no no, we won't. We'll watch, though. Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the intersection of La Cienega and Venice Boulevard. Oh, let's go.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Just a lot going on there. Yeah, I was trying to make a left turn on La Cienega and Venice this morning, and I had to go through like three lights it took three lights to get you know to make this turn and it was just I was sitting there I was like this is this is a this is a horse's ass you know
Starting point is 00:55:18 so my beef is with that intersection you know figure it out figure it out hell yeah Strider who's your beef of the week it's my vert dude my vert My beef is with that intersection. Figure it out. Figure it out. Hell yeah. Strider, who's your beef of the week? My vert, dude. My vert. Dude, I used to have better vert.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I was jumping around playing hoops. I've lost it. So now I'm going to address my beef. I'm going to be proactive. I'm not just going to complain about it. I'm going to up my vert, dude. You used to be able to dunk with a volleyball, right? Yeah, and a basketball.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Thank you very much. Could you dunk with a volleyball right yeah and a basketball thank you very much could you dunk with the best yes since sophomore year of high school has anyone clocked that yes ask bob ferrara they all saw my first dunk at practice 6 a.m i'll reach out and then maldo was it an alley-oop or was it off the dribble off the dribble and it was two hands bitch nice but it wasn't a drop step dunk which is the coolest thing i couldn't really ever do that did when you dunk did the ball hit the rim? No, it was not an OC dunk, which is called an out of control dunk. It went in the hoop.
Starting point is 00:56:12 It was a dunk. Only one way to prove it. Damn it. You got to dunk again. Yeah. I'll never be able to again. I don't think I will. I'll never be able to do a fucking backflip.
Starting point is 00:56:22 These are things I'm at peace with. Don't do that. I hate when you put physical limitations on yourself bro backflips impossible dude do you have for me you have the proprioception needed to do it and the athleticism can you imagine even though you've never dunked with a regular basketball dude you saying outrageous and outlandish claims like that makes me not want to get vaccinated fucking a uh joe who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is chad's calves what are you trying to do with those pythons
Starting point is 00:56:56 put those away sorry they are so high up on the leg and so bulbous those you probably have good vert i don't't know how I'm a vert. We could go toe to toe. Let's do it. You can definitely jump. There's no way you can't jump. Thanks, Jim. But the jumper muscle, you got a great jumper muscle. It's my sexiest part of my body, I think. That's what you use when you used to dunk tennis balls.
Starting point is 00:57:18 When you used to dunk ping pong balls. Muscle demented. When you dunk thumbtacks. Muscle demented, dude dude my beef of the week is with this this morning I went to get coffee before the podcast because we're doing it early
Starting point is 00:57:35 so I wanted to get some cafe and then I saw Nick Kroll just coming down the street just burning on a little skateboard just flying down shoulders back, head perched up super stoic, just burning on a little skateboard. No. Just flying down and shoulders back, head perched up, super stoic, just staring out at the world. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:50 Nick Kroll is hauling ass on that mini skateboard. And then when he got closer, I realized it wasn't Nick Kroll. Yeah. That's my quote. So my beef of the week is with this guy for not being Nick Kroll. That'd be rad if it was though.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Skating. I was literally sitting there with my two coffees, and I was just looking. I was like, this is incredible. And then he got closer, and I'm like, damn. I thought maybe he was going to CBS or something. It was pretty cool, almost. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Limp Bizkit.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh, yeah, dude. That's cool. Yeah, dude. I've been watching some videos of them live. They fucking rip. They rip. And I've been watching some videos of them live they fucking rip they rip and uh i've been watching break stuff live and it's just i gotta go see limp bizkit live i always thought you know we talked about this on the ryan holiday podcast i'm not sure which is coming out first but i think this one is coming out first yeah so i um i always thought
Starting point is 00:58:40 that they kind of fell off and they kind of did fall off after like 2004 you know and with a lot of bands like that you're sort of like are they even doing shows still but then you like go and you see that they're live and and they're still rocking it hard and um it was just cool to see you know now i'm like i gotta go see these dudes alive and you know what it's my way for the highway oh man i remember the first time i heard that song loved it dude yeah um strider who is your um babe of the week baby the week's gotta be my dank ass fiance dude um we've just been crushing some dank at-home workouts together dude she made a nice spreadsheet for our wedding invite list dude which was legit dude so her just basically generaling that and making it easy on me
Starting point is 00:59:30 it honestly inspires me to step up more and help her out more and be more proactive um which is legit dude so i'm fired up on that dude nice nice um joe who's your baby of the week uh my baby of the week is the city of Austin, Texas. It's a nice town. I had a fun visit when I was there. Met a lot of comedians, and some of them already knew me, which is great. Like, hey, Joe, you want to do this show? You want to do that show?
Starting point is 00:59:58 I was just going there to explore the city, and then I wound up doing a few shows. That's awesome. It was great nice man i'm probably gonna move there i wish you all the best yeah thanks wish you the best thanks good luck with everything well i'll still visit you and then yeah drive your pickup truck down there you'll fit right in it's a sick truck it is a sick truck why is this what do you say that i don't know i can be nice but it sounds like you're trying to talk shit yeah i'm trying to talk shit kind of but uh because i'm jealous that i don't have a pickup truck you'll get one and you just sold you don't have a car and you sold your car sold my car
Starting point is 01:00:39 yeah it's a bitch-ass car anyway So I got 11 grand for it. And with a dent on the hood, it's actually a good time to sell right now to be honest. And we've been really sentimental about you leaving too. But since we've talked about it a lot, it might not be coming through on the pod, but you cried and hugged all of us and said life would never be the same. And I didn't,
Starting point is 01:01:01 I'm not leaving yet. I was kidding too. That didn't happen but we have been more sentimental about it my baby of the week is we went to a city council meeting yesterday Chad and me and we were prepped to give some speeches and it was actually a really
Starting point is 01:01:15 charged meeting because basically in the city of Irvine which I talk about often because I'm always encouraging youngsters to go play baseball at UCI for my buddy Danny Babona best pitching coach in all of the NCAA. And, you know, they should call UC Newport Beach because it's right there. And they might need to call UC Newport Beach right now
Starting point is 01:01:30 because Irvine's going through a tough time. Basically, all these concerned citizens were in there and it's been an issue for a while, is that they have these new housing developments in Irvine that are really close to the American Asphalt Company. And at minimum, it's pumping out really, uh, odorous smells. It's just like all the fumes just stink like throughout the day and maybe worse
Starting point is 01:01:53 toxic fumes, uh, primarily like formaldehyde and benzene. I think we're like the concerning, uh, toxins. And, you know, there's been tests that do say it's pumping out a dangerous amount, but there's been other tests by the SCAQMD who test air quality that say it's fine. But then people worry that those tests aren't rigorous enough or they didn't do enough tests. And a lot of the citizens were saying that people are getting headaches and nosebleeds like kids at school. Whoa. So you're seeing this kind of Aaron Brockovich moment. But then the city council members are getting just ripped by the citizens.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Because a lot of them ran on the platform that they would get rid of the asphalt company or they would make them change the regulations. And then when they get in the office, they're like, oh, actually, we're not allowed to do that. The space has already been annexed to them. There was an agreement in 1993 that said that they were allowed to do this. But then things have changed. They put different stuff into the asphalt now they put like some rubber component into it in 2017 makes it smell more might make it more dangerous i might have a lot of these details wrong too but this is the gist of it and even the mayor when she was running they put up this zoom video of her one of the citizens did they edited this great video
Starting point is 01:03:02 of her on a zoom. And this guy was asking questions and like, would you send your kid to a high school in this area? And she said, no. And like all these answers and like, would you make the asphalt company change their protocol or get them out of town? She's like, yes. And now she's saying she can't do anything, but there was one city council member who was like, no, I will make them do it. I'm going to sue them. This isn't right. This is dangerous. And you're getting kind of fired up. But then the other city council members said that guy's grandstanding and that he's actually the only one who was there when they gave the American asphalt company the deal. And so he's just doing that because he's up for reelection in November.
Starting point is 01:03:37 So he wants to seem like he's on the citizen side. And then there was like senators reps there. And I was talking to some of them and they're like, we don't actually think it's toxic f fumes we just think it smells bad and there's really not much we can do and so all the city council members are trying to kick it over to the state because they say they don't have the ability to to move the company and and then there was just like little things that were so nuts like this one person filmed all their trucks coming out of the asphalt company they didn't have covers on it so they're just like letting out yeah like bits of the bad asphalt all over the city. And then they were like, well, can we at least get them to put covers on the trucks? And they were like, well, yes, legally we are allowed to ask companies to put covers on the trucks, but actually the American asphalt company
Starting point is 01:04:19 has a carve out in their contract where we're not allowed to tell them to put covers on their trucks. And then you're like, why do they even have a carve out? Why would they even want that? Is it because it's inefficient to put covers on their trucks amazing and then you're like why do they even have a carve out why would they even want that is it because it's inefficient to put covers on their trucks it didn't even make sense to me and then there's some of the city council members were fans of ours so we got to like talk to them a little bit and they were like this is a rough meeting for you guys to come to and i was like yeah fucking a man but my babe of the week is all the citizens especially the young people dude there was maybe a hundred high school kids who went up there and spoke beautifully about how the asphalt factory has been affecting
Starting point is 01:04:51 their day to day. Some people weren't even living there. They were just concerned about their friends and they were speaking truth to power. And I hope, you know, a good conclusion comes out of it. By the end of it, you didn't know what to believe. And you're kind of like, man, bureaucracy sucks. And it doesn't seem like anyone has the power to make things better which was kind of a bummer but i took solace and all these young people who went up there and were just like hey you guys got to do this you ran on these platforms and we need to hold you accountable you need to make us safer and hopefully they do more tests and really get to the bottom of what's coming out of that thing but it it was nuts. But it was real, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:25 let you know local government can be really important, although it seems kind of ineffectual at times. But, yeah, fired up on those youngsters who went up there and were being so strong in their presentations. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Will Arnett. Hilarious, love love his voice love him in Hot Rod let's grab
Starting point is 01:05:50 a box of dong bags maybe we'll knock boots later what do you think it's just like the funniest line it's just hilarious I love him I've been listening to the Smart List podcast which is awesome there's him, Will Arnett, Jason him, Sean Haynett, Jason, or him, Sean Hayes, and Jason Bateman.
Starting point is 01:06:08 And he's awesome. So I want to give him props. Yeah, that's my legend. Strider. My legend of the week is my morning wood. Dude, I've been getting him a lot lately. Dude, nice. Yeah, it's like a resurgence.
Starting point is 01:06:21 It's nice. I'm feeling young. I'm feeling virile. It's letting me know my body's working. My clock's, you know, my ticker's ticking. I'm feeling young. I'm feeling virile. Let me know my body's working. My clock's, you know, my ticker's ticking. And I wake up and I'm like, this is great. You don't just have to pee? No, I just have a nice, nice skinny little boner.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Okay. And it feels good. And I'll wake up and a lot of times my dang fiance's already gone for work. So I'll wake up, whack it. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just observe it and let it be. And I'm like, this is cool. And then it tames itself. You know, it'll go down, whack it. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just observe it and let it be, and I'm like, this is cool. And then it tames itself.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It'll go down after a minute, and it's just really, really sick. Yeah, I love to suck it. So I'm liking and feeling good. What'd you say? I love to suck it? What? Yeah, what did you just say right there?
Starting point is 01:06:58 I didn't say that. Nothing wrong with that. I'd like that from you if you said that. I didn't say that. Yeah, you did. You don't have enough of that in you. Who's your legend? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:07:11 It's me. Gross. I mean, it's deserved, but it's gross. Thanks. No, but I just want to say, you know, how do I want to say this? You know, I try to be as transparent and authentic as I can, and I just hope that this podcast comes off well. Or, I mean, I hope I come off well in it.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Because I truly believe in people just doing what they believe is best for themselves and whatever they want to do with their lives. his best for themselves and whatever they want to do with their lives. And, uh, you know, I, I respect everyone out there. I love the fans and, you know, I don't know how many more times in person I'm going to do this podcast with you guys, at least in the near future, but, you know, probably down the line, we'll do more in person pods, but, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:30 it's just been a pleasure. And, uh, hopefully I'll be on a couple more times before I leave town. I'm sure. And, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:41 I don't know if I, I don't know if this is me being the legend. This is just being the legend. This is just kind of me. This is kind of my closing statement, I guess more or less. Cause the show pretty much ends after this. Right. So,
Starting point is 01:08:55 um, yeah, I don't know. What else do I want to say? I think that was well said, man. Dude. My legend of the week is a Ali North
Starting point is 01:09:06 it was a one of the council members when he was accusing the other guy grandstanding for Saying he was on the side of the people but he was like, what are you actually gonna do about it? He called him Ali North which I thought was kind of a weird ref but Ali North was this lieutenant colonel in the 80s who? was selling guns to Iran to fund the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, which was illegal because Congress had just passed a bill that they weren't going to fund the Sandinistas.
Starting point is 01:09:32 And it's funny, when Ali North was trying to get $10 million from the Sultan of Brunei to pay the Sandinistas, he said, send it to a Swiss bank account. He gave the guy the wrong number, so it got sent to some random Swiss guy. And then the Senate had to track down the money because he ended up getting in a lot of trouble and losing his job.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And the Senate had to get the money and give it back to the guy. I just love at these high echelons of government mischief, there's just all these basic mistakes happening yeah uh so he's not you know he's not my legend for what he did i just think it's hilarious that he sent the money to the wrong person chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from fred durst i love jazz music and sad music i'm a sentimental guy i'm a romantic guy music and sad music i'm a sentimental guy i'm a romantic guy i fucking love that dude nice i fucking love that dude strider what's your quote of the week my quote of the week my quote of the week comes from my fiancee dude she goes we got a shred for the wed
Starting point is 01:10:40 i love it dude just being fucking lifting dude that's awesome you guys are both like fucking anorexic let me tell you let me tell you this yeah dude i gotta put on some bulk oh put on bulk yeah but then shred it up okay get shredded so i don't mean to offend the end are all the 08 boys but that's what we call the younger guys or my younger brother and his buddies who we always hang out with they're working out like crazy they're running like every day even at their bachelor my brother's bachelor party. They were getting up every morning, hitting the elliptical.
Starting point is 01:11:07 They were moving. But I think a lot of it's because it's wedding season. Yeah. Yeah. What's your quote of the week? I believe that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger. That's the joker from The Dark Knight.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I think there is some truth to that though because you know they say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger but it could also affect you in weird ways and kind of make you jaded and uh kind of fuck things up for you as well i think it's a christopher hidgeon's quote i'll do a similar one where he said they say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, but it actually just makes you incrementally weaker until you die. Nice. Chad, what's your phrase that we forget after it?
Starting point is 01:11:54 Let's keep rolling. Strider. I got next, the pong table, dude. Actually, 21 cup table. What a great game. Always comes down to the wire. Maybe the best drinking game. It involves three dudes. You get more dudes going. Joe. Just pop.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I'm just reading stuff in the room. We got to get you with Fruit Smash on the next step. My phrases we're getting after it is from the SMU doc, the 30 for 30, where the team gets suspended for a whole season and they suck ass. Yeah. And then one of the guys is talking about how bad they were and he goes, we weren't big,
Starting point is 01:12:29 but we were slow. That's the funniest things I've heard. All right, that's it. Yeah, good podcast. Leave reviews, guys. They help us out. And Joe, we'll probably see you before you leave.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yeah, it's going to be... Yeah, you're not leaving for a while. We got some time. We're going to see you a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. We'll be right back. Who's your baby? Strider. Who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shad.
Starting point is 01:13:47 What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your baby? Strider. Who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shad. What is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:13:56 Aaron. Who's your baby? Strider. Who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your baby? Strider. Who's your quote of the week? Chad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your best?
Starting point is 01:14:08 Shryer, who's your best? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Last question. Thank you. Thank you. I'm out.

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