Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 207 - Strider Wilson and Chris Parr Join

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

What up stokers! This week we've got Strider Wilson and Chris Parr. We draft our top four actresses of all time! Will Chad repeat as champ? Will Strider come in and take it? Will JT botch this draft w...ith a dumb first pick like in other draft? Find out.   Come to the Small Dong March in Los Angeles on Oct 23rd in Los Angeles at Pershing Square    Sponsored by Talkspace: Match with a licensed therapist when you go to talkspace.com get $100 off your first month with the promo code GODEEP. That’s $100 off when you use code GODEEP at talkspace.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, dudes? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are having the Small Dong March in Pershing Square. It's a real event. It's going to be huge. We want all of you guys in the SoCal and California area, if you can come through, come by. It's at, I think we're all going to meet at 10 a.m. and we're going to start marching at 11 a.m. October 23rd. This October 23rd at Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles. It's a real event. Come support the small dong movement. Even if you don't have a small dong
Starting point is 00:00:32 or don't even have a dong, you can still be an ally. We want to see you there. Let's make it huge. Let's march for dongs. So I want to see you there. So that's the first thing. And then of course, related related to that we are of course
Starting point is 00:00:45 brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pew for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because support for going deep to chat jt is brought to you by our friends at manscape the leaders in male grooming their fourth generation performance package absolutely changed the grooming game along with their refined body wash to round out your hygiene routine. Join the two million male worldwide who trust Manscaped for their shower time routine by going to manscaped.com for 20% off plus free shipping with the code GO DEEP. Okay, let's start the show. What's your theme?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Goin' deep Chad and JT It's just one of those days Where you don't wanna wake up Everybody sucks Oh fuck I forgot the other line It's everything is fucked Everything is fucked Everybody sucks
Starting point is 00:01:38 What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation This is Chad Kroger coming in With the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast I'm with my compadre Jean-Thomas What up? Boom, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. Are you pissed? Because those lyrics are pissed, but you don't seem pissed.
Starting point is 00:01:52 No, I'm not pissed. I've just been fired up on Limp Bizkit Live lately. Yeah, they're great on the recorded stuff, but live is where their talent shines. And it's funny. I'll listen to their music, and I'll just be in the recorded stuff, but live is where they really, where they really, their talent shines. And yeah, dude. And it's funny. I'll, I'll listen to their music and I'll just be in like the best mood. And it only makes my mood go up. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:02:11 it's all angry, you know, but I'm like, I'm not angry. I'm just fired up. I think that's a good perspective to have too. Cause I think so many people associate it with like toxic anger. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:20 This is like, this is for like incels. It's like, yeah, no, it can actually make like a well-adjusted person even happier. Yeah. And I think a lot of it is Wes Borland's guitar riffs.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I don't really listen to the lyrics and like take it in. I'm just like sitting there like everyone does suck. Dude, and I imagine you're listening to it while on the move, like doing an activity, waxing your board. Running, yeah. If you're listening to Limp Bizkit stationary in a room, different energy. A little more angry. With the lights low.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah. Or like if you're, Chad's also doing it at his own house, but if you're doing it in like your parents' basement. Told him. Yeah. At 35. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Don't do that. Definitely don't do that. Can you imagine if your kid was just in your basement at 35 just cranking Limp Bizkit? I will never understand you. Oh, and before we go further, I'm here with the Nostradamus of nipples. Ooh. Strider Wilson.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I like that, dude. What is that? That means I will predict which nipple wants to get... I was wondering what that meant. I think it's the left nipple. You really gave me a tongue. I'm always jealous whenever you demonstrate that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 At the improv the other night, you're like, you can't roll your R's. I was like, dude, you're an excellent lover. You must have other moves that I don't know about. I hope I'm a good lover. I'm sure you are. What makes you say he's a good lover? His energy. His overall energy. He overall energy. He's caring.
Starting point is 00:03:46 He's caring. And when we watched him surfing Cabo, remember when we thought he sucked? Well, it wasn't that we thought you sucked. We were looking at a guy and we were both kind of disappointed. We were like, is that Chad? And then he paddled in and we were like, oh, thank God it's not Chad. Because when we watch you the next day, you can do switchbacks. That athleticism, I believe, translates to fucking. hip motion i do yoga too do you think your uh aptitude with your tongue was like uh an adaptive need yes there's no question the fact that i have
Starting point is 00:04:18 a small penis that it made me develop an arsenal of other love making maneuvers. You know what I mean? Like I'll be, I have excellent pillow talk after my four plays where I think I thrive. How are the fingers? Fingers are great. Really good. I would say surgical. You say you use your pinky most of the time, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, exactly. And it's fun because also I like to use my left pinky. It activates different parts of your brain. So it's like, yeah, yeah, I'm doing this for her, you know, east to west. But in my mind, my brain's like, whoa, we haven't done this motion. This is, it's activating parts, you know, synapses. Do you do like a shaka where you get, you know? A shaka what up would be nice if we're doing like, you know, really.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Stimulating both. Yeah, if we're really getting after it. Yeah, that's like on a vacation. You're supposed to be a pillow talk beast, right? Chad, do you want to intro him and then we can get into that? Yeah, let's do a nickname. We're here with the... He's into getting married.
Starting point is 00:05:14 He cares about the process. He has opinions on the cake and stuff like that. Yeah, I was going to say the... I was thinking some of the ragers, like the regal... Regal master of ragersal regal master of ragers regal master of ragers Chris Parr
Starting point is 00:05:28 fuck yeah JT's brother what's up welcome back you're supposed to be really good at pillow talk right I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:35 where you're getting that from you told me that you told me that you told me that when you were in college all your roommates would say that they could hear you
Starting point is 00:05:43 and like whoever was the other person laughing and talking. Oh, man, I don't remember that at all. But I think I'm just a good conversationist, whether it's pillow talk or standing up at a bar, hanging out. You're probably just going off our pillow talk, dude. That's true. We would just talk until the sun came up and things like that oh that's nice what beautiful
Starting point is 00:06:10 moments what would you guys talk about we just laugh we just find something to laugh about and then we would just keep laughing was there a moment when jt told you that he discovered jaying off no because some uh like family and friends of ours in anthony who were older than both of us they showed us oh okay but i did tell you remember i caught you yeah where i was like i was really like too young and i was like just um because you know they call it no because they call it whacking off yeah and i i walked in on my bro he was literally whacking my penis and he was like he was like does that feel good i was like i was like well dude too literal dude and to my credit i figured that out on my own like i was just playing around in there and i was like oh this works yeah um and then uh and you know
Starting point is 00:07:02 like the good big brother i was it wasn't a hands-on demonstration. No, no, he didn't show you. He just described like, hey, man, you're not supposed to do it that way. But I felt like a really good big brother that day. I walked out of that room and I was like, I'm a good guy. I was like, I look after my kin. You got to stroke it. I mean, who knows how long it would have taken me to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:07:22 You could have got really hurt. Yeah, I could have done some serious damage for years before somebody was like whoa what are you doing yeah stop i mean i i was i was super confused for like a couple years i i never uh understood the the the up and down stroking uh i never like grasped it took me a while to grasp must be the youngest thing yeah like a twirling thing i'll just i was like justity-doo-dop, you know, with that thing. I was like, what is this? Stokers, if you're the youngest in your family, reach out and tell us if that's consistent for all people who are the youngest in their group. Yeah, because if you're the oldest, your dad tells you. Yeah, we went for a drive when I was three.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And my dad was like, you know how to jack off, right? And I was like, yeah, for sure, dad, I got this. And I didn't, but I just wanted him to respect me so i pretended and at the end he's like pass this on to your younger brother he's like the day will come when chris will need to know and you'll know when that day is and when i walked in on my brother assaulting himself about to put about to put himself in the er with a broken with a broken bone or'd be funny if my parents were like did you have to talk with your kid yet or like the wife's like to the dad
Starting point is 00:08:30 like did you have to talk with Billy yet he's like yeah Tom had a whack off and he's like no dude it's just about sex oh right I was like I didn't even know that was on the table that's not really in my future for a while I just showed him talk to him about sex. I was like, I didn't even know that was on the table. That's not really in my future for a while.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I just showed him how to beat up. Yeah. Look. I don't know if that's going to happen for you, but there's things you can do. Yeah. There's ways to keep the edge off. Yeah. Well, this is a natural segue point.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Last time you were on, Chris, we drafted our top four leading men of all time. You had a great list. A lot of people thought you lost the title at the end of best list because you went with Timothee Chalamet, who you guys just told me, what is his mom called? Timothee. Yeah, Timothee. That's what it was supposed to be, but it was like,
Starting point is 00:09:15 no way, I'm not doing that, which is smart. Because he didn't want to get it. I mean, that would be super nerdy. Yeah, you can't be doing that. But then Chad won Best Actor list. I did. I do think in due time, yours will probably take the cake. But JT, we're now in redemption time for you.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Dude, I got to come up big today. What happened? Did you go too unique? I went Sean Penn number one. Whoa. You got roasted pretty hard. Character actor. Dude, this was brutal.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And I knew it would hurt you even more because you're so passionate about movies yeah no it was so dude the comments were like yo par should be the gm for the raiders oh my god dude and now now anytime i have a bad take like in my instagram stories people like this sucks just like your actor's draft. Really? People say that? Yeah. It's a can around my tail right now.
Starting point is 00:10:08 But I'm coming back. I'm coming back. I'm not going to blow it this time. I swear to God. But yeah, we're going to draft our top four actresses, top four leading ladies of all time. And then Strider, you're in on it this time. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Honored, dude. Because you're a lover of women and a lover of cinema. 100%. 100%. But last time at a deference to our guest my brother we gave you the number one pick that's not fucking happening again i'm not just who was the number one pick overall denzel let's go and then harry ford and then sean penn pick the one that doesn't fit like an sat question harrison ford oh yeah henry ford
Starting point is 00:10:41 you like auto manufacturer you didn't know he did some short films early in his day he and Chaplin were really working together the physical comedy of that guy was unreal you're going to struggle today I'm going to bring it to the house who gets first pick
Starting point is 00:11:01 how do we do this does JT get redemption because he messed up so bad I might mess it up again Okay, let's go. Let's go. Who gets first pick? How do we do this? I feel like... Does JT get redemption? JT should get it. Yeah, you want to go first? Because he messed up so bad. Okay, I'll go first. I might mess it up again. How do we do it though?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Can you quickly explain the rules? Do we just go around? So you go around. It's just like a snake draft for fantasy football. Okay. And then so if you pick someone, no one else can pick that person. Love it. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:20 So don't save anyone. And you're picking them for their work, but you're also picking them like if you were going to make new movies with them. And so you want people who can fill niches, you know what I mean? They can do certain genres because you want to have balance on your list. You don't want to have all people
Starting point is 00:11:33 who play the same position. I picked Tom Hanks next to get that kind of... Smart, dude. No wonder you fucking won, dude. I didn't, though. Chad won. Who'd you get? Tom Cruise?
Starting point is 00:11:43 I did Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt. De Niro. De Niro. Who's the fourth? Leo. though chad one who'd you get like tom cruise i did um harrison ford brad pitt um deniro deniro who's leo leo your fourth pick was like super strong yeah i i think i think leo that really yeah because i think a lot of people are like here's your flex yeah how can leo go like he he never doesn't really try you know what i mean like whatever role it is he's going to try yeah oh his commitment is huge. And then I tried to change my list on a text thread with these two, and they said, it's too late, bro. You're not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And they wouldn't let me post it in the description. Yeah, they were like, no, dude. You picked Sean Penn number one, and now he's your guy forever. Spicoli, dude. He's going to take this beating this week. Maybe should we give strider the first pick since he's the new man in and then i'll go second and then we all know who it's gonna be third and fourth who i'm gonna pick for who are you going well there's someone who i want to kind of steal from you but there's also the clear fucking alpha who
Starting point is 00:12:43 you going and i'm trying to win this shit so i'm not and i'm not trying to go after jt if i was trying to go after you and you won last time i would do my second actress but my number one overall how can you not do it meryl fucking street i knew it so do you love meryl streep though here's the thing there's other actresses that I personally like more, but she's an undeniable talent. She is, this is like picking Tom Brady. Although I hate, I don't like Tom Brady and his fans,
Starting point is 00:13:11 but I have respect the shit out of Tom Brady. I do like Meryl Streep and her fans are fine, but she is, she's kicked ass in a river wild. She's been in an action movie and fucking kicked ass. She was great in that. Sophie's Choice. Dude, that's a good pick.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Drills it. Fucking Deer Hunter, dude. She sings. She gets after it musically. fucking kicked ass she was great in that sophie that's a good pick drills it fucking uh deer hunter dude she sings she gets after it musically she's in other like fun movies devil wears prada devil wears prada one of the best performances she can play the heavy oh can easily play the heavy um she played thatcher in the iron lady oh i haven't even seen that i think she won best i don't think anyone's seen it but she won best actress for it but she's playing like a titan of like you know like you know world leading so that's you gotta have some she embodies everything and she could dude if you told me she was in like a commercial i'd be like that's a great commercial campaign like i don't care what it is whatever
Starting point is 00:13:58 she's slinging i'm in so meryl streep gotta be number one i feel like if she needs to do a niche character role if it's a future if I get lucky enough to put her in an indie I know she's gonna hit it out of the fucking park and if it's a blockbuster
Starting point is 00:14:11 or if it's a script that's not gonna get made she'll get it made just by putting her name on it so how do you not go Meryl Streep number one out of the gates? Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:14:20 I'm already overthinking my second pick I'm already overthinking it dude I put this pressure on myself my brain's busted dude and I appreciate I can't do'm over, I'm already overthinking my second. I'm already overthinking it, dude. I put this pressure on myself. My brain's busted, dude. And I appreciate, I can't do this.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I think I'm just meant to critique other people's picks. Yeah. I'm not meant to be a GM. Dude, I think you knew who I was going to go with the second pick. I know you're going to. And she's kind of the flip side of the coin with Meryl Streep. She's more of like the indie Meryl Streep to a degree.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yes. But, uh, she's done enough big movies where, you know, she can fit into anything, but I don't know if I'm going to go with it. No,
Starting point is 00:14:45 I got to do it. I got to do it. Follow your heart. No, I got to go with her. I'm going to go with Francis McDormand. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Nice. I think she's probably for my money, the best actress of my lifetime. She's great. She can do everything. Even if you look at her, you know, we've seen most of her parts when she was probably in her thirties,
Starting point is 00:15:00 I would say like Fargo's probably when she really broke through to everyone. But if you watch her movies before that, like blood simple, the first Coen brothers movie, she's incredible. And she's kind of playing like a, like a girl in danger and she's really, really great in it. Her physicality, her reactions are amazing. And then, you know, we know her for Oscar movies, like the three billboards that a lot of people didn't like, but I liked that movie a lot. And I thought she was good and then um nomadland nomadland which i wasn't crazy about but she's really good in it but for me it's also like almost famous as the mom she's so funny i think she was nominated for this my favorite
Starting point is 00:15:33 role of hers and then uh supporting and then she can be in like other like in something's got to give she's amazing as the sister and she shows like good rom-com chops and that so i feel like that's a genre i like a lot that i think she could do really well too and uh yeah mississippi burning miss oh yeah dude great call yeah she's legit in that and then so yeah she can just kind of do everything and then if you really need a dramatic headliner from i like her more than meryl street because i think i would say i do too but it might be just their it might be their reputations too i think his meryl Streep. I would say I do too. But it might be just their, it might be their reputations too. I think because Meryl Streep seems so perfect
Starting point is 00:16:07 that I like, she also pops up in everything. Yeah. I feel like every role written for like Meryl Streep's age for the last 20 years,
Starting point is 00:16:15 if Meryl wanted it, she got it. Yeah. And they were the first person that she went to. Bro, August Osage County, need to give her a quick shout out for that.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Drills it, dude. I haven't seen that. I haven't seen it. It's a play. It's heavy. It's heavy. Yeah. I just remember it was like, the trailer was, because jt had taken me to see the play on yeah
Starting point is 00:16:28 on broadway which i guess he did with like four different people visiting new york three-hour play dude my dad when my dad found out it was three hours my dad goes how long is this fucking play all about like you know like horrible family members incestest. Just like horrible. Who wrote that? Is that Tim O'Neill? No, it's Tracy Letts. Who played Henry Ford's son in Ford vs. Ferrari. That guy wrote it? He's a beast. So when they made the movie, the trailer for that, they put it to the Lumineers.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's just like a comedy about a family. Just kind of like, oh, she's a crotchety old woman and everyone's having fun so i never saw it because i was like you guys are liars yeah it's a total lie dude other good uh francis mcdormand performances uh wonder boys oh amazing in that laurel canyon amazing in that chad don't take who i who is my alternate for number one who you going with you know it's tough because i i had both these people on both those people on my list have to but i think for this one i'm gonna go with nicole kidman oh nice very nice very nice i think uh she's a bankable star you put her in people are gonna
Starting point is 00:17:41 watch her she's been crushing it big little lies and then i mean the new hulu show she's on nine perfect strangers yeah it's okay but i i love her in it and she still looks good uh and she's a great i mean she's a great actor so um do days of thunder days of thunder i mean she she's she's been in stuff consistently la confidential she's not in la confidential she's not that's kim basinger damn it but what a movie oh uh maybe what i'm thinking is a is it american beauty no that's annette benning whatever dude chad's at work today he's like this is gonna be tougher for me i uh i'm on a juice cleanse um i uh yeah i don't know her work but I'm pretty sure Nicole Kidman you love Tom Cruise so much
Starting point is 00:18:29 that Nicole Kidman's in there dude well that's tough dude because I think Tom kind of fudged her over which is Tom come on dude but Keith came in with that she's great in Eyes Wide Shut we should sidebar about your juice cleanse too we're about to get into a big project that's really demanding and then
Starting point is 00:18:48 you've decided to do a 10-day juice cleanse before getting my body oh dude let's go bro so he's eating like avocado and that's it oh when you said you could have food that's what you were talking about i mean avocados apples and green juice and uh but i did just get some keto pork stir fry to fuel me up. Oh, that's good. Let's go. Let's go. Because I was like, I'm doing so much. Basically, it's like calorie restricted shit.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I'm like, I'm burning a lot of calories here. You're looking ripped. I saw that just off the six photo. You're like shredded, dude. Yeah. Thank you. You should probably throw a burrito in there. Yeah, you said you did a three-day juice cleanse and you couldn't gro grok with it i did it for three days like didn't even have coffee like just it was just water and
Starting point is 00:19:30 uh and juice but it just sucked yeah i've been having coffee i usually i've done this before i didn't have coffee but now i'm like now i kind of know what it is when i first did it i was like i gotta go buy the book and be super. But now I understand it, you know? And then they're like, oh, they're just trying to get you off caffeine. It's just calorie restricted. So if you're like burning more calories,
Starting point is 00:19:50 you can have, I think it's just to get you off. I don't know how much the, the whole like cleansing thing is like for real. Cause I think your organs just do that naturally, but I think it's just to get you. Well, variety is good.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah. Couldn't hurt. And do the the discipline it makes you strong yeah yeah they you come out and you you know yeah so you look fucking great dude yeah but now i just don't know any thank you likewise bro you're you're shot at the improv the black and white your forearm oh dude bro your forearm dude it was popping at the show kidding me dog thank you dude when he when he was bringing me up that that bicep i was like dude yeah and i noticed it too and you mentioned it the first thing i was like i was like whoa yeah yeah thanks dudes i'm on steroids no uh chris i'll do my own cleanses just injecting no not since high school uh chris you're uh who's your who's your pick julia roberts yeah dude fuck i had to was going to do that, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:46 I just haven't seen her lately, but she's amazing. It's Julia. Everybody loves her. She's magical. Yeah. Whatever it is, she's got it. She's got so much. And it's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:01 She's just an icon. What's your quintessential Julia role? There's plenty. and it's, yeah, she's just an icon. What's your quintessential Julia role? Uh, there's, there's plenty, but like first one that pops into mind, Notting Hill. Oh,
Starting point is 00:21:13 you know what, you know what? She looks really good in it. I don't want to get sexually right away, which I already just did. So sorry. Just go there, buddy.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Mystic pizza. Oh yeah. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. Mystic pizza. And like, yeah. Steel Magnolia is so good in that all the way up to Aaron Brockovich. She's amazing. She's beautiful in Mystic Pizza. Steel Magnolia is so good in that.
Starting point is 00:21:26 All the way up to Erin Brockovich. She's amazing. Where she plays a more brash, talking, in-your-face kind of lady. Not always the Julia Roberts role. The Pelican Brief is awesome. In the Ocean's trilogy, too, she's really fun. In Ocean's 12, she gets kind of meta. I like that scene a lot i i think my favorite one for me is is closer where she plays an emotionally
Starting point is 00:21:50 withdrawn cheating bitch and i say that with love that's where i really that's where i really was like yes my kind of lady um and i guess the only thing she's missing is like uh that's what's tough with a lot of these you know it's like man if only this lady was in like a John Wick kind of movie, then it would just be over. It's hard to see her in that, though. It's hard to see her throwing, she's never done it, right? Have we seen her in a movie where she's throwing blows? Like kind of conspiracy theory, kind of like a little bit in a Pelican Brief. Like she's in an action movie, but she's not really delivering the action. It's more like espionage, kind of like surviving, not
Starting point is 00:22:25 a lot of running, or like being chased and then having to use her wits to outflank him in some way and get away. But yeah. But that's just, again, not as many John Wicks for women.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So it's tough. Or just overall, because I was trying to put together a list. I'm like, not a lot of these chicks have been in movies with big explosions. There's some, though. We'll see if it comes up. Strider, first pick of the second round. Dude, the windows are open. I've got multiple in my mind right now that are so good but it seems like we're
Starting point is 00:23:05 going star quality right now and i'm gonna tell you there's someone on here who's a freaking heavy hitter who i've always loved and i actually accidentally watched a movie thinking she was in it which was the stupidest thing to think she was in it than this movie malignant because it kind of looks like her but dude sandra motherfucking oh that was my pick that was my next pick dude i just watched demolition demolition man bro demolition is gonna win now dude that was my pick dude i was dude i was watching demolition man and i didn't know she was in it bro and i was like i was watching i was like every time i see sandra bullock i get fired up dude she's the dude exactly bro I thought she was in this movie
Starting point is 00:23:45 Malignant it was some other actress who did a good job but the movie's not good made no sense but uh dude she speed
Starting point is 00:23:52 Miss Congeniality I think describes her perfectly yeah fucking gravity she kicks ass in this like sci-fi movie she kicks ass in an action movie
Starting point is 00:24:01 she's in Bird Box she's in that Ryan Reynolds movie like they go to Alaska which was was bad, but she's great. No, she's good in The Proposal. Yeah, Proposal. She crushes it. Proposal's good.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I think she's in Love Potion number nine. Bro, great fucking movie. We were just talking about that. Dude, you messed me up there, dude. Bro, that's why. Hey, in my second one, I think you guys are going to say in this round, but if it gets to three, then I'm taking her. But bro, Sandra fucking Bullock.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Let's go. And I saw her at Andante one time. She was cool. I met her at the airport in Wyoming, and I walked up to her when I was 13 and I said, excuse me, are you Sandra Bullock? And she said, yes, I am. Awesome, dude. Oh, really? Just like that, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:38 What a way to handle it, dude. Yeah, she's very cool. And she handled the Jesse James thing with Grace. Yes, yes, yes. She didn't come out of that she likes them bad boys yeah i like that about her too yeah means we can't match i'm a little bitch i know that kind of just broke my heart a little you're a bad boy who's a good man yeah thank you who is she whistling now i don't know no i think she's she's went to the coffee shop you know she was with the dude who was hot in the coffee shop the dude who was hot she was
Starting point is 00:25:04 looked like a bobby what's the guy from the laguna beach bobby justin bobby looked like a justin bobby but wasn't him okay it's the hills yeah the hill okay yeah sorry yeah that threw me off too dude nice head nod um dude that was a huge number two all right well dude i'm gonna have to pivot now so i was gonna have sandra bullock be like just pure movie star that was like my my pure movie there's some still left there is but i think i don't know if this lady's gonna get taken but i'm gonna take her for her versatility and for her ability to play historical parts i'm gonna go with cape lanchette nice bro great call she was on my list
Starting point is 00:25:45 cape lanchette she can do the oscar stuff she can play but she can also do like it's she picks great roles so you don't ever really see her in like real uh schlocky entertainment you know what i mean but like notes on a scandal where she's a teacher who has an affair with one of her students and it's pretty trashy she's amazing amazing in it. She's so good. And dude, this is weird, but she's such a good actress. You genuinely believe she's attracted to like a 13 year old boy.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Like she plays like the heartbreak of it and like the lust of it, like super real. And then you can get her on the other end of the spectrum doing like Queen Elizabeth and she nails that stuff in her sleep. So, uh, you know, I'm going heavy with the Oscar types,
Starting point is 00:26:23 but I, I was also in Thor ragnarok as the as the big bad that's dude good call good in that great call she can do it all and uh yeah and she so she can play and then uh blue jasmine oh yeah she's amazing when she comes apart at the diner scene and she's just like losing her mind with like her paranoia and anger and stuff dude it was like you know blanche dubois type stuff stuff. That movie that came out two years ago that she was in was really good, too. Where she's an author in Seattle. Oh, where?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Antarctica. The Richard Linklater one. Oh, where'd you go, Bernadette? Yeah, I like that a lot, too. I haven't seen that one yet, but I'm big on Cate Blanchett, so Cate Blanchett, you're my number two. She's huge. But number one in our hearts.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Chad, who's your number two? All right, my number two. I'm pretty fired up on this pick i think it's gonna be a winner i love her charlize theron oh yeah bro let's go dude i should have gone furiosa i'm glad he did that because i was between one and two so yeah i mean academy award Monster. But she's also in Fast 9. She's in Fast 8. She's in Mad Max Fury Road. She's in Comic Con. You know, the long shot, she does comedy with Seth Rogen.
Starting point is 00:27:36 I mean, she's pretty versatile. Italian job crushes it in Italian job. Yes, yes. Great job playing Donald Southern's daughter. And that was, yeah, fired up. Legend of Beggar Vance. Shut up, yes. Great job playing Donald Southern's daughter. And that was, yeah, fired up. Legend of Beggar Vance. Legend of... Shut up, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Legend of Beggar Vance. What else did she do? Atomic Blonde. Do you guys see Atomic Blonde? I liked Atomic Blonde. Yeah, I wasn't crazy about it. But I liked that she was in it. And I liked that for your pick because she's a bank guard.
Starting point is 00:28:04 She can do action. Oh, I liked the old guard she's good that was fun that was another action movie yeah uh prometheus she's a oh yeah yeah she's the daughter she can be good with any haircut oh prometheus she's good with any haircut called it uh what else is she in eon flux two days in the valley was like her big yeah oh she's in The Devil's Advocate too she's good in that Reindeer Games she's so hot in that I love that movie
Starting point is 00:28:34 I never saw Reindeer Games it's a heist movie but it's great would you just say it's not a good movie Aaron? okay that's perfect that's perfect. That's how you know dude this guy he likes Five Guys. No Aaron's bad too
Starting point is 00:28:50 but it's fun. Five Guys is good. It's flawed but come on. Five Guys is good dude. Do you not like it because Gary Sinise? That's fair. Hey.
Starting point is 00:29:00 But there's so many If you guys don't take if you don't take my one right now Chris I'm winning this fucking list bro. I'll tell you'll tell you who I'm taking right now, dude. Angelina Jolie. Oh, dude, I got the doors open. Angelina Jolie's great.
Starting point is 00:29:11 She does action. You needed someone. You needed Salt. I wanted Salt. Do you love Salt? I know who you're going to take. Salt's awesome. Salt's just a solid.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Laura Kravitz. And she's directing now, too. She's just, I mean, she's a movie star. Mr. and Mrs. Smith is like one of the most fun movies ever. Great fucking movie. What else is she in? Oh, Girl Interrupted. Gone 60 Seconds.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah. She's so good in Gone 60 Seconds. Dude, that hair. Dude, a lot of this is like, can they pull off the hair? And like to have bleach blonde dreadlocks and just make it seem natural. Her name's Sway in the movie. And you're like, yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And the almost sex scene with Nicolas Cage, he's like, well, the shifter knob gets in the way. And she's like, oh, and just manhandling it. Sex or boosting cars. Sex or boosting cars. Dude, as an 11-year-old, after just having the conversation with my dad about whacking off. I also like that they're like lovers from the past.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And I remember Angelina Jolie was probably 20 years younger than me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember 15 years ago when we were boosting cars together. I'm like, when she was 12? She did get famous when she was like... She was like a kid when she got big yeah but she always
Starting point is 00:30:27 had a mature look about her too like she always felt older and more mature even in like hackers when she's like hackers amazing yeah great movie yeah i love nicholas cage too it's like it's like for her he's the one for her he's the one that got away and he's like sorry i had to split yeah to go run a gas station she could have moved with you dude yeah yeah yeah um strider just take her i know what's gonna happen wait um you could be wrong though yeah is it jennifer lopez no okay you got okay there's someone i'm missing i'm going jennifer lopez oh nice dude she plays selena she sings she fucking brings it dude her and uh what's the movie that she just came out in?
Starting point is 00:31:05 Hustlers? Hustlers. Amazing in Hustlers. She's teamed up with my boy McConaughey in- The Wedding Planner? The Wedding Planner. Super fucking fun, dude. She can do a rom-com.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Obviously, she sings all the songs in Selena and kicks ass doing it. What else has she been in? Enough, she kicks ass. Yeah, enough, she kicks ass. The Cell? Weird fucking movie, but she's been in kicks ass yeah enough she kicks ass the cell weird fucking movie but she's good she had a bad decade of movies though like she's a great movie star but she had a bad decade i don't know who was picking those scripts for like the backup plan or whatever and like yeah she came she came back strong with us yeah this could be my weakest pick but i'm telling you but her star power alone in the right script, I think she will thrive.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I don't think like, actually one of my favorite, do you remember Blood and Wine? Great movie. The J. Lo and Stephen Dorff. But for J. Lo, I like J. Lo, the personality more than like, like just like the total package. Well, that's what Hustlers is too. It's kind of an homage just to like her eternal beauty and power.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, because I feel like she never really got that many good movies built around her because she's amazing. And this is a skill that I think we can't overlook is her ability to play with the media and the paparazzi. Like, you know, the Benifer thing now it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:14 that's like carefully orchestrated and they're really just. I can name every one of her exes. And I could tell you like the, the, the journey of their, no, you got Casper, smarter backup dancer
Starting point is 00:32:25 Mark Anthony Puff Daddy Ben Affleck and then Alex Rodriguez I feel a lot better about my pick that's a good fucking list for JLo right there dude
Starting point is 00:32:35 well dude this is who those guys should all be honored to be with JLo dude she's the shit this is who I thought you were going with and she's not quite filling the role
Starting point is 00:32:41 I want her to but I still I love her work I love the versatility in what she does and she just has a special quality I'm going with scarlett johansson dude that's a good pick scar joe that's a good yeah bro i mean match point um boston translate boston translation ghost world the island the island dude that's an underrated movie yeah it
Starting point is 00:33:02 is under produced by our friend brad fuller and is it really dude that i an underrated movie. It is under produced by our friend Brad Fuller and really do that fucking yeah He's a great guy can six echo No, I didn't Do something Delta-2 my bad. Well, I'm sure Brad gave notes on it and then Yes cardio and then under the skin she does like really cool indie stuff and then yeah she's been doing it like even uh what's that call it got nominated i never saw a girl with the pearl earring like she does so much artsy stuff i didn't even hear that i never do other boiling girl she in that yeah i never
Starting point is 00:33:35 saw that one i didn't know uh now they portman also a potential pick but i'm not gonna pick herself throw it out there for someone else but uh uh yeah i love scarlett johansson always does cool stuff. Always in interesting things. And then you know she can do the action. She's in Avengers and like 15 of those movies. And then, yeah, I love watching her. And then, you know, also she did her.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Just her voice. Yeah. She's got the voice. She has an iconic voice and she crushed it in that. And I think it's a good third pick. Huge. Chad, who's your third? That's tough because that was my number three but um and not just because you just said it but i think i have to
Starting point is 00:34:11 go with natalie portman nice uh i think she's she's she crushes it uh you know uh what's her filmography i don't well we got the star wars movies star wars i mean i love her in star wars that's the thing about her she's a prodigy like when she's 12 she's in the professional and she's incredible and then she does beautiful girls and it's weird because they're both like lolita stories but she's amazing she's very precocious and both and then she's super smart like i think when she went to harvard and she helped alan derschwitz write his book a case for israel so i give her extra points for the versatility outside the acting game. And she crushes, I mean, Black Swan
Starting point is 00:34:51 and then V for Vendetta. V for Vendetta is pretty iconic, especially the head shave scene. The movie rocks. Yeah. Closer. Garden State. She's in Thor.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I love her in Thor. Annihilation was cool. Lox Vox. Not a good movie, but good performance. Dude, she's the kid in Heat. Oh love Thor. Annihilation. Annihilation was cool. Lux Vux. Not a good movie, but good performance. Dude, she's the kid in Heat. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Dude, her kid performances.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, she was getting massive roles. Yeah. She was making a lot of other 12-year-old girls. No Strings Attached. Fun movie. Cold Mountain. Oh, yeah. Wait, she's in Cold Mountain?
Starting point is 00:35:22 One scene or two scenes. Oh, yeah. She's the mother. Really good scene. it's fucking the union or confederate soldier uh that was the union cillian murphy oh yeah and there's one thing about natalie portman too is that everyone's like she yeah what you were saying she's so smart too you feel that yeah you just know she's a she's pretty powerful she did that she did that Jackie Yeoh movie that people liked that was, I guess, pretty beautiful,
Starting point is 00:35:48 but I didn't have the... It's just never the night for that movie. It was so detached, dude. I couldn't get into it. I mean, it was well done. It's well acted. It looks good, but I just could never get into it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 We'll reattach. Who's your third pick? Kate Winslet. Babe, let's go. I needed a bonafide. Every time, I need the kind of person who, whenever they're in a movie, they're probably getting nominated for an Oscar,
Starting point is 00:36:11 and that's Kate Winslet. She's also going to be in the new Avatars, which is awesome. She's also in Titanic, one of the most highest grossing movies of all time. So she's got big movies under her belt, but also I feel like she pops up in any movie and it's getting nominated and uh and she is a wonderful actress i didn't see it either but mayor of
Starting point is 00:36:31 easttown everyone's pretty high on that she crushes it dude you love it it's really good i called who the killer was too on that just so you guys know nice what's episode three dude called it bro look at your eyes when you say that yeah i'm really happy about it but there's like a i told aaron yeah thank you there's a cold power in your eyes can you give that cocky sniff again yeah i fucking called it well you got to finish strong bro who's your four wait wait before we go i'm scared whenever you proposition stand-up sex do you do that look with the sniff? You know, I have before, early on. But now it's just like I get propositioned because I think it's one of my best moves. You know, I'm pretty lanky.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I can really, just the physics of it makes sense. So your dang fiance does that face. Yes. She'll look at me and go, Strider. And then I know it's time and what do you say let's go or you give her another facial gesture what do you do back when she does that oh she's gonna send me like this dude time for stand-up sex she goes like this and i look at her and i go
Starting point is 00:37:41 and then what does this mike and what does she what does she do back to that dude she does it but she does it a little bit wrong but she puts her tongue outside of her mouth it's very cute and then what do you do to that then we fucking get down to business then it's time should I stand up
Starting point is 00:38:00 have you done it in your ballet uniform right after work do it now I'm going to do the tough show i love this woman show it to the kids i would never do that to her show the kids what they need to see what it looks like show them what it looks like people need to see aaron this is my camera here do a little sniff of blow skin show we don't need your head aaron where's my camera probably the wise we don't need your head in it either this is hollywood You know, you got to know where your camera is. I'm still in it?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, you're beautiful. I'm sorry, Chris. Yeah, move your head, Chris. You don't need to absorb that. I know, it's like a... Yeah, we're getting it on two cameras. I'm really happy about that oh he's kissing the wood with real commitment wait let's fast forward to when you're like about to come and you're really oh no no you guys let's get the quick humps
Starting point is 00:38:55 i love the shakes the. That's special. Um, all right. So now who's your fourth? Who's your fourth pick now? Um, okay, dude. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:39:11 let me get back in my headspace. Cause there's a few that were floating around. This is tough guys. There's a lot of really good actresses still up here. Basically it comes down to this. Do I want to have an actress? Cause you mentioned it earlier. Who's going to be my future of my squad.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Cause I've got a lot of heavy hitters. I got streep. I got Bullock. I got JLo. They know what they're doing. Do I need an up and comer? Who's going to be the future of my squad? You know,
Starting point is 00:39:35 if this is like a fantasy team, that's up to you. Or do I go with just someone who's going to fucking just be another one who brings it to Drew Barrymore? No, no, no, no, no, no. hey drew barrymore's good look if you need
Starting point is 00:39:48 a ton of mediocre movies good and a talk show fuck sorry drew they're not mediocre but you know what i mean this is hard dude the stand-up sex, I really was getting into it. Take your time. There's no pressure. Mark Maron's advice to Pete Holmes on podcast was, let there be a silent beat. I love that. I have someone in my mind right now, but I don't think it's going to be the person I should go with.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Should I say it and then say that's not who it is? Or is that illegal? I don't know. Last round. I feel like we can chat about it. But someone else might get it then. I mean, it's just like... That's true.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't want to burn it. I don't want to burn it. I don't want to burn it. I might go future here. And she's an absolute beast. And she already, honestly, if she retired today, she has done enough already. But I really think she has a lot more great stuff
Starting point is 00:40:45 to come and it's just not with david o russell oh great pick dude dude she wasn't even on my list how did i forget yeah for lawrence jay law wow i went great i think these things really do come down to the fourth pick and that was uh you really she's a fucking beast she's done it she's carried a franchise she's done the art house stuff with winter's bone she's done a lot with david o russell some of it i'm i like but her some of it like the writing and stuff but her character her performance is always there and uh i really think i'm excited to see what she does next but here's my thing because i was thinking about her but here's my thing with her is she had an amazing moment, 2010 to 17.
Starting point is 00:41:29 16, 17, yeah. But is she still going? That's what I mean. I think she's going to have the secret. She's going to have some bangers coming up. Because that's what happens. Look, it's acting. She's going to enter the next phase of her life where
Starting point is 00:41:45 she plays like this a mother that's like has a really interesting story what what's up she's pregnant that's the thing with yeah okay with actresses when they go away for a couple years sometimes it's like oh they had a family right yeah right uh so she kicks ass and when men do a couple more movies yeah you're like oh he had exactly that he wants to get out he's trying to get out yeah two families the one that he got away from and then the one that he had which i would do i totally understand yeah honey i'm sorry i'm on the road i can't clean diapers so that's my four after this do we get to have fun to say people who we might have picked we got it because there's so many honorable mentions yeah and honestly some of my honorable mentions i like more than some of the actresses i picked but i made that mistake i made that
Starting point is 00:42:28 mistake i went for a banger squad that's it i can sign it off okay i think i'm happy with my list i wish i got sandra bullock but i'm happy with my list but i think this is a really strong fourth pick and i need i need a little flair i need someone who can bring just immense energy to a part but she can do it all. But immense energy is really what I want. And I'm going Penelope Cruz. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Nice. Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Yeah. One of my favorite performances of all time. I really relate. I know people in my family who are like that. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:59 I really connected to that part and she's so dynamic. She can do the Spanish films. I mean, all of her movies with Pedro Almodovar, I always mess up how you say his name. How do you say it? Almodovar. Almodovar.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah. And I don't know, blow everything. She's just incredible. And I don't know if she just has a, she to me has a little bit of that or a lot of it of that, like just star quality she's electric she's electric she's kind of mysterious too banditas speaking of whoever directed that
Starting point is 00:43:33 movie like every frame was just like we're gonna make you guys look fucking hot yeah exactly bro it's the contiki guys i think the guy directing contiki the two guys the movie about the guys who take the boat i like that movie that's bizarre i don't see any connection between those two wow that's some versatility but yeah benditas if you're a coming of age young man you'll learn a lot watching that movie give it a give it to you um and dude yeah another great actress in that but i i i'm i like penelope cruz a lot so she's my fourth pick chad who's your fourth this is tough but i think i think i have to go with reese witherspoon oh great fourth pick yeah great for bro uh this is
Starting point is 00:44:19 good she's a billionaire yep love that she that. She produces, dude. She can produce. She can produce the shit out of us. But, I mean, she's in Fear, Cruel Intentions. Legally Blonde. Man, Legally Blonde is like a perfect movie. Is she a swim fan? No, it's Erica Christensen. Beast, fucking two legends. Pleasantville.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Pleasantville. Big Little Lies is huge I love Morning Show it's one of my favorite shows Morning Show Morning Show rocked Sweet Home Alabama what else is she in
Starting point is 00:44:53 oh she won for Walk the Line she won for Walk the Line oh she's so good on Walk the Line you know what she fills the America's Sweetheart
Starting point is 00:44:59 part like she's up there with Julia where it's like we all feel like we're like yeah that's like America that's great you know what she has a great character role in is mud the mcconaughey movie oh yeah it's kind of like a almost like a femme fatale or like yeah oh she's great in wild
Starting point is 00:45:15 oh wild great movie i never saw that but i heard that was really good is that where she hikes the pacific trail yeah yeah and it's like i mean the whole movie is her. You know what I mean? She puts that movie on her back. Is my whole squad blonde? I think it's Nicole. Nicole Kimmon. She's brown. Nicole Kimmon's like, Nicole Kimmon. She's a ginger.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah. Nicole. She plays blonde a lot. Reese. Oh, Portman. Yeah. I forgot my own list. Charlize does dark hair.
Starting point is 00:45:41 You have a good list. That's a great list. Yeah, you know what you're doing. Chris, number four. There's a lot of names that I like, but I'm going to pick someone who doesn't have a big filmography, but I think she's immensely talented, and she's so gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And the movies that she has, she's shown a lot of range, and that's Lupita. Oh, nice, dude. Yeah, bro, great call. Great pick. Damn, that's Chalamet-esque, too too because you know she's got a very bright future I wish she worked more because every single time she does I'm like wow you're amazing
Starting point is 00:46:13 she broke out on 12 Years a Slave and won an Oscar she's so good in that Black Panther she's amazing and she's just like so beautiful she separates those performances when she fucking does her voice where she's like like us so beautiful us she's so she separates those performances when she fucking does her voice dude where she's like breathing in while talking dude it's unbelievable and even the way she does her like uh weird like detached stare or it's not even detached it's just
Starting point is 00:46:34 like she goes into like this weird other frequency like it's pretty incredible yeah and also dude when pharrell was singing his what what was Pharrell's big hit? Was it Happy? But he had another one. No, because Happy was the same year as 12 Years a Slave. Okay, so he was doing that at the Oscars, and he goes up to different people in the front row to dance. Lapita, in the moment, just gets up and just starts throwing down.
Starting point is 00:46:59 What a star. Star. There you go. Because it's spontaneous. Yep. All right, so let's recap our list strata you want to go first yes my first pick was meryl streep followed by a strong second sandra bullock then i went to jay low and jay law okay then my aaron you're gonna have to be the initial judge on this
Starting point is 00:47:17 you have them all okay i'll recap real quick i got francis mcdormand kate blanchett scarlett johansson and penelope Cruz. Good list. Love that. I've got Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon. Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet, Lupita. They're all good, dude. They're all good.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I didn't blow it this time. Yeah, you didn't blow it. No, you didn't blow it, dude. Don't know if you won. I don't know. Dude won. I don't know. Dude, these are really close. These are all good lists. These are really close. You got to rank them too, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It's all on you, bro. Should I give him a mic? Give him a mic, yeah. All right. Shit. This is going to be really tough. I mean, Str obviously came out firing firing heavy bullets but you lose me with j-lo i thought so too i thought that was a little bit of a misstep yeah she would have been on the board at four she would have been on the board at four yeah JT, strong list again. Well, no, for the first time.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Very strong list. I don't know if I'd go. If I was going to go Latina actresses, this is my own personal thing, I would have gone Salma Hayek. She's amazing. She's amazing. Lover.
Starting point is 00:48:38 What do you think? For pure sexiness. What about J-Lo? No. You go Salma or Penelope? It's a toss-up. They were neck and neck for me in my personal rankings. Okay. Desperado's so good.
Starting point is 00:48:58 So good. Chad. I don't know if Nicole Kidman's a strong one. Yeah. I think she would have been on the board maybe at three. Yeah. Maybe at five. She's definitely good.
Starting point is 00:49:12 She's, I feel like her American accent lacks, but. What? What did he say? You know, I thought she was in LA Confidential. There's that? You thought she was in more movies than she was in? Yeah, you just started naming great movies that she wasn in L.A. Confidential. There's that? You thought she was in more movies than she was in? Yeah, you just started naming great movies that she wasn't in.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I was like, dude, L.A. Confidential, American Beauty, she crushes. Predator? Yeah, dude. But yeah, going back through this list and getting to Chris's four,
Starting point is 00:49:50 it's like I can't argue against it. Lupita's definitely the up-and-comer. I got to respect that. I like her more than Chalamet, that's for sure. Fair. Because Winslet at three? Oh, that's huge. So fucking, so strong.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I think I'm going Chris Barr. Wow. Chris. No, Chad won the last one. Oh, you don't? Yeah, you keep trying to give it to my brother. And it goes without saying. Yeah, dude, come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:50:22 It goes without saying, this is the Jordana Brewster. Yes, the saying this is the Jordana Brewster. Yes, the honorary Jordana Brewster actress draft. Got to give a shout out. She was off the board, too, because we didn't want to have one of us pick her. And then, yeah. She's on all of our lists. Yeah. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 00:50:39 She had a great cameo in that HBO show. The other two? That's a hilarious show. Yeah, that's great. And then Bella Brewster also. Yeah, by's great. And then Bella Brewster also. Yeah, by the Brewster sisters. The Brewster sisters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 JT, I think you're... I think... Say it. Say it. I'm going to go Chad's number two. God damn it. Why would you tease me like that, bro? Yeah, number two.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Dude. Dude, you're really lost. J-Lo. Bro, look at the whole list. Look at the whole list, bro. It's not just one pick. Have you seen Selina's, dude? Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:51:20 No. Look, this is Aaron, too. When we post it on the... Yeah, people... On the Going Deep page... People disagree with me, for sure. We'll get the aggregate of what everybody says. Aaron likes Five Guys, dude. Anaconda.
Starting point is 00:51:32 What's that? That was what I was going to talk about. Anaconda. Like, she crushes that. Anaconda, thank you, dude. All-time movie. Still... Yeah, greatest ever.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Single greatest movie of all time. It does rock, though. Yeah, I think I got to go. God, there's a lot of Oscars on Strider's list, though, too. I was thinking just in terms of pure Oscars. I think I have more Oscar power. Because just between Blanchett and McDormand, I don't know if you can have a stronger.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Johansson has more? Streep doesn't have more? Streep probably has more than all of them combined. No, not really. Yeah, but. Nominations? Nominations, for sure. That's what I meant. That's what I meant. stronger johansson streep she has some too streep probably has more than all of them combined no not really yeah but nominations nominations for sure that's what i meant that's what i meant yeah i think she's she's two best actresses no one guarantees you a nomination more than street than that but you know we're also it's just one component how fucking cool sandra bullock has one sandra books the bullock was huge the bullock was. Cause she's who doesn't like Sandra Bullock.
Starting point is 00:52:27 I mean, she's, she's incredible. She would have been, she was almost my number one. That was my debate, but I knew Francis would be off the board if I, if I went Sandra and I was,
Starting point is 00:52:34 I almost got her. She was all, I went Julia over. I went Julia over Sandra Bullock, but it was between those. They kind of occupy a similar space, which is just like magic. Just magic.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Oh, bro. Practical magic? Right. Oh, Kim in. Dude. Great movie. I didn't even know she was in that. Yeah, practical magic, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:03 This is so hard, and it boggles my own mind to even say it, but I think JT3, Strider 4. Let's go. For you to pick Street 1 and still finish 4, I don't see how that's even possible. And Bullock twice. And Bullock in the 2-hole. It's got to go that way. J-Law.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You don't like my branding with the laws. You don't like my branding, dude. J-Law's a great 4. Great 4. I don't know how one you know is more powerful than three three just really kills it for me no but i mean the three other on the list i just don't know yeah well no there's stokers stokers are gonna have to have my back this is one guy's opinion it's hard for me to find another like this another big miss on anyone else and I think just yeah J.Lo's a miss
Starting point is 00:53:47 alright let's get into our honorable mentions well I'm gonna start cause nobody mentioned her my favorite Sigourney Weaver yeah that's my first honorable alien yeah just start reeling them off some of my honorables were
Starting point is 00:54:05 Renee Russo I love her so much she's incredible but I just don't know if she has the she's a star but I don't know if she has the same name recognition and like iconic parts but tin cup lethal weapon Thomas crown affair major league
Starting point is 00:54:20 who's this? Renee Russo Susan Sarandon Emma Stone Halle Berry Major League. Major League. Wait, who's this? Rene Russo. Oh, nice. Susan Sarandon. Yes. Emma Stone. Halle Berry. Halle Berry. Sharon Stone. Sharon Stone.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Michelle Williams. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Sonia Lathan. Anne Hathaway. Yeah. I had Catherine Keener. I love Catherine Keener. Robin Wright Penn.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Oh, she's great. Oh, dude. How is Robin Wright Penn not... Yeah, just acting. She needed more parts, but her parts are amazing. And she's just like... Blade Runner, dude. She's legit.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Judi Dench. Dame Judi Dench. Judi Dench, for sure. And then... Helen Mirren. Sorry. Dude, no, go. Rip them off.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Everybody starts with him. Who's the girl in Cold Mountain that plays Nicole Kidman? Renee Zellweger. Renee Zellweger, legit. My number one honorable mention, Emily Blunt. Yeah, she's great. Emily Blunt would have been huge. The thing is, she doesn't do a lot of straight dramas,
Starting point is 00:55:13 but she does big movies. She does action movies. She's Mary Poppins. Dude, she crushes. She maybe should have been drafted. Dude, in Edge of Tomorrow, she crushes. Julia Roberts there. And Sicario? Sicario, she's amazing jessica chastain yeah yeah amy adams yeah i like holly
Starting point is 00:55:31 hunter a lot whenever i see holly hunter i'm like she's incredible thought about i thought jt was gonna put her on the list margot robbie gal gadot oh margot robbie gal gadot is acting kristen yeah as acting She's a movie star. Action. If you do an action. If you do an action. And she's only honorable mentions right now. Yeah, yeah. There's a joke that I read about Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It was like, they created a whole place to make everyone talk just to work around her accent. And Robin Wright Penn is the... Oh, yeah. I'm surprised Margot Robbie wasn't taken into more consideration for the list. I mean, she's not like the longest body of work so far But I think she's got bright future. No, she's incredible great. I saw and she's a star too I you know, I think I need to see her in more like the thing of like the Sandra Bullock has and that even Emily Blunt has is that they've been in just some like
Starting point is 00:56:20 Movies that just pop up on like TNT with commercials Yeah, and Margot Robbie other than like focus with Will Smithith which i didn't really dig she's not really in those yeah and if they are it's like the birds of prey stuff or legend of tarzan yeah i just don't really feel those as much yeah who's the actress i'm blanking on her name from um fish called wanda oh julia louis jamie lee curtis yeah i wanted to put her on there um Let's see. Julianne Moore. Yeah, bro. Oh, my God. She's amazing in everything. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:48 She's amazing in everything. I mean, she could have subbed in for like Frances McDormand. For J-Lo? Yeah. If I wanted to go Sandra number one, Julianne Moore would have been a good number two. Yeah. Marianne Cotillard. Dude, I was going to say, every time I see Marianne Cotillard, I get fired up.
Starting point is 00:57:04 She's amazing. She's amazing. She's great. She's such a good actor. And Samuel L. Jackson in his master class said that working with Julianne Moore, it was just like, she'll be like joking around. And like, as soon as they see her action, she'll just get right into it. She's like incredible. The best crier.
Starting point is 00:57:18 So authentic. Like, shows human pain on her face better than like any actor. Dude, Boogie Nights, just amazing in that. She's mostly TV, but Julie Louis- dreyfus yeah amazing yeah just uh julie lewis dreyfus it's julia right yeah maybe the the best tv actor ever i mean she's on like three shows two of which are totally iconic i like gina davis too gina davis is great kirsten dunst susan sarandon we already say her yeah okay i think of gina davis like if she had done that like when she was on that I like Gina Davis too. Gina Davis is great. Kirsten Dunst. Susan Sarandon, we already said her? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:45 I think if Gina Davis, like if she had done that, like when she was on that Thelma and Louise and A League of Their Own, like Momentum, it felt like she was going to be bigger than like Julia Roberts.
Starting point is 00:57:56 But then, the parts just didn't keep coming. Yeah. I like that movie, dude. It's not good, but I like it. Annabella Siora. it's not good but I like it Annabella's Ciara there's some good that was a good draft it was very competitive
Starting point is 00:58:11 younger ones Saoirse Ronan who has a huge body of work and has done action and then a lot of dramas Anya Taylor-Joy Alicia Vikander I was going to say Vikander yeah oh who's the lady Jodie lady, Jodie Comer? Jodie Comer.
Starting point is 00:58:27 She's a Comer. Did we say Jodie Foster for our audience? No, no. She's amazing. You know, I'm not the biggest Jodie Foster fan. I don't love watching her in movies. I concur. Yeah, she kind of, it feels a little, everything feels heavy to me when she's in it.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Yeah. But dude, is she also in Maverick? No. She's fucking amazing in Maverick no she's fucking amazing in Maverick bro how are you gonna subvert my whole argument so quickly
Starting point is 00:58:48 she's so fun she crushes and her and Mel Gibson have incredible chemistry but you used to tell me you didn't like the movie Maverick because everyone lies to each other
Starting point is 00:58:56 in that movie I was like everyone is a rat bastard in this movie I'm like why are we liking this that's supposed to be the charm of it but Strider felt very
Starting point is 00:59:03 betrayed by the characters too much swashbuckling, dude. Rachel Weisz, Viola Davis. Oh, yeah, dude, yeah. Oh, Viola Davis, yeah. Well, that was good, dudes. Can I take a leak real quick? Yeah, let's take a leak,
Starting point is 00:59:14 and then we'll find another draft to do next time. What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are having the Small Dong March Saturday, October 23rd at Pershing square downtown los angeles you do not want to miss this um it's going to be epic so come out i believe we're
Starting point is 00:59:32 meeting at 10 a.m it's going to start marching at 11 a.m we want to make this a huge huge event come out support small dong support the small dong movement let's end small dong shame now even if you don't have a small dong or don't even have a dong, you're still an ally and we want to see you there. So October 23rd, that's a Saturday, 10 a.m., Pershing Square, downtown Los Angeles. Let's make it huge. We also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean. Because have you smelled Manscaped's refined body wash? Fellas, the ladies love their signature scent. And you're going to feel so fresh, so clean. Your nuts, your dink is going to just be pristine and clean. And that rhymes.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Keep the grooming game going with the Performance Package 4.0 also. This, of course, includes the Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, the Weed Whacker ear and nose hair trimmer, the Crop Preserver ball deodorant, the Crop Reviver toner, Performance Box Rebriefs, and a travel bag to hold all your goodies. Guys, if you are not on the Manscaped game yet get on it today you're gonna have clean pubes well-trimmed pubes and also fresh smelling nuts i mean what else could you want and it's all in the performance package so get on it today i i trimmed my pubes earlier uh over the weekend and i feel great i ran faster and i lifted heavier. So get 20% off
Starting point is 01:01:05 with free shipping with the code GoDeepAtManscaped.com That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code GoDeepAtManscaped.com Keep your balls trimmed,
Starting point is 01:01:14 fresh and clean with Manscaped. Marissa Tomei? Yeah. Oh, I do. Marissa Tomei, that's the ultimate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 That was going to be on my list. I should have put her on the list. I should have. Dude, if you went to may instead of j-lo i do i was blanking bro that was after air humping i was like you gotta do your i wanted
Starting point is 01:01:29 to do jamie lee curtis i know i apologize i made you do that it's all right no but he said but to be to be fair to you you said you only came in with like a rush more right yes i did come with the rush more yeah you came a little cocky i'm gonna say and you didn't have a long draft list you didn't have you didn't have alternates draft list. You didn't have alternates. Yeah, I didn't have too many alternates. 60 names. That's what I had. 60 names, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:52 You know what happened, though? That's how you win picking fourth, dude. I got you super horny, and then you picked J-Lo. Smart. Dude, J-Lo was a good pick, bro. Nah, dude. It was a good fourth pick. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:02:05 You're right. You're right. Fuck. If you're counting J-Lo just as a star, not just movies, you know what I mean? If you count in the music and then like all the just public attention. Yeah. International superstar. Yeah, that's what I was going for.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I was rounding out my list. With a pop star? Yeah, it's tight. Out of sight? Amazing. George Clooney? Let's go. Even with her music, I feel the same way.
Starting point is 01:02:31 When her and Shakira perform together, Shakira's songs are better, but J.Lo's probably a bigger star worldwide. Do you think she pops more on stage than Shakira? Oh, I don't think so. Shakira, Shakira. Yeah, but she has to be able to hold it on the screen, and J.Lo can be the star of a show. She can be the lead and make it happen.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I'm just saying that the actual movies that J.Lo makes, I don't like them as much as a lot of other actresses. They're solid, and she's a star, undeniably, but Shakira, I like her songs better, and she's also a star. Waitably but like shakira like i like her songs better and she's also a star so like you could wait shakira acts as well no i'm just saying like i was comparing oh like the same way with like jlo's movies i feel the same way about her music
Starting point is 01:03:14 we're like it's just they're just kind of fine but her as a star is better than all of that true true all right let's answer some cues dudes um. The rock show debacle. Hey, fellas, I play in a band, and we have been sidelined due to COVID until now. As where I live, we have been in and out of lockdowns for the last year and a half. We finally have some shows on the horizons, but there's one problem. Our singer suffers from OCD pretty badly
Starting point is 01:03:37 in the form of germophobia. We play punk rock shows, so it's usually very physical and close to the crowd. He keeps saying that he's stoked to get back playing again, but anytime we're around him, he's always masked up in distance, even though we're all fully vaxxed. I'm worried we are going to start booking shows and he won't be able to get on stage with a bunch of strangers around. He's not great with talking about it either, so I'm kind of afraid to bring up the subject.
Starting point is 01:03:58 What do I do? Just ride it out and see what happens? This is a tough one, dude. I think I got it, dude. Go. You can do this like can you make it a part of the show where it like performs in a hazmat suit oh you know like good call like that uh michael fosman oh right yeah like like where you just or he's like wearing a gas mask i don't
Starting point is 01:04:17 know what that would do for the vocals but make it part of the aesthetic that's smart dude good call and then just cover up dude and nobody will even know i mean he'll get hot in there but at least he won't freak out. Dude, I was also thinking, you know, he's kind of putting the cart before the horse because they haven't done one yet. I'm thinking if this guy's a performer and he lives to perform. I know I was really afraid of COVID, but then I went to an outdoor bar, and when I saw the dance floor, I just had to get out there.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And then the next day I was freaking out. But in the moment on the dance floor, I was totally in the moment. You know what I mean? So I don't the dance floor, I was totally in the moment. You know what I mean? So I don't know, like so many performers have horrible anxiety, but then when they get in front of the crowd, it just turns a switch in him. So I think you probably got to worry about it more before and after. And then that's when you got to kind of assuage his concerns and talk him through it and hold his hand but i think when he gets out there he's gonna he's gonna go he's not gonna want to do a bad show that that'd be i i've never really seen anyone do that i agree i think i think i think wait till the first show see what happens and then if it's an issue then you gotta talk about it but i think i think uh
Starting point is 01:05:20 yeah because initially until you said that i was thinking maybe you gotta talk about it and be like dude are you gonna be able to do this but uh yeah i think just wait until you you get there and and and i think he'll step up to the plate for sure um strider what do you think bro i agree i really want to double down on chris making this part of the aesthetic i love that i like that it was really smart i think that's a fun ass move a good compromise and then just you know when you have to talk to him be like bro this is what we want to give our lives for yeah you know do it what's more punk rock than that um what up chad jt and aaron and any other possible guests long time listener first time writer inner shout out to you legends for helping us shredding the tsunami of stoke every week on the pod.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Qua pack. I've been going to therapy, working out and getting as active as my desk job will allow. Trying to eat dank vegetables, healthy foods, meditating, taking cold showers and trying to maintain a positive mindset. But there is a schmole I got to boke, dudes. And this schmole is social anxiety. I'm 25 and it's gotten a lot worse since I graduated college. Do you have any in the moment coping mechanisms to say frig off later to the anxiety any wise any wisdom any wise dome but that's like it's playing on wisdom would be much appreached my dog also chad those olas look sick
Starting point is 01:06:37 the what olas o-l-a-s oh waves yes oh spanish for waves. Yeah. Nice. Thanks, dude. And then he says, Sincerely a stoker that's not ashamed of his slightly below average size dong. Nice. Nice. Dude, you know what I would do? This helped me a lot because sometimes I get a little down.
Starting point is 01:07:00 And I don't understand it because my life is great, but it must just be a chemical thing. And I literally don't understand it. I'm like, dude, I'm working out. I'm eating healthy. I got great friends it because like my life is great but it must just be a chemical thing and I literally don't understand I'm like dude I'm like working out I'm eating healthy I got great friends I like what I do um and then but I'll still get sad and then what Winston Churchill did is he named his depression the black dog and sometimes if you can just name it and externalize it a little bit from yourself and you're like oh the black dog is back or you can come up with your
Starting point is 01:07:22 own fun name for it it kind of does turn it into a little bit of a character and make it less yourself. And then, and then you can kind of think of it as something that's just visiting you for a little bit. It's like when you're out at the bar, you're like, Oh dude, the black dog's here, huh? Oh, good to see you, bro. And then you can kind of dialogue with it a little bit. And then, and then also dude, sometimes you just have to do things when you're feeling off. Like I did stand up last night. I was terrified. And then I was like, well, I got no choice. I just got to go up when you're feeling off like i did stand up last night i was terrified and then i was like well i got no choice i just got to go up there my knees were shaking and shit but you just go up there and you do it and then you just kind of suffer through it but it's it's it's like you just got to kind of suffer through it i guess yeah i think it's stepping
Starting point is 01:07:54 out into the unknown putting yourself in tough situations and and uh challenging yourself i think that's the only way to break through that and also i i would uh I think that's the only way to break through that. And also, if you're partying a lot, for me at least, when I took a break from drinking and stuff, that's when I really started to, because I use drinking as a crutch to be social because I'm just naturally introverted and super shy. And so I took a break from drinking,
Starting point is 01:08:22 and then that's when I started to just be in touch with myself a little bit more, and then I became more and more comfortable interacting with people just as myself. And I didn't have to, because beforehand I'd have to be, like, hammered to, like, really, you know, connect with someone. But then once I took that out of the equation, and just throw yourself in the deep end, just sort of get out there, and then you just, and every time you get nervous you should be like that's good i'm challenging myself and then every time you get sort of scared or just like you're sort of like why am i putting
Starting point is 01:08:52 myself in this situation it's like because i need to grow i think that's the way i do it for sure dude or you just go look it could always be worse go out and wear the most unbelievable outfit you've ever thought of. Wear a completely leather outfit. Rent a lizard, if you can rent a lizard. Put a leash on it, walk it around, see how people react to you for one night and be like, that wasn't great. And then when you go back out, you're like, well, guess what? I don't have all the leather on and a lizard with me.
Starting point is 01:09:22 But I think that night will be great, too. Might be sick. I think that's a really good really good idea dude it's almost like the peacocking thing from the game was actually not a bad idea because it gets you out of your head a little bit and you're like dude i look ridiculous who cares about like and now if i'm just a nice normal person it'll actually kind of surprise people because i think i'll be such a tool because of what i'm wearing the bad part about the game was like being rude to people and like nagging all this like weird social, but actually kind of dressing ridiculous
Starting point is 01:09:46 is it really does make me feel better when I look a little ridiculous. It's like, hey, we all act. The great note you can have is if someone tells you to take it back.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So go to 11, crank it to 11 and then take it back. Don't hurt anybody. Don't get fucking nuts, hurt yourself, but crank it up. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:10:02 don't hurt anybody. And then reel it in. Where'd that come from? I'm just saying if you go to 11 sometimes it's like you know i'm gonna fucking go out and just me picture myself going to 11 you're hurting people oh yeah what are you doing oh yeah i'm hurting people emotionally bad dude i told chad the other day that when i'm stressed out i just when i'm looking at people even people i like when i'm stressed out i'll just be like i want to punch this person in the face yeah dude yeah and then i was like and i never mind it's too much but yeah i get that i get that yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:10:35 all right that was awkward good i'm good that was good you guys nailed it all right a bummer new friend what's up dudes i'm coming to you for some much needed advice. Just about a month ago I moved to Hawaii for college. It's been pretty legit. I've met some great people and I think I'm starting to find my squad. However, there was a little bump in the road of Stoke. There is this girl that is in the group of homies who I am not a huge fan of. She isn't a bad person.
Starting point is 01:11:01 However, she is someone who I cannot stand being with for more than 20 minutes. She's one of those quirky girls who thinks she's so different from everyone else when in fact, she's a terribly dull person whose only personality traits are mimicking someone else's vibe and acting like she knows everything about the universe. Now, I don't have beef with people who fuck with astrology, stars and all that jazz. I actually think it can be relatively interesting. Not when she talks about it though. She is the embodiment of a sarcastic youtube video that makes fun of astrology girls but she is dead serious one of those people who won't shut up about not trusting aquarius men or some shit like that us and the squad took shrooms on the beach and it was phenomenal except for her
Starting point is 01:11:39 being there and even after it was done my homie and i talked about her behavior and we were on the same wavelength about the situation on the other side of this argument she is the person who usually buys weed for the group nice what's the game plan here do i do i give it more time or do i try and not hang with this lady anymore any advice is appreciated much love martin he loves her no i just date her come on dude did you turn them down what's going on we were talking about movies all day in a movie that is what would happen you guys would be drawn to each other because of your uh distinct annoyances with one another but dude i get this i mean she probably is pretty annoying dude i would just honestly you just get dude being an adult is just being
Starting point is 01:12:21 annoyed and acting like it's not bothering you so the sooner sooner you can master that, the better off you'll be. And dude, it does suck when there's someone in the friend group that you're not clicking with. But it takes so much effort. It'll just make you feel worse trying to control it and push her out. So I would just take a walk when you're on your trip and just go do your own thing. And then complain to your buddy about it who's on the same page. Yeah, I have an idea. I mean, this girl sounds like some grade a entertainment
Starting point is 01:12:47 i would just hang out with her and then make fun of her mercilessly behind her back yeah i think that's the move yeah you're you're good too like if someone's ridiculous if someone's being ridiculous you'll just laugh in a very gentle way. Yeah. I kind of enjoy it. You know, if it's like, I mean, like the schmole or something, he's being ridiculous. I just find it hilarious. I know sometimes he'll be upsetting me
Starting point is 01:13:12 and I'll be like, and then I'll turn and look at you and you're like, and then I'm like, I'm like, fuck, dude. I'm like, I wish I could do that, dude. Yeah. But it's, that is a good call.
Starting point is 01:13:24 The thing is, everyone else might also. I know he said that one other person, they talked about it, but everyone might feel this way. So the next time where it's the majority of the crew in the room, you or that friend can make a comment just to get a read on how everyone else is feeling. Because I remember my freshman year of college, this one guy sucked. And then the first time he wasn't in the room with like 90 of our crew one person made a
Starting point is 01:13:50 comment and everyone like man that dude sucked and everyone's like ah and like yeah it was within two weeks he had found new this was pretty early in freshman year so it worked out like he had made new friends and he was out of the group because then everyone knew, all right, we're on the same page. This person's not cool. So I think it's worth it to just throw that shot out there, see what comes back, and then you can actually gauge
Starting point is 01:14:14 if everyone in the crew is feeling that way. Nice. And just find a drug dealer. Just ask around. Just order your weed online. Can't you do that now? Yeah, what's the deal in Hawaii? It seems like it would be legal in Hawaii.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Yeah. All right, last cue. Trying to rekindle a flame with an epic girl. Shaka, what up to the Savants of Stoke, Chad, JT, hopefully even Strider and Big Dick Joe. Big Dick Chris. Big Dick Chris. I'm in a predicament with possibly one of the dankest potential GFs of all time.
Starting point is 01:14:45 So at the start of summer, I ended up getting really close to one of the sickest girls I've known. She's fired up on all the things that I'm most stoked about and was the first girl in a long time that I really shared some deep ass convos about our emotions with, which I have trouble doing with other girls in the past. I had trouble doing with other girls in the past. Basically, everything was dank until the first time we hooked up. And after that, she said she needed time to get over her ex and she needed space. Oh, that sucks. So instinctively, I obliged and haven't talked to her
Starting point is 01:15:14 until I saw her at a party four months later and we totally hit it off again. Should I get back in a hot pursuit of this absolute perfect girl or should I stay back and avoid getting my head hurt again? My heart hurt again. Sorry for the long queue. Much love to all involved.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Ross. Keep cruising, dude. Four months time, bro. I mean, look, you're crushing hard. I've been there, dude. I get it. But just keep cruising, man. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:38 You know, if they had good chemistry this time, like if they were hitting it off. But even after the four months nothing happened you know i think oh right i think you're probably right like ask her out again but if she says no kim this is like a separate thought but i do think it's kind of interesting i think when we first started the pod most dudes were looking for encouragement to have the confidence to ask a girl out and now we're getting more about guys who can't let girls go right and so it's like they got past the part where they're afraid to ask.
Starting point is 01:16:05 And now they're like more afraid not to ask again or something like that. And I think the next step after you get the confidence to ask someone out is to have the restraint to let them go when they're not feeling it. And I mean, she's giving you, I think, unfortunately, she's giving you pretty clear evidence that she's not feeling it. If she wanted to reach out, she would have reached out. And she hasn't. So she might just like you as a friend.
Starting point is 01:16:26 I'm sorry, dude. And that's all good. It's not that you're not valued. It's not that you're just not someone out there for you. It's just keep cruising, dude. For sure. No hot pursuit on this one. I wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Even if there's a way where you can you know kind of keep in touch a little bit but it doesn't sound like it like definitely don't do hot pursuit good luck brother um your lady's out there bro you smoke some dank nugs with another girl does this guy smoke nugs yeah he said dank in there okay yeah it says flame in the in the title of the email so i'm thinking and rekindle dude exactly how about we rekindle this flame and then you just get charged been there yeah oh what i was talking about this bowl yeah pivot real quick when she says no oh rekindle the flame i meant weed dude i was talking about this blood uh chad you ready yes who is your beef of the week dude
Starting point is 01:17:26 my beef of the week is since i'm on a juice cleanse my beef of the week is a nice juicy beef brisket that's what you're feeling right now yeah dude i just can't stop thinking about brisket. So that's my beef. I just want to eat one. I want to just like, you know, get in there nice and deep black. And that's my beef. I don't really have much more to say. It feels like a lot of, you almost sound sexually attracted to the brisket. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:58 I'd make love to it for sure. Would you want to spread your butt and sit on it? Sometimes I think about that. My brother always says that about cakes oh dude i yeah just just a lot of stuff mac and cheese that would work yeah just something warm always seems nice too it's so true i love that something to sit on yeah give me some food to sit on yeah mac and cheese does seem like it would feel nice on the butt. Yeah. Pastas seem like they'd be nice. A hundred percent. Pastas?
Starting point is 01:18:26 I don't know. I don't know about that. You might think you'd eat the pasta. Not like Alfredo, you know. You know what would crush on the butt? Paella. Oh. Wait, but the shrimp.
Starting point is 01:18:36 The shells. The shells in there. Oh, yeah. The mussels. There's mussels, bro. And Nicole Kidman's in there, too. Stratter, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with dudes who are into the joker too much just get out dude too much that's a great beef like i like the joker he's fine he fletcher kicked ass honestly the one with joaquin not that great but like dude if the joker's like
Starting point is 01:19:00 your your thing not it you got. You got it. Come on. What is it about it that... I think it's just like guys being like, I'm edgy. Like, this is the way that I'm edgier. Like, I love strange. I'm strange. I had a friend who was like,
Starting point is 01:19:16 when he climbed into that refrigerator, that really just blew me away. And I was like... We watched it together. We both go, okay, that was a scene. He was literally... I think I wrote an interview where he was just supposed to look in a mirror and kind of start laughing.
Starting point is 01:19:29 That was supposed to be the scene. And then Joaquin did his thing. Yeah, I saw a 15-year-old at the Grove with a white kid with the Joaquin Joker t-shirt. I was like, you don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You're here it you don't get it you're here with your mom you guys are going to lulu like you don't get the joker dude also that movie was fun it was
Starting point is 01:19:53 fine it wasn't like oh this this guy gets me so much it's like no he's like no you know one that's the thing that's you nailed it no one actually relates to the joker so if you like in a psych ward and they were all wearing Joker shirts, you'd be like, that's cool. But it's these normal people who like live in suburbs who like want to be, they don't know what edgy is. So they're kind of jumping on. None of them want to burn the world down. The loudest example.
Starting point is 01:20:18 If you gave all of them a million bucks, they wouldn't pour gasoline on it and burn it. Right. So unless you're doing that, no authenticity. At least that kid wasn't wearing the Jared Leto Joker shirt though. That's true. That would be. That would be.
Starting point is 01:20:31 But then that would almost. I know. Then it'd be cool. Then it's funny. He's like, the performance. Yeah. I would want to pull him over and be like,
Starting point is 01:20:37 dude, are you for real? Yeah, exactly. Do you like that? All right, Chris, what's your B for the week?
Starting point is 01:20:45 Allergies. Nice. It sucks for humans, but mostly because I took my dog to a specialist for her allergies, and now she's on like eight different medications. It's a fat bill. Allergies are stupid. I don't like them. I'm sorry if you're afflicted by them because i just don't get that
Starting point is 01:21:05 bad allergy song but now i get it because my pet has a lot of them and it's really annoying and it's actually like a lot of work like there's like the list of stuff we have to do now is extensive and like i said it was expensive so fuck you what kind of allergies does she have just the vet was like he he goes oh yeah her eyes infected oh yeah it's in her lips oh yeah butt's a little irritated oh wow yeah the stomach pulls back he sees coming out of her fingernails like oh yeah you got some on her fingernails like and i was like what it's like localized like that that's crazy yeah in her show she gets ear infections like once every at least six months, if not sooner.
Starting point is 01:21:45 And it's either food. It's probably food and environmental. So now you got to go through a whole process. She's on a bunch of meds. It's annoying. Yeah. My beef of the week is I posted on my Instagram story about loving that show Sex Education. And then the Stoker reached out and was like, oh, dude, my top three fave shows are The Wire, The Sopranos, and Mad Men.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Honoré mentioned Peaky Blinders and Game of Thrones. I said, dude, that's a great top three. And then he goes, have you watched Suits? I don't know if it's worth it. And I'm like, I've never watched Suits, but it looks like trash. So I was like, no, I don't trust USA shows, like dramas. Because it was on USA Network, right yeah and then he goes why what about sopranos why are madmen breaking bad office us version so i didn't know quite what he was saying
Starting point is 01:22:31 and then i go i go i just think they're kind of bad i go i love the office and he goes you actually think sopranos is bad and then i go no i love the sopranos and he goes that show is the reason we have every other great show and i go and i realized what the mistake was he didn't realize that i met usa network he thought i met usa shows oh hilarious so i go i go he goes i go i met the us i met usa the network that suits was on and he goes i guess you right hbo is more global and then i go nah like suits was on a channel called USA. And I go, and then I double checked it on Google. And I go, yeah, USA. I was like, I love American shows. And then to kind of summarize it to him,
Starting point is 01:23:11 what the problem is, I go, we're having like an Abbott and Costello who's on First Moment. And then he goes, and then he goes, I don't get that reference. Dude, I'm losing my mind. I'm sitting at home. This is over like 15 minutes i'm like oh my god
Starting point is 01:23:27 and then i just go it's all about confusion over wording and then he goes ah i looked up usa networks and i see what you mean and that was the end of it bro dude that's awesome that's incredible dude my brain literally almost exploded i guess hbo is more global dude that's what it's like having a son probably dude we're like what the fuck dude like what do you want dude in the moments of confusion where he's like you don't like the sopranos i was like how did he get there i was like i love the sopranos i told you he had a great job dude i'm like what he's like it's literally the reason for every great show i'm just like do i just let this go i'm like no i have to explain it and then just just kept pushing. He's a great guy. Chad, who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:24:13 My babe of the week is my, I have an acting coach, Jackie. I just want to give her a shout out. She's just the best. She's just, yeah, I've been just taking classes with her for like six years. And I just want to give her a shout out. She's awesome. And she's, you know, I've been able to Zoom with her for like six years and i just want to give her a shout she's awesome and she's you know i've been able to zoom with her during the pedemic so been getting in there and you know doing a thing and she always every time i uh do like a coaching with her she just gets me fired up on on just like uh performing and and uh and also just there's something about acting or like analyzing characters and stuff where it gets me fired up on life in a weird way.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Nice. Where I'm like, I love characters. I love specific types of characters, so when you get to play them in a scene, it's very fun. You were the first one who identified that for me, that a lot of what we like about entertainment is that it's inspiring and aspirational. I like aspirational stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:07 And I think that's a huge reason why people watch things. Yeah. But subconsciously. I don't think they name it. Yeah, I like aspirational more than... I mean, I like relatable stuff, but I'd say I like aspirational stuff more. I like watching Brad Pitt be awesome. Just cruising in his car in Once Upon a Time.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Yeah. Oh, so sick. Strider, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's gotta be my dead guy's fiance, dude. Dude, she's just an absolute beast. Sort of related to our dog, Chris, recently, Sonny was not crushing his food, and usually he crushes it. He'd let it sit around until noon,
Starting point is 01:25:42 but you've got to keep him on a schedule. And we were watering his food we were like watering his food Then I was heating it up and nothing was working and then she comes in with this dank ass idea to get fucking chicken broth did and then on top of that she knows that I get worried because he likes to hop on stuff and he hops too much and I'm like Dude, like one of my biggest fears is like he's gonna tear an acl or like not be springy anymore so your fears dude exactly i'm projecting on him dude i'm like me he's not gonna have a good season this year and uh turns out the broth that she got is also hip
Starting point is 01:26:15 and joint and she puts it in there she didn't even tell me and then she goes then i look at the box and i go this is hip and joint she goes i knew I knew you'd like that. And I go, what? Come here. Nice, dude. Fucking legit, dude. So she's just a beast, dude. Chris, who's your baby of the week? It is this season of Bachelor in Paradise. Nice. It's a spin-off to the Bachelor and Bachelorette franchise, where they just take alumni from those shows,
Starting point is 01:26:40 stick them in a hotel on the beach in Mexico, and they just kind of exchange a lot of turnover in relationships a lot of hurt feelings um a lot of margaritas it's been a great season I've never been able to actually finish a season because I check out and I just haven't been able to get into it but right now dude the drama is so good the rigs are amazing there's some very very hot people uh on every season but this season no different very hot and there's a lot of relationships really progressing and i've really enjoyed you know i think some people really got a shot at love and that's the first time that I've ever felt that way. And I've probably at least attempted to watch four-ish seasons of this show.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So I've really been enjoying it. Been watching a lot with our buddy Joe and his fiancee Brittany. We'll switch coming over to each other's places to watch. And it's just been a good hang. I'm just really enjoying it. Love that, dude. My baby of the week is lovemaking music, and I'm just going to pick one example,
Starting point is 01:27:48 Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye. I don't know, when that song comes on, I just get into a better groove, and I just feel good. I love songs about just being into someone and just being horny for them. They just always hit the mark, and I'm just so glad there's people out there speaking to that and it seems like there's so many songs about that and it just
Starting point is 01:28:10 makes me feel more connected because i'm always thinking about that so i'm like yeah good marvin was thinking about that 24 7 that he had to tell people how he felt and that's what he wanted to tell people i'm horny and he made it into high art so thank you you, Marvin Gaye. Hell yeah. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Shawn Michaels, a.k.a. The Heartbreak Kid. Dude, nice. Dude. I just, for some reason,
Starting point is 01:28:37 just got introduced to his trademark move, chin music. Sweet chin music. Where he dropkicks people in the face. And I just saw a clip where he drops where he drop kicks people in the face and i just saw a clip where he fucking this guy uh he gets all mad at i don't know who he got mad at like the undertaker or something he gets super mad at someone and then there's like all this like staff you know in the walkway of the like back part of the arena drop kicks three dudes in the face it's one of my favorite yeah you've seen face. It's one of my favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:05 You've seen that? It's just one of my favorite things in wrestling when they just keep hitting their special move on everyone. Yeah. They just do it to a whole room of people. Yeah. So there's this guy behind him taking out the trash, dropkicks him in the face.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Another guy walking with a bunch of papers, dropkicks him in the face. The papers fly everywhere. And there's another guy mopping. He dropkicks him in the face. Oh, it's chris jericho he's fighting with chris jericho and then it cuts back to chris jericho who can't stop laughing it's like i i don't know i i've um i've gotten more into uh pro wrestling lately i think it's
Starting point is 01:29:41 amazing and hilarious and i've been following a lot of alexa bliss i want to give a shout out to to ryan cabrera who's just crushing it dating alexa bliss and wwe let's kill ryan cabrera yeah um because she's like she dominates in the ring super hot and uh and ryan cabrera is just in there and he's taking like wedding photos with her i'm like what a beast do you think he landed her by going down down down i'm sure dude because in their wedding photos all his records are on the bed with them all his records he's on the bed and his record is in there yeah dude sean michaels also had a sexy song when they would come out to he goes you think i'm hot i know i'm sexy i got all the right moves that was his
Starting point is 01:30:33 wrestling music yeah dude and speaking he would hit switch in music on like because undertaker's like 610 or something he could get his foot all the way up there wow incredible athleticism beast strider he's your legend of the week my legend of the week is sitting right fucking there dude nice chris parr dude my freaking shroom colonel dude took me on the adventure dude i was look look i made a promise to him i thought it was on the pod but then chris was saying it was through a text chain where we were like talking about it and then i was like texting and i was like yeah i'll do it at your bachelor party and he remembered and then did it and led me on a great trip and dude it was hilarious bro i was like when i was dying laughing chris looked over and he just goes
Starting point is 01:31:16 it was the best thing i've ever seen it just amazing and that number one and then number two when we were in utah i go dude i don't think I've ever seen anyone do a fucking strikeout in my life. I was like, maybe I did with Payone, rest in peace. I think maybe. And Chris goes, I got you, bro. I'll do one, dude. We go down by the creek. You did one?
Starting point is 01:31:37 Oh, bro, he nailed a strikeout. I didn't even know about this. And he nailed it without even cracking the bottom of the beer, so it was harder to chug. If you crack the beer, it goes a little faster, but still nailed it without even cracking the bottom of the beer, so it was harder to chug. Like, you know, if you crack the beer, it goes a little faster, but still nailed it. I meant to shotgun it, but then I cracked it a little bit, forgetting, so then I had to... It sucked. It was beastly, dude. So, what a legend, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Chris motherfucking Pollard, dude. My pleasure, dude. I was happy to do all that shit. So, you're able to chug with the smoke in your lungs? And it's shot. So, you take a rip. That's crazy. And your lungs and a shot so it's uh you take a rip that's crazy and then it's a shot yeah a beer and then you blow out nice and then you've been you're like a drug guy now yeah i'm a sure after our show we did the hollywood improv on wednesday
Starting point is 01:32:17 which was a great day dude yeah chad had to follow tosh daniel tosh i was sitting with jt i was like tosh was out there so we bring up tosh he's like the surprise celebrity guest and he got a standing oh bro he got a standing oh and i was like and then i was like oh fuck i'm following him i was like jt i'm like why do we do this but you stepped up huge you had a great set you did yeah and so you did too thank you thank you i was like you. You had to go out first. That's a tough spot. Yeah, you had to crack them open.
Starting point is 01:32:47 They weren't warm. They weren't warm yet. But then afterwards, you smoked a CBD joint, which not really drugs. Yeah, yeah. It's legit, dude. It's legit. It's legit, dude. High CBD, low THC, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:00 It's what I'm looking for. It's what I'm looking to cruise on. And then once again, Annie Letterman was hilarious because she was hanging out she goes alright I got a real joint here I would love to see
Starting point is 01:33:10 you smoking a CBD joint dude let's do it I'll smoke a CBD joint I should have brought one I've got a whole pack nice Dadgrass right because you're
Starting point is 01:33:16 sponsored now by him Dadgrass what up dude I don't remember the code but check it out it's good it's the buzz you're looking for
Starting point is 01:33:21 dude nice Chris who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is uh the boys specifically the dudes who came to my bachelor party this past weekend um epic these two legends were there thank you dudes uh had a blast got into it a lot of dudes just hanging out i didn't have to lift a finger to do anything i didn't even ask for stuff a lot it's just like hey dude you need another water hey dude you're
Starting point is 01:33:51 trying to get on the table just so much fun they totally cool with me when i just decided to start cheating at every drinking i didn't let you yeah i didn't let you cheat yeah sorry it's okay it was my weekend so it really didn't matter you know it's just I just get to do what I want whatever
Starting point is 01:34:10 we saw saw a not great movie together but it was super it was just fun the whole time like I said I didn't it was just
Starting point is 01:34:17 everyone was in a great mood they made me feel so loved like 10 dudes gave me a massage at the same time they even put sunscreen on me like a bunch of them and i didn't even i didn't have to ask for any of this we literally you didn't have to look to figure we literally carried you from one room to the other to get you amazing that's awesome and then dude yeah that that movie we watched that paul schrader movie he's a brilliant
Starting point is 01:34:38 writer and director but he's got a new movie the card counter which i thought was kind of weak literally it's a bachelor party weekend there's 15 guys and there's a bunch of dudes on shrooms and it's a movie about Abu Ghraib we didn't know that going in
Starting point is 01:34:50 there's just intense torture scenes I didn't know the dudes were on shrooms you just see guys like oh oh it just
Starting point is 01:35:00 yeah it was really intense but yeah thank you Legends it was in everything that But yeah, thank you, Legends. It was everything that I wanted for anyone who couldn't make it. You know, there were some extenuating circumstances. It was a bummer, but don't worry. The dudes took care of me, and I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:35:17 No, it was a great trip. My Legend of the Week is Barry Sanders, the running back. Because I think what I get from him is the same thing you get from watching Brad Pitch drive. It's inspiring for me to watch him juke defenders. Hell yeah. To turn them around and just be so nimble on the field. It's just literally, I'm like, it's like a higher plane of living. I'm like, that's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:35:33 We did that at Chris's bachelor party. You put on running back highlights and all the guys were like, this is nice. We watched the top 100 runs of all time. That's awesome. It was like two in the morning, we're all in spading suits. I had my hand on the stick. I was like, we're just gonna watch this dude Chad
Starting point is 01:35:47 what's your quote of the week I gotta go with another Fred Durst quote I've always been Fred Durst and I will always be me that's fucking beautiful dude thank you dude Stryer what's your quote of the week
Starting point is 01:36:02 no explanation necessary my quote of the week is you do it's fucking be sure what's your quarterly no explanation necessary my quote of the week is a little under prepared so whenever I'm under prepared you know in life let me just give you this have your go-to you know what I mean if you're at a party have one song memorized on piano and just play it and then act humble to not play another one I would just go with a quote from one of my favorite movies. And it's probably just going to have to be Braveheart.
Starting point is 01:36:29 And it's going to have to just be, you know, I know he sees me. I know she sees me. And your dad sees you too. And he punches her. Punches him in the face. Yeah, he punches the woman, dude. Yeah, it's from the outtakes. Director's cut.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Never saw it. Mel Gibson. Really sick guy. Dude, I was watching braveheart quotes today i was watching the one where robert the bruce is like look if you make enemies on both sides you wind up dead and he's like we all wind up dead it's just a matter of he's like your title gives you power but your title is supposed to make you protect these people and men don't follow title they follow courage bro what a great fucking quote and when he's talking about not wanting to lose heart and his dad,
Starting point is 01:37:07 we'll condemn it in the South and support it in the North. But Wallace has heart. I don't want to lose heart. All men lose heart. I don't want to. Dude, I think we did the same exact scene like two weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Did we really? Yeah. I mean, bro, these are just... It's just one of the best movies ever. It's so good and it needs to be restated robbie would always do this i could crush you like a one that's so good when they throw us the rocks right before the rock contest early um chris who's your what's your quote of the week this is from lucius cornelius sulla who was a Roman general, then consul, eventually dictator, although
Starting point is 01:37:46 he did back off. No friend ever served me and no enemy ever wronged me whom I have not paid in full. Whoa. Let's go. Let's go. This dude killed a lot of people. Nice. I love that.
Starting point is 01:37:58 And then also rewarded a lot of people too. Yeah. Both sides. I love that. My quote of the week is uh dude i was reading this criticism of christopher hitchens and his big thing is god is not great and he said god is like the worst thing man ever created but this person critiquing him who is an atheist said god is actually man's greatest invention so this person doesn't believe in god but actually really likes that humanity
Starting point is 01:38:21 created this like mutual idea that gives us so much meaning i was like dude that's a cool way to look at it that's awesome uh chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it uh my phrase of the week for getting after it dude i can feel tonight in the tip of my dink dude that's hot thanks straddle it out i just wanna make love to you it's a little uh al green dude that inspired me when you talk about marvin gaye dude he's good man bro that's the best love of making music al green that's a good one chris what's your first movie for gonna after it um it's it's from uh one of the sketches and i think you should leave which i think we talked about which i talked about last time and it's um never let the party die
Starting point is 01:39:11 dude the one that's the like uh the movie trailer i think we're like the santa claus oh dude he shoots people in the head dude his casting is unreal the characters he casts are so fucking good yeah that's awesome my phrase will be forgetting after it is from the pacific rim it's in the end when uh idris elba is about to go into the drift with the this young dude and they're both going to their death and then the young dude's dad is there who he normally fights with him in the kaijus and the dad like can't really just be like all sentimental and as the son comes over to say goodbye and they show all their affection through the dog they don't touch each other they're both just really gentle with the dog and that's how they show like their
Starting point is 01:39:54 their emotional connection or whatever their their their desired like touch with each other but as he's walking away he goes eat yourself his name second, Staka, that's my son you got there. My son. Pumps me up, dude. Go kill. What are the bad guys called? Kaijus? Go kill those Kaijus, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:15 What a good movie. It is a really, really good movie. It's one of my favorite Del Toro ones because it's just like, it's just fun spectacle. All right, dudes. Guys, thanks for coming. Dude, that was so fun guys great draft
Starting point is 01:40:26 thank you fired up to be on here with Chris too first time dude honored let's fucking go dude we're gonna see Cop Shop after this
Starting point is 01:40:33 you got a date night with your lady though yep yep doing a date night and gonna watch a movie not sure what yet what do we draft next do we go character actors
Starting point is 01:40:41 what director ooh director yeah it could be director time yeah well we'll have the the stokers comment on that but i think it could be director time that'd be fun and then by the end of this we'll be doing best gaffer this guy lights the shit out of that movie dude he's actually a key grip but honestly dude he understands lighting so well shadow on the finish just right we could do movies too oh oh dude yeah
Starting point is 01:41:07 should we do genre of movie yeah because all movies is tough but yeah or decade from what decade oh yeah dude the options are infinite we could really dig into this all right let's do it pop stars oh oh pop stars that's really fun yeah that might be it. All right. Going all K-pop, dude. Smart. Dude, I listen to Gangnam Style on the way here. So fun. So fun. You really listen to Gangnam Style?
Starting point is 01:41:32 And you saw Bono at Erewhon, right? Dude, I saw Bono at Erewhon. Whoa, nice. And he was wearing all leather with flames. I was going to ask. Dude, he was wearing all leather with flames. Did he have glasses on inside? He had glasses on inside.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Of course. And his hair was like slicked back, but like kind of like spiking. In the back? Yeah, dude. Like an anime character running at full speed? Like sort of like horns. Like sort of like horns. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:52 So there is a really good, like a good exact replica guy that's in a tribute band. So it might be him. Well, that's the thing. But he rolled up in a like big black suv with a driver and also aaron this is air one whole foods maybe the tribute band air one it's bottom you can say air one air one air one you say it a little funny what is it what is it what is it it's kind of like when i used to say salmon instead of salmon and well you know it's not that egregious lead it out of me i did i go lead it out because it was like you used to say this guy's name's habner i'm like it's haber and then out
Starting point is 01:42:29 of nowhere i went and it's also called salmon not salmon and like you hadn't said it in months and you're like whoa no but you said the best way to get your friend to stop doing something like that you had the best you know you go hey bro you're not unique dude i always used to get mad at you talk about hitchens i used to get mad at you about hitchens you used to get mad at you talked about hitchens i used to get mad at you about hitchens you used to get mad at me for reading you came over to my my house one time when we were in college and i was just trying to keep up with everyone else who was like in college because you were way above us and then i had all these books and i've told this story before a starter just walks and goes fake intelligence and then he's like none of these
Starting point is 01:43:02 things are substantial like this guy survived the holocaust and creative philosophy he's like he sounds like an interesting guy you not so much and then just like and then he's like, none of these things are substantial. I'm like, this guy survived the Holocaust and created a philosophy. He's like, he sounds like an interesting guy. You not so much. And then he'd walk out of the room and go home. Mission accomplished. No, I needed it. I needed it for sure. How do you say Erewhon?
Starting point is 01:43:19 Erewhon. Erewhon. It's nowhere backwards. Really? Yeah, but with like one letter out of place or something. Whoa. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:28 Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah, it's bullshit. Yeah. Say however you want, dude. The people there would love that. Arrow one. Stank.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Cool, dude. That was so fun. Stokers, keep writing reviews. They help us out. Share this with your buddies if they want to get stoked. Bye. I know, I know, I know. Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, what is your beef of the week? Joe, what's your beef of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:44:52 Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, what is your beef of the week? Joe, what's your beef of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, what is your beef of the week? Joe, what's your beef of the week? Shad, what's your beef of the week. And who's your best friend? Striker. And who's your best friend? Joe, what's your club name?
Starting point is 01:45:06 Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Clash. Thank you. Bye. Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum,

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