Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 212 - Strider Wilson and Chris Parr Join

Episode Date: November 12, 2021

What up stokers?! We draft our top 5 action movies of all time. Good times with some legends.    Brought to you by Liquid Death! Get free shipping on all water and merch at LiquidDeath.com/G...ODEEP   Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com   Go to rumpl.com and enter code DEEP15 for 15% off your first order

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Starting point is 00:00:00 brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because this holiday season we're giving thanks to our friends at manscaped for keeping our trims pubed. With the Performance Package 4.0, the leader in men's grooming that keeps your nuts safe. Get it today. Give the gift that keeps on giving. That's a trim, nice-looking hog. Join the 2 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped with 20% off
Starting point is 00:00:38 plus free shipping with the code GODEEP by going to manscaped.com. Iron my clothes and look at my taint.'s up stokers of stoke nation this is chad yeah that's a real kink um this is chad i forgot what chad kroger coming with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys before we begin no, no ads. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas, what up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we are here with the wizard of wanking with a partner, Strider Wilson. Thank you very much, my dog. Dude, I'm running out of terms.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And we are here with the fourth member for our next draft, the absolute legend, fan favorite, Chris Parr. What up? What's up? What's up? What a beast, dude. What a beast, dude. And Aaron.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Aaron's back. We missed you on the last one, man. Yeah. But now we have someone. We have an authority on the draft to give us the rankings afterwards. Although we have different rankings going now. We have Reddit and Instagram, but it looks like Chad won
Starting point is 00:01:47 if you combined all three on the last one. I feel like Chris, I guess, going by Reddit. You're averaging up the three? I'm kind of averaging the three, yeah. And it's an inexact science. Yeah. But we'll see. Yeah, I agree. Today we're doing action movies we're doing action movies today this is a big one this is huge and i think we all read this
Starting point is 00:02:13 fucking big we all read the same list to prepare we all hit the rolling stone trash top 50 list we all grew up watching these movies together yeah Yeah. And then this time, we're going to go snake style. So the first pick will now have the eighth pick. Yeah. And we did our order beforehand with a pretty riveting game of odds or evens. And then the two finalists did paper, rock, scissors. And I think you guys had four of the same in a row, right? Yeah, we went scissors back to back to back.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It was pretty gnarly. Wow, that's intense. And then paper. And then I got beat. So first pick's gonna be you strider second pick my brother third pick me fourth pick jad who will then have the fifth pick should we just kick it off should we just get into it i'm fired up i'm ready to rock and roll i got my first one should we address our dome pieces first oh you want to do that now
Starting point is 00:02:58 yeah yeah let's do it uh we shape a line down the middle to bring awareness for deforestation i did the unthinkable massive sacrifice and uh i was way more upset before doing it and then after i felt kind of liberated dude there was an intensity in your eyes after you did it and we slapped hands that i had never seen before and i liked it but it also kind of scared me. You kind of looked like a sweet kid who had been drafted into Vietnam. That's what I felt like. And had started killing people and just giving himself over to the nihilism of war.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And was just like, I just murder people now. I'm giving myself over to this. Well, you know in Chernobyl when they ask the miners, or they ask the guys to step into the water to turn off the thing so it won't just you know all blow up and just doom planet earth they're like why why should we do this why us he's like because you have to do it he like he's basically you do it for your country that's what you do and that's sort of what i felt like i felt that for the trees this is our
Starting point is 00:04:01 chernobyl and i i had to have the haircut for a couple days before you did it and i was genuinely mad at you for not having the haircut i was like but not actually because i knew it was ridiculous yeah but i was like what the fuck do i only have this haircut because it's your fucking idea it was my idea because i'm a sadist i'm a sadist um he's like why do we do all these things i'm like all your ideas you fuck why do we do all these things? I'm like, all your ideas? You fuck? Why do we do all these things to our bodies? I'm like, these are all your fucking ideas, dude. It's true. It's a Mercedes and a Masochist.
Starting point is 00:04:32 But it's powerful, dude. I think both in equal measure. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I posted about it today and people seem hyped on it, which was nice. And we're doing it for the Amazon because we've lost about 17% of it. We want to raise awareness.
Starting point is 00:04:42 We can't lose more. It helps keep the carbon in produces oxygen and you know it's home to a lot of nice critters and and and plants so you know let's let's donate people donate to amazon conservation yeah stokers if we can do it you can do it so shave a line down the middle of your dumbs raise awareness and then let's let's you know let's fucking get the word out there. And then send in the photos to us. We'll repost.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, I think it looks good, too, dude. Oh, dude, thanks. Yeah, dude. It's not bad. Yeah. Dude, I'll try to mean that. Thank you, dude. I'm excited to have short hair.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It'll be a fun new adventure. Well, and also, I realized people would would be like why do you not want to have that haircut i was like i'm single yeah i was like i'm trying to find a girlfriend man i was like i got but you know what i like working from a deficit yeah it's also beyond honesty it's why i like telling people i have herpes i'm like let's see if we can fight our way out of this thing just turn towards me oh it's amazing i mean yeah i've told a couple dates already i'm like let's see if we can fight our way out of this thing just turn towards me oh it's amazing i mean yeah i've told a couple dates already i'm like by the way i'm gonna have a little bit of an h cut but they're cool with it yeah through text we'll see we'll see how they
Starting point is 00:05:55 you know how many more hats have you guys bought i just bought this one but i i'm interested to see it you know if if a girl wakes up to me and I'm like, what's up? We'll see if she's down. I went to sleep next to someone I wore my hat while I was sleeping next to them. Oh, did you? Yeah. I'm going to tell that story later. But I was like, I'm wearing it while I sleep now.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And then also, Chris, I have your wedding coming up. And you and your fiance have been really cool about it. But I know you guys want me to. I'm officiating. So you want me to have some kind of hair solution by then? Yeah. Well, just because you're going to be in every picture of us at the altar and yeah you don't want a distraction no i know you care about the rainforest but i know yeah well it's just like it's just for the ceremony you know for while you're officiating so once it's, I don't expect you to wear it throughout the whole wedding.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't imagine it would stay on once you hit the dance floor for a certain amount of time. I don't think so, yeah. Not the way I go. That it's not. But it's really just for, I mean, maybe for the pictures beforehand, I wouldn't mind if it was on.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And then, yeah, for when you actually, you know, marry us, I would prefer not to have. You prefer it not be Mugatu? Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's Mugatu, dude. It's true. It's a freaking b-hole down the center, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It's amazing. It's a freaking butt crack head, dude. But it's not a lot. But it's brave. Butt crack head. Get a nice lead on how to. I got a lady who's going to help me patch it up. A friend of mine, Will, hooked it up with the Connect.
Starting point is 00:07:26 That's sick. Following up with her tomorrow. She says we can do it on that timeline. She's going to give me a weef piece or something like that. I love that. A weef piece. Yeah, she had terminology. She's thrown terminology at me, so I trust her.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Did she glue it? How does that work? I think that's how it's going to work, yeah. Cool. All right, well, should we... Don't take... I'm ready to rock, bro. Don't take mine, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Don't take mine. The first one's not going to be exciting or crazy. I think we all know. But are we doing it? Go. All right, bros. My first pick, freaking, of our four, we're doing four. My first pick has to be be and it's tough because
Starting point is 00:08:06 there's so many dank ass movies but i gotta go with terminator 2 oh dude day and now here's the thing i saw this movie when i was a young kid yeah and i immediately knew i saw it before terminator one i was like that's the sickest movie i've ever seen in my life so amazing the police station battle everything is so sick dude the villain's amazing dude the cgi stuff looks so sick um and it's one that is also a sequel that is better than the prequel or than the original when he's in there um when like the cops are all in the parking lot and like the helicopter comes out and he's shooting like the smoke grenades out yeah because that's in an office building but there is a police station battle in the first one.
Starting point is 00:08:46 In the first one. That's where the fitness line, I'll be back. I really feel bad about my pick that Chris also knew that that location was an office and not a police station. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 But there's a lot of cops there. There are a lot of cops. Yeah, and he's got the smoke thing. The weapons he has are very cool. They're so amazing. And dude, when he's just loading the shotgun on his bike, just...
Starting point is 00:09:04 And like shooting that grenade launcher. I think when he's on the bike and he's flipping the shotgun which i guess arnold walked around his office just practicing that for days love that and then the the t whatever t1000 is chasing him in the truck the semi and he's on his dirt bike very sick and then i think linda hamilton getting shredded in that one yeah it was big and then the way that they humanized the Terminator character at the end. Yeah. Amazing. The sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Dude, all around, just undeniably dank movie. If you showed that to aliens and it landed on this planet, they'd be like, that was fucking sick, dude. I get it. I get it, dude. That's a good metric. So it's got to be my first pick. T2, Judgment Day.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Dude, when the T when the t1000 is driving a truck later and then our and then they're a pickup and arnold gets right on the front with the m16 oh my god yeah through the window it just looks so cool it's just getting lit up it's amazing that liquid steel thing yeah it's nice because he gets to get pumped full of bullets but he still keeps coming and that's aged well too, too. The Liquid Steel. Could watch it today. It's still very watchable. I think all the great action movies, they have a great villain, right? And that's like, he's still on.
Starting point is 00:10:11 In the later Terminators, they can't top that villain. They keep trying to come up with a new version of a Terminator that's better than that. It's like, nothing's better than the Liquid Steel. It's incredible. And Terminator 1 is essentially a slasher movie with a sci-fi robot. And they hearken back to that in the sequence in the home when he goes in there and he comes with the knife blade. So you get a little bit of a slasher horror film within an action movie. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. Which is fucking sick. You need a genre, Ben, if you're going to be number one. Correct. You can't just live inside of action. It's got it all. It's James Cameron. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And he's fast in this one, which is like really fucking fast. Yeah. so it's like it was just a total game changer and then yeah basically every to your point like every other terminator is just kind of like it's a t1000 plus like in the most recent one it's like that the t1 that like the liquid on top come off and make a whole other just a t1000 and then there's still a regular terminator so it's like two of them but yeah it's just not interesting it still doesn't even feel like a good top the first one yeah yeah do we uh we we played with the t2 shotgun in arnold's office yeah i was i was spinning it around you know
Starting point is 00:11:14 that's awesome and it got stuck i was like oh no i fucked up the shock is it heavy uh he's so jacked he's so and what just what a great action star I mean you have the pinnacle of action stars yeah in that he's in I'm not gonna mention
Starting point is 00:11:30 other movies because they might come up but he's a fucking beast dude you don't take mine because my mind's already racing
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'm already making adjustments I'm choking let me ask you guys this real quick did you guys expect that was gonna be number one out of the game
Starting point is 00:11:41 I thought it could be yeah not a sexy number one pick but it's gotta be there that was my number one it's chris mad max jury road oh let's go bro great movie dude come on was that yours really no um it's uh see i was worried that he was gonna take that it's so cool i remember when i saw that in theaters and i feel like this was experienced for a lot of people. Like it just starts with such a bang and it leads all the way up to like the sand electrical storm. And then after that scene like ends,
Starting point is 00:12:13 like I remember breathing for like the first time, like I felt like I'd been holding my breath for like 30 minutes. And the way the cars jump in, like on the first shift, right. Cause they kind of fly in. It's just, it's just go,
Starting point is 00:12:24 go, go. And then it slows down for like five minutes and you have a great tom hardy charlie's fight um the music's and then it just goes goes goes for until the end of the movie music's awesome it's so fun yes it's like real it's like analog yeah there's i mean the pole cats the dude's swinging on the thing it's so it's just like weird and fun. There's a variety of different kind of action scenes.
Starting point is 00:12:47 There's a lot of hand fighting. There's gunfights. But it's just so much stuff going on. There's so much problem solving that they have to do while it's all going on. One of the wives gets snatched, and they got to get her back. And then the truck's breaking down. And they just took like, The Road Warrior was just such a, it was a movie that we watched all the time.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And they're just like, yeah, what if that action scene from the end of Road Warrior was just a whole movie? And it was so awesome. All the cars look amazing. They all work, you know what I mean? And they look so cool. The aesthetic is incredible.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And truly the essence of an action movie, the entire movie is motion. It's fucking motion, dude. It's unbelievable, bro. And the fact that when you get to the pinnacle point, you're like, what's going to happen next? We got to go back. That's where the green's at. That fucking twist.
Starting point is 00:13:35 It ends where it started. Yeah. Beautiful. And she rips his face off at the end. Yeah, bro. Fuck that guy. Good, bad guy. Morton Joe.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Morton. He's so cool all this all the weird stuff too like with like the breast milk and like a lot of symbolism yeah a lot of good symbolism baked into it the witness me stuff love that so fun it's it's a it's an amazing movie amazing movie i say that before i nut a lot of times witness me it's my safe word actually oh for real yeah oh not my safe word but it's my nut word do i okay so i got i could pick the one that i think is my third pick but i don't think chad would take it so i pick something else that i think chad's gonna snake back and here's the
Starting point is 00:14:14 thing you got us sitting over here and you know we'd take it if it wasn't a snake all right well i'm going with my number one i'm going heat baby let's go yeah baby great movie great movie the best oscar caliber film you know what i mean could have been a best picture window you got titans of acting littered throughout you got pacino and de niro in their first scene together not an action scene but then also the thing i love in action movies besides like in mad max you're just like how did no one die when they made this but the thing i like the most in action movies is like when you're like oh this is like the pinnacle of badasses and it feels real and you're like this is what it would
Starting point is 00:14:49 feel like to like watch uh like high caliber killers go at it and then that movie to me is the best at it like just the action scenes are so well choreographed the sounds the way they move and then the way they even hold the guns like i guess they used to show val kilmer reloading his gun in like military training like you can't reload faster than this man like get out of our army no way yeah because it's just he's so sick with it and then val kilmer one of my favorite performances by him but you care about the characters and you and mccullough good bad guy and you kind of don't want him to die at the end because he's got a code he sticks up for his dudes he doesn't hurt people unless he has to and then you know pacino is a wild man in it and almost the scenes i like the most are just the dialogue stuff but the action scenes are incredible coming out of
Starting point is 00:15:34 the bank is coolest it's unreal yeah i just listened he was not to pump another podcast while we're doing this no do it but michael Mann was on the rewatchables. Was he really? And they were talking about Heat. And they're like, the choreography of how they all move. And he talked about they set up how they were going to do the coming out of the bank. And he's like, so these kind of guys, they're military trained. If they get ambushed, they have to shoot their way out.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And they know that they would be able to outmatch like cops who just are trained to take on civilians, not soldiers. And he's like, we set up like where the cars were going to be. We set it up on a gun range and they use live rounds and practiced it. And he said that De Niro and Val were like out shooting a lot of the cops that were there and that they got hyper proficient.
Starting point is 00:16:22 These are high level performers. Yeah, exactly. It was very complimentary of him. And they were talking about the way that you're watching other people move in the background. How did you think to do that? And he's like, I wouldn't think to do it any other way.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It never crossed my mind to not do that because why wouldn't I want to show that? And he talked about how in action scenes, there still needs to be an objective and there needs to be like, you should be able to do scene analysis like you do on a dialogue scene but even for an action scene and just the noise of the gunshots it's haunting it sticks in your mind it's amazing and uh you know uh in acting classes they always show the the scene al pacino and at the coffee shop because it's there's so much tension but it's all just you're just reading their fate it's like the in such a good action movie it's like the
Starting point is 00:17:10 height of acting as well yeah it's like that's the scene i think i re-watched the most just that coffee scene because it you know there's such good actors that it's just like you're just it's all in their fate it's just i don't know so he said about that that like he couldn't really use different takes because they were so in tune with each other right that like that whole scene is he couldn't remember exactly but that it's pretty much one take because he had two cameras filming them both at the same time and they didn't rehearse he said that he wanted it to be that yeah he didn't have him rehearse because he wanted all that energy on like when they started filming yeah it's unbelievable so that's my number one pick it's so
Starting point is 00:17:49 it's a great pick dude all right chad you got two in a row here partner i got two okay uh i'm gonna first one dark knight oh nice all right pretty sick pretty sick all right fucking what's your beef what's your beef little derivative of a you know Michael Mann movie but yeah sick sick sick sick
Starting point is 00:18:09 no I'm fucking kidding around go go go no you're not most of the rankings I looked at had that near the top I just I don't
Starting point is 00:18:15 yeah yeah we all hate it but go ahead you all hate it no no dude it's a sick ass movie I've seen it a million times
Starting point is 00:18:21 when I saw it I thought it was a mess bro the bank robbery scene when they're ziplining in sickest fucking thing I've ever seen a million times. When I saw it, I thought it was a masterpiece. Bro, the bank robbery scene when they're ziplining in is the sickest fucking thing I've ever seen. Dude, please, please. Whatever, dudes. That's my pick.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm not even going to explain it. You might not win the room in this one, but then when the Reddit and the Instagram sees it, that's going to be everyone's number one. Yeah. Yes. Number two. All right, this is tough. Number two. I'm going to be everyone's number one. Yeah. Yes. Number two. This is tough. Number two. I'm going to go with The Matrix.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I was thinking about taking it. I was thinking about taking it. Dark Knight and Matrix, two action movies I rewatched the most. And I think The Matrix took action movies to a whole new level. So, and conceptually, I mean, it still the the um the subject matter is still so you know it's it affects you even more today when you think about it because they're you know there it was way ahead of its time and uh a lot of people were bagging on keanu for his performance you know he's sort of like the butt of every joke but then i was you know re-watching it
Starting point is 00:19:22 and he is the perfect neo i think because he he you know i was it supposed to be like will smith he's yeah he's a little bit too i think perfect starting out where you're like i can believe him being the one but i think neo sort of starts out where you sort of like you can feel his lack of confidence right in the beginning of the movie and then he becomes the one i think and so watching that i was on shrooms but it just did feel a little more powerful that time so sick as fuck um and i mean as a kid all i would do is i'd go swimming and i'd go to the bottom of the pool and i'd run across the wall the video game was sick bro the line i know kung fu the fact the fact that he like leans back like that was recreated in so many things yeah it's like it was truly revolutionary action
Starting point is 00:20:11 sequences the way the wachowski sister shot that it's fucking like yeah it's revolutionary and the bank robbery scene or no the the lobby scene the lobby scene is oh someone was saying that if they recreated that today they couldn't shoot it any better than the way they did in yeah it's still the sickest and the outfits they're wearing the sunglasses dude the cell phones yeah the no key everyone in the matrix crew is like good at sex i remember watching i'm like these people all are good at sex together yeah i don't know what they like to have sex with but they're good at having sex dude even machine or something else even cypher yeah even cypher yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe a selfish lover but definitely probably good i could see him like the noises yeah like joe pesci and
Starting point is 00:20:55 casino i want to be it's good i want to be someone important like an actor yeah yeah that's so funny yeah just eating a steak a super rare stuff orpheus's glasses yeah oh bro i don't even have i don't know they can't even hook onto his ears they just sit perfectly on him and uh hugo weaving too oh bro he's amazing in that yeah all right do i go with my heart or do i go with my head here i'm going with my head i was going to say go with your heart but okay did you say you were going to go all heart we were talking about earlier i don't want to lose hot i don't know what i head here? I'm going with my head. I was going to say go with your heart, but okay. Didn't you say you were going to go all heart when we were talking about it earlier? I don't want to lose heart. I don't know what I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:21:29 but I'm going chalk. I'm going... You guys already know. You can guess it. What do you think I'm going to say? I'm not saying shit because I don't want to steal mine. I mean, I can guess.
Starting point is 00:21:37 What do you think? The rock? Close. That was what I was going to say. Fuck. You know what? Fuck. I think I know what he's going to say.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I know what you're going to say. I wasn't going to do it. No, no, no, no, no, no. I wasn't going say. Fuck. You know what? Fuck. I think I know what he's going to say. I know what you're going to say. I wasn't going to do it. No, no, no, no, no. I wasn't going to do it. I know. No, he's right. I was going to go with another one that more people think is a better action. But here's the thing, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:57 This might come back to get you because it needs to be your list. And people might say, Chad influenced your list if you win. Hey, good GMs. Think about this. Good GMs listen to talented personnel. All right. All right right all right oh dude you think i'm talented yeah i'm going i'm going the rock after that dark night pick i'm going the rock and you know what i already regret it but i'm going the rock why it's the best i'm going the rock standing a good speed i was trained by the best god yeah incredible film. Dodged. Yeah. Incredible film. VX Gas.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Great bad guy played by Ed Harris. Yes. Tremendous rapport between Sean Connery and Nick Cage. I think it's peak Bay. You know, you got to have a Bay flick on there. Just a wall-to-wall action movie. Oh, yeah. And the one I was thinking is getting picked in the next three, but it's fine. Or next four, rather.
Starting point is 00:22:41 But, yeah, I love The Rock. I think it's just a great movie. And it's just cool. It's cool all the way. And some of the action scenes that they thought of in that one, I don't know who conceived of all the shit that would be at Alcatraz. When they're in those little two cars, and the cars that are suspended on the railways or something.
Starting point is 00:23:03 The mining cars. Yeah, the mining cars are like there's no way this is a alcatraz yeah and they're just driving and shooting at each other yeah and then somehow mason is already like has his legs into a thing so when they swing by he just knocks the guy like i don't know how he got there but it doesn't matter and then maybe the greatest maybe the greatest line in action movie history and i'm sorry it's a bit crude but losers whine about doing their best winners go home and fuck the prom queen and then nick cage cocks the gun and goes what's her name carla carla was the
Starting point is 00:23:31 prom queen really oh yeah and did the the green the green the gas the gas yeah that sticks in your mind unlike unlike the it's so visually. Visually, yeah. He's like a very elegant pearl structure, except very dangerous or whatever. It's just so cool. Ed Harris is a bad guy, but he's a good guy. He's got a code. You know what I mean? And then the bad guys who replace him are good, too.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'll take pleasure in getting you. Yeah, because they're just like psychos. Yeah. They're mercs. You know how this shit works. I want my fucking money. And just and sean connery's just a badass dude you just you love him frankly i think you're a fucking lunatic yeah right after he quotes oscar wilde yeah chris you're up oh it sucks because you i really wanted a 90s action
Starting point is 00:24:19 movie in there and i don't think i'm gonna get one Oh, maybe I can do that later. I'm going to go with a Sword and Sandals movie. Gladiator. Fuck. Oh, dude. Fuck. Fuck. I mean, I remember we walked into, we saw a movie and then walked into Gladiator because we were too young to get into rated R movies by ourselves.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Watch this, walked in, it was a chariot fight and watch that watch the whole watch the rest of the movie and then went home like mom you gotta take us to gladiator tomorrow and we just went straight back it has so many memorable fight scenes the the tiger fight is like amazing when he just runs through the gauntlet and there's like 12 dudes and he just and it ends with him chopping off the guy's head and yelling, are you not entertained? Great bad guy. There's just, all the action scenes are amazing. What's your favorite? For a long time it was a chariot fight,
Starting point is 00:25:15 but I think I'd go tiger fight. Above Battle of Carthage? It's tough because when a person gets cut in half, the lady goes, ah! And Joaquin Phoenix's reactions to the blood and then when he gets tossed a sword and the music comes in
Starting point is 00:25:30 and he's and then it's kind of like we have a better chance of surviving if we stick together when the one guy was like soloing it hearkening and he gets shot in the leg it's probably the beast I go back because it's also like the fight with the tiger guy when he when he flips to his left hand you
Starting point is 00:25:51 know what i mean and he switches up stances or even when he's when he's on the ground you know the sorry the accent of the toe and then throw in the shield into the guy's face it's just so cool and then he lets him live. And it's a good movie. It's got a lot of heart and it's smart. It's poignant. You've got to have Ridley Scott if you're doing action. I mean, you have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:11 You were going to take that one, huh? 100%. 100% my next pick. Yeah, I was really excited to take that from Strider. So you were going to take The Rock over Gladiator? I was going to take The Rock over... I like The Rock more than gladiator probably the two movies i've seen the most in my life are those two movies or one of the two that
Starting point is 00:26:30 you're gonna pick now well i was just one more part from the gladiators the first guy at the gate at the like first fight with the spike ball just right first guy out of the gate just smacked in the face and he steps back and they got if you're scared you die yeah it's like that's the lesson and the guy he's handcuffed to like that guy dies and he just chops off his hand and the fact that he puts the earth in his hands too so what a great move dude yeah i do that before playing touch football just fucking the fact that russell crowe's spanish yeah right this is a scar not gentle yeah well What do you say to your wife? Let's not be a business.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, he gets down. Dude's amazing. Strider, what's your picks? My pick? You guys can probably guess it. I gotta go safe and private ride. Dude, I was gonna maybe do it. Yeah, it's on my list.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I got you. And you're a World War II guy. Love World War II. I'm picking with my heart here. But honestly, like dude it's it's fucking spielberg let's go the entire d-day sequence the handheld stuff him getting gritty he's like breaking outside of his own shell which is a little bit revolutionary for him directorially uh in an amazing story earn it you know the sacrifice earn the sacrifice beautiful message
Starting point is 00:27:42 um and it has just straight up some of the best fucking action sequences like just as a straightforward action movie so good the sound mixing everything the sniper fucking foobar fucked up beyond all reason amazing cast dude vin diesel crushes it you know we know we love him from fast and furious umious. I think it was, was this before Fast and the Furious, right? Yeah. This was the 98, I think. Yeah. They said Vin Diesel was giving Spielberg directing tips on set.
Starting point is 00:28:12 No, he's stepping outside his lane like that? Yeah. Hilarious, dude. We also got to give credit to Vin Diesel. Great message that he sent to The Rock the other day on Instagram. Dude. Way to bury the hatchet and look for resolution. Hilarious, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Amazing. Little brother Dwayne. Amazing. Little brother.wayne. Amazing. Little Brother. Hey, Little Brother. Amazing. But, okay, so that's just like a fucking straightforward, maybe my pinnacle. It wasn't my number two.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It was my number two, and I really wanted to be my number one, but I had to pick T2 Judgment Day because of how revolutionary it was and influential. My number three pick. You got to have a fun fucking action movie. You got to have a fucking movie you can put on at any time and play in the background.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Con, motherfucking air, dude. Dude, yeah. I was hoping you would do that. It's going to be fun. Can we hear your impersonation? Put the money down. Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree because this cowboy's coming home.
Starting point is 00:29:05 He's coming home for good. Dear Casey, those pink puffballs you've sent me have made me quite popular. My birthday is July 14th. My daddy comes home on July 14th. I mean, dude, the legend building they do of each criminal, it's a celebration of criminality. It dives into all the six sex of our
Starting point is 00:29:25 society this obsession we have with the insane um it's got just got great acting amazing sequences incredible one-liners and a fucking fantastic villain in john malkovich yeah cyrus the virus fucking throwing a cigarette and he goes the way he enunciates sigh. The way he enunciates his words. The way he enunciates his words. I said words wrong. I wish that was intentional. That would be hilarious. Yeah. The last thing your little daughter will smell is my stinking, rotting breath.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Dude, amazing line. When he's talking to Johnny Trejo, Johnny 26, Johnny 600, if they knew the truth. He goes, I equate you to that white foam that goes around the surface of your mouth when you're really thirsty you disgust me so he despises the rapist but he knows that he has a goal so you're like this guy's got code he has honor he has a he's a mission yeah he has he has like a hierarchy of criminality and and he's a mastermind so everyone else is kind of behind him also i think of all the movies we've picked, and I think this is good for an action movie. It's the most ludicrous of all the ones we've,
Starting point is 00:30:29 like The Rock is ludicrous, but like Con Air is all not good. Like first that he goes to jail for defending his wife in a bar brawl. It's like, he would not. And then in the end, when John Cusack's like, are you hearing me?
Starting point is 00:30:42 To like Cole Meany's character about not shooting it down. So they let the plane get to Las Vegas. Yeah, dude. Kill 2,000 civilians or something like that. And we were in Vegas. And if you've been to Vegas, the airport is literally right next to the strip. Yeah. Like they could have made it to the airport.
Starting point is 00:31:00 They would have made it. Yeah. Yeah. Makes no sense, dude. You're wrong. Probably the most used gif of all time, too, is Nicolas Cage running from the fire. Amazing. One of my favorite scenes of all time.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. What does he say? Well, this ain't exactly my ties and yachts, but let's do it. Oh, dude. There's so many. It's your barbecue and it smells good. And what he says to his best friend who's got diabetes before he saves himself. Baby-o.
Starting point is 00:31:24 All I can think is that God doesn't exist. He goes, I'm going to show you God does exist. good and what he says to his best friend he's got diabetes before he saves him baby oh all i can think is that god doesn't exist he goes i'm gonna show you god does exist dude it's so fucking it's also and then he's walking and then a guy shoots him in the arm and all he does is go it's amazing and dude all the nicknames that they have are so fucking incredible billy bedlam cyrus uh oh dude garland green i mean come on steve buscemi so good about malkovich he doesn't like the rapist but he likes the cannibal because he's like i love your work yeah yeah because he knows that he has a code even though it's not his code but he's like you have principle yeah or you have
Starting point is 00:31:59 style you'll wear a girl's face for three states yeah that weird scene there's some weird scenes in there too dude yeah some troubling scenes in the in the drain pool nothing good ever happened in a drain pool i think we can all agree to that actually that's not true dog bowl dropping in that's fucking sick as hell i take it back immediately but she survives he doesn't do anything that's true chris i'm really torn my pick might come back to me baby i. I'm going to go Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Smart, smart, smart, smart. First, I'll talk a lot of really cool fight scenes,
Starting point is 00:32:33 one of which won Best Fight at the MTV Movie Awards, which is when Zhang Zi's character fights a whole bar of people after she disrespects some dudes, and she just jacks them all up. She's armed with the Green Destiny, a super badass sword. And she just beats everyone's butt. But that's not even the best fight in the movie. The best fight in the movie is when she fights Michelle Yao.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And it's just one-on-one. And she still has this Green Destiny. And it's Michelle Yao in her own training complex. She has to use five different weapons because this sword eventually just cuts through everything. At one point, she just grabs just a big-ass bar and just fights with that. And it's the fight scene that I find myself YouTubing the most. I think it's so awesome. And the whole movie is just really beautiful
Starting point is 00:33:27 it's super long and just people get like throwing stars thrown into their face and die it's gnarly you know what i mean you also have like it's just super cool i remember and it was a movie when i saw it i like it like blew my mind I remember how much it impacted you yeah like I came home and I was like I've never seen anything like that yeah
Starting point is 00:33:48 like when they're running on the bamboo trees you're like dude this is incredible I was just watching like what is this my favorite fight scene is when she fights
Starting point is 00:33:53 her boyfriend that's a good one and it's because it's cute yeah and then they end up hooking up in the desert let's go dude yeah
Starting point is 00:34:00 and there's a nice you know he's before that it's like foreplay of her trying to shoot him with arrows while he's just dodging them and they're both on horseback nice dude i think you guys kind of fucked up dude my pick came back to me what do you got it's i mean i don't even want to pick it but it's the greatest action movie in history die hard oh fuck that was mine it's great i mean because here's the perfect film here's why i think
Starting point is 00:34:23 die hard is the best of all time. The action's not the best, right? It's not on the same level of creativity as Michael Mann or Sam Private Ryan or Crouching Tiger. Or The Matrix. Those movies define new action choreography. This one doesn't have that. This one's more like... It's foundational. It's more basic.
Starting point is 00:34:43 But for me, it's the best because it has the best protagonist mclean john mclean and it has the best villain hans gruber it's great like cool euro trash thief pretending to be a terrorist and then just the most annoying like just like rocking your shoe just not quite like full badass but just like just american grit dude just every man he makes you believe you can yeah he's not he's not jacked like the other guys but he still looks good he still wants to sleep with him he's still wearing a beater my favorite line is the blonde henchman who's great when he comes back and he starts trashing shit and then his ex wife's like john's still alive and how do like, how do you know? Only John can piss someone off that much. So good, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You also have the Ellis character who's so funny. Bubby. Oh, yeah, Hans. Bubby. Yeah. And then the watcher. Yeah. And then Winslow at the end, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Frickin' great character. And one of the best lines of all time. Oh, yeah. Yippee-ki-yay. Yippee-ki-yay. And great one-liners. That's it. We haven't got into one-liners yet yeah that one's got some great one the rocks i got some good one-liners on mine right now yeah i'm feeling strong in the one-liner it's a great pick it's a great pick it's something that i did debate putting as my first pick because
Starting point is 00:35:57 it's foundational and this is me i'm trying to pander to the uh stokers right now listening of jt's pick is very strong right here but you you have to go T2, Judgment Day. I'm getting the three hole, baby. The three hole is solid. Do you like, because I do, Die Hard with a Vengeance more? I do like that more as a movie. I do. But also that's because we saw it first.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Right. I saw Die Hard with a Vengeance when I was like six. Die Hard with a Vengeance is sick. If you pick that, that's a sick pick. And if I was going more personal i would but i just think diehard's like because it's like how do you top diehard it's like put sam jackson in it and if we would have seen the first diehard first i think we would probably like it more but i think so yeah i think because when we saw diehard with a vengeance like we were like eight and six i think it just it is i don't know though that's just my speculation on it yeah it was a simon says right they just wrote a script called simon says we're like throw john
Starting point is 00:36:50 mcclain in it well i do love it the stuff where they're solving the riddles is exciting and i do like the racial tension with samuel l jackson yeah those scenes are great and it adds like a real because that john mcclain character would be kind of ignorant in that department so it added a nice charge there yeah but he called me jesus i look puerto rican you yeah i said hey so he said hey zeus like i'll throw a lightning bolt up your ass motherfucker yeah samuel's the best um yeah maybe i have and jeremy jeremy irons is an amazing villain he's very good yeah yeah just he's related to hans gruber it's his brother that's right but you guys are gonna make everybody not vote for diehard now on my list.
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's what I was trying to do. Enough slandering Die Hard. No, I support Die Hard. Just money in the waters. I just got to mention the other hot villain. What's her name? Oh. Jeremy Irons is like.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Oh, the hot lady who's good with a knife? Yeah. I didn't even know her name. Dude, yeah. She's a smoke. Yeah, because she knifes that one guy and won't stop slicing him. And then blood's everywhere. And Jeremy Irons catches the knife and he's got blood on him i think he's dead my dear yeah dude and she's just like i kind of want to keep stabbing this guy
Starting point is 00:37:53 yeah all right it's gonna be tough guys we're coming down in the i mean with action moves i could have done like 10 bro there's so fucking many dude we could go for another round if we want yeah maybe we'll do yeah we'll do it we'll do it we'll do a fifth let's do a fifth let's do a fifth chad what do you got do i have two or one you get two yeah because we're gonna do five so you're finishing your list but you get two here don't fuck up like you did with the dark knight i'm kidding dude i'm just that's everyone's dude i'm razzing you dude it's a great movie it's on every fucking list dude it's sick as fuck dude when i saw it dude in the theaters i popped wood for real what are we talking about dark night it's a sick movie dude no you're doing good you're doing a good job of undermining everybody else's list that's what i'm doing you really let
Starting point is 00:38:33 my brother off the hook with crouching tiger i'm being demented no but i really do i respect okay okay okay um all right uh i think raiders of the lost ark nice dude good third pick let's go bro raiders of the lost ark indiana jones you gotta throw indiana jones in there you gotta get harrison ford in there i was like i was like do i do fugitive or rays of the lost ark i think i think i probably enjoy fugitive more but i think raiders of the lost ark is more iconic and and just uh set the stage for that dankness to be honest i don't remember a lot of it so i can't really recount so much but i'm like yeah dude and she crushes it in that such a good villain so hot i only go for movies with hot villains sort of like my list just hot blonde actresses um i uh and then my fourth
Starting point is 00:39:35 so what are your three right now so dark night matrix raise Ark. So you've got a sci-fi, you've got a historical, you've got a superhero. Chad, I don't want to create too much beef with you, but wouldn't you agree that Last Crusade is sicker than Raiders of the Lost Ark? That is true. And it's got Sean Connery in it. It's the same thing with that. I saw Last Crusade first, and how do you make Raiders better? You add Sean Connery.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Can I change my pick? Dude, when they go to Petroville I don't do this to your list. You can't because my list is so sick. Can I change my diehard pick to diehard with a pick? Or can I change it to Last Crusade? If we let Chad do that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Aaron's like no shot. shot all right i respect it what's the what's the what's the fourth uh oh yeah the one with shia labeouf oh the crystal skull yeah that's my pick no it's not i'm just kidding um did that south park episode they made up it's amazing the pinball um all right this is tough right all right i'm just gonna another movie i love to watch all the time casino royale no good pick i think it's my favorite bond movie so sick daniel craig got to be my favorite bond got to pay homage to him he just completed his run and uh it's very rewatchable i mean dude the the parkour you're not into it no i was doing him busting through the wall during the
Starting point is 00:41:10 when the guy goes to the little slit in it and he just and you're like what is he gonna do and then he just busts through the drywall yeah that's what i was doing but i didn't have enough room to really fully run through a wall yeah the poker when he gets poisoned and then the i mean the the speedo scene is like yeah bro when he walks out dude that's the thing coming off those the pierce brosnan ones which started sick and then got progressively like more childlike and kind of pussy ass yeah and then first scene daniel craig's busting through walls yeah and at the end of it just shoots a guy in the fucking head yeah yeah and then you're like oh man i'm in it now this is new bond and then when you see him jacked i remember golfing the next day with my uncle and my dad and my uncle was like you guys
Starting point is 00:41:48 see dino craig's body in that movie like dudes were hyped man dude and he and he because he he totally he he's that perfect blend of like he has that sort of like that sexiness or that charisma that bond should have but he also has the like sturdy capability where you totally believe that he's capable of all this shit because they give him the right backstory where like yeah oh you went to oxford but like you were there off somebody else like paid for it because you were like you you were like an orphan so he's like rough and tumble but also like wants to be fancy and does all the fancy stuff but then he just also just punches the shit out of people yeah and the torture scene oh the torch oh the balls yeah he's getting just punches the shit out of people. And the torture scene. Oh, the balls, dude. Yeah, he's just getting hit in the balls.
Starting point is 00:42:27 When he starts laughing, dude. One thing I'll say, though, on the neg side, the negative side, I don't know if, is it Le Chiffre? Is that the bad guy? You're not a fan? I thought it wasn't Mads Mikkelsen's fault. I thought they didn't make the character, because he's playing scared the whole time.
Starting point is 00:42:43 You know what I mean? He's kind of on the run. He's on the run, so he doesn't scared the whole time right you know what i mean he's on the run so he doesn't have like the kind of the heft that i want from my my principal baddie like javier bardem and skyfall is probably a better villain better villain for sure when he's like when he's but then the torture scene where he's like people get too complicated with this thing it's just really about inflicting more pain than a person can take yeah you know i i hear you because like crying blood it's not exactly like like, it's menacing, but also
Starting point is 00:43:07 kind of makes him look weak. Yeah. And, like, when they come to kill his lady, and he, like... Just doesn't say anything. He's just, he's kind of a coward. Yeah. Yeah. Also, he sweats too much.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Right. He's a banker. Yeah. But just for, like, really bad people. Yeah. So he's bad, but he's not, like, dangerous. And the way he sweats, where you just sort of like you're too you're too wet dude yeah you know i thought it was a whack all right with my with
Starting point is 00:43:32 my pick i'm going billy zane and the phantom no i'm kidding i'm going uh where am I going? I can't believe that this one hasn't been picked. Interesting. I'm sure it's on our list. Are you thinking like... Well, so here's my thing. I got... I know what he's thinking, dude. He's thinking.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I know what he's thinking. I have an Oscar caliber action movie. I have a Bay action movie. I have... All mine are pretty grounded and all pretty modern. Think about your list. How are you going to round it out, Ben? So I can go two directions, I think. I modern think about your list how are you going to round it out best
Starting point is 00:44:05 so I can go two directions I think I can go sci-fi do you have a sci-fi yet no what's your list I got Heat The Rock Die Hard okay yeah
Starting point is 00:44:14 you might need something these are very straight ahead I think I would but you know I'm a straight ahead guy I'm not a big sci-fi guy I don't you don't love sci-fi
Starting point is 00:44:21 you didn't even like Dune I love Dune my favorite sci-fi movie is like Serenity that's like a western and dude I might put it at the four hole but it just doesn't I don't... Yeah, you don't love sci-fi. You didn't even like Dune. I love Dune. My favorite sci-fi movie is like Serenity. It's a great movie. That's like a western. It's fun. And dude, I might put it at the four-hole, but it just doesn't...
Starting point is 00:44:30 I'm trying to win this draft too, you know what I mean? If I put Serenity down there, I might as well just fucking... Nah, you're done, dude. Shoot myself in the fucking head. Well, there's a better... Maybe I'll pick. All right. Well, so this is tough.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, Space Cowboy movie. The Clint Eastwood one? No, no, no, no. I'm saying like the archetype space cowboys and daniel craig is he in that one space cowboy yeah or no no no cowboys and aliens sorry sorry sorry yeah okay yeah the fucking what's the movie like the old dudes go to space yeah it's like tommy lee jones and like uh clint eastwood donald sutherland definitely yeah am i going am i going the mummy that's the question bro it's a good movie
Starting point is 00:45:05 good bad guy good bad guy so good dude um all right you know what blood diamond no i thought i thought about i know dude if i was gonna go ed zwick i'd go last samurai yeah that's a dope bro so sick sword fighting Aaron is sick i got two that's the thing i don't have a sword fighter so ah man i gotta do it hopefully we do a fifth pick we're doing a we're doing a fifth bro okay my number four yeah let's go we're doing 20 let's do my number four i gotta do it i gotta do it braveheart oh it's a great movie bro yeah you did nothing wrong in my book i gotta go braveheart Braveheart. I think incredible protagonist, great villain, long shanks, as evil as they come. Who is this man who speaks to me?
Starting point is 00:45:54 Before he kills his son's lover and chucks him out a window. Just a real sick puppy. Also, none of my movies have the sadomasochism that you can only get from Mel. Yes. Yes. The action choreography is insane. It's got huge scale. Like when they put up the sticks on the charging army,
Starting point is 00:46:13 probably the most emotional of all the ones I have too, like genuinely moving movie. Yeah. Also has one of the biggest fuck ups in any action movie. It's that there's this scene happening during the battle. And in the background, two extras are swinging like sticks at each other. And they're like barely hitting you're like oh man they didn't have another only on 30th watch do you recognize that yeah we're all seeing it which i've seen and
Starting point is 00:46:34 that's another thing i watched the movie if it's ever on i watch yes i have to watch it um he's an avenging hero you know they hurt his lady he would would not share her with the feudal lords. You know, it's hard not to root for Willie Wallace. He's just a beast. Yeah, so I'm going Braveheart. But I want another pick, dude. I could go all day. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:54 The thing about Braveheart and Heat, you put those movies on at any point, and you end up watching the whole thing. Correct. And they're like nine hours. Even on TNT. Exactly. Like your commercial breaks, let's go. Three of my movies are
Starting point is 00:47:05 also like from like the 92 to like 97 range because i guess that's when i was that's a sweet spot it was a foundational time dude they're better i mean everything after that was marvel and shit yeah yeah dude no marvel yeah yeah that's one that my list is lacking is an epic war movie yeah yeah but dark knight's epic though dark knight is epic But Dark Knight's epic, though. Dark Knight's epic. Dark Knight is epic, yeah. Yeah, Dark Knight's a good pick. I'm like, my list is going to be kind of unbalanced. What's your list so far? So I have Mad Max Fury Road, Gladiator, Crouching Tiger, and I'm going Fast Five. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Wait, there's some stuff that's going to get left off the board here, though. So I have two car movies and I have two sword fight movies that it feels a little weird the one's heist heist heist yeah but like Fast Five that was like I watched that whole movie in theaters just like just shoveling popcorn down
Starting point is 00:47:58 literally on the edge of my seat cause I was having so much fun it was one of the best theater going experiences of my life yeah and they like throw in some hand to hand combat. There's like driving off the bridge early or off just a cliff. You know what I mean? That whole scene. The title sequence hits so hard.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Oh, yeah. The bus. Yeah. Everything falls off. Or yeah, the bus is flipping over and then it just goes fast five and I was like this is already such a cool movie
Starting point is 00:48:28 it's where they it's like it's like the coolest that The Rock's ever been in a movie because it's like he has edge in it you know
Starting point is 00:48:35 like his first he's just so wet the whole movie which is smart a lot of oil on his butt yeah so much oil and then like his first scene he's just taught
Starting point is 00:48:43 it's like a walk and talk and like anything else and he goes yeah stay the fuck out of my way like that's how you meet this guy it's amazing yeah and then the two of them dragon paul and vin dragon the safe like driving in tandem so cool good idea yeah they put so that safe they had like a dude was driving that whoa it had wheels on the bottom there was a guy in there who was no way who was driving that. Whoa. Like it had wheels on the bottom. There was a guy in there who was driving it. That's how they did it. That's amazing, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:08 That guy's amazing. Dude, that guy needs to be on the podcast. They should make a movie about that. Yes. Also like The Rock and Vin, their fight is awesome. They go through like six walls, you know, and then it ends with him grabbing a wrench and not, you know, smashing into his face.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Because Jordana says, Vin, no, don't. Yeah, right as he picks it up. And. Because Jordana says, Vin, no dong. Yeah, right as he picks it up and he looks up and he's like about to cry and he's so, but then they cut and you see that like
Starting point is 00:49:32 he didn't smash him in the face with it. Because, you know, he's not that person anymore even though he tapped into it for a sec. He was able to,
Starting point is 00:49:40 it's really good. We only respect someone if they have a capacity for violence, but we only respect them if they can keep it in check. And then the thing is fast five, the face of this is Brazil.
Starting point is 00:49:50 This is Brazil. And then like the final thing where he's just, he's got, he's the only one driving the safe and then he just flips it, just takes out like six cars and there's so much like mayhem. It's awesome. It's fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Strider. All right awesome. It's fun. Yeah. Strider. All right. We're doing five. Let's see how we feel after four. Okay. So I'll stick true to my fourth because if I get my fifth, I think I have the fucking sickest. I have the sickest fucking movie ever.
Starting point is 00:50:19 But to round out my fourth and to try to make Aaron jizz, I will pick a movie called Unforgiven. That's not an action movie! Yes, it is. No, it's not! No, no, no. And I was going to preface this with saying... What are we doing? I was going to preface this with saying I'm deconstructing or I'm risking a J-Lo pick here.
Starting point is 00:50:38 But because Unforgiven is a deconstruction of the gunslinging that happens in western films I think it belongs on this action list Aaron are you jizzing? No we're bored from your essay So it's an essay pick and it could tank my list but because it's not an action What's your favorite action scene in this action movie?
Starting point is 00:51:00 The bar shootout at the end when he says everyone goes clearing out the back The one scene of it come so it really harkens to the realism the genre it harkens to the realism of gunplay and i do like that you mean insofar as that it happens rarely yeah exactly exactly and especially in the west well that's when you read all these accounts of all these and they have the guy following them around trying to get his legend i mean look i want to go to stone i want to do some age of innocence or dangerous liaison because they're emotionally violent look look look i opened myself i opened myself up here to take flack
Starting point is 00:51:37 and but but that was my list and so i'll stick by it yo if your movie but can i get my fifth hold on hold on if you're if your four main people in your movie are 80 plus, it's not an action movie. Bro, this was in 92 at one best picture. They're all 80 years old. It was in 92 at one best picture and Clint Eastwood was only like 78 at that time. No, it's an amazing film.
Starting point is 00:51:59 It's one of the best movies about death I've ever seen. And it's one of the most best morality stories I've ever seen. Gran Torino's an action movie. because it's because somebody gets shot in it and he pulls out a fake gun yeah yeah i mean i just i don't know man i just think you should you deviated too much from the genre all right you might be right if you would have gone with armageddon i would have been like that's a sick list oh wait so does it not count because it's not technically an action movie no i think you're stuck all right i should be stuck or you're
Starting point is 00:52:23 disqualified all right here's number five yeah i think you're disqualified all right strider i just want to say nice pick dude fuck dude if you gotta compare dark night in that it's like yeah you talk a lot of shit then you go unforgiving i'm like all right dude yeah dude but what does dark night have to say about death dude i don't know shit uh all right here's number five we're swinging back around county you guys open it up point break yeah nice we're back i think we're going to do four female director we're back it's a heist movie it's got amazing action sequences it has skydiving would have been a hell of a fourth pick well look i look and i said before i picked i said i'm sticking to my fourth because i think i'm getting the fifth if you really wanted to make the old judge jizz that would have been a good point would it really god yeah but you're still jizzing if we do five these are our honorable
Starting point is 00:53:12 mentions we're just no get the fuck out we're just doing four we're just doing four we're just doing all right keep cruising point break is a sick ass movie one of the best movies ever and it's it's a shame that you said unforgiven before it so we won't be able to expound on it but it was it's no point break was when i really hurt me to leave off i probably like i like it more than die hard yeah it's amazing it's an incredible and you got to have keanu i think he's the best action star of all time and you know you got to have him on the list bad guy's incredible you love bode you love bode more than anyone and that sequence in the house with the lawnmower that fight fucking Yeah, when they're running around he hurt his knee I'm an FBI agent I really should have picked it number four
Starting point is 00:53:54 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but you know what? I'm a dumbass I don't know. What do you think? I think we should just go for right? We're just wait. Hey guys guys guys Guys guys guys guys, guys. I'm down to go five. Guys, guys, guys, guys. Hans, Bubby. Chad already did five. We snaked back. We're doing five. No, he's only got four. Alright, Hans, Bubby, I'm wrong. Let's do five.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Dude, are you forgiving, dude? Yeah. I'm an idiot, but... We're doing five. Why did you... I want to write an essay and I want to pander to Aaron. But I pandered Ryan Aaron you had best
Starting point is 00:54:28 I totally turned on you yeah Aaron that's pretty demented dude it's pretty demented bro Chris go ahead I'm gonna go I'm forgetting it's a sick pick for the listeners
Starting point is 00:54:35 it's a sick pick these guys are all wrong it's a sick pick I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with The Fifth Element nice dude smart smart great pick great great it's my favorite movie for several years uh it's another it's just a great bruce willis vehicle he gets to be
Starting point is 00:54:55 you know it's like similar to the john mcclain character he's super badass he's even more badass in this but he's you know like wisecracking fun, but still has an everyman quality to him. He wears a tattered shirt for a significant portion of the movie, and he's wearing a tux to start, and then just gets progressively more shredded, which is pretty cool. Great villains. Gary Oldman playing Zorg. There's a great scene in it where he has a very cool gun
Starting point is 00:55:24 that he's showing off all the toys that it has, like a rocket launcher, a net launcher, a flamethrower. Tracker bullets. Tracker – tracers, yeah, for sure. And then like a nitrous cooling system that can freeze something. He really only uses a gun, but it's a great scene where he's just testing out a weapon which is so fun which I think is always nice when action movies have other scenes that aren't just straight action scenes but they feel really fun and action oriented and then it also just has
Starting point is 00:55:52 the scene where he goes in and negotiates and all he does is walk in and just shoot the leader in the head just looking around, anybody else want to negotiate? boom, just so fun I love the movie Chris Tucker's weird, the opera scene's weird too very weird like chris tucker's weird the opera scene's weird but i love that sequence the way it's intercut it's amazing yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:56:10 real personality with mila jovovich like destroying some aliens then you have the fun floating cab chase scene chris tucker's my favorite and he's amazing he's so funny he's dude his scenes used to make me horny he was so seductive dude the air when they're in that fucking plane and he's boning
Starting point is 00:56:29 the flight attendant yeah that's drill factory material yeah and then there's just the guy who pulls out like the juice for the plane and it's just
Starting point is 00:56:36 this big grain like tube of something and then it ends up being about love which is nice when they're boning at the end
Starting point is 00:56:44 in like the little tube yeah that's fire that's a great boning scene they leave the president on hold dude yeah that's a good one alright I got so I'm just going to give away what my options are right now no this is savage no you gotta just pick
Starting point is 00:56:59 you don't get to do this because that's Muddy in the Waters which Chris and I already did okay so here we go I have to go sci-fi I need a sci-fi. Respect, respect. My list right now is Heat, The Rock, Die Hard, Braveheart. It's a good list. It's solid. It's all chalk, but I'm going to go...
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'm just going to try and win. There's one still out there that... We know what you know. I know what it is. You know what it is. I think I know what it is and I think I'm going to hit it right here. And I'm just going chalk. I'm going Star Wars Return of the Jedi that's a great fucking movie
Starting point is 00:57:29 I love that movie for action purposes for action I think it has the best action smart I think it's I pissed Aaron come on
Starting point is 00:57:35 no I know what Aaron's movie is I know what his movie is I know what his movie is alright I'll tell you what my other options were later but yeah I'm going Star Wars Return of the Jedi it's a great pick
Starting point is 00:57:44 it's awesome The Force Moon of Endor, as far as action goes, greatest one there is. It kind of broke a lot, because in all the other movies, instead of one battle at the end, we need to have three. Yeah. Because you have the lightsaber fight, Endor, and the space battle, which I felt like actually
Starting point is 00:57:58 ended up hamstringing a lot of future Star Wars movies. Yeah, for sure. Chad, last pick of the whole thing. There's one franchise that we've left off that i'm considering oh i know what it is but mission impossible oh yeah but i'm not sure which one but then there's also another movie that i think is uh it's tough oh i know what you're thinking after this we can guess what he's thinking i don't think it's i know i know what you're thinking i have no idea what he's i know what he's thinking. After this, we can guess what he's thinking. I don't think it's that. I know what you're thinking. I think it's something else. I know what you're thinking.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I have no idea what he's thinking. I know what he's thinking. He's talked about it before. You've talked about it before on the podcast, right? We've all talked about it. Moneyball. I've talked too much about that.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah. He's even talked about it multiple times. I know what you're thinking. I think. Is it Kurt Russell movie or something? Oh, we have no Kurt Russell on here.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah. Oh, dude, yeah. We'll talk about it. I think I'm Kurt Russell movie or something oh we have no Kurt Russell on here yeah oh dude yeah that's we'll talk about I think I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with MI2
Starting point is 00:58:52 it's a great movie oh MI2 I knew we were gonna do MI2 cause the fucking opening sequence the rock climbing you can't
Starting point is 00:58:58 yeah and the motorcycle shit is sick the motorcycle's so sick John Woo are there doves in that one yeah oh yeah the flow
Starting point is 00:59:04 he has about a thousand. He has flow in there. Yes. When he does a cartwheel kick in slow-mo so that when he pops up, you just see his flow just like waving. Yeah. And then the knife to the eye.
Starting point is 00:59:17 It's like a millimeter away from his eye. And then the chimera. I mean, it's pretty gnarly stuff. 100%. Good supporting cast of you, Vin Rames being his dog. Yeah. Is that the one where he says, I think they put a hole in my Versace? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Yeah. Because he gets really fancy. That one, too, is like, I remember that summer, I got Taco Bell, watched that. It was pretty huge for me. It's nice. All right, so let's, Aaron, what was it? Or guess, guess what was it? It was Aliens. I think it's Top Gun. so let's aaron what was it or guess what was it it was aliens i think it's
Starting point is 00:59:45 top gun i almost went top gun top gun over star wars return of the jedi cruise no i was hard leaving tom cruise off my list right well that's everyone seemed to do it well yeah edge of tomorrow was a maybe for me i thought about that too yeah. You can't just say top five all the time. I know, I know. I thought about Edge of Tomorrow. It gets ranked on these. The Rolling Stone list was around. It said like Man from U.N.C.L.E., Atomic Blonde on it.
Starting point is 01:00:11 No, Man from U.N.C.L.E. Lucy. I like Man from U.N.C.L.E., but what is it doing there? Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. No, no, no, no. Did we pick anything that came out in the last five years? I almost did Hell or High Water.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Oh, Mad Max. Or Sicario. Mad Max was 2016? Sicario is a sick ass movie. Mad Max was like... 2017? I think it's older. It's probably like 10 years now.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I almost did No Country for Old Men. It's a great movie. Is that an action movie? That was way more action than I was predicting. I would definitely consider it an action movie? That was the thing. It was on the front. That was way more action than that. It's various. I would definitely consider it an action movie. I know you definitely an action movie for sure. The thing about Dark Knight is I think Inception is a better action movie.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Right. Bro, Inception is sick. Yeah, you're right. I almost did Inception. I was thinking about Inception. But then once you picked the Dark Knight, I didn't want to pick Inception. I just thought the villain, though, in Dark Knight is just so... That's a good point. Yeah, that's a great point.
Starting point is 01:01:08 None of us had any combat movies like Enter the Dragon or any Jean-Claude Van Damme kind of things. Or Steven Seagal. Ooh, Under Siege could have been on there. Or Executive Decision. Yeah, Executive Decision. So fucking good. Dude, with Kurt Russell. And the misdirect with Steven Seagal.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah, dude, yeah. And you know what movie i think has the best choreography for gunfights besides he is the town yeah i thought i was thinking i didn't think the town was gonna make it but it does a town sick also choreograph your gun for gunfighting and somewhat revolutionary john wick very yeah john wick's one of the one of the best theater experience of my life. And also, what was the other one? Two Towers has some amazing actions. Yeah, I know Lord of the Rings. I know, I know. Speed, too. Speed, bro. Speed was tough to leave off.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So good. But I like, like for, it was like Mad Max is like speed times a hundred. A billion. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, so of the three guys. That's a good point. Aaron, of the three guys who did action movie lists. Yeah, yes, yes, yes. Okay, so of the three guys... That's a good point. Aaron, of the three guys who did action movie lists...
Starting point is 01:02:07 Yeah, because I'm a man. You guys are guys. Oh, dude, the Bourne movies, too. Bourne Ultimatum, for me, is my favorite. It's tough between Ultimatum and Supremacy. Bro, you better not tank my list because of Unforgiven. The first one? I just like the first one, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Yeah, Identity. Look, Identity's pretty fucking cool, but... Unforgiven. A lot of people like... It's number four, a lot of people like it's number four all right it's number four aaron let's give you a quick refresher on our list before you make the ultimate judgment oh you're a beast dude all right here it's a beast no strider will you pass him the mic yep here we go we can just say the list after you pick. He doesn't need that anymore. Yeah. I might have to agree with that. Strider, always starting strong and blowing it late. Yeah, the J-Lo pick has officially become the unforgiven pick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Oh, my God. Dude, Aaron's tone there, bro. So damning. Bro, it's in the four slot. Think about that. Yeah, you're lucky they went to five. All right, well, consider all five. Consider all five.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I mean, you did win some points back with Point Break. Don't get me wrong. Chris, start out strong, too. Gladiator, as an action movie, is it better than Black Hawk Down? Yeah. Black Hawk Down is sick. As a total movie, it better than black hawk down yeah yeah black hawk down as a total movie it is i think that i think it's like the sword fights and all the action scenes in gladiator are 10 out
Starting point is 01:03:33 of 10 the thing black hawk down is really realistic yeah but the reason i like gladiator action scenes more is because the good the and black haw Hawk Down is more complicated about that as well. Yeah. But the protagonist is kicking more ass. Yeah, you don't really have any fun in any of the Black Hawk Down
Starting point is 01:03:49 action scenes. Yeah, it's more like American soldiers kind of getting pinned down and kind of fucked up. Yeah. Whereas like,
Starting point is 01:03:55 fist pumps, you know, like, let's fucking go Maximus. Like, you know. What about, is Gangs of New York
Starting point is 01:04:01 an action movie? Yeah. I could have gone with that. That's one of my favorite movies ever. I probably should have done that instead of Braveheart for the action and braveheart's so much better dude the action no the action in gangs is sick though yeah but it's still i just think it's cooler and yeah you're right you're right just him with that huge sword just lopping off a dude's head i think mel gibson also has the best war cry i've ever seen like when he's running down the screen with a sword,
Starting point is 01:04:25 you're like, this motherfucker could chop someone's head off. And then the speech is... And knowing what we know about him personally, it's like, he could, he could. Like the rousing speech that he gives, like that's part of what makes that like one of the best action movies. All right, so what are you thinking?
Starting point is 01:04:40 So, yeah. So I have that issue at Gladiator, but I think you're winning me over with that argument. Crouching Tiger is a weak pick. I don't know if it belonged at three. If it was your fourth, I get it. It's fine. He'd be laughed out of a frat for that pick.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Yeah. Except for like one guy. It's funny because once you went Crouching Tiger at three, I was like, no, no, no. Sorry. You you went crouching tiger at three i was like no no sorry what you went crouching tiger at three i was like then when you went fast five and then fifth element i was like okay no i have no guilt about not picking this one sorry oh i thought i thought you were gonna say that no it did not turn did not win me back it's just kind of completely went off the road.
Starting point is 01:05:26 Yeah, that was harsh. So. Stupid. I mean, if you can't guess by now, it's coming down to JT or Chad on this one. And it's really, it's tough. I'm glad Raiders of the Lost Ark made it because I was, again, that was another movie I was like, there's not going to be Indiana Jones on this at all like oh it should have been last crusade is last crusade a better action movie
Starting point is 01:05:53 it's a maybe a better movie because it's kind of a buddy film oh yeah the tank the tank the venice boat chase that's good but the best scene the best in that whole umbrella is not action the best not that mine doesn't have that either but the best scene in last crusade is he picked he chose paul yeah when he when he punches the guy out of the zeppelin no ticket great scene great scene and the airplane scene when sean connery works the fucking umbrella yeah i remember my charlamagne i don't remember the quote but heat the rock die hard brave heart star wars return yeah heat the rock die hard brave heart return of the jedi is strong yeah he should probably win return over empire though again empire is a better movie than return of jedi i i almost i
Starting point is 01:06:47 kind of disagree actually i've always been more of a return of the jedi guy but i think you like ewoks but i love ewoks they're adorable mama mama they say mama in english um and then but dude the action in return of the jedi because you're just waiting for Luke to be really skilled with the lightsaber. You come in on a Jabba the Hutt. You get Boba Fett. And then, is that the one with the speeders, too? Yes. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:07:16 And then the final fight scene with Darth is pretty sick, too. It's the best lightsaber fight in all the original trilogy, is that one. And then the space fight's amazing. Yeah, Lando Calrissian. Dude, I'm yeah you're taking out the Super Star Destroyer all the Endor stuff's cool
Starting point is 01:07:28 yeah you're you're swaying me for JT which is weird I think his list is the best he is my brother yeah that's true
Starting point is 01:07:36 we did watch all these movies together too right yeah yeah yeah and Jedi was the one that I watched the most we should we should probably
Starting point is 01:07:42 get one of Chad's brothers in here to back his play I don't know if they'd be as on board i don't even know what they would be thinking my brother bill would probably be like you're stupid uh i mean chad starts out strong dark knight which i love i i have no hate my heart for that pick thank you as your number one i might have gone matrix number one. Matrix was probably the strongest number two pick. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:08:11 But he was in a turn. It makes sense. He'd have the strongest. Yeah. Oh, that's true. He had the fifth pick. Yeah, he got to go back to back, which is nice. He could have flip-flopped those.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It'd make a little difference. But you got Raiders, Casino Royale, I'm not as huge a fan of. But I can't argue the opening sequence is amazing. MI2 I love, you know, for the flow. I think I got him. JT does have him, though. JT wins this one. I think you guys were pushing a little bit harder for, you know.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Yeah, I thought his was better. Guys, you know, i thought it was better so guys you know to come from the place i came from picking sean penn number one in the actor draft this is a huge coup yeah to now sitting in the pocket taking chad's suggestion on the rock uh that's what really oh because i didn't get a 90s action movie in there i should cheer against you because you gave him the idea for the one that... I bet you Chad still wins the Reddit. I was going to take Die Hard because I thought it would get picked. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And then it swung back to me. But you guys weren't feeling Die Hard? I'll have it noted you did not consider it the fifth picks. The fact that Die Hard made it to three. It is. It's a... Die Hard rules. I'm a big fan. It's the best Christmas movie ever. Best Christmas movie ever too. Amen. Amen. What's a... Die Hard is... Die Hard rules. I'm a big fan. It's the best Christmas movie ever. Best Christmas movie ever, too. Amen.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Amen. Shatter, you're... What's up? Probably going to go get a whiskey alone at the docks. Probably going to head down to the harbor. Do you know what my favorite action movie is? Order a three-finger whiskey and just... Mystic River.
Starting point is 01:09:44 What would you guys say is the movie you watch the most the rock the rock yeah or connor's gladiator or braveheart the patriot bro maybe in general oh ever yeah maybe like rock okay connor or the rock bad boys which didn't make it which i want to yeah bad boys is sick back to the future qualifying yeah that's that's an action movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely. I'm forgiving Pat. Does Armageddon, any of those disaster movies? Yeah, that counts. I think Back to the Future counts,
Starting point is 01:10:12 and if I was doing best movies ever, it would count, but on an action movie list, I would have to knock it down a little bit because I don't know if it has... It has a lot of thrills in it, but I don't know if it has enough testosterone, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:23 The only Marvel movie I would put on there is guardians because it has a lot of like fun set pieces that are different and it's not just people shooting blasts at each other iron man one is a sick movie i do i love avengers endgame too i if someone put that on there i mean that's a fucking skyscraper of a movie and it's got some good action in it but all the action marvel movies there's so many of them it all feels kind of repetitive that's why i like guardians because they actually feel different like the prison escape yeah feels there's not a there's actual problem solving in it it's not just like oh we got to fight this person and then you know eventually they win like there's like we need this to do this and same with even the final fight scene the first iron man that's probably the
Starting point is 01:11:06 marvel movie i've watched the most right because one of the best action scenes is just him flying dude exactly when he first starts flying through like santa maca pier and all that i mean it's yeah and he freezes and he doesn't he just and he's like free falling like it's so fun my favorite part too is when he gets the um he's like i need an american cheeseburger because i was living in spain at the time and i was craving an american cheeseburger. Because I was living in Spain at the time, and I was craving an American cheeseburger. So I would always watch that. And then I found a Burger King in Spain, and I got a cheeseburger,
Starting point is 01:11:32 and I sort of recreated that scene for myself. It was pretty epic. Dude, burgers are so dank. It is. I mean, there's no way Tony would have gotten Burger King, but he did get Burger King. No, I know, but I'm saying that was product placement that was oh right i was like but if it was real if this was real like yeah i don't think he'd be going what do you think he would have gotten
Starting point is 01:11:52 in and out well he is a california boy yeah or like he lives in california so he probably would have gotten in and out definitely not five guys yeah no no five guys playboys don't get five guys. Oh, yeah. What did we miss? No Predator. Predator's great. Yeah, I was thinking of Predator. No Inception. No Kill Bill. No Bourne movie. I thought about Kill Bill. No Startup, which is just a little indie movie, but it's sick as fuck. Startup is sick, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:18 It's a good movie. Last of the Mohicans. Eastern Promises is a sick-ass movie. Yeah. Probably not quite. Face Off? Not actually. Face Off is a sick ass movie. Yeah. Probably not quite. Face Off? Not actually enough. Face Off is a tough one.
Starting point is 01:12:27 You got a John Woo movie on there, which was huge. Yeah. Because he's in that category of like inventing an action style. John Wick? Yeah, that was tough. John Wick's huge. Dude, the Raid movies are... I thought you were going to do one of the Raid movies.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I thought you were going to do one of the Raid movies. I thought about it, but it's... They're both really good. Raid Redemption I probably like a little more um or wait sorry or ronan that's the chase scene ronan would have been a great movie yeah you don't like running the edge maybe a survival i thought about that too with the bear edge of tomorrow yeah it's great movie all right well so who do you think got second Chad and then who's third between Chad's two yeah and then who got third
Starting point is 01:13:07 between these guys I think of my whole list dude ooh Independence Day that's a fun that's a great movie dude that was a sick one
Starting point is 01:13:15 I think Strider did get did get three oh fuck Chris fuck Aaron really didn't like Crouching Tiger
Starting point is 01:13:23 but yeah my first two picks are amazing bro Fast Five or Fifth Element either andouching Tiger But yeah my first two picks are amazing And my first three My first three Come on bro Too many moves I try to get too heady with number With number four
Starting point is 01:13:37 Yeah that was really That might replace my Sean Penn pick Nah it's number four it's not number one dog Sean Penn At least Nah, it's number four. It's not number one, dog. You said Sean Penn. Number one, bro. At least he's an actor. He's an actor. Yeah, at least he fits the criterium.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Does someone get killed in Unforgiven with a gun? Yeah. Yeah, that's action. So in the bedroom. Someone gets killed with a gun. Nick Stahl's character gets killed by her abusive ex-boyfriend. And then he gets shot in the end. Two people die from guns.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Wait, wait, what is this? What is this? In the bedroom. This sad-ass fucking domestic drama. Wait, in Unfor and then he gets shot in the end. Two people die from guns. Wait, wait, what is this? In the bedroom. This sad-ass fucking domestic drama. Wait, in Unforgiven? No, in the bedroom. Oh, yeah. I don't even know what that is, dog. That's what I'm saying, because it's not an action movie. No, but Unforgiven is sick and it is an action movie. It is sick. I love Unforgiven.
Starting point is 01:14:20 My favorite Will Smith action movie is definitely Hitch. Because of the sick wave runner scene. You're not using your silver tongue to get out of this one, right i will murk the waters i will murk them here's the thing already lost chad good w done get the fuck out of here best shooting scene in a movie in a western though i'll say this best actions you know what quick in the dead's pretty dope but it's a little too cartoonish open range yes kevin. Dude, that final action scene is sick as... Like, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Robert Duvall, Kevin Costner. They fly when they get hit by bullets. Yeah. It's very cool. Tombstone, sick too, but not enough action thrills, I don't think. Well, because it's a lot of like
Starting point is 01:14:58 point, shoot, and then cut to somebody getting hit by a bullet, which is... It can work a lot lot but sometimes it just feels like. But very badass characters. Yeah great characters. Better than Wyatt Earp. It'd almost be like comparing Tombstone and Wyatt Earp
Starting point is 01:15:12 and Tombstone is better than Wyatt Earp. Yeah. I mean Huckleberry. Dude Doc Holliday's the man. I don't know. Do we have time to do cues or should we just do the other stuff? Oh no one mentioned Jurassic Park bro. Jurassic Park? You are done? Yeah. Okay cool. Is it cool if I take a leak real quick yeah oh jurassic park is sick that's a good one oh you know what else i didn't i almost said that was almost my sci-fi movie minority
Starting point is 01:15:32 report i thought about it too for a second i thought about that too that's a great fucking movie amazing and cool action all right let's uh let me get my laptop and then we'll do this we're also brought to you by the legends that manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends peeved for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because what am i thankful for this holiday season i'm thankful for pubes and the fact that i get to trim them and the fact that i can use manscape the lawnmower 4.0 and i can feel comfortable about how i'm treating my dink you know because I know I'm not going to cut my nuts and I know I'm going to make my dink look fresh. I mean, you can't really do much better than that.
Starting point is 01:16:11 That just fired me up. And you can get the Manscaped Performance Package 4.0 where they got, you know, the Lawn Mower 4.0, the Weed Whacker Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer, Crop Preserver, Ball Deodorant, Crop Reviver Toner, reviver toner performance boxer briefs travel bag the whole idea goes if you're looking for the perfect gift get this one because you need to get on the manscape train now 4000k led spotlight you want that on your nuts so get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. Be thankful this holiday season for the best gift of all from Manscaped. Your balls will thank you.
Starting point is 01:16:54 All right, let's do some cues. What up, Chad and GT? I'm preparing to propose to my dank GF soon. I need some help with a potential future issue. I don't have a true squad. I have a lot of friends, but the thing is I don't have any close friends that I would pick outside of two guys. My GF on the other hand has like seven to eight potential bridesmaids. I know things don't have to be even, but still worries me. Would love your advice. Thanks, Big D. Dude, I got a quick one off
Starting point is 01:17:17 the top. I would just ask some acquaintances to be your groomsmen. I think that's pretty hilarious. I think have your two best friends and then just some dudes that you're kind of close to. And then see how they react to getting asked as well. Like someone you've had like a good time with once, being, hey man, I decided you're one of my groomsmen.
Starting point is 01:17:34 And then I think once you pick them to be your groomsmen, there will be this like unconscious or maybe conscious desire from both sides to make it worthy of that. So then you guys will start kicking it all the time.
Starting point is 01:17:46 And then all of a sudden you do have some best buds. Yeah, dude. I mean, dude, planning a wedding, I'm like, bro, either of you have siblings, you throw them in there. Don't worry about it. Just be like, hey, all your friends that you want in your wedding, put all your friends in the wedding. I don't have that many great friends, but guess what?
Starting point is 01:18:02 That's a powerful thing, dude. It's like Doc Holliday is like, man, I got a million friends. I don't. Right. guess what? That's a powerful thing, dude. It's like Doc Holliday. He's like, man, I got a million friends. I don't. Right. You know? And that's fucking fine, dude. So don't even trip about it. Don't even stress about it.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It's going to be all good. Let the wedding planner worry about it. Get a wedding planner. I try to do without a wedding planner. They're the best. You need one. You need a decision maker. And so let them worry about it, dude.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Fucking recruit a dog, whatever it takes to make it look aesthetically okay. Walking down the aisle, you're fine, bro. That's kind of cool if he only has one person. That's even sicker. You know what? Cut your other friend out, dude. Yeah, just go one. But does that become a subtle commentary on how many bridesmaids the wife has?
Starting point is 01:18:40 Nah, nah, nah. Let her have fun. Everyone has their one. I think you got to tell her, bring that number down just a little bit because there's got to be tears so yeah yeah yeah does she does she really need eight because that's a big number that like the gap also have one of her bridesmaids just be the officiant you already knocked one off the list have her bring that number down if it could be like if it's different between like five and eight or like six and eight because there's got to be tears in there true bring it down and then if you have two and then even if
Starting point is 01:19:08 you ask a couple more who you're not super close with at least it's closer you know what i mean but like there are moves you can make just to bring the number down so it's not as big of a gap that you have to fill and you could also just put one of her friends on your side what's wrong with that totally Totally. Nothing crazy about that. I concur. All right. Greetings. Fathers of Stoke.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I'm a 21 year old Stoker who just graduated college a few months ago. Recently, I've been struggling with finding a happy medium between self-restraint and indulgent on nights when I don't go out or do something fun. I feel a sense of anxiousness that I might be missing out on some aspects of my early twenties, but when I do let go a bit, I feel guilty or that I might be doing something better for myself by staying in and not indulging to all my vices.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Do you think it's possible to find a way to balance the party side of me that just wants to let loose with the part of me that craves productivity and order? Or is it just part of the human condition to have to deal with these two sides that are fundamentally at odds with each other? Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Love the pod and the small dong activism. Keep up the stoke. Dude, that's the story of my life.'ve been struggling with that i i i've been struggling with that for like 10 years i um i don't know because i'll have bouts of sobriety and then i'll have bouts when i'm like drinking and stuff but i think with the nature of what we do for me at least it's performance and stuff uh you just have to for me i have to have my mind all there if i if i'm like hungover i can't uh i just know i can't you know reach my full potential with regards to performance and creativity so um it's sort of easy for me to to lean more towards
Starting point is 01:20:41 the side of sobriety but then not like you, whenever I am sober for a long time, I just have these intense cravings and desires to just blow it all off, blow off all the steam and just, you know, like we finished this thing on Thursday. I just got blacked out cause I hadn't been drunk in like a year. Um, and it was too much. And now I'm just caught in this sort of like debate.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I'm like, I don't, you know, am I, am I just not meant to party anymore i don't know because it makes me so sad not not that debate but just like the hangover makes me like intensely anxious and depressed and like takes away all joy for life so i'm like but then i just want to fucking rage i don't know so i don't know what to tell you dude but i'd go towards what gives you more long term i'd lean more towards the sobriety side and give you what keeps you i think if you want to if you really think about if you want to look back on these years and be like um uh know, what would you be more proud of?
Starting point is 01:21:46 What would yourself 10 years from now be more proud of? And I'd go with that. What do you guys think? I think you're in your 20s, dude. Go easy on yourself. You're going to be all right, dude. And I think we put ultimatums. Even, Chad, what you were just saying of like, oh, I'm partying.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Am I not meant to party anymore? It's like you're meant to party sometimes yeah you're not meant to party all times i think it's true too like you don't have to make especially if you're 21 and it doesn't sound like you've like done anything bad you're just like being hard on yourself which is good but like you don't have to make up your mind completely on these things like you can pick and choose and let it evolve organically i think maybe the thinking about it so hard you know what I mean, that's stressful too. So don't beat yourself up.
Starting point is 01:22:29 And the thing, if you're feeling FOMO because, oh, all the boys are going out, like I think like in college sometimes a lot of dudes would go out, but if you could just get one to hang back and like let's crush a couple episodes of Band of Brothers, you know? And maybe you have like, maybe you don't drink at all.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Maybe you have two beers. But that way you're, like, hanging out with one of your boys. You're doing something. And then it takes, you won't have as, you might still have a little bit of FOMO, but at least you're doing something with a friend that you're not going to feel too bad about it. You know what I mean? Like, oh, all the dudes are out there raging. And just also, like, I don't know, try having,
Starting point is 01:23:05 if you normally drink however many drinks, knock a couple off the top and just stop there. You'll probably have a good time. You'll still be chatty, have a little bit, but not have like, if you just do that a couple times where you just mix those in, like, oh, this is a night where I'm going to stay in or this is a night where I just drink a little less,
Starting point is 01:23:23 you might not, you'll just get used to it and you won't feel as bad like you're missing out on stuff yeah I guess I was I agree with that I was leaning more towards if his drinking is problematic which I'm not sure he alluded to I think he's just feeling guilty and your drinking is not a problem it just beats you up the next day
Starting point is 01:23:39 like you're very nice to be around oh thanks yeah you should just hangovers are a bust when I'm alone it getsovers are a bust. Yeah. Well, when I'm alone, it gets weird. Well, hey, man, dude. Hey, me and you both, dude. When you can't put, I always say, you're like a high-performing automobile.
Starting point is 01:23:56 You can't put bad gas in it. Oh, thanks. Yeah. But you know, once in a while, you're at the station, and you're just like, hey. I know. Yeah. If you're that hungover, you just got to reach out to somebody and be like, I need to have... Come over and watch TV
Starting point is 01:24:09 with me, please. I don't even know what to do. Bro, what you do is you text your boys. We bring over some breakfast burritos and we kick it, dude. Exactly. And we had a meeting the next day. I could not tell at all
Starting point is 01:24:24 that you were suffering. Oh, thanks. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just hurting myself, I guess. Yeah. You're a high operator. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 01:24:33 So is this guy. No, it happens. It's the fear cave, dude. You don't have to apologize. It's the fear cave, yeah. That's what hangovers are. I'm going to get to it in my beef of the week. Never apologize for your true feelings, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Oh, thanks. Just like I will never apologize for choosing Unforgiven. You don't have to apologize, but you just bloatly blew it. You best clear on all the back. You guys are supportive bros, and I appreciate that. You're our fucking dog, dude. Thank you. We're all going to do some blow after this pod.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aaron, you brought some, right? Yeah. Yes, Stokers, Chad JT, and anyone else. Listener from England here. The pod helps me get through the supermarket night shifts. Recently, my best mate Dan has found out that his girlfriend had nearly three years cheated on him with another one of the boys
Starting point is 01:25:16 on one occasion over a year ago. We've all decided to cut him from the friend group. However, it seems like Dan is going to forgive and get back with his GF after a short break because she has pretty much told him if it wasn't for him, she'd be in a really gnarly way emotionally or something along those lines. What advice should I give to my boy to end things with his cheating girlfriend despite the emotional blackmail as it would clearly be the best thing for him to do?
Starting point is 01:25:39 He's got to cut her loose. I was going to say originally, I was going to say i like that he's forgiving her it's empowering it's moving on it sounds like a one-off thing but the fact that she's saying no if you leave me i might do this or that and it's sort of um gaslighting him uh so he's got to get he's got to get out of this it's it's emotionally abusive but it's his friend right yeah that's the thing no no his girlfriend is saying no it's his friend this guy's Yeah, that's the thing. No, no, his girlfriend is saying that. No, it's his friend's girlfriend. But this guy's being on behalf of his boy who's getting back together with the girl. It's like he's removed one spot from it.
Starting point is 01:26:11 Oh, yeah. No, he's got to tell his friend to get out of that relationship. Yeah. I just don't know. But does that like... How? Yeah, it doesn't... You're not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:26:17 No, you tell him. You go, bro, she's emotionally abusing you. You can totally say that. And I've said that to friends. But I've noticed that most of the time people have to like run the course that they that they want you're right but like i do feel like if this dude wants to get back together with her he has something in him that feels like he needs to fix this or forgive her and it's hard to jar someone out of that way of thinking and if if
Starting point is 01:26:42 you're not that person yeah like i do agree with you i just don't know if it's gonna work yeah it won't work that's all you can do is give him that notion tell him that because he's already feeling it in that email i i guess i missed one one step removed but yeah everyone's got to make their own choices man you can just try to set yourself up with your friend up for the best success yeah maybe it's like uh like i'm only gonna say this once but this isn't right she's it's emotionally abusive it's not it's not a right way to have a relationship and i don't think you should get back together with her but i'll support you no matter what you do but that's just how i feel or something like i don't know yeah i like that no no it's probably yeah and you want to tell them yeah you want to tell them but those those are i've just got his mind made up it's tough it's really
Starting point is 01:27:29 hard yeah all right you guys ready for the next part chad who's your beef of the week dog my beef of the week is um sometimes i get into like a media rut like a consumption rut you know it's like podcasts i don't know what to listen to music i'm listening to the same shit over and over again tv there's like you were talking about this you know and sometimes yeah right now it's like when i'm in the car i'm like i'm like kind of like i don't know what to listen to and it bothers me you know because i like driving i like listening to shit but now i'm sort of like you know whenever i drive i'm like i'm listening the same deep house track like a hundred times uh i you know listen to rogan you know rogan guests only like get me like here and there and yeah i'm just sort of i'm in that rut although i did start
Starting point is 01:28:18 listening to smart list with jason bateman well or not and uh sean uh sean hayes thank you and and Sean Hayes. Thank you. And that's a sick podcast. But yeah, that always bothers me when I'm like, it's just when you get into that rut where you're like, I don't know what to consume entertainment-wise. I just don't want to drive with my thoughts. It sounds lame. It's tough, dude.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Yeah, it's my beef. Strider, what's your beef of the week do my beer for the week is with ketchup phone calls nice and maybe it's not part on me it takes two to tango but it's like dude if you're gonna be on the phone with me for more than 15 minutes what's going on what's going on i call you with-minute phone calls all the time. Yeah, but I love my dog. Oh, thanks, man. And the thing is, we're already caught up, but we're diving into stuff that we already have awareness of and talking about more in depth.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Right. But I'm talking about maybe siblings, maybe other people. Where it's like, dude, hey, so what's going on? Huh? I don it's like dude hey so so what's going on huh i don't know dude like what the fuck's what's going on like we'll see you when i'm gonna see you in a little bit and maybe this is me being a curmudgeon and a bit of a bad guy but i'm like dude i'm not about to do this over the phone i don't want to do this over the phone but i will say my savior has been the bluetooth in the car if i got a long drive boom boom and here's what i found out they're doing that to me when i'm not on a long drive and that's where my beef is so if
Starting point is 01:29:52 you're catching up with me on the phone and we're not both on a long drive you're fucking you don't do it you don't do it if we're both on a long drive if i'm in traffic 45 minutes plus 405 whatever what's going on what happened what'd you have for lunch i'll talk about it all god damn day yeah we're getting through this together if i'm at home on the computer or handling my own shit nah i ain't catching up with you if you if you're in your commute back home from work hey man just seeing what's going on and used to keep bringing up topics. What the fuck out of here, dude? Altruist, aggressive prosody. Yeah. Sometimes I got to go, hey man.
Starting point is 01:30:28 And it's this phrase that I don't like saying. I got to let you go. You know what I mean? Like, hey, got to let you go. Because it's such like a condescending. I hate that phrase. You could soften it to, I got to run. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:38 That's a better move. I got to run. Hey man, I got to run. But really, I don't. It's like, no, hey, I got to get back to my fucking life. No one ever has to run. Yeah. I'm going to hop off. Yeah, I'm going to hop off. Do that. Because it's like no hey I gotta get back to my fucking life I'm gonna hop off
Starting point is 01:30:45 yeah I'm gonna hop off and do that cause it's like like I'm done but it's so tough to do cause they're like yeah and then you know blah blah blah
Starting point is 01:30:52 and my co-worker said this to me and I'm like or you know sometimes this is what you can always tell when someone's stretching it too far
Starting point is 01:30:58 and I don't like silences but you'll let the silence happen after a little lull you know you're like oh yeah it was a crazy game like I don't know if you know Russ Westbrook's fitting in with the Lakers. And then silence. And they go, okay, so what else?
Starting point is 01:31:09 And then you're like, no. Bro, I love that you just said that. Literally, my dad's phrases will have long silences on the phone like this. And then my dad will go, so what else? Literally like that. It's a very dad move. So what else? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:26 And it's like something that only a dad gets away with but i'm like and you you feel that accountability to your dad and you got to search for something i don't know i got this on thursday that might be something of a meeting that i have and you're like i don't know there's nothing else dude right i just jacked off yeah sometimes you got him back with literally nothing yeah Yeah. Yeah. So that's it. Like all beef, part of it's with me, but mainly just only if you're going to do an unload catch up phone call, make sure the other person's on a road trip or something else. Cristobal. My beef is with Christmas before Thanksgiving. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Grove's already Christmassy. I don't like it. Strider was upset about this last Thanksgiving. Yeah. Grove's already Christmassy. I don't like it. Strider was upset about this last night. Yeah. It makes me upset every year. It never changes. Just wait. Just wait a couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Thanksgiving's right around the corner. It's the best. Let's just focus on that and then you can put up all the Christmas decorations you want nice uh my beef of the week is uh with how hammered i got at this wedding this past weekend i just uh was on a different level than everybody else i mean traditionally these people party pretty hard and uh i'm used to raging with them and i i just uh i missed the unspoken memo
Starting point is 01:32:46 and everybody else's energy i got wasted i think you know we were coming off a big long project i had some steam to burn off i had i was like a you know good citizen throughout i had a lot of ego a lot of ego cooking up i was coming at people full force i was looking to get intense with people with the conversation. And I was just looking for someone to match me. And I was bulldozing. And I woke up with just that pain. That pain.
Starting point is 01:33:21 You just wish you could take that men in black memory thing to everyone you talked to the night before. And then someone from the wedding uh woke up around the same time as me and i was outside and they just walked out they looked at me they went ha i just so bad wanted them to be like hey man you were great last night they just went ha and they kept walking oh that's horrible i was throwing out a lot of opinions on a lot of stuff like i was like yeah i think ben shapiro beat that guy's ass in that debate. I was like, you know, I do think that. But I was like, I don't need to be saying these things.
Starting point is 01:33:51 And yeah, it was just a lot. And I didn't even know who noticed or who was paying attention. But, you know, a couple of people got stuck in my crosshairs and they had to feel it. I feel bad for that um but yeah that's so to that kid who was drinking like you know if you stay home you avoid those things but i'm good for about two or three of those a year dude there's no worse feeling yeah and i never see him coming if you have to drive home too yeah it's the worst not drive home drunk you're talking about the next day yeah next day that's sunday especially you know long drive too huh you could i see photos of
Starting point is 01:34:30 myself from it and you can see in my eyes the demon yeah the demon came out yeah and uh yeah and you know i care what people think about me i want people to think i'm a a sweet considerate guy so when i act otherwise it's uh it beats me up a little bit so i'm still in the fear cave i'm still in the shame cave you know it happens to people but uh yeah i'll uh just try and be better you know i sent a few texts out being like whoa hey hey uh my bad uh i'm sure it's not as bad yeah yeah as as it yeah there wasn't any like there wasn't anything like it was like little social misdemeanors but it was uh it was uh i think people could just look at me and see that i was i was on a i was acting like i was on coke basically but i wasn't i was hammered well that's hard to I was on coke, basically, but I wasn't. I was fucking hammered.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Well, that's hard to do. So, that's impressive. That is. Yeah. And I don't think people really think about it. They never think about it as much as you. Okay, that's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:36 I'm sure they've forgotten about it already. I mean, no one really just sits around and stews on shit like that. I certainly don't. JT pinned the groom oh no no that's sick though that's sick there was a look in his eyes where i was like this guy wants to get double-legged yeah and then i took him down and i looked around and everyone was like nah that wasn't the energy at all you know where you from dude boston to get t-crapped
Starting point is 01:35:58 and then yeah you know and there was there was fun parts too but it was uh yeah you know after you vomit you should probably stop drinking it's a good good rule of thumb dude that's a good rule and i was just walking up to him like i threw up i'm going to get another shot rumpelmint do you want a shot you want a shot huh like you know what bartender let me get eight shots i'm like walking around just looking for people to you know i'm like basically what i'm Ruppelmint Do you want a shot? You want a shot, huh? You know what, bartender Let me get eight shots I'm like walking around Just looking for people to You know, I'm like
Starting point is 01:36:28 Basically what I'm doing Is I'm begging Please Come to where I'm at Most weddings It's fun Yeah, it's weird Like you have to get ice
Starting point is 01:36:35 Or something like that Like you need a You need like a drink neat And yeah And it was It was a great party otherwise It was super fun Everyone there's like awesome
Starting point is 01:36:43 But I was Flew too close to the sun. You were probably a footnote in most people's weekends. True. God willing, God willing. Yeah. From your mouth to God's ears. All right, Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Salma Hayek.
Starting point is 01:37:01 I've never done, I mean, I have, but I don't know how often I've done just like a classic babe. She's just a babe. I just wanted to give her a shout out. Salma Hayek, what up? She's all time. So far, dude. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Good actress. Great actress. Yeah, great actress, yeah. Mm-hmm. But I appreciate you because you were going for just a straight up babe yeah i was like i was like i was like she's my babe i saw her in like the poster for for eternals i was like she crushes she is awesome she's the leader oh she is nice fuck strider who's your babe i'm a baby the week's got me my freaking dank-ass fiance, dude.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Just fucking, dude. She's been really crushing it, dude. I mentioned on last pod, she sort of threw me a curveball about like, dude, let's do our wedding in San Diego and we're going to do Santa Barbara. But, dude, she's having fire ideas, dude. Putting together a registry and just really sort of being a general. So, just got to shout out to that, dude. That leadership capabilities that she has
Starting point is 01:38:05 and just absolutely having a beast mode in vision. And dude, you're a cool customer too because you understand it's like her day and so you're just trying to facilitate. Yeah, dude, that's how I view weddings. I'm like, dude, this is about the bride. Dude, I want her to have a freaking dank ass time. I'm a part of it, a key part of it it but i want to just be there and be sick and and honestly the only things that i
Starting point is 01:38:30 have are like i need my fucking bros to do to be there for this and she's been like for sure so that's all good other thing other than that it's like i don't know dude although she did want to have some vegan food served and we went and tried the vegan food spot and it was a little heavy so we might veer away from that heavy it's sat heavy i gotta tell you it's sat heavy we went to this vegan food or like have 100 plant-based menu at the wedding which is also bold i told her i go look like i don't know about that i'm like i eat steak i look forward to a nice steak at a wedding like i kind of like that i'd push back on that. I know. I kind of want to push back. And so I'm like,
Starting point is 01:39:07 and I did push back. In fact, she was ready to put down the down payment on the spot. And I'm like, hold up. Let's wait and try the food because they were getting a new chef. And they did. And we tried it and it was pretty dank.
Starting point is 01:39:17 But we both ate it and we're like, dude, I don't know if people are going to rage after this. They're going to want to like sleep. You might have a gassy wedding party. 100%. What were the options? Dude, it's like bar food because it's at a brewery in modern times.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Oh, God. And so it's like one of them is like a buffalo chicken thing and like a slider. Buffalo cauliflower? Yeah, yeah. Buffalo cauliflower. Exactly. It's a classic combo. And it's dank.
Starting point is 01:39:40 It tastes good. But you eat it and it's like a lot of breads. And then it's beer and wine. And you're like. A lot of people holding in farts. lot of farts a lot of farts dude it's hard to dance when that's what's going down yeah you can't be farting on the d floor dude that's gonna clear it out yeah i like catering to the minority too in terms of the dietary uh options because i think there's something kind of like you know it gives, it gives it an identity to your, to your, your proceedings. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:40:05 But none of us are going to be eating good. Yeah. I guess I'll bring a sandwich. But you know what? But your lady will be, your lady will be stoked. Yeah. We'll all take off and go get some subs. There's a lot of dank stuff around, but it's like, what do you do at a wedding?
Starting point is 01:40:19 You get people hammered and you feed them and then you dance. What are you doing? Chris, who's your baby of the week? Uh, my baby's got to be my dank ass fiance. Oh, let's go you dance. That's what you're doing. Chris, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's got to be my dank-ass fiance. Oh, let's go, dude. Let's go, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Yeah, we got married in 12 days. Yeah. Hell yeah, dude. That's sick. And you dudes are going to be there. I'm fucking pumped.
Starting point is 01:40:42 It's going to be the best. I can't wait to see her in her dress. It's sitting in the closet down the hall. I haven't looked at it. That's what I'm fucking pumped. It's going to be the best. I can't wait to see her in her dress. It's sitting in the closet down the hall. I haven't looked at it. That's what I'm saying. Okay, good. Dude, my fiance keeps trying to show me dresses. She's like, hey, how do you think I look in this? And I go, don't show
Starting point is 01:40:55 me. That's what friends and family are for. You show it to the ladies in your life. Bro, exactly. I'm like, I want to be surprised. My cuteness meter is about to explode. I am going to see her before the wedding because we're going to do pictures, of course. Because I don't want, when cocktail hour's a long time,
Starting point is 01:41:12 it's because they're doing a fuckload of photos after the wedding. We're going to be in and out so that we can get to Michael Mann precision. Yeah, exactly. So I will see her before, but also it's like an hour before the wedding is different than I don't want to see it now.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Exactly, bro. And you're going to get that first, the photographer's going to snipe you, bro. The first look, you do it. They cover your eyes and they take photos of it. It's going to be great. My baby of the week is from my past, from another wedding where I pitched a better game but uh i uh i was at this wedding and i ended up uh uh like making out with this gal and we were having a great time and she had brought a plus one it was this dude you know what i mean and i was like oh you guys to go she's
Starting point is 01:42:00 like no she's my friend and i was like really okay it was you know i kind of couldn't make heads or tails of it um i was staying somewhere else and we were at we were at the place where she was staying and then um i go back to her room and she's got her friend and her boyfriend on the other bed and then it's me her and her guy friend in one bed and we're just hanging out and then we we leave for a little bit till i just make out and then we come back and i i couldn't get back to my place there's no uber so i just ended up sleeping in bed with her and the guy just five people in this room and me her and this you know she's in the middle great thankfully and then but then this guy and i really mean this like with the almost like i'm not trying to like i don't think he cared honestly and this was an indicator that i said in the morning when i woke up i said goodbye to her he was he woke up
Starting point is 01:42:56 and i got all right man later and he comes over and he gave me a hug he's just a great guy i mean i couldn't believe what was happening in the moment i was like this is a bizarre situation he made it all feel so normal like i could feel in his hug he's like bro i'm just a great guy. I couldn't believe what was happening in the moment. I was like, this is a bizarre situation. He made it all feel so normal. I could feel in his hug, he's like, bro, I'm just a cool guy. I hugged him and I was like, you are a cool guy. He's my baby of the week. He was a handsome dude. I don't think he was like, he's just a cool guy.
Starting point is 01:43:19 I want to keep hanging out with him. It was years ago. I don't even remember his name, really. If you hear this, bro, reach out. It's a beast. or be a groomsman at that one guy's wedding who's missing dudes you'd be a fucking stud on there that didn't sound like a big meeting that guy no that'd be sick if you and chad filled in to be like groomsmen for dudes who needed them oh dude i'm down it's not a bad call that's fun dude i love a wedding have bros backs all of us yeah us four will do dude there's four of us four will do it tell us where it's at i we will that's fun dude i love a wedding have bros backs all of us yeah us four will do dude there's
Starting point is 01:43:45 four of us four will do it tell us where it's at i we will that's a great call dude we should go i always i have a blast at every wedding that i go to they're always fun that guy would it'll be so much fun dude yeah dude us four will be your groomsmen and we'll all sit at different tables yeah i'll sit wherever put me on any table utility bro let's go yeah chris will give me some good shrooms because i do shrooms now be nice are you gonna do them are you multiple shroom i've done them twice you've done twice when the last time you did i did about a primus concert i did less than the original time that chris was there because i didn't have chris with me so i was a little afraid but i'll tell you why didn't you do them there if you're down if you do them later in the night
Starting point is 01:44:25 and you're like hey i'm shrooming come find me i'm down i just have to stay sober for like a certain stretch of course and then it's you know once you're at that stretch i'm gonna be there chad who's your legend my legend is my like uh it was gonna be my beef my, like, it was going to be my beef, my, like, party sensitivity. But I'm trying to look at it as a positive. Nice. Because, you know, I appreciate it. Because, I don't know. It's part of you.
Starting point is 01:45:01 Yeah. It's a part of me. It's who I am. So that's how I'm looking at it. I think it's sick. I would almost label it empathy over sensitivity. I think it's more rounded than just sensitivity. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:14 There's a level of compassion and a level of introspection and a level of dankness. Oh, I appreciate that. Thank you. For sure. Hell yeah. We got to go out with these two guys because they're... They must have just hit it too hard. You guys are both coming off the same thing.
Starting point is 01:45:28 You guys are both down in the dumps. So we should go out like soonish to try and get over... Knocked out. No, you're a nice guy, dude. You're not doing too hard on yourself. Yeah, and he was evil. He was pulling people's chairs out for pregnant women. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:42 You tabletop somebody, dude. A little kid, dude. Yeah, he kept pantsing the father if you guys would have been there i did think about that i was like dude if i had more bros here yeah they would have someone would have grabbed me and just like hey buddy they would have duct taped him to your bed like duct taped your chair because i do listen like if someone tells me something even when i'm blind i'm like okay that's what i'm saying i've seen you i've just got to find we got to get these guys back on the horse to where they don't have crushing shame
Starting point is 01:46:08 yeah you know like we just have a nice clean fun time it's gonna be your wedding dude it's gonna be your wedding where we go out and have a nice fucking good time dude smash cut to chad super sad me throwing tables over strider who's your legend dude my legend of the week i saw today dude it was it was chad's dinner dude i saw your dinner dude you had the best dinner i've ever seen what was it bro correct me if i'm wrong you had flank steak and then some dank ass like a fruit medley yeah bro this is too good bro i saw that because i've been eating a little bit a little bit naughty lately dude and i've been like i need to clean it up then i saw your dinner and i'm like that's how i need
Starting point is 01:46:53 to do it dude you had the best looking dinner i've ever seen in my life dude thank you it was fucking good ass steak and some solid fruit and i was like whoa usually i'd be like steak i need a veggie in a car you don't need that no you had steak and some fruit fruit and meat it's fucking genius dude that was fucking genius dinner dude wait are you for are you for real right now i'm more for real than i've ever been chad dude your dinner was fire tonight dude nice man that was that was i appreciate thank you dude i get it i get it now why people would put pictures of their food on social media like if you put a picture of that on social media i'd be like fuck yeah that's fucking awesome yeah i never thought about that
Starting point is 01:47:32 way thank you sick it's worth sharing chris who's your legend mike tomlin oh dude let's go head coach of the steelers is he still the dude to ever win a Super Bowl as a head coach? Yeah, probably. Yeah, McVay lost. Yeah. Total legend. I love the guy. Years ago, earlier in his career, saw him go for it on fourth and goal.
Starting point is 01:47:55 Didn't get it. He cut over to him and he's going, it's all right. It's okay. We're good. We're good. We won that game. He's pretty unflappable. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:03 And he's just a cool dude. That's awesome. He is the man dude that's it coat steelers coaches possibly the best cutaways to their reactions like bill cower and tomlin are basically the only steel steelers coaches i've ever watched very great very different but very great they're straight out of central casting for a coach yes look at the part yes and. And that's a huge part of it. My legend of the week is Martha, who worked on our project together. Sorry we always have to be vague, guys. I know it's annoying as shit, but in time we'll be able to say everything. It's really not our call.
Starting point is 01:48:36 And then she was just amazing. She was a script supervisor, which means she had to keep track to make sure everything fit together, which is on the way we do things is a really tough gig and she just always had great suggestions was always on top of it was always supportive but could like put you in the right direction when you were off target and uh and uh yeah it was just a really tough job and she was just awesome the whole way through super fun to hang with yeah she's just the best a sweetheart and so cool yeah just always a good
Starting point is 01:49:05 hang and yeah very positive and fun the best good vibes always yeah and i'm gonna miss the whole crew every i'm gonna keep naming people as the episodes go on but they're best yeah i'm starting with martha she was awesome uh you know legend chad what's your quote of the week uh mine comes from fabio oh hell yeah because i shaved the top of my dome i decided you know pay homage to someone else who you know who sort of identifies with their hair um lamborghini outperforms ferrari every time whoa there's another fabio quote that i was tempted to do but as little too as kim kard Kim Kardashian is trash. Amazing, dude.
Starting point is 01:49:51 These Fabio quotes, those are the two. Amazing. Stratter, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from a movie that I wished would have been on my list, but Chris wisely took it, and it is, the frost. Sometimes it makes the blade stick. Oh, yeah. Nice. So fucking good.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Oh, yeah. Chris? Talent is like a marksman who hits a target which others cannot reach. Genius is like the marksman who hits a target which others cannot even see. That's philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. Oh, he's a beast, man. Yeah. My quote of the week is, my brother taught me this before we started the pod.
Starting point is 01:50:32 He had a Latin teacher in high school who told him that carpe diem, because my brother was talking about how in translation, like a lot of things don't get translated accurately. So everyone says carpe diem means seize the day. But your teacher told you it actually means harvest the day is a more accurate definition. And I think harvesting the day has a lot more to it than seize the day. Seize the day is just all action. Just grab it, go out there, get it. Harvest the day is like put some thought into it. Really think about what you're doing. Really milk this for all that it has for your nourishment and for your sustenance.
Starting point is 01:51:02 And I think that's kind of cooler. So I'm going to harvest the day i love that dude that's great and thanks for that that nugget it's all you baby it's fucking rad nice mr gerlach thanks dog chad what's your uh phrase we're getting after it this is for the trees nice sick that's what you said before you Nice. Sick. That's what you said before you lopped off the top of your dome. For the trees. Strider? Strengthen honor. Nice.
Starting point is 01:51:32 To stay awake all night adds a day to your life. Oh, let's go. That's pretty sick. Yeah. It's from Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. It's a book. How'd you find it? It's amazing's a great dude it's uh i read it recently and i've been writing down good quotes from stuff that i read oh yeah you're on top of
Starting point is 01:51:55 the line fucking right dude yeah um i'm just gonna run it back i think i did this one two episodes ago but it's my i'm gonna turn into my phrase of the week this time Opening quote from the Cowboys book. There's a lot of things you can do in this life Stabbing your teammate in the neck scissors. It's not one of them Just imagine I talk to the press and just like summarizing it like that. I'm like, you know, it's so funny dude All right, guys, that's it. It was so funny, dude. All right, guys, that's it. We should talk about the Aaron Rodgers thing next time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Dudes, thanks for coming in. Yeah, it was fun. Eager to get everybody's feedback. Yeah. It was a blast, dude. I can't believe I got last and he picked Unforgiven. Hey, that's just Aaron, though. That's just Aaron. No, I know, but I got some soul searching I got to do regardless.
Starting point is 01:52:43 No, no, no. You had a great list and I have a great list and no you didn't so no my list is sick as fuck dude this is my fourth pick bro stokers you want to help raise awareness shave a line down the top of your dome down the middle send in a photo where we post it and we're gonna let the world know about deforestation it's true dude fuck yeah do it stop it's a great cause it truly is it's good for the planet it's good for everything so thanks brother oh yeah looking forward to your haircut no i'm just kidding i'm just maybe in like i don't want it for a while but maybe later yeah you got a big day coming up
Starting point is 01:53:23 all right guys awesome boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
Starting point is 01:53:39 boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I don't see, dude. I don't see. I know, I know. I don't make it.
Starting point is 01:54:26 I'm Chad. What is your beef of the week? I want to fly away. Shrider, what is your legend of the week? Joe, what's your legend of the week? Chad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Shrider, what is your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Chad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Shrider, what is your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shrider, what's your credit rate? Thank you. guys guys

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