Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 215 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: December 5, 2021

What up Stokers! This week it's Chad and JT. We talk about Notre Dame, Seth Rogen, and beef liver.      Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com    ... Go to rumpl.com and enter code DEEP15 for 15% off your first order

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we are of course brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends pubed for looking after our hogs making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because you guys are the number one and below the waist grooming and we love it and it's the holiday season and you know what to get as a gift for or stocking stuffer today's sponsor manscape has the tools to guarantee you win this year's stocking stuffer or white elephant competition it's the leader in below the waist grooming over four million men worldwide have clean pubes and you want to be one of those four million dudes so if my math is correct that's almost eight million balls get 20 off plus free shipping at manscaped.com slash go deep that is
Starting point is 00:00:52 20 off plus free shipping at manscaped.com slash go deep all right all right all right mcconaughey's not running for governor but guess who's running for mayor of stoketown the going deep with jan jd podcast what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in i'm here with my compadre jean thomas boom clap stokers and we're here with the uh the maestro of the mics aaron welcome did you almost take a crack at his last name? What? It's Brungardt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It is a tough one to say. It shouldn't be. It's the D. The D before the T. I think that's what messes people up. That is what messes me up. Yeah. Dude, I think we dodged a big bullet not having McConaughey run for governor.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Why do you say that? I don't think he's that smart of a person. Right. Yeah. It was kind of refreshing. why why do you say that i don't think he's that smart of a person right yeah yeah i know and it was it was kind of refreshing you know he put up that post like and he really sort of teased us saying i felt like he was announcing it what did he say well it's just like the first minute he's like he's like hey you know i've been uh you know considering office learning about texas law and government and we got some problems to fix and then he's like that's why i will not be running for governor um which is uh it's refreshing i'm
Starting point is 00:02:14 glad he's not doing it that is true maybe there's intelligence in that yeah and being like you know what i don't know if i'm up to the task of that yeah yeah that is you know you'd rather have a guy who knows where he kind of stands than someone who's like oh i could do that right yeah yeah and dude if i had the opportunity i'd probably go for it i could do it yeah but mcconaughey is probably yeah we're probably in the same ballpark well i i just i when i think about it it's i don't know there's just so much to uh i feel like there's so much to know how do you how can you make those kinds of decisions
Starting point is 00:02:48 and also it's a a losing situation I think I think mayor I think if you're a celebrity you should stop at mayor mayor say I mean Clint Eastwood
Starting point is 00:02:55 that's what I was thinking about in Monterey yeah yeah that's perfect Sonny Bono Palm Springs that works great yeah
Starting point is 00:03:01 oh that's cool he was a congressman as well though he pushed it a bit yeah that's alright that's alright I think congressman started mayor ended congress oh that's cool well so he was a congressman as well though he pushed it a bit yeah that's all right that's all right i think congressman started mayor and a congressman that's it right we should follow a congressman around for a day and see what the see what it's like i'd be pretty fascinated actually me too i what's up no go ahead go ahead i had nothing to say i don't think i had much to say either just felt like the right time to talk yeah i mean when uh when i watched the movie with tom hanks uh where he's charlie something charlie wilson's war charlie wilson's war directed by mike nichols watching that i'm like oh is he he's a congressman
Starting point is 00:03:36 right he's not a senator i think so watching that i'm like that looks pretty sick it is a pretty dope life in that yeah he's sleeping with a bunch of gals oh right it's saving afghanistan yeah yeah tom hanks that worked out well for us he was right he was not cast well in that movie no they're like tom hanks is gonna play a roguish congressman can't keep his dick in his pants i was like tom hanks all right first scene he's gonna be doing blow off an ass yeah exactly i was like get dennis quaid yeah all right All right. That's Dennis Quaid. Dude, Dennis Quaid would have crushed that. He would have been amazing. I could watch a whole movie of just Dennis Quaid doing blow.
Starting point is 00:04:10 He's built for that. But then they put Tom Hanks in there. You're like, I don't know, dude. I think this guy would fall in love with the first girl he sniffed blow off her ass. He'd be like, you're the one. That's why I love Tom Hanks. Yeah. Do you buy Leo as like a wall street kind of a
Starting point is 00:04:26 yeah monster yeah i think leo's really good when he plays a dandy i don't like him when he plays like a hard ass yeah oh some people really like him in departed and blood diamond and stuff like that i don't believe him as much right honestly i think it's just because i'm like sizist yeah i don't know if he has enough bulk on him for me to believe he's one of those guys i don't really believe he can put on muscle he doesn't really he's always got like yoga body like in uh departed he's doing he's doing tricep he's doing dips yeah that's right um and uh but there's not much muscle going on there and i feel like for an actor of his caliber if he's like all right you're gonna play it tough like boston guy he'd probably want to bulk up a little bit. But I think that's as much as he could bulk up.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I think so. Yeah. I don't know if he, does he physically prepare a lot for roles? He kind of looks the same in everything, right? That's true. He looks a little chubbier in this new Adam McKay movie where he's playing like a scientist, I think. So that makes a, maybe he bulked up that way, but that's like the. He messes with his hair.
Starting point is 00:05:25 He does mess, he's got nice hair. Dude, I was thinking about this is, oh, we talked about this a little bit yesterday. Is Bradley Cooper right now the second biggest prestige actor in his prime behind Leo? Probably. Yeah, like in terms of the parts he gets, it's probably B-coops, right? Like who else would be in that conversation? Like maybe Brad Pippa, he's a little long in the tooth. Yeah. Like Ryan Gosling, Oscar Isaac. it's probably B. Coops, right? Who else would be in that conversation? Maybe Brad Pippa. He's a little long in the tooth.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Like Ryan Gosling. Oscar Isaac. Oscar Isaac, for sure. But I think people would, Bradley Cooper would get first dibs on a part before Oscar Isaac. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver, I think,
Starting point is 00:05:58 have that similar thing where they're in everything, but you never really, I don't really look at them as like movie stars and yeah and you don't go to see the movie because of them right like or they don't i do but i don't know if they draw on like a huge audience yeah i see them as great actors but i don't really see them as like movie star kind of status right yeah i don't know if either of them are like conventional leading men yeah although oscar isaac's got like an al pacino thing going on yeah yeah and he's great in drive too yep yeah he's a fucking good actor yeah i always forget that that's oscar isaac because he looks him in drive compared to star
Starting point is 00:06:36 wars is like it's totally different he he plays such a good tough guy in drive and then poe whatever yeah he's good in Star Wars, too. Yeah. It's just like a charming, kind of like a little bit outside the lines, but not really in a bad moral way kind of guy. Yeah. Yeah. He's just very patriotic. He's good in Dune, too, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I didn't like Dune that much. Dude, I watched like an hour of it, and I was like, whatever. It's taking too long. And then I finished it, and I was like whatever it's taking too long and then I finished it and I was like I like that I don't know what it was but at the end of it I was like I enjoyed that I think people like the world they like the hearkening they like all the words they like the Duncan Idaho
Starting point is 00:07:18 they like I don't know the way it's built but for me I was like I don't think it's that great and then visuals don't do a lot for me. Right. Like, I like visuals, but more in, like, Sicario, where it's, like, more realistic and, like, kind of, I don't know, smaller. I like it when it's smaller. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah. In Dune, I was just like, yeah, it looks like a sandy planet. Yeah, that's a spaceship. Right. Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of, like, their helicopter things that they had it was like a fucking dragonfly or whatever i wasn't a big fan of the ships and the weapons or anything like that but i did i like i'm not as big a fan of the world as like star wars for example like star wars that world i'm in love with um dune i wouldn't say the same but i i like chalamet a lot and the whole
Starting point is 00:08:07 first movie that just felt like a one big setup like the end i was like i can't believe that it was arbitrary yeah i guess if you've read the book it seems like the right place to break it up but i was like i'm i'm just gonna say the spoilers it's like oh he just beat the shit out of some henchmen i've never met before right like that's not very climactic like they didn't even set that guy up as a badass yeah this guy's just like hey i'll fight you and he's like i'll fight you and then he kills him and you're like that's the end of the movie yeah it's like a bar fight yeah he just ended dune with a bar fight yeah in star wars at least he blows up the death star it's yeah it's climactic yeah yeah and fucking obi-wan's talking in his ear and his fucking you don't know it his dad yet, but his dad's chasing him.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And then Han Solo comes in at the end. Yeah. What a great move by Han. Makes me smile ear to ear. Yeah. He's a good guy. What do you think, Aaron? How'd you feel about Dune?
Starting point is 00:08:55 You're a sci-fi guy, right? I am a sci-fi guy. I haven't seen the new one. Oh, you haven't? I watched the 1984 version within the last year. I've tried to watch it a few times uh and i live tweeted it because it was so bad i just had nothing but jokes yeah just roasting that movie so i don't know i can't even imagine this new one being better but because i just think it is kind of it's way out there right in terms of sci-fi it is way out there it's of sci-fi. It is way out there. It's kind of confusing.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I don't know. Something about lightsabers it's so simple but so cool. Yeah, they're brilliant. And the way they anyone can swing around a lightsaber
Starting point is 00:09:36 and look badass. Yeah. And they're not even that badass with it in the first one. Right. Because they're kind of two-handed.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, because they treat them like George Lucas wanted them to be like medieval swords i think samurais yeah samurais yeah we wanted to be like samurais okay you know what you know what i've been watching lately i've been watching uh videos of courthouses like trials where the father of the victim attacks oh nice the accused nice it's so awesome that is awesome like i do that the dad will just be like there's this one of this dad just launching across to tackle the guy who killed his son yeah he just goes off on him yeah and then all the there's always like five like uh court guards who like grab him and rip him off yeah and he's like let me at him let me at him yeah and they're like sorry we're sorry we have to hold you back and the cops are always
Starting point is 00:10:30 like apologetic because they want to let the guy go berserk on the dude yeah it just fires me i cry every time and then when i read the comments the comments are the best what are the comments it's like dad of the year it's like no one in the world would ever judge this man don't you ever hate hurt somebody's baby yeah it's just all these people just being so fired up on it yeah it's pretty beautiful i 100 get it yeah it's it's very primal right when you watch it yeah yeah yeah there's great court stuff on youtube i never even thought to search for something like that that's cool it just popped up in my suggestions and i just rabbit holed it yeah i like when things pop up that way and you're like wow what a whole the whole new thing i never thought i could uh explore in the uh in the background of every one
Starting point is 00:11:15 of those videos you never see her but there's always a lady screaming whenever the dad goes after the guy oh really there's always a lady going no yeah no yeah and she has like a pained voice she probably knows the guy you know hates to see him in pain um i think it might be the same lady in every courthouse dude just well in the in the in the uh trial last week the ahmad arbery one when they read the first guilty verdict he's like guilty some guy in the back goes yeah fuck yeah he says fuck yeah he doesn't say fuck yeah but he's just like he's like whoa yeah and they had to remove him i was like oh it's a bummer because he's so pumped and the the guy like the the the murderer whatever the whatever yeah he's
Starting point is 00:11:59 just there he's like oh i saw a lady who got convicted of attempting to kill her boyfriend. Uh-huh. And she faints. She's just like, oh. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. And all the comments are like, yeah, you didn't know you were going to have to pay for what you did, did you, lady? Who's commenting this?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Dude, the best people in America. People with a lot of heart. Yeah. A lot of passion, man. Yeah. A lot of passion. Fuck, yeah, dude. Dude, fuck murderers. Yeah. Eat shit. Yeah. A lot of passion, man. Yeah. A lot of passion. Just have to give you the fuck you had to do. Dude, fuck murderers.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. Eat shit. Yeah. Eat shit. Let justice be done. That's good stuff. Dude, I wanted to show you some YouTube clips that I've enjoyed. I like getting your reactions to like sports stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Oh, yeah. Nice. Yeah, I've been getting more into sports lately. Yeah, you've been watching ball, dude. I've been watching football. First one is John McEnroe. He's like the angriest tennis player of all time. Oh, yeah, love him. He's great in King Richard.
Starting point is 00:12:51 The actor that plays him. Let me find this. I found my Dune tweets. Oh, really? Yeah. Dude, people are saying we put up the skateboard wrong. We put it up backwards. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:13:03 What does that mean? Well, because usually the art is on the bottom. Yeah. But I wanted to... Is there art on the bottom? There is, but I like this more. I wasn't a big fan of the art,
Starting point is 00:13:15 but it was like from Tony Hawk. Yeah, of course. When we did an ad for Pro Skater. And I like the birdhouse more. Sure. That's the reasoning for it.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Alright, check this out. I guess it's backwards. Alright, call me a poser. Go fuck yourself. Yeah, they're posers. It's just like he's been screaming while I'm doing his back, so...
Starting point is 00:13:38 So he just gets me over there. He turns to me. That lady? Yeah, that's his name. I'm just gonna sit in the middle. Just gonna sit in the middle. Uh, lady? Yeah, just sit in the middle. Alfred Hitchcock could use her for like one of her movies. What did you expect? Did they kick her back? What was that? What did you expect? What is that?
Starting point is 00:14:14 So they like make a couple comments about it. They're like, Alfred Hitchcock should use those eyes in his next movie. And then at the end, like the one guy says something sympathetic and then the other guy goes, let's be careful. Let's not make a martyr out of her.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Dude, I was watching The lions on thanksgiving yeah the uh the uh the lions game the announcers were so funny they're like they missed like their extra point um oh there's one extra guy on the field so he like was like running off during the extra point and the guy goes i guess they're just not used to scoring it is so funny when they burn people yeah i like it when they seem like slightly perturbed and like apathetic when they're in there yeah there's like another bad play yeah they just keep going it's so funny you can tell they're just trying to hold back as much as they could but they couldn't help it yeah the lions are dreadful yeah one of the worst teams dude my brother went to notre dame and their coach just left for lsu i saw that dude my brother took it hard really i think it's because the coach broke up with them i think it's one of those things yeah
Starting point is 00:15:13 i think they'll be better off though i like this defensive coordinator marcus freeman i think make him the head coach yeah that's my he's supposed to be a great recruiter but he basically broke up with him via text right yeah that's pretty harsh dude college coaches always do that really yeah and they always look like schmucks doing it i don't know what the alternative would be but they always have to like pretend like they're not leaving and then all of a sudden they're like oh it's like a secret yeah it's weird that they're doing it during the season though isn't it like usc just find have signed a new coach like yeah, they got Lincoln Riley, which was a huge hire. Essie's back, baby. Sure, but like
Starting point is 00:15:46 the season's two months in. And Notre Dame could still make it to the national championship. So he's leaving right before it gets to the biggest, most critical part of the year. It's really weird. But I think it's because they don't want to miss out on recruiting. Recruiting opened up this week, so they've got to get to their new
Starting point is 00:16:04 school and start convincing these kids to come to them. What's his face? Coach O, he left? Mm-hmm, he got fired. He got fired. Why'd he get fired? Bad coach? They were really bad the last two years
Starting point is 00:16:18 after they won the national championship. He was always kind of an inconsistent coach. I think he got great coaches around him that year, and the team had a ton of talent. Like so many guys from that team are like doing well in the NFL now. And it was just like a perfect confluence of, of factors. And then after the season,
Starting point is 00:16:34 all of his like coordinators left, they all got better jobs. He lost his quarterback. And I think he's just not a great, like X as an O coach, no pun intended. And he's also has an investigation into some like, I think what was it called like title nine like they have some like uh maybe bad like sexual stuff coming up
Starting point is 00:16:53 oh i think coach o was being a little bit of a perv yeah so i don't know the details so i feel bad just putting him out there like that but i I think that is what it is. Yeah. Yeah. Who would have thought that guy? He doesn't seem like a perv at all. Come on, show me that age. Come on, come on. Get over here.
Starting point is 00:17:13 We're 12 and 0. Tigers is 12 and 0 this year. And I'm hungry. All those victories make me hungry. What am I going to eat? What's Coach Oak going to eat? Boys, what's Coach Oak going to eat? Women, Coach. Coach Oak going to eat? What's Coach Oak going to eat? Boys, what's Coach Oak going to eat? Women, Coach.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Coach Oak going to eat women. I got to eat some women. All right, boys, back to practice. Hey, I'm doing an interview. Hey, I'm doing a press conference. That's what he said. I'm doing a press conference. Hey, I'm doing a press conference.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Ready? Do you wish sometimes that you grew up in a place where you would have like a deep accent you know don't i have a deep california accent i guess yeah i guess that's true i never thought i had an accent um and then people were like you from california yeah like for sure yeah let's say everyone makes you say that dude well i went to boarding school in Connecticut. You know, they just... Well, I mean, you just look like California. Like if California had a sun, it would be you. Yeah, like you're stoned all the time.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's awesome. And I'm like, I'm not. That's always been the one that bothered me the most. Yeah. People are like, you're just stoned in this. You're just stoned. You're stoned. I'm like, actually, when I'm stoned, you think I'm sober.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And when I'm sober, you think I'm stoned. Yeah. sober you think i'm stoned yeah yeah it's the flip that's the california flip yeah dude i uh i watch the news oh yeah you can tell me about this how'd that go for you i watched my stepdad watches the news don't do it whoa yeah you guys watch this shit yeah it's intense how am i supposed to leave the house after watching the news it's bad dude my stepdad's just watching the news all day i'm just like fuck man this is some heavy shit what were they talking about omicron uh smash and grab robberies smash and grab robberies i was in new mexico so you know there's there's like a hit and run. There's like a murder. There's a burglary. Omicron. Inflation.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Gas prices. It really lowered my stoke. It will, dude. That'll do it. Dude, Omicron is my favorite name so far. It sounds like a transformer. Yeah, for any of the variants. I'm like, Omicron, that's pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Dude, Omicron. If I got COVID, I'd be pretty stoked to say it. Dude, I got Omicron, that's pretty sick. Dude, Omicron. If I got COVID, I'd be pretty stoked to say, dude, I got Omicron. Dude, did you see, speaking of like smash and grab robberies and stuff like that, did you see like Seth Rogen, that one popular YouTuber was like, oh, my car got broken into. This city's like the worst. And Seth Rogen was like, don't blame LA, dude. You're the idiot for leaving stuff in your car.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And I was like, dude, come on, man. it was a little harsh of seth rogan no i know yeah i read that whole thread and then rogan was like oh my car's been broken into 15 times i was like dude shut up your car hasn't been broken into 15 times he's like it's like a sign of blah blah blah no it's and he said it's not violating when someone breaks into your car i was like 100 it's very violating yeah it was a really interesting threat i've you know i was i was reading that and i was sort of like i wonder if i saw seth roger right now and asked him about it he'd be laughing about it maybe he was joking because it seems so ridiculous i don't yeah i thought it was interesting what do you do you see do you read it i didn't read it now, but maybe it's just like people just tired of people taking shots at L.A.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I love L.A., but there's things to take shots at. Sure. I mean, it's neurotic, not cozy, and the crime has been like, and look, I love it, but it's up. At the Grove. They hit the Grove. They hit the Grove? Dude, they hit Nord up. At the Grove. They hit the Grove. They hit the Grove? Dude, they hit Nordstrom's at the Grove. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:20:49 After Hours. After Hours? Yeah, they didn't. Oh, it was After Hours? That's fine. I think so. They called them a flash mob. Like, what, did they dance into there?
Starting point is 00:20:57 Oh, it was a lot of people? It's a flash mob. It was like a dance troupe? Like, after their thing, they just went and hit the Grove? Yeah, it's like the fucking jabberwockies coming that's how they do like the little holes
Starting point is 00:21:07 in the gate yeah yeah it's a ballsy life being a thief literally there's a siren going by as we talk about this
Starting point is 00:21:19 yeah I don't ever feel that unsafe here though I yeah and I like it i like i've i've seen my mom in santa fe and i love being out in nature we went on a bunch of hikes and it's just like the reset is amazing and the the the hikes were incredible you know it's just like the view and like you're on these like red rocks with like these paniolas they're like mini pine trees sick but i just uh i just love being in la because i love being near the action i'm like i like this is where it's happening i like i like being near that i don't like being away from where it's
Starting point is 00:21:56 happening i feel like i'm missing out i think you're right yeah that's how i feel too yeah the juice is here yeah something's going's going down. Everyone's alive. Everyone's going for it. Yeah. Dude, there was this big boxing fight this weekend. I want to show you the reaction of the guy afterwards. So this guy's name is Tiafema Lopez. He was supposed to be like the next big champion,
Starting point is 00:22:22 but I guess he got a little bit cocky going into this fight. He had beat this dude, Vasily Lomachenko, who's like one of the most beautiful boxers I've ever seen. And then he ends up losing this fight to this Australian dude, Kambosis, who was like a huge underdog. It was a really good fight. But then after the fight, Lopez kind of, I don't know, he couldn't accept it.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Is this, in your mind, the biggest win in Australian boxing history? Look at me. I'm the greatest fighter in Australian history. You got a hell of a fighter, but I won tonight, man. Everybody know that. The referee raised my hand. I won tonight. I don't care what anybody says, yo. I won tonight. Hey, at the end of the the day at the end of the day. I've been here I've done that. I want to thank God. I want to thank everybody that came out tonight Look, I ain't no sore loser. I take my wins like I take my losses at the end of the day, man I'm a true champion. I came out here
Starting point is 00:23:15 I did what I had to do and I went out there and I did my best Yeah, I don't care what anybody says man. I am as well as they come and watch this is the takeover man We don't stop we keep coming coming Yo at the end of the day I want this fight and I'm just thankful Did you believe this was a close fight going into those last few rounds? No, I don't I don't believe it was a close fight At all. I believe that at the end of it all I score it. I score it 11-2 Well, I love it. I said to You believed you won 10 of the 12 rounds? Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:23:46 George? Listen, you got to move up, bro, because... The Australian guy's like, hey, we can do a rematch. And then the other guy's like, I don't know. Like, I'll have to think about it. And he's like, I haven't seen my son in a long time. Well, he's only 11 days old. Remember when the comments was roasting him like dude when he's uh when he's shown off the belts i don't know man look at these belts look at these has there ever been a fighter that's like like very kind of um uh sort of soft-spoken and just
Starting point is 00:24:23 kind of like yeah you know it's a good fight i think i'm okay fighting there's a couple like that really like in mixed martial arts like george saint pierre was always pretty humble he had they all have moments where they're not you know what i mean yeah but anderson silva was also very much like they both seem like they came from like a ancient school of like martial arts where it was like all about respect and honor and stuff like that yeah boxers are generally a little more like braggadocious you also have to sell the fights so like sometimes those like really nice boring guys they can't get anybody to watch them yeah because no one feels like emotional about it they're taught to be that way a little bit yeah
Starting point is 00:24:57 like when uh mayweather's first nickname was pretty boy yeah and when he fought under that moniker he was like unbelievable he was more offensive than he ended up being too but he uh no one would watch his fights no when he turned into money mayweather and he just started talking shit all the time and like throwing cash at the camera yeah everyone's like i want to watch this guy get his ass kicked so everyone started watching the fight right it's uh i don't know if there's much money in being like a you know like a compassionate boxer yeah robert whitaker my favorite fighter is kind of like that yeah he's pretty humble steven thompson's like that um there's a couple yeah i can't really think of many boxers like that though boxers all kind of
Starting point is 00:25:35 talk shit oh mini pacquiao was really soft-spoken right yeah and he sells fights though right yeah because he's a really exciting fighter how so he's just like really aggressive really quick and like throws punches from interesting angles and like yeah moves a lot like he's just dynamic to watch he's old now though but in his prime he was like it was like watching like a tornado or something like that that's cool yeah he's a badass but it would be cool if a guy was really soft-spoken like i don't really want to beat this guy up that much but like i get paid yeah yeah yeah that's interesting no you gotta dude it was funny when mayweather fought oscar delahoya i was in orange county and like i knew mayweather was gonna win uh because oscar was old and mayweather was just
Starting point is 00:26:15 probably even overall at their peaks just a way better fighter but dude the parents who were there were going nuts for oscar to kick his ass. Really? Yeah. There was an anger. They wanted to see Floyd go down. They were like, come on, Oscar. Oscar, get him. Get him, Oscar. You got him. I was like, Jesus Christ, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Dude, every, and then I watched the Victor Ortiz fight with some people on the same energy. Yeah. They were so mad at the end of the fight when Floyd won. Right. And he won under weird circumstances. The guy went to touch Floyd's hands. Floyd touches him. And then the guy doesn't put his hands up he just kind of stands there so floyd just punches him in
Starting point is 00:26:49 the face and knocks him out but everyone says first rule of boxing protect yourself at all times yeah so it was like cheap but it wasn't illegal and uh people were so mad at the place i was at people really hated him really so like when when it comes to Jake Paul, how much of that do you think is... If you were to talk to Jake Paul now and see no cameras and stuff, how much of a piece of shit do you think he still would be? I don't think he'd be as loud a piece of shit, but I bet you he would still be shitty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. It's hard to imagine him having like just fully created that persona and not be just a fucking knob no i think he's like acting like a douche but i think he probably is a douche yeah but dude logan i'm not sure about right i think i like logan i think i like logan too How do you feel about Logan Aaron? I'm not really familiar with either one That's probably healthy Are you really?
Starting point is 00:27:51 I remember Logan was the one who did He went to the forest in Japan Right? Yeah that was his biggest faux pas He was filming a dead body Check this out For the fucking vlog Yeah we made fun of him about
Starting point is 00:28:05 that on here that was dumb yeah yeah i think that's how i learned about it yeah i'm not gonna stay mad at you what a funny thing i guess not funny but what it's hilarious what a funny thing to get canceled for filming a dead body in the fucking forest wearing like a pokemon hat check this shit out dudes and then two days later i'm so fucking sorry i get it man when that camera comes on it's a different kind of morality yeah the mistake was not you know what the mistake was was not this is where he fucked up yeah i could see in my crazy prank brain being like get the shot if there's a dead body that could be cool yeah the morality comes in the edit like when you're at home and you're looking at the footage you got and you're like sober
Starting point is 00:28:55 now you got to look at it and be like alright dude this is too much right and then just like you know but they still put it up that's crazy that is like true insanity to not but you know they didn't blur it out right i don't think so there was even some stuff when we did the strider going to the uh the stage at the hosting event like in the edit there was some people who believed he was hosting so much that it was like sad. Yeah. And I think you told me like in a cut, you were like, just that lady's too sad.
Starting point is 00:29:30 You got to like cut her out. Right. Yeah. Oh yeah. I don't even remember that. Cause it was just like, it was too much. Like it, it tipped the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And then you were like, okay, this isn't fun. This is like, you're sort of playing with their emotions a little bit too much. And I think we weren't even doing an intent. I mean, we were trying to trick people,
Starting point is 00:29:44 but we didn't know anyone was going to believe that deeply. But watching it, you're like, oh, this is sad. Yeah. Yeah. It's a bummer. Yeah. Just because she loves Osteen so much. That is a bummer.
Starting point is 00:29:59 But dude, on a positive side, positive note, Aaron, are you ready for this? I hope so. You ready for this? I hope so. You ready, dog? I tried beef liver. Oh, that's right. And how do you... So you texted me about it.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You're like, you got veal, first of all, which you got a lot of shit for. You didn't know what veal is. Dude, I knew. No, I kind of didn't know. But no, you know know what veal is dude i knew i kind of know i kind of didn't know like i didn't i but no you know what i found out when i was talking to the guy i was like what's veal he's like it's like a baby cow and i was like yeah cool fine yeah give it to me yeah and then i posted it and people were pissed yeah i understand and then you told me well yeah if i i've driven by a veal farm before and it's just calves chained to a pole um but that you didn't know i didn't know the treatment i mean i guess like i guess we all
Starting point is 00:30:55 kind of know like i've seen this american life's about how they mistreat like pigs and and other kind of lives i've never seen the veal one but i know that they're all getting a raw deal but i was at a nice place but yeah and and you were you had good intentions you were trying to boost your stoke with beef liver trying to boost stoke i was like chad's been into this stuff forever i should try it and then um i was with someone who knew about it yeah like i was i was with this gal who like freezes it and shaves it off oh really oh and she says that's the best way to eat it yeah so i was like oh this is the right time to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I bought it. It looked disgusting. Yeah. It's really horrendous looking. Oh, yeah. And then we took it out, and we were at the farmer's market just cutting it up. Oh, you did it at the farmer's market? Yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:31:38 We made a spectacle of ourselves. So if anybody walked by our table, they thought they were- What did you cut it with? Like a plastic knife? Plastic knife and fork. Yeah, from like a pizza shop. Dude. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I had a few bites of it. Yeah. Pretty nasty. We put salt on it. Yeah. Pretty nasty stuff. Yeah. But dude, I did feel a boost.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Did you chase it down with something? No, just straight. So you felt a boost? I did feel a boost. I don't know if it was a placebo, but I felt it for sure. I was also worried I was going to get a stomach bug. Yeah bug yeah and i did get one but like five days later yeah i do have a horrible stomach bug right now that i'm in immense pain but i don't think it's because of the beef liver the timeline doesn't work out right if it was like a it would have probably hit you that night
Starting point is 00:32:19 yeah it's like a day or two right yeah this is like five days later dude like coincidentally though that same day i freaked myself out because I was watching this guy, Liver King. You follow that guy on Instagram? No. He's hilarious. He just eats beef liver, bone marrow, all that shit every day. He's just fucking... He's hot.
Starting point is 00:32:37 He's jacked. I would say he's hot. He's like too jacked, but he's just like, hey, Liver King here. Just simulated a hunt. Did a 24 hour fast. Now I'm going to do, you guys know what I'm about to do. Three to four ounces of beef liver, some bone marrow. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:32:52 12 eggs. Wait, simulated a hunt? Jesus Christ. So the whole thing is he first did himself in the third person. He's the liver king. And his wife is liver queen. Lucky lady. Yeah. Do you think he ever says, I am the liver king. I wife is liver queen uh lady yeah do you think he ever says i am the liver king i can do anything yeah i think it's like the morrison thing i think he says every morning
Starting point is 00:33:12 but i think uh so he simulates a hunt which i think is basically just fasting like he'll like fast for like 18 hours 24 hours sort of like you know oh we went out his whole thing is like ancestral living you know he's the nine ancestral tenants and and he's like yeah we went out to find the you know the buffalo we killed it took us 24 hours now we're gonna eat it that's like a simulated hunt and uh you gotta follow him but so he doesn't actually kill an animal no i don't think so okay but he lives in texas maybe he does a little bit i don't know but he just like runs around in the woods like he's hunting no i don't know i don't even know what i think he just sits around and he just doesn't eat
Starting point is 00:33:54 but he does do he does lift all the time and stuff but those guys are interesting because it's like he's beyond jacked like too jack Sort of like, he looks like Goldberg kind of from WWE. Good wrath. And his videos are him like, you know, like lifting shit, throwing shit, like pulling stuff around, you know, just sort of, and like getting an ice bath and stuff. Functional movements. Yeah, but he has like a super nice house. I'm like, how, like. He's got rich parents.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah. has like a super nice house i'm like how like he's got rich parents yeah i'm like yeah it's these guys put on this lifestyle and you're like yeah just simulated a hunt and you're like is that all you do i think i think he's probably just got loaded folks yeah he might he might have a supplement company i think that might be another thing too but i messaged him too i was like because i thought i ate too much because i was watching his stuff and so i ate like a fat thing of liver like this big like that big there's a lot of ounces i don't know how many so i messaged him like liver king is it is it possibly too much raw liver he's like never there you have it dude yeah i mean come on what else do you need to know someone someone commented
Starting point is 00:35:06 on his thing they're like is it possible to get um foodborne illness from this and he's like he's like if you're really scared freeze it for two weeks you'll kill any pathogens on it but you know what just quit making excuses and dominate that's what that's what the girl i was with told me is that she freezes them right yeah yeah i've had cooked liver and that's disgusting oh dude yeah well when i i don't i just swallow it i don't even chew it but you eat it raw i eat it raw and my skin glows the next day it's epic you're like a puppy it's good for your coat it's gonna make yeah which i was stoked on all your posts all your dog posts oh yeah i appreciate that yeah i man it's that's gonna be one of my i think my legend um but man dogs are the best yeah
Starting point is 00:36:02 dudes i have to use the bathroom fuck oh shit i'm sorry all right bros it's just me right now and aaron how's it going it's good i really want to go to new mexico mexico's cool the sky is different yeah it's uh when you look at the sky you're like wow it's like it's like very blue and it just um it looks so expansive yeah it's really interesting but the night sky is insane uh the night sky is insane i want to get a telescope do you have a telescope no i feel i want to get one but i feel like in la i don't really see the point because i feel like there's so much light
Starting point is 00:36:42 pollution there's i mean there's big stars out there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It would be cool. Yeah. When we went to Sedona a couple of years ago, like that night sky was intense.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah. I've never seen that. I've always lived in the city. Yeah. Well, except for like a year. Yeah. I spent in the mountains,
Starting point is 00:36:58 but. Was Sedona sick? Yeah. Really? Although it's funny, like it's all about the red rocks but like i wore i wore sunglasses the whole time that had a slight brown tint to them yeah and that made it so much more red and cool but every time i took them off i was like this isn't it right right right it kind of
Starting point is 00:37:17 ruined it for you i put those sunglasses back on the whole time i was like yeah red rocks every day yeah yeah yeah something about the red rocks is, I love looking at that stuff. Yeah, yeah. I love, what's it called when it's like a mountain with a flat top? Plateau? Not a plateau. I forget what it is. A mesa, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Santa Fe has a bunch of mesas, which are sick. Yeah. The one thing I will say, though, about Sedona is like, has a bunch of mesas which are sick yeah the one thing i will say though about sedona is like yeah don't trust the guides that tell you not not the people guides but like um like you can get a little guide in town right that says like all the hikes and everything don't trust how difficult those are based on their ratings like really were they way harder than oh there was one called the devil's bridge yeah which said it was like two miles and it was like five and a half like it was insane and then yeah and then there was this crazy we after that we stopped we stopped for pizza because it was just like we need
Starting point is 00:38:18 food this was insane and this giant fucking insect flew into the we're eating outdoors um and this giant insect flew in and was just like terrorizing everybody and of course it landed on me right this giant fucking thing somebody eventually well how'd you somebody eventually got to it or or maybe i did i don't remember at this point but maybe i killed that fucking thing really it was literally that big was it like a bug and like uh starship troopers were a bunch of green goofs split it out yeah yeah yeah nice yeah it was a massive dragonfly ish sort of thing but fat i don't know it's disgusting well that's why if you go to uh australia i went to australia lived there for like three months everything is bigger down there all the insects are bigger yeah there's bats everywhere all the
Starting point is 00:39:10 poisonous snakes are down there and they're all the big spiders are down there so they're like you know they'll be like yeah it'll be like a brown recluse you know just might crawl up through your toilet and shit like that it's like it's uh it's pretty intense and we went on this one island it wasn't stradbroke but it was like near we were near the gold coast and we went on this one island they're like yeah nine of the ten most poisonous snakes in the world live on here you're like jesus dude like there's part there's something about australia where you're like i don't think people are supposed to live here no because there's like tarantulas and there's scorpions and then the whole middle of the country is uninhabitable yeah exactly yeah i mean the coast
Starting point is 00:39:48 is amazing the beaches are awesome yeah yeah i was supposed to go in 2020 oh really yeah what were you gonna go for just vacation i was gonna go i was gonna work actually i was gonna go follow the dollop and do a travel doc oh them in australia because they're huge there yeah oh really yeah and then go to new zealand as well yeah but yeah it just didn't i think we you know i was planning that before leah got pregnant so i we probably wouldn't have been able to do it anyway right there's bill burga down there is he big in australia i'm sure he is but he's he does more europe right than australia yeah dude i want to see limp biscuit in europe this summer that'd be sick do they do more europe than the us just this summer it's like all europe they're going to be in germany england
Starting point is 00:40:37 i think france yeah but i feel like i feel like going to see limp biscuit in germany is you could follow them for the whole tour. People do that. Dude, yeah. We should message Fred. Yeah, we could make a documentary about it. Yeah. Dude, when I got this stomach bug, I was like, of course, you know me. I was like, what if I die?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yeah. And then so I was like, is it? And I bring this up because I think it would be a good movie script, too. Is it ethical to have a child if you know you're dying? Yeah. Do you think it is? Oh, no,, too. Is it ethical to have a child if you know you're dying? Yeah. Do you think it is? Oh, no, I don't think so. It's unethical?
Starting point is 00:41:10 I think so. Well, you still have another parent, I presume, the mom. Mm-hmm. I don't think it's unethical. You don't think it's unethical? It's all ego, for sure. But does that make it unethical? So you know you're dying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 You're terminal. I mean, my buddy who just passed away like he he's he froze his sperm and stuff so if his wife wants to have another kid she can do that with his with his stuff but i don't know i don't i don't think it's unethical i think it's like well you got a homie who did it too you're close to it i understand but yeah you know like i i would do it yeah i would have a kid really and then so the script would be the kid gets born but then i survive and then it's me and her having to get along is that is that is that uh but you survive but i survive and then we gotta we gotta raise the
Starting point is 00:41:58 kid together is that just because you want your yeah i just think i'm i think i'm pretty sick i don't have that at all like cool and i went oh you don't that's nice no i don't either i don't even with a kid you got a kid i know but i don't it's not about my legacy it's totally about your legacy no i don't care all right she could take her husband's last name and i don't give a shit eventually or wife i like i like it but are you you don't you don't think you'd bump if she was like hey i'm gonna well well she's a she's a gal so it's kind of implied i guess yeah that she's gonna take the name i wish i'd take my wife's name really now that's cool man why i don't think now that my dad is gone it's like aaron adams would have been fucking sweet
Starting point is 00:42:46 that is a sick name that is a cool name i don't have to spell that on the phone alliteration i sound like i said it in my speech at the wedding i was like i because i kind of realized it in the moment i was like i was like be like a superhero i should do that yeah would you take a lady's name no i don't think i could either yeah i know people who have who've done hyphenated versions as well and i'm just like they're the hyphen but it's also those it's part of it is those guys like i know those guys yeah they're not tough i have deep respect for any guy who can like do that you know what i mean and be okay with it i just i i don't think i
Starting point is 00:43:25 could right like i just know i'm a jealous person i know i'm like i'd like my wife to take my last name yeah i don't know if it's right but i just know that that's who i am right it feels weirdly good but like at the end of the day i settled my wife with this terrible last name yeah i think it's good it's a good last name it's just confusing with the d yeah just drop the d just drop the d bro i um oh i did i know i have a kid yeah i don't i don't i don't have that maybe because i have that nieces and nephews i don't have that it's kind of taken care of but i don't have that legacy thing at all yeah you guys are making me rethink it i'm so suggestible i think uh i think it'd just be cool to have a kid but then like it's great but definitely if i was going down i'd be like i want a little bit of me still on this earth
Starting point is 00:44:08 yeah i i think i think i might have more of like a cynical look i'm like i don't know bro but here's here's my here's my thing i'm like yeah i'm like how do you make someone as sick as me but it's you dude okay so i'm coming from a similar place because dude literally i don't I'm like, how do you make someone as sick as me? Dude, okay, so I'm coming from a similar place. But I don't think it's possible. But dude, literally my argument was going to be like, dude, you're so sick, you should want to perpetuate the sickness. There's your movie.
Starting point is 00:44:40 The voice from Brazil, but how to make someone too sick. Your kid will be as sick as you, if not sicker. How do you know? I have such a unique upbringing. You how do you same stuff how do you recreate that you'll be weird you'll be weird to your kid i'm gonna throw him in the ice bath that's for sure you're gonna be a super weird dad it's gonna be great for the kid yeah yeah and dude it's all upward trajectory right yeah yeah i i don't know i think my uh maybe maybe my the way i think about though right now is like the way i visualize it i don't know what if it's like luke skywalker but luke stoke walker
Starting point is 00:45:10 that's yeah i think yeah you know i don't know maybe maybe when i'm 40 i'll be more be able to visualize it more but now i'm just sort of like i want a golden retriever you're such an optimistic person but i can tell there's a there's a a pessimism in you that believes your kid's going to be a dork, dude. I think that's what it is. You're afraid to have a dork kid, dude. I think that's what it is. Your kid's not going to be a dork, dude. 100%.
Starting point is 00:45:32 We got this. Dude, it takes a village, too. He's going to be surrounded by good people. Yeah. Yeah. I think if me and Strider come over and the kid's acting dorky, we're not going to curb that a little bit. Yeah, but I guess it's just like you come home and dad oh god well that happens that happens no matter what right of course you're gonna think your kid's a little bit of a dweeb yeah it's more just like on balance
Starting point is 00:45:53 yeah yeah no dude your kid's gonna be sick if you're dying you should have a kid too i like how i came at it with like i don't care about my legacy no ego but i'm like no it's all you yeah you're worried he's gonna mess it up yeah yeah you're like don't care about my legacy, no ego. But I'm like, no, it's all ego. Yeah, you're worried he's going to mess it up. Yeah, yeah. You're like, don't drop the ball, dude. No, trust me, dude. It's all ego. No, that pressure will be good for the kid.
Starting point is 00:46:12 He'll be like, he'll feel like he has a quest to carry the name. What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because ho ho ho fellas naughty or nice tis the season to perform we're talking about your dink we're talking about your pubes we're talking about your balls or just if you're anyone if you have pubes you want to make sure that they look and feel fresh and manscaped has you covered with that it's also the best gift you could give someone ladies if you want to get your guy something sick get him the llama 4.0 or the performance package
Starting point is 00:46:57 get for your dad dads get it for your you know newly pubed sons um there's so many people with pubes out there that could use this gift pretty much anyone so performance package 4.0 has the lawnmower body trimmer which is excellent best in the game won't nick your nuts excellent crop preserver ball deodorant crop reviver ball toner um theer, the Shed Travel Bag, the Weed Whacker Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer. They got everything, and you want to get on top of it now. These are our picks for Manscaped Surefire Wind Stocking Stuffers. The 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner, just launched. Kill Two Birds with One Stone.
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Starting point is 00:48:20 oh i know kayakers and surfers have some beef but i don't spend much time in the ocean mostly rivers so surf on i have respect for what yin's do i think he means something else i don't know why he's writing it but i understand you say it i'm just finishing up a stout trip here in ecuador the rivers and parties have been good i'd'd love to tell yins about it. And he's literally writing an accent. Yeah. It's really strange. That's a Pittsburgh thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Dude, if he throws one more yins in here, I want to understand what's happening. I feel like I'm like looking at like the Zodiac puzzle. I'm like, I don't know how to put this together, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Um, about in here, about some experiences you've had that could relate. I guess I should ask a question. What do you think I should or shouldn't tell this girl? Kind of a girlfriend, but I drew the line that we're just friends. What? What?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Oh, you and this is just friends? She's back in the States. And while here in Ecuador, I slept with a who's H-O--o-s-e i ended up raw dogging and dropped a load not too worried about pregnancy because she was 40 plus parentheses usually dried up but it would suck to give the girl back home something gnar any advice i thought this was about kayaking i love that he threw that question and it's just like a little tack on at the end yeah he's like dudes i love kayaking there's nothing better than being in the river by the way i cheat on my girlfriend who i've but i may just be friends with we clearly still sleep together we drew the line there. Dude, I would probably break up with your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Yeah, and go get tested. Yeah, I'd go get tested and break up with your girlfriend and just keep living your life, man. You seem like you're having fun doing what you're doing. You don't sound like you want to settle down with a girl. I would just break up with her and just kind of let her off the hook. I think this wasn't a great thing you did but you seem young i would just uh move on yeah i think it's probably a sign that
Starting point is 00:50:33 something's not there for you in the relation i mean you drew the line of just friends with this girl so why keep hanging out with her right if you're not into her and you're just probably gonna hurt her yeah i'd be interested to know how she feels about it because i obviously if he's writing the question she probably has a fair amount of emotional attachment i assume yeah and also i would wear a condom man i mean i got herpes so wear a condom yeah and i wouldn't assume that a girl in her 40s isn't fertile anymore yeah there's it's science it happens yeah and and raw dogging someone you don't know that a girl in her forties isn't fertile anymore. Yeah. There's it's science. It happens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And, and raw dogging someone you don't know in a foreign country. Yeah. Not, not great call. Oh, this is a guy actually saying, I just got to have a four year relationship in this time.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I found out I have herpes. Now I'm single and I really don't know how to go about it. I definitely want to disclose. I have the hurt, but it's unknown territory. I want to keep having one night stands day, but I feel like disclosing. I just tell everybody. Just get it out there. It's nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:41 And honestly, people, I think they trust you more when you tell them because they know it's hard to say. So I think you get, look, of course, it's going to cancel some people from being potential partners, but that's just life. It's fine. There's plenty of people. Also, so many people have it, man. I've been shocked how many times I've told a girl I have herpes
Starting point is 00:51:59 and then she goes, yeah, I got it too. And you're like, oh, okay. Yeah, it's pretty common. It's very common. And Valtrex too, if you take Valtrex, it makes the rate of transmission really low, right? I think so. If you take Valtrex, you wear a condom,
Starting point is 00:52:15 I think you're going to be relatively, you never want to say something's totally safe. There's like asymptomatic shedding could still happen with a condom. But yeah, you definitely, if you take precautions, you can look out for the other person pretty well. Yeah. really safe there's like asymptomatic shedding could still happen with a condom but yeah you definitely if you take precautions you can look out for the other person pretty well yeah i uh i don't think i've ever given it to anyone that's good and uh or maybe i haven't i just didn't reach back out but i don't think i've ever given it to anyone which is i'm sure it'll happen at some
Starting point is 00:52:39 point but it hasn't happened yet that's good yeah i would just tell people dude and you get more comfortable with saying it and then pretty soon it'll just become habit but it hasn't happened yet. That's good. Yeah, I would just tell people, dude. And you get more comfortable with saying it and then pretty soon it'll just become habit. Just wear a hat with it on there. Yeah, just wear a shirt so they have herpes. Yeah, just a hat. We flew a fucking plane in Long Beach that had a thing behind it that said I have herpes.
Starting point is 00:53:02 It's probably going to get you laid more than anything else. I don't care about that sorry no i totally care i don't think i care about anything as much as i care about that dude when i first got into art i was like it's for the art yeah and now i'm just like nothing chicks will like this i'd be like watching bergman movies i was like this is life he's talking about like what the real meaning of something is yeah now i'm like it's kind of boring i think chick's like a little more action yeah it's funny um get a custom license plate it says herp guy you're set dude i like that right unless it's taken and you got to figure out you know substitute three for the e three for the e uh you could also do herpes sort of like slurpee there you go yeah i like that just maybe like h-e-r-p-e-e-z herpes can you imagine driving around
Starting point is 00:54:02 in that? Dude, I bet you'd get so many honks and just people being like, yeah, fuck yeah, dude. And people who have herpes would be so appreciative. They'd be like, dude, I'm jealous. I wish I had that. And you'd be like, no, it's actually a reference to Slurpees. I don't have it.
Starting point is 00:54:21 All right. What up, Sultans of Stoke? For the purposes of internet anonymity i would like to go by sapphire valentine anyway here's the sitch i ended up matching with someone on tinder a while back they're really awesome and we've developed a bit of a relationship only problem is we live on opposite ends of the earth we've both accepted that neither of us plan to switch continents anytime soon and that things will have to kind of stay casual because of this. However, we are still rather emotionally intimate and very flirtatious. I do still find myself missing physical intimacy, though, which naturally I'd only get by forming a new relationship with someone that isn't several time zones away.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I feel torn on this because I do not want to bring things off with this person. I really cherish our relationship. But on the other side of this, I know that I would feel uncomfortable if I was in a relationship and my partner had another person they were seeing long distance. And so I think it would be unfair of me to ask someone else to be okay with me doing that. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to intimate relationships, specifically worrying about not being good enough and fearing that a partner will leave me. I believe it's known as attachment anxiety.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I think, yeah, anxious attachment, I think is what they call it. This makes the idea of polyamorous relationships very stressful and intimidating for me. I know that I need to get over my anxieties one way or another, and ultimately I need to be the one to choose what I should do. But I would like to know what would you do if you were in a similar situation? Additionally, how do you deal with your own anxieties when it comes to relationships? I'd also love to hear your general thoughts, feelings, and experiences with polyamory and or long distance relationships. Thanks for going deep with me on this one. Stay awesome. Stay stoked. Oh, did he say, have you ever spent 4th of July at Newport beach a few years back? I remember smoking weed with some guys in Newport beach on the 4th. That kind of reminded me of you.
Starting point is 00:56:04 If it actually was you, that would be hella sweet. Like I said, it was a few years back I remember smoking weed with some guys in Newport Beach on the 4th that kind of remind me of you if it actually was you that would be hella sweet like I said it was a few years ago so I can't remember for sure whether it was you
Starting point is 00:56:09 or not that very well could have been me 4th of July Newport yeah I was there 3 years ago
Starting point is 00:56:16 I was there like 4 years ago I think so yeah that could have been us I think he's thinking about it too much big time over thinker
Starting point is 00:56:23 yeah and I get it dude but I I think, you know. Big time over thinker. Yeah, I would. And I get it, dude. But I would just, you know, if you're enjoying this, you know, long distance thing you're having with the Tinder girl, keep going at it. If you meet someone along the way that you want to form a relationship that, you know, lives with you that, you know, I think that's fair to do. But I think, you know, if you do start a relationship with someone new, I think you would have to break it off with the long distance thing because I think that would be, you know, some emotional cheating. So I think I would just, you know, just keep living, keep doing what you're doing and, you know, take things as they come.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I wouldn't try to pre-plan it. And just enjoy what you're doing right now and then keep yourself open because you miss physical intimacy so keep yourself open to other options yeah you seem a bit anxious to me to be someone who would get into like polyamory or or uh something like that because he's he's did he mention that yeah he just says uh but he said it's it's the idea of polyamorous relationships were very stressful and intimidating to me but he's not even you're not even talking about polyamory yeah like you're at a earlier stage like you're casually seeing someone remotely and you've they've both kind of agreed it's casual so you're
Starting point is 00:57:45 both allowed to date other people i guess that is by definition polyamory but when i think about polyamory it's like people in like a longer more substantial relationship and they're seeing other people yeah more love yeah you're just not quite there and i just think you're you're already diagnosing yourself anxious attachment and i think you might have it but i would just take everything easier man like just treat it like you're just learning yeah and don't treat it like it it's like the end all be all of like who you are as a person um i think you'll be fine i think you need to date more people it like... I wouldn't tell the kayaker guy this. He's fine on that front.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yeah. But you, I would say, you probably need to... You need like 2% more kayaker in you. Yeah. You need to like, I think, get out there and meet more people and see what actually works for you. Yeah, especially if you have no intention with this girl that you're chatting with, you know, across the world
Starting point is 00:58:44 to, you know, be in the same place. I don't, you know, it doesn't seem like there's much of a future in that and it's probably holding you back. Yeah, I agree. Nice, nice guy though. Yeah. How, isn't Tinder based on proximity? Like. I think you can, that's, that's actually good. I was like, how did, how wide Tinder based on proximity? I think you can, that's actually good. I was like, how wide were his search terms?
Starting point is 00:59:08 It's like there's two options. He could have put himself in another city just to see who's there, which people sometimes do. Most of the time it means they're about to travel there or something. Or he could have just been traveling there. The first one's weirder. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I don't know. Some apps will match with people in like new york and stuff do you know when's the horniest i've ever been is when i used to at the end of the night just take an uber pool home not for the because it's cheaper but just like maybe there'll be a hot chicken the uber really we'll hit it off that's interesting yeah just eternally an optimist did that ever happen i was thinking about it one time i hit it off with a girl in an uber pool but it was like nine at night it wasn't like the same circumstance i was kind of talking about and we were flirting but i i felt like it was too much to ask for a number and after she got out the uber driver was
Starting point is 01:00:01 like you blew it bro really that's funny he's like you should ask for a, the Uber driver was like, you blew it, bro. Really? That's funny. He's like, you should ask for her number. And I was like, should I have? And he was like, yeah, dude. He's like, I've got it. I've got it. I got all her info, dude. All right, Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week, this comes from heat uh not having enough time
Starting point is 01:00:28 opportunity to do what you want to do yeah uh i don't know sometimes i i get in these moods you know i was just like i was like hiking with my mom in santa fe and just like enjoying life so much and i was like i was like man there's just so many things i want to do i just don't feel like i have enough time love you know what i mean uh and just during the day you know even though i feel like i waste a lot of my time you know looking at youtube and shit but i just like i always like lately especially i just i feel like there's just so many things i want to do. I guess being 31, too, I know it's not old by any stretch, but it's just sort of like, oh, soon I'm going to start. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I guess I'm just feeling like the clock is ticking. Yeah. I feel the concept of it goes by fast. You what i mean 100 i think that's a good good thought to be having yeah and i just i just yeah just i'll just wake up and just like i'm like how am i gonna do this and that and that and it's all i love it too it's all just like passion of like just wanting to do a lot of shit but that's where my beef is just not having enough time that's nice yeah dude i've actually been in a pretty good place with death though lately really yesterday i was looking at my hands and i was like whoa these aren't really my hands
Starting point is 01:01:53 this is just like the oh that's interesting the meat like outfit that someone gave me yeah and i was like i just get to inhabit this for a while yeah i actually believed it sometimes i'll have those thoughts but i'm like you don't believe that shit you're fucking gripping this thing tight like like you're a spiritual being having a physical experience yeah yeah exactly yeah i like that i like thinking of that but but i like where you're at with time i think that's good i mean because that's like that steve jobs thing right like it's gonna make you go harder if you know your time is finite yeah and it's just uh i don't know if that's how he said it at his stanford address but i just know he said death was good yeah it's similar but yeah i guess i just sort of like i just sort of uh very stoked on life and i just want to keep going that's good there's so many things i want to do i want to go
Starting point is 01:02:39 see limp biscuit in germany yeah it's tough to it's tough to choose that that's one thing too is all uh it's tough for me to like leave LA because I'm like if I leave LA that there's I'm missing out on all the things I have to do here but then I'll like go on vacation you know for like things you know like three or four days and it's a total reset and it just sort of like refreshes you and I would say you had tons of ideas yeah just go on hikes you just like you're like you're out in nature and you're like oh yeah i think i get all my best ideas when i'm not chasing the idea exactly yeah i mean you just sort of just live in i think you'll have your biggest breakthrough idea while you're in the mosh pit and dusseldorf rocking a limp biscuit dude i swear to god yeah dude like someday you'll see things my way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Dude, there's a limpid skin in Sao Paulo when he's starting the concert. He's like, when I say get up, you get the fuck up. I'm just playing this guitar riff. I'm like, that looks so fun, dude. Dude, you're going to have a sitcom breakthrough at that exact moment. Yeah. Fred Durson's telling me to get the fuck up. It's nice when they boss you around like that. You're like, good.
Starting point is 01:03:43 You're looking out for me. Yeah. I mean, we are all standing, but OK. Yeah. It's nice when they boss you around like that. You're looking out for it. Yeah. I mean, we are all standing, but okay. Yeah. Get up dude. Ooh,
Starting point is 01:03:51 Sao Paulo. Aaron, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the Santa Ana winds. Oh, nice. Fuck you dudes. It's very unchill for you to show up and dry out all of our skin and make
Starting point is 01:04:04 fires happen. Yeah. Made my baby, her, her skin got all dry and that's not cool for her. She's all red in the face. Get out of here. Nice.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Especially it's November. Fuck off. It shouldn't be 90. Yeah. I like that, but I hear you on the wind. I want some fall, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:23 it's a fun time. I hear you. Yeah. It gets you into the season. December, especially fall you know it's a fun time i hear you get you into the season december especially is like when it's like chilly and stuff you're like the holidays are here it's time to put on a sweater and drink eggnog we can't even in the city we can't even light uh you know if you have a fireplace you can't even light it because the air quality sucks right from the fires that are generated by this by these winds damn yeah and i need that i want to feel that for the holiday season i hear you preach dude my beef was gonna be a seth rogan but we already covered it oh nice who's your baby of the week my baby of the week is uh
Starting point is 01:05:00 another uh i guess it's a deep house i don't even know he's like a funk another I guess Deep House I don't even know he's like a funk EDM guy Purple Disco Machine good name dude I love all his tracks he got
Starting point is 01:05:12 Stokers if you if you want some like funky sort of housey deep housey you know jams
Starting point is 01:05:19 search Purple Disco Machine on Spotify and then on Spotify there's a playlist like Purple Disco Machine Essentials and they're just Spotify, there's a playlist, like Purple Disco Machine Essentials. And they're just bangers. And they just make me want to get up and shake my booty and just put on some shades and be cool.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is a soda out of Scotland called Iron Brew. Nice. I found it. I heard about it on a podcast from a scottish guy uh-huh uh and uh it just sounded cool so i found it on amazon bought a four pack it's delicious yeah yeah and it's not since it's foreign it's not full of sugar although it is technically it has sugar and aspartame which is like it's like having a regular coke and a diet coke together but it's kind of a gingery almost orange soda
Starting point is 01:06:15 it's really good that sounds good yeah dude my baby of the week is this uh kickboxer reek over hoven great name he's the glory champ. He's been in for a long time. He had this fight with this guy, Jamal Sadiq. Sadiq busted his face up. Like, Rico Verhoeven's left eye looked like it was about to close shut. So you've got to be worried with that, that the ref will, the doctor will stop the fight and you lose because the other guy gave you the cut.
Starting point is 01:06:41 And so he knew he had to put the other guy away, and he just came out all busted up and just beat the hell out of the other guy and won the fight. It's one of the best fights I've ever seen. And I don't like kickboxing a ton. Like of all the mixed martial arts that I watch or martial arts that I watch, I kind of don't like the way they referee it. I don't know all the reasons why, but they just seem to break them up from the clinch too quickly. And even when the guys are being offensive and that just, that just must be something in the rules, but this was like a beautiful, beautiful fight, and like really vicious,
Starting point is 01:07:10 and this guy, Rick Overhoven, he doesn't look like it, but he's, I mean, he's jacked as fuck, but he has kind of like a nice face. You're like, he's not gonna be that tough. He's tough. Nice. He's got a lot of heart.
Starting point is 01:07:19 A lot of heart. All right, Chad, who's your legend of the week? You fired me up with the time stuff, so I took my shirt off. My legend of the week uh you fired me up with the time stuff so i took my shirt off my legend of the week is my mom's dogs i've probably done this a little time before but dude i mean i was thinking of my mom's golden retrievers i you hang out with golden retrievers you're like i'm like what what else is there to do besides just hang out with these dogs and just get stoked? I mean, I love dogs so much. There's just something about when they greet you in the morning
Starting point is 01:07:49 and their tail's wagging so hard that their butt is shaking, you know, and they just have a ball in their mouth. They're just looking at you, and they're just like... It's hard for me to think of something that makes me happier than dogs. I love dogs. I love dogs. I love being around dogs. I want to have a ton of dogs. I've been waiting for that.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I feel like I'm just waiting too much, but I'm waiting for that special dog. I know. We're moving around so much. Get the dog, dude. Yeah, I know. I know. I love dogs. I mean, you'll definitely have moments where you're complaining about it.
Starting point is 01:08:23 You're like, I got to go home to take care of this little guy. Yeah. But dude, I also... You know how sometimes you want to get out of a party? Yeah. Dude, I got a dog now. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Got to go take care of the dog. I got to take care of the dog, baby. Right. Yeah. I don't even know if I'd go to parties. I would just snuggle with the dog. And you could just tell people, hey, I can't make it. I got the dog.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Yeah. Just a selfie of me just snuggling. Yeah. God, god they're the best and you'd care about it so much you'd be like you don't worry about your dog being a dork what if your dog's not as cool as you dude i'd be pissed throw him in the ice bath but that's not possible to put a dog in an ice bath no that's possible for the dog to not be that cool. You cannot do that. You cannot do that. I can picture you day by day just getting closer, trying to get used to it, like dipping its little paws in there.
Starting point is 01:09:14 He likes it. He likes it. Me and Strider and Aaron are like, yeah, yeah, it seems like he likes it, dude. It's going to boost his stoke. But if you get golden treatment, I think it's pretty hard to get one that's not cool. Oh, right. For sure. Yeah, they're always cool.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Yeah. I've never seen a bad personality. Dude, Channing Tatum has a new movie coming out called Dog, where he's an army ranger, a retired one who wants to get back in. Yeah. And they're like, hey, you can only get back in if you drive this military dog to his old partner's funeral. And it's like their road trip buddy comedy between him and the dog nice it's perfect
Starting point is 01:09:46 dude it's gonna be a perfect movie dude i um did you see the news magic mike 3 i heard about this directed by soderbergh dude i got pessimistic about it really because when you care about something so much you just don't want them to to bungle it you know what i mean because the first one was great yeah and then the second one was next level yeah it's the next level but that wasn't soda break wasn't it no but he was i think he shot it and his dp directed he was still involved okay but sadaberg's weird he'll do like he'll be like is his dp right on this one he's like he's like i'll just do the lighting on this one or something like that interesting yeah he's he's a very like uh artist, I'd say.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Maybe that's why McConaughey's not running for governor. Right. Go train. Oh, they got to bring him back for the third one. But they showed him and Pettifer, especially Pettifer, hey, we don't need you. Number two's going to bang. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Best distillation of male sexuality I've ever seen. Yeah. It's supposed to be fun. Dude, but I'm worried about number three. And I know he'll do it, but I'm worried Channing Tatum's not going to be as cut for number three as it was for the second one dude i didn't think about that that's huge but he looks pretty jacked in this dog movie so and i know he's a professional i know he'll dial it up yeah dude it's funny too my brother's like fired up on it i'm like how did our parents raise us why are we so into this shit i'm like i think it's my mom yeah oh yeah for sure it's definitely
Starting point is 01:11:07 my not my dad jt you see magic mike he might secretly love it though i'm sure he does because i remember when uh me and my brother made him go see brokeback mountain with us and he made us buy tickets for another movie and he like ducked to the bathroom like hey you pussy shut up just come into the fucking movie and watch this art. You little bitch. And then he ended up loving it. Yeah. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:11:32 But yeah, he was a little gun shy going in. Chad. No, my turn. Oh, Aaron. My legend, yeah. Who's your legend? My legend is Dave Holmes. Oh, the VJ?
Starting point is 01:11:42 Former MTV VJ. Yeah, he's good on twitter too right it's good on twitter i've met him he's a great guy um he's got a new podcast out that's like literally he's been obsessed with um there's one shot in the motown philly video of a white guy group called sudden impact uh-huh so it's a whole 10 episode arc just finding out about them because they never they never released music they never did anything but they're in the motown philly video whoa that's like this is the next big thing so he did a whole podcast on that and just just he tells a compelling story even when he he weeds off a whole episode into something else
Starting point is 01:12:23 and you kind of lose the track of the journey to find these guys, it's still really interesting. And he just has a great voice. That's cool. I rooted from back when he wanted to be a VJ and lost. I thought he was the best VJ of all of them. Yeah. He hung in there and got the job anyway.
Starting point is 01:12:42 My legend of the week is this dude, Ryan. We had a show in Santa Barbara on Saturday. You couldn't make it because you went out of town. So me and Strider drove up there. And Brooks Bergoon gave us the fire recommendation with Sama Sama. It's a really good Southeast Asian restaurant. And we got there and they were like 30 minute wait.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And then this dude comes outside. He's like, Strider! He was most fired up to see Strider. And then they bonzed. And then he was like, he's like, what's up, dude? What's going on? And we're like, ah, dude, we're just trying to get some dinner, but we'rezed and then he was like he's like what's up dude what's going on and we're like ah dude we're just
Starting point is 01:13:06 trying to get some dinner but we're kind of in a hurry he's like I got you comes back gets us a table hooks it up with some lovely drinks and was just a great guy
Starting point is 01:13:12 so then we brought him to the show and I didn't get to say goodbye to him I had to dip out early but Ryan was a legend dude great guy super cool dude
Starting point is 01:13:20 says everyone there listens to the stuff and like sends each other photos and little gifs of it or whatnot. Hell yeah. Yeah. It was really nice.
Starting point is 01:13:26 That's really cool. Hope to see you again. And Brooks, thanks for the fire wreck on Sama Sama. It's really, really good. Shout out to Brooks. And now Strider's saying he might do his, well, I shouldn't say, but they might do the reception there. Oh, in SB?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Yeah. Oh, so they're back to SB? They might be. Okay, cool. He's pitching Sama Sama now. Oh, wow. He's the best, dude. Yeah. Strider Okay, cool. He's pitching Sama Sama now. Oh, wow. He's the best, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Strider's the best. He's the best. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Kevin the Schmall. Sorry. It makes you so happy. I was just telling JT and aaron before the pod nothing makes me happier than teabagging and call of duty it's so stupid and mature but there's just
Starting point is 01:14:13 it brings out so much well and tell them what your favorite part is so my quote of the week is from kevin he's like he's like alright down let's bag him it's just it's just these guys in their 30s just teabagging
Starting point is 01:14:34 high schoolers like here I'll I'll show you down let's bag him let's back him. Let's back him. Yeah, you licked it.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Yeah, you licked it. Yeah, you can't taste it. You can't taste it. Yeah, you licked it. Yeah, you licked it. Yeah, you licked it. That's a nice bass. Yeah, that's a nice bass.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Dude, you're literally crying.
Starting point is 01:15:07 You're crying. His wife is like in the same room. Like I told you guys before, like there was a baseball game in the 90s called Bases Loaded 97. And it was like one of the first games that had like authentic throwing motions and hitting styles. And it was really great. But first games that had like authentic throwing motions and hitting styles.
Starting point is 01:15:25 And it was really great. But for some reason, after every play, your character, you'd make an out and then your character would do this like up and down kind of like he's ready for the next ball to come. Yeah. And so I would always every time I'd make an out and then I go right behind the umpire who's got his hands on his knees and just do that right. Every time. Playing alone doesn't matter. It's the best. It's the best.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Aaron, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is one of my tweets about the original Dune. Just that an army of warriors as pretty as Kyle MacLachlan would be truly terrifying. Yeah, with that guy's face he has such a distinct face just a ton of those guys he has so much face his face has like contours in places where most people's don't yeah um dude mike what are the pretty army just a pretty army even marching slowly towards you would be terrifying yeah and he doesn't look like a warrior no like he's pretty waspy looking yeah yeah maybe that's just because that's what he played on sex in the city um
Starting point is 01:16:29 dude mine is my buddy grady who always has the fire recommendations like he told me to listen to clooney on marion that was awesome and then he told me to watch this movie by mike nichols the uh the previously mentioned mike nichols um he has this movie called carnal knowledge with jack nicholson and uh uh garfunkel from garfunkel and oats and they're both like they start as college kids and it's just about their pursuit of love and it's like it's super like simon and garfunkel right not garfunkel and oats did i say garfunkel and oh it's jack nicholson and kate makuchi yeah sorry that's funny i've been in la too long going to comedy shows uh but there's some good dialogue in the beginning with uh garfunkel he's talking to a gal that he's
Starting point is 01:17:10 hitting on at a party and it's it is pretty true to life of like how college guys act does a good job and uh this is what she says uh she says i hate these college mixers it's such a funny way of meeting people everyone puts on an act um and then the guy's like just trying to yes and or the whole time and then so he says so even if you meet somebody you don't know who you're meeting she says because you're meeting the act and then he says that's right not the person and then she says i think people only like to think they're putting on an act but it's not an act it's really them if they think it's an act they feel better because then they think they can always change it and
Starting point is 01:17:50 then he says you mean they're kidding themselves because it's not really an act and she says yes it is an act but they're the act the act is them mmm it's like whoa that's interesting yes I like that it's good dialogue yeah that's really cool yeah it made me think about things differently Chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it go for the bag let's go kayaking you guys
Starting point is 01:18:12 yeah mine is from the movie 25th hour which I think is one of the best movies of the 21st century it's pretty incredible Spike Lee movie
Starting point is 01:18:21 amazing acting I think Barry Pepper has got the best character in it because he'll be like his character has the most dimensions like he'll talk shit on his friend and then the next minute he's like telling his friend he'll die for him and you believe him in both moments right and i think that's true for people they feel strongly in both directions especially when they're really close to someone yeah and he's a great actor he's
Starting point is 01:18:39 a really good actor he's super underrated he should be in more stuff because he's in scenes with philip seymour hoffman and ed norton and i'm like whoa i mean he might be playing the better character but i'm like i think barry pepper's kind of taking this scene yeah and he's in there with some you know those are two of the best ever and uh or my life at least and he has one line where he's yelling at edward norton's girlfriend for like not uh put enough pressure on him to get out of the drug business and she's like francis just say you drunk. Will you just admit you're drunk? And he goes, I'm Irish. I can't get drunk.
Starting point is 01:19:09 That's great. I was like, nice, dude. What a dude. Just a dude guy. Dude, I think that's it. There's one more thing I kind of want to talk about, but I don't know. I think the moment's passed.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Oh, dude, this is what I want to do. before we go I'd also like to say because the recruiting stuff sparked this in my head yeah college recruiting stuff if you're a young college if you're a young high school baseball player and you think about where to go to college go to UCI and get coached under Danny Babona best pitching coach in the game and they should call it UC Newport beach because it's right there it's beautiful it's beautiful i play war zone with danny all the time that guy is a coach dude i want to perform for him that's great he brings out the best of me out there oh dude we got to say goodbye to verdansk by the time this next one comes out verdansk is going to be gone yeah two years of our lives on there it carried us through the pandemic i'm i'm worried but i saw well first let's let's pay homage to yeah we got to pay
Starting point is 01:20:11 homage to it to prison prison airport airport superstore that roof um and we named all the buildings after people like our buddy chili we named a building after him because his name's chili we named the next door building Applebee's. Nice. The Boneyard, dude. Robbie named all the orange boxes Chastain's. Right, yeah. I didn't know what you guys were talking about at first. Jessica Chastain.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Yeah. Just so much beauty comes out of it. So much language and friendship and adrenaline. It's tough to come to terms with i mean activision is really toying with our emotions here they're saying you have to say goodbye to verdansk like change is coming every time you get on there when you're logging on it goes t minus like 11 days eight days seven days wow it's gonna be gone forever man it's the first time you'll miss us miss a city in poland yeah yeah for dancing i'll
Starting point is 01:21:06 miss you dude thank you so much for everything you gave us thank you for dancing and i'm uh you know i was worried about vanguard but then i saw a trailer for the new map candor it's tropical it's tropical. I'm in. I know, I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:48 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:51 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:22:11 Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Strider, who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Shad, what's your beef of the week. And who's your best? Striker. Who's your best? Joe, what's your club
Starting point is 01:22:25 league? Club Last Club Last Club Last Club
Starting point is 01:22:34 Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Club Last Thank you. Last question Last question Last question
Starting point is 01:23:13 Last question Last question Shad, what is your beef of the week? And who's your best strider? Joe, what's your cup of beef? Thank you. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum

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