Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 22 - Successful Dudes, Dogmatic Beliefs, and Romance

Episode Date: June 13, 2018

In this episode, we dive deep into successful dudes and weaklings who try to tear them down, people who hold dogmatic beliefs, lying about your sex life, the ups and downs of romance, Chad and JT get ...sentimental on one another and, as always, fire beefs, legends and babes.  Check it out! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stokers what up wow baby what up guys this is Chad coming in with my compadre JT what up boom clap Stokers boom clap baby, baby. Dude, you rocking that sweater t-shirt mix? Yeah. To the Stokers at home, I have a store that I love to shop at. It's called Gap. And I go in there and I look for a rugged everyday man look. And I've kind of found the apotheosis of that, which is a gray kind of mesh mesh sweater but the sleeves are cut off and it looks like they were actually cut but you know like well trimmed cut not cut by like a barbarian but cut
Starting point is 00:00:51 by like a seamstress and um yeah it i love the way it looks so i went back and i had the blue one and then i went back and got another color yeah it looks fire and great word by the way apotheosis that you managed to fit fire vocab and fire style into one sentence i really wanted to say apotheosis during that sentence do you wake up every morning with like a list of words where you're like i'm gonna nail these words today and then so you sort of have it in your mind like a game plan and then like a certain moment will come and you're like oh um homeostasis no um i don't i just you know i like to i listen to a lot of uh podcasts with smart guys and then i just regurgitate a lot of what they say but but if i if i try to do it in like a search and destroy way where i have like 10 words and i'm like all
Starting point is 00:01:37 right i need to like nail these ones my brain won't do it i'm like allergic to actual work yeah so it has to feel kind of like just part of what I like to do. Yeah. And so I don't have a list of words, but I do have a list of bitches that need to get slapped. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. And not bitch meaning a woman, bitch meaning Sally-esque dudes.
Starting point is 00:01:56 They're going to get fucked. Nice. Dude, I was going to say, another thing I like about a Caps protest versus other protests, Kaepernick's protest during the national anthem, is that it doesn't fuck with my day. Like, I was driving over here and I was running late, and I'm sorry. And then there was a bunch of congestion on the street, and it was because there was protests going on.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah. And I was like, guys, like, I'm all for fighting for your cause, but, like, you're effing with my day, so now when I think of you, I'm just going to think about how you effing with my day so now when i think of you i'm just gonna think about how you effed with my day yeah dude i'm that that that angers me like like no other like they'll have marathons like oh it's the aids walk i'm like oh great you're gonna cut off the entire street like the main street in the city for this aids walk thank you why don't you hold the aids walk in like a fucking desert where there's not going to be traffic? There's so many alternative ideas where we can still help with AIDS, but it's not fucking with people's drive time.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah. Like you could do like jumping on a trampoline for AIDS and it could be like at like a warehouse and everyone jumps on. It doesn't have to be a walk. Yeah. It's like, oh, we're going to we're going to fight AIDS in the most annoying way possible. It's like, why don't you make it an enjoyable experience so more people turn out and throw their cash their way, you know? Yeah, if they were like, hey, we're going to do like a dirt biking, like kind of motocross expose or exhibition for AIDS. I'd be like, yeah, that sounds like his fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'd love to be a part of that yeah or like the aids like shroom trip where everyone goes to joshua tree so there's no traffic you go to joshua tree sort of like where they should make coachella and aids rage fest yeah well i mean that's live aid that's like that old concert from the 80s yeah they raised like a billion dollars and it was just concerts i mean i'm sure the concerts individually caused some traffic. Yeah. But it wasn't spilling over in all the neighborhoods. Yeah. Because there's no allotted time on these protests either. You know, like with Kaepernick, I know it's going to last as long as the Star Spangled Banner.
Starting point is 00:03:56 He's not adding any time to my day. Excellent point, dude. Yeah, because there will be times when during like, I'm sorry to keep bag bagging on the aids walk but that's the only one i can think of right now i'll be like driving and then i'll be like they'll be like oh you can't even cross this giant ass street and i'll be like all right fuck the people trying to find a cure for aids yeah that's exactly what goes through my mind i mean they're fucking with you yeah so why don't you guys think about that if you're listening they i hope they are yeah i think they're stokers yeah yeah people who hate aids are also stokers
Starting point is 00:04:34 yeah and i mean hateB in the NFL, would you rather win two Super Bowls or become a martyr like Kaepernick? Oh man, that's a great question. Honestly. You know, it's really circumstantial. I don't know. It depends on like what kind of martyr I'd be. No, you know, it's really circumstantial. I don't know. It depends on like,
Starting point is 00:05:05 what kind of martyr I'd be. No, you know what? I think I'd rather win the Superbowls because if I'm a pro football player, I love playing football and anything that's going to take away something that brings me that much joy. I don't know if I'm going to do it, you know? Cause I just love getting to do what I like to do so much. But that's why I respect, that's why, you know, we make these people our legends of the Week and stuff, is because they're willing to sacrifice for their principles. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:05:31 But it's tough, man. I don't blame people who don't. You know what I mean? I just admire people who do. Yeah. It's tough to say-ish. I guess it really depends. You know? Because it's like, it's like maybe I was trying to be humble, but I just can't be.
Starting point is 00:05:50 No, but I think, I think, I think there's, there's, but there's two sides to all of us, you know? Yeah. I've never understood that with people, you know, it's just, it's so clear to me that like no one knows, no one knows anything, you know? So then when people hold on to these like pins, i'm gonna abbreve that appends you know they're just so like rigid like nope nope nope nope you're just like dude you don't know shit and i know you don't know shit especially because you're so rigid in your thinking my dog i just heard it it's epistemological modesty
Starting point is 00:06:22 like we are very small in a very complicated world so our understanding of it is super limited yeah this is my qualm i just threw a word in there come on this is my qualm baby so i feel like you want to question everything right you don't want to hold dogmatic bully dog you had it no you had it yeah Yeah, I know. I just wanted to do a brief. Dogmatic bullies. But I feel like being decisive is also important. So where's the middle ground? Well, you can't waste your time thinking about everything and deconstructing it to its most
Starting point is 00:07:01 abstract roots because you'd never get anything done. Dude, similar subject. Every time a hot chick cuts me off on the road, I get super fucking turned on. Oh dude. Nice. Like at first, like this girl with like, she was like a haircut lady. She, cause she had like the, I'm just guessing. Cause she had like the eyelashes on her, uh, front headlights, you know, which I think is like so tacky and gross, but like something about that arouses me and she just whipped by me in her white beamer and i was like oh you motherfucker and then right after that i was like oh i really want to date you yeah because of ferocity yeah
Starting point is 00:07:37 like she didn't give a fuck she fucking just like stomped me yeah like who a worthy adversary you're trying to tease me or i'm just like oh you think like you think you just bully me around well how about i make you fall in love with me yeah she's just getting a little love tap you know yeah i'll be like what are you doing i'm like i'm just trying to i'm just trying to flirt trying to dominate she gets out of the car she's like what the fuck i'm like what's going on yeah she's like i need your license and registration i'm like whoa i barely know you actually i'm not even registered yeah sorry i don't have insurance yeah i'll just give you a little left tap you like it i just want to know if you want to go get dinner where buca de pepo get out of here buddy
Starting point is 00:08:22 you're low class buca de to Pepo is good food. I have a Louis Vuitton bag, bitch. Why did you call me a bitch? Because I just fucking cut you off. And you're going to love tap me? Can you even drive, bitch? You don't know how I fuck. You know how I drive, bitch.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah, I'm sassy. What? Alright, that's cool. It's cool? Why are you being so mellow? I don't know. I'm just being myself. What's up with you?
Starting point is 00:08:55 Stop. I'm not doing anything. Fuck. I'll see you later. Hopefully sooner than later. That's how you do it fellas yeah that's improv 101 that's also how to bone 101 you ladies hopefully for all the ladies listening they're like how do they know women so well yeah just get it did you hear about uh mandy moore said wilmer balderrama lied about taking her virginity no she said he normally doesn't talk about um the ladies he's hooked
Starting point is 00:09:36 up with but i guess he uh i guess he just wanted to share but she said he's not telling the truth what a weird thing to lie about publicly because she could so easily be like no he didn't he's like yeah i did you know it's a tough argument to have out out in public like can you imagine if you're on the radio and you're like yeah i took tyra bang's v card what up tyra nice and she's like what the fuck you talking about i think because i'm a guy i always tend to believe the girl because i can just see because i used to lie about stuff like that yeah like when i was in high school i'd go to like summer camp my friends would be like what
Starting point is 00:10:13 happened i thought i fingered a chick and i was like you'll never find her she lives in canada she's gorgeous and cool yeah dude everyone yeah everyone does that they're like did you fuck her yeah yeah you just lie because because dudes can have come in with so much pressure on that you know you'll be like you'll go on like two dates or like you banger yet and you're like yeah just get off my back they're like oh dude you let her put you you let her put you in the friend zone dude yeah you fucked up you're like don't you have like your own shit yeah but i do it too i mean i'll fucking if i think my friends being like a putz with a girl i'll be like you're a fucking idiot dude yeah
Starting point is 00:10:52 dude you're letting this chick run circles around you bro i'd like to cite our boy joe your roomie um i went on a date with this girl it was like a couple months ago i'm on like two two dates with her and uh no maybe it's like one date i go on like i go on a date i come and after the date she leaves and then i go meet up with you guys and joe's like how'd the date go obviously not well i'm like dude's the first date he's like i kiss on the first date if i don't kiss on the first date i'm out i need to know that there's a spark he's so full of on the first date if i don't kiss on the first date i'm out i need to know that there's a spark he's so full of shit man because there's so many times i've seen him after he hung out chicks i'm like how'd it go he goes yeah it was nice yeah yeah like we're like
Starting point is 00:11:33 he's not grading himself on the same scale yeah i mean you know no bones about it he's a horny dude but he's not he's not always like all about that. Like second date, if you're not, you know, getting in there like Patrick Bateman style, like flexing while doing it doggy style. He's like, obviously the date didn't go well. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, it didn't go as well as it could have, but like it still went well. Yeah. I didn't flex in the mirror while hitting a doggy style, but I'm pretty happy.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No disrespect to Joe. I love Joe. Oh, he's a legend. We wanted to have him on today. He couldn't make it um but he's just funny about that stuff what was he gonna say dude there's a funny there's like a track record of this with celebrities lying about hooking up with chicks i remember i watched fred durst uh on an mtv like true life show and he's like this is like when britney spears and justin timberlake were dating and he's like yeah man i ran into britney at the the airport. And he's like talking to an interviewer.
Starting point is 00:12:26 He's like, I ran into Britney Spears at the airport. And I was like, where are you going? She's like, I'm going to Paris to meet up with Justin. We're getting back together. And Fred's like, I was like, nah, no, you're not. You're coming to Palm Springs with me right now. And he's like, then we went to Palm Springs and we had the most romantic, crazy week of my life. Then the interviewer takes a beat and goes yeah we asked
Starting point is 00:12:46 britney about it she said it's all lies and you just see fred's face be like huh he's like then he like plays it off he's like man that hurts that she said that like trying to act like he's all devastated by it like it was a deep betrayal by her to deny it i mean maybe he's telling the truth i don't know i don't know yeah that's a tough one because as a celebrity you know she doesn't want to come off as like a whore yeah uh but i could also see fred durst lying about that be like yeah i got in there i got into the nookie that's my song yeah nookie's about her she's like no it's not i could also see someone lying about hooking up with Fred Durst, though.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Like, being like, it never happened. And then you're like, I don't know. He's kind of, dude, he had like a good, speaking of film directing, he had like a good film directing career. He's directed a bunch of movies now. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And one of them was like about smart kid, like about a tough kid who hangs out with smart kids at like a fancy, like, liberal arts college. Like, Fred durst directed this movie i guess you know shouldn't judge a book by its uh it's covered by its durst it's a oh oh they did both dude they did both yeah baby yeah baby baby. Yeah, baby. Woo! We're up. Barstool Sports reposted our City Council videos.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Dude, I'm just so stoked they put both. Oh, dude, thank you. You're such a great guy. Guys, to break it down... I don't want to come out... I want to come off as a... No, it's not funny. It's not funny at all. Guys, this is something you guys should know about Chad. Sometimes when we do our videos and they're more than a minute long
Starting point is 00:14:25 On Instagram the clips only can exist In one minute form So often times we'll do a video together But they'll just extract Chad's part Which I totally understand the guy's a fucking superstar It's often because it's the first slide No but you're a star And then they just put up Chad's clip
Starting point is 00:14:40 But Chad always requests that they also have my clip in there Because he's my fucking dog and you know i'm and i'm in your in your debt it's because i it's because i love you par and also because par you're the fucking you're the fucking engine you know par and i are par and i are a goddamn team you know well dude like i mean yeah let's get into it like um when a chat and i work on stuff sometimes it can be like intense but then like my girlfriend was blown away like yesterday when when you texted me like hey thanks for all your hard work on this and like i'm sorry if i get cranky sometimes and i was like no thank you for like pushing me i'm sorry if i get cranky she liked that yeah and i was like and i said i love, and I said, I love you. And then you said, I love you too. And she was like, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. She's like, I know so many people who would just let that stuff fester for months and they would never just say what was happening and like, and take the, take enough space from what you're feeling to appreciate the other person. It wasn't like a ton of words. It was like, I'm sorry for me. I'm thankful for you. Let's keep doing this. You know what I mean? You're going to make me cry, man.
Starting point is 00:15:49 No, but it's real. Guys, Chad is not as prepared as usual. I mean, he thinks hard on these things. So he's not sure who's going to fulfill these beautiful designations. But Chad, I have to throw it to you. Who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week? I'm going to go with Reese Witherspoon. Reese Witherspoon. Honestly, whenever I look at Reese, what's up? I just can't believe you didn't have one. I think that's like one of the best babes of the week ever. Reese Witherspoon is a phenomenal babe of the week. Yeah, thank you. I'm going to go with Reese Withese witherspoon guys if you know one thing about me
Starting point is 00:16:26 you know that i love blondes but that's not what it's about but whenever i look at reese i'm like that's my ideal lady um but on top of that she's just a phenomenal actress she you know legally blonde is one of my favorite movies because it's just so there's just so much there's so much good comedy in there and i you know it's rom-com but i love rom-coms yeah i'm gonna bring it out there i love rom-coms i do too and there's so much good comedy in there and she plays it so well and and she just in every role she just brings sort of this light um positivity to it can do attitude can do attitude that's type a really inspiring and i'm just like man i wish i had someone like reese in my life you know so reese is always someone i like whenever i'm looking for like suitors i'm like who can i look towards and it's like oh reese for sure you know it's like i don't want to like compare i don't
Starting point is 00:17:17 think it's healthy to compare but yeah i'm gonna compare because reese is the reese is the goal is the ideal yeah and uh you know legally, and Legally Blonde, Walk the Line, what are some others? Sweet Home Alabama. Election. Election. Big Little Lies. Big Little Lies.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Wild. Yeah. She's just, she's killer. Legally Blonde 3 just got announced. It's going to be great. Dude, Legally Blonde is such a great movie. Yeah. Because she can play the bimboness of the character and she can play the competency of the character, which is what makes that character so great.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah. And then just like when I was a kid watching that movie, I was like, damn, I want to go to college. Oh, she made you want to go to Harvard? Yeah. No, that's not what happened. I was like, I want to stay in Socal and go to college wherever she went first so i could meet sorority girls like her because i'm like i want to find out where the mixer is and find my reese did you ever see the video where she like is being a bitch to the cops oh i've
Starting point is 00:18:17 totally forgot i'm sorry to use the b word totally forgot but yeah but i never even watched it i never watched it yeah i didn't watch that i respect also yeah me too i don't want to taint it i love you reese and you know everyone has their moments especially with the cops you're gonna get pissed you're gonna have your moments can we have our moments please this is another thing related to the tom cruise thing let people have their moments although i guess tom is i mean a huge moment but yeah well tom needs more moments because he's the greatest yeah exactly great call par all right who's your babe my baby of the week is um myself fire dude honestly i think i've earned it like um i do too
Starting point is 00:18:53 i don't want to be vain and just be like oh i look great and stuff but i was at the gym and i was doing some back and i've been doing a lot of yoga and i box and um you know i got on bipolar medication it put like 15 pounds on me. And, uh, my psychiatrist, who's a bitch was saying I was getting fat and I was like, fuck you, dude, I'm not fat. I'm just a little thick right now. And next time you see me, I'm going to be shredded. And that's what I did. And, uh, I looked at my abs today in the mirror at the gym and I could see them. And I'm a simple dude. When I can see my abs, when my abs have those little lines, I feel pure happiness.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I'm not obsessed with my body. I don't think about it all day, but I do take care of it. And when I look at it and I can feel like I can objectively say that I have an aesthetically pleasing body, nothing can hurt me. Dude, you look fire right now.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Come on, no I don't. You look like fire, dude. Come on. You know what? You know what, dude?
Starting point is 00:19:51 You're going to be washing clothes on those fucking abs in no time. Well, dude, if you got some laundry to be done, I'd love to, you know, help you out. Actually,
Starting point is 00:19:58 dude, I got to clean my sheets. Dude, you're going to get your abs so steel that you're going to clean dishes on them. I'm going clean um driveways you know like the water blaster guys yeah that's just gonna be me scrubbing with my abs yeah your your abs are gonna have so much presh yeah i'll get freaking gum out of your driveway jib wow stay fit stokers all right dude oh jib wow's on urban dictionary yeah let's get into
Starting point is 00:20:22 that real quick so i submitted it like three times because Stokers kept reaching out. They're like, dude, I don't see it on there. I'm like, I'm submitting it, dude. So I got two acceptances. So I think it's on there twice. And then one rejection. So I'm like, wait, is it rejected now? But it's on there.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Amazing, man. Yeah. My beef of the week is going to be with sea urchins. Whoa, that's a great beef. So I was surfing Malibu the other day. I stepped on a sea urchin. I got a bunch of splinters in my toe.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I thought I got them out. Dude, I went in there hardcore with a needle, alcohol, needle, neosporin went in my toe hard, but some of them are still in there. And I just want to say sea urchins,
Starting point is 00:21:03 like what the fuck are you doing? Like you're on the reef chill i understand that you're like survival technique or whatever you know but like and you got you got to poke things you know so they don't eat your ass but you know what like maybe find a place on the reef where like cool dudes who just want to surf aren't gonna like step on you because it really ruins my day. I'm sure it ruins a lot of other surfers days and you can't be in defense mode all the time, urchins. Maybe you just need to like open up and let people in, you know, and I understand nature is a little bit different than like human society, but you know what? Maybe you should think about that a little bit. May not be so po pokey they're like the pebble in the shoe of paradise you know what i mean like there's this perfect
Starting point is 00:21:49 place and then there's like and then there's just this one thing that's there to remind you that nothing's like all the way perfect yeah so sergent step your fucking game up maybe dole your spikes a little bit quit fucking with my feet that's my beef so we've talked about him but uh my beef of the week is um with the website the culture website av club for an interview or for a summation of an interview that they ran about bradley cooper from 2013 this has been sticking in my craw for four and a half years now. The heading of the article says Bradley Cooper fucking loves paradise loss, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I'm guaranteeing you if this is on AV club, that bro is sarcastic. This is from 12, 17, 13, two years ago that, okay. So basically what it says is,
Starting point is 00:22:42 is that in Bradley Cooper's new interview in GQ, new at the time, he talks about how much he loves Paradise Lost. The like epic poem, huge book by Milton. And the article makes fun of him for how he talks about the poem. He goes, Milton, bro, fucking milton that was the end of it motherfuckers 57 or whatever blind dictating it to his fucking daughter nurse paradise loss i mean i just couldn't that poem fucking killed me satan that character was un-fucking-believable i could taste him in my mouth dude reading that i really really for some reason connected with that poem they're making fun of him for talking that way.
Starting point is 00:23:26 They're like, what a douche. This fucking douche thinks that he knows about Milton. He doesn't know shit. It's like, first of all, it sounds like he knows a lot about it. And why can't he talk about it like that? He's just a regular. He can use his bro vernacular and talk about something academic and neither one eliminates the other one's potency.
Starting point is 00:23:46 something academic and neither one eliminates the other one's potency yeah and i'm just i just he did nothing in this interview that deserved to be made fun of yeah but they went after him just shows their character because he was gonna be dude because he was gonna be in a 3d movie about lucifer that he was loosely inspired by milton's poem about as if like just because you're, and it was going to be directed by Alex Preuss, who's a good director, so it's not even as cheesy as it sounds. And then like, there's other things I know about Bradley Cooper.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Like he was at Georgetown, so he went to a good school, so he's a smart guy. Yeah. On an Inside the Actors studio with Sean Penn, he's in the audience and he asked Sean Penn a question about acting in Hurley Burley, so he's always a dedicated student of acting.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Yeah. And he speaks French yeah but then these dudes are gonna come pick on him for for talking about Paradise Lost and throwing some bros in there like how about just be excited that he's talking about some fucking epic literature that I really know nothing about I actually went in the AV club section and I left the defense of him because I was so frustrated. Yeah. Dude, I get so annoyed by... Because Bradley Cooper, you know he's a hardworking, dedicated dude who's passionate about what he does. And it's like you're going to knock him for being passionate?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Would you rather him be super pretentious and just talk like a fucking... I don't know. Or just be a dweeb or not express himself? Yeah, it's like... I don't know. I'm right there with you. See, I'm defensive about it, so I can't even Or just be a dweeb Or not express himself Yeah it's like Who gives a I don't know I'm right there with you See I'm defensive about it
Starting point is 00:25:07 So I can't even articulate How I feel Because it wounds me Because I I see myself in him Not as great as him He's Mr. Cooper to me And he's definitely
Starting point is 00:25:14 Mr. Cooper to whoever Ran this interview Yeah And it's like We were talking about yesterday Like people People want to rag on Successful dudes so much
Starting point is 00:25:21 Because there's a lot Of jealousy in there But it's like But it's like dude If you're in a room With that guy that dude's gonna win you over like when we met herb yesterday the head city councilman at la coolest guy i've ever met dude you left that room and you felt better about everything yeah these people like arnold schwarzenegger like you can talk all the shit about him because we know all the things that he's done but if you're in the room with them you leave that room you're on his team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And I grew up, I always loved hot dudes. All my friends that I grew up with were hot guys, cool guys. Yeah. I loved it. Yeah. Of course there was some jealousy there. Of course there was some competitive fire. But I didn't let it be an indictment on them.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah. I just let it be motivation for me. Yeah, you just gotta use it as motivation. Look at this douche. And they're like, that dude's charismatic as fuck and look at all the stuff b cooper's done in that five years yeah now he's doing a star is born yeah i just i can't stand people like that like i hate people who have money it's like why because they're driven and work hard and to be cool to me you don't even have to be good at making money you know whatever to me what's cool is just being good at whatever you're pursuing yeah so if you're pursuing being a cool poor wise man if you pursue it well and you're compelling as you do it that's
Starting point is 00:26:32 amazing but if you are pursuing money and you are good at it i think that's cool too yeah like i'm not gonna knock you because that's what you're into especially if you can hold a conversation and you can talk about milton yeah sounds like you got a lot going on. Yeah. Sounds like you got a lot of horsepower, Bradley. Exactly. Thank you. Great beef, dude. Yeah, I was pissed, man. That's been sticking in my craw for five years.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And then in the comments, dude, these little weasels were like, oh, dude, he's wearing his sunglasses while he's driving. I can just imagine how douchey his sunglasses were. Like they were assuming so much douche in him that wasn't even there on the page. Yeah. And they're like, oh, he was eating his salad while he was driving. Like, what an asshole. I was like, it's called being busy.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah. It's such an, it speaks to such, like, that people use the anonymity of, like, the internet and stuff to, like, talk shit. And it's like, dude, you're jacking off in your fucking basement chair, bitch. And I'm doing that. Yeah. I'm doing that. But I will tell you, I'm doing that. And I will write that into my comment. Yeah. This is JT that. I'm doing that. But I will tell you, I'm doing that.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And I will write that into my comment. This is JT Parr. I'm jacking off while I write this. Leave Bradley Cooper alone. Yes. Thank you. There's a right way to do it. All right, who is your legend of the week?
Starting point is 00:27:41 My legend of the week is my boy Peter G g from college what up peter my dog so peter g you know those dudes who are just like physical specimens of like perfection who like if there's any physical challenge they can do it you know like jump up onto that ledge they do it climb this peter's like the perfect example of that like anywhere you go he like he'll just amaze you with like his physicality he can do anything and he's also like one of the most fun guys to party with i'm gonna go with ever because he's just very resourceful very high energy very positive wants everyone to have a good time he's in chicago right now crushing it.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I don't know, dude, but just in college, we would just like eat it. Not even on big party nights, you know, like we would just have these like times when like, he'd be like, all right, tonight, let's go to the grocery store. Let's get a bunch of salmon. Let's get wine and let's go cook dinner with these girls. I'm like, dude, fire idea fire idea you know like he's just one of those dudes who's gonna do like fun shit like that all the time if you want to do fun shit hang out peter g you know um and then we uh what else do we do i remember this one time in cabo uh i was i was staying at my boy mikey's place and like i don't know if I should say this, but. Then you should definitely say it.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Yeah. So it was just late night. This girl hooked up with me who like, I never, but she always kept trying to hook up with me, you know? And she like got to me this time. How in the fuck? And then I like woke up and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:29:18 oh, you fuck. And then Peter was out there on the couch. I just snuggled with him. We have to cut that out. That is absolutely staying in. That was wonderful. So thank you, Peter, for being a snuggle buddy there.
Starting point is 00:29:35 My legend of the week is Bruce Springsteen. Bruce Springsteen is an American songwriter and singer. He's in the pantheon of the greatest of all time. And he's probably the artist that I have the deepest connection to. Partially because I was raised on him. You know, my dad's from Jersey. Springsteen's from Jersey. And he's kind of the favorite son from there.
Starting point is 00:29:56 He released his first album when he was 19, Greetings from Asbury Park. And critics liked it, but it didn't really connect with the audience at large. Then he made one more album, The Wild, The Innocent, and The E Street Shuffle, which is also really good and critically acclaimed, but didn't really connect with the wide audience. Then at 25, with I think Jimmy Iovine working with him on it, he writes his classic.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I mean, they're all classics, but this is the one that like sold the most born to run and in the liner notes for born to run he goes this is me at 25 taking my shot at the title greatest rock album of all time dude the balls of it to just like sit there and be like this album that i'm doing right here is gonna be up there with the greatest albums of all time and not only did he write it in the liner notes it happened yeah like it the whole album is just a wall of sound like it has so much going on in it you know it's got the title track born to run one of my favorite songs backstreets which i think is secretly about a uh two straight friends who are secretly in love with each other so i can relate to that and then uh and then thunder road which is you know just another song beautiful country but then
Starting point is 00:31:04 this is the coolest thing that album explodes he's the biggest rock star in the world it finally happened what does he do he runs away a lot of his songs are about running away he runs away back to where he's from lives on a farm for like four years and then does this very small and contemplative but still hard rocking album called darkness on the edge of town and it's just just about like, it's just about life. Like he, he was so successful, but he didn't stop being honest with himself and he didn't stop searching for answers. And he kept wrestling with who he was. And I just think like, he's always doing that. He's so diligent in that. He's always asking like himself, the tough questions and putting those answers out into his, his art.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And he has so many classic albums after that, like the rising, which was after nine 11, which has beautiful stuff about New York city and just kind of that moment. And the main song, the rising is a homage to firefighters. And it's like, listen to it and you'll cry Stokers. That's a guarantee. And then finally, I just want to say what John Stewart always said about him or what John Stewart said about him when he got his Kennedy award for like being like a
Starting point is 00:32:11 great artist, the government finally recognize you're such a good artist. The government says you're good. And John Stewart goes, when you see Bruce Springsteen, whenever he performs, he always empties the tank. He gives you everything.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Like he's a blue collar entertainer. Like he will beat you into submission. I saw him once. It's the most amazing concert I've ever been to. Four straight hours of just rock. You're like, dude, let me go. Let me go home. He's like, no, you paid for a ticket and you're going to remember this for the rest of your
Starting point is 00:32:39 life because I'm Bruce Springsteen and that's the social contract we're engaged in. You're like, fuck. Yeah, dude. Thank you for taking on that burden. And then his band, the E street band has been his band for 40 years, sans two members and some who have departed. But,
Starting point is 00:32:53 uh, and, and it's a family event when you go there, they, each person gets their solo. He talks about each person and you can tell that even though he did albums without him, that this will always be his family.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So, uh, yeah, Bruce Springsteen, you're my legend of the week. Yeah. Fire. Yeah. I heard, uh, an this will always be his family. So yeah, Bruce Springsteen, you're my legend of the week. Dude, fire. I heard an interview with Steven Tyler on Joe Rogan. Steven Tyler went to one of Bruce Springsteen's performances.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Apparently Bruce Springsteen was like, you know that New Jersey thing? I invented that. What up, guys? This is Chad Kroger coming in from the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, boning, it's a huge topic. It's a part of life. It happens, and we want it to happen for everyone.
Starting point is 00:33:36 But we want it to happen right, and we want it to happen smooth. So that's why when you bone, we want you to turn to Douglas Lubricant, So that's why when you bone, we want you to turn to Douglas Lubricant, the premier lube on the ether. If you guys pick Douglas, we promise that your partner will look at you with a look of just awe and just pure love. Because you know that you're treating your partner right with smooth boning it comes in a number of different fragrances original strawberry anal par what's your favorite anal me too it's a fire flave and um yeah guys keep boning but bone right with douglas lubricant did fire copy all right let's get into some questions questiones what up dudes Don here big supporter of the pod big supporter of dudes need some
Starting point is 00:34:35 fucking wisdom this sandwich artist at subway is giving me so many fucking signs puts lots of mayo on my sandwiches signifies jizz oh i should have taken a bigger beat there and she knows by and she knows me by name i don't want to ask her out like some little bitch from a nicholas sparks movie i'm into the kind of romance where you and the girl stare at each other for like 20 seconds and bang right then right there i know she's interested but how do i initiate i think it'd be fucking sick to bang at a subway too let me know don thanks for writing in dude you sound passionate you sound fiery but i'd take a little more of a you know pragmatic approach like you're kind of uh at the end of the story already you know hopefully if it's a happy story it ends with you guys banging it subway let's put the horse
Starting point is 00:35:18 back before the cart and let's just um dress nice one day go in there ask her out be nice on the date really listen see if you have a connection and then maybe in a couple weeks probably a couple months honestly it's not gonna happen you'll fuck it subway and you know i i wouldn't read too much into the extra mayo i mean i mean like yeah i hear you extra mayo you're like wow she must love jizz um that's a huge sign but you know she could just be trigger happy with her mayo squeeze and i also think uh a lot of those people in nicholas sparks movies uh i think they're kind of courageous in how romantic they are so i don't know if i'd define them as little bitches good call important so one of our other friends is an interesting
Starting point is 00:36:03 relationship he's super in love with his girlfriend but she's mentally unstable and will consistently flip arguments on him to make him out as the bad guy she also tells people that she's scared he will hurt her which is something he would never do she's about to leave for a month and we really want to convince him that his life is better without her how do you think we should do that thanks man graham man it's tough i mean i think you think you're probably doing all you can, but you really got to ask your friend why he thinks he deserves this.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Like, what is keeping him in this relationship? Because he's making a decision every day to stay with someone who sounds like is unsafe for him. So there's something faulty going on in his wiring, and he needs to be enlightened on that. So I would just ask him like, dude, why do you think this is what you deserve? Yeah, I'd tread lightly, but, you know, I'd put it into perspective for him and be like, you know, I don't think you really think about what she's doing to you and sort of
Starting point is 00:37:03 try to see that from a, you know, objective perspective, it's messed up. So, um, you know, just be like, be there for him, care for him. Don't just like say she sucks. You know, I'd tread lightly and, and, uh, just sort of lay it out for him and just be like, dude, I think you deserve to be treated better. What's up dudes. I have a problem. That's really been getting me in my fields lately as a great lake surfer I've always been neglected within the surf community As an outcast I go to school in the Silicon Valley and surf around Santa Cruz all the time
Starting point is 00:37:31 The locals think I'm a Barney Even though I'm a pretty solid ripper They tell me lakes don't have waves and that bothers me Because that's my local break And it doesn't deserve that level of disrespect The waves are usually small But can absolutely nuke in the winter This problem has followed me back
Starting point is 00:37:46 to school as tons of dudes in my fraternity shit on me for it as well. I'm worried my Great Lakes pride will spread into my dick-slinging game and affect my chill-to-pool ratio. Tons of girls are about to cause me... Tons of girls are about me because I surf, but I think they get turned off when I say I learned on the Great Lakes. As absolute
Starting point is 00:38:01 Ricos and California surfer men, what do you suggest i do about my problem do i stay proud and talk about my humble surf beginnings or keep my secrets secure thanks boys that's a tough one man because santa cruz can be super aggro with their localism um i think you just i i'd be i'd be less talk more action you know show them that you can shred you know and then if and then when they say where'd you learn to shred you'd be like oh the uh the great lakes and they'll be like damn you learned to shred that well in the great lakes that's fire you know um because i think i think just coming out and saying outright like like yeah sir if i'm
Starting point is 00:38:42 from chicago people are like people are naturally gonna be like what you know so i wouldn't uh i wouldn't you know preach it all the time i would just uh just fucking shred dude and if people ask be honest but you let your actions do the do the talking what do you think i think um when you try to hide something you give it more power yeah you know like you're only as dark as your secrets there's something called the strisand effect where like um they took pictures of the coast from a helicopter and strisand was so embarrassed at like how big her house was and she thought people would judge her for it that she asked it to be removed but when the internet found out that she did that the picture appeared everywhere so the stridesand effect is basically like when you try to hide something it becomes more visible that's like the cultural reaction to it so i think dude
Starting point is 00:39:34 by you hiding it you're gonna make the great lakes thing even more what defines you yeah what's up my lads parentheses my lads? Parentheses, my lads. Once again, I must profess my love for the pod. It's undoubtedly one of the most anticipated moments of my week. Your grace and debonair while deconstructing the world's ills is truly the tits. Your charisma and personalities in the content you produce always reminds me that life is basically good. You and your pod act like a lighthouse in the tumults and vicissitudes of the stormy sea that is life. Keep on being the kings of magnificence that you are.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Dude. Right back at you, dude. That being said, I am facing a dilemma, a difficult dilemma. And I knew that there was no better fount of knowledge than the two seers of Stoke and also Strider, that lovable bastard, if he's around. Strider is coming back next week. I am currently working for a really great company. They plucked me out of obscurity and gave me a job and purpose. The pay is pretty decent considering I'm still working on my degree.
Starting point is 00:40:28 The people are awesome and the management are all popes of dope. I love the company and I'm super happy with the environment. However, recently I was headhunted and offered a position with another company that pays significantly more. However, I can't shake the feeling that if I choose to leave my current job, I would be dogging the boys, so to speak. My main goals are to pay for school and buy a badass, murdered-out, all-black Toyota 4Runner. Fuck yeah. And this new job could certainly accelerate those goals.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Should I go with the new company, even though I'm very happy where I am? Or should I stay with the company and people that have helped in crafting me into the man I am today and miss out on a bigger paycheck? I humbly await your replies. Yours faithfully, Brennan.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I think the big question is, do you feel like you have a future at the company you're currently at because uh great look you know if you if it's a if you if you have a family there you know solid guys that you love to work with and you see growth then i would stick around there you know don't go for the big paycheck because then you might you know be in a place that you don't like and then it turns into a negative. So, but if you feel like you've hit a ceiling at where you're at, I think, I don't think, if you feel like you've hit a ceiling where you're at and you don't see room for growth, I don't think the guys there would be like, oh dude, you're stabbing us in
Starting point is 00:41:37 the back. Yeah, totally. You'd be like, no, you're, they'd be like, oh, you have to do what's best for you. So I think that's the big question. Yeah, dude, I wouldn't stay out of a fear of hurting their feelings. I don't think that's the right way to look at it. But I would say it sounds like you have wonderful relationships there. So if the relationships are a bigger priority than the money, I totally understand it. But do it because you want to do it. Don't do it because you're to do it. Don't do it
Starting point is 00:42:05 because you're doing what they would want you to do, you know? But I think it's cool that like, you might choose your roots basically over, you know, just, uh, money gains. But, but I think Chad is most accurate when he says like, it's also about your future. So, so I recently chopped the flow off. The boys used to think my flow was saucy, but it was just time to get it cut. But now I regret cutting the flow. My stoke level has been super low and one could almost say non-existent since the cutting of my flow. And I have no clue what to do about it. How can I get my stoke back up so that when the boys and I hang, I can full send to my fullest potential. Please help. This is very important to not only me, but the boys themselves.
Starting point is 00:42:46 They said that they need my stoke level to be back to normal. Please help. I am in dire need of assistance in getting my stoke back. P.S. Give Ty Sanderson and Doug a shout out. What up, Ty? What up, Doug? From Jacob, a.k.a. J-Pole. Dude, your flow will grow back, man.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Your flow will grow back. Don't let it affect your stoke. I totally get it, dude. Whenever I get a haircut and it's too short and I don't let it affect your stoke. I totally get it, dude. Whenever I get a haircut and it's too short and I don't like it, I'm pissed and it really just makes me feel off. I'm like, is life even worth living? Because I lost my best asset. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:43:18 The key about life is it keeps going. And the key about your hair, it keeps growing, my dog. Let me quote Eckhart tolle in this instance there is no good or bad there just is it's all about how you judge your situation my dog so your hair will grow back and you should learn to be stoked even without good flow which is something i'm working on, even though I keep my flow. But it's a tough thing to do. Probably one of the toughest things in the world.
Starting point is 00:43:52 All right, let's end it with our movie quote of the week. Guys, my movie quote of the week is from the 1995 Rob Reiner directed Aaron Sorkin written movie, The American President, starring Michael Douglas and Annette Bening and Martin Sheen. It's basically about a president who starts dating a woman and the hardships that come from that when you're the most famous, important person in the world. And he won the first election that brought him into the presidency because his wife died. And not only did he have a strong platform, but that sympathy made it basically impossible for his opponents to attack him. But now that he's got a girlfriend, he's vulnerable. Worse yet, his girlfriend works for a lobbying firm.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So people can throw allegations of bias at him now because he could be forwarding her agenda. So they start digging in on his girlfriend, played brilliantly by Annette Bening, who's just a total force of nature. She goes to a state dinner with him and they meet the French president and Michael Douglas' president character,
Starting point is 00:44:55 Andrew Shepard, doesn't know what to do and then she just takes over because she can speak French. But basically they dig into her... I get really impressed when people can speak French, if that's been one consistent in this podcast. They dig into her background and they find a photo of her lighting a flag on fire. And then his opponent starts to suggest that she gave away sex to get her bills passed that she was lobbying for.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So they're just tearing down her character. And Andrew Shepard, the president, doesn't want to jump in and defend his girlfriend or call the other guys liars. He just thinks it's beneath him. You know what I mean? He's an honorable guy. But his, uh, it becomes clear that he does have to say something that if the other side is the only one talking, then they're controlling the narrative. And even though you don't want to get into a mud fight, cause everyone comes out looking
Starting point is 00:45:39 the same muddy. Sometimes you don't have a choice. So at the end of the movie, he delivers a rousing speech to his opposition. I think the guy's name is, hold on, let me look it up real quick. Oh, Bob Rumson. So he delivers a fiery speech to his opposition, Bob Rumson, that basically ends the movie. And he goes on this wicked speech about like how Bob Rumson's not really selling anything substantial to the American people. He's just, he's not telling you like how things can get better. He's just telling you why your lives are bad and who to
Starting point is 00:46:09 blame for it. And it's a really powerful way to kind of summarize the way politics works. But then he goes in on him for attacking his girlfriend. He's like Sidney Allen Wade, like put herself through law school, has fought for the rights of marginalized people and has like been a huge, you know, great person her whole life. And then he just, the camera does like a slow zoom into his face. And the president of the United States looks into the camera, looks at the guy running against the president.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He goes, if you want to get into a character debate, Bob, you better stick with me. Sidney Allen Wade is way out of your league. And I was like, yes, dude, put them down. Mr. President, do not come after the president's girlfriend, because she is honorable, he is honorable, and he will have none of it. And that's something I've learned from Strider. Just the way he talks about his Khaleesi,
Starting point is 00:46:53 it's inspiring. You can tell that they are a team together. And I just think that's how me and my GFR, thanks to the influence of good dudes like Andrew Shepard, the president, and Strider. And then to the influence of good dudes like andrew shepherd the president and and strider and then at the end of this speech he goes bob rumsund at the end of the speech goes and i'm running for president and he goes my name is andrew shepherd and i am the president of the
Starting point is 00:47:17 united states that's awesome mic drop fire quote there um my quote is from wedding crashers one of my fave movies um when uh owen wilson comes up to vince vaughn and uh vince vaughn's like what's going on he's like claire's mom just made me feel her hooters and then vince vaughn goes what how older lady made you feel her cans snap out of it and i think that's a really fire quote because i think that just shows you enjoy the things in life that come at you you know don't just dwell on negatives you know if if a hot older lady makes you feel her cans rejoice you know so were they built for comfort or for pleasure were they built for speed or for comfort and yeah i love william wilson but his response there he's like what's wrong with you and now i'm on vince's side like what like, what's wrong with you? And now I'm on Vince's side. I'm like, what's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Did you motorboat her? That's where motorboating came from. Yeah. Nice. Two classic films. Is that it? Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Stokers, that will be it for episode 22 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing your questions. We love them. Thank you for being Stokers, for bringing the stoke. And just stay fire, my dogs. You guys are legends, and we love answering your questions. We love you guys, so keep writing in. And if you want bonus content, like right now,
Starting point is 00:48:34 we're about to do a movie review of Varsity Blues. That is on our Patreon, so go to patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep for all that fire stuff. And JT, you want anything to say? Boom, clap, stokers. Stay up, boys. Stay up, boys. Stay up, dogs. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:49 What's up, Stokers? This episode of Going Deep with Chad and JT is brought to you by Kevin Farr at Attorney at Law. Did you, a friend, or a loved one just have the worst night of your life, getting busted for your DUI? Getting popped by an undercover squeeze thinking you were just paying for love? Getting thrown in the slammer for squaring up with a boogie boarder who dropped in front of your barrel? Don't worry. Kev's got your back. Give Kevin Fard, attorney at law, a call at 213-290-6464 and ask how he can defend you. That's 213-290-6464 or kevinfardlaw.com. That's K-E-V-I-N-F-A-R-D law.com. Serving Southern California.
Starting point is 00:49:29 This is a legal advertisement. It does not constitute legal advice for an attorney-client relationship. Epic. Dude, I love the way you go up when you say he's going to be your attorney. That's how you got to deliver. Yeah. He's going to represent you. Yeah. Yeah.

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