Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 228 - Rachel Wolfson and Mat Edgar Join

Episode Date: March 4, 2022

What up stokers?! This week we've got comedians, Rachel Wolfson and Mat Edgar, we talk about Rachel's work in the new Jackass movie and a bunch of other fun stuff!    Get 20% Off and Free Sh...ipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].      Visit https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/GoingDeep and get 3 years + 4 months free for only $1.98 per month (83% OFF) with a 30 day money back guarantee To find your perfect sofa, check out Allform.com slash godeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we have a new Patreon that is up and running. Bonus episodes of the podcast. Check it out. Become a patron at patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. We also have tour dates coming up. Our next show that's tonight is at Oxnard, Santa Barbara, North LA area, the Levity Live. and we got future dates. We're going to San Jose soon and then all over California and then some Texas dates and then, uh, DC, Michigan and future dates coming. So check all those dates out at Chad goes deep.com. We're also of course brought to you by legends at manscape manscape. Thank you so much for keeping our trims peeve for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because splish splash i was taking a bath and i noticed i have beautiful
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Starting point is 00:01:36 What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with the newly minted part of the Jackass crew, Rachel Wolfson. What up? Thank you for having me. Yeah, pumped you're here. Thank you for doing it. I'm going to pull this wolfson what up thank you for having me yeah pumped you here thank you for doing it i'm gonna pull this closer to my face so you can hear me oh no i'm already breaking it am i i think we can adjust it okay yeah hi can you hear me yeah you can move that thing around i'm also i didn't realize i can it's not because i don't want to sit next close to
Starting point is 00:01:59 you jt i do i'm just i didn't even think that was the reason okay good just brought it up oh no no i was it's just my projecting my insecurities on you. I love that. I love talking about insecurities. Hell yeah. It opens me up. Yeah. Well, thanks for having me, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah. Yeah. Glad you're here. Hell yeah. Happy to be here. So I had no idea. Did you have to stay quiet about the whole thing until the movie was like starting to be promoted?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah. Yeah. So we started filming before covid um okay but before the bc uh in 2019 so also at the same time as as you guys probably know like you never want to say anything too early because you just never know what's going to happen um but yeah so i kept i kept it quiet for like a couple years because everything got pushed back because of covid what was the process to getting in the crew uh how did i get jumped in you mean um no i uh the process was uh basically i noticed like one day um after
Starting point is 00:03:02 like a stand-up video of mine i think think Laugh Factory posted one of my videos. And like I got 15,000 followers just from one video. And like I noticed not long after that, like a couple of famous people started following me. One of those people was Johnny Knoxville. And he was liking like a bunch of my content. Like all of my jokes that I would put up. Nothing like if I put up anything that was like, which I rarely do, but I may be able to put up a bikini pic if it's like summer or if I'm like, if I need like to get people out to a show,
Starting point is 00:03:35 like here's my one bikini picture. Um, it, but it was, he wasn't liking anything like that. It was strictly just my content. And content and um and then he sent me a message one day that was like hey um i want to ask you something also like him and i had banter back and forth on instagram like he would put up funny videos and i would always have the top caption as far as like comments right um and um and so he sent me a message was like hey do you want to get on a phone call with me i want to ask you something about something and i i like couldn't believe it i was like is this really johnny knoxville asking me to get on a phone call um and so he called me and it was it was him i mean it's his voice i was like am i being pranked? Um, and then, uh, he asked if he, when he first asked
Starting point is 00:04:27 me, he was like, it's an anniversary special. So I didn't, it wasn't like, Hey, we're shooting the movie. Um, I was like, well, whatever it is, I want to be a part of it. Cause I love Jackass and I, any, I would love to work with him. Yeah. So he asked me to come in for a meeting with him and Jeff Tremaine at their office and it was like the quickest meeting ever it was like five minutes they were like do you want it that's when they told me it was going to be the movie right they're like do you we're shooting the fourth movie um is it like is this something you're interested do you want to come play with us is what they initially said and I was like yeah but in my mind I'm like what do they want with me and uh they're like well do you have any questions and I was like no so the meeting lasted five minutes because we're all really bad at meetings and have ADHD yeah so um so I just like I left there being like did I really
Starting point is 00:05:20 just meet with Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine and did they really ask me to come be a part of of shooting the movie and then um not long well probably that was over the summer and it wasn't until December did I did we go in for a test shoot right so so you just had that meeting and then so there was no sort of like audition process of like sending a tape or is that what the test shoot was um that was the test shoot they all the cast members and um some of uh just part of the family got to throw in names in the hat of people they would recommend yeah to um be a part of it and then based off like uh their research and whatever they invited a group of us to come test shoot for two days. I showed up one day and then they had a group show up and shoot the other day. And it was pretty quickly that they saw
Starting point is 00:06:14 that there was obviously some chemistry there. Like there was something to the group they put together and just like the camaraderie that was still there after all those years. And they could see a future with all of us together that's awesome and so what did the test shoot did he do stunts or was it just sort of you guys hanging out um the test shoot it was it was literally like shooting a jackass um film that day like it was like or an episode of jackass if you will um there were stunts right away like a lot of the stuff we shot in the test shoot made it into the movie.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Okay, cool. Because also at that point, this was before COVID, and there was a lot of other things that I don't think they had to consider at the time. And the footage was really good. What was your first one? My first, like, what did we do that day that like what first stunt well i was mainly peanut gallery that day like i i don't think i didn't participate in any stunts because i think also with me being um a woman they didn't know at that time how down I would be to actually do the stunts because I was always like whatever they asked of me, I would do.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And like I knew like, oh, of course, I'm going to get hurt. I knew what Jackass was. Yeah. And I knew that that I was just going to come from a place of yes and that I felt like no matter what, it's going to be come from a place of yes. And that I, I felt like no matter what, it's going to be coming from a place of comedy. So like, I don't have to fear getting not too hurt, but dying,
Starting point is 00:07:51 I guess. Right, right, right. So how, how nerve wracking is it to do? Like, is it,
Starting point is 00:07:57 is being with that whole crew? Does it, does it sort of build up your confidence of like, Oh, I can do anything. Or were you just sort of like, how are your nerves when you're on set and you have to do a stunt i'm definitely paranoid like there's always i feel like i have to always watch my back like right yeah i was thinking about that too of like being
Starting point is 00:08:13 on set and like you know like the the fucking inflatable thing it like hits you in the face yeah um like oh my face there's always like there's oh yeah you always have to definitely watch out for your face and also your nuts. Just, you know, mainly really every part of your body. But it's nerve wracking because, again, you just, you never know if you're the mark or if you're in, you know, if you're in on it or whatnot. Right, the prank could turn on you. Right. Or it's like a prank within a prank, you know, like prankception. So, yeah, I mean, it's all kinds of anxiety it's anxiety of like oh are they gonna
Starting point is 00:08:48 fuck with you and also you want to get the best shot like that it is like not like a competition in a sense of like oh we're i'm better than this person it's like oh you want to get the best possible footage right so whatever that entails if it's getting hurt if it's having the best punch line if it's yeah hurt if it's having the best punch line if it's yeah you know yes you're almost stoked if you get fucked up right like that's kind of the goal is um it is to get hurt but i also think that um for me personally me getting too hurt it becomes not comedy anymore so it's like you yeah, there's a line there is for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But he didn't get you hurt. I mean, I definitely got hurt. I just realized like I have a very high pain tolerance. Um, and, uh, and it's kind of,
Starting point is 00:09:37 um, what is it? Masochist. It's like a, uh, kind of a, yeah. Like I,
Starting point is 00:09:43 yeah. Like just like sprints. Right. It was sprints. Yeah. when it comes to your abs yeah when it comes to my abs i'll fucking kill myself yeah for sure i feel you um did you were you do you always have a high pain tolerance like did you know that about yourself or was that something you figured out along the way i think it's something i figured out along the way through think it's something i figured out along the way through painful things i've gone through you know yeah that's that makes sense like through perspective i'm like okay well this is painful but there's nothing more painful than this you know like
Starting point is 00:10:16 in my mind i'm like not making it would be the most painful thing right you know yeah that's a bigger the psychic toll of that is worse than like falling off an asium or something. For me, like almost mental pain is more hurtful than physical pain in some sense. Yeah, I think I like physical pain sometimes. I know, because it distracts you. Yeah, your brain gets like a flat line across it and all the thoughts go away. Your brain's like, oh, thank break you know yeah did you find some zen like in those moments when you were getting like hit by the stinger from the scorpion was there honestly i think it's the adrenaline like it's it's like there's a release
Starting point is 00:10:55 that comes from going enduring the pain yeah and having that crew around you gassing you up being like you're doing amazing like this is amazing that's gotta honestly like when um the first experience i think well knoxville reminded me there was um there was something we shot with an electric eel where the stunt didn't work it might end up in on the cutting room i don't know if anyone will see it but um we were all like duct taped together and like trying to get electrocuted from this you know yeah um but the eel wouldn't comply no the eel complied it just like this the current wasn't strong enough to go through all of us and like it just didn't work or whatever but so did you feel like a i felt a jolt but it wasn't it wasn't as it wasn't as strong as they needed it to be to have the
Starting point is 00:11:41 effect they wanted but afterwards they were like taking away the eel and someone, someone was, or I guess Jeff was like, someone should just touch it. And I, I was like, I'll touch it. And I just stuck my hand in and like held the eel.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And like, they saw that it barely had an effect on me. Right. And I think that's for them. That's when the idea started. Oh, we can do some other things with her. There's something else to this.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You know, she's not, she, she is is a comedian but also there's something you know else that was there but when i did when i licked the taser um the reaction i got from the guys after doing it and not making a peep was like one of those moments where i was like oh wow like okay this is yeah how'd you do that i don't know i just like that thing burned it it was like it was like it was like it was like um you know when they're doing that to your arm charlie horse yeah i don't know i forget what the political the political term oh yeah i know it is but i won't say it oh yeah yeah right yeah when you're getting uh burns your arm, you know, Charlie horse or whatever they're called.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah. It felt like that, but on your tongue. It was like a weird feeling for sure. Nice. How do they, like, when they do like the electric eel one, how do you guys plan for that? Like, do you look up on Wikipedia, like the wattage of an electric eel? know there's probably there's there's there's a lot of research i'm sure that goes on on the jackass then maybe there's not enough research some would say yeah some would say
Starting point is 00:13:14 the research is in the art of doing it you guys are the research we are you are doing our own research you know we know more about electric eels now because right like forget ben franklin you know yeah um so uh yeah i think um you know what when you realize like all the uh the the stuff that goes into building these sets and like building these stuff like it's they i mean they're working with professional idiots i mean these are people who are professionally they are you know they that's their livelihood to do stunts and shit like that so they know what's the safest way to be dumb you know right like if you're gonna do that with like these guys even like john knoxville's been doing it for what like 30 years a hundred years i don't know he's been doing it for so i mean since we were since yeah we were very very young which is remarkable like when you see him in the trailer
Starting point is 00:14:08 and he's got like gray hair now and you're like oh he's still getting hit by like buff buffalo which was crazy because when we first got to set he had dark hair he was the knoxville we all grew up really yeah and i was like oh wow like he still looks pretty much the same and then like the pandemic happened and he showed up looking like Jamie Lee Curtis straight up like the Internet called. I was like, wow, this is quite the transition, you know. Does he have like a methodology to like get his body ready for like, does he have a practice that he does to get his body ready for all that? I mean, I don't know. Maybe like childhood trauma and like whiskey.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I don't know. I don't know. I can't speak for him i think i think obviously for someone you have like a process to get ready for it it was like uh it was cannabis indica um probably a session with my therapist and uh i don't know some self-talk yeah it's the same thing i don't know like i take a hit of a joint like here goes nothing i don't know did you take a hit of a joint like here goes nothing i don't know did you tell your therapist like i'm gonna get tasered today uh yeah do it yeah it was uh it was it was it was one of those like i don't really care what you say i'm doing it you know right so do they like soft scripted like they're sort of like okay today you're gonna get stung by
Starting point is 00:15:20 a scorpion today they're gonna hit you know aaron in the nuts um not everything is like like nothing is like there's no script per se yeah um they have stunts they they plan on doing obviously not everyone is in the know like they stagger like that they have methods to this madness of like how to keep people in because sometimes like i said you're the mark or and sometimes you're you're not the mark right So they keep it kind of secretive. So they, yeah, for sure. Like there, like there's things like, you know, like that'll happen where, you know, like they're like, don't say, you know, like, yeah, don't let other people, you know, so it's like, it's very much like that. But also with certain things, like they came to me and was, and they were like, would you be comfortable doing
Starting point is 00:16:03 this? And I said, yeah. Right. So, cause I was wondering, like and was and they were like would you be comfortable doing this and i said yeah right so because i was wondering like like do they say like the scorpion or the taser it's like do you know i knew ahead of time i was gonna do i knew like i knew i knew like maybe a week or two out um and with those two specific stunts they asked me if i would be comfortable doing that yeah but i didn't know what the bit surrounding it would be I didn't know um yeah interesting that probably gets better reaction 100 yeah yeah and honestly even if they in that moment if I didn't know and they would have came to me five minutes before the bit I still would have had the same reaction like I still would have been like yeah of course and I would have had less time to psych myself out I would have just gone right in yeah and but i but at no point did they ever come to me with
Starting point is 00:16:49 anything where i was like okay i'm maybe i won't do it you know i just knew i was like i'm gonna do it and i'm gonna try and get the best shot yeah so did you pray um uh does meditating count as prayer that's a good question i think so i think i think what i said was like uh i think what i said was like i just hope this is funny yeah you're yeah that's a true comedian right yeah that's that's got to be because i was thinking about that like doing the stunt and then did you were you sort of like i have to have something witty to say like um that kind of pressure i had i always felt i always have that pressure like i i always like i'm like okay like in my mind when we're doing something like i'm having the jokes run in my head you know like there's things where i'm like okay you know but also at the same time because you don't know what's gonna happen it's almost like you know um what what happens in the
Starting point is 00:17:44 moment is always what i think is the funniest like that whole when he dropped the scorpion on my chest you know that was completely by accident and that whole scene where like he didn't want to get it off of me because unless he asked for permission which was like he did the right thing and in the moment of which because it wouldn't have bothered me per se if he had just done it because that wouldn't have bothered me because he's trying to help but i think there would have been some discourse like a discussion around right that if he didn't ask to do that you know yeah that's a tough one because yeah scorpion's dangerous but at the same time you got to respect personal
Starting point is 00:18:20 boundaries and it also was and also all of it was funny yeah you know it was really funny right yeah it was one of the i was in a theater when i saw it yeah and like it's one of the best theater movies you know because it's such a communal experience and everyone just like you know there's like a million bees on steve-o's dick and it just connects the like 200 people in this room yeah we're all on the same page we're just like yes this is what we needed there's yeah there's nothing like grown men's penises just bringing everyone together and i've often thought like how responsible we are for children seeing their first pair of balls you know like that's something so special that it's probably the first time i saw like a normal sized dick in media oh no
Starting point is 00:19:07 because i think you know i'm child of like kazaa so i was watching like porn and i'm like what the fuck is going on yeah right i have such a long way to go and then jackass came out and i'd see like ponius's piece which is you know formidable but it's still in like the regular human realm yeah i was like that's cool that that's how i felt watching chernobyl when the minors are nude you know that was very comforting to me i was like oh they have like regular size dinks yeah the most badass minor like the leader guy has like a little dick but he walks with such like proud shoulders you know a life experience so you're like it's a badass like without these pieces of content media like would would the penis ever be relatable to you know the math so i see i see the importance and value of that that's it's it's in a way it falls under the body positivity movement for sure it's
Starting point is 00:19:56 the softer side of the penis yeah yeah yeah how it can be fun normal dinks yeah that's big for us the first time i ever got high was to jackass too really yeah what was like what what was the process there i was in mendocino county uh with my family's holidays and uh my brother-in-law was like you want to smoke a joint and i was like a sophomore in high school and i smoked it with him watched jackass too hardest i ever laughed did it yeah how'd the weed affect you good at that time well i don't but i don't for some reason i don't vibe that well with weed i don't really i haven't smoked weed in like eight years but um you're naturally chill yeah i was like i'm i already am there so
Starting point is 00:20:40 i think it was we were talking about this the other day like it has the opposite effect on me so i'd be like a you know i'd be like a oil tycoon if i smoke weed oh wow it'd make you too full of it'd make me a yeah it'd make me a ruthless businessman i think right yeah like it almost would be unfair to us you know to have you in that state yeah you'd be like putin dude stay off the weed who knows Who knows what countries you'd invade. Dude, it's scary to think about. You have no respect for sovereignty. Yeah, when the California legalized weed, I was like, careful what you're doing, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:16 When did you start smoking weed? I was 19 when weed came into my life. So kind of late, I guess if you would say well yeah i mean i i think i like i missed the boat in high school my because my parents just scared me they they really like um they use like scare tactics um to to dissuade me from living my my truth and um they told me that if i smoked weed i would die so really oh yeah like they were like if you smoke weed you're gonna end up on the strip acting all crazy i was like but everyone's doing it it seems so fun you know yeah um when they work in the league yeah they're they they have um
Starting point is 00:21:57 they have like you know professional jobs and stuff in law um so i think it just wasn't a good look for the brand of the family at the time right but um but no they and then i i went away to college and like people would offer me weed and i'm like no i can't do it i'll die and they're like no one's no one's ever died yeah yeah uh your mom was on the oj trial she was uh she was the judge that put OJ in prison. She was the judge that presided over his case. It was a group of 12 jurors who decided. The one where he did the sports memorabilia? Yeah, the memorabilia.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Like jacking? Mm-hmm. Well, tell her thank you. People were pumped. People are still amped about that. I don't know how OJ feels. But yeah, people are still amped about that um i don't know how oj feels um but yeah he he um yeah people are still amped about i'm just i'm just i'm just i don't want to say grateful but um there's still an audience who knows who oj simpson is yeah at least there's that i think that's where i'll keep
Starting point is 00:23:00 coming back to he'll get like a new doc every 10 something i'm just waiting for his podcast to drop yeah i do follow him on twitter i do it's very entertaining i think he just like yesterday offered his um two cents on the ukrainian russian did he what did he say do you have a good time i did i honestly i was like i'm gonna have to wait till i till i can like get into a a good hearing place so i can get this intel um hey twitter Twitter world. So, yeah, you know. Did he have a comprehensive plan for NATO? I'm sure he does. I mean, he's one who comes, he's a man with plans.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah. Plans things, right? He plans and executes things. Yeah. He executes. He golfs and then gives hot takes. Yeah, so. Was your mom like a celebrity after that?
Starting point is 00:23:43 It was weird because like my mom she got a she ended up getting a court tv show for a year after called swift justice with jackie glass nancy grace had it for a couple years and then my mom took over um but she was never like she was never like i want to be a judge. Like she really enjoyed being a judge and her career. And, um, Hollywood tried to like come in and, and like,
Starting point is 00:24:10 you know, but it was honestly like right before, you know, video and social media and things like that. So I feel like it could have had more of a chance if, uh, if it happened a little bit later, but she did that court TV show for a year.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And then she went back to Vegas and, um, started being a private mediator. Does, later but she did that court tv show for a year and then she went back to vegas and um started being a private mediator does does being that close to like the legal profession did that make you more afraid of the law or less afraid of the law oh good question honestly i've always been afraid of it like i've always felt like like even as a kid my mom would threaten like if i did something wrong she could get out the kit to like find out if there's fingerprint like i went through like my dad's like gum like he had this where we keep gum and candy in the middle of his like a center console yeah i didn't know the word for it for a
Starting point is 00:24:55 second um she was like if you went in there we could find out we have the the fingerprint uh technology dude i'm a kid She's telling me this. They would interrogate me at the fucking dinner table. Really? Oh, yeah. Like if I was in trouble, it was one of those, do you have something to tell us? And then it's like I'm going through the list
Starting point is 00:25:13 and having my head up all the things I've done wrong. Like very much good cop, bad cop. Yeah. So yeah, I think that's why like my natural anxiety, like I'm still to this day, I'm like, oh my God, I'm going to get in trouble with my parents. You know what I mean? But that makes what you do more fun, right? Because you're like, I think that's why, like, my natural anxiety, like, I'm still to this day, I'm like, oh, my God, I'm going to get in trouble with my parents. You know what I mean? But that makes what you do more fun, right?
Starting point is 00:25:28 Because you're like, I'm being bad. Like, this could get me in trouble. I think that's, like, why, like, when someone tells me not to do something, there's just that, like, it stokes that, like, oh, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it, you know? Do they have that in the dinner room? They have, like, that mirror, you know, with, like, like the looking glass and they just leave you in there for like an hour. Yeah. Just observe you.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Basically. Just to wait for food. Basically. See if I confess. They come in smoking a cig. Were you like, did you get in trouble in school or were you like a straight and narrow? Oh, no, I was always in trouble. Like I was a distraction, which my teachers were confused because they're like she's smart but
Starting point is 00:26:05 um she doesn't act that way you know like we can tell she's smart and you know in writing and English but I didn't give a fuck about math like even as a kid I was like you can't make me learn shapes um if I don't if I don't want to embrace them um or even numbers like I just didn't get the language so um I was yeah i was in the principal's office the teacher always knew my name um really just just yeah just what was it about shapes that didn't interest you honestly i just didn't care to know the circumference like get a get get a carpenter or get someone who cares about shapes like you know yeah get a compass i yeah i just i just think
Starting point is 00:26:46 like if if kids don't want to learn math then you shouldn't force like find out what they're interested in and then force them to pursue their passion yeah like let it be a choice right like throw them a math book and be like do you like this and if they're like no you're like well okay we got other options because like besides like like what i don't do any math on my own on you know like i have the calculator it just feels like a waste of an hour every year of my life for like 12 years but like good on the kids who love math i support their journey yeah no hate on no no hate you know amir kabiri yeah he's teaching himself trigonometry right now see we need legends like that so i don't have to i'm triggered like that's that triggers trigonometry triggers to me yeah uh i'm not doing it but yeah that's great i literally i think i think um one year this school just gave
Starting point is 00:27:38 up on me because i was just so bad at math and they were like you know if we just hold like we just she's just we agree she's just not gonna we're not gonna force her to keep learning this anymore like i i just got through that one class and they're like okay well we're just gonna figure something else out for her yeah i remember i had math and i took like one class in college and it was like algebra two or something that time this time that's personal, it was summer school. I fucking failed so hard. It's a sequel.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Dude, yeah. Because you have to like do the, yeah. I still have nightmares about, typically, you know when you have those nightmares like where you like don't finish a test, you didn't study. Yeah. It's always with math. Okay. So like why did they that that was the last class
Starting point is 00:28:27 i took was business math i'm like i don't even have a business yeah yeah why am i doing math for this business i liked philosophy that was my major because you could just be like well what how do i know if that's objectively a surfboard you know like you know and then people are like wow that's so profound. And you're like, yeah. Yeah, I could get behind philosophy. Philosophy is fun. What else could the surfboard be?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Well, there's objectivity and subjectivity. So in my subjective perception, that looks like a surfboard. But objectively, is it still? Because it could be subjectively, to me because a boogie board well yeah because that's according to my perception because my senses you know my sensory perception is saying that's a you know but there's no way to five seven i think it's the same kind of board or even a board yeah well you i mean according to your perception you know know, that could be a, you know, six to stretch. That's fire.
Starting point is 00:29:29 All right. Moving forward. That's why philosophy is cool, though. Yeah, that is why. Yeah, it's because you feel like, oh. See, I could have a conversation about that. But like, if you're if you're trying to get into fractions and. Brutal.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah. Long division. Yeah i haven't done it no in years no no so what was it like going back to jazz what was it like shooting during covet was that like was it hard to prank people when you had like a compliance officer um it was crazy because like before we shot before covid happened you know i'm walking on to one set when we when we first started shooting jackass the first day on set they had someone giving like like the big concern on set was sexual harassment like on any set so they made sure all movie sets had like an hr sexual harassment compliance officer right um like so when i get to set the
Starting point is 00:30:24 first day they're giving a seminar about this it's really weird because i'm the only girl there's no one else like yeah there's you're the only i actually feel very comfortable i think they're the ones who are uncomfortable you know yeah um and then like a couple months later when we came back to shoot after covet it was like oh wow this is like everything is like you have to stand here you can only eat here you have to wear your mask you can't even get out of your car until you test negative like they they took it very seriously like it's it's like they were like the gold standard of safety on on for covid which is funny to me um and then when it came to the pranking like so we i had this like idea of of like the all the kinds of things we
Starting point is 00:31:07 would be able to do and then with covid it just like it got weird because they had to work around you know testing people before they came to get pranks so it's like how do you convince people like what do you you know what do you do to to get them to agree to doing that, essentially? Or like, yeah, how do you get them tested and then still get them surprised when you need to? Yeah, because the furniture store was a real furniture store. And those were temp workers that were hired to work at the furniture store that day. So they were thinking they were going to work at the store. But they had to get COVID tested before they can come into work.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Right. Oh, smart. So. Wow. Yeah. i never thought about that but that but i mean that's why i think in this movie you don't see as many public pranks because that i think they had saved that for later not thinking covid would exist were there any moments when you're when you thought someone was gonna die or someone like like were there any moments where you're like i don't think this is gonna end well um yeah i mean there was definitely i wasn't there the day of the bowl but now that i saw it that that for sure when i after watching it i i'm so glad i wasn't there for that i would have it would
Starting point is 00:32:21 have been really hard to see knoxville um lying on the ground like that but there was definitely you know i mean watching poopies get bit in the face with a point like i don't know how poisonous that snake was but that was so intense yeah and just um yeah i mean there's there's all the stunts you see i, there's always a risk that they land just, I mean, they're professionals, but there's always the risk that one small tiny thing could go wrong. Maybe there's a rot or like there's something where they land like at any moment. So there's always that, oh, they're going to get,
Starting point is 00:32:58 they could get seriously hurt. Right. I don't think that ever really goes away. The fear that it could go wrong or just the fear that like oh you know you could get seriously hurt there's always you could always get seriously hurt no matter what that's exciting it is exciting yeah keeps it exciting i think which is ultimately what everyone wants to see so totally the tension yeah yeah i mean and how how where's the funny in it you know why does it make us laugh so hard you know yeah yeah it is i think it's your guys's reactions i think it's it's the tension
Starting point is 00:33:35 like when you're going towards the thing and you're like oh my god this is gonna be fucking awful and then you guys always make it funny afterwards. Right. And it's such a big release. Yeah. Right. I mean, also, because it's like, even just like growing up, when you see someone fall, there's something funny about like, you know what I mean? Even with the reaction when someone falls, like when a kid cries, it's like, no, you know, it's like, it's funny. But even if they don't, it's also, there's something about us as humans, we go through pain.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And if they don't, it's also, there's something about us as humans. We go through pain. And oftentimes, the only thing that makes us feel better is to laugh at it. Right. And to find the funny. Yeah. Or laughing at someone else's pain. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Because the best YouTube clip of all time. Remember like early YouTube? Oh, yeah. It was like, there was the fat kid almost falling off the roller coaster. He's like, Janice, Janice. And he's getting strong. And then there was a really quick one of the fat kid on the bike just hitting the dirt and going and falling down yeah and i still watch those today yeah they make me so happy oh
Starting point is 00:34:30 yeah i think too with jackass is always like the crew you know is because to me is when i'm watching i was just always like it just looked like a really fun hang yeah you know and that that's the part that i love the most of just like everyone hanging out like laughing together it's like like when we man was getting shot with the you know it was uh shocked on the on that chair and um it's not aaron who's the but they're just dying laughing that's just like it just brings you back to just hanging out with your friends and it's like that i think that too is just such a uh great element of the movies that i agree like i feel like everyone like when you're watching this group of guys these these people they all someone there reminds you of someone you grew up with yeah
Starting point is 00:35:16 and i just feel like they these guys are all so funny individually. Like the, you know, some of them do stand up, but, um, I mean, Steve-O is so funny. I mean, Aaron really in my, he carried this movie.
Starting point is 00:35:33 He was so good in it. Um, and just seeing like how his character or his character, how he's kind of evolved over time. Like at one point, you know, I mean, historically,
Starting point is 00:35:44 Aaron is like, kind of like uh i don't know they he's like annoying they love to pick on him but he's so funny in forever it's it's really cool to see him kind of evolve into this like this person that he is and yeah and even we man and and preston i mean i, I love those guys. They're all great. And it really is, it feels like, I don't want to say blessing because to me it just seems so cheap in terms of the opportunity I got
Starting point is 00:36:16 to really get to know these guys. I'm very grateful for the experiences I had with them and the fact that they opened up, you know, their, their family to me. And, and, um, I just, I don't know. I, I've really enjoyed getting to know them too. It's, it's some of the best times of my life for real. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Were you guys pranking each other off camera? Oh, there's, I mean, there's always, there's like clowning is always going on. There's just like constant, you know, making fun. And, um, there's always some shit going, going down. There's just like constant, you know, making fun. And there's always some shit going going down. Like, do you like to talk shit? Do I like to talk shit? Oh, yeah, for sure. Were you like the shit talker of your friends growing up?
Starting point is 00:36:56 I don't know if I was like the shit talker, but oftentimes, like, I feel like people would come to me to talk shit because I would always have something like a funny thing to say or funny reaction to it so you were like the fun one to challenge to see if they could keep up um no i what i'm saying is like they would come to talk to me about the like they would come and talk their shit about whatever else to me and it's like just to hear what i would have to say like privately does that make sense like what are your thoughts like you know oh like privately yeah like privately they would come to me what are your thoughts like you know oh like privately yeah like privately they would come to me and be like talking shit about something and then i would
Starting point is 00:37:29 what would be my reaction you know oh that's hilarious and to that pain thing too about how we enjoy watching we're talking about real housewives it's kind of like why i like watching those shows too it's a different kind of pain yeah but like just the emotional volatility and the way that they go at each other and don't hold back. There's something cathartic about it where you're like, I wish I could unload on people like the Real Housewives do. Well, it's an escape. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Do you have a favorite Real Housewives? I mean, I love OC for sure. I was just with Tamara the other day. What? Oh, yeah. Because I did watch What Happens Live with her and her husband, Eddie, Eddie Judge. And we're cool and I really love her.
Starting point is 00:38:10 So I got to... That's really cool. Matt and I spent Valentine's Day dinner with Eddie and Tamara. Oh, really? How was that? Great guys.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah? Yeah. He goes through a lot. Good people. What do you mean he goes through a lot? I mean, his wife is a housewife. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:38:28 So just to have to endure that chaos. He's very much a normal guy that, you know, when he walks into a situation, they're all yelling. His instinct, like anybody, would be like, guys, let's relax. And then there's always producers like, get this fucking guy out of here. This is good television.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah. I watched Miami. Recently? No no when i was in college yeah yeah i was like dating a girl from miami for like a month or we were in date she just flew out from my so we watched real housewives miami and it was fun i really enjoyed it yeah i haven't dabbled since but i should get good content yeah not really it'll rot your brain but you know it's the i think the hardest i've ever cried from art was real housewives of jersey which one theresa's brother was fighting with his dad yeah and he was like look at me dad can't you see i'm just like you and the devil's like i can't look at you oh and i was like i was like this is like the sopranos or something yeah it's like deep deep shit it is i fell asleep to the sopranos uh
Starting point is 00:39:30 the other night and i i was you know when you fall asleep to something and you're like in the show and your dream i was i was in i was with tony oh wow it was pretty crazy yeah were you guys getting along yeah nice yeah i don't really remember what we were doing but i think we shot someone i don't know i don't know what's going on but i was in the spring it felt like that's really cool yeah thank you yeah cool story have like people been reaching out to you like inspired by your uh your jackass i mean i i've been getting my dms are lit one guy wants me asked if i would hit him with a truck really yeah oh that's interesting i didn't think that that's i never thought about that that people would like ask you oh i was like what's your budget
Starting point is 00:40:09 why did you ask him why he wants to get hit by a truck i don't ask those questions i get it i just i'm just like do you have the funds or not like yeah um i don't care if you have the insurance i just want to know do you have the benjamins for for this is that the craziest one you've gotten um no i'm like literally uh i get um what did what would some guy with my what was the feet one you got a wiki feet made out of oh yeah my my wiki feet is lit nice oh congrats and i i made the mistake of before like all this happened i was like going through my twitter to see if i had anything offensive but what i should have been doing is looking at pictures of my feet right you know because like but yeah that got a huge bump i mean like i i i have a good rating so i'm pretty stoked on my rating like it says nice feet you know um yeah did you did you put in a rating yeah
Starting point is 00:41:02 you gotta support your girlfriend yeah are you a folk guy no but uh you know that's what's happened you're my you like my i can't let these other guys rate her feet right yeah you gotta get in there yeah yeah yeah they're they're great you do that great feet i know from experience yeah yeah you did you did make a comment though under yeah yeah somebody was like I want to smell your feet. And I replied, they're great. They smell great. Very supportive. What percentage of the population is into feet?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Is it like 10 or 15? You'd be surprised. Yeah. I don't know. I like feet, but it's not like the be all end all for me. Yeah. I don't. I have none of that.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Chris Gardner does. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is it because they're covered all the time? I don't I have none of that Chris Gardner does yeah yeah is it because is it because they're covered all the time so there feels like there's something
Starting point is 00:41:50 kind of like like you unearthed something when you get in there I just think there's just so much going on down there there's like one one toe that's bigger than the other
Starting point is 00:41:59 and then there's like several other smaller toes and then there's like crevices and then the arch is like some people find that part sexual also feet can come with a smell people are into smells yeah i'm just breaking it down step by step here you know it's a good call though the architecture of the foot yeah does offer a lot right like because like i think like people who appreciate
Starting point is 00:42:22 curves of the body, you can't forget about the curves, you know? Now I think I'll see people are like Leonardo da Vinci or something. They're just like, they're connoisseurs. Yeah. Yeah. Of design. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Interesting. That makes sense. Like, I feel like. Respect guys. I didn't know. I thought you guys were just weird. Yeah. And I like feet though, but now I get it.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah. I mean, I feel like those kinds of like, you're just, you're you're just born that way you know you don't know why you just right like orientation you don't ask questions you just they scan your brain and there's just like a little tiny foot with a little tiny foot in your heart beat you know like if it's genetic i'm a foot guy i'm like so is your father yeah and his father yeah he was on my feet guys like i don't know i'm marrying a foot guy yeah my kid's gonna yeah were your parents stoked on jackass um when i first called them they were concerned for sure um but i was like you guys listen uh yeah we're uh we're gonna take what we get here okay like we're just you know i don't care
Starting point is 00:43:27 uh what we're i'm doing it like they you know they were concerned they were scared you know but i don't i it didn't matter to me i was gonna do it they also like didn't want me to move out to la to pursue my dreams and i was like well you're wrong i'm gonna make it and they're like so many people say that right right and then yeah because yeah for the audience we you know we've all we can sort of we're in open mics together for yeah probably like what is it like four years now since no i think i've since i started 2016 2016 yeah yeah i that's when i that's when i saw both of you guys at the mics yeah yeah yeah and then we did a i don't know we haven't done a ton of shows together but we did one at the ice house like
Starting point is 00:44:09 a while ago two years ago now yeah that was like pre-covid right before the pandemic yeah yeah that was fun good acoustics in that room it's good that is cool and i like the people in pasadena yeah they're nice there they are nice i'm too, like how you, so you've had this like huge moment. Has it just been like a whirlwind since it came out? I mean, yeah, it's, it's,
Starting point is 00:44:31 it's, uh, my social media is off, off the chain. Like just the messages I get, you were talking about, like I get, I've been getting a lot of messages from young girls,
Starting point is 00:44:39 which are really cool. And guys, I mean like guys are, you know, like people are very supportive of me being in this movie which is like ultimately what i wanted i i knew that i was walking into this franchise that had a very loyal fan base and i didn't want to disrespect the fans and i wanted them to know like i was a fan growing up too so this means something to me as well yeah um and i just wanted to make them proud like Like if I was going to, if I was going to be a girl in jackass,
Starting point is 00:45:06 not that that was something that I'm like, Oh, I'm a girl. It was always like, I'm new, you know? So I want to prove myself. But if I'm out here representing,
Starting point is 00:45:15 you know, women, then I wanted to at least give them a reason to be proud guys and girls, just as someone who, you know, is new to the family. and so yeah that's that's great that's awesome it's a big thing to inherit like you're coming into kind of like a institution that's like sacred to a lot of people so yeah i could imagine you're like all right i gotta do it
Starting point is 00:45:37 for you don't want to you got to do it for a lot of people you don't want to let people down i know i i never wanted to let people down. And I also I think definitely like representation matters, you know, and the fact that that was the like, I was given this really cool opportunity. You know, it was important for me that I did a good job, or at least that I was down and willing. Yeah. And, you know, like, I get a lot of messages from girls. It's like, thank you for representing like that. Girls can be dumb, too. Yeah. I love that on the face of. Yeah. But, you know, that's really sweet, though. You know.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah. Yeah. I took it as a compliment. There's probably some girls acting a fool in school right now. People, you know, people are already like trying to do the taser stuff on their own i don't encourage you know the uh this the stunts i don't encourage it to be done at home but i think one of the coolest messages someone sent me was um they were at a movie theater in brooklyn and someone was dressed up as me as a mime oh really oh that's
Starting point is 00:46:42 cool i know i was like wow that's uh that's amazing so um and then i did a cameo the other day this guy had me do a cameo for his daughter and then i i saw he posted the cameo her reacting to my cameo and seeing wow this is like she's got to be like 70 she's not that i was like she was so excited you know and i was like wow like i didn't have that growing up like i didn't have someone that represented me i didn't fit into the like straight and narrow right um and i think that that was really cool that's really that's awesome how was it was it hard to like stay quiet about it oh my god it was so hard you guys like especially anytime because my biggest thing yeah i'm just i'm going
Starting point is 00:47:33 through it right now with rejection because a lot of good things are happening but there's still a lot of rejection you know on a day as there's always one good thing and then there's 10 things of rejection you know um so it's like having to deal with the balance between the highs and the lows. And so, yeah, I mean, just like knowing, you know, what I knew and also, you know, still having, obviously, I'm always going to still go through the rejection. It's like, all right, well, I feel like one day you're going to want me around. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So no, so no it's uh yeah I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:48:07 especially with jackass too because just to say like I'm in jackass it'd be so tough to like not just like I told like a couple people like I told my family obviously yeah and like a couple close friends but for the most part it was like yeah I just I had to keep it to myself and then just like hearing every time it would get pushed back right it came out like two years or a year after it was supposed to yeah so uh she told me on our first date and i was like oh i gotta stick around yeah oh really why do you think matt and i are still together early well no i well well on our first because i was like i had just came from the meeting like i literally had like i was like i have like no one to tell like i'm like i i couldn't believe it so it was like
Starting point is 00:48:52 you know um it was he's watching it happen as it's happening so it's like it was it was like yeah i i had this crazy meeting today you know so i i had to tell someone and we you know we had already we were we were in love should we just Matt do you just want to get in here and take this seat and then we should just get it yeah I know I feel like I feel like the audience would be like who is this man yeah we got to put a face to the voice yeah do you want do you want to introduce him to the audience? We might have to switch the camera angles a little bit. Well, I gotta say, this is quite the honor. You know how much of a fan I am of you guys.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I'm a big fan of you, man. He was really stoked when I told him I was coming on your guys' podcast. Because he constantly, whenever, like, if we ever see you guys, he's like, Oh, I love those guys. guys, he's like, oh, I love those guys. They're so cool. Oh, that's so sweet. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:47 I'll even tell you this. That night that we, our first date, when she was telling me this, you know, we're talking comedy, because obviously. Yeah. And I dropped, I mentioned you guys. Oh, yeah. You were part of our first date. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Oh, that's so sweet. Yeah, yeah. We talked about how, like, those guys are the funny. That's what I like. Oh, thanks. and then um and then she meshed on that together and i was like oh cool okay we you know we kind of have similar senses of humor i guess yeah no you're you're a bit about your stepdad sticks with me because every time i see you i'm just like tony tony yeah yeah i get dms about Tony. The way you say Tony too, like fuck it.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Well, it's just, it's real. Yeah. I mean, it's like, that's such a, I'm fucking your mom name.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Tony. Yeah. Yeah. If Tony comes in, yeah. This is, this is my boyfriend, everyone.
Starting point is 00:50:40 His name is Matt Edgar. He's a very funny comedian. Very funny comic. Great to be here thank you rachel he's my ride yeah yeah he's not just my boyfriend he's not also he's not just my ride i've also do security yeah were you nervous dating a comedian um i i was until i got to know matt and i realized like i have a really good comedian like i have a night he's a nice guy um and that no matter what you know if we broke up like at least the jokes about me would be funny you know you're damn right that's huge so because like i can't
Starting point is 00:51:19 have him out here bombing over material about me definitely not right yeah yeah i mean that was probably the last time i was really really nervous on stage i've been doing this for 15 years i'm pretty comfortable but uh you know a few years ago when we started dating uh you know we do our first show together i think i was probably closing it and then you're on but i mean that was the last time i was like fuck dude if i if i for some reason have some weird night you know it's like totally chemistry could be off or whatever it's like how am i going to be able to like convince her that this that i'm funny dude i i just started dating a girl like a month and a half ago and our second date she came to a show oh my god it's a risk yeah it was big risk i was like you almost want to it's good that that's
Starting point is 00:52:05 only the second day you almost want to get that out of the way yeah you know man because that was like in our first probably like official week dating when she saw me it was like okay well i won't get too attached if i bomb yeah yeah i would already said i love you i was actually sitting on the i love you. I wanted to see how the set went. Yeah, if he bombed, I never would have talked to him again. I respect that. I respect that. I'm sorry. No, totally.
Starting point is 00:52:33 This isn't going to work. Were you nervous doing stand-up in front of him? Oh, my God. Did I throw up? Oh, she was all sweaty. It was so hot. I was really nervous because I was like, oh, God, at least he still thinks I'm hot. As a girl, i still have that which i would have worked you know that would have
Starting point is 00:52:48 kept it going for a little bit longer like we would have lasted you would have remembered yeah right stuck in there yeah yeah you're gonna rock in your shoe when uh when yeah when i was doing that that show i was like man i'm so envious of musicians because they can just go out and like like with comics it's like where the stand- comedy, it's like the audience is like, you're relying a lot on the audience to be a good audience. Yeah. And when someone's coming to see you, it's like a lot of, but with it, with like, if you're a musician, you can just come out and rock it.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I feel like it's like a much easier. Oh yeah. Well, I think the big thing is that, you know, when to learn standup, the only way we practice is by doing it. Yeah. You got it stand-up the only way we practice is by doing it yeah you got it that's the only way to practice musicians get to you know they get to strum their guitar in their room yeah and learn that way but like we learn in real time you learn through embarrassment yeah you know yeah and they can if they mess up too it could be like part of this like soulful vulnerability oh it's the realness i love it i love when that shit happens yeah stand up everyone's like you're a coward yeah exactly did uh did you study like uh art in
Starting point is 00:53:53 college or were you going another way um i i was a communications major uh some would call that art yeah what is communication uh it seems like what we're doing right now that's what people say we're just talking it's like if you don't do math like it's like yeah if you're not gonna go into like a respectable field you you're you you become like a communications major or like a psychology major you know um that's what all the hot people in college that's the degree you get if your parents make you go to college yeah yeah truly like i because my parents were like go to college and i'm like but what for you know right um and so i picked communications because i was like well i communicate you know people communicate i i didn't know what
Starting point is 00:54:40 i was doing i just picked it you still enjoy college i I had a good time. I had a great time. Where'd you go to school? I went to several schools. I went to a small school in Vermont for two years, which was like a junior college. You had to have a learning difference. What's a learning difference? What's that? Well, it used to be called a learning disability.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And now I just found out I'm different. I'm not disabled. Nice. Do you mind me asking what your difference is? I have ADHD. Oh, let's go. Yeah. Somewhere between ADHD and bipolar.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yeah. So I was diagnosed bipolar when I was 12, but I just, I have borderline personality disorder. That's like the latest diagnosis. But I also, I have ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was five and put on Ritalin and all that stuff. All that fun stuff. So the,
Starting point is 00:55:26 my, the junior college I went to in Vermont, you had to have like, um, dyslexia or ADHD or something like that to go there. Cause I, I just like was school was like really hard for me. Um,
Starting point is 00:55:37 just like learning. I just didn't learn the same. So you have to like test bad to pass. Um, you have to, well, like you have, yeah,
Starting point is 00:55:44 like failing is like a good thing congratulations you're just dumb enough to come here no no i'm not dumb i'm different right right right were there did you have good buddies there like were they were they yeah i had a i had a all kinds of different friends that's what i'm kind of curious about yeah did uh the differences manifest themselves in the socialization yeah well it Yeah. Well, it's funny because like a lot of my friends were older because they dropped. They they like went off to a traditional school. Like I had a friend who went to Harvard and then he ended up at the school. That's cool. So. But yeah, it was cool because I got to be around like older people.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And it wasn't just like I was around dumb 18 year olds. around like older people and it wasn't just like i was around dumb 18 year olds um but um so so after that i transferred to american university in washington dc i was there for a year and then um i was like the dumbest person in all my classes so i was like i'm gonna transfer down to florida where i was the smartest person in all my classes nice and um that's a good feeling yeah i oh yeah it's like when yeah so um So I finished up school there. I got a master's in communications, marketing. Oh, you have a master's? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Oh, so you're like highly educated. I'm just high. Saw that coming. Nice. Walked right into that one. Good fun. That was quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Do you mind talking about like the ADHD adhd no let's talk about it because i i was diagnosed bipolar like five years ago and then i talked to my psychiatrist like a week ago and he was like hey i think i might have had your diagnosis wrong i know i love how they do that yeah and i'm like dude i've been telling people this for five years i've been like self defining this way i've been like thinking of my behavior through that lens through that lens and now i'm like it it was easier almost getting diagnosed than now getting like re-ignosed yeah and now i'm like i don't know how to feel about it yeah i mean well did they just take that away and give you something else instead or he doesn't have a new thing he just said he said maybe just high anxiety and like some other stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. But. I feel you on that. I feel like, you know, we're living in this world where there's so many different kinds of triggers like the Internet and all this information that's coming our way. up in the medication generation like we're the first group of kids who've had to deal with like being overstimulated with all of these different kinds of you know factors so it's like i feel like um what we're dealing with is so new that they're so quick to want to put like a mental illness on it versus like okay maybe it's not an individual problem but maybe like a society like it's like what's happening in our society state of the world right yeah and like the the the accountability like the the responsibility doesn't necessarily need so much to fall on us like oh here take a medication
Starting point is 00:58:35 take a pill it's like okay no we need to change as a society you know like like there's a reason why we're reacting to this as mentally unwell. It's like, look at what we have to. Yeah, it's like the tree is rotten, but we're trying to, like, jam something in all the little berries that are growing on it. It's like, well, maybe you got to fix the tree. Right, exactly. Just give the tree some Ritalin. Yeah, put the tree on.
Starting point is 00:58:58 That was, like, what they had. I mean, I was put on Ritalin when I was five and like started taking Adderall when I was like that. Yeah. I mean. Yeah. Was that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Because you're five. You're already wired. Right. And then they're giving you more something. Legal cocaine. That really heightens the wiring. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Because I had a lot of fun on Adderall and then it started having like fun with me. Dude, I wanted to start a business. I was five years old. I'm like, let's go. Yeah. You're getting amped at five. wanted to start a business i was five years old i'm like let's go yeah you're getting amped at five i remember when i first like that's what i felt with my add diagnosis because he barely tested me he's like point out the things in this room you know it's like a picture of like
Starting point is 00:59:35 a room and i forgot what a window sill was i was like that's uh i don't know yeah and he's like well you definitely have ad and i'm like, I also eat a lot of Taco Bell. Yeah. You know, so, like, maybe it's that. So, yeah, when I first got Adderall, I was just getting, in high school, just getting so amped, you know, and, like. You know, they gave me Ritalin at five also. And in middle school, they tried Adderall for a week.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I don't know what was wrong with the Ritalin, why they made that call. Yeah, Ritalin got knocked off, dude. Like, Adderall was, like, later. Oh, they got buried by Adderall for a week. I don't know what was wrong with the Ritalin, why they made that call. Yeah, Ritalin got knocked off, dude. Adderall was later. Oh, they got buried by Adderall. That's like the new champ. But when I got Adderall, I was on it for a week, and it was the only time I was ever suspended. Because I choked a kid out.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Did you? I'm not a fighter, but me on Adderall, you don't want this shit. You do when you're on Adderall. You do have that feeling where you're like, I'm not'm not afraid of anything yeah i think that's what it was i think i could choke this guy right now did he do something to prevent yeah he um he triggered me because at the time i had just moved away from my mom to my dad's and it was like kind of hard for me to like move away from my mom and he said something like well i'm gonna suck your mom's tits oh i was like you can't do that if you're unconscious.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You were literally trying to prevent the act. You were like, you took it seriously. This dude is gonna try and suck my mom's tits. Oh yeah, I gotta stop him. I gotta protect her. That's respect, dude. Yeah. And then-
Starting point is 01:00:57 Standing up for your mama. And he never, you know, it was funny because he was actually in the next class after lunch. Like I was supposed, you know, like we go, so I go into the class and he doesn't show up so i'm like did i kill that is he still there and then you know it's like uh matt edgar please report to the principal's office like oh there it is yeah i thought that'd be that's probably better yeah yeah or it's for sure better for sure
Starting point is 01:01:18 do you ever get into a fight i one time when i was in middle school kicked this girl in the knee oh nice provoked yeah she said something to me we're like friends now oh that's good you guys squashed it i love those those are my favorites yeah yeah yeah that was that was that was one time i can remember did any of the cast members on jackass do they ever like do they ever throw blows at each other everyone kind of gets it no it's all love there that's awesome yeah i mean in the whatever how many decades they've known each other there's got to be some kind of uh there was a tussle i didn't see i didn't see anything again like i'm coming in late in the game like i'm sure there's like you know yeah did you do you get to go to set i would drop her off and pick her up and
Starting point is 01:02:06 i got i know the guys hang after like we would we would go get dinner sometimes after and so like he would come and like they all all the guys know and they're all really cool with matt and stuff so how long was the recovery from the scorpion sting a couple of days like i noticed that my lymph node was swollen like like i think the venom just started slipping down in like my body was just like processing it because i'd never it was a foreign agent inside me yeah and i was like wow my lymph node is swollen and i went to the doctor and i was like trying to explain to them what i did they're like so you let a scorpion bite you like i'm like yeah it's art okay yeah um and uh they didn't they're like yeah there's you just gotta let it like your body process yeah
Starting point is 01:02:53 are you less afraid of like dangerous animals now there's like i'm trying to think of things like unless it like could kill me i i'm not that intimidated if that makes sense i mean i'm still killing the spiders in the relationship so i mean yeah but it's just because i'm lazy not because i'm scared you know like and i'm scared and he i fight through the laziness yeah dude spiders are scary there's a lot of spiders in my place oh yeah i always think they're in my wetsuit now oof and i'm like you know if they're just hit me man that's. There's a lot of spiders in my place. Oh, yeah. I always think they're in my wetsuit now. Oof. And I'm like, you know, if they're just hitting me. Man, that's, well, that's a seed you planted in you.
Starting point is 01:03:30 You know, like, think of that. Like, that would torment me. You put it on the wetsuit. Dude, yeah, because, you know, it's just hanging in my backyard. And it's like, when I put it on, I'm like, if there's a spider, it just bites my nuts. Yeah. You'll live. You might like it. It could get swollen. Right. Yeah. You'll live. You might like it.
Starting point is 01:03:45 It could get swollen. Right. Yeah. It could be better. Good call. Yeah. Then everybody starts doing it. I'm telling you, you might have stumbled upon something.
Starting point is 01:03:54 That's when you flash dong. Yeah. You're going to be swollen. Yeah. You'll borrow your friend's spider. Look at the girth on this guy. You know chicks love huge nuts yeah you have a you have a gun in your pocket and you're happy to see them yeah he's got blue balls literally
Starting point is 01:04:11 kind of like a cantaloupe nut sack that did happen one time i did have a swollen nut one time just one yeah uh did you walk around lopsided uh dude i had to wear a jock it was called epididymitis oh no was it an injury no it was from uh sexual activity oh shit you went hard prayers yes chad goes hard chad goes deep tell us more dude well yeah so i well the doctor said he didn't say it was yeah he just said some bacteria got in there from a blowjob yeah whoa and and it's called epididymis where it swells the epididymis which is i think the the connector to your nut uh-huh and so he's like he's like let me ask you something have you had anal sex recently i'm like dude i've been trying i wish i wish dude he's. He's like, come on, bro. And I'm like, I know.
Starting point is 01:05:08 But I just got antibiotics. But it was like graduation from college. So I was just wearing this jock with a huge nut. Oh, wow. Now, so somebody who gave you a blowjob had bacteria in their mouth. Yes. Apparently, the mouth is like one of the dirtiest places. It's one of the dirtiest, but also the fastest healing.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Right. Oh. Yeah. It's like a fucking machine. It's a dirty machine. Yeah. I learned you have to pee after. Now, does this person, did they ever know that they had given somebody a bacterial blowjob?
Starting point is 01:05:37 A dirty beach? No. They're just out there. Yeah. She's out there blowing up nutsacks. Yeah. Leaving just a trail of bodies. Still worth it, dude. Yeah. I think she's married and divorced up nut sacks yeah leaving up just a trail of body worth it dude
Starting point is 01:05:46 yeah i think she's married and divorced and now with another guy i'll tell you why they got divorced yeah yeah i'll also tell you why they got married yeah they got divorced because he didn't get the big nut yeah exactly and um oh is that true yeah yeah oh yeah it's hilarious yeah um do you guys want to answer some questions i love questions sweet people people are asking questions if they're not specific to us they're just kind of like life things that i love questions what's up guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we have a new patreon up with bonus episodes of the podcast. If you want an extra hour of stoke nash, of dankness,
Starting point is 01:06:27 check out our Patreon. Patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep for bonus episodes of the podcast. Become a Patreon now. You will not regret it. We also have tour dates coming up. We're at Oxnard tonight, Levity Live, Santa Barbara, North LA area. We have other
Starting point is 01:06:43 dates coming up. San Jose, all over the have other dates coming up san jose all over the country we're going to be doing all over the country we have more dates coming out so check out those dates at chad goes deep.com there's a tour tab click that for the links we're also brought to you finally last but most certainly not least we are brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because i'm wearing white sweatpants right now and i would only do that and i'm only able to do that because i trim my pubes you know they say you know only wear white when you trim your pubes. They also have a new shower routine. Ooh, ooh.
Starting point is 01:07:27 So they're covering your hair, your whole body, and your dink. So lather on the cologne-infused ultra-premium body wash with aloe vera and sea salt to keep your skin feeling clean and moisturized all day. Not sure if you heard that correctly, but this body wash is cologne-infused. So that special someone in your life will absolutely love it also it's hair care time apply the two-in-one shampoo and conditioner that cleanses and nourishes in one step the non-greasy formula also has a base of coconut water green tea also aloe turmeric turmeric and sage apply this to your armpits
Starting point is 01:08:02 and pubic region too once you hop out the shower, protect yourself from body odor by applying on the Manscaped Aluminum Free Deodorant. This deodorant dries clear and is also cologne infused. Do you have tattoos or dry skin? Let's hit your skin with the Hydrating Body Moisturizer Spray. Also apply the Manscaped Lip Balm. It's a free gift when you purchase the ultra premium collection and last but not least we're using the lawnmower 4.0 electric trimmer to clean off any unwanted body hair i trim my pubes and my chest with this and i keep it nice and tight uh it's also waterproof so guys if you want to streamline your hygiene i'm talking hair body dink manscape has it all get their premium collection it's super easy you don't have to go
Starting point is 01:08:45 looking for all different stuff they have it all in one package so get on it get 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com it's time to get wet and clean with your new manscape shower routine okay back to the show do i tell her in risk or push it under the rug? Please keep anonymous. Dear Senseis of Stoke, first of all, I'd like to say what up. Thanks for being there to counsel stokers of all ages and provide clarity in times of emotional and ethical turmoil for listeners. I'm in a pickle. My ex, let's call her girl A, and I broke up about six months ago after a two-year relationship. We started seeing each other and agreed to be
Starting point is 01:09:24 monogamous again after three months apart, but not officially girlfriend and boyfriend. I see us being official again in the near future. I really love this woman. She's first team, all mega babe, and has super similar ambitions and values as I do. Very sweet.
Starting point is 01:09:37 She's 25 and I'm 26, and this could be the real deal. While we were apart, I slept with someone else a few times. Let's call her Girl B. I cut things off with Girl B once girl a and i started sleeping together again girl a asked me about girl b and i lied and said we never slept together now that girl and i now girl a and i are most likely to be in a relationship i feel very guilty and want to come clean but i know for an absolute fact if i do girl a will want nothing to do with me do i tell her and
Starting point is 01:10:03 risk losing the girl i love or swallow the guilt and move forward in what could be a serious long-term relationship i also think he seems like such a cute guy in this photo that's his uh you don't trust him no no he i i i i can tell he's a good i can tell he's got a nice heart there oh yeah he's a good boy he seems like he's got a nice heart yeah yeah the picture helped yeah and also just the way he described her i like the way that he he's like he talked about this mega babe in his life i say okay i say this is a real test in their relationship and the strength of it is um i think he would feel better if he came clean and just had like an honest real conversation with her and was like and told her what was up
Starting point is 01:10:53 and that would be a good test because he didn't the only thing he did wrong in this situation was lie to her when she asked him about it like sleeping with that girl wasn't wrong because they weren't together right um but yeah i say he should tell her yeah and uh at that point when he tells her it's kind of you know the burden kind of falls on her or the ball becomes in her court so it's like you know are you how do you really love this man i mean he's coming to you if anything that kind of shows like that actually shows real you know trustworthiness that's a word where it's like hey look i lied and uh i can't live with that so i want to tell you right now what happened if the sex thing bothers her um that's kind of like a personal insecurity thing you know what i mean like yes i get why that would bother you it's not it's not just a personal insecurity she's probably thinking from a health standard to a health perspective i don't know i mean yeah you think
Starting point is 01:11:56 that she is like well like who does this girl you know she doesn't have her well if she's thinking if she's thinking you in the past year or two right if she's thinking like but i mean she would she's probably just asking from an she wants more information yeah but i think i think what he's worried about is her feeling away about the feeling away emotionally about the fact that he had slept with somebody like there's some there's like multiple right there totally yeah yeah that's what I would say. But I don't know what, but I instinctively was like, she might be threatened by girl B or something like that. Or I could tell they had a little rhythm. And I'm curious how much girl B, if girl A and B know each other. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I think they do. You think so? I have no evidence for that. Right. Let's say they do because that does make it more complicated because if they don't it should be a lot easier that's that's not a big deal that's not even a big deal like i hooked up with somebody but let's just say i don't know if this guy would even be asking the question if if the girl wasn't in the same group of you know the community you
Starting point is 01:12:59 think you should tell her i think so yeah that's my first if it's burning inside of him if it will never be it's burning inside of him or burning outside of him yeah I was I was gonna tell him but I think I'm probably wrong I was and and not because I wanted to be deceitful but I just didn't know how it would be like helpful yeah right but like I was gonna tell him to maybe not tell especially if he's done with it and he's not still maybe not bother it now if he's done with it and he's not still communicating. Maybe not bother it. Now, if there's a way that this could come to light and then you had kept this from her,
Starting point is 01:13:32 you know what I mean? Then it's like, that's way worse. I think for his own sake, it's more about the lie, not necessarily what he's lying about. It's the fact that he lied once and he wants this person to trust him. And that's why I want to wrap it back around about trust in general. It's like, look, I'm going to tell you honestly that I lied,
Starting point is 01:13:57 but I don't feel good about that. So I want to clear the air on this thing. And by the way, if you want to get into the details of the sex or whatever it's like that was somebody i had sex with a few times but as soon as i knew that you would be coming back into my life i mean that you're the one i wanted to be with yeah so i dropped that i was i told her i mean it was it's over and it's it's also how you tell it's also it's like there's like definitely like the rebound clause like i thought we were done i was hurting i was lonely this person was there's also, it's like, there's like definitely like the rebound clause. Like, I thought we were done. I was hurting. I was lonely.
Starting point is 01:14:27 This person was there. And he lied to her not to be malicious. He was lying to protect her. And in that moment made the wrong choice. Right. Yeah. And I think he also, there's the nerves of like, oh, we're back together. I want this to, I want this to work out so badly.
Starting point is 01:14:41 And he got carried away. You know, it's all very human every way around every way you look at it so i think a conversation would be best bud i think you guys are right it's better to get in front of it early and establish some trust and i'm scared for you brother but i think you gotta do the right thing and tell her i think i'm nervous for you. Especially if there's a risk of it coming out, too. Yeah. You don't want her to find out. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Yeah. I think they'll get through it. He's a sweet guy. She'll see that and move past it. Yeah. And especially, like you said, he made his choice. He went with you. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And she could be the one. That'd be nice. Yeah. he did. And she could be the one. That'd be nice. Yeah. All right. Let's see this one. Sorry, some of these are super long. Hey, guys. Love the pod.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Recently had a huge falling out with one of my good friends, and I don't know why. He boked me and all of our buddies, even though we've been tight since freshman year. I don't know for sure why he boked us. Do you guys know what boked means? What does boked mean? I mean, I'd imagine just like break up as bros. Just kick someone out of the crew. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:15:51 But I think it's because I overshadow him. I'm 6'4", 220 pounds, and he's a scrawny 5'8". He's butted heads with me, but it never came to a huge argument. I feel like I still want to be boys, but we haven't spoken in a while. Advice guys. Thanks. Stay golden. Well,
Starting point is 01:16:07 I definitely would not approach this conversation with him coming from that perspective. Yeah. Yeah. Especially if it is true. That is not because you're five, eight. Dude,
Starting point is 01:16:18 be honest with me. Did you bug me because you're super intimidated by this ridiculous rig? Is this a five, eight or thing? Cause I don't know about that. Paltry in comparison, but we love you for it, but you don't love yourself. Is that why I'm friends with you? because you're super intimidated by this ridiculous rig i got is this a five-eighter thing because i don't know about that paltry in comparison but we love you for it but you don't love yourself is that why i'm no longer friends with you yeah yeah i oh tough to say well i think it i think it's like transparency just like hey man are we cool i feel like you uh what do you what was the
Starting point is 01:16:41 termage broke broke boked boked b Boged? Boked. Boked. Yeah, I feel like you're being boked. I don't know if you're using boke in the right. You can say, I feel like I've been boked. Oh, I've been boked. By you. By you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:56 And I don't like that because we're friends. But if there's anything that I had done that caused this bokeage to occur, then I'd love to know. Also, just maybe get friends your own height. If you walk around with people your own size, then it's just inches between you. That's super optimistic. Maybe this is for the best. People aren't meant to hang out at that disparity. You said you bokehed the entire squad, though, right? this is for the best yeah people aren't meant to hang out at that disparity yeah right are they all a bunch of five-eighters they're all water or they're all they're all like yeah they'd all be all yeah i don't know well that's interesting that's a that's an
Starting point is 01:17:39 interesting point though because then it wouldn't be about size because if, what about the other, are your other friends in the group also your height there? Yeah, it's, I think this guy, for this guy to take it there right away and be like, hey man, I think you're kicking me out of the, you kicked, I think you kicked us all out because we're all such studs and you're not.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yeah. I think it speaks to a way that you were thinking about him that might be the reason, but it's not. I see what you're saying. They're like projecting. Yeah, it's not specifically the size, but like, I i don't know it's a weird place for you to go immediately that that's
Starting point is 01:18:09 why he yes it's unless he said stuff too and uh hot or um yeah like yeah for someone's head to be working that way it kind of makes you think like maybe there's some other stuff that maybe wasn't super chill when you were kicking it yeah but i don't know. I didn't get any context for if you guys ever, like maybe he did bring it up that that was the thing that bothered him. As an expert in communication, what I would say. As a master. What I would say is it's always best to have a conversation and come at it from a place where you're willing to listen to the other side.
Starting point is 01:18:42 You know? Yeah, just coming in and just be like, hey, man, how you doing? And just ask him about his day and make him feel good, like you're listening and like you're supporting him. And I other side, you know? Yeah. Just coming into like, Hey man, how you doing? And just ask him about his day and make him feel good. Like you're listening and like you're supporting them. And I think that other stuff will go away. Yeah. We all want to love hot dudes. Like I love hot dudes, but you know, they gotta be nice.
Starting point is 01:18:55 But if a hot dude's nice, you think he's twice as nice. Cause you're like, you don't have to be nice with how hot you are. But the fact that you are nice makes me believe in things. And so like, are you being nice or are you just hot? You know? Or is it like, you're nice or are you just hot you know or is it like you're so hot that you don't normally need to be nice so you're trying it out for the first time and it's just coming off as you know arrogant right you don't know yeah maybe you haven't figured out your niceness yet right yeah it's smuggy because it's like yeah you think it's
Starting point is 01:19:21 about how great you are yeah he's probably like it's nice hanging out with you. And obviously I'm doing you a favor because I'm a stud and you're just kind of this little. I just don't get why you're not stoked to be hanging out with someone like me. Yeah, because I'm so jacked. I mean, I'm like Jack Reacher. Yeah, I mean, look at me. He rubs his head at the end of the night. He's like, good job, buddy. You did good tonight.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah. You did good tonight, buddy. Yeah, yeah. Good night. He's like, we saw a movie, man. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's tough. you're burdened with this you're hot so you know people are gonna you gotta act accordingly but heavy is the head that wears the hot head um where's the uh the blue eyes yeah heavy is the head that's like super
Starting point is 01:20:03 smoking hot strong jawed yeah strong jawed scott eastwood pronounced cheekbones yeah dude do you know scott eastwood yeah yeah i know who he is he might be the worst actor i've ever seen but he's so fucking beautiful you think it's fine but he's trying hard but he's awful you can do anything if you're hot dude yeah in fury in fury uh there's this one scene where Brad Pitt's telling this wimpy kid to shoot him and this guy, this Nazi in the back. And it cuts to Scott Eastwood. He's just eating an apple.
Starting point is 01:20:34 He's just chewing. I'm just like, damn, dude. Damn. He just got paid to be hot. He just got nominated for that. Dude, in my mind, yeah. I was like, fucking, yo. Give this guy the big one.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Yeah. Okay, maybe two more cues. What up, Prime Ministers of Stoke? Dr. Love, Strider, and any dank guests on the pod. Long time listener, first time writing in. My name's Luke. I'm a freshman in college on the East Coast. I'm in dire times, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:56 My dank girlfriend of almost three years has become very uncomfortable with my friend group that is formed at school. We go to different schools. I have a great group of bros at school who love to kick it, but the problem is there are a couple of girls in the friend group that is formed at school. We go to different schools. I have a great group of bros at school who love to kick it, but the problem is there are a couple of girls in the friend group. One of these girls, in particular, my girlfriend is very uncomfortable with.
Starting point is 01:21:11 I try to keep my distance the best I can when she comes around, but as she is in the friend group, this is not always possible. This has caused a lot of problems between me and my girl, which has been a huge boner jam for both of us. Of course I care about my girl, and I am not close with this girl in the group, but in some instances it is hard to avoid them without missing out on quality time with the boys. I spend a lot of time staying in when everyone goes
Starting point is 01:21:31 out partying in order to keep my girlfriend comfortable and happy. I'm just looking for any insight on how to keep parties happy in this tough sitch. Sorry for the long email, but thank you guys for what you do. You've brought a lot of happiness to my life. Tell Joe I miss his hog do. Joe Morisi. Do you guys know Joe has a huge dick?
Starting point is 01:21:47 Yeah, I love him. Oh, does he? Oh, wow. He's got a huge dick. So everyone here calls him. That's where his attributes went, like physically. That's okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:55 So everyone calls him Big Hog. But yeah, he moved to Austin. So yeah. Everything is bigger. There it is. What do you guys think about this, though i think this girl's insecure uh i mean i don't mean to talk down to your lady but uh or about your lady but i just feel like you seem like an honest guy and you you really don't have uh any other kind of you know uh relationship with
Starting point is 01:22:19 this person this other girl who is part of the group and um you know i kept thinking about babe when when you're saying that you rachel says like like when it comes to like dudes cheating or like if you if like a girl could always tell the girl that you're gonna cheat with like your girlfriend's like oh women always know i think guys we do too yeah but well i i don't know about i don't know about any of that, but I just think it's interesting that, is that like an insecurity thing, or are you onto something? I think it's instinct.
Starting point is 01:22:52 It's instinct. But then this guy seems honest. Well, there's a fine line between insecurity and instinct. So insecurity comes from within. The instinct comes from outside things that are triggering that instinct like she's insecure just simply because she's young and she's probably you know these i mean it's probably just a young thing anxious attachment yeah if this guy is like i have nothing to do with this girl then simply the the problem is coming from the girlfriend right her insecurities and like that's just something that, you hopefully grow out of with time.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Um, but, uh, yeah, I mean, that sucks. Like she's, she has to get over that and just trust,
Starting point is 01:23:35 you know, cause Matt, I mean, when we first met Matt, Matt has like very close girlfriends in comedy. Um, you know, she hangs,
Starting point is 01:23:43 she's in jackass, you know? So it's like these even he's even hooked up with some of his friends and i'm just like okay that's like a thing of the past like i'm if he wanted to be with them he would be with them right you know that's good that's nice that you have you guys have that secure attachment yeah i mean like you get to i mean like you you're in comedy long enough you're gonna be Eskimo sisters or brothers with yeah with everyone at a certain point right like and it's also it's like you know as a boyfriend it's important to make your girlfriend feel secure so I'm sure this guy
Starting point is 01:24:18 does that I mean he seems to care enough to write to you and um he wrote to us he says he's staying he says he actively tries to avoid the girl and then he says he's staying in on nights i i think his heart is totally in the right place yeah well why doesn't he bring her around with these girls maybe they go to different schools okay i see but maybe there's an opportunity where she can to feel more comfortable be introduced or at least like like get to know these girls like She's got to put effort. Because if this is part of the friend group, then they're not going anywhere.
Starting point is 01:24:49 These girls are going to be around. So you might as well, if you can't beat them, join them. Well, it's even a bigger thing than just this current friend group. If this relationship keeps going, it's like, so you're not allowed to, you know, be you? He's such a good dude. I worry's gonna like because initially himself from his friends yeah and then and miss out on stuff like he's in college he should be experiencing as much as possible and like i don't think he's gonna cheat and then so like my initial instinct was like oh maybe he's gonna get resentful but i
Starting point is 01:25:21 think he's so nice maybe he won't even get resentful but he'll just live a way smaller life trying to make her feel yeah like comfortable and i mean maybe it's not that dramatic but i i do think there's a potential for that and that that bums me out i'm like no you gotta she's gotta this is more on her that she's got to learn to trust than it is on you that you have to change your very understandable lifestyle plus like i think she's forgetting it takes two people for something to happen like if your boyfriend doesn't want something to happen there's not going to be like a like even if this girl throws herself at him which it doesn't seem like that's even happening she's just around and it bothers her yeah um that would mean that it would take her boyfriend doing something wrong. Right?
Starting point is 01:26:06 Yeah. And I think too, he can show her through actions that he's not, you know, of just like when she's around, just very clearly show that he's not behaving towards the other girl in sort of a way that's sort of like, I want to hook up with you energy. Yeah. They should introduce you, like the boyfriend should introduce me like this is my friend yeah whatever this is my girlfriend so like the love of my life right the jewel of my eye yeah and then if she continues to be upset then it's like she needs to work on whatever is coming from her yeah yeah and then dude also super conspiratorial 4d chess i think if you start
Starting point is 01:26:47 being like you can't hang out with that girl it gives more power to that girl and more energy to them it's like uh oh i don't know i think when you try to fight something like that you end up giving them yeah yeah just make a power move like go out to visit him in college and then just pull up and make out with him right in front of that girl. Yeah. We need to talk to the girl and be like, hey, you need to drive out there, party with all of them.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Bone your boyfriend in front of the whole party. The whole squad. Mark your territory. Yeah. Pee on him. Urinate all over him. He's going to love it. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 01:27:18 He loves you. Yeah. He loves you. And then fist bump the girl on the way out. Yeah. With your piss soaked. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Rub your pee off on her blouse. Yeah. yeah he loves you and then fist bump the girl on the way out yeah with your piss soaked yeah nice yeah rub your pee off on her blouse yeah and like a disrespectful yeah we're cool right yeah
Starting point is 01:27:31 good seeing you yeah um all right last one how to move past being a cheater and talk about a new relationship sup bros long time listener first time email long story short i was not a dank boyfriend or person in 2019 i had a long-distance relationship and she'd on my girlfriend for months until both women found out side chick didn't know i know how terrible and shitty this is and it's fucked with me since i have not been stoked nor fired up and only recently have been able to semi-forgive myself and get some sleep without being up all night due to guilt and shame recently i've gotten into a relationship with an amazing woman i haven't been with anyone romantically since the cheating because I wanted to have time off to work on myself
Starting point is 01:28:06 and not do this shit again so bros how do I address this past the other day she asked if I'd ever cheated before and I said yes and gave her a lighter version of the truth said I cheated in a long distance relationship but left out the fact that it was ongoing for months should I tell her the full truth lots of women say they'll never
Starting point is 01:28:22 be with the cheater and I'm so stoked she still wants to be with me, but how should I move forward? She seems to trust me, but I want to maintain that. P.S. I hope to be a dank boyfriend as Strider one day. Hope to be as sweet, as kind as Chad, and honest as that dick is G.E.T. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:28:37 No, I appreciate that a lot, man. Thank you. Thanks, bros. Self-flagellating broski. Also, his picture is necessary. I don't know if this is him i think it is oh my god it's a lot of self-tanner can i see it's a dude in a bodybuilding competition oh dude no wonder he cheated yeah couldn't go to the gym so what's he asking how he can be a better boyfriend right he wants to tell her the full truth? He told her like a soft version of his cheating past, but did acknowledge that he had cheated.
Starting point is 01:29:09 But didn't give her like the grisly details, basically. Like the extent, the deception, all that stuff. Yeah. Now, guys, tell me if you think I'm wrong. But part of this I would file under, you know, not her business. Well, sometimes less is more. I think, you know, like it's sometimes it's sometimes it's better to i mean i i i love the fact that he was honest with her when she asked
Starting point is 01:29:32 him um i love the fact that he took time off of dating to work on himself that says a lot and the fact that he's still it's still burning in him you know like look at man we could get better people get better people get better people fuck up and that the awareness here that you're not making excuses you took the time to work on yourself you knew you were the problem uh i think you could actually by this point fully forgive yourself you said you partially have i'd say go if she has more questions i'd say it's up to you i would say then maybe delve into it a little bit more. But if she's not asking those questions, then like forgive yourself, like realize that you're not the same person that you were.
Starting point is 01:30:13 And maybe that situation happens that you could be in a better relationship with the person that you're currently with. Yeah. You know, there was a reason why that happened probably in that relationship. You know, that it's taking at this point, you know, there's a reason why it happened probably in that relationship um you know that it's taking at this point you know there's a reason why it didn't because you're getting more and more ready for the person that you really should be with for a while if you want to have a future with like you know if you if you think about all your past relationships and now that your heart's not in them anymore you can really look at you know where you went wrong and take accountability you know because i used to when you get when you get dumped or you get, somebody breaks up with you, it's like,
Starting point is 01:30:48 you know, especially you don't want it. It's like, well, I loved her so much. And like, how could she? And it's like, then when you remove from yourself, you could see the things that you, that maybe you didn't do, or you did that you shouldn't have, or places where you're insecure and you let it show. So every relationship you're getting better and better at being in a relationship as yourself. I also think that when he said that women won't be with, have always said they won't be with men who are cheaters, have never been cheated on, or have never been on the other side of it. Because if you're going to say that, then you're're never gonna be with anyone like there's certain there's like i've been in a relationship where i cheated um it was a not a good relationship and i was in a very low moment
Starting point is 01:31:35 and like i knew that it was the end so it just like that was kind of like the like that was kind of my way out you used it as like a catalyst to get out it was just like it was like i knew it was already over and like i'm not saying i did the right thing but it was just like um sometimes when you're in a bad relationship you're you become you think differently you're a different person you know you don't value yourself the same you don't think about um you don't think about how you know the i i don't know i just you're't think about how, you know, I don't know. You're not thinking about health. Like you're not thinking about what's best for you in the long run. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:10 You're just like sometimes you just do things because in the moment that's like what might feel right or whatever. But I think that people are a lot more open and forgiving, especially in terms of cheating, because it just seems like it happens so often now. Like it's something that either you've been cheated on or you've cheated. So it's very human. And the whole thing is, did you learn from it? And this guy clearly he's not like defending the behavior. He's very much like, no, I fucked up. So, yeah, I think he's just got to forgive himself.
Starting point is 01:32:44 I think you told her enough. If she brings it up, right? Yeah, I think the best thing you can do is just be a good boyfriend at this point. Yeah. Yeah. No more cheating, dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:55 You rock solid, dude. It's a long-distance relationship. It's harder to cheat in a close-up. Yeah, just make sure she doesn't move away. Yeah, exactly. Say, babe, we're're safe but if you leave this zip code this dick's coming out yeah can't keep it in if you leave i'm just telling you don't get on that plane mommy you get on that plane i'm gonna start fucking i can't help it don't get
Starting point is 01:33:17 out of this car right now stay close um all right sweet so now we're to the last segment of our pod i don't know if you're familiar with this chad uh do you know we we do our beef babe and legend of the week you ready yeah nice rachel who's your beef of the week can my beef be with me yes i have beef with myself nice yeah i'm just i've been like having a hard time with handling rejection lately. Nice. But I also have so much good going on that it's like, I don't know. I'm, I'm trying to, trying to balance, I'm trying to deal with the inner turmoil that's happening. It's, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Rejection is, it scares people the most of everything, right? Yeah. It's very normal. Yeah. Um. It's tough biz. Yeah. It's still, it's, it doesn't get any easier and it feels
Starting point is 01:34:06 like anytime i experience rejection it like it's like you're not just rejecting me you're rejecting me as a kid you know right oh that's pro you know yeah like i'll that that feeling it's a familiarity you know that's so true because when i get rejection like right in my face just served up warm right to you i do feel like a kid like i want to curl up and cry like a kid would you know what i mean it's like this instinct it's like it's interesting how rejection it tampers with that with the child inside right yeah because you feel like weak almost like a child yeah you have no control just like a kid and my beef is also like okay i like like i i have to remind myself like of all the good things i have you know what i mean like because i have so much to be stoked on you know
Starting point is 01:34:57 nice but i and i also think that it's good though to still be rejected because that means i still have dreams yeah yeah and you know i mean i'm guessing but you're probably like rejecting upwards right like these are probably different than the rejections you got five oh yeah yeah i mean yeah there's yeah for sure um all kinds of it's coming from all kinds everything is coming from all kinds of directions but mainly from up yeah so everything hits harder totally chat what's your beef of the week my beef was with santa monica once again uh dude fucking beefing with santa monica hard i feel that primarily the traffic you know i was trying to get down to newport last saturday
Starting point is 01:35:42 i got stuck in a parking garage for like an hour and I was like dude fucking Santa Monica every time there's just so much traffic so many people and there you know I was just like the whole time I was like Santa Monica fuck you you know that's how I felt I know I have buddies there jimmy miller i'm sorry you know i know you love santa monica but i don't and i just want to say like to camera at santa monica fuck you dude that's super big of you though to give considerations to jay mill and like his affinity yeah yeah that shows a lot of maturity i'm impressed consideration on your part.
Starting point is 01:36:25 I feel like all of us have had some kind of beef with Santa Monica at some point. You got to. Yeah, Santa Monica, sometimes it can get fucked, dude. Yeah, for real. The key is to not go there too much. That's why I do hot yoga, though.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Oh, fuck, dude. Yeah, that's gonna suck. Yo, dude, you're gonna have to keep going, bro. But maybe you can just say fuck you every time. I do. Maybe that's part of the therapy. Yeah, that's the test. You're sweating out the fuck yous.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Yeah, that's the test. It's like you get zen, and then they're like, all right, well, the universe is like, we're going to throw another challenger away, Santa Monica traffic. Yeah. And I failed. That's just Santaica testing your ego yeah yeah you failed only in your eyes dog we all think you crushed it yeah do you feel real right
Starting point is 01:37:11 now for real dog i think it's awesome that you even do that the hot yoga i love it dude it's the best yeah i mean that's you know you're you're very much you you cover all ground physically in your body like you you take care of every aspect. I see what you're doing. The keto, the exercising. I'm sure the surfing is great. You still surf? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Yeah, man. You're solid, dude. Thanks, man. I'm with you, man. Fuck Santa Monica. Dude, having this kind of support really means a lot. We're here for you. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:37:43 Yeah. Here for you, bud. Thank you, guys. Matt, do you have a beef of the week? for you. Yeah, man. Yeah. Here for you, bud. Thank you, guys. Matt, do you have a beef of the week? I got to go with Lyft. Nice. I'm beefing with Lyft right now. I flew into town the other night from New York.
Starting point is 01:37:56 The Lyft ride home was $20 short of my plane ticket from New York to LA. And I just think that's outrageous. I remember a time when it'd be about $30 to get from LAX to Hollywood. And now, I don't know if this is a pandemic thing or if this is any other kind of movement. But I think it's like they need to have an Expedia for Lyft where I could find other cheaper fares. And yeah. And also I'm beefing with all my friends that rejected to pick me up that day, you know, because that forced me to have to go to Lyft. Okay, so to be fair, he did ask me to pick him up from the airport.
Starting point is 01:38:43 But the thing was, is I had already flown into lax that day and i just think there's like there's like some kind of rule like if you've already flown into lax like you can't you can't go back like there's like you can't cross the streams you know well here's here's how i'm okay with her not picking me up and i wouldn't have been awake this is kind of this is kind of fucky because i asked her and she's like i'll just pay for your lift and it's like oh i don't that's not what i'm asking for because that's the best that's what she was gonna do and then so then i'm like well am i asking for like no i want you to come get me you know but i want to i'll just give you the money and it's like i'm not gonna take the money just you know what never mind i got it that was really nice of you to offer to pay i'm just glad i'm not on your beef list. Oh, no. I mean, usually. But you come in and out of that.
Starting point is 01:39:27 I'm stoked, man. I'm stoked. My beef of the week is with... I'm going to say his name wrong. Hold on. This is very specific. Oh, shit. My beef is with... I remembered.
Starting point is 01:39:40 My beef of the week is with Shake from Love is Blind. Love is Blind blind probably the greatest tv show in history maybe number two behind the sopranos the most complete psychological portrait of human behavior i've ever seen i mean you really get to see all aspects of who we are i don't know how they came up with the show but it's genius shake is this dude on the show he proposes to deep d they meet each other so the conceit is you don't see each other till after you propose they see each other it's the first time they've both dated an indian person they're both that guy they go up he hugs the shit out of her instant chemistry she's good
Starting point is 01:40:15 looking they kiss you're like oh these two might make it then all of a sudden he starts saying he's not attracted to her yeah and that is she reminds him of his sister sister or no, his aunt, his aunt. And he's, and he's, and he's telling everybody, he doesn't do a single conversation with anyone where he doesn't say I'm having trouble being attracted to her. But then you start to get the feeling, he's not even trying. He's not even putting in an effort to see if he could be attracted to her. And it's weird. It doesn't make sense. Cause she's also like, I think objectively, he's not a bad looking guy, but she's a little but she's better looking. She's way hotter than him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:45 And then so I think I know what's going on with Shake. I think Shake is super sexually insecure. And I think he knows he's on TV and he doesn't want to be bad at sex on TV. So he's shortcutting it by putting it on her and then like planting these seeds with everybody else, which is stupid because she's going to see the show and see him bagging on her. And then, but I think it all just comes from him not wanting to be bad at boning on Netflix, which I think we can all understand. But here's the thing, Deep D would have his back.
Starting point is 01:41:13 They could be terrible. And the next day she would do her confessional and be like, me and Shake had such a magical night last night. It was like beyond the physical. It was spiritual. And she would totally cover him like that. But he's too in his own dome. And now he's just coming across like an asshole. And i don't even think he's fundamentally a bad dude i think he's just doesn't know how to be vulnerable or whatever yeah can i say something
Starting point is 01:41:33 because this is a two-parter on that one i first of all you see that the exact moment where it changed for him it's when they're in that pool and like she's all over now she is coming on really strong she starts bringing up babies but they are engaged they're in that pool and like, she's all over now she is coming on really strong. She starts bringing up babies, but they are engaged. They're engaged, but I think it gets real in that moment when it's, he's like,
Starting point is 01:41:52 I just want to have babies with you. And he's like, you see that. So maybe that had something to do with, Whoa. But I didn't like the whole time. I was like, I really only just like white girls.
Starting point is 01:42:02 And I'm like, and like, you know, the connection they made in, white girls and like and like um you know the connection they made in in the pods was so strong you know despite i thought he was a douche bag right out the gate by the way before he even decides on her like when he first said the thing about like he was just so like it was so about appearance to him how the girl looked you know what i mean yeah he kept asking all of them he's like could i pick you up yes i hated that and then they actually had chemistry and i couldn't believe that you know when they actually you see them together i couldn't she's way hotter than him like unanimous
Starting point is 01:42:34 decision and and then him just not being into it and i think it kind of got to like wow you know what i'm not even into i am into white girls you know what i mean so i think he just kind of like i don't know man for i just it just so vain i hated the vainness he's very vain he is a dj slash veterinarian yeah man i hate that and the veterinarian does kind of can't does that cancel out the dj no somehow it makes it all worse yeah and so it's like you can't trust anyone yeah like i don't want my bitch to be a fucking DJ. No. But yeah, shake, figure it out, bro. That's a good one, bro. Thank you. It makes me wish I would have picked somebody from TV,
Starting point is 01:43:11 because if it were up to me, Che Diaz would have been on my number one. Nice. I hate that person. Yeah, Che Diaz. That's Sex and the City character. Oh. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:21 If you just type in Che on twitter you'll get you'll know exactly what i'm talking about okay and you will be personally offended fuck yeah do i need to watch the new sex in the city yeah you should maybe you should is it good by the way okay it's not someone said it perfectly on twitter they said and just like that is possibly the worst movie or worst show i've ever seen and if they don't make a second season i will spiral you know it is true i've been hearing some alarming things about it that have kind of scared me because i did like the original oh the original is great it's good sexy city is one of the greatest shows of all time but this is like you know it's one thing to she's basically the character everybody's mad because it's one thing to. She's basically the character.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Everybody's mad because it's like she she forces the diversity thing. I'm over that. I'm over being mad at that or even feeling it's like that's just the world we live in. What offends me is the she's a comedian in the show and the way she portrays a comedian is just false. We don't talk like that well she says that that comedy shows are comedy concerts oh yeah like you know i'm having a comedy concert tonight oh and there's jimmy carr and she's like um disrespect i like jimmy carr she's uh i don't know i don't know what she is but anyways uh she does a show like you see like a show and it's all like, it's all no jokes.
Starting point is 01:44:46 It's all like stuff about like progress. Like, and then that's why I'm, it's okay to be who you are. And everybody's like, yeah. And that's the show. And as a comedian,
Starting point is 01:44:56 I was offended. I feel that. Is she a comedian in real life? I think, is she not? I don't think so. That's the problem. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:03 She's just an actress. Yeah. Anyways. I don't know. She's an actress. She's just an actress. Yeah. She was on another show. Anyways, I mean, yeah, I actually feel for the actress because that person's just reading lines, you know? But like, I hate her. That's what happens. Rachel, who's your baby of the week? It's my mom, for sure.
Starting point is 01:45:19 Nice. We were having problems getting cat food for the cats for a while. For some reason, like the pandemic really just like fucked up the flow of cat food being sent to our place. So I call her an emergency because we just couldn't find cat food anywhere. Or like, I guess we could have gone to the store. But anyway, yeah, she was sending. Now we have we have boxes of fancy piece of any of you have cats. I will give away a box on
Starting point is 01:45:46 your on your podcast to one lucky listener nice yeah actually yeah if someone needs cat food i'll drop it off here nice but yeah that's my mom she's always making sure that pussies are taken care of nice chad who's your baby of the week uh my baby of the week is colin farrell and miami vice pro oh hell yeah oh yeah dude uh just fucking i watched that movie i've seen that movie so many times and i had a big run in the fall where i was watching it you know i saw it probably like 15 times and i watched it again last night and just colin farrell this flow and the mustache and you can tell he's on oxy you know and he's just like you know he's just his voice he's just tough guy you know and the guy's like we're not you're not gonna go after montoya and he's like go fuck yourself yeah you
Starting point is 01:46:39 know what this prick's game is get off a good headline the miami herald off a quick bust we are not backing off this good stuff it's good yeah he shoots straight from the hip dude yeah figuratively and literally he knows what he's doing i really respect it and i just uh you know i i aspire to be colin farrell miami vice oh yeah it's like good to have dreams yeah and dude like when he's having the affair with gong lee you know the money manager for montoya for the angel montoya the way he goes he's like he's like you think i'm in over my head and then jamie fox is like i'll never doubt you yeah i'm like dude yeah he's like he's like the trust yeah he's like yeah he's like the trust. Yeah. He's like, yeah. He's like, Rico, what do you think? He's like, and this is a look. He's like a hundred percent with Sonny.
Starting point is 01:47:28 They have each other's back. It's legit. Yeah. A buddy of mine ran into Colin Farrell in a, at a subway and he wanted to buy him a sandwich. And my buddy wanted to buy, he's like, Hey man, can I buy, can I buy your sandwich? I'm a huge fan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:42 And then Colin Farrell was like, he's like, sure. You know, it should be me buying you a sandwich. It's like, what makes you think this guy is such a loser? I mean, he is. He can't afford this right now. But you don't have to call it out, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just take the sandwich.
Starting point is 01:47:56 That's hilarious. Just take the sandwich. Yeah, yeah. Matt, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week has got to be Rachel Wolfson. Whoa, dude. There's a specific reason. So I was really impressed about. I'm watching her become famous right before my eyes and all the success.
Starting point is 01:48:16 And now what people don't see is when we go home what happens. But she had the red carpet for Jackass, star studded evening. I mean, everybody literally is gushing all over her. Jimmy Kimmel hits her up. Now she's going to go on Kimmel and this whole this like, you know, in the span of a week, all this crazy shit. But on that day, so many crazy things were happening. The next day she was at the open mic. Nice.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Well, yeah. And she was practicing jokes because underneath all the celebrity and all that, she's a comedian. And that's who I fell in love with. And I was stoked to see that it didn't change her and that she was right back to where we started. I love that.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Yeah. So you can find me at Flashback comedy five to ten almost every night no hell yeah yeah i was like yeah that's a babe right there i haven't been to flashback in a bit i need to go back oh yeah i've been doing the hollywood comedy and fourth wall oh how's fourth wall fourth i like fourth yeah it still has like a sort of grungy vibe i like it and like you know it's something i like about it, the no-ho one. Yeah, hell yeah. My babe of the week is the basketball player DeMar DeRozan.
Starting point is 01:49:32 As of today, Friday the 24th, 25th, he's had eight straight games of scoring 35 points or more on better than 50% shooting. This is incredible. This guy takes 17 to 20 foot mid-range jumpers the entire game. These are difficult shots. He's making them at an incredibly prolific
Starting point is 01:49:50 and accurate rate. And we need to celebrate this a lot. And he's 30, like two, which is old for a basketball player. He's getting better as he gets older. He's a SoCal guy. I got to say it. I met him.
Starting point is 01:50:03 I knew him when we were in junior high. I was kind of a Jersey chaser. I'd follow around all the basketball players. We got to say it. I met him. I knew him when we were in junior high. I was kind of a Jersey chaser. I'd follow around all the basketball players. We wrestled one time. And to see him grow into this basketball player that he's become, it's the fucking shit. He's a really cool guy. All his teammates love him.
Starting point is 01:50:15 And he's on a Kobe Bryant-esque run. Like, this is literally history, and it needs to be celebrated. So where do you go tomorrow? Hell, yeah. Who won the wrestling? I'll say this i wasn't doing bad i gotta be fair too he didn't want to wrestle i was there and i was like wrestle me wrestle me like every one of the guys and they were like calm down and i was like no wrestle me wrestle me
Starting point is 01:50:42 um you had a really funny joke that I think about sometimes. It's like wanting to roll with your friends. Yeah, how long do you have to know a guy before you ask him to wrestle? Right, right. That is so funny, man. Oh, thank you, man. That's like the Tony thing. That sticks with me because I just want to wrestle all you guys.
Starting point is 01:51:00 It is really fun to wrestle your friends. Especially if you're single you haven't been touched in a minute yeah bro fill this void i just need yeah yeah i just need contact let's get the masculine version in here just pin me dog um rachel who's your legend of the week um that's so cute that uh matt said me because matt was going to be my legend for the week i know isn't that weird okay What? Okay, okay. So, within the last couple weeks, we've been dealing with a lot of
Starting point is 01:51:30 craziness, but Matt did me a solid and he went and picked up my birth control from CVS. Oh, yeah. Our birth control. It is. And they were giving him some problems picking it up. We had some obstacles to go through and he just kept it cool and made sure that he he brought home the the the birth control no problems they
Starting point is 01:51:52 gave me were going to be as big of a problem as a child yeah so uh so matt he uh he really came through for me legend that's epic it's all the control I have is birth. Chad, who's your legend of the week? It's Kevin Fard, the Schmole. He just, he always keeps me on my toes about teabagging. You know, he's like, you know, no matter what I'm doing, he's just like, are you still teabagging? And it's just nice to have a friend who is, you know, aware of your passions and is really sort of making sure that you're staying on top of them. Do you guys know what teabagging is?
Starting point is 01:52:31 Of course. Yeah, so he and I teabag a lot in Call of Duty, just disrespecting a lot of players on there. And, you know, I get texts from him daily, like, are you bagging today? And I'll be like yeah i should you know that it's very fulfilling to me and i i thought t-bagging is where you put your balls on someone's chin it is this is in the video game where you crouch you kill them and you crouch over them you could like in the video in like first person shooters you could crouch to like duck lower
Starting point is 01:53:03 so like what he's saying is you kill the guy and then you run over and like where his face is and you crouch so the guy's only looking up and all he sees is you crouching oh yeah never stop yeah yeah yeah it's one of my favorite things to do and uh kevin's on on top of it he's he's the colonel he's a great bagger huh he's a good bagger yeah damn um i gotta go i gotta go and not to i'm not a political guy at all but do you guys know who vitaly klitschko is of course the boxer the boxer well you know he's the mayor of uh what's the city that's being yeah yeah yeah he's the mayor and and uh his whole stance on everything that's happening right now is he's staying to fight nice as a mayor he's
Starting point is 01:53:43 staying to fight and there's like pictures of him in full army garb and he's got guns and he's like he's waiting for the russians come he's just the fucking mayor yeah and he's gonna fight an army i mean that to me that's fucking legend yeah my dad was a mayor he would never fight anybody if they're trying to like take over los alamitos you guys can fucking have it yeah you guys have like a crazy amount in common like both your parents like worked in like like uh government positions political you both got like diagnosed with add at the same age yeah it's like you're both comedians it's crazy yeah oh yeah but yeah dude vitality glitch go great guy great boxer great boxer gave lennox
Starting point is 01:54:26 lewis i think his oh yeah test but besides the time he got knocked out yeah i mean he's uh him and his bro they're fucking and his bro's fighting too so it's like you got both the klitschko's versus russia i mean honestly russia is gonna need a good cut man because those guys those guys will jab you they lead with the jabs yeah they'll obstruct your offense and hit some jabs on you yeah dude mine is related to that as well it's such a bummer what's happening in ukraine you know it's uh you see all these videos on social media it's like hard not to cry and just to like yeah i know and then you you you extrapolate it out and you're like it just just feels like doomsday-ish for everything.
Starting point is 01:55:06 And you don't want to get too lost in that, but it's just so sad. And then, so we did an actor's draft, we had to draft our favorite actors of all time, and I picked Sean Penn, number one. Oh, yeah. Which I got ridiculed for. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Probably rightfully so. Thank you, Aaron. But I will say this, Sean Penn, and this is part of why I like him as an actor, because I think you can feel in his performance, he's a crazy motherfucker with a lot of passion. And he'll go to Katrina and try to help. And then his boat will have leaks in it, and we'll just make fun of the photos. But he was there.
Starting point is 01:55:36 And then he goes and he interviews the Guzman guy, the biggest drug dealer in the world, and could die. And he writes an article that's kind of cheesy about it. But he goes there, and he meets him. And now he's in Ukraine trying to document what's happening there. And it's like, this guy never sits on his ass. No. He just sees something wrong and he goes to fix it.
Starting point is 01:55:54 And whether he can or not, probably can't. But he tries. He goes. And so I know he's made a ton of mistakes. But I just have a deep respect for Sean Penn's, I don't know, desire to help. I wonder if El Chapo's watching all this going like, come on, Russia, beat this fucking guy for me. Yeah. Yeah, because he did kind of incidentally get him caught, right?
Starting point is 01:56:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he accidentally helped. He accidentally helped. I mean, but yeah, dude, I'm with you on Penn, dude. He's a solid dude for an actor. Really, he puts his, you know know a lot of people could tweet you know i stand with ukraine when he's sean penn is standing in ukraine right now let's go huge boots on the ground nice ferragamo boots but he's there um rachel did you have a quote of the week
Starting point is 01:56:41 oh it was a quote oh fuck i fuck. I forgot about the quote. We can streamline. If you just want to do a phrase of the week for getting after it, we can just hit that. We can play it. Yeah, my quote of the week. Oh, gosh. I guess mine was, I gave away my quote that was like the sex and what that was about
Starting point is 01:57:00 and just like that, where they said that was the one quote I said. I probably have another one. Is there? I got one locked and loaded that I about and just like that where they said that was the one quote i said i probably have another one is there i got one locked and loaded that i always think about it's your quote of the week yeah it's from uh the great tommy chong i years ago he did wtf and i was listening and he was talking about he grew up in like um somewhere in canada i forget which one but it was like there's like that that's where he found his he found out about drugs and became kind of like you know you know real big stoner in this canadian uh city i guess and i don't know why marin asked him like well what what did uh was there anything else to do in that town he's like well you know what they say then there's nothing to do there's a lot to do in that town he's like well you know what they say then there's nothing to do there's
Starting point is 01:57:46 a lot to do it's well said yeah i was like oh that is true kids in small towns they get up to way more hygiene oh yeah because you got to find something to do you got to make stuff blow up yeah oh fire once you discover fire then it's on. It's on. Chad? Mine's from Colin Farrell in Miami Vice. Dude, yeah. So Jamie Foxx, Rico goes, you making moves on Montoya's woman? No, we're making moves on each other. Good line.
Starting point is 01:58:20 Fuck yeah. Dude, I'll go one from Miami Vice too. They're talking to Kieran Hines, who's working for the FBI or something. And he tries to knock the conversation off what they're talking about. And then Colin Farrell, I think, goes, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? And I guess that's just what you say to someone when you're like, hey, you're talking bullshit. Which part is that? It's early in the movie, maybe in the first 25 minutes.
Starting point is 01:58:46 When they meet him on the building after his informant gets whacked. Oh, right, right, right. Oh, right, right, right. And it's the second time Michael Mann's used that line of dialogue in a movie. He also says it in The Insider. Oh, interesting. So if someone's talking bullshit and they're not on the point, you say, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? Interesting. It's really cool.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Oh my god, that is so... That's wild that you noticed that he said it twice i like michael man oh i love michael man yeah yeah he's great he's a such a badass he's a badass who's your favorite actor because i decided mine in the last month or so i've decided mine i stand by it who's yours brad pitt dude i mean you can't go wrong everything he's done is great i mean in terms of who i like one bad movie it might be brad right because he can't go wrong. Everything he's done is great. I mean, in terms of who I like to watch the most, it might be Brad. Right. Because he's got it all.
Starting point is 01:59:29 I mean, he's like, he could do action, he could do drama, but he's funny too, man. Yeah. He's really funny. He's a funny guy. He's a cool dude. He seems real cool. Rachel, do you have a quote of the week or a phrase of the week for getting after it? No pressure.
Starting point is 01:59:44 I don't. Are you looking up old i'm literally i had one i was like googling man on fire quotes that's a good movie but um yeah no do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it's just like oh for getting after it that's sorry i when um when you sent me that i didn't know what you were talking about the phrase that makes like phrase of the week. Oh, forgetting after it. Forgetting after it.
Starting point is 02:00:13 Why am I too high to think of a quote for getting after it? That's probably on brand for me. Why am I too high is not a bad one. No, no, no, no. I'm saying like I'm too high to refer to for getting after it just like the the hardest part is just getting started i think nice is that a bad i don't know i don't know who said it but it's it is profound yeah because like like think about i think about that when you go to the gym the hardest part is just getting to the gym because once you're there
Starting point is 02:00:43 you already know what to do i love that yeah so that was really hard to get out of me you dug deep and you delivered thank you thank you rachel goes deep you brought the profundity i tried so yeah nice chad what's your physical for getting after it you kind of inspired mine. Mine's, did you boys drink your water tonight? What? Meaning, you better be hydrated because we're about to booze.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Ah, I see, I see. I like that. Thanks. Matt, do you have one? Can you, I didn't know about this at all, but what do you mean it'd be like carpe diem or let's fucking go or you know what i always love like in a movie when like
Starting point is 02:01:31 um they're getting the band back together whatever it is and like everybody's like yeah i'm down i'm down i'm down and they look at the one guy who's hesitating and he looks over at them. He's like, I'm getting too old for this shit. I love that. That always works. Um, mine is, I hung out with my godson on Sunday. We went to the aquarium.
Starting point is 02:01:54 He's obsessed with fish. He knew everything about all the fish. Dude, it was fun. Exhausting. Six hours. Long Beach? The Long Beach Aquarium.
Starting point is 02:02:01 Oh yeah. And, uh, he was just running into people and I was like, sorry, sorry, sorry. And he was just running into people. And I was like, sorry, sorry, sorry. And then I realized no one cares. Kids just hit things. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:11 But he had one line. He's really smart. He's like crazy, crazy smart. And he said one thing that was out of a T.S. Eliot poem. He was talking about a jellyfish. And he said, about their movement or how they live, he goes, just for one time, one permanent time. That's awesome it's like yo that's some heavy poetry wow yeah little beast wow yeah well that's it oh we try beef liver real quick if you want to try this have you tried it this looks like this looks like dog food. It's really good for you. Is it?
Starting point is 02:02:45 Mm-hmm. I swear this smells and looks like dog food. It's good for dogs. I'm excited, actually. Alright. Definitely tastes like dog food. Three bottoms up. This is good for my ASMR career.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Mm. Yeah, dude, I might... Oh. Yeah, do it on the mic. Okay, you guys, you just fed me dog food, right? It is a weird way to end things. I don't like it. You don't want it? You can toss it. You can toss it. I'll take it.
Starting point is 02:03:16 I'll take it. Thank you. Well, guys, thank you for joining the podcast. Yeah, it was so fun. Thanks, guys. And absolute honor. Thank you so much for having me, you guys. Of course.
Starting point is 02:03:27 Oh, my God. I'm never going to get this taste out of my mouth oh god oh guys if you haven't seen jackass 4 go see it and check out you guys have some shows coming up yeah yeah come see us at the i don't know when you guys are dropping this come see us at the virgil march 11th yeah next wednesday and then I'm opening for Steve-O March 10th so when's our San Diego? 15th? March 15th? I think so March 15th in San Diego American Comedy Club I love that place alright dudes
Starting point is 02:03:55 bye later advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Such that half the
Starting point is 02:04:17 world's beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see Go with me Go with me Let's go deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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