Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 229 - GaTa Joins

Episode Date: March 9, 2022

What's up stokers!? This week we have the rapper, Gata, on. He talks about his life, music, and being on the show "Dave".    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped....com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].     Just go to shipstation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in GODEEP

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we have a new Patreon up and you're going to get new episodes each week with me and JT, bringing it back to the old school style. It's super fun, super legit. Check it out at patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep. We also have tour dates coming up. We're going to be at the San Jose Improv this weekend, Sunday, March 13th. So Bay Area, come out. We're also going to be in the San Francisco Marina at the bus stop on Monday, March 14th.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Come check us out. For all tour dates, go to ChadGoesDeep.com. We're going to be in Texas, Washington D.C., Michigan and more dates to come. So check them out and come see us. We're going to be the Irvine improv soon in April. So get your tickets. Come check us out.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We are also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape. Thank you so much for keeping our trends, for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because March madness is here. Not everyone can have a perfect bracket, but you can have the perfect set of balls this tournament season with the sponsor of today's show, Manscaped. The leaders in below the waist grooming have just launched their ultra premium
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Starting point is 00:02:05 This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Sean Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with our guest, rapper, and one of the stars of FX is Dave Gata. Welcome to the podcast. Oh, yeah. What's up?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Thanks for having me on. Dude, pumped to have you. JT-Z, what it do? I'm just chilling how you doing i'm doing good man i'm blessed to be out here yeah what's up chad what's up man how you doing good man vibing up yeah that's nice can we get that mic a little closer to you oh yeah that's perfect right there so you just got some pizza chilling what do you have going on for the rest of the day? After this? Oh man, to be honest with you, I'm just wiggling, man.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I'm gonna enjoy the rest of the day. I just had some pizza, but had a few plays up. Come up here, chop it up with y'all, vibe out. But other than that, I'm just trying to enjoy the day, man. I ain't got too much up. I'm just wiggling, man. Nice. You brought your buddy?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, yeah. Small G, pot in the stretch man Grew up in my neighborhood Knowing him for a long time man Always riding with him Did you guys grow up together Yeah yeah yeah That's nice
Starting point is 00:03:12 Practically he kind of like Low key raised me You know some grow up type shit You know So yeah I didn't grow up with him You know I was kind of like Raised by him on some real
Starting point is 00:03:21 Type of shit You know what I'm saying That's nice Lifelong friendship Hell yeah Always holding it down Are most of the people raised by him on some real type of shit you know what i'm saying that's nice lifelong friendship hell yeah always holding it down are uh most of the people you kick it with like your friends from growing up or is it it's a mixed bag uh yeah i got a mixed bag you know because like i'm on both sides of the fence like i got people that i hang out that uh i grew up with that keep me grounded and stuff but when i'm on this type of shit you know what i'm saying on my industry making moves doing business i got that circle too you know what i'm
Starting point is 00:03:49 saying like i like to keep some people separate from this type of situation and some people separate from that type of situation because you know that's just how it is i got a lot of circle of friends circle of friends and shit like that but yeah yeah i think that's cruise right they have people that you can like step out of certain psychology with and kind of see it from a distance oh yeah yeah i like that man because that shit keep me grounded man like you know i'm saying they like keep me humble too you know i'm saying because there'll be a lot of shit going on people like to uh you know be uh like caught up in a lot of the wrong things and i got people around me to just make sure that i always got a good head on my shoulder so that's what I like about
Starting point is 00:04:26 this shit like I like the fact that I get to be in the industry and I get the best of both worlds you know because a lot of people just go full industry and they just just forget it right so I like to tap back in and be grounded were you always aware of keeping that balance before dave came out or when when dave came out was it sort of like a boost in your profile and you sort of had to yeah i kind of was um honestly i was kind of like trying to set myself up for this but as i was earlier chasing my career you know i was probably like you know not making the right moves and doing certain things or handling relationships the proper way so you know
Starting point is 00:05:06 as you grow you lose a lot of people in your life you lose a lot of friends and relationships go astray and stuff like that but for the most part i was always trying to keep solid day ones around me and always make sure that i'm able to tap in with them no matter how far i go up on the totem pole and no matter for how far i go up in my career so yeah man that's one of my favorite things about me is that i really can you know call people from day one still you know i'm saying be like yo what's up bro let's go kick it let's go do this let's go do that you know a lot of people ain't got that you know yeah i like that man what does kicking it entail well kicking it man to me is just basically you know doing it whatever you want to do you know i'm saying however you want to do it you know the best way that you can you know money or no money we kicking it you know i'm saying before uh anything you know you got to link up with your partners and
Starting point is 00:05:54 you know put a plan together you know i'm saying and sometimes kicking it just be hey we riding around we going to go check out some you know yada yada yada we having a great time we might sit down at a restaurant we might do whatever but we kicking it like honestly right now we kicking it right now oh yeah yeah we for sure kicking it right now we kicking it we're kicking it what's your ratio from kicking it with like with your buddies versus just do you like to like be alone sometimes oh yeah definitely you gotta have your alone time every uh like person or human being needs a space to where they can just sit and self-reflect, you know what I'm saying, and think about what they want to do in life or think about, you know what I'm saying, how their day was and do daily recaps and what they want to do to be better.
Starting point is 00:06:37 But I need my alone time, you know, especially dealing with heavy anxiety and, you know, my lifestyle, obviously. I can't always, you know, have people around me 24-7, you know. So I definitely need my space so I can just tap out, you know, and just get better. So, yeah, everybody needs their solo dolo time. What did you think your anxiety was when you were, like, a kid? My anxiety as a kid was just basically just like, yo, I want to do this. I want to do that. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Let's do that. Let's do that. And, like, that was just more so some just being a kid, having fun. Just having energy. Yeah, just having energy, you know. But I never knew that that's what it was called. You know, I was just being a kid, you know, just like every other kid. But as you get older and you start to see that you're still hyper, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:07:20 That shit be waking people up sometimes, you know. That shit be waking people out sometimes, you know? Like a lot of people can't understand people's energy and the way they move and stuff like that. Like a lot of people tell me that I move so fast that it's ridiculous. Like even down to the way I walk, you know? Like I'm just always moving fast. You're alive. Yeah, alive and well.
Starting point is 00:07:41 But that translates well for what you do too. Like especially if you're going to be like being a hype man, having that anxiety, you can probably channel that into that and just give more energy to the crowd, give more energy to whoever you're performing with. Like, did that feel like a good outlet for? Yeah, definitely. Especially, like, earlier in my career, you know, like, doing the hype man stuff, I was just helping my boys and stuff like pursue their dreams. And, you know, when you're a hype man and you locked in with your boy or the artist that you're working with, and hopefully it's your boy, your real friend or whatever the case may be, like you want to be hype about his career just as much as you hype about yours.
Starting point is 00:08:19 You know what I'm saying? And that's something that you can't fake. You want to be genuine about it. So I love hyping up people naturally, you know. So that's a good way for me to channel my energy. And honestly, for myself, it helped me grow myself for being hyped for when I perform. Like on March 31st, I got a show in Venice. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Everybody can go get tickets right now. Ticketsweb.com. I'm performing March 31st. Yeah. Where are you performing? It's at this spot Called Venice West Oh sick And I got a bunch of
Starting point is 00:08:50 Crazy dates coming up too It's just crazy how The hype man Hyped me up to Have my own concerts And stuff now Like I'm doing All that Palooza
Starting point is 00:08:58 Coming up Oh let's go So what music festival In Texas In Arlington I got my own set You know what I'm saying So basically Everybody out there This is a message watching, yo.
Starting point is 00:09:08 If you're in the music industry and you hyping your boy up and you a hype man and you turned up for your squad and your gang and all that, just hype yourself up into a better position like Gator so you could be having shows and concerts and stuff like that too. You know what I mean? So, yeah. So being a hype man taught you how to be a hype man for yourself? Yeah, I'm a rapper, bro.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I got songs on right now. Yeah, like, it taught me how to hype myself up. You know, it taught me, like, how to work the stage. Taught me how to control the crowd. Like, everything that I ever learned from Tyga, learned from Dickie, just by being a hype man, it helped me do what I do. You know what I'm saying? At the highest level. Because ain't nobody going to love your music like you love your music.
Starting point is 00:09:44 So, I love working on my music. I love working on Dickie's music. So, I'm hy? At the highest level Because ain't nobody Going to love your music Like you love your music So I love working on my music I love working on Dickie music So I'm hyping that shit The fuck up Yeah it all reinforces Each other Yeah You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Especially like I said It goes back to what I said You got to believe In your partner dream You got to believe in the music You got to believe in the vision In order for you to be Hyping that shit up
Starting point is 00:10:00 To the maximum ability What's your pre-show ritual? My pre-show ritual Is to be honest with you Is, to be honest with you, is going to sleep. I like to do the sound check, and then I like to smoke, and then I like to go to sleep, and then wake up, and then go do the show. I like doing that. I don't like to do too much unless I got to go get some glasses
Starting point is 00:10:18 or outfit or something to eat or if we got something to do. But my pre-show ritual is I like to get rested because I'm about to be hype as fuck. you need to save your chi yeah you gotta save that energy man that should be crazy it's uh yeah i've been doing we do stand up and i haven't been nutting before shows lately oh yeah you want to save yourself man yeah because i feel like i do better when i got that restless energy in me. I'm like, okay, this is something I can channel. Yeah, but I feel you.
Starting point is 00:10:50 That's the young stuff. Those days where you used to get topped off before a game or something like that. Before you go do something major, you might want to go have some crazy sexual activities with a baddie. But you said you ain't been nothing before stand-up, huh? That's crazy, man. You've been holding all your energy in i've been holding it practicing your masculinity like uh kevin gates yeah yeah your sacred masculinity yeah that boy wow i see it on youtube the other day like this dude's crazy it is crazy like i i appreciate all that stuff but i'm like yeah i even feel a little self-conscious uh connecting
Starting point is 00:11:25 it to masculinity but it is where it comes from i suppose i think it brings clarity you holding it in you controlling yourself at the highest level you're like man you know i'm controlling it you know yeah i guess i just feel good about myself for being disciplined yeah don't be wild i think it brings clarity i did 30 days once that's good man yeah yeah but then but then I that's good when I engaged in sexual activities after that I came right away that all happened
Starting point is 00:11:49 in like 10 seconds I was like yeah I haven't nutted in a month I'm sure she was super flattered by that though I think she was I think she I think she was
Starting point is 00:11:56 on board with it he said I'm bored with it that's what I said does the does the when you say you smoke is it weed yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:12:04 I vape too like I got a flume you know like the little I rock the hype bar which flavor are you I like um peach gelato
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm a lush ice guy yeah lush ice is cool yeah I like that peach gelato though and I like that power board the power board yeah shout out flume man
Starting point is 00:12:19 send me some vapes yeah that'd be a good sponsor I really need to quit though to be honest with you I've quit like five times yeah man
Starting point is 00:12:27 it's so hard because it's everywhere and it's so accessible yeah it's like a comfortable smoke too because you remember how you used to
Starting point is 00:12:33 smoke a cigarette you gotta go outside when you cold you gotta put a jacket on when you go smoke your cigarette now when you vape it's like shit
Starting point is 00:12:40 I'm inside and you can do it in bed whenever I'd go for for months without doing it, then I'd just be like, I gotta treat myself and watch a movie and just vape. And then you just fall back in the trap. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's the lesser of a lot of evils, too. It's not good for you, but it's not as... Man, it helped me deal with my stress and my anxiety. I ain't gonna lie. Yeah, that's good. Do you meditate? Yeah, I do meditate, man. Shout out my boy Max, District Vision.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I just did a collab with him. He's a meditator, like a professional. Guy who practices a meditation lifestyle. He really got me tapped into that. And then my life coach, too, Taylor Gibler. He helped me do a bunch of meditation practices. It was pretty cool, man. I meditate a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I be zoned out chilling that's dope you have a team like that yeah man you see what the industry do man got me a life coach yeah did you ever think you'd have a life coach
Starting point is 00:13:33 hell no I got a like I said I got like therapist I got the whole shebang man it's tough dude I had a life coach for a little bit and then one day he wore a fedora I didn't like into our meeting, and I was like, it's over, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Yeah, man. See? He was just bullshitting. When that episode of Dave came out from the first season about— He said he got a fedora on there. You know what I mean? You know, I'm crazy, man. It was a really ugly fedora.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, you didn't like his hat swag? No, he was like, I was asking about, can you get past shame? And he was like, you can definitely get past shame. But he was wearing that fedora, and I was like, he doesn't understand. He doesn't know. Was it like a small fedora, or was it kind of like? The color was brown, not a cool brown. He didn't look like Dick Tracy.
Starting point is 00:14:24 No. Dick Tracy used No, it's Tracy She had a coach's hats and then Warren Beatty and Madonna What when that so when that episode Dave came out sort of highlighting, you know mental health issues and stuff What were you nervous about it? Like when they were writing it were you nervous about them sort of putting that onto the world? Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna lie first. I was nervous because at first i you know dicky came to me he's like y'all want to share your story and i'm like damn for real like you sure you want to do that man i'm trying to be
Starting point is 00:14:52 like this i'm trying to be like that you know like i'm the cool guy yeah and then you know he really encouraged me like man you're gonna change people's lives you know so that really inspired me you know to be able to just do that but i was definitely nervous about the feedback because i didn't know what people was gonna think right and uh it was powerful man it was touching you know people still be coming up to me to this day you know yeah your acting was beautiful oh man i appreciate that too man because i ain't never had no acting classes in my life man it was incredibly moving appreciate that man for real and did you just went in you just went to the shoot just sort of no acting classes no coaching or anything yeah no coaching no none of that but you know now i got uh people
Starting point is 00:15:32 that help me read and stuff like that when i'm uh trying out for other roles and stuff like that doing self tapes shout out ryan garcia yeah yeah yeah man make sure y'all tap in it's my guy right here ryan garcia if you are an upcoming actor, if you're an actor, period, and you want to bring some more life into your scripts, man, tap in with my guy, Ryan Garcia. See, look, I just gave up a bar for the world right now. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Yeah, man. He just sounds like a good guy. Yeah. I'll check him out. I've been doing this thing for a long time, man. Giving up sauce for y'all. Yeah. What sauce?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Man, just free game free gems plugs i like the sound of it plugs um what uh what got you into uh wanting to be a musician like was there a specific artist or was there like a moment yeah i ain't gonna lie to you the brat the brat made me want to rap oh really yeah because like think about it i was a kid you know i always thought about like yo, rap is cool. This shit dope. Look at Snoop. Look at Cube. Look at Ice-T.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Look at all these dope rappers. Look at Pac. Look at Big. But a nigga like me, when I seen the Brat do it, I was like, oh, hell no. If she could do it, I could do it for sure. For sure. You get what I'm saying? I was just like, damn, man, she looks so cool, too.
Starting point is 00:16:41 She was swagged out. So I already knew that I liked the rap game. I liked the industry and all that. And then I knew at a young age I was always listening to music. And I was one of them kids that was rapping on the party line. Remember? Y'all ever knew what the party line was? No.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Well, the party line was like a number you'd call and just a bunch of people on the phone just talking shit. And I was just on there. And we would just be on there talking, rapping, doing all types of crazy stuff. Then it transitioned to me being in school, middle school, rapping, writing little raps. And then I went to Crenshaw, Westchester. And I went to high school. I was just rapping at school, like at the pep rallies and stuff. I used to battle people at Crenshaw.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Oh, in front of everybody? Yeah. But we used to do it on the quad., but we used to do it on the quad, and then we used to do it in the back of the gym. I got some legendary battles, probably people remember from my high school though. Would you know who you were battling earlier in the day, or would you just, in the moment, just get-
Starting point is 00:17:36 Nah, it was all in the moment. It's like, oh, you rap, I rap? Oh, man, let's get down right now. That type of stuff. And so you were just off the dome finding things to kind of picket them on? Hell yeah, and then I was just always just being inspired like i used to always like east coast rap the most you know like i love west coast rap like especially earlier but as i got
Starting point is 00:17:53 older like through high school i transitioned over to like a lot of east coast started listening to a bunch of different music you know like what and what was the first like your first sort of legit show that you did as a rapper okay my first legit show as a rapper probably would be like when i did my own set at the roxy a long time ago when I opened up after Tyga. And it was like Schoolboy Q came out and stuff like that. On Sunset? Yeah, Sunset. That was a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Tyga had a show. And it was just us, though. It felt like our set, like GD. Everybody was there to see us. It was dope. It was cool. Of course, it was Tyga and friends, but I had my own little get down. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:45 It was cool. I was dope. I loved it. That was my very first moment, feeling I had my own little get down. You know what I'm saying? It was cool. I was dubbed it. That was my very first moment, feeling like a dope rapper or feeling like a rapper. And then after that, linking up with fucking Lil Wayne and shit, doing songs with him, hearing him say my name and shit like that. That's when I knew, like, okay, yeah, man. Can't nobody tell me I ain't no rapper. And then I started just working and grinding, perfecting all my craft, and just kept going
Starting point is 00:19:04 and going and going. So do you just stay in the booth and you just, how long are you in a booth session for when you're recording something? Oh, well, see me, I don't be in the booth too long because I write, you know, like I ain't got time to be like punching in and stuff. No disrespect to all the rappers that punch in and do all the freestyles and stuff. I love that process. I love that. But me, I'm like to think I'm a structure. I like to structure.
Starting point is 00:19:28 It's cool you can structure on the spot. I like people to do all that too. It's fascinating. It's mind-blowing. But I like to actually write songs and just be more on some more like, let me see what I'm saying. I like that. I like to be prepared.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I like to go to the studio and not waste time. I like to really get in there and just bang it out. And so when you're writing, are you freestyling it and then putting the words down? Or are you putting the words down and then trying it out as a line? Well, see, my process is like, I throw the beat on and then I let it simmer for a while in my mind. I just listen to it, come up with some vibes, you know what I'm saying? Until I catch something.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And then as soon as I catch something i'm gonna just start writing and then when i write we're coming up with the concept we're coming up with the whole everything it could just be something that i just said in the midst of something or it could be something that happened last week the same day but i just gonna write it from there and then we're gonna structure it out and it's gonna be done do you have a theme that you find keeps coming back to you like like a certain kind of message or point of view that feels like it's i definitely got a theme shit it's constant positivity and fun like if you listen to some of my music some of the songs that i released lately uh check up you know it's a fun song you know like i'm doing all the stuff that make people feel good in those recent releases. I like having it.
Starting point is 00:20:45 That's like a raw rap song. You can check that out right now. It's out on YouTube. Shit going crazy. And check up. It's everywhere. You can look that up. But them videos, them songs, they fun, man.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And that's the wave I've been on for a second. But I've definitely been making a lot of stuff with Substance right now because I've been recording. I'm working on a project to release to people so I can you know have some packaged up some product get out there in gander You know I got a going to her. I got a show shit down How'd you get linked up with well Dickie and Tyga? I linked up with a little time ago like through myspace and shit do something like girl through myspace Yeah, this back in the day. You know when Tom was running shit. It's that a mark Zuckerberg He was a king the atonement white shirt Tom. I prefer Tom. Yeah. Yeah, he was more. Iberg he was a king yeah tom was running a white shirt i prefer
Starting point is 00:21:25 tom yeah yeah he was more i wish he was still in the game yeah yeah he was crazy but yeah i linked up with him through myspace a long time again a long time ago through this mutual chick that we had knew and then i went over her house and she's like yeah my homegirl gonna be over here and her boyfriend and then when i went over there it was tiger and then you know we linked up vibed out rocked out for like a decade that was crazy man and then when i was down bad i actually got a text message from uh anthony martini that was one of these uh business managers i mean not business managers but he was like a manager and he he used to work with tiger and he reached out to me one day he had a new client and truth be told it was little dick Dicky. And we linked up.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And me and Dicky was rocking at first. And it was just crazy, man. We was just going crazy for a long time. And then now we ended up with a TV show. It's crazy. Yeah, you guys have good compatibility. Yeah, man. Our whole story together, our whole friendship is just pure.
Starting point is 00:22:22 That shit raw. Me and Dave is real friends. That's what I want people to really take away from the show. It's like, we not no actors. Like, me and him is really boys, you know. And that's our real friendship on TV that we putting on there for people to see. What do you think made it so easy for you guys to be friends? Did you have some kind of common ground?
Starting point is 00:22:39 Well, at first, we didn't be friends. We wasn't. He didn't like me at first, I'm going to be honest. Because, like, when I first met him, it was crazy. He thought I was over the top when i first met him you know because i went to this office he was working at like his management office that he had before and i went to go listen to all this music and stuff and i came in with a camera crew fake little personal assistant yeah i had my homeboy gandering like he was my cameraman but you know yeah hell yeah
Starting point is 00:23:01 because you gotta think about it like man i came around from doing songs with lil wayne being around travis mccoy gym class heroes fallout boy i'm on tour buses every night i'm flying to japan i'm at video shoots i was already doing shit living the life so like i was having that rap image you know like that trying to feel good about myself and my brand and trying to create what i wanted to have now you know I'm saying and I was gandering you know like I wanted to have this image and have this you know persona and he didn't understand it at the time because it's like dude I don't even know you get it like why the fuck you got a cameraman why you got a personal assistant or you know whatever the case may be
Starting point is 00:23:40 but truth be told he finally understood it you know we click because it's like you know this is entertainment you know what i'm saying like i always know it's all about entertaining people so that's what it is and now we boys and we taking over the world are you involved in the writing process for the show yeah yeah i'm a consultant like at the end of the show if you um read the credits to say i I'm gay to consultant. Because I chime in, I go to the writer's room, I give up thoughts, give up ideas, give up my real life experiences. And we just get it going and actually just start flowing. Were you always like set to play the part? Yeah, I was always set to play the part.
Starting point is 00:24:18 But, you know, the industry is the industry. You know, Dickie told me straight up, he's like, you know, I want you to play yourself. I want you to be yourself. But you got to audition. You know, it's just on some standard industry type we gotta run this by fx make them believe that you can be the guy that they're about to be signing up with and doing this for and all that you know so did you see the other guys who were trying to be you oh yeah for sure it was crazy i even had swayze um yeah one of my actual homies in the industry he hit me up like yo bro i'm i'm auditioning to be right now and i was mind blown a lot of people uh i saw the
Starting point is 00:24:52 tapes you know but it was crazy if you go into an audition room do you find it easy to be yourself or like in front of the camera and all that kind of stuff are you comfortable or do you was did that take some uh practice to sort of find that comfortability? Well, I was always comfortable in front of the camera, but my whole thing is it's different when you try to be comfortable for TV. Right. You know what I'm saying? It's a whole different ballgame.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Anybody can sit in front of a camera and just talk shit all day, but it's different when you're doing that shit for TV. You got to know the timing and all that type and know the production, know the set, the flow, the energy. It's deeper than just turning the camera on. It's secrets to being a dope actor. Do you feel in sync with that kind of deeper understanding of it where you're just... Oh, yeah, I'm fully synced up, man. I could write a whole movie myself and put it together at this point.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I done shot five movies. I't do so much stuff man i didn't got so much experience now that we're going into our third season it's like yeah i can do what i do bro do you think there's commonality between like doing something in the studio doing a live music show like acting does it all have kind of uh like it's like a common denominator that makes you able to tap into? Oh yeah, the common denominator is entertain, you know what I'm saying? Turn up and make people feel good and connect and just to remain raw, as I would like to say. Like me, no matter what I do, I just wanted to be raw dog like you know like when I listen to my music or when I look at scenes my whole thing is like damn
Starting point is 00:26:29 was it raw or does that shit look processed you know what I mean cuz like when you when you record music you can hear it when it's like man this shit sounds so processed this sounds so generic but then when you hear certain records you'll be like man that shit sound raw like he was really feeling that shit like you know so that's what i look for in music and that's what i look for in uh acting that shit just got to be pure yeah it's like a sound right you can hear yeah and you can feel it too you can feel it too and sometimes you could just look at things and see things and know that it's just that good you know you know when you're sitting on something that's really solid hell yeah like for sure like i studied the game so much and studied like entertainment and just everything like
Starting point is 00:27:11 i just be on point bro like i know when something is just fine like you know who are your heroes outside of entertainment shit my mom and my sister then my hero is right there that's great straight up bro are they pretty proud of yeah hell yeah man i'm proud of them too man for holding me down never switching up on me always staying on my ass were they like uh yeah i don't know if my mom was on my ass but very supportive yeah like did they uh were they like tough on you or just always just whatever you needed that was tough on me man but they definitely uh was very loving and supportive you know but my sister and my mom were like you know different type of tough you know it's not just like on some tough like you know, a different type of tough, you know. It's not just like on some tough, like, you know, some people got to get out the house when they're 18 and never come back and all that type of shit. But my mom and them was definitely tough on me.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You know, I did a couple things where, you know, I deserved the punishment. But at the same time, my mom and them always got my best interest at heart. So no matter how hard they're on me, I know that it's for my best interest, you know. No matter how hard they're on me, I know that it's for my best interest, you know. So no matter what they're saying or how they're coming at me, I just always accept the fact that I know that they love me, you know, because if they didn't, they wouldn't have adopted me. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:34 How you're adopted. Yeah, my mom and my sister is my auntie and my cousin, you know what I'm saying? So no matter what they do or how hard they are on me, I know they love me because they're still in my life, and they really adopted me at 18 months. So those are my heroes. That's beautiful. That's good silence. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:29:01 It sounds good outside. It's a sunny day. The birds are chirping. The haters are lurking. know what i'm saying nice dude last week i was touched by it but i didn't know what to add but yeah it's beautiful i thought i was i thought i was just observing it was moving i thought yeah man i was that was powerful man you know a lot of people don't really let you into their life and stuff like that but me i'm at a point where it's like man i'm so free i'm so comfortable with who i am and everything i've been through all my trials and at a point where it's like, man, I'm so free. I'm so comfortable with who I am and everything I've been through, all my trials and tribulations,
Starting point is 00:29:27 my hardships. It's like, I'm like Eminem, A-Mal. I'm going to tell y'all everything before y'all can even point it against me. You're going to take ownership of it. Yeah, I'm going to take ownership of all my flaws, all everything. That's why being a mental health awareness advocate was one of the best things for me because I could really share my story and let people know, like, yo, look, we just alike, bro.
Starting point is 00:29:48 You going through it, sis. You going through it. We right here together. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So at what point in your life were you sort of truly sort of aware that it was like a chemical imbalance or anything like that? Shit. was like a chemical imbalance or anything like that shit when i uh started getting the medication
Starting point is 00:30:06 after i uh like um flipped out when i had the episode in my mom's house uh when i snapped the laptop in real life oh really yeah i went to the hospital in the back of a sheriff's cop car and they took me to ucla harvard pointing tasers at me and i'm telling you and i'm telling them talking crazy like like, you motherfucker Obama coming to get me. I was just, I was wicked, you know, and that's what I do. I was like, dude, I got a problem. I got some mental problems, like, especially for me to be able to, you know, know what
Starting point is 00:30:38 the fuck is going on and then know what I'm saying. And I'm just still ramping up still escalating still escalating because at the end of the day when you're in your right state of mind even on a bad day you know when just say you know enough is enough yeah you know and that's what's the cool part about it is it's like i used to just have no limit back then i used to just push it to a limit when i was younger like i was taking pills bro and alcohol at the same time right I'm not giving a fuck about none of the side effects yeah you know yeah and the side effects was ending up in the hospital in a padded room 72 hours and you know doing all the whole diagnosis and all that bullshit so yeah what's it I know was there relief when
Starting point is 00:31:22 you sort of were able to sort of put a label on it and understand what it is? Oh, yeah. It was definitely a relief when I found out, okay, this is what I am. This is what I got to accept. Now let's do research. Who the fuck else is bipolar? Okay, I see Einstein, fucking Van Gogh, all these different people. A lot of my favorite artists, a lot of my favorite people, celebrities, entertainers, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:46 that are in the field that I am are bipolar. Even Kanye. So, you know, once I started looking at it that way, I'm like, hold on, man. Let me use this bipolar situation to be creative, to be more artistic, to be more outspoken, to, you know. Yeah. I've been diagnosed bipolar, and now my psychiatrist is like re-evaluating which is crazy because I've been
Starting point is 00:32:06 identifying it as for five years but I did the same thing I looked up everyone I had and I was like bro it's murderers bro yeah
Starting point is 00:32:11 and then I was like it's crazy and then there was this book about it that I didn't even read but I saw the title and it was just called Touched by Fire
Starting point is 00:32:18 yeah and then that made me think it was kind of cool I was like alright nice yeah maybe this is what gives me my my edge your edge bro
Starting point is 00:32:24 yeah that's why you're able to get on here and talk about nuts and not give a fucking shaving balls I was like, all right, nice. Yeah, maybe this is what gives me my edge. Your edge, bro. Yeah. That's why you're able to get on here and talk about nuts and not give a fucking. Shaving balls and asshole. Bro. Yeah. That's for us bipolar people. You don't get that, dude. These other guys.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm just kidding. You always play with the fire, man. The fire's nice. As long as you can you know you got to be able to control that flame in one room you got to be able to control your flame man for sure and so now that you talk so i guess it seems like you were always pretty open but now that it's like on this maximum level has that had like benefits where you feel more comfortable in your skin like anywhere like do, do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:05 I feel like one of the benefits of talking about these things is that you don't feel like you're hiding anything and then you feel like you can be free. See, here's the thing. I always been comfortable in my skin, but it's like now I got other people in my business and you don't know about my whole story.
Starting point is 00:33:22 It's just like, am I comfortable with everybody knowing my whole situation and my whole get down? So that's just more so what i had to deal with you know a lot of vulnerability there yeah you know because a lot of people don't you know understand a lot of people do understand you know so i like the fact that we took the stigma away from being bipolar and having mental health uh disabilities or whatever the case may be like i like the fact that it's like okay hold on now let's take our time with this person let's just not shun them away let's just let's really try to cope and you know see what's going on so i like that aspect of it i like the fact that um people that got stuff going
Starting point is 00:33:58 on in their mind or whatever people are paying attention and you know taking it more serious you know before it was just like all, man, this person's uncontrollable. That made me think about, too, about how many different people hear that message, too, and how many different people you can affect, you know? Yeah. Like, there's probably, like, a river raft boat captain in Livingston who heard that and, like, it changed the way he felt about his own predicament. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:25 We touching the world, man. We always going to keep it real. Give people the truth. You know what I'm saying? That's the best way just to communicate and tell people the real. That's how you solve a lot of problems, man. What do you have coming up? Where are you traveling?
Starting point is 00:34:39 What shows do you have coming up? I got the March 31st show this month, as I say, in Venice, California. I need everybody out there. West Coast shit. We're going to tee up. We're going to game draft March 31st. If we're free, we're going. Next year I go to Venice West.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And then I got, I'm going to like an NFT festival this month too. After party. You know, I got a lot of projects brewing. I got music coming up. I got videos to shoot. I got a cartoon I projects brewing. I got music coming up. I got videos to shoot. I got a cartoon I'm working on. That shit going to be crazy. Yeah, we're working on a cartoon.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah. That's sweet. You know, we got some drawings back of us as cartoons. What? And they kind of made us look like emaciated. We're on meth. Yeah, we kind of looked. They had y'all looking smoked out.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Dude, I mean, I look like I was like 45. I was supposed to play a high schooler. Damn had y'all looking smoked out dude i mean i look like i was like 45 i was supposed to play a high schooler damn y'all gotta scrap that shit chad sent back a great email where he said they should you look younger more energetic and more handsome just like the real chad and jt yeah he stepped up hard for us this is an abomination chad and jt the lover boys heartbreak hotel volume one thanks man you get it yeah that's what we're This is an abomination. Chad and JT, the Lover Boys, Heartbreak Hotel, Volume 1. Thanks, man. You get it. Yeah, that's what we're talking about, man. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 No, these were not appealing, especially to the female audience. And then Chad hit him back with it. And I was a little self-deprecating. I was like, don't say, like, younger, more handsome. Chad goes, it's true. I'm sending it. I'm stoked for y'all, man. I'm stoked for y'all, man.
Starting point is 00:36:03 We'll see. We'll see. It's all so much we'll see with this stuff yeah but see that's what y'all gotta realize is everybody out there man just know that
Starting point is 00:36:09 that's life when you chasing your dreams hurry up and wait and then when you actually make it hurry up and wait that's all this is man it's just be patient
Starting point is 00:36:18 yo that's one of the best pieces of advice that somebody's ever given me is just you know be patient yo it's gonna happen just work on the just you know be patient yo it's gonna happen just just work on the work you know like don't get lost in in the wind and the wind
Starting point is 00:36:30 and the wind because when it's all said and done when you put that work in you're gonna win and i'm a prime example of that you know i like to let people know you gotta stay dedicated you gotta stay committed it'd be days to sometimes i'll just be getting up and i'll be like you know what man i should take a break today but next thing you know i got a little mini production set up around me and i'm just being productive and just getting shit out the way but yeah you're gonna be waiting and waiting and waiting for sure when you look back on your sort of path to now do you look at it as sort of like everything fell into place perfectly or do you sort of think like I made a mistake here? I made a mistake here or do you sort of look at back at it now sort of like everything happened as it was supposed to?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Man, to me, I look at it as like everything happened as it's supposed to, you know, because if I would have went back and changed anything, I probably wouldn't be in the circumstances that I have now. You know, I probably wouldn't be in this situation. And I like, you know like how things pan out because it's life. I'd be thinking some of this stuff was mapped out before we even got here on some deeper shit.
Starting point is 00:37:37 I feel that sometimes too. I'd be thinking on some deeper shit. I'd be thinking on some deeper shit, bro. I'd be like, damn like how the fuck did i even meet little dicky i i think about that stuff all the time too i'll be like how the fuck did i rock out with tiger for a decade yeah that should still be tripping me out like you know it's just like life is crazy you know and the best thing you can do is just accept what come your way and do the best that you can with it like no matter what you're going through no matter what's going on just stay positive and take advantage of having good people around you
Starting point is 00:38:12 that want to see you do well you know that's like one of the best things i can say is like just love everybody and just take advantage of having people around you that support you because that support can go a long way you know i'm saying when you got support man that should make you feel good you know i'm saying so i think too if you have that perspective of you know everything is sort of happening as it should everything maybe like an internal belief of like everything is happening in my favor whether or not i can see it that way now or not you know i think too that helps to sort of lay down the path of of yeah towards where you're supposed to be headed you know what i mean yeah but i ain't gonna lie to you dude to keep it a hundred buck i mean to keep it a hundred thousand with you like
Starting point is 00:38:55 i prayed for a lot of this shit right just to be straight up with you bro i prayed for a lot of this shit like all the stuff that i got all the stuff that I got, all the stuff that I'm doing, all the places I've been, like, I'm not gonna lie. Like, I really prayed for this shit. Like, on some, like, higher power, God, whoever he is to you, whoever, to y'all, everybody, it don't matter. Like, but I prayed for this shit, you know. And I put the work in it, too. But I definitely prayed for this shit. Yeah. in too but I definitely pray for this shit yeah did you have a pretty clear conception of what that God looks like or is it well if you ask me I only have
Starting point is 00:39:35 a face to put on God you know but I think God look like everybody you know to be honest with you because when I went to Israel they, man, you look like I don't know you. What did they say? It's crazy, man. Life is crazy, man. Just live it the best way you can, man. We all here trying to do the best we can and figure stuff out. But just know that it's a lot going on, man. And I want everybody to be good.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's all I'm going to say about that. I agree with you. I think most people are max effort players. We all got, though. We all won. It's true. It feels better that way. For real, man.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That's why they need to just calm down over there in Ukraine, man. That shit got me hot, man. Waking up every day seeing that shit, bro. That shit be depressing, dude. I was thinking about that shit. It's crazy how we get to see all this mass war going on as it's going on in social media times like right now like before it wasn't always like that yeah like you could just see that dude that's like man so sad man pray for ukraine man no war yeah no for sure yeah the the intimate kind of vantage point we get now is it's so immersive but but then there's still like
Starting point is 00:40:46 lightness in it too like i saw tiktok videos of ukrainian teenage girls driving abandoned russian tanks and obviously you know the war could pivot and get so serious that all that loses sometimes you know it's a lifestyle for people you know it's a culture you know like thank god you know a lot of people don't have to be in those circumstances and you know it's a culture you know like then God you know a lot of people don't have to be in those circumstances and you know practice what they practice and do what they do like how some people were designed to just go to war and be repaired and equipped at any time you know yeah some people's brains are better suited for like wartime leaders and stuff like that you
Starting point is 00:41:21 know but just think about it like if a war kicked off right now would you be prepared right now no I don't even know what would just think about it like if a war kicked off right now would you be prepared right now no i don't even know what what like think about that like these kids over there 18 and up they got to pick that joint up pick up that ak pick it like hey and protect the land like that's what i said man i pray i'm praying for peace i pray to pray to be good i pray for for better times like you see that bro that should look crazy the seriousness of it dude man they blowing shit up dude that should look crazy man yeah i was just thinking too i wonder if the the whole social media aspect and the fact that it's so visible to everyone helps to get support well why you know because it sounds like all of
Starting point is 00:42:03 europe is kind of banding together to stop putin you know and it sounds like all of europe is kind of banding together to stop putin you know and it's crazy man i think sort of seeing it as it's happening might help the world to sort of come together because you can see the horror of what's going on in real time and that helps everyone to sort of uh come together in the moment to yeah i think that's true. Yeah. And then also seeing how brave the Ukrainians are being from the president down. I mean, I've been, like, so inspired by the president for, like, kind of putting the people first and not bailing. Yeah, I love what he said.
Starting point is 00:42:36 He said, we out here. He said, man, don't give us a ride. Give us more ammunition. Yeah. I seen that live on CNN. That shit blew my mind. He holding it down. He like, man, we ain't running. We out here ready with the no when i when i heard it i swear that's my first thought i was like that'd be like an incredible like tupac line like that would fit
Starting point is 00:42:52 into but he was uh crazy yeah it's been incredibly inspiring i don't remember the last time there was like a hero like that that i felt like i could like that there was a political figure that was really standing up for something and I could invest like uh you know adulation into them yeah man did uh do you uh do you have like a favorite uh author do you read a lot uh no I don't read a lot I'm not gonna lie to you but um I like that people do lie about that a lot yeah I don't read a lot but I I've have a lot of books, though, you know, like in my past and, you know, time to time. Like I read 48 Laws of Power. Oh, was that good?
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah, it was good. It was good. It's a great book. We had one of his protégés on here. Yeah, that was a good book. Ryan. Ryan, yeah. I read this book called The Pursuit of Nothing.
Starting point is 00:43:40 That's a great book. It's trying to keep you on the right path and just let you know, like,'t have to chase money you don't have to chase materialistic things like you just wake up and just be nothing i've been trying to practice that of uh surrender practicing surrender yeah that's a great book yeah there's a uh michael singer have you heard of him yeah yeah he does he has the uh untethered soul and um something aboutrender Project, I think it's called. He's great. Yeah, I've got to do some more. Especially in this industry, you're always kind of pushing for things.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And I think you should push to an extent, but also going back to sort of how let things unfold as they should. Yeah, you want to stay grounded. It's like finding that balance of if you push too hard, you could push for something that over time you probably don't even want exactly you know because too much anything can kill you you know i'm saying you don't want to just overwork yourself overthink you know sometimes you really want to just take the time out and just do nothing you know yeah oh yeah that's one of the best things to do is just doing nothing just be yeah sometimes doing nothing is one of the best things ever you know yeah oh yeah that's one of the best things to do is just doing nothing just be yeah sometimes doing nothing is one of the best things ever you know so
Starting point is 00:44:48 they're not everybody out there doing nothing yeah I'm gonna go for walk no war ever started from people doing that you know I mean I'm saying sometimes someone trying to do something doing nothing exactly sometimes when you do nothing that's the best thing you know know, stay the ass inside. You ain't got to go to the club every night. I wonder about that. Like with the, like sometimes, like with The Weeknd, you know, all of his songs are about partying. Or not all of them, sorry. But like a lot of them are about partying.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Right, right, right. But then I'm like, he's so busy. Is he really able to party that much? Or does he have other people partying for him and then they report back on it? And he's like, that was interesting. I'll put that into this song. When you're a rock star, you're a rock star. other people partying for him and then they report back on it and he's like that was interesting i'll put that into this song yeah when you're a rock star you're a rock star you're partying for sure the weekend partying for sure that's good to know yeah you're partying for sure you gotta go collect that bag man do you find a good balance between work and
Starting point is 00:45:36 partying yeah hell yeah for sure i definitely don't like to party a lot you know but there's a difference though like when you had a certain uh actually online no matter what level you at when you're partying you're networking so yeah you gotta be good at partying to network too if someone's not good at partying you're like why would i network with that's what i'm saying so when you go party make sure you get your plugs up man make sure you're networking when you crush like a work, you know what I mean? When there's people there that you want to work with, and you really drill it at the party, you dance right,
Starting point is 00:46:10 you communicate well, you're giving off that positive vibe that other people aren't trying to do. Yeah, you might send a bottle across the way. When you see somebody in the club you want to work with, make sure you don't be too shy, man. Go have a good time. Go say something, but not too much because the music's too loud. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:27 That's the only thing about it. I hate it in the club. Motherfuckers be trying to talk to you. Yo, Gator, what's up, my nigga? Hey, man, can you take my number down, man? I'll fuck with the show. I'm thinking like, it's loud as a motherfucker, bro. You just nod your head like you're hearing them.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, for sure. And then you see them a week later like we talked about that thing you're like and then you have to come clean but dude i wasn't hearing a word of that it was all just head nods that should be hilarious man i struggle with that too like just saying yeah people are like hey can you do this yeah i'm like yeah whatever and then like three weeks down the line they're like hey so you agreed to the to do i'm like what are you talking about like it was a loud place yeah there is I get a lot of my best thoughts
Starting point is 00:47:07 on the dance floor I call myself disco at the row like I think oh my god I gotta see you on the dance floor man I gotta come see
Starting point is 00:47:13 what's up man you got the moves yeah he's got passion for sure you're gonna need to get this nigga on Dancing with the Stars I would love that
Starting point is 00:47:20 that'd be incredible like Zelensky the head of Ukraine he won Dancing with the Stars that's what I'm saying he's making all this shit seem way more reputable now that he's doing this incredible heroic stuff. He won Dancing with the Stars? He won Dancing with the Stars over there.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Anything is possible. And dude, I watched the video. He can move. He brings it? He's got quick feet. Dude. He's light. Yeah, everyone I talk to, they're like, he's a comedian.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I'm like, I know. Fires me up. They look at me like, you could do that, right? I'm like, I don't know. You could totally do that. Oh, you think so? Absolutely. I preach. Fires me up. They look at me like, you could do that, right? I'm like, I don't know. You could totally do that. Oh, you think so? Absolutely. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Anything is possible. Anything. I like to think I have that in me, yeah. Do you think you'd be a good president? Oh, yeah. Gator for president right now. Go to GatorMerch.com. Go get you some of that Gator merch, man.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I got some Gator for president merch out there. The campaign is still going strong. You know what I'm saying? I'm very just for the people, man. So, yeah some gator for president merch out there the campaign is still going strong you know what i'm saying i'm very just uh for the people man so yeah gator for president um when are we uh taking uh questions we can do that now yeah no no i wasn't even gonna say question but i was gonna say when they taking uh the votes and the ballots again when the next president uh i think i need to run it's uh for... For real, for real. When is it? Is it next year? That nigga Kanye did it.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Right. I need to get my name on the fucking ballot. Have you met Kanye? Nah, I ain't met him yet. Nah. Yeah, I ain't met him. Are you watching his doc?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah, I'm tapped in, bro. I'm supporting my bipolar brother, man. He going through a lot right now. Pray for Kanye, man. He trying to get his family back together, but most importantly, man, just want to make sure his mental health is right that's the most important thing you know yeah did do you think the mental health aspect of it does it get
Starting point is 00:48:54 worsened by his level of celebrity or oh yeah for sure you gotta think about it like dude I wigged out filming season one. Like, we couldn't even get through the first three weeks. It shut down, like, the second week. I had a manic episode. I was losing it. I got some great news, and I fucking lost it. And I was in the hospital, checked out in a mansion.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Is that a trigger? Like, good news? Well, it depends. Like, at that point I was at, hell, yeah, that shit was a trigger. Because, you know, before everything was going, you know point I was at hell. Yeah, that shows a trigger cuz you go before Everything was going, you know, it was just going you know But then when you find out like damn you want to be on the number one show FX and Hulu You know I'm saying it was like that type of news and then you know what all the stuff to come with it You know like
Starting point is 00:49:43 Especially like I said, man, I've been dreaming for this shit. So when you dreaming for this shit and that shit finally hit and you really got a lawyer, you really got an accountant, you really got security on call, you really got this, that, like, you really living your dream, you know, you really putting out all your ideas and they really working and that shit was like, fuck, that shit was a lot to deal with that shit was overwhelming and then the fact that my best friend dickie was telling me this great
Starting point is 00:50:10 news i was even more overwhelming it's just like damn you really are a good friend bro so i had a manic episode wigged out that shit was crazy you want to answer some cues oh yeah a lot of questions man what's up guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we have a patreon up new episodes each week bonus episodes with me and jt bringing it back to old school style the early episode episodes you guys know and love go to patreon.com slash chad goes deep to check out all new Patreon episodes. We also have tour dates coming up. We're going to be at the San Jose improv this Sunday, March 13th. So barrier come up, come out and show your support.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Come laugh with us. It's a, and we're also going to be in the Marina of San Francisco on March 14th at the bus stop. And we have lots of tour dates coming up. Washington, D.C., Texas, Michigan. More dates coming up. We're going to be at the Irvine Improv in April. So come out. Check us out.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Chadgoesdeep.com for all tickets. We're also brought to you by the Legends app, Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends, Peter, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean. Because when the clock winds down in March, be clutch and avoid the upset with the Manscaped ultra-premium collection to keep everything under control. Guys, I manscaped two days ago, and it was life-changing.
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Starting point is 00:52:57 The best ingredients with zero compromise. Hop in the shower. Trim your nuts. Get clean with Manscaped. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEAP at Manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping at Manscaped.com. Use code GODEAP. Make sure you call Manscaped this tournament season or your bracket won't be the only thing
Starting point is 00:53:13 that's busted. How many we got? 21 questions. That was a great song. That was a great song. The only thing about that song is that 50 Cent says, if I was out with another girl and your friend saw me and I said it wasn't me, would you believe me or up and leave me? How strong is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone?
Starting point is 00:53:33 But he was out with another girl. Yeah. That was the whole point. He wanted to sell you. Like, listen, man, if you see me out here wiggling with another chick, you got to hold your composure and just know this is just a look. This is just a look right now, sweetie. We're just going on a date.
Starting point is 00:53:50 It's just a look. I'm 50. I got an image. That's true. That's true. That's the gander. And if you're going to date 50 Cent, you should understand that going in, that that's part of it. It's the gander, man.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Nice. Reaching out after years of listening and loving you guys i love the way you see the world and the people in it and always send out so much love and positivity and i'm having trouble doing that myself currently my stoke is down way down pretty much the tea is complicated as booty but to make it short short my ex cheated the entire time while gaslighting being emotionally abusive and neglectful i found out out he never disabled his Tinder and lied to all his friends telling them we were in an open relationship. I found out he has a new girlfriend and I want her to not get stuck in what I
Starting point is 00:54:33 was stuck in. I also found out via Tik TOK, his new lady is very famous and posts her Italian boyfriend all of the time. I'm in the process of befriending the woman he cheated with and one seems to want to well ruin his life. To put this in context, this man is a psychopathic narcissist and will likely ruin it himself. I mean, he's already a felon. My question for you level-headed adults, I'm 21, is should I ruin this guy's life or not waste my breath on it? And just in general advice, and just in general advice for dealing with this would be legendary again i really love you
Starting point is 00:55:05 guys and wish the best for you every day thank you for making me feel better about the world love people and about the world and love people better damn he didn't delete his tinder he a tinder swindler come on listen shorty you supposed to not ruin his life and not waste his time like he wasted yours you supposed to boss up level level up, get your mental right, and move on because all of that befriending his new girlfriend and all of that, I'm sorry, sweetie, but all that's lame. That ain't going to make nothing better. That's not going to make him change.
Starting point is 00:55:34 So you really wasting your time putting more energy and effort into a man who don't even give a fuck about you. So you need to just stay on your one and two. Hold your head up, sweetie. You know what I'm saying? Watch Dave get you some laughs or two. Tap in with Chad and JT. They going to take you out to just stay on your one and two. Hold your head up, sweetie. You know what I'm saying? Watch Dave get you some laughs or two. Tap in with Chad and JT. They going to take you out to eat.
Starting point is 00:55:49 But yeah, you don't need to be fucking with that dude and waste your time. Agreed. Agreed. I'm just saying. That's a waste of time. She about to hit up the girl and be, you know, he's cheating on you. Yeah. The other girl going to be like, well, he did just pipe me last night, you know?
Starting point is 00:56:07 Like, you need to stop. Like, you got to get your feelings hurt even more. Yeah, and if she does ruin it. No, that's how girls be, though. That's how girls be. Like, you hit a girl up all sad and, oh, my God, he broke my heart. The girl is only going to break it some more, send you a picture of him begging her out or something you know just don't waste your time right and i also find when you start engaging in that stuff it feels good short
Starting point is 00:56:34 term but long term it makes your perspective a bit darker and it's hard to break out of that kind it slows you down what's her name she did you leave her there annie eddie chase your dream sweetheart don't chase him chase a check man him go do your thing yeah once you get into eye for an eye tooth for a tooth like he already took advantage of you man he took advantage of you like the tender swindler and he doesn't want to be with you like he's laid for sure uh great, great. And also, if she does ruin his life, it's not going to make her feel good. No. Yeah, it might come back and haunt you.
Starting point is 00:57:10 You know what I'm saying? Two wrongs don't make a right. Look, you're going to ruin his life and you're going to piss him off and he's going to come after your ass. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You're starting a... Yeah, you start an online war.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Where does it end? You don't want that. Yeah, you don't want to start all that. All right, this is from Elias. Hey, Stoke Masters. Huge fan of the pod. I just needed some solid advice here. I'm a 19-year-old alpha.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I can essentially sleep with any girl I want to due to my fit structure. Oh, my God. But hearing lies the problem. Hold on, dude. You got to start this over. Read this over again. Okay, copy that. Read this over, bro.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Read this over read this over again okay copy read this over bro read this over what parts get okay i'll go again just read this over hey stress listen to this shit bro listen to this kid dude hey stoke masters huge fan of the pod just needed some solid advice here i am a 19 year old alpha i can essentially sleep with any girl i want to due to my fit structure and beautiful face I'm sorry you what the fuck who gives a fuck about that 19 huh we got a long way to go for that shit bro yeah he said
Starting point is 00:58:48 when he said alpha does he mean alpha male yeah you're getting the wrong advice we didn't even
Starting point is 00:58:55 finish we gotta we gotta run this shit back one more time say it again bro hey stove master
Starting point is 00:59:03 huge fan of the pod just needed some solid advice here. I'm a 19-year-old alpha. I can essentially sleep with any girl I want to due to my fit structure and beautiful face. I'm sorry, bro. I'm sorry, bro. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Well, shit, like he got it all on lock. What the fuck he got with our airfoil? Shit, you don't need our advice, bro. We need yours. How can you help us? Shit, what the fuck? that's not funny keep going I want to hear the rest
Starting point is 00:59:49 but here lies the problem I become distracted by girls in my state with no girlfriend 19 years old living with mom have zero idea what to do with my life
Starting point is 00:59:57 is there any ways is there any ways you guys could give me some advice on how to reel it in man shit like I said you got it on lock man yeah you already said give me some advice on how to reel it in. Man, that shit, that shit,
Starting point is 01:00:06 like I said, you got it on lock, man. Yeah, you already said you can sleep with any girl in the town. You got your fitness up,
Starting point is 01:00:12 man, so you need to come on chat and JT and talk about it. Yeah, good call. The fly just came out,
Starting point is 01:00:19 he's struggling. He said he can sleep with any girl, he won't, he don't know what to do. He said in time, right? He said in his time, right? Where did he won't he don't know what to do he said in time right he said in his time right where did he live
Starting point is 01:00:28 I don't know he didn't say he kept it super brief yeah hey dude that was cool though little ass time 100 people
Starting point is 01:00:35 that's a cool problem to have man I wish I was 19 again with fit structure fit structure I don't get that one that was a fight you talking about his muscles and shit I wish I was 19 again with fit structure. Fit structure. I don't get that one. That was a fight. You talking about his muscles and shit? He got muscles?
Starting point is 01:00:52 I don't. Fit structure. That was a funny one. He should get like some portfolio and shit and send it out. Fit structure and shit. That was a good one. I'm just saying, man. All right, let me see. This looks like a good one.
Starting point is 01:01:17 That's a lengthy one. This is a serious one. What up, Stoke Lords? I'm in need of some very important advice and would like to hear your thoughts. Please keep this anonymous as possible. I am the coach of a varsity high school team. It has recently come to our attention that our best player is gay.
Starting point is 01:01:30 This to me is, of course, not a big deal, and I support him in every way. However, being gay in this sport is generally not super accepted, and this player legitimately has the potential to go pro and has already signed a major D1 scholarship. As the coach, I want to make sure my player feels supported. However, it's clear he doesn't want people to know, and I can't blame him because I think it may affect his opportunities. At the same time, apparently this is
Starting point is 01:01:49 a wide-known fact that I was unaware of. I'm a first-year coach. How do I let him know I support him and give him the support he needs in a difficult environment without drawing more attention to him? How do I ensure that the rival school does not make attacks on him during the games? They already have been doing so behind his back in front of our teammates.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I know the vagueness of this doesn't help, but I really want to keep it super anonymous and would appreciate any advice you could offer. I think you should just, you know, continue to support him and hold him down and let him know that it's all good no matter what sexual preference he chooses to desire and just, you know, keep doing his thing on the court because at the end of the day, that's all that matters. We already have a lot of homosexual athletes in the world right now that are open about it. You know, he won't be the first, and I think that that should make him even,
Starting point is 01:02:44 actually give him the feel to even go even further in his career to let people know like no matter what my sexual preference is I can ball out man so keep holding your head up young man keep doing your thing on the court and gay to support you yeah I think that's perfect and I would just support him and then remind him that there's nothing wrong with who he is. You know what I mean? There's something wrong with the way people think. And then I think if you quietly keep giving him confidence in that and then also encourage him on the field so those two things can get intertwined and reinforce each other. force each other i think you can give him the strength later to like you know through as much as you can you know you're just one guy helping someone but you can give him more strength and confidence to one day own that the way we've talked about other things and and really be totally himself uh and you know that's his choice whenever he's ready and if he's not ready that's still he's still a great guy but i think you could just keep letting him know that that he's a he's perfect as he is
Starting point is 01:03:50 and that it's the rest of people who are kind of fucking idiots yeah sure enough yeah i like the idea of role models too nowadays it's nice to there's people he can look up to and i think whenever i struggle with anything it's you know i always look to people who share their struggles and that always helps me to you know being able to relate to someone on that level always helps me to feel just supported and yeah yeah it's a few i know it's a few athletes that came out you know one, one of the NBA players, the basketball players, one of the – that came out, you know. So, he's not going to – the first one is not going to be the last one, you know. So, at the end of the day, just keep balling.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That Raiders player came out this year. It was badass. Yeah, man. He really – He used to play for my team. Who's your team? The Bucs. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Let's go. Congrats on the Super Bowl. Yeah. Not this year. Yeah. Not this year. Yeah. Carl Nassib. That was his name. Nassib. Nassib.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Alright, last one. Dudes and dudes, much respect to those present on the potty cast. My boys showed me the potty and I've loved it ever since. Brings much stoke and light into my life that I can share with others. I love y'all's advice and assistance to us listeners. Story time with a question at the end. I'm going to school in Utah and met a girl that I vibed super hard with and took her on a date.
Starting point is 01:05:15 We went bowling and was super flirty. And like it started with high fives as we would take turns bowling, but then transitioned into prolonged handholding as we passed. Then we chilled in the hot tub and talked till the late night. She then texted me later that night and said she wanted to tell me she has a boyfriend that was on a missionary for the Church of Latter-day Saints Mormons and that she was waiting for him. A couple weeks went by and she asked me the hot tub again, and so I did with some more friends. Since then, we have gone on more dates, hung out a lot, and even smooched. Last weekend we went on a trip to Moab.
Starting point is 01:05:46 We used to not know where Moab was. I want to go now. Do you know where Moab is? Where is that? It sounds like Mammoth, California or somewhere up there. It's in Utah. Oh, Utah. Oh, sure, that's right.
Starting point is 01:05:57 You know those rock structures? Like people rock climb on? Sort of like, they look like spires. Oh, well, yeah, I ain't seen that. You've seen Mission Impossible 2? Yeah. You know when Tom Cruise is rock climbing? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I think that's Moab. Wow. So they smooch. Last week everyone went on a trip to Moab with a bunch of friends and things were great. Even the boys like her because she's down to send anything. It's super confusing because she's down to send anything. I'm going to send anything, man. I think if they're like,
Starting point is 01:06:27 hey, we're all going to jump off this rock formation into a lake, instead of being like, oh, I don't know if that's safe, she's like, yeah, let's do it. Okay, okay. It's super confusing because she's also supposed to leave on a mission in like two months, but she threw out the big L word,
Starting point is 01:06:43 and I'm pretty sure it's mutual. It sucks all the big things are there for'm pretty sure it's mutual. It sucks. All the big things are there for me and also the small things. What should I do? Keep pursuing or should I back off? Love what y'all do. Chad, got to say those rhomboids are looking scrumpty dilly umptious. Dude, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:58 I say if she truly love you and you know that and she trying to impress you not your bros and you love her too then shit stay down with her man stay locked in be there with her when she get off the mission she's gonna be gone a while
Starting point is 01:07:15 what's the long time I think it's like a year or two is she really yeah I think those missions are a year or two people be in relationships in prison and they get out after a decade and still be think those dishes are a year or two. People be in relationships in prison, and they get out after a decade and still be in love. That's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:07:28 A year or two ain't nothing, man. So if y'all really love each other, y'all can hold it down. Dude, I love that romantic outlook on it. Yeah, because it does sound like she said she loved him. Yeah, a year or two ain't nothing, dude. If you really love somebody, you'll wait forever for them. That's a beautiful sacrifice. At the end of it, even if it doesn't work out, he committed to something
Starting point is 01:07:46 full-heartedly. Yeah, for sure. And he's supporting her while she's in the mission. I like that. What about this other dude? Yeah, I'm confused about the other dude.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Is the other dude on the mission? The other dude's on his own mission. You're on the mission, all right. Oh, my God. This is just girl tech.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It ain't joke. I lost about the other dude. I thought she was just, you know what, the other dude part was crazy. What other dude? She's got another dude, but he's on a mission. But he's coming back?
Starting point is 01:08:16 Is she going? Oh, she got another dude? Yeah. And she telling this dude she love him? Mm-hmm. Oh yeah. She ain't the one. My bad. She ain't the one my bad you just a temporary jump off bro damn she got you on
Starting point is 01:08:35 standby pretty much is she in town oh wait she in town with him yeah so the other guy's gone so you think she's using this new guy it's just kind of a substitute well oh yeah bro she got you off the bench for a little bit you're getting your little time in right now that's crazy but you think he's on a 10-day contract i missed the whole part where you said she had another dude she got another dude she did it again She got another gold? She did again? He on a mission? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:07 He don't want to go to the mission. I hope he on a mission to get another girl. Jody done got yours. And gold. She then texted me later that night that she wanted to tell me that she had a boyfriend that was on a missionary and that she was waiting on him. A couple weeks went by and she asked me to hot tub again. Oh, yeah, right there. Damn, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:34 You a jump off, bro. You gotta let her go, man. He gonna be coming back for that twat. He gonna be coming back for that, bro. He need his. He need his He need his bro She lying to him too Shit
Starting point is 01:09:47 Yeah she probably lying Oh yeah I'm in the hot tub by myself She's not She's not And she told this dude she loves him That's crazy That's crazy
Starting point is 01:10:00 She's being a little greedy Yeah she want her cake and eat it too Yeah the world is crazy though. But sometimes you just got to accept it. You know, sometimes crazy works out. Do you think poly relationships can work? Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I think anything can work if you put the right amount of energy and time into it and have the right amount of understanding. I think anything can work. It's called an agreement, arrangement. Right. You know? You gotta think about it. There's so many, like, guys out there,
Starting point is 01:10:30 women out there, that's just, like, setting down the rules in their household. Like, yo, this is how it's going. This is what I'm doing. This is what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:10:36 If you love me, you love me. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you can self-determine what the parameters or something are, regardless of what, like, society says.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Shit, dude. People are creating their own destiny their own destiny to people doing whatever the fuck they want these days like that's probably somebody right now got ten wives and they'd live in the house together right now in America shit you don't go to jail if you live in America and share your yeah you can't hell no but they got an agreement what if they had an agreement it's america you only have one wife in america you can't know what you want well i'm just saying whatever you want to be this america you go over overseas you have whatever you just want to be laying up with 10 pieces america bro you can't i think she would want to do whatever if if everyone's happy that's what i'm saying somebody probably got 10.
Starting point is 01:11:23 everyone knows all the info 10 women right now in utah damn they allow that in utah right she's trying this girl's trying i mean the state dude but still that's like you know they let you smoke weed out here but if the feds come get you you go into jail the state ain't tripping but the feds it's the same if the feds want to trip on utah you're going to go to jail. Really? Yeah. Locally, you're protected, but if it expands. Interesting. That is true, though.
Starting point is 01:11:52 But this girl's trying to flip it. She's trying to say, I'm going to be the one with 10 husbands. Yeah, she's the one right there. She's going to have to listen to a lot of fantasy football talk. Oh, she's the one. She's going to be wore out after 10 husbands. Yeah, they're all in line. Wow, yeah, like take a number, I'll be number seven.
Starting point is 01:12:11 That's seven spots, that's the one spot. Yeah, that'll sound like a good deal. Yeah, but I ain't no good deal. That'll sound like a good, that's a Brady deal. 199th pick, and so I might make it to starter, but who knows, I'm gonna be on the bench for a long time. pick I might make it to starter but who knows I'm going to be
Starting point is 01:12:27 on the bench for a long time not a lot of organizational confidence yeah I don't know about that deal that's funny
Starting point is 01:12:35 that's funny well that was all our questions dude it was so fun talking to you yeah that was really cool
Starting point is 01:12:40 that was real too yeah big kick in it dude it was fun man thank you yeah JT and Chad. Chad and JT.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Mm-hmm. Hell yeah. I can't wait to see how it come out. Yeah, and your show's coming out. Where can people find that? Oh, yeah. Where can they go to find it? Here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Yeah, March 31st. I need y'all to come out, man. Support me. I got a concert. LA, Venice area. It's at the Venice West. So make sure you tap in. Go to my Instagram. The link is in the bio. And I got more shows. I got more projects, Venice area. It's at the Venice West. So make sure you tap in. Go to my Instagram.
Starting point is 01:13:05 The link is in the bio. And I got more shows. I got more projects, more movies, more everything, man. Let's go, GD. Cool. Thanks, man. Thanks for coming in. Hell yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:13:16 That was fun. That shit was dope. A lot of shit. Thank you, man. You talked about a lot of shit. Yeah, we covered a ton. That shit got deep a few times. Yeah, appreciate you going there, man.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Chad, you want to kick it off? Yeah. Who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is In-N-Out haters. Yeah, I'm looking at you. They've been fucking with you? Not with me directly, in the comments. And, you know, it's not just the post i put up it's the they on all
Starting point is 01:13:46 things comedy literally every comment was like iconic nah everything except the burgers i was like and they're like you just think that because you're from the west coast and i'm like you know what no one says that about white castle okay so you know i don't know where these in and out haters come from i i don't think it's i don't think you've actually tasted the burgers i don't think you've actually taken the time to put the proper order and you know you just get the fries you get the fries well done okay and if you're not enjoying the fries get them animal style if you're not enjoying the burgers maybe try protein style maybe try three patties maybe try a grilled cheese um i don't think i think this is a situation where they want to hate in and out
Starting point is 01:14:32 they're not giving it a fair shot because in and out is so loved and respected that they are just gonna clap you know it's in and out is so top notch and so premier in terms of their food, their aesthetic, their ambiance, everything about them is amazing. And people don't like that. You know, that's like the Tom Brady of burgers. Haters are going to come and they're going to, they're trying to take in and out down. And you know what? I won't let you.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Okay. Because it's a perfect burger. The fries are incredible. The shakes are delicious and if you disagree then you're wrong you're wrong those are facts boom dude for people to be so kind of acrimonious about a hamburger like that's misplaced energy yeah like you don't deserve that in and out doesn't deserve that no hamburger deserves that no and two you know a lot of people
Starting point is 01:15:34 are like chick-fil-a is better i'm like they're different it's chicken it's chicken yeah they're in different categories and dude i gotta believe everybody in their heart of hearts knows that a hamburger is better than a chicken sandwich. Thank you so much for saying that. I mean it, bro. It's so true. Chicken sandwiches are great when you've had too many hamburgers. Preach. Dude, my beef of the week is this dude, Shake, from Love is Blind.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Love is Blind, which I'm on record as saying is the greatest show since The Sopranos. You see real human psychology on there. You get to see it play out. It's all the different, there's like, you know, six relationship dynamics. They're all on Love is Blind. But one dude in particular shake never gave his lady a fair shake he meets her you know they reveal for the first time what the other one looks like he's super into it and uh you know he's indian it's the first indian girl he's dating
Starting point is 01:16:36 he's used to dating like white girls i guess and that's kind of a sticking point for him but he looks really attracted to her when he meets her and then was this my beef last week i can't remember bro shake has got me fired up and i like shake i think he's probably a good dude but he just he starts trashing her looks all the time and he never even tries to have sex with her and says that they're having sexual problems and i'm like and i think it's because he's insecure about being bad at sex on tv and i'm like yeah but she would have covered for you, dude. Like shake just. And this is what he did. They get to the spoilers. They get to the wedding. She turns them down at the altar. And then he goes, it's all good, dude. Party time. This is a celebration. I'm not sad. He's like, I'm glad she said it. Cause I was going to say it. And then he goes to the camera and he's like, it's all good. I got a reservation at Nobu tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Which, you know, that sounds amazing. But there was a better way to say it. Like he could have just been like, I'm hurt. I really loved her. I wanted it to work out. I did have my own apprehensions. And I'm going to process those. And, you know, I still have stuff I'm looking forward to just a little more
Starting point is 01:17:47 tasteful, but he was no, he was very not tasteful about everything. And part of me likes that. Cause I'm like, you're being pretty rude on TV. Knowing people are going to watch this. That's bold, but too bold. Should have been a bit more tempered. I love it. Shake.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Check yourself, man. And then you're good, dude. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the Dr. Dre Halftime Show. Nice. I can't stop watching it. It's so good. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Dude, every part of it is incredible and i've never i've never uh i can't recall another halftime show that i've watched this many times over um definitely not adam levine oh god oh god dude chipotle bag levine that was an abomination yeah i mean it's incredible and it just brings me back to childhood you know when into club came out i was you know fifth sixth grade best time and uh snoop up i think snoop's the best part of the whole show incredible the the his style his laid-back style. You just want to be that guy. He's just so cool, so effortless. And, yeah, if you haven't seen it, I'm sure you have.
Starting point is 01:19:15 But if you haven't, YouTube it right now because you're going to be blown away. Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah. yeah oh yeah my babe of the week is uh watching soccer games at bars dude i was doing it because people told me because it was like for a job you know what i mean but it's a fun job i was stoked on it but i didn't think it'd be that exciting because i think soccer is kind of boring. Dude, the people were amazing.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yeah. So fun. I got totally invested. And my specific babe, it's not even soccer related. It was just the line was long to get into the bathroom. And it was one of those single occupant ones where it's got a lock on it, but it had a toilet, a urinal, and a sink. So we're in line, me and my bro Strider and this dude.
Starting point is 01:20:06 And we're like, this line's long, but now we're at the front. And we're like, how can we help these people out behind us? And we're like, we could all go in there together with trust, pull our dicks out and use the three different fluid draining devices that are in there. So we all bomb in, me and my brother, because we're bros, we take the toilet, we we go swords on it strider takes the urinal this fucking soldier who is in line with us this
Starting point is 01:20:31 guy who didn't know us decided to trust us goes in there and pisses in the sink nice and i noticed some people they'll say that's gross it is but it needed to happen so everybody could get back out there and watch the game and when we came out of the bathroom People knew what we did and someone in the line said legends Because he knew what we did That's epic. So my babe of the week is that rando dude who peed in the sink? I Let him borrow my stool for 20 minutes in the second half And then I asked him for a pack because I felt a little punked
Starting point is 01:21:05 Which was totally overstimulated on my half my behalf and then he said hey bro thanks for letting me borrow the stool i freaking love that it's tight chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is danny babona dude babones uh so i went to uci baseball game last weekend tried to say what up to babona he big leagued me big time no no i uh he was calling he's calling the pitches and uh i tried to say hi at the inopportune time but he's a legend and it's cool watching him like in his element you know and uci baseball dude they were a fun game they're they're crushing good team good squad lots of good young bucks danny babona just calling the game being a legend and it's cool to see him in his element just doing the damn thing let's go do beautiful field beautiful campus right next to newport beach young buckaroos
Starting point is 01:22:03 who swing and throw what else do you need to hear? Go to UCI baseball and get coached by Danny Babona. They should call it UC Newport beach. Cause it's right there. Um, dude, that's awesome. That fired me up.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Uh, my legend of the week had to happen. I blew it last week. I said, Sean Penn was the legend of the week. I hadn't done enough research and it was a little earlier in the situation, but it's Zelensky. What a man, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:30 He's just totally opened up my brain to what's possible as a human being. I'm like, I could be so much better. I mean, I'm not going to be Zelensky, but I can aspire to be a man like Zelensky. And I'm like, let's go. He's just stepping up and giving us all someone we can root for. And I desperately needed that. I didn't know how much I needed that. Yeah. Even if it is, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:54 ginned up and it's our own version of kind of, you know, unilateral storytelling, I'm on board. I needed it. It's getting me feeling good about what humans can do. And that's always a good thing. So keep doing it, Zelensky. Crush it on Dancing with the Stars. Hell yeah. Chad, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:23:16 My quote of the week was inspired by Gaeta. Talking about your path and stuff and praying and staying focused on your dreams. It comes from Michael Singer, who we brought up in the pod. Come from a space of peace and you'll find that you can deal with anything. Nice. Check out that author,
Starting point is 01:23:39 Michael Singer. He's a beast. My quote of the week is from Strider. No, it's from Robbie coming by way of Strider. I guess it's from Robbie Cumming, By Way of Strider. I guess Robbie's been saying this lately. It's an all-time line. It's from The Assassination of Jesse James
Starting point is 01:23:50 by the Coward Robert Ford. Incredible movie. Sam Shepard's in it. Incredible man. And he's talking to Casey Affleck's character who's got big ambitions as to the kind of person he's going to be. And I think he's getting a little over his skis.
Starting point is 01:24:04 So Sam Shepard's character says, you don't have the ingredients, son. It's huge. Right-sized. Chad, what's your phrase that we're forgetting after it? You going to cream my coffee? No, no, not in the form of question. Let's cream my coffee no no let me not in the form of question let's cream the coffee and that's not sexual that almost made it sexual thanks my phrase of the week for getting after it
Starting point is 01:24:38 is um buckaroo bonsai Buckaroo Banzai. That's from the heart. That's tight. Well. That was a good sesh. That was fun, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:00 What a day. Yeah, it's a good one. All around good one. Thanks for joining us. Guys, we had a new engineer. All around good one. Thanks for joining us. Guys, we had a new engineer today. New producer. You want to intro yourself? Yeah, Sam.
Starting point is 01:25:11 You know, just reached out to these guys, love the podcast, and now I'm on, like, helping out. Thanks, legend. You helped out huge, dude. Yeah. Thanks, man. Yeah, you crushed it. Your vibe was perfect over there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:24 It's highly facilitary yeah i didn't want to just keep on like jumping in and like saying things because like you know like i'm newer here and like i don't want to throw out the vibe because it's your guy's show thanks man yeah you're a beast thanks man what's that i'm hearing what's that i'm feeling what's that i'm about to say i think we have another legend of the week in the building. What? Sam, it's going to you, brother. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:49 I'm honored. I'm honored. Hell yeah. Let's go, dude. We should get a belt for you. Yeah. Yeah, I could do a belt. Nice.
Starting point is 01:25:59 All right. Later, Stokers. Oh, dudes. Keep writing reviews for us. Those help us out a ton. Check out our Patreon. Patreon.com. Slash Chad Goes Deep or Going Deep with Chad JT.
Starting point is 01:26:12 I can't remember. They can find it. Yeah. And for bonus episodes. They're fun. They've been really fun. Yeah, I think our Patreon episodes are ripping, dudes. They're reminiscent of the early days.
Starting point is 01:26:25 It's early days, dude. We're throwing it back. Yeah. They're weird and odd and true. Dang. All right, late. Later, guys. These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:26:39 And you wanna know What to do, where to go. When you need someone to guide you, it's nice to have the girls beside you. Go in deep. Go in deep. Let's go deep. Go in deep. Try to get deep. I'm going deep
Starting point is 01:27:05 I'm going deep

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