Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 242 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: June 8, 2022

What up stokers! This week Chad and JT discuss Chad's trip to Vegas, his part on Barry, and the new TOP GUN!    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That&rs...quo;s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP]. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we got a new Patreon out. Patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. We got bonus episodes each week. Classic Chad and JT episodes. Trust me, you don't want to miss out. The reviews are in and they are stellar. I'm talking Siskel and Ebert. Yeah, they said 10 thumbs up. So you don't want to miss out on that. Patreon.com slashcom slash chat goes deep for bonus content each week we also got new tour dates coming up we're going to be in plano texas and houston texas on the 17th and 18th of june that's coming up soon guys that's when does this come out it's coming next week so gun tickets chat and jt.com for all tour dates and tickets we're all also
Starting point is 00:00:42 going to be coming back east in chicago and nashville north carolina south carolina what ups check it out we're also brought to you by the legends at manscaped manscaped thank you so much for keeping our trends p for looking after our hawks and making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because all men strive for gold in their life right gold medals gold watches and a gold dink but this time you could have a platinum dink that's right manscaped is offering the platinum package 4.0 it's the leader in below the waist grooming and then you can trust them with the whole shebang join the four million men worldwide who trust manscaped by going to manscaped.com for 20% plus your shipping with the code go deep check it out all, let's start the show.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Drizzle on the sauce and flick my bean. What's up, Stokers of Stoker Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we got Jake in the building. What's up, Jake? What's up, guys? Good to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Good to see you. It's good to see you, brother. Thank you. How you living? I'm good, dude. Nice. Yeah. I've been living.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Living. What about you, though? I'm good. I came back from Vegas. I'm still recovering. I think it's a once-a- for me no i can't do it dude you looked like you were having fun though i was i'm having fun but when it's like two days uh two three days of recovery i'm just like i woke up today i'm just so i'm like what the fuck i don't know i i think some people are able to compartmentalize the uh kind of like like the the hurt you feel afterwards but I don't know. I think some people are able to compartmentalize the
Starting point is 00:02:25 hurt you feel afterwards, but I don't know. Yeah, some people don't get that hungover. You get hungover, dude. But dude, that's okay. It's okay to have hangovers. No, it's not. No, I don't mean it's okay. But in my mind, I'm just so...
Starting point is 00:02:42 I get so... I get hangover. I'm so, I'm just, I get hangover. I'm like, why? Why me? I get very, I don't know. But it's all good. I mean, I had a great time. We all have our things.
Starting point is 00:02:52 We all have our things that we can't do that other people can do. It does suck. It does suck. I had a great time though. It was a lot of fun. It looked like you were having a blast. Dude, yeah. We went to the nightclub that night.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Lewis and the Child were playing do you know them i'm not super familiar but i know they're important yeah they seemed important yeah uh and then saw zed at the pool party that was sick vegas pool party is like it's the best that's peak living i agree the sun's so hot there though it burns you got to get in the water yeah you get you feel it you're like oh but um and then saw limp biscuit that night which is like bucket list yeah what was limp biscuit like it was awesome fred was uh i mean there's really they're they're good live but they play around with the stage like paulie shore came on and like they have these little like skits where this guy's like talking about like uh i don't even i forget what he's talking about he's talking about how he's like he's talking
Starting point is 00:03:49 about you know you said in your set list you're gonna do this this and this friday and you're not living up to your contract and then they like have some guy like tackling he's like get that dude off stage all he cares about is money it was very 90s and the whole time he's like we're gonna do this like 1999 Alright people He was like very much like Kind of like We're still in that era What was the age of the crowd?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Oh dude it was awesome It was like 40 year olds That's the best Yeah And Dude on the way we were driving So we drove there Decided to
Starting point is 00:04:20 Candy and I wanted to drive there That would be cool To do like a road trip you know But the road was so hot or it was so hot going there was probably like 106 that the car like overheated so there's one point where i was driving and basically the engine just like turned off so i was like in the middle of like the 15 on the huge freeway in the middle lane and i just lost all gas like i could not go so the car was just so i was like to pull over but i couldn't
Starting point is 00:04:51 pull over because they were like semis coming on you know and like i had no gas so like it just like stopped and i was like oh fuck and i just she's like just turn it back on so i hit the thing and turn back on then just started going again but oh it was normal after that? yeah it's scary shit though yeah
Starting point is 00:05:09 but what was going through your head? I was like we're fucked I don't know what do you think about your lady too? were you like yeah
Starting point is 00:05:18 cause she was asleep and I was like I was like what's going on it was her car I'm like what's going on you woke her up a little rough oh we'll go out. Like, we're fucking in the middle of the highway.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And she's like, pull over. I'm like, I can't. I can't. There's like a... I was like, I can't. There's semis coming. That's what freaked me out the most. I'm like, if I had pulled over and the semi just hit us, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:39 That'd be bad news. So that freaked me out for, you know, a few hours. But that's okay did you feel any like increased appreciation for life after you guys got moving again yeah I guess I uh felt like I was like oh man it's fragile for sure you never know kissed a little deeper loved a little longer oh for sure yeah yeah so that's basically my trip i think gamble at all she's really good at gambling what was she playing blackjack it's a good game she grew up in reno so she knows it yeah can she count cards uh no but she's just knows the games she gets it so
Starting point is 00:06:19 i'd be like nice hand babe i was just watching i was like way to go dude that's so supportive I was like nice bet way to go yeah how was your weekend? it was good dude it was fun I uh what did I do? I had a bang on Saturday
Starting point is 00:06:33 I hung out with uh Dan Milstein oh and that I saw that yeah he's my quote of the week this week he had a great fire quote um
Starting point is 00:06:42 that he was repeating from a great film that we'll probably discuss later and uh then i hung out with a stoker chris friedman great guy nice good dude we went to the grove then i worked out with uh with grady nice good workout then i did something after that and i can't remember but it was all fun that's cool oh i got dinner with greg and melissa oh you did lovely at this great restaurant in listville he's called all time nice i got the venison what's that i don't know it's delicious i think it's deer yeah it sounds
Starting point is 00:07:17 like it sounds like a kind of meat it's elk elk oh it's elk yeah i knew it was part of the horn family and uh are elk and deer different i think so elk are bigger okay they got a nice nice rack on them why are you laughing just the way you said it like she's got a nice rack on her you know oh yeah i do like boobs, too. But I just love their horns. But yeah, it was so fun. And then I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with a lady I've been seeing. Was that fun? It was fun.
Starting point is 00:07:54 She's the best. That's awesome. Oh, that's nice. I have a name for her. She's a more private person, so I have a way that I'll be referring to her on the podcast. Yeah. Hold me close.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Sounds like your bond is deepening yeah for sure it's it's uh it's there you guys hung out all day sunday nice yeah we drank uh pina coladas by the pool oh hell what pool she has a little pool at her place nice did she make them the pina coladas yeah does she know make them she did yeah she like blended and shit she blended in a nutribullet oh wow and then uh kind of boozy putting that rum rum which i don't drink a lot so i'm not a big mixed drink guy or drinks guy i mean i i understand why other people enjoy it but for me it's alcohol is just a vehicle to get to a feeling right i feel that and so i just i'm not trying to like you know do an old fashion and figure out what the ingredient difference is restaurant to restaurant i'm just like i'd like to be drunk yeah i've never i've
Starting point is 00:09:01 never felt that with that thing where it's like when people are like yeah i like to have a nice whiskey on the rocks and stuff and he i like you know when i was younger i'd be like i'm like maybe i could be a whiskey guy i could be that guy you'd like try whiskey on the rocks and you'd just be like you just make that face like that grimace every time you're just like that's good i still do that i still make a face yeah yeah like i the the one drink thing to me never been a fan of it no i never got used to it it's like either it's diet coke or six tequilas that sounds perfect i love ripping shots of tequila yeah i uh we should probably talk about Top Gun too we should
Starting point is 00:09:46 it's important it's epic yeah so you couldn't make it the night we saw it with the fellas and we wore the flight suits because you got your booster and you were you know recovering but you did see it I saw it
Starting point is 00:10:01 I was talking to you and Strider you guys were like we're going to go see it again. Don't worry. But then it was like the next night and I was like I can't wait. So I went to see it and it was everything I wanted it to be
Starting point is 00:10:17 and more. It's so good. It's a crowd pleaser. In the best sense of the word. I don't know if I've ever been that because I was sitting with my girlfriend the whole time. I look i'd be like i did a lot of that too yeah someone just happened you look at your friend and be like just a nice solid thumbs up i saw this thing about it like so many guys were like the ones crying in the movie you know and they're with their girlfriends and they're were like the ones crying in the movie, you know, with their girlfriends and they're the ones like bawling and stuff. And their girlfriends are like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:10:49 And you're just like, it's just so beautiful. It is. It's very beautiful. Yeah. It has something similar to Creed where there are these old movies, like now I guess you would call them even top kind of franchise, but they've been in your life for so long that when you revisit them and they bring characters back from the past,
Starting point is 00:11:09 it doesn't feel like characters. Like when they talk about Goose being gone, I got sad like it was a genuine family member who I had lost. I was like, he was a good man. He helped the people around him, and he was a patriot. The world is worse without Goose. My brain wasn't even registering this is a movie character. It was just like, Goose is dead.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I lost a friend. This means a lot. For sure. And Tom Cruise looks so good, too. Looks incredible. He's 57 now. Is he really? And he looks good.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He's a little flabbier with his shirt off. Yeah. They only give him one torso shot. Yeah, his body shape overall is a little flabbier with his shirt off yeah they only give him one torso shot yeah his body like shape overall is a little bit kind of it's always left a little bit to be desired he's got a big rib cage and kind of small packs yeah yeah he looks good though he's in great shape it made me want to get you know a white tee and some aviators for sure it's a money outfit the football game they were playing i couldn't make heads or tails of that. Yeah, you know, I got to say,
Starting point is 00:12:09 I was not a big fan of that choice. You know, I was obviously a huge fan of shirts off. We're going to do some sports, but I was not a big fan of the, you know, the choice of game. It just didn't match up to volleyball. They should have just done volleyball again. Yeah. And they could have shot it in a way
Starting point is 00:12:28 where it looked like better volleyball. Yeah. I understand why they did what they did, but just keep the volleyball in. Yeah, it almost felt like they were afraid. Yeah. They were like, there's no way this scene will be as iconic as the original,
Starting point is 00:12:39 so let's not even try. I mean, dude, if I were one of the actors, if I were like Glenn Powell or Miles Teller, I would be afraid to shoot that. It's a lot of of pressure but they got their rigs looking their rigs were on point yeah they didn't make they didn't mess around they had some bodies on them dude dude fucking gp shredded he was cool hangman he has such a uh he seems like a good guy but he does have that such a great kind of like i'm a cocky face like that's sort of like where his like he like gives like that smirk and it's just like
Starting point is 00:13:12 the angle of his angle of his cheeks yeah yeah for sure um i loved it i also i love that every solution to every problem in the movie is that Maverick just has to do something totally badass and outside the rules it's like there's no way we can fix this the mission's over and then Maverick's like unless I break all the fucking rules and show you guys all what pussies you've been that's like the solution to every problem and I loved it the crowd loved it like the whole theater was like, yes, that is how you fix it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And I was like, fuck yeah, we need this attitude. It's a can do spirit that, you know, sometimes I don't know if it's ever lacking, but I love to be reminded of it. Totally.
Starting point is 00:13:56 It was incredible. That movie feeling so good. I was so happy. I was so happy afterwards. Yeah. John Hamm. It's funny in interviews. You can tell he's sort of like
Starting point is 00:14:05 he's like he's like kind of like i'm sorry i have to be the boner in this story but i'm an actor and that's what i have to play but i'm so fucking sorry i felt bad for him legit i was like sucks for john ham like especially because in madman like you know he's a head case but he's cool yeah yeah and then in this he's the least cool he's a fuddy-duddy all the way through if you're anti-maverick in the top gun universe you're fucking you're not yeah it didn't have the cool old guys that the first top gun had because like the dude in charge of the carrier and tom scarrett and michael ironside they're all kind of badasses because you get to see them fly too but you don't get that in this one do you know what else i love about top gun and my brother
Starting point is 00:14:44 pointed this out that in the they did this in the original like in the original top gun they never say russian they say mig that's the closest they come to identifying it as russian yeah but they just say the other side yeah and in this one you don't know what country we're fighting against in our mission and they never show you their faces yeah so i would thought it'd be so funny it would have been a good twist if three-fourths of the way through the movie the guy the bad guy takes off his mask and he's an alien they've been fighting aliens the whole time yeah and it wouldn't have been outside the uh you know established reality it would have been like yeah it kind of was set up like they're aliens you fucking asshole yeah it was sick and then what do you
Starting point is 00:15:26 think about teller as a as rooster uh i'm gonna be honest i did not want to like him at first i just i i just came into it and i was like i don't want it and then he won me over that's awesome yeah how about you i liked him yeah similarly i he seems like maybe not the coolest guy off camera based off like one GQ article. But no, I really liked him in the movie. I thought he had the right energy, and he took me on a journey. I was rooting for him. He played it well.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah, I thought it was great. Dude, spoilers? I'm just going to go big-time spoilers here. So guys, if you don't want to hear this, the ending of the new Top gun is star wars completely like it the flight path isn't the same but it's like the same idea they have to hit like a very small target and then even as rooster is flying t cruz is talking to him and he's almost like the force when luke hears the force and shoots it out and then when they're flying away and he think like uh they're gonna get shot down hangman is
Starting point is 00:16:31 just like han solo in star wars coming in at the 11th hour to save the day the kind of cocky guy who you don't know if you can trust yeah and i was like oh dude it's like mapped out exactly as star wars yeah it was weird it's the hero's journey i mean it makes sense it's very satisfying yeah but i was like do they know they must know that we know that they're doing the exact ending of star wars but maybe it's been long enough it's like 50 years old yeah i think uh you know i i can totally see if i didn't i didn't think about it in the moment i guess the the shot of the the path of the missile and stuff you know looked peculiar in terms of similarity but i didn't really think about it at all yeah it's just like the final mission is a kamikaze flight to hitting a very small target and you got to get away before the baddies get you i mean maybe that's true of a lot of aviation style uh climaxes but
Starting point is 00:17:25 I was like wow that's weird it's very very similar yeah I didn't think about it but you know I guess I was so worried that they were gonna kill Maverick the whole time I was like don't do it I was like don't fucking kill Maverick um so the fact
Starting point is 00:17:42 that they didn't I was happy that they didn't. Yeah, that would have been too much of a bummer. Yeah. But I don't know. I mean, I guess just because we studied story and story structure and stuff, you kind of know where it's headed. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I mean, you know someone's got to sacrifice, save someone. Yeah. They got to get your emotions going. Yeah. You just know that the conflict will just keep escalating more and more um so and then there yeah it's just the hero's journey for sure what else went down i was so fired up though i guess it broke a record for the four-day box office. Did it?
Starting point is 00:18:25 Yeah. So it made an estimated $156 million in four days. Wow. And the last film that came close was Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End, which made $153 million in 2007. Is it the highest grossing of all time? Just in a four-day period, it is. 156 million in a four-day period it says nice but then it also says that um there's not another major film on the docket till june 9th so that like it's got a right so it's not competing with much yeah I think it's life will be really good
Starting point is 00:19:06 yeah and everyone just loves Tom Cruise they do birth name Tom Mappother really? Tom Mappother when did he go with Cruise? I don't know but he picked the perfect name for who he is
Starting point is 00:19:22 does anyone cruise more than Tom Cruise? if he was Tom Mappother I don't know who he is. Does anyone cruise more than Tom Cruise? If he was Tom Mappother, I don't know who he is today. He's not who he is today. Be something else. Cruise is his middle name. Thomas Cruise Mappother V.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Interesting. Legend. Great guy. Is he a great guy what's up is he a great guy to me no but I think that's it's a good thing
Starting point is 00:19:51 to talk about right yeah is he uh he's an exceptional person yeah
Starting point is 00:20:00 he can accomplish incredible things yeah like that cordon video you sent me where he takes cordon up in a like fairly modern jet and flies it with you know real expertise yeah that's not normal yeah so i just don't know yeah it's tough to say i got two stories that people claim he's a great guy one he came to the aid of aid of a Santa Monica woman after a hit and run.
Starting point is 00:20:28 He rescued her, put her to the sidewalk. Second one, he helped rescue a family from a burning boat in the south of France. So, I don't know. Seems like a pretty good guy to me. You know, Heisenberg, the guy who was trying to develop the atom bomb for the Nazis, much to the dismay of all of his fellow scientists at the time, he rescued people out of a burning building during WWII. So he's a pretty good guy too, huh?
Starting point is 00:20:56 I mean, sometimes incredibly brave people align themselves with questionable ethics, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right spirit. They just might be misallocating it yeah i mean i think he probably does have a god complex for sure he was going to be a priest when he was younger yeah so i don't know and but does that god complex is that why he feels so godly because maverick's a god maverick's some kind of like you know daring aggressive god who just fucking rip shit up and just pushes the envelopes that other humans can get there too can he do that if he doesn't feel like a god
Starting point is 00:21:36 i don't know i know he's delivered tons of joy to my life. The most. Maybe the greatest movie star in history. Yeah. And he dropped the trailer for the new Mission Impossible right when Top Gun came out. Yeah, looks sick. And this motherfucker don't stop. Yeah. He bringing it.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I don't know. It's tough to say. I've been feeling thoughtful on large subjects. Yesterday was Memorial Day, feeling thoughtful on large subjects like yesterday was memorial day and i was like talking to the fellas on call duty i was like has the american experiment been a failure in your estimation then i realized i was kind of just only curious what chicks thought about it right did you get answers yeah i put it on ig and the vote said 51%. Yes, it's been a failure. 49%.
Starting point is 00:22:26 No, it hasn't been a failure. Followed by a multitude of people asking me what the American experiment is. Which I think some of the founding fathers said America is a social experiment in democracy. And in different races and classes interacting and hopefully an equal society so has it been a failure i'm like i dig it i would say no it hasn't been a failure but i'm probably not the right person to weigh in um has it been a failure has it been a failure I think it's an ongoing process like I don't
Starting point is 00:23:12 I don't know if you can conclusively say whether it's been a failure or not I think every empire though every sort of power like that always has a rise and fall so can it keep going for you know can it sustain itself
Starting point is 00:23:24 I don't know we do seem to be uh you know we do seem to have a lot of infighting though but you know we have also been through if you go like dc you just remember that you can see that we've been through tough times a lot we've come out of them stronger i think um you know civil Civil War, World War II, Great Depression, civil rights, all that kind of stuff. I think we slowly have inched towards a better America. Right. I think so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 But it's like in that podcast, you know, the Shane Gillis one, it's like real change. It doesn't come instantly. It comes. It's very monotonous and slow. You know, and I don't know. I think if you think about Americans today, there seems to be a lot of self-hatred, which I'm not a big fan of, of like our country, because I think, you know, we live here. I think we should do all we can to, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:34 try and make it the best place we can. But the issues now are so complex. I don't even know where to begin with a lot of them. Very difficult to weigh in. And very difficult to know who to take your cues from yeah i find it almost impossible at this point i and i think the issues are so nuanced too it's like a lot of people that you know there's either like i'm this side or that side it's like well i think there's good side you know it's like oftentimes it's like the solution is you know kind of in the middle i
Starting point is 00:25:06 think yeah it depends on the issue but i don't disagree with you i'm not someone who uh i don't like to uh denounce the person i disagree with yeah mostly because i think you have to at some point you have to coexist with that person yeah so for me it's more about convincing them to come to your side and how do you do that and i think most of the time it's by like being chill and and respecting them and yeah and then just embodying whatever it is you think they should be doing differently yeah but uh i don't know how that works with like, you know, certain issues can't fit into that idea. But yeah, it's crazy. I got two points for you guys to think about on this.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So one would be like, how do you think technology has like changed the evolution of politics? So like now social media, like people can persuade people in certain ways that like maybe this political system never thought would exist. And then the other thing is like once you get up to a certain point most people are like bought and sold so like a lot of these some of these people don't even believe in what they're preaching just they have like lobbyists or someone who's paying them a lot of money to say this for example like governors in Texas are like super pro gun rights but like most of them don't even own guns so it's like how do you know how do you know what's real and there's evidence that there's like a
Starting point is 00:26:34 documented like reporting that Trump was anti-gun yeah and wanted to go there and then his team was like you cannot do that like you will lose your base we're not going anti-gun yeah and he just kind of read the tea leaves and was like all right i have to stick with this but to the first thing social media i don't know if social media like persuades people to a different perspective i think it takes someone who's already in a perspective and it just enhances it to its most extreme which i think is bad but we're trying to do a project on like social media and i don't think i don't blame social media i think social media could be a good thing if people were smarter i think the problem is us like we're not uh good at dosing ourselves with things that are addictive, me especially. And then we're also
Starting point is 00:27:25 attracted to like the most extreme information. It gives us the most stimulation and we chase it. Now, social media feeds that, but if it wasn't social media, it'd be like, it's been going on forever, whether it was like TV or newspaper or however people were getting things. i do think technology has made it happen faster and harder but i don't think uh i i don't like to blame the mechanism i like to blame more the the user of the mechanism right where i'm like well yeah then use it smarter and everyone's like no it's social media's fault i'm like well what like you can put your phone down yeah i could i don't but i could if i like really really tried but i like it and i don't think it's made me more extreme the only thing that's made me more extreme
Starting point is 00:28:18 is all the fucking the dude shit all the dude shit where like there'll be like a last week it was like travis kelsey um it was a photo of him and his girlfriend it's like they split up and it's like because he wouldn't give her any money and and everyone in the comments was like what a king what a king like yeah don't let this woman like you know mooch off you or whatever and i was like what is going on here yeah it's just like thousands of dudes being like fuck yeah fuck yeah don't give her a cent dude she's she's using you bro she doesn't deserve that shit i'm like what why are we like if i didn't have social media i wouldn't see that or hear that and it's so like uh i don't know it's it feels a little too angry to me but it does bleed in it does bleed i'm like are they right are they should i not get dinner for
Starting point is 00:29:13 a girl am i being a bitch if i get dinner for a girl and i'm like dude 34 year old man dude yeah buy your dinner what the fuck are we talking about i know that it is that is always sort of like when you see that on social media i i don't follow some accounts because i was just saying it's so toxic where you're just like everyone's just so pissed off that's one thing on social media is that everyone's pissed off but then again you know it's like it's only a small portion of people like the vocal for you like i don't tweet my thoughts yeah and stuff and i always view people that do as losers yeah i'm like why don't you like do something else why are you tweeting this go find a therapist or something yeah
Starting point is 00:30:01 uh so i don't know but i think like i'm not a very political guy just to throw that out there but i think to your point of like the self-hate i think some of it does come from social media yeah um and it could like jt said not be the medium but more the user yeah um but i just think that like you get sent these videos of like shootings or crime. And then all of a sudden you think, oh, my, my neighborhood is filled with crime. Like, I don't want to live here, you know? So I think that's part of it. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:30:32 It is. Yeah. I guess I do blame the social media, but I think what's the solution to it? It's us. We have to change how we behave. We're not going to change the thing, you know what I mean? The thing's going to do what it does it's up to you it's like it'd be like i don't like crack but the way i deal with crack isn't by like changing how cracks made or how crack makes you feel you just you don't do crack right like
Starting point is 00:30:57 you just abstain from it i think it's like if if it is this nasty toxic addictive thing it's up to you to separate from it. You can't really, I don't think us going in there and be like, all right, we're going to make Instagram more like this. We're going to make Twitter more like that. It's like, no, it is what it is. No one's going to fix this thing. People want the high of it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 They want those ugly parts. But I do agree with you. I do think it fucks with your self-esteem a lot. Yeah. But you get big highs from it too. It just depends if you want to strap in for that ride yeah and i think too it's like i don't think the human i don't think human beings were meant to be inundated with all the worst things that are happening in the world every day at every moment you know it's like every time you go on your phone you see the worst things
Starting point is 00:31:40 that are happening in the world you know and it's like i don't think we're meant to get all of that like that's so that's so much sensory overload and i think it too it influences people's behavior like you were saying it makes you think that the whole world is is that way and it's like and i think that does influence behavior too where it's like people are just walking around just being like the world is burning up the world is ending right you know and it's like well if you're if you're fed information on how terrible on every terrible event that's happening then of course you're gonna have that worldview so i think that's another thing too is you know um yeah well so has it affected what you think a cool life is a cool life no i don't think so i think it has affected me a little bit like what was your idea before
Starting point is 00:32:37 i think like even like my artistic ambitions like i think i had a very clear idea of what i thought cool art was yeah and then I saw what was popular. And I was like, oh, maybe I should be doing more of what they do. There's certain influencers or YouTubers where I didn't like what they were doing. I didn't dislike it, but it just wasn't for me. And then I saw how much traction they were getting and how often people were bringing them up to me. And it put this little demon in my head that was like,
Starting point is 00:33:08 well, you got to do that because I want that. I started chasing that result. I was like, well, I don't want those guys to be talked about more than I'm talked about. But I'm like, but I don't even like doing that stuff. I wouldn't even be good at that if I tried because it's not true to me. But then in the pursuit of that thing am i losing what i like my essence yeah you know yeah don't want to lose that no that's a tough call
Starting point is 00:33:39 yeah social media yeah get rid of it yeah i just think like some of the bread to the ground like uh with the algorithm just like going both ways how like uh if you like like two things, all of a sudden it'll start feeding you more things like that. I think at a certain point, like you have to there has to be like some sort of balance, I would say. I don't know how you'd implement it into the app, but like say like some going back to like a Texas gun user. Say he likes like gun photos. All of a sudden, that's all he sees. That's all he wants. You know, it's like maybe throw him like a nice picture of a beach or something you know like yeah take take people's minds other ways instead of just like so fully focused on one point you know my
Starting point is 00:34:14 search pages it's like all brad pitt and surfing hell yeah that's awesome dude so that gives me a nice world view yeah like everything's brad pitt and good waves the one thing that has pissed me off lately though is bieber's fashion transition being shirtless all the time no i respect that he's going with baggy pants i did super baggy pants i'm like babes that's breaking my heart the most I think because I think his purpose style fashion was uh his purpose era fashion choices were primo and now he's doing these super baggy pants so I'm just like bro you're killing me you're killing me mine's all uh MMA stuff oh nice which I think is great good personalities and good action yeah right yeah
Starting point is 00:35:06 just dudes slugging dudes mine is like sounds kind of bad but just like chicks and bikinis it's like you know like after you click on a couple then all of a sudden like my explore page is just like some chick from tennessee and i'm like i'm never gonna see this girl i don't like why would i give a fuck you know i don't know I hadn't followed some of the a lot of those I think when I said when I got in a relationship just because I was like this is not healthy for for just that I think I'm not into those gals when I first got on Instagram I was but I'm not as into them why is it like the personification of like a beautiful woman or like i just don't know if they're like cool or not yeah like do you think they're a good hang a lot of them i don't think so i think a lot of them are more into it for like the look or the content instead of like
Starting point is 00:35:58 do you have a good personality like what i want to talk to you you know i think some of them probably do have good personalities like a lot of models are probably pretty cool because they live this like i think if you live an exciting life like that you probably learn a lot of stuff pretty quickly about the world and about people yeah but it could just as easily insulate you so i i don't know i don't know if i've met too many of them but i don't think any of the ones i have met i've been like whoa this is a rad person i've been more like whoa it'd be cool if she liked me yeah like that would feel amazing yeah and then i'm like, but at what cost? Who would I have to become to do that?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Like, I don't want to get into hedge funding. That wouldn't be right for me. Like when you were like, sorry, I don't want to keep controlling the conversation. I think you're doing a great job. Okay. But like when you weren't jerking off for like a week, imagine if like your Instagram page. I still haven't jerked off. really no congrats but on the like imagine if your instagram page was just like full of these models like what do you think that would like kind of like mess with make it harder
Starting point is 00:37:15 not to masturbate yeah yeah oh yeah yeah so yeah dude i'd be cranking just like certain problems like that that they just keep pushing at you it's triggering Yeah, I mean it's bad to like See great male bodies all the time, too. That's I think just as bad for dudes Yeah, like you follow all these like muscle head Instagrammers. You're like fuck dude Kettlebell warriors 55 look at his thoracic cage i'm not even close but then you're like it'd be cool if he liked me well then i see bieber's pants i'm like what's going on what's happening to the world i feel like one of those old guys he was like what are
Starting point is 00:37:59 you wearing what's going on here yeah yeah dude it, it's tough being older. It's in the open mic community. Like, you know, there's slotted mics where you sign up and you know how many people are going to be on your hour and it's all, um, listed. But then when we started,
Starting point is 00:38:18 it was raffle. So like 50 people would throw their names in a hat and they pull out like one name or three names at a time. And you'd hang around for three hours and not know if you were going to get up to do stand up. And now there's this new system where, you know, when you're going to get up, you know how much time it's going to take. And older comedians are like pissed. Do I do? No, it's not right. Like you got to do it in the hat.
Starting point is 00:38:38 You got to wait around. You got to not know if you're going to get up. You got to be around your peers. You got to be hanging. You got to you got to suffer those indignities to to really become a good comic and i always want to be like well first off you're not that funny and secondly why like just let it be the new way why why does why do they have to suffer that way that i don't think it was helpful for me it was just a waste of time yeah yeah it is crazy to think back on those times because you know you'd start at like 4 p.m
Starting point is 00:39:05 to like 11 p.m at least usually 12 um it was very strategic where you're like i'm gonna go to koreatown i'm gonna go i'm gonna sign up there then i'm gonna go east side do that mic real quick because i know i can pull that off and then i'm gonna go double back around to weho and then hit koreatown at the night you know what i mean one thing i do think that is different is with the slotted stuff it seems like that your audience is very sort of predictable it's going to be all comics there's really no chance of regular people coming in no whereas it's some like like karma i remember karma and then like you know that the wine spot on ovino and stuff it's like or a lot of the other it's like you had a chance for some non-comedians to be in the audience which i think is valuable because now at these new open mics it's sort of it's all it's
Starting point is 00:39:59 only comics because you know no one's going it's just advertised as an open mic it's not like a bar so i think that's that's i remember going to like liquid zoo and van nuys back in the day and it's like they're like these the old drunks who were just hanging out at the bar there all the time and it's like getting those guys to laugh was like my big goal it was fun too because it was dangerous sometimes like one time we did uh that open the lexington in downtown yeah and uh there was a comic on stage and there was a real tough looking dude in the audience who seemed like he was very comfortable with violence yeah and the comedian like he interrupted the comedian the comedian talked back to him and and the tough guy just went you better shut the fuck up or i'll
Starting point is 00:40:41 fucking hurt you bad man yeah and the comedian was like comedian was like, oh, well, I'm just going to keep going. He's like, no, you're going to stop or I'll hurt you bad, man. Really? And then the comedian was like, uh, he didn't know what to do, you know, because like we feel like it's our responsibility as a comedian to control the room. Yeah. But it was pretty clear this guy was going to follow through. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And so the comedian was just like, uh, try to make like a weak joke, but he's like, okay, I guess I'm done. And then the guy was standing there and he's like looking at all of us and he was like i don't want any more comedy what yeah and then they called the next guy's name up and no one walked up we all just sat there i don't think we're doing comedy and then the guy who had been on stage who upset the guy like left because it didn't look like he was gonna let it go yeah and i was kind of cracking up i mean i was scared but i was cracking up i was like dude that guy just ended our open mic he just came and it was like no one's doing comedy anymore i don't like it and we're all like for sure dude yeah i'll go somewhere else dude pivoting off that
Starting point is 00:41:46 what's up guys i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by us we got a new patreon out patreon.com slash chad goes deep for bonus episodes each week classic chad jt episodes you don't want to miss out become a patron now at patreon.com slash chad goes deep you also have tour dates coming up. We're going to be in Houston and Plano on the 17th and 18th. Texas, what up? We're coming in hot. Get your tickets at chadjt.com. We also have more tour dates that are posted
Starting point is 00:42:14 now. Nashville, North Carolina, South Carolina, Chicago, New York is coming up. So, check out chadjt.com for ticket links. We're also brought to you by the one, the only, the Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pure, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dink dongles
Starting point is 00:42:37 are looking fresh and clean because Manscaped is making sure that you have a fresh-looking dink. They're making sure that your dink looks like a well manicured um shrubbery bush outside the met you know and how do you how do you create such a well-maintained bush well you get the platinum package 4.0 the whole shebang the whole manscape shebang i'm talking all the elite products i'm talking the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer look how beautiful that is you got the weed whacker ear and nose hair trimmer look how epic that is we got the body wash the shampoo the crop preserver ball deodorant crop reviver ball toner anti-chafing box boxers and the shed travel bag to hold your kids while traveling
Starting point is 00:43:22 you guys do not want to miss out the lawnmower 4.0 is the best ball trimmer in the game and if you're not on the manscape train get on it now because they're the the best and they're covering the best bang for your whole shebang get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com use code go deep it's time you enjoyed the finer things in life and get yourself a platinum package for your platinum package. All right, guys, let's get back to the show. I can't believe it took us this long to get to it. You were incredible and Barry.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Oh, thanks, man. Did you watch it? I didn't. Do you got to watch it? He's so good. Sorry, bro. You're so good, man. I'm so proud of you.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Thank you. Truly like brought a tear to my eye. You fucking smashed dude oh thanks dude yeah well it's i think a lot i really appreciate that thank you um a lot of those bill haters directions he just knows exactly what he wants he wanted you to have that still kind of vacant uh delivery yeah he's like he's like um yeah he's just like he's like extra stone kind of, uh, delivery, but, but I got to play around with the words. Like a lot of my improv stayed in there. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Yeah. Dude, you nailed it. Yeah. Like your, your word selection and delivery was perfect. Like the, with no ho Hank, I was like, I think the original line was, um, uh, I know I just met you, but you seem like a but you seem like a great guy and then he's like play around with that and I was like I know I just met you
Starting point is 00:44:50 but you seem like kind of rad and they like love that it was perfect they're writing Duffy Boudreau wrote that episode and I remember reading the sides where I just he and Bill I think they came up with
Starting point is 00:45:06 that character like when they're shooting episode four because i think the original intention was like it was basically to get like exposition out of like how each character is feeling and so they had each character meet with different characters you know it's like no ho hank was meeting with a different guy and then sally was meeting with someone else then uh barry was meeting with someone else and like oh this is a little bit boring what if we just had them all meet with the same guy and then they just created this mitch guy this create this character and uh it was so fun yeah it was really it's only like a morning shoot you know did you knock it out in a day half a day amazing well they're an efficient crew they know what they're doing yeah that's cool i mean that gun scene at the end was like
Starting point is 00:45:48 so beautifully blocked and executed it was insane that that that chase is so funny it was great and i love their uh because like the the handoff with the gun it just killed me um and yeah a lot of people said they felt like they were watching a GTA chase. He's on the motorbike. He's on this dirt bike, and it's like, but yeah, I mean, that show's so well done,
Starting point is 00:46:16 so I think it's, yeah, big thanks to all those guys for having me on. You were so good, man. Oh, thanks, man. You really popped. Thanks. Yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Mitch the beignet guy. I was nervous for it to come out. Hey, I know you don't like it when I put juju on things, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I think you know. You know. What? You know what I thought, too? I was like, because I don't know if we want
Starting point is 00:46:42 to keep this in, but it's similar. It's basically very similar to what we do. Yeah. And the people just seem to really resonate with that a lot. So I think it's a good sign for what we have coming. It is a good sign.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. Good. Yeah, that gets me fired up. Good. I'm going to stress a little bit about that. We have a big project coming out. We can't say more than that, but it's stressful, man. It is stressful.
Starting point is 00:47:03 When you're in this in-between time, you live and die on people's reactions too yeah you show it to one person and they're like it's fabulous and you're like i'm gonna be a huge star yeah and then you show it to someone else and they don't really react and you're like it's gonna disappear without anyone knowing and i'm not gonna get another chance yeah it's uh it's it's terrifying i mean i stay this is me like explaining my feelings on it i mean i stay pretty steady with it but it is a a roller coaster yeah i had that with this too it's because like i did the shoot you know and it's everyone's yeah like when i was on set you know everyone was laughing and it seemed to really enjoy it so i was like but then I know I know the the editing process is just like
Starting point is 00:47:45 you know you you got to edit so that it serves the stories first so I was like you know there's I was like it's possible I could be cut because just because you know that's the way it goes sometimes they just have to you know serve the story and so I had a ton of that too just like or maybe you know I was like maybe it'll be cut maybe it won't be as good as like they thought it was on set you know what I mean yeah but I don't know but yeah but but it all turned out well so that's what I was gonna ask are you are you are you happy about it I'm very happy about it yeah yeah I was uh I was nervous before but I'm happy yeah and I was able to watch it with my girlfriend too I was nervous she's like
Starting point is 00:48:24 we're gonna watch it together right I was like I was like oh yeah I'm happy yeah and I was able to watch it with my girlfriend too I was nervous she's like we're gonna watch it together right I was like I was like oh yeah I might hide in the other room but I was able to watch it so I was like
Starting point is 00:48:29 it was nice that's beautiful yeah so it was fun so yeah all good but yeah I mean it was an honor to work on that
Starting point is 00:48:38 it's so well done people were loving it too yeah it's cool like the comments were yeah we need more mitch mitch show get a mitch show spin off of mitch that'd be hilarious it'd be pretty cool that would be cool uh but thank you man you're so sweet and supportive i was pretty fired up dude
Starting point is 00:48:58 thank you it was good stuff um felt uh felt good i got one more cue before we get into the cues yeah okay if your life was a movie genre what genre do you think you're in oh whoa you got a lot of mind benders coming out today in a good way um I think rom-com What about you? Which kind of rom-com? Okay I'd say A guy who's
Starting point is 00:49:42 Fuck, I don't know I don't know. I almost sound like corny as fuck here. I hear you. I hear you. Dude, maybe. Yeah. Go, go, go. Any guy who's striving for all these sort of you know uh professional sort of achievements
Starting point is 00:50:09 but realizing that all the relationships along the way are what matters most a little bit michael j fox and for love or money yeah thinks he wants to be a big hotelier or whatever and then meets the right gal and he's willing to throw it away for her yeah but i don't want to throw it away well dude yeah my therapist asked me that today yeah she was like would you rather be really famous or in a successful relationship yeah and i i did not know the answer right i do not know the answer yeah that's tough to say yeah i guess you have to experience both to know right yes that's a tough call i guess i guess what comes to my mind is you know being in a really successful relationship is really great then i guess what goes in my mind is like being able to afford the to live the sort of lifestyle that you both want.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Mm-hmm. That's what I sort of... Dude, if I was a movie genre, I think it'd be one of those, like, really talkative plays that gets, like, where there's, like, a brutal secret revealed in it. Mm-hmm. But I would change the ending
Starting point is 00:51:25 where it's actually pretty lighthearted. Sometimes those things like August Osage County, they stay, they're in the misery too long. I'm like, let's use the misery to give us some joy. Let's just feel both sides of it. Or no, if I was a movie genre, I'd probably be like of those Aspen Extreme movies where two guys just rip at skiing and become instructors and meet hot people.
Starting point is 00:51:54 That'd probably be my genre. Is it a good movie? All right, should we answer some cues yeah stokers write in what movie genre you'd be i feel like most people are gonna say rom-com right i think so all right questions fucking in a moving car hey man why are so many people fucking in moving cars don't fuck or suck in a moving car unless you're trying to die or get your wiener chopped off actually you could hit another person so don't do it all it happens why do people do this everywhere it's everywhere
Starting point is 00:52:36 it's hot right now man everyone is fucking in cars i'm 26 and i still see my friends doing this i know a guy that has a proverbial backseat baby. I don't know why people are fucking and moving cars so much. He just keeps going for a while. Fast and the Furious is huge right now. Yeah, I wouldn't blame the vehicle, dude. And I wouldn't even blame the people. Look, sometimes you want to have a little danger in your sex. um and i wouldn't even blame the people look sometimes
Starting point is 00:53:12 you want to have a little danger in your sex and it's something that you can lose your privileges for if you up you can't do it anymore but i don't know i don't think it's the worst thing in the world yeah that would be my response to this i don't think it's the worst thing in the world um did he get hit by someone fucking a moving car it sounds like there's an accident yeah and he wrote this right after the accident and so I would say
Starting point is 00:53:39 you know file an insurance claim and you know cite specifically they were fucking in the car and then you know, file an insurance claim. And, you know, sight specifically, they were fucking in the car. And then, you know, move on. Quick cue here. Is it gay to think the volleyball scene in Top Gun
Starting point is 00:53:56 is the greatest scene in movie history? Caught a lot of flack last week from the lads when I made them pause it while I pissed so I wouldn't miss any of it. Not homophobic in any ways. If you guys de deem it gay i would wear it on my shoulders just wanted your input chad sick job on barry you're a legend oh thanks uh no i don't think it is at all it's the great one of the greatest movie scenes in history it's not gay to admire hot men we all know what a hot guy looks like.
Starting point is 00:54:26 They're cool. It's fun to watch them move. That's what they're good at. And it's inspiring. I think when you see Tom Cruise flying a jet or you see Brad Pitt on a horse in Legends of the Fall, it's inspiring. It's like, oh, that's where we could get his people.
Starting point is 00:54:41 We're capable of that kind of beauty. You should look at it like a painting almost it's just it's just something to admire and i don't like labeling things gay no it feels childish like we're way past that dude your friends are like stuck if they're talking like that. Yeah. I would say, dude, it's not at all. And you should tell your friends that for them to even sort of make claims like that is just like stupid.
Starting point is 00:55:23 It's dumb. They're just yucking yums too here's the thing they all like it everyone likes it i don't know i guess i had a few like latin friends in college who were really averse to man stuff but they still liked it they would laugh but they were just uncomfortable with it everyone likes it your friends like it the most. Yeah, why else would you react to it? Unless it's making you feel something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:52 They like it the most. Yeah, even if it is gay, it's fine. And if you're just super not gay, that's fine too. But don't be labeled. Don't worry about the other thing that you're not. Just let it go. Like, I don't want to pick on hyper straight people either. I'm curious whether or not you've had time to read the last email I sent you. I'd like to show you how you can benefit from creating your own custom fragrance.
Starting point is 00:56:16 We make use of a very smooth onboarding system that can get you live in about two to three weeks. Are you interested in getting started? Dude, yeah. There you have it. Let's make our abercrombie fierce chad jt stoke what up chad and jt and any prestigious guests i apologize in advance for the long email but any advice would be much appreciated for context a group of my friends live together in chicago so nearly every weekend for the past three years we roll out about eight to ten dudes deep with the exception of i'm sorry what does this fucking thing keep going you know what it is i've been doing this like therapy thing where
Starting point is 00:56:54 i have to like say something to myself every hour and the alarm rings and what i have to say is fuck poosio for context a group of my friends live together in chicago so nearly every weekend for the past three years we roll out about eight to ten dudes deep with the exception of one to two gfs like a pack of horny wolves ready to hit the bars the way it's always been to the dismay of the buyers whoever buys the uber to the bars just takes the price on the chin and the boys will get you a couple of free rounds. Until recently. I'm not sure when this started exactly, but my boys, Chunk and Saggy,
Starting point is 00:57:29 two of the more successful guys in the group, love them dearly, started sending us Venmo requests following a night out to split the bill on these Uber rides. I don't have too much of a problem with it until the past weekend when my cousin, dear friend of the squad,
Starting point is 00:57:40 also an avid stoker, so shout out Dave, came to visit for a week from California, Sunday morning. As he's boarding his flight back to Dave came to visit for a week from California Sunday morning as he's boarding his flight back to Cali Dave gets a text from saggy saying blah blah thanks for visiting it was nice seeing you blah blah by the way you owe me money for the Uber from yesterday I saw that as total disrespect to Dave as he was a guest and we were welcoming him back after nearly a year since he moved to Cali I told Dave not to pay him because nobody else is. Saggy got angry at us for not splitting the bill,
Starting point is 00:58:08 so now he's no longer buying the Ubers and expects free rides for the foreseeable future. The Uber in question was only 60 bucks. I called him out in the group for being a puss bag, and that resulted in an onslaught of name calling from everyone directed towards everyone. A number of the fellas left the group chat and won't acknowledge our calls and texts.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I think this is all getting a bit too dramatic. Look, there's different ways of doing things. I'm with you. I like the system where like you don't do exact numbers on it. And it, cause it feels a little bit more like, um, like fluid. And I get, I get, it steals some of the fun for me when stuff gets too like prescriptive and it's like, you owe this much, you owe this much, you owe this much. I like, I like more of the eyeball for me when stuff gets too like prescriptive and it's like you owe
Starting point is 00:58:45 this much you owe this much you owe this I like I like more the eyeball test where it's like hey bro you got the uber I'll grab this for you and it's kind of just like a back and forth of gestures understanding yeah but it's but it's not wrong to go the other way if some dude wants his money for the uber you can call him a puss bag but i would say it with lightness and i would pay him right because he did pay for the uber like he has a right to ask to be compensated and now dudes are leaving the group chat like over this yeah you don't leave the group chat unless someone like like screwed your wife or like sandbagged you at work or was like disrespectful to your parents this kind of thing is this is a blow by yeah i would say uh it's way too dramatic and i yeah i think i mean
Starting point is 00:59:41 i like your system more of sort of like the the sort of honor system amongst the squad which is like, you know, keeping sort of a tally of like, OK, you paid last time. I'll get this blah, blah, blah. But I also think, you know, if someone asks you, if someone paid for something, they ask for Venmo, you know, just pay it. Because if you don't, then that just like compounds the problem. So, um, but I, I just think it all got way out of hand. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Um, all right, dude, Chad, what's your beef of the week? Uh, dude, my beef of the week is with,
Starting point is 01:00:22 well, okay. So I'm pretty sure the people in the unit next to me moved out. Nice. Now I can't open my garage door. They left me one bad, they left me one parting gift. They're always kind of weird to me. One parting gift.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I can't open the garage door. I call the landlord, the property manager. And I'm like, Hey, my remote's not the landlord, the property manager. And I'm like, Hey, my remote's not working. I changed the battery. And she's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:48 I know what happened. I think the people moved out, turned off the, I think power got shut off to the garage. The thing is I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow. I want to bring my surfboard. It's in the garage. And so I called them and they're being very blase about it.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Which I didn't appreciate. Cause I'm like, my my shit's in there let me get in my garage and I they're like so I called them like well they can get the power on tomorrow I'm like well I'm leaving tomorrow so we need to get the garage open today and now it's this whole debacle I don't know if I'm gonna get the garage open I don't know if I'm gonna be able to garage open I don't know if I'm going to be able to bring my stuff I'm pissed And You know these neighbors Who live next to me Uh You know they didn't talk to me once
Starting point is 01:01:35 Talked to me one time when their hot water went off And then they leave this You know then they lay this shit on me I'm a nice guy And your dog sucks Then they lay this shit on me? I'm a nice guy. And your dog sucks. I felt that. Your dog sucks.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And if I don't get into my garage tonight, I'm going to be so fucking pissed. Now I appreciate the blasé attitude, property managers. Have you communicated to them how important it is to have your surfboard in Hawaii? Yeah. You did? I was like, you don't understand, this is Maui.
Starting point is 01:02:14 And they're like, oh, okay. I'm like, no, not okay. You should be out here with a fucking crowbar cranking that motherfucker open so I can get in there. They should appreciate your values more. My ice bath's in there. I'm recovering from vegas i can't ice fuck you guys did you do the iv in vegas i did yeah that's my uh i don't know i was gonna be my baby but it's not but i did do the iv yeah so i an IV. I did the anti-hangover IV. So you take it after you party and stuff. It was pretty good. I felt a boost in my mood.
Starting point is 01:02:52 I felt kind of weird with the whole thing in my arm. It was a huge bag. It was like you put the whole fucking thing in me. It kind of freaked me out a little bit the needle and stuff but i will say that i felt a boost in my mood and i didn't feel too anxious or depressed after it but then past couple days i've been exhausted so i don't know if it's worth it or not i don't know yeah i mean if i'm being candid i'm sensing that you didn't get the the i didn't get what i thought i was gonna get right you had high hopes for it yeah you're like this could be the fucking this could be the ticket i don't think
Starting point is 01:03:36 it is yeah you'll find it dude my beef of the week sorry guys tough guy here tough guy's gonna be doing the beefs for a week so we go to see Top Gun I've already named my other beef my fellow friends who wouldn't wear flight suits hurt me deeply you know I'm a tough guy but when I have high hopes for frivolous fun and other people don't get on board I take it personal but all all well, all good. We go into the movie. Joe Pelazon, consistent legend of the week. He bought the tickets.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Seven seats. I go in there with them. And we got the seats we think we got. But there's two guys sitting in the middle. And they're taking up like four seats. And it's these big comfy chairs. But they're laying like this. I mean, these guys are half comatoseose the movie hasn't even fucking started yet and they're like they're still like they're
Starting point is 01:04:29 fucking and they got food on each side of them they got like pizzas and like hot dogs and like i swear to god i saw some sausage they got like pounds of food everywhere and what the hell's going on here i'm like joe what's the deal baby just like i got this i got this i got this just gotta go over there he's gotta wake one of the guys up he's like hey buddy you're in our seats the guy looks at him with utter confusion he's like what do you mean just like i bought these seats and i got like seven friends and we're gonna see you and the guy's like oh and i'm starting i get a little i get a little energized when i'm in public and things aren't running smoothly.
Starting point is 01:05:06 And I'm like, start tapping my foot. I'm like, what's the deal here, guys? It's pretty clear. We got the seats. And they're like, oh. And Joe's patiently explaining. He's like, look, look, look. I bought these seats.
Starting point is 01:05:16 You got to move somewhere else. You probably have seats. You should move to those. Finally, the guy goes, okay, fuck. Gets up. On his way up, when he's picking up his 42 food items, knocks over his large popcorn all over my seat. Covers it like a good charcuterie board.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You couldn't even see the seat. It was just all popcorn. I'm like, Jesus Christ. They get up and they wobble away. And I go, what the fuck is going on here? Look at all this fucking popcorn. Step over the popcorn. Joe sits down. I turn to Joe.e i go joe joe what was going on with those guys and joe goes they're super high now look i like getting stony baloneyed as much as the next guy but you know you gotta
Starting point is 01:06:01 you gotta step up when other people need you you gotta snap out of that big edible. Even if you're hanging with Eddie, you gotta snap out. You gotta leave Eddie behind for a little bit. You gotta do your fucking job. All right? And get out the seats. And don't spill your popcorn all over my seat.
Starting point is 01:06:17 It was adorable, but it was a little frustrating. I was frustrated. I felt that. So you had to sit in all that popcorn i moved it it was fine but even more so the popcorn was like the coup de grace but like the amount of time it took him to register what was happening was probably 300 over his limit he just kept being like huh and joe was like dude we bought the seats and the guy was like i don't huh? And Joe was like, dude, we bought the seats.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And the guy was like, I don't get it. And I was like, I'm losing my mind here. I-7 through I-17. Or I-7 through I-14. That's our tickets. Nice guy. Nice guy. Chad, who's your baby of the week?
Starting point is 01:07:02 My baby of the week is the other shirtless dude at limp biscuit so i was at limp biscuit bucket list thing fred durst west borland cranking heat what song comes on the last song and they play a trick on us they're like all right that's the other show and then fredgers like wait a second i forgot something starts playing break stuff and i look at this other guy who's probably like 35 40 and i was just like yes take my shirt off he takes his shirt off and we're just fucking going ham and it's a video of it it's pretty awesome and i just want to give a shout out to that dude he's my new best and just, it's always nice to find a good, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:46 solid 35, 40 year old dude, who, can, just rock out with, you know? Yeah, especially if you see him out in the wild like that.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah, because it's like, it's like, you know that guy, probably a family man, you know, got, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:04 he's probably got a minivan, house, family, some kids, but that was the night he let loose and he let loose. He's just looking to explode with vitality. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 He's just looking to live. Totally. And you gave him a green light on that to live his life full speed at that moment. Big time. Hell yeah. Dude, my babe of the week is Alana.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Who's that? I got this knowledge courtesy of Hold Me Tight. And she was like, did you know the term incel was first used by a woman? And it was this woman, Alana, in 1993. She was a Canadian university student. And she created a website to discuss her sexual activity with others. And out of that all this other stuff was born i did not think it was a chick wait what so the word incel and the movement
Starting point is 01:08:56 that has been spawned from it was actually started by a lady oh she A lady was the first incel. She was a late bloomer. And she just wanted to connect with other people on it. And then, you know, it kind of got away from her a little bit. She has a bookshop now. And she says she feels a little bad about where it went, which I totally understand. Sorry, Ilana.
Starting point is 01:09:30 It's not your fault. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is twofold. It's Joe and Strider's podcast. Nice. We've been on Strider's podcast, History is dank uh we've been on a few times it's amazing you know it's like one of the best things you know you cover historical topic and you hang out with the boys always good time always a fun time and you guys check out history is dank if you haven't yet and then i And then I listened to Joe's podcast like the first episode,
Starting point is 01:10:06 but I got to admit I hadn't tuned in really since then, so I turned it on last week. I'm obsessed with it. It's so good. It's so funny. It's like the perfect vehicle for Joe and his personality because like, you know, it's like what you were saying. It's like he can talk about everyday shit in the most entertaining way. he's like yeah he's talking about how much he's like he's yeah i got these
Starting point is 01:10:29 green beans at this barbecue and uh they're amazing these green beans just changed my life you know it's yeah uh that part about i said last week about my dishwasher not working I have to retract that it works And the guy's like do you not plug it in No it was plugged in This whole thing And um They're both just so entertaining So guys if you haven't checked out Joe Code Or History's Dank check them out
Starting point is 01:10:58 Uh I was just fucking dying Listening to both of them. Very entertaining, very fun. Nice. Check them out. Yeah. My legend of the week is Dan Milstein.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Nice. Good friend of ours. Hung out with him on Saturday. I'm proud of him. He graduated from, I think, USC School of History as a teacher. He had to do an incredible workload. He decided to pivot to that during COVID. And I just think he's going to be an incredible teacher.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Like he's such a knowledgeable guy and he has such good heart. And I think he'll really know how to get the students captivated and not just guide them in their domes, but also in their chest piece. So I'm a, I'm psyched for you, dude. I think you're going gonna shred that shit with extreme extreme erudition but where do you know when he's starting to teach he's he's looking for jobs right now oh cool so he wants something in the north la region and he wants it to be junior high kids oh he does which is a big challenge because when i was in junior high that was
Starting point is 01:12:04 probably the worst i ever was as a human. Yeah. Because you're having grown-up thoughts, but you got a little kid body, and the girls are sprouting up, and all the things that come along with puberty are manifesting, and you're like, whoa. Because you got some kids who are fucking,
Starting point is 01:12:23 some kids who aren't even, it's not even on their radar yet and they're all hanging out together it's crazy i got a legend yeah go legend of the week would be chad for a spot on barry thanks dude um in the past 20 minutes or so i've just been searching the webs of what's going on and you're the top person talked about on the Barry Reddit. Really? I got to show you some of these comments. Really cool. There's also quite a few different subreddits about you.
Starting point is 01:12:52 One of them is like, how would you describe this guy? I need adjectives. And then there's like all these people. The character? Yeah. And there's like all these people just putting different like ways they would describe you. Oh, wow. And then another one is like
Starting point is 01:13:05 they're like really promoting your guys stuff too on this um and the the largest one the top post on the whole reddit which is you it says i just want a whole episode surrounding this guy and then it's like look up chad and jt go deep on YouTube. And then it's like, oh, my God, when I saw this, all I heard was, what's up, council? And, like, there's so many good posts. That's cool, man. I'll show you guys later. The Barry subreddit? Yeah, the Barry subreddit.
Starting point is 01:13:33 So, yeah, you're the top post and 99% upvoted. Wow. 99%, dude. Good shit. Shout out to the whole Barry team. You guys are legends. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, man. Yeah. That's sweet. They really know what whole Barry team. You guys are legends. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, man.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Yeah. That's sweet. You're the man. They really know what they're doing. You're the man. Yeah, thanks. We're on quote. Does that make you uncomfortable?
Starting point is 01:13:55 I'm trying to speak a little bit, I guess. It is hard, man. I feel you, dude. I won't make too big of a deal out of it. No, thank you. But you're the man, dude. Yeah, so if... feel you, dude. I won't make too big of a deal out of it. No, thank you. But you're the man, dude. Yeah, so if my property manager has seen Barry, maybe I'll show people in my fucking garage.
Starting point is 01:14:15 What if we just looked at each other for a minute and started crying? Chad, you're the man, dude. Come on. You're the man. Come on. All right, okay. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from
Starting point is 01:14:34 Bill Clinton, because I'm listening to his autobiography. When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, but I didn't like it. I didn't inhale. And also, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, but I didn't like it. I didn't inhale. And also I want to quote Joe because Joe's so fucking funny on his podcast.
Starting point is 01:14:51 They talk about food and stuff. They get emails like, overrated or underrated Philly cheesesteak. Oh, great question. That's his essence. God, I love Joe. Oh, great question. It gets so funny. That's his essence. God, I love Joe. History's deck is so good too, man. Joko is so fucking, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Sorry. My quote of the week is from the first Top Gun. Stinger, the guy who runs the aircraft carrier, he sends them to Top Gun. He can't believe he's got to send Mav and Go wild cards and he goes this is from dan millstein he goes and if you screw up just this much you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of hong kong what a line i thought ed harris was good in that role he was great yeah i needed more ed harris yeah i could have used him throughout.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Yeah. He's such a legend. His voice, he should have been a two-star Admiral by now. What happened? Dude, what about the black dude who's John Hamm's, like, number two? Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, has anyone ever been more perfect for a role than that guy? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Every time he talks, he's like, Ma maverick you have a mission and you will accomplish your mission and you're like fucking hell dude this guy i've never seen him in anything else he's so fit perfect for that yeah i was just like yes dude dude when they're on the aircraft carrier he's on that lower level with the two planes and the guy just appears and gives him a nod he's just oh my god a lot of the big emotional moments they don't say what they're feeling they just kind of look at each other
Starting point is 01:16:30 and they do like that kind of manly unexpressed thing where they're just like it's just a nod it's like and you're watching and you're like
Starting point is 01:16:40 fucking hell yeah Chet what's your phrase that we forget getting after it um phrase we're getting after it is um mock 10 nice my phrase that we're getting after it is spoiler skip this Mach 10. Nice.
Starting point is 01:17:07 My phrase that we forget after it is, spoiler, skip this. If you haven't seen Top Gun yet, don't think, just do. Dude, so good. Don't think. Just do. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Nice. It was a pleasure flying with you brother see you guys pleasure flying with you Jake see you on the friendly skies see you up there buddy or maybe they might be hostile but we'll take them down
Starting point is 01:17:39 all sounds friendly to me if you need advice these guys are really nice Sounds friendly to me. There's lots of happy words beside you Go free Go free Let's go free Go go easy Go go easy

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