Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 25 - Halo Ice Cream, the After Life, BB Gun Foul Play

Episode Date: July 3, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep into what happens after death, the consequences of BB gun foul play, the joker behind the scenes, Warren Buffet, and Colin Farrell.  As always, we dive deep into legends, beefs,... babes, and questions.   Check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stoke nation this is chad coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast episode number 25 with my compadre jt what up legend legend what up Your phone's a little high They're a little hot if I'm being honest Oh wait There we go Nice and low Not too low perfect What up dude
Starting point is 00:00:36 Chilling dog You got your green tea there Black tea Is that more caffeine It is It's the closest to coffee oh okay dude i uh i'm trying to cut down my caffeine yeah you're at no caffeine now right no i i have two cups oh i i guess two espressos in the morning um so i but that's significantly less than what i
Starting point is 00:01:01 used to do what's it feel like when you when you put down an espresso dude so good i just love getting jacked are you just like feel like you can conquer a mountain or something dude i just like i drink it down and then like i get so amped that i need to watch like you know tom cruise rock climbing or like um a surf video or like you know just like um a surf video or like you know just like craig ferguson making jokes i don't know why i said craig ferguson craig ferguson talking about his uh his dad when his dad passed away that was really touching no that wouldn't really get me stoked that gets me jacked does it well i haven't watched it but it sounds depressing but maybe it is inspiring. I don't know. I don't want to spoil the show, but there was a TV show that ended with a montage of every character on the show dying.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And one time before hitting the bars in Newport, I made my friend watch it with me to get jacked up. And afterwards he was like, why the fuck would that get me jacked up? I was like, dude, the artistry dog. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I, I like more action packed packed sequences a lot of death there though too that's a good call but usually it's like mercenaries and stuff so it's like throwaway
Starting point is 00:02:12 dudes it's impersonal yeah it's like it's not like it's not like it's jason statham or statum or whatever getting the fuck beaten up it's more like you're like oh that's just like a you know that's just a that's just one of dr evil's minions yeah it's not it's not main characters that you have like a fucking super tight relationship with and like you're pulling for them to like yeah live their best life another thing i watch is a brad pitt boxing and snatch oh nice yeah that one because he's such a he's such a beast in that he's so devil may care like it seems like he like barely takes boxing seriously yeah but if i'm gonna do it i guess i'll just knock the fuck out of something yeah it's always cool to have a casual relationship to your own excellence yeah definitely but there's sort of like indifference or whatever yeah very hot yeah
Starting point is 00:02:59 dude i strive for that all day every day i think you're there you think i'm there it's funny to strive for casual yeah strive for cash yeah the strive for chill but it is everything's a process yeah because you don't want to you don't want to be one of those dudes who's like constantly flexing their their power on people you, it's kind of like, that's a huge turnoff. Yeah. Cause I think what it is, is like when you're doing that, it's a, you're not allowing other people to be at peace. I think it shows insecurity. It's much more impressive when like the guy's just like kicking it and you're like, what did he do, dude? And then he like does a backflip and you're like, oh, okay. Oh yeah. If you knew a guy
Starting point is 00:03:43 for like 15 years and you were buddies and then all of a sudden he did a backflip and you were like this whole time we've known each other you've been able to do backflips yeah you have kept that inside i'd be mad i'd be like you piece of shit and i'm calling you that because you're so much better than me yeah and i'd be like you do backflips for me every day from now on maybe that's that's the burden of having too much uh too much flex you know what i mean not quite when you have that much flex you know it's like you know that's a lot of flex and it's like sometimes you just like have so much where you're just like it's like raging inside of you like the great hulk and you're like you're like the is that how you say the great hulk whatever oh the big hulk and you're just like you have it inside of you Hulk and you're like, or like the, is that how you say it? The great Hulk, whatever. Oh, the big Hulk. And you're just like, you have it inside of you. And then you're just
Starting point is 00:04:28 like, I don't know what to do instead. You just like, so you just like keep it contained. Does that make any sense? Totally. I heard, uh, the, uh, late great comedian, Patrice O'Neill described his friend, Robert Kelly, when he was starting off in standup, you know, Robert Kelly's like a big, like kind of like bull in a china shop type of personality yeah and he go dude watching you right now is like seeing the Hulk try to be Bruce Banner interesting the whole oh wow yeah like Robert Kelly was trying to like fit in and like make the crowd like him but he wasn't which is you know I get it but it wasn't what he was meant to do. You know what I mean? And he was watching Patrice just be himself. That'd be a sweet place to reach.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, where you're comfortable being the Hulk. It's like that great poem by Marianne Williamson that's in Akilah and the Bee and Coach Carter. Probably surprised you guys going Akilah and the Bee first, where it's like our greatest fear is not that we're inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure. Like, I don't know if that's what we started off talking about.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But like when you like when you're not afraid of saying I am like all of this, I am special. That's a. Dude, I think you just exemplified what we were talking about right there when you threw out that quote from I don't even know who with words that i don't even know what they mean i think you kind of i think you have that and i think you have that uh that flex in you dude i feel like i feel like you um in your like early years you'd get into trouble you know you'd like throw a dog you'd like throw dog shit somewhere or something and people would be like dude what are you doing then you just like very eloquently explain it in like a shakespeare soliloquy you know you'd be like how dost thou shit how dost thou throw dog shit on thy porch and they'd be like what the fuck dude i'll be not lie. Reflecting now on how I threw that dog shit at your house,
Starting point is 00:06:26 I see nothing but immaturity and a lack of consideration. But in the moment, all I could think about was how funny it is to see dog shit surprise someone. Dude, if I were the guy who was the victim of that prank, I'd be like, dude, it is hilarious. You're right. This is actually good that we were talking about these guys dying and the lack of feeling towards them
Starting point is 00:06:48 because I wanted to get mega deep and just be like, what do you think happens when you die? Dude, I have a pretty optimistic view on it. I think you still have awareness and you rise from your bod or whatever and you're like later dude and you're and you sort of like and you see like the white light and you just filled with like love and stoke and you're like oh I'm free of chains of like human anxiety and and emotion this is just everything is just made out of love.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And you return to that and then like the universe or whatever, Zeus is just like, what up, dude? And you're like, dude, I knew it the whole time when I was a human, but like I didn't like know it. And he's like, yeah, it's pretty trippy, right? And you're like, yeah. He's like, all right, what do you want to do next? You want to be like a cougar or you want to be a human again
Starting point is 00:07:44 or you want to be like one of those aliens in independence day and you're like yeah would be pretty cool to battle will smith and then he's like all right you want to kick it here for a little bit and he's like you're like uh yeah let me just take like a little breather and then like i'll dive into that life i think that's what happens that was fucking beautiful thank you what do you think happens i hope what you say is exactly what happens like i've never really articulated my perfect afterlife but the one that you just described brought fucking tears to my eyes that sounds really really good becoming an alien and independence day well just having the choice just having those options and the way you described
Starting point is 00:08:21 like pure love and like letting go of the anxiety and emotions yeah i was like oh so it's bliss yeah and i think that also if that's bliss then what we're going through now is just a precursor for that so this is part of that bliss it's experience yeah yeah man i just think when you die everything goes black and you just don't exist forever. I don't think I'm feeling anything, which really horrifies me because, but the good part about that is, is that it's kind of existential. So it's, or it's very existential.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So it means live now with complete gusto because you got to make this shit count. Yeah. I think that, I think that's a good philosophy to have in life. Like there's one yogi who's like live as if there's a a good philosophy to have in life like there's one yogi who's like live as if there's a katana hanging above your head all the time but where do you think this all comes from like the earth and stuff and matter and like all the things that make up the universe existence it's a great question and i guess my answer would be i think there is a god i do believe in like a superseding intelligence that created the universe.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I just don't think whatever that force is gives us more than what we get in this life. I think that's all God gives us is just this finite amount of years. And once that's over, you've fulfilled your opportunity, basically. But since we don't know, we have the power of choice. So why don't you choose to believe in a dank afterlife? Well, I choose to have people in my life who believe in a dank afterlife.
Starting point is 00:10:00 You believe in that. My girlfriend believes in that. My parents believe in that. Most of the people I'm closest to believe in that. My girlfriend believes in that. My parents believe in that. Most of the people I'm closest to believe in that. I feel structurally incapable of believing in that. That's interesting. But I like being around people who do. Like I got super baked with my girlfriend and our friend Jay the other day.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And they were both like, no, I think the soul carries on. And I'm like, does the soul remember? And they're like, I don't know. But they both had such beautiful visions of what comes next. And I loved hearing that from them. It made my heart warm. But it was more of like a vicarious thing where I was like, that's so great that they think that. But I'm like, and I don't even mean this in the way where I'm like, oh, I'm an atheist.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I mean, I used to be like that where it's like, oh, I'm an atheist. I'm smart. Like, if you know about logic. I'm an atheist. I'm smart. Like if you know about logic. Yeah. But I just,
Starting point is 00:10:46 I feel like when, if you like meditate and stuff and you try to, you try to get to like the center of like awareness and just, it's such a blissful feeling. State for sure. State that you're just, I don't know. No,
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'm with you though. There are, there have, there have been moments where like when I first got into sex addiction stuff. All those addiction programs are built around a higher power. I mean, I felt humbled in a beautiful way where I was like, oh, I'm just this little thing, part of a bigger thing. a bigger thing and if i can submit myself to that and and just let whatever this bigger thing is take the wheel my life will be so much better yeah but i don't i don't know if that's a spiritual thing as much as it's like a psychological thing yeah i think that i think that's the i think that's the dankest thing i've learned um uh is that the power of choice you know if you have the proper mindset you can say
Starting point is 00:11:46 you know like a lot of people will just like confine themselves to certain things they'll be like they'll be like oh i'm just uh you know i'm not good with chicks i'm not charming i'm not i'm not confident i'm not i i can't ride a longboard. I don't like scooters. You have the power of choice. So you can just like, why confine yourself to that when we have the ability to learn? You know, you can learn to like sketchers. You can learn to like tight jeans and start listening to like emo music. I think that's the coolest thing about life is like, if you have that mindset, like that
Starting point is 00:12:21 growth mindset where you're like, you're like, oh, dude, I have a choice. You know, I'm just a, I'm just this guy who doesn't bronze and doesn't like Skechers. You can be like, no, you can become a guy who bronzes and likes Skechers. Unless there's some biological reason why you can't bronze. And I guess choice is involved in that. Basically, if you have the mindset that you're like um espousing like it can be anything your life can be whatever you make of it yeah i think that is the right way to think about i think the one thing like i would say though is that like it's probably good to accept some limitations
Starting point is 00:12:56 of yourself too of course there's like there's like this like perfect intersection between like self-determinism and like self-acceptance yeah you know what i mean yeah i don't know where that i think for every person it falls at a different um inflection point yeah knowing inside knowing that you can like you know you have the choice to learn and to improve to always grow i think that's important yeah and by way, that wasn't an endorsement of Skechers. I think they're fucking weak. And I wear Vans only. But I can choose to like them someday. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I don't know. I also wanted to talk about how do you hang out with upperclassmen? It's so tough. It is. It's hard. Yeah. I think, I think,
Starting point is 00:13:47 I think the, one of the best approaches is to like kind of fuck with them. I would always do it with my, with my older brother's friends, you know, I found the best way is I would just like mess with them, you know, like try and wrestle them or,
Starting point is 00:13:59 you know, especially cause I was smaller. So act bigger than I am, you know? And, um, that was always, they called me a shithead most of the time but there was love it was like a lovely shithead yeah don't take it personally yeah i would take it personally like they used to call me shithead and then after a
Starting point is 00:14:17 week i'd be like my name is jt it's not shithead like why would you call someone you're friends with shithead i'm jt i remember when i when i uh when i first got when i got my first car when i was like 16 i took a bunch of photos by the rims you know just like fucking around just like look at these rims dude and then my brother's friend comedy's like you're a shithead and i was like thank you dude you know i was pumped yeah it feels good to have someone who's like you know is watching over you and keeping you yeah in check yeah i think that's the best move to fuck with him i think one time my brother sack tapped me i was like six so i came in he's laying on his bed all cocky he's like i just sack tapped chad and so i came in with the double fist two hands together cocked
Starting point is 00:15:04 hammer down right on his cock piece. He cried. Sorry, Mark. But I still smile when I think of that. That's funny. My dad's friend's kid was at our place one time and he was annoying me talking about Pokemon. So my brother and I just went up to him with a BB gun and I said said run my brother had no idea what was going on he was running out in the yard i just shot him in the waist and did it go through it went punctured the skin nice and i was like my brother's a good shot yeah and i either i'd never been hit by a bb but i had heard like it's no big deal it's just like a little you know like cut was it in there it was in there the kid ended up like
Starting point is 00:15:43 fainting and his dad was like what did you do what did you do i was like christian it in there it was in there the kid ended up like fainting and his dad was like what did you do what did you do i was like christian it's fine like it's just a bb's like it's not fine they took the kid to the hospital i'm like what the fuck is going on here my god they're just gonna pull but i'm still trying to be calm i'm like they're just gonna pull the bb out yeah my mom calls me she goes jean thomas the bb is moving towards his vital organs. He has to stay overnight. It doesn't look good. She hung up. I was like, did I just fucking kill somebody?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Then my dad calls me and he goes, hey, Bob, the lawyer is coming over, you stupid fuck. He's gonna come prep you from when the cops come to fucking arrest you. You dumbass. Why'd you shoot a fucking kid with a BB gun? I'm like, I have no answer.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I was like 13 or 12. so my dad's friend bob comes over and he goes um so uh jt what happened what are you gonna tell the cops i'm gonna tell the cops the truth that i was uh being a idiot and then i shot this kid with a bb gun and that i never intended it for it to go this far he goes you're not're not going to say a word of that. You're going to say you shot it off a can and it ricocheted and it hit him. And I was like, fuck. Turned out,
Starting point is 00:16:51 he was okay. They got the BB out. It didn't kill him. I went to the hospital the next day, talked to him about Pokemon for a couple hours and did a sincere mea culpa.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Dude, whenever you talk like your mom, even when it's something serious, it sounds john thomas it is moving towards the battle like funny mom you're hilarious yeah she is really funny i think they might have just been trying to uh scare me oh you know yeah because that's i got my brother shot me with a bb gun in the neck and uh it didn't move bob the lawyer dude when he came over he's like what are you gonna say i'm like the truth he's like no you're not yeah that's awesome like this isn't like this is real life like you tell the truth and he dies yeah you're
Starting point is 00:17:37 going to jail for manslaughter holy shit manslaughter is such a heavy phrase yeah i know it's it's i it sounds so much worse yeah slaughter slaughter that's scary they should just call it like major fuck you you've been convicted of a first class major fuck up yeah uh where are you going for fuckery just intense fuckery yeah get out of my face do you hear a halo top this like healthy ice cream phenomenon is a underfilling their pints yeah i don't trust these ice cream brands with their like you know we don't even have carbs or whatever i'm like bullshit and then they like underfill bullshit dude ice cream's ice cream halo quit trying to flex like you don't have carbs we know the truth big carbs that is big carbs coming in with their discreet mission impossible style
Starting point is 00:18:35 whatever they're just like yeah uh this isn't real ice cream eat it and then like everyone gets carved up and it's just like i'm sick of big carbs what's your take i like where you're going i think all ice cream like no matter how you frame it like healthy vegan you know uh made of bubbles it's all gonna make you fat yeah and it should make you fat because it's the fucking best you know what i mean yeah. But don't, and I've never been into like, if I'm going to get dessert, I'm going to get like dessert. I'm not going to do like, oh, well you can do like a healthy alternative where it's like you use goat cheese and then you just use berries.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I'm like, no, if I get dessert, I want to fucking go in hard and just like swallow something down that's like terrible for me, but tastes fucking amazing. Yeah. I want a banana split with whipped cream and I want the canister so i can do whippets after the full experience and then i just like that they're under filling pints like you just get it at home and it's like a quarter of the fucking thing yeah and then you get four you get four more and you realize you didn't just get a bad one you're like no these fucks are not giving me all the ice cream i deserve yeah it's like when your friends like hey you want to split this in half and fucking gives you like a fucking
Starting point is 00:19:48 super small little quadrant while he gets like three-fourths of it you're like you know you're an asshole right maybe just to take other sides maybe halo's like trying to help people out they're like this is the proper serving and so maybe halo should be suing them for being fat asses that's always funny too. When you see like what an American portion looks like versus like a French portion, it's like six meals, six meals smaller.
Starting point is 00:20:11 He's like big American. Yeah. Why? My ice cream's not full. Yeah. Get the lawyers. Give me my ice cream. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I don't bump. Give me my coffee ice cream. It's funny that like gluttony and like self-improvement and these things that feel so essential to the way I think about life or like people perceive them as just like tenets of being American. Like in France, we don't have self-improvement. You are who you are and that's just it and it's fine. And we also don't believe you have two ounces of fish and a small cup of are and that's just it and it's fine yeah and we also don't believe
Starting point is 00:20:45 you have two ounces of fish and a small cup of rice and that's dinner i'm like the fuck are you talking about dude dude yeah and then like um i was gonna say oh yeah i was watching blood diamond you know sure and uh it's just interesting that like you know there's all these atrocities happening around the world and then what's newsworthy in the u.s is like we're not getting enough ice cream in our pines you know you're like oh yeah these mercenaries chopped my son's arm off but uh dude have you seen these halo pines that's like the the Joker in the Dark Knight. He's like, if a bomb goes off in Kabul, it's okay because it's expected. But if you bring a little disaster here, no one knows what to do. And you're like, oh, yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's all relative. I mean, because I'm the one doing the news stories, and I'm like, hey, let's talk about these pints of ice cream. To me, that was like fucking needed to be discussed hard dude dude one of my favorite lines in dark knight is like give me one reason why my boy over here shouldn't pull your head off pull your head off is that what he's i think that's what he says may does the pencil trick he's like how about a trick i make this pencil disappear and it's gone would have liked to have seen the joker in his teen years yeah i would have like i like to see him prepare for those showings you know because you know he
Starting point is 00:22:11 has a bunch of like grenades in his jacket and he you know he puts his fingers in like the the things he's like all right gotta get them in here and just oh fuck this is dangerous yeah it's heavy all right all right joe he's like looking in the mirror. All right, you're going to pull these out when they come at you, okay? You're going to pull them out. Pull them out. And he practices it. He's like, all right. Then you're going to do the magic trick.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Let me take off my vest. I'm burning up in this thing, and it's heavy as hell. Yeah. Oh, it's terrible. I don't want to put my makeup on today. It's 105 degrees. Oh, it's going to just, it's going to run. I'm going to look like shit.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I look like shit. God damn it. We'll do the attack tomorrow yeah all right minions go go get some subway go minion we're gonna postpone it's hot as fuck does anyone have any ac around here do you watch do you see this story about a uh a woman forced a man to have sex with her by holding a machete to his throat yeah i think it's awesome me too i think it's awesome i was like that's so hot yeah like the danger factor yeah i'm busting super quick dude she looked hot too she's pretty i think i think we need to uh i think we need you know at these cases with like, this might be controversial, but like these teachers boning students and stuff and like machete sex,
Starting point is 00:23:30 the, I think the law needs to like, I think Johnny law needs to like be a little more subjective. You know what I mean? Every case is different. Yeah. She also urinated on his bed. I dig it.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I love it. Yeah. It just keeps getting hotter and hotter yeah dude if i if i walked in and like this girl was like pissing on my bed i'd be stoked then she breaks out a machete i'm like oh fuck what are you gonna do you know what i mean yeah this is the second time she did something like this to him too nice like every time that guy comes home he literally has to open the closet. Like is the boogeyman here?
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. She comes out with a blowtorch. Fuck. Quick, probably too dirty story. Before I lost my virginity, I was terrified to lose it or I was terrified of not losing it.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I almost hired a hooker. I went to a hotel in Irvine and I got a room and I found some uh hookers through the web pages and um the girl i ordered ended up not being able to make it so she sent in a replacement and then uh she comes into the room and she goes man it smells in here i was so nervous i was like stinking and i chugged a few bottles of the snack bar booze. She comes in.
Starting point is 00:24:46 She gives me a kiss. It was like the nastiest kiss ever. And then she goes, real quick, let me just check something out. And she opens the closet door to make sure I don't have any friends hiding in there. I was like, man, this is a tough gig. Yeah. I wasn't able to get it up with her. So I paid her, and then she left.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And then I went to Whole Foods and got a tuna sandwich. Do you think she was like, oh, this foods and got a tuna sandwich do you think that was a thing she was like oh it's a nice experience or i think she was bummed i think it was a total w for her yeah and she was like if you can't get it up don't worry i can peg you and i was like i'm kind of trying to do this step by step i'm not trying to jump to uh pegging yeah that's like going from like you learning to surf and you go straight to shortboard yeah exactly that's it or you go straight to jaws yeah you could do it but you're gonna get fucked first time surfing i'd like to do that at yma bay yeah it's like dude take it easy
Starting point is 00:25:37 bro yeah send an oh free old man's for you pal yeah i'm always curious about like those stories of like selflessness when they get out you're like well so you must have because i've done really nice things for people i never said a word about it but i knew at some point it would circle back it would circle back yeah it's like warren buffett's like the richest man in america but everyone's like you know he still drives the same cadillac that he's had since 1997 i'm like why the fuck do we all know that yeah that's a good point like he's he's putting it out there. Yeah. By the way, have you seen my car?
Starting point is 00:26:08 That shitty Cadillac? Mm-hmm. Yeah, we get it, Warren. Yeah, that's my piece of shit out there. Yeah. I'm worth $30 billion, but I got a Cadillac. These are Dockers. I got a 97 Cadillac.
Starting point is 00:26:17 These are Dockers, everyone. Before we start this meeting, these are Dockers. This is from Ross. I'm just a regular guy. Yeah. Everyone, I want you to know i'm a regular guy i wear dockers i drive an old cadillac and all 5 000 of you are now fired from sees candy but i'm a regular guy i'm a regular guy who fires a great deal of people i just love to read
Starting point is 00:26:40 i just love to read i'm a guy. I just care about the game. See you guys later. Pack your shit up. But I care about the game. Yeah. All right, let's get into it. Chad, who is your legend of the week? I have two legends of the week this week.
Starting point is 00:27:00 My sisters, Bridget and Noelle, my older sisters. What up, Bridget and No and Noel I don't know if you listen but uh what up um and uh they're just the best you know I um they're so caring they take after my mom a lot you know so caring it's interesting you know they take after my mom and dad a lot you know they're like very caring sweet, but they also have this drive to work hard and achieve. And it's very admirable. Noelle's an artist.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Bridget started her own business and they're both doing really well. They both had two kids. What up? What up, Henry, Zeke? And what up, Eowyn and Kaylin, my nieces and nephews? And yeah, I went to Disneyland recently with Bridget. It was amazing uh i went with her and her husband bruce and the kids and we just had we had a fantastic time we wrote the tea cups we wrote the kids they wrote like um they wrote like the biggest rides you
Starting point is 00:27:59 know like kaylin is like three years old tiny she she got on tower of terror and she i was like how are she's like i was stoked i'm like we are related um and then uh so they were just beasting through all those rides and she's just the best and you know i just want to say bridge you're a legend and noelle she's you know she's pursuing art she's teaching art in chicago she has two kids and uh henry and zeke they're you know they're just henry's a beast at gymnastics zeke is a beast at soccer you know zeke's a little michael jackson fan so we relate on that he has good flow um and i'm talking about hair but also probably dance wise too i think we'll have to have a dance-off soon. And yeah, they're both just major legends in my book. So thank you for being the best older sisters ever
Starting point is 00:28:50 and for nurturing young chat. Yeah. Beautiful. Who's your legend? My legend of the week is Taylor Lautner. Nice. So the specific reason I'm picking Taylor as my legend this week is not really because of his acting ability.
Starting point is 00:29:07 No disrespect to you, Taylor. I mean, keep doing what you're doing. But he was in Twilight and his character Jacob was supposed to be the other love interest, the third part of the triangle with Bella and what's Rob Pattinson's vampire character name? Edwin. Way to pull that out, par. But after the first movie, a lot of the fans and a lot of the people who saw the movie were like, no, Taylor Lautner is not masculine enough.
Starting point is 00:29:37 He's not hot enough. He doesn't seem like a viable option compared to Edwin. So they were going to recast him with this actor from the covenant um and some other movies this pretty jacked dude stephen straight who was like bigger stronger kind of i thought objectively more handsome than uh than taylor lautner so taylor lautner could have just crumbled into a ball and said, alright, goodbye to this huge movie franchise. I'm not a stud. That's just the way things are. I'm just not a stud. What did
Starting point is 00:30:12 Taylor Lautner do instead when he found out they were thinking about replacing him with this other jack dude? He started going to the gym like three times a day and put on 40 pounds of muscle and showed up in public and was like, now who's a viable option for Bella? And everyone's like, you are, dog. You get to keep your part and we're going to give you a fat role
Starting point is 00:30:30 in these next six or seven movies. And I just love that when the going got tough, hit the fucking squat rack hard, dude. That's what you do. And you know that diet was on point too. Yeah. For that, Taylor, you're my legend of the week. Dude, that's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I didn't know that story. I didn't know that uh that his part was at risk they were gonna boot him and he hit the squat rack and then so at the top of number two he like pulls over on his dirt bike and just rips his shirt off and i remember in the theater everyone was like nice way to go way to go that really started earlier talk of like you have a choice you know you don't have to confine yourself to being a weak bitch you can you know you can hit the steel you can always hit the squat rack yeah chad who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is kelly rippa i've always appreciated how toned she is you know i'm like every time i see her i'm like wow like you're really toned you really put effort into like toning up uh which
Starting point is 00:31:26 is like you know it's just beyond epic and um I'm just you know I'm just she's just a mega babe in my book and like she's been able to maintain her position you know she's gone from Regis to Michael Strahan to Seacrest I don't know if there were people in between, but she's been able to hold her own on that show while going through those fluctuations. Revolving cast of characters around her. Yeah, so I think that's just a testament to her strength as a host and stuff. Every time I watch her, she's just so full of energy.
Starting point is 00:32:00 She just seems super fun. Again, so toned. So just that tone and that fun is just like I've always, every time I see her on screen, I'm like, nice, you know. And I wish I had some like anecdotes about her. But honestly, she's just a babe for me because like, you know, like I would love to take her on a date and I'm really respect how she's been able to maintain a solid career.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That's all I got, man. We are birds of the same feather. Cause all of our beefs and I mean, all of our babes and legends are, uh, kind of about the same thing, which is like just overcoming and being strong.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. Cause my baby of the week is Helen Keller. Oh, nice. I caught some of the Helen Keller movie, like the most recent one, a couple days ago. And just the fact that this woman was born blind and deaf, she's not only like a lecturer who travels the world, like talking about what it is to be human. She's also like taking stances on like things like the suffragette movement and like personal rights and health care and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 It's just like the amount of work she had to do to get there is so much more than the amount of work that like it's just hard. Yeah. And she did it. Dude, that's amazing. Her story is so inspiring. So inspiring. Yeah. And she did it. Dude, that's amazing. Her story's so inspiring. So inspiring. Yeah. The most inspiring.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah. Dude, Helen Keller was a beast. I mean, she was coming from just darkness. Yeah. In every way. That's interesting. She's like born into darkness and like found the light. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Wow. It's crazy. So, Helen, you're my babe of the week. Mega babe. Way to go. Way to make the light. Yeah. Wow. It's crazy. So, Helen, you're my babe of the week. Mega babe. Way to go. Way to make it happen. Yeah. All right, dude, who's your beef of the week?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Dude, my beef of the week is with myself. Didn't you beef with yourself a couple weeks ago, too? I don't think so. Did I? I'm hard on myself. You guys got to work it out at some point. Hey, self, fuck you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I love you. Yeah, my beef of the week is with myself because I showed the whole internet that I ate carbs last week. What happened? So I was doing a motivator. What was the motivator? I don't even know. I was so upset with myself, I forgot what I was even motivating about. But I went into the PokeShack in order to PokeBowl,
Starting point is 00:34:33 and I was so wrapped up in myself and my own bullshit that instead of getting the green base, which is like leafy things, I got rice. And I showed the whole internet, and a bunch of dudes were like dude are you eating carbs and i'm like oh fuck i just ate carbs you know there's just some moments where you're just like so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you can like put poison in your into your body and not even like you know take a second to really like think about like what am i what are you doing you know and uh it might be for which is with myself you know just like stay
Starting point is 00:35:05 level-headed you know don't let challenges make you make you treat yourself worse than you deserve to be treated you know like fuck you dude yeah but like i forgive you also kind of it's hard to do a beef with yourself because you're like you're so angry but you're also trying to maintain self love well you have to live with yourself yeah and i have to live with the fact that I broke ketosis. How do you plan on making amends to the internet? I personally apologize to all the dudes that called me out. I was just like, oh, fuck, thank you so much for pointing that out. Yeah, and you could donate some money like a paleo diet foundation or something yeah
Starting point is 00:35:47 maybe just donate to joe rogan i know you'd like that i'm smiling here i love that yeah my beef of the week is with uh is with people who program movies for schools and for old folks homes because i watched the helen keller movie when i was visiting my grandma at her old folks home and um i mean you know it's uh these people are very very old and uh she's in the dementia ward so they're not really like playing super close attention to what you're putting on for them. But do you have to put on the fucking Helen Keller movie? Like just put on fast and the furious and give them some stimulation. And this goes to all people who program movies for people other than
Starting point is 00:36:36 themselves, basically. Like when I was growing up in school, they'd be like, it's movie day. They'd be like, we're going to be watching Gettysburg. I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:42 dude, there's a better civil war movie called Glory that has like way more drama and has like way better actors. Like Denzel Washington is in it. Just show us the good one. Like, why do you have to show us boring movies? And this goes tenfold for old folks homes. Like, I know they have sensitive sensibilities because they're old and stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:59 But dude, the Helen Keller movie, like who is that for? The staff doesn't like it. The old people don't like it that for the staff doesn't like it the old people don't like it the people visiting don't like it like just put on something romantic and fun everyone put on the notebook yeah that's probably a bit too on the nose with the dementia stuff in that movie no but it's a romantic story of love yeah you. You know? Dude, yeah. Imagine if they had like a good guy, a good like programmer of movies and like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:37:29 today we're going to watch The Matrix. And everyone's like, fuck yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But instead they're like, oh, they're old, so they must like boring movies.
Starting point is 00:37:35 That's what I don't like about it. Yeah. Like, oh, these people are old and they have some illnesses. So you know what they like? So since they're kind of like, boring, let's show them boring movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:47 No, my grandma's dynamic is fucked, dude. Yeah. Put on a fucking movie that's going to get her hyped. Sure. Sure. How does Stella got her groove back? Yeah. About an older chick going to the Bahamas and dating a younger guy and getting like
Starting point is 00:38:00 some new joie de vivre, some new spice in her life. It's almost like they've given up on them. They've given up. When you're showing Helen Kellerller to people you have given up on them having a fun life let's have these old people get their fucking groove back i'm smiling at all the old people when i'm there i'm like trying to give them a little bit of zest you know what i mean yeah and then i know these people work there every day and i just drop in once in a while it's easy to be fun when it's not a daily grind yeah but it's like, dude, you could be showing them movies that excite them. Wouldn't that make your job more enjoyable too?
Starting point is 00:38:29 If you walked in and Tyrese is punching through a Ferrari window. Yeah. You'd be like, hell yeah, I want to work here more. Yeah. And then there are guys like, because we went there and like, there was that one guy who was like the master of ceremonies for their things. And he'd sing like Frank Sinatra songs and stuff. And he's good.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I like his beast. Yeah. The big Polynesian guy who's like a great crooner and has like good like charisma and stuff like that that was cool but like i think also a big part of staying excited is like having new stimulation you know what i mean and i know they're old and they're gonna fuck with you a bit but i don't know man i think you got to take more chances yeah totally agree they've got life they've got takes to give do you want to do an ad oh yeah what's up stokers of stoke nation this podcast is brought to you by douglas lubricant douglas lubricant is the finest in fine lubes we at douglas strive to give you guys the best sensations when you're boning we We want to make it smooth.
Starting point is 00:39:25 We want to make it sensual. We want to make it smell good and we want to make it go right. And that means proper function. And you want to give your partner the best experience, don't you? Don't you? You do. Yeah, you do. So choose Douglas lubricant and bone well and bone hard, but most of all, bone smooth. Douglas comes in a number of fragrances. Smooth, which is a new flavor. Kind of a cinnamony. Strawberry, original, and anal.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Par, what's your favorite? Strawberry. What's your GF's favorite? It's up to her to say. I respect that. And my favorite's anal But I am allowed to say this I love making love to you, honey Beautiful
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah, can I do a quick one? Yeah Quick ad It's for UCI Baseball And their coach, Danny Babona He's a beast If you're an up-and-coming ball player And you happen to listen to this podcast, you know where to go to school. UC Irvine.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Like I always say, they should have called it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. All right, let's get into it. Some questions. What up, Chad and JT and the entire Stoke Nation? Long-time listener, first time writing in. Love the pod, boys. Keeps me juiced at work and my stoke meter tacked out. I wanted to take this time to address that on this day in 2001,
Starting point is 00:40:49 Paul made a choice to break his oath to the law and become possibly the best street racer to ever grace the streets of California. Shout out Dom T for giving him the op, though. Paul's commitment to Brotherhood, Skylines, Chuck Taylors was a positive impact not only on my life, but to the youth as a whole. I don't think Paul gets the recognition he deserves
Starting point is 00:41:04 for not only having great flow, but also for just being a total badass. When I was thinking about sending it via DM to babe I met at the gym or whether I'm going to switch up my Chipotle order that day, I like to think how Paul would approach the sitch. I'm reminded that Paul would for sure drop another gear and worry about the consequences later. This is the mindset we should all have. So yeah, shout out to Paul being the bro for all bros out there and for just having the mindset to pull trig and knock your boy's sister up such a power move dude keep doing what you guys are doing stoke nation was 100 behind you let's all have some bl smooths in honor of america's great rip america's hero rip pw Rip PW.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Dude, that guy, he perfectly illustrated Paul's influence on our lives. Yeah, well said. No question, though. He totally gets it. He totally gets it. Yeah, you do get it. Yeah. So thank you for your, do you have a word for what? Testimonial.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Testimonial. Thank you. What up, Chad and JT? First off, thanks for all the dope pods. They continue to bring my stoke level up every day. Lately, my stoke has been lower and I need help getting it back up. I've known this girl from high school. Now I'm a senior in college.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And she was the girl who would hang out with all the boys and rage back in the day. The best, man. She recently mentioned to one of our friends that she's into me. And so I decided to try to make a move. kissed and it felt super natty natural we hang out a couple more times after that and would kiss when we would say good night but nothing else now i haven't seen heard from her in like two weeks and every try to time i try to do something with her she bails so don't know whether to keep trying to pursue her to move on i also will be going back to college in a few months so again pursue or move on um so like it's like his first love it's not his first love it was like his like like uh road dog girl like she was like
Starting point is 00:42:55 part of the crew yeah but now it's clear he has feelings for her and at first she was reciprocating though not to the extent he was probably hoping. And now he doesn't know what to do. Oh, she kind of back it away a little bit? Yeah. My advice would be, if she's backing away, I wouldn't try to get her back too hard you know what i mean because that could drive her away even more right you know if you're like you're like what's what happened what what's going on like why do you want to go like you know go to denny's or something like please let's go denny's then she's gonna be like i just like get away from me but right like
Starting point is 00:43:43 maybe she's feeling the pressure from him and it's a little bit of a turnoff so if he actually gives her room to make up her mind he's got a better shot of her deciding to be with him yeah and then he could maybe just get back to like his mission in life I think that's like just back get back to living your life like whatever it is you do like BMX typing drinking, get into that and just be like, she'll be like, Hey, what's up? And be like, Oh, I'm just, you know, typing a lot of words per minute. You just described a remarkably well-rounded person too. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Thanks. Yeah. BMX, typing, making tea. Yeah. When I picture that, those interests as a person, it's a good looking dude. It's like an extreme British dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Which is kind of like hot. Yeah. I would say, just cut to the quick, man. You could go five more months banging your head against the wall, wondering if she likes you and just thinking a million different iterations of hypotheticals. Call her. Say, I have a crush on you. I want to take you out on a date. I'm very serious about this. Just get to the end.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What up chat and JT. My name is Harry from Salt Lake city, Utah. Great city, man. Me and my squad are huge fans of the pod. After listening to episode 18, where you roast parking enforcement, it made me and the squad laugh so hard. Myself and most of my squad working in parking enforcement on a college campus. What advice do you guys have for parking enforcement officers on being more chill and not ruining people's lives it's hard to keep the stoke tank filled when you're constantly draining other people's stoke tank please help harry dude we've thought about this before actually yeah i would uh if we can sort of bounce off each other's the uh one idea is you, wear cooler clothes.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Maybe throw in a Hawaiian in there. So like people know you're like a cool parking enforcement guy. Yeah, I think improve the aesthetic and appearance that you guys have. That's a big one. I also just want to say how beautiful this is. Like, I don't like it when people are on opposite sides of a conflict and they demonize the other side as if they don't have anything in common. So I want to give a lot of credit to Harry for taking the negative that we were saying
Starting point is 00:45:52 and still trying to find commonality with us. Thank you, Harry. You seem like a good dude, man. Definitely. This is making me reflect back on some parking enforcement issues I've had. Maybe they were more like Harry. Maybe they did care how I felt. Yeah, I like how he made us laugh so hard.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Right. He's a solid dude. He's not taking it personal. He's a good dude. You're a good dude, Harry. Personalize the parking tickets? Yeah. What up, dude?
Starting point is 00:46:21 Sorry I have to... I got to ding you. Perfect, yeah. And if they're official tickets, you could just scribble something in there. they say what up dude sorry i have to you know i gotta ding you yeah that's perfect yeah yeah and if they're like official tickets yeah you could just like scribble something in there like by the way dude like this isn't really me it's just my job and like you're a cool dude i'm sure and it's just like it's the way things are homie but like i love to drink bud light that's a great idea yeah also maybe do a blog yeah like uh because i think you'd be a great ambassador for all of parking ticket people so if you did a blog called like uh my kooky
Starting point is 00:46:52 uncomfortable life as a parking officer enforcement agent it'd be a fun read and then people could like kind of get a more humanistic perspective on it dude that could be hilarious. Harry, dive into it, dude. What up, Stoke Kings? I recently was introduced to All That Was The Pod and I love it. I thought you fellas could help me out with the situation I'm in. This weekend was full of raging and chugging with the boys, but one night I was blessed with the company of a beautiful girl and we got to canoodling. Mid-session, I noticed that Bad Boys 2 is playing in the background, so I started watching for a while. She kind of got upset and left. I felt like that was a tough one right there. I love, love making out,
Starting point is 00:47:28 but Bad Boys 2 got to be one of my favorite films. Tell me what you think, fellas. Keep up the good work. Whale. Dude, I think she should have been more understanding. I think she should have been stoked to watch Bad Boys 2. I think that's a clear sign that maybe you guys don't have the same interests
Starting point is 00:47:43 and maybe it's not a compatible relation you know i'm always preaching sensitivity but i gotta say i think chad's kind of on the money with this one it's like that was like kind of like a dog whistle and she didn't hear it so maybe you kind of got out of this one easier and earlier than than uh then it might have gone otherwise what if she was like got pissy for watching and then you look at her and you go i own this fucking town and she did and if she doesn't get it and you're like all right i guess this isn't this isn't gonna work yeah you can just and you don't have to be a jerk about it you can send her a really nice message and say hey i had a really good time with you.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I'd love to see you again. But one thing you need to know is that Bad Boys 2 isn't going anywhere in my life. Oh, what is up, my dudes? Basically, four years ago, met this Chetty who is a complete smoke. I've never heard Chetty. She called Wynn that I had a crush on her.
Starting point is 00:48:43 And instead of making my move, I began to neg her super hard around my friends. So they'd think I was tough and didn't actually have feelings for this girl. Got to keep the rep up for the bros. Now four years wiser and chiller. I am seeing her for the cat she is. And I'm wanting to right my wrongs. What's the best way to show her I've transitioned to a more enlightened state and have those
Starting point is 00:49:01 same feelings for her from four years ago and want to explore them? Love the pod and all that you guys stand for keep enlightening the stokers keep stoking the flames all the way from texas p.s she's got the same name as my mom tight or not big sherm he's nagging her and now she's he wants to like make wrong his right his wrong he just he's like how do i show her that i'm not that same immature dude who was like trying to like show out for his boys? Just be nice. Yeah. Get her to hang out with you and show her that you're a different guy.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I don't think it has to be like a grand statement or anything. Yeah. Or you could do that. You could like give her a really like ornate speech about how you've evolved. Yeah. I mean, you still got to, you know, put your money where your mouth is in the day today grind and be that nice guy that you want her to know you are now. But, yeah, just tell her, hey, look, I'm not that dude who said your hair looked goofy
Starting point is 00:49:53 in front of my six chimp friends, all right? I'm a guy now who's looking to take you to a nice Italian dinner. Maybe a combination of the two. So two so like be nice and if she says something like hey you're like you're you're a cool guy that analysis of like holes of the book was like amazing and you're like yeah well i've actually i've changed a lot in years and you know i i don't feel the need to call you a dumbass anymore because I'm a mature man and I want to take you to dinner. Hey bros, hoping you can help me out with this one. I just graduated high school. My stoke meter is on the rise with college coming up in the process, prospect of constant partying,
Starting point is 00:50:36 meeting new bros and fire babes. Amen. However, there's one thing that is draining all thought from my head. I've been dating the same girl for the past two and a half years and it's time to decide if the relationship should go on into college. At first I was certain I didn't want Ouch, that's kind of rough. I understand that. I have immense feelings for this girl, and I do love her, but I just don't see us staying together in the long run. We have been kicking and having a good time since, and now it is summer. I feel it is time to either end things or decide to try dating in college. It would hurt me so much to see her with someone else and I feel like that fear is what's keeping me from ending things. Also, they say you don't know what you got until it's gone. I have a
Starting point is 00:51:23 deathly fear of that being the case as well. Should I end things now and work on my game this summer? There's an extreme babe that has shown interest in me that I'd like to hit before going off to college or buckle down and stay in this relationship due to the strong bond we have created. If you think I should end it, please give me advice as to how without destroying your feelings. Currently, I'm leaning towards ending it. Thanks for the advice and keep up with the podcast. You bros fuel me. Can truly say that my beast ways are inspired by the indirect lessons i learned from going deep with you bros keep up the amazing work fuck puzio thank you man p.s if possible could you email me back with podcast episode you answer my question and i got a late start in the
Starting point is 00:51:55 pod so i'm a little behind but i want to hear y'all's answer asap yeah for sure though we'll let you know um i might pee real quick actually okay i'll be I'll be super fast. Hey, what's up, Stokers? So before we get into this clash, because I want JT to be here while he answers, I just want to say what up. I hope you guys are having like a super solid day. My name's Chad Kroger. Yeah, I've been really into eggs and spinach lately. And yeah, you know, I've been kind of bummed lately cause I got a haircut.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And so like, um, you know, there's always like a time period when you get a haircut and you're like, I want this to grow back, you know? And also like it has been kind of cloudy. So like usually by this time I have like a lot more like blonde highlights in my hair from the sun, but, um, not as many so far. So like, I'm feeling like a really strong urge to get back from the sun but um not as many so far so like i'm feeling like a really strong urge to get back in the sun so here's jt and we're gonna answer this question what up jt my dogs jt's back so um yeah i think he should i think he should probably end it he's got to
Starting point is 00:53:03 break up with her. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be tough. It's going to be tough, man, but you seem like a sensitive guy. I mean, just do it in person and don't put any animosity into it or get caught up in any animosity if she tries to take it that way. Just say, look, you really love her, you'll always care about her, but you just need to move on for yourself. Yeah. For each other.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Yeah. Moving to the next chapter. It's really smart. Cause if, cause it's not really fair to drag her along if you don't really love her. So just like, or I mean you love her, but if you don't want to be with her. So if you let her go, the quicker she can like get through the process of getting over you and have a good time in college too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And of course you don't want to see her with other people i mean no one does i mean i've like exes who i'm like i should still get back together with them so i'm the most important man that they've ever had in their life and none of these other guys like take my top spot but that's just rampant narcissistic ego and it's it's fine to have it but can't let it dictate our choices what up chatting jt love the pod i'd like to remain anonymous for this question because can't let it dictate our choices. What up chatting JT? Love the pod. I'd like to remain anonymous for this question because it's something that has been really draining my stoke for a while. I'm a fresh 21 years old and against my will.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Mother nature has decided to use cruel and unusual punishment on me by taking away some near and dear to yours and my own heart. My flow, my hairline is taking a turn for the worst and I'm no longer able to rock my golden flow anymore because it just looks horrible to give you an idea i went from paul's flow and fast and furious to jason statham and the fate of the furious my question is how do i maintain my stoke as as we all the hottest girls my school has to offer without good hair anymore i need any help you bros can provide for me to live up my last year of college p.s my co-workers listen
Starting point is 00:54:42 every weekend you guys are truly inspirational. This ends me. My hair started to go on me. I couldn't handle it. So I started taking a Propecia Finasteride. It helps recharge your hair growth. And now people tell me all the time how thick my hair is. So it definitely works. There's side effects.
Starting point is 00:55:00 People say it can make your dick feel like an attachment, like a rubber attachment. That's what some guy actually wrote an online review of it. Because it kills some people's side effects. People say it can make your dick feel like an attachment, like a rubber attachment. That's what some guy actually wrote an online review of it. Cause it like, it kills some people's sex drive. I've had none of those issues. And some people say it can make it hard for you to have a kid. But I talked to my doctors about it and they're like, that's like a, and not just the hair doctor who gave it to me, like my regular physician. And he said, that's just on boosted doses. So I can pretty safely recommend if you really want to keep your hair and you have some cash to do the finasteride, Propecia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Secondarily, though, I would say chicks dig bald guys. I read articles all the time that say it's a sign of high testosterone. So women are unconsciously attracted to it. Maybe not at college, you know, at college they might still like hair. But I would also say the sooner that you can deal with not having the hair and you can still have confidence in the face of that, the stronger you'll be as a person overall. Yeah, I mean, we've talked about it before. Dudes who rock the no hair look and just,
Starting point is 00:55:55 you can't imagine them with hair. You're like, I need this guy without hair. Right. If you can become one of those guys, if you can become Bruce Willis, you're set. What's up, boys? It it's qb i have a serious dilemma that i think is going to affect me from laying the pipe this upcoming semester have you ever noticed a lot of our fans are they're into laying the pipe yeah so long story
Starting point is 00:56:15 short last semester i hooked up with this chick and she stuck her finger up my pooper whatever it happens at chapter the next morning word got out that it happened to my whole fraternity made an ongoing joke for the rest of the semester. That's just what boys do. So now I'm afraid my pool ratio is going to be on the client due to girls finding out about this. Do I own the fact that it happened or do I keep trying to tell people to put the joke in the gutter? Own it.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah, dude, don't be a fucking square. You got a finger in your butt. You know, what's cool? Is doing what you're into. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:50 If you're not into it, it's just something that happened. You don't need to give it a second thought. But if by some, you know, biological or personal reason you are into it, do it. I don't think chicks would be turned off. I think they'd be like, oh, he's comfortable. He's open. I would just remember this. The guys in my frat who are making fun of me about this aren't that funny. There's way funnier things to joke about.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I think they're jealous that you're so open. Yeah, and that you're having fun. Yeah. Yeah, because a lot of those guys probably aren't even getting laid. Yeah. Yeah. There's always that argument, too. Like, well, at least chicks are near my private parts, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Where you at, Ted? You haven't been laid in three semesters and everyone's like oh but then you feel bad ted's like kind of crumbles up into a ball and looks small and you're like i'm sorry man i didn't mean to call you out but you were calling me out quick quick story about that about dudes like getting into that like oh i'm the man you're the man one time my brother and i his friends were on one side of the beer pong table we were on the other and we were going back and forth and we started talking shit to him we're like fuck you guys you're all a bunch of bitches whatever and my brother
Starting point is 00:57:48 goes uh he goes yeah well i lost my virginity before him to me and i was like and everyone's like oh and then i went fuck you dude you're still a virgin bitch oh i lost my virginity way before you and everyone's like oh my brother and I were both virgins when we had that argument we were both lying the pressure of the moment got to us you're still a virgin right yeah
Starting point is 00:58:16 yeah no we admitted it like a month ago oh really yeah that's hilarious is that it I think that's it
Starting point is 00:58:23 guys that will be it for episode 25 of the going deep with chan jt podcast thank you guys so much for writing in for being stokers for being just the best um keep writing in we love the questions uh females too write in the question we love getting questions from ladies we love the ladies so keep writing in as well and uh yeah i just want to make sure it's when i say guys i mean dudes and girls um and uh yeah uh give us a if you haven't give us a rating and review on app itunes those are dank those help us out and uh yeah you want to check out both of his content, go to our Patreon, patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Just stay stoked, guys. Stay fucking stoked. You want anything? He said it. Stay stoked. See you guys later. We gotta find a time to do the part
Starting point is 00:59:28 cause what's your dream going in trying to change me

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