Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 252 - Strider Wilson and Chris Parr (Pump Up Music Draft)

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

What up stokers! This week we draft our top pump up songs!   Vroom is entirely online. So, next time you need to buy a car, just grab your phone, go to Vroom dot com, and check out thousands of great... cars.    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].    Helix is offering up to 200 dollars off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at HelixSleep.com/GODEEP

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers uh before we begin this podcast i want to remind you that we got a show coming out on netflix that is the netflix the streamer um check it out so it it comes out August 23rd. That's next Tuesday, but you can go to netflix.com right now and search chat and JT go deep. You'll see, you'll see the trailer and then you can click add to your list. So you'll get a notification right when the show drops, then you can boom, binge it all in one go. We promise you guys are going to it it is a total blast i'm so proud of it and yeah i'm just smelling right now because i'm so fired up on it um we're also going on tour we got a bunch of dates coming up we're going to las vegas we're going to hawaii we're going to north carolina south carolina boston we have a boston date we added a late show to our chicago date so two shows in chicago let's get two going in boston
Starting point is 00:01:06 uh new york and um yeah so check out go to chat and gt.com for tickets we're also got a new sponsor on the pod that i'm super stoked about all right guys this is true classic you may have seen their ads online true classic the dankest t-shirts I'm actually wearing a True Classic t-shirt. What up? And honestly, I'm so fired up on these t-shirts. You guys know how I feel about t-shirts. And True Classic has the best ones on the market. That's why they're our sponsor.
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Starting point is 00:02:12 But, guys, you know what time it is. It's fantasy football draft season, and it's right around the corner. Time to get your snake looking right for this snake draft with the sponsors of today's show, Manscaped. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com. That's 20% off, plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com. It's time to put the PP back in PPR and get a grip on your pig skin this season with Manscaped. All right, let's start the show. Y'all ready for this? Bam out the tongue and dart the gooch
Starting point is 00:02:50 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with a going deep chad jt podcast i'm here with my compadre boom click boom oh dude i see what's going on over here dude you just you just reminded me of another tune we're in Bar with the bar. We might be burning some right now.
Starting point is 00:03:31 We might be burning some, dude. But fuck, man. And we're here with the juggernaut of jubilation, Chris Parr. Nice, dude. Cut my life in two pieces. That's my number one, dude. Don't you see me? Don't you fucking see me?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah, we're pumped up. Let's go. Because we're doing a draft today. We're drafting our top four pump-up songs of all time. Y'all ready for this? And so we've already given some away. But there's a lot to choose from. It's a very broad category.
Starting point is 00:04:02 We all feel like there's's gonna be less overlap on this one than other drafts i agree with that i agree with that and chris you already had some beef uh-oh yeah well because i was like i i took it to mean like um just to try and narrow the scope of it a little bit to be like all right so we're talking about like like more like to like what could you pump to like work out because there's a lot of overlap between like the workout songs are like my favorite songs to rage to right and like party so it's trying to stay away from those but then it seems like these guys were yeah you there's different that's why we said exactly that's smart there's different ways to
Starting point is 00:04:42 get different things to get pumped up but look But look, you could build a great list based on your strategy, and Aaron might appreciate it for what that list is. Yeah, the top, I mean, workout's probably the biggest category or the most potent. And there's a lot of overlap, like I said. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Yes, yes. And you know, if you fucked up, you fucked up. There's always the next draft. I'm gonna fuck up. I'm gonna, I fuck up. It's's who i am it's what i do now today's the day you changed that thank you dude well you did good i mean you crushed the last one and you didn't bend on the last one yeah i didn't bend exactly do you miss bending i do did it was it hard for you to not be an agent of chaos i miss it so bad i might just have to bend on this one baby but like we said really tough to
Starting point is 00:05:25 bend yeah because there's different ways to get pumped yeah exactly it's tough to bet it's like all right we'll choose the soundtrack from unforgiven and the thing that's tough too is i was discovering songs all morning i would just go on their instagram i was like oh fuck just like this i was like dude there's another song another time it's good it's can i put this out there right now and look we we love these drafts because it gets the fodder and everyone's so passionate about it. We love it.
Starting point is 00:05:48 We know we're going to miss a ton. And that's like when building a list, I'm like the FOMO of missing all those sick ass songs. So share them, let us know. But don't DM me and go, Strider, you dumbass. How could you not have said that? I'll be like, dude, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Just give me some love. Well, then sometimes they'll like, sometimes I get it like when there's a huge obvious one yeah and then sometimes the way they get at you is even dumber than your mistake like they'll be like hey how come no one picked gus from breaking bad i'm like hey asshole because we said movie villain yeah movie like some people will talk shit when they haven't even or they how come no one picked anton chigurh i was like i picked him third so they sent that after two picks i mean come on i mean come on and i took some heat for this but i'm gonna say it this is gonna be a tough one guys dude we were laughing about that dude yeah when when my we say that every time this is gonna be
Starting point is 00:06:43 tough yeah they're all tough they're all tough in their own way yeah i challenge you instagram commenter to get into the hot seat and not say it and just be like oh this is easy and then you try and bend and then you're stuck with your dick in your ass and then we're sensitive guys guys yeah like we we hear you when you say these things we take this shit serious i didn't sleep last night dude just hung out and just looked at my wall but we are the man in the arena our face is marred by blood sweat and internet blue screen yep we're the ones putting in the f the fuck dude you can cruise all right all right let's do this odds are even one two three oh i'm so nervous one two three oh i'm so nervous one two three oh fourth pick chris that's okay yeah one two three oh third pick dude here we go i don't want to go first dude i'm going first
Starting point is 00:07:40 yeah rochambeau paper rock scissors shoot hey jt's first do you do scissors every time do i yeah every time we play i like that you do that though dude i reset every day he's got he's got a notebook if everyone's first yeah like that he just goes daddy's awake now um all right whoa dudes i did not expect to get the first pick holy shit all right i know what i'm doing okay so i i broke it up into categories different kinds of pump up i love it and this one to me my three main categories are workout uh workout pump up workout or fight pump up uh sex emotional pump up party pump up and then its own category i'll say life heroic pump up like heroic pump up this one falls into the latter group i'm going with my hero by the foo Fighters. Great song, dude. Great movie, bro.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Yeah, dude. Because you know what this one does? This one pumps me up. It's good during a workout. Not really for partying. It's good for the emotions too. But this one's like when I'm driving on the freeway and I'm just thinking about the whole scope of my life
Starting point is 00:08:58 and do I have the willpower to take it on? If I put on this song, i instantly get full to the full i instantly get filled to the brim with like the the courage to take on whatever's in front of me and then it's about you know just saving people which is sick that's so rad and it looks good in a montage which i also think is good for a pump-up song varsity blues beautiful sequences and uh yeah i'm gonna go with my hero by the food fighters excellent pick and i know you get pumped up to that because you guys were moshing at a concert at jingle ball years ago to that so i've seen you literally in the mosh pit it's the drums
Starting point is 00:09:37 dude the guitar also should we just play the songs for a second? Oh, yeah. Dude, yeah. Dude, I'm fired up. That works for me. All right, is it me? Chad. Well, I got to go with the number one pick, and I got to go with, you know, this is sort of a top pump-up song.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm sure it's expected. And this one is literally telling you, this is your moment to shine. Don't fuck it up. And, you know, I got to go with it. I got to go with Lose Yourself by Eminem. Yeah, that would have been my number one. It's the ultimate pump-up song.
Starting point is 00:10:24 This is your moment to shine. This is your moment to grab life by the balls and take yourself to the next level. This is your one moment to fucking do it. Now, are you going to do it? Are you going to back down and eat your mom's spaghetti? Knees weak, arms as heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Mom's spaghetti. He's nervous. Dude, it's so good. Yeah. The vital vitality but he's calm and ready you can feel eminem's whole life in it when he's talking about it yeah and dude i mean at the oscars when he did it a few years ago that was incredible it just blew me away seeing that live so and I've never seen Eminem live. I really want to see him live. Have you guys seen him live? No. Dude, I love that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Very raw song. Yeah, so that's got to be my number one. Fuck. That's so fucking good, dude. I wonder, though, if Hamilton's My Shot is stronger. Oh, bro, that's a great song, dude. Hamilton's My Shot. I am not throwing away my...
Starting point is 00:11:23 That's kind of based on the 8 Mile song, right? Probably Like he totally kind of lifted from that Yeah, he was listening to a lot of Eminem I think so It's a good call It's ho for sure Hey, the good ones borrow, the great ones steal
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm in front Alright, so we're all fired up Because we just listened to Lose Yourself Everybody's choking now The clock's going now Time's up Over Plow Snap back to reality Oh Alright So we're all We're all fired up Because we just listened To Lose Yourself
Starting point is 00:11:49 And now We're ready to tackle Our cameras Dude exactly Someone's gotta get Why are you staring At me camera It's also like
Starting point is 00:11:55 You think about The rap battles From 8 Mile You know So sick Which it came out With you know Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:12:03 And this would've been Strider's number one pick And your number one pick and your number one pick chris yeah because it's just a it's a solid number one i think it checks so many boxes because it checks an athletic if you have athletics coming up it gets you pumped up for the game with a team yeah then it also gets you just in the zone for your own workout yeah then you can play it like just chris just said for a bat like literally for a party scenario yeah like if you huge versatile and it's emotional it's raw yes yeah and it gets you horny for sex you could fuck during this song for sure
Starting point is 00:12:30 you know and before we start our show we never did it but i was i was thinking we should all get in a huddle and listen to lose yourself because i'm like this is the moment for any for any like life-defining moment you listen to lose yourself and you know that's going to take you over the edge. We listened to it before my brother's wedding. Oh, you did? Yeah, and when I walked out, I just wrestled one of the bridesmaids. Oh, I saw that.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. She got you in a pretty nice armbar. She did choke me out, inevitably. Yeah, because I slipped the armbar, and then she got behind my neck, and I wasn't going to tap. But my brother was like,
Starting point is 00:13:04 dude, you got to officiate. And I was like, all right, fair, fair, fair. But I mean, she's like 6'2", 210. Yeah. I mean, you came up to me later and you were like, you know I had her, right? And I was like, sure, man. That's how he started the wedding, too. He's like, I had her, didn't I?
Starting point is 00:13:22 All right, dearly beloved. Fuck. All right, so Chad with a huge pick oh also greg ebel mentioned about that song best song for highlight tapes on youtube correct oh they have a high school wrestling video i think her actually we watched some of her state wrestling the uh bridesmaid that took you down yeah I think she did use lose yourself for her. Yep. Just her throwing around dudes. Um, okay. Let's see,
Starting point is 00:13:50 guys, this is tough. Chad, you really changed things with that pick, but I should have been expecting it. I'm so fired up. Um, let's see,
Starting point is 00:13:59 baby. Let's cruise. Okay. I'm going to go with an all-time classic right here this is a pump-up song that after you've just won the championship you're in the locker room everyone's dick is out and you're fucking just feeling so good and you're listening to house of pain jump around dude yeah jump up and get down and it just has that iconic and it's and it gives you instructions for getting pumped up so i'm like if if you're an alien and you land on earth and you're like wait
Starting point is 00:14:33 how am i gonna get pumped up oh don't worry i got you yeah how's the pain did they need to shoot a movie scene where everyone has their dicks out you know maybe the coal miners from uh chernobyl and they're listening to jump around if yeah if they had jump around going on after you after you accomplish something you put this song on you're gonna feel good yeah it's like one of those ones where like dude that does fire you up dude i'm so pumped up now dude you could play it at a wedding you know what i mean i'm like yeah my age group would be like oh yeah you can picture an old lady like kind of lightly getting her arms in the air yeah dogs humping each other to it you know what and it And it's good spirited. Yeah, it is. It's like pure fun.
Starting point is 00:15:25 There's not a lot of like, there's nothing ugly about that song. No. That's why old people can party to it. Right, because it's just, it's just like, let's go. It's so sick. Great pick.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Chris, you got two. Oh my God. Take your time. Oh my God. This is tough. Going back to back is tough. I'm going to go with, I like to party to both these songs. Now we're talking.
Starting point is 00:15:55 The first one, it's not like, it's Zombie by the Cranberries. Oh, interesting. I fucking love this song. It's a great song, yeah. Also the deepest song that's been mentioned so far, because that's about the IRA and stuff like that, right? About what? The Troubles. Which I know what the Troubles are,
Starting point is 00:16:15 but maybe you could explain that to me real quick so I can relay it to the audience. Here's a mic, Aaron. Irish versus Catholic versus Protestants. Oh, internal Irish strife with the Cokes versus the Pepsis. Catholics versus the Protestants. Yeah, so it gets me fired up because it's very emotional, but it's still a rock song, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:35 And it is a weird song to party to since it is very serious, but I don't know. It never stopped us and my boys in college. That was like one of the songs that we would play pretty much every time we drank. Yes. I love it. And then the next one, I'm going to go. Wait, should we play this one first?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Yeah, let's play it. Let's play it. Let's fill it out. I also think, Chris, it's a weird pick, and I think you've sent the whole draft on a different trajectory now. I think so, too. It's going to get more personal after this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Well, that's the thing. Lose lose yourself would have been like my everyone knows this but then when that was going i was like all right i'm just gonna go very personal to what gets me extremely emotional which is usually what pumped up is for me D-I-A Zombie Zombie Zombie Dude, how many times have you been driving to that and then you pulled up to Del Taki and you'd be like, I'd like Delferno sauce with a black bean burrito, a large Fanta,
Starting point is 00:17:36 and then boom, immediately, Zombie! They actually make that Del Scorcho. Dude, that's a great pick. Good pick. Yeah, it's powerful. It's so tough because there's so many choices. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, that's why I think I'm just going to get super personal. And I'm going to go. And that song builds. Dude, and then you can just yell zombie. But zombie. If you don't know any of the words, you say it's just really just say bombs a lot yeah it works and they're bombs and they're bombs yeah you can tell if someone just doesn't know the song if they don't say bombs twice if they fuck that up you don't really know so did i listen to it i don't know once a month um i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with another female vocalist nice dude i'm gonna go you do love
Starting point is 00:18:29 chicks the most of all of us for sure i like him second most chris is a huge chicks guy saw the chicks on tuesday at the creek oh oh yeah they got a good pump up song on Tuesday at the Greek. Oh, dude. They got a good pump up song. I'm going to go with Chandelier by Sia. Whoa, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, yeah, bro. Christopher, this is such an interesting list. Yeah. I love Sia.
Starting point is 00:18:59 It was really tough with Elastic Hearts. It's kind of 1A, 1B. But that song's about fucking raging like too hard, but it's kind of 1a 1b um but that song's about fucking raging like too hard but it's also super fun to rage hard too these are great picks man you're very emotionally specific yeah well that's what i really pumped up for me is always just like i do like like the raw raw rock and stuff but for the most, I still respond to that.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But the ones that really get to me are like hyper emotional, usually with a chick singing and freaking belting. I got one later that's in that category. That's what we used to drive around to. When we were driving on Antonio, we just have like a song like that. And the pump up was that we were so unguarded in our emotions. Yeah. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I like songs where you feel a ton and it's less, um, it's very, yeah. Very Latin passion. And Chandelier, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:52 she's talking, she's just talking about like raging too hard and how it's like fucking up her life. Again, kind of weird to party too, but it totally works. Also with your personalization of the list, I think she was going to sell that song to someone else. And then some, her managers or producers were like were like no you just have to do this so like your list very
Starting point is 00:20:10 you this song also varies yeah and these are the songs that i like to work out i love that um just because i get really excited i'm excited you guys ready to hear it. You guys ready to hear it? Yeah, hit the sample. I mean, that is a raging soul. That is a soul raging against the interminable pain of life. She is screaming back at the abyss in that one. Life, you do your worst for I will do mine that's what she's saying dude and you know what's the ultimate party move to fucking jump on the chandelier and swing from it baby someone does that let's go and it's an act of destruction yeah what does cat do and 10 things i hate about you she's dancing on a table what takes her out
Starting point is 00:21:01 of chandelier what do we do when meaningless is slapping us in the face we destroy correct we burn it down fucking great i bet you the joker listened to that song he probably did before he robbed the bank but he was just like when he yeah when he got emotional by himself they never show you what the joker was doing he was by himself at home exactly yeah when he's like he's playing wordle he's texting his henchman. His first word is always just Joker. DMing models. DMing just regular hot chicks.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Watching Instagram models. He's like, that trip in Bora Bora looks sick. Did y'all watch this video of this beaver that would eat this farmer's crops in front of his camera every day it's so fucking funny just the joker the joker watching that he's like this beaver is hilarious that's what i would do if i was a beaver he's like really into deer you know he reads a lot of books on him he shows up such a beautiful creature. He shows up late to work one time, doesn't have his makeup on. He's like, I forgot to set my alarm. He's like, I'm just going right.
Starting point is 00:22:10 They're like, dude, come on, man. You were supposed to freak everybody out. He's like, it's fine, it's fine. I'll make it up on the back end. I'll shoot an extra person. Strider, you're up. All right, here we go. Chris left some chalk on the board with his list,
Starting point is 00:22:24 but I'm not going for the chalk, baby. I love where we're going with this. I'm inspired by Chris right now. Yeah, we're all going deeper now. And this band has a lot of just, this is my go-to workout. I put this band, just greatest hits or any old album on there to work out to,
Starting point is 00:22:40 but this is my off-roading song. Whoa, nice. This is also a fuck the man. This is what I off-road to and this is rage against the machine killing in the name of dude it just gets me so and dude literally it says fuck you i won't do what you tell me i mean bro is there anything better like dude i was literally showing it to my dank fiance today and she's like i was like you know it's not her type of music but she was like hell yeah dude she did a quick lane change i was like you usually don't do that but that was nice it's righteous dude it's righteous rebellion yes it's like fuck you i won't do what
Starting point is 00:23:13 you tell me it's amazing and the way it builds because you're kind of quiet and you're just like with your boys you're like fuck you and then you feel yourself starting to get more and more pumped up and then that chorus comes in and by that point very easy song to mosh to because you're moshing it builds the mosh in you and he does say fuck you i won't do it you tell me like 40 times yeah it's very easy like if it's your first time hearing it like oh you catch on pretty quick if you're if you're a teenager and you don't know how to verbally communicate with your stepdad slam the door door to your room, then skip to about three minutes in this song, and you've aced it. Message loud and clear received.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Dude, I'll tell you, in high school, I took 10 Adderall one time, and you're pumped up when you take 10 Adderall. Yeah, I've been there. And this is how you know it's a good pump-up, just band in general. What did I listen to? Rage Against the Machine.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Thank you, bro. I remember Malcolm or Proctor, I was just cranking rage against renegades of funk was on he comes in i was writing a paper and he's like he comes he's like what the fuck are you doing i was like what dude writing an essay to that kind of great dude the essay is gonna be powerful it's to have big themes. It was on like Huck Finn or something. You're like, well, the government tried to take Huck Finn down and fuck the government, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:32 The raft is a metaphor. And corporations, dude. The riverboats. The other thing about Rage Against Machines, they put a lot of big stuff into their songs. They'll reference the civil rights movement and stuff. So it always gets a little elevated too where you're like, yeah, I'm just dumb and angry.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And then you're like, but I'm fighting for real causes. It puts you in line with something powerful. The album covers a Buddhist monk. What's it called? Self-flagellation. Oh, self-immolation. Self-immolation. Very gnarly.
Starting point is 00:25:00 The dude who did it in front of the, what is it, Tiananmen Square? Yeah. There's a great article about how they snuck that film out of China. Really? Yeah. That's a great movie. It could be like an Argo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It was cool. They had to be real secret agent about it to get the photos back to Western media. That's a great movie. Dude, also funny about the stepdad thing. I almost feel like with the inverse in power now between kids and parents, that i can more easily picture myself as the stepdad putting that song on and closing my door and locking it right and then and then the nine-year-old kid has to hear and i'm like fuck you i won't do what you tell me dude or if the kid does put it on i mean you probably grew the stepdad probably grew up with this song so then he could kick down the door and be like
Starting point is 00:25:43 singing along to it and then he's immediately gonna be like fuck yeah you're not gonna feel out persecuted to me dude if i have to take care of you like you're gonna try and use rage against me dog i was in high school when this came out yeah i can't do that yeah yeah i was born in the darkness all right should we listen to it? Yeah, baby. Cutting around just by yourself at holy gyms, just fucking in your mom's Honda MDX, Acura MDX.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Dude, the underrated thing about off-roading too is that you're owning the ground. Like you're owning the ground like you're owning the earth like you're like nice rock yeah about to leave you for a little bit then you catch air just burn out dude i want to see you frode dude we should i can't believe i've been off-roading together dude oh dude yeah let's go for it yeah we should pro for sure you got your truck dude yeah let's take it but I'll take my hybrid if we have to. Well, let's let's take them both, dude. Chris and I, we froded in Ocotillo Wells.
Starting point is 00:26:50 We got some ATVs and you were my hybrid. I just put a two foot body lift on my Prius. So that thing is. Oh, that thing's going to rip. Yeah. Yeah, dude. It's sick. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Fucking awesome. My buddy Carl is taking an auto class at Capo High. Oh, hell yeah. So I just rolled it in there and he fixed it up for me big shout out to you dude that's rad dude um every time i go off roading dude i always take my uzi with me and you just pop it out in the middle and just spraying such a good call as you're listening to some like cranking some tunes dude it feels so good yeah i got my morphine drip just hooked up dude yeah it's the fucking bomb oh dude you got morphine drip just hooked up, dude. Yeah, it's the fucking bomb, dude. Whoa, dude. You got morphine drip while you froze, dude?
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, just got a full drip bag. Shit, dude. A little stand. You can get that, dude. You can get that, dude. Dude, that's crazy. Yeah, you get them right on the way out in the desert. You stop at that bar still.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Dude, one time I was so excited to frode that I was filling up my car with gas, and then I just drove with the nozzle in. Fuck. And people were like, hey. And I was like, I know. And I just fucking froded. You just said later, dude. Yeah, with the hose in my car. And people were like, hey, hey, hey. And I was like, I know. And I just fucking rode it. You just said later, dude. Yeah, with the hose in my car.
Starting point is 00:27:47 You know what I'm gonna ask? What? Who's that kid you knew who off-road, who like was bragging about his car while he was driving a chick home? Oh, yeah. Chris Toles.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And he had an older brother who was a grade above me. But didn't you say he was driving a girl? And yes, yeah. Because of the lift, the odometer because of the lift the odometer is all fucked
Starting point is 00:28:06 we're actually going like 90 right now and then some other dude was in the car and he's like and then you just see like some shitty
Starting point is 00:28:13 little car like like zip past him on the railway what a legend dude I think that is a real thing
Starting point is 00:28:22 we're like we're like lifts we're like non-factory tires can. Yeah. But I don't think. Can't you go faster? I'm actually going like a hundo.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You actually don't realize. Chad, you're up, dude. All right, I'm going to go with this song because I heard this morning, it just fired me up. And it's a classic and it's female vocalist as well. Beautiful. And it's about love. It's about lost love and trying to win that back,
Starting point is 00:28:51 which you can just feel so deep in your soul. And this singer is also responsible for a story we heard recently that involves pegging a mega movie star. Oh, this is a great pick uh if i could turn back time by share oh dude i love share yeah all right let's put it on when does this pump you up that's the chad kroger cover oh that's a beautiful cover what's up what does this fire you up for what does this fire me up for fuck man just um you know what i feel like i could just picture you being like remember when you quit your job
Starting point is 00:29:39 a while back when you're working at that video store yeah and you just flipped the bird to your boss and you're like dude strider cult meet me at rubio's yeah i remember you rolled up blasting the song i just imagined you just like flipping the bird to your boss dude and just being like fuck it dude yeah all right you guys want to listen to it i listened to this song i was working at a diner Yeah And I had an abusive husband Yes
Starting point is 00:30:10 And finally I just met like a kindly old line cook at the restaurant Who like had lost his wife 30 years ago but loved her true And had just a beautiful like hard-earned wisdom on the world And he told me it was time for me to get free and move to the big city. And after I went home and I kicked that piece of shit hubby in the balls, I grabbed my bag and I drove to this song
Starting point is 00:30:33 on my way to California. Oh, I love that, dude. That is exactly right. That's when it pumps me. That's a fucking beautiful word picture that you just painted. Thanks, man. Yeah, I'd say um for me
Starting point is 00:30:59 yeah i think it's i think it's reminds me of like your first crush and you cruise in 10 years later and you just do a burnout in front of their place and then you just like do donuts then you get out of the car and you flip your collar up one billion percent yeah and you make out with them all right dude arenas i got two picks right now here we go baby all right um i'm being pulled in a lot of different directions here i I think I'm going to save my weird one for fourth and I'm going to go chalk right here. Yeah, I think it's smart. I'm going with two workout songs. I'm going with another Eminem banger.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yep, I know it. That I don't think is as good of a song as Lose Yourself, but I think for the specific purpose of working out, it's the best song of all time, especially if it's in a team setting. I'm going Till I Collapse. Correct. It's a great one.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Great song. With Eminem and Nate Dogg. Yes. I mean, Nate Dogg, greatest voice in history. The best singer of all time. If it's a hook from the 2000s. Yeah. He's singing all the hooks.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah. And yeah, there's just the aggression of it and the testosterone of it. And it never fails to make me move when I'm lifting. Dude, the intro. And this, for me, is like full teen angst. Yeah. When this came out, I was like, mom, don't fucking tell me to do homework. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yep. You know? And then, dude, I just pitch you in that weight room just picture in santa margaret weight room boys are just putting extra plates on your squat rack right you know you're getting an extra plate up on the squat rack when this song comes on dude all the boys are around and there's that like whatever that fucking noise is so sick all right you guys ready to listen yeah ready to get pumped up alright you guys ready to listen?
Starting point is 00:32:42 yeah ready to get pumped up also the little story preamble from Eminem you gotta reach deep down inside of you and not be a quitter and not give up and then the lyrics come in and you're like
Starting point is 00:32:55 he's right he's so angry in this one he's pissed off that face He's pissed off. That song will put like a wide earp into your face. You just be ready to face down the cowboys. Alright, dude. I think I'm gonna stay
Starting point is 00:33:22 with my workout theme. And for my next song, I'm going Trapped, Headstrong. Oh, dude. Let's go. This might be, I think Till I Collapse is your best workout song if you're working out with other guys. If you're by yourself, I think Headstrong by Trapped is the best one.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I think Headstrong by Trapped is the best one. It's so dumb, but it taps into such good adolescent fury where the chorus just goes, Headstrong, I'll take you on. Headstrong, I'll take on anyone. And you can just picture yourself surrounded by a thousand people and just screaming that at them. A little bit like killing in the name of yeah same way you say fuck you i won't do what you tell me this chorus is something you feel like shouting at a mob yes that's trying to face you down let's go um and this is actually
Starting point is 00:34:16 probably the song that i have the most workout time put into yeah because in high school it was on every workout playlist it was kind of, like seventh grade, eighth grade through? All of high school. The end of high school? Yeah. We heard it for the first time on vacation in Cape Cod in the car. And I remember in that moment knowing my life had changed forever. Yeah, something's different.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Something's different. It's like when Dylan went electric. I mean, dude. Yeah, bro. Dude. Also, one more thing that makes this song so good. I don't think this band ever had another relevant song.
Starting point is 00:34:53 This is what they had to say to the world. This is what mattered to the rest of the world. Back off, I'll take you on. Headstrong, I'll take on anyone I know that you are wrong Headstrong, headstrong You know what else I like about this? There is a part where he just goes
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah, you have to have a little of that. It's going to the chorus for every one of you. The mistake. And it builds up. Too many bands when we were in high school made that their whole song. The scream out. The hardcore stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I can never get into that where it's like, come on, move. And all those guys would blow out their voice boxes. They'd be like, dude, did you hear about Jesse from Stick to Your Guns? He can't sing for five years. Exactly, bro. I was like, yeah, that's it. Maybe you're not supposed to sing like that. Yeah, I'm like, you're not supposed to growl for an hour
Starting point is 00:35:45 and that's the thing i like growls but it's like it's a scalpel you know use it with precision use it once in a while just to get me in that attitude but the whole song i need some melody i need some like you know real vocals no disrespect sorry to all the people out there who like screamo you guys like i like shitty music but you really like shitty music exactly exactly yeah it's pretty bad all right wait wait so before we start we should do five picks right is that probably probably because i'm starting to think of these because i'm getting inspired but we should probably we gave you proper time to set up for sure for sure for sure i i just it's just we should probably just five i'm actually good because
Starting point is 00:36:25 i think i had yeah we should probably all do 10 let's just do it let's just do 10 dude what if we listen to all the music yeah dude let's do a seven hour out you guys are free for the next nine hours right yeah i'm good i can work out during the pod yeah we just turned into a lifestyle thing start lifting the kettlebells Chad you're up dog alright it's tough to pick it's so hard I think I gotta go with the one that really made me introduced me to like
Starting point is 00:37:00 horny workout classes and I still listen to this to this day probably the hottest music video of all time i think i know yeah and every time i hear it i just picture literally every time i hear this song i picture me and all my boys and and my you know gf at the same time you know in sort of like a squat position doing a collective hump i know where you're going you know cause the beat is just, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:26 you're just all humping at the same time. It's sexual, makes you want to work out. It's something that you envision, like, you know, popping out of a stage to, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:36 you're just like, do, do, do. Um, and so I got to go call on me by Eric Pritz. Dude, great pick man.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And I wouldn't have thought of it. I mean, 100% the greatest music video of all time. The guy they casted is like perfect. Perfect. Because he's kind of good looking, but he's also an everyman. So you can kind of picture yourself as him. And then the women that they casted in the video. And then the instructor.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Dude, they used to play it at bars on like Taco Tuesdays. And I remember when it would come on, no matter what I was doing. Yeah. All my focus would just move towards the TV. And I'd just be, it was totally like locked in for the remainder of the song. It was like in possession of me. It was really strong.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's so good. And I mean, there's the one move where they're, or maybe that's the John Travolta movie, but where they're just like, they're all humping, licking each other. And I'll literally be in workout classes, just envisioning that, where you're just that one guy. You're just, you're like short shorts on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, it's kind of the dream to be the cool guy at the hot female workout class. It's the dream. And you know what? The girl's, you know, workout outfit is the best thing I've ever seen. I have to agree with that. I swear to God, when you started talking about it thing I've ever seen. I have to. I swear to God, when you started talking about it, I started getting wood. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:49 We all got wood. We all knew what you were talking about. We're all like, this is really good. Did you see my legs? It's really nice. Get rid of my wood. You got me kind of worried. Can you keep talking about it?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah. Dude, don't stop, Chad. You're really in a groove there. Tell us more. We should take five. Yeah. All right. We're going to take a load break. But I know, dude, she's that really tan ass and just like full thong leotard. And it's not too sexual.
Starting point is 00:39:17 It's all kind of like, but it's at like a PG-13 level. There's nothing too, oh my God. Okay. Hey, for this one, should we watch the music video too? Yeah. This is before butts were in too. Wait for the hump. You know what?
Starting point is 00:39:37 This is the best thing. It's better than anything I've ever seen. It's the best thing ever. Any category. It's the best thing ever. Any category. It's the best thing we have to offer. As a dude, as a civilized agent. If aliens came down and they were like, who are you? I'd hand them the music video if a call on me.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And I'm like, that's what we're capable of. We're keeping you guys around. They're like, Eric, what do you want to do for your music video? And he's like i got it dude that song doesn't pump me up to work out it pumps me up to not care about working out and just be like life is awesome dude yeah it pumps me up to jack off oh yeah dude that's the best pump up to jack off song that's a category that's a category that is pump you up to jack off dude did you invent a whole new category what about nine inch nails animal
Starting point is 00:40:26 that's not too kind of just is it too is it too ugly yeah it's too ugly i want to fuck you like those are like flip sides of the same coin almost yeah i don't think he's going for fun in that one no no no that one's like this is all fun. Animals like, whoa. But for chicks who are into serial killers, that's number one. Yeah. And all chicks are into serial killers. And you called out why, Strider? I think it's because they empathize with the threat of being killed by a guy.
Starting point is 00:40:57 No, you said it's because they want their money. True. They're coming after your money, dude. Look out. That's the thing, dude. They get famous, write a book. They just want your money. Just trying to get it. All right, Strides, you're up, dude. All right, dude. This is thing, dude. They get famous, write a book. They just want your money. Just trying to get it.
Starting point is 00:41:06 All right, shreds are up, dude. All right, dude, this is tough, dude. I mean, how do you follow something so, like, that's just the perfect video. I know, and it's different. And the video that goes along with it. That one's very important with the video, yeah. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:41:19 There's still a lot of chalk on here. Just, dude. But, dude, I gotta tell you. Sorry, play me. When did Eric Pridz callids call on me some for your football team before a game i would love to see what that did to the team's energy you'd have a fun time everyone's gonna walk like this uh yeah exactly everyone's got the boner and like the offensive lines doing like a synchronized dance before they get into position and the quarterback's like lightly humping the center. Dude, this is the, this is what I pictured.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Yes. Yes. That's a good throw, dude. Hey, take your time. Take your time. Dude, your pants game has been on fire, by the way, just so you know. Yeah, you wore cool pants yesterday, too.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm trying to switch it up. Yeah, yeah. It's great. Thanks. All right. Man, damn, dude. You might be fucked, dog. Dog, you might be fucked, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:11 This song is a banger. And I could get this puppy later in the list. I don't think anyone's thinking it, but you got to go with what you like. And when I was doing my pump-up research, this is actually the song that I was listening to the most. And it sort of is taking my list in this like, screw the government sort of thing, but that's cool. But you hate rules.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Or you like messing with rules a lot. You're right, it's fantasy, I make my own rules. Fantasy, the drafts. I do the same, but yeah. I'm not trying to throw some piece of shit. No, but you're rebellious towards the yeah you know you're right and this is true to who i am and this song rips and i've listened to it and i'll tell you right now confession before i tell that tell you what the song is
Starting point is 00:42:56 i was blasting this song on hollywood boulevard one time going to an improv show windows fully down on hollywood making a right dude kind of by kohanga and there was a dude walking by and he heard it and he like said something to me and i was like what and i turned down and he goes you're cool and and and and and that guy was that guy was black no wonder you were just i'm for real dude and as i've been a white dude from orange and it's brave to say that dude but that was the there's no cooler that that's like all my whole entire middle school childhood through high school just trying to be cool in that manner and you know what because because you were being authentic and that can translate across any culture race or
Starting point is 00:43:41 creed and sure i had my windows down but i needed the bass to get out and and this is uh public enemy harder than you think oh dude i don't think i know this one and you know it you've heard it so true oh yeah and he's pumping up his buddy too in this song do when it hits Do When It Hits. They were such an interesting team. It worked so well. Chris, can I house this? You want to share it?
Starting point is 00:44:14 You take it. You take it. You take it. This song's so good. You know what this song's so good for if you got a if you got a long day ahead of you shopping with your girlfriend and you're going to the mall and you don't know if you got the necessary endurance to make it through like you might only be able to hit two stores that day and you know she's on like a seven store mission you listen to that song you walk into that store ready for anything.
Starting point is 00:44:46 100%. 100%. Ready for fucking war, dude. Fucking so sick, dude. So I'm fired up on that. Public Enemy, baby. Chris. I'm going to go with a corny classic rock song
Starting point is 00:45:03 from my childhood that I intro'ded give a little taste of it pop a roach last resort nice bro yeah dude you know what you need it because this is like the first self-hating pump up pump up song it's the first self-hating pump up song you need that it's just like it's when suicide was badass cut my life a lot of emotional ones so i mean we can play it because i'm going to switch it up on my next one um but yeah i mean it's so corny and um again you kind of get lost in that it's supposed to be heavy because it's just like really fun and stupid yeah yeah it's amazing it's very angsty it's like Jeremy talk shit on me at school yeah Jessica's going out with Hunter.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yeah. My parents didn't let me go out last weekend, last resort. Yeah. Or like when people are like, what do you know? You have a big house and you're like, dude, I feel anxious sometimes. Yeah. You drop that bomb on them. I have pain too.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Yeah. They're like, you don't have real problems here. Yeah. I got real hormones though motherfucker all right i'm a fucking bastion of feelings over here bitch no fucking appreciate that and recognize and then we can stand eye to eye and talk about who we really are dude a lot of the songs i picked i like to sing in the car yeah i remember this one like even in high school i lost my my voice by the second chorus.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Oh, hell yeah. Because I was just singing it so hard. It's very good for violent hand gestures, too. Put my life into pieces. Don't give a fuck. You know what's weird about this song, too? It also inspires me to jack off. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah. Yeah, because the suffocation part, you like to do that a little bit. Right. You've dabbled with that. You like to go out. Yeah. You like the lights to be dimming. right as the chandelier explodes it's a two you know
Starting point is 00:47:08 you're but you really haven't dialed in you try to give me a lesson one time but yeah i need my breath and the race is always kind of finished before the song's over true that's the thing i was i'm pretty sure i can do that. Before Desiree, You Gotta Be comes on. That's a good one. I was telling, I was like, Strider, you have to want to pass out. Yeah, that's true. That's true. You gotta want it.
Starting point is 00:47:34 It has to come from inside. And I was afraid of it. If you're afraid to go under, you'll never blast through. So fucking awesome. Dude, that was beautiful what you just said right there. Thanks, dude. I'm really pumped up. You've been saying a lot of beautiful shit today. This song's got me fired up dude i'm drunk too
Starting point is 00:47:46 let's go i'm a little bit buzzed i've had a lot of really emotional ones so i need something that's just light and fun and i'm going and i this is another one most especially with uh my boys in college this one would get us fucking amped you just have such a fun time and that's don't stop me now by queen oh don't stop me because i'm having such a good time i'm having a ball don't stop me it's just so fun you you just end up bouncing around the room when it comes on uh because it's just got that vibe to it uh you know but he also talks about being uh you know exploding and being you know yes just fucking going really fucking fast and just having a ball and um yeah i love this one it's don't stop me now i don't think i know this one oh you don't know
Starting point is 00:48:47 when you hear it you'll know when you hear it by queen yeah when you're all fucked up with your boys and you hear this you're having a good time and you're just prancing oh i know this one i know yeah so for you to get pumped up for you to get pumped up it's really about unleashing your inner theatrical emotional dancer yeah for 100 i also want to be able to sing to it um but you want to be in a higher register when you sing yeah mostly i mean because i guess for a lot of like the like you mentioned earlier like the i feel like when i was younger a lot of them were like saliva and like those like in that vein of getting pumped up but by the time i was getting out of high school those ones didn't do as much for me maybe it's because we listen to so much emo stuff well you get a little older and you realize it's kind of ridiculous to be that angry at things
Starting point is 00:49:40 yeah and i guess almost emo seg segued me into gaiety yeah no like no no and like and like and like better music that had that could be emotional and you could rock out to but just wasn't um and it felt more subversive to you to be mary than to be like malicious or i just liked being mary more it's i like that it's more fun i mean like The thing is A lot of these are sad songs But you just kind of We would just You can still party Because you can kind of
Starting point is 00:50:10 Party to anything And it's just ones That caught on with the boys You know That's fun Dude that's pretty undeniably fun Let's go He's on it
Starting point is 00:50:19 He's on it There's how he gets fucked up Show him Yeah it just brings me back To dorm parties You know Just bring me back He's on it. There's how he gets pumped up. Show him. Show him. Show him. Show him. Show him. Yeah, it just brings me back to dorm parties. You know, just partying in a room,
Starting point is 00:50:31 standing on couches. It's very fun. But that's also something you could party with when you have kids or you got a wedding. Like you can dance with, I can picture like my niece dancing to that too. Yeah, it's so merry. You're the uncle having fun.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It allows you to be joyous and freaky and you're just. It is joyful, yeah. It leads to a lot of pointing, you know know, a lot of these moves, you know. Like I said, it's really merry. That's the thing. It gets you prancing around. A lot of connective fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Prancing. You like to prance. Oh, yeah. Well, it's just. You're almost like there's animals that prance. Oh, yeah. A hundred percent. Deers.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Back to deer. Elk. Yep. Elk. Horses that are trained. Mooses. I think dogs even do. oh yeah some do yeah yeah yep milk cruise around strider all right this is getting yeah i'll get some more yeah
Starting point is 00:51:17 this is going to be tough i mean look i have a way right now where i could really genre bend and ruin the list but i'm not going to do that because we're having such a good time. Just do it. Don't stop me. We're having such a good time that I can't do that. I can't be an animal. All these lists have been great. I got to go.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I'm thinking of two ways. I could go with what gets me and my boys fired up when we were in high school, or I could go with just good solid chalk. That's so sick. Which W are you chasing? I'm going personal. Yeah. To thine own self be true, if anything else.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And I'm going to go take him back Sunday, cute without the O. Oh, what a pick. Oh, nice. Yeah, dude. So much fucking fun, dude. It's angsty. It's teeny. And dude, we all sang it at our boy Daniel's wedding.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Literally, we looked at all of our loved ones and we said get off the floor the boys are getting on there and we all just fucking danced around hung out dude hugged each other it was on we were ripping each other's ties but it was cool and it was just so much fun yeah angst is such a powerful driver for expression yeah right like dude totally your lipstick's calling don't bother angel you know exactly what goes and this is very it's a very specific kind of partying where you're literally like grabbing your friend's shoulders you're all in like kind of a uh like a rugby scrum and you're literally like grabbing your friend's shoulders. You're all in like kind of a, like a rugby scrum. And you're just like rubbing heads, yelling at each other.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yes. Which is kind of the best form of partying in a lot of ways. It's amazing. And you can play it in your car, have a good time. Every time I've ever been denied by a girl, a lot of times in high school, this song would come on. There's also one more song that I really thought of for doing for this, but this one had more joy to it and more fun for it for me. And I think you know the other one. And two singers singing during it. That's fun. Oh, that that's fun because then you can do that with your homie yeah i loved it was so fun i remember our boy johnson would
Starting point is 00:53:13 come over he would play it like because we had the little music area they would all jam we'd hop on the vocals so much fun dude all right should i play it yes We're about to go bananas. Yeah, this one just... That might have got me the most jacked. I'm fucked up. That might be Eric Creed's in a different way. I'm so shocked. It's the other side. I'd be fucked up. That might be Eric's creds in a different way. That would have... Whoa, I'm dropping shit. He's fucked, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:49 No, I gotta go grab another beer. Dude, let's get a beer. Do we need a beer after that one, dude? Dude, did you want to play it louder? Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we got a show coming out on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:54:06 This coming Tuesday, Chad JT Go Deep. podcast to let you know once again that we got a show coming out on netflix this coming tuesday chad jt go deep you guys are gonna love it it's it's it's it's my pride and joy it's our baby and um go to netflix.com and just go to netflix now it's netflix.com go to netflix search chad jt go deep add it to your list so you can get notified right when it drops. And then, boom, you got a dank-ass show to binge on a Tuesday night or whenever you're free. We also got tour dates coming to a city near you. Epic shows. Epic shows at chatandjt.com.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Get your tickets now. All right. And we are also brought to you by, of course, the Legends app, Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because cute ESPN signature sound. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I know the sound, but I just can't think of it in my dome. But fantasy football season is right around the corner. CD Lamb is good good but have you seen these beautiful nuts i saw mine this morning and i was like you know what they need to trim that's why i applied the lumbar 4.0 to them and i was like whoa my dink looks good i should put it out at a museum or something uh not for the size but for the pubesization that's a word uh so it's time to get your snake looking right for the snake draft the sponsors of today's show manscape the leaders in below the waist grooming have created a championship lineup with their performance package 4.0
Starting point is 00:55:34 join the six million men worldwide and trust manscape and get ready for kickoff by going to manscape.com for 20 plus free shipping with the code go deep you can get in there the performance package 4.0 the performance package is 4.0. The lawnmower 4.0. The trimmer, weed, whacker, ear, nose, hair trimmer. Crop zipper ball damper, crop reviver toner, boxer breeze, slotted at quarterback. We have the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer.
Starting point is 00:55:57 This spaceship is here to guide you on a journey to trim your body balls and even your egg gap. That's the gooch. Guys, if you're not on the main skate train now, get on it. They have everything you need in terms of hygiene and keeping your pubap. That's the gooch. Guys, if you're not on the Manscaped train now, get on it. They have everything you need in terms of hygiene and keeping your pubes in check. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GoDeepAtManscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:56:13 That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code GoDeepAtManscaped.com. It's time to put the PP back in PPR and get a grip on your pigskin this season with Manscaped. All right, let's get back to the show. Hey, what's up, Stokers? It's me here. Got new pants.
Starting point is 00:56:32 And I'm not drinking today, so they're all grabbing an extra fresh brew, and I'm just thinking about jacking off still. And I haven't done it in a couple days. I've been trying to preserve my seed, And it feels good. I feel focused. And I'm just thinking about my next pump-up song, which I think is going to really show the world that it's okay to be amped. And yeah. I've been calling Rick a lot. And he's like don't you dare come don't come and i was like i was like rick why can't i come he's like because you need to preserve your chi and i'm like fuck that's why i called you i totally forgot just holding that jizz in my balls
Starting point is 00:57:26 I like how someone on the reddit was like they have very nuanced humor they talk about dongs and teabags yeah but it's a nuanced take it's a nuanced take on dongs and teabags alright Chad you're up, dude. All right, guys, this is a rock song that, you know, it's a band that I still wish was cranking out heat
Starting point is 00:57:52 because I love a lot of their songs. They have a lot of songs that I love. And this is a band that you can listen to if you want to get in touch with God. Let's go. You know, one of the coolest lead singers of all time. Now we're talking.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And this song, every time I hear it, I have to sing along and I have to say, what up to the almighty? Even though I'm not even religious, I just go, what up father?
Starting point is 00:58:18 I'm here. The best, the best music makes you believe in God. Yeah. And that's why I'm picking Higher by Creed. Great pick. This is a bad pick. Great pick.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I thought you were going Switchfoot. Yeah, mental lift? Yeah, a little bit. I thought you were going My God is a Monster. That's better. This is if you want to just headbang with the boys while getting in touch with the Lord. If you want to headbang with God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Yeah, this is the song. If you want to feelbang with God. Yeah. Yeah. This is the song. If you want to feel like Jesus. Yeah. Knocking domes with his dad. You sing love to the universe. Can you take me higher? And the video of him like being dissatisfied backstage and then coming out in front of the crowd and just belting.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Oh. Oh. It's such a great song, dude. It's so great. It's a great karaoke song. Yeah. I think I did this at karaoke night. Remember when we all raged after the show yeah that's fun it's one of those songs too where like people can be like ironically like oh you listen to creed you listen to creed but i'm like it's undeniable when higher comes on you're gonna sing along and you're gonna fucking get
Starting point is 00:59:19 fired up yeah people look down on getting pumped up sometimes oh you're just gonna eliminate like 90 of life yeah pumped up that's my favorite feeling is being pumped up this could be a beef but the beef of like oh that's basic or stuff like you you're basic like yeah i'm basic because it's dank i like brunch because it's fucking great and i'm hanging out and keeping my buzz going and getting good food i like creed because it rips yeah and you could call a lot of things basic like what makes them like is ice cream basic? You know, is a sunset basic? You sleep at night? That's basic.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah. You better believe I'm basic. Is like cuddling basic? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's basic. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Call me basic, baby. Call me basic. Enjoy not being basic. I don't even know what you do. You don't feel anything. Yeah. You just sit around like judging things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And like your collared shirt like deflects anything that could make you feel yeah what are you making loose leaf tea yeah eating marine cookies yeah when you're into like specific things yeah yeah it's like take your key lime pie and shove it up your ass exactly and you're into things where there's no competition i'm into stuff where everyone's going for it. A fucking man, dude. Yeah. All right. I think I fucking pick. Should we play it?
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah. Yeah. Dude, that was fired up. Dude, of course. We're about to get jacked. Dude, even if we can't play this song, it's just all of our smiles after listening. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Guys, we just listened to Hire by Creed and it's so sick. Dude, the skulls and the skulls. Oh, yeah. Oh, the chicks coming. The skulls and all the chicks come in The chicks come in Yes! The chicks show up! There's a genius
Starting point is 01:00:53 I'm gonna play higher when the chicks show up Yes, dude There's an editor short named Derek He's like, what would I do? The guy's like, that is genius when the chicks show up And everybody gets one chick but then they show Paul walking out, and he's got ten. Ten.
Starting point is 01:01:08 He's got ten chicks, dude. And he just looks back and just throws up like, later, dude. What a playful playboy. Did you play this when chicks show up to anything? Dude, that's so amazing. Like three chicks walking. You believe in God? You're like, God is good, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:33 It's true. It's true. Almighty brother. Oh, you're still talking to your date, dude? I got two of them. I'm going to go fuck them right now. And then the montage ends with them getting new whips. New cars.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Oh, yeah. Convertibles, dude. Dude, that's so funny. All great pump-up have to like match nicely with montage and stuff yeah a lot of them were like oh i did like google like we're like the best montage songs dude that's a great that's so funny like in the high school and stuff when a guy would be like hooking up with a girl and be walking out of the party and just give you the oh dude amazing bro i remember one time dude our buddy was gonna like get into a bunch of fights one night and i was gonna talk to him and i'm like yo hey what happened to so-and-so because he was just like walking from fight to fight yeah and then his younger brother
Starting point is 01:02:36 came up to me he had a cigarette in his mouth even though he's like 15 he goes he's all good man he just had to cool off on a chick he's's dead serious, dude. He's dead serious. All the timeline, dude. It's so funny. He's like, cool off. What the hell is this? He's got to cool off on a chick. I'm like, who's this girl?
Starting point is 01:02:51 Let's go, like. What an angel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What a saint, dude. Absorbing all that. I mean, do you want to know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, cool off on a chick.
Starting point is 01:03:03 All right. So I think. I think I want to stick with the cloning theme i think i want a song that's good i'm gonna i might go with two bone songs all right you like working out and boning dude this is very you and i want to i want a club anthem i want a song that gets me fired up at the club and for me this is the number one song for that and i think maybe the greatest song in history it's fucking problems by asap rocky yeah drake two chains and kendrick and it has the line in it that i think is the best for bald ego aggression is when kendrick lamar says girl i know you want this dude yeah and the way he says dick is maybe the best line delivery in history. So true. I'm going with.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I'm sorry. No, go baby, go. That's a cool ass ass shit. It's unbelievable. I know. Did you never? Yeah, bro. I like the core conflict in this song because it's your problem is that you fuck too much.
Starting point is 01:04:00 It's a great issue to have. And I think that's the best problem you can have. Yeah. And these guys are. We've all been there. These guys are are dealing with it but they're clearly pumped up about it yeah we've all been there and then you got i, three great rappers on it. All going at it.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And it might be the greatest song of all time. Yeah, I like to fuck. I got a fucking problem. Yeah, I like to fuck. I got a fucking problem. Because you can tell he's like. Pretty pumped up on it. Yeah, he's like, he doesn't.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Do you really think that? Or are you just saying. Do you really think it's. It's clearly something someone else has told him is a problem and he's like, oh yeah, I hate hearing that. Oh yeah, I forgot I get too much pussy. Yeah, my bad. Just glaring at someone.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And the structure is great. They all end their verse in the same way, don't they? Beast? Yeah, beast. Dude, it's so fucking good, bro. It's a great banger. No dude it's so fucking good bro it's a great it's a great banger and then dude go ahead no it's just so sick dude baby is it sick is it sick dude so sick
Starting point is 01:05:12 dude what did you do wait i need an emotional cathartic song i'm going pink just like a pill oh i love this fucking tune dude it's so good it's a vulnerability pump up she's got it's like uh it's this it's like the fuck you kind of mentality but i just make pop music which is perfect i love it i think it's great you know you look at her and you go you offer up yeah i'm her, her husband's carry heart. Yeah. First guy to do a backflip on a motorcycle. Not land it, but first guy to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I mean, that's beautiful. That's groundbreaking. He was the first one to take that shot. That's why it's called the heartbreaker. Fuck. Is it really called the heartbreaker? It's actually called the heartbreaker. Nah, it's a different move, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:06:00 The heartbreaker is the one where I think he goes off the back of it. Oh, and holds the thing for a second and then comes back in. It might've been the one where he think he goes off the back of it It might be the one we did like a hand oh no that was the heartbreaker the one where I think it's a handstand off The back I think I think he arches his back. He's like yeah I thought it was one where he like grabs the back and like sticks his hips up Oh that one where you fold backwards like you're doing like a like you're doing my guy I thought that was like you're fucking the hamstringstring stretch maybe one was called the heart attack or something oh the heart attack was the other one oh bro this is so fun time to get hammered Just a total cathartic monster of a pump-up. We need to be at a house party right now.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Playing all these songs. Grabbing guys. This is, it's almost frustrating. Me and my GF were rocking to that song yesterday. And I was just, people were walking by on the street and we were just pointing at them like we were just yearning for humans to see us oh it was it was really strong um all right chad your last pick dude man this is tough fuck um you know okay
Starting point is 01:07:28 I mean there's one there's like a sort of the EDM classic I could go with no I already have Call Me I already have Call Me that's a big one yeah yeah I gotta go with this one okay
Starting point is 01:07:45 there's a drinking game to this one one of my favorite drinking games you gotta go with some 70s 80s rock classics and this one is just Thunderstruck by ACDC you can't go wrong with this
Starting point is 01:08:00 and you know we didn't have much classic rock we needed more of it Queen was on there. But yeah. It was tough between that and I was thinking No Easy Way Out by Robert Tepper from Rocky IV. That was my pick! No, I'm kidding. I was thinking that one too.
Starting point is 01:08:14 But I think Thunderstruck, because the drinking game is phenomenal. Have you guys played the drinking game? No. So every time that he says thunder, you get in a circle. Every time they say thunder, one guy starts chugging. Thunder switches over to the next guy. Thunder. And then you just chug for as long until the next thunder comes in.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Then it goes to the next guy. But there's one where you could get fucked where it says thunder and it's like a minute. You have to chug for like a minute. Whoa. Best game ever. Fuck, dude. Thunderstruck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:08:41 We should play it. Did you play that game with Vo? What? Did you play that game with Vo? Vodka. Vodka. thunderstruck fuck we should play a game with vo what did you play that game with vo vodka vodka no dude i played it with ski oh fuck did you think vo was a guy yeah i was like i was like is that some dude we know is that the guy had to cool off on a chick? Yeah, dude. Can you imagine that either you could fight a bunch of people or go finger someone, and that's the only way that your night could end?
Starting point is 01:09:11 Because that's how this guy's life was going. I know a lot of guys who operate that way. That's crazy. That's amazing. That's actually a good point. Yeah, because there's two outcomes. There's fight or flight, but when you're of a certain age
Starting point is 01:09:21 and of a certain testosterone level, it's fight or fuck. Right. Those are the only two primal outlets for those energies. Um, yeah, I think I'm going to go pick a fight. Fuck you. All right, you guys have to keep playing thank you thank you that's a great strider who's your last pick dog holy guacamole dude
Starting point is 01:09:56 i've been sticking to just stuff like that i listen to that pumps me up so hard sticking to the stuff that I listen to that pumps me up so hard. And at this point, I might, as the bender, delve into a different genre. Definitely not genre bending
Starting point is 01:10:10 because this song is a pump-up song. It gets the crowd going. Going classical? Yeah. Beethoven's Ninth. Some of those. Some of those scores.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Movie scores. I thought about movie scores. Oh, bro. Yeah. Arnold Benches is going to gonna be fun a lot of them um this is just on my mind and i was inspired by this in the moment of what we were talking about i don't know if we'll do the pre-fodder for the podcast but i went to um stage coach and i saw this artist perform and no one puts on a show like garth, dude. And he does rodeo.
Starting point is 01:10:45 So I'm going Garth Brooks rodeo, dude. Wow, interesting. It gets you moving. I don't know this one. It gets the ladies going. It's a lot of jean shorts. It's a competition for sexiness. There's a lot of sexiness.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Not in the video, but you're doing an electric slide. And just, it gets me going. I don't think Garth Brooks is on. is on oh yeah you can't like get garth brooks songs that's a problem oh dude if there's any song that's gonna give rights issues should i do a new song because of that no we can listen to it real quick and let's just not talk during this one since we don't know okay and we'll just see if this is probably a man you know i should have just stuck to my guns dude what was What was your other option going to be? No one's going to pick it.
Starting point is 01:11:28 I was going to do Alt-J, Fits Pleasure. I don't know that one. It's really fun. We should party. Dude, don't you want to party right now? Yeah, this whole thing. Don't you want to party? I'm actually getting frustrated because I'm like, fuck, I'm going to have all this energy.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Also going to be a couple beers. Same time, a few beers. I know. I'm going to have all this energy. Also going to be a couple beers. Same time, a few beers. I know. I'm going to chill for a second. Then I'm like, go home and pack. I'm going to go home and game. Is this it? Is this it?
Starting point is 01:12:00 Sorry, it's me, right? It's the roar of a star. It's wide in his knuckles. The gold in his buckle. He'll win the next go around. With his boots, his straps, his cowboy hats, his spurs, and a lot of gold. It's a road. I'll memorize this song. Dude, that's really good. So the next time we party, I'll be able to get in on the action with you.
Starting point is 01:12:21 It's American. It's like a Teddy Roosevelt poem. That thing is like, it's old American mythos. And like, I want to sleep with that guy. It's American. It's like a Teddy Roosevelt poem. That thing is like, it's old American mythos. And like, I want to sleep with that guy. He's a beast. I want to sleep with Garth.
Starting point is 01:12:30 He can't be with her because he's too into the rodeo. Exactly. That's his true love is the rodeo, dude. Because he's a wild man. That makes me want to put on a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Yeah, dude, if you wear a cowboy hat. Put my girlfriend in a flannel. Just whip her down and give her a smooch. Yeah, that's exactly the essence i was going for is it's the experience of that's not one necessarily if i'm driving listening in my car i am fired up
Starting point is 01:12:53 on that but it's like when that comes on at a country western bar or you're at a stage coach or something like that you're immediately you're up you're electric sliding there's jean shorts you're in your boots you're in your hat you are fucking popping what your texas belt buckling when you hear that song and to the visual of riding like the great cartoonist robert crumb yes he wasn't into conventional sex and his girlfriend in the wonderful documentary about him said for him he would just ride her around the living room like she was a uh a bucking bronco that's beautiful oh interesting and hopefully he rode for more than eight seconds for her sake
Starting point is 01:13:30 yeah come on if you're gonna make her get down there give it a full show you know star i love every image of you like in boots and a cowboy hat just doing the electric slide with a boner dude thank you here's the thing i have a very deep insecurity about being all hat and no horse that's why i want to start riding horses more i go on solo um like the group rides there's a lot of families than just me uh here at griffith park because you can do a horseback ride there and it's just i want more experience in the saddle i still don't know what i'm doing the animal's in control uh maybe that's my problem i look at it like an animal when it's a being. So thank you for that imagery, but I want the authenticity.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Yeah, I think the horse is okay with being both to you. You're good on a horse. Yeah. You can post very well. Deez, but I can hold on real well. I spooked a horse one time. I'm there for a good time, not a long time. And the horse can feel that from me. You're good to me man you're fucking amazing thank you you know what
Starting point is 01:14:30 is great advice for every stoker listening this is great advice if you're looking at if you have your eye on a lady you're of dating age invite a girl to go horseback riding if you can and you have the means it's a little bit of dough but what's gonna oh you want to go see a movie everyone's going to see a movie maybe she's not interested in that movie every girl is going to want to go horseback riding i don't know one girl that won't can i add an extra part to that date yeah you're riding horses together you're unsupervised because you have the expertise requirement to guide your own trail ride and then then come upon an animal that's in distress and give it medical attention. Holy shit. Top-notch version of that, a cow's giving birth
Starting point is 01:15:12 and you help pull the little guy out. You have to put your hand in his ass. You're like, honey, stay there. Hold on. Okay, baby, it's okay. It's okay. I got you. You have to involve her.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Put your hand in his ass instead of the vagina. She's like, I think you're in the wrong hole you're like don't worry about me i know what i'm doing down here i've done this a thousand times baby baby come on i'm this this is second nature to me you're just covered in shit this is how i swallowed my shark watch last week i needed to to get it back. I think I got it. I think I got it. Chris, you ready to take us home? Yeah. Like I said, this one is... I'm going with the song by Lil Jon,
Starting point is 01:15:58 the Cindy Sampson remix to Outta Your Mind. Great song. Dude, yeah, bro. Let me see. I think i have it queued up because spotify doesn't have the right version this one's got way more lasers Dude, I feel out of my mind. I didn't find the chorus. Dude, I immediately got so amped up, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Dude, this is also a song when you're too fucked up at the club and you're like, I need to go home. This is always the song that's on and you're like, oh. Dude, you make good decisions to this song. You're like, I'm done. This is a good litmus test for where you're at in the night. Yeah, it might be over. Wait, sorry. Dude, also meaning a chick to this.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Just like staring at me like, What do you want? What do you want to do? You want to party? You want to party? I don't give a fuck. Fuck it. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Fuck it. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Fuck it. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Fuck it. You know I like that song.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Yes, fuck it. I'll be the fool. I'll be the fool. I'll be the fool. Fuck it. You know that song? Yes, fuck it. You know that? That's the song that's already playing on your head when you're overstimulated on drugs. Yes. Like when you did too much Adderall, if someone was like, what's the inside of your head like? It would be that song. Yes. It's just so twisted.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I love it. Dude, that's amazing, bro. I didn't even get to the part where he says get out of your mind which is the name of the song um shout out to big nasty caleb he's the biggest little john fan i know uh and he would always be the one to put that on and it's just it's so much like you guys said you're just so overstimulated it's so fun um it's really stupid i mean lasers and whistles you hear a laser or a whistle in a song yeah it's on yeah all right should we get into some honorable mentions do we each want to do five yeah yeah yeah fuck yeah maybe to clean up the honorable mentions we'll each give like
Starting point is 01:18:03 three honorable mentions yeah let's just go around yeah chris you want to go ahead um i feel like oh man three no you give four or five just list them all there's a lot of musical songs that i like a lot you know what i mean or like disney songs oh dude like you got like like wait for it from hamilton one day more layman is defying gravity yeah from wicked let it go for finding gravity dude define gravity gets me so fucking amped let it go from frozen um all very good uh all hail the heartbreaker by spell canvas we crank that so much in high school and have done whenever the high school boys meet up, we put it on.
Starting point is 01:18:49 It's like a six minute song. There's not really a chorus that repeats. That's right there with Taking Back Sunday. That's right there. I think Taking Back Sunday works with, I think All Hail the Heartbreaker was pretty internal. It was only because we did it. We kind of just decided that that was our anthem.
Starting point is 01:19:07 I didn't get the High School Boys enough in my list, so definitely wanted to put that on as an honorable mention. Motorcycle Drive-By by Third Eye Blind. Beautiful song. Jumper, too. A lot of Third Eye Blind songs. And yeah, I'll stop there. Beautiful, honorable mentions.
Starting point is 01:19:28 I would go a song entitled Stronger by a lot of female artists. Just, you know, a lot of them have their song entitled Stronger. Kelly Clarkson. I think Pink has one. Kanye has one. Christina Aguilera.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Kanye has a song. That's a good pick. The Aguilera one's strong. Yeah, that's a good pick. The Aguilera one's strong. Yeah, that's a good one. We Will Rock. Okay, two here that didn't make my list, and then it will be someone else's turn. I Have the Tiger and We Will Rock You.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Oh, I Have the Tiger. Have some of the best intros of all time, but then when you get to the actual song, you're kind of like, it's a nice song, but I'm not pumped up anymore. And how contingent is the power of I Have the Tiger to the Rocky association?
Starting point is 01:20:08 Massive. That's where one, like, they help each other, but if you're just listening to I Have the Tiger, like, by the time you get to the end of the song, you know, it's like the same way with the tiger in me. You're kind of like, all right, dude, put that down. It's like I love Hearts on Fire and Rocky 4 when i'm watching rocky but i never put on also you're the best from karate kid and that's another one in the end from teen wolf yes oh you're the best
Starting point is 01:20:35 i never put that song you might but i never put it on you need her at the beginning saying you're the best daniel yeah and then it's like i'm watching karate at the beginning saying, you're the best, Daniel. Yes. And then it's like, I'm watching karate at the same time. That's part of the appeal of the song. For sure. You got a lot of Judas Priest, ACDC. You got Back in Black. You got, I forget the Judas Priest.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Hell's Bells. Hell's Bells, Thunderstruck. Oh, you already did that. But yeah, a lot of these 80s. What I will say too about We Will Rock You is it's a stadium pump up. And then Thunderstruck has that too and then yeah i'll mention a couple other but that's very important too like can this song lose yourself can do that does this song work for like 50 000 people at the same time um those ones
Starting point is 01:21:15 certainly do um i gotta go with uh you know enter sandman i was thinking about italica i mean if you want to get into metal you start with enter sand man it's fucking and the slow build-up what a riff dude um just often never never okay uh bring me to life by evanescence great Great one. Great workout song. Oh, man. That one's really good. You know, I got to go with my dog, Purple Disco Machine, In the Dark. Oh, yeah. We love Purple Disco Machine. Cruel Summer, Bananarama. Great one.
Starting point is 01:21:55 It's in the mood for summer. REO Speedwagon, Can't Fight This Feeling. Yes. Yeah, anthem ones are good. Yeah, I always imagine proposing to that one of like, I can't fight this feeling. When you get on your knee. R.E.S. Speedwagon, Keep On Loving You, too. We'll get you jacked up.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Keep on loving you. Glory of Love by Chicago, I think. Those are like 80s ballads that fire you up to be romantic. Yes. Those are very valuable. A lot of Journey songs. Peter Cetera. Yeah, good call.
Starting point is 01:22:22 We did cover a lot of jock jams, too. Like the NBA intro song. You started with That's a jock jam. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Alan Parsons project. You have that with the Chagall Bulls.
Starting point is 01:22:33 The Space Jam song. Van Halen, Right Now. Yeah. Oh, Van Halen's very good for pumping up. Yeah, John Van Halen. All mine are from when I'm like 15. It's the same way my villains are from when I'm nine. A lot of these are specific to when I was...
Starting point is 01:22:48 It's so funny. You were watching Internal Affairs when you were nine. Yeah, it was a weird household. Do you have any other ones, Chad? That's Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit. Yeah. Bro, I didn't have any Limp Bizkit on there. Yeah, I mean...
Starting point is 01:23:02 All of Imagine Dragons. Yes. Yeah. Yes. have any lip biscuit on there yeah i mean yes all of imagine dragons yes um yeah yes for for a stadium one seven nation army is the standard that one works really nicely um also from like movie scores uh pirates of the caribbean's a good one to run to uh inception time will just make you feel like a secret agent yes um bill cont Conti from Rocky is obviously the classic. Bulls on Parade and Matrix. Oh, yeah. Last of the Mohicans. Great score.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Oh, The Promenade. Tremendous one. To the Stars from Dragonheart. One of the most beautiful songs of all time. Oh, what's the one in Blow? Oh, whoa, whoa. Black Betty. Bam, bam.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Black Betty's great. Back in Black, ACDC. Dude, Remember the Name by Fort Minor. Dude, yeah. whoa, Black Betty. Bam, bam. Black Betty's great. Back in Black, ACDC. Dude, remember the name by Fort Minor. Dude, yeah. Two obviously trying to be the best pump-up song of all time. Not enough, hey, we'll just end up being the best pump-up song. It's a little too intentional. It's a little too on the nose.
Starting point is 01:23:58 But hey, man, if you're putting together a highlight tape of some football plays, that's a great one. Numb, Encore, Linkin Park, and Jay-Z. Yeah. other uh highlight tape is some football plays that's a great one um numb encore lincoln park and uh jay-z and then uh and then a couple sex ones that i had to leave off but uh sex is on fire by kings of leon yeah yeah always made me want to just start grab someone's head and just really connect and then uh and then uh what was my other sex one oh this is very specific to me and it was tough to leave off the list but uh uh alive with the power and glory of love by saying anything yeah yeah because the theme is it's about a jewish guy and his gal
Starting point is 01:24:35 the nazis are coming to take them away or kill them and what do they decide to do in the face of that bone in the living room that's what that song yeah it's a great song you never knew that no yeah it's just about fucking when the nazis are coming i had no idea it's great you know which is the ultimate rebellion to to you know cruelty is love let's make love is bold love trio god called in sick today it's pretty sick that's a afi oh yeah if i fuck i'm an idiot yeah, they got some good ones. AFI's got a couple of bangers, dude. Yeah, AFI's really good to work out too. Did Blink-182,
Starting point is 01:25:10 would you say all the small things? I think that gets me pretty far. Yeah. All the small things. Oh, offspring. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Self-esteem for offspring. Yeah, if you want to be,
Starting point is 01:25:24 if you're working out by yourself after 10 100% and then also Kanye has a lot of good ones power
Starting point is 01:25:32 yep all of the lights stronger all the lights yeah he's got a bunch of what about run it by Chris Brown
Starting point is 01:25:39 and Jewel Santana that's a great song you know you can run it run it can't fight this feeling by Justin Timberlake that pumps people up at weddings wedding pump up songs Santana. That's a great song. No, you can run it, run it. Can't Fight This Feeling by Justin Timberlake. That pumps people up at weddings. Wedding pump-up songs sometimes are too safe.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I like Senorita. I would prefer Crazy in Love by Beyonce. Oh, dude. Rihanna's got some good ones, too. I'm partial to Only Girl, but I think We Found Love is one of the, that'll get people going.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Shut up and drive makes you want to put my thing in sixth gear. No Nickelback or Slavon on any of our latest. Yeah, Nickelback. Little too for a minor either going forward too hard. How you remind me would get me jacked up. This is how. All right,
Starting point is 01:26:20 Aaron, here we go. I have honorable mentions that I put together while while you guys were doing yours let's see here thank you let's see I got today by smashing pumpkins always always fires me up gets gets beautiful fast my walk-up song for softball, Machine Head by Bush. Nice. Dude, Bush rips.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yeah, that's a good one. Crawling in the Dark by Hoopa Stank. Oh, dude. Yeah. Hoopa Stank is a good band. Yeah, right. Heroes, David Bowie. Oh, beautiful song.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Dude, that probably should have been on there. Yeah. Just for one day. We had a lot of... Great placements. Great music. I thought a lot of stuff was should have been on there. Yeah. Just for one day. We had a lot of... Great placements. Great music. I thought a lot of stuff was going to be on here, guys. That's the problem with this list.
Starting point is 01:27:11 This one's tough. There's a lot of songs. There's a lot of songs out there. You're also of a slightly different generation, so I'm not that much older than you. We didn't fill up the tub of Cool Whip. There was definite creaming going on, though. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:22 The tarp has been put down. Jump by Van Halen Already mentioned Separate Ways by Journey Ooh A lot of Journey ones Could have been I don't like a lot of Journey I know but
Starting point is 01:27:31 And I will fight any stoker On this If you think Don't Stop Believin' Is Journey's best song You're just wrong Separate Ways
Starting point is 01:27:39 Is the best song Sweetness By the guys on my chest Jimmy Eat World What is Love By H hadaway i know it's kind of a cliche but it fucking gets you on my list that was yeah yeah that's a banger how can you not move to this one i thought i mean how do you how do you sabotage beastie boys oh yeah oh i didn't pick that because the beastie Boys suck. Oh. Wow. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:28:06 And we're going to have a new champion. The intelligence is coming after you. It's not my bro ham? No. After that comment, certainly not. Oh, right, right. Even after the judge. Yeah, that was a mistake.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Even staying alive by the Bee Gees. I mean, it's a fucking banger. Staying alive with that riff and staying alive. Right're grooving you know what yeah it's the walk down the street correct it's it's owning you and your boys have outfits on you're ready to go out you just fucking got a healthy buzz pre-gaming what's the kid's name from saturday night fever what's his name in that movie travolta yeah what's his name in it? Tony Manero. Tony Manero. Yeah. Which was also a really good Chilean film. About a sad guy who wants to be him.
Starting point is 01:28:52 I never saw it, but my friend Chris said it was good. All right. All right. Let me recap all of your guys' picks and then I will go into my judgment. Let's see. JT, My Hero by the Foo Fighters, number one. Two, Till I Collapse by Eminem and Nate Dogg. Three, Headstrong by Trapped. This is a fast.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Four, Fucking Problems by A$AP Rocky. Bro, this is a great list. Five, Just Like a Pill by Pink. Oh, bro, you came in with fucking bangers. Dude, I'm fucking amazing. Okay. We've got Chad. Guys, thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Number one, Lose Yourself by Eminem. Yeah. Two, If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher. Three, thank you. Number one, Lose Yourself by Eminem. Yeah. Two, If I Could Turn Back Time by Cher. Three, Call on Me by Eric Pridz. Four, Higher by Creed. Five, Thunderstruck by ACDC. It's your heart. It's my heart.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I love it. You can feel the heart in it. Yeah. All right. It's a good list. Striders. It's a good list. Number one pick, Jump Around by House of Pain.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Two, Killing in the Name by Rage. Damn. That's a machine. Three, Killing in the Name by Rage. That's a machine. Three, Harder Than You Think by Public Enemy. Four, Cute Without the E by Taking Back Sunday. Five, Rodeo by Garth Brooks. Dude, help fire me up. It's a great list. Dude, you lost me with Rodeo a little bit.
Starting point is 01:29:58 No, no, I lost myself with that. But that's what I do. I fuck up. Chris. I'm a fuck up. A lot of people are going to like that pick though, I bet. I'm appealing to part of the country here. Dude, smart.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yeah, you're the only one who went country. Portillo's. Portillo's. Yeah, smart. Smart. You're smart. Chris, number one, Zombie by the Cranberries. Two, Chandelier by Sia.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Three, Last Resort by Papa Roach. Four, Don't Stop Me Now by Queen. Five, Out of Your Mind by Little John. Lasers, dude. A lot of good picks on here, guys. A lot of good picks on everyone's list. I'm going to start...
Starting point is 01:30:37 Let me start... Why do I get so nervous? Yeah, I'm scared as fuck. Of course I'm nervous, dude. Yeah, dude, my whole life's in the balance. It's only our taste. It's only the rest of my life who i am no dude i'm not gonna cry on camera i'm blazing my whole self-esteem in aaron's hands i'm just kidding beer's about to turn to gin let me start i'm chilling man i think i don't think i'm gonna win win. I'm going to start at the end. Solid. It's solid.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Top two, maybe even three picks. Lost me with four and five. I think there's a better song by the artist. That's Strider. Oh, unfortunately. Yeah. I think cute. I don't like taking back Sunday at at all hey music is subjective and uh if you're gonna go garth brooks as a pump up song i think you gotta go friends in low places
Starting point is 01:31:34 like yeah yeah yeah that's true because everyone can sing it together it's like when you're right you're right thank you when you're very right i love you i love you guys hey a lot of great lists Thank you. I love you. I love you guys. Hey, a lot of great lists. Hey, zoom in on my eyes right now because they've never been so needy. Do any of you guys have a sharp object?
Starting point is 01:31:59 I got some rope in my car. Can anyone put Last Resort on real quick? Last Resort's fun because you're killing yourself, but you're pumped up. You're like, you're killing yourself loudly. Yeah. Three, I think.
Starting point is 01:32:16 It's a good number one. It's number two, I'd never heard before. Three, I actually heard during my championship softball game. Four, never heard. And five, I'm like i think i go jt i'd never heard till i collapsed before what wasn't what yeah sorry guys yeah i never heard it really yeah wow for your number two it should be something everyone knows i feel like everyone knows that one well if it's just me it's just me but that i didn't put me in charge here i could i give this job away in a heartbeat uh don't say that you don't like me the judge it's a lot of pressure yeah especially when everyone's you're one man dude like with boxing fights they have
Starting point is 01:33:04 three of them. And Joe Rogan thinks that's not enough. He thinks there should be five or seven. But Aaron, you're the judge, dog. Heavy is the head that wears the decision. Correct. You're the fucking motherfucking adjudicator. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:18 So we're down to Chad or Chris. And ultimately, what it's coming down to for me is the number one pick being better than the other number one pick what were you guys number one picks real quick we got chad lose yourself by m&m and one uh chris zombie by the cranberries well there's no better answer we know now yeah yeah i i'm going with chad the winner. Chad, way to go, baby. I was expecting. You had a great list. You did have a great list.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Thanks, bro. I do agree with JT. If I could turn back time, could have come fifth. But everything else just bangs. That's what I thought. That's what I thought
Starting point is 01:33:55 about his list. Yeah, Call on Me was a great curveball pick. Yeah, it was great. And then, dude, you had Lose Yourself number one. Lose Yourself five.
Starting point is 01:34:02 And then Hire by Creed. Oh, yeah. You had a good list. And I think, Chris, if if you'd go on chandelier one zombie two maybe i think it's better value yeah i think two in a row i know yeah i know it's it's tough that's a good point that's a good point also if you picked chris to win three times in a row it's like you guys need to get a beer together already like you guys taking a real four were you picking my brother so many times people would have started accusing you of like maybe a...
Starting point is 01:34:27 Favoritism? Or a relationship outside the draft that's going on. Or even that, or just like a crazy star-crossed like... Or not even star-crossed, but like... Synergy? Yeah, you guys are just bros of the same ilk. Yeah, I don't hate any song on your list. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:34:43 And I certainly don't on Chad's, but... And I will say about chad's list when he picked call on me because i didn't even think about that song and then when he said it and i literally felt myself get aroused that's a three it that's a three on your list and it's like the most animalistic fucking horny song ever yeah and just that music video just started playing in my head and i was just like i was in a good place yeah yeah it's nice thanks guys jt3 strider 4 good shit man thanks um all right what up council i'm high as a giraffe right now so like i may have fucked up big time while supporting my dank ass wife's pregnancy and prepping for this huge life transformation and to be the best dad i can be i've been pumping audio straight at my wife's ute to try and instill the baby with true wisdom
Starting point is 01:35:33 and prevent them from being a schmole that was all fun and games until after a full trimester of the only thing my son had heard has been this pod yep that's right and now whenever i stream the youtube clips while changing the weee Lads nappies, my son reaches toward the screen saying, Dada. I think he thinks Chad is his dad. Dada, or his first word, is about to be dank. What do I do here, bros?
Starting point is 01:35:55 Seems like he could be a really cool guy one day, but the thought of not having my son recognize me as a father figure haunts me. Do I keep raising him, or should I just quit while I'm ahead and let you boys take over? Chad, do you and Kennedy still want a dog? The little dude so far is great on all fours and isn't totally locked in a name. So it might be a real catch. Sorry for the long email. Fuck Puzio.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Shut up, Brody. Jabow. I late. Really good email. Wow. A huge honor. Thank you. I'd be open to accepting your child uh if you want to you know send him be a stork um would you be accepting the child as a person or as a dog as a dog
Starting point is 01:36:39 uh we have a little fluff bed and you know we have a bowl and we have a dish and uh you get a kennel too you don't want the thing just running around yeah is it kennel trained i'd like to know that for sure great um and uh do i need to find a nice bush for pee or, you know, tell me, you know, the specifics on your dog child and I may accept. So thank you. What do you guys think? Yeah, I think you guys used to adopt his kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:21 I think you should invest in some AirPods, but... I like having the string on them, dude. Or do that. Legit. You can do a lot of things. All right, going deep. What's up, boys? There's this girl in my friend group who's got an insane body.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I want to shoot my shot, but I don't want to mess up the friendship. Also, there's this girl who's friends with her that I was working on at a party who said she hopes to see me again soon which girl should i go for thanks guys this guy's the best dude dude i don't know that's such a tough call bro i mean the one girl's got an insane body but the other other girl, like, you guys were vibing at a party? Dude, that's a crazy toss-up. Because here's the thing, dude. The second girl who said she had a little bit of interest in you, like, that could probably turn, like, odds are you're going to be busting a nut with her sooner.
Starting point is 01:38:18 And they already got energy, dude. They got energy. But the girl with the insane body, how do you pass that up? And you're a guy who likes to win and compete. So I think what you got to do is compete and go after the girl with the insane body. Honestly, get one of your boys interested in her too so you can fucking dominate him. Dude, I hear you, bro. This dude should straight up dominate.
Starting point is 01:38:37 And he's got that kind of potential, which needs to be fostered for sure. And I want to see him being top dog. But bro, how do you pass up on energy? Do you that's true because an insane bot if it's not animated by some real connect is gonna feel inert need so guys He should just hook up with both Can't choose I don't know what to do choose both it's like it's like a trick question but there's no consequences dude it's just all bonus if you hit both bro if you do it right how are they even gonna be mad exactly bro wait though bro bro wait do you go for both dude which is for sure
Starting point is 01:39:29 or do you try and lock in both same time hey christopher nolan dude let's converge the timeline tommy that's a good call by you same time's a good call cause he's trying to get that BMX sponsorship so just fucking if you hook up with them both at the same time
Starting point is 01:39:50 that's just more efficient gives you more time to practice bro broadly on advice though stay lit dude that's true for sure
Starting point is 01:39:57 just hey stay lit and keep being a king king yeah don't ever write in something like that again dude don't ever fucking write something like that again to us dude it is some of us got real problems dude do you know what i like about that whole thing though never do that it feels like it took him 10 seconds to write that email yeah
Starting point is 01:40:18 he didn't use any other thing or finger but his thumbs yeah he's just like it on his phone he's like you know what dude i'll check in with chad and jt real quick see what the homies say all right later dude next time you're partying whichever one's closer there you go yeah dude pull over your razor that one exactly dude i got nothing else to distinguish these people i want real stakes what's your biggest mistake who have you heard what has your dad done wrong have you ever done a hit and run what's going on dude okay so this dude i can find his question, but I remember him writing it in. Um, he said that his ish is that, is that his, his girlfriend has the same name as his mom and it weirds them out when he's talking to her, especially in intimate settings.
Starting point is 01:41:00 Okay. So what's the sitch dude? Does he call his mom by her name? settings okay so what's the sitch dude does he call his mom by her name he calls his mom because i call mom mom that i guess yeah could you date a monica i mean i guess i guess yeah it'd be a little weird but is it like a deal like i don't think it would be a deal breaker but i guess guess I never dealt with it. Also, do you really... Once you get past the four-month mark, don't you just call your girlfriend by pet names?
Starting point is 01:41:32 Exactly. It's weird to still be calling your girlfriend Donna. Unless you're trying to get her attention in a crowd. Her name is Babe or Sexy Little Vixen. Or Honey or Squirtle. Yeah. We've gone Boo from like from the get go or like challenger you know what I mean
Starting point is 01:41:50 feisty beast competent animal I call mine creamsicle there it is dude tigress but if you don't feel comfortable with that just keep calling your girlfriend by her name and call your mom by a pet name
Starting point is 01:42:04 yeah come on what do you yeah yeah call your mom babe be like babe babe make me a grilled cheese do my mom yeah my mom hey boo hey sexy sexy what's up you need me to grab something from the front yeah i got you girl hey babe can you help me with rent? Hey, candy pants. When's Thanksgiving dinner gonna be ready? Hey, Squirtle. Squirtle. Hey, Squirtle, okay, yeah. Squirtle, can you help me with tuition?
Starting point is 01:42:36 You've leveled up. Hey, Squirtle, help me with tuition this semester. Yeah, hey, Levernut Pumpkin Butt. Hey, fuck toy. Where's my little fuck doll? Hey, fuck toy.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Can you help me with rent this semester? Hey, come bucket. Have you seen my socks? Hey, listen, fuck toy. Do not ever ask me about my grades again. Also good cue. All right, chad who's your beef of the week uh i you know this is our fourth pod this week because we're banking them so it's tough for me to come up with a beef i know it's tough so i asked my mom i'm like mom what is your beef right
Starting point is 01:43:18 now my mom's beef is how expensive it is expensive it is to go on vacation right now oh she's a flash yeah we're trying to we're trying to go on a cruise we're trying to you know get tropical stay tan winter's coming you know august you better get your shit together or else you're gonna be pasty so she's trying to get those trips lined up and she's like it's expensive and it's and she's like it's pretty effed so i was like i freaking hear you squirtle and uh yeah dude my beef is for aaron aaron you you expressed some beef earlier that you had that i want to toss it to you it was the fucking uh yeah what was it again no my beef is not with aaron i love aaron what did someone do to you they fucked up dude why can't i remember this
Starting point is 01:44:07 all right it must not have been that important dude my beef is with my brain for not being able to remember right now this is your third podcast in three days too that's true and look here's the thing i'm we're chill bros like i don't have that much beef dude but someone fucked with aaron hard dude and it was messed up dude it wasn't wasn't about going over to Laurel Canyon. It wasn't your McDonald's. It wasn't. Oh, fuck. I'll remember it in a second, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I mean, we were both here. And we were all like, that's fucked up, dude, that someone did that. Wait, was I here for that, too? Yeah, we were always right out in the kitchen. We were like, that's fucked up. Dude, I'm on Modelo time, man. Aaron, you don't remember shit? Dude, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:44:44 Maybe we got it all out. Maybe we kind of like. It's cathartic you don't remember shit? Dude, that's crazy. Maybe we got it all out. Maybe we kind of like... It's cathartic. Yeah. All right, well, that's chill. That shit's been done. Whatever fucking was messing with Aaron earlier, dude. That's my beef, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Thank you to the universe for quelling it. Chris, what's your beef of the week? My beef is with myself for downloading this tower defense game on my phone that has totally sucked up my life for the last day and a half where i haven't looked up from my phone at all and i've barely had a conversation with my wife since then because i'm just so locked in i'm really addicted but you know i hope i get over it soon because it's uh it's fucking with my shit what's it called tower defense is that like command and conquer or something i don't even know which one I picked. I just searched Tower Defense
Starting point is 01:45:25 in the App Store, you know, where you just have waves of troops coming in and they're different ones and you just build shit and I've been so locked in. I've just been glued to my phone for like two days. Dude, my beef of the week is with guys with weird vibes.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Nice, dude. You know, and like a lot of these guys have like tons of friends and are very social and are ostensibly cool by most metrics. But then they just cruise in and you're like, dude,
Starting point is 01:45:51 like either chill or like get it together, but I can't handle you in this weird in-between. It's just throwing me. And so like much love to all people. We're all doing our best,
Starting point is 01:46:02 but guys with weird vibes, like it just kind of, I don't know, it puts a big burden on you and I'm trying to chill. No, it changes the way you sit because they'll come up and they'll sit next to you and you're just like. They know who they are, right? Like they know that they're doing this. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:46:19 No. You know what makes their vibes weird too is that they don't take ownership and they fling it back at you. They're always the first dudes to be like, hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting weird? You're like, I'm being like normal, dude. Or like if I am being weird, it's not worth commenting on. And then you just like, I'm like, take responsibility for your side of things, dude.
Starting point is 01:46:37 For sure. Dude, one dude yesterday, we were sitting. It was me and a comedian and there was only room for the two of us. And then he rolled up and was like yo can i sit there too i was like we're all gonna be like squished together i'm not even good friends with this comedian i was like dude it was painful but i had to literally be like you can't sit here yeah good on you though but you don't ever want to have to say that you know so fuck that guy for putting me in that spot that's why dude all right babe slash legend chad
Starting point is 01:47:02 uh this is uh for my mom, too. The legend slash babe is a dog that was lost for four years and returned back to its family. Oh, my God. For four years. That's amazing. I don't have any deets. It's amazing. But it's just that alone.
Starting point is 01:47:17 I'm like, that's... Can you imagine just being like, spot? She's like, what up, dude? You said it and I had a picture in my head of like yeah a family getting reunited yeah he's already tearing up it's amazing did they find the dog because it got like covid vaxxed and the government was able to find where it was finally yeah that's yeah that's what i figured yeah yeah yeah a lot of that going around yeah yeah it's like find your dog madonna app fuck yeah bill gates emailed them and was
Starting point is 01:47:45 like hey i know we're yeah like hey are you looking for yeah dude i know exactly bro it's so weird you just said rusty you know one of you guys said no dude that's the energy because my my babe slash legend of the week me and my dank ass fiance were elming today and she showed me the color rust dude we might get a rust bedspread and i really liked it dude so is it like maroon but like a little bit more exactly i actually referenced your couch i was like you have a great couch thank you love that couch can't wait to watch fucking ball on that this fall it's coming and she was like hey look at this bedspread it's rust and i was like holy dude i like the color rust
Starting point is 01:48:30 so she just opening my mind to new things so i guess rust but really what rust means like the subtext of that is like new experiences and and legit taste you know hell yeah yeah chris who's your b uh chris who's your babe slash legend uh there's this couple that i saw at uh the brandy carlisle concert that i went to a month ago where the female in the relationship was like seven inches taller than the dude whoa she had really broad shoulders and he was a skinny dude and they were they were on the stairs like getting even closer to the action and they were rocking out they knew a bunch of the songs and then when it went to like a power ballad she freaking held him in her arms like snuggling him and they were just rocking and he didn't
Starting point is 01:49:20 and just to see like that size shift and they were not embarrassed at all. I was like, this is fucking. I love that. That's legendary, dude. It was amazing. Did she ever get in a nice squat stance and allow him to shimmy up her body onto her shoulders during any songs? No, because they were, it was like it was an elevated section and they were right on the edge. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:41 That would have been way too dangerous. Could have been way too dangerous if they were on the floor in that ga section i imagine he would have been going up on her shoulder for sure um because she was built fuck yeah dude i think i found out who the coolest white guy of all time is i'm biased too because this has been my trajectory recently in terms of the info I've been absorbing. I'm going JFK. Oh, he's a World War II hero. He's courageous. He gets ass.
Starting point is 01:50:10 He's inspiring. He seems very comfortable in his skin. And it seems like he can make the room bend to him more than the other side. So I'm going JFK as the coolest white guy ever. That's pretty nice. I like that. What about Sinatra? Sinatra pretty good. I like that.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Sinatra's cool. I'm an Elvis guy over Sinatra. But you know, I have trouble going. We were talking about this earlier. I probably put athletes and world leaders above musicians. Musicians are above actors for sure. 100%.
Starting point is 01:50:40 But I still put, for me, athletes and world leaders still have the highest ceiling. They move different. 100% but I still put for me athletes and and world leaders are still have the highest ceiling they move different singers move different too though
Starting point is 01:50:50 actors don't move that good Mick Jagger's pretty cool Mick Jagger's cool obviously it's sad how Freddie Mercury he got assassinated but it is nice
Starting point is 01:50:59 that there's not like a twilight end of his life where he could fuck things up dude it's such a good point it's like it's a little Tupac-y yeah where it's like we twilight end of his life where he could fuck things up. Dude, it's such a good point. It's like, it's a little Tupac-y. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:07 Where it's like, we saw the best of them and we never saw them get watered down through age. You almost wish Bob Dylan would have lost. Die a hero or live long enough, you know. Well, the nice part about athletes is you only remember them for their prime. Like, I don't really count against Michael Jordan. Being a bad owner. Yeah. And I don't really count against.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Like making bad free agent decisions. Playing for the Wizards. You're like, whatever. Thank a bad owner. Yeah. And I don't really kind of like making bad free agent decisions. Playing for the wizards. You're like, whatever. Thank you for that. All right. Chad, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:51:32 My quote of the week comes from higher by Creed. The great call. Can you take me higher? Beautiful. To a place where blind men see. Can you take me higher? to a place with golden streets mine is fuck you I won't do what you tell me nice from Rage Against the Machine mine is lines from out of your minds this is gonna be my quote and my phrase that we're getting
Starting point is 01:52:05 after it if that's cool and it's great it's a little long i don't give a fuck i don't give a fuck fuck it i don't give a fuck i don't give a fuck fuck it i don't give a fuck i don't give a fuck fuck it i don't give a fuck fuck it let's fucking lose it. Get out of your mind. That's beautiful, dude. Get out of your mind. That's fucking beautiful, dude. Do you think they read the lyrics? He gave it to his boy and he started tearing up. He was all precious about it.
Starting point is 01:52:36 He's like, look, there's nine. I don't give a fucks here. We can't have 10. It's just an artistic number, nine. Or it's 11 or nine. If anything, I think he came in and was like, what if we tripled it? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. it's just an artistic number nine or it's 11 or nine if anything i think it came in was like what if we tripled it yeah exactly yeah yeah i'll go from one of my songs too um i'll go from uh aesop rocky fucking problems oh yeah let's go i love bad bitches that's my fucking problem and yeah i like to fuck i got a fucking problem i love bad bitches that's my fucking problem
Starting point is 01:53:04 and yeah i like to fuck i got a fucking problem i love bad bitches that's my fucking problem and yeah i like to fuck i got a fucking problem and then uh and then he puts a nice capstone and says if finding somebody real is your fucking problem bring your girl to the crib maybe we can solve them that's amazing dude you know what else you know what i wanted to say at the end of that though that's another song where it lights out gorilla radio turn that shit up oh yeah great call is rage the best pump up band of all time or are we giving it to eminem they got a lot of bangers i think rage rage over every song is pump up yeah it's my workout playlist yeah i would be more concerned going to a rage concert that i wouldn't have the energy to keep pistol grip pump all right uh chad what's your phrase that we forget after it praise a week
Starting point is 01:53:57 for getting after it is uh dude turn it up i like that that's good for this that's good mine is because all you guys said good stuff. Hey, man, what he said. Yeah, I already did mine. To paraphrase, get out of your mind. Love that. Mine is also from fucking problems. Girl, I'm Kendrick Lamar.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Oh, no, hold on, hold on. She eyed me like a blank don't exist girl i know you want this dick girl i'm kendrick lamar aka a benz is to me just a car that's it it's amazing dude let's go real poet all right dudes is that it that was a fun one if we can keep the music in it Amazing, dude. Let's go. Real poet. All right, dudes. Is that it? That was a fun one. If we can keep the music in, it'll be a banger for sure. Good draft.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Good draft. Congrats, Chad. Congrats on the draft, dude. Thank you. If you need advice, these guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 01:55:14 There's much to have The world's beside you Go with me Go with me Let's go Go with me Let's go Go with me We got it Yeah
Starting point is 01:55:31 Yeah

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