Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 254 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: August 31, 2022

What up stokers! This week Chad and JT freak out about the release of their show! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers before we begin this podcast i want to let you know that we have our new series out on netflix called chad and jt go deep uh check it out right now if you haven't seen it and let us know how you feel tweet about it tell everyone you know keep spreading the good word of stoke uh thank you so much to everyone who's watched so far um and yeah appreciate it dudes we're also on tour we got um new dates coming up. We're hitting North Carolina, South Carolina, Hawaii, Nashville, Chicago, Boston, New York, Las Vegas. We also added dates in Denver and Salt Lake City and Atlanta. That's going to be in December. So get your tickets at ChadJT.com.
Starting point is 00:00:42 We're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because q espn signature sound fellas fantasy football is draft season is right around the corner it's time to get your snake looking right for the snake draft with the sponsors of today's show manscape the leaders in below the waist grooming have created a championship lineup with their performance package 4.0. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:01:11 That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com. It's time to put the PP back in PPR and get a grip on your pigskin this season with Manscaped. All right, let's start the show. Spray on the screen and cover up the peen. What's up, Stokers of Stoked Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Here we are. Yeah. Show's out. Yeah, how you doing? Dude, you know, it's... No, don't do that. How you doing? It's ups and downs.
Starting point is 00:02:03 We should just tell them, dude. Yeah. yeah i mean it's pretty nerve-wracking we've been uh we've been an emotional roller coaster for the last two days yeah yeah it's been intense yeah it's a lot to put yourself out there like that it is yeah it's uh you know what i think uh it's just expectations you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah you do i mean because you it's we're not i'm not used to putting on a show but i mean the thing is that everyone who's seen it loves it you know and uh so many people reached out and all the fans have been so great you know they've been reposting a lot of nice messages stories and friends and family and strangers yeah so that's
Starting point is 00:02:45 been really nice um i so appreciate everyone who's watched it but yeah it's just uh you just have so many expectations when he puts it on netflix you just don't know what to expect no i i think uh if i'm being totally candid we had the premiere it was so fun great party yeah lots of tears i guess i ordered 20 shots on the boss's tab and then i left i did yeah i left right after did he tell you that cory texted me the next day was like dude that was hilarious how you ordered 20 shots and then left just wanted to make sure it was a good party yeah and then uh you know i i uh and maybe it was misguided i don't know you know i truly believe when,
Starting point is 00:03:26 like when I'm working on something, I always think it's going to be the best thing ever. You know what I mean? And so I kind of felt like after the premiere, everyone's so fired up at the premiere and it's so emotional. Like we had such a great crew and everyone was such a sweetheart. It's such a fun party. I guess I thought the next day I'd just be getting like flowers thrown at me. You know,
Starting point is 00:03:42 I walked outside and the truth is it's like, you know, it's going to be what it's gonna be but i'm still excited for like it's in a weird way i've been galvanized where i'm like yeah good more life like let's keep going let's find out let's do the next thing but and but the but the the advice i keep getting from people is to enjoy it you know what i mean they're like you did something yeah enjoy it but i don't know if that actually is how my brain works yeah you know what i mean yeah i think i enjoy either i enjoy stressing out or i enjoy uh momentum yeah you know what i mean i like momentum yeah that's a fun feeling. It's the best feeling. Sitting around and just waiting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Not a good feeling. No. Because it's out of your hands now. There's nothing to do. Yeah. I almost wish they were like, hey, you guys can go back into the edit. You can snip a couple scenes or, you know what I mean? You can do this.
Starting point is 00:04:40 You can do that. I'd be like, yeah, yeah. Good. Good. Yeah. It's weird. I've been like craving like negative feedback yeah like his friends and family are just like hey it's really good good job
Starting point is 00:04:50 yeah i'm like come on tell me something right give me something i can like sink my teeth into but maybe that's maybe that's just a uh backwards thinking i don't know no i think it's uh no you you want you want to you want to better your performance you want to work on your you know you want to better your skills for sure um yeah and but another thing to you know it's the algorithm and stuff i just don't know how it works i just know that it takes a while to spread to all the all the you know it's not like it just uh pops up on every single person's netflix day release so that that's a that's something that's sort of you know you just when it drops you're like in your head you know you you understand that conceptually but then then when it actually
Starting point is 00:05:37 drops on the platform you're like but it is on everyone's platform right now isn't it yeah it totally is. But I think for a lot of people, you know, they just don't see the promotion. They don't know who we are. It doesn't, you know, it's on their front page. They have no incentive to click on it. No, it's interesting. So I think it just needs to keep spreading and word of mouth helps a ton
Starting point is 00:06:06 um yeah I mean yeah it's just crazy putting your first thing out there on on a platform like that it's nuts yeah and you know I'm I maybe I'm getting to this mindset too quickly, but I'm like, I just have to keep learning. You know what I mean? Like learn how to handle this better. Like, you know, maybe if we,
Starting point is 00:06:34 when we get another crack, I'll be better prepared for what that, those next couple of days will feel like. And then also just the process of making some, like, I'm just so excited. Cause I feel like I've learned so much and you learn from the release of something you know what i mean like yeah we'll learn from how people respond to this what like the strengths
Starting point is 00:06:53 and weaknesses of it are you know where we like really nailed it where like we could be a little bit better the next time and that's what i don't know thinking about that stuff is like what makes me happy yeah yeah or like at least even better than happiness i can get absorbed by it like i can put everything into that and that's like that's like the most beautiful thing for me although it would have been there's more ego-based things that are fun too but that feels like the one thing that is like the thing that is kind of healthy and process oriented that's good yeah yeah it's just i think for me too it's like you know what's tough about this business is like thing you know it feels like yeah it feels like
Starting point is 00:07:48 things need to do well in order for you to keep doing trading and like i i just love being on set it's like my favorite thing and so you just wanted to do well so you can have more opportunities like that to keep going on set to keep being on set and like um so that that's a big thing too is you you want you know the momentum you want to keep i just want to keep you know working yeah i don't like doing nothing yeah me too dude uh one of our friends had a hilarious thing yesterday i was being a lot yesterday i was uh and i'm lucky i got good friends great girlfriend everybody's my family everyone's like so nice nice, truly kind, truly cares about me. But I liked it when people were a little mean to me because I went over to one buddy's house
Starting point is 00:08:33 and his girlfriend was there. And right when I walked in, she goes, whoa, you got weird energy. Yeah. And I started, I said exactly what you said. Like, hey man, I'm trying to keep this ball moving, you know? Yeah. And then she said, oh, wah, wah, wah wah you might never win an Oscar but I loved it I was like because
Starting point is 00:08:49 I kind of needed that harsh uh criticism you know what I mean to knock me out of it a little bit but but I'm I'm with you 100% like I I just want to you know I don't know if it's gross I don't even know if it's beyond what I should believe about myself, but like, I want to be like the best, you know what I mean? And I really want to keep doing this thing. So it's like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 but, but I think we will. And I think these are, I think we're being very honest about it. And I think these are naturally occurring things. Yeah. And it might even be a little gross. Cause I remember when I'd see other comedians be like
Starting point is 00:09:25 come on help us get a season two and i was like bro don't do that you know what i mean then you go through it and you're kind of like it'd be nice yeah you know yeah yeah and but but then also i think about like like i think john mulaney's like top comedian alive right now he's he's in my all-time ranks i think that guy's a genius his tv his first tv show was bad yeah yeah and he bounced back and i'm not ours isn't that you know what i mean but what i'm saying is there's even examples of every actually comedian i really love has it's been a long road you know what i mean uh yeah no everyone goes i mean it's been a long road you know what i mean yeah no everyone goes i mean it's it's part of the journey it's just you know it's tough to it's tough to hang in the pocket sometimes because you sort of when you're in it and you're just waiting to see how things do
Starting point is 00:10:20 you're sort of part of me it's just like i just need to maybe i'll just move to like madagascar would you go there yeah what's that madagascar nothing that's why just live in a fucking hut just you know you have a nice tan yeah i'd have a nice tan and fuck man yeah you probably do some daily motivates from there though You have a nice tan. Yeah, I have a nice tan. Fuck, man. You could probably do some Daily Motivates from there, though. I'm going to get 12 coconuts today. Yeah, probably at a certain point.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's just tough. You know, dude, it's nice, though, to be going through it with somebody. Yeah. Because yesterday I was too embarrassed, but I was hungover and I was stressing. And I just texted you how you were doing yeah but like really what i was asking was like the subtext was and i i i was too prideful to write it but i was basically just being like hey man are you freaking out as much as i'm freaking out right now yeah um i mean i just i was so hung over I couldn't move yesterday but I was freaking out for sure
Starting point is 00:11:25 yeah I don't know and it's it's yeah it's funny everyone just tells you to enjoy it but you just
Starting point is 00:11:38 it's the tough thing is you're in the dark so you have like you get like you know kind of like inklings of how it's doing you know from like whoever you know just from online and stuff but we just don't know
Starting point is 00:11:52 but i mean the nice thing is that everyone who's seen it loves and i genuinely love the show i mean put three years into it yeah and it's it's so much fun everyone on the crew had so much fun it's it was it was such a fun experience
Starting point is 00:12:15 that's why I just want to keep doing it not the best at a lot of things but Woody Allen you know I get it makes one movie a year just been doing that for 50 years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I think almost 50 years she's been doing that. Yeah. It's fucking crazy. Yeah. But it's fun. And, you know, we're very lucky. It's hard because I guess we have to talk about this to get to, like, I have to be, like, in my difficult feelings to get to the more positive ones but i am like
Starting point is 00:12:47 extraordinarily grateful like i'm the luckiest guy alive and we worked with like amazing people you know and people were friends with like it was beautiful that way and i think everyone really was treated well on our show which which I think is really important. But it's still like, you know, you want... I'm like, well, we'll keep treating people well. Yeah, yeah. On all following successes. So hopefully allow us that.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah. And we'll keep making our own stuff too, which is, I take a lot of pride in but yeah it's wacky and you don't want to be a one hit a one hitter you know what i mean yeah i don't think that that'll happen to you though no i think i think we're on a nice track it's just we're just we're just i know we sound so defeatist we're just waiting right now we you know i think it's nice though man because like you're probably defeatist the least of anyone i've ever known so oh thanks i think it's normal thank you no it's
Starting point is 00:13:56 true and i think it's normal for anyone to go through that it's also funny because we've and i hope everyone can relate to this even people who don't work in this business. I'm sorry if it feels like inside. It's just what we're living through right now. But it's funny because when we first started and we started taking meetings with people who were more veteran in the industry, they kind of had a defeatist energy to them. And I'd always be like like why are you acting like that i'm like that's not good yeah yeah and then you go through even just a even just a day and a half of that yeah and now i'm like oh yeah yeah i'm like i totally get where you're coming from
Starting point is 00:14:36 yeah like uh but but but but i i do feel like that's not you. You're never going to, if you're defeatist for a day, even if you're defeatist for like a week or whatever, like that's just not who you are. But I think. Yeah, thanks. You too, man. Yeah, no, I think I'm negative, but I don't think I'm defeatist at times.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I, yeah, it's just hard because i really do feel so pumped up and i don't know what to do with it you know what i mean yeah there's no there's no i just i kind of just got to sit still yeah and uh you know try to be funny on this podcast for all you guys who are cracking up right now you know the thing is i mean it's all a big lesson too of like you know because you try not to place so much um self-worth into you know these things but it's so hard not to yeah Yeah. And you're just like, especially when it's something you've been working on for so long, it's so big. And then it's just out there.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And you're like, you're just like, whoa. So yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's tough. Because when you put it out there, you really, to do it right, you got to believe it's like, it's special. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah. And then if it ends up being decided, and I don't disagree with audiences. I'll still love it. But if the audience decides, hey, it's ordinary, I'm almost like, hey, that's good. Because you're telling me what I need to know to make the next thing undeniable. You know what I mean? But yeah, it's impossible not to feel hurt from that. But you know what's hilarious?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Is it's been a day and a half. Yeah. The show has only been out. I know. For 36 hours. Well, you say you talk to some people they didn't even know, right? No, dude. A ton of people didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Dude, some people are just busy. I only go on Netflix. I watch mostly YouTube or HBO Max. like i probably no disrespect to netflix thank you for everything truly but uh yeah i i don't know if i would have found a similar thing in the 36 hour window that we're now basing our uh significant our entire lives on yeah yeah you're right it has only been 36 hours it's only been 36 hours yeah and uh i also want to say look i'm not gonna i think this is normal i think yeah i think a lot of people go through this yeah which is crazy to think about like i saw that jonah hill thing where he said's going to stop doing press for his movies because of anxiety. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And I think that's like an easy thing to roll your eyes at. And then you, you know, he's doing it on a way bigger scale. And then, like he's probably pompous and a little pretentious or whatever, but I think it's very valid and genuine. I did an ice bath. You did an ice bath? Yeah. You came over today with box breathing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah. Dude, I went to the gym. I just can't do it just bailed I did they saw back for like 15 minutes and I just I can't do it love it dude I I've been pushing off the gym too yeah I've been thinking about going and I'm like I just don't know if I want to swing some kettlebells today am I just going and do some light stuff just to keep my body moving and keep my brain right. But yeah, a lot of that stuff's been tough to do right now. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:17 That party was fun, though. It was fun, yeah. I had a good time. Those shots were fun. It was fun being there with everyone. Yeah, everyone's so sweet. I never had the screening. I was laughing a bunch, so.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah, that was a spirited room. Yeah. So it's just. I got to smooch you. Yeah. I kissed you like five times this week. Yeah. How was that?
Starting point is 00:18:44 It was good. You're sweet. How's that? It's good. You're sweet. I'm learning to enjoy it more. First time I was like freaking out. I was like, dude, get the fuck away from me. But yeah, I don't know. What's going on outside of us? I haven't checked the news or nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:07 They canceled some student debt. Yeah, like 10,000 bucks? Yeah, people are pissed though, right? They're saying that's not enough. I don't know. I think they're probably pissed on both sides. Raised taxes and then not enough. And then people are saying there's like a hidden stuff written in there that's actually going to make it harder for people who have to pay off loans in the future.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'll just wait and see on it give me a year yeah i don't know i'm trying to watch other people's comedy shows right now because i didn't watch comedy for a while and now i'm back watching it it's almost like i i didn't want to watch it while we were making something because i wanted to just be like in our lane and now i'm like i'm actually more curious about other stuff now and uh and i almost think it's like good karma like if i support other comedy come back the other way yeah i'm crushing yellowstone. I'm almost done. California to ban the sale of new gasoline cars? Yeah, I understand that. So we'll be all electric by 2035?
Starting point is 00:20:14 That's pretty cool. I mean, by that point, they'll have the batteries right, right? My cynical mind, though, is like, there's going to be some kind of environmental footprint from electric cars that turns out to be just as detrimental to the world as gasoline but we should find out that's the optimist in me yeah it'll go bad but you still got to do it that's kind of my mentality on everything can't avoid it um what else dude uh what else what else what else what else yeah i'm in crushing yellowstone good show um
Starting point is 00:20:58 i uh we did rich eisen this morning that was really cool dude that was so fun he's so great he's so nice and then the studio's so cool beautiful did santino's pod that was great i was like really drunk halfway through i don't know why i must have just been tired yeah i've been so tired lately everybody's been tired lately yeah and i just took a couple hits of that whiskey bombed but you were on fire oh thanks yeah you too man i mean that that was uh bombed but you were on fire oh thanks yeah you too man i mean that that was uh that was a really really fun pod he's a great guy yeah he's awesome really nice conversation afterwards too yeah and he's he's so supportive it's really nice you know a lot of comics a lot a lot of people in the you know community are so supportive like like especially like older comics like santino and bobby are just sort of you, it's really nice that they look out for people,
Starting point is 00:21:46 you know, their generation below them. Yeah. They gave good advice. Yeah. Even some of the stuff Bobby was saying about how this is your first thing, like just enjoy it. He was telling us this after the pod and like,
Starting point is 00:21:57 I was so like one track mind. It was kind of bounced off me a little bit, but then yesterday I like circled back to it and I was like, Oh, that was like really valuable what he was trying to tell me but i just couldn't quite hear it yeah a week ago but yeah flash forward in this dramatic timeline and it's uh it's resonating i appreciate it bobby yeah yeah they've all been really nice tom papa was great but yeah rich was fun today
Starting point is 00:22:24 he's a cool dude he's fun and you you notice he's got a great voice good timber you think he's worked on that like like how much do you say how much do you think it's how much do you think is natural how much do you think he's like he's like okay i have somewhat of a radio voice now i need to spiff it up i think he i think he definitely turns it on a little bit yeah i could feel that right it looked like he slipped into the the role a little bit yeah and and he's all right welcome to the rich eisen show yeah that's not his voice but those kind of yeah smooth that'd be interesting because like howard stern's voice like changed like and i i think i think
Starting point is 00:23:01 he may have had some operation done but um his voice changed a bit around, like, the early 2000s. I think maybe part of it was that, like, he had, like, a nose thing so he could breathe easier. And so that made his voice deeper, naturally. I think I heard that, but. Rogan's voice changed a ton, too. And he got his got his like nasal passages fixed or something right oh really yeah oh so i thought for a lot of them it was just age but
Starting point is 00:23:31 it's maybe both of them but he i mean i know for a fact that he his nose was all fucked up from fighting and so he got that fixed so he could breathe easier oh um but i don't know if that's if they're connected dude i'm actually liking the crown now yeah yeah the first two seasons they were very much upsetting me yeah not a single dude on it who i could look up to i need that and then uh something about when they get to season three and olivia coleman takes over the guys get a little cooler they all grow up a little bit they're all a little bit more duty bound and i was like all right i can grok with this shit now it's funny on your um on our netflix takeover thing like watch the crown tough watch we're promoting yeah i don't know how much of that will they'll use yeah it's a tough watch yeah and i also took a shot at mark maron who's my
Starting point is 00:24:21 favorite comedian of all time yeah but uh i think i was just tired but we we had to we like took over serious netflix radio for an hour and we had to we self-recorded our segments and i was like watch the crown uh you know huge production cost beautiful scenery tough watch the guys on it are just punks philip step up man it was probably a bit too personal for the yeah the gig we were doing yeah and then i and then i threw it to a mark maron comedy bit and i was like from his special to real which is kind of a pretentious name is that what you said and then you looked at me and you're like what are you doing yeah was like I don't know we sent that in I don't think they'll use that though it would be funny if they do
Starting point is 00:25:09 yeah yeah how long have we gone on for I don't think we've been on for very long hey Jake 27 minutes I don't think we've been on for very long. Hey, Jake. 27 minutes. 27 minutes.
Starting point is 00:25:30 All right. Oh, that's it? Yeah, you got another hour. Fuck. 27 minutes. Jesus. Shane and Matt do it on their podcast. They do that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Like, what are we at, 50? We got five more minutes in this. Those guys are great. They're so funny. Oh, did you watch Louis on Rogan? Yeah, I thought it was great. That was cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And he's on your mom's house. He's been on all the podcasts. He's been on your mom's house. He's on Giannis'. Well, who? What other ones was he on? There's another one. Oh, he's on Schultz's. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I saw that one. Yeah. Did you see Rogan called Barack the best president of all time? Did he? During the Louis one. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I don't know if he just meant, he kind of framed it in a way where he just meant as
Starting point is 00:26:23 appearing like presidential. Yeah. You know what I mean mean but then he reiterated it without qualifying it yeah and just said yeah i think barack's like the best president of all time yeah and i was like whoa interesting yeah i think uh uh yeah i think that's what that's what my takeaway was he's like the most presidential yeah probably have in our in our sort of lifetimes. Yeah, I figured he was just going from like TV era on, like from JFK on. Yeah. That was interesting. JFK seems super presidential.
Starting point is 00:26:55 He's a cool dude. Yeah. Very cool guy. He was. He knew how to inspire. How do you think he would have reacted to his show coming out on netflix uh do you know what's funny about those dudes those dudes took big ass vacations like because i'm reading the teddy one too yeah and like all these presidents when they they were
Starting point is 00:27:17 like so after a really tough like congressional session he uh retired to hyannis port for a month like while they're president they just go take a month vacay with the family yeah and i don't know i remember bush got a lot of heat for like golfing more than a lot of other presidents but uh it's crazy it was like a slower paced world back then like you could kind of just like go take a break and uh and they all took like i said on the last one they all took l's and then just kept pumping. But they would get, yeah, all of them got sad at a certain point. Like Teddy was like really good about not getting sad.
Starting point is 00:27:53 But towards the end of his presidency when he kind of, people just got tired of loving him and a couple things went the other way, he got dispirited and people were like, yeah, Teddy's sad right now. And they'd like never seen that before. dispirited and people were like yeah teddy's sad right now and they'd like never seen that before right like they had never seen him without his like can-do energy just coming out of him yeah and uh but i don't know i think they would have stressed out too right they would have been big time stressed out i mean jfk would have just been fucking that's what he was doing like during like the you know cuban missile crisis he was just banging that's in his bio i'm
Starting point is 00:28:25 so the bio that i read stops before his presidency but holiday references it and uh i think stillness is the key he does yeah and he says he's banging yeah i'm using my own terminology but basically that's where i got the thing that he said a jfk said he couldn't go a day without banging because he started to get headaches. Really? Yeah. Hilarious. Dude, Holiday would be a good person to listen to right now. He'd be great.
Starting point is 00:28:51 He's got a new one coming out soon. Yeah. Don't ask him about his music taste. God has no dick, but he's smart about this other stuff. Listen to Stoicism? Mm-hmm. That'd be nice. Yeah, that's a good one too.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Marcus Rose. People always point to that Alan Watts guy. Yeah. They'll be like, you know, he's like... Oh, that's a good one too marcus rose people always point to that alan watts guy yeah they'll be like you know he's a good guy yeah i heard he was just tanked the whole time just just he's like hey don't try and be present because once you try to be present you're already not in the moment and you're like that's brilliant i think he was like yeah nothing matters he's ate whiskeys deep when he's there yeah i always do that i always bring up like the you know the hypocrisies in someone's life versus what they're extolling but i don't think that necessarily takes away from what they're saying i think that's still valid advice yeah but everyone everyone has days like this i think it's kind of good it's being documented because uh
Starting point is 00:29:41 i don't know it's true this is real yeah this is where we're at it reminds me of the entourage episode when uh aquaman comes out and ari's freaking out i'm like that's how i feel yeah with the rolling blackouts yeah that's probably the best episode of all time i think yeah yeah that one in vegas blackouts yeah you know it's funny? Women love that show. Really? It seems like a very bro-y show. At least where I'm from.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Maybe it's just Orange County people. Yeah. We had a family friend, Anna Christina, who stayed with us. And her friends used to come over and they would binge it on DVD. And they'd always be like, Vinny Chase is hot. And I'd be like, his arms are skinny. Yeah. And they're like, we don't care about that.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I was like, well, i guess you should stop working on arms twice a week then ladies this chase is hot his arms are skinny he's got skinny arms um yeah i think i think everything's good man it's nice it's nice that uh you know we just care a lot yeah yeah i know i think everything's good should we answer some cues yes sir what's up dudes i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we have our new series on netflix called Chad and JT Go Deep. Watch it right now.
Starting point is 00:31:07 It's tons of fun. And we're getting good feedback. And we want to hear what you think when you watch it. And we hope you love it. Binge it. It's very bingeable. It's a lot of fun. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:31:19 We're also on tour. We got new tour dates coming up. In addition to all of our dates, we have Denver and Salt Lake City. What up? We're coming to a city near you. get your tickets at chat and jt.com we're coming to tons of places nashville chicago um new york las vegas north carolina south carolina hawaii tons of stuff so get your tickets now at chat and jt.com. We're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trains pube, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh
Starting point is 00:31:52 and clean because QESPN signature sound. Fellas, fantasy football draft season is right around the corner. And C.D. Lamb is good, but have you seen D's beautiful balls? It's time to get your snake looking right for this snake draft at the sponsors of today's show manscape join the six million men worldwide who trust manscape and get ready for kickoff by going to manscape.com for 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep uh they got their performance package 4.0 their lawnmower 4.0 their weed whack at your nose hair trimmer croperver, Ball Deodorant, Crop Reviver, Toner, Performance Boxer Briefs, Travel Bag. And guys, I mean, if you're not,
Starting point is 00:32:34 if you care about your dink, it's time to take care of your pubes. If you want to look good, if you want to feel good, take care of your pubes it translates to everywhere it's amazing and it's all in the performance package 4.0 so get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com it's time to put the pp back in ppr and get a grip on your pigskin this season with manscape all right let's get back to the show. Hi, Chad and JT. I'm 24 years old. Why do so many of my friends keep saying they're too old to do certain things?
Starting point is 00:33:09 Whether it's a concert, a bar, a club, or even watching a TV show past midnight, I feel like I'm always hearing my friends in their early to mid-20s complain about being too old or too tired. Sometimes we'll try to go out and people won't want to leave the house or we'll actually make it out and everyone calls it quits at 11 p.m. because they're sleepy. I love to party, but I also love my friends. what can i do to get everybody fired up to have fun should i try convincing my friends that they have lots of life left to live or should i try making
Starting point is 00:33:32 some new friends that like to go out as much as i do what would you do in my sitch uh thanks uh i'd say if your friends aren't that fired up on going out and that's sort of their style, they'd probably like to stay and watch movies. Then, you know, trying to, trying to change them into people who do love going out, I think is probably like a losing game. I think you can get them out here and there and that'd be fun. But I also think, you know, it'd be useful to find some friends who can, who you can
Starting point is 00:34:04 hit up to rage with you know yeah yeah yeah make some new buddies yeah i think you'll be able to i think i bet you those people like that you have that energy it's fun having someone like that around who like wants to do stuff and it's it's uh and you'll you'll win once in a while once a month maybe you'll get everybody fired up to go out to the parties but on the days where you can tell they just don't have it and they really do need the rest you don't want to pester them so yeah go make some other buddies and challenge yourself dude i used to go out to bars by myself and just hang out for a couple hours there's like this you kind of picture that once you get there people will see how confident you are on your
Starting point is 00:34:41 own and they'll come talk to you rarely ever happens you end up just spending the whole day night by yourself in the bar but you know it's a good challenge you feel stronger the next day yeah and yeah why do people say they're too old sometimes people do that when they're just they're they don't feel like matching you they're just like man i'm i'm past that shit i've said stuff like that when i'm like i'm past that phase and then actually those phases keep coming back you'll have different times in your life i think irrespective of age where you kind of want to party and go out and cause some mischief yeah i think too you know as someone who generally prefers to stay in if someone were to keep being like you have to go out you have to go out i'd be like fuck off yeah you'd want to go the other way on it yeah that's not the way to get you to go out
Starting point is 00:35:25 no but dude i admire your passion and your zest for life that fires me up so keep going out and keep uh keep living it up dude move to miami get some linen shake those hips and then hop on a yacht hit a sandbar and saute yourself dude i think uh i think your fuck off really inspired me too because it's like that's honesty yeah good i hope your friends are hitting you with that like instead of being like hey i feel i have advice for your friends instead of being like hey man i'm too old for that next time he's like hey guys let's hit the bar let's hit the dance floor i got a club that we can go to ever just go dude fuck off and that kind of honest back and forth that's what keeps friendships vital bro fuck yourself i used to do that with a mom he's like the only guy who would want to go harder than me and there'd be like a fourth night of a bachelor party trip and he'd be like everybody
Starting point is 00:36:23 get in the van we gotta go party be like 12 of us crammed in there he'd be cranking music he's the only one on molly he's just dancing like this i'd be like andrew we're packed in here like sardines and you're dancing like a fucking monkey turn the fucking music off and then the other bros would be like thanks man thanks for doing that i'm like yeah you know i got this i got this and andrew would get kind of sad that's why he's the best we get to the club and we get out and he comes from you like hey bro can i ask you something like why did you have to like shit on me having a good time earlier man and i'd be like dude i love you so much but we're all too super tired and you're being way too much but you know i love you right he'd be like yeah i understand
Starting point is 00:37:02 you're a good dance he's a good guy he is a good guy does he watch the show i don't know i'll hit him up is he on social anymore i think so um i don't yeah he's the best spirit of the show more than anything he used to post uh stories and stuff but i haven't like seen him on instagram anymore lately yeah i think he might have taken a sabbatical from social media that's probably something i should do so hit refresh on this fucking thing constantly yeah it's tough it's tough bro um but we'll we'll win the day this is a nice one dear doctors of st of Stoke, or dear doctors of Dank, surgeons of Stoke. Three years ago, my pregnant wife was rushed to the hospital with preeclampsia and was
Starting point is 00:37:51 forced to spend her last month of pregnancy in the hospital getting ultrasounds every day and unable to leave the hospital. With nothing but time, we discovered Chad and JT clips on YouTube and started to dive deep into your world of Stoke. Your podcast was the only thing that made us laugh through the worst time in both our lives. Three years later, my wife and I are raising a healthy stoker and you two are premiering a show on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Thank you for raising our stoke when we really needed it. You make the world a better place. That was very nice. I might start crying, dude. That's awesome. I needed to hear that, dude. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah, thank you, man. That means a lot. Glad to hear that your wife's good and that you got a healthy stoker there, dude. That fires me up. Yeah. Dude, nothing cooler than a nice young family just raising their kid, doing their thing. Like KC and Monica in Yellowstone. Hell yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I think her name is Monica. You got to take a swing. It'd be funny if it was like Bridget. Who called that? Santino called that on his podcast? No, Bobby. Oh, Bobby called that, right? He knew your sister was named Bridget?
Starting point is 00:39:02 Yeah. That was crazy. Yeah. What a wizard. What up kings of stoke just finished watching the show and i have to say congrats for a job well done and for spreading stoke on an unprecedented scale uh in the show there was a moment that got me thinking about a matter near and dear to me that moment was when chad received shade from a schmole for his name being Chad, and that definitely did not get me fired up. The general public has been assuming that all chads are douchebags for some time now, and it really lowers my stoke, especially
Starting point is 00:39:33 as a chad just trying to have a good time with my dogs. I love my name and have been wearing it proudly ever since the bad connotation started, but recently has led to a lot less than desirable interactions with schmoles saying that my name name sucks my question is how do we spread awareness for all chads out there that are proud to have the name and are just trying to stay stoked thank you stoke lords and thank you chad for being a dank representation for all chads out there much love did i want to say thank you so much i'd say you know lead by example be the better chad because if we can get a huge groundswell you know support of chads out there who are leading the charge and people and just through in-person reactions changing people's perspectives on chads then slowly over time we're going to change the game.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So it starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with all other Chads out there who, you know, are struggling with this unfair discrimination. You need to say, you know what? I may be named Chad, but I'm a good dude. I love my family. I love my friends. My heart's in the right place.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And I'm going to show that to the world. And then it's just going to continue to spread. Sort of like our show in the algorithm. Nice, dude. Hey, you've all seen this Seinfeld episode where Jerry is dating a girl but wants to pull off the impossible, make the switch, and date his girlfriend's roommate instead. Jerry's idea on how to make this happen was to ask his girlfriend if she's down for a threesome which would disgust the girlfriend but flatter the roommate resulting in a successful switch bros i'm in a similar sitch i want the
Starting point is 00:41:14 roommate so bad and feel like there's something there do you believe that making the switch is possible and if so how would you do it wait making the switch to what he wants to start dating his girlfriend's roommate oh uh let's say uh not happening chief yeah the switch is tough so sorry man god bless you though for your ambition um you want to do your beef of the week? My beef is with anxiety. I know a lot of you see me as a chill dude, calm on the exterior, but there's a lot going on in this dome, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. That's why I like to work out so much.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Because if you just work, if you work out, if you do ice baths, if you do yoga, you beat away the anxiety. But sometimes it's too much where you're like, I'm so overwhelmed, I don't even want to work out. I just want to sit here in a ball and just fucking not know what to do with myself. You know?
Starting point is 00:42:31 It's fucked up. So that's my beef. It's good beef, dude. No, I appreciate it, man. My beef of the week is with... my beef of the week is with um is with it's with
Starting point is 00:42:49 words I was nodding to acknowledge your beef thank you you, brother. Then I realized it's tons of dead air, but I think the Stokers will appreciate it. Taking swings, bro. If you didn't get that, what I said, what I said,
Starting point is 00:43:17 do you get it now silence is golden it's good chad who's your baby of the week dude my baby of the week is janelle at our production company that was my baby of the week is it yeah yeah uh janelle she's awesome she's she produced the show uh she put together this uh sort of premiere viewing party for us for everyone it was so much fun and and so it was so sweet of her to do it and she you know is doing it in her spare time and um it was
Starting point is 00:43:59 just so awesome of her to do and she did a great job and made it a really fun night and i just really appreciate all the hard work and then she's just uh you know so much fun to work with on the show so she's a tremendous leader she's so smart and uh she she can be you know she just really does command respect you know what i mean you really always feel like she she's really thought things through she cares about everyone on the crew she cares about you and she's trying to do right by everyone and by the art and it's it's a rare person who can think about all those things and make sure that everything is moving in the same direction so i yeah i i really just adore her she's the fucking greatest so yeah thank you for everything janelle
Starting point is 00:44:52 thank you um who's your legend of the week legend of the week is my mom uh she came to town she came to the to the viewing party and it was just my mom's like the cutest so it's so cute to just watch her just soaking it all up and she was just loving it and having a blast and she just she's an angel so she's just my favorite person so uh i just want to give props to my mom for being the best and yeah she mom's the best man she's not dude when you look at your mom, like I give her a hug, you just feel love radiating from her. Yeah. You can tell she really cares. She has that energy.
Starting point is 00:45:32 It's nice, man. My cousin put it well. He's like, you can feel her smiling through the phone. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. My legend of the week, he's got to be my me my bro nice i was tripping out yesterday you know he really keeps me so grounded and uh and you know i went over to his place we just threw the football you know me and him we've been tossing different kinds of balls back
Starting point is 00:46:01 and forth since we were any room we would go into we just i just find something and we just start throwing it back and forth and like that that little game we play just smooths me out and i'm like i'm like hey okay i'm not i'm calming down i can think and then we just talk about fantasy and he's got because we got our fantasy draft this weekend in utah 15 guys we're down one or two one guy had to bail and he says it's because he got covid some of the guys are suspicious they think it might be because he just had a second child which is a totally fair reason to miss the draft. But, you know, protecting his fam, not wanting to throw them under the bus,
Starting point is 00:46:52 he went with the COVID route, and I respect that. But my brother was just talking Strat for the draft. He's got a great strategy in place. I'm happy to help out. And, yeah, I just really appreciate him. So love you, Chris. That's nice. Yeah, he's got a good good strategy and we've been sucking ass these last couple years we're due we've had some bad luck with injuries and shit chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week
Starting point is 00:47:22 success is not final failure is not fatal it is the courage to continue that counts that's right um i watched this movie mermaids last night with my gf dude it was cute she was so fired up on it. And I don't think I would have understood it had I not watched it with a lady. Like she really put like certain scenes into a, into a different, like,
Starting point is 00:47:55 uh, she put them into a different viewpoint that I wouldn't have understood. Otherwise just growing up a bro with a bro and it made the movie better for me. But, um, yeah made the movie better for me but um yeah the movie was really charming especially bob hoskins playing a a little lovable man who just uh wins you over instantaneously really good performance but uh i'll take a quote from that movie let me find one yeah check it out guys it's pretty good bob hoskins share winona rider you know what i can't find it i'm gonna do public enemy echoing what chad said
Starting point is 00:48:35 uh don't let a win get to your head or a loss get to your heart that's nice chad what's your phrase that we week for getting after it phrase of the week for getting after it uh uh a cult is it broke alright let's break it in that's uh John Dutton
Starting point is 00:49:02 talking about breaking a cult um yeah i'll do one from this ranch hand i used to know named tom who uh used to break in horses and one time i saw him with a wild horse that was bucking and he just stuck its thumb in its eye and uh yeah it worked i don't know if that would fly today but he was old school um i also one time saw him pick up a lady who's working uh road construction in between alpine and jackson she was like holding a stop sign and just pulled over and she got in it was amazing
Starting point is 00:49:43 what's something funny that he said um i think the funniest thing that he told me was that his uh dog ringer was a dumb he had an australian shepherd named ringer he said he's a dumb shit if he doesn't do better by the end of the day i'm gonna shoot to shoot him. And that's when I adopted Ringer. Really? Mm-hmm. What kind of dog? Australian Shepherd.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Oh, nice. Dude, cute. Super cute. Great athlete. Was chewing up the other dogs that we had. So he's a little bit of a problem. He ended up running away because he was used to being on a big ranch. And it was a bummer.
Starting point is 00:50:23 But he was cute. So I'm sure someone picked him up and he lived a good life hopefully with a bunch of cattle and horses yeah i hope you're out there ringer hope you're living well that's nice yeah ringer dude um all right all right that was like an hour yeah thanks for listening stokers the froth is peaking stay stoked stay stoked if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guard you. To have the world beside you.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Go free. Go free. Let's go deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. We're driving JT

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