Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 26 - Paintball, The Rise of the Robots, Lebron

Episode Date: July 11, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep into their paintball adventures and how owning noobs in paintballing helps you excel in life.  We also talk about Lebron James and Chad's Sonic fandom, stunt robots and how they...'re wack, the impermanence of one's bronze, legends, beefs, babes, and some fire questions. For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stoke Nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with my compadre JT what up dude what's going on how you doing I'm good yeah yeah kicking it sir. Looking good? Thank you. You too. You've got a golden hue to you. Oh, yeah. I'm tan. Yeah. I've been in the sun for two straight days, limited sunscreen, lots of exposure. I don't mind it. Neither do I. I was with you and I'm feeling it. I'm feeling good today. Yeah, me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:42 My self-esteem was at like an all-time high yesterday. Me too. Should we dive into what we did? We went paintballing. Yeah. I'm still on a high from it. It was so much fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:54 From some of those KOs, or is that, no, KIA. Kills. Just kills, yeah. From some of those kills, I'm just like, fuck yeah. It was, just to set the scene, it was in Santa Clarita, where Six Flags Magic Mountain is. What's up, Six Flags Magic Mountain? And they had about six speedball courses, which are the smaller ones.
Starting point is 00:01:17 There was one where you could kind of play around and hide, but for the most part, you could see the other team and they could see you, and there was just a lot of uh what do they call them bunkers bunkers and uh chad and i ripped it up like we were flanking hard i was killing so many people teenagers some women some grown men and just lighting them up dude i think the one of the main takeaways I got was when I was in the game, I didn't look at them as like,
Starting point is 00:01:51 oh, that's a kid. I shouldn't shoot him. I was like, that's a target. Yeah. And I needed to take him out. And I took him, I would take them out hard. No discretion, unload.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I looked at them like, I just saw my brain went, and did the the green like security predator reading on it and it went opposition. And instead of saying child, it just said small, lightweight, timid. Like that was the scouting report. I was like, I know how to kill that. Advance hard.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah. Push on them, pelt their bunker with shots, then breach them from the right. And sometimes you ask for the surrender you know i got better at that as the as the day progressed where i was like all right i don't necessarily have to kill this person yeah i can just ask them to leave the game and they will yeah i had that one where that guy was his foot was sticking out i could have got his foot yeah and he was sitting there and i was like 12 feet away he was hidden but he knew he was dead yeah and i was like do you surrender yeah do you surrender and then what
Starting point is 00:02:45 did he say he said he's like yeah i fucking surrender jesus christ i was like yeah that's right you fucking do bitch dude because you he was trying to hang back and snipe dudes and we're like no i think the the main thing par and i really locked in as a team in this for real for real we i wouldn't let them separate us. No separation because we would have a strategy and our main thing was be aggressive. Charge right through. We would flank the sides, but charge into the middle of the course right away
Starting point is 00:03:15 because if you hang back, you're not going to hit anyone. It's a bitch move. And you just got to advance and take what's yours. And you got to put pressure on them yeah i like putting pressure on the other team like making them uncomfortable yeah hurting them when they don't think they can get hurt like really just fucking with their psychology yeah because then after the games the other team would feel so defeated yeah like it wasn't like oh we won kind of like in a stalemate way it was like they were like fuck dude we just got wiped out i don't
Starting point is 00:03:43 know how this ends yeah this is just going to be happening every time we play these guys. And to put that fear into another human being, I mean, that really made my weekend. Dude, usually I would feel bad about, no, let me just finish what I'm saying, because I'm a ruthless killer and you know this. Usually I would feel bad. Sorry we beat you guys so bad, you know, but this, I was like, yeah, like yeah it's fucking you know you didn't advance at all your defense was bullshit i shot you in the ass and when you sign up for paintball you're signing up for simulated combat yeah i mean the domination is the second thing you don't know you're signing up for the domination you should have put like a
Starting point is 00:04:20 little addendum in the liability thing by the way you're gonna get dominated by chad and jt you're gonna get fucked up out there yeah and then they would have been like all right whatever it's probably not gonna be that bad yeah it's like it's worse than you thought partner uh i shot one kid i came up on a bunker uphill yeah i just kept him suppressed with fire then i swung around to the right shot him like two or three times yeah and then two guys popped up behind him so I shot more at the two guys and I hit the kid again and he was like I'm already out please stop shooting me and the two guys like ducked and went back and I went then get the with one hand on the gun and my other hand sticking out in front of my face I went then get the fuck out of here and I swiped him right and then he like he literally like scurried off like hands huffing at the sand in front of him i was like get the
Starting point is 00:05:08 fuck out of here you don't want any part of this dude yeah i remember at one point i was like i was in a i was in a showdown with this one dude because we had both raced up to the like middle and this guy was about 15 feet away from me i was behind a bunker and it was one of those things where you know you pop out, he pops out, shoots. But I was just staying popped out. And I would shoot. And every time he'd pop out, I'd just light him up, you know. So I was dominating him.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And I see this girl come up. And she thinks she's being sneaky trying to get up on us. But she comes right into my line of fire. So I turn. I just light her up. And she stands up. She's like, ah, ah, ah. I shot her in the ass.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And just poof. And it was one of the most satisfying feelings of my life i would hit somebody see the the paintball splat and then they wouldn't get out of the game i go hey red pants i hit you get out and then if they didn't get out i'd go fine stay there but be prepared for more of this. Then I'd advance on them with extremely bad intentions. I'd be like, this person needs to be hurt. Hey, ref, he's out. Ref. He's out.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Pain check. Pain check. Dude, there was one part where we almost got destroyed in that one in the course of the bus. Dude. We were pinned down. Every time I would come up, they'd just come flying at me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Par showing his waltz his battle scars oh no dude your legs nice that was i think when we were behind the bus i was just getting clipped and schwacked and whacked yeah but dude we doubled back and pushed around the right side and then we really that was aggressive too yeah like one minute oh yeah we were running yeah they said one minute. So Chad and I like reloaded our hoppers and we were like, all right, one minute to kill everybody. Might as well do it. And then we literally just started running forward unprotected.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And dude, one old guy literally got out of his bunker and started running in front of me, like trying to run away from me, pulled up my gun, shot him like seven times in the back. Oh dude. And the people we were with, like we had other friends there they're like do you guys have fun that game i was like yeah i fucking dominated i think i killed 12 people and they were like nice and i was like remember you have to keep shooting them until they leave the game if they're not in fear of getting hit more they won't go everyone's like nice dude one of the things i was most stoked about it was like afterwards like i was like damn like i think i could actually pull off being a soldier you know what i mean not not that not obviously i've never been in
Starting point is 00:07:34 that situation but like i was just like you know we really went in there and we attacked hard and we dominated a lot of people so i think i could be an effective combat dude. I mean, I'd like to think I'd do that. I, you know, I'm confident that if like the U.S. got invaded, I might pick up a rifle, you know? Oh, for sure. But I just don't know what I'd do if it was real bullets. Because the nice thing about the paintball is, is that like it hits you and you bruise. Yeah. But death isn't on the table.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And then the killing of the other people, when you kill someone in real life, you probably like, maybe like, I don't know, but I have to imagine that taking someone's life can add some weight to yours. It's pretty aggro. It's for sure.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And then, but maybe it's also fun to kill somebody. You never, don't knock it till you try it. If you feel justified, if they're like holding like a child as a human shield and you've got
Starting point is 00:08:27 the drop on them from behind and you just put one through the occipital bone of their brain put it in their medulla oblongata
Starting point is 00:08:34 their lights go out before they even know they're hit you probably know that from Miami Vice Michael May shoot them in the medulla oblongata
Starting point is 00:08:41 because they can't do anything I'm gonna shoot you in the super cortex of your brain cerebral cortex of the femoral and then you will die and the guy's like huh yeah dead i gotta re-watch that movie it's badass um what about bird scooters oh dude two just two just amazing things i mean i've been paying i've been paintballing before but
Starting point is 00:09:02 you know i was just like i got after yesterday i'm like i'm gonna do this a lot i'm into paintballing now and it was real good team building for us it was yeah it was just like it was like we've been in combat together yeah like it's just sort of like it was just like a good natural metaphor for like how we attack videos and stuff for like oh yeah we are a team yeah this is how we dominate and we don't even need to talk we're just like like before the match we'd be like kind of like quiet like hey so you want to run up to that one you'd be like yeah i guess i'll run to that one and i was like well if you get there then i'll have your back from the side and then i'll move up on that and you're like yeah bar behind you i was like i need help what am i
Starting point is 00:09:43 looking at you're like i got two to the right and one at the left rear bunker with the tires i was like copy the other people they were watching like who are these fucking psychopaths and i'm like shut up and focus and move back like i remember one time these kids were coming up and you're like you're like what's the thing for like your the nozzle oh the barrel plug you put your barrel plug on noob and the guy's like you guys done this before jokingly and we're just like shut the fuck up dude i i got that from my friend clinton but whenever we'd go paintballing he used to put on a fake canadian accent and just go put your barrel plugs in noobs like i don't know if it was canadian but he just did the most hilarious voice. So when we went yesterday, I just kept, every time I'd see a noob making a mistake,
Starting point is 00:10:26 put your mask on, noob. Put your barrel plug in. Or sometimes they'd talk when they were dead and out of the game. They'd be like, hey, do this. And I'd go, shut up. That's why you're dead. Yeah. Fun to say all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So, yeah, and then bird scooters. So there's this thing in SoCal called Bird Scooters where basically you download an app, and this company called Bird, they just dropped, I don't know, by helicopter, by parachute, whatever, just all of a sudden scooters appeared around the city. And you download the app, you pay $1 to start your scoot, and they have trackers in them. So you open
Starting point is 00:11:05 the app and you're like all right there's a scooter there i can go there so you walk to a scooter unlock it with your app pay a dollar and i believe it's 15 cents per mile or minute probably per minute per minute you have per minute and uh and then and then you just scoot along they go 12 miles per hour they're fast as fuck they're fun dude i can't believe they're like legal because they're like i'm like you can definitely die on one yeah but i feel really good like i feel alive on one yeah like i've been i've i wasted 20 minutes trying to find one yesterday so i could ride to the movies on it yeah and ended up being like an inefficient way to travel yeah but just like i rode here today to do this on a scooter. It was so fun.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Yeah. Did you drop yours off here? Yeah. I parked it in the back so no one could grab it. Oh, nice. Do you keep it just in your possession? No, it's available to someone else if they want to come get it. It's just going to be hard to find?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah. Yeah, I was scooting around last night, just late night. And one thing, first off, it feels like it turns life into like a video game. You know, it's like find the scooter to get home. Yeah. That's tight. And then also, it just, one thing I really liked is that like, got me out of my car. And I'm like, I just realized, I'm like, I'm so isolated in my car.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You know, I take my car to go like half a a mile i'm not even in touch with the city and then like i start scooting i see babes everywhere i see dudes i can bond with i see just like parts of the city i'm like wow this is like a whole new view of the city dude i think what you're saying is like a uh really smart kind of distillation of why people like like motorcycles and scooters like in robert persig's book the artist zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance like one of the best chapters he talks about how when you're on a motorcycle like when you're in a car you're observing your environment but when you're on a motorcycle you're part of the environment yeah you're experiencing the environment it's like an active relationship between you the bike the rider
Starting point is 00:13:04 between you the bike, the rider, between you, the bike, and the world around you. And it's the same on the scooters. Like you have to be hyper present. You like start noticing parts of the sidewalk, the street, the trees, because it's all stuff you have to like navigate and that you're physically able to touch. So it's a much more intimate kind of thing to do. Yeah. And then the big question is, are you going to rock a helmet when you ride one? I think you should. I'm not going to, but you probably should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I found out today, too, you're supposed to ride them on the street, not on the sidewalk. Yeah. So that's a little scary because in certain parts of Southern California, like L.A., for instance, the drivers are reckless as fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And everyone's on their phone and stuff, so it'd be so easy to just get run over from behind and put a real fucking bummer of a time into your day. If you get your back broken by a suburban while you're riding your bird, you're going to be bummed. Yeah, imagine you would be bummed for a like a solid minute yeah that's a bummer to think about now i'm now i'm kind of anxious about it but then you got to focus on the good with the broken back i mean well like how can we rectify this sitch i think just when you get on a
Starting point is 00:14:16 bird you got to know like this is a dangerous way to travel is it worth it it's up to you i mean i think also just picking smart routes yeah like maybe not go on the main streets i did a lot of service streets to get here yeah and i had to go uphill so it wasn't booking it as fast so i definitely needed to be like on laurel rather than crescent heights yeah because if you're on crescent heights that's like scary there's fucking a lot of cars yeah because i was going i was going on suburban streets last night so it was just like open road how's that it was tight some dudes were knocking me i ran to joe and he was knocking me for a scooter i'm like he's like how'd you get here i'm like a scooter dog and he's like what oh geez yeah uncle joe's not gonna be into it Yeah Yeah, nice scooter I was telling him, I'm like, dude
Starting point is 00:15:05 In two weeks, you're gonna be scootin' Yeah, right I'm like, dude, you drive a Prius, okay? You're gonna be scootin' I can't see him on a scooter He's gonna scoot If it's a recumbent scooter Like, where he can, like, sit down
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah And someone else can drive it Yeah He's like, uh I mean, he wouldn't paintball. Come on, Joe. Yeah, he needs to get more out of his comfort zone. But that's why he has such a clear vision of things,
Starting point is 00:15:35 because he's simplified stuff down to exactly what he likes. One of our listeners of ours responded to my Instagram story about paintballing. He said, running around pretending you're a soldier? Grow up, man. And I wrote back, you're right, but you're also wrong. Who said that? Someone who listens to the pod. He responded to one of my Instagram stories about paintballing.
Starting point is 00:16:03 What did he say? He said, grow up, man. Running around like you're a soldier or something and then i said look behind you no i lit him up no he uh what else was i gonna say about him i was gonna say like i find that interesting because i'm just like well do you so do you comment on everybody's stories on instagram that you don't agree with because like that's like a lot of energy to be expending on stuff you can't control uh i don't not you not you like the royal you yeah um yeah i don't know it seems to be you're placing your focus in the wrong place focus on your mish although i do like the positive ones that i get if i'm posting the story and i get positive ones i'm like thank you so don't so keep doing that but good comes with
Starting point is 00:16:50 the bad yeah if you have negative although negative ones push me harder i guess that's now you're gonna get a ton of negative ones no dude cut that out yeah actually no no it's cool it goes both ways yeah it's all about how you take that shit too you know yeah you can just take it constructively you can just laugh at it yeah and be like well well um i'm bronzed so i'm impervious you are one thing i was thinking about last night a good philosophical quesh is like maybe it's not philosophical, I don't know, but I was just like, man, I'm happy right now because I'm bronzed, you know, and life goes in seasons. And I know this bronze won't last forever. how do you maintain stoke when you're not bronzed? You know,
Starting point is 00:17:44 it's like, how can I stay in this state that Tony Robbins talks about when winter comes? Like, can I just live life? Like I'm always bronzed or should I just always be seeking the bronze? Yeah. I mean, you could go to Bali in this, like in the winter.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Cause I think it's still hot there and keep your tan. That's what I was talking to my brother. I'm like like maybe i'll go like puerto rico or like you know central america and like just get bronze there so i don't have to like go through that yeah go closer to the equator yeah stay stay tan so you're saying like when you come into those times go to a tropical place to like maintain it yeah i mean i think, I think, well, specific for you, I think Joseph Campbell said, follow your bliss. Yeah. And for you, I think that means following your tan.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So maybe a Nicaragua trip is in, is in store for me. All right. I'll talk to my mom. Pura Vida. I don't like Costa Rica as much because they, Nicaragua has left-handers. I like left-handers. Yeah. I mean mean i'm not crazy about right-handed people either yeah what uh what did you uh what do you think about um what do you think about keeping your room clean and your car clean i always try to but it's uh
Starting point is 00:19:00 uh But it's, do you listen to Jordan Peterson recently? No. Oh. I try to because it makes me feel good. When my stuff isn't clean, I get, you know, it lowers my amp a little bit. What about you? I mean, you've seen my car and room. It's a fucking disaster.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Your car seemed nice yesterday. Well, I cleaned out the middle and the front, but the trunk was like filled to the gills yeah it was like mayhem yeah and uh i do think when people are like hey cluttered room cluttered car cluttered mind yeah i mean i don't think it can like ruin your brain but it does add a little bit of chaos to your thinking. Yeah, I cleaned my room last week, and just coming back to it, it was like I had something on my list checked off. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm. And I wasn't as ashamed.
Starting point is 00:19:59 You don't want people to come over and be like, this is your room? And you're like, yeah. And you're like, yeah. And they're like, you're a piece of shit. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 00:20:09 no, thanks. Yeah. I don't have company much. Yeah. And when I go to like my friend's places, like the other Joe, when I go to his place, he decorates it and he has like lights out on his patio and everything's very
Starting point is 00:20:27 well put together and it's very cozy like it makes me want to stay there like when i come over i'm like oh man this is it just feels nice to be here yeah and then at the end of the night i'm always like maybe i'll crash on his couch because i'd rather just like be in that positive feng shui than go back to my place which is kind of like barren and decorated with no aesthetic in mind yeah it's just like i'm like i need a couch i need a tv it's just shit thrown together out of necessity rather than any sort of like forethought yeah and it's um maybe striders gf can help you out yeah that'd be nice i mean my gf can help out i've just she's been offering but i I've been reluctant. Every day I'm like, oh, I could do that.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Or I could like go to the gym and do this other stuff that's more my speed. But I just need to, I need to prioritize it a little more. Because my girl, the reason I bring it up, my girlfriend actually was like, you're a hoarder. She's like, you're a hoarder. And I've never thought of myself as a hoarder. Like I watched or heard of those hoarding shows. And I was like, what a bunch of weirdos. Like who owns onto like, you know the Post-it notes from 1972?
Starting point is 00:21:27 I do. I got all sorts of shit that I just won't get rid of. I have a memory drawer. It's just packed with memories. Not all good. Stuff from when I went to the hospital, I just throw it in there. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Sins. Sins. It's a drawer full of sins. It's like whipping yourself it doesn't feel like that it is i guess it is so that it so it doesn't feel like whipping themselves to people who are whipping themselves i don't know i was just sort of basing that off like you're like a passionate dude and you're like you seem intense in the sack i won't disagree with either of those things.
Starting point is 00:22:07 That's where I came to that conclusion. About my drawer full of stuff? Mm-hmm. That just sounds like you were thinking about me boning. Yeah, when you said it, you were like, yeah, you have a memory drawer full of stuff. I'm like, oh, he's fucking a lot. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'm an abstract thinker. I like to think in linear terms. I think those are opposite. Well, you're more type A. I got into an argument last time with my girlfriend at a restaurant so we were like in front of people and um basically the reason i thought she picked the argument but i i persisted in it and i think the reason i did that was because i didn't perceive it as her actually arguing with me i i perceived it as her
Starting point is 00:23:02 challenging me basically like she was like cause it was kind of uncomfortable subject matter. So I think she thought by bringing it up, I would close up. Cause I'd be like, I don't want people in public to hear about this. But instead I saw her expecting that. So I got louder. And basically my point to her was,
Starting point is 00:23:20 you will not intimidate me into not speaking my mind. And then we both were like arguing on the sidewalk and people were walking by us. And I was a little embarrassed, but I was more committed to winning the argument. And then when we got into the Uber, we both looked at each other and started laughing. We both started laughing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And then we got some ice cream and then we came home and we were kissing, but I could tell she wasn't too into the kissing. So I just started talking to her. And then, um um i laid back and i was eating my ice cream no i was doing my ice cream but i like the image of me eating my ice cream laying back and then i looked at her and i said you know i am afraid of you i like to watch her sleep and i like to watch her sleep because when she's sleeping it's like a dragon sleeping you're like oh look at how cute this kind of thing that i'm afraid of is why am i afraid of this thing look how cute it is my dad used to take pictures of my mom when she was sleeping i never understood why i think it was the same reason and then i told her i was like i'm afraid of you and then she was like really
Starting point is 00:24:17 thank you and she said thank you yeah like your opinion of me your feelings about things like how smart you are. I'm sorry if I don't always show that because I'm too busy like. Trying to dominate? Yeah. Because I just don't want to get dominated. But I'm like, but I am afraid of you. And she was like, she started smiling.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And she was like, you can also just say I love you. And I was like, I do. I love you so much. That's why I'm afraid of you. She's like, thank you for letting me dominate in that moment. Yeah. It's nice you're so open. Maybe that will bring you guys closer. It is good because at first we would argue and stuff and I would judge it.
Starting point is 00:24:54 And I'd be like, oh my God, we're a couple who argues. I don't want to be in a relationship like that. But now I'm at a point where I'm like, we are who we are. Well, did she reciprocate? I'm afraid of you too. No, but it's different. Yeah. I didn't, I don't. Probably because you're a burly dude,
Starting point is 00:25:12 so it's a given because you have a deep squat. I wish she would say exactly what you just said, but I don't think that's in the cards. If she was like, I'm afraid of you too. And you're like, yeah. Of course you are. I am JT. I'll eat you if I'm hungry. you too. Yeah. Of course you are. I am JG. I'll eat you if I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:25:28 But I won't because I love you. I won't eat all of you right now. And then you're like you're eating. You give her a look. You could be this food. But I'm nice to you because I love you. She's like. He's such a nice yeti.
Starting point is 00:25:48 He spared me. He spared me. such a nice yeti he spared me he spared me what a nice yeti what uh well that's that's a nice story so you guys got closer maybe next step is paintballing i would love to go paintballing with her she said she's like she was like annoyed at how much i was talking about paintballing and how much i loved wrecking kids out there now i felt like a leader on the course all stuff that i think is the best stuff to talk about but she was like enough and i came in with hot hot masculine energy like i was like babe i was paintballing today i loved it so much listen to this story of me killing three 12 year olds with a fake gun and she was like oh god i don't want to hear about this and i was like come on babe you should don't want to hear about this. And I was like, come on, babe,
Starting point is 00:26:25 you should love this stuff. I mean, with sort of being aware that like what I was talking about was not going to be interesting to many other people. She's never been in that kind of combat. She needs to come with, you can't, you can't explain it in words.
Starting point is 00:26:41 If they were like the, Hey, we got to like split the three of you up. I'd be like, yeah, yeah. See money's on my team, baby baby i'll see you out there but i think she'll be really good she's like a top notch i think she'd be good too yeah i think she'd find good angles i think so too
Starting point is 00:26:56 she'd advance without fear she's and she's and she's so competitive. Yeah. What did you think about LeBron James coming to the Lakers? What? Yeah, I'm kind of in the middle about it, too. Yeah, I'm a Sonics fan, so I don't really think about anything outside of that. The Sonics don't exist anymore. What? Dude, I googled them. Well, I mean, they exist on Google, but I mean, they're not
Starting point is 00:27:32 an active franchise in the NBA any longer. They moved to Oklahoma. They're the Oklahoma City Thunder now. I don't think you're correct in that I'm gonna go to Foot Locker later And get a jersey So I think I'll find out for sure
Starting point is 00:27:50 But like dude I found them on Google I found highlights I found like Like Detlef Schrempf Is a fucking beast 20 Detlef Schrempf at least
Starting point is 00:27:59 Happened like 20 years ago They moved like 5 years ago Did you notice That there wasn't any highlights from like 2011 or 2011 on? well they haven't been playing that well why would they move to Oklahoma? it's a good question
Starting point is 00:28:20 I mean a lot of fans were like why are you leaving Seattle? it's probably a bigger market but I think that I don't know why ownership did it i think they couldn't get the stadium they wanted and they knew that oklahoma city would be more generous to them probably because they don't have as much stuff as seattle no disrespect to oklahoma i think you might have your facts mixed up i'm gonna go footlocker and find out okay yeah i leave it up to you it's not my place to tell you who exists and who doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah. But in terms of LeBron, cool. What do you think? I think it'll be fun having him in Southern California. It's just exciting. Yeah. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I mean, he's 33, but he's in incredible shape. He played all 82 games last year, is like unbelievable for someone at any age but especially at their 15th year in the league and uh and i think he'll attract other good players here so hopefully there'll be a viable rival to the warriors because they've kind of been uh i mean they've had tough moments but it always feels like a fait accompli that they're going to win. And I don't mind that, but I'd like to see a better heavyweight finals. And I think LeBron going to LA can create a path for that. Do you think it'll be hard to get Sonics LA Laker tickets?
Starting point is 00:29:41 I think it's going to be really, really hard. Damn. All right. I'll have to put in a call to my mom. There was one more thing I wanted to say about us paintballing. It felt like I've heard people describe the Coen brothers when they direct that it's two people, one mind. I thought we were two people One gun I have my gun on me right now With full air and two hoppers
Starting point is 00:30:12 Or two hopper and two uh Backup ammo packs Dude I left mine in a holster on my bird scooter I can go grab it Dude paintballing while bird scootering If it ever gets to that level Dude I Calvary charge I slept with my paintballing while bird scootering, if it ever gets to that level. Calvary charge.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I slept with my paintball gun under my pillow. I literally did that in junior high. I slept with my paintball gun. Really? Yeah. I was so happy with it. Yeah. I souped it up.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I was like, this thing is beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. I sent you an article about robots potentially replacing stuntmen in the future like disney or some company just created a uh robot that can do like flips and jumps and like basically parkour and uh and now it looks like in the foreseeable future in our lifetime stuntmen might be out and robots might be in i just have one question for these nerds are they going to try and make robots do all extreme activities what are they trying to do to us you know what happened to being a hardcore dude movies will not be exciting if you know robots did the stunts where's the excitement
Starting point is 00:31:27 i need adrenaline i need a dude like tom cruise who gets in there and he does gnarly stuff because he's committed to entertaining the world i don't need a fucking robot to do it these nerds will not win at making us less than stellar dudes. I guess this is the thing. I can't fight it, though, because robots are going to win. So the only thing I can say is let's enjoy it while we can. Do not think like that, Parr. I got to.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Did you hear what you just said? Maybe we'll let them do it. Maybe we'll let a robot Denzel washington make the new training day i think we will no it's gonna happen and here's the thing no i let's just enjoy it while we can because it's almost over no you make me so mad with those statements it's gonna happen with your definitive bullshit statements we can stop it you can't beat it we can't shut the fuck up we can stop it we can stop it but you don't want to stop it why because you're stopping the natural course of of of existence which is things move to their most evolved state
Starting point is 00:32:41 technology doesn't ever go backwards we go forward things get better i mean you can nuke it all and we can start at zero again but i vote for that because this is not better who wants a longer life if you're not doing extreme activities but think about like if you watched a movie and you knew there's a robot doing the stunts, would you be as stoked? No. No, right? No, I want men's stunt drivers and women's stunt drivers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, maybe they won't go away. Yeah, I just don't. Robot actors? Who wants that? I feel like when you watch a movie, you're like, I like this movie because I want to hang out with Ryan Reynolds after this or whatever. You know what I mean? Like, Bryan Cranston's a bad dude, but I want him to win. I can't do that with a robot.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I don't know if I could be present with my nuts chopped off. That'd be tough. Who's talking about chopping off your nuts the robots are they talking about that probably who knows what they're talking about it's all in that 010 bullshit language that's a lot to to think about yeah i don't know if i'm gonna be okay with that either say goodbye to your nuts, as you give in to... Yeah, I don't want to say goodbye to my nuts. Then let's fight. I don't want to say goodbye to your nuts either.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Thank you. All right. You know what I think we should do? Paintball as much as we can, then move to real weapons, and then start fighting the robots. Can we win the fight against the robots? If we paintball enough and own enough kids. What if you like the robots? It's a trick.
Starting point is 00:34:41 All right, let's get into it. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is my cousin Evan. What up, Evan? How you doing, dude? He's a new listener to the pod. But Evan, what up? You're my legend of the week.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah, he's basically been a big brother to me ever since I was a kid. Just so many of my early earliest memories, you know, like when you grow up, there are those influential male figures in your life who are just like, you're the man, you know, and you just want to hang out with them and learn from them. Evan was one of those dudes for me. And every time we'd come over, just so much excitement. I'd be like, oh, Evan's going to come over. We're going to bond.
Starting point is 00:35:22 He's going to teach me about manhood. We're going to, you know, wrestle or whatever. Maybe he'll throw me in the pool. I'll try and push him in the pool. Then as I get older, he took me to Disneyland one time for my 13th birthday. I was like, Ev, I'm becoming a teenager. He's like, I know. We're going to Disney.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And it was probably one of the best trips of my life, you know, just bonding with my older cuz. He has a beautiful family. He has a wife, Crystal, and he has a daughter, Aurora. So, yeah, Evan, thank you for being just an absolute legend in my life, for guiding me through manhood and just, you know, being a mentor to me. And overall, just one of the most solid dudes in my life ever that i've ever met so uh thank you for all the good times and can't wait to see you again cuz you're the best my legend of the week is michael phelps oh good call michael phelps is the most decorated olympian in history i believe i didn't. I think he's got somewhere close to 30 medals.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And what I really love the most about Michael Phelps is the trajectory. You know, he came in a prodigy to the Olympics. We were all told about him. We were all like, pay attention to this guy. He's going to break Mark Spitz's record of most golds in a single Olympics. He is like the future of US swimming. And, you know, we all got suitably excited and he dominated, but we didn't know much about Michael Phelps. Like he wasn't great in interviews. We knew he had huge lats and an unbelievable rig that just
Starting point is 00:36:55 looked designed to cut through the water. I mean, it's almost like a different species of person, like his proportions and the way he's put together. It's like, wow, some people are born for one thing. And it seemed like he was born for swimming, but outside of the skill in the pool, I didn't really know much about him. And then it seemed like he wasn't quite prepared for fame. Like he started making like basic mistakes. I think he got a DUI. I think he was like a little bit cocky at times, which is natural because the guy is at like 20, the most decorated swimmer in history. And, uh, and then a photo came out of him, like ripping a fat bong load at like a college party. Side note to the dude who put that photo out, like you're a punk bitch, dude. Like you can take a photo of Michael Phelps smoking a bowl at your party because it is a great memory. And you might want to share that with your close personal friends in the future. Like you have some people over for a dinner party and you're like you guys want to see something cool here's the most decorated olympian in history smoking a bong and everyone's like oh dude that's sick but then you put the photo away you don't give it to the
Starting point is 00:37:55 public to consume and hurt the guy's reputation and lose them like his subway's a sponsorship like that is just a a bad thing to do and you deserve to be punished sir and um and then michael phelps went through like a downtime where like people were like kind of against him i guess or he was a punchline or he wasn't like uh probably we were we it just seems inevitable with a lot of these prodigies that they come in they dominate and then we all think they're kind of like shitheads afterwards because they probably are for a little bit. But like, I remember it happening with like Travis Pastrana and dirt biking. And I remember it happening with like Ryan Sheckler and skateboarding
Starting point is 00:38:34 where they were like the most famous person from their sport. And they were also the most hated person from their sport, but like Travis Pastrana and kind of unlike Ryan Sheckler, Phelps just through sticking around for so long and consistently doing a good job in the pool came back. And now we appreciate him as not like a spoiled prodigy, but as like an elder statesman of the game and every medal he wins from this point forward. I don't know if he's competing in the next Olympics is cake because he just kept coming back to the Olympics and he kept winning. And we were like, you know what? Maybe this guy smokes some pot, but he dominates in the pool.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And that's what we really care about. I guess at some point we just learned to forgive these people too for not being perfect. And we just learned to appreciate them for what they are, which is extraordinarily special. And he's still winning. And then there was that one Olympics where he might not break the record for golds. I think it was 2012. And then his teammate underwater at the last second passed the other guy in the relay and got first place and there's that like indelible image of a
Starting point is 00:39:30 phelps being like yeah yeah and then what was the moment from the last olympics i'm forgetting where phelps did like a stare down of someone i don't know now we have all this good footage of phelps being a badass it's so so different from when he was a young buckaroo and kind of not giving us what we wanted. Oh, right here. Dude, he does that? So then Phelps grows into this elder statesman. We love him.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And then at the last Olympics, before this guy from another country challenged him, said he was going to beat him, we got this incredible clip of Michael Phelps just doing a stare down, dude. Just straight up mean mugging, his, like grinding as hard as anything. And he's just staring out like, Oh, my crush, all of you. And I mean, it's a long way to get to that face where you're just like, I'm the most dominant. I'm the best. And I'm going to go out
Starting point is 00:40:19 there and crush in the pool. And it's just been amazing to be a part of that journey and see him start off with all this pressure and actually deliver on it. So Michael Phelps, you are my legend of the week. Beautiful. All right, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with our opponents yesterday in paintball. Guys, first let me just start by giving you props.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Props for thinking that you could come out and battle us and maybe emerge victorious. But we came and the answer was definitive. We said no, and we destroyed you. We shot you in the face. We shot you in the ass. We shot you in the genitalia. We shot you in the limbs.
Starting point is 00:41:03 We shot you everywhere the genitalia. We shot you in the limbs. We shot you everywhere because we dominated you. And I just want to say, you know, as a man of paintball combat, when you see your adversaries lining up to come and take out your team and you take them down, it is one of the most joyous, ecasy like feelings in the world exhilarating because you dominated these people and you inflicted pain on them and that's what we did to you you know i didn't care i didn't i didn't discriminate by race creed gender age weakness toughness if you're on the other team you're shot, and you were getting shot a lot. You're going to get some paint on you.
Starting point is 00:41:49 It's a great point, too, because we weren't, we didn't think of the kids as kids, but we didn't think of the men as men either. No. Everyone was just one thing, a target. A target. And, yeah, I don't want to say fuck you guys because you came out and you battled and it was honorable. There's honor on the field.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for coming out and trying to beat us and getting your fucking ass kicked. Par, do you want to add to this beef? Thank you guys for providing a canvas for Chad and I to paint another chapter of our friendship on. In your blood.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Thank you. And if anyone wants to come out and paintball with us and get destroyed, bring the fucking heat. Oh, I love that. I love that. Just an open-ended challenge to everyone. Bring the fucking heat. bring your fucking co2 bring your co2 bring your goggles and bring your balls put your 3d glasses on because you know we're coming straight at you it's from state property nice guys i got one thing to say to you you had me at hello
Starting point is 00:43:09 what's your beef my beef of the week is with ryan lochte oh the lock now in a lot of ways i think michael phelps owes a lot to ryan lochte because I think without Ryan Lochte, we would have never learned to appreciate Michael Phelps so much. You know, it's like you, your sibling dates someone and you're like, Oh, this guy's a piece of shit. But then they break up and she starts dating a worse piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:43:35 And like, Oh, you know what? That last guy was actually kind of funny. I do. I do like that. Lochte was there to give us something to compare Phelps to favorably, but man, Ryan,
Starting point is 00:43:47 you had it all, man. It could have been all yours. He came into the 2012 Olympics, I think it was, and people were ready for a replacement for Phelps. We were like, oh man, we want another swimming star. And then there was Ryan Lochte, who was more handsome and a little bit looked more at ease on camera. He was more the traditional matinee idol. We were like, yeah, good. Be Ryan Lochte. But then, and dude, I started hearing interviews with the guy though. And I was like, I don't know if this is the guy. First of all, he wasn't passionate enough about swimming. He was just good at it. He was more passionate about the things that stardom could bring him. And when we can see that too easily in you,
Starting point is 00:44:24 it makes me turn away. I'm like, I don't like this guy. And then he did pretty well in the Olympics, but not great. And then at the most recent Olympics is when Lochte really cemented his fate. He does an interview with Billy Bush and he says he got robbed in Brazil where the last Olympics were. He tells the story. He says that Brazilian cops and he says cops with no lights or official ID, or he said they showed their badges, pulled up guns to him and he goes, yeah. So they told us all to get on the ground and my other swimming buddies got on
Starting point is 00:44:59 the ground, but I refused. And then he put the gun to my head and I said, whatever. And then he took my wallet. So he tells this story and he's got like the world sympathy, but the IOC denies it. And then Brazil denies it. But Ryan Lochte sticks to his story. He's like, oh, maybe I exaggerated a little, but that is what happened. Turns out him and his four buddies were
Starting point is 00:45:20 drunk. They went to a gas station, Lochte himself in the bathroom, like ripped stuff off the wall drunkenly. When he came out, a security guard came up to him and said, hey, you fucked up the bathroom. And then Ryan Lochte gave him money to pay for it. That was the whole story. Now I have been embarrassed and I have lied before, and I've told a false tale to get myself out of trouble. And I've burned a couple of people in the process. I mean, granted, this was when I was in the fifth grade, but, um, Lochte didn't only lie, but he told a story where he was the toughest guy on the team. Like out of his friends, they all were cowards and got on the ground, but he stayed standing to finally, he's making all this up basically on the fly too. Then he says, they put a gun to his head. He said,
Starting point is 00:46:02 so I put my hands up and I said, whatever. So he creates a story where none of this happened, a fake story where a guy puts a gun to his head. And in the face of death, all he says is whatever. It's like, dude, you could have just said that they pulled you over and shook you down for some cash and that they never pulled out their gun. And you didn't have to say it was the cops, but he lied about everything to the umpteenth most fantastical I'm a hero degree. And I'm just sorry, Ryan. You fucked it up, bro. But thank you for making Phelps look good. But also, just to pussify it a bit, I'm always down for redemption.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Ryan, maybe there's something coming down the pipe that I don't know about yet that's going to put you in that Phelps category where you go from a beefer to a legend. Can I offer a contrarian POV? Please. In this Brazil debacle, I'm going to come out and say I'm Team Lochte. The dude was just trying to rage. He was trying to get an epic story. Yeah, he lied about it, but he was trying to become a legend and i respect the effort i appreciate what you're saying about like him raging and that like
Starting point is 00:47:12 like when you're raging you don't really have bad intentions sometimes things go bad but you're not a bad guy that's true i mean who hasn't you know blacked out and then said they got robbed? I'm trying to think. I think a lot of people. Yeah. I certainly have. Haven't done that. What?
Starting point is 00:47:36 I think you asked haven't. My baby of the week is Julie Rice, one of the founders of SoulCycle. Dude. Have you done SoulCycle? I didn't of SoulCycle. Dude. Have you done SoulCycle? I didn't do SoulCycle. I did Cycle House. I've done both. I like SoulCycle because they have the candles and good beats.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I mean, they're both fire, but you do these dance moves on the bike. It's really fun. And you meet a lot of cool ladies there too. It's an amazing workout too. Amazing, yeah. And you get to bond with these ladies and you know just like i felt like the dude in that music video for call on me you know what i mean um but that's not what it's about that's the best music video ever yeah the eric pridd song yeah uh so just she was a talent manager before she found soul cycle and
Starting point is 00:48:22 i just want to give her major props for being such a visionary and providing us with with a fire workout that you know incorporates really sweet beats heavy cardio some uh resistance workout stuff and it just gives an opportunity for like dudes and and females to work out together and and together because I love hanging out with ladies. Does that sound like weird? No, I love it. Okay, cool. Dude, I went to Cycle House one time and did their class and the instructor, Michelle, was so good at inspiring you.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Yeah. She was talking to all of us, but it felt like she was only talking to me. And I think that's what the good instructors do. Yeah. And she was like, I want you to close your eyes right now. We're pedaling hard. We're like in a sprint. And she's like, and I want you to picture your dream.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Yeah. And I was like a little embarrassed. I was like, I don't want to picture my dream. Like, it's kind of like embarrassing and scary. And then she said, do not be embarrassed. Picture your dream. And I was like, okay, fine. And she's like, do you picture your dream yeah i was like okay fine and she's like do you want your dream and i was like yeah and she's like no do you really want it
Starting point is 00:49:30 and i was like yes and then she's like then pedal for it and the music dropped like boom boom boom and dude i started sprinting tears coming the biggest tears i've ever had coming down my face yeah yeah no that, that's the best. It's great for hangover recovery too. Like, cause you'll feel down and you're like, I just need to go to like a soul cycle class. And you go in and it's just like good vibes. And you're like, all right, today we are going to improve ourselves. So I think like, I like my, my brother and sister-in-law took me to soul cycle class, you know, like five years ago. And that was my first intro to it. And I was just like, wow, this, like, this to soul cycle class you know like five years ago and that was my first intro to it and i was just like wow this like this is working out you know this is like i'm
Starting point is 00:50:08 really like improving myself here and getting inspired so so julie thank you for you know being such a visionary and her tail is sweet you know she saw she created the cycle studio saw her vision through and sold it for 90 million dude yeah just thank you for being such a babe and for believing in yourself and your dank workout plan my baby the week to keep it nautical was gonna be flipper but i decided to go in another direction and my babe of the week is toothless from how to train Your Dragon. Nice. How to Train Your Dragon is a beautiful film by DreamWorks. I think it's from like 2009.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's got Jay Baruchel and Gerard Butler doing some of the voices. And it's about a kid in a Viking village who's kind of out of place. He's not strong like the rest of the Vikings. And the things he's good at don't serve much practical help. He's just kind of a thinker and a tinkerer, but there's not really anything that they need outside of what they're already doing at this Viking village. So it's kind of a disappointment. And the Vikings are at war with the dragons. And then this kid ventures out into the world one day and he finds an injured dragon.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And instead of like killing it, which should be the Viking way, he starts taking care of it. And they develop a bond, which is a crystallized in one of my favorite onscreen moments where the song forbidden friendship is playing by John Powell. And they get close to each other and they finally touch two different things coming together to understand each other.
Starting point is 00:51:42 And that's the best. And he gets on it and he rides it and he ends up realizing that he needs to tinker to help it fly because it's got an injured wing and uh or part of its like tail wing and he he builds a uh like wooden extension of her wing and they start flying together and it looks really fun to ride and toothless is just cool got it she's got a really good personality she likes to play with him like she's quiet and kind of to herself and more of a loner than the other dragons but once she gets close to the young kid from the viking village
Starting point is 00:52:15 they uh you really get to see her softer side and her personality and she's funny and she likes to play tricks on him so it's interesting that dragons have a sense of humor and um she even in the end fights this monstrous dragon because her relationship to viking boy means more to her and i think that's cool that she was able to evolve and kind of like uh you know get past the kind of parochial lesson she had learned as a youngster and uh yeah she's just a a sweetie and beyond flying she can shoot bursts out of her mouth that can like blow up uh barracks you're my babe of the week toothless up toothless thank you i gotta check that movie out you haven't seen it no oh you love it oh thank you you love it dude i uh before we get into the questions yeah uh i forgot there's one part in paintballing yesterday where I ran around to the other side.
Starting point is 00:53:08 So I was coming up from behind our opponents. It's incredible to be able to do that. Yeah, and I'm like, surrender, surrender. And he's like, why? I'm like, because I'm on the other team. And he's like, oh, fuck. I'm like, yeah, that's fucking right. All right, guys, let's get into the questions.
Starting point is 00:53:26 What's up, my brothers? First, I would like to applaud Chad on his groundbreaking dance skills he showcased on the Daily Motivate a few days ago in memory of MJ. Thank you. Fire moves. Second, I would like to recognize and let JT know that I aspire to achieve the resting chill face you rock every day on the Daily Motivators. It brings joy to my life. Oh, thank you, my dog. I write in with a unique sitch on my hands. Let me begin with some background, with some background beta to help
Starting point is 00:53:48 you guys conceptualize my topic of contention. I talked on and off with a girl through my entire sophomore year with the rock solid idea that she was the one. I finally grew some balls and asked her to be my girl in the winter of my junior year. We dated for one month and she ended it with me afterwards. I am fairly introverted and shy person and I blame the reason we broke up partially on that. I tried talking it out with her and nothing seemed to work. I went balls out and asked her to prom in order to try to win her back. She said yes and it acted as the short term
Starting point is 00:54:14 fix to a longer term prom. Once prom came around, things became dry once again. She finally put me in the dreaded friend zone. I put all my effort in trying not to think about her until she invited me to her pool party last week. I made sure I was thoroughly bronzed
Starting point is 00:54:28 and coming off a massive pump from a session of chest and tri supersets. Once I got there and we chilled for a good four hours and things were winding down, she pulled me aside to talk. She apologized for the way she acted when we dated
Starting point is 00:54:39 and that she could have done better. In reality, it was a super thoughtful thing to do. I unfortunately panicked during the conversation and did not capitalize on the home run opportunity I was just served. I instead came off as kind of got lost in there. So he he um he's too introverted he said that was like one thing it doesn't seem like that's the issue so he like went out with this girl for a month he really likes her they broke up but then he asked her to prom she went to prom
Starting point is 00:55:18 with them and um it seems like she's kind of running hot and cold on him but she had like a hangout sesh he came and then she pulled him aside and said, Hey, I could have done a better job when we were dating. And then, um, I guess rather than being like, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:32 receptive to it, he was a little shocked. So he came off like a dick. I don't know what that means exactly. And, uh, but he wants to go out with her. So he's wondering,
Starting point is 00:55:39 uh, how he can make that happen. I'd love to know what our success rates are on these guys who are like zeroing in on a specific gal and asking for advice. Yeah. Dude, I don't think, I mean,
Starting point is 00:55:55 she clearly likes you cause she went to prom with you after you guys broke up and she's still inviting you to things. Whether she wants to go out with you or not is still undetermined. I, I would be curious, like, why do you like her so much? Like, what is it about her that, that makes you want to be with her so much? Cause, cause, um, I'm, I'm feeling, I'm hearing and feeling a lot of feelings from you, but, uh, I'm not quite understanding the, uh. But also, sometimes when you like someone, you just like them. So after all that kind of drivel, I guess the way I would recommend getting this girl back
Starting point is 00:56:33 is by throwing a massive rager, one of the best parties of all time, getting less drunk than everybody else, and really facilitating fun, and then at some point trying to kiss her dude great call go with the setup show that you're a master of your domain and you're throwing a sick rager and then she'll be like great thanks for this party and you're like thanks for being you then you suck face dude great line yeah and then also maybe if she's got a friend that you're close to get some inside intel yeah it's always good on what
Starting point is 00:57:05 she's feeling consult another lady because you don't want to put your uh metaphorical dong your actual heart on the table and uh say like hey i want to be with you forever you're the one and then she's like um i just think you're my friend because then you're going to feel doubly bad although you know where i'm coming from i always think it's good to put it on the table because when loser draw you put it on the table and that's a good thing but it doesn't always work it probably works less than it does work that's good call and i would if you throw the if you throw the rager don't make it clear that you threw the rager for her no it can't be yeah it's got to be just you're throwing the rager because you want to provide a rager for the dudes you the the people you kick it with you're just fun yeah people are
Starting point is 00:57:51 attracted to people who are just fun who are fun without ulterior motives yeah so just be like having this party you know don't make it super obvious that you're just trying to yeah you're doing to try and get your back just like have the party and then let things occur as they will maybe make her a killer mix that's a good call put that song by yeah it's only you yeah maybe offer to make her a dinner and like learn how to make like a lasagna or some shit and be like hey so um as you know i'm part italian and i want to make you a lasagna or some shit and be like hey so um as you know i'm part italian and i want to make you a lasagna she's like what for i'm like just because i want to make one for you i just think it'd be fun yeah i'll make a lasagna you come over maybe you bring something we'll just have like a fun
Starting point is 00:58:36 dinner like grown-ups and she's like that's interesting nobody else has really offered me that you go well i'm a pretty creative guy and i'm always looking to do stuff a little bit outside the norm and i love rom-com so let's throw in a rom-com. I love chick flicks, so if you date me, by the way, we can go to a lot of chick flicks. What's up, Sultans of Stoke? As a paladin of Stoke and Rangers, I want to give my dearest adulation. Chat, you transmit the most vibrant vibes the universe gives. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Chat, JT, you bring the killer stories and have a clairvoyant use of the English language and allow me to produce a diatribe on my enemies good dude and Big Papa Joe was a great fit to the podcast last week I like Big Papa for him I hope to see more Stokes stories from him and Strider also fuck Puzio and that sandbag and bitch boy sorry for the long intro you don't have to apologize for that last part
Starting point is 00:59:18 ever me and my dog shout out to the F-Town terrorist it would be funny if he was a real terrorist had one of our friends move to California sophomore year of high school. Now being senior, some are going into college. We're going to take a road trip to Cali to reunite the pack. How can we ensure that this road trip creates awesome memories and doesn't bring the pack apart?
Starting point is 00:59:33 Any ideas? Please, please, please do not get like a radio transponder or whatever, transmitter. I do not mess with any dudes um on uh big rigs who are looking for like hot chicks named candy cane because that is especially if you're in wyoming because that is a one-way ticket to death my friend greetings brodacious dudes first off mad respect for what you guys are doing spreading love openness love, openness to vulnerability, good vibes, and positive outlooks on personal growth and life in general.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Thank you. Is what this country and earth need right now. You're changing people's lives and I hope you're proud of that. If I ever see you in public, best believe we'll get mad love and solid death. So the lady friend and I went on a road trip eight and a half months ago and inadvertently planted seed. By inadvertently, I mean we got wizard level wasted and failed to think about utilizing prophylactics.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Side note to my fellow bros out there. Even if your pull-out game is at legendary level, the withdrawal method will eventually fail if your swimmers are super aggro and dom alphas. I love the way you're writing, man. Anyway, we're expecting our son on 8-8-18. Nice. Trouble is we can't agree on a name and I fear the indecision will continue until it's time to leave the spittle. We want a name that is unique. We'll encourage them to be confident and independent, of course befitting the bro culture, in which he'll almost surely follow his father's footsteps. God willing, my friend.
Starting point is 01:00:51 We're at a loss, dudes. We implore for your wisdom. With a complete and full understanding that whatever your name is, Sir Chad Dude Bro-Him and St. John Thomas Parr Tias the Hardiest, agree on in this moment We will name our son. What would you most worthy bros propose? It's going to be a boy. Looks that way.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I go with Chad. Cole. I've always thought the name Cole was really cool. And Tom Cruise has that name in Days of Thunder, Cole Trickle. So I would name him Cole Trickle or Cole Thomas or Cole Hampton. And also I think we'd be remiss if we did, we should mention 4th of July. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:35 4th of July. This is our like 4th of July episode, I guess. Sure. Well, our last week's will come out on 4th of July though. Yeah. But this one was recorded.
Starting point is 01:01:44 This one was recorded this one was recorded just short of fourth of july yeah do you want to say something about fourth of july uh it's one of my favorite holidays oh nice yeah i love fireworks i love budweiser um i just have so many memories from fourth of july like my brothers and i we would we just make things explode dude my favorite fourth of july story our friend frankie was telling a story and he's like yeah man so fourth of july just at my aunt's house and i sit next to this pretty girl clarissa and uh yeah i'd been feeling her all day but i didn't know if anything was going to happen but then during the fireworks she came up and sat next to me and they started going off and i poured her some booze and we both had it and then
Starting point is 01:02:30 after like the last firework went off we turned and kissed and then my buddy andrew goes isn't clarissa your cousin and frankie was like yeah and I was like that whole romantic story was about kissing your cousin and he was like yeah and I was like yeah still romantic but I might not tell as many people yeah alright guys that'll be it for episode 26
Starting point is 01:02:57 is that right? episode 26 of the Going Deep with Chad and JD podcast thank you guys so much for writing in thank you for just being absolute legends thank you for inspiring us everyday much for writing in. Thank you for just being absolute legends. Thank you for inspiring us every day and for writing in your amazing questions. I'm sorry if we didn't get to your question. We were trying to get to them all.
Starting point is 01:03:14 If you haven't, leave us a review and a rating on iTunes. Shout out to our sponsors, Douglas Lubricant and Helix Beer Bongs. sponsors douglas lubricant and um uh helix beer bongs and um check out our patreon patreon.com slash chad goes deep and then jt you want to say anything have a good week stokers stay stoked yeah stay stoked stokers see you later
Starting point is 01:03:38 that was fun that was really fun a lot of stuff in there, too. Different levels and stuff. Yeah. We're getting good at fluctuating. Yeah. Yeah, good.

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