Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 261 - Top 5 TV Shows of All Time Ranked (Strider Wilson and Chris Parr)

Episode Date: October 19, 2022

What up stokers! This week we draft the best tv shows of all time.  Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and us...e code [GODEEP].   Visit ATHLETIC GREENS.com/ GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.   Upgrade your wardrobe with True Classic. Get 25% Off  at trueclassic.com with code [GODEEP] Free shipping included on purchases over $100. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's one of those shows where you start watching Yeah, I had to do it. I had to do it. I can there I know other dramas keep going keep going This is a great pick. I love this. I had to do it. You know, I love you. You know, I love you This is contentious. I know Ripping your heart out. This is the biggest betrayal ever Betrayal Dude just steal from your brother Yeah, dude exactly bro, whoa Wow, this is crazy. Yeah, dude, exactly, bro.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Whoa. Wow, this is crazy. Dude, I was like, why aren't you picking? Yeah, why didn't you pick? Because you know the rules. This is wild. I'm sorry, dude. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:34 It's a genius pick, baby. Genius pick. Dude, I always think you're going to make a pick, and then you fucking don't do it. It's a great show. It's so good. It's such a good show. He had such a big-ass fucking brain. Yes. I remember I freaked out. I was stoned and I said Chris this show's throwing heat
Starting point is 00:00:49 I didn't know it had this kind of heat in it It was hitting 98 on the radar gun It was like one of the first shows that I was like that like maybe know that I had taste I was like I enjoy this humor as opposed to other I was like, whoa, that's called taste. Nobody fucking watched that. No Nobody fucking watched. I respect like, whoa, that's called taste. Nobody fucking watched that. No, I get it. Nobody fucking watched. I respect it, dude. I respect it. Because you just don't want to win.
Starting point is 00:01:10 You just don't want to win. What's up, dudes? Before we begin this podcast, well, first off, this is an excellent episode. Super fun. Gets real contentious at some points. And we know you guys are going to fucking love it. So stick around and wait till you see who wins the draft but first off uh i want to say we got well we're sponsored by us we got a tour coming
Starting point is 00:01:33 up we're going to seattle coming up october 21st 22nd we got boston new york we got uh denver salt lake city atlanta n, Nashville, Chicago sold out, but tickets are selling out, so get your tickets now at ChadJT.com. Especially Seattle, those are selling out quick, so get on those tickets ASAP. We also have a show on Netflix. If you haven't watched it, watch it right now. Chad and JT, go deep on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pure, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because we got the performance package 4.0. And inside you'll find the holy grail of men's grooming items. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Say trick or treat to your beautiful new Halloweeny with Manscaped. Let's start the show. What's your theme? Go deep. Chat is changing. All right. Let's boil the pasta and spread the chef's ass. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation?
Starting point is 00:02:49 This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. We're here with the magistrate of, I say matrimony, but i want to do something a little more perverted yeah anything perverted starts with an m oh i can't think of one thing masturbate the magistrate of masturbating yeah yeah starts with an m yeah masturbate uh mangina oh oh magistrate of mangina that's a
Starting point is 00:03:27 great one that's what you are what other m's are there um meyer cartitis of the dick that would suck is that poor blood flow yeah that's when your vascularity and your dicks all jammed up from eating too much bologna fuck dude that happened to me when i hit my nuts my vascularity was out of whack for two weeks you've had a lot of ball trauma yeah i cried to my dad i was like dad i can't get a full boner and he's like i'm 75 i was like all right later i cried and i can't my dad's like no one gets a full boner what are you yeah yeah he's like he's like get some viagra that's was like, no. No, dad. And we're here with the fucking emperor of everything.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Dude. Fuck yeah. Let's go. Dude, you own the world. It's all mine. That includes Mangina Inc. and masturbation. Which is cool stuff. It's good uh all right we got uh we got a hot hot draft today dude we got a big draft so we did movie dads and i was like you know what that might have been a little too inside baseball yeah so i loved it i i enjoyed it but but
Starting point is 00:04:42 i i do think it wasn't as spicy as some of the previous drafts. And look, these things ebbs and flow, you know. But we're going with a big honker of one today. Top four TV shows of all time. We're talking drama, comedy, animated, talk show. I wasn't even sure about this. Limited series. Are we going to allow it
Starting point is 00:05:05 well are we this falls under TV you got one on your list yeah I got one on my list now we all know what's on your list baby with limited series yes you do I don't
Starting point is 00:05:18 what is it you know what it is it's period it's a period. It's a period piece. It takes place. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got you.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah, and this has been highly requested amongst the Stokers. Yeah, they've wanted some TV show stuff. Yeah. And I'm excited. No reality. You know, I looked on the Rolling Stone list and the IMDb. I checked the Rolling Stone one. And some of their picks, I was like, what are you guys talking about? They're a little bit too modern.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Were they putting some from like around the past couple of years? Way up high on the list. I was like, I don't. Yeah, it was hard for me to pick one that I didn't watch all the way through or that hasn't finished yet yeah then for me it was tough to pick a limited series because there are a lot of shows that i like that had multiple yeah which could be a an angle that is something positive for it you know um and it's tough we just came out of like a golden era of television you know so i think it's hard and but i haven't seen
Starting point is 00:06:21 a lot of these classic ones it's tough to build a list like you know there's these old shows that you heard of but like yeah like mary tyler moore taxi yeah oh right like i could it's safe to burn those they're not on my list yeah but these are iconic shows yeah i never watched cheers i love lucy exactly all in the family i never watch i uh jefferson's yeah i don't think um what was i gonna say i uh there's some there's some that i know are really really good that i haven't watched yeah i watched like a season or two yeah exactly i didn't finish but it's and that's one of those picks where you're like do i pick it because i just know it's one of the top shows yeah but do you i mean does do you stay like faithful to your like like these are mine or do you go for what the audience i can see it both ways i'm always down to honor
Starting point is 00:07:10 yourself but i also don't think it's wrong if you're just drafting trying to be like smart and be like okay these are the ones that will make my list undeniable and unstoppable yeah it's usually when i'm trying to win where i disappoint myself and i don't win so true i thought you were gonna say in your family uh you just gotta try to make aaron kramer's shorts that's really all you can do i mean he's wearing a wrestling shirt oh yeah a yeah. A little Monday Night Raw. I was more of a SmackDown guy. It's Aaron's B-Day tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, Aaron. Do you mind if we say how old you're going to be? The big 4-0, dude. Let's go, dude. Edward Fortyhands in your honor, dude. Now we know why you're wearing that Raw shirt. Now we know why you're wearing that raw shirt. Wasn't even rehearsed. Wait, there's no reality and there's no sports, right?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Did we need to say that? I think you can do reality, maybe no sports, but you can do reality. Yeah, I don't think you should be able to pick like Monday Night Football. No, but I think you can do wrestling because it's scripted. Makes more sense. Okay. And variety shows. Is anybody going to pick reality?
Starting point is 00:08:32 I think, hey, we will find out. Odds are even, guys. Lock those hands back. Okay. Yep, yep, yep. All right. On three, shoot. One, two, three, shoot. Fourth pick, Chris.
Starting point is 00:08:41 No problem. One, two, three, shoot. Number three. I like number three. Oh, yeah, you call it rock paper scissors shoot okay rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot ah three in a row they did the exact same thing. Duke has great minds think alike. Round one. Fight!
Starting point is 00:09:14 Alright. Going first overall. Here it is. I'm going out of the canon but you know what? I gotta do this. I gotta go Game of Thrones. Oh! I got to go Game of Thrones, dude. It is a show that is so sick.
Starting point is 00:09:33 There's some seasons that were just straight up movie quality for so long. It's HBO. I think a good indicator of a show is it gets a spinoff, which I'm currently enjoying, which is obviously not as good as game of thrones but you know they're setting the table and i care about the characters um a lot of time jumping but um like a lot of shows look the last season did it suck balls yeah they blew it but a lot of shows don't land it it's really hard to land the ship but when this show was hitting dude it was hitting
Starting point is 00:10:06 so nice and maybe has the most doggy style of any show which is tight doggy style and dragons um check sign me up we would get together and have watch parties for it that's sick i would call my friends let's go hang out on Sunday let's watch awesome the violin you know it's got everything it's got killing and fucking it's got not much singing and dancing but it really is a sick-ass show so I feel comfortable and it's more modern but it's what probably it could be one of its if not my favorite show of all time it's so sick I mean dude the high watermarks of it like the red wedding
Starting point is 00:10:46 dude i mean like filming people when they were reacting that i filmed you when we're guys there's gonna be tons of spoilers so just prepare we can't avoid this stuff when john snow got murked bro the depth of your pain that you were feeling when you were watching but it was stoic pain you weren't john stark uh john snow john snow before he gets right i only saw two seasons oh yeah oh bro um sorry kind of didn't spoil it yeah it's a topsy-turvy world but uh like those moments that show was tops and like just recording your friends reacting to stuff because it was shocking the the swings it would take you couldn't not watch on sunday because then
Starting point is 00:11:32 if you went into the office it would get spoiled for you so you had to watch that night or you had to be so on your toes and it's just like i think it gets shit on so people forget how amazing it was because it left such a bad taste in the mouth yeah for so many but when it was when it was on it was the best the water cooler conversation was always and then you'd find people who read the books and then i would just get in like an hour conversation like over like the lunch break where they're like all right so this thing might mean this and they're like yeah again and you just wanted to just talk about it constantly and it's really funny that's amazing and the hound and it rotated who my favorite character was yeah so true like season two i'd be like oh tyrian's my favorite
Starting point is 00:12:14 or then season three i'd be like that's july that's the president that's biden yeah he was here today come on because of the l.a stuff? No, he's on the west side. Is he going to Lifespan Medicine to get hit with a vitamin B12 shot? Yeah, get him on that Rogan regimen. Yeah, it would rotate who my favorite character was. Like, the Hound was my favorite for a while. Tywin was my favorite for a while. The Lannisters were really great.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Like, between Jaime, Tyrion, and Tywin, they all were killer. Cersei was solid, but... I mean, I think she was a wonderful antagonist throughout, as was Tywin, you know, for as long as he made it. I mean, they just had the best good guys, the best bad guys, and everything in between. I also remember one time we went over to your place to watch Mad Men with its season premiere and then Game of Thrones because they premiered on the same day.
Starting point is 00:13:11 It was like mid-seasons for both of them. Like later seasons, rather. And then Mad Men, two-hour episode. It's Don Draper in Hawaii. He's like reading a book. There's some sand. He gets some sun. Literally nothing fucking happens.
Starting point is 00:13:24 One of the most boring two-hour experiences of my life great show but so fucking boring sometimes then game of thrones starts within the first two minutes a giant steps on someone all right dude good pick dude i'm stoked you got the number one pick because then with the number two pick i can go with what i don't just think is the greatest show of all time but i think might be the greatest work of art of all time i'm going with the sopranos brought in the golden age of television revolutionized the way people told stories the original tv anti-hero uh tony soprano played incredibly by james guinofini i think it might be the best performance of all time i think you know every show has its strengths but i don't
Starting point is 00:14:12 think any show was ever more accurate about human psychology than the sopranos and could map out not just in tony but in a lot of its characters like a complete human person like they were ridiculous then they were brilliant they were ridiculous then they were brilliant they were sweet then they were bastards they were like uh dangerous and then they were weak like nothing had those ratios as well figured out for all of their characters as the sopranos and uh yeah i i re-watch it constantly i think it's the funniest show of all time nothing makes me laugh harder than the sopranos and it's always funniest show of all time nothing makes me laugh harder than the sopranos and it's always just because the characters say funny things like it has really
Starting point is 00:14:49 good uh i think it's called malapropisms where they think they're saying one thing but they say another thing like you know they'll uh what's a good forest episode interior decorator yeah exactly that was the interior decorator yeah he killed 17 people he works for the interior defense and he goes killed 17 people he was an interior decorator then it cuts to paulie or christopher he goes this place looked like yeah that's probably the greatest episode of all time maybe of any tv show pine barons where paulie and christopher get lost in the woods has an unresolved part where they're trying to kill a guy. You never know what happens to him. They would leave things open-ended. Directed by Dushami, the legend, who was also really good on the show.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And then it ended. The ending was kind of whack. But, dude, there was just no way to land that plane. I think it was too complicated and open-ended of a show to just tie it all up. To have a definitive ending yeah and then when i re-watch it i like different characters and same thing i i think christopher is my favorite but i love all of them when he gets uh his intervention is probably my favorite scene in history amazing dude polly beats the shit out of it he goes i don't write nothing down
Starting point is 00:16:01 i'm gonna make this short and sweet you're an embarrassment i found you with your head in the toilet disgusting i said my piece christopher uh yeah just hilarious so i'm i'm stoked sopranos at two dude i remember so many huge moments from that show especially growing up i would like watch little bits of it with my mom uh when they kill adriana i mean that that was uh that that was a one of the biggest memories from my growing up my childhood just when they killed adriana i had no idea what the show was about when they killed her though i was like it was big and then um just so many especially in like the new york mob i'm forgetting like all the characters
Starting point is 00:16:41 names but like um the boss towards the end. What's his name? Phil. Phil Leotardo. And then I love the guy in season two who dates Janice. Richie Aprile. Richie Aprile. Amazing characters. He's like an Uncle Junior. The funniest.
Starting point is 00:16:57 The funniest. He's got tremendous moxie for his size. Tremendous moxie for a man his size. Yeah. And then Richie had those crazy eyes and he was staring at tony and tony goes quit giving me the manson lamps this is my male with his son dude this is my male heir kid just playing video games and that's the thing too like tony was a psychopath but you really do believe he loved his family like it was very nuanced and uh and then they would make you fall
Starting point is 00:17:25 in love with tony in the next episode he would do some shitting or like you'd remember he was a psycho yeah and they were kind of the first ones to do and then everyone followed suit um all right chad who you taking with the third pick um i gotta go with comedy because this show is my first love um it's i think one of the most rewatchable shows you can watch any episode anytime always makes me feel good it shaped my comedic sensibilities um it's just uh i think it's i mean i know it's the best sitcom of all time seinfeld great pick gotta go seinfeld grew up on it first grade i watched the series finale and my teacher's like what'd you do last night i'm like i watched seinfeld she's like why are you watching that
Starting point is 00:18:08 show i i've loved it since i was in like kindergarten and now i re-watch it too and i like there's i find new stuff because you grow up and then you you uh there's new things to relate to and i mean just every character soup nazi newman kramer um i mean the performances from you know julie louis dreyfus george alexander and that's his name jason jason that's right and then um kramer so good so it's just uh it's the show about nothing i love it and it's pretty like they'll just tackle like big things but they do everything and it's pretty like they'll tackle like big things but they do everything in a light way like it'll have like death and like
Starting point is 00:18:49 romance and like jealousy and all this different stuff but they'll just be so honest about it he's like yeah of course I'm jealous Jerry and then they'll just but they won't wallow in it it always just goes to a fun place yeah and there's just so many fun lines that they would just nail
Starting point is 00:19:06 they're so accurate about how i would feel at times you know just like when jerry's like i can really only handle like three friends at a time stuff like that you know and then george being like i really prefer criticizing people behind their backs and then the opposite episode is so true to life where george does the opposite of every instinct he has and he just starts crushing it um jerking off episodes it's the best i just re-watched all those yeah they're so funny it's so good and then last night i watched the marine biologist episode have you seen that one oh yeah yeah george's monologue at the end you feel like you're listening to hemingway yeah it's incredible it's amazing and it ties up like and that started that that's in like curbing
Starting point is 00:19:48 two steps where they'd have like it was probably the best show at tying together threads like you'd have the a plot the b plot and a runner and they would all just collide uh i don't know seamlessly yeah it's a great show i never watched it dude i was too young to get it it annoyed me i hate that bass guitar i'll be like it's on and uh it's made me so mad and because my older siblings got it they understood the humor because it's like for a kid it's like i want jim carrey i want in my face yeah but you have to respect the hell out of it it's a great show there's something about uh kramer's character that i love characters where they no matter how they're doing in life they just feel like they're crushing it it's just
Starting point is 00:20:32 so uplifting to me to watch where you're like you're like oh this guy has no insecurity you know what i mean and it's just like i really just enjoy that um but have you given a shot you know i was following on instagram a while like there's seinfeld clips on instagram and i would watch those yeah i'd like when george would leave on top he's like i make a joke i'm done yeah and he leaves i'm like that's hilarious that's it yep chris you have two fuck all right first i'm gonna go with the wire oh baby huge sorry biden biden just knocked on our door the wire dude yes bro I love cop shit cops and drug dealers shit
Starting point is 00:21:28 it's the best it was it could be a bit dense but man it really fucking nails it so often found it so entertaining it's just part of that also
Starting point is 00:21:44 kicking off peak TV, HBO. So many characters that you love get frustrated with. A lot of the similarities that JT talked about with the Sopranos and just how they really like, you saw every side of so many characters and they painted such a big canvas. It fucking ruled. I love the show. JT showed it to me.
Starting point is 00:22:14 It's probably one of the most... I watched it while I was in high school. I was a senior, and it felt like it expanded my mind. It felt like it opened my mind it felt like it like opened me up just like to so much like a whole new aspect of like art and like what tv and film could be and i know that sounds like kind of douchey but it really was like that for me like it like blew my mind well because it was written by a former cop and then david simon was the creator who's a journalist who had done like non-fiction books about crime and policing in Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So like the level of detail that I had when it came to how all those systems worked. And you really felt like by the end of it, you're like, I understand how an urban city operates in America. And it would annoy people. People would be like, you'd start talking about it and people would just be like, have you watched The Wire or something? You'd be like, yeah, but still it is good. It was one of those things that was good and would annoy people when people would bring it up but
Starting point is 00:23:07 like it doesn't mean the thing's not good no it was like i'm sure i was a big tool talking about it but it fucking rocks and like if you can hit like i said it's and it doesn't one thing i appreciated about it but it also makes it a hard watch especially at the start is like it will not explain stuff to you it will not pause to remind you about something it just goes and it'll like reference things that happened sometimes seasons before in like the smallest way and they don't expect like it's like either you remember it or you don't and it never cared whether you were following it was just and like a lot of that shit like i didn't notice and then somebody would point it out to me or like i'd read an article or maybe on a rewatch i would notice and some things i'm sure it's still missing but that also
Starting point is 00:23:53 makes it fun because when you go back and watch like holy fuck they were talking oh my god that's the exact same thing that happened with this person later and it's just it felt so intricate but i still found it so entertaining love the wire you gotta like a show that um holds its audience in high esteem if they're not like hammering it over your head it's like no this is an audience that will get it and that's what you gotta love about an hbo show you know yeah it's an informed you know i mean as informed as we can be about the interested like workings of new orleans is that where it is? No, that was his next show, Treme. This was Baltimore.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, but it's nice. You gotta like a show that's like that. It's like, no, we trust our audience to get it. So, fuck yeah. Round two. Fight! This is so hard. The round two, dude,
Starting point is 00:24:43 this whole category is hard like there's so many good shows dude yeah Aaron I'm not
Starting point is 00:24:49 envious of your situation to judge these lists it's like how do you begin to and you're also just looking at you're like man
Starting point is 00:24:54 HBO fucking rules so dude it's so true your whole list is HBO so the quality control
Starting point is 00:25:01 at that place is second to none especially at that time it was insane it was like that sopranos six feet under um sex in the city they were all dude at the same time i don't know what to i'm so sorry guys uh no baby dude this is a hard thing don't worry um you know just right now this fat honorable mention, which is our number one overall, absolutely, is Chad and JT Go Deep on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You should probably fucking watch that because it's the best show ever created. Dude, thanks for the promo. Appreciate that, dog. Of course. All right. I'll go Breaking Bad.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, dude. I know. It wasn't coming mean like back wasn't coming back yeah i just couldn't let it go and like maybe there's something that i liked a little bit more but fuck man that was also just like no bro and another one where like you love fucking talking about it with people it became one where it's like we're meeting up let's go another season of breaking bad another app what memorable characters you know walter white jesse pinkman gus fring hank mike airman trout um walt's son oh yeah i don't know walt junior yeah walt junior fuck let's go skylar uh marie i mean every it was just it was so fun they also maybe the greatest pilot of all time because he literally goes from being a regular guy to the end of the episode he's in the desert outside of a camper with maybe two guy
Starting point is 00:26:41 two like uh bad dudes dying inside the camper, and he's in his underwear, and he's just stuck in the middle of nowhere, and that's the end of the episode. And it all feels like that's 44 minutes that they did all that in. It's unreal. That he gets cancer and then decides to make meth,
Starting point is 00:27:00 and then he's already fighting for his life against some gnarly dudes. Bro, that pilot is unreal. So much info presented so tightly and perfectly. Before that show, I was like, that's a teaser for the end of the season. I'm like, okay, we know where the season's going. And then you get to the end of episode one, you're like, holy shit. And I was able to binge.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I was like, I joined two seasons in and it was just like up till 5 a.m. It's like had a buddy who like would not stop talking about i was like yeah whatever dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it took me a while too with most of these shows they went for a couple seasons and then i jumped in it also it had i think gus fring might be the best bad guy of all time he was so freaking cool you because you when it was coming down to it i was like i think i want gus to win he was he was so freaking good you because you when it was coming down to it i was like i think i want gus to win he was he was more honorable than than walt yeah walt was just like saved my own skin at all costs it would do some fucked up shit oh yeah like uh yeah when he gets spoiled he lets pinkman's
Starting point is 00:28:00 girl die yeah and then also like poisoning the kid, Brock, and then blaming Gus for it. But like, why would I do that? Why would I do that? But he did do that. That's because he's freaking twisted. Dude, when Hank dies. Oh my God. I remember watching that.
Starting point is 00:28:14 That was... I don't think I've ever felt a worse feeling, in a good way, from a show where the grief right away... He cared about the characters you're in. Yeah. He was a blowhardhard but he was a good guy dude when he shoots it yeah well yeah the fearlessness too you can't believe it's uh
Starting point is 00:28:32 dude saul another show that gets a spinoff dude well that was also tough for me because i love better call saul so much and it just ended and maybe it was a bit of a recency bias and it's hard for me to know which one i like more you know it's so much different all the breaking bad fans like uh better call saul more it's crazy because breaking bad had like this uh if i can do a better call saul rant if you guys don't go um breaking bad had like an astounding pace and so much should happen better call saul the first eight hours is incredibly boring but But then the season ends well. And all it did was like, they're like this.
Starting point is 00:29:08 It was basically them telling, like getting you used to like this pace is going to be so much different from any, from what you're used to from Breaking Bad to where like in Breaking Bad, people would die. Like a lot of people would die. And that would be like an airplane explodes. Like that's a big deal in the Breaking bad universe for like the first like four seasons of better call saul like a minor decision would feel like the plane explode like they because they just totally it just became like the most textured character drama that like i'd ever seen where like these little moments i was like oh my god
Starting point is 00:29:41 no fucking way but it's all like it's not even a big deal it's like somebody took a case instead of taking this yeah exactly and i was like oh my god that's so fucked up and it was like it was just amazing i feel like uh better call saw didn't really get this sort of it felt like a sleeper the whole time yeah i think it's also just because like but breaking bad just like um just can't live it's like it's like the it's like the mad men game of thrones thing that jt was talking about where it's like you know like an episode of like somebody like reading a book and then you have a giant and then versus game of thrones where a giant steps on somebody like breaking bad was definitely more game of thrones where like a ton of shit would
Starting point is 00:30:18 happen like it was much more explosive and uh and, and better call Saul was much more like, uh, deliberate and thoughtful. Um, and, but was also really funny. Yeah. All right,
Starting point is 00:30:34 Chad, you're up. Sorry. Oh, beautiful. My list is kind of F already. Cause I don't know if I have any dramas. You going comedy again?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Well, I got, you guys took all my dramas, but, uh, I got to go show oh it's a great day come on yeah i love that you're gonna win yeah that's good you're good it's a great show i don't feel any cream on my face i'll tell you that dude i'm creaming over chapelle i mean i cream over spells and that's i so rewatchable so quotable a cultural just i i can't remember you know all these shows really hit the zeitgeist hard but this one just like especially when you're in middle school and it just it was everywhere everyone was talking about it and he had such a dramatic entrance or
Starting point is 00:31:19 exit from it it's just like uh it's like this moment in time and i will never get tired of dave chapelle talking about it him leaving um but i was re-watching it and you know rick james of course you know the first episode the first episode like the the uh the balls they had from like first episode um with the blind white supremacist and the most quoted yeah i think it's the most quoted big most quoted yeah like in high school it'd just be like i'm rick james bitch yeah game blouses all that stuff was just like seventh and eighth grade yeah it's just like the wayne brady episode was so funny like the training dance thing and it's just like um what i love about chapelle too is his mix of
Starting point is 00:32:07 like sophisticated humor with just toilet humor you know he'll just throw in like r kelly pooping on people you know and it's just like r kelly's doo-doo butter you know and it's like um it's really such a good example. Same with Seinfeld. I think of people, of creators who really just stuck to their guns and did what they thought was funny. You know, they weren't, they weren't pandering to the audience is like what they, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:34 and it shows. So gotta go. Chappelle show. That's a great pick. It's so good. And making my list. Cause that was like one of the ones that was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:42 maybe I, if I can get that late that'd be nice yeah but i re-watched the the music video for i'm a poo on you it's just so the song is so funny i used to have it poop on you too sorry i'm a pionier i used to have the thing memorized front to back yeah i could just do it on command because i loved it and you know what the the low budget aspect of all the sketches is so charming it works so much yeah if they did high production value i don't think it would have like no it was so charming the way it was and it was so funny like what do you need you don't need
Starting point is 00:33:16 anything else no like when people get shot like when when brady shoots it yeah yeah exactly yeah and it's like really bad like digital digital blood. And the guy's just... Yeah. Man, Charlie Murphy was so funny. Oh my God, dude. So hilarious. And Wayne Brady. Wayne Brady.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Dude, the best. All right, I'm trying to be a... I'm going with Saturday Night Live. Dude. Which has just the body of work. It's like 50 years of entertainment. It's every big comedian ever, whether they were on the cast or hosting.
Starting point is 00:34:00 And then the thing about Saturday Night Live is it's always like hit or miss as a full watch, but there's just so many iconic moments from it that take over or that you can always revisit on youtube and uh and i like that you can think of it as like classes like everyone has like their favorite weekend update guy i go norm on that one and then you know you got your favorite like uh batch and then everyone we all relate to it the same way everyone thinks what they grew up on was the best one everyone fucking hates whoever the current cast is although i do think it sucks and it's been bad for a bit
Starting point is 00:34:37 but lauren's like a thousand years old and then he's a like iconic figure you know what i mean he's basically curated american or worldwide comedy for four or five decades now and uh yeah i think it's just uh it's a it's an institution it feels like part of the fabric of and whenever you listen to like comedians on podcasts they always talk about it and like uh comedians who have been on snl it's always like it defines them in a way you know what i mean like when we did seth meyers so much of the like even the office is about snl it just uh it's like uh this elite it's like an elite college for comedy and everyone's always like rocking the sweaters for it so just even on influence i gotta got to go SNL. And then for my favorite sketches, I like, I love Jeopardy growing up.
Starting point is 00:35:28 With Will Ferrell as the host. Those are the funniest ones. Will Ferrell is so good. He's so good. A lot of the Farley ones, like, you know, Down by the River is great. But I always liked it when he did like General Schwarzkopf on his like weekend update bits where he was like General swartz cough or when he played El Nino.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Oh, the best, the best dude. Um, Spanish for the Nino. Shreddy balls. What's a, the horny couple in the jacuzzi.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Oh, I love them. Dude. The professors with Will Ferrell. Yeah. Yeah. You can watch best of Will Ferrell. Like we went to a party at aaron griffin's and she
Starting point is 00:36:05 threw that on and like 30 of us just laughed a great party um yeah so i'm gonna go snl with my my two pick it's a great pick dude it's iconic people breaking is so fun the rachel dratch one when people start when the when the cast members start laughing in a scene where they're supposed to be playing it straight, it's so fun to watch that. The Californians. I remember they cut to people. Especially that Bill Hader space.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Fred Armisen. Yeah, so many good people, dude. All right. Two picks, Strider.ider back to back let's go i gotta go with south park oh genius dude i always think you're gonna make a pick and then you fucking don't do it it's a great show it's such a good show i don't think there's any guys who get it more than trey parker and matt stone that's a great think there's any guys who get it more than Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Starting point is 00:37:05 That's a great way to put it. They just get it. Like they go after everyone in the right way. Like every time watching that in like comedy, you'll be like, the best comedy is when I'll watch and be like, fuck, how did I not think of that? Yeah. And it's every single time, which is like too egotistical of me because the way I think of it is because those guys are fucking geniuses and they're so goddamn good.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And then just talking about the aesthetic, like I love the cheap ass cartoon. I love the corny voices. And it's amazing, dude. It's been on for so many fucking seasons. Their process is amazing. If you watch that documentary six days,
Starting point is 00:37:41 a lot of like bill haters job is just to be like, huh? That's funny. It just rips man. the fearlessness yeah yeah and the aesthetic being cheap allows it to have a lot of immediacy because then they do make episodes so quickly that they can comment on things so like as soon as they happen and to your point about uh chad's point about chappelle's show like having good insights but delivering them with like dick and foot like the dumbest yeah lowest common denominator type of jokes it's like they're doing everything they're like being educational but it's like about but
Starting point is 00:38:19 the joke but the punchline is like yeah yeah and and also they it's almost like they're so smart about what's going on in the culture is that when things are happening i feel like the collective you know mind is sort of like how do we feel about this how we feel and then they'll just nail it and they'll be like that's how exactly you know it's like they determine how we feel about it you know yeah like yeah that is like that is exactly you're kind of waiting for them to tell you yes pc principle bro the characters are so good they're so fucking funny and cartman maybe the greatest character of all time so yeah just like evil like super funny and you know what you know what's crazy about that show too it's
Starting point is 00:39:03 funny when you're seven and it's funny when you're 35 yeah that was like the show to watch when we're in third grade to be like you go over to a friend's house and you're like my parents don't let me watch it so we got to be quiet yeah and you watch you be like oh my god i can't believe we're fucking watching this and then you watch it when you're older and you're like oh this is actually pretty brilliant and it can work for either either place yeah it's's so amazing, dude. The Lemmy Winks episode, dude, I remember I hadn't watched in a few seasons, and I was like, this is just genius, dude. There's a million episodes.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Dude, World of Warcraft episode is like one of my favorites. They almost scrapped that right before it went on. Dude, anytime they go into Kenny's. We bought that on iTunes, because you and my president would just it's so good that like over and over and over one that i fucking loved is the george lucas one oh dude i like when i was i was in college i fucking i could not believe they put that in the show yeah a lot of them oh it's yeah that that's part of their model they'd go they'd deliver
Starting point is 00:40:04 something to the network that was like outrageous knowing it would get dialed back and they'd be like we've gotten away with more than we ever even wanted yeah yeah so rad okay great fucking show dude round three fight um my next show now this is a little bit listy of me, but I've got to do it. And I've seen a handful of episodes, but not all of them. But it's iconic. I'm going to go to the Twilight Zone. Smart. So it's a great fucking show.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It's influenced so much sci-fi. I love that it's anthology. You can just step into episodes and boom, you're being told a story. It harkens back to just people sitting around being like, let me be told a story in the right way and dude just the writing and the formula of it um it's unbelievable and the aesthetic dude is and it still works today like you watch it and it's like still fun and the stories can be kind of spooky and cool and uh it's just uh yeah i mean i would watch a few of those you know growing up with uh like i was only allowed to watch disney and twilight zone growing up dude yeah it's not allowed to watch disrespectful
Starting point is 00:41:10 shows yeah is it scary no when you're a kid like it's like trippy it's like more trippy and stuff and probably the most iconic uh theme song yeah opening credits um tower of terror dude dude big time the one when it's uh the little people and you're invading and then it's us dude fucking legit and dude that that creator wrote 92 of the episodes unbelievable so he had to come up with like those kind of twists that kind of like you know uh like switch and ironing all that stuff like that many times like he had such a big ass fucking brain yes like that's insane like your average human has like one in a maybe yes i'd be kind of crazy if this happened it actually meant this because the world actually works like it's upside
Starting point is 00:41:59 down but it's kind of interesting like he did it over and over again and he probably already thought of that and did it as an episode it's crazy yeah dude that's a good list so so far you have uh game of thrones south park twilight zone me although twilight's a sick movie chad you're up are we going five no i mean there's so many because they've gone back fuck i'm not ready holy we could definitely go five well there's a billion shows yeah there's so many yeah cause it gone back to fuck I'm not ready holy shit we could definitely go five bro there's a billion shows we could go
Starting point is 00:42:27 yeah there's a million what time do you guess we'll be out of here probably like 730 um 6 we're good
Starting point is 00:42:34 um fuck man I'm really just in the zone what does your heart tell you yeah dude
Starting point is 00:42:41 JT's really on google looking at his list right now yeah I've been doing it the whole time too i'm just i don't want to start at the bottom you start at one and go up it's a good point chris dude it's funny i haven't shown pender yet all right no way your list is solid yeah yeah everyone's list is amazing yeah you haven't you haven't
Starting point is 00:43:06 strided your list i know dude well when you guys said limited series were in play yeah i mean i don't have the genre now steve our uh account we were texting today and he's such a great guy he's like uh i can't wait to hear the next drafts and wait for Strider to blow it like he always does. Oh! Fuck! Thank you very much, Aaron. Thank you very much. Happy birthday, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Steve the accountant, dude. Here's a number for you. Yeah, great guy. One, dude. You know what? Chad's right. All the best dramas are off the board. I mean, we've talked about one, but I don't know if you want to pick it.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I've got some other ones, but I think they'll, I think they'll come back to me, baby. So, I'm going to go with a couple of comedies or circling,
Starting point is 00:43:56 but one is, feels like the one. I'm going to go with Arrested Development. Nice. Nice. I have one that ran forever, so I didn't going to go with Arrested Development. Nice. I have one that ran forever, so I didn't want to go with the other institution of comedy. I think from Arrested Development,
Starting point is 00:44:15 those first few seasons, I don't really count the Netflix seasons. Mitch was under too much pressure. It just wasn't meant to be for those ones. Those were dense, dude. Did you ever try to watch those Netflix ones? No. I tried one.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Dude, they were hard to get through. Because they couldn't get everybody's schedule together. So they had to do all these time jumps and leaps and go back and forth. And you'd watch it and you'd be like, bro, I'm tired. Yeah. But those first few seasons, wickedly funny, huge characters. Just a collection of talent. I mean, you got Bateman, Arnett.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Who's the guy who plays buster tony hill he's funny as shit and then for my money the greatest comedic actor of all time jeffrey tambor as the patriarch of the family got portia de rossi what's the mom's name she's fucking hilarious she's so funny and then michael cera and uh what Alia Shawkat are like the best 12-year-old comedic actors in history. Like, Michael Cera is fucking hilarious on that show. It was so funny. It was so smart. Jessica Walter.
Starting point is 00:45:14 It was so smart. It was so funny. Yeah, I'm going with the rest of development. Nice. It's good. Hell yeah. It's so good, too. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And in Orange County. And it's in in orange county which is freaking sick dude no dude maybe i should have gone with the oc dude oh dude i didn't even have that on my list you know it's like there's a lot of there's a lot of um like melodrama i didn't even put any like melodramas like that right on my list and those are so good those are the best shows it's also hard for me to distinguish which one was like the best of that you know what i mean because like i don't know where you guys one tree hill or or oc households it's not even close dude one tree oh people oc oc those people don't understand culture yeah i forgot about gossip girl too oh yeah watch a couple one tree hill episodes look it's obviously i prefer the oc but like they made some moves dude they had some apps freaking banger of a school one tree hill episode they did which was
Starting point is 00:46:18 crazy dude and then it ends with it ends with one of the dads killing another dad to make, but like getting away with it to make it look like. Whoa. Yeah. That's heavy. And this is a half hour show? No, it was an hour. It was like the OC that was on CW.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I forgot those shows are an hour. Well, like Dawson's Creek. That's got to be fun to write. Those shows? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like, and then the cute lacrosse player bangs his best friend's mom you're like yeah i'm watching yeah that was so awesome in the osc when luke started having sex with his ex-girlfriend's mom that was cool luke luke crushes it bro season one no one's a better actor dude
Starting point is 00:47:00 yeah yeah and then so lovable yes yes he was never in much else it's on gray's anatomy tragic oh perfect chad you're out uh i'm gonna go with limited series let's go and uh i gotta add something like this in there i re-watched it recently i watched it as a kid and i think it just gives such a i think it gives one of the best, along with Saving Private Ryan, one of the best snapshots of WWE 2. And it's one of those shows where you start watching. Dude, I had to do it. I had to do it. I have no other dramas.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Keep going. This is a great pick. I love this pick. I have no other dramas. I had to do it. You know I love you. You know I love you. This is contentious.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I know. I'm ripping your heart out. Yeah, this is the biggest betrayal I've ever heard. But I'm going with Band of Brothers. I'm going with Band of Brothers. Dude, to steal Band of Brothers from your brother? Yeah, dude, exactly, bro. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Yeah, obviously the message didn't sink in, dude. I never thought I'd live in a world where we were doing a TV show. Wow, this is crazy. Where you wouldn't get Band of Brothers. Well, dude, I was like, why aren't you picking it? Yeah, why didn't you pick it? Because you did Twilight Zone. Because you know the rules.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Cameron Poe's mine. Band of Brothers is mine. Why did you do Twilight Zone over Band of Bros, dude? Because this is the rule. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. This is wild. I'm sorry, dude. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's a genius pick, baby. Look, I didn't step up in the Twilight Zone. This is wild. I'm sorry, dude. I'm sorry. It's a genius pick, baby. Look, I didn't step up. I deserve this. Great pick. You were already dead. Exactly. I spearsed it. I knew I was already dead.
Starting point is 00:48:36 But dude, you know what? You know what? I could see you take an easy company all throughout the entire journey thank you standing strong being in the trenches being in those fucking holes at the battle of the bulge exactly exactly the forest you would keep us together so i give that to you dude i thought you're about to say but dude you can still take the Pacific.
Starting point is 00:49:07 That's still on the table, baby. Yeah, Band of Brothers. I love it. It set a record for budget per episode when it was made, like 7 mil per ep when it came out. I know now those numbers are like astronomical. Like this Lord of the Rings show is like 100 million an episode or something like that. Bro, insane. Is anyone even watching that? Sick i enjoyed it dude it's sick dude gladiatorial rips dude it's actually it's really good i should watch it it's tight
Starting point is 00:49:33 some people talk shit on the pilot i didn't have a problem with them i thought it was pretty kick ass but then you unanimous one by episode twoanimous praise from everyone that I know is watching it. The contrarian in me wants to be like, nice budget geeks and not watch it. You know what I mean? But then they do some shit, dude, where you're going to be so fucking happy that they had the freaking VFX budget that they do.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's true. That's how it goes. I get on the train late, so I'll probably watch it in like a month. But look, what's the case when it happened and you're like, oh my God, is that about to happen? Oh my God. Dude, we need to give Band of Brothers the honor it deserves.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Chad, why do you like the Nazis? Well, let me get into it. Now we got a draft though. This is good. You needed to do that because that gave us some. Some juice. We got some juice now. Chris.
Starting point is 00:50:24 So are we doing We're doing five Okay okay And we gotta start cooking A little bit more I just worry about People's patience I mean you know
Starting point is 00:50:31 I could hang out with you All day It's the thing dude I could talk about shit For so long If we're doing Fuck I'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:50:44 With Curb your enthusiasm fuck i'm gonna go with uh curb your enthusiasm the great show the good ass show i didn't really watch i mean i've watched some Seinfeld but it was never like something that like i was like i'm i was always watching curb your enthusiasm now it feel like it scratches a similar itch obviously he was involved in that but it's just it's on hbo they curse it's so fucking funny i did want more comedy and this is one of my favorite comedies ever and it also has a lot of staying power and the amount of people that have come in and out of the show uh some of my favorite apps dodger going to the dodgers game picks up the lady of the night so he could use a
Starting point is 00:51:33 carpool lane all-time episode i don't know what else is there dude jb smooth just hilarious the guys literally joe pepperton up in this dude it in this motherfucker and it's rated r seinfeld like you get a little more uh it can go there a little bit more without the network limitations do the uh crazy eye killer episode crazy eyes is so funny wanda sykes is always so wonderful in that show i just watched the larry and funk hauser bit where funk hauser's like oh my god i'm an orphan because he lost both of his parents he's like you're almost 70 and he's like you can be an orphan at a hundred and then it cuts back to larry's licking an ice cream cone funkhauser's the funniest guy of all time bro incredible i quote i quote dave all the time when richard kine's eating really slowly and they're trying to play golf and
Starting point is 00:52:25 they don't want to get stuck behind the slowest guy at their country club and then funk hauser is always like a super nice guy he looks at richard kind who made the most complicated breakfast order and he's eating it really slow and he just looks at him goes shovel that shit down your hole and i love saying that to people when i want them to hurry the fuck up it's amazing it doesn't happen too often but sometimes and it's a great line to be able to bust out also like a huge like so many girls on hinge would put my celebrity crush is larry david like yeah being like a misanthrope who calls it out sexy and then uh i think also like a lot of people they feel edgy when they like kirby
Starting point is 00:53:06 enthusiasm or they always think they are larry david they're like i'm larry david you're like we're really not but i get what you mean like you're you see all the hypocrisies and in society and stuff like that round four fight and then next i'm gonna go with the americans whoa uh spy show watched of all the pics so far yeah nobody fucking watched that no i didn't look i get it nobody fucking like i might lose some of you but look if you it fucking rule we watched the pilot together it was it was they i remember i freaked out i was stoned and i said chris this show's throwing heat i didn't know it had this kind of heat in it it was hitting 98 on the radar gun i mean we were having we were so amped up on i think we walked a mile just walk just pacing around my living room because we were so amped about how fucking good it was dude and then it
Starting point is 00:53:59 ends with a sex scene to phil collins because the first episode it's like they're two spies two russian spies pretending to be americans they have a family they've been here for years um she seems much more devoted to the cause than he does he's obviously in love with her she doesn't seem like she's in love with him and that's where you start and you know that within like 10 minutes you're like i mean talk about fucking steaks dude and then it ends with them freaking smashing and it's so that's triumphant it's uplifting and they actually did do uh the final seasons were good they had a it's still like for me the shows are always the best in the first couple years and this is no different you know what i mean it's really hard to keep up the quality but they did a
Starting point is 00:54:50 better job than most um and they did some and they also do some super gnarly shit it's very fun the spy craft is amazing if you like spy shit it's so fucking good well done oh and they're married in real life really did they meet on the show that's amazing he's welsh that's cool hey do you guys mind if i take a piss real quick yeah let's take a break what up guys i'm interrupting this podcast letting you know once again that we were brought to you by legends at manscape q haunted music michael myers sure is scary but the last thing you need is to be hairy this Halloween. Luckily, our friends at Manscaped launched their fourth generation performance package to make sure your pumpkins get the ultimate carving experience on this spooky day.
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Starting point is 00:56:09 new halloweeny with manscape all right let's get back to the show it's tough because the the tv landscape's so huge that a lot of people just haven't seen the things everyone's watched different shit you know so you don't know like i got shows I want to pick but I'm like even with the rest development I'm like I don't know how many motherfuckers have seen that shit and I'm also that's why it was easier for me to be no one watching when it was on but then everyone watched it once it was off if it's still going I didn't pick it you know right because I was just like I don't I don't know how it's gonna end end. So what if it like sucks? Um, and then there's so many shows that I liked that I like absolutely loved for one or two seasons.
Starting point is 00:56:50 And then they fell off a cliff looking at you outlander. Yeah. You love that show. Outlander was so good. Season one, dude, it was so good. And there was so much sex,
Starting point is 00:57:00 a lot of sex. Yeah. It was great. The horniest show on TV though, or that's ever been on TV. Shameless. Really? sex a lot of sex yeah it was great you know what's the horniest show on tv though or that's ever been on tv? shameless really? i never watched it
Starting point is 00:57:10 like five people have sex on that show right actually let's keep this in if you have any showtime shows in your top list you don't know tv you meet someone and they're like you know when i was when i was like 23 it was like people would watch shameless and then californication and they were like it's edgy tv i was like yeah and that's about all it is yeah and dexter dude oh dude come on it's just look i'm sure they were good i did have a friend who loved dexter, and he described the first two seasons to me. I'm like, yeah, it sounds really fun. But then I watched, and that show went off the rails,
Starting point is 00:57:49 and I watched way later episodes, and I was like, this looks really bad. Yeah. All right, Chad, you're up. This is a tough one. I have a lot on my list, but you know what? I got to go with something that I think, um,
Starting point is 00:58:09 was a sort of dominated the culture for 40 years. I think it still does in some ways, but their influence is declining. Um, but it made comedians, you know, it introduced us to celebrities it was the first big talk show tonight show with johnny carson it's a great pick wow i think uh i mean for me and you're doing only the jay leno years i'm doing the one conan like two months you remember that i'm doing the code like two months um i uh there's
Starting point is 00:58:48 something to me that's so comforting about the tonight show desk it's like when i when i look at it you know i remember i remember as a kid too it's like it's like you turn on nbc and it's like the tonight show it's sort of like it's like uh to me it was just like sort of like it was such a warm kind of presence like this is america and uh i just think it's so iconic and i don't know what the future holds for these shows um but you know i those johnny carson years were unreal and they made so many comedians i mean so many comedians made their debut jerry seinfeld like roseanne roseanne true carry well and when you watch comedians talk about it like jeff foxworthy in one of those comedian documentaries because so like if carson
Starting point is 00:59:39 liked you he'd call you over to the couch afterwards that's like you know if you did a good job foxworthy just starts crying yeah He's like, and then Johnny looked over and he gave me the wave. And you're like, I don't know what else has that kind of meaning today. Yeah, it was like the gatekeeper. Honestly, maybe the Joe Rogan experience. Yeah, a lot of people say Rogan,
Starting point is 00:59:56 but I think Rogan does help a lot of people. It can give you an audience, but I don't think to the extent. And it's not as classy as The Tonight Show tonight show was yeah and it's such like a it's it's so like it's like it's like you're entering it's like the gauntlet it's like you have five minutes to prove yourself to the world king can decide whether or not you have a career and who did someone bomb on there a lot of people like that like was able to come back and you know redeem themselves i don't really know but i know dude kevin nealon talks about when he went on there and they like right before they like called him on he just forgot his whole set oh like i can't
Starting point is 01:00:38 imagine the nerves dude yeah bro that's so terrifying can you imagine having a good set on johnny carson you're minted. Yeah. Dude. And then, dude, the cultural ripples it made just in terms of the legend behind it. Then Joan Rivers, because she took another talk show. Her and Carson stopped being friends. Then Jay Leno and David Letterman start battling for the spot. And Jay Leno's hiding in a closet like listening to like uh uh executives
Starting point is 01:01:07 talk about what's gonna happen like those have made movies yeah like there's movies about people just trying to get the gig yeah it's uh yeah it's just a it's an institution it is yeah and I think um it's just uh yeah it's it's it's everything yeah for the late night yeah I yeah, it's everything, yeah. For the late night, yeah. I love it. It's a good pick. All right, dudes, I'm going with something that's still on the air. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Three seasons in. I knew it! I'm surprised no one said it already. Here we go. I think it is by far the defining defining drama of this era i'm going succession oh beautiful it's so brilliant performances uh some of the best dialogue ever super smart but also kind of that thing that all these shows have where it's really smart but then it can be super immature and like raunchy and it does both so well tons of great characters your favorite switches from season to
Starting point is 01:02:09 season um and then just like incredibly uh like broad palette of feelings that you get from it although most of the time you do it is one of those shows where you always kind of feel icky watching it but then you can't stop like i'll i watch it five times and when it's going through its new season i'll re-watch that episode five times throughout the week like i'll just keep watching it over and over again and then i'll watch like youtube breakdowns on the episodes like on all the shit i missed and they plant stuff so well like the big twist at the end of season three that uh tom has betrayed shiv they just walk you through all the micro moments that led to that and like all the little storytelling beats that that showed the shift coming and you're like this is amazing like it's so layered and then also i think it's
Starting point is 01:02:57 just like the cooler talk show of right now more than anything else and i think they're gonna do good with the next couple i don't know how many how many seasons do you think it'll go? Like five? Four, four, four. Four or five? Four or five. Just do one or two more? Yeah, I don't think they'll stretch it out. I think that guy has like a very defined idea
Starting point is 01:03:12 of what he wants to do. And it feels like Shakespeare. Like The Sopranos, it feels like Shakespeare to me. I'm like, this stuff could exist forever because it's so good about people's psychology. And they nail season finales. Season one finale was wonderful. Season two, I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Season three, exact same thing. Yeah. Where I'm like, I genuinely don't know what comes next. Yeah. Because they're nailing some cliffhangers. And season one less so, but all the finales have been so good so strider you got two now we're going to because we're going five okay are we doing five okay i'm gonna go with a multicam and this is one of my favorites. I don't know if it's...
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's got one of my favorite characters of all time. I was not allowed to watch it growing up because it was inappropriate and disrespectful. But I'm going to go with Married with Children. Oh, nice, dude. Al Bundy, dude. Dude, Jefferson, the neighbor. Christina Applegate, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I'm going to tell you right now bro hilarious great actor and easy on the eyes dude and bud is so hilarious dude like just everyone getting shit on just al having his hand in his pants every time he sits down on the couch and just kind of like not liking his family but you like him like he's just always annoyed with them i guess like there was like an undertone of like love but yeah i just remember him so it's like whenever they say something he's just like who the fuck are you like why are you in my house it's like kind of his just vibe to everything that his family did and it was so funny she's hot yeah yeah the hair throws you off a little bit but she can get it for sure
Starting point is 01:05:07 totally the annoying little neighbor like it's kind of like she can get it yeah marcy it's got great character the dog that thinks you know that just like fuck everyone it's really hilarious uh it was like one of the first shows that i was like that like maybe know that i had taste i was like i enjoy this humor as opposed to other i was like whoa that's called taste and uh so i was stoked on that round five fight and then my fifth pick i mean baby is this a good show probably not but is it iconic and a great time? Baywatch, dude. Let's fucking go, dude. Dude, pick a draft. Hot chicks solving crimes, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:49 I think it's the most popular show. Like internationally, probably. Like that show travels. Dude, Germany, Hasselhoff. Like, not to bash my own list, but like is Arrested Development playing in Japan? I don't think so. Baywatch is getting a lot of run.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Is there something to ladies and bikinis fighting stuff on the beach and doing good yeah there it is and dude the dudes oh look ain't sleeping on on fucking any of these dudes i remember being like that guy who's the guy that they brought in not hasselhoff but the other young dude with brown hair he kind of looked like tom tom cruise yeah yeah that yeah so hot was scott bellow in that scott bail bail no dude anyway kelly slates yeah uh and he was dating pam anderson at the time dude and then uh the guy from deaf leopard one of the guitarists he lived up the street from us in nalegale yeah he was married to one of the gals from baywatch the short-haired brunette oh yeah i was went to class with this kid she drove a jaguar dude he was he was vegetarian as a five
Starting point is 01:06:50 year old i couldn't handle it so i tricked him one time when we were eating sandwiches really he's i was like turkey's not a meat he was like and he fell for that yeah he also um an adult fell for that he also no not the adult he was just this was this was their son who was in it was in my grade
Starting point is 01:07:10 okay okay and he also um had a nanny and he was whenever he was done pooping he'd yell from the bathroom Lupe can you come check my butt part of her job
Starting point is 01:07:19 is to make sure his butt was clean after his shit that lady's not getting paid enough and they were doing that at friends houses oh he did that at our place they would like bring the nanny she came over like they walk over because we were like oh five yeah yeah he couldn't walk by himself and she was there and then he we heard him from the bathroom like can you come check my butt i even remember at seven i was like what the
Starting point is 01:07:41 fuck are you doing dude dude yeah i remember i remember uh like watching tv or something and my little brother was being potty trained he goes mom wipe me and i remember i looked at my mom and go mom stay there wipe your own ass dude you wipe your own ass now your little brother yeah that's hilarious that's too much it is too much but then we also pranked my mom because we went to the Dodgers game you know how you get Sundays to go on those little hard baseball helmets the best
Starting point is 01:08:10 I go dude take a shoot on that dude did he do it my mom my mom was so mad I've never seen her so mad in my life take out the trash and take out every trash in this house dude it was amazing
Starting point is 01:08:22 yeah it's incredibly disgusting but super creative and hilarious. Also, good aim, dude. Also, I was like, dude, put Hershey syrup on it, dude. My stepmom used to yell at me for being too old to get my butt wiped. I'd be like, dad, check my butt, dad. And she'd be like, you're too old. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:39 You're too old. I'm like, shut up. He'd still do it. He'd still do it. Thanks, dad. Good man. I do it. He'd still do it. Thanks, Dad. Good man. I was eight. Hilarious, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Chad, you're up with your last pick. Oh, it's me. Oh, dude. Okay, cool. I messed up the order a lot today. I'm going to go with something else. Not the best show of all time, but for my money, the most charismatic performance in TV show history.
Starting point is 01:09:03 It's a man who has fallen on hard times these days, but he brought a lot of joy to my life. I watch the show all the time. And also I, my list is super white bread right now. So I got to mix it up. I'm going with Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Oh, bro. Great. Dude. The thing is like, I just wanted one of those shows, like a family matters or like a boy meets world. It's very of a time, but like, I just wanted one of those shows, like a Family Matters or a Boy Meets World. It's very of a time, but I love those shows because they were fun and they were funny. The performances are great.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Of course, I like the first Aunt Vivian more than the second Aunt Vivian, but I guess she was beefing with Will on set. You're not going to win that battle. Carlton, dude, hilarious. He should have been in more shit. He's so fucking funny. But then for me, what it really was was was Uncle Phil was like the greatest TV dad of all time. I think J. Cole even references him in some lyrics because he was the man.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Like he was stern. But then at the end of every episode, him and Will would have this. He was a judge. And they'd have this father-son moment. And I don't know, like the drama really worked for me. Like I really did care about them as a family and, uh, and they were kind of an enviable family. Like it was one of those great, and I don't know if this happens as much now.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I just probably don't watch those shows. But the thing that was cool about like family matters and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Boy Meets World was a little more whack. It wasn't as good as those shows, but like, uh was Disney versus, you know, it's just a little softer. Yeah. And like Rosebud, that wasn't that great. He couldn't pay me to watch that shit. But you were like, this is a great family.
Starting point is 01:10:35 And it was really nice that way. It was like heartwarming. There's another show that I was thinking about picking that's like that, but Fresh Prince is just a bigger show. And bro, when you got a To Be Continued episode fresh prince you were like yeah oh dude uncle phil's really gonna let we'll have it this time you were so it was like jazz also very cool yeah jazz also like made me curious what a philly cheesesteak was yeah because because they try to like he's feeling homesick and they bring him one he's like that's not a philly cheesesteak it's not even the grease
Starting point is 01:11:04 isn't even soaking through the bag and then jazz shows up. He's like, that's not a Philly cheesesteak. It's not even, the grease isn't even soaking through the bag. And then Jazz shows up and he's like, I brought you a Philly cheesesteak. He's like, now that's what it's supposed to look like. And I was like. Throwing him out the front, great thing. Dude, the butler, Joffrey. Joffrey, yeah. Joffrey, dude, hilarious.
Starting point is 01:11:16 So good. Thrones, dude. Hillary. And then the younger sister got hot later on. Their high school seemed really cool where Will would wear the funky suit. Then they went to college. I bought all of it you really wanted him to kneel long to be together and then also greatest intro song yeah ever true true yeah is my pick um
Starting point is 01:11:47 you know i gotta go with I gotta go with Simpsons. Great pick. Huge, huge. Change the game in animation. I mean, especially seasons like 2 through 7 are fire. I rewatched those a couple years ago
Starting point is 01:12:02 and they're just incredible iconic characters one of the longest running is it the longest running one of the longest running tv shows yeah it's gotta be right yeah if you don't count like uh soap operas yeah are they on season like 90 i think they're on like 40s a lot cops lot. Cops was a long-running one, too. Dude, Cops was maybe one of the best shows of all time, too. Cops was great. When we did reality, I was like, damn, don't do Cops. So fucking good.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Dude, that'd be hilarious. But yeah, Simpsons, I love it. Bro, it's huge. Also, another one that's like so many people have gone through there. It has an amazing alumni. Right, yeah, the writer's room. Yeah, you got Conan in there. Who else is in there who yeah he's hilarious james l brooks helped start it yeah um yeah that's a great one i mean then also like when you're young growing up it's the
Starting point is 01:12:57 funniest shit ever i mean homer's don't it's just so it's so good he's such an idiot mr burns is so good um mr burns i mean obviously all the family's great including the baby the halloween zaps they do are so good yeah and they just and they also do because it always resets it can just do such wacky things and uh the bar dude yeah, Moe's. It's just all so iconic. Apu, who's dead now. Yep. Did they kill him off?
Starting point is 01:13:32 I don't know. No, they're just Hank Azaria's. Oh, he's still on? Oh, cool. And yes, dude, it's, I mean, yeah, iconic show, dude. So funny, so good. Predicted, they're like, oh, Simpsons predicted this type of stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's all interesting stuff. What do they know, dude? Yeah. Chris, you're up last. Some big heavy hitters still on the board. I'm not going to take any of them, dude. I'm going to take this one that I'm probably going to lose even more people
Starting point is 01:14:02 after the Americans pick, but that's okay, dude, because this show is so delightful and that's Jane the Virgin, dude. What? Dude, are you insane? Dude, I know. Are you insane? Jane the Virgin?
Starting point is 01:14:20 I respect it, dude. I respect it, because you just don't want to win. You just don't want to win. just don't want to win but this show dude it's so fucking probably the show that made me cry the most would also make me cry and laugh in the same scene like back to back did that like multiple times would do that multiple times in a season it also was like joked so much about telenovelas which our mom would always watch and it would like it was a tell like the characters in it watch it but it also was a telenovela and like um that i just felt like uh having seen so many by just watching them in the same room as mom even though i didn't even like i only understand
Starting point is 01:15:04 like a little bit of spanish that so much would be over my head but they're so ridiculous and mom loved them so much that i just had like a great emotional connection to the show and it was just so well done it's so fucking funny it uh and then it was just it was just also really well done and it also nailed the best time jump i've ever seen in a show, which totally changed the game. It totally always kept it fresh. And it had every season. It was on for five. Every season was great.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And the last episode, like the final season, was still really good. It never lost its fastball. And it just it was always so great. Not a lot of people watch it. It's fine. But I love the show. And it was just it fucking ruled. And it got hot dudes it's really funny it's delightful i loved it all right well that's it that's all five so many honorable mentions
Starting point is 01:15:55 just the honorable mentions i was able to jot down while we were doing this. Not that I was not paying attention to you guys. Cheers, Three's Company, Scrubs, Justified, Boardwalk Empire, Daredevil. Great show. Deadwood. Yeah, Deadwood should have been on Sunday. Justified fucking rule. Thought about it a lot.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Yeah. Guys, a show that's been on for a long time still is. Sunny. It's always sunny. Yeah, so fucking good. So good I Think I think better than Chappelle show, but nobody's gonna buy me on that. Can't feel yeah great show It's great better than Chappelle show. I do really I think there's more dated references on Chappelle. Right. I think Key and Peele's are more evergreen.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Although the Obama stuff is obviously. Best Obama impression of all time. That's got you so excited. One close and near and dear to my heart, Quantum Leap. It's being rebooted terribly, I believe. I haven't watched it yet, but it's a great show. Frasier, a comedy for smart people, which there are none. Uh,
Starting point is 01:17:07 no, there are plenty. I watched Frazier as a kid. Yeah. It's really funny. Even as a kid, it's funny because it's, the actors are just so amazing. Did you not watch Home Improvement?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Home Improvement. It was good. Great show. Great show. Yeah. Mad About You. Sure. All those.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Yeah. All those, uh, uh, must see TV ones. Uh, Kids in yeah we're talking sketch uh i love lucy was historic and amazing uh you know having a female lead the comedian it did so much for actually the medium of television how they shot it they shot on film instead of video which fucked like for reruns it was like way better right as opposed to like the honeymooners which looks like hot garbage now
Starting point is 01:17:52 but you know uh ozark was great uh for contemporary catastrophe did you guys watch that oh people are gonna be mad we didn't say fleabag too oh fuck fleabag that's good i'm about to have done that instead of uh i'm gonna drop one on you right now that it's gonna be as as bigger than that black mirror yeah you know my thing i almost went black mirror though because i like the first season of black mirror a lot but then i think it kind of they were uh i don't know it got they almost should have just left if they would have left it at one season just those three episodes i would have picked it like number two i'm in the same where i feel like it's progressively
Starting point is 01:18:34 gotten not as good and so well yeah the miley cyrus episode is fucking atrocious i like that one i think i watched that one bender and then we yeah we didn't say office us or british no mad men the daily show er they're both really amazing shows ted lasso of the shows no no no no aaron we're saying best shows of all time here you give me the middle finger for ted lasso it could be year five, but like... Two seasons and the second one was Drek? I disagree. I like the second one. I hear you.
Starting point is 01:19:08 I hear you. I hear you. As someone who's so into mental health, I would think. Yeah, I know. I'm just tired of it. Whenever anybody else
Starting point is 01:19:14 talks about it, I'm like, I'm spending too much time on this. I need to do less therapy. A show... I know Queen's Gambit over... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 Queen's Gambit fucking ruled. That was on my I just finished Night Of. I love Night Of. Night Of's amazing. Yeah. That love Night Of. Night Of's amazing. Yeah. That's really good.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Night Of's really good. It's hard for miniseries for me. Yeah, it's really hard. Planet Earth. Miniseries. Oh, Planet Earth fucking rules. Doc series, yeah. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I can't even think about that as a genre. 24. I've never watched it. Every episode's a cliffhanger. That's sick. And everything's in real time. But dude, do you love Whispering? Chloe.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Chloe. Yeah. Chloe. I do. That was a big show too. That one meant a lot to people. Lost. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:53 Battlestar Galactica. Lost blew it obviously hard at the end. And then just the last multicam show that I just loved was Perfect Strangers. But you guys are probably too young for that. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck that is. Cousin Balky, Bartokamos? Come on now. Sounds cool. Was the Addams Family a show? Yeah. The Addams Family, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Black and white TV show. Who do you think won? Fuck, you guys. This is really tough. Let me recap everybody's lists. Yeah. Just understand. I almost went Friday Night Lights nights i went fresh prince instead yeah i mean if you have to ignore an entire season of a show maybe it's not the best of all ended the
Starting point is 01:20:32 best of all the good dramas though the ending was right yeah i still haven't seen i need to i just i finished season two recently so i'm ready i finished it though so i'm i'm ready to get back in I finished it, though, so I'm ready to get back in. All right. He didn't got it. All right. Striders list. Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 01:20:48 South Park. Twilight Zone. Married with Children. Baywatch. JT's list. Sopranos. SNL. Arrested Development.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Succession. Fresh Prince. A beller. Not to be confused with any other ones. Don't watch the reboot. That's a drama. It's weird. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Chad's list. Seinfeld. Chappelle's show. Band of Brothers. The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Not J. Lo. And The Simpsons. And then Chris.
Starting point is 01:21:20 The Wire. Breaking Bad. Curb Your Enthusiasm. The Americans. And Jane the Virgin. You would have won easy if you just picked two normal things at the end. Whatever, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:33 You're the new Strider, dude. But I didn't bend, dude. I just picked shit that fucking rolled. And if you guys watched it, you'd think it was cool, too. I did watch it. Alright. It's one of the most insane premises for a show ever and there would have been such a gigantic lawsuit it would have bankrupt anybody
Starting point is 01:21:54 involved impregnating someone wait so now we're now we're upset because i'm just because like some tv shows strain credulity like what, what the fuck are we talking about? That's not changing the ranking. I'm really here for a big argument over Jane the Virgin. And when I watch Toy Story, I'm like, yeah, but the thing is, toys don't talk. So what are we doing? I just feel like she should have been way more
Starting point is 01:22:18 pissed. For a girl who's never had sex to get impregnated accidentally by a doctor, a doctor is fucked up. Yeah. that's why i wouldn't have picked it oh my god you guys i i don't know where to go for who won this goddamn thing um it's so hard you all have really good lists um there's things I don't love on some of your lists, but I can't argue they're fucking popular and successful. I don't like succession.
Starting point is 01:22:52 I'll say that right now. But that's just me. I can't watch a show where I hate everybody on the show. Except for the cousin. Yeah, he's great, Greg. Yeah, I don't like them, but I feel empathy for all of them that's that's what i have a hard time i mean we grew up different i have a hard time having empathy for rich people i hear you yeah they got hurts too they're just smaller they do they're smaller smaller and darker yeah
Starting point is 01:23:21 I'm still here damn it um god it's like it's and nobody like obviously nobody fucking
Starting point is 01:23:28 shit the bed entirely so it's really like this is tough not that that happens all the time but no
Starting point is 01:23:35 Chris did not shit the bed with those top fours holy fuck ah oh cause you love the Americans I do like the Americans
Starting point is 01:23:44 right right I mean Fargo could have been on there as well Fargo season 1 and 2 were like the best shit ever but then the last
Starting point is 01:23:53 two seasons have kind of been not great have there been 4? yeah we gotta get to it though we gotta get to who won
Starting point is 01:23:58 I know yeah fuck sorry guys damn this is so hard. Um, damn, this is really, really difficult guys. Um, dude, I think, I think I'm just looking at jt's list again fresh prince at five huge pick yeah completely forgot about it but it was great day and the simpsons at five that's huge too like
Starting point is 01:24:40 um i do have to I do have to qualm with Chad's list because Band of Brothers being your only drama of what's what's available
Starting point is 01:24:52 I mean what else was available Deadwood there's any number did you like Mad Men no I didn't like Mad Men either so it wouldn't have helped
Starting point is 01:25:02 but Band of Brothers is great. Don't get me wrong. Great pick. But it's the only drama on your list. I know, I know. And is it only a season or two seasons? It's only one, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:16 One season. Ten episodes? Yeah. I have it in a tin. Aaron, you got a pick. I know I do. Sorry. I'm stalling because it's so fucking hard.
Starting point is 01:25:26 You just got to rattle them off, dude. God, Seinfeld. You guys did great. I mean, all your number ones are great. All your number twos are great. Threes is where things get a little funky. Oh, fuck. All right.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I'm just going to have to do it. Chad number four. Sorry. I love the Seinfeld pick. I love Chappelle, Banner Brothers, Carson, Simpsons. But I think there's better dramas out there than Banner Brothers. And you probably could have gone two with somebody with a drama and then three, whatever you want to do but
Starting point is 01:26:06 or three chapelle i'm gonna cream your face not last dude fuck yeah yeah dude when you said jane the virgin no i know i knew i knew it was gonna happen and i'm getting third right now which which feels like first. It was amazing. Well, what's your top three again? The Wire, Breaking Bad, and Curb. I mean, dude. Yeah. I can't.
Starting point is 01:26:34 For saying, to say you bent or something, I still can't throw you off the board because of that. Dude, you know what I should have picked if I fucked it up? What? Sports Center. Oh, yeah. That would have been a sneaky but those are kind of like is that like sunday night football or monday night football i don't know i'm the most influential like comedy show of my life for real it's the best yeah like you watch it like eight times in a row when you get to like your eighth viewing of sports center and you've like memorized it it's amazing dude
Starting point is 01:27:03 you're just like all tired as fuck you're like it's the fireplace yeah all right but hold on we gotta we gotta roll we gotta roll i mean i'll cut this down i might not actually i think this could be this could be hilarious aaron's breaking over there i know it's so've got to get him on camera. Yeah, we need an Aaron Cam here. I think I've got to go Chris 3. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It just, I mean. I mean, look, he picked Twilight Zone and Baywatch, dude. I doubt he watched those shows very much.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Well, yeah, I mean. He's probably seen like four episodes. It's not a requisite that you've seen it. It's a requisite that you've. That's true. You're aware of it. No, it's good and you picked it. I'm just saying Strider's a scumbag.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, I'm going to pee. I'm going to pee, Aaron. I know you're aware it's good and you picked it i'm just saying strider's a scumbag all right yeah hey i'm gonna pee i'm gonna pee aaron i know you're gonna be thinking still let's yeah should we just take a pee break so aaron can think i mean i have yeah yeah i think i can do it okay do it then i'll pee then i'll pee i gotta call my mom back yeah i'm gonna run to the dmv i think i gotta go i think we have a repeat champion I think I gotta go Strider number one JT2 damn it what's Strider's list again?
Starting point is 01:28:13 Game of Thrones, South Park, Twilight Zone Married with Children, Baywatch it's a good list Baywatch at five was a bend but I love it it's so huge globally you made it's you made all the right points with it married with children great great comedy south park obviously great comedy thrones and twilight zone great dramas yeah i don't it's good list well done friend thank you good stuff
Starting point is 01:28:39 winner winner all right uh chad who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is one of the top dorks in this culture who took a shot at Top Gun Maverick. And I got to tell him what's up. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Whoa. This fucking geek. What's up? Yeah, he tweets the other day he's like late to the party here but in the first scene of top gun maverick if tom cruise had ejected from his plane
Starting point is 01:29:17 at that height his body would have been like uh going through chain mail he would have been ripped to shreds i'm like neil shut up shut up neil no one wants to hear your scientific take on top gun maverick all right you're a fucking dork stick to planets and whatever the fuck keep tom cruise out of it and you know what i don't even think the law of physics, the laws of physics, apply to Tom Cruise's body. So how about that? Have they, yeah?
Starting point is 01:29:52 Where's your science on that, Neil? Dork. Everything he just said is absolutely correct. Blasted. He just got ejected at 10 Mach G. Strider, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the roofers that are doing roof work on my building. Good dudes doing the Lord's work.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Maybe it's not even them. It's just all construction projects, dude. They are never on time, dude. It's supposed to be 11 days. It's been three and a half weeks, dude. And you know I love my construction projects, dude. They are never on time, dude. Just, dude, it's supposed to be 11 days. It's been three and a half weeks, dude. And you know I love my Zs, dude. I love catching my Zs. Every day at 8 a.m., I'm woken up by a fucking hammer just right above.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Like, imagine someone pounding your hammer. Dude, I've been cranky lately because of it, dude. But hopefully they'll be done soon, dude. And stay safe. Motherfuckers. Is that why you're cranky dude alright look my beef of the week is also with my fantasy team okay
Starting point is 01:30:55 it's really why I'm cranky right now and Aaron I needed this win more than you know even though JT did get hosed but he didn't get hosed like he did last time last time I got the dub this time JT did get a little bit hosed didn't get hosed like he did last time, last time. I got the dub this time. JT did get a little bit hosed, but I'll tell you something right now. My fantasy team sucks so bad, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:11 All I'm doing on Sundays is I'm gardening now. I'm going for jogs. I play tennis. I'm listening to old records. I'm cleaning. I'm just doing stuff that's really rewarding for me right now. What's your record? However many games it is, zero.
Starting point is 01:31:29 So I've won zero games. It's really hard for me because I put a lot into this. I put a lot into this, dude. And I've been really quiet on the thread, dude. The guys are really hammering me with really funny, good jokes. The jokes are so funny and good and so hurtful and right. And I have no comebacks well if it's any consolation on sundays you can do ice baths with me dude yeah can i do it for like eight hours for as long as like the nfl games go for yeah let's test your limits i'm there nice
Starting point is 01:32:01 chris who's your b for the week uh My beef of the week is Thursday night football. So trashed. It's a horrible product. And just because I watch all of it just means that I have an addiction. But it doesn't mean that it actually should be on. If anything, the NFL should step in and be like, you know what? You people don't actually need to watch these trash football games on another night
Starting point is 01:32:25 of the week let's just throw it in with all the other ones because they're just putting and i just i hate that i just eat it up that i watched from the start to finish a horrible broncos uh colts game oh yeah where both offenses were horrible and also i'm just watching people look like they're getting murdered out there naheem hines like first drive obviously fucked in the head immediately yeah didn't even look that bad the week before to uh possessed by a demon yeah totally fucked up and then even when people don't look like they're dying out there it's really bad football yeah so like do us a favor do we have a problem don't give us more drugs just leave it for sunday okay help us out nfl that's my beef but good news it's going to be chicago and washington this week on thursday yeah yeah yeah it's good good good good teams i
Starting point is 01:33:21 know everyone's really excited and people are going going to watch. That's the problem. I know. So do something about it, NFL. Yeah. They can't play on that little rest, too. They're just worn down. It's good beef. My beef of the week is with the gym when it's too crowded. Waited 20 minutes for a squat rack. You know.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I knew it was going to happen happen i'm behind one guy in line two dudes roll up they're pretending they're in front of me for the squat rack line i have to go up to him dude i did it with zero anger it was all just like why are you making me do this energy i was like guys just so you know i was behind them in line for the squad rack guy turns he goes nah we were here and then i just go no those guys were here for a while i was behind them you just rolled up and then they looked at me and went all right amazing dude amazing and then i'm at the squad rack i'm doing power cleans and pull-ups there is literally an insane person like i i i have to judge him i think he was kind of homeless you know homeless people use the gym this guy was strong as fuck though he was
Starting point is 01:34:31 doing pull-ups with a 45 in between sets he's staring at me and the girl on the squad rack next to us humping mostly in her direction oh and just going like this looking at me and i was like same energy i was go come on dude please did you really did you really i just looked at him i was like please do it and i love the gym and i love when there's other people in there because i think it brings a vitality to everything it makes you lift harder but when it's too busy and you're waiting for machines and you're like you plan on like a 45 minute workout and then you burn 20 minutes just sitting there. It's so painful.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah. But I love you, Jim. But that was tough. When people take up the battle rope space, you know, I don't even know what they're doing. They're just sitting there on their phones doing the roller and stuff. I'm like, the battle ropes are right there. Exactly. They don't even know what those battle ropes are for, dude. They think that's a texting turf.
Starting point is 01:35:23 No, it's not. It's a battle rope. Yeah. Or when you see someone like using something for something that doesn't have to be on that thing oh someone will be at the squat rack and they're doing bent over rows and you're like dude they got the fixed weight bars over there just go grab one you're not even doing more weight than that you must know that this is wrong on so many levels but you know you got to be respectful that's gym culture can't be oblivious in the know you got to be respectful that's gym culture can't be oblivious in the gym you got to be you got to mind your surroundings and see what other
Starting point is 01:35:50 people are trying to do yes i know your headphones are in you don't want like have people interact with you i get it but you also need to know what's happening i still got to be aware and then here's my i'm sorry i vape at every gym i go to but i stop when you tell me to until I come back the next time and then I reboot. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Chris Pratt's Mario voice. I like it. A lot of people of the culture at large, they're trying to bash on him, and you know what?
Starting point is 01:36:19 I like it. I'm looking in the camera. I like his Mario voice, all right? So what? I haven't heard it. It's in the trailer. It's like a brief five seconds. They really cut it down.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Oh, really? Yeah. It's basically his voice. Oh, he just sounds like a crap. He doesn't do like Mario. Yeah. And you know what? And you know what?
Starting point is 01:36:40 I like it. So all you haters out there, suck it. Because I enjoy it. I want to see it. Yeah, I want to see it. So all you haters out there, suck it. Because I enjoy it. I want to see it. Yeah, I want to see it. Dude, look, the trailer looks sick. Should we... Here, we can cut this down, but let's...
Starting point is 01:36:52 How many times do you think he tried the Mario voice? It's at the end. Copy. How many times do you think he tried to do, like, Mario, and then they were like... I'm sorry, that one's perfectly fine. Come on, Mario! Mushroom Kingdom, here we come!
Starting point is 01:37:14 Put a little bit of sauce on it. Mushroom Kingdom, here we come. Yeah, it's New York. Yeah, it feels like mid-Atlantic. Yeah, like old-timey. Someone made a good point because everyone's trying to hate on him right now and someone made a good point like imagine if it was mario's voice the entire movie it's tough to watch it's to me yeah i don't know that first
Starting point is 01:37:33 yeah that would be a little rough but i'm mostly just sticking up for chris pratt here yeah oh shoot sorry he's kind of a dork nice yeah oh shit sorry he's kind of a dork nice um strider he's your baby of the week my baby of the week's gotta be um fuck man what's my baby of the week dude um oh dude one of these um a co-worker of mine painted a portrait of sunnyny. He's like a good ass painter. And dude, he did such a good fucking job on that. First of all, I didn't know how big it was going to be. It's 15 by 15, which is pretty big.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Wow. Dude, yeah. And hooked it up with a nice bro, right? He's like a real artist and so does good shit. And dude, fucking, he did such a good job on the eyes. Sonny sees it and immediately starts growling. He's like, oh, it's hilarious. So Sonny hates his own Dorian gray dude and he has and it's also hilarious that i got a portrait of my dog it's amazing yeah you
Starting point is 01:38:31 gotta do that dude it's your dog if you guys want one i'll show you they're really good i got one did you do i love that gave it did it as gifts one time for my for my dad it's also a good gift dude that's what i got it for my dad gas fiance yeah it's great um dude that was your babe of the week no that was my legend of the week that was your babe oh dude no no i fucked up dude my babe of the week's obviously my fiance dude that was like 260 episodes and oh yeah not even trying to fake anyone out dude i just fucked up wasn't listening right uh yeah my dad gas fiance is my babe of the week, dude, because she rules, dude.
Starting point is 01:39:06 She lets me have repeat sex with her, and she fucking rips, and she gets life, dude, and she understands me, dude. That's nice, man. Thank you, dude. Good pick. Good pick, bro. Thank you. Chris, who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:39:18 My babe of the week is this stoker named Charlie who I was at the NDBYU game in in vegas and uh i mean i've seen it happen to you guys a lot but he's like oh dude i know you from the pod let me buy you a shot and bought me a tequila shot and i was like it totally blew me away i'm it's super fun i totally blanked and didn't like ask him anything about himself. I was like, he had ND gear on, and I was like, it's a common question if you want to know what dorm you live in, what hall do you live in.
Starting point is 01:39:54 Didn't get any of that info. So Charlie, I'm sorry, but thanks for the shot. It was very cool. Totally first time that something like that's happened. And and yeah so i kind of froze but really appreciate it and that was awesome nice dude that's amazing that's rad uh my baby of the week is a daniel babona he's a baseball coach at uci coach is pitching they should call uc newport beach because it's right there always remember if you're a young buckaroo who can throw or hit go to uci get coached under by the best
Starting point is 01:40:25 um but yeah i went to his crib on saturday for a couple's dinner lovely time smashing glasses of wine he remodeled his backyard looks lovely he's got a two big flat screen setup out there he wants us to come watch final week of fantasy football over there and uh yeah he's just a delightful guy calls me out in the best ways like was just shredding me but it was awesome just because it feels like love because he knows me so well like my girlfriend was like he always comes to my place and then he's like it's because he can't be alone dude and then he's got he's got two beautiful boys colton carter good looking kids tons of energy and uh yeah he's just the man danny's just the coolest he is a great dude made us a baked ziti
Starting point is 01:41:16 that was nice and he's ripped dude he's shredded and he puts up he can work out for days the guy is in shade he's also had a really nice bod. He has a great bod. Yeah. He'll send Omar times and like Ellen's and stuff. And it's like five minutes less with like almost twice as much weight every time. And I'm like, this fucking guy's incredible. Cardio plus power.
Starting point is 01:41:39 Yeah. He's come a long way from when he had spiky hair and braces and liked to skimboard. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, hey, you want to go skimming i'm like no dude i plan on having sex one day dude but in his defense the hilarious line from him he goes you're starting to have kids and everything like that and uh i'm like man how long did how many tries did it take you know do a little research, whatever. And he goes, one. Yep, one try. Chad, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:42:18 My legend of the week is Van Shoes. I think I'll always stick with him. You know? I didn't have a legend of the week Dude it was amazing dude I could feel that a little bit Dude dude dude You were literally staring at his shoes Yeah dude
Starting point is 01:42:31 It was amazing dude I couldn't think of one We knew that angle dude We knew that angle I love it Lamp I couldn't think of Lamp
Starting point is 01:42:40 But yeah My It was table Yeah my legend of the week is shoes thanks for protecting my feet and uh you know giving me the ability to walk anywhere without hurting them thanks shoes strider who's your legend of the week dude hey we can cruise on that dude that made the painting good hell yeah chris is his name good dude chris he's your legend of the week my legend of the week um is uh gavin escobar unfortunately uh he passed it was um a buddy of mine from high school his younger brother
Starting point is 01:43:17 um died in a rock climbing accident uh it's fucking brutal. But he was a good dude. Very sorry for the family. Go to gavinslegacy.com. There's a GoFundMe. And yeah, I just... He's a really sweet guy. It was nice hearing a lot of people just share different stories about him.
Starting point is 01:43:40 He's just a... Just really unique spirit and gone too soon. So he's just uh uh just really unique spirit and uh gone too soon so uh he's my legend it's a good one yeah that was tragic um you said everyone spoke he was like the neighborhood guy like he would everyone in the neighborhood was like he looked out for everyone and stuff like yeah and it's and everyone just um that he was just very present. That was something that came up with pretty much everyone's eulogies. And yeah, he seemed like just the heart and soul of his community, which I don't even fucking look at my neighbors. So I was like, that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:44:21 And yeah, just a really sad situation. My legend of the week is our dad, Tommy Parr. He comes into town every four months for his checkup to see if his cancer is still under control. Got diagnosed almost four years ago now with a pancreatic, which is a brutal one. And he's still here he's hard to kill he got a another green light today from the doc so nice four months of uh freewheeling free
Starting point is 01:44:53 living he's a hilarious guy he talks a lot of shit he brags way too much he'll say how much stuff costs all the time in front of anyone but god bless him he lives life to the hilt and you know the thing about dad is he's never really i've talked to him about i'm like are you afraid to die and he's like no and i know everyone is a little bit but i think i think the thing that i like about him is that like i'm sure he's a little afraid to die but i think for him he just really and i know everyone's this way, but like him to the max, like he loves to live. Like, I think that's the thing he's more bummed out about isn't being dead,
Starting point is 01:45:33 but it's just like, he gets so much joy from life. Like every day he wakes up excited. He's like, what the fuck can I do today? And I think that's a nice way to look at it. Like it's like pure existential optimism where it's like, I just, I get to do this and I'm going to like make the most out of it so it's very inspiring and yeah i love you to death dad so i'm glad you got a clean bill today love you dad it's awesome he's the man i love that uh chad who's your what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from uh kramer you're becoming one of the glitterati what's that people who glitter that's it dude just this just thought of this thinking of uh you're talking about tommy p when we came back from that party when we crashed that
Starting point is 01:46:15 50 year old's 50th birthday party and we saw strippers it was amazing and we come back and we're telling the story and your dad goes suck the vine great fucking quote yeah he was hammered he loved it so good well because yeah we were like 17 ferraro and danny went to meet up with some chicks told us we couldn't come yep big time just big time he big time me and jt goes you guys will change because he knows we're so good at partying and being funny guys look we're insecure but we're funny guys and he goes no you'll change the energy of the party yeah and it's not like i mean those guys weren't gonna bang anyways they just wanted to like make meaningful eye contact which is nice and then uh but we pivoted strong snuck into a 50 year old guys
Starting point is 01:46:56 totally lavish bacchanal they had strippers they roasted him about a lot of his sexual exploits we got some lap dances and then we got booted because our friend andrew peed in like the middle of the premises yep we're very frustrated but they let us hang remember the 50 year olds were coming up just like we know you guys snuck in but you guys can hang yeah and he's like you guys are having the best night of your life and we're like this is rad it was really cool sweet of them um happy birthday andrew oh yeah oh yeah happy b-day bro um chris what's your quote of the week it's not tv it's hbo dude hell yeah yeah hbo is strong on our lists mine will be my favorite show from the sopranos it speaks to what i said about tony soprano the humanity that they found in the psychopath his mom who had tried to kill him and was an
Starting point is 01:47:45 unloving woman they're trying to figure out where she can live his sister goes we can bring her back to the retirement home and then tony goes they won't have a back at green grove someone tries to interrupt and goes she was abusive to the staff and like the like the frustration he has with his rude mom is the best um chel what's your phrase we forget after it um mach 10 uh mine is vans i'll always stick with you mine's from uh breaking bad and it's want to cook oh damn fuck yeah yeah bitch yeah i'll do that one yeah bitch that'll be my phrase i'm freaking after it
Starting point is 01:48:37 um all right sweet good draft guys good shit see what the Stokers say. Yeah. And look, we know we missed a ton of amazing. There's so many shows. Yeah, the community, the office. Atlanta's final season's going right now. That show's amazing. Yeah, Louie was good. Yeah. Oh, I forgot about Louie.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Dave is good. Oh, fuck. Dave's really funny, too. I mean, there's like a million. There's a million good shows. He had to pick five. All right. Good shit, guys.
Starting point is 01:49:04 If you need advice There's a million good shows. You had to pick five. All right. Good shit, guys. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just to have those place beside you. Go and see.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Go and see. Let's go deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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