Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 262 - Are Ski Instructors The Top Dog? with Strider Wilson

Episode Date: October 26, 2022

What up stokers?! This week we got Strider Wilson!    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com.   That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GO...DEEP].  Go to HelixSleep.com/godeep. With Helix, better sleep starts now.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 dude my baby that we's gotta be my dank ass fiance we're really getting into the autumn right now doing a lot of autumnal shit and i'll tell you dude our our freaking apartment is so nice we got mini pumpkins dude we got sunflowers which i don't know if they're autumnal but like the color hue of them really goes well with the pumpkin so that's nice and you know we're wearing flannels wearing each other's flannels so yeah just really getting into the autumn nice dude dialed in dude what's up dudes welcome to the podcast we have an excellent And we're wearing flannels. We're wearing each other's flannels. So yeah, just really getting into the autumn. Nice, dude. Dialed in, dude. What's up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Welcome to the podcast. We have an excellent, excellent episode with our buddy Strider Wilson, another classic in the books. Had a blast. We know you will too. Before we dive in, I just want to let you guys know once again that we have tour dates coming up. ChattingJT.com.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We're coming to a city near you. Get your tickets right now. Do not miss out it's a fun time i guarantee you at chat and jt.com for ticket links also check out our show chat jt go deep on netflix right now streaming baby we're also brought to you by legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends p for looking after our hogs making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because do, no, no,
Starting point is 00:01:05 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:01:06 no. Michael Myers is coming in. He's coming for your dink unless you manscape. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code. Go deep at manscape.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code. Go deep. Manscape.com.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Say trick or treat to your beautiful new halloweeny with manscape let's whip up the cake batter and tell the baker he's a bitch what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with going deep chad Podcast. I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with the empresario of electronic stimulation. Ooh. Strider Wilson. Don't be a caveman.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Use the tools if you got them, baby. And by electronic stimulation, I mean electric nipple clamps. Yes. We have Jake on the sticks. up jake what up guys the young buck with a lot of jizz it's good to see you dude do you have a lot of jizz dude yeah he does do you know the thing about you know just to kick this podcast off in true form discussing jizz uh you know you still have the same amount of jizz when you're an old man did you know that do you really yeah you don't ever run out i mean i'm everyone every body is different but that's the thing like you can be a 90 year old dude yeah your potency is the same but is your is your uh volume the same
Starting point is 00:02:39 might it probably diminishes that's probably true it's probably yeah wait so you're true you can still count that's what i mean you probably yeah wait so you're sure that you're that's what i mean your jt's i think is right i think your sperm count does go down but your load in terms of volume stays the same i think so that's good to know wait that's backwards than what we just said that's a good call dude all i'm saying is this dude if you were a king in ancient times you knew that you could get like a queen that's nice so basically load size volume wise stays the same hell yeah that's cool dude i heard uh i heard your dog sonny caught you t-darting yeah he did dude he came in and uh the thing is he wants to be a part of everything dude but there's some things he's not allowed to be a part of you know and um just had to throw him a bone i threw him a little um it's a uh from the eurasian
Starting point is 00:03:31 step it's like a very hard uh cheese it's almost it feels like a bone but it's cheese so i threw him some cheese i said dude um you can go play daddy's about to go over work you can't have him in the room he's distracted he's distracting he wants to he's a cuddle bug dude he wants to you know he can't do that do you think dogs are aware of what's going on and they feel a little left out dude yes dude you we hug dude if i hug my dank ass fiance in the kitchen dude he's like how dare you do this without me dude yeah i feel like a dog that way it's true dude dogs have the biggest fomo yeah completely when i come home from like a trip i feel like a puppy when I come through the door. Like I need pets and cuddles and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Dude, back in the day, me and my dang fiance had something that was referred to as the Christmas debacle. I won't get into it, we've moved past it. But we were at a couples therapist and the couples therapist was like, "'Greed each other like this is an exercise and it will sound silly, but greet each other like dogs
Starting point is 00:04:28 when you come home a little bit. Spend that time before you get into questions. Nuts and bolts and stuff. Logistics is a teardown on the phone. Yeah, bro. Yeah, exactly. It's like, did you book that flight yet? Actually, we need to switch. We need to get in a day early.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's like, whoa. Dude, once it's a few back and forths too once you're like wait hold off on that actually this changed wait hold on honey what did you mean by that you're like there's no sexual energy here right now zero dude the question that will kill a boner more than anything hey did you remember to oh boners gone so when you when you greet her do you just kind of jump up and down and kind i go for belly rubs i get on a full because i like to get down like i've been doing burpees get down immediately roll over kind of tactically and then go for belly rubs oh wow yeah do you sniff ass i double definitely sniff ass dude i always sniff ass and i really get into it like my neighbor this guy jay yeah he's always complaining about the ac yeah jay walked out because he because i was barking i
Starting point is 00:05:31 was really getting into he's like what's going on i sniffed jay's ass right yeah he's like about um i think he's 69 you got a little too into it so you're doing it to everyone not just your df yeah yeah wow i i've been situations like that before where yeah you just sort of apply this technique that you love so much to everyone and not everyone's comfortable with it so you gotta we gotta learn boundaries you know what i mean hopefully the lessons that we learn in those boundaries aren't the harshest of ones you know and he he didn't take it well jay he was uh he said um get the fuck away from me he said that he said right but he's usually really chill so so I knew he meant it.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Is that the harshest when you reference the harshest? Yeah. Yeah. I was mainly, maybe even more metaphorical of like when you test boundaries in life. It's like, well, sometimes boundaries get tested and you could die, dude. Literally, my brain was being psycho right now. I was like, you get a DUI, you shouldn't drink and drive. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Wait, what? I don't know. I'm everywhere. I've had two americanas dude what up what do you mean just the consequences of boundary time oh right consequences of pushing the limit yeah so break the rules but make sure they're not like the hardcore rules like the golden rules exactly live life taste death like which was a quote you always did you always hate that quote i just didn't it felt beneath you like i was like this is the i was like this is the funniest guy in our high school and his his bio doesn't his bio on instant messenger doesn't reflect that wait that was your quote on instant messenger my yeah live life taste death bro my instant messenger game dude yeah i put live life taste death j2
Starting point is 00:07:05 like what is that i was like it's cool dude it's from ski patrol it's a sick movie he's like it's a good no you were confident in it though i'd be like what and then you'd be like it rips dude shut up and i'm like oh fair enough and that character was so fun it's not a bad counter argument who was that character he was just like a psycho like a a deranged guy who had his dolls and would do different voices for them. And he was just like this wily, nutjob guy who was a snowboarder. It was like 80s, like snowboarding's bad. And this guy was like, bad news.
Starting point is 00:07:34 You know, I probably thought with that quote that it only worked had you seen the movie. No, dude, it works always. Live on the edge. If you're living on the edge, taking up too much room, live life to the fullest. Get up there, taste death. See, we're still at loggerheads on it well you know what when i first heard it i got a little bit i got fired up because it made me want to go base jump oh
Starting point is 00:07:54 do you know base jumping stands for like um stuff that you jump off it's like um buildings yeah it has to be like a surface, like bridges. Yes. Things that are industrially grounded. What's the ACE? I don't remember. I don't remember. I'd have to look it up. Oh, it's an acronym?
Starting point is 00:08:13 It's an acronym. It's like building. What would an A be? Architecture or something. I don't know. Structures. Agricultural building. Aerial.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah. It stands for buildings, antennas, spans, which are bridges, and earth. B-A-S-E. Oh, earth is like cliffs and shit? Cliffs, yeah. Like a mesa. That makes sense. I love a good acronym.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Same here. Speaking of taste and death, I saw Smile last night. Oh, how was it? Holy fuck, that's scary scary dude that fucking that that's one of the scariest movies i've seen in a long time that fucking got me no it's like it follows but 10 times scarier i'd say whoa i felt very inspired by it follows but like it was it was like i it was one where i was i had a little bit of trouble sleeping last night
Starting point is 00:09:05 really yeah and that's only happened to me like three or four times really i hate scary movies i cannot handle them it's it's really good dude and then on top of that on top of that we were leaving the movie theater and we were looking for we got lost in the parking garage which is not fun after watching a scary movie and as we're leaving we like went too far to the parking garage and we like walked back and then like in a corner just right outside the entrance these people were having sex like against the wall oh yeah i thought i saw you last night yeah dude yeah yeah i was like i was like strider yeah and your ass was just right out yeah i was like don't you think people are gonna catch you and you were like yeah
Starting point is 00:09:45 let them wait dude no but that's unbelievable you sort of saw two people boning literally like they weren't even trying to hide like literally they were like kind of behind a wall you know near an actually it was in like a little thing where the elevator is and they're just against the wall i just see this guy's pants as his ankles just bare-ass knees like Positioning how you freak dance, you know same sort of style guys got moves, which is why I was like, oh that's strider Dude, when you said this immediate my brain was like what what income level is these people like they're just being voyeurs I'm just kind of getting after it you think I was there like bmw park close by they didn't look home or they got no place to fuck they didn't look homeless but i don't think they're driving a bugatti either yeah i don't know i don't i think
Starting point is 00:10:32 that goes across all the whole sexual though the whole socioeconomic spectrum i think poor people like to fucking public middle class people like to fucking public and rich people like to public and rich people like to public yeah might be i don't know why i was just like this is interesting you think it was a rich person thing how old were they they looked uh mid-30s dude how about james corden huh what happened with him you guys didn't hear oh he was beefing with like a restaurant yeah the he got banned from a restaurant um in uh new york city what was the details he um so i have the manager's report um basically he was he was really abusive to there so the the owner had two manager's reports. Manager report one. In June, James Corden was here on table 61.
Starting point is 00:11:28 After eating his main course, Corden showed the hair. So after eating his main course, Corden showed the hair to Balthazar, manager G, who was very apologetic. Corden was extremely nasty to G and said, get us another round of drinks this second and also take care of all of our drinks so far. This way I write any nasty reviews in the Alp or anything like that. Aw, dude. and said, get us another round of drinks this second and also take care of all of our drinks so far. This way I write any nasty reviews in the Elp or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Aw, dude. And then the other time, the server, he asked for an egg. His wife ordered an egg yolk omelet with Gruyere cheese and salad, and there was some egg white in the yolk and so he chewed them out he's like i should just go back to the kitchen make that egg that's the worst dude so uh yeah dude poor form you know what i think that stems from i think that's when you aren't i always say this but like if you're not being yourself publicly i think that energy needs to get out and you feel trapped somewhat by your persona yeah so then like whatever anger or uh pettiness that you probably should integrate into how you express yourself that's not getting
Starting point is 00:12:46 put into that i think comes out in weird ways because you're like well i didn't tell that person what i really thought earlier so now i'm all like bunched up inside like my guts are all tangled so i'm gonna untangle them on like this poor fuck who can't do anything about it yeah and so you end up just being like uh it just gets displaced your buttheadness and you end up just being like, it just gets displaced, your buttheadness. And you end up just doing it to like some rando that you don't have to have any like conversations with after the fact. It's just like a one and done. Yeah. And two, I think this might be a generalization, but when you give dorks power, they've never experienced power before. They can tend to bully. You know what I mean? I think that's everyone. I think dorks power they've never experienced power before they can tend to bully
Starting point is 00:13:26 you know what i mean i i think that's everyone i think dorks people who people who have who are new to it that abuse it doesn't have to be dorks i almost think like i think it's very few humans who can handle power like i'm watching this thing about a female cult leader she's like a she's it's nice because she doesn't bone all the follow-e's the way a female cult leader she's like she's it's nice because she doesn't bone all the follow-ease the way a male cult leader would so it's nice that's gone but her thing is that she like will sometimes encourage them to kill themselves or to like not directly but she'll be like think about your suicide think about exactly how you would do it think about really what and she gets them all almost romantic on it and then people have ended up doing it because of her but i'm like yeah i think you know power corrupts absolutely i think
Starting point is 00:14:09 there's like three people in history have been able to like do a good job of handling it even for a short chunk of time yeah how do you think if you knew you were about to become king or something what would you do to ensure that you weren't corrupted by it i'd hire like a big brother i'd be like your job is literally your titles and my brother could do it my younger brother could do it but like i would hire someone who was just on like uh butthead quality control yeah and he would just make faces at me. Like I'd be like, he did not pay his tax on all the wheat he produced. So as a result,
Starting point is 00:14:50 I will marry his pretty daughter. And then my brother would just be like, nah, dude. And I'd be like, what do you mean, nah? And he'd be like, you can't do that. That's not nice.
Starting point is 00:15:02 It's totally unreasonable and not proportional. And I'd be like, fuck not proportional and i'd be like you and he'd be like and i wouldn't be allowed to fire my big brother that would be part of his job title and then he'd be like no you dude you're not doing that and then i'd be like okay fine and i'd be upset for a day but then i get over it dude big brothers can totally put you in your place that's what they're there for yeah yeah everyone who has a popular tick tock like as a dude like
Starting point is 00:15:25 those hot dudes on fave tiktoks 420 none of those guys have big brothers dude right none of those things are getting made of a big brothers around dude you kidding me dude dressing up like freddy but sexy a lot of hero complexes on there too dude yeah that's what it is it's strange psychology that's what yeah it's always like being like very like uh nurturing to like a sister or something like that it's like like a guy will just be mouthing to the camera he doesn't even have a sister he's like pretending he has a sister and he's like helping her through uh like her insecurities he's like who told you you're not pretty you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen you'll always be my baby sis and then they post that and it's kind of not wrong like no but then there's a sexual element at the end too and like
Starting point is 00:16:09 then like the sister's friend comes in it's like but i'll be back later they always ruin it they always miss they always miss by a mile but i get the i get the the hankering to want to like be a good guiding force for someone who's reason a vulnerable spot but like they think they're being wholesome but they don't get it so hard that it's amazing you think comedy you think they're doing it for the poon yeah I'm thinking yeah dude the way that do guys there's a total I'm obsessed with this stuff dude whoever does fave takes ox 420 is genius dude the guys there's a million of these videos where it's just a hot dude being like your point of view you like
Starting point is 00:16:50 you see me in the morning like after we kiss like we're done kissing your point of view and then they just open their eyes and like look at the girl and the music will kick in dude it is hilarious bro and it's dead serious it's not there's no the the gross lack of self-awareness is amazing well here's like one look at my body and so this is him that's her in pink her dialogue i hate my body what's this what is this it's a tiktok account called fave tiktok 420s and it's just like hot cringy dudes who like do really like sweet sensitive boy stuff but they're all like really hot and they it seems like they're like this just this hot dude saying what he would wear as different teachers yeah dude this trend is amazing bro yeah
Starting point is 00:17:38 did you not know it was gonna be this song and then he like pretends to be a teacher dude and it's amazing it's like it's like he wears like he's like what i would dress if i was your and it seems like british or international he's like if i was your like uh activities teacher which is like a p teacher whatever and he's wearing like a hot like uh fucking track outfit and then he's like if i was a history teacher he like puts on glasses but he's still in like a fucking tank top and you're like dude what is going on dude it's the best bro yeah it is really funny i found myself watching that so much you should make your own you should you should become one of those guys i know i thought about doing a shirt off but i was like
Starting point is 00:18:29 you know what it could be dude it could be like joker psychology like i could like really slip into it like will it have control over me you know what i mean dude if you become a hot tiktok if i become a hot little tiktok boy dude i'd like to see that side of you i think you could pull off like a phase of it for three months i need a lot of makeup i think i would be into like really like putting in a lot of like eyeliner i'd really put some stuff in it like oh you'd go like emo route yeah i think that's a like a good juxtaposition you got to grow your hair up so true and straighten it straighten it it's true you can wax your chest but look dude you know if i want the views i gotta do it would you wax oh i would definitely wax my chest yeah my chest wax would be so hilarious that'd be so funny dude it would
Starting point is 00:19:11 look good i don't have any fill dude that's my chest i got pop but no fill like you got nice pecs like the inner part i i don't think this is the pop and right here's the fill no when you were i hate my body no you still got a good rig but no we all hate our bodies that's normal dog if someone loved their body do you know anyone who loves their body we're all our own harshest critics yeah there's like ferraro even love his body should we call him he should i love it yeah i love that body it's nice yeah he's the best rig in your crew probably ferrara for real danny too dude dude i shouldn't i shouldn't just uh have they maintained their rigs oh yeah they might be
Starting point is 00:19:52 in peak condition bro they're like more jack than high school dude wow it's unbelievable that's awesome i know i was at the dentist yesterday and then what's up baby um good man dude quick and like sincere question i really want to get your honest perspective on it but it's kind of i'm throwing a lot at you um like when you look in the mirror do you love your body dude that's a great question i got nervous i didn't know where you were going something was wrong um oh dude i got scared i thought you were like sick or something um but uh yeah uh dude it's a great question dude and it's it's a battle um yeah no um i'm not like being recorded am i on megapod or anything no okay um
Starting point is 00:20:41 i don't know man it depends and that's such a it's a it's a tough it's a loaded question i sometimes do and i guess sometimes don't if i can if i can be like super sincere um i think i don't know i don't know why are you going through some some turmoil with this right now every day baby but i feel good dude you look amazing in that picture that you said Thanks, man, dude. And hey you are you are being recorded We can cut it if you don't like it I'll send it to you before we post it Now that I know I guess I can be you know more honest about it, but yeah, no, I mean it depends dude It's a it's a it's a
Starting point is 00:21:26 battle it's a battle like anything else but there's there's ups and downs with it you know what I mean it goes with like what you're eating I guess when I say you're not like you specifically but it goes with like when I'm eating good and feeling good and I've worked out consistently I guess like I feel like I see results more even if my body doesn't change because my wife will always be like making fun of me and stuff being like you look exactly the same and i'll like stand there after i get out of the shower and like flex and stuff like that in perfect lighting but um you know and then like all right we got to get back to i love you man all right i love you brother all right talk soon the sincere the sincerity on that was amazing he was so nice he's so sweet and he's concerned about your health
Starting point is 00:22:07 yeah he's the best best guy ever dude he's where he came off conceited no he came off like the sweetest guy of all time dude he's the best guy in the world and very genuine speaking of dorks not ferrero's not a dork he's the man guy in the world and very genuine thanks speaking of dorks not for all
Starting point is 00:22:26 for all's not dork he's the man and how what is it absolute power absolutely corrupts yeah absolute power corrupts absolutely maybe there's a scale like if you're a dork probably corrupts faster but then if you're a solid dude it will corrupt but maybe take longer right yeah well that's what they say about like fame and money is it amplifies who you are yes you know um so a lot of people when they get a lot of money in fame they turn to dick wads because their dick wad there's their soul is just a jack dick wad you know what i mean um yep but then i you know i wonder but then that's a form of power but then i feel like there are a lot of people who have a lot you know tom hanks for example i
Starting point is 00:23:10 don't know how i just heard he's a nice guy he doesn't seem like he's been i don't i don't know his day-to-day is like but he doesn't seem like he's been corrupted you know what i mean but then i guess leaders when you're like a dictator or something i guess that's different i think i think if you i think powers probably shouldn't be maintained for too long right like even reading that teddy roosevelt book like he was really and it could have been hagiography but he seemed very solid in his responsibilities for a long time but then when he came back to run for a third term he did his brain went a bit haywire and he started throwing out things like he wanted to like just totally toss over judiciary power and stuff and then like he started making decisions on things where like you seem kind of maniacal
Starting point is 00:23:57 at this point and it was almost like he had he had run his course where he could handle it responsibly and then i i think like maybe there's's two ways that the power fucks you up. There's someone like Putin, who I just don't think has much empathy for other people, like much compassion. So a guy like that's going to be, in my mind, a bad leader because they don't care about people. And that has to be high up on your list. And then the second one I think is maybe it's like,
Starting point is 00:24:24 and this is what a lot of dorks have is like resentment like if you have a lot of resentment and then you get power it's gonna you're gonna be like these people didn't believe in me or this guy was a to me so i'm gonna now i'm gonna get you but i feel like if you want someone who doesn't have a lot of resentment because then they're not gonna like they're gonna make objective decisions they're not going to make objective decisions. They're not going to be looking to fuck people. Right. Yeah, I'd hand out a lot of medals.
Starting point is 00:24:52 That sounds nice. Some pens, dude. What? Use a pen. Give that as a gift. Dude. I used this pen. I'd do an executive order.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'd be like, today is donut day. People get fired up on that. That'd pump people up. I'd be like, dude, donut day. People get fired up on that. That'd pump people up. I'd be like, dude, today's in and out day. And I'd like a little clause in there. Fuck you, Aaron. That would be in the constitution. We need that.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah. Did you guys listen to the tape of Nia Martinez, the LA City Council? I haven't listened to the tape. No. Have you listened to the tape? No, I haven't. Yeah, I did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I heard it's pretty ugly. It is. But it's weird because I guess she got recorded a year ago and they just released it now. You think Caruso's behind it? I don't know who's behind it, but like are people asking that? Are people trying to figure out who's behind it? Yeah, no, it is like a very peculiar time for it to be released because, you know, a lot of those people support Karen Bass.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Right. And the election is right around the corner yeah they pissed someone off in their office who jumped ship and then they're like hey i'm sitting on this fucking atom bomb yeah then i really wonder how that went down because it's like were they sitting on it or did they just discover it i think they were sitting on it yeah i think they had a bad day that day. Like they sent them back to the same lunch spot three times to like fix their salad. Yeah. And then they just hit record when she was being a moron. And then they were like, one day, one day you're going to fucking pay for this. Dude, Kevin DeLeon, one of the other guys who was implicated in it. He's so the new council president.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I forget who was elected elected but the new council president stripped him of basically all his powers he's like no one's gonna work with you you can't do this you can't do that and he's like i'm gonna stay in office and i'm gonna win back the respect of my peers it's gonna be difficult and i saw like the news report on it and they're like he still gets full pay yeah that. That was Alex Michelson, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So anyway, she's probably a dork. Yeah, well, that's the big conclusion.
Starting point is 00:26:52 She's a huge dork, and she shouldn't have been president. Fucking dork, man. Yeah. Dad went hunting over the weekend. Oh, whoa, yeah. How was that? It was good. I shot some birds.
Starting point is 00:27:06 My brothers are really into it, and so I along you know go with them uh i don't i don't i don't i don't think i get the same feeling from shooting a bird that they do i'm sorry yeah you shoot it you're like oh fuck it just falls out of the sky and you're like all right uh i think that's but you know what i i i do like shooting guns um it's fun it is kind of like we were in mississippi though and it's kind of like the safety is not uh really uh a priority so it's like we we'd be like in a line and there'd be like birds flying and stuff and they'd you know they'd kick it up and the bird birds would like fly in the air you'd have to like track it with your gun and there were some times where my brother was next to me and i'd track it and it would fly by him and i'd like almost like point the gun at him and have to
Starting point is 00:28:00 like pull it away that that that part freaked me out yeah i'm sure people get shot all i guess it's bird shop i was like how do people not get shot all the time doing this if you're just drinking and being cavalier you're just dick cheney yeah yeah he did it he blasted that dude i i wonder how many accidental gun deaths and hunting happen every year i'll look it up real quick i don't think i would have killed him because he's 30 feet away. It was birdshot, but still scary. Yeah, hell, it did. No way.
Starting point is 00:28:36 A thousand people. Damn. That's higher than I expected. Hunting accidents. Not sure if these are all death though I was like but eating people yeah like firing into a wooded area without aiming at a clear target shooting your populated area roads or buildings running or climbing with a loaded firearm it's 1.5 incidents per 100,000 hunters. That's not horrible.
Starting point is 00:29:06 No, it's not bad. Um, you like to hear an incident where like the animal, like a buck just takes out some dork, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That's in a, in a, in a, what's that guy, Steve Rinella? Meat eater. His show rips.
Starting point is 00:29:27 He's a hunter. He's had like rogan on that was the first episode i watched but this guy's like he just lives to hunt and like he'll cook like bear liver out in the woods and like put sauce on it and make it delish oh wait again it's crazy they're allowed to oversell flights i know i hate that they do that as a business model it's so it shouldn't be legal happened to be coming back from cabo yeah like they didn't assign me a seat and they and then i had to wait the very last person to get on the plane then i had to check a bag and i'm like the dude it's ridiculous yeah like you'll just get to the like you had to get up get ready you have like plans like it's travel there's so much contingent on the other side when you get home and then you get there and they're like yeah you don't have a seat i'm like
Starting point is 00:30:09 what the fuck dude yeah they're like we can put you on a six o'clock tomorrow dude exactly are you out of your fucking mind yeah that's the thing too they don't like if you're flying out day of and you have a show screw what do you do yeah yeah i'm hoping with joe like in the small chance he doesn't get a seat that since our flight's at 9 50 he'll have enough time to like even if he has to go to lax he'll make it out those um it's pretty sweet that that hotel's attached to the club right oh is it really oh is what it looks like i mean oh perfect email that's awesome i see hopefully we got a good gym yeah i think we got some rain oh it's gonna be yeah i don't i don't wear i'll have you said i'll have a raincoat you have a slicker no you're gonna have something
Starting point is 00:30:55 that's a little water repellent it's not that cold it's like 50 degrees so if you just have something that keeps the water off yeah no i'm just like i don't go to places with the rain so i don't know no did i hear you people like the rain i'm not one of those people but people love the drizzle i like it when it just in the morning just because it kind of seems like it keeps everyone quiet i can picture it you with your coffee looking out the window exactly i have a pair of tidy whiteys that i put on just to do that oh well it just feels more manly you know i think as a child i saw my father wearing a pair of like fruit of the loom tidy whities fruit of the loom had that market corner dude just sipping a coffee out
Starting point is 00:31:36 of a mug just only tidy whities just that's it can you even name another tidy whitey no also tidy whitey great phrase it is a great phrase because that's like you were definitely like when kids when you got to middle school and kids wore boxers and you were still in tighty whiteys like when changing for pe i was last one to switch i got roasted tighty whiteys dude wear boxers that are plaid dude honestly tighty whiteys are better than boxers they're they have more support they feel better yeah i only switch to boxers that are plaid dude honestly tighty whities are better than boxers oh yeah they're they have more support they feel better yeah i only switched to boxers because that's where the culture was i agree i don't like the feeling of uh when you have like underwear like tighty whiteys on of like your pants against bare skin you know what i mean i don't like that neither do i no um what's he gonna say oh is it white beater or wife
Starting point is 00:32:28 beater it's wife that's what it's called i was talking about this the other day with like what at freaking joe's bachelor party we were walking in we're like that's what an article of clothing is called it's just called like a wife beater and it's kind of it's a pejorative towards southern men because we're saying that they have a propensity for that kind of behavior domestic abuse yeah yeah oh dude this is funny dude so billy eichner you know how he's like uh reacting to bros not doing well yeah and he's saying it's homophobia from straight people which like might be the case i think it was like a weird way to react it felt a bit like uh emotional you know yeah but me and chad went out into west hollywood and we asked gay dudes what they thought a lot of gay dudes in west hollywood nice area
Starting point is 00:33:13 um do you know what like the number one prevailing answer was what from gay men it was sad they said that the problem with the movie is that billy eichner's not hot enough for his co-star. And they were like, they're like, that doesn't happen in the gay community. Like, it's not plausible. They kept using the phrase implausible. And then, and that's why he's reacting so big afterwards, because he's like, he's's like basically incepted himself and self-created like
Starting point is 00:33:47 the answer he desperately didn't want from people on this thing dude for sure and dude it's like i don't know i mean i'm sure of the pie of people not going to see this one of the reasons is homophobia but like straight dudes aren't going to see rom-coms anyway like yeah like is it homophobia on the behalf of like the girlfriends maybe like it's not a core interest of a dude to go see the vast majority of dudes to go see a rom-com right so you're saying that that's a that's a movie that the girl picks anyways yeah so if anyone's to blame for it it's it's the ladies for not dragging their boyfriends because because we're not picking that and actually it's funny i picked it my girlfriend no no i think we're all anomalies like we do yeah
Starting point is 00:34:27 i love rom-com so i was like babe we're going and she didn't like it that much and i was like that fucking i like the movie i was like that was good i'm still planning to go see it but like i think it's like like dudes want to go see white house down they want to go see shooter we saw that together white house down was a ton of headshots bro sick time no that movie was not cool i mean it's bad it's a bad movie olympus is fallen was the better yeah that was the first one right that was the gerard butler one much better white house down was the jamie fox channing tanum would not oh yeah like the same movie but yeah you're right you're right 100 you're 100 right yeah but uh anyway i'm like dude i just don't know also i'm like dude the
Starting point is 00:35:04 marketing was bad for it. You don't really know what it's about. Yeah, exactly. You got to look it up to find out what it's about. But then also, you need stars to sell a movie. Let me see some of these dudes' faces. I want to see... I know the poster is kind of clever and fun. But then again, Billy Eichner is funny, dude. He's hilarious in Billy on the Street. He's a really talented guy.
Starting point is 00:35:26 And also it's like, and I hate saying this because I don't like putting it out there because I love rom-coms so much. But it's sort of like there's so much selection now with streamers of like rom-com. You know, there's so many movies to watch. There's so much content to watch now. And movies now are so expensive. It's like 40 bucks to get tickets. Oh, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah. You're not going to go to a movie theater to see a rom-com when you could watch a ton of other shit on streamers at home. You go to movies to see Top Gun Maverick. You go to movies where it's like a spectacle. You go to the movie theaters for the spectacle, I think, nowadays. But I think that's what the general public consensus is. Yeah. And the movie wasn't, it's good, but it's not undeniable.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And the thing, that's true too, because I was thinking like, oh, well, Crazy Rich Asians was a rom-com. But that movie was huge. Yeah. like i was thinking like oh well crazy rich asians was a rom-com but that movie was huge yeah like you go across the world there's like scenes on a like a mega yacht where they're like shooting rockets and then like that fucking wedding scene in crazy rich asians where she comes down the island like the water fills in and cold plays playing yeah i fucking love that scene it's yeah that movie was kind of i saw saw that movie in Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
Starting point is 00:36:46 and there was some like... Which is like super bougie now, but there's some cowboys still there. And I was coming out of the theater and this fucking rough and tumble cowboy looking dude comes out and goes, that was a good movie. Yeah, yeah. Like if the movie's like undeniable,
Starting point is 00:36:59 people will watch anything. Yeah. And that had built in market value. It was a book. It was a successful book. Yeah. i almost think you need like you need like a really uh incredible experience for the movie to be theater worthy nowadays yeah like if you remember like watching like borat in theaters or like jackass or you know
Starting point is 00:37:21 top gun maverick or any of those big movies or those like movies where you're watching with a group of people where it's like the experience of seeing this kind of crazy shit with people is like that's half the that's half the whole thing for sure yeah and hard comedies can be good for that I don't know fractions spectacular action and like horror movies are good for that when the whole theater is getting scared together. Blair Witch, dude. I remember sneaking into that. Fucked me up, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. Ocean Ranch, dude. Good theater. I kind of wonder that about like entertainment these days too. It's like, because I love nothing more than like a, you know, just a fun Miss Congeniality, Legally Blonde, like rom-com, whatever. Just a fun comedy. But it's, like, I think for stuff to break through
Starting point is 00:38:09 and stuff to, like, be deemed watchable by the general public, does it have to have that kind of crazy factor to it, do you think? Or do you think just really good story still sells it? I mean, I think that can work i think uh i think you're right if it's got a hook like the thing about tom cruise movies is we all know he does his own stunts and we all know we're gonna see like some of the craziest shit that's ever been filmed before yeah and then those marvel movies i think although i think those are kind of losing steam yeah like i don't think people are as like hyped on those for me it went
Starting point is 00:38:44 all the way to endgame and then after endgame it's been like diminishing returns from yeah, and it seems like they're doing more TV stuff with like those series seem to have more Impact than the movies do now. Yeah, but yeah, I think it's yeah, maybe you need spectacle Maybe you need to make it like huge but what was important is it's a movie So it has to feel like a movie when you go to a it like huge but what's important is it it's a movie so it has to feel like a movie when you go to a movie i like that movie that's uh harry styles oh that was his popular meme like when you're there you're like i'm at like i've bought popcorn in a ticket like i parked in a structure i'm at a movie yeah dude i feel like he's so hot dude i feel bad for did he wear
Starting point is 00:39:23 sleeveless shirts dude yeah he wears in collars i wear his dresses and he looks fucking great he dresses like a like a like a shme from peter pan that'd be cool to be as sexual as prince it would be awesome he's a horny guy he likes to fuck he leads with his sexuality a lot of men don't lead with their sexuality yeah i'm gonna try micro dosing and i'm hoping i can unlock my inner prince. I would love if you did that. Maybe go. You have a very good sexual presence. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:49 I do. I don't think I have any, but thank you. Oh no, no, no. Definitely works. Dude,
Starting point is 00:39:53 I'm trying to work on it. You're not trying. That's the thing. You're not trying. You know what I mean? It's nice. You think I just scream hard cock? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Oh yeah. I think it's there. It's not screaming. Yeah, exactly. It's there. You say it gently. Yeah, I always say gently hard cock. Yeah, it's like a nice handshake that doesn't yeah yeah you're not gripping it
Starting point is 00:40:09 too tight that's i don't know i don't know if you want to scream guys who scream hard cock their eyes are like deranged and they look at you too hard and they're always like they always think there's like predator and prey everywhere they're always sunburnt somehow yeah they're hypervigilant for some reason my mind goes to joe manging jello and spider-man oh yeah he screams hard cock which guy is that which guy is that uh he's the bully his name is flash i was thinking doc ock dude he does scream hard he's got eight he attached eight to him dot cock baby He's got eight cocks. He attached eight to him. Dot cock. Dot cock, baby.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, dot cock. Eight dongs coming off him. Do you guys want to answer some cues? Yeah. Let's party, dude. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends peeped,
Starting point is 00:41:04 for looking after our hawks, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because michael myers sure is scary but you know what he won't stab you if you have well manicured pubes so get that lawnmower out to protect you for halloween because if you do not a dude in a hot hockey mask with a knife will stab you in the face so make sure your pubes are in check because there's nothing michael myers hates more than bad pubes um get the mint lawnmower 4.0 and also uh yeah manscape is uh they want to make the right call this spooky season and it's called trick or trim if you're a manscape guy trick or trim trim those pubes manscape is here to save the day get the lawnmower 4.0 the weed whacker ear and nose hair
Starting point is 00:41:53 trimmer premium body wash conditioner all that good stuff uh the performance package 4.0 all that good stuff manscape is here to save the day. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepinmanscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepinmanscaped.com. Say trick or treat to your beautiful new Halloweeny with Manscaped. I'm a nasty bitch.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Fuck so good I'm on top of it. Dude, you're such a good song. The horny scientist. You gotta have horny scientists like yeah uh what's up dudes i just moved away from my small hometown after 18 years pardon me i was raging way too hard and needed to focus on studying after a month my stoke levels are at an all-time low and i'm starting to miss my party peeps any advice on dealing with homesickness i'm 22 and starting to get pretty lonely away from the only home i've known thank you lee livy he's homesick uh she
Starting point is 00:42:55 she's homesick yeah um i think if you're homesick, you know what? Two times I've been most homesick. The time I was most homesick was when I first went to boarding school as a freshman. I was 14, 15 in Connecticut, you know, away from home. And I tried to run to my brother. My brother was two years old. I tried to run to him and be like mark can you you know and um then i just he wasn't he wasn't having it he's like dude i'm a junior now i'm trying to get laid fuck off and i'm just like oh and so i think but i think the important thing i learned from that is that if you just stick it out, it will pass.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like if you stick it out, if you make friends, if you put yourself out there, if you stay in the pocket, you will acclimate to your new surroundings and you always have a love for your home. But, uh, I think, I think, you know, humans adapt. So I think you just got to stay in the pocket and remain optimistic. And I do think that you will overcome the homesickness. And if not, move back. Yeah. Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with moving back if you feel like that's where you're happy.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm glad Joe came back from Austin, and he does seem fundamentally happy here fundamentally happier here but i agree with you that like it's better to move back from a position of liking both places which is hard to achieve but i would work towards that goal because then if you like run home i think you'll there'll be kind of something where you're like, could I have done it? Could I have made it work somewhere else? It's almost like LeBron coming back to Cleveland after he won some titles in Miami. We're like, all right, this guy can do it. And now he's coming back to finish some unfinished biz.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But yeah, if you're really suffering yeah go home be with your homies and stuff you took some time away you got a perspective on it i think uh you know your life is long but short so do what makes you feel good what you could do too is she mentioned she's from a small town you know reach out to you probably have a facebook page for your small town or like something like that or maybe even just book a flight back go to like the diner where everyone is and just ask them for like some money be like hey I'm kind of borrow some money and they probably won't give you any and then they can go fuck themselves and you won't miss them anymore nice
Starting point is 00:45:39 you gotta flip the narrative dude I'm really into flipping narratives now dude. That's powerful The narrative change we think make them miss you What up Stokers, I'll try and keep this one short But I'm 26 and I live in tie-dye Colorado as you can imagine there isn't much tail in these ski towns and the babes usually gravitate Towards pro skiers for relationships. Here's the sitch Come on, dude. Don't give up on yourself like that i don't like that you got this bro fuck a pro skier do you believe yeah a new girl moved to town and we hit it off his friends and eventually hooked up after a night on the town she checks a lot of boxes and we agreed that we feel something special when we're together she also told me that night she's trying
Starting point is 00:46:19 to open a relationship with her boyfriend the boyfriend was unknown to me before this i'm really into this girl but i don't want to develop feelings if we continue to hook up should i be joe cool and let her decide who she wants to see or should i create boundaries to protect myself from getting hurt p.s her boyfriend lives in australia oh dude yeah bro they're not in an open relationship dude she had a nice weekend unbeknownst to her boyfriend dude i would i would uh i don't know man you know what you're 26 i think you're still young enough i it might just be where i'm at right now but i would say it's not the best possible way to start you know what i mean be nice if she didn't have this entanglement be nice if everything came out
Starting point is 00:47:04 at the moment it should have and she didn't kind this entanglement be nice if everything came out at the moment it should have and she didn't kind of wait to get you in before she gave you the whole deal but i would go for it man just go for it see if you can handle being in a poly thing just try everything dude i mean i look i would bet that most relationships don't work and this one already has a couple things going against it i would i would i would go in yeah this relationship sounds like a double black diamond dude yeah it's gonna be pretty tough dude it's gonna take a pro green circle dude this ain't the bunny slope bro no this is gonna be a tough one also here's the thing dude his name is xander all right you're in okay your name's xander why aren't you a pro skier? What are you doing? Hit the slopes. Get a fucking season pass.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Be a pro skier already and stop losing out. Yeah, get really good at something. Because then that'll help balance you against these. Like, you don't have to be a pro skier, but be pro at something. And then you won't feel threatened every time you take her to, like, the mountain bar. Exactly. Because you're going to walk in with this chick. And you're going to be looking at every pro sk pro skier stiff-arming them out of the way
Starting point is 00:48:08 get away from me get away from me you gotta just roll with it brother yeah just lie like do they really know like don't pro skier like don't they were like neck Gators and goggles can't you just like get some bleached blonde hair and slick it back and be like I'm from norway i'm a pro skier like just do that dude yeah lie i think i think why did you get lit no dude i'm kidding i think what he needs to do is meditate on it and do a fat spread eagle off a cliff you're right and then the answer will come if you land it or you eat you'll know dude i i was dating someone who said she wanted to be in an open relationship too and then it turned out she didn't.
Starting point is 00:48:45 But it kind of fucked me up because I put her in a box where I was like, oh, this is an open relationship person. And then the more I got to know her, I realized she only said that because like her last boyfriend had cheated on her and she was like afraid of being vulnerable with someone. And like people are very imperfect sometimes with how and don't follow like the dating guidebook on how they should present sometimes so i don't know man dude it's tough bro people have difficult i have
Starting point is 00:49:11 difficulties communicating everyone does like especially when it's emotional have you ever like like listen to someone or at chipotle and like not be able to get it right and they've been there a million times like then put emotional stakes on top of that dude it's it's tough man yeah you're you're like protecting yourself but also trying to like push forward and then this other person is uneven and how they do it too and it's like it's too like like oscillating levers trying to get on the same continuum it's like hard to meet at the same time you're just like oh i'm being a little not vulnerable today and they're being super vulnerable and today i'm being super vulnerable and they're not being vulnerable this sucks dude but hey look you know the the honor is in the oh yeah the attempt horniness cancels a lot of the horniness is like an equal it's like gravity
Starting point is 00:49:58 just can even things out dude yeah you got to just beat us pro skiers ass man that's right you got to take one of these pro skiers i'm more worked up about that you can't just like all the chicks like pros there's a lot of that going around like this guy this comedian i know he posted the other day about how women only sleep with five percent of men like it's the same guys who are getting laid all the time hilarious that's amazing and i was like dude of course like the the however you define it money looks whatever it is those dudes are going to be crushing it but like you can't like let yourself believe that or else you're just going to be like an incel or something yeah i think too i yeah because when i first heard the question my first instinct was like you're in for
Starting point is 00:50:46 a world of hurt run for the hills but I like what you're saying say yes to life you know you got to learn I think I think the universe throws things at you and it's for a reason you know this could be the love of your life this could be the biggest lesson of your life but either way the universe is saying that you need to beat a pro skier's ass absolutely yeah dude you got to fight a pro skier and and dude like this also is a good opportunity for you to develop your own boundaries and like you could develop the boundary now and say i don't mess with people who do open relationships and that's fair but i just don't want it to be motivated too much by fear you know what i mean? And fear that you haven't even ever experienced
Starting point is 00:51:26 the real manifestation of the pain that you're fearful of. I think you probably should feel... My last relationship helped me a ton with this relationship. That girl and me, we didn't get along great, but she taught me a ton. It was like a mirror of all my bad behavior coming back at me. And I was like, whoa, that fucking sucks, coming back at me and I was like whoa that fucking sucks dude and like god bless her she's cool but like it was helpful even though I was fucking you know felt like I was getting socked
Starting point is 00:51:53 in the tummy sometimes I literally she beat me up no I'm kidding no I saw it dude and these dudes were all about it dude she didn't hit you that hard get over it yeah she's pretty good I know I'd to your place sometimes and she'd have you in a choke hold i'm like he's tapping out and she'd just make you pass out i know my body would just be limp and then you would wake me up and then you'd be like dude you got to work on your defense i was like no and i'd be like dude i think i got to break up with her and you're like no you need to work on your defense yeah dude i feel like she got you an arm bar in like three seconds i knew things were getting rough when jt wanted to hang out he's like hey dude uh you want to go to the chiropractor this weekend
Starting point is 00:52:27 i'm like i don't know dude why that was a rough three hangouts in a row dude you got to date this chick you just got to go out with her man i think too what's the worst that's gonna happen yeah and also i think if you're unsure of which pro skier to fight just walk into the bar yell tanner really aggressively and he'll appear yeah and dude here's if you're gonna fight a skier to fight just walk into the bar yell tanner really aggressively and he'll appear yeah and dude here's if you're gonna fight a skier the key is have him still be on his skis smart you know you be wearing shoes yeah snow boots you wear snow boots something you can move around and don't wait for him to get to the bar wait till he's like at the bottom of the hill let him take his poles off but then bang bang bang bang bang bang bang and just
Starting point is 00:53:06 lay into him yeah hot chocolate on him afterwards dude yeah shove a pole in his ass yeah uh good luck dude thanks for writing in yeah um do you guys want to do one more? Yeah. These are all kind of serious. Let me see if I can find a... Yo, let's get some pro kayakers now, dude. I want to take these fuckers out too.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I feel some sun. Yeah, you want some pro? Are you sunning your butthole regularly these days, Chad? Oh, yeah. Is it everyday occurrence or is it like every other day or? Two days baby. Two days very nice. I hit the 10 p.m and no 10 a.m and I hit the 3 p.m. Dude what are you gonna do when we're in Seattle when it's rainy are you gonna get a uv light like maybe go to a fish tank store where they have uv lights and yeah have you ever pulled out your
Starting point is 00:53:59 butthole in a fish tank store like a petco in the fish tank section? Yeah I went to the fish tank store like a petco in the fish tank section yeah it went to the fish tank section and i've done it multiple times i'm banned from about three right um and i've tried the uv lamp but it's not strong enough yeah so i got a uv flashlight oh that's really just a direct beam into my you know spank amazing it's like the like a seal team six flashlight very nice and i've had my girlfriend do it for me lately um you know when it's cloudy out teamwork is dream work yeah so i don't really know what i think maybe joe could do it in seattle yeah marisa could do it he'd be down he can handle stuff like that but yeah you're done yeah no i i gotta keep him in the pocket though 20 minutes dude this is like a serious fight one hey boys i'm in a bit of a tough situation tonight.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I love that this got messaged as this was happening. This is like real-time action shit right here. I'm not much of a partier. I'm in grad school for accounting and I grind in and I grind week in and week out. Good for you, brother. Tonight I finally went out because some friends are in town. When we're at the club, my girlfriend pointed out
Starting point is 00:55:03 that some guys were being creepy to two of our girlfriends as all i as i always do i slid over in between them and started dancing well immediately the guy poured his drink on my head and pushed me he told me i was getting in his way and being a pussy dude this dude's like out of like an 80s yeah what is this that is psychotic uh the guy threatened to beat the shit out of me and said he had 10 friends there oh oh is this why people in their 30s and 40s don't go to clubs anymore uh unless you're like jamie fox and you got security we pushed a bit but eventually i got my wits and walked away the issue is it turns out one of the guys who was threatening me is friends with some of the other girls in the group hardly anybody saw what happened and no one seemed to care. I love my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I'm in grad school. I've already accepted a great job for next year. Do I just sever my ties with these people? How do you know when people are worth it? It's hard to let people go, but how do you know it's time? He sounds like he was a bit drunk when he wrote this. Thanks, boys. I'm a longtime listener and I appreciate you.
Starting point is 00:56:02 I'm a little confused. So one of the guys he's friends with threatened to be the show no no no so like the guy who he was drawing with or one of those guys he was drawing with is friends with some of the chicks in the friend group oh so he so there could be situations socially where he'll have to see these people again right and he's wondering if he should at all re-engage with these guys when it almost like popped off like that right but then that does mean that like if they are friends with these girls then like if they're being creeps but these girls assuming that these girls are all part of the same
Starting point is 00:56:39 group are still re-inviting them then it's kind of like not full-on creepy because they have like uh on like their friends you know what i mean so i don't know i think i would not hang out with them again no no i would depending on how dangerous they are like if it was that guy we were talking about that guy who was like a douche at Barker's house. Yes. And me and him almost got into it that one night. Like that guy wasn't a bad guy. Like I wasn't worried that he was going to like do something to me if I ran into him. Cooler heads would have prevailed. It was like, if it's like that kind of person, he was like on a Dartmouth or something.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I was like, this guy's not going to like fucking, you know, whatever happens. Yeah. He played like, yeah. But if the dudes are psychos, like it's pretty easy to tell i think yeah uh also dude he sounds like this guy's gonna shit together it's so hard to find times to hang out with your real friends as you get older like it's not gonna be this is it yeah bro like you're not gonna hang out with these people naturally like you won't have time to do it it's gonna be the no-brainer yeah you're gonna be tired as fuck and like do we all want to try to find time to hang out it's like great that we do this and like have some stuff we're fortunate to
Starting point is 00:57:53 do together but like it's once a fucking hard it's like once a month you might have to hang out with these people and all you have to say once a month is no exactly but jt brings up a good point like if this dude is a psycho or a maniac or like is whatever then yeah then you gotta steer clear you know but like sounds like it's whatever sounds like everyone is drunk it sounds like the girls were like this guy's being a creep and it's like he's not really like this he probably they probably hooked up or had some history or like we had nights where one of our friends got too sloshed like it's happened to the best of us you get too drunk and then like you're like like i wasn't being a creep but i was being too intense one night like a year ago and like i knew
Starting point is 00:58:29 my friends weren't gonna like 86 me because of it i was like i had a bad night i got too hammered i had a lot of stress i i just was like but like we're all friends like we've hung out a bunch since it was just like but the guy fucking poured a drink on his head and then shoved him and called him a and said he was getting in the way getting in the way of what getting in the way of him getting ass yeah this guy this guy's definitely different dude this guy's you know what this guy's full-on psycho category that is psychotic also here's the thing dude that guy and you shouldn't use derogative it's a powerful body part we We all came from one. It takes poundings, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Not for me. I have a small penis, but it does. Hey, don't say that. It takes darts. Thank you, dude. I appreciate the hell out of that. Yeah, it can take darts, too. Those add up.
Starting point is 00:59:14 But, dude, this guy's a pussy. Who immediately goes, want to fucking fight? I've got 10 friends here. Yeah, dude. No, dude. Mono e mono. Mm-hmm. If we want to...
Starting point is 00:59:24 You want to dance, dude? But you almost feel safer with the guy who says i have 10 friends than the guy who right away just goes hey just you and me brother that's all terrifying just you and me brother yeah one-on-one you're like uh why are you so secure in that dude why do you feel so uncomfortable you know you're gonna fuck me up huh yeah i think um if you do hang out with him like take a recorder with you and write like a movie script based on this guy yeah he's a good character also if you do hang out with this guy again just walk straight up to him like hey bro my bad the other day about getting in your way and being close dude can i buy you a drink you wasted it on my head yeah hey dude i i wasted one of your drinks
Starting point is 01:00:07 when i accidentally used my head for it um can i go buy you another one dude all good man so which girls you looking at tonight dude what's what's what's your taste dude here's the thing the girl said you were being a creep but it is october and it's halloween season so i guess the girl's bad keep being a creep dude if yeah if you are to hang out with these dudes again, because this guy sounds like an absolute nutball, I would take the passive route and be like, can I get you anything, man? Yeah. Hey, I found out you like IPAs.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I brought your favorite beers. Good to see you. We should sabotage him, you know? Poison his drink, kill him. That's the thing. Are you willing to go to that level are you willing to kill your enemy some people aren't some people and you can't tell some guys look like nerds you know like the guy in power the dog and then he ends up being the most savage out of everyone so yeah you can you know you can prove don't don't kill him but you know serve him an omelet but wink wink maybe murder him yeah
Starting point is 01:01:05 don't give him anthrax dude i was gonna say serve him an omelet with anthrax as he's like oh oh oh dude one time am i getting in your way now there was a website that said china in the web title i think it's long gone so i can say it where you could buy steroids online and so i ordered a bunch of steroids to my parents' house when I was like 16 and the package gets there and my dad's like, what the fuck is this from China? I totally forgot I had ordered the steroids. I'm like, oh no.
Starting point is 01:01:33 My dad goes, it's anthrax. And then I'm like, and I'm like, what? And then my dad and mom are like, let's open it. And I'm like, no, don't. I'm like, if you think it's anthrax, don't open it. My dad's like, I have to open it. I have to find out. I'm like, no dumbass. If it's anthrax and you open it, you're going to die. I'm like, you're not a scientist. I'm like, I'm so stupid. And then my dad's like, I'm going to call the cops.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And then the cops come and like, they're just regular, like uniform guys. They're not scientists. They just take the package outside with a knife and slice it open and then i see like the steroid fall out and like get a little like i don't know no it came in pill form they like cut the pill up and it like dusted and i was like oh fuck dude those steroids i ordered and then the doctor was like and then the cops were like what's this and i was like oh i ordered like weird supplements from china i didn't know what i was ordering and they were like yeah all good. Just don't do it again.
Starting point is 01:02:25 And then they left. Wow. And that was the end of it. Oh, I thought you knew steroids the whole time. So that's why you're like, don't open it. I think I forget. I might've known it was steroids. No, I forgot for like 20 minutes.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And then when like the cops were on their way, I was like, oh yeah, these are steroids. This is going to be weird. That's so funny when you try to cover something up and it just escalates. And then you're like, well, let's call the cops. Dude, yeah. There was like, I almost got myself arrested for buying drugs illegally as they were doing i was like i'm one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive you cannot be more stupid you have to hold on to the lie for that long um all right chad you ready for the
Starting point is 01:02:59 next part yeah chad who's your beef of the week my beef of the week uh is my anxiety i uh i got like a i think a lot of it was a combo of like lack of sleep or something but uh my anxiety can really pop off sometimes and uh it's when i'm in certain situations but but, like, over the weekend, we went on this hunting trip, and on Sunday, I thought, I think I got kind of sick, but my anxiety just fucking blew up, and I, like, I, I, it was, like, to the point where I, like, couldn't speak, and I was just, like, on the plane, just, like, just like this, you know, I didn't want to, like, and it was, um, it's fucking, I didn't want to like, and it was, it's fucking, when it, when it pops off like that, it's brutal, where you're just like, yeah, and I don't know, there's certain things,
Starting point is 01:03:58 I think, I think it's, I think it's tough in today's world, too, of like, because there's so many people, and it's hard to like, I know people are like disconnect you should disconnect from social media and but a lot of it too is like people are talking about like the economy and stuff and the news and they're always like you know there's like batting down the hatches and you're just like fuck shut the fuck up you know what i mean uh but then people are like but you need to know about this and i'm like i'm like i'm like i don't know what you know and it's just like there's all this stuff coming at you and you're just and you're just sort of like how do i just get on a boat cut the rope and just cruise you know maybe take a trip out to um tahiti until i don't know yeah yeah I think that's normal too. When you're just an adult now,
Starting point is 01:04:47 man, like when I remember like after nine 11 happened, my friend West was like, my dad's been super depressed. Yeah. His dad was like a native New Yorker. And like my 14 year old brain couldn't wrap my head around it. I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:57 why is your dad? Like I'm depressed about it too, I guess. But like, and I was really sad, but like depression to me, it didn't make sense. I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:04 you're not connected to it. But I think as you get an adult and you're more aware of how the world works and how external things can impact you yeah like that stuff all has a cost like it is a crazy time right now yeah and it's just um and then yeah because you feel helpless you know because it's sort of like people are like you got to prepare you got to prepare and i'm like i'm like yeah like i'm fucking trying but you know if you're like if you're not already if you're not joe rogan like how do you prepare for that you know what i mean i've been worried about it lately too i've been lately like do i need to learn how to like work a gun better like do i need to my stupid caveman brain is like i got to get better at jiu jitsu i'm gonna learn
Starting point is 01:05:43 how to shoot a gun i'm like yeah because i'm not gonna learn how to fix a car yeah so i was like i'd be able to kill the person who can yeah or get them to do it for me yeah but yeah i think there is a lot of that like worst case scenario preparation anxiety right yeah yeah i was talking to kennedy about doing we were talking about doing like self-defense stuff um i think that'd be cool the jiu-jitsu place i go to now school but everyone likes their own thing yeah but you know you know what i've also learned too the best way for me to combat it is just to get back into work you know like that's one thing too is uh this might be too inside baseball but it's like uh when we had like the show coming out it's like it's like this big thing and you're
Starting point is 01:06:26 sort of anticipating it and they're like like yeah got a show coming out like this huge thing to look forward to and then when that comes out you're sort of like your brain naturally goes to okay what's next and i think i think especially when you get into that realm when you're when you're sort of selling stuff to like streamer networks and stuff it's like you feel kind of at the whim of the audience where it's like they need to love it so we can get a season two so we can keep going or else my life's fucking over you know what i mean whereas i think we're in a really lucky time now where it's that we have things like the internet where we can create our own content and stuff like that for what we do and that that's why I love stand-up so much because you can go to open mics you just get better and better and better but with this you know and so that's why
Starting point is 01:07:16 I still love stand-up and with this it's like you know you can just keep creating you can keep making stuff and putting it out there and showing it to an audience you don't need to be at the you know you know you're not at the you know you don't need someone deciding whether you can continue or not yeah yeah external validation is tough and to be beholden by that you know you want you need yeah you gotta have that happiness from within you know yeah that's why like you see like actors who people who just purely act and are auditioning all the time yeah their confidence gets worked yeah and i'd be in acting class with like the most beautiful women and like the coolest dudes and then like they were just like they'd have these needy eyes and they'd be like someone please tell me i'm worthwhile yeah and i was like damn dude like this process is not designed
Starting point is 01:08:05 to make you feel empowered yeah it's designed to like if you want to go to the dorks thing it's like the dorks have their hands on the like the keys and they're like do you want these keys and then like all these like cool people are like yes please give me the keys and they're like oh you want it a little too much you don't get it this time yeah and they're like oh you don't want it enough like they're real there's no logic to how they pick these things yeah it's it's kind of a impossible to know what is even going to get you that external validation yeah so but so it's nice that there's there's a way for you know creators to sort of have take the power back in a sense for sure yeah no we get to do our own
Starting point is 01:08:47 thing we could do this and stand up and make videos it's uh like you've been talking about just going both routes yeah i think i think because i do love that i mean i loved i loved making a show i loved working with netflix they were great i loved all that stuff um and i we're you know we're continuing to do stuff like that. And, you know, you know, who knows season two, hopefully. But, you know, we got other tons of other things in the irons in the fire. So I love I love, you know, the business side and engaging with that and creating stuff with like cool people and production company and stuff. But it's also nice to have this thing where it's like,
Starting point is 01:09:26 it's like you get to create for yourself too. And sometimes that's what people respond to the most. Yeah, I think so. Especially with humor, like, you know, do what you find funny. Someone else will do what comes true to you. That'll hit you. You're never gonna make everyone happy.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah. Strutter, who's your, what's your beef of the week you know I've sort of stumbled upon my beef of the week and I don't quite know why I have the beef maybe you guys can help me with it something I mentioned on Joe Coates podcast legend Joe I think I'm just I don't know what this is but I think I'm out on dudes with blonde hair did like you got you got a dude with blonde hair and Chad I'm just, I don't know what this is, but I think I'm out on dudes with blonde hair, dude. Like you got, you got a dude with blonde hair and Chad, I'm looking at you cause you have beautiful luscious locks and I'm not out on you. So then I was like, Joe, what, what is this deal?
Starting point is 01:10:14 Why am I like having beef with dudes? Like with two, like maybe it's like the bleached blonde hair maybe cause I never did it. And I love blonde hair, Chad. I love Chad's luscious locks. I think maybe it's a youth thing. I think that's what it is. I'm like, this damn kid, dude. But then if he pulls a kickflip, I'm like, man, that's pretty sick. At least you still like kickflips.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I love kickflips. It might be authenticity. That might be the next thing to go. You're right. What's next? What if you start disliking kickflips? Dude, if I fuck, dude. If that happens, then I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:43 Because all you see are ACLs. Yeah, exactly. I'm like, oh, he's going to gonna roll an ankle or some kid ollie's a six stare and i'm like he's desecrating public property i won't ever do that i don't think i'll ever do that but dude we're all moving into dad zones dude i know what do you think what do you think when you see nick carter from the backstreet boys now i'm sad just because he doesn't look great yeah well it's different what about his prime in his prime he's a good looking guy you know what it might be i feel like if you have that blonde hair that look it's got to be authentic you know what i mean like you can't be a poser did you see can you give us some did you see a poser? Every barista is a poser to me in LA.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Every barista has bleach blonde hair and I'm like, you guys don't even skate. Are you tired of people in LA having such looks? Yes, that might be it.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Everyone in LA does have a look. It's the look. It's a little tiresome. But the city, it beckons that. You like, you got to make it,
Starting point is 01:11:42 if you don't have a lane out here and someone immediately can't go, you're this guy or like that, then you're lost. What's going on? But too many people are going for the...
Starting point is 01:11:49 I think it's the same look. Like wild guy look. Is it like the... It's a wannabe Machine Gun Kelly look, dude. Right. Background check, Kelly. Thank you very much. Who feels like a wannabe.
Starting point is 01:11:59 When I look at Machine Gun Kelly, I'm like, what are you... You're trying a little hard. That's what I'm saying. I'm like, what is this, dude? Not that there's anything wrong with that machine but is that you're listening background check you know it's nice just keep trying keep trying i like the music i do i like that one album it was good i don't know yeah i think you're right dude i think i'm just being an old man maybe i
Starting point is 01:12:16 just gotta take off my velcro shoes no it's good dude dude i'm gonna be an old man i have three beefs this week let's go that's old man shit whoa first one people walking on grass my first one is zoopoo whoa i've just been getting youtube ads for those ads i hate i can't even believe they're allowed to talk to me like that on my computer what is this dude it's these fucking ads it's this new like health product that does like a brutal colon cleanse cleanse. And like the dude who runs the company will just be like, it feels like a bit, he'll just be straight face looking at you in the camera. And he'll be like, do you want to get rid of toxic poop? Is your body contaminated with poop? That's not good for you. He says poop like 30 times.
Starting point is 01:13:00 He's like with Zumu, we'll clear out all that poo and you'll lose 10 pounds in two weeks i'm like bro keep talking to me about poop in my face like this dude i'm like i'm not i'm not here for it and there's like it's all the you know how those ads like come in waves that's like the main one right now is like zoo poo his whole presentation too where he looks like a weed delivery guy with a beanie he's like are you worried about the poop inside yeah dude look at him i'll get that guy out of here he's like oh i'm mad dude he's like you're filled with you do you don't know it but you're filled with tons of toxic poop there's blonde hair under that beanie oh dude dude no that's that's absurd jay can you can you find us one of the ads and play it for us just to be clear this is not an endorsement yeah no not an
Starting point is 01:13:44 endorsement the opposite i'm not ever taking zoop zoo moves for my whatever you know what zoopoo zoo boo yeah hey man you gotta watch this guy's face dude yes all this well you know about the average adult five to twenty pounds i mean look at this toxic poop in their body at any given moment seems crazy right all that proof just sitting there rotting away inside their intestines and colon is it any wonder that colon disease is on the rise with all this waste just sitting inside your body most of this waste contains chemicals that your body rejected but due to certain issues like constipation
Starting point is 01:14:19 you couldn't flush it all out effectively so if you're feeling sluggish bloated around the, or even just plain backed up, then give Zupu a try for 14 days. It will clean you out, guaranteed. Click here to read the hilarious reviews about how consistently effective Zupu truly is. It contains the perfect dosages of all natural ingredients that will get things moving
Starting point is 01:14:38 and flush out that extra waste you're carrying around. You'll feel amazing when it's gone. As this toxic waste builds up, your body becomes a walking vessel of fecal toxicity. Once this happens, you begin to experience excess fatigue, weight gain, digestive issues like IBS, leaky gut syndrome, constipation, and diarrhea, skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne, brain fog, focus and attention issues, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. And that's just the beginning. Nah, dude. You might even buy this beanie. Nah, dude. I'm just a little
Starting point is 01:15:08 backed up, bro. Yeah, dude. JT, dude. I can't agree with you more, dude. I'm so mad at that. I was so mad. Dude, I was just up late one night on YouTube watching like random bullshit. And then like, I didn't, I thought it was a bit. This guy just starts, says poo to me like four times. He's all serious I'm like no dude off um in that beard I think he's
Starting point is 01:15:31 like really winking at us because he's like a beard oil salesman or snake oil you know what I mean that's snake oil just like a healthy guy who like I don't know whatever I think as with life there are no shortcuts get your diet on point don't take zupu and give this guy money that's the thing too i take vitamins like i'd have to be so deep in the game to get to zupu yeah what and he's like i'm gonna have that on my fucking like counter when my fucking girlfriend comes over and she's like what's this i'm like babe you haven't tried zupu yet i'm gonna be all high and mighty with her cuz she's not on Zupu can't be honest for a sec yeah I'm so susceptible to persuasion those listen I was like it might work that's how it works well the ad is cookie cutter he literally
Starting point is 01:16:19 told you a problem he created a problem for you told you about everything that everyone hates IBS diarrhea acne and like the way it's all bolded and then he got all the way to like he literally listed every bad thing he's like mood swings depressions and like we all have that shit he's like skin things but i don't know i don't think it's because of my don't understand the twist in six cents take zupu and you know i didn't see the proof in his face he looked miserable yeah of course he did look sad talking about poo are you talking about zupu i haven't i haven't stopped shooting that's tough i've been all morning i feel great dude my next beef is with metacritic for giving the movie tar a 90. that movie was very very very very boring i love todd field he's one of my favorite directors he hasn't
Starting point is 01:17:03 made a movie in 20 years this one was getting glowing reviews i was like this going to bang kate blanchett's the star it's about an egomaniacal conductor like music conductor cool yeah dude not cool nothing happens nothing happens and then my last beef from tar to tarn feathering robbie cumming i love you man you're like a brother to me i love this guy so much we've been friends since high school 20 years in the can together he's my brother's best friend his older brother's ross another best friend i don't even use that word liberally i'm just very very close to these guys robbie started a fantasy basketball league and he did not extend an invite to half of the football league and he says he did invite us but this is how he invited us we're at the fantasy football
Starting point is 01:17:53 draft he rolls up he's like JT what do you think about fantasy basketball I was like ah it sucks and then he goes and then he starts this league doesn't tell anyone takes like five guys out of the league into this new league with a bunch of my brother's buddies from notre dame and then uh and then he goes i did ask you to be and i'm like no you didn't there was no formal invitation you just like did a very like glossary like uh question about like do we even like fantasy basketball i'm like that's not asking me dude and here's the thing i don't even want to play fantasy basketball but dude you should have invited all of those dudes i'm pissed man i had to find out about this from Joe Pelison. I went over to his house to work out. He's like, dude, my fantasy basketball draft last night with Robbie
Starting point is 01:18:31 and your brother, my brother's in the league. I'm not mad. I'm not mad at my brother cause I love my brother too much, but dude, it was, it was underhanded, dude. It was a little underhanded Robbie little honor. And then he was being dead silent on the text thread. Ooh. Hey, hearkening back to Hillary Clinton, I want to see the text messages to all the other guys. Turn over your phone, dude. Let me see the text.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Let's get a little transparency in this thing. I was fired up. All right, Chad, who's your babe of the week yeah robbie doesn't chill but i'll boof uh diet coke with you any day oh you guys are diet coke guys you guys are boofers dude uh what is babe or legend babe uh my babe is the hunting trip with my bros uh just a man's weekend just straight up just dudes with shotguns having some bud light eating meat shooting quail in the face just playing poker at night smoking cigars in mississippi that's a man's weekend and i gotta tell you i think my dink grew a little bit. Nice.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I love that. It was just a good wish. Shout out to my brothers. I love you. And Zach, too, my brother's brother-in-law. He's the legend. And his dad, too. The man.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Hell yeah. Shrider, who's your baby of the week? Dude, my baby of the week's got to be my dank-ass fiance. Dude, I may have mentioned this on pods previous but we're really getting into the autumn right now doing a lot of autumnal shit and i'll tell you dude our our freaking apartment is so nice we got mini pumpkins dude we got sunflowers which i don't know if they're autumnal but like the color hue of them really goes well with the pumpkin. So that's nice. And, you know, we're wearing flannels, wearing each other's flannels.
Starting point is 01:20:30 Right now she's feeling a little bit under the weather, dude. And she had a hilarious joke where she wore my Primus shirt. She notoriously doesn't like my Primus shirt. I don't think any girlfriend likes Primus shirts anywhere. And she jokingly said, hey, maybe this would, she's like too negative, makes a positive. She goes, I feel i feel like crap if i wear the shirt it'll make me feel better i was like that's pretty funny dude come here and uh so yeah just really getting into the autumn nice dude dialed in dude dude my babe of the week is uh florence from florence and the machine saw her on saturday at the hollywood bowl dude religious experience she just is so unique of a human. She's tall.
Starting point is 01:21:05 She looks like she floated down from like the spirit realm. She puts on an incredible show. She's got good lyrics, good stage presence, and a fucking booming voice. And it was me and my lovely girlfriend, and then two of her buddies who were like, they were like younger gals in like early 20s. So they had like really fun energy. Like the one girl, Zara. She has cool new hip slang that I wasn't
Starting point is 01:21:32 hip to. Whoa, like she would call people a d-d-d-d. She'd be like, stupid. She drove us home. She's like, which was really nice for thank you. She'd be like, she'd be like, get out of the way you stupid d-d-d-d. And I was like, what does d-d-d-d mean? She's like, it's like when someone's dumb, like a d-d-d-d. i was like what does d-d-d-d mean she's like it's like when someone's dumb like a do-do-do-do and i was like oh very fun very cool and so i felt like i was getting like you know i felt younger and that was nice and then yeah me and my gf just had a great time in florence just put on a show dude like started raining which was dramatic and she was like hold on they're stopping the show they don't want me i'm gonna find out what's going on she went backstage and she came back and she's like they say because of the rain i can't move around but i can't not move around you need me to move
Starting point is 01:22:09 around and then she sprinted she sprinted into the audience like fast as dude she looked like gail sayers and then security was just chasing behind her like just keeping an eye on her like sprinting after and it looked like someone like breaking loose from a psych ward like it was exciting and i looked around the crowd at that moment and everyone was just in awe everyone's just like like it was like we needed that you know we don't have religion in la this is this is our religion it's like you know messianic musicians and i saw dudes tearing up and gals just like so uh empowered by it and it was it was really really and i was on a
Starting point is 01:22:46 lot of shrooms and it was really really exciting so thank you florence that nice night did the power go out yeah dude yeah they got power went out between between acts and they were like everybody calm down they did the thing that's so stupid where the guy was like he freaks everybody more out because he's like everybody calm calm down. This isn't an emergency. It's not bad. Everything's going to be okay. And I'm like, why are you saying it like that, you freak? But then you look around,
Starting point is 01:23:13 it's a Florence and the Machine concert. I wasn't afraid of like a stampede or anything there. Like everyone listens to NPR. It would have been nice single file lines all the way out. We were all responsible. But yeah, it was weird. Power's just cut. Has anyone seen my sweater?
Starting point is 01:23:28 I lost my sweater. Where's my sweater? It was nice. The power went out. We all started sharing exotic cheeses. People were looking out for the hole. You know what I mean? We were trading cabernets for chardonnays.
Starting point is 01:23:43 It was all very above board. You caught up on a few articles. Yeah, everyone just pulled out their kindles and just uh passed the time uh chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is jake our dog nice dude cranking out the fucking he's jake's on the sticks he's editing your work he's where you're working your ass off cranking out the edits clips non-stop and then just cranking out videos going on trips filming with us you're a beast so I just wanted to
Starting point is 01:24:12 give you a shout out appreciate that hell yeah Strider who's your legend of the week dude my legend of the week is this show Primal it's dope dude I love it, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:26 It's so sick. It's animated, dude. Dude, since my fantasy team sucks and I'm a loser with this fucking, I suck. Hey, don't talk about yourself. Dude, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. But, dude, I've been getting into other stuff, getting the silver lining, and it's an animated show. I would never watch an animated show. You know, South Park, that doesn't count. Simpsons doesn't count. It's just the best. Dude, it's an animated show I would never watch an animated show you know South Park that doesn't count Simpsons it doesn't count just the best dude it's so sick it's just about the
Starting point is 01:24:50 main character's name is spear he's a caveman and he befriends a dinosaur called Fang a t-rex so it's basically his dog and dude every episode they just survived like this crazy shit and dude it's amazing dude I'm on season two now they have this amazing episode that's like in the 1890s if this is historical society and the guy's like under great duress like men will revert to their primal things and one of the guys is like oh that's absurd and then like this fucking guy gets breaks out of an asylum and like they have to like and it's so smart like the guy it's a historical society so like they try to get him with guns then swords then like spears then like atlatl and then like literally it's
Starting point is 01:25:30 like hand to hand it's like just super well done dude it's uh the show rips dude it's 20 minute episodes i've invested in all the characters i never thought i'd love a cartoon this much and i love it dude this guy i don't know how to say his name genday tara totsky or something that's a good name yeah that's a good strong name yeah great job dude my legend of the week is this kid uh he's a wrestler from wyoming college wrestler his name is kendall cummings dude him and his homie went for a hike up in yellowstone national park looking for antlers that's a thing a lot of people do they go look because you know i guess they shed their antlers so like my buddy ian will do it they just go into the woods and try to find him it's kind of a fun way to pass the day dude bear comes upon him attacks his homie what uh brad pins brad down brad
Starting point is 01:26:22 was a legend about it he just said uh I guess the thing you try to do is, it's kind of crazy. You got to keep like your arm in its mouth so that it doesn't bite like the vital shit. So it's almost like I've heard in knife fights, like you use this arm just to like get cut and you just kind of got to sacrifice it. Cause you know,
Starting point is 01:26:39 at that point it's like triage. You're like, okay, what do I most protect the vital shit? Whoa. So his homie's getting attacked by the bear kendall goes in starts swinging on the bear jumped on his back tried to like beat the hell out of it the bear ends up turning on him beating the shit out of him
Starting point is 01:26:57 but he didn't bail you know he like this guy who got the fucking thing porn on his head the i don't know where his homies were that night but like there's moments where I've had friends get into altercation like hey we just got to get out of this there's no shot you know what I mean and like but to step up when your friends getting attacked by the ultimate killing machine like I think bears pretty much top of the fight chain
Starting point is 01:27:19 in nature and he just went straight in and started brawling with it ended up saving his friend's life the bear left came, came back, attacked them again. They played it cool as a cucumber, took the beating. We're like, you know, shelled up or whatever. And they survived. They survived. And this Kendall guy is a freaking legend.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Because I don't know. I think a lot of people bear attack happens. You say, hey man, I loved you, but sayonara. You know? Dude. Yeah, bro. This guy saw a bear and just ran up like jumped on its back like it's a regular human bully and uh i'm just so inspired dude
Starting point is 01:27:56 inspired that's amazing dude yeah a bear dude especially if it's like a brown bear you're i think it was a grizz dude i don't know let me see this you cannot get away from that i think i saw the photo of those dudes how up did they get one of them could walk afterwards and one of them had to be carried i think the one dude who was feeling better carried his buddy out and then they got some help exactly i've been following this story a little bit um yeah they're both college wrestlers so they're like i think that's part of the wrestler instinct was to like one help your buddy out but then jump on the back yeah these aren't florence and the machine fans and they also the guy who jumped on the back started gouging the bear's eyes to his head he was
Starting point is 01:28:35 biting his homie's head oh my god eyes to like make him open up the only thing that'll generate enough but yeah because you're not gonna choke a bear yeah fat neck yeah it's pretty crazy i'll pull up a picture here real quick for you guys. You got to go after the predator's eye. Yeah. Learn that in Deep Blue Sea when LL Cool J stabs the shark in the eye with a crucifix. He was not messing around in that movie. He blew up one of those sharks.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Spoiler alert. He blew up a shark. Just threw a Zippo. What are those called? Zippo? Yeah, Zippo lighter. Just threw a Zippo lighter. Can you hurt a bear's nuts?
Starting point is 01:29:09 Like, could you kick a bear in the nuts? Probably just piss it off. I don't know. I think the females are more aggressive because they're guarding their cubs. So I'm not sure if this was a female or male. So if it was a male, if you like squeezed them. So yeah, the guy, the guy over uh is the one who had the bear's uh jaw around his head you know what i love about that photo is they still look like bros in it
Starting point is 01:29:32 like they're posing and they're like they're still like what up dog like they're ready i guess the wrestling coach they interviewed him as well and he said like a week before that he gave them to a talking about they love each other so much like it that it's going to lead them to far places together and then he was like a week later they get attacked and it was the love that saved each other so that's giving me my quote i got yeah but you're no you're on it no you're on it dog hey let it rip if you got it ready go that's beautiful if you got it ready let it go all right chad what's your quote um michael o'leary is from fred no i'm just kidding um all right it's from eleanor roosevelt nice dude if life were predictable it would cease to be life
Starting point is 01:30:18 and be without flavor and i think that's also a quote from guy fieri nice none of guy Fieri quotes dude they're kind of doppelgangers Strider what's your quote of the week quotes from the show Primal dude Spears says one of his first words this is a spoiler I'm sorry but it's like it's a few seasons old it's years old now
Starting point is 01:30:39 actually not really maybe one or two but Mira what dude his voice is the best dude all he does is go oh oh dude i love the audio in it um this is from kendall jennings kendall cummings rather i didn't want to lose my friend it was bad there was a big old bear on top of him i could have run and potentially lost a friend or get him off and save him nice dude beast um chat what's your face gonna be for getting after it did you fuck that bear up man let's fuck tonight up
Starting point is 01:31:17 you know it's parties I love that shredder what's yours I think it's gotta be live life taste death full circle dude dude mine is uh I got in an uber this morning and I saw the dude had a tat on his leg and I go uh where'd you get that tat and it was a phrase and he goes basically I was out with my homies
Starting point is 01:31:39 I told my buddy that I would get any tattoo he wanted me to I told my buddy that I would get any tattoo he wanted me to. I told my buddy that I would get any tattoo he wanted me to. Wait. He was out with his buddies. Oh. It doesn't matter, JT. Just say any story.
Starting point is 01:32:02 No one was there. They will not be able to check. Just go confidently in any story. No one was there. They will not be able to check. Just go confidently in any direction. This is how you podcast. So he was out with his buddies and he was like, dude, I'll get any tattoo you want me to get. And his buddy went, yeah, right. And then he tattooed, yeah, right on his leg. And I like that.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I like the spontaneity. I like that too. And then, dude, I told him that my buddy had a tattoo on his leg and i like that i like the spontaneity i like that too and then dude i told him that my buddy had a tattoo on his butt and he was like that's not cool i was like what oh and he's the dork who puts a tattoo on his quad like what rugby team do you play for get out of here bro and he had a ton of tats and i was like i was like blonde hair he was a little bit no he was wearing a hat even worse dude he was wearing a hat. Even worse, dude. He was wearing a hat. Exactly, dude.
Starting point is 01:32:47 I took my hat off. Thank God. And it wasn't cool like Chad's. Yeah, Chad's got a sick ass hunting hat. Chad's got a sick hat. That's an authentic hat and you hunted. Chad hunts. Yeah, this guy was like...
Starting point is 01:32:56 He became like tattoo expert guy. He was like, I'm a tattoo expert. Your friend's tattoo's not cool. I was like, don't talk to my friend like that, dog. Like, are you a bear? Because I'll fucking pull your eyes out Exactly. Did does he ski? Yeah, he's like I'm like, what do you do when you're not driving? Uber's on dude check in the back. Look at the blades. I'm pro skier Yeah, I was like, dude You think you're better than that one guy who lives in that one place and he was like, you know
Starting point is 01:33:18 What the hell you're talking about and by that point I was already Dude, yeah, I can beat his ass. I was fucking kissing him and pulling out his eyes and doing all the gnarly shit nice dude um but yeah that was cool his story about the yeah right thing was sick i thought that was sick so yeah right yeah that's what i should have said when he said your friend's tattoo's not cool yeah i think sick dude fucking sick well dudes thank you so much for listening thanks for being stokers keep writing those reviews that helps us out of time and uh just keep being legends spread the word if you need advice Keep being legends. Spread the word. Bye.

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