Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 278 - Best Athletes Of All Time Draft w/ Strider and Chris

Episode Date: February 14, 2023

What up stokers! This week we're drafting the top athletes of all time with Strider Wilson and Chris Parr. Chad doesn't watch sports and the other guys over think. Who will prevail?    Check us out ...on tour! Go to www.chadandjt.com for tickets!   Check out the reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Sponsored by: Athletic Greens:   Visit ATHLETIC GREENS dot com slash GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.   Head to FACTOR75.com/godeep60 and use code godeep60 to get 60% off your first box.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys? Welcome to the podcast. Before we begin, well first, it's an epic podcast. We got the best athletes of all time draft. You're gonna want to stick around because it gets hot, it gets spicy, and it gets juicy, and we know you're gonna love it. But first, before we begin, we are on tour. We're gonna be in St. Louis this weekend. We also have Tacoma coming up. We have Portland coming up. We have a lot of cities coming up. So get your tickets at chatandJT.com. Do not miss it. You're going to love it. We also are brought to you by the Legends at Athletic Greens. Guys, I drink Athletic Greens every morning.
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Starting point is 00:01:22 That's code go deep 50 at factormeals.com slash go deep 50 to get 50% off your first box's code go deep 50 at fact your meals.com slash go deep 50 to get 50 off your first box all right let's start the show call the military and report the ufo in ass oh that's a good one now I'm in distance of his high five this is nice yeah yeah we're back maybe we're back dude we were doing airfives for that I'm thinking we're back a lot of hats today too yeah oh I got the worst haircut ever so I have to wear this it fits the the theme of the app true hats as someone's talking about hats do make you kind of in a certain respect they make you look smarter you know what i mean yeah directors wear the hats right like if like football coaches wear hats yeah like smart guys in i feel like smart guys from harvard wear
Starting point is 00:02:17 hats yeah you know what i'm saying it's true matt damon wears a hat zuckerberg always wore his hoodie yeah sort of a hat if you're not cool. Yeah Yeah, what's the guy who did Napster Sean Parker? Zuckerberg? Sean Sean Zuckerberg? Justin Timberlake dude. Yeah, Justin Timberlake. I feel like he wears hats. Nope. Oh, yeah, he definitely wears hats. Lot of beanies too. Dude, lot of beanies. Yeah. Anyways. I have a hat in my car I could go. Dude, yeah, do you feel left out? I'm sorry. No, you're wearing an Elkhorn sweatshirt. And you a cat in my car. I could go. Dude, yeah. Do you feel left out? I'm sorry. No, you're wearing an Elkhorn sweatshirt.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And you've got the nice long hair. Yeah. And Chris has a known sexy hair. It's a known sexy hair. Yeah, we want to see. We want to catch the back of the hair. This is very sexy. Look at that hairline.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Dude, look at that hairline. It's crazy. I take Propecia. He doesn't have to take it. Wow. Not yet, dude. I think you're in the clear now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 You're money, dude. Ferraro was saying collagen, right? He's big on the collagen. You'll read mixed reports on it, but hey, look at the package. I mean, whatever Ferraro's doing, it's working. What, do you do it? Yeah, it works. I take the collagen once in a while, but if I'm going to do it, I'm going to do peptides.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I'm just going to get injected with the good stuff. That's the way to do it. Because I know that's going to hit you. Now, what's the downside of that? People are worried it might give you cancer. But I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Good call. Amen, brother.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Dude, I'm doing the topical finasteride. That's Propeach. Topical Propeach. Nice. I've been doing. How often do you have to? Once a day. You just spray it.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I just spray it right here. Yeah. Can we see? I think it takes- Baby, it's working. Yeah, yeah. It's working, baby. baby it's working yeah yeah it's working i think it takes six months to really start showing um you're gonna hop on that pill at some point i don't want to do it you'll knock off you'll knock off all the furs to the houses i know i think i buy i think about it is like i don't think it would affect my boner, but I think I'd be so nervous
Starting point is 00:04:05 about affecting my boner that it would affect my boner. You know what I mean? Sure. But it's not going to affect your boner, dude. It didn't affect my boner. I mean, I've always had issues
Starting point is 00:04:14 when I don't feel a connection with my partner or feel any kind of distance, but if I don't feel that distance, my dick's good. You know what's weird, though? It's because I've been so kind of stressed with the puppy, and then i've started taking this at the same time
Starting point is 00:04:30 that my boners haven't been as frequent and so now my mind's like is it the stress or is it the topical finesse no it's the stress it's puppy stress i don't know no one gets a bother when they first get a pup yeah yeah it's biting It's biting your hands. You can't even drill yourself. Your hands are all chafed. You never told me this. Dude, I know. Yeah, dude. He didn't want to scare you.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I know. I want you to get the joy of a puppy. Puppies are really cute. They just bite everything. It's fucking annoying. I know, dude. And then they don't chill out for like years. She bit my sack yesterday.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Or they chill out. And they'll jump on your sack. Lying. Lying. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's probably going to be next week. You'll be like, oh, it's better.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Sometime between next week and eight years, it's going to chill out. So when did you get your first boner? It was never a problem for me. Oh, fuck. I was really... Parsed. Exactly. Did you see Chris's hair? Did you think he has a boner problem?
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'm pretty sure bigger forces and a little dog have tried to stop me from getting boners. Guess what? I'm undefeated. Yeah, like the court system. The court system. Dude, this was not covered in Marley and Me. Anyways. Funny enough, Into the Wild.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Or no, what's the one with Harrison Ford? Fuck, dude. Call of the Wild. Call of the Wild. It is covered in that, dude. I mean, Harrison Ford always has a boner. For sure. He's a carpenter.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Did you see they de-aged him in the new Indiana Jones trailer? Maybe this segues into the Super Bowl. What's de-aged mean? De-aged. Sorry. Oh. De-aged. Like throughout the whole film, he's going to look younger.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It looks like an Irishman. Irishman style. Dual timelines. Oh. So you got him. You got current Harrison Ford, but then you got young Harrison Ford. I'm like, just cast me as young Harrison Ford. That could work.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I noticed that and I was like, wow, he looks good. You could do it. I don't mind the de-aging as long as they figure out what to do with the body. Because the issue in The Irishman was it looked a little goofy. It looked a little robotic and square. But the one scene when Robert De Niro is kicking the guy and he's kicking like he's 95 years old, it just looked so silly. But it was okay. I still like the movie,
Starting point is 00:06:30 but they got to figure that out with Harrison Ford's movements. Are they going to de-age him, his knees? Exactly, dude. That's what they got to de-age. 100% the joints. I saw Gemini Man, but one of the problems that I had with that was that the de-aged Will Smith,
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't think they used a person. I think it was all digital because the dude moved like a cephalopod. It was like slithering around. It didn't move like a person. So you still use a guy, but just use a young guy that can just walk like Harrison Ford. Yes. Did you guys watch the Super Bowl? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:07:12 What did you guys think? Almost a classic. It was an all-time game up until the end. Almost a classic, yeah. It was so fucking good, dude. On a ticky-tack call like that? Bro, you don't call that. Do you think it was a holding?
Starting point is 00:07:25 It would have been nice if they don't call that. Do you think it was a holding? It's one of the... It would have been nice if they didn't call it. It is a no. And then I was like, I thought, this ball's not even catchable. And then Caleb rightfully points out his defensive holding. Doesn't matter whether it's catchable or not. That's only for PI. The thing is, you probably could have made that call ten other times in the game
Starting point is 00:07:41 and they didn't call all previous ones and then they decided to call that one. You just feel like you get robbed a little bit. But if that times in the game, and they didn't call all previous ones, and then they decided to call that one. Yeah. You just feel like you get robbed a little bit. But if that happened in the first, there's only one questionable call for me in the game. It just sucked that it came late. But that's actually not bad for a really important game to only have one. Yeah, but if you fuck that one up.
Starting point is 00:07:58 No, it's not. I mean, they were probably going to get a field goal, maybe a touchdown. But like field goal, and then they have a chance. And then they'd have a minute and a half with like one or two timeouts. I mean, that would have been, and Jalen Hurts was, I've been like, I love Jalen Hurts as a person, but I've been skeptical of him as a passer. Dude, he was dropping dimes every level of the field, like opposite hash mark. He was on fire.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And then he could have gone. And then I'm so glad Mah's won and that he's on like this historic trajectory which could impact our draft today guys coming up but like if jalen hurts would have won after what happened to him at bama and just like the kind of circuitous route he had to get to the to the summit i don't know it would have been so beautiful but sometimes refs fuck it up they did can i Can I say something too? I had sweet action on the game. I bet the Chiefs and the over. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:50 The over was 50.5. No, just that. And so I won but I was my girlfriend and I were even like that was kind of lame. Even though we won we were still just like we were just kind of deflated.
Starting point is 00:09:06 We were like, that's not how you fucking end the Super Bowl. I was at Joe Pelazon's, and everyone, for the last minute, were just like this. Uh-huh. Like, there was so much energy. And then it was just this sad. And then running out the clock. And then to do a field goal. I was like, oh, you're going to do a field goal still?
Starting point is 00:09:22 And it was, like, 20 yards. Yeah. It was like a chip shot. Yeah. Yeah. It was, because the best games are the ones, and we've had Super Bowls that had the most spectacular finishes, but it was like a great game for all of it, but then it just didn't have a great ending.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yep. So, but it was a good Super Bowl, and it's hard for Super Bowls to be great all the time. It's true. They were kind of on a run. Yeah, we've had some nice ones. It had the potential to go down. Dude, it was the best game ever. It was the greatest ever.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Well, finally, it was one where they were scoring a ton. Yes. And it had fun plays, like a fucking fumble return for six, a punt return, long bombs. And the quarterback play was elite. Both guys were doing everything. Mahomes' feet, bro. What did you guys think about Rihanna's halftime show? I saw like two minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I was like, this is like a Mario level or something like that. It's like, what is going on? I wanted them to jump from the thing. She's with child, so she couldn't do a lot. Her physicality was diminished. She has the charisma. Even if you just got her in a cowboy shot, you can feel the star power.
Starting point is 00:10:27 She's got a lot of bangers. Yeah, her catalog is the best. I thought it was pretty underwhelming. I mean, I understand that she's pregnant, but I thought performance wise is kind of, it felt, I know she's pregnant, but it felt half ass to me. Yeah. You know, and I've always kind of felt like that from her as a performer. I can't reference other times she's really performed that I remember,
Starting point is 00:10:54 but I don't know. I think if you give her her full physical capacity, I think she could have changed the game with it. But yeah, maybe she's not as invested in these things as... That's part of her appeal is that she's like, I'm above whatever I'm doing. Like, the game with it. But yeah, maybe she doesn't, she's not as invested in these things as, that's part of her appeal is that she's like, I'm above whatever I'm doing. Like, I don't care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And compared to last year's, which was like the greatest one ever. And then what'd you guys think about the commercials? Didn't see any commercials. I got no take. Because I was at work. So I would like watch the game and then go. Nice. I was kind of wondering about this because I felt like when we were growing up, were
Starting point is 00:11:26 commercials just easier? Because I was like, all they had were like, like a really famous one is that I loved as a kid was like Three Frogs and they're going, bud, why? The best. The best. It's dumb and fun and a great commercial. Why can't they do more shit like that? Or the why?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, exactly. Those guys are the best. Yeah. People weren't going, well, now there's like two kinds of commercials. There's like the liberal woke commercials where they make fun of liberal wokeness, where they're trying to make fun of themselves. And then, and I actually really like this,
Starting point is 00:11:54 I like all the Christian right commercials that played during the Super Bowl. I think it fits the moment. You know, like if I watch the Grammys, I want to watch liberal cuck commercials. That's where it belongs. If I watch the Super Bowl, it's kind of a vacation for me from the Los Angeles social consciousness that I'm in. And so I like when I see those Christian Red commercials. I'm like, yeah, it kind of fits.
Starting point is 00:12:16 It's football. Give me some people being like, Jesus loves all of you. And it kind of upset all the people I was with, which kind of cracked me up. That Tubi one, dude. That fucked with people. What was that? I was like, did I just touch the remote? Tubi, like, basically, their commercial was, it looked like your TV got taken over and
Starting point is 00:12:40 it was, like, scrolling through, like, a streamer. Yeah, yeah. And everyone was kind of pissed off. It trickeder. Oh, the apps. Yeah, yeah. And everyone was kind of pissed off. It tricked people. It's like didn't have me for a second. I gotta say though, I don't really remember any of the commercials this year. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's like, and there's so many, was it always, were there always this many celebrities in these commercials? Cause some of them have like five celebrities in one commercial. So then I feel like they need to just, they're trying too hard or something. I don't know. No one knows what anybody likes anymore. There's nothing popular. Well, it's all this, I think. It's gonna be like a fart joke.
Starting point is 00:13:20 The nostalgia is worn out on me, you know, because like that 90s show, shit like that. You're sort of like, why are you still doing this? Yeah, that was a weird one to bring back we're just talking about the like zoolander a lot of the references now are like you like when we were growing up yeah and there's nothing like back to that well yeah our generation we're at the purchasing power mode that's exactly they're the ones making the calls right so like a lot of the references you're like oh this was formative for me. And it's bad calls, dude. They're making bad calls. You know what they don't do?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Did they do any hot commercials? Like, did they have any like Carl's Jr. style commercials where it's like Jessica Simpson just like on a Camaro getting drenched in barbecue sauce? You just nailed it, dude. It works. You just nailed it, dude. It's the Super Bowl. I think they need to dumb it all down and do's what we need. And do dumb, fun commercials.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Cheeseburgers and ass. Because that used to be what was like, it's like everybody got more socially conscious. So now it's like you either get like a left wing commercial that's like, I don't know about that. Or you get like a Christian commercial now. It used to be we could all agree on barbecue sauce on a hot gal. Yeah. And now that's been kind of a lost to time so now we got to talk about this other shit it's unbelievable yeah i just want
Starting point is 00:14:31 to watch jessica simpson fucking just how's a fucking double western bacon combo yeah it was nice it was just or the mechanical bull one yeah right who's that I think it was a, um, a girl named Charlotte. I have no idea. But, uh, just a huff, all babe. It was all babe. Alright. You know? Man. Dude, that's what it is. Yeah, we lost it. The simplicity. Alright, are we ready for the draft, guys? Oh yeah! Oh wait, before we start, kinda just, I, I came up with nicknames for you guys.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Woah! Yeah. Alright. Stridery the Overlord of Oral. Dude, thank you. Nice. Dude, thank you. Chris, you're the Highness of Hedonism. Oh, that's good. It's only those two? I was sitting here waiting.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Dude, JT was so excited. I was excited. Did you see my eyes? You're always a compadre. I just didn't get to do the intro. That's what I was going to say. It's good. I could try and come up with you.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Oh, dude, we got, I mean, now that we have the news is broken wide open, we could do the patriarch. Of patriarchness? Yeah, I was going to say pussy. I'll take it. Thank you. That's very sweet. I feel better now.
Starting point is 00:15:46 I really do feel better. All right, you guys ready for the draft? Yes. We got a big one today, guys. In the new studio, we got some huge sports fans here today. And, Chad, we are doing the top four athletes of all time. It's running the gamut. Any and all sports.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Maybe even non-sports. Maybe it's just a guy who thrived in activities and we have some record of that. And we're doing the top four of all time. All right. Can I put out a request to the judge? I'll hear it. I would like to request a formal handicap. Like a stroke around?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, like a stroke around, you know? A stroke around. Since I've spent most of my youth watching Mountain Dew commercials. They got some good athletes in those. They do. Dude's doing a lot of twists. Yeah. 12 80s and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:44 If you know the guy's name who's bouncing on that trampoline, he could be in here. Exactly, dude. All right, here we go, guys. You guys ready? Odds or evens? One, two, three, shoot. A fucking fuck. That could be a good spot.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah. One, two, three, shoot. Oh, third pick. Fuck. Oh, we do a... Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Wow, Chris.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Number one pick, Chris. I'm jealous. Are you ready? I want the number one pick. Don't take my guy. No, because I think it's going to take. Ugh. My nerves.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Damn. Be still, my baby. And then I've got to go back to back. I think that's the best spot. The stress is high. All right. Oh, you just did a great job of settling into the moment. I saw your body start to get amped, and then you calmed yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It's so funny, because in my head, I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. Dude, if you take Minnesota Fats from me, the best pool player of all time, I'll beat your ass, dude. Yeah, who's the best figure skater of all time? Let me do that. Brian Boitano? I'm just going to... Let's do Muhammad Ali.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Fuck! That's who I wanted, dude. That's exactly who I wanted, bro. There's still a lot of big names left, but... That's exactly who I wanted. He also fights, which is cool. I like that. I got a bonafide badass.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Damn. He's a larger than life dude. And, yeah, I don't know. A lot of articles. A lot of documentaries made about the guy. The best documentary. When We Were Kings, I think, is the best documentary ever, maybe. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And I mean, so he's like 6'3", he's like 2'10". He fought against a murderer's row of heavyweights. Sonny Liston, Joe Frazier, George Foreman. Yeah. And he beat them all in unique ways. And you know what's crazy about him? So we know him for his grace, right? Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Starting point is 00:18:47 But then when he had to get into the muck and like in fight with like a guy like Joe Frazier, he could do that too. He wasn't just all, you know, speed and hand-eye coordination. Like he had tremendous heart. I mean, like Joe Frazier puts him down with like a left hook, breaks his jaw. Muhammad Ali keeps fighting. Wins the fight and is in the hospital for a week afterwards. See, I was going to drop it and just let JT go. Because I knew that my knowledge is so cursory.
Starting point is 00:19:19 And if you think about... Yeah, please make my case. I don't know if this counts in athleticism, but the way he psyched guys out before the fight, the mental warfare of it. It counts for him. You have to take it into account because he was so good at it that it is one of the things that made him
Starting point is 00:19:36 one of the greatest athletes of all time. I don't think it works. But because somebody else doesn't do that, it's not a negative. It's only a positive for Ali. It's not a negative for anybody else that they didn't do it. Correct. And dude, he's the first, I'm not the first, but like he's a modern athlete where he's outspoken. Like the times that he came up in the sixties and all that stuff, you could just talk about what he did outside the rink. Huge. And, uh, and his shit talking in his rhymes, people
Starting point is 00:20:03 credit him for like inventing rap. Dude, he invented these insane rhymes. Was so good at it. And that is part of being a modern athlete. Now if you think of athletes, they have a persona outside of the sport, outside the court or whatever they're into. Muhammad Ali was that, dude. All right. Chad, you got the number two pick.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Dude, I can't believe I get this one. I mean, six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan. No, goddammit. Bro, it's a great pick. I mean, come on, bro. It's a great pick, dude. How are you going to go wrong with MJ, baby? Look, I know I'm known as not a sports fan,
Starting point is 00:20:36 but I fucking watched Michael Jordan as a kid. I loved Michael Jordan as a kid. I used to draw, like, bowls. I used to try to recreate the bowls logo in school when I was just drawing in my journal and shit. He's just the man. He is the face. When you think of competitive, he's that guy. He is the embodiment of being competitive yeah the ultimate
Starting point is 00:21:06 competitor the best shoe salesman of all time and he's just unbeatable he's just the man yeah he had supreme mastery of his craft yeah I mean he was the perfect and it's it's his brain to have that kind of competitive attitude but put into that kind of athleticism it's like one of the rarest things ever like he could jump higher than anybody else he had huge hands
Starting point is 00:21:36 he could palm the ball and he had like perfect coordination like he could there's one play where he misses the block he jumps up to block the guy misses it. Twists 180 in the air, comes down with his other hand and swats the ball out of the guy's hands. I mean, just watching him play, even today, you know, sometimes when you look at old footage, it's like underwhelming a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:58 It still blows your mind. Yeah. I mean, just him, that celebration jump too when they won the championship, how high he goes up. And I mean, the tongue out is iconic. He could dunk from the free throw line. Yeah, that's right. He looks cool doing it, too. That's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:22:14 He looks fucking cool. He looked beautiful when he played. Yeah. That full extension. Yeah. And he's one of those guys that makes it look easy. Like, when he moves, your brain goes, that's how someone should move doing that. You're, like that's how I should look doing that. Yeah, Kobe based his entire game off of that. Yeah, it's like he's the man Did he's a man MJ baby and people slagged on his baseball but had he played longer had he not?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Dropped it in high school and picked it up in them in this 30s He would have been really good. He stole like 30 bases in the minors as a 6'6 guy. Yeah, to get low like that. He worked out to change his body in order to do that. That's impressive. Which he said helped him when he got back to the NBA because he had more leg drive. Dude, his physique.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah, great physique. Incredible. I mean, that's a, yeah, dude. And I will say this too for lists going forward, maybe it's a spoiler, but I think basketball and just growing up with kids, there'd be a guy who was pretty good at football or a dude who was like, oh man, he's a baseball player.
Starting point is 00:23:12 But you put him on the basketball court, that's where I'm like, that's where the money's made athletically for me. I'm like, that's where if you're doing that, you're running, you're jumping, you're D-ing up, you're moving laterally, you gotta have the hips, you gotta have the knees, got to have the hips. You got to have the knees.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You got to have the explosiveness. Yeah. I think it's like the best testament besides like if you wanted like a decathlon with someone. I'm like that's like this is the athletic measurement. And on top of that, he's cool. Yeah. He's fucking cool. Like I know you're a LeBron fan, but to me, LeBron's amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Hang on. Your mic's a little fucked up. Wiggle where it attaches to the... No, no, your microphone. I mean, he's just undeniably cool. I mean, you look at guys who are trying to level up to him like LeBron. Like, LeBron's amazing, but he's kind of annoying, you know? Yeah. MJ is just undeniably cool.
Starting point is 00:24:05 He will always be the coolest. Even if he's like kind of an asshole, he's fucking cool. I think most of the guys on these lists are going to be assholes. When I was doing my research yesterday, they all had personality flaws that people found grating. But I think that's part of being the best at what you do. And dude, yeah, just on athlete, like you can be the best at a sport, but not be close to the best athlete.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He's the rare person who was the best at his sport and also is like athletically. Well, I have a Bobby Knight. Can I play this Bobby Knight clip where he talks about, this is when Michael Jordan was in college and he was playing on the national team. This is Bobby Knight. The kid is just an absolutely great kid.
Starting point is 00:24:43 If I were going to pick the three or four best athletes I've ever seen play basketball, he'd be one of them. I think he's the best athlete I've ever seen play basketball, bar none. If I were going to pick people with the best ability I'd ever seen play the game, he'd be one of them. If I were going to pick the best competitors that I'd ever seen play, he'd be one of them. pick the best competitors that I'd ever seen play. He'd be one of them.
Starting point is 00:25:08 So in the categories of competitiveness, ability, skill, and then athletic ability, he's the best athlete. He's one of the best competitors. He's one of the most skilled players. And that, to me, makes him the best basketball player that I've ever seen play. It's crazy. And then the clip, he gets a a steal and you see him take off And he's just like within two steps. He just ran by everybody. Yeah, like I went oh
Starting point is 00:25:33 Same I mean dude literally it the barometer is the Michael Jordan of whatever it is Yeah, so it's fucking rad to him speaking at Kobe's funeral. Oh, yeah He even is and creates the best memes. Yeah. His cry face. He's the meme lord, dude. Man, the last dance was so fun. This is a tough pick for me because I really wanted Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 00:25:55 For me, Michael Jordan's the greatest athlete of all time. For all the reasons we said. But can't get him. So I'm going to go with someone I hate. But I hate him because he's so great. Oh, I know. I got to go with TB12, Tom Brady. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Seven times Super Bowl champ. And although I do think basketball is a more difficult sport, like the barrier of entry is more difficult for basketball, less roster spots, more difficult for basketball you know less roster spots uh more difficult size requirements i do think it's actually harder to win a championship in football for those same reasons there's just so many guys on the team injuries are more prevalent and uh you can't impose your will as much as you can in basketball like malcolm gladwell said basketball is a strong link sport football is more of is more of a weak-linked sport.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But I'm going with Tom Brady. First of all, to still be playing at a high level at 45, I don't know what kind of off-the-field treatments he's getting. I don't care. Everyone on this on my list probably did some naughty-naughty to get to where they're at.
Starting point is 00:27:02 But I have never seen someone have more complete mastery of football than tom brady i mean even as his athleticism diminished which was never at a high level like he's not a high 40 time guy i don't think he's gonna bench more than anyone on his team but he could stand in the pocket with monsters surrounding him, barely move his feet, add a second to the play, and then always know where the open guy was. And then he fixed his release. He worked on his footwork.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Everything just got perfected. It's like that same Michael Jordan, like samurai-like approach to their sport. Tom Brady has that more than almost. I mean, you know, obviously it's what we know about him. He just loves fucking football. And like Michael Jordan, if he was close in the fourth quarter, the game was over. Tom Brady was going to win the game. And he did it with tons of different guys around him.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Like that initial team that he won with versus the team he won his last Patriots Super Bowl with. It was 15 years between. There's no connective tissue between the between the guys on the field he did have Belichick the whole time but I think he proved once he went to Tampa Bay we already knew he was good but once he won one without Belichick you it kind of shifted the balance there we're like oh it might have been more Brady than a then Belichick and I don't know did he ever have besides the Randy Moss season in 07 and besides like the year where he had Gronk don't know did he ever have besides the Randy Moss season in 07 and besides
Starting point is 00:28:25 like the year where he had Gronk and Aaron Hernandez did he ever have like consistently a top five receiving core that he was throwing to I mean who's the best receiver he ever had besides Moss Julian Edelman I mean but Gronk or Gronk Gronk's the best tight end of all time that's true um but no he never had Randy Moss for that year was the best tight end of all time. That's true. But no, he never had... Randy Moss for that year was the best receiver. He had him for like two seasons, basically. Edelman, Wes Welker, and then... Who are nobodies on any other team.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And then I think it's a pretty significant drop-off to whoever's next. Because then you probably go Troy Brown from his first couple years on the Patriots. Or Deion Branch, maybe. Yeah, he did win a Super Bowl MVP one year. So I guess the tough part with Brady is he doesn't really pass the eyeball test the way the first two guys we mentioned did. Like when you watch Muhammad Ali box, it looks like something special. When you watch Michael Jordan play basketball, it looks like something special.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Brady can't compete in that category with even some of his contemporaries like Mahomes or Aaron Rodgers, where they make throws and they do stuff on the run that looks unique. But I guess to me, that makes him almost a more impressive athlete because it was just sheer mental understanding of the sport. And obviously, he's physically gifted. He's like 6'5", 240 and has a strong arm and was good at other sports when he was in high school. You wouldn't pick him because of athletes, but because the accomplishments are so outsized and crazy, you just say he's got to be on someone's list yes it's a good one it's tough
Starting point is 00:29:49 he's like what do you is there a distinction between being having greatness like tom brady inarguably has greatness he has the rings he has all that but you have to be good to have that greatness but maybe there's better athletes at or people who can move better like he's like the known slow guy but like you said he's still a fucking beast and like he has this quality too that i think mahomes kind of has has is like uh when they're down you know he'll find a way he'll find a way it's like it's like you never doubt that he's gonna find the inevitability of it that's a good point that's a jordan point too. It didn't matter if they were down, you go, he's going to find a way.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Tom Brady is going to find a way. It does always seem like God's on his side. When I watch Tom Brady, I'm like, there's more than just what's on the field here. Something cosmic wants him to win. He's in line. He did something right in a past life.
Starting point is 00:30:44 God is just pulling for him. And he's beautiful. He's in line. He did something right in a past life. God is just pulling for him. And he's beautiful. He's hot. Alright. Strider, who you got? Alright. Going back to back here. You guys took, I mean, I gotta go with the great one.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Gretzky. Wayne fucking Gretzky. The guys on ice skates dude the guys on motherfucking ice skates with a stick i'm not a big stats guy but by far and away like he's got untouchable stats like dominates his sport statistically better than maybe, I mean, there's other guys that will get mentioned, but it's just amazing. I don't even really watch hockey. I don't know anything about hockey.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You could ask me what icing is. No clue. Don't know what it means. But the fucking dude, his name's the great one. Dwayne Gretzky, he's a fucking beast. He's where the puck is. And he's got the best quotes, dude. And Michael Scott's got the best quote
Starting point is 00:31:47 about him. So I gotta go with the great one. Gretzky, dude. Nice. And to keep it moving. No one's excited about it. I get it. Here's the thing. None of us watch hockey. I'm more of a Bobby Orr guy. And there's another great
Starting point is 00:32:04 player on the list that I won't mention in case you want to. You're going to do the next best hockey player? Yeah, exactly. It's all hockey, guys. Dude, I played hockey for you. My favorite sport of all time. I played, and it's very hard. It's very hard.
Starting point is 00:32:14 The most physical exertion. When you go on the ice, it's fucking, you give it your all. Your shift is 90 seconds. What he did. And you're out of there. Yes. It's so hard. It's so hard. And ice is 90 seconds. What he did. And you're out of there. Yes. It's so hard. It's so hard.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And ice skating's difficult. All that shit. Puck handling, super difficult. If we're talking level of entry, this is why on my list I want to say there won't be any motor sports on my list. If there are on yours, cool. And I respect the hand-eye coordination
Starting point is 00:32:41 and the strength and the will and fucking watching tape and memorizing the track, whatever. But to put your body on skates, on ice and be like, I'm going to go around and do this with a stick. It's pretty insane to me. I can't even see the puck when I'm watching the fucking game. I don't like a sport like racing where you can be too big to play it. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yes, exactly. I like body types that are larger than life. That are rare. Yeah. I don't want to. I don't think Tom Brady could fit in a Formula One car. No, exactly. I like body types that are larger than life. That are rare. Yeah. I don't think Tom Brady could fit in a Formula One car. No, exactly. And nor should he. It's like the Christian Bale quote.
Starting point is 00:33:14 His business car doesn't fit in a Rolodex because it doesn't belong in a Rolodex. Right. Brady doesn't belong in an F1 car. We need to cover some stats, too. We've been light on stats here. I know. And I could look up some stats right now about Gretzky, but I'm too lazy. I think he's by far
Starting point is 00:33:27 in a way ahead in goals, assists. He's at 894 in goals. Ovechkin is 60 behind him. Coming up, yeah. Yeah, he's 60 behind him. But in total points, if you took out his goals, isn't he still like three times bigger than this guy or something? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:43 He was an assist machine as well. Gretzky's understanding, his cerebral understanding of the game, knowing where the puck's going to be, it's just unreal. Number two, I'm going pure athlete here, baby. I know where you're going. Bo Jackson. Yep. Professional from two sports.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And he was before the steroid era, so what he did is au natural, as far as we know, which is pretty rad. And just a straight-up freak. I feel like you could put Bo, drop him into anything, and he's going to be like, he's going to do it. Put him in an F1 car. He'll fit in there, kind of. Maybe he's too buff.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And some of the best highlights you can ever see, like you watch a play of him running a jet sweep. They'd say they clocked him at the 40. It's all apocryphal, maybe, but they say he ran a 4.12. They say he has the fastest 40 in history and he's 230 pounds. Yeah. They say he like didn't work out. They're like, he just did pushups every day.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I love all these stuff. I love the myth around him too. It's like he just fucking, he's bursted out of his mother's vagina. Just fucking did a perfect squat, landed it and just, you know, scored six. But I remember watching a doc on him like he had a little bit of a mean streak in him too he would just like he would would bully kids in his neighborhood by just throwing like uh like uh mandarins or whatever on the ground he'd be like just pegging kids just dominate i love that like he was just like yeah fuck these kids dude and
Starting point is 00:35:00 would just dominate have you seen highlights of him throwing people out from the outfield it's unreal because like you're doing it Because you're doing it pretty light. I imagine he was fucking drilling these kids. Dude, these kids were afraid. Yeah, exactly. I think they were getting injured by him just throwing darts. But now as an adult, I'd be honored to be like, Joe, fucking Bo Jackson nailed me with a dart. Dude, his biceps, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:24 His body. Just aesthetically, dude. The nailed me with a dart. Dude, his biceps, bro. His body. Just aesthetically, dude. The photo. Bo knows baseball. There's a photo where he's got shoulder pads on, no shirt, and a bat behind his, like, here. And he's just chilling like this. And he looks... He's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Do you guys want to watch him make a throw? Yeah, dude. Watch this chuck. This is from when he played baseball. Kansas City Royals. I don't know if he's on his socks right now. Just dribbles the guy. Man, all this talk makes me want to be an athlete.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Dude, when he would break bats when he'd strike out, it was rad. Oh my God, he's so thick. Over his legs, just... I think most people agree he's the greatest athlete ever in pure athleticism. Pure athleticism. He could be a linebacker. He could probably fucking get rebounds in basketball,
Starting point is 00:36:12 boxing people out. Fuck, dude, he's got a cannon. He should have played quarterback. Yeah, could have been quarterback. He probably would have played quarterback now. When it's more like dual threat is more emphasized, he could have been Mike Vick times two because he's got more body to him.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. And I think he would do, like you said, a pure athletic test, if you do a decathlon, no training, just out of the gate, take whatever athlete, I think he's gonna beat everyone across the board, like throwing a javelin, hucking a fucking thing, running some hurdles, doing that stuff. You know what's missing from the decathlon too is bench.
Starting point is 00:36:43 They don't have a weightlifting part of that. Don't they do a shot put? That's true. That's a shot put. Yeah. But I want to see something. I guess it's not a track and field event, but I'd like to see some CrossFit in there.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Like a keg toss. Like a power clean or something like that. Yeah. They have the Olympic lifts, but it would be sick if they incorporate it. They should incorporate it in that decathlon. There's something aesthetically more pleasing about keg toss. Keg toss, you're so right. Yeah, keg toss would be sick if they incorporate it they should incorporate it in that there's something aesthetically more pleasing about uh keg toss keg toss you're so right yeah keg toss would be nice do you guys ever do track and field no god no i run out very slow no i'm not um
Starting point is 00:37:15 not my none of that's good events for me you're fat you could have done it you could have done the hurdles or something dude i did hurt yeah dude that's the toughest one my brain it makes no sense i'm like how many steps do you take in between? It's the lead. So you go with the, you basically kick your leg like this. You lead like this. That's so awkward. It's a very strange motion to learn.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, because it's weird because you feel like you're going to kick it over, but you've got to kick that. Do like a high kick and then the rest of you follow us. Can you be too tall for that? So you go like this. You go kick and then look back. Can you go?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Goes like that. Wow. See that? Yeah. Good hips. I just don't think my hips could do that. That's what I was going to say. I don't know. I probably wouldn't be able to run very fast and jump over them. And Bo, too athletic for his own body exactly he's the only guy who could have got they say he's the only guy who could have got injured that
Starting point is 00:38:08 way horse collar tackled but at the fucking power with which he was running I think it was against the Cleveland Browns the fucking power with which he was running he still was able to take that step and dislocate his own hip came back was never quite the same yeah but he still came back and that's that's a he's almost greater because of the what if of it all too. We can fill in the... Yes. It's like a Tupac kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:38:31 All right, guys. With my next pick, going into Aaron land. I don't know if I'm picking who Aaron would want, but I'm picking a baseball player. From my lifetime, from my money, complete mastery of his craft. No weaknesses other than his personality. Barry Bonds, guys.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Fuck! Damn! I wanted to get that. Look, baseball is a numbers game. Now, again, I know he did steroids. I think a lot of those guys were doing roids. I could honestly kind of care less. He won three MVPs before he was on steroids.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Eight gold gloves. Was a member of the 40-40 club, which there's only four players that have done it. That means you steal 40 bags, you hit 40 homers. Guess what? You've got to have a lot of power and speed to do that. He's the all-time home run leader, the single season home run leader, the all-time walks leader. He has seven MVPs in total.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Seven times. And you know that means he probably should have won it nine or ten times and they were just like let's give it to jeff kent because we're sick of barry bonds um was uh was intentionally walked 120 times one year like he broke baseball they were like don't throw to this guy at all that led the intentionally walked with the bases loaded with the bases ju juiced to just give it one run. Yeah. And it worked. His career on base percentage is 444.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And then one year he had a 600 on base percentage. So baseball, everyone's like, it's a game of failure. You fail more than you succeed. Barry Bonds is the only guy who succeeded more than he failed, basically. He got on base 60% of the time. Which is the Billy Bean metric, baby. And then the eyeball test.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Like, when you watched Barry Bonds at bat, especially in his later steroid years where he had the armor on his arm and he was crowding the plate, he had a perfect eye. And then the umpires were fearful of him. They wouldn't call a strike on him because they were like, it's Barry Bonds. Like, if he doesn't swing, it's a ball. He's on steroids. He'll kill us. he'll flip out and then the season when he hit 70 what he hit 72 73 73 and he was just hitting them all into the cove it was i don't know i've never
Starting point is 00:40:37 seen someone be that unstoppable at their sport he felt like he was it was him and then there was everybody else like it was they they weren't even playing the same game. He played the Angels in that World Series and me and my brother were lucky enough to go to a couple games and he hit some fucking bar. Yeah, we saw him hit a homer. It was fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And they cut to one of the Angels, Tim Salmon in the dugout, and he goes, that's the farthest fucking ball I've ever seen hit. I remember that. It was the deepest ball I've ever seen. I remember them cutting that.
Starting point is 00:41:05 So, I mean, that's the thing. He played well in the Worlds, and they got all the way to the World Series, and then he just came up a little short, but like... The Angels. I was at that game, bro. We were at the game, too, where they won it? Yeah. Game 6 was the game, though. Yeah. I mean, he was just... He was... Oh, yes. Game 6 is when
Starting point is 00:41:21 they came back, when they were down. Game 6 was a big game. Game 7 was lame. I think Spezio had a big hit Who's also in a hard rock band called like Sand Viper? Check him out guys. That's right. I I saw Homer number 68 live. Yeah, whoa Dude, yeah, I was I was really into Barry Bonds that year it was The the crack of that bat. I'll never forget that. It was incredible. He was so fun that year.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It was such a fun thing to keep track of. Dude, his dangly earring. I fucking love that. That is cool. It was cool. His big ass head. And everyone says he was a douche. God bless him.
Starting point is 00:41:59 All baseball players are douchebags, dude. God bless him. Besides Trout. Trout's the man. Barry Bond seemed like he was like extra asshole. Superiority. Yeah. I wonder why. Look at the numbers,
Starting point is 00:42:12 dude. Yeah, no, for sure. His batting average was not over 300, but his OBS makes up for it. It was like 298. Pitchers, I mean, look, we at least know some of the pitchers were juicing. Eric Gagne? They're fucking, oh, Eric Gagne. Dude, you can watch Gagne, let's Gagne. Dude, you can watch Gagne. Let's put this into this.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You can watch Gagne versus Barry when Gagne's closing. Juice off. And they're at peak juice. And dude, both dugouts are on the railing watching. Amazing. When Gagne was the best closer for like, what, like one or two years? Yeah, he was filthy. And he was a fucking brick shithouse too.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Aaron, are you a Bonds guy? I do like Bonds, but it is hard to reconcile. And part of the reason he's not in the Hall of Fame too is because the writers vote. And if you're an asshole to writers for your entire career, guess what, man? They take that personally. To quote Michael Jordan. I don't know. Not put him in the Hall of Fame because of that?
Starting point is 00:43:02 No, now we've got a Hall of Fame. It's going to be all like Craig Biggio's. It's crazy. We tell our kids, like, yeah, that guy was a, he took a lot of grounders off the knee. Most hit by pitchers of all time. Yeah, no, he's, and I love Biggio, but it's just like. He'll get in. He'll get in eventually.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It has to happen. All the steroid guys who have the numbers have to get in. It's just a matter of. You really think they will? Yeah. They have to. They almost have to have their own wing. It's just a matter of... You really think they will? They have to. They almost have to have their own wing. It has to be on the plaque. It has to...
Starting point is 00:43:30 I don't think this younger generation is going to care as much because they don't feel as betrayed by it as the 40-year-old men who were covering it in real time. Yeah, exactly. All right. Big time. Chad, you're up. All right. I think I'm fucked, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:44 This next guy... No, dude. This next guy. Not dude. There's so many. I'm going to argue he's the most dominant athlete of all time. And he's transcended. You know, in his sport, you know, they sort of people seem to fizz out at age 30, age 35, they're done. He's still going, dude. It's Kelly Slater.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yeah. I mean, he's just incredible. I mean, he's double jointed. He's double jointed. Dude, he dominates in big waves and small waves. 11 world titles. Tell me an athlete who's more dominant than that, okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:24 And when I think about all the great competitors he went up against. I mean, some of those dudes would show up not hungover sometimes. Some of the times they weren't high. Dude, when they weren't late because they went on a taco run. Whatever, talk all the shit you want, all right? This guy, he's fucking in his 50s and he's still out there dominating. He dominates big waves, waves he'll carve he he he's furthered the sport you know he's he's brought about the evolution of the sport you know aerials he's got sick ass wave pools in like texas dude he created he created waves he's created waves want to know the only other person that's done that?
Starting point is 00:45:05 God. He's on God level. Talk all the shit you want, guys, but he is a dominant force. And when his rivals talk about him, they talk about his mentality the way people talk about Jordan, where they're like, he would win at any cost. He would go harder, farther, whatever you want to say to win. Like even betrayed Machado on the one wave. Yeah, and you're talking about competitors too.
Starting point is 00:45:26 You know who he competes with? God. Right. The Osh. Right. It's not even him against man. It's him and the Osh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:34 That's true. Yeah, him and nature. He's competing against nature. And he's still alive. If he stays alive, he's winning. Yeah, because nature's throwing giants at him and he's dancing on them. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And so you think those Florida waves, is that what made him coco beach yeah because you gotta you gotta learn it's technical you gotta i mean the fact that he was able to become that skill as a surfer in florida waves and then bring that to hawaii and dominate their wind pipe masters so many i like that is just uh has he won the eddie i don't know if he's won the Eddie. Aaron, has he won it? I don't know. Has he won any ESPYs? Dude, he might have actually. I found out recently that he
Starting point is 00:46:15 dated Pam Anderson for a while. Dude, yeah, he's in Baywatch. Cameron Diaz, Gisele Bundchen. Yeah, he's done well on that front. He looks amazing. I was going to say, is he the best looking? Tom Brady's a looker, but is Kelly Slater the best looking guy? He was 39 when he won his last world title. That's pretty insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He's got the longevity. So, yeah, Kelly Slate. K Slate's a good pick. Chris, you're up with two. First one, I'm going to go LeBron. Great pick. First one, I'm going to go LeBron. Great pick.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I mean, dude, of all the athletes we've picked, he's the craziest. Freak. Besides Bo, craziest athlete. Well, he's like, I would put him in the same. When he was peak Miami, when he was like, what, 6'9", like 290, and he was the fucking fastest guy on the court. Bro. And he could shoot, and he's one of the best passers of all time. And just watching him just also defensively at that time, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:11 He was just so fucking big. And fast and coordinated. Dude, the Iguodala block. I know you're a big Warriors guy. We love our friend. Yeah. But man, that one fucking. And I hate that they're like best player of all time.
Starting point is 00:47:25 It gets brought up as one of the greatest players of all time so often. It was so good. And you see the replay like once a playoffs. Like once a year they'll show it. You know what I mean? And it fucking sucks. And then the longevity too. I mean, he's 38.
Starting point is 00:47:39 He's averaging 30 a game right now. He's still close to being the best player in the league. And how many finals in a row? Seven? In a row? I don't know. Has he been to 11 finals? I think he went to seven in a row.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I think he's been to 10 and he's won four. Dude, it's impressive. I mean, dude, what he's doing, his body size is unreal. Also, his understanding of the game. Like, dude, he's just like fucking, like a knock against him was like, why does he pass so much? Just go score more.
Starting point is 00:48:11 He's like, no, like I fucking, I'm going to distribute and make people better around me, which is like a huge thing. And we don't even consider him a scorer. I think it was on a Zach Lowe podcast, and he said that LeBron said, I think that's, I think people don't think of me that way because I don't have a signature move.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Dude, that's true. Which I thought was that he's like... Interesting. Yeah, it doesn't have the Kobe fadeaway, it doesn't have the Kareem skyhook. Doesn't have the Larry jumper. But LeBron, but he kind of did everything. Because he wasn't a great three-point shooter
Starting point is 00:48:40 and then he got to pretty good, especially... And then, I don't know. I guess for me, it's just him driving down the lane and then just fucking to like pretty good especially and then i don't know i guess for me it's just him driving down the lane and then just his big old dunk like like the out that stretched out dunk this way yeah for but i thought he was going to be a bust but what i didn't which is like whenever i have a you might have been wrong on that one yeah exactly whenever i have a sports take i'm like well look i just thought lebron was going to be a bust and like he's obviously but i was like no he's not going to be able to dominate like this when he's playing guys who are
Starting point is 00:49:07 the same size. And then he went to the league and I was like, oh, he's still bigger than everybody. Exactly. He was already a man. I didn't think about that. Like, oh, like he's, no, like he's still going to be the best athlete on the floor.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And dude, you know what? LeBron has never really had any issues or like anything crazy. Like he's done stuff that's kind of annoying. He's just a dork. Exactly. And it's like, that's fine. Like I'll take that take that in a pro like that's what's a luxury to have being like the most famous high schooler ever and then you just kind of like age into being one of the greatest basketball players who's also a dork yes that's like the best outcome you could i could imagine totally like there's so many versions where he's a way worse and or
Starting point is 00:49:44 more annoying person. Yeah. I feel like people get mad at him for having ego, basically. They're like, he has a huge ego. He deserves it, dude. I'm like, well, he's LeBron James. Like at the Super Bowl, he put like a crown on his head. He got like booed.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'm like, dude, the fans are annoying. Like, why are we booing LeBron? And then all of his failures get like, you know, we pick moments where he came up short and we're like, oh, we played bad against the celtics and like you know the playoffs one time i'm like he's he's going up against other warriors and he's gonna have moments that it doesn't work out his way and you get the dads who are like he's le beijing he's anti-american he's invested over in the chinese leagues i'm like so are you dude yeah exactly i'm like i'm like you're in the microchip company you own a fucking ton of shit yeah i'm like but yeah but but, but you just like the human rights over there.
Starting point is 00:50:25 But human rights here. Human rights here. I'm like, dude, fucking. Nice iPhone. Yeah. Where'd they make it? Exactly, bro. That's a good pick.
Starting point is 00:50:33 You got one more, Chris? Yeah, I'm fucking. It's tough to go back to back. Yeah, good pick on LeBron. It's tough to go back to back. Take your time, dude. I really wanted. You got a good list.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I'm jealous. I really wanted Barry Bonds. Dude, can I trade lists, dude? I'm kind of wondering which running... You want a running back? I think I do. There's only two. There's only two.
Starting point is 00:50:52 There's two. And I got the best, but you got some of the sick ones, too. I know you did, and I'm like... You could go with the third guy. Because there's one I didn't watch, and then there's one that I did watch. Yeah. What do you think? Probably the one I watched, right?
Starting point is 00:51:05 I think it's a toss-up. I mean, I think the guy you didn't watch has more of a historical legacy. I think the guy you did watch is probably freakier as an athlete. Think about your list. You have... And I'm not here to help you. Ollie, LeBron. It's so tough, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:19 It's like, I do want to ask. I want to help you, but I can't right now. Fuck. You also don't have to do that. but I can't right now. Fuck. You also don't have to do that. You can mix it up completely. But I kind of want a football player, and I feel like I should grab one now just in case. I'm just going to go Adrian Peterson.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Oh, I didn't think that at all. I thought it was Barry Sanders or Jim Brown. Oh, I was kidding. Kidding, kidding. Sorry, sorry. I already got mine, but I don't know if you guys want them. It was between Barry Sanders and AP. But I'm going to go AP because he was fucking stout dude and he was so fast and i actually watched him play i didn't
Starting point is 00:51:51 really watch football yet when barry sanders was going his highlights are unreal but like i don't know man ap was so i mean he was good as an 18 year old in college he couldn't true freshman he should have won the heisman i watched him in the high high school All-American game and the commentator said then, and people still stand by it, that he could have gone straight to the league out of high school in football. That's amazing. Like he was already built like that. And he would run people over.
Starting point is 00:52:15 He had breakaway speed. And man, he's probably the most impressive running back that I've seen. Yeah. Dude, Torres, came back the next year with under a year and ran for, I think, that wasn't his 2,000 yard season, but I think he had like 1,500 plus. Beast. And I just wanted to, I feel like football players
Starting point is 00:52:39 are just so explosive. I needed to get one in there, dude. Ask his kids butt cheeks about it too. I'll tell you what an athlete he is. Best dad on the list by far. Seems like he's not a good father. JT and I did get... We drafted him in fantasy the year he got suspended
Starting point is 00:52:54 for hitting his kid with a switch. Oof. All right. A lot of money for him. Guys, I'm just going to show everybody this. We'll put the photo up on the pod. Oh, that's a rig, dude. That's Adrian Peterson shirtless.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Oh, that's... 6'1", 220. Dude, he's lean in the abs at 220. Whoa. And dude, he literally has baseballs for deltoids. Those are baseballs. And dude, he ran upright. Like his pad level was bad and he still ran through dudes.
Starting point is 00:53:24 But you'd see him dip see him dip demolish a guy and then he was back up and he was already at full speed again and dude he's sprinting for like i mean because he had so many touchdowns like over like 60 plus yards breakaway speed and power and speaking of superhuman stuff which i love his doctor said his injury they're like other humans would not come back as fast like his body literally heals better than you like most normal people like he said he wasn't human he said he doesn't have anything in common with other people exactly exactly he does look like the fucking predator in that photo dude he's so jacked chad what do you think? Dude his rig is outstanding G-Bone you're up alright
Starting point is 00:54:10 okay I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with a guy who's just pure athleticism. He dominated in his sport. I'm gonna go with Usain Bolt. Dude, great pick. Nice. I mean you watch the guy... It just looks too easy.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I know. And he's fucking... he's doing sprints. He's just taunting the people behind him. He's smiling. He's smiling. I mean, he's just like... Pure athleticism... you look at, I mean, that rig. Speaking of rigs, I mean,'s just like a pure athlete you look at I mean that rig speaking of rigs I mean fires me up dude
Starting point is 00:54:48 he started a scooter company that's you know playing tugging on my heart strings did he I think he did that right I think he's
Starting point is 00:54:55 bolt bolt scooters sorry yeah bolt scooters if I fucking see one I'm gonna ride one that's rad
Starting point is 00:55:03 and yeah I mean he's just like watching it just the ease with which he beat everybody was and the hype coming in you know what I mean cause like there's always the Olympics especially it's so hard because there's so much
Starting point is 00:55:17 I feel like there's so much pressure on these people cause if you did people know you're the favorite especially in something like sprints which is like one of the biggest events at the Summer Olympics, you know? And then he just lived up to it and just like dominated so thoroughly. It was so fun to watch. And when he's running too, it almost looks like he's skipping.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Do you see that where he's just sort of just like, he's like, yeah, this is fine. Yeah. It's unreal. Yeah. So. And he's 6'5". They thought he was too tall to be a 100-meter sprinter. But he's got unique body mechanics.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah. And it is like the oldest kind of sport. Yeah, wrestling and running. And he brought charisma to it, too, which is kind of rare. Like, he had real, like, personality. Yeah, he was a showman about it. Like, his, like personality. Yeah. He was a showman about it. Like his like celebration after he won.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Like he just looked, he looked like it was fun to watch because it looked like he was having just such a fun time. Yeah. I guess that, so Jamaica is like has the best runners for like the last couple of decades and it's a small country. So it's insane that they dominate such a global sport with, with a small population. But I guess even beyond that, they all come from the same tribal lineage in Jamaica. It's like one specific subset of people that whatever it is in their genetics,
Starting point is 00:56:32 they're just gifted runners. I think Asafa Powell, same thing. So it's just unique. Dude, and it's awesome too that he's like, it is a great pick because it's truly being like every kid that's ever done this growing up everyone who's been like i'm gonna beat you from here to over there i mean it's just straight up just athletic a bit like it's just it's pure what you got it's just pure yeah i mean i guess yeah it's just pure running yep he's just the
Starting point is 00:57:00 fastest he's the fastest person on the planet cut everything else out of it let's go yeah it's kind of nice guys i'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we're on tour check us out chad and gt.com get your tickets but we're also brought to you by athletic greens guys i drink athletic greens every morning i love athletic greens because it has everything i need in one delicious drink i just pour it into water in the morning. I get all my nutrition, all my vitamins, all my minerals, all my pre-biotics, all my probiotics, all my biotics in one go. And it's delicious. And like I take, so I like to eat, you know, later in the day, a little bit of intermittent fasting. So I start with AG1 and then it makes it's just you know when you
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Starting point is 00:59:37 I got some names on here that everybody knows. They're not getting picked. I'm this close to picking a rugby player. And no one's picked a soccer player yet that's on the board. Pick the best snooker player of all time, dude. We're making best lists. But you know what? I'm going to go.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And I don't think anyone would have picked him. I would have got this guy with the fourth pick, I think. But I'm going to go. And I don't think anyone would have picked him. I would have got this guy with the fourth pick, I think. But I'm going to stick with track and field. And I'm going with Carl Lewis. Carl Lewis, yeah. Nine total gold medals. He was a graceful sprinter. He won the 100 meter.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I don't think he's as good of a 100 meter runner as Usain Bolt has aged into being. I think Usain Bolt's got more gold medals. But Carl Lewis won the gold in the 100, won the gold in the 200, won the relay, but was also the best long jumper in the world. I think he still holds the indoor record for the long jump. So that stood for like 40 years. He won the long jump four Olympics in a row. Potentially could have won five.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I think he was a little too young, but he missed out on Moscow because of the boycott in 1980. Won four gold medals and won Summer Olympics. Tied Jesse Owens' record. Obviously, Jesse Owens' record's a little bit greater because he did it in front of the Nazis. But, I mean, to win four, I think he's the only guy to ever defend the long jump gold medal. And he didn't just do it once. He did it three times.
Starting point is 01:01:01 He won four of them. He would have won two golds in the 100 meter but he lost to ben johnson who was on the juice but then it turned out carl lewis he got popped for amphetamine so like i said everybody on my list a little naughty naughty they're all looking for that edge was a huge douchebag everybody hated him didn't get endorsements because he would rub his greatness in everyone's faces and this is an interesting national anthems ever that dude if you look him up it's so sad that's what pops up first like one of national anthems ever that dude if you look him up it's so sad that's what pops up first like one of our greatest olympians and if you look him
Starting point is 01:01:29 up it's just him bombing the national anthem and players laughing at him and uh an interesting thing about his sprinting he wasn't a power sprinter everyone said how graceful he was he has the slowest decelerate it actually looked like he was speeding up at the end because he had such perfect technique. He could maintain his speed for the entire 100 meters. So he's actually not accelerating, but everybody else is going so much slower at the end that it looks like he's going faster. And that's how he won all
Starting point is 01:01:53 of his golds. So yeah, I think he's my favorite track and field guy in terms of accolades and 6'2", 180, sinewy muscle. I'm also sticking with the Olympics. I'm also doing something that's a huge barrier to entry because I ain't getting in the fucking water.
Starting point is 01:02:11 The greatest Olympian of all time, Michael Phelps. The guy, it's, look at any triathlon. Run 26 miles, bike 500 miles. Swim 1,500 meters. It is so fucking hard. And to be that dominant, similar to Carl Lewis, at every fucking stroke, across multiple Olympics, the dude's just a beast, dude. And like, it's just a beast. I mean, he's a guy I'd love to just post up and smoke a bong with, too.
Starting point is 01:02:44 He seems pretty in touch with himself these days He got a lot cooler He came in None of us liked him Dork Dork athlete What did we expect? But I'll take a dork over a dick
Starting point is 01:02:52 I don't like these guys I felt like he could have done a lot by just saying Yeah I did smoke So what? Exactly And it's so lame that that's the era But instead I get it He was like
Starting point is 01:03:02 And I understand why he did it I'm sorry I messed up. I was like, come on. Well, he must not have had a normal childhood either. He must have been in the pool. No, he's like swimming. He's like homeschooled for sure. These Olympic guys.
Starting point is 01:03:13 He wasn't socialized. Oh, he's got bad social skills for sure, dude. Well, the thing about swimming too is it's pure mental strength. Dude, yes. The grit you have to have to get in the water every day and swim for that. I did fucking swimming lessons in Connecticut. The worst time of my life.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I can't think of any time in my life where I was more miserable than when I did swimming. The disaster. It's pretty grueling. Yeah, and then you have swim meets, you're just nervous, and then you swim, you're just glad it's over. There's nothing like, when you win a race it's rewarding and the physique you get is rewarding but other than that there's no it's
Starting point is 01:03:51 just you against yourself in the water and it's just like the the strength it takes to keep going and to keep pushing yourself because it's just exhausting like there's it's not like catching a ball where it's fun it's just it. Yeah, there's no fun part of it. Yeah, and to be that persistent and that dominant and to fucking, you know, that takes a lot of strength. Unbelievable mental fortitude. And also, like, in his last Olympic, he's like, I'm going to take a few events off and still did, like, 10.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Dude, if you go do one Olympic event, you're a beast. Yeah. He did them all. And in the pool, it's unbelievable. Now, to discredit, it's also hilarious to, yeah he did them all and in the pool it's unbelievable now to discredit it's also hilarious to like watch the ref walk by the pool yeah he's just walking way more efficiently yeah but uh no dude i mean it the guy's unbelievable dude and he's a specimen too oh his whole his last bro yeah turtle shell dude he's tall as fuck when people ever they're uh their rumors are like his hands are webbed.
Starting point is 01:04:46 He's got webbed hands. He's got webbed feet. Well, there is something about that. Like Katie Ledecky, who's the biggest, who's like our number one lady swimmer right now. She's got huge feet. So she basically has fins. Her feet are like size 13s. Dude, I don't know what I was thinking swimming.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I have small hands. Exactly. You gotta cup that water, bro. And then my coach, he just didn't like me because i was kind of a stoner he made me do the 400 free oh bro fucking brutal anyways and then i would uh you know what i think helped phelps perception wise was ryan lochte yeah toll oh yeah dude pissing on gas stations at beijing everyone's like hey we got this new guy. And he's like, Phelps, but he's hot. And he's like in his sneakers. He's cool.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And then Locked, he ended up being such a fucking dumbass that everyone was like, hey, Phelps is actually cool. He tried to invent some saying where he's like, chicken, yeah. Yeah. He had like a phrase. He's like, the entourage saying will be my, like, whoa. And then what did he do in Rio? He like broke some shit and like broke into a place and then said he got mugged. He got a ticket for pissing on like outside of the gas station and then got into an argument with the cops and instead made up that he got held up by guys with, by dirty cops with
Starting point is 01:05:56 guns. And in an interview he goes, they put a gun in my head. I said, do what you're going to do. All made up. That is amazing. The fourth athlete, Ryan Lochte. I just saw him on a reality TV show, dude. He got voted off pretty early, but he seemed like he grew up a lot.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Very fun guy. Everybody liked him. Really? Yeah. Public hazing probably. Well, because I think he just does have like a fun personality. Yeah. And you know, that was like 15 years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:24 And they're kids when this stuff is happening too. They're like 21 year olds who get thrust into like the global spotlight. And imagine the release after you've done your event and you're like,
Starting point is 01:06:32 I can just go have a beer now and like just piss outside. That Olympic Village sounds like a good time. Yeah. Oh, you imagine the orgies?
Starting point is 01:06:39 The orgies must be. Remember that famous photo of Usain Bolt with like the Scandinavian like javelin team? Oh, that's the best, dude. You know what he does?
Starting point is 01:06:52 I remember I saw that photo. I go, he deserves it. He does deserve it, dude. He's the man. All right. For my final pick, golf. No, I'm kidding. I will never do a golfer.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Let's see. If you did do a golfer. Let's see. If you did do a golfer, who would you pick? Tiger? Got to be Tiger if I pick a golfer. It has to be Tiger. Because he does fucking niggas heel training, and that's tight. I'm going to go with, and I've done no research on this. This is to make Aaron cream.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Stan Musial? The house that Ruth built. Oh, nice. Babe Ruth. You know, if we wouldn't be watching baseball today without him, it's a lame pick, but you know what? The guy's stats are great. And he's a fucking famous-ass athlete.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I feel like if you ask a dude on some corner of the earth, you're like hey man do you know who babe ruth is they'd be like yeah i heard of that guy you know it's but i feel like you don't believe in this right you know also also i want to say but here's why i really like the guy is he partied dude oh that's cool and he was a barrel chested big old bastard he was a big ass dude and he fucking would just have a stogie in one hand and be hanging out. Sounds like an athlete. Dude, exactly.
Starting point is 01:08:10 This is my non-athlete athlete to balance out my list. This is just fame, straight, famous-ass guy. And, dude, he would hit fucking dingers. For the same reason we love the sport now, Ruth set the fucking... He's the guy who made the blueprint for what it is so you got to go with babe ruth i mean also you know if you check the experts he's right behind michael jordan and all these lists so i like getting the the best athlete of all time at like the fourth
Starting point is 01:08:38 slot so that's nice he was also a great pitcher yeah and he threw the rock aaron appreciate you coming in having my back there. I don't have any stats. Did no research, but he's a guy who requires none. Third all-time in home runs, third all-time in RBIs. And I think when he had 60, he had more home runs than every other team in the American League combined. Probably not combined, but definitely. Any other team combined.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's for sure. He was easily, you know. What, he was like 5'2", 240? Yeah, if him and Bo Jackson had a kid, the kid would have average body fat percentage. Oh, yeah. He was a barrel.
Starting point is 01:09:16 His gut, dude. The guy would eat a porterhouse then go fucking park some balls, dude. So I like that about him. I like that he was rough because he was probably a huge asshole. I like that he wore long capes. He looked like he was going to rob a bank in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:09:30 And that's tight. He'd smoke cigars at bat, right? Oh, yeah. Chewing tobacco. He was never not smoking. I mean, look, baseball... Exactly, dude. That's why you watch baseball back in the day. You're like, I couldn't do it. Yeah. Baseball's the lowest caliber of athlete. Like, I feel like it's almost... Like, could you eat a steak? I agree with you, but I wouldn't say that in front of Aaron.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, but here's the thing. I made Aaron cream. I took Babe. I put my- I don't think you made me cream. You don't like Babe Ruth? I hate the Yankees. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Well, I mean, come on, baby. Some of his home runs are actually, would be ground rule doubles now. I don't like championships. He's got a lot of them. He's got that one thing against him, too, where he didn't play against any brothers, too. That's bad. That is bad.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Aaron, since we can't see you, can you make cream noises? I know this is late in the game. Of course. Thanks. Sorry. No, no, no, please. That's it. There are other ways I could have creamed on that one. I'm just gonna say Strider. I know, I should have gone with like another... ...fucking TIE cop. No, dude, it's a good pick. Fucking TIE cop. I know I should've gone with like another fucking Ty Cobb. No dude, it's a good pick.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Ty Cobb. I mean dude, I mean dude, who do we, who do you, who's like the first athlete you learned about as a kid? Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth. John Goodman played him in a movie. I mean. You had to lose weight to play the Babe.
Starting point is 01:10:36 You had to lose weight dude. You had to gain weight to play the Babe. You had to gain weight to play him dude. Yeah. You had to develop a nicotine addiction dude. We're going to get to play this guy. How to develop a nicotine addiction, dude. I think Goodman can get there. He's method, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:54 All right. I was going to get fancy with my fourth pick, but I think I'm actually going to go with someone I didn't predict that I was going to take. He is of the moment. I'm going to go with Lionel Messi as my fourth pick. Smallest guy on the list, but perfectly designed for the sport that he plays. I mean, fit for what he does and passes the eyeball test. When you watch that guy with the ball attacking the D it's incredible.
Starting point is 01:11:28 They can't knock them off. He's got such pace and skill and vision. Like I'll just watch his passing highlights sometimes. And like a soccer field is fucking gigantic. He'll have his back to like where his guys are at and he'll just like back. He'll touch it perfectly into space and and set someone up for a goal and then I mean his resume now is like unimpeachable he's got like he had a brilliant World Cup he got the final
Starting point is 01:11:55 like jewel in his crown dude yeah and him in space like the way he handles the rock like just watching this most recent World Cup when it's like tight in the box he doesn't do those frustrating things where it's like even the best player it's like damn it's a turnover he handles the ball takes that little extra step that makes your brain go he always beats like one extra guy yeah and it's amazing and he makes something out of nothing like that goal that not the goal the assist he had where he was dribbling around the box and he passed it across thinking of exactly it was unbelievable and he making players better like these are kind of like newer guy i mean they're obviously great players but like who are his other studs on that and he passed it across. That's what I was thinking of, exactly. Dude, it's unbelievable. And he's making players better. Like, these are kind of, like, newer guys.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I mean, they're obviously great players, but, like, who are his other studs on that team? Like, he doesn't have the other guys he used to have, like a Suarez or the guy that, like, bit someone. Suarez was the bidder. And then the blonde guy from the past. Yeah. I guess he has the best keeper, but, dude,
Starting point is 01:12:40 also they call him the Flea. What a great nickname. And, yeah, I think he seems like a good guy. Yeah, he's got his lady. Yeah, he's married to his high school sweetheart. His biggest flaw was a tax evasion thing. I don't count that against you. He shouldn't pay taxes.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I guess a lot of people get in trouble for that in Spain too, right? That's pretty common for Japanese. Well, Shakira's getting in trouble with it right now. Yeah, she's going through it. But I think they're going to throw the book at her because her and Pique broke up. Oh, yeah, Pique broke up. Oh, yeah, Pique. And she's slaying her. And you know the Spanish.
Starting point is 01:13:07 They're like neighbors. They're going to take their boy Pique. Of course. He helped them win some trophies. But yeah, he was part of the Panama Papers. Really? Yeah. See, that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Big legacy. He was helping them out. But yeah, he was my favorite soccer player to watch. And it is, dude. There's like He was helping him out. But yeah, I mean, he was, I mean, he was, he's been, he was my favorite soccer player to watch. And it is, dude, there's like four guys around him. They're all saying, we need to stop him. And he just won't go down. And the ball somehow stays like, like it's glued to his feet or it's on a string.
Starting point is 01:13:38 It's amazing, dude. And then the finishing is world-class. The vision, so fucking fast. Dishing is world class. The vision, so fucking fast. And man, he would, more so than any other superstar, he wouldn't go down just because he got bumped into. He would keep trying going because he would know,
Starting point is 01:13:56 well, I'm still running, I'm going to stay up. He had that low center of gravity that helped him with it. And so I also appreciate it because it is the most frustrating part of soccer is people going down after a nudge. And he didn't do that, at least not nearly as much as his contemporaries. And I think him and Maradona all time have the most like one on the entire defense goals. Where it's just a one guy just marauding through and there's nothing the other side can do to get him off the ball and to stop him. And similar body types, dude. Both little dudes with these jacked-ass legs.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Maradona's legs, bro, were little fucking oak trees. He looks so fast when you see him run. Yeah, that probably would have been my... If I didn't go with Pele and I went with another soccer player, I would have gone with Maradona. I think when you watch soccer, too, like, to what you were saying, it's kind of frustrating, but that's because when you watch it,
Starting point is 01:14:43 it looks like the most difficult sport to really dominate at because when you see when you see someone finally like break away with the ball and then like get through people it just looks like it's the most difficult thing in the world and so to be able to dominate at that and excel at that i think is needs to be you know noted chris take us home oh Chad sorry um alright I gotta I gotta pay homage to my family's
Starting point is 01:15:13 fandom you know we're from the Bay Area since early 1900's uh I gotta pay homage to a San Francisco 49er Jerry Rice baby vote the best football
Starting point is 01:15:31 player of all time by NFL Network three Super Bowls and I was a fan as a kid I was a Niner fan as a kid I'd watch him as a kid big Steve young guy as well
Starting point is 01:15:51 But I think Jerry Rice just as an athlete as a wide receiver I thought he was just the most fun guy to watch so yeah And we didn't even throw the rock as much in his day, and if he played now, bro Yeah, the fucking numbers he put up would be If he played now, bro, the fucking numbers he put up would be What's the one lockout season? He had 22 touchdowns, I think, in a 12-game season. Yeah, bro. Bro, it's unreal.
Starting point is 01:16:12 It was unbelievable. And, dude, he was so smooth. He was so smooth. Him and Deion. Wasn't the fastest guy. Like, 4.6 speed, but didn't waste a step. Tight routes and hands. Those hands.
Starting point is 01:16:23 And, dude, also an earring guy. Dude, I love earring guys. You have an earring. That was sick. Dude. He caught 122 passes in that season, 1,848 yards, and 22 touchdowns in 12 games.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Unbelievable. And then, I mean, dude, all time, he's, I think he has, yeah, he's got 200 plus touchdowns. Emmitt Smith's at 175. And his photo on Wikipedia is giving a shocker. Oh, dude. You know he's cool.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Dude, check this out. This is an amazing Jerry Rice clip. I'll have Jake throw this in. Jake, you're a legend. This is Jerry Rice into his 50s. He's at a Elite 11 camp. And this DB, this young 18 like 18 year old challenges him. And this is what Jerry Rice does to him.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Because this is what it was all about for Jerry. I mean, the routes, dude. The guy had the route tree. So he's not even warm, right? He's got the earring on, just chilling. This high school kid's like, come on, bro. Take me on. Take me on.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Later. Oh, my gosh, dude. Take me on. Take me on. Later. Oh, my gosh, dude. Hilarious. And then a bad ball. Bad pass. Yeah. But, dude, the way he got that kid's hips turned. Like, to even just school you.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Watching the receiver sink his hips and then turn and break out is just. It's unbelievable. It's so satisfying. Chris, are you taking this home? Yeah, but I think I'm going to go with somebody who's just the most dominant in their sport. Just so you know, Babe Ruth's not available. I know where you're going, and we needed this. She does have a knock against her.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah, because she... We needed it. We needed it. We needed it. Chris, huge. She's huge. Simone Biles. Oh!
Starting point is 01:18:00 I thought you were going Serena. Bro, I thought about it. I was going to... If we went five, I would have gone Simone Biles. Oh, dude, good pick. When you watch her versus other people that are supposed to be the best in the world, she jumps like just twice as high. She has a ton of shit in gymnastics.
Starting point is 01:18:20 If you do something first, they name it after you. She's got like five, dude. That's amazing. Because she just does shit that other people can't do it actually sucks the scoring because she she attempts tricks that people can't do so like her score is based on something that's totally out of whack yeah judges if she does if she does a shitty job she'll do just as well as somebody doing a way lesser trick perfectly. That's how much more shit she can do than anyone else that she competed with. It's another sport where, like, it's another person that we picked where longevity.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Because, like, in gymnastics, you get. Oh, you're done. Yeah. People are starting to get older and older. But, like, she did a really good job of staying dominant. I think she has 19 gold medals at Worlds. Which is huge. I think she's the most, she's tied, or is the most decorated American Olympian,
Starting point is 01:19:15 or gymnastics gymnast. And yeah, she's just... She's spring-loaded, dude. She just jumps higher than everybody. And she's 4'8", which is sick. Huge. And dude, I love this pic, because, once again,
Starting point is 01:19:28 this is something that normal humans don't do. How many humans do a flip, bro? I'm gonna go my whole life, zero flips will ever be done by me. She's fucking twisting a billion times every press. Like, the barrier to entry, first of all, the fucking balls it takes, or cojones, or whatever you want to call them,
Starting point is 01:19:43 grit guts, to get up there and almost break your neck. Yeah, the labias. The fucking vas deferens it takes to get in there and fucking swing on those bars. It's unbelievable, dude. You know, she has the best proprioception of everyone. Because no one else, we haven't picked any, except for maybe Kelly Slater. We don't have any flippers. You've got to have those flippers, bro.
Starting point is 01:20:00 She's a flipper. She did, it does suck that in this most recent olympics where she just like got in her head about it michael jordan would never it's true this is a knock but once again this is your number four pick so that's okay but she's human yeah and like she's still like it would have been nice if she if she patted her stats even more yeah but she was already so out in front of anyone who's ever done it. Yeah. Annoying when everyone was like, that's brave. Like it's, it's a little bit more brave to go and break your neck. Look, I sympathize.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I won't celebrate it as much as you will, but I do like that sucks. She is great. And I don't want it to. Well, like if one of the 9-11 hijackers was like, hey, I'm too scared to do this and sat out, would that be brave? You know, I don't know if he'd be rewarded. I think the virgins
Starting point is 01:20:53 when he got to heaven would be like, no ass for you. I don't think his reasons for sitting out are brave. If he were standing up to them, that'd be brave. But if he'd say he's scared... brave is being scared and doing it anyway yeah so yeah does that make sense yeah yeah I think I'm still just it's a good question so I'm really trying to give it the thought that it deserves I I think when you watch a
Starting point is 01:21:23 gymnast on the horse you're like that's that's peak human You know what I mean? Just the swinging dude No, no not on a horse on the the fucking Yeah the pommel horse The pommel horse yeah yeah Only dudes do that one Oh I thought you were going like this yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:21:36 Only dudes do it? You thought Chris was fucking a horse They swing their legs across it to get going and then they have a little Dude yeah I actually think the men's like rings and pommel horse I think are like so much worse to look at yeah, they're straight and do yeah, cuz it's really just guys The rings they're straining their face looks and then you see agony their shoulders rolling way You know I mean good shoulder mobility didn't if you watch those sports like if you watch old Olympic clips like from the 60s or something,
Starting point is 01:22:05 like you watch the dude, what's the one where you fucking, is it the pommel horse or you fucking run at it and then do the flip and then stick the landing? No, that's vault. Vault.
Starting point is 01:22:11 If you like watch old vaults, it's like someone goes up, hits it and does like one flip. Yeah. And it's like gold medal. And then now you watch people vaulting. It's like the fucking ascent of this sport and what people are doing is insane.
Starting point is 01:22:22 It's insane. They're going to be flying in like 20 years, dude. There's going to be no vault. They're just going to be hovering. Suspended. Playing Overwatch, dude. Like if you can stand still in the air, that's a 10.
Starting point is 01:22:32 It's going to be mercy. Someone's going to flip and just stand there and hang in the air. There is one flip and it's so, I don't remember what it's called, but where they don't bend their knees at all and they kind of have their arms out like this and they're doing full flips. Oh, yes. It looks so cool because if somebody's doing a flip, you're like, yeah, tuck your knees, but they're like, nah, dude,
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'm going to lay out as wide as I can and still do it. Should we get into honorable mentions? Speaking of horses, I think Sports Illustrated might have named this thing the Athlete of the Century Secretariat. The author needs to get the people's elbow for that.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Was that Rick Riley who did that? I'm sure it was. You know who I'll say too is another person who I think is going to drop on the list? Because with Babe, I think it's the same thing. It's just time. I think it's Jim Thorpe. Jim Thorpe is down. When I was growing up, everybody said Jim Thorpe was the best athlete of all time.
Starting point is 01:23:19 But he competed in 1912. Yeah, exactly. But he won the decathlon. He played professionally in three different sports. Like, all around he was a freak. But I just, you watch the footage and you're like... Nah, it doesn't do the eyeball test anymore. It's like 8mm.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Dude, actually, a lot of people say this guy's the greatest boxer of all time, including Muhammad Ali. But he just doesn't have the name. Sugar Ray Robinson. Yeah, they say he's the best. Yeah. Bertolino wants have the name. Sugar Ray Robinson. Yeah, they say he's the best. Bertolino wants to come in. That's awesome. It's perfect timing. We're actually getting to, we're doing honorable mentions right now.
Starting point is 01:23:50 We're getting to the judging stage. I got to run, so I'm not going to be able to judge. Okay, do you just want to hear our list real quick? I do want to hear it, yeah. All right, this is the first time we're recapping it. Let me pull it. I'm nervous. Guys, so do you want to come on camera real quick?
Starting point is 01:24:03 Guys, this is Mike Bertolino. He runs ATC. He is our steward, our captain. And he always weighs in on our drafts after the fact. We call him and get his feedback. He helps Strider sometimes with his list. Whoa, hey, everyone has their guys. Everyone has their guys.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Come on, come on. And yeah, so he's going to help us decide today. All right, so here's the list. Chris, it's number one pick, Muhammad Ali. Number two. You were the first pick? Yeah. First overall.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Yep. Muhammad Ali, LeBron James, Adrian Peterson, Simone Biles. Chad, Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, Usain Bolt, Jerry Rice, four. Jordan, Kelly Slater, Usain Bolt, Jerry Rice, four. JT, Tom Brady, Barry Bonds, Carl Lewis, Lionel Messi. And Strider, Wayne Gretzky, Bo Jackson, Michael Phelps, Babe Ruth. Lost me with Babe Ruth, honestly. I lost everyone with Babe Ruth. But it's my fourth pick!
Starting point is 01:25:08 I like it. I like it still. Thank you, Aaron. It didn't make me feel good. It's not Hank Aaron, but you know what I mean. No, it's not Hank Aaron. I forgot you're a Bay Area guy, so I thought the Jerry Rice one, that kind of made you cream, huh?
Starting point is 01:25:18 Jerry Rice makes me very, very happy. Jerry Rice makes me happy. Jerry Bonds makes me happy. I feel like there's no perfect list. I saw you be slightly disappointed with all of them. You guys all had something that kind of bummed me out. Right. You all went for variety, which is, I see what you're doing there.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And I guess that's smart. Do you think it should have just been like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson? We were talking before and he wanted... Who did you think was Andrew Peterson? I did. There's better running backs than... Jim Brown. Yeah, Jim Brown.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Jim Brown. Barry Sanders. Walter Payton. Yeah. I'm always going to pick somebody I watched. Okay. He was a more freakish athlete than Payton. Payton was like tough.
Starting point is 01:26:04 I like the one who took Wayne Gretzky? Strider. Great choice. Thank you. Here's the thing. I don't have the stats, but if I did research, it would have been cool. It would have been cool. Trust me.
Starting point is 01:26:13 It would have been cool if I did the stats. Give me the top two again on each person. Let's see. All right. Chris, Muhammad Ali, and LeBron. We got Chad with Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater. JT, Tom Brady, Barry Bonds, Strider, Gretzky, and Bo Jackson.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Brady from the Bay Area. Without a doubt. I even went to high school with my wife. There we go. But not high school. Elementary school. I'm going with Bo Jackson just because he's my guy, greatest athlete I ever saw. And Wayne Gretzky is the great one. He's the great one.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Have you guys seen this? If you're going old school, you should go with Jim Thorpe. We just talked about him. We mentioned him, yeah. Yeah, was it honorable mention? Yeah. Jim Thorpe? You watch a lot of his 1912 highlights.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Professional football and baseball. What was professional football back then? It was like nine guys in their backyard. Baseball and Olympic gold medalist. I mean. And he was a civil rights activist. I mean, it's a question of what you guys are judging this on. I mean, just pure athleticism.
Starting point is 01:27:12 That's why I like Kelly Slater. Kelly Slater is a great, great pick. That's what I'm saying. Get closer to Mike. Get closer to Mike. You guys can't hear me? Maybe not. We can, but.
Starting point is 01:27:21 It's a lot of interesting picks all around. You guys did some... A little bit of... I don't know. Like, I see your generation in these picks. Who'd we miss? Huh? Who'd we miss?
Starting point is 01:27:32 Montana? No, I wouldn't go Montana. I mean, like, honestly... Dion? I'm a huge Joe Montana fan. I do like the Jerry Rice pick because that guy was... These guys? These are all 20th century guys.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Look at these guys. Who would we miss here? Yeah, Babe Ruth is that high up on here. Jim Brown is who you missed. I'd say Barry Sanders is who you missed. Yeah, it was between those two. Oh, you know what I forgot? Because we actually talked about it earlier.
Starting point is 01:27:54 I was maybe going to do Lawrence Taylor. LT. LT. Who you missed. Completely changed the game. Only one of two guys to win MVP as a defensive player. And then my, like, this would be an honorable mention, Ricky Henderson should absolutely be
Starting point is 01:28:09 included in this. Didn't he get caught stealing like over 30 times? Four times? Dude, he stole so many. The look in your eyes right now. Was it 1,400 stolen bases? I think it's 1,400.
Starting point is 01:28:24 What's number two in stolen bases? I think it's and hey, they're not number two What's number two in stolen bases? I think Harold Reynolds 800 Lou Brock Lou Brock is 800 something 800 for Lou Brock 1400 for Ricky Anderson and I mean that Korean somebody took Carl Lewis I did but nobody took you same bolt Go through your picks again Michael Jordan Kelly Slater you same bolt Jerry rice Jerry rice fuck actually, I don't know Oh Wait, going through your picks again? Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, Usain Bolt. Jerry Rice. Jerry Rice.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Fuck. Actually, I don't know. Oh! I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Chad's going to win. It's a solid list. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Variety. You got... Mike, he did take OJ first, though, for the off-the-field stuff. Dude, yeah. Just straight charisma. I got to say, you you know the the challenges you guys look at like championships on team sports right and there's so many different factors that go into that that's what's beautiful about kelly slater the most dominant dominant in an individual sport there's artistry involved too the guys are fucking and him compared to the next like who's the
Starting point is 01:29:23 second greatest surfer of all time? Laird Hamilton? Tom Curran or something like that? Tom Curran, I guess, yeah. Andy Irons? But no one even knows those guys. Kelly Slater is the one. He made pro surfing a thing.
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's just about athleticism for me, and that's where I lose Brady a little bit. Yeah, no, he can't run and jump like these other guys yeah it's funny we were just talking about this because like before he got that ring everyone considered joe montana the greatest right but like even if you look at joe montana chicken legs yeah and dan marino was a better athlete had a hose dude you know he was a monster so Reno was a better athlete. Had a hose, dude.
Starting point is 01:30:03 You know, he was a monster. John Elway was a better athlete. John Elway, yeah. But to me, you can have all the horsepower in the engine, but how much are you getting to the back tires? And I feel like Tom Brady got every ounce of his athleticism into mastering the sport he played. He's a monster. There's no denying it. He should be on this list. I totally agree.
Starting point is 01:30:22 At the same time, Bo Jackson's the fucking man. Greatest athlete maybe ever. He's the man. Also, check this list. I totally agree. At the same time, Bo Jackson's the fucking man. Greatest athlete maybe ever. He's the man. Also, check this out. Wayne Gretzky in a 100-meter sprint against Sugar Ray Leonard, Pele, and Bjorn Borg.
Starting point is 01:30:34 And Bjorn Borg. They did this? I would pay to see that. But Pele was old at the time. Bad start for Gretzky dusts. That's Gretzky? That Gretzky dusts everybody. He smokes and he burns them.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Yeah. Let's go. Fucking athlete. Bro, he's on ice. He smokes them. He burns them. Yeah. Let's go. Fucking athlete. Bro, he's on ice. He's doing it on ice, dude. That's the Adam McKay bit. It's true.
Starting point is 01:30:54 But it's so true. They all have blades on their feet, and they don't use them to attack. You know? I just can't get behind hockey because it's like we're so close to the perfect version of it. Well, that's usually my gauge. It's like there's certain sports here I don't watch. Like, I don't really watch hockey. No.
Starting point is 01:31:12 But I know who Wayne Gretzky is. And I mean, he's a fucking man. He's a stud. So that's where it's, you look at those names, like Kelly Slater, transcends the sport. And you can say that about Brady, too. Like, Brady is a guy who's just like, he's a man. Seven Super Bow Baywatch. And you can say that about Brady too. Like Brady is a guy who's just like he's not a man. Seven Super Bowls.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Yeah. Without a doubt. He's a beast. And didn't exactly have the supporting cast some of these other guys did too. I talked about it.
Starting point is 01:31:35 So no. I respect it. I respect it. But Bo Jackson. So you're going you're going Strider one Chad two.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Yeah. I'm going three, four. Sorry. It's okay. Because he went AP. I feel like AP and Barry are kind of similar, right? Adrian Peterson and Barry Bonds? Barry Sanders.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Oh, Barry Sanders. Just freaks in nature, but don't have the championships and all those historical accolades. If you're taking Jim Brown, I'd be like, yeah. That's undeniable. Dominant lacrosse player, too, at Syracuse. Did not know that. Yeah. I heard he chopped the bottom of the stick off and just ran with it like basically with the ball in his hand. Stop it. I think that's true. I think that's true.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Alright, I gotta run. Great job. See you guys. Thank you. Alright, Aaron. Alright, well, actually, what do you got? Oh, geez. This is tough because you guys did mix it up pretty good. There's no, like, I mean, I could pick Bones, I guess, with Simone Biles and Adrian Peterson, but just on a, like, championship.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Well, obviously, Simone won championships, but, like, that last Olympics, really. Oh, Jackson went two? You got that in the second round? On the man, Mike. Well, you get two in a but like that last Olympics really Bo Jackson went two you got that in the second round on the man Mike well you get two in a row at that last pick you think I should have taken Bo before Brady yeah it is not a drop that far but I have honorable mentions as
Starting point is 01:32:58 well like Dion Sanders two sport athlete as well pro Walter Payton was an athlete unlike any other when you hear about his off-the-field stuff. He'd walk on his hands on a basketball field, football field. He could dunk a basketball in his pads, all that stuff. That's right. As a small guy.
Starting point is 01:33:18 That is cool. Yeah, he's 5'9". Yeah. And then I pulled this weird one while we were talking out front before the show. Jackie Chan. Whoa. Jackie Chan is the man. That's great, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Yeah. And like martial arts. That's a sport. Martial arts. Well, Bruce Lee had the better physique, but Jackie Chan's done some crazy shit. Yeah. Where like Jackie Chan wraps himself in a tarp and then spins all the way out and then lands on the ground. There's some parkour dudes out there.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I'm not taking Bruce Lee over Floyd Mayweather or someone who actually... Travis? I was going to take Sugar Ray Robinson. I think he's the greatest boxer ever. I thought Messi had more name value. Igor.
Starting point is 01:34:06 I mean, other boxers. You could Joe Louis. Rocky Marciano. What about Rocky Balboa, dude? He kicked Joe Louis. He kicked Joe Louis. He did kick Joe Louis. I would take Apollo Creed before any of those guys. Same. Tom Cruise. I'm a clever lady guy.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Tom Cruise running. Ryan Maxwell guy I went to high school with. Great athlete. Huge. All right. Evil Knievel. All right. Shoot.
Starting point is 01:34:32 These are good. These are good lists, guys. Everybody's got a good list. No, you think mine sucks. I don't think yours sucks. I love the Simone Biles. I think your number one and two are great. Is LeBron the best basketball player of all time?
Starting point is 01:34:45 You know, when Jordan's out there, but he was already taken. I know that, like, I'm just comparing it to the other list. It's just like, oh, shit. I think I have to go Chris last. Just purely on, it kind of falls off. In terms of, like, greatness in their sport. You were drinking all day. Adrian Peterson is a freak athlete.
Starting point is 01:35:09 Simone Biles is great in her sport. I love that Biles pick. I love it. Yeah. I feel like that could have easily been Serena Williams, and I feel even better about it because Serena never cracked. True. Serena's a beast.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Except for commercial acting. I'm going to go... I'm going Strider 3. I love Wayne Gretzky with all my heart. Bo Jackson is maybe the specimen of all time. But Babe Ruth... And I was trying to make you cream. That was a total pander. There are so many better baseball players.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I don't know anything about Babe Ruth. I try to pull shit out of my ass about him partying. It was funny when you were talking about him you said all non-athletic things. You were like he was fat, he ate a lot. He ate who? The guy could eat a steak. If you want to make Aaron Cream on baseball you go Ozzie Smith
Starting point is 01:35:57 because the guy would do back flips. The wizard. I mean one of the best hands of all time. I think Ricky Henderson in that spot I should have gotten Ricky Henderson but he's a lead off guy but this guys I think this is going to shock you
Starting point is 01:36:13 I think Chad won this fucking thing Chad baby what an upset no handicap required let me explain to you why all four of his picks are the number one guy in their sport of all time. They're goats.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, Usain Bolt, Jerry Rice. The best athletes, I mean, to get Jerry's at four is incredible. Better than him. No, but Carl Lewis, he's the greatest long jumper ever, but that doesn't count as much as the 100 meter. Yeah. I mean, that's a great pick. I love that pick. I love the Messi pick, too. Hey, Messi's a good pick. There's nothing wrong with your list, but that doesn't count as much as the 100 meter. Yeah. I mean, that's a great pick. I love that pick. I love the Messi pick
Starting point is 01:36:45 too. Messi's a good pick. There's nothing wrong with your list, but I'm just saying. It's still in debate who's the greatest soccer player ever. Yeah, of course, but having watched him at this World Cup, I'm like, that dude's leaps and bounds above anybody else on that
Starting point is 01:37:01 field. But yeah, Jordan, Slater, Bolt, Rice, I just think they're all four. That's a perfect list. That's like number ones. I support Aaron's choice here. They could all be number ones on anyone else's list. I mean, I was really going with my heart here
Starting point is 01:37:14 just because I thought whoever gets Bo Jackson is my winner. But goddamn, that's a good list. Yeah, they're all good lists, guys. There's no wrong answers here, really. Well. Maybe Adrian Peterson maybe baby Has a father Chad is this your favorite dub of all time? I think yeah, you know this I gotta say this one feels good Yeah, daddy daddy's flying high right now I'm a populist. I don't know anything still came out on top
Starting point is 01:37:40 I thought you're gonna pick like a 1080 snowboarding character or something for your list. Dude, I mean. A silver surfer. Dude, I was so close. Sean White. Dude, my list was so close to being Kelly Slates, Tony Hawk, Pastrana. Oh, fuck. Tony Hawk, dude. Tony Hawk is a good pick. Tony Hawk's a definite honorable mention. You look at him and you're like,
Starting point is 01:37:59 does he look like an athlete? No. I think that's like, for me. He's got to be part of it. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Totally. Has to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:08 He's not... Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth. Not an athlete. And if you're doing cross sport, like, could this guy... I kind of believe Kelly Slater would have been good at other sports. Yeah. It's hard for me to see Tony Hawk on the football or basketball.
Starting point is 01:38:19 You can see Kelly Slater dominating Ultimate Frisbee. Yeah. Is that like pro? Fucking in the quad, just hanging out. But I do think your point's correct, though. Those guys are all, like, generally consensus, the number one guys in their field. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:37 The Michael Jordans of. And you got MJ himself. And then, okay, do we want to do a couple other? We'll skip questions. But, dude, honestly, I we want to do a couple other? We'll skip questions. But, dude, honestly, I think Steph Curry. Yeah, he's a beast. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:50 And talk about, like, changing the game. Oh, yeah. And then that rugby player I was talking about, Jonah Luma. Jonah, I'm probably saying his name wrong. Dude, look this dude up. Played winger. Traditionally a small guy position. 6'5", 280.
Starting point is 01:39:03 Oh, I love it already. When was this? Like the 90s great hips oh that's a great they said he was like a locomotive in ballet shoes and like revolutionized the sport kind of like bo jackson too ended up having physical issues because i just don't think people are meant to be that big and that fast like it, it's just too anomalous. But I was watching his highlights, and it's insane. Dude, what about Federer? Federer? Oh, yeah, tennis.
Starting point is 01:39:31 You know what's tough with him is, like, people, I think Federer's the best I've ever seen, like, skill-wise. But Djokovic and Nadal have more titles now. Right. And I didn't want to pick Djokovic. I think Djokovic is at, like, 22, I think. And Nadal is at 22, and Federer's 21? Yeah, somewhere where he's at 20, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:46 It's just because they're kind of a big three, it's hard to pick one of them. Yeah. Aaron, what about Pujols? I mean, Pujols is the second best right-hander of all time. I mean, like, he's behind Aaron in home runs. He's got 7.03. But he's number two in RBIs as well to Hank Aaron. I mean, you could go Hank Aaron, obviously. Yeah, but he has he's number two in rbi as well to hank aaron i mean you could go
Starting point is 01:40:05 hank aaron obviously but he plays baseball dude well he's a first baseman which is a barrel he's got a barrel he's got a barrel chest you know i like that yeah you know you were all about that look i had to pull a lot of stuff out of my ass after bombing that pit i think i don't i don't like ap getting roped in with babe ruth when AP looks like AP and Babe Ruth looks like Babe Ruth. Yeah. It's the thing with Pujols, too. He was so bad in all those Angels years. Yeah, I mean, he's clearly productive because he got to these milestones.
Starting point is 01:40:37 His third act was long. It was rough. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he played first base, and that's not as difficult as Hank Aaron played the outfield. And had it not been for Roberto Clemente, Hank Aaron would have won a ton of gold gloves. But Clemente's the best right fielder of all time, defensively. Yeah, and a good guy. Yeah, and a great humanitarian.
Starting point is 01:40:58 I got two more weird honorable mentions. Dave Winfield, really good baseball player, got drafted. Oh, drafted in all four sports he got drafted professionally no never even played basketball but they picked him anyways and we're just like yeah we think he could do it and then the last one is bullet Bob Hayes who won the 100 meter a gold medal and then was a three-time Pro Bowl wide receiver Wow even Jackie Robinson yeah Jackie Robinson was good a lot of bases yeah he lettered in four sports in college.
Starting point is 01:41:25 All right, let's get into beefs. Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the government. They're shooting down these UFOs. What's going on, dude? Yeah, dude, let's talk. They're shooting down UFOs? I mean, if they're from other countries and they're trying to spy on it.
Starting point is 01:41:47 There's the Chinese spy balloon, which I don't even understand how that's a thing. Why are they using a balloon? Dude, apparently they just use wind currents and AI so that they can get wherever they need to go by just getting to certain altitudes. Oh really? And it's not just a balloon. There's also a fuckload of equipment on the balloon. Okay. So it's not just that's why they actually like at least one
Starting point is 01:42:15 thing that I remember was like they kind of waited for it to get because if you just shot it down anyway like there's a fuckload of metal on that thing because there's a lot of equipment. Payload. They got a payload that it's like a plane's worth of equipment on there right so like you can't just do it anywhere because then the shit could fall on something or someone interesting but yeah they use wind currents and they can just adjust where they're at because there's always currents going every which way right so you can get anywhere and they go way fucking high yeah
Starting point is 01:42:41 and you can slowly go over something so you can get more info. That's very interesting. But you know what? The government there too, they're like, they're like, guys, we shot it down.
Starting point is 01:42:51 And you look, and you look at the flight path across all of America. Totally. And they shot down the Atlantic and we're like, dude, they already got
Starting point is 01:42:58 what they needed. And there might be aliens. Okay. So, so these other UFOs that have been shot down over to the Yukon Territory in Montana or whatever the fuck, the government is literally saying, we don't know the origin, and we don't know how they're staying afloat. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:43:19 And I'm like, why are you shooting them down, dude? What's going on? Let's figure it out. What's going on with UFOs? I think, I don't Exactly. What's going on? Yeah. Let's figure it out. Yeah. What's going on with the UFOs? I think, I don't know. It's not really a beef. I'm just sort of fascinated.
Starting point is 01:43:30 I'm like, well, yeah, why are you shooting it down? And also, what's going on? You got to explain a little bit more. And are we entering a war right now? Or are aliens here? Two big questions. Very gnarly. Also, it's funny that like i was at a bachelor party this weekend and like a friend reggie was like like that was friday news was
Starting point is 01:43:52 like we shot down an alien yeah but we didn't we didn't know about it because we were like partying and celebrating and then saturday morning he's like whoa aliens guys they're real and we're all like whoa yeah we just moved on. It was like the Super Bowl was still a bigger deal. Dude, what do you think that is? Do you think that, is it too just, is it too much for our brains to process or is it too unrealistic where you just sort of like, we can't like think of it as reality?
Starting point is 01:44:22 I think until there's like an alien that we can look at and it's like, hey, what's up? I think at this point I'm cynical. I think the government is trying to capitalize on our interest in aliens now that it's, like for so long they were like, they were like kind of
Starting point is 01:44:38 denying us any of the stuff we were hungry for on that front. And then I think they realized like, oh no, if we give them like, if we feed them this stuff, they won't pay attention to other stuff so just keep the alien talk up and because was it you who said that they was you or brooks like there's an ecological disaster happening right now in like the midwest what is it oh yeah it's train derailment and uh and and brooks was like dude i think they're just throwing up all this alien and balloon stuff, so we won't be thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:45:07 And I guess I don't know anything about it, but that made sense to me. I was like, dude, aliens don't mean nothing. Even if they are around, they're just floating. It's not really going to impact nothing. They're like, let them talk about that. But that's just, you know, conspiratorial thinking. But yeah, it's like the government saying, hey, this happened. And then like, we need more updates.
Starting point is 01:45:25 You got to tell me when we're going to hear from you again about what's going on. Because that's kind of a, that's a big thing to say. And then just kind of back out of the conversation. Exactly. Stratter, who's your beef of the week? The lady that cut my hair. She gave me the worst haircut ever. I see it.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Take the lid off, baby. No. It looks fine. It looks good. Wait until you see the back. That's pretty long. Why'd she forget to do that? She went a little short on the sides relative to the back. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:56 But it looks, I think it was intentional. Yeah, she did this. That's even worse. She had a plan. Yeah. She executed. I literally said this. You should have picked a soccer player.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Think about my hair. Exactly. Dude, exactly. Think about my hair. Exactly. Dude, exactly. Think about my hair, what it was. I went in and said, I just want a little trim. This is what happened. Dude, little trim. They don't even hear that. When you say little trim, I'll go in there.
Starting point is 01:46:17 I'll say quarter inch. The first snip they take, I always want to go, do you know what a quarter inch is? And then they always say the same thing. They go, just evening it out. Just evening it out. No. And I never want it short on the sides. I hate it short on the sides.
Starting point is 01:46:32 It's not my look. Every time they say evening it out, that means we're taking another half inch off. Yes. The thing is, unless you're very specific, they will give you whatever haircut they think is best for you, not what you want. Correct. Or like most of the time. I think it's actually kind of rare because they're like, I'm the professional.
Starting point is 01:46:50 I know what's best. And this will look best. It's a tough job. Because short sides are so in that I feel, and they've been in for like seven, eight years now, you know? It's like that Fleabag scene. That Fleabag scene where hair is everything. When they try to, you know, tell her it's not so bad.
Starting point is 01:47:08 Okay, is this lady who did this, who butchered your head? Just fucked up your life. Is this a familiar or is this a first time? I don't know. She's cut my hair before and she's done a good job. So I trusted her. That's extra beef. I've literally
Starting point is 01:47:25 shown her a picture we joke around i've shown her a picture of joel osteen like jokingly and i go do this and she goes haha that's so funny but then i'm like no but seriously like kind of like this is good and uh then she did this damn dude because i thought it was the third time i thought it was the first time and she was by this point you guys should have rapport exactly exactly that's like imagine you're a chick and you tell a dude you're not into something sexually and then on the third time you're boning he goes for it you're like homeboy i told you this doesn't work for me yep exactly she tried to she made you lick her balls exactly and you don't like balls yeah i don't want to lick her balls and she goes no you're gonna like balls. Yeah, I don't want to lick her balls. And she goes, no, you're going to like licking my balls.
Starting point is 01:48:06 You're going to like licking my balls. You're going to like this. No. Trust me, you're going to like this. I go, no, I don't like this. And you're sitting there the whole time gagging. Then she gave me a mirror so I could hold it and then look at myself, lick the balls. And the worst part is afterwards they have to say, hey, you had fun, right?
Starting point is 01:48:17 In this move where they give you the mirror and you're supposed to use the double reflection, every time I'm like, I don't know how the physics of this work. I can never see the back. I literally, that's how I didn't know. the physics of this work. I can never see the back. I literally, that's how I didn't know because in my whole life I've always faked. I always go, uh-huh, and I never have seen the back of my head. I don't know how to use the mirror for that.
Starting point is 01:48:35 The brain doesn't work that way. I have no proprioception or whatever JT said when you get inverted. I don't have that shit. Yeah, I think that's body awareness. Yeah, I got no body awareness, bro. Dude, when you're in that chair, there's nothing you can... You're basically in a straight jacket and they put like the Hannibal Lecter ball gag
Starting point is 01:48:53 on. You just got to let them do what they want. I've been going to the same lady for like two years now. And now the trust is like, I just sit down and it gets cut and it's exactly what I want. Do you know how many ladies I think I've found that have been my lady but haven't been my lady? Haircut style? 15, 20. At least eight super cut staffs worth. Hey, there's plenty
Starting point is 01:49:14 of fish in the sea, brother. You're going to find her. Dude, real self-esteem is when you I don't know anyone who has this kind of self-confidence is when you're halfway through a bad haircut Stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, I wanted to do it so bad. I could never, I was blaming myself. I should have said this, should have done that.
Starting point is 01:49:27 It's always our fault. I'm a moron. We always blame ourselves. It's not your fault. Thank you. It's not your fault. Not you, man. It's not your fault. Shut the fuck up. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. He didn't deserve that haircut.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Get over here. Chris, who's your beef of the week the memphis grizzlies oh people hate them dude well i'd like that they're kind of they're definitely leaning into like we're the bad boys right now and i think that's fun but they're also like they're averaging like a skirmish a week and i feel like that's too much. Like you can get into like, you can like jaw with somebody and like, you know, like kind of have like a benches clearing kind of altercation.
Starting point is 01:50:12 If you're gonna be the bad boy, like once a month, but like they're just doing it way too fucking much right now and just talking so much shit. And like I said, I think it's fun, but like just dial it back a notch or two. I hear you. I got two beefs and I'm moving my third beef into a babe. My first beef, piggybacking off that, not to, but I don't like, I got, there's been a fighty year in the NBA.
Starting point is 01:50:37 Everybody seems to be John and going, I kind of like it. Adds to the, you know, the excitement of it. But I don't like the way people are picking on Ja. Like people are picking on, because they're saying he's being like a fake gangster and so a lot of people are taking the eight mile final rap and they're making fun of him for having a nerdier name and then for going to a nice school
Starting point is 01:50:56 and having two good parents. I'm like, you can say anything. That's weird. It's funny, but it's not fair. And you can still be tough, like at your sport. If that happened, I'm like, it's a, I agree. Like Dylan Brooks is being annoying as shit. But I was like, and every team needs a Dylan Brooks kind of guy.
Starting point is 01:51:19 It's just, they're always going to be super annoying. Yes. And this narrative, and we love the narratives of these come from behind stories like a single mother or raising a kid. It's a better story, like DeAndre Hopkins or something like that. It's amazing. And we love that they succeed, but why are we shaming someone for being like,
Starting point is 01:51:32 yo, your dad loved you, dude, you had a nice household, and he worked hard, and your mom cared for you and supported your career. His parents are solid. And I don't know, is he really trying to, I guess if he's trying to act gangster and hard, then he's not, he's inauthentic. If he got busted on a gun charge act gangster and hard, he's not in a clinic.
Starting point is 01:51:45 If he got busted on a gun charge or something like that, that's different. But it was a laser pointer. For that, I'm not. What was the laser pointer thing? Oh, I don't know if it was his car, but him and his entourage, somebody said that they had a laser,
Starting point is 01:51:58 basically that somebody pulled a gun. They were shaking guns? No, or that they had a real gun, but I don't think they did. And laser pointers at public events, that just happens. I don't put much stock into that. We got in trouble for that when we were eight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:10 And I don't put much stock into that story, because that felt like people just piling on and kind of making shit up. Okay, my second beef of the week is with all three of us, but mostly myself. Guys, I can't believe we lost a chat on a sports show. Dude, you're so right. Come on, guys. One of us, but mostly myself. Guys, I can't believe we lost to Chad on a sports show. Dude, you're so right. Come on, guys. One of us. One of us.
Starting point is 01:52:30 The guy. I had to Google Bo Jackson. The guy does not watch sports, guys. We will never live this down. That's like if we did a surf draft and all three of us beat Chad. It's crazy. I was so in my own head. It's a huge upset dub.
Starting point is 01:52:47 I think it's got to be the sweetest dub in history. Yeah, it feels good. The Jerry Rice pick was a beautiful fourth pick. Yeah. It was a beautiful fourth pick. I'm paying homage to my heirloom. We'll step back to the champ, Chad. Who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:53:01 I mean, it's Valentine's Day this week. Got to be my GF. We celebrated last night because she works late. So she's the best. You know, we're raising a puppy. It's fantastic. And she's just the cutest ever. So sweet, so fun.
Starting point is 01:53:19 I love you, Kennedy. And yeah, we're just having a blast together. We live together. it was easy right away love that having a puppy it's easy so all good signs all good all the tests are passing with flying colors
Starting point is 01:53:36 so love that and we're having we're having a blast so feels good I love that happy V-Day babe I love you I love it that's nice. Strides, who's your babe of the week? Babe of the week's also got to be my dank Jeff. It's her birthday today when we're recording this.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I'm working tonight, so we're going to go get a nice lunch in a little bit here. Go to a good spot, dude. All-time raps. Yeah, I'm excited to try that. Dude, they got duck. Whoa. I like duck. It's exotic.
Starting point is 01:54:01 It's rich. Yeah. You know what's weird? Is duck like, that's like elite food in America, but I feel like in Europe. Get duck. It's normal. Yeah. What are we doing over here?
Starting point is 01:54:15 Sorry. No, I'm thinking about it. Yeah. Fucking ducks, dude. I ain't gonna have it though, I'll tell you that right now probably gonna get a burger do you have more on the GF? no no that's it
Starting point is 01:54:28 just yeah happy birthday freaking stoked Chris he's your baby of the week my lady Becca yeah keeping it consistent wanted to give her a shout out cause we're doing IVF right now
Starting point is 01:54:41 nice and she's gotta take a ton of shit and it fucks with her a lot. Like just change. And I don't have to do much. I just kind of had to show up and masturbate a couple of times. You know how to do that. I raised you right.
Starting point is 01:55:01 You know how to do that. It's as easy as breathing. No issues there. Nice dude. Kid's a pro as breathing. No issues there. Kids are pro. Do they give you dirty magazines? It has been fun because I've done it in a couple different doctor's offices and it's been fun to see the different setups.
Starting point is 01:55:15 The worst one was when they handed me a Roku controller and it was on a web browser to the TV to just like you porn and it's like, dude, if I type something in it's going to take like 30 minutes for me to search something yeah that's true the easy the best ones they just had a DVD already in a DVD player smart and so what type of categories we talking yeah I wonder how many guys take the DVD and they're like hey can we
Starting point is 01:55:37 switch this out for the gangbangs yeah I'm not gonna need this wife. It was a male, female. Big dick? They're porn stars, baby. They're usually. You gotta like what I'm hearing. I like what I'm hearing. That's a nice guy to play. But yeah, so whereas like she's like giving herself shots, going on and off birth control,
Starting point is 01:55:59 doing all this different shit where she actually has to like do stuff and I just kind of hang in there. But you're a rock, baby. Yeah, exactly. I'm saying you're the rock dude you just keep being you fucking jacking off and fucking handling biz but yeah thanks babe appreciate it uh my babe of the week babe you're always my babe of the week but this week i'm going with uh megan fox and mgk got to tell you, I don't, it's like Tom Brady. I don't like them, but then when it's over, I'm sad. Like I was kind of rooting for them. I kind of like when a couple is annoying publicly and we all get to hate them, but you know,
Starting point is 01:56:35 they're in it together a little bit like, you know, rest in peace, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, where they were, it was them against the world. You know what I mean? And, and I, I guess there's always a part of me. It's like at the end of the bachelor, I want to believe that this couple, even though they're met through these ridiculous circumstances and it feels totally contrived, I want to believe it's real. And I was hoping MGK and Megan Fox would last the test of time, but was not to be.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Wait, they broke up? Yeah. And, you know, she, so she deleted all the posts. This is crazy. Last the test of time, but was not to be. Wait, they broke up? Yeah. And? You know, she deleted all the posts. This is crazy. She unfollowed him. She only follows, she deleted her Instagram. But before that, she only followed three people.
Starting point is 01:57:16 Harry Styles, Timothee Chalamet, and Eminem. Amazing. Clear victory for Eminem. Those are shots across the bow. Yeah, because MGK and Em are rivals they did songs at each other why is Em even stupid to that level dude
Starting point is 01:57:31 come on bro you're way above that bro he could have stayed out of it but you know that's not Eminem's nature to stay out of it he likes to battle it's also probably nice for like oh somebody's taking shots like that's invigorating cash in on that pub he likes a war he's a warrior he likes to go to war when did they break up i think a couple days ago i mean we saw fucking big news weekend huge huge on every level because
Starting point is 01:57:56 like there's just stuff that is massive that i'm just not even hearing about you know you know what's interesting is i had a weird permanent not premonition, but just sort of like a weird feeling where I'm like, MGK's going to cheat on her. Because I watched this, Sam Tripoli posted this video about where MGK confronted him backstage thinking he was talking shit about him. Like, out of nowhere, he's like, you're going to talk shit? You're talking shit about me? And I was like, he's too insecure. He's going to cheat. MGK and Sam Tripoli went at it? Yeah I would have to be a fly on the wall for
Starting point is 01:58:29 that conversation dude you know what is Trevor Wallace really he's like in the video he's like it's backstage at the main room that's amazing yeah Trevor um yes it's sad that they broke up you did have a premonition to I we were driving the other day and you're like I feel like something's wrong in the universe. Boom. I turn on my phone. They broke up. Yeah. I texted you that. Yeah. Something's wrong. I like, like I didn't I didn't like their outfits
Starting point is 01:58:53 but I liked how fucking crazy they were dressed together. They were in it. Like the aesthetic was like, oh wow, they're going for something. I mean, when the collective piercings is in the double digits for the couple, they ain't going to make it. Yeah, the tattoo, blood vial stuff. You burn bright, but you burn quickly.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Yes. All right, Chad, who is your legend of the week? Do you think you got a Prince Albert for her? Yeah, probably. Couple. Probably had another. He probably got a second Prince Albert. I'd be surprised if he's only got one.
Starting point is 01:59:22 That guy's dick is loaded. Yeah, that guy's got a lot of metal on his crotch. He can't go through a metal detector with his day. No chance. Yeah He's going through the he's at the airport. Is it your belt is it's my dick dude. Yeah Three ounces of steel in there partner What are we doing legend Oh legend Dude, are you guys watching last of us? Yeah, I love it. I know I haven't watched this last dude are you guys watching Last of Us yeah I love it I haven't watched this last episode dude it's so
Starting point is 01:59:46 good my legend of the week is the show Last of Us guys if you aren't watching it watch it epic epic zombie show based after a video like it's a video game and they're crushing it it's just it's incredible you know I saw a YouTube
Starting point is 02:00:02 video it said that episode 3 was HBO's magnum opus, which is... It was a beautiful episode. It was really good. So, I don't know. I'm loving it. The last episode was really heavy and really good.
Starting point is 02:00:14 So, if you're not watching Last of Us, check it out. Zombies. But they're infected by fungi. Yeah, it's cool. Crazy. And it's also sort of like, you know, you're sort of like, could that happen? Because if it could, if it did, scary cool. Crazy. And it's also sort of like, you know, you're sort of like, could that happen? Because if it could, if it did, scary shit.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Yeah. Fucking zombies ended up being real. I'd feel like such an idiot because there were so many movies about zombies and we didn't prepare. Yeah. Yeah. And it's in our, like, collective memory. What do they call it? Like, the mandala effect or whatever? Like, zombies are part of that mandala or something like that.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Is that what the one is? I don't know. The mandala effect is where you think something happened, but it's not real. But we all just... I think you're saying the Overton window? Maybe that's it. Remembering. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:57 The Overton window is like what's politically acceptable and that gets moved around or socially acceptable. It gets moved from time to time by like uh agents of change i think my voice is getting quieter because i'm not sure yeah exactly you know i'm not sure you mean hey if you're anybody listening just google it yeah look it up look it up um strides my legend of the week is fucking um creatine that i'm on with my kb boys dude oh dude yeah i'm on it too brother i'm hitting like a weird midlife crisis early where I'm like, I just need to get jacked.
Starting point is 02:01:27 No, you're there. I need to use my body. Yeah, that's true. I'm like 41. Guys, you don't know this the whole time. I've been 41, dude. In the four years I've been doing this podcast, I've been 41 the whole time.
Starting point is 02:01:36 But always a youthful 40. Thank you, dude. So just feel on that and trying to get fucking that ATP, dude. Let's go. Chasing that ATP, son chasing that ATP said ATP sin hard You'd actually feel it. I don't think it's placebo. Yeah, I think it's still too early for me I've only been on it for a week, so I gotta let it kick in I think that's working
Starting point is 02:01:53 I didn't know or you guys were I found this out recently where it's like you guys are all on create Would you drugs do this back? That's when you you know where you've hit a turn to page in your life when the drugs you do are to like for a longevity and sustainability yeah it's never instant gratification i'm now looking for long-term gratification out of my drug use health as well if they're aren't there end of life uh repercussions to using creatine no it's natural if you give it a google it's it's not they have enough it's been around long enough that they have some, a lot of long range studies on it.
Starting point is 02:02:26 I mean, it can be tough on your kidneys if you're overwhelming them with other stuff. Like, I wouldn't recommend anyone do it. Do your own research. But they even think it has cognitive benefits. And we talked to doctor friends and they're all pretty much like. It can dry you out. Drink water. Yeah, you just got to drink a lot of water.
Starting point is 02:02:39 My buddy who's super jacked does it. Football players seem sane. What? Yeah, but like I'm playing correlation for causation, dude. Football players are banging each other in the head, and they're huge warrior alphas. They're going to go nutty sometimes. Exactly. It's not the true story.
Starting point is 02:02:52 I'm just trying to get three extra reps on my shoulder press. Aaron, you know what? We're going to get you on it. Go with God. Go with God. Chris, who's your legend of the week? As I said, I was at a bachelor party this weekend for Dan Dansdale, a buddy of mine from Notre Dame. Randomly assigned roommate, freshman year of college.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Love that. That's amazing. What a story. And he's getting married in a couple months. And the guy, he had a blast. I love seeing him smile. We had a great time. He's got a great smile.
Starting point is 02:03:20 Yeah. When he's happy, man, it's like he's got a megawatt. You just feel the excitement. And yeah, love the dude. We had a blast. I can't wait for the wedding. It's going to be great. Love it.
Starting point is 02:03:32 Love you, Danny. Love it. Dude, my legend of the week is vodka sauce. Yeah, dank. Very dank. Dude, Aran one has a great one you can just buy. It's fucking delicious. And dude, I had never made food before.
Starting point is 02:03:49 And I made noodles. Not that hard. You put them in the boiling water. It takes like 10 minutes. If you already got the sauce, you don't even necessarily need to heat it up. I did. I put it in a pan, simmered it, put it on top of the pasta. Then you take cheese.
Starting point is 02:04:11 I bought some cheese and grated it. Yeah. And then I took that grated cheese and put it on top of the pasta. And it tasted good. Yeah. And then I ate it. And then I had some more. And then I put away the extra in the refrigerator.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And it was all fun. And then I cleaned and I ate it and I was happy. Dude, there's a thing called Tupperware you can use. I used two Tupperware. Whoa. One for the cheese and then one for the extra noodles. That's crazy. It was really, really fulfilling.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Oh, man. That's awesome, man. Fuck yeah. It was crazy, dude. Dude, it was insane. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Michael Singer. I'm just fired up on this book right now.
Starting point is 02:05:07 True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection. Oh, that's good. Strider. Never let the fear of striking out get in your way, which is a quote from Babe Ruth. And I let the fear of striking out get in my way and that bombed my list yeah that's coming from the guy who leads uh all time in strikeouts yeah dude because he fucking got up to bat bro and he wasn't afraid of it he loved it dude my favorite my favorite quote from the draft is uh he had a porterhouse yeah Yeah, he would, dude.
Starting point is 02:05:45 It's not easy. He had reservations at every steakhouse, every town he ever went in, dude. And double headers, look out. No double headers back then. There you go. I love baseball. Fun sport.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Chris. Mine is from the Stephen King book, The Gunslinger, which is the first in the Dark Tower series. Oh, yeah. The man whom he had first seen sitting gravely on the steps of the mercantile store made a sudden and amazing load in his pants. Wow.
Starting point is 02:06:17 Where did you find that jewel? The Gunslinger, the first book in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Unbelievable. I didn't know he was talking to us like that. On such a nice level. Stephen King's a beast. What kind of load? A sudden and amazing load in his pants.
Starting point is 02:06:31 Are they any other thing other than that? That's what I want to happen to Aaron every draft. That's what I thought. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. Bro, I picked this one up on Instagram. I think it was like a CrossFit person. It hit the spot.
Starting point is 02:06:47 Live your life as if all your problems have been solved, all your needs have been met, all your questions have been answered. Love it. That's my quote for the week we're getting after. I mean, I just want to do something around Aaron creaming. Aaron, can you just give a cream sound? Oh. Yeah-hmm. Aaron, can you just give a cream sound? Oh.
Starting point is 02:07:06 Yeah. Dude, that's beautiful. Mine is, happy birthday to you. To my dank fiance, dude. Happy birthday. Oh, that's nice. Chris, hop in my lifted truck. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Nice. Yeah. I felt that one. Mine's from the Edvard Munch book. I guess I was calling him Munch. My homie Pedro told me it's Munch, so that's good to know. But he said he would try to finish the painting before thought got in the way. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:07:46 Fired me. You're about getting out of thoughts right now. Your Instagram quote, don't think, baby, just do. Yeah, I think that's it. Yeah. Is that what they say? Just do it. Are you guys pumped for that Nike movie?
Starting point is 02:07:58 The Ben Affleck one? Oh, bro. Michael Jordan. The best. Chad, congrats. Chad, good dub, dude. Good shit, man. All right, bro. Michael Jordan. The best. Chad, congrats. Chad, good dub, dude. Good shit, man. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:08:09 Thanks a lot, boys. Thanks, legends. That is so funny that we all lost to Chad. Unbelievable. Great dub, dude. Portrait. If you need advice These guys are really nice.
Starting point is 02:08:26 You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just to have those girls beside you. Go free. Go free. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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