Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 3 - Addiction, XFL, and Romance

Episode Date: January 31, 2018

Chad and JT explore Vince Mcmahon's new XFL and then dive deep into some questions regarding addiction, hair, romance, lifting and boning.  Check it out and get stoked! Check out www.chadgoesdeep.com...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stoke Nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' D Podcast with my compadre What's up dudes it's JT Chad let me say you sound extra crisp this morning on the pod. Oh, for real? Oh, thanks, dude. Yeah, and let me say, it's also 2.22, so it's not really morning for a lot of folks. Yeah, morning for us, I'd say. Yeah, I'm just starting to get into the swing of things. Yeah, I can see your energy starting to build.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah, welcome, guys. First, I just want to start off the pod by just thanking everyone for their outpouring of support and love. It's been amazing, and we've been really stoked on it. Yeah, I've been unbelievably amped. It seems like with a podcast versus other media platforms, it goes very deep, as Chad is wont to do. Yeah, it's like my life goal. And to know that we're relating to people on a pretty intimate level is something that makes me feel pretty great yeah just to know that we're helping people to get amped up throughout the day and just to like take each day on just firing like tony robbins would that just
Starting point is 00:01:16 that brings a fucking tear to my eye dude reciprocal amping my friends yeah for sure you're giving it back to us that's what it's all about pay it forward is that the correct thing absolutely it's a pretty heavy-handed film but i think the message in it is uh powerful and potent and that's that uh you do good shit for other people other people do good shit for other people yeah and at some point hundreds of years down the road it comes back on your family in good ways oh boom baby yeah yeah but the thing about that film though like hayley joel osment that's all i can remember is him just getting shanked and like yeah but dude he so like some two like teenagers are fighting and he just bolts in on his bike to
Starting point is 00:01:55 kind of break it up yeah and then one of the kids uh guts him with a knife yeah and you're hardcore damn dude these fucking junior high kids ain't fucking around yeah and then hayley joel you know he dies but i don't know he showed up he didn't back down that's true he sort of he squared up he didn't you know yeah was it worth it i guess we'll never know unless we ask him he's still alive yeah all right chill okay guys. So you want to start us off? Dude, this is fresh off the presses. Vince McMahon, the guy who started the WWF, now WWE, get the F out. Yep. He is bringing back the XFL, which was a football league that he started in the mid-2000s.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah. It was newsworthy, but I don't think it did very well. I don't think it had a lot of fans, and I think the ratings were pretty bad. But they're bringing it back. And he promises that it's going to be a no gimmick, streamlined version of football that most Americans love and care for. He also says that,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I think the main angle that he's taking is that in the XFL, there will be no political statements from players on the field. No kneeling, no extra standing, no crossing your arms with your teammates or whatever. And I do think that there's a market for that. I think a lot of people are turned off by the NFL's political protest. I think the thing that he's making a mistake about though
Starting point is 00:03:15 is that people also like good football. And that's almost more important than the political forthcomingness of the players. if the xfl blows donkey dick in terms of its product yeah it doesn't really matter if the players are standing for the national anthem yeah they're probably if they suck at throwing the football and or catching or running with it the league's probably not going to do that well and i just don't understand how he's going to take over the nfl like yeah the nfl is such a behemoth yeah so if like a qb throws like a fucking duck yeah and they're like like nice duck dude he's like yeah well at least i wasn't kneeling at least i had my hand over my heart yeah i mean that's you can't really justify
Starting point is 00:03:54 that i guess huh yeah you're just like well can you do both yeah and then he's like well maybe i can't maybe i can just put my hand over my heart maybe that's what i'm good at yeah all right well you're gonna be second string now Yeah Cause this guy behind you Takes a knee But he's fast as fuck And
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah That's interesting Throws the ball a mile Yeah Cause I mean you could be like to Vince Vince would be like Watch my league And you're like
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah it's I mean It's non-partisan But they suck Yeah exactly So Nice work Vince Yeah so thanks for just
Starting point is 00:04:24 Putting these fucking dudes out here who blow at football on a football game. Like where'd you get that fucking receiver, dude? Yeah. He was like working at a pavilions. Yeah. All right. And I got a, before we get into the questions,
Starting point is 00:04:39 I just have some comments on some comments that we received. So we posted a clip from our second podcast on the Instagram feed. And, uh, there was a couple of comments that stood out to me. One was, I bet Chad hooked up with JT's mom. I wish. Thank you. Yeah. And I think my mom wishes as well. Yeah. We share that, but I think there's respect. Thank you. Cause I think that would tarnish our relationship. Exactly. But I've looked in your mom's eyes before and I saw like fire. She's a passionate woman. Very. A lot of people might not know this, but JT is actually Latino. I'm half Colombian. Half Colombian. And I see that
Starting point is 00:05:15 passion in both her and you. And I really appreciate that my mom and Chad prioritized their relationship with me over their relationship with each other. And I just wanted to shine a light on that. Yeah. And thank you for being so respectful of that. I mean, I think you acknowledge the passion between us, but, and then we show respect back by acknowledging that now we, you come first. Well, I felt selfish that I stood in the way of two people who are interested in each other because I believe so wholeheartedly in love yeah but at the same time i was like this is my bro this is my mom yeah and i can't help but feel a little conflicted about them boning all right let's get into some questions this week mike i've been off the grizzly wintergreen pouches for about three weeks my bros cha and it's hard not trying when we're
Starting point is 00:06:06 at the bowling alley just would really like to know if you've ever quit anything and what was your way of staying full stoke about quitting i quit porn and the way I managed to stay quit off porn was that all the time I got back, like, I don't know, low ball estimate, like seven hours a day. I really got to spend doing other things like reading or which was not easy, but I figured it out. Lifting, talking to my family. talking to my family. Like, I don't know if the cha is going to have such a solid replacement value, but all that money you spend on cha,
Starting point is 00:06:52 all that time you spend doing cha. Yeah. It gives you some community with your brothers when you're hanging out, but you can still maintain that without the cha. You're just going to have to, you know, rise to the challenge a little bit there and find ways to connect, um, around the cha,
Starting point is 00:07:03 but you're going to get a lot of things out of not doing cha anymore so just uh try to highlight those when you're uh jonesing for it yeah i quit flannel shirts a couple years ago and that was tough for me because i really wanted to be a flannel shirt guy you know because you see people rocking them and you're like damn they're really throwing it down yeah because i don't look good in them it was not good for your life was worse when you were wearing flannel yeah i mean i was like i i just i wanted to be a flannel guy so much but then after months of just like no flannel just tees you know t-shirts i just like i was like i know who i really am now and yeah i mean those desires are still there i
Starting point is 00:07:46 still want to wear a flannel if i see a dude chopping wood like i'm like fuck you know like i just want to put on a flannel get in there you know just uh it's gonna be tough the first few weeks but you know you're gonna break through and become a better dude yeah and i mean like you know take it from a guy who knows and chad gets as well. Like we both struggled giving up porn and flannels, but we both, I think are better off without them. Yeah. And maybe send us a day, a picture one day of you wearing a flannel jacking off to some porn with no cha in your mouth and we'll give it a hearty laugh because we'll see the irony.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah. That'd be beautiful. Yeah. Looking forward to it, brother. All right. Next up, we got chris b hey fellas what is your idea of a perfect date also if you had to pick one album to bone to what would it be do you want to start off yeah i think in terms of uh what i would bone to um the joe rogan experience his podcast is really great. Fire. And then the first part of his question is, hey, fellas, what is your idea of a perfect date?
Starting point is 00:08:54 Well, this one, it's hard to repeat, but I'll take you back to 2016, July something it was the 15 year anniversary of Fast and the Furious and I took this lovely lady out and we watched it in the theaters that's a great date we got popcorn, I got Sour Patch Kids
Starting point is 00:09:20 we got Icy's and the connection I made with her it was like a it was like two beams of energy like one energy to paul paul to her and her to me and then we got a tuna sandwich after oh hell yeah yeah i think my perfect date is close to that as well. Hit me. Just getting stoned, going to see a movie, maybe going to a hill or a mountain afterwards and looking out at the stars. And then from there, it's whatever. That was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I could picture that too, and that gets me fired up. Thanks, dude. Yeah. Chris, what up, Chad? i'm finishing up high school and every party counts how do i get invited to more and when i'm there how do i become alpha male at the party so i used to get naked at parties to kind of yeah throw down my alpha status but they were my parties most of the time so i could could get away with that more easily. I would not recommend that route for most people.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Once you sort of establish that, like at a certain point it was expected out of you. Right. And then people would throw parties and they'd see you with clothes on and they'd be like, does my party suck? Like why is JT not naked? It became the gold standard for a good party.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah. But you, I mean, I think think with you that was not like a it was not like you became that no that's who i was that was a marathon yeah that was and that was that was me accepting who i was yeah so like you slowly established that you didn't just walk in hanging dong no and then just be like i'm the naked guy be like what you're the naked guy all right later it was one article of clothing at a time over like a two-year maturation process yeah i think i think i wouldn't worry and the point that chad's making is that i wasn't trying consciously to be the alpha male i grew into that role if i could be so bold yeah to say that i ever was the alpha male but i I think for you, Chris, I wouldn't worry about becoming the alpha male.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I would just worry about not looking like a fucking idiot. Yeah. That's too harsh. You know what, Chris? I want to concern yourself with like, I need to get invited to more parties. Start with gratitude. Right, exactly. I was thinking the invited to more parties, you know, start with gratitude. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. Yeah. It's like, it's like Tony Robbins says, you know, like I don't really know what he says, but the whole thing about like gratitude,
Starting point is 00:11:55 like if you, if you like feel grateful and you're like, I'm grateful for the two parties I've gone to this month, then more parties will come flowing your way. You know why? Cause if you have that because if you have that if you have that aura of stoke when you go to a party like damn this dude knows what he's doing when he part like i want to keep partying with this guy because he loves it more parties are
Starting point is 00:12:17 going to come your way and then have your own parties you know yeah i think i think having your own parties is great because you can uh you know uh you come up with the rules of engagement all right we got caleb yo what up chad and council i've been told eating ass tastes like meatloaf i need to know if i should eat the next girl i hook up with ass because i like meatloaf can you enlighten me on whether or not it is worth tongue punching the fart box thanks for the help boys um solid question there i think your motives are a little off uh i don't think you should do it because you like meatloaf do it because you like the girl's ass yeah and don't just don't just go into it like i'm gonna eat this ass yeah you're putting the car before the horse a little bit yeah you know like you want it to be beautiful yeah you want the
Starting point is 00:13:10 first time you eat ass to be a special thing yeah you want it to be natural you don't want to just you don't want to just come in like i just gotta eat this ass yeah because you're putting pressure on yourself and it's not going to be a good ass eating sesh like make sure you really meet a girl who's special who has a scrumptious bottom and who you just want to explore every aspect of her butt yeah and so once you meet a girl like that who you really trust and who has the kind of bottom for you yeah then go in there tenderly and eat that butthole but don't just you know attacking it like it's dinner like and if it tastes like meatloaf that's a huge plus because you know like every snowflake is different yeah it could not taste like meatloaf
Starting point is 00:13:52 so if you come in and you're like i want to eat meatloaf and it doesn't taste like then you'd be bummed yeah it tastes like beef brajul or something yeah you're gonna be like oh man i wanted meatloaf and it's like so yeah don't go into it expecting a certain kind of cuisine. Just go into it open to exploring food from all over the world. Yeah, exactly. I think be a man of service. Like I want to service this butthole by eating it. This butthole that I'm looking at right here is the most special butthole in the world.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And I'm going to do whatever I can to make this butthole that i'm looking at right here is the most special butthole in the world and i'm going to do whatever I can to make this butthole feel clean and just proceed from that position. Yeah tender and Generous. Yeah, and from there you'll grow in your butthole eating and by the time your life is over You'll have eaten so many butts in such a variety of ways, but it'll have started from a strong foundation. Yeah. Don't start from a foundation of cuisine. Yeah. Of picky eating.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah. Because meatloaf, I mean, I don't know if I'd, I don't want to critique him too much, but I don't know if I'd want to taste meatloaf down there. Not every day. No, I was thinking more like a mochi ball or something. That'd be pretty cool. Absolutely. And I think there's a butthole out a like a mochi ball or something that'd be pretty cool absolutely and i think there's a butthole out there that is mochi ball-esque yeah with chad's um uh and chad's destined for it thanks jack hey chad and jt ever since i saw your video of you guys fighting for Paul Walker's statue,
Starting point is 00:15:25 I've been inspired to fight just like you guys have. You guys have given me a lot of wisdom, but my real question is that I'm just a guy and I have some very good-looking lettuce, but my school says it's too long and it needs to be cut or else I'll be suspended indefinitely. I really want to keep my lettuce, though. How should I go about fighting for my lettuce? That's tough. What's with schools and cutting flow?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yeah, really? the i mean you're you're right dude like your school should not have a problem with your flow especially if it's killer yeah i mean but he's in a predicament because they're going to suspend them yeah i think i think this goes back to the surfboard up the ass argument you got to take one for the team let them suspend you and stand up for something right yeah because good hair you really have to own that you have to let it shine you know you have to like you have to be like madonna or like lady gaga and just be like i was born this way and it comes at a cost it comes at a cost the school is going to reprimand you for it but the rewards you get from that are going to be far beyond what this school can give
Starting point is 00:16:27 you and resistance starts with one yeah if you can be the first person to stand up for other people's flow yeah and that's what you'll be doing by defending your own flow yeah then we could see the day where no one with flow is forced to cut it yeah i mean you do this next thing you know you're giving a speech to thousands and remember with good flow and remember flow for those of you who don't know is good flowing hair good flowing hair you can rock like a good lid or helmet with it and it just flows out the sides and just looks like so good like i remember one time my mom would cut my hair and she cut a little bit short and like i just went ham dude yeah you were sorry to my mom too so like if they cut your hair then like like you gotta ask them this question be like all right you guys want to cut my hair but do you also want me to study because i don't
Starting point is 00:17:23 think i can do that with good without good hair yeah if you look good you feel good yeah i just i think of tom cruise and mission impossible too he just like great hair great hair and i think that's why he solved that impossible mission yeah that's why he was able to um take down chimera yeah which was a deadly virus that honestly if it got loose could have been the end of days the blood's loaded with chimera yeah which was a deadly virus that honestly if it got loose could have been the end of days the bloods lorded with chimera doggery scott he was supposed to be wolverine and then they went shooting that movie for too long so he lost out to a huge jacked man that's boner jam yeah because his life could have been radically different next up we got jojo so me and this chick
Starting point is 00:18:02 were talking for a while and it was the second time we tried things. Things were Gucci, but her parents didn't like me. I said the love word and stuff. Then she dumped me literally the next day, and it kind of came out of nowhere. She said it was mainly because of her parents, but I'm not entirely sure. My stoke meter has been hanging low here, dudes,
Starting point is 00:18:17 and I'm not sure what to do. What advice would you dudes give to deal with a breakup? First off, I just want to say I'm sorry, dude. I've been in the same position. You drop that L-bomb, and then they dump you. It's tough. dudes give to deal with a breakup first i just want to say i'm sorry dude that's you know i've been in the same position you drop that l-bomb and then they dump you it's tough i mean i think you know you're young dude and you have uh you're learning how to modulate a typhoon of emotions yeah and i can tell you really love this girl i mean you're gonna feel the pain of this for a while yeah but feel every bit of it, my friend, because you did,
Starting point is 00:18:46 you didn't do something wrong. You came from the heart and that means you can never be wrong. It just didn't work. And you'll learn how to make it work in the future. Yeah. But this might not be the girl for you. And if her parents hate you, I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:56 do you might've dodged a bullet? Cause that's going to suck to be going over to dinner all the time when you got these skeptical eyes bearing down on you. Yeah. I mean, you painted a beautiful picture there thank you brother or jojo did yeah mike another mike i've been trying to think of a new game for the kids to stay stoked on bowling what do you think about bowling it's super chill but i'm thinking to bring
Starting point is 00:19:19 the stoke level up we bowl down mountains let me know this guy was bowling and he wants to bowl down mountains i don't know if he means physically roll your body down mountains or move the lanes to a downhill uh kind of a um playing field interesting i got nothing for you man yeah every time i watch big lebowski i'm like i want to bowl and then i do it and I'm like, I'm not this guy. Yeah, so if you are that guy, have fun, man. All right, here comes the fucking biggest questions of the day. Mark. My bro? This is Chad's brother.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Shout out to my brother. I love you. We're taking this question extra serious. It's a two-parter one i hit the gym and got a nice pump before my first class of semester did i properly assert my dominance or was it too much too soon this is a potent thinker yes who is very cognizant of his choices yes i think well just for some context he's studying naval architecture so like this dude he's trying to build ships and this is so he's in an atmosphere where there's a lot of probably potentially dominant people but also like it's engineers so they're nerds they're nerds and i think one thing that he's really
Starting point is 00:20:49 trying to do is he's trying to show like hey dudes like look i can i can i can crunch numbers but i can also squat 450 i mean like this dude's deadlift is like he's i just want to get props to my brother like he's really boosted his deadlift in the past four months. He's a fucking beast. And I think once he starts building ships, if someone builds a ship and you're like, I want to meet the guy who designed this ship, and then you go to meet him. And he's a tank. And he's a tank.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And you're like, dude, props on the ship, but can we go squat also? Yeah, it're like props on the ship but can we go squat also yeah it's like props on building the ship but also can you explain to me how you built this tank that you inhabit all the time I mean you're gonna trust that guy the guy's like yeah I can build the cruise ship and you're like yeah you can because you also built your body
Starting point is 00:21:38 that's a good point it's pretty rad of my brother to be like out there building ships. I'm the younger bro. So I think I play a good role in just chilling in the family. I think you execute that role as close to perfection as possible. Yeah, and I think shout out to all my siblings for just crushing it out there so that I can chill. Number two, follow up to your recent current and vet shout outs.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Love you dudes too. Love you, bro. Thanks, man. Next up, we got Thomas. Dear Chad and JT, my homeroom class is stacked with hotties. It's awesome, but I'm overloaded. My dudes, how do I make it happen that I bone all 14 chicks in my homeroom class is stacked with hotties it's awesome but i'm overloaded my dudes how do i make it happen that i bone all 14 chicks in my homeroom class
Starting point is 00:22:29 uh respect for your ambition but i don't think you want to be that guy yeah i don't know how you become that guy without like ruining yourself in the process. Yeah. Like that's the kind of like brass ring that you chase and you look like Frodo in the last Lord of the Rings where you're just like worn down. Yeah. By the kind of grandiosity of your of your mission yeah i mean you're kind of just like once you you know let's say let's say you hook up with like five
Starting point is 00:23:14 and then you're like going for number six and people are like i see what you're doing and then you're like what and they're like you can't do this and you're like but i just like i want to rack in large numbers like that's not what this is about this is about love and you're breaking that sacred bond yeah and your friend yeah you're gonna hurt a lot of girls feelings in the process you're gonna strike out a lot yeah because there's just no way probability wise they're all gonna be into you i'm sorry thomas you're probably a great guy yeah but you can't be everything to everyone yeah and then your boy Benji's gonna be like hey dude we haven't talked in months and you're like oh I'm sorry I'm trying to uh bone every girl in my homeroom class you know what's gonna happen after you run through
Starting point is 00:23:52 the homeroom class you're gonna start looking for another class to run through yeah and this is gonna become the defining endeavor of your youth and I just think brother man you'd be better suited mixing it up with some other stuff too like do you really want to be the guy who just, like, bones homeroom classes? Or do you want to also be known for, like, pole vaulting or something? And you know what? The thing I do like, though, dude, is that you were going to bone every chick in the class. So you weren't going to let anybody feel left out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:17 But keep writing in, Thomas. All right. This next one is from Gavin. Dear dudes, my stoke is in the basement. I fucking hate it. Help me get my fucking stoke back all exclamation points say that again gavin dear dudes my stoke is in the basement i fucking hate it help me get my fucking stoke back all exclamation points damn dude in the event of an
Starting point is 00:24:40 earthquake you know what you always want to have one of those like rescue kits you need to break out your rescue kit brother and you need to you need to break out the essentials chad this is profound you need a tanning booth you need solid movies you need a good meal preferably pokey because it has omega-3s you need. You need a good podcast, probably Joe Rogan Experience or going deep with Chad and JT. Keep cooking, Chad. You need good tunes.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You need a babe to be texting. Keep you stoked. Find those things. Anything else that I'm missing? I think you nailed most of them, man. I nailed most of them. And I think he can find the other ones, but I think you gave him
Starting point is 00:25:23 the answer he needs. Maybe a barbell. Some lifting. Some chalk. A surfboard. And I think he can find the other ones, but I think you gave him the answer he needs. Maybe a barbell. Some lifting. Some chalk. A surfboard. And an endo board for when there are no waves. Brother man. And some of that stuff costs money,
Starting point is 00:25:32 but some of it doesn't. So start building your rescue pack. Yeah. You just hit a stoke earthquake, dude. And this is going to be one of those moments in your life where you're like fuck i really just fucking came from the depths and emerged as a god after that because i used my rescue pack and now i can never not be stoked this is from ned what up council a dude in the grade above me wants to beat my ass his reasons
Starting point is 00:26:09 are muddled he says he just doesn't like me and he won't let it go i'm scared i want to transfer schools what should i do well you can't transfer schools no there's always going to be some older dude who wants to fuck you up. These people don't go away. So you got to find a way to deal with it. So what are our options? One, you learn how to fight. Yes. And you fuck this motherfucker up.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Tom, what are some methods you can learn? There's jujitsu. There's Muay Thai. There's wrestling. They all work effectively. Preferably, they work best in conjunction with each other. Now, if you can't get into the MMA game, there's another option. Hit me.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Social equity. If you're friends with everybody and if everybody likes you, and if you're the guy who sets up the parties, who makes the parties happen and who gets the parties hopping, this guy's not going to want to mess with you because he knows if he lays a hand on you, his social calendar's about to go from packed to sacked. Beautiful. And that was cool because I didn't know what the word equity meant. So I'm glad I have that in my list now, my quiver. And then there's a third thing you can do. You can hire someone to beat the fuck out of this guy. I had a friend, Jeff Narnar in high school, who was going to get his ass whooped by this gnarly dude Nieto. So what he did was he went to his parents' gardener who he had a ton of affinity for,
Starting point is 00:27:28 and he asked the gardener to back him up. He rolled up to the, to the fight with three of his homies and they went to work on Nieto and his boys. Nice. And then there's a fourth thing to do. You beg this guy not to fuck you up. You let him assert his dominance over you, dictate the outcome of the fight, Fall on the ground and just say, dude, yeah, if you're going to piss on me, take a shit on me, kick me, do what you're going to do. And I think it's going to take a lot of the fun out of it
Starting point is 00:27:51 if you're just like a limp punching bag for him. Yeah, that's like back to when, you know, we were throwing shit at Rick's fucking shed. Yeah. If he just came out like, I don't care, you know, keep throwing throwing shit that's not fun yeah exactly when the dude gets mad when he fights back that's when it's fun for the aggressor yeah he's feeding on your fear right now guys that will be it for the third episode of the going down
Starting point is 00:28:18 deep with uh guys that will be it for the third episode of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. We want to thank you guys so much for joining us in. We hope you're stoked. Thank you. Keep writing questions in. A lot of people ask me how you can write questions in. Go to the website, Going Deep podcast, and then there's a submit questions here button. You can click that.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Hit me with some questions. Hit me and JT with some questions. This is now on spotify and itunes so hit subscribe on itunes give us a rating and uh write a review if you want uh we love reviews so hit us with a solid review we'd love that and uh we'll be back next week with your podcast thank you guys so much jt anything you want to say thanks so much for listening guys we'll be back next week and we're going to keep coming for you hell yeah love you guys thank you

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