Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 325 - Strider Wilson

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

Today we are joined by the Legend who has the most guest appearances in Going Deep history. You know him, You love him... Its Strider Wilson. We start off the pod with a hot phone call about parents ...donating away a prized possession. We hear about Striders life of being married. WE end with a little twist - LAST WEEK, with the Almost Friday pod we had a caller, who 3 way called the person who he was beefing with. Originally we cut this out of respect for the person who had no idea they were on the pod but after reaching out to bro, we are releasing it this week!  Check out Striders Pod - History is Dank! https://www.youtube.com/@UCTL7nlAndqWlwjgZR7pchtw  Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! FLORDIA (Tampa, Orlando, Dania Beach UP NEXT) - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Welcome to the podcast. We have the one and only, your favorite, Strider Wilson in the building for another epic pod. So stoked to have you guys on board. We are going back on the road, and we're coming hot to Florida, Orlando, Tampa, and Dania Beach. February 14th, Orlando, 15th, Tampa, 16th, Dania Beach. We will be there. Get your tickets at challengejt.com. We will have Strider there as well. We also have new dates coming in. Hot. So keep your eyes peeled. As of now, we got Fort Worth coming up.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I believe the dates on the website will be changing. I think it's April 12th through the 14th. Somewhere in that area. Then we'll be at the Tempe Improv April 18th. And we got a lot of dates coming in, so check out chadandjt.com for tickets. And also, we've been loving the calls. So stoked on everyone that's called in.
Starting point is 00:00:53 If you want to call in, you got a beef or something, a life quandary that you want to get solved, call the number 323-418-2019. Let us know what you want to talk about. You can also text that number, and we'd love to hear from you. Guys, so stoked to have you on board. Let's start the podcast. What's your dream?
Starting point is 00:01:17 Going deep. Chatting, chatting. Baby got them apple-bottom jeans. Boots with the jeans boots with the fur with the fur i forget the rest of the lyrics what's up guys welcome to the going deep challenge at podcast i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up hello stokers and we're here with the maestro of matrimony mr strider wilson that was a that was a remix of the smooch of when I married my dank ass wife. That's what I did, dude, right there in Smooch Arena.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Stoked to be potting it up with the boys, dude. Yeah, pumped, baby. Nice setup. First time in this setup. Did you like it? Dude, we got a lot of technology in here. This is like the inside of a van during a heist. Jake is a maestro.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah, this is like Enemy of the State. Enemy of the State. And they're in the van. And they're all like, wait, we got eyes on. That movie probably the first. I mean, there was ones in the 70s. But is that like the best surveillance movie? It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:19 The one that tipped the cap as to where we were going to go. Yeah, it was so good. That one. Wait, does Gene Hackman help him in that movie yeah yeah that's the one and then gene hackman was in the conversation which is like a surveillance but i i've never even made it all the way through that one is french connection surveillance or is that more just not just cops and charisma drug dealership it's a best surveillance movie what what is it dude i like the lives of others eagle eye about stasi What is it, dude?
Starting point is 00:02:42 I like The Lives of Others. Eagle Eye? About the Stasi. Yeah. Was that the one he did with, who's the Brad Pitt kind of guy? He's like a drone pilot. Oh, maybe. Disturbia is kind of a surveillance movie.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Of the Shia ones, I like Disturbia more. Disturbia is great. Good soundtrack, dude. Kings of Leon. But yeah, I would say for surveillance, I like The Lives of Others a lot. I like Catch by Michael Hael honicky that one's interesting do you guys watch snowden with uh joseph joseph gordon levitt no i did see some of it the documentary about snowden's really good is he still in russia just kicking it yeah he's
Starting point is 00:03:17 kind of off the beaten path now you hear about him every time something fucked up happens yeah it's got to be a tough life as a whistleblower i was listening to david grouch the guy who was like whistleblowed to congress about ufos and stuff and he ruined his like career in the navy to do this and it's like he probably has this moment of like three months where he's like yeah aliens are real i'm on rogan and then after that he's like kind of just sitting there he's like what do i do now yeah he's just out it's a big sacrifice yeah eating but i was gonna say i like to think of jake as hugh jackman and swordfish he's got bottles of red wine sexy yeah actually never seen that movie oh you should you see holly berry's tatas in there also hugh jackman gets a bj dude he's got a hack while getting a bj she's got to focus yeah he does a good job acting like he's getting a bj
Starting point is 00:04:06 but also stressed out about hacking dude jt what's your impression of the just yeah i mean just that come on it definitely made me think that getting head was a more immersive experience than it turned out to be it probably oversold oral sex to me yeah where i thought it would be uh i didn't even i because then when i first had oral sex i was actually kind of in my head the whole time which i didn't even know was possible because swordfish made it seem like it really just took you over like once you got a mouth around your dick your whole body just became your dick yeah but i was surprised when my brain still existed i wonder if they shot the conversation with john travolta and that girl being like look before we go in with this meeting we're gonna play this game where he's got a hack into something and i want you to blow him yeah she's like look that's not really why i want to
Starting point is 00:05:00 work for this evil organization i'm really more into like you know the cool bombs that we're making like he's like no look that's cool but but we're going to need you to step up. That is sick. This tie, dude. It's a good cast. Yeah. Don Cheadle. We got to call this guy, though, because this guy's running out of time to get called.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Hopefully we didn't miss our window. Hello? Hey, what's up, man? It's JT Parr. How's it going? Oh oh i'm doing all right man i got a meeting in 10 but i got some time nice nice thank you for taking the time oh of course i woke up the other night in cold sweats thinking about this event from my childhood and i i needed to get it off my chest you know wow we'll. Well, let it rip, baby. Yeah. So basically I was a late bloomer
Starting point is 00:05:46 and I went through puberty pretty late, like maybe sophomore or junior year. And I didn't really have any siblings or people to like, I guess, show me the ropes when it came to pleasuring myself. And so basically I started, I was in my basement once and i saw we had this like crusty old white couch and i think i did what any logical uh hormonal teenager would do um and i i basically like started inserting myself in this couch and yeah wait so was there a hole in the couch or where did you put your penis like between the cushions okay and there was enough friction there yeah come oh yeah and so i it became like my go-to like splooge couch essentially and long story short i go downstairs one day and i had like
Starting point is 00:06:48 fairly strict parents i would say i went downstairs one day to relieve myself and i realized that the couch was gone and i thought oh man what happened so i went upstairs and i asked my parents hey what happened to that nasty white couch that was downstairs? And basically they said that they had donated it. And I thought, okay, well, maybe it's time for me to grow up anyways. And I didn't really think much of it until I went to school on Monday and I saw that they had donated the couch to my high school and it was sitting in the senior lounge whoa dude yeah so basically my concern is do you think my parents knew about this relationship i had with this crusty old couch and they donated it to spite me i don't or do you think it's just a coincidence? I don't know. Well, were you actually leaving jizz in it?
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, I was. It was a futon, too. So what happened to all the leftover jizz? It must have stained the fuck out of it, right? Yeah, it did, but it was a white couch, so it just kind of blended in a little bit, I think. Were you coming in between the crevices, or would you come on top? In between the crevices or would you come on on top where you
Starting point is 00:08:06 in between the crevices yeah like on the futon part right so you didn't pull out and so no i didn't pull out no i mean well my my other thing was throughout my junior and senior year i saw basically every girl i ever had a crush on sit on this couch. Wow. And it was pretty humiliating. Why? Why was it humiliating? Yeah. Well, I don't know. I don't know how long that stuff lasts.
Starting point is 00:08:36 What if one of them got pregnant all of a sudden just from sitting on this couch? I don't know. You didn't really think they were going to get pregnant. But you felt like you were, you didn't like that. You felt like you were violating them a little bit. Yeah. I felt,
Starting point is 00:08:49 I felt, I, yeah, I felt like I was violating them a little bit. Like they had no idea that I had this like, uh, extramarital affair with this furniture that they were sitting on, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't know. I understand that. And there, you might've been able to take action back then to like burn the couch or get rid of it or something but that would have been so challenging i think things just happen it's a little gross but it's okay overall yeah well i i feel like i i needed to get that like i needed this to be out in the open i didn't feel good bottling it up you know did you feel like you was it tough to connect emotionally with girls when the couch was there because maybe like a conflicting like you out of the couch and you
Starting point is 00:09:34 see your crush yeah i think it was tricky for me to connect emotionally i didn't actually date at all in high school so i don't maybe it was it was because I felt, I felt, I don't know. I mean, yeah, it was, I think it was difficult. Did you, how did you come after you got rid of the couch? Um, I think I learned like the traditional methods after that. Cause I was experimenting. I didn't really know what to do. So like first I would like, so before you ever water before you ever stroked
Starting point is 00:10:06 it you just humped couch exactly right exactly exactly right yeah i mean i i think it's i think it's important to get this off your chest i had i mean i think the thing that you'll realize is we've all had embarrassing moments i remember i was a foreign exchange student in spain i lived with a host family and i lived with a host family and i lived with an older lady and then her kids came and they were probably right in their like 30s they came to visit and it was a siesta time time to nap and that's usually when i would you know do my self-pleasuring business and i was in the middle of it and her kids came in to say adios and um you know my i didn't leave the bed because my pants were down yeah and so i had to give them hugs while in the bed like it was very awkward
Starting point is 00:10:55 where i was like i can't leave the bed because i have no pants on yeah and so i was like that's gotta be a shocker scenario where you just go later guys. Yeah. Later guys. But I was like, I'll still the way go. Yeah. Yeah. So hopefully that will help decrease your shame. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I appreciate that. I just, I'm like an adult now. So this was, you know, many years ago at this point and it's, it's just been bottled up for a while and you know, I'm,
Starting point is 00:11:22 I'm married now and like have a life of my own. I'm a professional and it's just been bottled up for a while. And, you know, I'm married now and, like, have a life of my own. I'm a professional. And it's just like I sometimes wake up and just, does my wife know? About the bus couch? She knows about the bus couch, yeah. I actually told her because she's a stoker. That's awesome. She's a stoker as well.
Starting point is 00:11:38 That's so sweet, though. And so I knew she would listen to this. And she was totally cool with you having this couch that everybody, she didn't get jealous or anything? No, she didn't get jealous or anything. No, she didn't get out of the couch or. Yeah. And just like everybody's sitting on it and like,
Starting point is 00:11:50 it's like, you know, I don't know. She didn't get jealous. She just, she understood. She's very understanding. I think,
Starting point is 00:11:57 you know, she, uh, she has her own embarrassing stories as well. And so it was a time of vulnerability for us, which I think was healthy. That's nice. I'm glad that you didn't feel happy when you saw people sitting on the couch then i'd be like all right you might need to sit on a different couch with a therapist next to you and figure that out but so you know fair enough your your vulnerability is appreciated we've been
Starting point is 00:12:20 there if anything never did you not did but i mean i think that was the the thing that none of us wanted to address but that is probably actually the other side of it is that was there a part of you that did like that all these people were sitting on your jizz couch i mean took too long sometimes if there was like a dude that i had beef with maybe like and he was sitting on the couch i was like he has no idea nice but would you throw would you be like hey man you dropped a quarter you should be look for that in the crevice of the couch tell him that no i could have though that would have been pretty good you're like hey man i dropped a a really delicious kit kat between the seat cushions you should pull it out with your
Starting point is 00:13:01 mouth i dropped both twigs down there have them both bro did yeah you're giggling i didn't even think about that but no that's a dude did you giggle like that ever when you saw someone sit on the couch that that little cute little giggle you just did it um again neither confirm or deny did you tell it did you tell any of your friends at the time did anyone else know i else know? I haven't told anyone. The only people that know are now the- Thousands of listeners. And my wife. You know what?
Starting point is 00:13:31 That actually makes me think you got not too much pleasure out of it. Because he didn't brag about it to anybody until now. I was mostly embarrassed, to be honest with you. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah, you sound like a good dude. You're just trying to hump a couch, dude. Come on. Have you told your parents? parents no but i'm worried that they found out and that's why they donated the couch to my high school no no no they wouldn't have done that that
Starting point is 00:13:54 would have been really twisted yeah what do you do your parents do stuff like that um yeah but i mean i think i mean they're pretty strict my father before me which is on futons his father before him they would donate to every school district no dude they didn't know bro there's no way but you know what yeah listeners out there you never take a donated couch you never take you pay money you go you inspect you pay money you look at it yeah has it made you distrustful of inheriting furniture from others oh yeah but not even just furniture like just about anything right like if someone just hands you a rag yeah what's the rule where it's like everything's touched a dick once
Starting point is 00:14:39 that's true yeah you know what you got to go into life thinking that that's carl's dick's been on this yeah i guess i don't sweat it. I inherited a couch and I assumed there was jizz on it. Yep. I bought a new couch from one stone. You just have to be okay with that? And I got mine from like a hot black spin instructor. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh, dude. It was a dude. I really punched too hard on black there. Good guy. Friend of mine yeah you know next holiday season if you're boozing with your parents it could be a you know a good bonding moment where you kind of try to get the load out and be like did you guys know i was humping that couch and if they didn't then that could be a good laugh or it could be really weird but either way i think there will be some connection well dude thanks for calling in man
Starting point is 00:15:25 oh sorry no yeah of course i appreciate the the help in thinking through this maybe i will bring it up with my parents but maybe i'll try to leave the inappropriate stuff out of it yeah yeah you know there's a tactful way to go through it yeah but yeah cool well thanks guys i appreciate it yeah you're the man bro thanks man all righty i'll see ya yeah thanks good guy what was his name uh should i say no no he wanted to stay anonymous definitely he wants to stay anonymous what's his first and last name and what school district is he in you know let's figure that out. You know, I think that is one of those things too,
Starting point is 00:16:14 where actually a lot of people like jizz on the stuff they have in their house and people come over and use that stuff and they just don't think about it. Oh yeah. It's crazy to have it at your high school, but I mean, in terms of like putting, being on surfaces that have been jizzed on, it's probably more often than not. Dude, a thousand percent. It's,
Starting point is 00:16:28 I'll take any opportunity to do the Leon Phelps, the ladies man voice, but there's a whole scene where she comes over to his houseboat and he goes, the magic happened there. The magic happened right where you're sitting. The magic happened. Yeah. The whole joke's about he's jizzed on everything.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It's a good movie. Dude's jizzed on stuff. It's a great movie. It's a good movie. But the fact that that stuff got then donated to the high school that's next level that's a that's a movie dude and he's got to go back to the high school and heist it but fuck it one last time before he gets it out of the high school he's like come here couch but it is like putting yourself in his shoes that is such a weird connection to have to that couch. It was what I imagine in your high school like man I've had so many naughty moments with this thing.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah, to have your greatest like object of shame be put in front and center and like this arena where everyone's judging each other is a lot for the brain. And if you think about some like philosophies and stuff they'll say that objects themselves have memories and it's like you know depending on what you believe in they could transfer you know actions that happen to them you know into you know a conduit's mind yeah like you have nightmares where the couch is like talking and it's like you know uh i'm making up a name billy used to jizz all over me. Everyone's like, oh, Billy's a perv. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And then he wakes up like sweating and he's like, and he doesn't have his couch to get that stress off on. Yeah. And you're like, why is the goth girl looking at me weird? Yeah. I wish I would have asked him this. How long do you think it took him to find a new way to come after he lost the couch? 30 seconds. Went upstairs, jacked off in the shower.
Starting point is 00:18:08 He goes, oh, I guess I i just gotta use my hand right should we do another call let's call this guy oh i gotta oh use this mitt right here i guess that would be funny if there's a hole in the couch that would be amazing i wonder it must have been like couldn't have been cloth had to have been like leather yeah had to be like this jt that's a good for you know for your son in the future if you have a hole in your couch you might want to get a new couch i'm just assuming he's gonna come and bust everywhere yeah i'm not too worried about it i'm just gonna be like hey man not and bust everywhere. Yeah. I'm not too worried about it. I'm just going to be like, hey, man, not at the dinner table.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And here's the thing. If I find out, if it gets on my radar, it's too much. Right. It should never be on my radar. Yeah, in Nate Jackson's book where he played tight end for the Broncos, they say if you fail a drug test, you either have a drug problem or you're too stupid to know a drug test is coming up. Either way, you got a problem.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Correct. That's right. That's how i feel about me discovering your loads that was pretty crazy like the jizz couch guy like i imagine he works in sales or something and like to have that conversation right before you walk into a meeting and they're like hey like you know how's our quarter looking and he in the back of his head he's like oh man that's exactly what i was gonna ask him are you gonna close your next call with your lawyer dude well what what if he is like a trial lawyer and he's his clients on trial for murder and he's like all right so i was looking at your case right after this call so it's almost good because then you don't judge the murderer you're like well we've all done dirt it kind of humbles you in a way that's probably that's the
Starting point is 00:19:42 one good thing about doing bad things is it like keeps your ego in check or he comes in like if you're a little late for a meeting you sit down sorry guys call went a little long no one's gonna judge that everyone's gonna come in and respect that can you imagine if if we were live though and they're like dude we're on we're on the going deep youtube right now we just heard all of that that'd be amazing oh well they're like yeah i'm a huge fan of the pod i was listening to it yeah that was you i can tell it was your voice yeah i could hear you from the other room and i've always kind of known you were the kind of guy who would do something and i sat on that couch yeah and i stuck to it speaking of which why do you have two couches in your room in your office dude that's funny you get one for sitting one for fun this is scott yo what's good it's chad jt it's chad jt from going deep with chad jt
Starting point is 00:20:38 dude what's up we got strider in the mix too what. What up, dude? What's up, Strider? Chilling, dude. What's going down? Fucking cruising, son. Let's go. Hell yeah. Is that your... So what ails you? What ails me? Oh, yeah. All right, so I've got this group of dudes.
Starting point is 00:20:59 We call it the blowover boys. Four homies. One of the homies. Um, one of the homies recently got a girlfriend and then just up and disappeared on the boys. So, uh, it's kind of whack. And like, how do we let the, let the homie know it's not chill. This is always challenging for guys. Well, what if, what if you took the direct approach and texted them? Hey man, we feel like you've dipped since you got a lady. We miss you.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Can we get together? Has anyone tried that? I mean, I feel like we take offense to it. We kind of want to let him down easy. Like, hey, you can chill with your chick, but you need to make time for the boys. How old are you? 28.
Starting point is 00:21:43 28. When's the last time you saw him? This past weekend, but it was because his chick wasn't available to hang out with him. We don't want to be a second option. Is he very in love? Freshly. It's like a two-month thing. Has he disappeared in the past with a gal and then he circles back when it doesn't work or something?
Starting point is 00:22:14 That has actually happened in the past, yeah. Did he regret his past actions? Yeah. Last time he was like, dude, I'm sorry I disappeared, but it's history repeating itself. Right. So you're more just annoyed at this dude's character trait that you guys are number one until a gal comes in and then you guys fall down his priority list? Yeah, but it's not even that. It's like, just make time for both. What makes him so integral to The Hang? What makes him a pivotal member of the the blover boys
Starting point is 00:22:46 well uh so what's like uh i don't even know he's not even that great man it's one of those it's like it doesn't feel like It's the whole group Unless it's the whole group You get me? Right How many dudes are in the group? It's four blow over boys Yeah And dude Without all four
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's just three dudes And that's just kind of whack Do any of the other dudes Have a girl? Three's company Um They have But they've never
Starting point is 00:23:22 Disappeared like that Whoa Hmm And what do you What do you guys get up to? Still part of the boys What do you guys get up to Um, they, they have, but they've never disappeared like that. Whoa. And what do you, what do you guys get up to? Part of the boys. What do you guys get up to when you're together? Uh, nothing good, man.
Starting point is 00:23:37 What, so what is, can you, yeah, maybe a little more on that. Yeah. A normal, a normal blower boy evening would be the four boys going out on the boat boozing or the, the four boys going out on the boat boozing or the the four boys going out on a count on the night sounds nice sounds sounds pretty standard good time yeah how ballistic do y'all get how holistic no ballistic like how hard how hard do you guys party um good enough to where most of the time the next morning no one's feeling good nice all right sounds like basic burton bullshit i i have i have an idea for him i think i think it sounds like you guys maybe are a little bit repetitive with your hangs i think you guys gotta
Starting point is 00:24:21 do stuff that's like fresh and new that he's gonna be super jealous of yeah so he's gonna he's like what you're going riverboat gambling with in the nile river and you're like yeah i mean you can cruise if you want that's genius make him feel the deficit yeah go live a life that that is better than whatever he's got on the other side yeah i like it i like where the the ideas are flowing from well did the the rest of the blow over boys went to a drag show last week and he didn't come and he was jealous oh perfect so keep it up yeah you guys are doing the right thing cooler and cooler shit yeah because i do think if you like engage him directly just with conversation i'll just get into like some icky emotional fragility and nobody will feel good
Starting point is 00:25:10 whereas if you guys just go have fun not only are you having fun but you're also proving your point to your your bro who is dipping and so it kind of like everybody wins and gets what they want in the end i like it yeah to quote david tell you want to have those nights where you next day you go you should have hung out man you should have been there and then if he thinks if he thinks he's you know getting a romantic always retake a class you can never relive a party that's what my buddy's dad told us whoa i like that it's a good quote yeah keep pm me on that one did he tell you that from the other side of glass at one point dude can i guess where you're from i'm gonna guess
Starting point is 00:25:55 colorado florida or socal no north carolina i actually saw you boys in uh uh greensboro oh god help me in his arms i held you really that's beautiful yeah i got a picture of you and me you're holding me like like a swaddled baby oh dude okay nice you i think you're like six to 250 right that's right yeah i'm pretty fucking jack uh well dude i mean you're in greensboro dude hit a freaking cracker barrel yeah dude and do something romantic bro make them be like you're not even doing more romantic stuff than we are with your lady dude go out to a nice seafood dinner with the boys yeah you know bro's dinner yeah bro's dinners dude send him a text yeah take a dance class with each other yeah go to surla top together dude yeah make a new dish together dude oh go get like couples massages with the three blow over boys
Starting point is 00:26:56 fuck yeah dude get a sick ass couples therapist among all three of you guys dude and be like dude lillian just has us so dialed right now bro we've worked through so many personal struggles and just really grown as a group it's a shame you weren't a part of it did you have fun golfing you fucking bitch no don't tell him that you know what like maybe one time the three of you guys go hang out with his parents without him yeah that's a great idea dude i've been out to the bars with his parents without him yeah that's a great idea dude i've been out to the bars with his parents without him wow that's perfect how did that happen or was it fun i grew up with the kid back home and uh his parents are chill as fuck is he your best friend uh yeah he's one of them i don't like labels like that they're all my best friends man oh i like that yeah why put why rank it
Starting point is 00:27:45 yeah but i i think like i think you just gotta live it up live an epic life and make this guy feel jealous i like it i think you all win in that scenario and dude also i gotta tell you you got a very uh distinct energy like you're you're one of you're one of a kind for sure in a good way i appreciate it that i needed that today man i appreciate you guys and what y'all do hell yeah man and dude while you're in greensboro hit the international civil rights center and museum or the orbitorium yes i'm actually i'm in Houston and I live in Wilmington so I just drove to Greensboro to see you guys oh you're a legend Houston Texas? Houston Texas dude
Starting point is 00:28:30 great city man fantastic trip yeah we'll see you at a we'll see you at the museum of fine arts or the space center or Herman Park if we want to
Starting point is 00:28:46 keep it low-key true national museum of funeral history that could be fun to go to yeah figure out funerals you want to know what's coming next that makes you more peaceful in the moment looks like you could do some good perineum sunning at miller outdoor theater or at the butterfly center one lands on your hole. Oh, that could be really, that'd be enchanting. Dude, imagine sunning and just having one of those guys land on your hole. That would be magical. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:29:15 What's your name, man? Kyle. Beast. For some reason, I think, do you have a nickname, though, that more people call you? A lot of people call me kaya bear my last name is oh that's tight you seem like a nickname guy has anyone ever told you smiles that one came along once upon a time and then back in middle school it was just ky which i didn't like that one too much. Yeah, then they'd call you Jelly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Dude, you got to hit Six Flags Hurricane Harbor with the fucking boys. That would make me jealous. Yeah, everyone's going to be jealous if you go to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, dude. Yeah, that sounds about right. Are you seeing anybody? No, not right now, man. I've been traveling a bunch for work.
Starting point is 00:30:03 That's why I'm here in Houston. What do you do for work uh environmental surveying you're one of those dudes that sets up the tripod and like traffic no i go to uh i go to the compressor sites and scan for leaks for the epa sites and scan for leaks for the epa nice what an interesting job and so even the world man guys yeah so that that's how does that what are you looking out for again i'm sorry so uh natural gas all those places that pump that stuff i go to places that have that and make sure the pipelines aren't leaking essentially what. What happens if they leak? Does it get to the water supply? Most times it's into the air,
Starting point is 00:30:49 and we just let them know about it, and they fix them. Thank you, man. You're a fucking beast, dude. You're a beast. Kaya Bear, we love you, man. Keep it. You're a good guy. Your heart's in the right place.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Keep doing you, partner. Quit hibernating. Let those ladies get at you. Give them some of that honey. and keep checking in dude tell the rest of the blowover boys we said big ups big ups my guys and give us an update on on this sitch on bitch boy yeah yeah tell bitch boy we said hey tell us your girlfriend dude does he ever does he, do you ever like hang out and then you hear him talk to his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:31:28 and he uses his girlfriend voice? He's like, he's like, oh, dude. Yeah, I was about six deep on Budweiser. And he's like, hey, babe, is everything all right? And you're like, oh, dude, busted. You just ruined the hang with that voice. Come here. You tell him, come here, come here.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Why? Boom, shoulder punch. What's up? up yeah have you guys beat his ass for being in love yeah that's true you gotta do that that's a huge miss by you guys because like for me dude the moment i see my buddy smile with a girl head kick yeah take him out on the boat throw him overboard and be like, you want this life jacket, bitch? Yeah, dunk his head in the water and like almost drown him and be like, do you love her? I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:12 We both like Marvel movies. Shut up. Here's the thing, dude. Him and this chick are going to get married and have kids, but you can't make it easy on him. All right. He's got to earn it through massive ridicule. Does he really love her? You got to tell him. You got to lock it through massive ridicule. Does he really love her? You got to tell him.
Starting point is 00:32:27 You got to lock him in a room. Don't let him sleep for a couple days. Come in there. Flick the lights on bright. Do you really love her? Tell me. But then when she's around, you got to make him look, never make him look weak in front of his chick, though.
Starting point is 00:32:39 But when she's not around, you basically pound his ass with foreign objects. Wait, sorry. What did you say, Kyle? I cut you off, dog. What's up? I said always hype him up in front of the girls, but when he's with the boys, you bust him down. You tap that sack.
Starting point is 00:32:57 That's right. All right. Well, we'll come see the Blover boys soon. Yeah. Good shit, bro. Keep bloving, dude. Good luck with this huge pussy of a friend you got, dude. That's for a comedy show, Downtown Wilmington. You guys should go there. We'll come see you. shit, bro. Keep bloving, dude. Good luck with this huge pussy of a friend you got, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:05 That's for a comedy show downtown Wilmington. You guys should go there. We'll come see you. I can't even hear about this, dude. When I hear about a guy acting like that,
Starting point is 00:33:12 oh, dude, it pisses me off. That gets me really pissed, bro. Yeah, dude. I get real tired of that shit. I'm fucked. Kyle, are you pissed right now?
Starting point is 00:33:21 Dude, I'm sitting in a truck waiting for an Uber. I'm pissed. Oh, you're in a truck waiting for an Uber. I'm pissed. Oh, you're in a truck waiting for an Uber? Yeah, dude. Getting out of Houston back to the Wilmy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:34 All right. Later, man. Later. Good guy. That was great. I got another one here here he was someone we called earlier he says he's ready now cool calls you better not have a friend who's a big old pussy like yeah that was crazy dude that really i never even heard actually i was gonna say that might be the most common complaint we've had on besides long distance girlfriend it's it that one really gets to guys i guess i'm at the age now where you're like yeah it's gonna happen to everybody
Starting point is 00:34:08 like that's just how it is yeah just buckle up i mean do you remember in college though and you're like oh dude mason's whipped oh yeah and you see him and he just his shoulders are hunched and he's wearing like a cardigan you're like what's up bitch he's like oh yeah he's like danny zucco at the end of greece or something oh dude oh dude yeah they should grab the opposite way yeah when he should be like john travolta at the end of a sort of phenomenon dude can you imagine if at greece at the end if instead of doing the whole song with a sweater he's like hey sandy kick rocks i'm hanging with the boys later the audience would have loved that dude what a
Starting point is 00:34:46 man they all just started having a circle jerk together he should lie to his friends and get like a master chief outfit like a good ass expensive one and be like dude christine bought me this all his friends would be like what dude she said she's fucking awesome dude she got you a master chief outfit yeah there is there is the guys who are too quick to do it too much though they they they just don't uh it is true some guys they go in heavy they don't think about the gander yo uh before we call this next guy jt close your legs a little bit what just your fucking cock is just right in the camera you got a sexual dude is it too sexual i mean if you're cool with it i'm cool with it if you're cool with it i'm cool with it you almost made me self-conscious there for a
Starting point is 00:35:28 while i was trying to look out for you i didn't want your cock just to be you know yeah this is the bulge cast i don't want you to read 20 comments of like about your cock jake you're obsessed with my dick yeah that's engagement hey jake yeah just keep showing it all right you love this dude youtube's like we got to push this in the algo exactly you're just trying to hoard it all for yourself brother we're gonna get shadow boosted for that dude i think jake's gonna get uh distracted while editing he's gonna keep doing close-ups of jt sack exactly dude just push in on that do you tell baseball pitchers the same thing oh it's true baseball pitchers are wearing fucking cups bro no one
Starting point is 00:36:06 wears a cup only catchers wear cups dude yeah would you learn that in grade school zinged yeah dude jake just texted me telling us to go easy on him. Yeah. Hello? What up? Hey, what's going on, guys? Hey, man. How are you? I'm pretty good. How are y'all?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Good. What ails you, brother? All right. Well, basically about a year ago, I took my younger cousin to Italy for his birthday. That's awesome. Yeah. It was an awesome trip you know in theory um I thought I was going to be like the cool cousin you know kind of expanding his horizon and whatnot um he was turning 22 I'm 30 at the time and we're meeting my ex-girlfriend out there so when we planned this trip, she was my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:37:05 But by the time the trip came around, she was my ex. So, you know, on good terms still. So we meet her out there, and the first day we land in Venice, you know, we end up getting after her pretty quick. We end up getting pretty day drunk. And that's when shit just turned and they're flirting with each other they're being like all weird and i started getting jealous they end up kind of getting into like an argument um they end up ditching me so i find them later on and they're smooching oh wait this is your cousin sorry yeah it's my
Starting point is 00:37:48 cousin and you took him out there yeah oh dude okay keep going it sucked it sucked uh i kind of saw red at that point i started feeling and the thing is i i didn't really have any like super strong feelings for her but it was just a principle it's a total violation principle yeah yeah it was very shakespearean i i kind of went full rage mode started screaming in his face um i ended up flapping him across his face good dark demons came out of me right right and uh we ended up rolling around on the ground in the middle of saint mark's square which is his famous piazza italy a lot of pigeons kind of iconic in a way shit there that's probably pretty gross what was that a lot of pigeon shit in that square pigeon shit a lot of pigeon shit cigarette butts everywhere all that
Starting point is 00:38:42 stuff um and yeah we end up just, beating the crap out of each other. She weirdly was, like, defending him, maybe because he was younger or they just smooched her. I don't know. He got her claws in her somehow. So she pulled him off of me, or I don't know how exactly it happened, but we separated, and then they went their way. And I ended up back at the
Starting point is 00:39:06 Airbnb hours later we kind of screamed at each other he ended up buying an airplane back home and he was gone and then I spent the rest of the trip just by myself in Italy that's not all that happened that's a movie that second part I like that honestly it was something like eat pray love shit it was awesome so i guess what my question is is now that the dust has settled and you know that's kind of in the past now how long ago was never this was a little over a year ago okay keep going i'm sorry so yes so my question is you know he had he's never apologized. I would love to forgive him. I would love to just put this all in the past, but the kid's never given me a formal apology. I don't
Starting point is 00:39:52 even know if he fully remembers exactly how it went. He was so drunk. You know, a lot's got lost in translation. You know, a lot of egos are involved. So we never were really able to have a conversation about it we tried and it's just gotten heated and made things worse so we just avoided one another but during like holidays like christmas fourth of july this and that like my mom's house is like the house that all the family comes to so i have to see him every time i come home don't let her every time i like kick it with my what was that don't let him near your mom can't was that? Don't let him near your mom. Can't trust this guy. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Well, that's his aunt. But, yeah, my question is, like, how do I, every time I want to see my mom or, like, my bros or have, like, a nice time, I have to, like, deal with his presence near me. And, like, is there a way I can, can like let this go like it's it's really like hovering over me no i don't i don't think you have to let it go and i wouldn't reach out to him first i think he's the one who is in if you're telling us the full truth and i trust you i think he's the one who's completely in the wrong it's up to him to make it right not to you to help him
Starting point is 00:41:01 make it right so i think you just need to learn the art of compartmentalization you go there you remain mad at him but dispassionately and then you just have fun with your family and you just learn how to uh tolerate nuisances that are around you when you don't want them there because that's a huge part of adulthood have other cousins or bros talked do they know about this the other cousins are bros in your family? The other dudes? They do know about it. Have they talked to him? To a certain degree, yeah. He's like such a beloved figure in my family. He's like one of the youngest. He's very charismatic.
Starting point is 00:41:35 So I think they don't really, they're somehow able to overlook it and like still be cool with him. Other people always weigh in on your beefs and they just don't want beef near them so they'll just be like oh dude can't you just forgive him and like they'll push you to do things that don't feel right for you i wouldn't i mean i love your family and you love them but i i wouldn't let anyone i'm not even saying they're doing this but i wouldn't let them pressure you into something that doesn't feel right for you yeah yeah what's what's his defense um his defense is that i attacked him because i was
Starting point is 00:42:14 the first person to like to throw blows well right but he was like yeah i guess that's has he admitted that he fucked up does did he admit that yeah dude i shouldn't have gotten with your ex every dude knows that every dude knows that so he's taking zero accountability for his side of it he hasn't taken any accountability i think part of it like i truly don't think there's like i think there's huge black spots in his memory and then later on when we did start to sober up we were back at the airbnb i ended up like stealing her back from him and kind of like hooking up with her anyways she sounds like a really level-headed gal the whole thing was a mistake it was all weird messy you never meet up with the x
Starting point is 00:43:02 right no no i never saw her again yeah i guess you know what i mean and you seem like you want to forgive so if you feel up for it you should then like do you want to forgive him and just like move past it or do you need to hear something back i i actually really do want to forgive and move past it but like is that like a am i enabling this behavior is that a weak thing to do no man i mean as long as it's true to you if you don't i mean like you're always gonna have some conflict on stuff but if you truly feel like you're ready to move past it and you can like move forward without overwhelming you're gonna have a little resentment but without overwhelming resentment then do what feels
Starting point is 00:43:42 instinctive to you yeah i mean i think if he has a desire to forgive and it's like having these grudges and these resentments it's like poison i mean even though your cousin was clearly in the wrong and he needs to apologize i think uh if it brings you more peace of mind and helps to make future family reunions uh more comfortable and and enjoyable then that might be the move um you know i have friends i haven't figured like my buddy noel who stole my car i've never forget him well i mean i don't wish ill will on him i hope he's living a good life but i just don't want to be boys with him anymore i'm lucky i don't have to see him a lot but i feel fine about that like that was the right move for me
Starting point is 00:44:29 i'm like no we're not boys anymore because you you burn me and you burn me deep and you had a chance to make it right and you didn't and so it wasn't even the the the initial betrayal it was the it was the duration of the betrayal that bothered me. And so I'm okay with it. But if you really want to be boys with this guy and you're ready to forgive, and it's something maybe, do you feel like you could laugh about it? I don't want to be boys with him. Like if he wasn't family, I wouldn't even want to see him. It's tougher than it's family, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:01 But it's because it's family and we're going to inevitably have to be around each other for the rest of our lives to a certain degree i feel like i should like find a way to to make things chill and you're a big your family's tight it sounds like you guys are a big uh interwoven unit accurate well like uh so if you were to forgive him how would you go about doing that how do you picture that going down like would you would you say like hey man you know i still think that what you did was wrong but i'm willing to move past this so you know we can so i so i tried to do this once and instead of just being like like super like humble and chill about it i tried to do this once. And instead of just being super humble and chill about it, I tried to essentially manipulate him into saying sorry to me. And he got extremely defensive.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And honestly, we almost got into another fight because of how prideful he was. He sounds tough, though, man. What was that? Sorry, keep going going he's a hard he's a hard shell to crack right and yeah and when i was trying to get him to see things from my point of view it just like we had completely different stories of the event that it just we could not see eye to eye and i was just shocked because at the end of the day still like he was like trying to hook up with my ex-girlfriend you know and it's like straight up being so disrespectful on a trip that i brought him on so i thought it was pretty black and white no matter
Starting point is 00:46:34 how much you spin it what was his side of it she was into me dude dude she was into me dude that's come on dude he didn't how am to turn that? Here's the thing. He's 21 or 22. Everyone who's 21 to 24 is a sociopath. There's a rare occasion that the person at that age can think outside of themselves. If they can, they're ahead of the curve. You also got to give them time. And forgiveness is a two-way street.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Sounds like you've lowered your end of the bridge. He's got to lower his end so you can both cross. But like JT said, to thine own self be true, but there's a lot of power in forgiveness and you can do so in a big brother, big cousin way. Look, dude, next time I see you, what I think you did was fucked up. It's based on principle. It's messed up that you did that to me, but I love you. You're my cousin. I think you're going to grow for this. And when the time is right for you to talk, you can come talk to me. I'll be ready for you. You let him know that.
Starting point is 00:47:28 And then you can, then you go on. And, and that's what's up, dude, because he's got to fucking learn. That's why I asked you about what the other cousins are saying. Surprise is not getting heat from every angle. This was like my other brother or someone did that. I'd be like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Right. First of all, thank you, Strider. That hit me in the chest that that was really powerful and i think i'm gonna try and try not to use violence bro i know you slapped him but it's not the best violence begets more violence as you can see yeah that was dark and that was that was uh that was my b but you know when devils kind of come to the surface it's hard to control it at times i feel you yeah well i mean what it's tough to you know we're judging real-time decisions from an armchair tough to do well you were in the heat what else were you gonna do when you saw him making out with your ex-girlfriend
Starting point is 00:48:13 yeah you're just gonna be like yeah hey guys not cool guys let's go get a cannoli should we go get cannoli what's it i'm gonna call him phil phil come on man guys we have a glass blowing tour booked in 10 minutes stop making out guys yeah let's put us let's put a cork in it let's talk about this later that would be cool if you could do that hey guys let's talk about this later oh wait so what is his side of it well that's the thing he didn't i've never really been able to get his side because we've never been able to really have like a grownup conversation. It just, it turns into him like deflecting and denying and rolling his eyes and
Starting point is 00:48:50 getting angry. Yeah. I think, I think Strider made a really good point that this guy's what, 22, you know, hopefully he'll mature and learn from this. Um,
Starting point is 00:49:02 so I think, I think giving, you know, a little bit of buffer for that is acceptable how's he gonna mature if he doesn't like that's what i'm saying it's like as he grows he'll come to see that he was in the wrong yeah he's gonna date someone then someone's gonna make out with his ex-girlfriend then he's gonna know how it feels. Yeah. I don't know how it's going to happen for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 But I think it's whatever's going to make you feel best, man. Whatever you get, whatever, like if you got to lay it down in a certain way that makes you feel like you did your side of it right. But you did dip your toe back in the pond by trying to make out with her later. We got to call you out on that. Not a good my dude but you know what yeah i don't know why that's regrets i regret that no it's like primal like you were just like
Starting point is 00:49:53 yeah i gotta reclaim this this is mine my little cousin thinks he's more of a man than me yeah yeah exactly do you still talk to her dark and twisted hopefully what was that do you still talk to her no no never spoke to her again after that nice and do you think for her she just like the power of making this family turn on it on each other i don't i don't have the answer for that one i don't know i'm picturing you guys in masquerade outfits the entire time you've been telling this story by the way it's like dangerously that goes down carnival canals of venice yeah i mean hopefully your cousin develops a frontal lobe
Starting point is 00:50:38 right now he's gotten on it'll happen that's. Yeah, he's still a young man. I think Strider's right about giving him some time to grow and, you know, say my piece, but don't completely let him off the hook. Yeah. No. Hey, man, brother. Hey, thank you guys for all this advice. No, thank you, man. I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:51:04 You're a beast beast i feel for you man that's a that's a tough sitch yeah that's not easy and uh you know i got when you're telling that i got angry for you i slapped the air yeah no you're you're right to be upset man that was not he took him to europe and he hooked up with your ex-girlfriend yeah dude well i get all my cousins a gift card to the cheesecake factory that's all you're getting that was tough damn shit dude yeah what a nozzle cousin oh dude yeah let's be honest have you ever met any of your friends cousins that you've liked anytime someone's like dude my cousin's in town dude he's from colorado or whatever they all suck yeah i'm trying to they
Starting point is 00:51:51 all drink too much of the booze they all like do cocaine and try to pitch you a business deal yeah it is fun to pick on people's cousins too oh for sure it's fun to hurt people's feelings i love it it's like because you can you can't really pick on someone's brother or like sister, but you can pick on someone's cousin. Oh yeah. Are there any more calls we have in the. Yeah. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Um, what I can find here. Hello. This is Chad, JT and Strider. What's up baby? Oh, JT, Strider. Hello. baby oh JT Strider hello what an honor what up dude who is this dude I'm good oh my name is Rodney what up dude what ails you
Starting point is 00:52:36 um what ails me um I recently made a discovery about myself. So I've been going to a yoga class, which is awesome. And I was doing the child's pose last Wednesday. And our instructor is very hands-on, right? Which is awesome. But I'm in child's pose. And she comes behind me and she steps on the bottom of my feet with the bottom of her feet so our bare feet are touching um and that lit a fire underneath me man it really did
Starting point is 00:53:17 and I kind of am just learning a little bit that you know I'm a lot hornier than i admit to being and i don't like that part of myself and um i have a long distance gf who i love very much but dude it's it's a lot man well first off sounds like you got some good health brother. Congrats on having a fire libido. I love that. Thank you. Dude, horniness is healthy. You know what I mean? Yeah. If it's making you do stuff that's wild or crazy, which you haven't expressed, then you got to holster it.
Starting point is 00:53:55 But it sounds like this is the long-distance relationship. Your lady's far away. You're not getting the emotional connection that you need. So we got to do something about that. Yeah, and I think too, everyone's got horniness. If you have a lot of horniness, that's an indicator of good health. And that's part of being in a relationship, especially, you know, a long-term commitment. I think the noble thing to do is to acknowledge that horniness,
Starting point is 00:54:21 accept that it's there, but never act act upon it and kind of compartmentalize it and be like, I'm going to take all the sexual energy and give it to my girlfriend especially if it's long distance when I see her next, you know, we are just going to do our own child's pose and it's going to be like beyond any yoga position you've ever even done because you have all that energy stored up so i think it's uh brave of you to acknowledge it and um i think you sound like a good guy so i don't think you would ever act upon it thank you yeah i'm finally starting to acknowledge it i'm like shout out jt i I've been on that no porn kick.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And it's good until you hit that like two, three, four week mark. And then at that point, you're just like, you know, anytime you see a cute girl, your heart just starts racing. And I'm trying to not shame myself. Yeah, that's what I'm curious about. Why do you, you you said earlier you don't like that part of yourself why do you think that is too because here's what it is like i feel shame when i'm watching it right so i don't no i not not the porn part but like just your horniness in general got it okay yeah so when i'm not watching it and I'm not in general now, it bleeds into when I'm not getting it from the screen and then I go into the wilderness myself.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I just can't like be near anyone that I find attractive without my heart racing. And it's crazy. But maybe that's good. You think? Yeah, why not? Because then it becomes all I think about all day every day maybe that's okay is it like well is it like really messing up like are you not like eating or or like responding to people at work no i'm i'm crushing it at work i'm responding to everyone it's just it just feels like it's taking up too much bandwidth. it's okay to feel a lot maybe that's actually a really good thing is that that's that's life boiling up inside of you like when bill the butcher is talking to amsterdam
Starting point is 00:56:48 that that's that's that's like that's a lot of just vitality i like that yeah and i think people actually can respond to it i don't mean to be too cuckoo but you here but i think people can see that off of you and i think actually people man and woman everybody i think they respond well to it because they know you got a lot of you're holding in a lot yeah i do work alone oh wow i i think too man i mean i think you know so many men's lives have been ruined because they weren't able to harness their hog right and yeah this is i think this is very evolved of you to to admit this out in the open and see it as you know see it as sort of like a potential demon that you have to battle
Starting point is 00:57:35 not that i don't think horniness is a demon but it's sort of like it's a bull you're acknowledging yeah you're acknowledging that bull and it's like part of i think from this point you can move towards disciplining that bowl and and and and harnessing it in a direction towards your work towards your relationship um and towards your life so like jt is saying that you you have this abundance of vitality and this tremendous amount of sexual energy. You know? Yeah. You could be like the next George Clooney.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Dude, totally. You know what? Horniness, I've been saying this, horniness is everything. Channeled horniness is how we build skyscrapers. It's how societies are built. It's why we make bridges, so we can have somewhere to protect our ladies,
Starting point is 00:58:24 feed them, create the family it's a tribes are a bunch of horny dudes being like look there's another tribal horny dudes we gotta get together and and keep stuff nice you know there's obviously other elements but very boil it down it's all horniness baby yeah the golden gate bridge it's like the first ingredient was horny a thousand percent it was people being like on the other side of that Bay. Yeah. Stuff over there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Like you, you, you try to cut your horniness in half. You might be short circuiting your potential and you're self aware about it, man. Like you're calling us. You're like, you're concerned about it,
Starting point is 00:58:57 but it's like, uh, it's a beautiful thing. I think there's people who would be like envious of how quick you can get hard. Yeah. It's, it's pretty quick. But I do have one more addition to it. You cheated on your girlfriend with a hooker?
Starting point is 00:59:11 That's what I was going to ask you. How's it going with the girlfriend? What's going on? No, go ahead, Doug. No, it's awesome. She was just here this past weekend. We rode bird scooters. It was delightful.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Oh, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you do some S-turns? Last time you guys were in boston we went and saw three of you and you guys crushed it oh nice dude wait is that what you had to add on to it or was it something else no one more thing so i know i think you guys have brought up before how how jfk is like oh i can't i can't go one day without my head hurting like that. Yeah, he needed ass. Without making love to a woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm a little bit ashamed that I hear that, and I think it's kind of cool. Like, I wish I detested that, but I don't. I think it's kind of cool. Yeah, I think we all feel that way. Look, I hear you, man. It sucks that we think getting laid is cool as men, but we also think being faithful to a woman is cool, too. Both things are cool.
Starting point is 01:00:06 I think what we just respect is, like, I don't know, prowess in any direction. Yeah. Yeah. Discipline, prowess, code. You know what they say about Robert Downey Jr., why he has so much power on screen is because he's an addict and he has restrained that bowl inside of him and so he has that that energy's bursting out of him that he's he's disciplined and i think too you know it what helps with like if you're like an alcoholic or whatever not that you're saying
Starting point is 01:00:37 but like for alcoholics if they're trying to stay sober and then they want to drink you play it out in your mind what does that look like if i start drinking what does that look like because you kind of have like you're viewing it through rose-colored glasses but play it out you know if you were to like actually act upon this horniness what would that bring you shame and you'd be like oh i didn't harness the bull i let the bull harness me harness the bull i think harness the bull harness me. Harness the bull. I think harness the bull is going to be my new mantra going forward. Thank you very much, guys. Carl Young.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Nice. Dude, I also think, I think it's only cool with JFK because he was also JFK on top of it. If he was like, you know, working part-time at a liquor store and he was like, I need to bone him. Uncle Gary. Yeah. It's like the fact that he got us through the cuban missile crisis and you know was our most like
Starting point is 01:01:30 charismatic president i think that and he could sail yeah it was it was his ability to do all those things and then still make time for sleeping with any woman that came before him uh i think that's that's that's it's it's you know it's all of it together it's the ingredients you're right rodney with this newfound horniness have you thought about going by rod oh that's a great call hot rod hot rod my friend calls me hot rod my friend nick calls me hot rod maybe i go by that nice and and the lady she's she's uh you guys have good sexual uh communication chemistry uh and expression it's electric it's just tough you gotta wait two months boom boom boom of course it's electric you're an animal and then you want to cut that in half that's why it's electric dude is because you're providing a charge dude all right you're ready to go i'm ready to fuck you you're in boston what city is
Starting point is 01:02:24 i'm grinning ear to ear right rod get over here and put that in me dude i want to feel it get yourself in it some sky miles and you just get on planes you go see her come on bro you guys are tearing each other's clothes off right when you see each other it's awesome you guys are having sex in the garage people could come in and catch you. It's a whole thing. Wow. Thank you, guys. I appreciate your time. Dude, Rod, we'll be back in Boston soon.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Not saying you have to buy tickets, but I would like to see you in person. Yep. I just want to feel that horniness. We'll meet at Paul Revere's house. Yeah, dude. Rod, I feel like you could be wearing, like could be covered head to toe like a woman in a Kabul and I could just see your eyes and I would know it was you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Yes. Oh, stop it, guys. Come on. Seriously. Those emerald green eyes. Rod, dude. What color are your eyes? Oh, thank you, guys. I got brown eyes, JP. I knew it. That's all right. That's all right. I got, I got, I got brown eyes. JP.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I knew it. That's all right. That's all right. I knew it. It's a dominant trait. Most of us do. Most of us do. He's a dominant guy.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah. Mainly. Oh, mainly green. You have champagne eyes in the summer. Usually like green, blue. I have a little green in there.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yeah. A little hazel. Dude, Rod, stay hard, brother. Thank you, Chad.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I will. I believe him. Good guy. Oh guy oh yeah he was hard that whole phone call yeah he's got a lot of chi a lot of chi on the guy i like it i love it yeah but you know people leave me that shame you know what he's northeast guy he's a boston guy oh i leave with shame and guilt out there he's like i'm horny i'm ashamed i'm like who put that in us yeah puritans yeah it's not cool puritanical because i actually think it makes people act out more because then like you get shame and then you start to hate yourself and then it like and then you don't let enough of it
Starting point is 01:04:14 out daily and then it comes out like you know you go on like a some guy goes on like a bachelor party trip and he's so dysregulated that he ends up you know yeah it's he makes bad choices exactly yeah it's like if you let a little bit of it out all the time maybe you don't maybe it keeps you from going big on it healthy habits um guys i can't believe the eagles lost last night that was a huge upset they might fire their coach now which is like crazy because he's made the playoffs every year and he took him to super bowl right i think the locker room's like turned on him. Yeah. He's kind of a dork.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Is he? Sirianni? Yeah. I felt bad for the Dolphins. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, honestly, weather made me mad. Like the main story is how cold it was.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I'm like, everyone just playing a dome. I want to see the best product on it. I want to see these guys playing each other in a great environment. What we got to do is fix the environment. It's climate change. Yeah, maybe. Third coldest game in history. It's crazy. There's probably a misconception
Starting point is 01:05:11 because you're like, it's cold. Then people are like, well, what happened to global warming? Yeah, people always say that. Right, that's the thing. But yeah, the Dolphins, they didn't look good. I mean, dude, Tua, if you knock him off his spot, he plays like hell.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah, worst loss,agles to the bucks or the cowboys at home to the seven packers so bad i mean because at least the eagles were banged up and stuff yeah dude that was terrible bro who do you guys see going all the way uh maybe it's chiefs ravens or are they in different people saying they're in the same conference. Niners, Ravens. You can't be saying things like that if we're talking ball, man. Yeah, yeah, Chad, too. Come on. Just crazy. No, but those are probably the two favorites out of the AFC. People are, I think, quietly distrustful of the Ravens. They don't think they can do it in the big game.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Well, what about the Niners? They embarrass the Niners. Niners have a young quarterback. Niners are definitely the favorites out of the NFC. Is this the year of the young QB? Stroud. Love. Purdy. They look awesome. Dude of the young QB? Stroud. Love. Purdy. They look awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Dude, they're so good. I know. Love is fantastic. Oh, the Lions. I forgot about the Lions. Yeah, you're a Lions guy now, right? Yeah. Dude, we love Detroit.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'm a huge Lions fan. Yeah, you're a big Lions. What division are they in? NFC, dude. Dude, okay. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You know, if we didn't have a monitor saying it right there, I wouldn't have known that.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Oh, is that where you picked it? That was clean though. That was sexy. No, the Lions got talent, man. They're a really well-built team. They're good at like every position group. You know, we all picked on their coach because at his initial press conference,
Starting point is 01:06:36 he was a little bit cheeseball. Like he said, we're going to bite guys in the kneecap. And he was kind of a punchline. And now it's like, he's a good leader. He's a great leader do you did you see that thing about how many um milligrams of caffeine he has every morning no how many 11 000 no 1100 1100 do you know how many milligrams are in one cup of coffee like 100 yeah like 100 yeah it's 11 cups of coffee bro it's crazy but he's big dude he's a big boy he's got a
Starting point is 01:07:01 big system i mean this yeah How often is he peeing? A lot. He pisses his pants when he's on the sideline. Dude, I've seen that. NFL guys do that. He's freezing his ass off. I like Dan Campbell. Plus, I like Detroit. I'm a big Detroit guy now. I can't wait to go back.
Starting point is 01:07:19 I can't wait to go back to Detroit. And Eminem? Dude, I was stoked when they showed Eminem. I was like, I've been to his spaghetti place. Oh, yeah, dude. People are like, how is the spaghetti? I'm like, it's pretty trash. Yeah, it's not great. And a spaghetti place is a takeout window where you have to go then sit at a dining.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yeah, you got to be outside and freeze your fucking balls off to get that shit. Well, so who's at home? Lions are at home in the next one, right? Yeah, because they're playing the Bucks. That's going to be a fun game. Baker, dude. You know, I'm happy for Baker. Me too, man. Anytime a guy, we think someone's washed and then they bounce back. It's nice. that's gonna be a fun game baker dude you know i'm happy for baker me too man
Starting point is 01:07:45 anytime a guy we think someone's washed and then they bounce back it's nice because he had to take on a lot of shit he did and he had to fill big shoes tom brady but it's like his perspective was great i was watching this interview he's just like look tom brady's the best quarterback of all time all i can do is go out and be myself you know what that's exactly right he's a wild man i like that energy so where do you think all the coaches are so if they fire sirianni and if i don't think they're gonna fire mccarthy but let's say they did where do you think all the coaches will go because there's never been this many good coaches i know available i know i think harbaugh if they fired um mccarthy harbaugh should go to dallas bill belichick is not a good match for
Starting point is 01:08:23 dallas no no no chance i totally agree he doesn't want to deal with jerry Dallas. Bill Belichick is not a good match for Dallas. No, no chance. I totally agree. He doesn't want to deal with Jerry. But what about Belichick to the Eagles? Bro, that could be sick. Yeah, that could be nice. Or people are saying the Chargers. Yeah, he'd be great there. They need him there. I think the Chargers is the best fit for him, actually. Dude, how ready to win. We're looking at a list
Starting point is 01:08:40 of coaches right now that Jake pulled up. Dude, how badass does D'Amico Ryans look on the sideline? Dude, he's the man. Is that the Ra the sideline dude he's the man is this like he started no he's the texans coach uh and they he did like i think the best job this year because that team totally like did he kind of get he got stroud which was a huge coup but i don't know i just that team had nobody i knew going into the season no one was talking about the teans. I didn't know any of the guys. Yeah. Like Nico Collins, Tank Dell.
Starting point is 01:09:07 All these guys turned out to be good. I had no idea who they were. Dude, AFC South, low key is going to be like quarterbacks. In the AFC South, you got Lawrence Stroud, the dude from the Colts who got hurt, who's a fucking beast. Richardson. Richardson. And then you got the Texans.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Levis doesn't look bad. He's going to still be there, dude. I like that one play Levis had where his deflected ball got picked and he ran to like the second level and ripped it out of the dude's arm. That was awesome. That was like straight up high school football. Baltimore. I like John Harbaugh a lot.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Jim Harbaugh is such a curmudgeon, but he's a great coach. And let's be honest, he probably cheated. He cheated for sure. Like they won and they cheated, right? Michigan.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I don't, when I read about what they did i didn't think it was that bad what did they do he like set guys with tapes to practice they had a coach's assistant who was filming games oh that's okay that's accessible to everyone that's what i mean it wasn't like when the patriots did and they were like leaving behind spies at like private practices i think that's why as far as i can tell i might have my facts wrong so take this with a grain of salt listeners i think they were paying people to go to like public events and film them that so it's stuff that's available to like you said anybody oh then yeah he just wanted better
Starting point is 01:10:13 camera angles he's like i don't like getting these clips from youtube he's like all of us he doesn't want to hear the youtube star talk over a football clip just show me the clip oh this is some kind of article about like the origins of why we cheat in human nature prohibits in-person scouting okay then if there's a rule against it still i just think of it more as like gamesmanship than outright cheating maybe that's my own uh slippery moral relativity but i don't know it doesn't bug me in a deep way yeah it's not like that irksome but if there is a rule that says you can't go do that and then he did it you can't do it dude trump freaking dominated in iowa the iowa caucus
Starting point is 01:10:59 guy's a juggernaut the iowa caucus tough to stop is ralph nader still kicking dude let's get i liked him yeah you know i think nader's responsible for seat belts really yeah he worked for the consumer protection services and so his whole thing was making sure companies were selling good goods to people and then he was like hey everyone keeps flying out their front window yeah what if we had a seat belt and like the car companies were like screw this guy yeah he's a freaking commie yeah they're gonna make us spend money to protect people they're like it's our right to fly through the window of our cars well dude i mean in our lifetimes like now you go on a ski hill everyone's wearing a helmet yeah i was one my dad was one of the
Starting point is 01:11:41 first who made me wear helmets like no one was wearing a helmet i think yeah my dad was one of the first who made me wear helmets. Like, no one was wearing a helmet. Yeah, my dad's a doctor, too. So, I think it's like that. They're like, put a fucking helmet on. Yeah. And now it's like everyone's wearing them. But, like, back in the day. I had to, too.
Starting point is 01:11:52 It is interesting. I mean, it's insane to think, like, I'm going to get on skis and go flying down a mountain and not wear a helmet. Yeah. Even, like, surfing. I think people are going to start wearing helmets and surfing more often. Wow. Which is crazy because that brings down the whole aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:12:07 So true. You can't look sick with board shorts and a helmet. There's just, there's no way around it. With snowboarding or skiing, you got the goggles. They should wear football helmets. Those are the only cool looking helmet. Dude, that'd be hilarious. The only cool helmet is a football helmet.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah. Hockey ones look pretty sick, but it's insane. It takes people a while to catch up. They used to play hockey with no helmet. Really's insane oh yeah bro watch the 70s it's hilarious damn dude dudes with long flow and no teeth going around with no helmets on it's insane that actually looks kind of cool he does look cool i mean well he's just a cute kid too that's timothy chalamet well hey no he just looks like him oh do i sound like an epstein acolyte he's a cute kid what do you want me to do i didn't make
Starting point is 01:12:46 him cute uh the top left click it looks like yeah i mean come on what are we talking about look at that flow 100 if you don't think that's a cute kid it's because you have shame over knowing that's a cute kid what would rod say rod would know i don't think he'd get hard but he would know yeah he definitely clock that you know to that point i'm not i don't know why i know it's horrible i know it's a big deal i'm not that interested in the whole epstein list thing right no do you think it's because it's kind of played out like we've heard so much about it i just think it's like it annoys me that like to me it's an awful thing and we should totally stamp out sex trafficking and any kind of predatory sex act. But people focus so much attention on that.
Starting point is 01:13:32 And then you'll listen to like, I'll randomly listen to an episode of NPR. And it's like all these Supreme Court judges aren't disclosing all this money. They're getting to go on paid vacations to the Philippines from like huge corporations or like gop leaders and no one talks about that but that actually might affect everyone's life in a real systemic way and instead we're just like tom hanks is a molester and i'm like well that's not even like what does that really matter it does matter it's horrible but like i feel like there's like bigger things that matter more but like we just have such pure all interests it's always going to go to that well i think i think one thing about it is that like it it sheds
Starting point is 01:14:09 light on the fact that uh perhaps a lot of people in our government are captured by because a lot of the epstein stuff was like a black they've been honeypotted yeah so it's like they would put these guys in precarious situations or they'd be like hey you hook up with this girl and then they'd have evidence on them basically and blackmail them and so i think it does shed light on the fact that a lot of our politicians can be captured in some kind of way or blackmailed and no i'm interested in that if it's about like stamping out like uh compromised leaders i think that's important because they're going to be making decisions based off of that but i do feel like a lot of the interest is just like people are like did you know so-and-so's a pervert yeah that's the lead that's the leading interest chat
Starting point is 01:14:53 you make a great point and that is true but most people are just like who's on the list and then guys just get stoked when it's like a democrat right democrats will get stoked when it's like a republican they're like well you've got six perverts we only have four perverts so like we should you know and it's like dude what the fuck and now it's become this pervasive thing too where like it's just like anybody they're like oh epstein's list and like now people are just throwing it around willy-nilly like it's like cooties in elementary school or something yeah now it's sick and yeah then you everyone you're right everyone forgets the victim like that's truly what it's about it's like all this horrendous these people lives have been ruined
Starting point is 01:15:30 yeah trafficking i guess reggie and them didn't know but they went to epstein's chef did like a pop-up in la oh and they went there had some of the ribs because reggie had them left over they didn't know they got there and then people were like whispering about it and the food was phenomenal he's still around the epstein show well yeah i don't know if he he just cooked for the guy i don't know if he knew he was up to that's the other thing about the epstein thing it's like anyone who's met him we're like oh well then they're a molester too it's like well i could be doing horrible things i don't think the people who clean our house once a month are in on it yeah but uh like uh um and i think that was the where the kimmel thing came from is he's also used to cook food for kimmel and that's why and that's why rogers mentioned the thing oh really yeah that's
Starting point is 01:16:14 what that's what the boys told me so i don't know again we're in deep waters here but that's what i heard we can't end on epstein we gotta we gotta pick something to go to talk about he's just kind of a bummer fucking iron claw was gnarly dude powerful movie sad very sad very sad story strata anything new in the marriage world nothing too much you're just posting up we want to get a little more space dude you know what i mean classic dude maybe move from the one bedroom to a two bedroom but i'll tell you these rent prices in la outrageous what they're asking i'm like it's a mortgage i'm like you know it feels like you're burning money it's like you but then you don't have money to put down on anything it's like crazy that's the thing i'm waiting for the bubble
Starting point is 01:16:58 to pop but i don't know when that's gonna i was waiting like i started waiting like two years ago want to hear something yeah survive. Survive till 25. That's what people are saying. Really? Yeah. Survive till 25. So next year. Where'd you hear that?
Starting point is 01:17:11 From one of our bros in real estate. Which one? Many. We have many, many bros. Yeah, that's true. Joe. We're well positioned. He's a beast.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Survive till 25. Yeah. He's more the commercial sector, but he says, you know, things kind of. Yeah. He was telling me about bridge loan inflation rates whoa and how those might all get called in this year and i was like oh man is the entire industry gonna go belly up i mean it's crazy the fed just toys with i mean they do that like they move the hand right and they just see they manipulate the market and see how people react they're trying to
Starting point is 01:17:42 just create incentives oh that's what i was you know this is heavier than the epstein thing but connected to it can we just get everybody to like get along be nice i'm feeling like we're headed for some kind of like conflict where i'm gonna have to fight with dudes i don't even dislike because like the weirdest weirdos are all obsessed with fighting with each other right and it's like this narcissism of small differences where we're all basically the same but we're it's we've just all found these things to like really make it life or death about against each other yeah these were like die in a little mound of a thousand like a hill of made up of a thousand little mounds it's stupid yeah and i feel
Starting point is 01:18:19 like it's the whack-a-noodles who are at the front i mean this is a banal point i know everyone knows it but i wanted to get it on record in case my kids ever watch this i like that what is this this is real estate prices dude wouldn't it be sick if any of us knew about any of this stuff and all i know is it's expensive this is a lot dude it's tough being comedians right oh dude yeah that skill set when it comes to this stuff oh bro i feel like it crushed literally i make an excuse in my own mind where i'm like i can't think about those rates it's gonna take away my creativity it's gonna drain me of my juice yeah if i literally have to like talk to my i did a call with my accountant yesterday it's like this is so bad it does though
Starting point is 01:19:01 it does drain that juice a little bit i have to be sensitive to things yeah i hear anything financial numbers related i just blockers go up i'm not listening but you're the best numbers guy out of all of us too so that's a big burden for you i can't i can't listen to it well that's why in entertainment they get 25 off the top because they just know we'd rather not deal with it well it sounds like it sounds like nothing they're like oh 10 no worries dude about it yeah yeah and then before taxes them before time and then yeah and then and then you see you're like oh fuck yeah well did you see that thing with matt rife on the advice he got from chapelle yeah about the entertainment lawyer because entertainment lawyers charge five percent i really like our entertainment lawyer i think he's a great guy i think he does a good job
Starting point is 01:19:42 yeah but uh i guess matt rife was negotiating a huge contract. And then Dave Chappelle was like, I'll just give you a guy who goes hourly on it. Yeah. And I was like, what? Yeah. But I will say, our guy's doing a lot of different contracts simultaneously. Oh, he's crushing it. So it would probably come out.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I don't know what the net difference would be, but I would never have the bandwidth to do the math for it. Oh, then it'll crush your spirit to think about it. And you'll end up saving 200 bucks and you'll go, fuck. But that's why comedians get robbed all the time. you know like dane cook with his brother it's like or elvis a dumbest guy i mean he's beyond dumb did you guys watch um dude that's why he goes home yeah home home you rob it you rob me did you guys watch priscilla no jacobie lordy dude it was brutal yeah how was his did you guys watch priscilla no jacoby lordy dude it was brutal yeah how was his did you watch both elvis movies uh i thought his elvis was good um i uh i didn't really like either
Starting point is 01:20:34 i just i don't really like elvis the whole story is just so sad it's not for our generation and they always do them two at a time it's like okay we're gonna do a volcano movie let's make two okay we're gonna do alexander let's do two not alexander but then it's like okay we're gonna do all those movies let's do two but it's just so weird she was like 15 yeah yeah it's just all weird those old i mean jerry lee lewis was the same way he married like his 13 year old cousin and then they make they make movies about and they make it charming back in the day and now it's just different mores we're like that was not cool yeah um dude i watched salt burn it's crazy i was telling you super memorable i liked it it's best when it gets to quote reggie it's best when it's nasty there's a couple moments i'm like this is
Starting point is 01:21:14 you know this is puncturing my psyche but but i just don't think the plot's that great it's kind of predictable and like it ends by the of it, it's just randomly being aggressive without really being rooted in anything. Well, it's supposed to be a Theseus, the telling of Theseus. The Greek mythology story about the guy who killed the Minotaur? Oh.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Yeah, that's why he died. That was like my favorite mythological hero. This tale of Theseus is how he sort of inserts himself in the royal family. How he woos the Minotaur, yeah. I still think it's better than most movies like it's because it's memorable yeah i mean dude it's insane and the acting the barry keegan guys got a hell of a face and can really act yeah he does but it's definitely uncomfortable and you'll cringe what's the what's the general premise it's like this poor kid goes
Starting point is 01:22:05 to oxford and like he feels kind of out of the loop with his like well-heeled classmates and then he kind of gets obsessed with like the most handsome of all those guys and tries to ingratiate himself into his life and that's just the beginning my friend or that's what you think i'm obsessed with the crown right now I took away all the crown yeah people love it I love it dude who's I love the royalty I love it you do love role I love royalty I've watched you geek on like princes and whatnot well then too I've been watching like real-life like interviews with like Princess Anne and and and you know
Starting point is 01:22:41 Charles or whatever and then you have these people like do away with the monarchy and i understand it like the the it's a burden on the taxpayers but it's just like i love the tradition i love it i do think it's cool you argue for that side because you rarely hear that like i would say like yeah probably 90 of people are like this is dumb that we have a monarchy but you think that the fantasy might have benefits that are good for humanity yeah i i don't know about good for humanity but i just like the whole show of it all you know we have a prince we have a king we have like you have those traditions passed down through time i like the history of it
Starting point is 01:23:18 you have like the guards that like when they when the prince when they have like a wedding it's like all these traditions all the you know it's i i do like seeing that side of the culture and like that history well it's cool yeah yeah and you know they're they're kind of just like at this point i mean i guess you did say it's a tax burden but like they really have power like are they really writing legislature but i think that the biggest real estate owners in all of england yeah like they they own like most the land well i i uh i was saying i think i i think i'd do really well as a prince i think i'd you would crush it as a prince because you go to like events and you're like i'm here to honor the concrete manufacturers of england you guys are stunning and that's like dude you just go to
Starting point is 01:24:03 events and you just give a speech and like prince philip he's like this is like a burden i want to be an adventurer which i would like to be as well but i think that'd be fun dude just going to give speeches philip's feeling a ton yeah he's not he's he's having trouble to go explore and he you know i'm something of a pilot myself oh when he meets the astronauts one of the best episodes yeah that's a really good one it's got a lot going on i dug that one yeah and they all have a cold they all have a cold he's like he's basically like they're all dorks yeah they're all kind of pathetic yeah yeah he wants them to have like these like big breakthroughs and shit
Starting point is 01:24:38 yeah what was your perspective up there what was it like well sir we were just kind of focused on the mission i mean you know as you know as a pilot you're doing calculations and you're getting in touch with houston yeah exactly he's like oh yeah he's so disappointed um should we end with one more call hell yeah i gotta take a whiz yeah i gotta piss yeah let me see if i can find one yeah guys call in it's like we're loving it. And, uh, it's so fun to connect with you guys. And, and dude,
Starting point is 01:25:07 I swear to God, like, you know, we've interviewed all sorts of comedians and stuff, but, uh, we have more fun talking to you guys. Like that's what you guys are our favorite people to talk to.
Starting point is 01:25:15 And we feel like you guys are the funniest. So please keep calling in. It's, uh, like it, it makes us excited to come in. It really does. And then we also had a call last week
Starting point is 01:25:27 that was cut from the episode based on a miscommunication yes dude i gave a bad note to jake that was like uh hard to understand and we had a good talk with a guy there was a guy who called in because his buddy was like not hanging out with him because he was with his girlfriend all the time we called the buddy and we accidentally cut it but we're gonna put it back in this week and i have updates on those two because i i reached out to the guy because i felt bad like we might have hurt their friendship but they've been texting me and i have updates on that it's very interesting but i think we saved that should we ask that guy for the girlfriend's number oh that'd be great that'd be hilarious should we try that or at least call the buddy i would love that yeah jay can we call
Starting point is 01:26:04 him back after this and see if we can call one of them? Your call has been forwarded to an automated... Yeah, call him back. That's a sign. And let's rush him on this shit. Do not take no for an answer on this call. Yeah. We could even have him...
Starting point is 01:26:19 Can he three-way call his boy and will that come through? Yeah. Hello? Dude, okay. three-way call his boy and will that come through yeah hello dude okay we had a wild idea and don't go beyond your comfort but we'd love to try it if you're down and we really do think it could be fruitful for all parties involved can we three-way call your boy oh man yep we'll be sensitive um sure yeah why not give me one sec well how transparent can we be with him how do i add him to the call i think just add a call to your call and then bounce back to this one and it'll work as it normally would yeah merge it the plot one sec hopefully he picks up let's see this one and it'll work as it normally would yeah merge it
Starting point is 01:27:08 the plot one sec hopefully he picks up let's see i think you got to take the reins on this one i feel prepared okay i think we're all here oh whoa hey charlie and uh i'm sorry sorry Hello What's your name? Cameron Cameron how are you man? Thank you for joining us Charlie was calling And he was feeling a bit raw Because I guess there was a party And he didn't make the cut
Starting point is 01:27:38 And he feels like it's because Maybe he's perceived as being too rowdy And it got him in his feelings a little bit. Cause he really wants to hang out with you. And he just wants to know, was it something personal or is there something that needs to be addressed? No, no, he just, he's just a rowdy animal, man. He's can't, it couldn't be contained.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Did, did something specific happen? that's given him this kind of label no damn so was it the wrestling or is there a lot of wrestling i guess the wrestling Cameron you're doing a good job And you're protecting those who care about you And I respect that How are you doing? Cam? Oh no I think he left
Starting point is 01:28:39 He hung up? He sounded very firm in his answers Oh no I'm gonna hear about this all night now boys oh sorry charlie sorry man sorry charlie no you're good no it's fine um yeah i don't think that went the way i wanted it to but i'm glad we tried uh yeah no hey i'm glad that you tried so yeah charlie can i say this after hearing cameron speak i'm on your side yeah and also i don't think you're gonna win this one i think you gotta focus on you party the way you want to cam's on his own journey and he's resolute and make sure you're probably gonna
Starting point is 01:29:21 argue with him after this make sure he knows it's coming from a place of love. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, Cam's got a bit of a Bernthal vibe on him. Whoa. Bernthal vibe. Is Cam a good wrestler? I got the feeling from Cam that he's formidable. He's formidable.
Starting point is 01:29:41 He's a big guy. Oh, damn, dude. Is this his first girlfriend second maybe second like real girl cam felt to me like he was born with a girlfriend yeah that's actually a really good pickup kind of yeah i feel like he's always had a girlfriend throughout the entire time i've known him so yeah i mean i think that's a fair thing to say yeah these problems these roots are this one's a brain teaser these roots go back to his ancestors have you had a girlfriend i have oh okay well and here's the thing about cameron he's making
Starting point is 01:30:14 35 year old moves at 21 but some guys are destined for that because you do get to a point in adulthood where you stop telling your boys the 100 truth and the better interest of keeping your domestic life solid so cam's just way way down the road can i ask a personal question that you don't have to answer about uh cameron's grogan uh is she busty would you describe her i wouldn't say so no okay that was one of those ones where see Cam would have just hung up right there. I think you should have pleaded the fifth there, but I respect you. Yeah, maybe it's good he hung up. This is like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:55 I hope he doesn't watch this. If any of this is usable, I hope he doesn't watch any of this. But, yeah. Charlie, I would encourage you to just keep doing you man stay rowdy go break a table get that energy out because you know i was that way when i was your age and it's best time of my life yeah just live it up man and pour one out for cam just pour one out for him and he's happy and his happiness looks different than your own and i remember when my first friend went domestic before any of us were ready
Starting point is 01:31:25 and we all took it as like, you know, a judgment on us. And it might've been a little bit of that, but also it's just who he was and we were all going to get there in our own time. And there's just one guy who starts, you know, working in a garden and, you know, making, taking Spanish lessons and just being happy with his girlfriend before everybody else. Yeah. Fair enough. Fair enough. taking spanish lessons and just being happy with his girlfriend before everybody else yeah fair enough fair enough all right all right man good luck out there keep us posted yeah godspeed
Starting point is 01:31:51 dude cam man cam dude he's chosen his path that guy was raw he's just rowdy no yeah hangs up oh man i'd love to know what he said to him before he came on the call how he pitched that to cam i was curious if he knew it was going to be uh like a public facing kind of uh thing doesn't sound like it i don't think he knew i think he got ambushed yeah right he seemed jaded he seemed like yeah he seemed like there's probably an immediate follow-up phone call happening right now yeah well you know what there's we can always bring him back it's true and yeah it's crazy because if you're a listener right now on the podcast you almost wish you could switch channels to them right now yeah
Starting point is 01:32:39 someday jake will figure that out well why don't we here's what we can do let's end the podcast but can we throw up cam and charlie's phone numbers for all the listeners just call them and play it's not over by daughtry on full volume daughtry's a guy yeah daughtry's one of them i bet you daughtry would have not abandoned his boys deserved his countrymen at all no daughtry still hanging with his day ones no matter what no matter who says what all right so you guys just heard charlie and cam obviously cam was not in the mood to to play around in those waters he was pretty affronted by us calling him out of nowhere we have to assume by his abrupt sign off and i felt bad i felt like maybe we injured their
Starting point is 01:33:25 friendship so i reached out to cam i was like is everything all good he said lol he's not here yet but i'll keep you updated and then he added i think he was in the car with his girlfriend when when we merged the call so that should be interesting so she was there she heard all that and i was worried dude i got that on monday then on thursday i got a message that said beef equals squashed it was the it was them and a buddy all behind each other playing mini putt and then you know how we mentioned that that uh charlie was the kind of dude who'd rather go home and get hammered and watch marvel with his boys sent me a photo of an empty 30 rack of cores and marvel on the screen dude believe in the power of bro ship that's awesome i know dude they're good the ending i
Starting point is 01:34:12 know dude i thought it was dicey there for a second wow yeah dude cam was pissed cam was pissed bro what'd he say i don't know he's just a just an asshole no he said he's a wild animal he's a wild animal yeah and then he hung up and but i think he was just doing that his gal was there it was complicated yeah we kind of you know we jumped on him a little bit but all well that ends well and it sounds like they made they made it right the power of communication huge and stokers you too can have those fairy tale endings if you call into the podcast the number is 323-418-2019 call in with your beefs call in with your life quandaries and you know things will hopefully turn up positively for you if you do
Starting point is 01:34:59 you can also uh you can text the number as well if you text the number with your name and what you want to talk about, we will reply back within a few days. Beauty. Sick. Shire, do you want to say something? Dude, stoked to be here. Loving the new call-in.
Starting point is 01:35:18 Doing it live, dude. Good calls. Yeah, it was fun, dude. The stakes are high. This this is this real stories from real people so you know we want to try to help bros out as best we can so honored and uh you know have you ever had a cousin try to backdoor you you don't have no cousins whoa no no i have zero cousins wow yeah my mom's an only child and my yeah my dad had one brother who never had a kid so no but if my fucking cousin ever did try to back tour me you better
Starting point is 01:35:53 believe his ass would get pinned no slaps just pins that's how you do it in families family you wrestle i mean your brothers are so solid they would never do it no no i wouldn't even think wouldn't even dream it's not even in the realm of possibility no chance no i don't see man no chance dude no chance the way he revs me dude we even want a freaking precision airstrikes coming in oh we should say that dude we've both gotten a lot better at call it dude we've been gaming yeah we've been balling also a few of our friends moved on are they not gaming yeah it looks what do we think's the incentive one of our buddies is lying saying his xbox is broken he says it looks what do we think's the incentive one of our buddies is lying saying his xbox is broken yeah he says it's been at best buy for the brick says it's
Starting point is 01:36:29 been at best buy for like two months really brooks really he's the best he's so good i feel like my father i feel like he's a cousin who backdoored me the fact that he doesn't game i feel like he'll come back it's there's another one of our boys he just doesn't like it but won't say it he just doesn't like gaming which one's that ferrari oh yeah no he doesn't like video games he just doesn't like it oh really yeah i'll say this too he's not he's not too good at him either you know what i know why he doesn't like him he's good but he's good he's good in real life he's a great great just dude there is and he's great he's fun on comms he's bad he's bad i think that's gonna hurt him here in that yeah is it no i'm not i'm not saying you shouldn't say i'm just i'm just
Starting point is 01:37:12 wondering i'm just wondering if he if he you know it certainly won't be news to him that he's bad at gaming i think he knows that but maybe us airing it out to like the public yeah maybe shame him into playing yeah well won't you get better than buddy yeah that even felt harsh i know he's a great friend he's a great he's the best guy yeah he's good cook he's buff yeah a lot of great traits but i will only judge you by your poor traits for our game for our you and i can game together and we can get each other better and get back in there yeah yeah but you guys aren't gonna get better with you need us dude to like push you guys yeah no it's gonna be iron against
Starting point is 01:37:50 iron just sharpening the blade all right we'll see i'm into it yeah all right except i don't game anymore yeah you're kind of yeah you don't game it's in my light gaming though uh i i do but i just yeah it's just in my garage and i just don't i don't want i have to get new headphones was it once you got like once the lady moved in you're like i don't want to be hooping online all day yeah i mean this is just a boring reason but i always just feel like i have more productive things to do i prefer to watch netflix or stand up yeah there you go why are you there yeah so you like to unwind yeah i like to unwind by stand up. Yeah. Hey. There you go. Why are you up there? Yeah. It's how you like to unwind.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Yeah. I like to unwind by revving up my heart rate gaming. It chills me out before bed. It's a really nice way to come down. And you're hanging with the boys. That's really what I like, just being on comms. Yeah. Because I am bad.
Starting point is 01:38:37 You guys have such a good squad. I have Kevin. I get why you don't game. But you guys, it's like you guys are going back to like, it's your crew. True. Talking memories. I'll play FIFA by myself though online and just get a schwack last night. Do you talk shit to kids?
Starting point is 01:38:57 I wish. I wish. I can't get the comms working, but if I could, I would. He's not good enough to talk shit to kids. Whoa. Oh, yeah. You guys play together, huh? Yeah. What's not good enough to talk shit to kids. Whoa. Oh, yeah. You guys play together, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:05 What's our tally at? One draw and one loss for me. But we've only played twice. You know, there's a lot of time to play more. And when we drew, I hadn't played in months. And when I won, I had practiced. Who controlled possession and had more shots on goal on the draw? You know what's up.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Yeah, okay. He had possession, but for the real FIFA players out there, he was like Real Madrid, and I was like, you know, fucking BVB or something. Dude, I hate... Why don't... Play as the good teams.
Starting point is 01:39:35 It's like a built-in excuse for guys. Sorry, I'm screaming. It's like a built-in excuse for guys. They play as bad teams. Play as a good team. They're available to everyone. True. You can play as Real.
Starting point is 01:39:44 Can't you play as the same team? Can't you literally play Real versus Real? We could, but I just underestimated his powers. I'll say that. Thank you. GTA is going to be sick. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:54 I'm excited for that. Yeah, dude. Just fucking gaming, chilling, dude. Posting up. That's one you can live in. Yeah. We're cruising to Florida. Snag your tics, dude.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh, good call. We're going to be all over Florida. tics dude oh good call we're gonna be all over florida that's gonna be fun dude orlando tampa dania beach look at that dude we got we got a lot of dates coming in soon we're we're finalizing it but we're gonna be in tempe in april we're gonna be in fort worth i think we're moving those dates i think we're gonna be in fort worth earlier in april. What do we got coming up? We got Sacramento coming up. We got San Francisco coming up.
Starting point is 01:40:28 We got Seattle. We got Portland. We got Boston. We're going to do a swamp boat on the 15th. Swamp boat. Swamp boat. I think that's... That'll be fun.
Starting point is 01:40:39 I don't know. Oh, we're going to be in Jersey City, dude. Where is that? Atlantic City, too. Whoa. We're going to some great places. We're going to be in Jersey City, dude. Where is that? Atlantic City, too. Whoa. We're going to some great places. A little tasty action. Philly, I think we got on the books.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I think. And then we got to move some tickets for this Traverse City. The festival we're doing. Oh, yeah. Early Feb. Where's that? Michigan. Nice.
Starting point is 01:41:00 But the room's big. Yeah. Did you see the capacity on it? Yeah. I was like, whoa, damn whoa damn pack that puppy let's go michigan show out yeah we need like a 700 to come out it's a lot of people yeah it's nice buy some barry sanders bobbleheads give them away at the show i love barry sanders should we cap it yes let's go stokers thanks for
Starting point is 01:41:25 listening thanks for calling in calling with your quandaries and if you think you can beat jt par and fifa send us in a little video maybe we'll play you guys some let's go let's fucking play dude if you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have the girls beside you. Go and see. Go and see. Outro Music

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