Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 327 - The Queen of Stoke, Kennedy (Chad's GF)

Episode Date: January 31, 2024

Today we are joined by Chad's GF, Kennedy. We take some hilarious calls. Talk about the Super Bowl and a potential PROPOSAL?!?! A man named Billy calls in to the pod while sauced to get Kennedy's pers...pective on his family drama. We talk Golden Retriever energy and Lola's amazing Frisbee catch. We are grateful to have the Stoke Queen stop by to drop some knowledge! Hope you guys enjoy!  Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! FLORDIA (Tampa, Orlando, Dania Beach UP NEXT) - TIX HERE: http://www.chadandjt.com Call us or text, leave a 60 sec summary with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hello this is chad jt yeah what's going on boys How are you? Good, good. What's your name, friend? My name's Mickey. Nice. Yeah, yeah. So I guess I'll just get right into it. So this happened about three months ago thanksgiving eve you know come home for the holidays super juiced up to uh see the boys you know everybody's all hype think uh why not just hit the uh you know hometown
Starting point is 00:00:55 watering hole get after it you know see all the folks from high school you haven't seen in you know like years so um you know me my boys we uh we head down there and uh you know it's like a big group of people so you know i end up losing my friends at this uh at this hometown bar and then i um i end up next to uh this kid that i hadn't seen probably since like graduation like 10 years ago and um we start chopping it up but uh lo and behold i actually had uh sexual intercourse with this kid's mom when i was like 16 and uh he was on my lacrosse team. So yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was pretty awkward. I don't think he knew, but something weird happened after that
Starting point is 00:02:01 where he was, you know know just talking in small talk and i honestly just wanted to get away from the situation because i was like dude this is kind of weird and like i haven't seen this kid in forever and you know as i was like stepping away trying to like get out of that conversation he was like you know just chopping it up trying to do small talk and i was like yeah man i gotta go he's like oh yeah like by the way um you know i hope there's no bad blood between us and i was like what do you mean immediately thinking that he knows that i you know got like down and dirty with his mom. And he was like, no, actually, like, I was, you know, hooking up with your ex, like right after you guys had broken up,
Starting point is 00:02:54 you know, in high school. I was like, oh, dude, I was like, I was like, no worries, man. Like, that was like a long time ago. You know, like, that's, that's like long forgotten. He's like, no worries, man. Like, that was, like, a long time ago. You know, like, that's, like, long forgotten. He's like, yeah, man, you know, just wanted to put it out there. You know, like, I would want to hear it, you know, if that were me. And, like, I was like, okay. So kind of, like, skated out of that situation and then the next morning i i kind of woke up and i was like mulling it over and then i was kind of domed on me i was like was he trying to you know hit me with the like hey man like i i know you fucked my mom but uh
Starting point is 00:03:42 you know like i I fucked your ex. So it's kind of been weighing on me. I'm not really sure. How many people know that you slept with his mom? Just my immediate friends. How did you two hook up again? Me and the mom? Mm-hmm. me and the mom uh she actually would um she would organize our team dinners for my lacrosse team and like uh you know just kind of one day she was like oh you know like let me get your number
Starting point is 00:04:20 because i was i was uh one of the captains she was like let me get your number and we can like organize the next team dinner and I was like oh chill and then um you know she was always kind of good looking but I never thought anything of it and then she started texting and then you know one thing led to another and uh yeah and uh was she married i think she was actually going through a divorce and uh did you guys have sex multiple times no it was just a one-time thing i it was it was like you know like you want to live out that fantasy and then i was like i i probably shouldn't do this again just because like you know i do you know even a 16 year old 17 year old like has a conscience like i don't know i i i felt pretty bad about it but um did she i like did she light up a cigarette afterwards? No, I actually broke her lamp.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I remember I was so nervous. I walked into her bedroom, and I remember I tripped over her lamp and broke it. But yeah, she didn't light up a cigarette. I would have loved one, though. Was it as good as you thought it was going to be? Oh, I was like, dude, I was like 30 seconds and done. Oh, you TMB, bro?
Starting point is 00:05:54 What's up? Touch and bust? Oh, yeah. No, it was like, it was a dream come true for a 16-year-old. That's awesome. I put on a terrible performance, though. Did she ever hook up with any other of your friends? I mean, there's rumors, I mean, from tertiary sources.
Starting point is 00:06:19 But I haven't gotten a hard confirmation on that, but I mean, I, I feel like it's a real possibility. I, and it kind of sucks. It's like, damn, I guess I'm not that special, but, um, well, I'm sure you have, I'm sure on this situation, you have a unique combination of, um, pride and guilt. Um, but to your question, I would not bring it up to this dude. No, absolutely not. You think he's trying to big time you, though?
Starting point is 00:06:55 See, that's like the main conundrum where I'm like, it's such an odd thing to bring up that you fucked my ex in a small talk conversation. I think he was kind of trying to big dog me. He was, for sure. But I think you have the trump card, and it takes more courage to let someone live. But he definitely was trying to... He was probably trying to... I hate when guys bring stuff like that up. I ran into a guy at a stand-up
Starting point is 00:07:26 show the venice one we did he's like i know your ex oh really like why are you telling me that yeah yeah like get the hell out of here their exes for reasons right well i was like she's nice like i have no bad blood towards her but he was like staring at me while he told me. I was like, what are you doing? Katie, do you have any thoughts on what you should do? Oh, for sure not tell him. But I think he might already know for sure. Yeah, I feel like you didn't really have a question. You just wanted to share this epic story with us. And brother, we are grateful.
Starting point is 00:08:03 That's a pretty epic story. It's super epic yeah i wanted to get the perspective of like that the main thing at the end where it's like dude why would you like just like you bringing that up obviously means like you know something and i would obviously i'd never no i don't think it necessarily does. And even if it does mean he knows that, that's not that bad of a, if he knows you slept with his mom
Starting point is 00:08:32 and that's how he reacts to it, that's not that big of a reaction. Yeah, and also, if you have that knowledge, then you got someone knowing that they hooked up with your mom and you're like, I hooked up with your ex and you're like i hooked up with
Starting point is 00:08:45 your egg like that that doesn't he knows that you have dominated him and even if he hooked up with your ex he's still being dominated yeah so i think why are you why mickey why are you laughing when chad says you dominated him i never looked at it i never looked at him that way. Oh, you haven't? No, no. Sure, buddy. Get the fuck out of here, baby. Dude, I swear.
Starting point is 00:09:15 No, do you know what? I wish we could call him and be like, hey, man, why did you say that? Is it because you felt guilty or because Mickey banged your mom? Mickey, I love that you're so pure of spirit. You don't under, you're like, you wouldn't even, your brain would never go to the place that sleeping with a dude's mom would give you any sort of power over him. You're like, what?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Nah, dude. I don't know. I just like seized an opportunity and took it i mean i believe that too i believe that too for sure um and it's it's epic it is very very epic um so when you look back on it was do you think of it as an altogether positive experience yeah no definitely it was it was definitely revelatory yeah yeah no it definitely was cathartic and and uh you know life-altering in kind of the dopest way you know it's like giving me a a certain like proclivity for older women now and did it give you a confidence in life? Do you feel like you have like a special, unique sexual power that women are clued in on?
Starting point is 00:10:30 I think I mean, I think I think I'm an old soul now. You know, like, I kind of harnessed, you know, like losing losing the V card to an older woman, not an elderly woman. It was your virginity. Yeah. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. Did you tell her? Oh, that's big.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Did you tell her it was your virginity? Oh, hell no. Absolutely not. So she might have thought you were having sex for, who knows, like four months before that. Yeah, yeah. Have you seen her since? months before that yeah yeah have you seen her since um i i think i i think i ran into her maybe like a few years ago and yeah no it was it was it was all it was all smiles it was all good vibes i like how this you called him with this question and we're like no no go back to the first part well there was no question really give us the deets on this yeah it was it was a 10 minute triumphant story with a little tag on at
Starting point is 00:11:32 the end like do you guys like pepsi or coke more um so have you slept with other uh uh milfs since oh dude no i wish i fucking wish but um a little bit of a stifler's mom situation yeah yeah no i mean dude i didn't even know i didn't even know like that's from american pie or something right yeah i never even seen american pie until after and i was like oh shit yeah oh you Yeah, oh, you have seen it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Did it go down like that? Did it go, like, you were Finch in that situation?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah, like, kind of. Went down to the pool room, and she was pouring a whiskey. Do you have a girlfriend now? No, I actually broke, well, she broke up with me. Sorry, man. I think like... No, it's all good. Like, I think like six months ago.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Dude, you sound just like... He sounds cool as shit. You sound cool as shit, man. You sound like life has just been a string of uninterrupted green lights, baby. Yeah. Candy, if you were to meet a guy and you knew that he hooked up with someone's mom, what would you think? Would you think he's the man?
Starting point is 00:12:54 Who, me? I was asking Kennedy. Hmm. I'd say so. I'd say that's a pretty, especially virginity. Yeah. Does Mickey sound like a cool dude to you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:03 You sound like a pretty nice dude to watch football with. Yeah. Drink a beer. Hey, relax. Relax. Mickey, were your friends afraid to bring you around their mothers afterwards? There's definitely a stigma around following me afterwards. I mean, like, because I'm always, like, a super friendly person.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And, like, my friends' parents, like, all love me. But, like, I mean, like, they know I never do them like that. But they kept me on a short leash for a while, though. That was for sure. And were you ever worried it would get out to the whole school? Because you told a few people. Do you just trust your boys to keep it quiet? Oh, yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:55 The boys are taking that to the grave. I mean, they're... Those are good guys. I mean, I think it was more so for my own protection. You know, keeping my trap closed and when you have you fantasized about telling
Starting point is 00:14:14 this dude you know just in a scenario being like hey man here's the thing I hooked up with your mom like I hope my ex was nice but I banged your mom oh no that definitely because like i had i had a suspicion when me and me and this girl broke up um but i mean like it was like a split second thought where it's kind of just like all right dude like you can have her
Starting point is 00:14:38 but like i mean i fucked your mom but it was like that it. What if you found out that that dude's mom also hooked up with your ex-girlfriend? Oh, wow. Dude. Oh, that would be... Yeah, right? That would be fucking... That would be...
Starting point is 00:14:58 I know, dude. Dude, but what... Dude, but like... Dude. Dude. Dude, would you just be like... would you like throw a nut to that? Oh, for sure. For sure, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:14 All right, Mickey, you were a great caller, dude. Thank you so much. Thank you for being vulnerable. All right. Cheers, guys. Later, brother. Mickey's the man. He just came on here to share that story yeah that's so funny how you called him out for that too i'm like nice it sounded like he was really suffering why did he say that here's the thing i had intercourse with his mom that was
Starting point is 00:15:41 all right let's um that was crazy um i'm trying to think if anything like that went down you know i had a friend from wales that i lived with and he grew up in a small town over there and they had a friend's mom who would have them all over to party and she started sleeping with them and she slept with a bunch of the friends and then the friends got together and they were like hey this lady's like bad news she's kind of bad for our health and so they all made a pact to stop sleeping with her they felt bad for the kid too like his you know social life got careened because of it yeah and they had one friend who couldn't stop seeing the mom and they cut him out of the group wow he just fell in love he kind of just kept going back whatever it
Starting point is 00:16:22 was yeah yeah i mean that's can you imagine if you come home and one of your boys comes out of the room with your mom? I would be pretty upset at my mom. You men are ruthless. You guys have had, have you had fantasies about your friend's parents as a young kid? When I was in like junior high, yeah. I would snack my noodle to the thought.
Starting point is 00:16:44 kid when i was in like junior high yeah i would snack my noodle to the thought yeah i'm trying to think uh there's more more chat more teachers yeah no for sure but uh do you remember like the name like stacy like stacy's mom stacy's mom oh yeah got it going on wait oh i know one mom yeah i'm not gonna say her name though i uh did she listen to the pond who is she no i i doubt her or her son listened but back in the day i think uh were there any dads you were into are girls into dads my friend daniel i feel like when you get older you're into our girls and dads my friend Daniel I feel like when you get older you're more into dads I remember after the freshman like father-daughter something dance the girls came back to school and they were like they're time
Starting point is 00:17:37 of my boy Daniels are like his dad's handsome like his dad's hot yeah yeah I mean you know good-looking people are good looking people you know yeah i don't think they were like lusting after yeah right i don't think girls lust as much as boys lust over it is harder i always felt bad for my boys who had like really good looking moms like i remember i was friends with this one guy for a while and we went to the same tutoring place yeah and i remember i i never met his mom before and she came in and i just remember i like was just like stunned i was like whoa and then i looked at him like oh and he just looked at me like oh he knows yeah he's just like this has happened before oh god damn it now i gotta deal
Starting point is 00:18:15 with this with you and then i never like said anything inappropriate but just even having to see your friends react must be just awful yeah it seems to be really hard on guys who have hot moms where they're like you know they're like yeah my mom's hot we did have two buddies who uh we went camping and me and my brother overheard them in the tent yeah and they both had hot moms and they were confessing to each other he's like dude i beat off to your mom and then the other guy was like dude i beat off to your mom and then they like slapped hands hilarious oh my god what if there's a guy who's proud of it he's like you like me wait till you meet my mom you're totally gonna gonna wanna bang it was weird it's the first time i saw that i think they did have some weird pride
Starting point is 00:18:58 that at least like status wise their moms were like a cut above everybody else yeah i beat off to your mom no i beat off to your mom yeah and they were like yeah good they were like bonded by it interesting i came in and i was like so you beat all i got um let's take another call but i'm gonna fix the cameras real quick is that a reusable cup yeah looks nice these are cool i like them a lot yeah because it looks like a coffee cup but they're reusable it's my favorite of all the because the other ones too they have like the weird mouths where you always spill a little bit in the car like you're drinking and then it's on your jeans i always spill and you're so mad then you're like what the fuck and it kind of throws off my whole day i've been way more
Starting point is 00:19:44 precious about my outfits lately. For Marisi's birthday, I wanted to wear these jeans. They're the only jeans I have. And then they got thrown in the wash. And I was an hour late because I waited for them to dry because I didn't want to wear any other pants. Interesting. Why don't you get another pair of those so you can...
Starting point is 00:19:59 That's a crazy idea. Yeah. These are like... It's so funny. Girls, like, we just have these instinctual things and guys are like oh i never thought of that no we're just like idiots i know yeah my girlfriend the other day she's like you have 60 t-shirts and you have one pair of jeans i was like i know it's the best right dudes what do you guys think about the super bowl is travis kelsey gonna
Starting point is 00:20:21 propose to t swift oh no i I didn't even think about that. There's active betting lines on it. Really? If they win and he balls out, it could be the biggest moment in the history of everything. Yeah. I feel like everybody's going to be looking for that. And I could see them being like,
Starting point is 00:20:40 ha ha, we're not going to do that for them. Let's wait to do it secretly. Are you pro Travis and Taylor? I do. I think they're cute. I think we had a conversation about this on our way here. I think the media is what's making everybody hate them because they're kind of making,
Starting point is 00:20:56 even though Taylor doesn't really want to be in the media. It's the producers and the cameramen who just shoot them every second. And then it's causing issues with people who are actually believing it, thinking like, oh. They're just oversaturated yeah i think they're somewhat responsible for that but i agree with you the nfl is loving it and they're pushing it hard with all the espn clips and yeah and people love it or they hate it which is good either way it's exactly but i do i'm pro i think they're one of the great romances of our lives and dude i was hard on him
Starting point is 00:21:25 i thought he was playing worse because of it i thought he was diffusing his energy i thought he had lost focus and i thought because he was older he wasn't giving himself enough time to recover because he was traveling with her and then he played really well on sunday and made me eat my shit dude i mean he should propose if they win that'd be so epic would it be too soon though i think it'd be too that's the best part about it they're just wild and crazy kids i know he's like he's like i feel like if he proposes to her he's locked in he no he can break up with her no dude celebrities get married and break up but not t swift oh you think that the swifties would be so upset at him that he could never live a normal
Starting point is 00:22:12 life after that yeah i think it's like i think i think the church of taylor swift it's like the monarchy you know you can't you can't get divorced but i agree with you actually yeah what if he dates a black woman afterwards i think didn't he already though but are they going to be mad at someone who's in an interracial relationship wouldn't that make them racist you could present that argument yeah but would you that's fair would you argue that the swifties are already racist. Yeah, they're racist. I hope he proposed just because it happened once. Boise State beat Oklahoma in a college football game. And the running back who scored on this crazy trick play, Ian Johnson, proposed to his cheerleader girlfriend afterwards.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh, I love that. I've heard his teammates since then were kind of pissed. Really? Because they won this epic game. And he stole the moment. And it stole the moment that it became about the proposal. In the moment I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Can we watch it? Yeah, can we watch it real quick?
Starting point is 00:23:14 In this game, cause we were playing to win not to lose. I know you're gonna propose to your girlfriend. Congratulations. Hey. Tommy, he's gonna really do this. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yes! wait this stupid reporter i know i don't remember that she said yeah that's my beef of the week
Starting point is 00:23:36 yeah that's so lame what a horse's ass what do you think of that? Well, he just was like, so are you going to propose to her? And then he looks at her and he's like, yeah. Yeah, I'm going to. If we're in that situation, a reporter was like, you're about to propose, are you? Would you want me to go through with it? Would you say? You know, thinking about it, if she had no idea, I'd be like so shocked. It would just and then you'd get on.
Starting point is 00:24:04 It'd be all just like a blur. And I'd be like so shocked it would just and then you'd get on it'd be all just like a blur and i'd be like oh my god you know good call yeah the momentum of it yeah i bet sure and then being on camera and she's probably like what you know so when is travis gonna pop the cue kyle thomas he's on our podcast oh whoa did he predict that dude he said one of the most wild things in history oh yeah podcast what was it i shouldn't even laugh um and you can't tell that i reacted to it in the moment because my face is obscured by mike but people talked about in the comments he basically said that through his astrology he predicted the exact day that his mother would be oh yeah yeah and then everybody was like but why didn't you
Starting point is 00:24:47 stop it a lot of the comments were well then what yeah mother today's the day but if he predicted it then it has to be real true and uh but he was a good guy what did did what do you did what do you tell us about us come true um yeah he told us some like some stuff i'm gonna sound like a hater now but like some stuff he was like jt you want to be a popular comedian who's famous and i was like holy shit yeah he um he said i was gonna have like a breakup i ended up having a breakup like right around that time but he also said it's gonna happen like nine months i don't know how far off was he nine months oh so he was exactly right no he's nine months off he's like
Starting point is 00:25:41 you're gonna break up around next year he but he did say i was i would meet someone who's much more compat compatible like way like super compatible around the time matt kennedy what else did he say you listen to it yeah he said she was interested yeah i love that stuff i think that's so cool i've become more uh I used to be very like hard, like, no, if it's not observable, if it's not like based off some kind of hard science, then I don't believe in it. And now I do think that there's, I've just seen too much crazy shit and I've seen those people be wrong too much. Then now I'm more open to it.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Which people? Just like analytics people, people who are like more data oriented or who think they're more like hard fact based. I've seen them be wrong. And I've also seen them not always be rational and given to more kind of, I don't know, like non-observable thinking. So I'm kind of humbled a little bit, I guess. That's good. No, it's very interesting. Because think of all the sound waves and radio waves.
Starting point is 00:26:47 We can't see those. But other animals can see certain things. And there's a lot of things we can't explain. You can be connected in ways that we might not know about yet. Or do you always want to figure things out? Is that kind of... I don't know. How do you feel with the unknown?
Starting point is 00:27:05 I'm okay with it. Yeah. I think. I used to be more like afraid to die. And I was afraid of being dead forever. That really scared me. The idea that it would just keep going on. And that I wouldn't have any kind of consciousness.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Or even if I did. That it would just be this kind of never ending experience. But now, I don't know. I try to just add more stress in my life that's tomorrow or the next week so that I don't have as much time to give into that stuff because I don't think I'm going to figure it out. So I'd rather just worry about, like, are we working on stuff? Me and my girlfriend, me and the kiddos stuff like
Starting point is 00:27:45 that that's a little bit more immediate hello hey it's chad and jt oh shit what up what up you're here with you're here with kennedy as well what up chad kennedy oh my god i've heard so much about you online or whatever. It's a podcast. I love it. Oh, well, it's nice to meet you. What's your name? Yeah, my name is Bill.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Nice. Now it's Bill because I'm turning 30. But I was by Billy for a while there. Oh, nice. Sorry. My stoke is absolutely depleted by this problem because I got to turn 30 and I got to figure out what to do with these cats who might start a fight. Yeah, so tell us what the problem is. So we don't know. What's the situation?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Oh, it's like Ric Flair is going to go ape shit at my 30th birthday is how this feels i i would rather richler show up and body slam my dad and see my girlfriend and my cousin duke it out whoa um what's going on with your girlfriend and your cousin well toky just you know for, that's not a real name, is my mother's best friend's daughter. I've known her since I was a kid. Well, actually, a little baby. And she does not like my girlfriend, whose name is Ashley. And Sophie and Ashley, they first kind of discovered that all this was going on
Starting point is 00:29:29 when Sophie blocked Ashley on TikTok. So I don't know what to do about that either. I don't know really much about TikTok. But why did the blocking occur so sophie and ashley look exactly alike they're both five three small blonde humans i don't know maybe they're reptiles i'm not sure. But maybe Sophie's jealous of Ashley. I don't know. I stayed with my family one night and the next morning went to work. I'd gone and I don't know, maybe popped out, brought Sophie home and mashing grab dial with my cousin though.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I'm so calm, but I'm not sure what's going on, but not your biological cousin. No, no, no, no. She has no biological family besides your mom. And let let's be honest even if it was your biological cousin oh absolute pound pound pound bye bye bye baby that's right okay so match it i mean she looks like my girlfriend so like, you know. Are you saying you'd bang your cousin? Which one? Sophie. Is there another one you should know about? Or a blood cousin.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Would you have sex with a cousin that you had blood with? No. Oh, geez. But what if she was hot? What if she was hot? This is a conundrum man i mean my girlfriend and sophie are both five three white chicks who have blonde hair and green eyes so i like you think would i smash my girlfriend kind of what it's like i might they look these i find my girlfriend attractive but not sophie has there ever been any heat between you and sophie i mean you guys kind of grew up together They look the exact same. I find my girlfriend attractive, but not Sophie.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Has there ever been any heat between you and Sophie? I mean, you guys kind of grew up together. Did you guys have any flirtation? Nah, she won the Peace Award. She's like the nicest human ever. She's only got a mom. Sounds like she has a crush on you, and there's been like an underline. Just coming from a girl's perspective. If there's beef between that, it sounds like Sophie likes you and your girlfriend Ashley's jealous about that.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Because girls can get weird about like other girls, even though you're not doing anything wrong. But that's what it sounds like. Have you ever thought of that? No. Do you have a dad? Sorry, Kennedy. No. Yes. Is your dad around of that? No. Do you have a dad? Sorry, Kennedy. No. Do you have a dad around a lot?
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah. My family is... What kind of question was that? What? What are you doing? Yeah. Because I don't know how... I know how normal humans think, but Sophie's, you know, doesn't have any family. So maybe she does have a question.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Sophie doesn't have any family. So maybe she does have a crush on him. I don't know if people with no living blood relatives end up liking their relatives. I'm not sure. Bill, are you on the NyQuil? What do you mean by that? Are you hammered? Oh, no. I can't drink on the weekdays anymore.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Why not? Oh, that's a whole other question, bro. That's a whole other type of question. My boss does not like me. Your boss doesn't like you? What happened there? Well, I don't know. That's the question.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I don't know. I can't figure these things out. She thinks she's hot. Let's just put it that way your boss yeah and uh and so what's that's where your guys's friction comes from no it comes from a happy hour in Marina Del Rey. This little bar underground, the little metal box, wonderful spot, not going to name drop, but you get no service on your phone there. And so another reason Ashley might have been mad at me, but you can't answer phone calls, can't do anything except pay attention to whoever
Starting point is 00:34:07 you're there with and i was there with my boss and 25 other people and she took me this hallway and told me she never liked me and didn't want to hire me i'm sorry fucking twist dude i know no that's all good oh so there's friction there because work there that's but she's being a bad boss that's uh a rude thing to do in bad leadership all right that was a twist i thought right she was gonna like touch you like me feel yeah oh you thought that too you were like oh we're gonna hook up the fuck was going on yeah right you know i'm like this person this is gonna get you know well i can't divulge too much because i work in corporate finance i so whoa whoa this it would be well i guess i was i guess I was being a little rude with what
Starting point is 00:35:07 was asking if you're, you did, you did sound a little like you were drinking to me, but I guess it was more, you also sound like you're being willfully naive about this Ashley and Sophie situation. It does seem like Sophie. What's up? I'm trying to be naive. Right. Because I want to believe the best in everybody.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And you know what? That actually might be the best thing to do. But just the fact that you're aware of it gives me a lot more confidence in you. You know that if you dive too deep into this thing, only bad answers are going to come out of it. So the way to get through it is just to fly above it and act like you don't see what's happening and let them settle it. And if you have to jump in and tell people to calm down, you will. And you always side with your girlfriend in this situation because she's the one you've committed to. But yeah, don't try to don't try to fix it. Hmm. Like you close the sun. Amen. And my yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:01 and getting burned. But what if I just face the minotaur, come out on top? You could get stuck to a seat in Hades, brother, and they only let you out of there once a year. I think the river is thick, sounds nice to swim in. I guess that's where I'm at right now, though. Well, brother, if you can push up that rock and have it fall apart and push it up again, then we'll respect you for eternity. push up that rock and have it fall apart and push it up again then we'll respect you for eternity
Starting point is 00:36:31 so do i go to my 30th birthday party and just fight both the women yes oh that's for kennedy you go to your 30th birthday party and you walk in like a champ and you own it what song should i like bring a speaker it's your birthday you do whatever you want and you're 30 what'd you guys do on your 30th birthday i had a you came to my birthday it was the one at uh the angel town yeah what did i do it's covet i didn't really do much oh so i left this out my girlfriend and uh my cousin have beef because of a birthday gift that I gave my cousin. And I think she took it the wrong way. What was the gift? It was a ring.
Starting point is 00:37:21 To your cousin? Yeah, but not for a a marriage i didn't propose it was like uh like a friendship ring called yeah she gave me a friendship bracelet my 29th birthday and that upset that upset your girlfriend ashley yeah oh without a doubt so she's a little jealous. Ashley is. I don't know. I don't,
Starting point is 00:37:50 why would she be jealous? Billy boy. You're like thinking about everything just enough to get frustrated, but not enough to have any actual understanding. I mean, I think you're just having fun with all of it and that's what you should be doing. The good news is you're going to your 30th birthday congratulations on making it there it sounds like you have a good job and you have two pretty girls there who look identical
Starting point is 00:38:11 who are both in love with you you could not be doing any better ashley's looking right now and saying i don't look anything like sophie uh is she in the room she's been here the whole time yeah yeah you are no oh no she's saying no wait can you bill can you give the phone to ashley yeah we want to talk to ashley can we get ashley on the phone no ashley ashley come on ashley put her on speaker ashley ash Ashley. Put her on speaker. Ashley. Ashley? Or put us on speaker. I think I need some wisdom here. I don't think. I think that's the wrong approach.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Maybe I bring a gift. I don't know. Are you talking to us yeah yeah i'll grab something up sorry i was kidding is ashley pissed right now no she she were in the bedroom i got one bedroom nice nice thank god well Bill I think we figured it out man best of luck honestly though keep us updated I'm curious yeah I am too I have literally no fucking clue what we figured out I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:39:33 so do you remember today live it up on your birthday play some songs on like a bluetooth speaker as I walk in and like air force ones by Nelly let them fight
Starting point is 00:39:48 yeah yes tape it and send it in I wouldn't even stop there I'd actually give Sophie a wedding ring oh from where tiffany's the last one i got was from this little store
Starting point is 00:40:11 like a normal store in pasadena like uh oh god change they sell like blankets clothing claire's made well Claire's? Madewell? Madewell. Claire's is better. I knew it was going to happen. Billy, I think the last thing you should do is you should dress up like Ric Flair and body slam your dad. Woo! Alright, Billy. Good luck, man. Love ya.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Good luck to you guys. Thanks, man. We've had some great calls tonight dude billy i don't know about that one that guy it's kind of all over the place he probably he did sound like he had a couple drinks he was on drugs or alcohol there was something that affected his i'm like no one you know one talks like that when they're sober. Ashley was there the whole time. That's the biggest piece of the puzzle. I mean, you got to respect that a guy like that is doing so well in his life.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah, he's financial. Financial analyst. You know, he's making a good paycheck. His boss thinks he's an idiot. He hasn't been fired. He's got one girlfriend that he's making jealous with his childhood friend. He keeps both of them around all the time. He just smiles as they brawl.
Starting point is 00:41:24 with his childhood friend he keeps both of them around all the time he just smiles as they brawl yeah and then uh you know he gets drunk and calls podcasts with one of them present to see how he should feel about all of it yeah he's doing great yeah yeah he like when the girlfriend went to the room he was like should i get a gift should i give her a gift i'm like what that's kind of a move right like you're fighting with your partner and you're like you know what in the middle of the fight you're like i'm gonna call into this podcast just to annoy you and then she's just thinking how did i end up with this motherfucker yeah exactly oh billy boy billy and mickey i don on the you guys must have so much fun with this
Starting point is 00:42:08 it's a good time yeah jake does a good job of screening he's giving us some some wild boys we can circle back to him he said he had a Frisbee until 8.30. Yeah. That's a lot of our callers. Yeah. How are you doing, Ken? Good.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Having Frisbee, like playing Frisbee? Ultimate Frisbee. Oh. You said a lot of your callers do Ultimate Frisbee. I'm guessing. I love that. I've never played. Frisbeeisbee's fun i mean us playing with lola it's throwing throwing with lola's phone yeah i got a bad uh flick of the wrist yeah i'm getting better at it she lola had a incredible catch the other day it was awesome she's getting good at it anyways did you feel a lot of
Starting point is 00:43:08 pride i did because i was i threw it and i wasn't even expecting she just jumps up in the air like there's like a sideways thing catches it she's a tough girl like the kind you'd see in like a photo where they kind of do the yeah the hip thrust when they're up there she's very pictures she's very tough she is That's good. Has she changed a lot? Like, do you guys think you've had an impact on her personality?
Starting point is 00:43:31 I think she's very sweet. She's always been very sweet. She's gotten more energy lately. I don't know if that's... I think it's just puppy stuff, though. Yeah. What do you think? She gets very protective, too,
Starting point is 00:43:41 when she takes things, even though they're not hers. Yeah. She'll... She takes a shoe. Yeah, you'll, like, try they're not hers yeah she'll she takes a shoe yeah you'll like try and grab it and she'll show you her teeth and yeah she bit me yeah recently she's been like i think you know and she's creating boundaries which i get like sometimes we'll like antagonize her and like get you know and she growls to let us know hey don't do that
Starting point is 00:44:02 and then he did that the other day and she nicked his lip. Yeah. And she takes up most of the bed now. Like the whole bed. So does our dog, Gigi. Yeah. Really? She sleeps next to my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And then when I come into the bed, because I come to bed later, she jumps to the other side of me and she pushes me all the way in. Yeah. It's cute and I love it i love it but it's not comfortable i lose like my sleep's worse because of it that's why that's one thing i haven't been sleeping as much because she'll start in the middle of us and then somehow i'll wake up i'm in the middle like how did i end up here and i'm like squished in yeah i'll try and move her and she's just well just like she's so cute with tom though that's
Starting point is 00:44:45 like her guy for sure well she she does snuggle which is really it's so sweet it's tough to get mad at them when they're being cute little faces yeah i think they evolved to be cute so we wouldn't be as prone to yell at him yeah yeah but i don't give a fuck i'm gonna hit up some of the people we had like 12 people last week lined up so i'm gonna hit up some of them people take your time man we can stop down for a second and breathe and then jump back we are going back on the road and we're coming hot to florida orlando tampa and dania beach february 14th orlando 15 tampa 16th Dania Beach we will be there get your tickets at challengeat.com we will have Strider there as well we also have new dates coming in hot so
Starting point is 00:45:31 keep your eyes peeled as of now we got Fort Worth coming up I believe the dates on the website will be changing I think it's April 12th through the 14th somewhere in that area then we'll be at the tempe improv april 18th and uh we got a lot of dates coming in so check out chad and jt.com for tickets and also we've been loving the calls so stoked on everyone that's called in if you want to call in you got a beef or something life quandary that you want to get solved call the number 323-418-2019 let us know what you want to talk about you can also text that number and um we'd love to hear from you guys so stoked to have you on board hello what up hey hey is this chad and jt yeah and you got candy here too. Hello. Hello, hello everybody. How you doing, buddy? What's going on, man?
Starting point is 00:46:28 I'm just hanging out. How are you guys doing? Good, man. Just hanging. Just hanging and filming it. I'm just hanging and filming it. Alright, well, hey. Yes, I did have a big question for you guys. Hit us with it.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I met this girl through tumblr tumblr how do you meet people through tumblr it just kind of happens you know it is one of those things yes uh i mean i remember meeting people on tumblr back when it was like big but not so much anymore people don't really use tumblr like that anymore but you can still meet people um but i'm kind of freshly out of a more serious relationship so i was like is this something that is you know am i just seeing this opportunity as like, oh, this is fresh and this is new? Or is it something that could also be, you know, not that bad of an option? Keep in mind, she does live about eight hours away,
Starting point is 00:47:36 an entire state, so. Wait, I'm sorry. So you're just wondering, because you're on the rebound, if this new girl is someone you should take seriously? Also, if it is smart. There's a few things. If it's smart to meet somebody that I met off of Tumblr. Why not?
Starting point is 00:47:56 I mean, it's not the first time, but it's always a gamble, you know? Well, I mean, it's a gamble. You meet someone in person, you don't really know who they are for a while so i think it's all a gamble the important thing is you just say you meet them and find out i guess that's true and it's i mean i'm excited to explore and everything is going to be for the most part in public so what's the worst that could happen is kind of how i've been trying to approach it yeah just get out of my comfort zone i think it's kind of romantic too what was the tumblr that you guys met on where were you tumbling on um kind of stumbled across both the uh suit of suitable for work and not suitable for work side of things. Oh. Is typically how my Tumblr is.
Starting point is 00:48:47 What is your not suitable for work kind of content? Mainly just stuff that I don't post anywhere else. Can you give us an example? It's nothing like too spicy. It's mainly just like shirtless that kind of stuff tumblr shirtless is not as cool as it used to be i mean it tumblr is not as cool as it used to be so it's not any full nudity type of stuff i mean as much as is this you or is this just shirtless dudes oh it's me no it's me and and she was vibing on shirtless you yeah and then did you see shirtless hurt yes so we've also kind of like we've done video
Starting point is 00:49:29 chatting so it's like i it's not necessarily a question it's like oh am i getting catfish it's more of just like did you guys have phone sex no yes kind of. Does video chat count as phone sex? Yeah. Okay, then, yeah. Nice. I think you should meet her. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So we're supposed to go to a concert, and that's like the kind of dipping my toes in before we go spend a week exploring like the coast and stuff that's a big that's a big commitment well i think that it's an eight hour drive right so is the eight hour because if she just lived in the same town this wouldn't be as much of a conundrum for you not so much no i mean i feel like it'd be a it'd be kind of cool too like if i had met somebody completely randomly online that lived in the same town as me. But that's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Let's not good be the enemy of great. I said that backwards. Great be the enemy of good. There it is, sister. What do you think, Ken? Do you think he should meet her? I think so. I think that's fun.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I mean, i remember when like being a kid and like you know first figuring out the internet and like you you made some cool people and you should surprise yourself and i i think you guys have already video chatted you guys kind of have an idea of who you guys are and what you like you were meeting people i mean not a kid like teenager like high school sorry no no no should have clarified that teenager but yeah no i think i would say go for it i say it's however you're feeling you know is there any like reservations you have any questions anything that throwed you off about what she shared with you or anything? Or do you feel pretty comfortable?
Starting point is 00:51:26 I feel comfortable, but it's more so like reactions that I have gotten from people that I know that may not really understand the whole like, oh, hey, I met somebody online other than like it was Tinder, Bumble or something like that. Oh, go ahead. No, you go. I mean, people have weird reactions to everything. People are just going to be judgy about anything that you do.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I wouldn't care what people think. If you felt a connection, I mean, it sounds like you already showed her your hog. And, you know, I would go to the concert and uh see how it goes have fun and uh you know i i think i think say yes to life you know if if life or the universe whatever presents you with something i think uh it's within your best interest to give it a shot because there might be something there that you didn't expect i mean also she did not get scared of my hog so that was a big bonus that's huge that's half the battle no judgment genuinely uh my track record speaks for itself but But was her Tumblr also not safe for work? And is that something she does professionally?
Starting point is 00:52:48 It is also sort of not safe for work. And no, it is not something she does professionally. It's more of just kind of like what I do for fun and to show myself. So you guys both are just kind of like uh like uh exhibitionist hobbyists yes i mean it sounds like you guys have a lot in common yeah i don't know i think it's almost cooler you met on tumblr than on like tinder or hinge or something it speaks to like a specific personality and uh it sounds romantic as hell that you guys found each other and the fact that you guys have already had a very exciting version of sex with one another and that went well
Starting point is 00:53:29 i i think you're gonna have a good time the eight hours isn't scaring me as much with you as it would with other people i think this is gonna go solid solid also there's a big plus between us that the four hour mark there is a spot that um you can just like pull up and pet cows wow that would be just kind of what we were talking about for perfect weekend date stuff yeah dude i mean go pet a cow with her i think you should marry her yeah i'd marry her on the cow farm it says here in your text that too much no well she can also it says here in his text that she can slam a good uke has pipes like a goddess uh yes so she other she has a couple of different jobs but she also uh she plays ukulele and she sings and she's very good at it.
Starting point is 00:54:25 So I've been telling her to like start something up and get that going because she already like does it in her town, but I think it go a little bit further. I mean, this is, not only is it cool that she does it, but it's cool that he appreciates it and is encouraging her to do it more. I don't see a lot to dislike here, pal. This is very promising.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I'm excited for you. Look, we've been dealing with Bills and Mickeys all day, but you're a different cat. What's your name? Carson. I'm really just looking for some reassurance here, and you guys are really giving it to me. I really appreciate that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I mean, everything you said about her, it seems like there's nothing about her that you were hesitant about or just like it's merely the fact that you met on the internet and i think you know that's the way people meet everybody's meeting on the internet everybody's meeting on it totally and i mean she's eight hour drive is rough but that's a one hour flight yeah i also can kind of fly so like it what do you mean you can kind of fly uh i'm like a couple hours away from like finishing it to where i can just fly my own and like wow carson carson carson dude buddy bingo no that that might be the uh the push that i need to just finish that up real quick carson here's what you do tell them you forego this concert you get your hours you pull up at her local airport shirtless and say tumble this and then you take her for a flight man aviator style yeah cold glass of
Starting point is 00:56:08 milk in your hand seeing the sky from way up above you let her get her hand on this stick let her drive a little bit let her fly the plane and you just sit back cool as a cucumber not a care in the world. Do I wear the Top Gun jumpsuit? Because I have one of those. With nothing underneath. This guy is so cool. Dude, you're the man.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Can you remember when we saw Top Gun 2? Oh, yeah. How much cooler? I mean, we were both just like, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Oh, we could have sat through it again. Like, just watched it. Like, three times. Yeah. We saw it twice. Oh, yeah yeah you watched it plenty of times on your
Starting point is 00:56:47 on your own i did he's such a creature of habit this guy oh yeah yeah when we when he loves something he'll re-watch it like 10 times in a year never gets tired of it people are like why don't you and uh chad like drive together where i go because he listens to the same song over and over again that's it that's it i'm like i love you yeah one time when we drove together for like a week straight we had and then he was playing the foo fighters same song every time yeah and then i was like hey let me try another song i put it on in 30 seconds and he goes he got uncomfortable he's like hey can you put the foo fighters back on let me let me ask you this did we not go viral that week dude we had a good week everything worked out exactly
Starting point is 00:57:25 as it was supposed to no i can't argue with the process no argument on the process dave girl it works for my boy i uh but anyways i was saying if i if we had got a top gun too and you knew i could fly i don't know i just wanted to talk about talking too but wouldn't that be cool yeah if you could have you could have flown each other to top gun too oh dude carson man you're the man dude i keep living i got a good feeling on this but i got a good feeling on your life in general man it's gonna it's gonna shake out nicely all right hey thank you guys so much i really appreciate the the words of encouragement you definitely made it seem a lot better than it was going to be from my friend's uh point of view yeah these guys are buzz kills what's their story carson can you fly us sometimes
Starting point is 00:58:16 sometime uh i'm gonna finish these hours i'm gonna hit you guys up absolutely that's even more like motivation than i need that's two reasons right there let's go bud i mean third one's a charm but i mean i'm just gonna search for one because it's badass third time's a charm that's three let's do it all right brother all right keep carcinogen hey thank you guys later nice. Nice guy. Really nice guy. Salt of the earth. All such cool dudes. I know.
Starting point is 00:58:48 They really are. The other ones were... Too cool. Too cool. They were almost too cool. This one was like a good dude. Yeah. Like good.
Starting point is 00:58:55 The other guys would be like... Came from a good family. You know what? All three of them together is kind of the right mix. Yeah. I wonder what Billy's doing right now i think he's just staring at the wall i just want to hear him in a meeting i know here's the thing all right should we do one more yeah yeah let's do one more hello
Starting point is 00:59:20 hello howdy hey How's it going? Doing well, brother. How are you? Oh, I'm not bad. Not bad. What's your name, friend? My name's Johnny. Nice.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Johnny, what's going on, brother? Oh, not much. I'm sitting in my car waiting to talk to you guys. I was going gonna throw a little life conundrum your way are you canadian yeah it's uh it's a pretty easy giveaway oh yeah i love it dude it's the best accent are you chirping him no no chad's eyes just lit up i just wanted to throw a fat Chosky in there. I just wanted to say true. Oh, yeah, true.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Throw a fat Chosky in that lipper, eh? Chad's always claimed to have played a little hockey in his life, so he's got to have a little bit of respect for us. Yeah, I'm on the ice a little, eh? I can't do a Canadian accent. I'm sorry. Anyways, what's your conundrum? Just the age-old conundrum here uh whether or not to
Starting point is 01:00:28 to break up with a gal right now um so i've been yeah i've been seeing this girl for like four months now uh but i have been just riddled with guilt lately because uh just decided to have some random dreams of an ex-girlfriend. So it's the question of whether or not that's okay to keep dating someone or if you got to give it up, I guess. Like for real dreams or like fantasies? No, like legit dreams. And it's been a while too, which is shitty or, like, fantasies? No, like, legit dreams. And it's been a while, too, which is shitty because, you know, you, like, move on and then, okay, you're going to just have a dream about an ex.
Starting point is 01:01:13 That's kind of wild. How's it going with the girl right now? Do you like her a lot? Yeah, she's sweet. She's nice. We have, you know, fun times. The bone sessions are incredible. But, yeah, I don't know. But there but there's a butt yeah there is a butt yeah it's pretty big pretty nice um legend johnny you know i don't
Starting point is 01:01:39 think the dream means much to me especially doesn't mean to me that you need to reach out to your ex i just think there's something in this current relationship that's not setting your soul on fire and i think that's the bigger issue and it seems pretty clear to me just from your tone on it in contrast to some other callers we've had who sound more excited about their partners it feels like maybe you just need to move on yeah maybe but like if you're still having good times and you're enjoying being around each other but it's like you don't feel like that's the person you're gonna end up marrying or something
Starting point is 01:02:17 then how long do you keep on with that or do you just end it there um how does she feel about the relationship is she does she want to get married in the future is it or i don't know she she does seem like she's pretty all in how long have you guys been dating for it's only been like four months oh but she seems all in she's a lot more invested than me she like asked me to come meet the family and stay with them over christmas and yeah like that's tough that's a tough thing to do four months in well i like not to be dramatic and i'm sorry if i jumped the gun a bit but it can to me it can go two ways you can either keep dating her and after a while she'll put it to you that she needs the relationship to go deeper and bigger in its commitment and you'll break up which is okay or she'll wear you down over time and you will give
Starting point is 01:03:18 her that commitment that she wants are you okay with either of those because that's where it's going if you continue yeah i think the first option is probably more likely which kind of gives you the answer right away doesn't it yeah yeah um what is making you want to stay with her because clearly i mean if you're having thoughts of other women you know why why and what um is keeping you in this relationship are you like scared of you know having you know not her in your life or is it you know well it's pretty good yeah what and what is would you get back with your ex-girlfriend is another question like has that been something you're interested in or are you just having dreams and it's oh well that's the thing it's like if i could get back with my ex i'd do it immediately okay so yeah so you're in yeah so you're kind of yeah you're kind of just keeping this girl around until either you're bored of her or you know yeah so it sounds like it's not just dreams he has still has feelings yeah yeah and you haven't
Starting point is 01:04:34 moved on from your ex no yeah for sure but then that's that's like, is it completely, like, just horrible to stay with her, even though we have good times and I treat her well. And, like, it's not a bad relationship. I think you should just be honest with her. And if she asks you these serious questions, you just tell her, hey, like, we're having fun. So you stay protected and you're not kind of pushed into, like, a corner in, like, a year where she's like, okay, when are you going to propose? And you're like, uh pushed into like a corner and like a year where she's like, okay,
Starting point is 01:05:05 when are you going to propose? And you're like, uh, uh, what? You know? Very true. Also,
Starting point is 01:05:11 uh, who is this? Oh, this is Kennedy. Hi, I'm Chad's girlfriend. You're like, who is this girl?
Starting point is 01:05:19 It's my girlfriend. No, that's incredible. That's awesome. Well, nice to talk to you. Yeah, I would definitely trust your opinion. Yeah, I think, I think Candy's right.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I think, I think. And it's, I mean, not to toot our own horn, but like when I met Tom, it was like, done deal. I don't want, you know, I don't think about any, you know, there's not a question. Yeah. And that's why we've, we're just like best friends. Yeah, you just know you just know and you don't know you know with this girl there's it's there's a but and i always got the best advice from someone they were like if you ever have a question in anything anything in a relationship it's not it's not for you because you shouldn't really have questions yeah i mean and then go to
Starting point is 01:06:03 go to his message that he sent us like you're saying she's asked me to meet her parents multiple times and i've found ways around it i feel like she serves three purposes for me it's just nice being with someone and not being alone the sex is pretty good and consistent need someone to watch my cat when i'm on the road for work i now just straight talk though do you think she wants to live her life with someone who feels that way about her now maybe she would settle for it but do you think that's what she wants no i'm no you're right i'm being a little bit of a scumbag for sure i don't think you're i don't think you're going to buy it by like treating her very well and like doing nice
Starting point is 01:06:43 things all the time and but trying to like you know make it positive but then you're giving her more reason to believe that it's not what it actually is i mean like you know like i don't think you're being a scumbag people do this all the time we've all done this it's not like yeah it's not horrible horrible and look she's also a self-aware human being she probably knows on some level this what's going on so how culpable are you for the mistakes she's willing to make but i think you want to get out bro just get out you'll be fine yeah that's my take that's my take yeah but i and i come in hard but that's like that's right and look it's all good it's all good no matter
Starting point is 01:07:18 what but no you're you're definitely right i think and it's i've always taken solace in chad's uh like story about uh when he met kennedy because like for a long time you're like oh i would never meet someone like this and then you two met and you seem to be like that was it yeah like that hey yeah it is i just love this guy he's the best But that's like how it should be right You know and it's like then you know you're like I couldn't live without you know Because clearly you're thinking about other You know your ex but my question
Starting point is 01:07:53 Is is why is it just You and your ex are completely Done there's no like saving That relationship or have you ever thought to like Reach out and be like hey like I'm thinking about you or is she in another relationship yeah so i think that's the biggest hangout for me is like i guess how chad explains like meeting you and being with you that's how i felt with my ex so it's like
Starting point is 01:08:19 will you ever find that again that's a tough tough thing to buy into, you know? How old are you? I'm 26. Oh, yeah, you'll find it again. Oh, yeah. Wait, so why did you guys break up? Well, she broke up with me. Did she say why? Or what do you glean was the reason?
Starting point is 01:08:39 It was just like a done and we never would never we've never really had another conversation after that she said it's done so we don't i think there's someone i think there's someone beyond the two women we've talked about out there for you and i got full confidence you're gonna meet yeah yeah i agree nice i appreciate that you're a good dude dude it's even good of you to call in and like put all this out there it's like you know what the answer is but you need to hear it back and you've built in a way to get that answer so i i respect that you're looking into it well i know i know you guys have come through with some uh some great thoughts and good points so i do appreciate that yeah i wouldn't feel bad too about because you're you're a good guy so you know uh i wouldn't feel
Starting point is 01:09:27 bad about it seems like you treat her well and and you know you just need to be honest and uh and we all yeah it's and four months is about that clip i think i think you can kind of casually see someone for around that amount of time and then when you feel them falling into like the next step that's when you got to pull back and be like all right she's starting to like cook meals for me at her place she wants me to meet her parents like things that come from like a loving nurturing place i think that's when you got to be like this isn't casual anymore yeah i think it has to feel like a um billy boy like to all those next step things like a hell yeah kind of thing you know like you want to meet my parents you want to move in you you should be stoked on it and if you're not that's pretty clear sign so
Starting point is 01:10:12 yeah yeah like we were watching movies today we watched like uh what's that jennifer lawrence movie the new comedy oh yeah no hard feelings that was great yeah that's a great movie but there's like one scene where like he tells her that he loves her and it just got so quiet after that and i was like yeah i don't know if this is for us yeah she sounds like she knows it too it's just she's waiting for you to make the move but it's you know yeah 100 you'll feel better once you do it too yeah yeah i think you're right so she's literally at my place right now and i'm like five minutes away okay you're giving me a lot to walk in oh geez well yeah no do it tonight do it while you got some you should do it when you got momentum it's it's a it's a it's a momentum thing because like when you got the willingness that's
Starting point is 01:11:13 when you got to act because then the willingness goes away and then you're three months down the road and then you're like oh well maybe i could do it next week it's like it's it you don't feel strong all the time so when you do I think you got to do the thing. No, you're right. That's for all aspects of life. It's nice to cut some shit out. Dude, that's very Tony Robbins of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I love that fucking movie. Call him. Call him right now. Johnny, you're the man. Best of luck to you. Yeah, I love you, man. Good luck in there. Yeah, and I hope you're packing man best of luck oh yeah yeah i love you man good luck in there yeah and i hope you're packing a fat dab too 100 uh your guys is i've been listening to yourself since literally like episode 20 oh wow my uh like that drink draft that you had with chris was by far my favorite episode of all time
Starting point is 01:12:07 oh thanks man it was fun that was so fun yeah whose list did you like the most what's that sorry who's your what drink list was your favorite oh fuck i i can't remember off the top of my head fair enough amen well good luck man when whoever said uh the best place to drink beers was on a yacht i literally like woke up got out of my bed and went and crushed two corona so wow that was big for me dude that's the kind of effect we want to have let's go johnny you're the man oh it's incredible thank you for listening and thank you for being a loyal listener you're the best yeah you guys too what a good guy yeah he's a good guy he's not gonna break up with her no i don't think so no he'll keep her around until he meets someone else honestly i think it's just as likely they
Starting point is 01:13:02 get married that he breaks up with yeah hey babe what's this movie about it's like canadian i love that spot on yeah yeah i feel like girls can be more ruthless than guys honestly it goes both ways it's like it does yeah but like girls are a little bit more like malicious Guys are like, oh, I did that? Oh, I'm sorry. You guys don't hold grudges. Girls hold things in. Right, there's not a plan with guys. No, girls will concoct things.
Starting point is 01:13:32 They're like Billy where they're just knocking stuff over all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Whenever I talk to people in the dating scene, best of luck to you. It tough out there it's hard to find somebody maybe i don't know i don't know i feel like i feel like we always say especially nowadays but i feel like it's always been a mess just the world you know just from watching the crown i'm like oh everything's always been fucked up yeah you think about like what's it like trying to date in like saudi arabia oh it's arranged for sure right or that you know and they it's more
Starting point is 01:14:12 i mean they're actually more logical they're like okay who will who makes sense who will finance me the best you know like i'm like they play they play the game a little smarter we can take some yeah we kind of confuse ourselves because we're like, we want that, but we also want to believe in the fantasy of love. And you can kind of get yourself into trouble if you don't know which mindset you're approaching it from. And I guess it's what you prefer. Like, I could never be with someone if I don't genuinely care about them. I couldn't fake it. Could you?
Starting point is 01:14:43 No, I don't think so. But what if both people don't care about being with someone that they genuinely care about is that genuinely being in love because they both have the same values oh so it's like canceling each other out yeah they're like actually we both look at the world in a really dark sick way so and i found someone else who feels the same way i do that it's a dark sick world those are like the movies i like yeah like gone girl or something yeah we're like oh wait are they supposed to be together she's a fucked up crazy bitch but he's a stupid piece of shit yeah oh man this is a fun one yeah we do stuff dude
Starting point is 01:15:23 i call you dude candy thank you for joining. Thanks for having me. It's good to be back on. It was fun, man. It's been too long. You guys still do drafts and stuff, right? Yeah, we haven't done one since December. We're due.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Someone came up with a great one. Best songs to bone to. Oh. I want to do a draft. You want a draft? I want to do a draft. You could be a draft what would be so i mean your specialty is fashion well i like songs too okay so i like music you know i
Starting point is 01:15:53 love music what would be your favorite song to bone but there's so many draft you guys like that's so fun it's a good time i've had some fun there's so many topics and just controversy you can talk about i always tell her my list and she's like why'd you pick yeah oh i told her about subway i picked some like and then she he told me that all you guys were like what why would you pick something like even everybody else agreed yeah i know you're like what i i'm stuck in the 2000s i you know subway was good in 2005 jared it was good i 2005. Jared was at his peak. I go in there and get that honey nut bread with turkey and some aioli.
Starting point is 01:16:29 They were like the first place to have aioli. Yeah. It was like the first place. I've had a good sandwich there. Yeah. But I agree with you. When he said it. It deflated.
Starting point is 01:16:40 There's an air that goes out of the room. Yeah. You know what's good? We got Nevada Port ofA-Subs. Anybody lives in Nevada and you know. No, but I've been on that. Every Saturday now I go get a new sandwich. I call it Sandwich Saturday.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Oh, I love sandwiches. They're so good. I went to Langer's. They're a good sub. How's Langer's? It's pretty good. I'm not a big pastrami sandwich guy and they need to put more Russian dressing on it,
Starting point is 01:17:01 but it was fantastic. What's your favorite sandwich shop? So far, I was talking about it on here. There's this place, Dan's Super Sub in Woodland Hills. That is outrageous. It's so good. It's so good. What makes it good?
Starting point is 01:17:19 I don't know. The bread's really good. They stuff it with a bunch of stuff, but it doesn't. You'd think it's just like a crazy button mash of a sandwich, but it's not. It all works together. Like all the flavors work together in harmony. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:31 And like the guy in there was like mean to me. I like that. He was? Yeah. He was like, hey, buddy, calm down. Not every sandwich is yours, but you got a little blood sugar. Really? Yeah, because I was being an eager beaver
Starting point is 01:17:45 trying to get the sandwich do you like ike's have you tried ike's no it's near us is it good the menage a trois yeah that she gets the menage it's always fun when she's like what do you want for dinner tonight i'm like what do you want she's like a sandwich i always get fired up on that i gotta try i want one tonight should we get that tonight yeah how can i get jersey mike i mean jersey makes one of the best it's so good even though it's a chain you left me hanging oh so sorry squid he never does it it's always squid oh you used to drive me you never fail he never fails to go squid especially when we have like a big like a sentimental moment and i'd really want you're like oh just give it to me and i'm like
Starting point is 01:18:28 i don't know i'm right there with you sister i've been there i've been bones in this guy for a decade man oh my gosh and it and it never fails right he's never been like slipped and been like oh shoot no he's always squid you know what's made me the made me feel the best about it is when i just started squitting his squid yeah yeah that's when i was like okay now that's the harmony yeah you know i haven't really squitted you since you brought up how it upsets you oh you so you've been giving me the fist as far as i can remember and i'm such a fucking cunt i haven't even appreciated that yeah i don't remember squitting you as a blade fuck man see that's why people don't do nice things because then the people don't even appreciate it that's crazy i see i should i should be yeah thank you man thank you for doing that of
Starting point is 01:19:15 course guys we're gonna be in orlando on valentine's day candy's gonna be with me that's right and we're gonna be in tampa february 15th dania beach february 16th tempe arizona uh april 18th fort worth texas april 11th through the 13th um we have some other dates coming up we have a bunch of dates that are coming out we're gonna be in san francisco sacramento um santa cruz boston oh boston oh you gotta come to boss i Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, Boston. Oh, Boston. Oh, you got to come to Boston. I want to see Boston. In the summer, too.
Starting point is 01:19:51 It's going to be nice. Yeah. That'll be sick. And we're doing the Traverse City this weekend. Yeah, Traverse City this weekend. Some festival. Stoked. I am stoked. I am stoked
Starting point is 01:20:05 I am stoked I just don't know like exactly what the name of everything is right where are you guys going this weekend Traverse City Michigan
Starting point is 01:20:15 Michigan I was like and we gotta leave a day I think we're on the same flights this time which should be nice yeah yeah that's a rarity so guys check us out be more fun flying together
Starting point is 01:20:26 yeah that should be cool oh well it looks beautiful cherries are those cherries that's where we're going it's on the water pretty cool will you click that jake dude that's a cool town. Oh, I love it. That is really cool. What's the festival you're going there for? I don't know. Because this is like a whole thing they do for a charity festival. I think it's the Traverse City Comedy Festival. I think that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Oh, dude, I'm pumped. I didn't know they had boats there. We got to get a boat. Brother, it's going to be like fucking minus 10 degrees in northern michigan we gotta get up well then we gotta go ice fishing ice fishing would be good actually or snowmobiling up in the i don't know how close this is to the up but i've done a lot of snowmobiling i want to ice fish all right i'll be fine i never said i don't want a snowmobile. I want an ice fish, mom. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I want a hot dog. You'll have nothing. You'll have nothing. Yeah, I don't know what the Traverse City Comedy Festival is. There she blows. Yeah. So, guys, check us out. Get your tickets at chatandjt.com. Also, we have new merch coming.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Keep your eyes peeled for debt. Bro, I'm going to get crazy baked and ice fish all day that sounds fun i'm looking at a smile he's like yeah i'm a bad boy i'm a bad bad boy thanks for having me guys thanks for doing that was fun oh okay let's go get some Sandys. Bye, guys.

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